#translated with permission
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[Image description: The title, "Fanworks Permission Statement Builder," and black line-drawing-style pictures of a hand holding a pencil and of a microphone with a pop filter, over a background of crumpled paper. End ID.] (credit to @rystonlentil for the image ID)
Hey fanworks creators!
Excited about the idea of someone creating something based on your fan creation (like podfics, fanart, translations, etc)? On the other hand, do you not want people creating stuff based off your fanworks and don't want to have to turn them down? Or do you have a more nuanced idea of what you are and aren't comfortable with people doing based on your fan creations? Don't particularly care one way or the other about what people create based on your stuff?
What is a fanworks permission statement?
A fanworks permission statement (also known as a blanket permission statement or transformative works permission statement) is very simple: it's something you post in a publically-visible place (usually your AO3 profile) that tells other fan creators what you are and aren't okay with in terms of other people making fanworks based off your stuff. It can be as simple as a sentence or two, or as complicated as you want to communicate your preferences clearly.
Who should have a permission statement?
A permission statement is for anyone that creates fanworks! Yes, even if you don't think anyone would ever want to create something based off your fanworks. You never know! It's not egotistical to post a permission statement, it's HELPFUL. Yes, even if you don't want people making something based off your works. It means no one has to reach out to ask you, they can know your preferences right away.
Is it only for fanfic writers?
Absolutely not! It's great for fan creators of ALL kinds to have a fanworks permission statement! Fanartists, someone might want to use your fanart as inspiration for a fanfic or create fanart inspired by your work in a different medium! Podficcers, other people creating in an audible medium might want to insert clips of your podfics into their work, or copy the way you did certain effects! Fanbinders, you might inspire an artist with the way you do your binding! This is really for everyone, because fandom is infinitely creative and who knows how another fan creator might be inspired by your work!
What do I even say in a permission statement?
That's exactly why we built the Fanworks Permission Statement Builder! So you don't have to think about what to say or how to say it. Just spend a few minutes answering questions about your preferences that cover many of the common things people might want to specify, and you'll have a permission statement ready to copy-and-paste into your AO3 profile, or to edit to your heart's content!
Why use the Fanworks Permission Statement Builder?
Don't want to come up with a permission statement on your own? Not sure what should even go into a permission statement? Want someone to at least give you a starting place that you can edit to better reflect your preferences? Want someone to just hand you a ready-to-use permission statement that you can paste into your profile? Spend just a few minutes answering some questions about your preferences, and you'll have a permission statement ready to use or edit!
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moxie-girl · 5 months
still workshopping some of these a bit, but here's the current mando'a name chart for the CCs (plus rex!)
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green words are ones I took directly from the mando'a dictionary, yellow words are technically non-canon but are basically real words, orange are words I made up that could probably be real words, and red ones are the ones I just mashed words together and they don't always make the most sense
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I'm taking constructive criticism on some of these names! If you have a better mando'a name for a character (esp. one w a red name) I'd be happy to hear it!
edit: other name lists can be found here: 501st 212th !!
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zoe-oneesama · 11 months
Hi, I wanted to check something, is this your Instagram account?
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The pictures seem blurry on it that's why I'm asking.
Nope, that's not me! Guess I got a lot of posts to report now, yaaaaaaay -_-
You can find my SL art insta here, though I don't post all that often, since insta keeps cutting my art off!
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natadachoco · 1 year
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kitty luffy would unironically rawr x3 i think
original by 随便啦 over on twitter!
This is a secondary derivative. Do not reproduce without permission from the original author.
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fullmoonfireball · 10 months
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since tomorrow's comic has nothing to do with this little story, it's probably safe to post these publicly now!
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jxmey · 5 months
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actual conversation between me and my bf
convo between me and my bf after i showed him this shitpost
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shunin-gumis · 16 days
Designs of Happiness - Track A14
L4mps Main Story Translation
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Title: Imposed Blessings
Characters: Nagi
Summary: Nagi is working alone at his shop after abruptly leaving the Friday Film viewing. The protagonist chases after him, and he finally explains his unique predisposition.
Thank you aca @463ce6, jes @arcanecrayonn myun @/myuntachis and Niri for helping me with proofing!
Also a gentle request from me, please do listen to the chapter in-game alongside the translation if you don't do so already, the voice acting is very precious 🥺🥺
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Location: Flower Laundry
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Sonia: Nagi-shan, here ish all the flowers you can use! 
Nagi: …Oh no. This isn’t nearly enough.
Sonia: You came back all of a sudden from HAMA House, sho you have no right to complain! 
Nagi: Sorry. Please get whatever’s left in the storehouse too.
Sonia: Aye aye, Shir! Geez, I’ll bring back as much as I can!
*bell jingles*
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Customer A: ‘Scuse me! Sorry for popping in last minute—
Nagi: Oh, that’s alright. What can I do for you?
Customer A: Just a quick question– Does the laundromat here accept IzuPay? 
Nagi: IzuPay… Ah, we don’t use that here yet. There were plans to add it as an option but it was delayed… Sorry about that.
Customer B: Darn… out of luck, huh. I guess it makes sense, not everyone would bother getting the ward’s special payment method.
Nagi: Other digital payment options are still available, and we accept cash too.
Customer A: Huh? Can’t believe there’s a laundromat that still takes cash… 
Customer A: I thought they’d all be gone with the ‘Valley of the Sky’ or somethin’. POTHARU! and all that. 
Customer B: Hey, don’t be rude… He’s standing right there, and that scene is long since over. Um, sorry about that. 
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Nagi: …It’s fine. 
Nagi: (Right. I guess the film viewing would be over by now, too.)
Nagi: (...Why did I have to think about that now?)
Nagi: (I wouldn’t have lasted much longer in that situation… Just thinking about it gives me chills. I’m sorry I didn’t stick with Toi till the end, but I had no choice, I had to leave for everyone’s sake—)
Sonia: I’ve prepared the flowers for you!
Nagi: Thanks. —Let’s go, we need to leave right now.
??: Um, excuse me… 
Nagi: Oh, yes, welcome—
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Momiji: Good evening… again.
Nagi: …… 
Momiji: Do you mind if we talk for a bit, Nagi-kun?
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Momiji: …… 
Momiji: (I can’t believe he ran out of HAMA House during the viewing… I guess he must’ve hated it that much, huh…)
Momiji: (Maybe I was being too naive in thinking that he’d open up with enough time…) 
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Nagi: …… 
Nagi: (I can’t believe she noticed I’d left… I might have messed this up worse than I’d thought. She must be annoyed with me…)
Nagi: (No, I shouldn’t jump to conclusions, maybe she’s just here to check up on me. I clearly suck at communicating with others, so that might have gotten her worried…)
Nagi: (Still, it doesn’t change the fact that I troubled the Chief… I’m worth less than a plant louse that preys on flowers. I mean, even plant lice are useful to ants, yet I’m…)
Nagi: (No one would want a Ward Mayor that’s worth less than a louse.)
Nagi: (I wanted to take responsibility and see this job through to the end, but…)
Momiji: …You see, Yodaka-san just informed me earlier. 
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Nagi: Yes?
Momiji: That you haven’t slept at HAMA House even once, Nagi-kun.
Nagi: …… 
Nagi: (So he knew. He’s too sharp to slip past, huh.)
Momiji: …… 
Momiji: (Ah… He’s tensed up.)
Momiji: (I wonder if I should’ve approached it more delicately…)
Momiji: (I’d readily help him if he’d just let me know what he’s having trouble with, or if there’s something he’d like changed… But what if he says that he never wanted to be a Ward Mayor in the first place? Hrm… What should I say…)
Nagi: …… 
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Nagi: (She looks really troubled… I feel guilty that she’s worried over someone like me.)
Nagi: (I should just explain everything, even if it makes me uneasy. I know it’s the right thing to do, but… If I really just blurt everything out, she’d probably think I’m some kind of weirdo.)
Nagi: (But if I keep quiet any longer, she might feel hurt instead. What should I do…)
Nagi: (...The cyclamen at the storefront just caught my eye… In flower language, they mean “resignation” and “words of parting”...)
Nagi: (And next to it are the anemone, meaning “abandonment,” and the calendula, “sorrow of parting.”)
Nagi: (I see… I get it now.)
Momiji: Um… 
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Nagi: (I should… brace myself.) 
Nagi: …… 
Nagi: …If I don’t hand out flowers, it rebounds. 
Momiji: Huh?
Nagi: The other side of the Yajirobe*. 
Momiji: Uh?
Nagi: This is just a theory of mine.
Momiji: O-Okay… 
Nagi: I believe that, just like with human emotions, if a person experiences great fortune or misfortune, then they will eventually have to return to a neutral state.
Momiji: Uh huh...?
Nagi: In my case, the rebound is especially strong. If I experience any fortune, then misfortune is sure to follow soon after. 
Nagi: That’s what happened when I got caught in that bee trap before; I’m sure it’s because I’d won a set of tissue boxes the day before, at a raffle in the shopping district.
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Nagi: This is my theory on the phenomenon I call “The Yajirobe of Fortune and Misfortune.”
Momiji: I-I see... It’s like when people say bad luck doesn’t last forever, or how something good is bound to follow after something bad… Is it like that?
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Nagi: …Are you a genius? I feel embarrassed for making up a whole theory now. I’ll just use your explanation next time.
Momiji: No, no, I understood what you were trying to say with your Yajirobe theory.
Nagi: …To avoid having the Yajirobe go crazy, I need to avoid any situation that might make me happy, intentionally or not. 
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Nagi: Even a single slice of cake is too much for me. That sort of kindness… is too much happiness for me to bear. 
Momiji: (So he’s saying the cake made him so happy that he had to avoid accepting it, and even ran out of the dorm just so he could avoid inviting misfortune…)
Nagi: But sometimes, no matter how careful I am, the happiness just piles up anyways.
Nagi: That’s when I bring these out.
Momiji: Flowers…?
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Nagi: My special ability– Flower Power: Imposed Blessings*.
Momiji: …Um?
Nagi: By imbuing flowers with the energy from my accumulated happiness, I can impose the excess onto others. There's no limit to how many flowers can be handed out. The only debuff I have to suffer is embarrassment.
Momiji: (Oh…)
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Momiji: (Is that why he was handing out flowers in the middle of the street the first time I met him…?)
Momiji: (Honestly, I’m not sure how much of this I’m supposed to believe… But at the very least, I can tell Nagi-kun is being serious about this.)
Momiji: I…see. So if you give away your flowers—
Nagi: The misfortune’s rebound gets weaker. 
Momiji: –The misfortune’s rebound gets weaker…… Right. 
Nagi: (As expected, she looks really confused.)
Momiji: Um, let’s see if I got this right– You felt that joining HAMA Tours, and living at HAMA House would—
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Nagi: Accumulate a debt of happiness.
Momiji: Which is why you left.
Nagi: Yes. Something like–
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Nagi: Something like working together, and living alongside others, just like a ‘family’... There’s no way to predict the amount of happiness I’d receive from just being there.
Momiji: (The amount of happiness…)
Nagi: Being surrounded by happiness like that… Holding hands, and shouting POTHARU together with everyone—
Nagi: It wouldn’t surprise me if an earthquake hit right after, and HAMA House ended up as a pile of rubble…! 
Momiji: …… 
Nagi: (She looks stunned. I guess that’s expected.)
Nagi: (It was just impossible for someone like me, who’s always avoided other people, to suddenly work with others and live alongside them.)
Nagi: (She probably thinks I’m a weirdo. It’s not something you can wrap your head around. It’s a natural reaction.)
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Nagi: (I’ll just get myself fired right here and now, so I can return to my old lifestyle. A life with no big waves, just the mundane everyday.)
Momiji: I understand your situation now.
Nagi: …… 
Momiji: Can I have all your flowers, then? 
Nagi: …… 
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Nagi: —Huh?
Momiji: You just have to reduce that, um, debt of happiness, by giving away your flowers, right?
Momiji: But it’s probably difficult for you to find people to give flowers to on a daily basis, huh?
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Nagi: …Is that… where this conversation is supposed to go?
Momiji: I think so?
Momiji: Then um, maybe your costs increase because you have to give out more flowers?
Nagi: No, that’s not really a problem. I can get a good discount if I buy it in bulk, so… 
Momiji: I see. Then, it’s just a problem of who you can give your flowers to. Accosting strangers to give them flowers is probably taxing for you, and confusing for the other person too.
Momiji: But, since I know what’s going on, I can take as many flowers as you want to give away.
Nagi: I… I guess that makes sense. 
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Nagi: Wouldn’t it be a bother to you…?
Momiji: Of course not. You can never have too many flowers! I mean, flowers give a feeling of a fresh beginning, you know? They’re always nice to have.
Nagi: …… 
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Nagi: Here.
Momiji: Oh! A flower! Thank you very much. You popped that out like some kinda magician!
Nagi: …Flowers have always been a part of my life, before I’d even realized it. That’s why, it’s always there, right beside me, where I can reach for it whenever I want.
Momiji: Still, what a large flower! What’s it called?
Nagi: Peony.
Momiji: Aw, it’s so pretty! And it smells so good too!
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Nagi: —......
Nagi: Next, this one.
Momiji: It has such a unique shape… What’s its name? 
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Nagi: Serruria.
Momiji: It’s so peculiar and cute! I wonder what I should decorate with it… 
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Nagi: Here.
Momiji: This is a crazy amount! It’s starting to look like a huge bouquet at this point!
Nagi: Here.
Momiji: Oh dear, the colors are clashing…!
Nagi: Here.
Momiji: I can’t see in front of me anymore…! *giggles* But—
Momiji: Thank you, Nagi-kun!
Nagi: I should be the one saying that.
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Nagi: Thank you for taking on my happiness, Chief. 
Yajirobe is a term used for Japanese balancing toys. The mechanism involves balancing the main body at a fulcrum and making sure it doesn’t tilt too far in either direction before it’s balanced again, swinging back like a pendulum.
The name of Nagi’s ‘special ability’ literally translates to “imposing happiness/good fortune onto others through giving away flowers” which is super long hence why it got changed. He’s the type to make up silly names anyways.
Flower Language:
Peony Bashfulness, Shyness
Serruria Yearning, Beautiful heart
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skeletonpunching · 2 years
Buddy Daddies episode 10 (Lost At Sea) trailer
Episode synopsis:
It's December, and Miri is hard at work practising singing for the daycare Christmas party. Kazuki and Rei go to pick up Miri as usual, when they spot a familiar figure in front of the daycare: Miri's mother, Misaki. In her fine outfit, she looks very different from before, and she calls out to Kazuki and Rei. When a baffled Kazuki asks her what she wants, she says, "I'm here to fetch Miri." Kazuki, stunned by this sudden turn of events, unthinkingly raises his voice. And just then, Miri, catching sight of her mother, comes rushing over. They bring Misaki back to the apartment to talk things over, with Miri innocently fawning over her mother. And it turns out that Misaki has a certain reason for being here to pick Miri up...
Trailer dialogue:
Rei: I feel like I've been getting really into clean living lately. Kazuki: Man, I'd never have believed it of you! Rei: If I manage to perfect daily chores, I'll be totally invincible. Kazuki: You don't get to say that! Rei: But I don't think I can cook, so I'll let you have that. Kazuki: Oh, you'd have to fight me for it, don't worry! Buddy Daddies episode 10: Lost At Sea. I wonder if we look just like a picture-perfect family from outside... Okay, it's laundry time! Rei! Give me a hand! Rei: It's cold on the balcony. Don't wanna go out. Kazuki: Mmm... well, that's so you.
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fistfuloflightning · 7 months
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Somewhere very close he can hear shouts, encouragement and hooting. They are echoed by a woman’s crying and shrieking. With a sense of dread, he realizes that he must hurry. Wei Ying clenches his fists and runs towards the sound. He doesn’t get there in time. By the time he appears, the fight at the door of the spring house is already ending. A couple of burly guys serving as security guards at the brothel hold a struggling Meng Yao by the arms, while a third – obviously a wealthy client – pulls a kneeling woman in a torn dress towards him by the hair. Wei Ying is unfamiliar with Meng Shi and has only seen her a couple of times and only briefly, but the obvious resemblance to her son leaves no doubt about the identity of the punished courtesan. She twists her mouth into a helpless smile, disfigured by blood seeping between her white teeth, and looks at her tormentor with a pleading look. “Don’t, sir, please don’t touch my son…”
A scene from the excellent fic Лишние и нежеланные (The Unwanted) by MilbaA (my translation)
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actualbird · 1 month
just got a dm on twitter from a cn tot player whos been reading my mariluke smut using a translator and they were so kind, they said that even though theyre using a translator, they really liked my work, UEH
i feel very honored by this......my mariluke smut crosses the language boundaries ;w;
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heartorbit · 1 year
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my friend richeh
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omentranslates · 4 months
Not gonna bother titling this ok so at Momocon yesterday they showed a relationship chart that showed both the English and original Japanese text and I have some INSIGHTS (JUST INSIGHTS) about how they translated it and they're mostly superfluous but I have rabies about this anime SO
(+) in Knives's line about Vash the language implies that Knives believes Vash has already been brainwashed not that he's in the process of it and also that the brainwashing IS his love of humanity. Lit translation including every word: "Wants to save his younger brother who has been unfortunately brainwashed/mindcontrolled into follies such as loving humans" (does not specify that loving humans is the only "folly" actually uses particle that suggests there are others and Vash is doing multiple things Knives disapproves of (you could probably use a more normal word than folly like literally just foolish action but I like folly bc I think it has the same weird vibe as 愚 which is part of the word he uses in JP))
(+) in JP the same word is used for mindcontrolled in Livio's line is used for brainwashed in Knives's line about Vash
(+) part of Vash's line to Wolfwood is left out: "thinks he's an intrinsically good person AND wants him to be good again, Lit. translation "wants him to return from bad back to being good (of his own volition)"
(+) phrasing that they translated to irritable is 気に食わない, I JUST HAVE A DIFFERENT PREFERENCE I JUST THINK THIS PHRASE HAS A VIBE THAT GOES A LITTLE BEYOND "IRRITATED" my personal favorite eng equivalent is "unable to stomach" if it was my tl I would say: "because Vash's pacifist ideals run contrary to his own beliefs he cannot stomach them"
(+) the section they titled Fanatics in JP is 狂信者 (lit. fanatic, never seen 狂 used in a way that wasn't negative) instead of 崇拝者 (more positive connotation ig, lit. worshipper) and they seem to be using these terms kind of interchangeably bc they also in the description of the Eye of Michael use the word 崇敬派. Legato notably calls the cult 崇拝者 in episode 6 and Roberto uses 崇敬派 to describe them in episode 5 and I FEEL like I remember the subs translating that part to fanatical or fanatics or something equally negative but I can't remember and I can't check the episode for a while so don't quote me if I'm stupid I also don't remember where or if they say 狂信者 in the anime they probably do but I wasn't looking out for that one sorry this is literally just me rambling abt word association than something more comprehensive
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dmitriyuriev · 2 months
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A scene from Shimousa. Based on this fanfiction.
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marsoid · 1 year
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btw i updated the FAQ on my website to include this question i get asked a lot! i can no longer give permission to fan-made translations of my comics
if i've given you permission to translate my comics previously, this doesn't really apply to you! i just can't accept new translations
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natadachoco · 1 year
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at least he's honest!
Original by @/ynnn_m over on twitter!
This is a secondary derivative. Do not reproduce without permission from the original author.
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popqorn · 3 months
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Stay cool, everyone!
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