#travel jounal
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Albert Camus’s lively journals from his eventful visits to the United States and South America in the 1940s, available again in a new translation.
In March 1946, the young Albert Camus crossed from Le Havre to New York. Though he was virtually unknown to American audiences at the time, all that was about to change—The Stranger, his first book translated into English, would soon make him a literary star. By 1949, when he set out on a tour of South America, Camus was an international celebrity. Camus’s journals offer an intimate glimpse into his daily life during these eventful years and showcase his thinking at its most personal—a form of observational writing that the French call choses vues (things seen). 
Camus’s journals from these travels record his impressions, frustrations, joys, and longings. Here are his unguarded first impressions of his surroundings and his encounters with publishers, critics, and members of the New York intelligentsia. Long unavailable in English, the journals have now been expertly retranslated by Ryan Bloom, with a new introduction by Alice Kaplan. Bloom’s translation captures the informal, sketch-like quality of Camus’s observations—by turns ironic, bitter, cutting, and melancholy—and the quick notes he must have taken after exhausting days of travel and lecturing. Bloom and Kaplan’s notes and annotations allow readers to walk beside the existentialist thinker as he experiences changes in his own life and the world around him, all in his inimitable style.
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asta-daily · 2 years
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Their ancestors carved the mountains to grow rice. Digging terrasses, erecting walls, preparing the mud cake, plating, replanting, watering, caring to finally harvesting once a year... Herculean to make, Sisyphean to maintain. Fewer and fewer want to put this kind of pressure upon their shoulders, to sacrifice their backs for the rice. Other plants sells better, many would rather go to the City. Can't blame them.
/* Pencil doodle on A6 sketchbook - Porte-mine sur carnet A6 */
Leurs ancêtres ont modelé la montagne pour faire pousser le riz. Creuser les terrasses, monter des murs, préparer le lit de limon, planter, replanter, irriguer, nettoyer pour finalement récolter une fois l'an. Herculéen à mettre en place, sisyphéen à maintenir. Ils sont de moins en moins nombreux  à accepter un tel fardeau, à sacrifier leurs dos pour le riz. D'autres plantes se vendent mieux, et beaucoup rêvent de monter à la Ville. Qui pourrait les blâmer?
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art-primavera · 7 years
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Sara Spring. Ljubljana. Fineliner pen.
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emocentipedeboy · 4 years
Black faux leather with velvet pattern black paper! Dm if interested in purchasing @carlyriegger on Instagram.
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albertayebisackey · 7 years
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Friday 5th May 2017 - No matter where I go. No matter what I do. I will always be an Oxonian.
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cuppa-wellness · 4 years
Would love some blogs to follow as I’m new here ☺️
Looking for:
Mental wellness
Body positive
Aesthetic blogs
Journal blogs & study blogs
You tubers (within these categories)
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And the like... let me know if that’s you!
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heimthra · 5 years
The road so far
I can’t stop reading Henry Rollins. There’s never enough of his material for me to read. Everything this man says only makes me work on myself more. Bite down harder. 
I was never one to dream about weddings but if I ever marry a guy I’d want it to be that kind of a man. Part of me wishes I wasn’t attracted to that kind of a man. It’d be easier that way. Easier to find someone, easier to sleep with someone. Ah no, not really, but...
It makes me scared and relentless at the same time. The amount of luck needed to stumble upon that kind of a person scares me. Then I bitchslap myself internally and carry on. 
I was very careful at making myself stop searching, constantly searching. Making myself let it all go. The idea of a happy ending, letting go of the constant lookout. I’ve spent so many lonely years trying to mould myself into what I thought a perfect girlfriend is supposed to be, as if such a thing ever existed, biding my time, only to fail at it completely. And good thing that I did fail. 
Everyone around me changing their partners regularly with me looking on like a beggar, watching into the living room window at a happy family eating Christmas dinner. Feeling starved and jealous and wondering when is it my turn. It’s my greatest weakness. There is still a part of me that wants her happy ending, that dreams of a man that’ll face the world with me. I like to think that I’m stronger than that now. That iron was replaced by steel. I’m planning an adamantium upgrade with time. 
“where shall wisdom be found, and where is the place of understanding? If I knew, I’d walk over and stand there.”
I came here expecting to see something of a mixture between “google image search” shiny skylines and the souq scene from sex and the city 2. Living here means living your life seated down. Any place you want to go to requires a ride - sidewalk will only bring you to the nearest store  if you’re lucky enough to live close to one. 
I’m glad I didn’t grow up in this kind of decadence. The amount of it needed for that kind of urban planning. It’s a desert city, I get it. My arms are already full of beauty marks where the skin was unblemished all but 3 months ago, courtesy of arabic sun. I can understand the laziness that gets embedded into a nation after generations of living inside an oven. I can feel myself slowing down too. You have to. You have to wait until the day is over in order to start it. I hate it. My body craves discipline. 
This is my biggest trial so far. Bring it on, that was the whole point. I’ve never been a sedentary person and I’ve always looked down on people who never did anything with themselves besides watch tv, procrastinate, hang out and let their lives run their course as if they were nothing but a spectator of their own destiny instead of being an active participant. I could never understand it. I always pictured their blood seeping slowly through their veins like one of those sad little creeks with gasoline stains. I needed more, I still need more. I (hope) am more. 
Can you imagine spending your life in a place like that? Never being able to simply get out of your house, put on some headphones and just go. Go lose track of time, of direction, of yourself, just go and let everything but the music and the movement be stripped away. I don’t want to be here any longer than I have to. 
It’s good for me though. I never learn as much (or as fast) as when I’m doing something I don’t want to do. I’ve learned, long ago, just how much faster you learn through pain and I’ve had plenty of teachers. I don’t regret it. I never regret anything except for lost time. Wasted time. All the most valuable lessons come at a great cost, and I’m curious to see how I come out of this one. 
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sumpix · 6 years
The art of the travel diary – in pictures |
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  A detail of one of José Naranja’s beautifully illustrated notebooks. For the past 13 years, Spanish artist José Naranja has been combining sketches, calligraphy and collage to create personal notebooks inspired by his travels. “I collect ideas, dreams and experiences,” he says. Naranja quit his job as an aeronautical engineer to dedicate himself to his art, through which he says he creates “a little space of freedom” for himself. He has completed 15 notebooks, their pages filled with musings, illustrations, and stamps and tickets from his travels. After using Moleskine notebooks for many years, he now binds his own by hand, selling facsimiles under the title The Orange Manuscript. Based in Madrid, Naranja hopes his work can speak to a global audience: “Even if they don’t understand the language, they can feel something.”
(via The art of the travel diary – in pictures | Art and design | The Guardian)
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tuesdainoelle · 6 years
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beyondtheprocess · 6 years
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You like stories? A new blog installment from my Month in Paris is up on my website. #shanewhite #photo #jounalism #travelart #artistabroad #travel #photography #painting #paris https://www.instagram.com/p/Bm6q-DynaCm/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1bodslq8ynsmm
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apathiee · 6 years
도쿄여행 2일차!
이제서야 정리하는 도쿄 이틀째;;
도쿄에 가기 전 부터 가장 기대가 컸던 트래블러스 팩토리 방문!
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인스타와 블로그에서 봤던 바로 그 모습.
1층에는 판매하는 상품들이 진열되어 있고, 2층은 카페같은 공간이었다.
1층에서도 사진촬영이 가능했지만 사람도 너무 많고 쑥스러워서 열심히 쇼핑만 했다.
한국에서부터 그토록 갖고싶었던 블루 트노, 트래블러스 팩토리에서만 파는 것 같은 검정색, 초록색, 분홍색 크라프트 리필 등을 마구마구 샀다.
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내가 하도 옆에서 트래블러스 노트~ 트래블러스 노트~ 노래를 불러서인지 호댕이도 블루 트노를 샀다. 같이 다이어리 꾸밀 생각에 너무 행복...ㅜㅜ 이제 커플 다이어리야!
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2층에 마련된 공간에서 블루 트노를 세팅하는 호댕이ㅋㅋ
그냥 리필지에 고무줄 끼우고 커버에 넣는 별거 아닌 일이지만 이게 은근 설렌다.
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트노 꾸미기 예시. 잘 꾸민 다이어리 구경은 언제나 재밌지.
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처음엔 일상 다이어리로 쓰려고 산 트노였는데
진짜 여행을 하고 여행에서 있었던 일 들을 트노에 기록하니 더 특별한 느낌이다.
또 여행가서 트노에 여행 기록 하고싶다..
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나도 그림 그리는 속도가 빨라서 트노에 글 뿐 아니라 그림도 곁들여 기록해두고 싶다.
보기에도 좋지만 나중에 다시 펼쳐 볼 때 당시의 기억이 더 잘 살아난다.
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iriniasteri · 7 years
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 NYC, MET Breuer, 6.1.18
I am wondering why my leg cramped up into a sciatic nightmare just before I was to disembark the bus in Manhattan. It wouldn’t bend and it could take almost no weight. With a 7pm check in and luggage to shoulder in the arctic freeze it was easy to imagine the universe was punishing me for a last minute trip that was not in the budget. I limped and everyone stared.  Luckily a woman approached me and showed me a stretch which along with some naproxen got me moving.  
I stared up from the bottom of the subway steps, they were icy and there was no escalator in sight. I hauled myself up step by painful step like I was ascending Everest and the reward at the top was another Museum.  Step by painful step I inched along so I could see  amazing art and architecture. meet fascinating people and listen to stories about their private agonies and pets. I even got a nod and a smile from Ben Stiller as he jumped into a limo in front of me;  but that quickly changed into a puzzled sad look. I  wanted to scream that I do not limp and that there was nothing wrong with me except that God was punishing me in this weird way for God knows what. As I was trying to figure out the Purpose of all of this I realised I was having a very good time anyway so why care about all the shit it was served with.
My naproxen was wearing off and  the deeply gritty pain started; as I walked down 5th Avenue I saw the words free organ recital at St. Thomas Episcopal Church.  All I had to do was  ascend more steps and  inside I could wait in the warmth for my new 12 hour pill to work its magic. Awesome, I found a refuge. The Church was beautiful and the music transported me to another plane;  as I studied the beautiful stone sculpture in the apse, I thought about how my worries seemed as solid and as daunting as these stone figures but that they were an illusion as much as these were a stone illusion of heaven.  I already knew this lesson but appreciated the reminder and the thundering final piece. I hauled myself up to join the multiple standing ovations. There were groups of people, couples, singles, each of us lost deep in thought searching for  something. I stared back at the sculptures and asked again what was I supposed to learn on this trip from all this trauma?
On the third morning in NYC I woke up with my answer and it came to me like sweet sunshine, which is really good considering that 2 guys tried to open the door twice screaming  Laura you bitch and Oh F”””k they changed the lock.  I was like yeah just go away so I can go to sleep and  head to MoMA  tomorrow and not the morgue and swore to never to come back to this Airbnb again.  The lesson was simple; if I want to  get anywhere with my art I would have to grind my brain everyday as hard as I was grinding myself step by painful step in order to perservere, to not worry about going it alone, to keep pushing until there was nothing left. and then wait for the answer for a day or year or longer. To endure silence, rejection, failure. That is if I wanted a big new idea badly enough I would have to push myself up those steps again and again and work 20 x harder. I need to pull everything out of my brain and put it back in a new way. It will hurt a lot and somewhere in the bad stuff one day will be a shiny new idea I hope I do not overlook. 
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moxie1930-blog · 7 years
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tea-and-test-tubes · 7 years
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studyandsim · 7 years
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This looks cool but my motion sickness doesn't
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genom4 · 7 years
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