#traumatized me a million times over /pos
cloverkingsmith · 1 year
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captainmvf · 5 months
Assorted scenarios and incorrect-quotes-ish of my casted Miitopia squads and characters I originally posted to Discord over the years. Collected under the cut.
Some of this stuff is either shippy or were made during certain events. The earliest dates back to 2019.
Thief Moroko: (honks car horn) "Get in! Losers!" Scientist Maxie: "You do have a license, right?" Thief Moroko: "Haha! License?" Thief Moroko: (crashes the car)
Warrior MVF: "I like violence." Scientist Maxie: (sitting in the shade, drinking a smoothie) "What if I do something?"
Flower Magnitude: (smiling widely) Flower Magnitude: "I'm always angry!"
Cat Suiuus: "Vibe check!" Cat Suiuus: (holds rock over Magnitude's head)
Warrior Megatron: "Aren't we best friends?" Cleric Optimus: (holding Valentina's hand) "No." Chef Valentina: "Get lost."
Flower Magnitude: "None of you should ever be parents." Warrior MVF: "Agreed." Cat Suiuus: "I have three kids." Everyone:
Cleric Issac: "So… I might have lost the cars…" Thief Moroko: "YOU DID WHAT?!?!?"
Warrior MVF: "Hmm…" Great Sage Mike: "What's up?" Warrior MVF: "If you turn your staff upside down it will probably become a pogo stick or you could ride on it." Great Sage Mike: "…you've just blown my mind."
Flower Magnitude: (shows a picture of Suiuus) "Have you seen this idiot? They knocked down one of the inn walls last night and then slept for nineteen hours."
Great Sage Mike: "Don't tell Val I did something bad." Dark Curse Jack: "Okay." Dark Curse Jack: (tugs on Valentina's uniform) "Mike did something illegal."
Mage Gotham Vermillion: "Normalize going to Burger King at 3 am." Mage Gotham Vermillion: "Normalize falling asleep inside the Burger King." Mage Gotham Vermillion: "NORMALIZE filling up your empty milk jugs with drinks from the sofa fountain." Mage Gotham Vermillion: "NORMALIZE FIGHTING THE MANAGER." Mage Gotham Vermillion: "NORMALIZE." Mage Gotham Vermillion: "FINDING." Mage Gotham Vermillion: "AND KILLING." Mage Gotham Vermillion: "THE BURGER KING." Flower Magnitude: "Bad day?" Mage Gotham Vermillion: "GREAT DAY."
Flower Magnitude: "Dude… did you fucking kill someone?" Mage Gotham Vermillion: "Oh HO ho ho!" Mage Gotham Vermillion: (leaves) Flower Magnitude:
Mage GV: "I don't kill people." Mage GV: (proceeds to traumatize millions with her unnecessary mysteries)
Thief Moroko at the begining of the quest: "Yeah I'm a bad bith you can't kill me." Thief Moroko at the end of the quest: "You guys are actually pretty neat and I'm going to miss you all."
Tank Aries: "What would you have done all day if you lived in a perfect world?" Thief Moroko: "I dunno, maybe stayed inside and played with a light brite."
Thief Moroko: "Woah, we need to spruce up St. M's resolution board." (pops open a marker) Princess Blades: "Oh yeah, kill count shouldn't be on there." (also opens a marker) Thief Moroko: "'Be a good dog lover' is excellent." Princess Blades: "She already has dogs. What about 'dress cuter'?" Thief St. M: "What are you two doing?" Thief Moroko + Princess Blades: (screams)
Great Sage Mike: "I call this one, 'Kiss the Lip'." Great Sage Mike: (tries to do a skateboard trick but trips over onto his face)
Thief Moroko: (takes skateboard) "I'll show you how it's done!" Thief Moroko: "I skate fast and I eat a-" (tries but also lands flat on his face)
Thief Moroko: "This shit sucks. I just want to go home and pet my dog."
Thief Blades + Thief Red: (making arts and crafts) Thief Moroko: "Let's do crimes."
Scientist Maxie: "I have my life together." Chef Valentina: "You tried to summon a giant lizard to expand land mass."
Pop Star MM: (starts speaking French) Thief St. M: (speaks French back) Everyone: Princess Blades: "This whole time… MM COULD SPEAK ANOTHER LANGUAGE?!"
Mage Yaiba: "When MVF said we should go camping I asked if there was a flat screen TV and Maxie assured me there was. When we got there and I didn't see one I asked Maxie where the TV was and he took me outside and pointed at the trees and said 'There it is! Nature's amazing entertainment!' and I am still so fucking mad bro." Scientist Maxie: Mage Yaiba: Scientist Maxie: "Are you still mad about the TV-" Mage Yaiba: "I'M NOT MAD AT THE TV."
Dark Lord Bender: "So, it has been brought to my attention that you refer to Creation as your archenemy." Warrior MVF: "Yes." Dark Lord Bender: "Well? What did she do? I stole your teammates, tried to kill your friends, actually stole your face and your teammates faces, and caused massive havoc throughout Miitopia. I also have tried to take your face this entire year now, but it’s this woman who deserves the title?" Warrior MVF: "You have no idea how annoying she is."
Thief Moroko: "Blinking contest?" Thief Red: "You're on!" Thief Moroko + Thief Red: (rapidly blinking at one another) Thief St. M: (sipping water in the background)
Cleric Issac: "This life is pain." Thief Red: "Have you ever flown on Air Canada?"
Thief Moroko: (inflates a balloon) Thief St. M: Thief Moroko: (places it over Blades) Princess Blades: (sleeping) Thief St. M: Thief Moroko: (takes a knife out and pops the balloon)
Cat Suiuus: "I'll show you a 'Vibe Check.'" Cat Suiuus: (picks up a watermelon and crushes it in their bare hands)
Thief Red: (crying) "DOLLY PARTON WAS THE BEST SINGER!" Thief Moroko: (yelling and holding a broom above his head) "YOU FOOL! IT'S HATSUNE MIKU!"
Vampire Candy: (playing Mario Kart) "Imagine your mom calling you a casual at video games." Thief Moroko: (also playing) "St. M does that all the time."
Cat Suiuus: "Boneless cereal." Cat Suiuus: (slurps milk)
Dark Curse Jack: "Dear Diary. I couldn't find my diary so I'm writing this on Mike's Kung Fu Panda 2 DVDs."
Vampire Candy: "Check out this frog." Elf Deathly: "I have eyes." Flower Magnitude: (in the background) "We're never going to beat the Oblivion Lord and her minions like this."
Flower Magnitude: "Name one of the largest dinosaurs." Warrior MVF: "Paleontologist." Flower Magnitude: "Well I can't argue with that."
Scientist Maxie: "This year couldn't get worse…" Thief Moroko: "This could be Homestuck."
Scientist Maxie: "When I first met you, I thought you were weird and annoying." Thief Moroko: "And?" Scientist Maxie: "You still are."
Thief Moroko: "Stop posting cringe, bro!" Darkest Lord Mike: (smashes a fist atop of him)
Scientist Maxie: "You are a horrid little man." Thief Moroko: "Aight." Pop Star MM: "Your food doesn't taste good…" Thief Moroko: (feels his heart shatter)
Dark Lord Bender: "Who sent this five-year-old to fight me?!" Warrior MVF: "I'm seventeen…"
Princess Blades: "Who's that guy in green over there?" Thief Moroko: "Oncler." Mage Yaiba: "Blocked."
Warrior MVF: "I'm ready to fight back! I'm ready to save this world! I'm going to-" (trips on a treebranch) Dark Lord Bender: (laughs hysterically in the distance)
Chef Valentina: "And he's an elf, and he's a vampire-" Princess Blades: "And he was a skater boy."
Princess Blades: "He was a skater boy." Thief Moroko: "She said see you later boy." Mage Yaiba: "He wasn't good enough for her." Warrior Bumblebee: "She had a pretty face." Tank Aries: "But her head was up in space." Thief Red: "She needed to come back down to Earth."
Warrior MVF: "All my friends are gone… Taken by the Dark Lord…" Horse: (neighs)
Thief St. M: (throws the horse at the dark lord) Warrior MVF: (screams in despair)
Warrior MVF: "My horsey horse,,,, my horsey frond,,, mihorseyhorrseandfriends,,,,,," Cleric Optimus + Chef Valentina + Mage Yaiba:
Thief Moroko: "Oh God… Give me one reason to go to work in my silly little outfit…" Divine Spirit: "Birds aren't cheap, my child."
Scientist Maxie: "I feel like I'm forgetting something." Thief St. M: "If you've forgotten then it wasn't important." Thief Moroko: (out in the rain) --- Scientist Maxie: "I remember now!" Scientist Maxie: "My water." (refills his glass) "Forgot to refill it." Chef Valentina: "Where's Moroko?" Scientist Maxie:
Traveler: "Here's a new quest." Warrior MVF: "Cool! What do you need us to do?" Traveler: "I need a bunch of twerkies slain and-" Thief Moroko: (grabs the quest paper and eats it) "No."
Scientist Maxie: (fighting a red dragon) "Come on! I need backup!" Princess Blades: (tapping his phone) "Just a sec! I'm feeding my Mii-opet!"
Thief Moroko: "Wanna try on a friendship bracelet?" Scientist Maxie: (sighs) "Fine…" Thief Moroko: (handcuffs him)
Warrior MVF: (crying in bed) "Dear God… Please give me one reason to get out of bed…" Guardian Spirit: "Horses are not cheap, my child."
Dark Curse Jack: (loudly hammering nails into the coffee table) Great Sage Mike: "WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING!?" Dark Curse Jack: (stops hammering to look at Mike, then the table, then back at Mike) "I think it's obvious."
Warrior MVF: "Hey Optimus, wanna see something funny?" Cleric Optimus: "No."
Flower Magnitude: (hovering in the air due to sheer anger alone)
Scientist Maxie: "Those are some big blade fans…" Princess Blades: "I AM A HELICOPTER."
Warrior MVF: "God works in mysterious ways THROUGH YOU. I get it though." Scientist Maxie: "That's horrible advice."
Warrior MVF: "WHY DID YOU DO THIS?!" White Sage: "I don't know, I'm a little freak."
Flower Magnitude: "Hey you wanna try some of my pink lemonade?" Cat Suiuus: "Of course!" (dips entire hand in and licks it) Flower Magnitude:
Flower Magnitude: (having a good time, drinking tea) Warrior Bumblebee: (crashes through the window) "WE NEED TO BORROW SOME MONEY!" Flower Magnitude:
Warrior MVF: "Wait. You're invited to the new playthrough?" Flower Magnitude: "Nope. Elton John challenged me to a fight. I can't make it."
Mage Will: (driking Banshee Tears) Pop Star Quince: "YOU MELTED A BANSHEE?! YOU SICK FREAK!"
Chef Valentina: (injured in bed) "Listen. No time to explain. Get my keys and use the small one to open up a chest downstairs. There's tickets to the cafe next Wednesday, call MVF to tell her that they're for her." Thief Moroko + Scientist Maxie: Chef Valentina: "Listen ass clowns. Just open the chest and get the tickets." Scientist Maxie: "What kind of medication are you on?" Thief Moroko: "I'll get the doctor-" Thief Moroko + Scientist Maxie: (get bonked on the head)
Cat Fluffy: "I can deny it no longer!" Cat Fluffy: "I am small."
Dark Lord Bender: "You're just a little hater." Warrior MVF: "Yeah? And?"
Mage Will: (laying in the middle of the forest) "…" Thief Grimsley: (naruto sprints behind him) Mage Will: 'I may have a mask but I can still see.'
Warrior Clover: "Grimsley's hair makes him look like a catboy." Mage Will: "You're insane."
Thief Grimsley: "I've been writing a book, you see." Imp Quince: "Really? What's it about?" Thief Grimsley: "It has an unreliable narrator. The main character is but a middle schooler." Warrior Clover: "Really? Does he have a favorite food?" Thief Grimsley: "Well, I can't say that for now, but he hates thinking about touching this cheese in his school's yard." Mage Will: "…is he a wimpy kid?"
Imp Quince: "I'm sorry. Who are you guys?" Team Starshine: Scientist Maxie: "We came into your grandfather's restaurant all the time." Imp Quince: "Right…" Warrior MVF: "We have 'Favorite Customer' cards." Thief St. M: "They also count as organ donor cards." Imp Quince: "Oh. He warned me about you guys. Threats of violence and refusal to pay bills." Pop Star MM: "He remembered us!"
Genie Archie: Scientist Maxie: (gunning it across Miitopia just to argue with him) --- Cleric Optimus: "…where did Maxie go?" Thief St. M: "He scented a rival in the wind."
Cat Fluffy: (dancing while on the rowboat) Cleric Oblivion: "You shouldn't do that." Cat Fluffy: Cleric Oblivion: Cat Fluffy: (dances harder)
Imp Quince: "Okay gang. We gotta infiltrate the Dark Lord's castle. It's disguise time." Everyone: (dressed up in E Boy/Girl gear as a sick guitar rift plays)
Imp Quince: "Heya boy! Ready to ride off to save our friends?" Horse Saturn: 'H̿͛ͣg̥̼͇j̗͇͎v͍̘̝g͔̦̺ã̹͈̠d̲̭̹K͊̔A͚ͥB̫͈̽K̈͋J̞͓̦k̻̟͖b̗̞̱j̻͍͕ḣ̺̪̦A̖̮̗f̲̥͈ḳ̜̻̼b͊͂ͩj͈̟̦b͍͚͙.' Imp Quince: Imp Quince: "Haha! That's right!"
Great Sage Mike: "Awwww. : ( You're all alone? You're just a kid? Come on, I'm your big brother now and we'll get some ice cream." Warrior MVF: "Yeah this is weird but okay." --- Great Sage Folur: "What you got hurt again? You going to cry? Going to tear someone apart? Fall down a canyon?" Imp Quince: "Why do you hurt me so."
Cat Fluffy: "Hey whatever happened to that other thief?" Thief Moroko: "Oh, uh, St. M left on a cruise to travel around the world." Cleric Oblivion: "That's odd. I heard she hated water." Cleric Optimus: "And water." Chef Valentina: "And the world."
Imp Quince: "Yes. These are my Neksdor teammates. Yes they are all goth." Cat Fluffy + Scientist Ghostworx + Cleric Oblivion:
Thief Moroko: "Okay WELL I guess I'll meet you in front of Lotus Lake." Thief Moroko: (skedaddles away at breakneck speed) "HEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHE!"
Flower Daë: "Do you have any regrets?" Thief Grimsley: "Absolutely! Thanks for asking."
Mage Will: "Making breakfast for my beautiful teammate!" Thief Grimsley: "Who the fuck is burning down the kitchen?"
Imp Quince: "Come on Lear!" (trying to pick up a fifty lbs barbel) "Time to pump some muscle!" Princess Lear: "No."
Ghostworx: "Got ya a gift." (throws a bar of soap at Oblivion)
Ghostworx: "I hate you all so much." Ghostworx: "Except you Moroko. You're the worst." Thief Moroko: "You can say light things like that now that you have skin. Say one more mean thing and you will regret it." Ghostworx: "I already regret skin. I never wanted this."
Tank Augustin: (rowing the boat) Princess Lear: "…your backside is on fire." Tank Augustin: Princess Lear: Tank Augustin: (visibly smoking)
Tank Augustin: "I got a surprise for you!" (holds out a dead spider cricket) Princess Lear: (screaming)
Imp Quince + Tank Augustin: Princess Lear: (surrounded by gold) "Quit staring, I'll buy anything you need."
Imp Quince: "Yeah! Just me and the boys!" Tank Augustin: :D Princess Lear: "…" Flower Daë: :) MFF Michael: (hard stare)
Thief Moroko: "Hah! You have legs! I can run faster than you!" Scientist Ghostworx: "Oh yeah…" (kicks him)
Warrior MVF: "What up!" Pop Star Ti Gold: "Anyone want pizza? It's on me." Flower Magnitude: "…" Imp Quince: "Oh boy people."
Thief Grimsley: "Bending a spoon with my hands is the same as bending a spoon with my mind. I use my mind to control my hands, you see."
Cat Fluffy: "You look like someone who buys cryptocurrency." Scientist Ghostworx: (injured on the ground) "Just tell me to kys already…" (/s)
Thief Grimsley: (crouches down in front of cigarettes and a long string of pepperoni) Thief Grimsley: "What kind of idiot would lose a fresh pack of smokes, a lighter, and a big fucking piece of pepperoni?" [The trip wire under the cigarettes and pepperoni is plucked.] Thief Grimsley: "Right on- What the fuck?" [Explosion.]
Imp Quince: "I cannot attend work today. I must buy twenty-eight lightbulbs at Home Depot."
Mage Will: "Awww! You're radiant oday, Saturn!" Saturn: "Kill." Mage Will:
Thief Grimsley: (gets his face back) Imp Quince: "YES! I'm so glad to see you aga-" Thief Grismley: (leans in really close to Quince and whispers) "They took my fucking eyes."
Princess Lear + Scientist Ghostworx: (smacking each other in an argument) Tank Augustin: (smacks himself to feel included)
Princess Lear: "I forgot my wallet." Mage Will: "What a joke! I have as well." Thief Red, the bartender: (starring at them)
Scientist Maxie: "I can't beleive we're all not original characters…" Will + Grimsley + Lear + Archie + Optimus + Megatron + Rung + Blades + Bumblebee + Ti Gold + MM + Valentina + Mike + Bender + Judith + Michael + Laurie: (nodding, resigned) Scientist Maxie: "Well! I suppose that is everyone!" Tank Augustin:
Imp Quince: "Alright. If you were leader what would you propose?" Warrior Clover: "More team building exercises." Mage Will: "We teleport." Thief Grimsley: "More bees." Cat Fluffy: "More fish." Scientist Ghostworx: "Nothing." Cleric Oblivion: "Don't pick me." Tank Augustin: "More time to beat up evil!" Princess Lear: "You get to look at me." Flower Daë: "Better dreams." :) --- Mage Will + Thief Grimsley: (walking away from the scuffle) Mage Will: "I can't believe you tried to beat up a cat." Thief grimsley: (wet, smells like fish, and has a few bee stings) "Maybe she should keep her mouth shut." Cat Fluffy: (a meter away)
Scientist Ghostworx: "Nobody wins but me." Scientist Ghostworx: "Excellent."
Cat Fluffy + Thief Moroko: (looking over a boulder) Terror Fiends: (starring at them) Thief Moroko: "Okay. I got a plan. It's what my teammates did with me when they needed to slam a direct hit." Cat Fluffy: "Excellent. What's the pla-" Thief Moroko: (throws Fluffy at the Terror Fiends)
Vampire Candy: (crying) "ALL OF YOU ARE HORRIBLE!" Cat Fluffy + Scientist Ghostworx + Princess Lear: "Googoogaga." Imp Quince: "Hit 'em with the googoogaga!" Cat Fluffy + Scientist Ghostworx + Princess Lear: (beating up a minotaur)
Imp Quince: (being mad) Flower Daë: "JESUS CHRIST YOU'VE BEEN MAD FOR A WHOLE MONTH AT WILL JUST STOP-" (uses Restoring Whistle)
Thief Grimsley: (playing Rock Paper Scissors with the bot) Arcade Bot: "Oh dear. Stop! You've run me dry!" B( Thief Grimsley: (taking his fortune) "Why, no need to feel down." Mage Will: (been projecting the correct answers into his head throughout all the rounds)
Scientist Ghostworx: "You all have no idea how much work I put into this team." Princess Lear: "Oh really now? How much work?" Scientist Ghostworx: "Self-restraint."
Tank Augustin: "Why did you do it?" Cat Fluffy: "For the money."
Darker Lord Mike: Chef Valentina: "Blue Michael." Thief Moroko: "Cotton-Candy Lord of Darkness." Mage Yaiba: "Cookie Monster." Princess Blades: "Neon Blue Bad Hair Day." Warrior MVF: "Blue Man." Darker Lord Mike: (tearing up)
Dark Lord Hope: "Oh? You play music. How amusing-" Princess Lear: (plays the first four notes of Megalovania on a piano) Dark Lord Hope: (explodes)
Warrior MVF: (packing her bags) Cat Suiuus: '?' "What'cha doin' there, sport?" Warrior MVF: "I'm going to go watch someone get beaten up by a chocolate bar this seventeenth!"
Cat Suiuus: "Yesterday I had my first ever thought."
Team Starshine: (getting interrogated by police) Thief St. M: "You will find that none of us will talk." Warrior MVF: "And there's this Dark Lord who's super mean and he took all my friends and I've been trying to get us to save the world so we can go home and this Quizmaster who might not exist and-"
Flower Magnitude: (beaten up but still standing) "Fun Fact: Elton John does not have any eyes behind his funny shades." Flower Magnitude: (wipes away some blood from their face) "You don't want to know how I found that out." Flower Magnitude: Flower Magnitude: "I took them off of his face… with a punch." Flower Magnitude: "Maybe."
Princess Lear: Princess Blades: Princess Lear: Princess Blades: Princess Lear: "You're old." Princess Blades: (snaps)
Imp Quince: (lazily scrolling through the TV channels) His Team: (watching him) Warrior Clover: "…don't you wanna go adventuring today?" Imp Quince: "Meh." Cleric Oblivion: "You've been like this all summer." Flower Daë: "Come on. Let's do a summer thing before it's over." Scientist Ghostworx: "We could die." Princess Lear: "We will not die." Imp Quince: "Let the Darker Lord take a few more places. I'm gonna eat more ice crea-" Mage Will: (shakes him)
Dark Lord Hope: "That horse…" Saturn: Dark Lord Hope: "His smug aura mocks me…"
Dark Lord Hope: "If he's your Great Sage then why's his leitmotif part of my later theme?" Imp Quince: "Your what?" Darker Lord Folur: Imp Quince: (squeaks)
Princess Lear: "You can't hurt me! We're on the same team!" Scientist Ghostworx: (breaks their glass beaker and threatens Lear with it) "Don't fucking try me."
Imp Quince: "Miss anyone from where you're from?" Tank Augustine: "Oh yeah!" (starts to gush) "Besides my niece and service dog, I'm always working with this man who has a cat and he's very scratchy on the eyes but he's very sweet! One time I baked him some breakfast for work and he was so flabbergasted that he didn't speak to me the whole day! He's also a cyborg like me and has these bulks forearms with claws and spikes-" Imp Quince: "Claws?" Tank Augustine: "Yep! That's also his last name!" Imp Quince: Tank Augustine: "He's also a doctor!" Imp Quince: 'I don't wanna go to a doctor named Claw what the fuuuuuuuu-'
Tank Augustin: (rewiring the circuits in his arms, humming) Scientist Ghostworx: 'I wonder how he came to be part machine… I could have easily possessed his mechanical parts in my older body…' Cat Fluffy: (pokes Augustin) "Hey. How did you get to be like that?" Tank Augustin: "Oh this?" (closes arm) "I slipped on a banana peel." Scientist Ghostworx: Cat Fluffy: "What the fuck." Tank Augustin: "Right into a hamburger meat processor." Scientist Ghostworx: 'We are only meat now… Makes sense.' Cat Fluffy: (nods) "Banana peels are no joke."
Vampire Candy + Vampire Maddox: Imp Quince: ’Oh no.’
Team Starshine: “You guys had to beat up the sun too?” Team Electric: “Yeah and we got this weird mad scientist who needed a face.” Team Starshine: “No shit!”
Dark Curse Perenelle: “I am so full of rage as to what the people of the sands did to me and my husband.” Flower Daë: ’She’s cute in a mad science-y kind of way.’
Dark Curse Perenelle: “What’s with the Elder God?” Imp Quince: “You mean Ghostworx? They’re harmless.” Dark Curse Perenelle: “No your fucking horse.” Imp Quince: “Saturn? He’s our love and joy, our baby, our-“ Horse? Saturn: “Shush. The Eldest is listening.” Imp Quince:
YFF Laurie: (asleep) MFF Michael: (shakes her awake) YFF Laurie: "ERF- Michael!" MFF Michael: (signs) 'Can you take me to Cracker Barrel?'
Princess Blades: "YOWCH!" (holds his wrist) "My wirst ouch! Ouch! I think I put too much strain on it…" Warrior MVF: "Oh no!" (looks at his wrist) "Aww… Let's get you some ice." --- Princess Lear: "WOAH! OUCH!" (holds his wrist) "I think I twisted it or something… Ouch…" Imp Quince: "So? I'm not holding your hand."
Tank Augustine: "If shorts are called shorts then why aren't pants called 'longs'." Mage Will: "Damn. That. That fucked me up. I need a break."
Princess Blades: "Hit the SLAY button." Princess Lear: (unconscious on the floor)
Genie Archie: "You order will be out shortly." Princess Lear: "Epic win!" Genie Archie: "…your order has been delayed."
Imp Quince: "-and I just feel like I'm not up to the task and I'm going to fail and-" Great Sage Folur: (pondering his orb) "Uhuh…"
Scientist Ghostworx: “Imagine if this world was a video game and our survival was dependent on Quince.” Cat Fluffy: “You’ve been watching too much YouTube go take a nap.”
Imp Quince: "Maddox! Distract those fiends!" Vampire Maddox: "You got it, boss!" (starts ham-boning and doing a lil dance with his legs) Fiends: (starring)
Thief St. M: Scientist Ghostworx: Thief St. M: 'Punk.' Scientist Ghostworx: 'Edgelord.'
Saturn: (playing Horse Plinko and winning)
Tank Fort Max: "You have my gun." Tank Aries: "And my gun!" Tank Augustine: "And my gun!"
Tank Augustine: "Uh oh!" Tank Augustine: (loads a glock) "I'm out of MP!"
Pop Star Electra: (new picture of desktop space with two monitors and a 'Lit' neon sign) "New setup." Imp CB: "Ut." Pop Star Electra: "Not what it says."
Tank GB: (looks at Dinah) "My lovely queen…." Tank GB: (looks at CB) "And who could forget dear rat boy?" Imp CB:
Great Sage Momma: "What would you like for Christmas, Rusty dear?" 'He's such a good champion, I bet he's wishing for peace and hope for all the world-' Warrior Rusty: "A PSVista." Great Sage Momma: "…" 'PSVista…'
Warrior Rusty + Flower Ashley + Tank Greaseball + Thief Moroko: (sitting in the inn) Flower Ashley: "Aren't we supposed to be doing something?" Elsewhere- Quizmaster Magnitude: (collapsed on the ground, surrounded by coffee beans)
Imp CB: "I SUMMON POT OF GREED TO DRAW THREE ADDITIONAL CARDS FROM MY DECK." Genie BV: "That’s not what it does." Imp CB: "ROLL MY DICE!" (throws dice at the wall) "THAT IS WHAT IT DOES! POT OF GREED- DRAW THREE- I SUMMON POT OF GREED TO DRAW THREE ADDITIONAL CARDS FROM MY DECK. AND I SUMMON POT OF GREED TO DRAW THREE ADDITIONAL CARDS FROM MY DECK. THEN I PLAY MAGIC FORCE, WHICH ALLOWS ME TO PLAY POT OF GREED ONCE AGAIN TO DRAW THREE ADDITIONAL CARDS FROM MY DECK." Tank Greaseball: "You know he’s right." Genie BV: "And I attack and I win, right?" Imp CB: "NO." Genie BV: "You don’t have any- you don’t have any monsters." Imp CB: "OH HE’S SUPPOSED TO BE HERE." (summons Cat Suiuus) Genie BV: "What?!" Warrior Rusty: "Aw you got the Celtic Guardian." Imp CB: "MY TURN, I SUMMON DARK MADI- MAGICIAN!" (summons Mage Yaiba) "I ALSO SUMMON JACK’S KNIGHT." (summons Warrior Clover) Genie BV: "What, how? You can’t summon a bunch of cards on one turn, that’s against the rules!" Imp CB: "YOU NEVER SAW THIS COMING, I SUMMON POT OF GREED TO DRAW THREE ADDITIONAL CARDS FROM MY DECK." Genie BV: "That’s not what it does! It doesn’t do that!" Pop Star Electra: "That is what it does!" Genie BV: "It doesn’t-" Cleric Pearl: "I play Michael Jordan in… attack position!" Imp CB: "THAT’S WHAT- THAT’S WHAT IT DO, BV!" Chef Buffy: "That does what it do!"
Warrior Rusty: (comes back to his room at the inn) "…?!" Imp CB: (in the room already) "Surprise! Man, you have got to get a better lock on your window." [The window is shattered.] Warrior Rusty:
Horse Saturn: (nudges Quince) Imp Quince: “??” Horse Saturn: (puts an egg into Quince’s hand) Imp Quince: ‘Egg…’
Princess Poppy Blood: "Dear Quince, Do NOT come to the castle. I baked an absolute dog shit cake. Just absolutely fucked it up. I'm so sorry -- Best wishes, Poppy."
Tank Augustin: (keeps missing the moles) Tank Augustin: (shaking in anger) Tank Augustin: "Go-Go-Gadget Never Find the Bodies."
Thief Grimsley: "Hey if I was going through smething would you guys be there for me?" 😔 👉 👈 Thief Moroko: "No." Thief St. M: "No." Thief X YZ: "No."
Warrior Megatron: "I've been reading your blog. Are you transgender?" Cleric Optimus:
[Team Starlight is facing a sleeping dragon.] Tank Greaseball: "Don't say a word." Pop Star Electra: "...fergalicious." Tank Greaseball: "What the fuck is wrong with you?" Pop Star Electra: "Oh so when I play it at Scrabble it's not a word but it is now?"
Princess Lear: "WE have all of the pronouns now!" (He/Him) Imp Quince: "What the FUCK are you guys talking about?!?!" ( / ) Cat Fluffy: "It's $500 for new pronouns." (She/Her) Scientist Ghostworx: "Pay up." (They/Them)
Imp CB: "Apartment complex? I find it quite simple." Imp Quince: "You're telling me a shrimp fried this rice?" Warrior MVF: "Based? Based on what?"
Imp Quince: "Bitches." Scientist Ghostworx + Cat Fluffy + Princess Lear: (idle, not paying attention) "What?" Imp Quince: "Kill." Scientist Ghostworx + Cat Fluffy + Princess Lear: (abruptly snap to attention to go attack the monster)
Imp Quince: "Let's get right into the action!" (pokes Saturn for Horse Whispering) Saturn: (shocked) 'You POKE Saturn?! You STAB Saturn?! JAIL! Jail for a THOUSAND YEARS-!!!' Saturn: (dragging Quince away by the back of his outfit) 💢 Imp Quince: (screaming)
Quizmaster Magnitude: "Okay Rusty! You ready to take home all the gold in this bonus round?" Warrior Rusty: "You bet I am!" Quizmaster Magnitude: "Radical! Here is your question: What is E-Y-E-S?" Warrior Rusty:
Quizmaster Magnitude: "My questions are NOT that hard!" Quizmaster Magnitude: "Now identify this rock for your prize of five bananas!"
Great Sage Momma: "Well Rusty, it's Pride Month. You know what that means." (begins to walk away) Warrior Rusty: "What? Huh? You want us to save gay faces?"
Warrior Rusty: "I'm sad..." Mailman: (starts to beatbox) Warrior Rusty: "Stop."
Warrior Rusty: "What do we get if we win?" Quizmaster Mags: (holding up a bundle of bananas) "Five bananas." Scientist Coco: "And if we lose?" Quizmaster Mags: "One banana." Warrior Rusty: (whispering to his teammates) "The stakes are high..."
Warrior Rusty: (waking up after being knocked out) "Guh....." Warrior MVF + Chef Valentina + Great Sage Mike + Tank GB + Imp Joe: (hovering over him) "You okay? What's the last thing you remember?" Warrior Rusty: "I remember... The Alamo..." All: (cheer)
Thief Moroko: "Oh, so you like trains? Name every train." Warrior Rusty: (cracks knuckles)
[Horse neighing in the distance.] Scientist Maxie: "Someone's stealing that horse!" Chef Valentina: "Quick, MM! Call the cops while we help!" Pop Star MM: "Okay- Oh, cops are bad, actually…" (starts dialing the Dark Lord)
Tomato Bros: (spits up ketchup) Tank Greaseball: (swallows it whole and regains HP) Tomato Bros: Warrior Rusty: Flower Ashley: Thief Moroko: Tank Greaseball: "…I like tomatoes."
. Chef Dinah: "Knowing what you know now, what year of your life would you return to?" Tank GB: "September tenth. Two-thousand and one." Chef Dinah: "…please take this seriously." Imp CB: "I would go to six million years into the past to reverse evolutionary results." Chef Dinah: "You weren't even alive then!" Warrior Rusty: "I second September." Chef Dinah: "NO!!!" Warrior Rusty: "September of two-thousand and fourteen. I wanna play Five Nights at Freddy's for the first time again." Chef Dinah: "Oh?" Chef Buffy: "I want that too!" Chef Buffy: "Where would you go, Di?" Chef Dinah: "I'd go to my final class of baking school to redo my final of course!" ✨ Pop Star Electra: "I would go back to the year of February eleven, twenty-twelve to stop Whitney Houston from-" Warrior Rusty: "WE'RE IN A KID-FRIENDLY GAME!"
Dark Lord Bender: "RAHAHAH! I'm on the cusp of victory here, meatbags!" Warrior MVF: "You haven't won yet... NOW! MM!" Pop Star MM: "Ultimate Attack!" (puts her mic in her mouth and makes horrible noises) Dark Lord Bender: (gets hit with horrendous mic feedback)
Extra ship interactions:
Cleric Issac, trying to flirt: "So, uh, hehe, are you a big spoon or little spoon?" Thief St. M: "I'm a knife."
Mage Will + Thief Grimsley: (on a date looking at the stars) Thief Grimsley: "The stars are beautiful night…" Mage Will: "Yes!" Thief Grimsley: "Do you know what else is beautiful?" Mage Will: "The 30% Discount at the Traveler's Hub."
Flower Magnitude: "…" Princess ???: "What?" Flower Magnitude: "Can you take off your shades just this once?" Princess ???: "Fine." (takes off shades) Flower Magnitude: Princess ???: Flower Magnitude: "You're actually kind of ugly."
Thief St. M: (sniffing) "Something is burning." Cleric Issac: "Just my love for you…" Thief St. M: (staring at a burning toaster)
Thief Grimsley: "Life dropped an epic husband, the rarest of its loot table, and I was lucky enough to win the need roll." Mage Will: "I love you but please don't say that in public."
Genie Archie: Scientist Maxie: "WHY ARE YOU BIG?!" ///
Amibo Lover Wysteria: "Look! Someone's so happy to see you!" Quizmaster Magnitude: "?" (turns to see where Wysteria is gesturing) Imp Joe: (tail wagging so violently it decimates the bushes he's next to) "/////////" Quizmaster Magnitude: "//////"
Pop Star Electra: ✨ Tank Greaseball: "////////////" Warrior Rusty: (slides up next to Greaseball) "Tell him 'You have beautiful eyes.'" Tank Greaseball: "Thanks." (turns to Electra) "I have beautiful eyes."
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*kicks down the door* I am here with yet another analysis on Troy and Abed (I know there's already multiple posts out there with the same topic but still it's been on my mind for weeks). This time, it's more analyzing the impact of Troy and Abed's friendship on their character arcs and just how powerful it is I dunno I just think they're neat /lh
The first episode I'll be talking about is S01E10 - Enviormental Sciences. To me, this episode is the first steps towards Troy opening up and breaking free from the past confinements of his jock persona from high school, as well as an important moment for their friendship. It establish a sense of respect and equality, they need to mutually support eachother. It's not a huge moment, but an important one nonetheless
The next episode I wanna talk about is S02E06 - Epidemiology, particular the "I love you" "I know" quote. This quote is literally so powerful. First off, telling someone you love them can be scary, even if just platonically!! I feel that it would especially be scary for Troy just because of his struggles with his masculinity and all that, and I just think that it's so good that he just says I love you like!! He cares muchly!!!!! And Abed saying I know is also so powerful cause that means that Troy didnt have to say it for Abed to know he cared about him, he knows he loves him and hes secure in that!! And it's just so powerful especially since hes had issues with genuine friendships and connections throughout his life!!! Just this scene just *starts punching things* /very pos
The next episode I wanna talk about is S02E15 - Early 21st Century Romanticism. I'm addressing the scene when Troy leaves Maria to go to Abed cause she called Abed weird. Likel literally??? That is so sweet Troy would rather spend time with Abed and they'd both rather persevere their friendship than risk anything on a girl. Like they care eachother so much I am going to loose my marbles /vv pos
Next up is S03E21 - First Chang Dynasty. So hes saying his goodbyes and then he gets to Abed. He hugs him and whispers something to him, then leaving. Britta asks "what did he say?" and Abed says "he said 'I know you hate it when people in movies do this'". And just this is literally so emotional cause it shows how much they understand eachother. Troy knows that a normal goodbye would hard for Abed (and him too) and so he chooses an alternative and just APAPDOSDODOFISOAOAO Like theres so much care and love and understanding in that one interaction its killing me /pos
The next episode I'm gonna address is S04E03 - Conventions of Space and Time. I wanna talk about the telephone booth scene. Now it's been established in previous episodes that Abed got locked in a lot of lockers and other similar things when he was kid/teen so this is undoubtedly a traumatizing experience. He freaks out for a little bit but then he calms down saying "Troy will find me". Lo and behold, a little later, Troy does come and find him. This scene is just so heartwarming to me cause Abed knows that even in a really scary situation like this, he knows that Troy will find him, he knows that Troy cares and that he'll always come looking for him. He doesnt have to be scared cause he has someone he can depend on no matter what and I just love that and I think it's so good and amazing and it's one of the only valid parts of season 4/lh /pos
The last episode I wanna address is S05E05 - Geothermal Escapism. This time I'm gonna be addressing the scene in the basement, you know the really sad one. Troy says that the game will have to end sometime and that's when Abed admits that "the lava is real and it's because you're leaving". Troy then realizes oh shit this actually serious, and he doesnt treat Abed like hes being stupid or childish or seeking-attnetion, he treats it like the serious issue it is and you know what else? Hed be willing to stay!! Hed give up over $14.3 million and the experience of a life time if that's what Abed needed! But you also know what else? Abed says "I dont think the lava is here because you're leaving. I think its here because I wont let go" and proceeds to fake sacrifice himself to let Troy or Britta win. Hes willing to let go even though it's really really painful and scary because he knows that it means a lot to Troy and he doesnt wanna hold him back!! And then the goodbye scene following just AGH my emotions /very pos
So yeah that's a very rough version of my thoughts. There is a very likely chance I'll be writing an MLA formated essay with cited quotes lmao
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kemetic-dreams · 4 years
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In my research I learned that the word comes from tribus in Latin. Its earliest usage was in the time of the Roman empire where there were three original tribes, but more were added to organize the voting system.  At first, tribe may have been related to ethnicity, but as more were added, it became about geographical location, rather than kinship.   Tribe was a territorial voting unit in the Roman state. I've seen the word used to talk about Celtic and Germanic histories. It also became associated with the Hebrew people of the Torah and Bible. You must have heard of the 12 Tribes of Israel. The connotations evolved, and the problems with it began when it got into the hands of anthropologists. (Ironically, I have a degree in anthropology and I think it's a fascinating discipline; Good thing my favorite anthro professor back in my university days wisely recommended that we understand the controversies around the term.)
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Truth be told, it offends many people. Here's why:
#1 For European missionaries and explorers who went out to conquer people, the word "tribal" was synonymous to "savage" and "primitive." It's mainstream connotation is rooted in colonial-era racist ideology. The word immediately conjures stereotypical imagery of brown people with bones in their noses or naked warriors running around in a rainforest
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That “tribal” word
Chika Oduah
I cringe whenever I see that word in a news article. And I see it so often in journalese. Stories about developing countries often feature phrases like tribal healer, tribal land, tribal conflict, tribesmen, tribal chief, tribal wear, tribal name, tribal rhythm. The word is so problematic, I don't even know where to begin. I will suggest this - get some education on its history.
The Myth of the Noble Savage
The word plays into a historic imagination that classifies indigenous people outside of Europe into two categories of savages: the noble savage and the brutal savage. That leads me to number two.
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The bottom-line problem with the idea of tribe is that it is intellectually lazy.
#2 Societies are constantly changing. No matter where you go, you're bound to see it. Technology, the spread of ideas, education, globalization, all of these elements contribute to sociocultural changes. But the word "tribal" freezes societies in a primordial past (real or imagined) where people wore animal skins and ran with wolves. I think it's hard for many people in the Western world to accept that societies in Africa (in other developing regions around the world) are dynamic. It's hard for some to grasp concepts of modernity in such places.   Even the most remote, far flung communities are not the same today as they were just 20 years ago.
The tribe, a long respected category of analysis in anthropology, has recently been the object of some scrutiny by anthropologists ... Doubts about the utility of the tribe as an analytical category have almost certainly arisen out of the rapid involvement of peoples, even in the remotest parts of the globe, in political, economic and sometimes direct social relationship with industrial nations. The doubts, however, are based ultimately on the definition and meaning which different scholars give to the term 'tribe', its adjective 'tribal', and its abstract form 'tribalism' ~ Dr. James Clyde Mitchell
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Westerners have romanticized certain ethnic groups, like the Maasai in eastern Africa, because they have this romantic idea that the Maasai people are living the exact same way as their ancestors did. Untouched by modernity. But that's simply not true. And where does this desperate need to have ethnic groups permanently living in primordial or precolonial states come from? Is the "primitive," noble savage look more marketable for tourism? That leads me to number three.
#3 The relentless attempt to cast Africans are primitive, unchanging people relates to another popular notion that the past, when there was no internet, airplanes or sliced bread, was more peaceful, more pure and less complicated than modern times. The problem with that is that it pushes an identity (based on a misconstrued premise) on other people. It's someone from the West saying I want the kind of African who lives in a thatch-roofed hut in a village in Niamey, not the African who lives in a  brick home in a Harare suburb.  Africans are constantly being defined by the Western world, submitting to the names and descriptions put upon them. In my favorite work by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, Half of a Yellow Sun, the character Odenigbo says, "But my point is that the only authentic identity for the African is the tribe...I am Nigerian because a white man created Nigeria and gave me that identity. I am black because the white man constructed black to be as different as possible from his white. But I was Igbo before the white man came.” (I'll talk about Africans using the word tribe further down!).
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In the Americas, Africa, Australia, and elsewhere, colonial administrators applied these terms [tribe and band] to specific groups almost immediately upon contact. ~Encyclopedia Brittanica
#4 The word "tribal" distorts reality because it leads to misguided ideas of what is authentic and what is not. This is when a Westerner, looking at a picture of expensive cars parked at a chic hotel in Accra, says "this is not the real Africa." I hear the comment very often because there's this prevailing perception that the real Africa is "tribal." Its stick, bones, dirt and chiefs draped in leopard print. Anything outside of that, according to that line of thought, has been touched (contaminated, even) by the Western world, therefore is inauthentic. Again, it's that insistence on denying dynamism, that change happens. And that prerequisite applies to people, too. The African woman who graduated from Harvard Business School, works as a bank executive and wears Chanel suits is not a real African. The woman chopping firewood with a naked baby on her back is and gets bonus points for authenticity if the child has flies swarming around the face.
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Over to You, Is the Word 'Tribe' Offensive? - BBC World Service
#4 For peoples who experienced oppression, suppression or marginalization from European colonizers or their descendants, the word "tribe" triggers memories of a traumatic past.  This is especially true of Native Americans, also called the First Nations. (I remember learning about the Trail of Tears in elementary school and feeling quite sad about it.)  Thousands of Native Americans were brutally uprooted from their ancestral lands when Europeans and their descendants decided to forcibly expand their presence in the Americas. Today, the U.S. government still officially uses the word "tribes" to refer to Native Americans, but I have read that they prefer to be called "nations" or "people."
#5 There's also this thing with numbers. British anthropologist and evolutionary psychologist Robin Dunbar, originator of the Dunbar's number theory, said that 500 - 1,500 people (who follow their ancestral culture, beliefs of unity, laws, and rights; are self-sufficient and have strong emotion towards their lands) can be classified as a one tribe. Those are pretty much the same numbers that other nineteenth century anthropologists used, defining a tribe as a human society made up of several bands. A band was a small, egalitarian, kin-based group of perhaps 10–50 people. So when you're looking at the large ethnic groups in Africa today, some numbering millions, they can't be described as tribes.
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Tribe has no coherent meaning. What is a tribe? The Zulu in South Africa, whose name and common identity was forged by the creation of a powerful state less than two centuries ago, and who are a bigger group than French Canadians, are called a tribe. So are the !Kung hunter-gatherers of Botswana and Namibia, who number in the hundreds. The term is applied to Kenya's Maasai herders and Kikuyu farmers, and to members of these groups in cities and towns when they go there to live and work.
Tribe is used for millions of Yoruba in Nigeria and Benin, who share a language but have an eight-hundred year history of multiple and sometimes warring city-states, and of religious diversity even within the same extended families. Tribe is used for Hutu and Tutsi in the central African countries of Rwanda and Burundi. Yet the two societies (and regions within them) have different histories. And in each one, Hutu and Tutsi lived interspersed in the same territory. They spoke the same language, married each other, and shared virtually all aspects of culture. At no point in history could the distinction be defined by distinct territories, one of the key assumptions built into "tribe." ~Pambazuka News
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Zambia is slightly larger than Texas. The country has approximately 10 million inhabitants and a rich cultural diversity. English is the official language, but Zambia also boasts 73 different indigenous languages. While there are many indigenous Zambian words that translate into "nation," "people," "clan," "language," "foreigner," "village" or "community," there are none that easily translate into "tribe." Sorting Zambians into a fixed number of "tribes" was a byproduct of British colonial rule over Northern Rhodesia (as Zambia was known prior to independence in 1964).
#6 In anthropological theories of social evolution, "tribe" is lower than "civilization." After studying early cultures in Central and South America, American neo-evolutionary cultural anthropologist Elman Rogers Service devised an influential categorization scheme for the political character of human social structures: band, tribe, chiefdom and state.
A band is the smallest unit of political organization, consisting of only a few families and no formal leadership positions. Tribes have larger populations but are organized around family ties and have fluid or shifting systems of temporary leadership. Chiefdoms are large political units in which the chief, who usually is determined by heredity, holds a formal position of power. States are the most complex form of political organization and are characterized by a central government that has a monopoly over legitimate uses of physical force, a sizeable bureaucracy, a system of formal laws, and a standing military force.
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With this understanding, again, many of the large ethnic groups in Africa's modern nation states cannot be called tribes.
But... a lot of Africans use "tribe" to describe themselves. The word is taught in schools across African countries, because the secular educational system was largely created by Westerners. That's the basis of the ongoing  "decolonize education" campaign in South Africa. Check this out: When Africans learn English, they are often taught that "tribe" is the term that English-speakers will recognize. But what underlying meaning in their own languages are Africans translating when they say "tribe"? In English, writers often refer to the Zulu tribe, whereas in Zulu the word for the Zulu as a group is isizwe. Zulu linguists translate isizwe as "nation" or "people." Isizwe refers both to the multi-ethnic South African nation and to ethno-national peoples that form a part of the multi-ethnic nation. When Africans use the word "tribe" in general conversation, they do not draw on the negative connotations of primitivism the word has in Western countries.
But there has been a decades-long push by many African scholars and media professionals to get media outlets, textbooks and academia to stop using "tribe" and "tribal." Some have addressed their concerns to The New York Times, among other news publications.  Here's how Bill Keller, New York Times' Pulitzer Prize-winning executive editor from 2003 to 2011 responded:
"I get it. Anyone who uses the word "tribe" is a racist. [. . .] It's a tediously familiar mantra in the Western community of Africa scholars. In my experience, most Africans who live outside the comforts of academia (and who use the word "tribe" with shameless disregard for the political sensitivities of American academics) have more important concerns."
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The logic here is, since the real Africans are using the word themselves, then what's the big deal? Well, for all the reasons I just presented and more. And recently we're seeing a wave of companies and organizations come out to announce that they will not longer use "tribe" and "tribal." The New York Times is now using "ethnic group" and "ethnic." (I have issues with ethnic. At a Walmart, I noticed that the aisle for hair products tailored to people of African descent was the "ethnic hair" aisle; that's literally what the sign said). These entities may have been motivated by political correctness or could be trying to save face. I don't know. I know that, what to do about the tribe/tribal word is a conversation that matters.
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606writings · 4 years
Ok I’m not sure how far you’ve gotten in mystic messenger but,,,, how would the RFA (and V and Saeran if you wouldn’t mind) respond to mc randomly asking them: if you got stabbed, (and lived to tell the tale) would you keep the knife? 0_0
HC: If you got stabbed, would you keep the knife? [RFA + V & Saeran]
A/N: I felt a bit inspired while writing this so maybe it wasn’t what you expected, but I really hope you like it! If someone wants this hc for obey me, mlqc or mha, let me know and I’ll gladly do so!
Warnings: Minor spoilers for Seven and Jihyun’s.
“W-What kind of question is that, Y/N?!”
“I’m just curious. Because I think maybe I would keep it…”
“Well, it would be pretty scary, don’t you think?” He asks rubbing the back of his neck nervously. “I would be so scared; I wouldn’t want to remember something like that…”
“But it would be so exciting!” You replied laughing.
He stood serious for a moment looking away from you.
When you were about to ask what was wrong, he said:
“If I got stabbed to defend you, maybe I would keep it… Because it’d remind me that I’m strong enough to protect you, and that that I shouldn’t be scared when it comes to do anything for you…”
He gazed at you ashamed, his blush covered completely his face and his golden hair stood out in contrast.
You pouted moved by his words and jumped over to embrace him tightly.
Even though your boyfriend seemed to be a shy a coward person, he actually was very brave and fearless when it came to protect others.
“Ohhh, Yoosung, baby!” You filled his face with small kisses while smiling. “I love you!”
“I l-love you too… And, Y/N…?” He asked hiding his face under your chin.
“Yes, baby?”
“I’ll always protect you, you know that, right?”
“Of course, I know it. Thank you, you’re the bravest person I know.”
“Hey, Zenny, if you ever got stabbed, would you keep the knife?”
You asked him while you two were watching a horror movie, cuddling on the sofa.
Without taking his eyes away from the T.V., he said jokingly:
“Why, honey? Do you want to stab me?”
You pushed him laughing and then with a more serious face asked again.
He now was looking at you, thinking thoroughly about it before answering.
“Mmm, I don’t think so. It would give me chills if I ever had to remember something as scary. It would bring bad luck to our home!”
You nodded lightly and after another question appeared in your mind, you asked:
“And if I was the one getting stabbed, would that be different for you?”
He froze for a brief moment but then relaxed again. He placed his eyes back on the T.V. screen.
“No, it wouldn’t. Bad memories like that will never be forgotten, but, Honey…” He now looked directly at your eyes, and with determination he continued:
“I want you to only remember the good things. I would want protect you from remembering something hurtful, because you’re an angel to me, who deserves only happiness in her life.”
You didn’t move an inch, and instead kept looking at his eyes. Your heart full with love was pounding like crazy.
He raised his left hand and slowly caressed your cheek. With hints of a smile he spoke again, slowly.
“Please keep only the good memories, honey.” He smiled and leaned to kiss you lightly.
“I think it wouldn’t be possible, Y/N. If I got stabbed, the knife would now be evidence for the police.”
“Well, let’s pretend they didn’t need it, would you keep it or throw it away?”
“I’m not sure. There wouldn’t be a need for me to keep it, but it’d be a waste to throw it away.” She had a serious look on her face while thinking about your question.
“Wouldn’t you be scared about it?” You asked surprised of her coldness about the matter.
“Why would I be scared about it? Is the person behind the knife that’d hurt me. The knife itself is harmless.” She tilts her head to the side, slightly confused about your question.
“Mmm, you’re right, but wouldn’t it bring you scary memories?”
“Maybe, if it were an extremely traumatic experience. But if we’re talking about a simple theft that went wrong, maybe that memory would hold something for me to learn about.” Jaehee continued what she was previously doing, without paying much attention to her words.
“What do you mean?” You asked for a further explanation from her.
“Experiences like that always teach us something, or they make us stronger. I don’t mind going through something scary if it means I’ll become more mature and stronger after that.”
Jaehee paused her tasks and stared back at you.
“Because that means I’ll be a better person, someone worthy to protect you, Y/N.”
Unlike the other guys, Jaehee didn’t stop to have a cheesy moment with you. But her words were honest enough to let you know how much she cared about you, making you smile and mutter a small:
“Thank you, Jaehee.”
“I would keep it, obviously. Just to file a complaint with the police. The weapon is an important clue to any case, I would make sure to run fingerprints test before doing so, of course, to have my own investigation.”
“Ok, ok, honey. But I’m asking if you would keep it to yourself.” You interrupted your husband, before he kept blabbering.
“Keep the weapon just because I want?” He raised an eye brow at you, perplexed. “No, it’s dangerous to have something like that in the house, Elizabeth the 3rd could hurt her little paws if she tried to play with it.”
“What if you kept it in a safe place?” You rolled your eyes, from your husband’s response.
“It’d still be dangerous. And not to mention if I ever got stabbed, I would make sure you’d never be alone. What if they tried to get revenge by hurting you?” Jumin shook his head and crossed his arms in front of his chest.
“If someone stabbed me, I’d keep the knife.” You muttered without thinking too much.
“What are you talking about, Y/N? If you got stabbed, I’d make sure to destroy the knife without thinking it twice.” Jumin replied, anger emerging in his features from your answer.
“Eh? Why, honey?”
“If someone ever dares to hurt you, I’d want to destroy them and make them vanish completely from earth, so you’d never have to be afraid ever again.” He answered frowning. “Doesn’t matter if it’s people or just an object.”
“Whoa, that sounds scary, Jumin.” With wide open eyes, you stared at him surprised.
“Maybe I’m exaggerating a bit, but still.”
“The only thing I’d want is for you to be always safe.”
“Actually, I was stabbed once!”
“Yeah, I was stabbed in the heart…” He sniffled and cleared fake tears from his face while pouting.
“WHAT?! How is that pos—?!”
“Stabbed in the heart by your beautiful looks, I almost died the first time I saw you, you know, Y/N?” He recovered his dorky tone and bright face holding back the laugh.
“AHHH! I’m gonna kill you, Seven!” You pushed him back, recovering from the mini heart attack you got after hearing his words.
“But I think it’s a bad idea to keep something like that! What if they put a chip on it to track you down?” He shook his head in disapproval.
“I don’t think it’s likely…” You laughed.
“If it’s a simple knife, maybe I’d keep it. I’d be fun to have a collection of all the things that almost killed me in the past!”
“Wait, how many times someone has tried to kill you, exactly…?” You weren’t sure if you’re boyfriend was serious, but knowing his past as a secret agent, it wouldn’t surprise you if it was true.
“A million times! And all of them I survived!” He said proudly, lifting his glasses with his middle finger.
“You’re scaring me, Seven… I don’t want anyone to hurt you ever again…”
You frowned and hugged his right arm tightly, burying your face in his clothes.
“Ohhh, Y/N, you don’t have to worry about it!” He reassured you calmly.
“As I said, I always survive. And now more than ever, I want to stay alive for a loooong time.”
You raised your head slowly to give a peek at him, not sure what he meant.
He turned his head around to look towards the photo framed on the wall.
A photo of the RFA sitting together on the couch, with Saeran and Yoosung at both your sides, and you embraced by your smiley boyfriend.
“I have so many things to fight for, now that I have you and Saeran with me.”
“I’d definitely keep it.”
He didn’t hesitate for a single second before answering your random question.
“Well, that’s the answer I expected from you, but why?”
“It’s a free knife, why not?” He shrugged careless.
“A free knife…?” You laughed at his response.
“Yeah, and I’d probably use it to stab them back.”
“What? NO! You should never stab someone, Saeran! It doesn’t matter if they stabbed you first!” You hurriedly scolded him.
“I know, don’t worry, Y/N. I won’t stab anyone.” He rolled his eyes, as you didn’t notice the sarcasm in his voice.
“But yeah, I’d keep it. As a reminder that even if I met some good people like you or the RFA, there’s still bad people out there, like my father…”
You stayed in silence for some time, before replying to him:
“Instead of trying to remember the people who hurt you, why not better remember the people that love you?”
It was an innocent question you did, but it your words hit him hard.
He stood quiet for a minute, and then looked at you and smiled lightly.
Caressing carefully your head with his hand, he said:
“Yeah, you’re right. I should do that instead.”
“W-Why you ask that, Y/N?” He asks, taken aback by your sudden question.
“I saw people talking about it on the internet, and I was curious.”
“Well… If the person that stabbed me was someone important to me, I think I’d keep it.” He said with a low voice.
“Would it be important to you?”
“Yes, maybe they stabbed me because I hurt that person. The knife would remind me of my mistake.”
“Jihyun, your bad habit of blaming yourself is never gone, is it?”
He let out a light laugh, nodding in agreement with you.
“You’re right, I’m sorry.” He placed a kiss on your cheek.
“Baby, you’re the sweetest person I know, how could you hurt someone to the point they’d want to stab you?” You sighed.
The two of you locked eyes for a moment, remembering a certain blonde girl who made a lot of damage to your boyfriend.
“Umm, forget that.”
He laughed again, with innocence.
“Even if you hurt someone, I would help you recognize your mistake and make up for it. And I’d never let anyone hurt you.”
“You’ve spent most of your life trying to protect the people around you. Now it’s YOUR turn to be protected.” You assured him.
Jihyun just stayed silent digesting your words.
The old him, would feel bad to have you protect him and not the other way around, but now he wasn’t afraid of letting other people help him when needed.
And he loved you more than anything else, so of course he trusted your words.
“Thank you, Y/N. Let’s protect each other.”
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thedcdunce · 5 years
The Ventriloquist
“Good evening, Gotham City. I am the Quakemaster. Using technology unknown to you, I caused the earthquake which has your city on its knees. You have to pay me one hundred million dollars or I will burn what's left of Gotham to the ground.” - The Ventriloquist 
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Real Name: Arnold Wesker
Gender: Male
Height: 5′ 7″
Weight: 142 lbs (64 kg)
Eyes: Blue
Hair: White (Bald)
Skin: White
Tactical Analysis
Business Management
Multiple Personalities
Tommy Gun
Universe: New Earth
Base of Operations: Gotham City
Citizenship: American
Marital Status: Single
Occupation: Crimelord
First Appearance: Detective Comics #583 (February, 1988)
Appearance of Death: Detective Comics #818 (June, 2006)
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Ventriloquism: Wesker is a skilled ventriloquist, an act of stagecraft in which the person changes his voice so that it appears that the voice is coming from elsewhere, usually his puppet Scarface. The ability to do so is called throwing one's voice.
Tactical Analysis: The Scarface persona is a brilliant criminal strategist and tactician.
Business Management
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Multiple Personalities: Wesker suffers from multiple personality disorder, and is thus obsessed with his dummy/dissociated personality Scarface.
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Tommy Gun
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Arnold Wesker has always been a meek and timid person, even as a child. When he was very young, his parents took him to the Gotham City shipyards to see an albatross, which was something of a local attraction. Terrified, he demanded to be taken home immediately. While his parents were distracted, a truck carrying display dummies rolled down the street, struck, and killed them. Traumatized by the accident, he became convinced that the albatross was an omen. Throughout his life he would cope by repressing all emotion and furthering his timid stature.
The repression eventually resulted in a psychotic breakdown during his adulthood, in which he killed a man during a bar-fight. By his own account the murder was completely accidental. He was arrested and sent to Blackgate Prison. There he was placed in a cell with an inmate named Donnegan, who harbored an intense interest in ventriloquism. Donnegan's most prized possession was a puppet named "Woody", which he was very protective of. Despite his violent nature, Wesker became intrigued by the dummy and even went so far as to attempt handling "Woody" whenever Donnegan was out of the cell. When he discovered this, he became enraged and assaulted Wesker for touching his property.
Wesker grew despondent in Blackgate, and prepared to hang himself while Donnegan slept. Despite the fact that Donnegan was unconscious, "Woody" began talking to Wesker. Though he ignored this at first, Woody insisted that he was acting independently of Donnegan's control. He convinced Wesker to forgo suicide in favor of escaping from Blackgate and revealed that Donnegan had been secretly digging an escape tunnel from the cell for the past fifteen years. While the two spoke Donnegan awoke and brutally attacked Wesker. He also stabbed at Woody with a corkscrew, creating a long scar along the side of the face of the puppet. Wesker fought back and smashed Donnegan in the face with a loose brick. He then strung the body up with the noose he originally intended to use for his own suicide. Subsequently Wesker took Woody and escaped through Donnegan's tunnel.
The tunnel led him to the shoreline of Blackgate Island, near the prison boathouse. At Woody's urging, he picked up a riot shotgun and killed two guards before stealing a raft. They paddled to the mainland of Gotham City and, planning to begin a new life, acquired a fresh set of clothes. The puppet, unsatisfied with the name that Donnegan had given him, decided to take a new name, one more befitting an angry criminal mind with high ambitions: Scarface.
Scarface became the vehicle through which Wesker could express all of his years of bottled-up rage. It was clear early on that Scarface was the dominant partner in their relationship, and Wesker always maintained a subservient and obedient countenance.
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Criminal Career
Calling himself the Ventriloquist, Wesker became a powerful drug lord in Gotham City; although it was Scarface the official leader of the mob. They operated out of a trendy hotspot on Electric Street called the Ventriloquist Club. The bouncer of the club was an over-sized leg-breaker named Rhino. The Ventriloquist and Scarface made their marks in the Gotham underworld through the sale and distribution of a designer drug called Fever. This earned them the attention of the Batman, who eventually fought through the Ventriloquist's armed men and apprehended the drug lord and his puppet master.
While in prison, Ventriloquist and Scarface organized a drug trade with mob boss Rafael Santini, but the whole plan was foiled by Penguin and Mortimer Kadaver, who stole the drug money and offed Santini.
Wesker spent very little time in prison and before long he and Scarface were reunited and back in operation at the Ventriloquist Club. He actually wanted to retire from a life of crime, but Scarface would not hear of it. They discovered that while they were serving time, a criminal gang known as the Street Demonz had taken over Scarface's drug operations. One of Scarface's closest enforcers, Bruno, betrayed his former employer and threw his lot in with the gang. During a gunfight between Wesker's men and the gang, Scarface's body was riddled with bullets. For a brief moment, Wesker felt that he was finally free of the control of the puppet. He even built a small coffin for his damaged wooden partner. Unfortunately, Scarface still had control over the him, even in "death". He heard the voice of the puppet from within the coffin, and set him free. He repaired the damage from the bullets and Scarface was back in action.
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Following another resounding defeat at the hands of the Batman, the Ventriloquist was apprehended and sent to Arkham Asylum. Time passed until a criminal known as Bane set all of the Arkham inmates free and Wesker escaped from Arkham during the chaos. In order to compensate for Scarface's absence, he briefly took to using an old sock as a hand puppet, naming it Socko. Wesker was joined by Amygdala, who acted as a bodyguard for Wesker until they find Scarface. Together, they broke into a toy store, looking for a replacement for Scarface and Batman arrived to stop them. Batman managed to defeat Amygdala, but the fight took all from him, allowing Wesker to escape.
After being separated from Amygdala, Wesker and "Socko" went to the place of their last attorney at law, Mr. Detweiler and forced him to tell them the current location of Scarface. The lawyer told them that the puppet might be at the police precinct where Ventriloquist was previously arrested. Wesker infiltrated the precinct, killed the guard and located the locker where Scarface was being held.
Once again in possession of Scarface, Wesker had troubles as his puppet Socko was in conflict with Scarface. While staying on a derelict building, Scarface and Socko started to argue and both puppets shot each other, hurting Wesker's hands.
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After the devastating earthquakes that destroyed much of Gotham city, an enigmatic villain appeared on television, calling himself the Quakemaster and issuing demands for a $100 million ransom, or more quakes would follow. Robin eventually figured out the Quakemaster's identity as Scarface, disguised with glasses and a hat - the villain tried to avoid saying words with the letter 'B' as he would let himself slip and pronounce them as 'G'. Wesker was captured and jailed in Arkham Asylum. During No Man's Land, Wesker escaped and he was one of the villains who took control of a district of Gotham with his gang led by Rhino. He stole dropped supplies and profited from selling it to the civilians. Batman brutally took down Scarface and showed little sympathy for Wesker, saying that the puppet is just a shield he hinds his own evil emotions behind. Batman let Rhino in charge of protecting the civilians and giving them their fair share, and turned Wesker over to Lock-Up in Blackgate.
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He was reunited with Scarface soon after and attempted to gain a foothold in the Wharfdale area of Gotham by eliminating a rival gangster named Marty Vetch. Scarface made a severe impact in Vetch's operations by killing one of his main drug suppliers and contaminating a shipment of heroin that belonged to his cartel. The feud between Scarface and Vetch came to a head outside of the Ventriloquist Club. During this time, Bruce Wayne had relinquished the role of Batman to his first ward Dick Grayson. As Batman, Grayson with the current Robin raided Marty Vetch's penthouse and fought with the Ventriloquist's thugs. Wesker attempted to flee down a fire escape and was separated from Scarface. He was captured once again and sent to Blackgate Prison for psychological evaluation.
While he languished away in prison, Scarface wound up in the hands of his old enforcer, Rhino. Rhino attempted to operate the puppet, but Scarface would not respond to him. After numerous attempts however, Scarface began to communicate through Rhino. The puppet instructed him to make a deal with the Penguin in order to stage a prison breakout. The Penguin agreed, and before long, the Ventriloquist was free.
Reunited with Scarface, Wesker resumed his old lifestyle and crossed paths with the Batman on several more occasions. In one instance, a crazed Batman nearly killed him, but opted instead to destroy Scarface. The Ventriloquist repaired Scarface yet again, only this time the criminal duo set their sights on their competition, notably the Penguin.
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City of Crime
Ventriloquist formed an alliance with Penguin and together started a crime ring that consisted on kidnapping young pregnant girls and selling their babies to adoption. When Mister Freeze started posing trouble for their business, Ventriloquist sent all his men to eliminate him, but his plan was thwarted by Batman.
Shortly after this, the Ventriloquist was attacked by the new enemy only known as The Body. The Ventriloquist and his gang were massacred on one of his own boats and the only living member left was Wesker himself. Barely alive, he controlled Scarface and told Batman everything he knew about The Body, but passed out just seconds after that. Wesker was taken to a hospital and Robin guarded the criminal to protect him from another attack. The Body found Wesker's room and tried to attack him, but Robin stopped them and moved Wesker to a different room.
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War Games
Ventriloquist and Scarface were summoned to a meeting where all the other crime lords of Gotham were summoned as well. The meeting ended up in a shooting and Scarface killed . After that incident, the broke out in Gotham and Wesker's gang was approached by from the and they made an alliance to get rid of other crime lords in Gotham. Together, they eliminated a minor lord called Saunders, and later, they targeted , daughter of the crime boss . Both gangs attacked the Louis Grieve High School, where Darla was attending to and they were temporarily stopped by , who wrecked Wesker's car and took Scarface away from him.
Ventriloquist and Scarface were summoned to a meeting where all the other crime lords of Gotham were summoned as well. The meeting ended up in a shooting and Scarface killed Silver Monkey. After that incident, the greatest gang war broke out in Gotham and Wesker's gang was approached by Alexandra Kosov from the Odessa Mob and they made an alliance to get rid of other crime lords in Gotham. Together, they eliminated a minor lord called Saunders, and later, they targeted Darla Aquista, daughter of the crime boss Henry Aquista. Both gangs attacked the Louis Grieve High School, where Darla was attending to and they were temporarily stopped by Tim Drake, who wrecked Wesker's car and took Scarface away from him.
Wesker recovered Scarface and retreated to establish a plan of action. After he gathered his gang, Wesker sent them to take over the city. However, when he was alone, The Ventriloquist was attacked by Black Mask, who subdued him and forced Wesker to work for him.
Ventriloquist and the Scarface gang were present at the massive criminal gathering at Robinson Park. After the revelation of Black Mask intentions of killing his enemies, Wesker and his gang went outside the park, where they confronted the GCPD on a massive gun fight.
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Wesker and Scarface survived the events of Alexander Luthor's attempt to recreate the multiverse, but a year later had become a pair of washed-up criminals reduced to eating canned pasta in a ramshackle apartment. Though they schemed to return to their glory days, their plans were interrupted by the Tally Man, who had been sent by the Great White Shark to murder costumed criminals around Gotham in a gambit to frame the recently reformed Harvey Dent. The Ventriloquist stood little chance against the younger, more vicious criminal, and was killed by a single shot to the head.
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During the "Blackest Night", the Ventriloquist was among those resurrected by Nekron as a member of the Black Lantern Corps. Although he no longer physically possessed Scarface, he created an army of constructs that looked like the puppet with his ring.
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Fun Facts
It has never been clear whether Scarface was actually just an aspect of Wesker's multiple personality disorder, or if he had actually somehow gained sentience. There have been several instances where Scarface has functioned independently of a human controller, but this may also be a reflection of the controller's mental state at the given moment. On occasion, Scarface has been animate during times when Wesker was asleep or unconscious, or not even present at all. One of the strongest arguments for suggesting that Scarface may be a separate consciousness is the fact that he always maintains the same personality no matter who is operating him. In the case of Donnegan, however, Scarface's diction was much better, and he didn't replace the letter "B" with a "G" as was the case with Wesker.
Wesker is unable to pronounce any word with a letter "B" accurately without moving his lips, giving Scarface a speech impediment. He compensates for this by using the letter "G" as he often calls the Dark Knight "Gatman".
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