thomas-hoerl · 2 years
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digiweed · 7 months
Today while draining noodles, the dishes created a sort of steam vacuum that burnt the fuck out of my fingers. Twisting from the tresterous vapor, i dropped half the noodles, which may have be salvaged, if not that they had landed in the dirty as fuck dish juice. The fire alarm then went off, which I am too short to reach, leaving me wacking her with a broom pole until her screams ceased.
- My roomate leaving dirtty dishes in the sink is ruining my stupid fucking baka life
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bookaddict24-7 · 2 years
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(New Young Adult Releases Coming Out Today! (October 11th, 2022)
Have I missed any new Young Adult releases? Have you added any of these books to your TBR? Let me know!
New Standalones/First in a Series:
Dark Room Etiquette by Robin Roe 
If You Could See the Sun by Ann Liang 
Everyone Hates Kelsie Miller by Meredith Ireland
Grave Things Like Love by Sara Bennet Wealer 
I Miss You, I Hate This by Sara Saedi
The Edge of Being by James Brandon
The Truth About Everything by Bridget Farr
The Nine: Origins by Kes Trester
Twelfth Grade Night by Molly Horton Booth, Stephanie Kate Strohm, & Jamie Green
The Art of Insanity by Christine Webb
New Sequels: 
The Witch Hunt (The Witch Haven #2) by Sasha Peyton Smith
Happy Reading!
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dithorba · 1 year
Sport fans arguing which team or player is better is no different than your average shonen fan.
Can Primal Form Dave Trester defeat Quick Agility Ascended Michael Knolls in a game of yopoball?
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444names · 2 years
h#rry p#tter characters
Abble's Abbly Abeferse Aceandort Afacius Afthersone Agavin Aled Aleng Aley Allison Amemoth Anted Appack Appons Asletious Astert Astra Astrand Auder Aute Authill Backnes Bagriggon Bahaver Bariont Barlf Becuroun Beettent Belde Beston Betti Billed Blang Blawp Blaza Blin Blor Bobstorin Books Boures Bover's Boy's Brieve Brol Broth Brount's Bulle Caliald Capeda's Capticker Carie Carope's Caterner Chame Chan Chidge Chis Cholivat Cled Cloner Clugon Clus Co's Com's Commity Commorth Comphean Cona Conam Coney Cons Cournis Crarom Cred Cree Cres Crom Crostred Crour Cued Curoper Curs Cution Days Defer's Dely Dembe Denthrenze Derforcy Dias Dighor Dighterste Dinixth Dird Dirly Disch Disersith Dises Divese Dogiaing Dolda Dorge Dousises Duch Duend Dumbe Dumbrie Dumbrin Durd Durnery Durns Eatorts Elda Elps Emat Empestry Erna Erney Esch Evaux Even's Examed Examelle Expes Fabid Fathadma Fathoung Fawned Fawp Fest Fince Fincelmity Fincess Flam Flas Fled Flerse Fley's Flug Forcy Forder Fords Franated Franit Frath Freformor Frifemus Fritars Fritur Fronce Galie Gamelley Gansur Gellowart Gian Giddle Ginst Gobill Goblohn Godfy Golda Goldbily Gort Goved Grafty Grapel Gred Gree Grefecy Grevent Grimandand Griontalt Gripled Grofer Grus Hagony Handele Hardem Harliths Harlstious Heakerfung Heasle Heathe Heats Heatude Hell Helly Hemeker Heptention Heputhe Himsy Hirk Hised Hoodrist Hoom Hopher Hughor Hureara Hurey Iderest Idge's Imass Imsy Inamelo's Inger Ingsh Inned Inquess Jair Jaise Johor Joina Joker Jorison Jorm Jortina's Karedays Kendue Kiders King Kisk Knisse Krunah Kruxect Lave Leeparrin Lesti Ling Litige Lius Live Locapta Loch Lornuk Lovestrage Luckee Ludiff Lund Lunge Lunt Mader Madorcion Mady Magobled Magogra Magus Maisect Malfrooly Malle Mallyjuid Maria Marvis Marvous Mary Merrey's Mily Ming Mins Moak Moner Mong Mons Mont Mood Mors Mothor Mught Munce Munis Munt Nedin Nell Nevern Nicape Niceloiddy Niciank Nickee Nor's Nors North Offle Ollitts Ollon Orping Owee Owney Pandriffer Paries Park Patick Peed Peeve Pele Perfor Persecy Pertart Peted Petrank Pettigave Phid Philch Phille Phoste Plawp Plenclus Potherson Potior Pottearry Pottlegic Poturds Pred Pree Prequall Prester Prippying Prody Prolf Proped Puffy Quic Quitor Rand Raner Rave Raved Reall Regirs Rephopin Replas Reprigge's Ress Rettly Retured Rid's Rideame Rirlforter Rolon Romme Rownesse Rubse Ruffity Sald Saller Saver Savinsan Scan Scaperva Scat Sconow Seacis Seeven Sentinne Sespy Seter Seve Shan Shauth Shigwiza Shurroped Shus Sidderner Sisesubse Sluff Slus Snal Snalder Snamus Snathe Spark Spinceat Statery Sted Stimmagoom Ston Stual Stunagir Stureloss Sturn Suck Suib Sullise Than Thars Themor Thinus Thoomity Thor Thornon's Thottlet Tievey Tommoseves Tore Tortmelly Touritor Tran Trand Trang Tranix Trato Trays Trele's Trester Tromsy Tures Turn Twoot Twycurs Ulloidin Vecten Vinve Volf Volo Wance Wang Warouni Wars Warts Wary's Waver Ways Weackne Weater Whallaced Whant Wher's Wholt Wicaldeat Wifeme Wiffing Wine Wizardinge Wizarre Wizarvend Wizood Worient Younatcher Yourofem Yous Zabacomst
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vegansforfuture · 1 month
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Wegweisend: Der schwedische Hafermilchhersteller "The Green Dairy" nutzt den bei der Produktion anfallenden Trester, der sonst meist zu Tierfutter verarbeitet wird, zur Herstellung von Pflanzenfleisch! 👍😎🌱
Vegconomist dazu: "The Green Dairy, ein schwedisches Unternehmen, das vor allem pflanzliche Milchalternativen herstellt, hat einen Weg gefunden, Hafermilchreste in pflanzliche Burger zu verwandeln. Die von dem Unternehmen getätigten Investitionen haben zur Entwicklung der nach eigenen Angaben weltweit ersten Pilotanlage zur Trocknung von Restmasse geführt, die es ermöglicht, Lebensmittel aus einem Hafermilch-Nebenprodukt namens ReOat® herzustellen. Das erste Produkt, das aus dieser Zutat hergestellt wird, ist ein Veggie-Burger, der exklusiv auf dem Musikfestival Way Out West vom 8. bis 10. August angeboten wird."
Der CEO Johan Girdo sagt: „Die Industrie versucht schon seit langem, Wege zu finden, um ihre Rückstände für eine zirkulärere Lebensmittelproduktion zu nutzen. Rückstände, die zu Tierfutter verarbeitet oder als Biogas verbrannt werden, erfüllen zwar ihren Zweck, lösen aber nicht das Problem eines kreislauforientierten Lebensmittelsystems, das langfristig mehr Menschen ernähren muss. Unsere Investitionen in Forschung und Innovation haben sich ausgezahlt, die Technologie funktioniert und wir sind jetzt bereit, sie zu erweitern.
Wir hoffen, dass unser kreislauforientiertes Produktionsmodell die Branche inspirieren wird und wir begrüßen die Zusammenarbeit mit anderen Lebensmittelunternehmen, um die Lebensmittel der Zukunft zu entwickeln. Durch die Nutzung von Reststoffen können wir mehr Menschen ernähren, die Umweltbelastung verringern und die Rentabilität steigern.“👍😎🌱
Quellen: ➡ LINK 1 ➡ LINK 2 ➡ LINK 3
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Aus Quitten lassen sich allerhand Köstlichkeiten zaubern, wie Quittengelee oder Quittenlikör. Für beides benötigt man nur den Quittensaft. Im Sinne der Nachhaltigkeit bereiten wir aus dem sogenannten Trester süßes Konfekt, das sogenannte Quittenbrot.
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gesichtsbedeckung · 4 years
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dame-de-pique · 2 years
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Martin W. Trester - Buffalo, 1907
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allthingslinguistic · 6 years
Working in Tech - It's Not Just for Computational Linguists! 
This popular #linguistics jobs webinar from the LSA is now online as a recording. Description: 
In this webinar, we heard from linguists working in tech who found nontraditional, unexpected paths into the sector, and who continue to find new and interesting ways to express and employ their linguistic skills and interests. They shared their experiences, including things they wish they had known when they were starting on this professional path.
This webinar will be of interest to linguistics students and professionals who work in the technology sector or who are considering doing so. The webinar included panel discussion and Q&A.
This webinar was sponsored by the LSA's Special Interest Group (SIG) on Linguistics Beyond Academia.
Panelists: Samantha Beaver, Founder, Memra Language Services; Sam Cooper, Curriculum Specialist, NoRedInk; Christopher Stewart, Analytical Linguist, Google; Frankie Pennington, Data Collection Administrator, Sensory, Inc.; Brent Woo, Language Engineer, Amazon .
You can also download each panelist’s slides from the LSA website. 
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linguisticdiscovery · 2 years
Careers for Linguists
Interested in linguistics but not sure what kind of career you can make with it? Check out the book Employing linguistics: Thinking and talking about careers for linguists by Anna Marie Trester!
#linguistics #language #linguist #careers #jobs #LingComm
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germmagazine · 7 years
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Author Kes Trester: Sitting at the Cool Kids’ Table
Kes Trester
“The only thing that changes when you graduate high school is the scenery. And those feelings of being an outsider or thinking you’re inadequate? Those stay with you — until you decide to do something about it.”
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444names · 11 months
Names generated from Old Irish given names, Norwegian fjords and Brythonic deities, excluding the letter "J"
Abanden Abaratsta Abardenus Abardreit Abbeit Abnorden Abnoslo Abund Abuxen Adainnacán Agria Aillo Ainnus Airioval Alaus Alhus Ammen Ancammelán Andamarmac Andangerit Andhemo Andsul Aneklen Angen Angus Anius Anoboid Anotad Antia Arangerden Arden Arios Armaunsta Artre Aruaid Arvel Atepord Atissingen Auddentir Auden Audia Aunnus Auste Avangen Avarne Avesell Avetinna...
Bairomre Bakeucius Baksen Barmerden Batia Bechus Befsnius Beirinden Belen Belluireir Belán Berinán Berios Bernus Bisunn Bokna Borden Bretn Breviu Bricure Bridtgull Brind Bringus Brios Britasvit Brius Bunnvæna Bustadre Buxen Bøksongen Bømlankord Bømlaudden Camain Camos Camulestad Cangen Canis Canorden Cassen Catis Catus Celte Cerechac Cetnacán Cicorden Cicure Cidtgus Clíad Clíal Cochara Cocidma Cocissedal Coldamul Condius Congen Conlán Conna Conos Contucell Conus Covden Covis Cíale Cóegankord Cóegomonus Dacán Dalaverill Daldsegai Dalen Dallos Damnachus Dannyll Darabbán Datnán Dicord Dinoba Docintio Domres Domretiste Donae Draid Drandathu Dreten Dubth Dúinn Dúncadal Dúnch Eccán Echacán Echad Echer Echtna Eidlen Eidrí Eirasgus Eirius Eitsørudia Eklen Eochranord Erden Ergunne Erguns Ergus Eselaus Esternus Eteporden Etiae Etnáed Fagusio Fanchobord Fangen Fankoutia Fanos Fanus Fernae Findal Findssis Finnus Finth Fintis Finus Fisuns Flatatis Flatucelen Fogmidtgus Fognetnáed Folden Foldvestre Follus Folláedall Forden Fordenete Fotarusios Fotna Fotnán Fressingus Frita Fritiomard Fræna Frøyanta Fáedamaus Fáell Fættempel Fætternus Fíacán Fíadg Fíarid Førden Førnus Førnusta Førum Gairin Gairisulle Ganandaire Gandicoch Gangen Garasteriu Grabunden Gramal Granden Grassus Grastou Grateid Graus Gridre Grillestre Grithu Grius Grostre Grotn Gráin Grífíalis Guleucis Gullis Hacán Hadán Halausterd Hamaus Harudia Harus Harvo Hemen Hemgen Herden Herill Heris Herta Hetarus Hetercann Hetinnus Hidlen Huetinden Huetio Håsegaid Håsegan Håsten Idiae Inden Indrangen Innus Inord Intis Ináed Isterden Kalacán Kalan Kalen Kilsørne Koborden Korden Kromagull Kromorden Krongeir Kudal Kuden Kudene Kufangen Kvetall Kvåsed Kånemna Lachadraus Lachaid Lachu Lacán Lakeullán Langen Lania Latergull Latus Latuta Laufangen Leucarabel Levisanden Lisamard Lomarma Lugna Lugne Lugullis Lugunus Luináed Luiran Lusulen Luxen Luxenus Luxovden Lyngus Lysagulen Lyssuns Líalis Lídna Lídnal Lóegoma Lóemgen Macán Magrigit Maidia Marvegus Mefden Melten Meláed Miomo Miomos Moldven Morden Muluis Neklen Nextio Noden Norden Nosasgul Notutia Næramac Níach Níarunnia Núadán Ofollíarum Ognete Orden Oíngen Pombinden Ponus Pudia Rangerden Rantreccán Rassen Revinán Ricksen Ritachara Robangen Robard Robinus Robius Romach Romresus Ronlán Ronos Ruaidaran Rudinán Rúadg Rúadsulen Rúadven Sagdangen Sagrius Saken Salen Sammen Sangen Sanius Sankorvos Sanus Segangvo Segus Skuda Skuramo Skånemna Smerden Snilis Snius Sogna Sonae Sonaerina Sontis Staveris Stona Sucel Sulangvos Sullangen Sullatal Sullíac Suluxen Sunna Sunnus Sunus Sykkyllo Syvden Søyangeris Tangen Tatara Teponch Teponna Tomborden Tonorden Torden Trangen Tratia Trebis Tresta Trester Trete Tretia Træna Trænamuis Tysefden Tyseganus Tyssogus Uleullen Uluinán Vanae Vanchus Vangen Vangens Vangerd Vannillen Varancan Varnus Varum Vergus Vervingen Vesen Vessolláed Vetachus Vetanallen Veten Vetlen Vinden Vindongere Vinnach Vinnus Vintad Vintis Vinus Vithus Vitiae Vollaksen Vollomna Væraus Wahle Wahlen Wooden Yrken Ytris Áedal Áelán Åkrona Åkrontis Ården Øksen
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curiosityquills · 7 years
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Kes Trester's A DANGEROUS YEAR is part of @BookSparks #WalkingRead2017 Challenge! 7 books in 7 days. Are you up for the challenge? http://bit.ly/2hE9H6d
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undr · 4 years
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René Groebli. Trester Club, Zurich, 1947
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hypable · 7 years
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'A Dangerous Year' book review: Kes Trester takes the boarding school story to a whole new level
If you are looking for a little more action and intrigue with your classic YA boarding school drama, then A Dangerous Year is definitely the book for you.
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