#trasformer idw
I just thought of something, IDW elita one stuck with a human, the human’s job is to learn about her planet, there are others for the other planets, but elita’s is surprisingly sweet, and a total pacifist. The idea is she saw they were wearing pink and assumed things, only for them to later tell her human blood is red. I feel like they have lots of drawings, I feel like they do like darker things but hide it a lot, but the loosen up on it with elita. Has probably asked her how her kind decays.
I like to imagine that the human dresses like Barbie and looks super nice and cheery and then you ask them what they do for fun and they reply that they collect roadkill.
Human: Did you know there's 206 bones in the human body? I probably can't break all of them but I can definitely break those that bring you the most pain <3
Elita One: I like this human.
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empyriansuite · 1 year
Felt like needed a new profile pic so here he is:
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safimira · 7 months
you stumble upon a door leading to dementions...
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transform1nd1 · 4 years
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utane · 3 years
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I forgot to post this bad boy here, bc I’m drawing a little addition for him
Here is a Thunderclash for my cityspeaker AU, he is Rodimus’ guard bc this is my self-indulgent time and I can do whatever I want
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ewzzy · 2 years
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My shapes help me. The ordered, the familiar. Maybe you should just look at them, too. Just while we wait for the others to come back.
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kristina-goupil · 3 years
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Tried to make this drawing look slightly old. Tyrest has golden color on his “crown” and winged badge (it’s seen much better on the original drawing on the light).
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kaonelsker · 5 years
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Human DJD members aesthetics 
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robottii · 6 years
Smokescreen, Prowl, Sunstreaker, Bluestreak, Sideswipe, Cosmos?
I can’t tell if you’re the same anon sending me progressively more difficult choices or if ur different anons who’re just getting progressively more evil as they come lmao.
Send me six characters and I’ll tell you who I would:
Push off a cliff: Sideswipe
I feel like Sideswipe would literally fuckin dare me to do this and  be genuinely excited if I agreed like he’d either get the bungee cord and everything or it’d be like the middle of a battle and he’d deadass just be like PUSH ME then go flailing off the cliff and land on a seeker and Prowl would yell at him for hours but there wouldnt be much he could do bc now they have a seeker in the brig Im just  now realizing id probably be a enabling nightmare if u let me within 50 meters of Sideswipe lmao
Marry: Smokescreen
This is gonna vary based on the ‘verse (obv) but tbh i think both tfp and g1 would treat me right. tfp is the cutie who’s always just tryin’ his best and has all good intentions and would never treat you wrong meanwhile G1 seems like one of the only mechs on that entire fucking ship with more than like 0.0001 ounces of chill +smart +my own personal therapist i mean why not
Kiss: Sunstreaker
I believe I mentioned mysterious bad boys with tragic pasts? Bc guess what Sunny is a valve mech and im getting the strap on change my mind
Set on fire: Cosmos
once again cheating this question bc there’s no oxygen in space so Cosmos would be safe haHA GOTCHA BITCHES
(tbh im pretty maternal about him too even tho i dont know much about him all i know is hes smol and round and lonely and that one panel where someone like ‘r u okay’ and hes like ‘yeah’ and theyre like ‘no your not’ and hes like ‘no im not’ and honestly instant Son material also mood)
Wrap a blanket around: Bluestreak
Okay idw Bluestreak needs, like, a million blankets and an eons worth of maternal hugs i would fucking adopt him if i could idc how the size difference would work he would be my SON and I would PROTECT him that boy has been through HELL and come out SINGING and I will stand by him through FIRE and RAIN do u hear me
Be roommates with: Prowl
Okay him and Cosmos are, like, the only ones on this list that wouldnt give me heart attack within the first two weeks of rooming with the rest would be nightmares but Prowl? super tidy? only comes back to recharge? doesnt even come back some nights bc hes so busy? its basically just me having my own room + one self-sufficient half-feral pet who stops by occasionally and hisses if u get too close
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chrome-mind · 6 years
(18?)*Dramatic Drumroll* Primus stole the ability to create from Unicron.
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gyrrakavian · 5 years
Flame Toys Furai Model MEGATRON (IDW Autobot ver.): EmGo's Trasformers R...
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empyriansuite · 1 year
What were you saying again?
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brainstorm-fancrab · 8 years
and the song.... and lyrics, match to the story between brainstorm and quark  A LOT.
(I’m not the author/owner of this video, just sharing the link because it’s the greatest thing of 2017 so far.
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transform1nd1 · 4 years
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In december, i extracted wisdom teeth. but now, I'm fine.
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empyriansuite · 1 year
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He dares you to try.
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empyriansuite · 1 year
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Smile for the boi :D
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