#trap of musk
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odinsblog · 5 months
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A punchline on wheels
Crucially for Tesla's future, we may have reached a tipping point: The Cybertruck has become a punchline in a way that its owners cannot get out from under. The joke is that they are dupes who paid through the nose for an extremely expensive vehicle that looks like it was designed by a child and does not actually perform many of the functions we expect from a truck, and that they'll put up with any design flaw whatsoever.
Every CyberTruck owner is like, “I paid $80k for this and it almost killed my entire family. Small issue. Love the car!'”
(continue reading)
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uselessandgay · 2 months
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full story here
The justice department needs in on this
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shittysawtraps · 2 years
Hello Elon.
Before you is an electronic device. On the device is a single app. I think you know which app it is, Elon. Open the app and log in. You now have five minutes to scroll through every mean tweet about you from the past week. If you stay silent, you will be released. If you make even one whiny little crybaby post or ban a single person making fun of you, you will be strapped to a Space X rocket and launched into the sun. Good luck.
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k-martins · 1 year
I remember seeing someone commenting that Gojo's shadow projecting over Megumi looked like Megumi when she was older.
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And it reminded me of that scene from the first season, when Megumi just stopped holding back and decided to really fight to win. Kind of like a wake up call?
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That scene is so good, but I feel like Megumi regressed a bit afterward? Well, just thinking.
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dougielombax · 21 days
Okay this is getting ridiculous!
That’s like weaponized irony right there!
These things are fucking death traps!
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possiblyunhinged · 1 month
LMFAO, millions of families in the UK are living in poverty, and idiots genuinely believe the most pressing issue facing normal people is freedom of speech. Can't afford to eat or leave a fan on in the piss-boiling heat but... can you say racist shit without being called a racist anymore? The REAL issue.
Then these absolute dingleberries think the revolution is being led by a BILLIONAIRE?! FYI, a billionaire who probably couldn't tell you what colour eyes his children have or what day they were born. What a top boi... has everybody lost their fucking minds?
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I gotta ask, do survivors really hate playing against modern Skull Merchant? I find her aggressive setup playstyle really fun, and putting drones in unexpected places and then mindgaming survivors into going through them and injuring themselves I find super duper fun. Other setup killers like Trapper, Hag and Singularity rely really heavily on maps, while SM is workable most places (which is great for a dumbass with absolutely no ability to remember map layouts lmao)
Point is, I think that in her current state she's super fun. I played a round when she was first released and yeah, it was kinda lame, but I gave her another go recently and got completely hooked, pun entirely intended. I still see a lot of people hating her though and I try to make matches fun for everyone, so. Is she actually unfun to play against? Or is it just a bad reputation?
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intexda · 1 year
The cybertruck is the most murder machine a truck has ever been. It has no crumple zones, a massive frontal blind spot, tesla turbo, "self driving",
And now he wants all the panel lines welded. This thing is going to get people killed if it makes it to the streets.
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drbtinglecannon · 3 months
Saw a cybertruck in person today on the highway driving home
They somehow look even uglier in person. Also it's been raining all day so that hunk of shit is gonna be rusting over quickly lol
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Police, I would like to report a murder.
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sweaters-and-vertigo · 4 months
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taviokapudding · 1 year
*sighs deeply* I didn't do anything & I can't even leave
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Elon musk is going through real Miette hours right now.
Elon: *makes twitter an internet distopia*
Users: *clown on him*
Elon: you LAUGH AT ELON????? you TROLL ELON LIKE THE SNOWFLAKE?????Oh!!!!!! oH!!!!! Suspension For User!!!!!! Suspension For User For One Hundred Years!!!!!!
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redeyedroid · 1 year
Seeing this:
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Immediately made me think of this passage from Catch-22
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