#tribe tower
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nylusion · 1 month ago
The tribe tower in ARK: Survival Ascended rewards with some very nice buffs if you can keep it standing! Tune in as TriZon & Xycor build one on Extinction in live episode 113 of our playthrough!
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neocrash1101 · 5 months ago
(Day 13)Rain dance
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I mixed in a bit of chef task because I feel Noise is showing well.
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mr-minkles · 2 years ago
First time animating peppino...it actually went better than I thought
This audio make me laugh so much I had to animate it. Sorry Mike
Audio: https://youtu.be/XcTzPOiR1gk around the 1:06:14 mark, context is that Mike was tryna get the no hit cow achievement from oregano desert
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koiblossom5 · 6 months ago
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goodvibesatpeace · 10 months ago
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capricho42 · 24 days ago
Я вызываю тебя на танец/Bal Macabre
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themask-maker · 1 year ago
Ikanan Symbology - The Blasphemer // Demon Tribes AU Supplemental Lore
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The Blasphemer is an important symbol to the founding of The Kingdom of Ikana.
It is a design created after a tournament of legend, in which the Five Demon Tribes competed to determine which of them would be worthy of receiving a Blessing From The Golden Goddesses. The winner of that tournament was a fiery Gerra with glistening obsidian scales who adopted the name "Demise".
When Demise ascended the newly-built Stone Tower to meet with the Goddesses and receive his reward, he was appalled to find that Hylia's tribes of humans, the Hylians and Sheikah, had already been chosen. Her lowly humans graciously accepted the Golden Blessing in reverence.
The Blasphemer was created to symbolize the act of taking such a deep insult and throwing it right back. It marks the first time in history which the Five Tribes were united under one shared cause: indignant fury. They collectively turned their backs on The Golden Goddesses and did not look back. The Five Tribes then crowned Demise as their First King and joined together as a country under his rule.
To this day, The Blasphemer can be found in all matter of texts and gestures. For example, a formal Ikanan greeting is to hold one index finger skyward and bare one's fangs or tongue in a taunting snarl, which may be accompanied by a deep bow depending on situation. The general meaning translates to "the heavens reject us, yet we stand defiant". It is a gesture of solidarity and often used to indicate respect.
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[Note: The Blasphemer comes from environmental icons found within Majora's Mask, as seen below. These statues do not have a canon name or meaning. Screenshots courtesy of ZeldaDungeon]
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mushsect · 2 years ago
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saturday cheese invasion doodle
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maekar76 · 1 year ago
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the Pleiades, The Seven Star Girls
In Wyoming, North America, stands Mateo Tipi – or Devil’s Tower as it is now widely known – a 1,200 ft tall rock formation.
As legend has it, the Kiowa tribe were moving south for the winter, when they camped by a stream where there were many bears. One day, seven young girls were playing further along the stream when suddenly some of the bears began to chase them. The frightened girls leapt onto a small rock and asked the Great Spirit to protect them.
The Great Spirit heard the girls’ cries and made the rock grow upwards, with almost vertical sides, taking the girls with it, and leaving the bears unable to reach them. The bears however continued to claw away at the rock, leaving deep scratch marks and making it grow even taller, pushing the seven little girls into the stars.
The Western Mono believed the Pleiades stars represented a group of wives who were excessively fond of eating onions and were thrown out of their homes by angry husbands! Repenting in their loneliness, the husbands sought out their wives, but in vain. They had wandered into the sky and become stars.
To the Blackfoot tribes of Alberta and Montana, the stars were known as The Orphan Boys. The fatherless boys were rejected by their tribe but were befriended by a pack of wolves. Saddened by their lonely lives on earth, they asked the Great Spirit to let them play together in the sky. As a reminder of their cruelty in contrast to the kindness of animals, every night the tribe were afflicted by the howling of the wolves that pined for their lost friends.
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rabbitcruiser · 2 years ago
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International Day of The World's Indigenous People
The  International Day of the World’s Indigenous People on August 9 pays  tribute to the indigenous communities of the world. The latest data  reveals that there are about 370 to 500 million indigenous people living  in 90 countries. These communities are noted to have their own unique  set of languages, traditions, cultures, and governing systems. For many  indigenous groups, the systems that their ancestors have followed for  centuries have stood the test of time by serving them with positive  outcomes to date. Many indigenous people’s special bond and connection  with nature have also led to the protection of the general environment.  However, on the other side, several indigenous communities face  difficulties due to a central government’s covert and overt attempts to  control their lives. This has led to indigenous people’s rights  violations where they would have otherwise ensured peaceful and  harmonious lives for them.
History of International Day of The World's Indigenous People
The  first International Day of the World’s Indigenous People was officially  celebrated in August 1995. The day had been brought into existence when  the 49/214 resolution was passed by the U.N. General Assembly on  December 23, 1994. August 9 was chosen as the commemorative date because  that was when the first meeting of the U.N. Working Group on Indigenous  Populations of the Sub-Commission on the Promotion and Protection of  Human Rights was held. Every year, the day is honored by governments and  organizations holding education forums and conferences to meet and  discuss the social issues faced by indigenous groups worldwide. People  are also given information on any ongoing and/or upcoming activities and  projects that are being undertaken to help the target communities.  Every year, the theme changes to shed light on a pressing topic, and the  theme for the year 2021 was ‘Leaving no one behind: Indigenous peoples  and the call for a new social contract.’
The social contract theme  is a call for accountability in the general populations’ interaction  with the indigenous communities and their resources. Over the years,  many indigenous groups have found themselves to be on a disadvantageous  terrain in the face of urban development projects that have destroyed  and denigrated their lands and territories. The central governments and  builders involved in such projects never sought permission from or even  spoke with the indigenous communities before they took the developmental  steps. Organizations and agencies like the U.N. and UNESCO have made  efforts for constitutional/legislative reforms for dominant indigenous  groups. Yet, the efforts must be focussed on bringing everyone together  in the cause, leaving none behind.
International Day of The World's Indigenous People timeline
1982 First U.N. Meeting on Indigenous People
The  U.N. holds the first meeting on indigenous people by forming the U.N.  Working Group on Indigenous Populations of the Sub-Commission on the  Promotion and Protection of Human Rights.
1995 International Day of the World’s Indigenous People
The first International Day of the World’s Indigenous People is celebrated by the U.N. General Assembly.
2005 - 2015 Indigenous People’s Decade
The U.N. proclaims 2005 to 2015 to be the ‘Decade of Action and Dignity’ for the indigenous communities.
2019 Indigenous Languages Year
After  a startling 2016 report on the danger of more than 2,000 indigenous  becoming extinct, the U.N. declares 2019 to be the International Year of  Indigenous Languages in order to create awareness.
How To Observe International Day of the World’s Indigenous People
Learn about indigenous groups
Learn an indigenous language
Stand by indigenous groups
History  related to indigenous people is always interesting to read and learn  about. They have their own sets of beliefs, customs, languages, and  cultures. Their daily lifestyles are also often connected with nature,  be it animals, trees, certain plants, or lakes/rivers.
The  U.N. declared the years 2022 to 2032 the decade for indigenous  languages. The goal is to bring to attention the dying languages, since  most of them are not taught in schools or are used by the general  public. Losing a language is losing an important facet of the history  and culture of a people.
The  best way to celebrate this day and the rest of the year is by vowing to stand by indigenous groups. The indigenous people have the right to  freely choose however they wish to live, much like any other living  being on this planet. Protecting their rights also in turn protects your rights in the long run.
5 Interesting Facts About Indigenous People
80% of the world’s biodiversity
4,000 indigenous languages
High poverty rates
Short life spans
Leaders in protecting the environment
Around 80% of the world’s biodiversity is in places where indigenous groups are living.
The 5,000 indigenous communities in the world are credited with having about 4,000 languages.
While  the indigenous communities account for only 5% of the world’s  population, they make up 15% of the world population that is living in  poverty.
Indigenous  communities, due to a lack of awareness, have shorter life spans as  they die of preventable diseases like malaria and H.I.V.
Studies have shown that the fauna and flora, and biodiversity thrive and flourish where indigenous people reside.
Why International Day of the World’s Indigenous People is Important
It’s a celebration of indigenous people
It’s a celebration of indigenous languages
It’s a celebration of the freedom to live
Indigenous  people form an essential and crucial part of not only our planet’s  history, but also how human beings have come to make systems to lead  fruitful lives. The indigenous people’s cultures, customs, and  traditions are interesting to learn about for their uniqueness and for  what they teach us about the universe and the bigger picture.
Language,  at its core, builds the identity of a people. The involvement of the  different phonetics, grammar rules, and formal/informal styles can tell  one a lot about where a community has come from, and how their history  has shaped them. The same is the case with indigenous languages. The  problem lies in their endangerment, and this is why we must strive to  preserve them.
The  freedom to practice our rights on a piece of land that has shaped our  communities for centuries should not be taken away from anyone. The  freedom to practice our customs, traditions, and general lifestyles is  another important aspect of living a worthwhile life. For these very  reasons and many others, we should join indigenous people in their right  to live and flourish however they like.
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marioalmanac · 2 years ago
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Tiki Tong Tower (Donkey Kong Country Returns)
I wanted to draw a member of the Tiki Tak Tribe after finishing Donkey Kong Country Returns, and settled on this terrifying tower.
This creature is just so menacing if you think about it. This tower looms over Donkey Kong Island, always watching over you as it spawns more Tiki Taks and houses the final boss. And that alliteration in its name is just great to say out aloud.
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How I would redesign the two "Yikes" Enemies in Pizza Tower.
Ok so let us first explain the two "Yikes" Enemies in the game: First is Tribe Cheese from the Level "Oregano Desert". We all know WHY this one is a "Yikes", it's a racist caricature of Native Americans. Second is Mr. Pinch. Mr. Pinch is based off of Scrooge from a Christmas Carol which some may think seems like a normal thing to base a character off of... but it turns out Scrooge is based on multiple antisemitic stereotypes. So they should also get a redesign as well.
THE T.C REDESIGN IDEA (listen I do not have a name for this one)
Oregano Desert also has the first appearance of the U.F.Olive. So, why not redesign the Tribe Cheese into an olive character? OLIVE GUY (listen I do not have a good name) is a U.F.Olive who had their machine crash in the desert. Normally used to the AC of the Machine, they became very hot. In order to Beat The Heat, they used the parts of their machine to make a motion activated sprinkler, which while it does manage to cool them off, the water also evaporates and condenses fairly quickly into the Thunderclouds currently connected to the Tribe Cheese. If an Olive Guy sees Peppino, they will be shocked for a few reasons before throwing a Wrench at Peppino. Peppino can leap over the sprinkler to achieve the Chef Task "Cool Off". (a lot of people forget that Tribe Cheese has a Chef Task currently tied to it. So any redesign still needs to have a way for the task to be completed)
MR. PINCH (Yeah he keeps the name)
Mr. Pinch is seen in the sewer level of the game, hanging out in a pipe. Sewers are wet. Pizza Tower already has an aesthetic similar to Cartoons. Crabs Pinch. Mr. Krabs is from a Nickelodeon Cartoon, and is fairly greedy.
Replace Mr. Pinch with a Mr. Krabs Expy. You done even need to change the name there, Mr. Pinch still fits as a name.
And thats all for this post
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neocrash1101 · 9 months ago
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These ones are incredibly obtrusive, but I kind of like them.
I like the design that is somehow recognizable as a Native American motif.
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emeraldbabygirl · 2 years ago
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k1ttygam3r · 2 years ago
Ok I don’t like to post about the whole Pizza Tower controversy because frankly it stresses me the fuck out but I’m genuinely curious
I’ve heard people mentioning that the developers of the game were planning on changing the enemies that were seen as racist stereotypes (i.e. Tribe Cheese and Mr. Pinch) but I haven’t found any actual proof outside of people simply saying they were
Does anyone have solid proof? If not, that’s completely fine, don’t sweat it. I’m just curious to know if we’re going to be seeing an actual McPig redemption arc
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polandgod75 · 2 years ago
okay look I understand that what McPig was pretty bad to said and eye rolling. I even understand not wanting to play due to the Native American stereotype even. But man you some of you are to eager to pounce to moral crusading some times or want the apology to be dramatic . Like don’t tried to shame people for playing a game about a funny pizza man trying to save his business. Also at least if even not sincere with his apology, McPig is at least being quiet for his beliefs.
also It pretty suspicious that the one making that call out post was into “age repress” and went all private went some people were call them out and being skeptic. Not to said they had good point but there attitude was pretty bratty.
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