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decoy-sammy · 2 days ago
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somerandomcockroach · 2 months ago
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MY BRAIN IS FREE AND SURVIVED ON ADRENALINE AHHDASHGDAS 1) Rough animation with idw designs is fun. Blurr turned out to be easier than I thought (imagine animating Deadlock *shivers*) 2) Clean up and coloring is NOT.
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mindless-existence1 · 2 months ago
Ok so I'm having violent thoughts about being the gen1 Decepticons favorite human.
Like imagine you work as a power plant worker and hate your job so here are these big robots who want to steal stuff from your job. Let's fucking go!
None of them are sure how it happened but you became somewhat of a pet? In a semi healthy way? Hanging around the ship because you have nothing else in your life except these aliens.
Imagine Soundwave creating a type of transformation system so you can safely get to the ship. And you bring in plants and stuff to decorate the ship so its not so lifeless. Making the main area a mini garden (headcannon Soundwave would take care of them with you)
Shockwave gets so lonely and has been for 4 million years so when the Decepticons are out fighting the autobots and you're at the ship you guys just chat. Shockwave is very curious about life on earth and you're very curious about cybertron so you lowkey become besties.
Youd have to sit on one of the Decepticons shoulders at all time since you're so tiny you've learned it's safer on one of their shoulders. You just get to sit up there, and while you don't quite csre/understand what any of the meetings are about you still hang out during them.
Rumble and Frenzy are your same size so you guys immediately become besties. You basically get added to Soundwaves children because of your relationship with the twins. The pranks yall pull on Starscream are epic.
Just this thought has been swirling around fir a long time. Like YIPPIE
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thunderrrat · 10 days ago
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Some g1 content!
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3ic95id864pg · 2 months ago
I wish a new Transformers adaptation would show a possible redemption for Starscream. The only version of Starscream that switched sides and became good was in Transformers: Armada, but he tragically dies in the end. I would love to see a new version where he starts as a selfish maniac, but then begins to reflect on his choices and realizes he was wrong, ultimately changing for the better. If even Megatron in Transformers: MTMTE got a redemption arc, then why not Starscream?
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km3tt0 · 4 months ago
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You guys won’t believe what I’ve been up to the last few days
And also have some doodles of those two bc they’re the only thing I can think of 🙂‍↕️
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loudeluxe · 1 month ago
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Doodle Dump here :DD !! Still not perfect but I still like it hehe ✨
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bestie-bruh · 22 days ago
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He's break up playlist most be crazy
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evelinnemes-blog · 2 months ago
Life of a beautiful ❤️ trans lady 💗. Am here for fun and decent relationship 💖💝💝. Am ready to give love 😘💖💝 a chance.trans is the future.
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n1ev3 · 1 month ago
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A little intro to the AU. The sparklings are born from the well of All Sparks but come out of it in orbs (similar to a cocoon). Normally, once the orbs hit the ground they begin to open to allow the sparkling to leave. But in Orion’s case, it was slightly different
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wafel1160 · 10 days ago
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You can request other transformers for me to draw if you’d like ^^
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marymary-diva17 · 5 months ago
The spark that connection us
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The all spark had given all cybertions the spark to live their lives on cyberton. Ever Mech and femme will make their lives on the place, they call home that connect them to ones that came before them and the all spark. There are times in life when ones spark will call for someone else, and soon enough a bond will form due to the spark that connections them.
y/n " ......" you are making you way through square in Iacon city, looking for your friends everyone seem to out and about at this hour of the day.
????? " hey y/n over here" you soon heard your name getting called and spot Orion pax along with D-16 you smiled and made you way towards them.
y/n " hello you two"
D-16 " hello y/n it good you had made it we thought we had to come to hospital to see you"
y/n " no I got done with my work there with Rachet and he let me go, when I told him I had planned with my friends"
D-16 " well that seems to be the routie with all mentors today, because Alpha Troin had given us the rest of the day off"
Orion Pax " once we said we were meeting up with you he stated it was good, for us to keep up relationships with those we hold close"
y/n " well he is right now come on lets go have some fun" both mech had nodded their heads as they soon started walking with you, to have some fun in the city.
y/n " so tell me how those it feel like to work among the primes"
D-16 " It wonderful getting to meet the primes when they are not busy, and we are getting what it like to rule over a whole planet and it not easy ... there are always debates about traffic and trades with the other cities or planets"
Orion pax " Along with learning all the primes have different personalities, which leads to some disagreements here and there between them but they seems like true friends in the end"
y/n " that is good what about the others who are there"
D-16 " sentinel has come around he mostly works with primeus, and we get to see bee as he a scout there as well so that good"
y/n " cool I get to see Elite near my work time to time again, as she trains the new recruits"
Orion pax " well she as the one of many best students in our group, so it was safe to say she will do well in the field does she make some new student cry or stand in fear"
y/n " matters on how she feeling that day" the trio had fallen out in laugher by your words, as the group enjoyed their drinks of energon, and sit in the both they had found in club.
D-16 " so tell us about you how is life going for you lately see how we talk each day, something might of changed for our Femme"
y/n " well ratchet has told me I have the making of a good doctor, and he might give me more assignments to help me on as well so I'm very happy about that"
Orion " that is wonderful y/n you were always patching up anyone, when were were still in training and everyone enjoyed your care as you were nice about it and didn't scold us"
y/n " you two and bee did a stupid stunt I have to agree on Elite on that"
D-16 " hey it was going to work"
y/n " sure about that and I'm the next prime" the two mechs had laughed at your works, as you had shared your head towards them. You had always been close to many of your friends but you, had always been very close to Orion and D there had been jokes made by others that you and them had sparks connected or are a sparked couple.
D-16 " it good to see that we are all following the paths we wanted"
Orion pax " yes I have to agree many cycles ago we were young bots, going through our training and life now see where we are ... to change our home for the betterment of all life on here and nearby as well"
y/n " like the promsie we made when were were young were will watch each other backs and stand by each others as well" the two mechs had smiled towards you, anyone looking at the tiro will think they were a couple but not just yet.
Later that evening
y/n " tonight has been great guys thank you for inviting me out"
Orion pax " your welcome"
D-16 " you know the night doesn't have to end just yet we still have some time"
y/n " sure let go for a walk around the statues it will be fun" the two had nodded their heads in agreement with you, as the tiro had went for a walk.
Orion pax " there are so couple out tonight"
y/n " well it those feel like a romantic night"
D-16 " do you ever feel like you ever will want to be with someone, bonding your spark with them forever"
y/n " well yes I have been thinking about finding the special someone, and going through the courtship and soon become spark mates"
y/n " what of you both anyone special caught your attention"
Orion pax " well we do both wish to spend our lives with a special someone and become spark mates"
D-16 " it become to tense for us we had to seek alpha Trion help and he gave us some good advice"
y/n " oh that nice of him" the trio had stopped walking to look up at the night sky, just enjoying the time together as the time past by for them all.
Orion pax " y/n if I and D asked you told you something will you listen"
y/n " I always listen to you both so tell me"
D-16 " well you are the one who special to us there has been no one else, on cybetrion so have our attention and feelings with you do"
Orion pax " since we been with you from day one we meet, life has never been the same and we love that and would never change it for anything"
y/n " ......."
D-16 " so we were wondering if you go through the courtship of becoming spark mates with us, if our words and sparks are meanted to be together"
y/n " I will love to as you both are the ones I love as well, and there no mech that can beat you both"
D-16 " well it seems like this night has been good after all"
Orion pax " one of the many best night ever" you had smiled at their words, the night did end on good note for the trio. As it seems like everyone words had been right after all, their spark were meant to be together after all. There was a future to come that will have it good days and bad days, but in the end there will always be the sparks that connected you to the ones you care for most in the galaxy. No matter what future comes that spark will still be strong even due, the situation might not be the same as it was from before the future had come upon everyone.
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mockhoundart · 2 months ago
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!! Startled !! Stunwave belongs to me Swiftshot belongs to @maxicaiman Atlas belongs to @xseabellx
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glasseldritch · 1 month ago
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The silliest t4t couple and then the twink
I'm not the proudest of how the Starscream piece turned out but eh. Got my vision across. I'm not a fan of his design mainly due to the lack of colors so I threw some in there
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starkysa · 2 months ago
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supermakerlady · 3 months ago
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Follow me and text me
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