noh8-make-a-rainbow · 7 months
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Art by TD-Rachel on Deviantart!
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thepoppunkdad · 5 years
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Dunno who made this but I LoLed a lot. @markhoppus @billiejoearmstrong . #greenday #blink182 #billiejoearmstrong #markhoppus #travisbarker #tomdeonge #mattskiba #trecoll #mikedirnt #popdisastertour #poppunk #poppunkmemes #poppunkmusic #whatsmyageagain #boulevardofbrokendreams https://www.instagram.com/p/B6byQXqnR5A/?igshid=3o432exc8zyf
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hopetwin · 6 years
;; meta .003
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     ;; meet caydren trecroll, a jedi knight who had been training at luke’s academy at the same time as jaina. a couple years older - he focused on healing arts and had a deep connection to many of the jedi abilites dealing with plants. he was a gentle soul, but was more than ready to fight and defend the people that he cared about. 
      an orphan raised by his grandmother, cay originally came from drall and lived there until he was found and invited to train at skywalker’s academy. when he was 10 years old, his grandmother - whom he would come to eventually learn was a jedi healer who survived the purge and went into hiding - was killed, leaving him to move in with a close family friend with only a small golden crystal to keep his grandmother close to his heart. 
     jaina and cay met and bonded quickly, friendship growing to a mutual love that neither were very good at vocalizing. they worked together - trained together - going on trips to train in various conditions. their close bond eventually let to them having something akin to the force bond of old. no matter where one went - they felt as though the other was right beside them and that they were never alone. eventually, what had been hidden feelings came to be known, and the two began to speak about what they might do once they were done training with luke. 
     however, they would never get the chance to follow those plans. the night of the purge on the temple, cay confronted those attacking - fought with them - and was eventually hit with a nearly fatal wound from ben. jaina arrived only to see the blow and to feel their bond shatter, and her heart shatter with it. 
     ;;; i have a friend who plays cay @drallianhealer, and cay did not die. the crystal around his neck was a fragment of an old jedi healing crystal and it saved his life. he severed their bond in the thoughts it would be enough to prompt jaina to leave and not get injured. eventually he returns to drall and takes a job as a healer. 
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A/N: This is a Hux x reader request I got in my DMs! Also, I wrote this on the Tumblr app, so I don’t know if there will be any formatting issues. If there are, I’ll fix them later on! I’m nervous, as I’ve never written Hux before, but I hope I did him justice! Your request is only part of the fic, but I hope you like it all the same. Enjoy!
Request from @bbarton : hi!! can i request hux x reader (secret relationship bc she has a lower status than him) where he gets jealous bc he sees someone flirting with her!! <3
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General Armitage Hux had a reputation to uphold. He was cold, calculating. Officers and stormtrooper’s alike scampered away from him in the hallways. He knew what his inferior officers thought of him, and he used it to his advantage. If they’re scared, he thought, they’re less likely to rebel. And so, to ensure they stayed scared, he was more than happy to play the role of tyrant whenever the opportunity presented itself. If the new recruit fumbled and spilled coffee, he screamed at them in the middle of the mess hall. If a lieutenant failed to get a report in on time, they were publicly demoted. Officers were interchangeable in this profession, so as one was demoted, another was promoted to replace them. It sent a clear message: The Order does not need you. You are lucky to be here. You are lucky that The Order allows you to be here. It kept them in line.
General Armitage Hux had a reputation to uphold. He wasn’t known to be lovable and cuddly. Growing up, his father ensured that he never entertained the thought of a marriage based on love. From a young age, it was clear to Armitage that any marriage he partook in would be solely for the sake of siring an heir. Someone to continue the Hux line, ensure that the family name lived on past the individual. He definitely never saw you coming. You, soft and gentle, loving and warm. You, with a motherly embrace to rival the one he had conjured in his head. You took care of him, before he even knew what you were doing. Bringing him his tarine tea that he enjoyed so much, ensuring he ate at least two meals per day. At first, he genuinely thought that you were his new assistant. He thought that the Supreme Leader had assigned you to him without telling him, and who was he to question the Supreme Leader? But when he handed you a stack of paperwork about two months into your taking care of him and told you to transcribe all of the documents into basic and load them onto his datapad, you had giggled at him. He was almost offended, and he would have reeled back and screamed at you, if he wasn’t so entranced by the musical noise that was bubbling out of your mouth.
“Is...Is something funny, officer?” He had managed to choke out, his strangled voice surprising even himself. You smiled that wonderful smile, which he now realized was reserved for only him.
“No, sir, not funny per se, just...mildly amusing. I regret to inform you that I am not here to do Lieutenant Mitaka’s paper work for him.” You walked over to Mitaka’s desk, dropping the stack of papers there and writing a little note to stick to the top of the pile. Hux remembered purposefully looking anywhere but your rear end, which was poking out as you leaned over the desk.
“I beg your pardon?” Hux cleared his throat, cursing the hoarseness that lingered in his throat. Why was he suddenly becoming so affected by you? Perhaps it was because that was the first time he was seeing you. He’d known what you looked like, sure, but he’d never taken the time to really look at you. The way your eyes lit up when you smiled, the way your uniform hugged your body in just the right way to make his mouth water. The sheen of the lip balm you wore, glistening just enough under the fluorescent lighting of Starkiller Base to bring attention to those tantalizing lips.
“Well, it’s just that, you know I don’t work for you, don’t you?” Your voice had snapped him out of his thoughts, ringing through the air. You were looking at him, an amused smile on your lips.
“I beg your pardon?” He repeated, dumbly. He silently cursed himself again, before continuing, “If you do not work for me, then what is it that you are doing here, officer?”
“Why, making sure you don’t run yourself into the ground, of course,” you tilted your head at him, still smiling so happily, as if you were amused by his confusion. “Someone has to take care of you, General. I couldn’t exactly turn a blind eye when I noticed that you’d been skipping meal times.”
“And who do you work for, then?” Armitage was still confused. How could you have this spare time to constantly check on him? It made no sense.
“I’m part of the Cradle Initiative.” Finally, it’d hit Hux like a freight train. The Cradle Initiative was thought to be a joke among superior officers in the First Order. An old wives’ tale, even. The generation of First Order officers before Hux had often joked that the incoming line of soon-to-be generals and commanders were too soft. They needed to be nursed and taken care of. Cradled. And so, the newest generation of foundlings that the Order collected were put into the Cradle Initiative. These officers were trained to essentially be mother hens. They were taught how to cook, clean, and nurture. There were even some lessons on how to nurture children. Some factions of the Cradle Initiative were specifically to breed and nurture the next generation of the First Order. The rest were sent to First Order bases, where their job was quite literally to take care of everyone. It all made sense now.
“I see. So you...assist me—”
“—Take care of,” you interrupted with the ghost of a smirk on your face.
“—Take care of me,” he gritted out, “because you are part of the Cradle Initiative.”
“My, nothing gets past you, General,” you’d teased, rather boldly, in Hux’s opinion. Most would dive headfirst into the Tattooine suns before teasing a superior that way. “Yes, I was put on this base to take care of you and your fellow officers.”
Hux had nodded stiffly. Of course you would take care of him. It was your job. Nothing more than that. It was silly of him to ever entertain the idea—
“But I must tell you, General, that I check on you most frequently because I want to. I like knowing that you are taken care of. I like knowing that you’re not running yourself into the ground. I like being around you.”
From that moment on, you became Hux’s closest confidant. He would confide in you about Ren’s tantrums, and you would patch him up when the tantrums were taken out on him. Things changed, though, after you spent the night with him. It was entirely innocent, really, you had just fallen asleep while cuddling him after he woke up from a nightmare. He had those often, nightmares about his father’s abuse. At first, he was ashamed that you’d seen him in such a weak state, but the shameful feeling was pushed aside as you slid onto the bed and gently laid your hand on his knee.
“I’m here to take care of you, General,” you reminded him softly.
“Armitage,” he blurted out, “call me Armitage when we’re alone.”
You smiled and repeated his name, the word sounding too lovely as it fell from your lips. He couldn’t help himself. He kissed you. And you had kissed him back. You’d wrapped your arms around him and laid with him the entire night.
That night changed everything. You both knew that if anyone knew of your relationship, it would change how you were viewed. The officers of the Cradle Initiative already had a reputation for essentially being prostitutes. They were often ridiculed, and told that they were there to be bred with and that’s it. You’d be publicly humiliated if anyone knew you were in a relationship with the highest ranking general of the First Order. So you had to hide. And then there was the most important reason.
General Armitage Hux had a reputation to uphold. He couldn’t risk his officers thinking he had gone soft. There was too much at stake, and he needed to have their complete respect and loyalty.
But then he saw that damned Lieutenant Trecol Verstan. Verstan was a thorn in Hux’s side from the very beginning, constantly questioning and defying his orders. He was one misstep away from being demoted to janitorial staff. And it appeared that he would be making that misstep today.
Upon entering the somewhat crowded command center, Hux’s eyes immediately zeroed in on you, and he saw red. Verstan was currently leaned up against the wall, his arm caging you in as he chattered into about Maker knows what. He was likely telling a highly fictionalized version of his last mission, during which he hid on the ship while the stormtroopers assigned to help him gathered Resistance sympathizers and took them hostage. You were smiling, but it was a thin smile, as if Verstan was testing your patience. Because, he was. You were struggling to come up with a solid enough reason to walk away, when you felt a familiar presence sidle up next to you.
General Armitage Hux had a reputation to uphold.
“Is there a problem, Officer Verstan?” Hux asked, purposefully using the wrong title to refer to the man.
“Lieutenant,” Verstan insisted, huffing in annoyance.
“Yes, well, I don’t think my fiancée needs to hear anymore about your cowardice on Kijimi, Officer Verstan.” Your head snapped to stare at Armitage, jaw dropping a bit.
You saw Verstan’s jaw drop even further than yours did, immediately growing bright red and backing away quickly.
“I-I had no idea, General Hux, if I had known I never would have—”
“Harassed a fellow officer? I’m sure that wouldn’t have stopped you, Officer Verstan.” Hux’s tone was even, almost dangerously so.
“L-Lieutenant...” Verstan muttered under his breath, clearly embarrassed at being degraded in front of his fellow officers and superiors.
“No, no. You’ve been demoted. Between harassing a fellow officer, and your performance on Kijimi, which was nothing short of disgraceful, you’ve made it clear that you do not deserve the title and responsibilities that come with the lieutenant position. You will now be an officer, acting under the guidance of Lieutenant Mitaka. I suppose, in a way, due to the pecking order on this base, that means you work under me. Well, that is to say that I am your superior’s superior. How nice.” Hux looked the most amused anyone, aside from you, had ever seen him.
He turned to you, about to speak, before realizing that Verstan was still standing there, gaping like a fish. “Are you still here, Officer?”
Verstans ears burned red as he scurried away, hurrying out of the command center.
You were still staring up at Hux, eyes wide and shining. He turned back to you, stepping close and murmuring an, “Are you alright, my love?”
You were so unused to him openly showing any care for you, for reasons you both agreed on. He kept his hands clasped behind his back, but you were now standing toe to toe, close enough to kiss him. You wouldn’t, because you didn’t know where his boundaries were right now, but the thought did cross your mind.
“I’m alright. Thank you for that. I’m sorry I couldn’t get rid of him.” You felt his breath fan across your face as he sighed.
“My darling, I could never be upset with you. You have my complete trust.”
You smiled softly at that. You knew he loved you, of course, but to hear that he trusted you always felt good.
“I know,” you spoke softly, “I know you trust me, and I trust you. With my life, Armitage.”
As he was about to close the gap between you, he realized that the command center was quiet. Too quiet. He lifted his gaze from yours to see that everyone in the command center had frozen during the exchange with Verstan, and they were still watching with intrigue. Some looked absolutely astonished, while others had knowing smirks.
“Unless you are all looking to join Verstan in his demotion, I suggest you get back to work.” His voice was calm enough, but he spoke with such a commanding tone that everyone in the command center scrambled to look busy. Those that could find an excuse scurried out of the room entirely.
Hux led you out of the command center, hands still behind his back, but your hand loosely nestled in the crook of his elbow. Everyone would know within the hour, what did it matter now? There was no point in trying to hide anymore, he thought to himself, as he guided you into his quarters. Your quarters too, he supposed. You basically lived with him at this point.
“So fiancée, huh?” Your teasing voice had his attention snapping back to you in an instant. While he was lost in thought, you have perched yourself on the small loveseat that sat to the left of center in his quarters, next to the electric fireplace. “When were you planning to ask me about this? Where’s my ring, Armitage?”
You were joking, and he knew you were only teasing him to make him blush. You loved being the only one able to fluster him. Still, he turned away from you, walking into the bedroom and digging through the nightstand. He emerged before you could even question him, and walked over so quickly that you didn’t even register it until he was on one knee in front of you, breathing your name in that soft way that was reserved only for you.
“My love,” he began, “I never thought I would find anyone like you. I assumed that I would never marry for love, it would simply be an arrangement of convenience. But when I met you, I knew that the tightness in my chest was love. I knew that the lightheadedness that set in whenever you smiled at me was love. I knew that the feeling of something missing whenever you left the room was love. I love you. And at first, that terrified me. I didn’t want anyone to hold the power over me that you hold. But when you held me through the night after witnessing one of my lowest moments, I knew you would never abuse that power. You’ve proven time and time again that you love me just as much as I love you. There is no one else that I could fathom a life with. There is no one else I could love. There is only you. Will you do me the honor of marrying me?”
You were crying now. You had been joking around before, but now, with Armitage on one knee in front of you, you knew that you’d never say no to him. “Yes! Yes, Armitage, yes!”
You waited until he slipped the ring onto your finger before launching yourself at him, holding him tighter than he’d ever been held.
“I love you, so much, Armitage,” you cried into his neck. His arms wrapped around you, one hand tangling in your hair.
“I love you, my darling.”
General Armitage Hux had a reputation to uphold. Everyone knew who he was, and everyone was terrified of him. After news of your engagement broke, everyone knew not to touch you. Those who’d seen what happened with Verstan were most likely to stay away. About a week later, there was an incident with a newly recruited officer who thought perhaps they could charm you into cheating on Hux, reaching out to try to feel you up, but before Hux could even think to do anything, you had the offending arm pinned behind the officer’s back. Armitage had never been prouder.
General Armitage Hux had a reputation to uphold. And you, as his fiancée, took it upon yourself to ensure that reputation stayed intact.
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neutrallaboratory · 5 years
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#Trecol #39294 #Russian #amphibious #SixWheeler #6Wheeler #6x6 #8x8 #10x10 #6Roues #SixRoues #Sixmania #oto6 #VirginieEtMarc #P34 #LeRoiDesSixRoues #ThreeAxles #SixTires #6Tires #SixWheelerPorn #SixWheeled #6Wheeled #SixWheeling #SixWheels #SixWheelDrive #SixWheelerLover #SixWheelers #MultiWheels #pinup https://www.instagram.com/p/B13ihRHnKHV/?igshid=hgg382wpktjb
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joseeapologist · 3 years
trecole ;)
Trent x Nicole (OC)
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Be sure to check out The New Noah, a great fanfic!
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slowmissiles · 8 years
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A TRECOL 6x6 leads a Russian Arctic convoy in the Republic of Yakutia.
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carboncarbband · 7 years
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art at the giggo @trecol http://ift.tt/2pkQhJQ
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noh8-make-a-rainbow · 8 months
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Something's coming...
Link to follow!
Art by Gaby Sunflower - https://www.deviantart.com/gaby-sunflower
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hopetwin · 5 years
tag drop i
a burning brand to your enemies and a brilliant fire to your friends {face} mother is the name of god on the lips of all children {leia organa solo} yun harla incarnate {headcanons} i was born in a thunderstorm // i grew up overnight {ch. study} someone to show her softer side to {wants and wishes} i garb myself in the universe {wardrobe} his commitment is absolute {poe dameron} you knew my tears though i couldn’t cry {caydren trecoll} again and again we crash together like a galaxy wanting to be born {jagged fel} i want to punch him as much as kiss him {luconis} faces in the stars {wanted opposite} the home amongst the stones and trees {yavin 4} dear brother do you still believe in love i wonder {darth caedus} my father taught me how to live {han solo} from him i learned who i am {luke skywalker} my grandfather still {bail organa} made of love and courage {breha organa} her fire burns brighter than the stars that she calls home {rey} he wears bravery and loyalty equally well {finn} his heart was born out of fire {anakin solo} such a brave droid {bb8} he is a fine knight {ben skywalker} all this bad blood here // won’t you let it dry {kylo ren} i had two mothers and i love her still {winter} wildfire and wisdom run through her veins {mara jade skywalker} we are two halves of the same whole {jacen solo} i never dreamed i would meet somebody like you {re:jagged fel} are you and angel / are you a devil {re: luconis dalmore}
0 notes
hopetwin · 5 years
tag drop ii
and i found love where it wasn’t supposed to be // right in front of me {re: caydren trecoll} im going to want you until the stars evaporate {re: poe dameron} we are warriors // following in our parents footsteps until the battle is done {re: poe dameron} there’s magic in our bones // a north star in our soul {re: jacen solo} cross my heart and hope to die // i’ll see you with your laughter lines {re: anakin solo} all the king’s horses and all the king’s men couldn’t put us back together again {re: jacen & jaina & anakin} there’s a hole in my soul // i can’t fill it {re: ben solo} justice and vengeance aren’t the same thing // to me they are {re: kylo ren} dont worry mother // your daughter is a warrior {re: leia organa solo} they are valkyries / the battlefield is their domain {re: rey} taught me the courage of stars before you left {re: mara jade skywalker} everything could stay the same or we could change it all {re: finn} we took what the world threw at us and survived {re: ben skywalker} the pieces we shattered into can’t fit back together {re: darth caedus} a daughter’s greatest hero is her father {re: han solo} i’ve always wanted to know how a lightsaber works {re: luke skywalker} do not go gentle into the good night // rage rage against the dying light {re: resistance} you burn with the brightest flame // and the world’s gonna know your name {eu/legends verse} i knock the ice from my bones // try not to feel the cold {pre-tfa} there is a reason i’m still standing {tfa verse} name a hero that was happy // you can’t {tlj verse} i’ve been cold // i’ve been merciless {sith verse} we are the wild // we are the reckless youth {praexum verse} i have bars over my soul and something’s keeping me trapped {possession au} blood red lips and poison painted nails {vampire au}
#and i found love where it wasn’t supposed to be // right in front of me {re: caydren trecoll}#im going to want you until the stars evaporate {re: poe dameron}#we are warriors // following in our parents footsteps until the battle is done {re: poe dameron}#there’s magic in our bones // a north star in our soul {re: jacen solo}#cross my heart and hope to die // i’ll see you with your laughter lines {re: anakin solo}#all the king’s horses and all the king’s men couldn’t put us back together again {re: jacen & jaina & anakin}#there’s a hole in my soul // i can’t fill it {re: ben solo}#justice and vengeance aren’t the same thing // to me they are {re: kylo ren}#dont worry mother // your daughter is a warrior {re: leia organa solo}#they are valkyries / the battlefield is their domain {re: rey}#taught me the courage of stars before you left {re: mara jade skywalker}#everything could stay the same or we could change it all {re: finn}#we took what the world threw at us and survived {re: ben skywalker}#the pieces we shattered into can’t fit back together {re: darth caedus}#a daughter’s greatest hero is her father {re: han solo}#i’ve always wanted to know how a lightsaber works {re: luke skywalker}#do not go gentle into the good night // rage rage against the dying light {re: resistance}#you burn with the brightest flame // and the world’s gonna know your name {eu/legends verse}#i knock the ice from my bones // try not to feel the cold {pre-tfa}#there is a reason i’m still standing {tfa verse}#name a hero that was happy // you can’t {tlj verse}#i’ve been cold // i’ve been merciless {sith verse}#we are the wild // we are the reckless youth {praexum verse}#i have bars over my soul and something’s keeping me trapped {possession au}#blood red lips and poison painted nails {vampire au}
0 notes
hopetwin · 6 years
tag drop pt2
and i found love where it wasn’t supposed to be // right in front of me {re: caydren trecoll} im going to want you until the stars evaporate {re: poe dameron} we are warriors // following in our parents footsteps until the battle is done {re: poe dameron} there’s magic in our bones // a north star in our soul {re: jacen solo} cross my heart and hope to die // i’ll see you with your laughter lines {re: anakin solo} all the king’s horses and all the king’s men couldn’t put us back together again {re: jacen & jaina & anakin} there’s a hole in my soul // i can’t fill it {re: ben solo} justice and vengeance aren’t the same thing // to me they are {re: kylo ren} dont worry mother // your daughter is a warrior {re: leia organa solo} they are valkyries / the battlefield is their domain {re: rey} taught me the courage of stars before you left {re: mara jade skywalker} everything could stay the same or we could change it all {re: finn} we took what the world threw at us and survived {re: ben skywalker} the pieces we shattered into can’t fit back together {re: darth caedus} a daughter’s greatest hero is her father {re: han solo} i’ve always wanted to know how a lightsaber works {re: luke skywalker} do not go gentle into the good night // rage rage against the dying light {re: resistance} you burn with the brightest flame // and the world’s gonna know your name {eu/legends verse} i knock the ice from my bones // try not to feel the cold {pre-tfa} there is a reason i’m still standing {tfa verse} name a hero that was happy // you can’t {tlj verse} i’ve been cold // i’ve been merciless {sith verse} we are the wild // we are the reckless youth {praexum verse} i have bars over my soul and something’s keeping me trapped {possession au}  blood red lips and poison painted nails {vampire au}
#and i found love where it wasn’t supposed to be // right in front of me {re: caydren trecoll}#im going to want you until the stars evaporate {re: poe dameron}#we are warriors // following in our parents footsteps until the battle is done {re: poe dameron}#there’s magic in our bones // a north star in our soul {re: jacen solo}#cross my heart and hope to die // i’ll see you with your laughter lines {re: anakin solo}#all the king’s horses and all the king’s men couldn’t put us back together again {re: jacen & jaina & anakin}#there’s a hole in my soul // i can’t fill it {re: ben solo}#justice and vengeance aren’t the same thing // to me they are {re: kylo ren}#dont worry mother // your daughter is a warrior {re: leia organa solo}#they are valkyries / the battlefield is their domain {re: rey}#everything could stay the same or we could change it all {re: finn}#we took what the world threw at us and survived {re: ben skywalker}#the pieces we shattered into can’t fit back together {re: darth caedus}#a daughter’s greatest hero is her father {re: han solo}#i’ve always wanted to know how a lightsaber works {re: luke skywalker}#do not go gentle into the good night // rage rage against the dying light {re: resistance}#you burn with the brightest flame // and the world’s gonna know your name {eu/legends verse}#i knock the ice from my bones // try not to feel the cold {pre-tfa}#there is a reason i’m still standing {tfa verse}#name a hero that was happy // you can’t {tlj verse}#i’ve been cold // i’ve been merciless {sith verse}#we are the wild // we are the reckless youth {praexum verse}#i have bars over my soul and something’s keeping me trapped {possession au}#blood red lips and poison painted nails {vampire au}
0 notes
hopetwin · 6 years
tag drop pt1
a burning brand to your enemies and a brilliant fire to your friends {face} mother is the name of god on the lips of all children {leia organa solo} yun harla incarnate {headcanons} inherited cockiness and mechanical skills {aesthetic} i was born in a thunderstorm // i grew up overnight {ch. study} and she called the stars home {jaina things} someone to show her softer side to {wants and wishes} i garb myself in the universe {wardrobe} his commitment is absolute {poe dameron} you knew my tears though i couldn’t cry {caydren trecoll} again and again we crash together like a galaxy wanting to be born {jagged fel} i want to punch him as much as kiss him {luconis} faces in the stars {wanted opposite} the home amongst the stones and trees {yavin 4} dear brother do you still believe in love i wonder {darth caedus} my father taught me how to live {han solo} from him i learned who i am {luke skywalker} my grandfather still {bail organa} made of love and courage {breha organa} her fire burns brighter than the stars that she calls home {rey} he wears bravery and loyalty equally well {finn} his heart was born out of fire {anakin solo} such a brave droid {bb8} he is a fine knight {ben skywalker} all this bad blood here // won’t you let it dry {kylo ren} i had two mothers and i love her still {winter} wildfire and wisdom run through her veins {mara jade skywalker} we are two halves of the same whole {jacen solo} i never dreamed i would meet somebody like you {re:jagged fel} are you and angel / are you a devil {re: luconis dalmore}
#a burning brand to your enemies and a brilliant fire to your friends {face}#mother is the name of god on the lips of all children {leia organa solo}#yun harla incarnate {headcanons}#inherited cockiness and mechanical skills {aesthetic}#i was born in a thunderstorm // i grew up overnight {ch. study}#and she called the stars home {jaina things}#someone to show her softer side to {wants and wishes}#i garb myself in the universe {wardrobe}#you knew my tears though i couldn’t cry {caydren trecoll}#his commitment is absolute {poe dameron}#again and again we crash together like a galaxy wanting to be born {jagged fel}#i want to punch him as much as kiss him {luconis}#faces in the stars {wanted opposite}#the home amongst the stones and trees {yavin 4}#dear brother do you still believe in love i wonder {darth caedus}#my grandfather still {bail organa}#my father taught me how to live {han solo}#from him i learned who i am {luke skywalker}#her fire burns brighter than the stars that she calls home {rey}#made of love and courage {breha organa}#he wears bravery and loyalty equally well {finn}#his heart was born out of fire {anakin solo}#such a brave droid {bb8}#he is a fine knight {ben skywalker}#all this bad blood here // won’t you let it dry {kylo ren}#i had two mothers and i love her still {winter}#wildfire and wisdom run through her veins {mara jade skywalker}#we are two halves of the same whole {jacen solo}#i never dreamed i would meet somebody like you {re:jagged fel}#are you and angel / are you a devil {re: luconis dalmore}
0 notes
hopetwin · 6 years
;; annnndddd p2
a burning brand to your enemies and a brilliant fire to your friends {face} mother is the name of god on the lips of all children {leia organa solo} yun harla incarnate {headcanons} inherited cockiness and mechanical skills {aesthetic} i was born in a thunderstorm // i grew up overnight {ch. study} and she called the stars home {jaina things} someone to show her softer side to {wants and wishes} i garb myself in the universe {wardrobe} his commitment is absolute {poe dameron} you knew my tears though i couldn’t cry {caydren trecoll} again and again we crash together like a galaxy wanting to be born {jagged fel} i want to punch him as much as kiss him {luconis} faces in the stars {wanted opposite} the home amongst the stones and trees {yavin 4} dear brother do you still believe in love i wonder {darth caedus} my father taught me how to live {han solo} from him i learned who i am {luke skywalker} my grandfather still {bail organa} made of love and courage {breha organa} her fire burns brighter than the stars that she calls home {rey} he wears bravery and loyalty equally well {finn} his heart was born out of fire {anakin solo} such a brave droid {bb8} he is a fine knight {ben skywalker} all this bad blood here // won’t you let it dry {kylo ren} i had two mothers and i love her still {winter} wildfire and wisdom run through her veins {mara jade skywalker} we are two halves of the same whole {jacen solo} i never dreamed i would meet somebody like you {re:jagged fel} are you and angel / are you a devil {re: luconis dalmore}
#a burning brand to your enemies and a brilliant fire to your friends {face}#mother is the name of god on the lips of all children {leia organa solo}#yun harla incarnate {headcanons}#inherited cockiness and mechanical skills {aesthetic}#i was born in a thunderstorm // i grew up overnight {ch. study}#and she called the stars home {jaina things}#someone to show her softer side to {wants and wishes}#i garb myself in the universe {wardrobe}#his commitment is absolute {poe dameron}#you knew my tears though i couldn’t cry {caydren trecoll}#again and again we crash together like a galaxy wanting to be born {jagged fel}#i want to punch him as much as kiss him {luconis}#faces in the stars {wanted opposite}#the home amongst the stones and trees {yavin 4}#dear brother do you still believe in love i wonder {darth caedus}#my father taught me how to live {han solo}#from him i learned who i am {luke skywalker}#my grandfather still {bail organa}#made of love and courage {breha organa}#her fire burns brighter than the stars that she calls home {rey}#he wears bravery and loyalty equally well {finn}#such a brave droid {bb8}#his heart was born out of fire {anakin solo}#all this bad blood here // won’t you let it dry {kylo ren}#he is a fine knight {ben skywalker}#i had two mothers and i love her still {winter}#wildfire and wisdom run through her veins {mara jade skywalker}#we are two halves of the same whole {jacen solo}#i never dreamed i would meet somebody like you {re:jagged fel}#are you and angel / are you a devil {re: luconis dalmore}
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hopetwin · 6 years
;; quick tag drop because tumblr hates me p1
and i found love where it wasn’t supposed to be // right in front of me {re: caydren trecoll} im going to want you until the stars evaporate {re: poe dameron} we are warriors // following in our parents footsteps until the battle is done {re: poe dameron} there’s magic in our bones // a north star in our soul {re: jacen solo} cross my heart and hope to die // i’ll see you with your laughter lines {re: anakin solo} all the king’s horses and all the king’s men couldn’t put us back together again {re: jacen & jaina & anakin} there’s a hole in my soul // i can’t fill it {re: ben solo} justice and vengeance aren’t the same thing // to me they are {re: kylo ren} dont worry mother // your daughter is a warrior {re: leia organa solo} they are valkyries / the battlefield is their domain {re: rey} taught me the courage of stars before you left {re: mara jade skywalker} everything could stay the same or we could change it all {re: finn} we took what the world threw at us and survived {re: ben skywalker} the pieces we shattered into can’t fit back together {re: darth caedus} a daughter’s greatest hero is her father {re: han solo} i’ve always wanted to know how a lightsaber works {re: luke skywalker} do not go gentle into the good night // rage rage against the dying light {re: resistance} you burn with the brightest flame // and the world’s gonna know your name {eu/legends verse} i knock the ice from my bones // try not to feel the cold {pre-tfa} there is a reason i’m still standing {tfa verse} name a hero that was happy // you can’t {tlj verse} i’ve been cold // i’ve been merciless {sith verse} we are the wild // we are the reckless youth {praexum verse} i have bars over my soul and something’s keeping me trapped {possession au}
#and i found love where it wasn’t supposed to be // right in front of me {re: caydren trecoll}#im going to want you until the stars evaporate {re: poe dameron}#we are warriors // following in our parents footsteps until the battle is done {re: poe dameron}#cross my heart and hope to die // i’ll see you with your laughter lines {re: anakin solo}#there’s magic in our bones // a north star in our soul {re: jacen solo}#all the king’s horses and all the king’s men couldn’t put us back together again {re: jacen & jaina & anakin}#there’s a hole in my soul // i can’t fill it {re: ben solo}#justice and vengeance aren’t the same thing // to me they are {re: kylo ren}#dont worry mother // your daughter is a warrior {re: leia organa solo}#they are valkyries / the battlefield is their domain {re: rey}#taught me the courage of stars before you left {re: mara jade skywalker}#everything could stay the same or we could change it all {re: finn}#we took what the world threw at us and survived {re: ben skywalker}#the pieces we shattered into can’t fit back together {re: darth caedus}#a daughter’s greatest hero is her father {re: han solo}#i’ve always wanted to know how a lightsaber works {re: luke skywalker}#you burn with the brightest flame // and the world’s gonna know your name {eu/legends verse}#do not go gentle into the good night // rage rage against the dying light {re: resistance}#i knock the ice from my bones // try not to feel the cold {pre-tfa}#there is a reason i’m still standing {tfa verse}#name a hero that was happy // you can’t {tlj verse}#i’ve been cold // i’ve been merciless {sith verse}#we are the wild // we are the reckless youth {praexum verse}#i have bars over my soul and something’s keeping me trapped {possession au}
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hopetwin · 6 years
;; and part 2
and i found love where it wasn’t supposed to be // right in front of me {re: caydren trecoll} im going to want you until the stars evaporate {re: poe dameron} we are warriors // following in our parents footsteps until the battle is done {re: poe dameron} there’s magic in our bones // a north star in our soul {re: jacen solo} cross my heart and hope to die // i’ll see you with your laughter lines {re: anakin solo} all the king’s horses and all the king’s men couldn’t put us back together again {re: jacen & jaina & anakin} there’s a hole in my soul // i can’t fill it {re: ben solo} justice and vengeance aren’t the same thing // to me they are {re: kylo ren} dont worry mother // your daughter is a warrior {re: leia organa solo} they are valkyries / the battlefield is their domain {re: rey} taught me the courage of stars before you left {re: mara jade skywalker} everything could stay the same or we could change it all {re: finn} we took what the world threw at us and survived {re: ben skywalker} the pieces we shattered into can’t fit back together {re: darth caedus} a daughter’s greatest hero is her father {re: han solo} i’ve always wanted to know how a lightsaber works {re: luke skywalker} do not go gentle into the good night // rage rage against the dying light {re: resistance} you burn with the brightest flame // and the world’s gonna know your name {eu/legends verse} i knock the ice from my bones // try not to feel the cold {pre-tfa} there is a reason i’m still standing {tfa verse} name a hero that was happy // you can’t {tlj verse} i’ve been cold // i’ve been merciless {sith verse} we are the wild // we are the reckless youth {praexum verse} i have bars over my soul and something’s keeping me trapped {possession au}
#and i found love where it wasn’t supposed to be // right in front of me {re: caydren trecoll}#im going to want you until the stars evaporate {re: poe dameron}#we are warriors // following in our parents footsteps until the battle is done {re: poe dameron}#there’s magic in our bones // a north star in our soul {re: jacen solo}#cross my heart and hope to die // i’ll see you with your laughter lines {re: anakin solo}#all the king’s horses and all the king’s men couldn’t put us back together again {re: jacen & jaina & anakin}#there’s a hole in my soul // i can’t fill it {re: ben solo}#justice and vengeance aren’t the same thing // to me they are {re: kylo ren}#dont worry mother // your daughter is a warrior {re: leia organa solo}#they are valkyries / the battlefield is their domain {re: rey}#taught me the courage of stars before you left {re: mara jade skywalker}#everything could stay the same or we could change it all {re: finn}#we took what the world threw at us and survived {re: ben skywalker}#the pieces we shattered into can’t fit back together {re: darth caedus}#a daughter’s greatest hero is her father {re: han solo}#i’ve always wanted to know how a lightsaber works {re: luke skywalker}#do not go gentle into the good night // rage rage against the dying light {re: resistance}#you burn with the brightest flame // and the world’s gonna know your name {eu/legends verse}#i knock the ice from my bones // try not to feel the cold {pre-tfa}#there is a reason i’m still standing {tfa verse}#name a hero that was happy // you can’t {tlj verse}#i’ve been cold // i’ve been merciless {sith verse}#we are the wild // we are the reckless youth {praexum verse}#i have bars over my soul and something’s keeping me trapped {possession au}
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