Game Make with meaka
405 posts
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game-meak · 1 year ago
Currently seeking Indie devs/Animators with original game footage with sfx, but not music. I'm a composer wanting to practice matching my compositions with the vibe of said footage. Yes it's free and no I'm not trying to replace your composer. Reblog your dev friends!
What does this mean in practice? Well, you send me said footage of your game and maybe your ideal tune, and I try to match it in song. No cost as it's literally just me practicing. After I finish, I'll send it to you and you don't have to do diddly with it.
What will I do with it? Well, not claim I'm the official composer for one. At most, with approval from you, I'll use the footage to show potential clients how well my music can match with what's on screen. I specialize in combat and atmospheric locales.
For those who want to hear my music before sending me anything, click here~
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game-meak · 1 year ago
I wrote a little rambly thing on if you'd like to read it!
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The passage of time is terrifying and I don't like it!!!
Technically it's more along the lines of 9 years if you count the original version (you shouldn't), but still. I haven't had much time or energy lately to draw so it's a rather simple celebration picture, but it's wild to me that it's been so long but it also feels so recent. It's still surreal to me that a silly little thing I made has had so many people play it. I cannot thank everyone enough for their support.
Terrifyingly related: December will be 5 years for The Witch's Puppets. I want to believe I'll be able to do something for it, but who knows!!!
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game-meak · 1 year ago
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The passage of time is terrifying and I don't like it!!!
Technically it's more along the lines of 9 years if you count the original version (you shouldn't), but still. I haven't had much time or energy lately to draw so it's a rather simple celebration picture, but it's wild to me that it's been so long but it also feels so recent. It's still surreal to me that a silly little thing I made has had so many people play it. I cannot thank everyone enough for their support.
Terrifyingly related: December will be 5 years for The Witch's Puppets. I want to believe I'll be able to do something for it, but who knows!!!
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game-meak · 2 years ago
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I made a Halloween game!   It’s pretty silly and mostly walking and talking, but I hope you have fun anyway.
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game-meak · 2 years ago
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A spooky time approaches...!
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game-meak · 2 years ago
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Some little doodles after finishing the Living Playground! Can’t wait to play Witches Puppet!
Keep reading
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game-meak · 3 years ago
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game-meak · 3 years ago
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Forgive most of this being RTP, but I promise I’m alive... maybe.
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game-meak · 3 years ago
I fratelli Octavio, Tony e Pablo esplorano l'esterno di una fabbrica abbandonata, alla ricerca delle lumache migliori del mondo. Puoi immaginare come andrà finire.
Living Playground è un breve gioco d'avventura basato sui puzzle, con un pizzico di horror ad insaporire. Il giocatore muove Tony, l'allegra bambina-scivolo, mentre cerca di riunirsi ai suoi fratelli e trovare un'uscita evitando molteplici morti premature. Convenientemente, i bambini non sono umani ma veri e propri giocattoli viventi, giostre che possono assumere forma umana. Lungo la strada, scopriranno dettagli interessanti sulla fabbrica in cui sono intrappolati. Cos'è successo all'allegra proprietaria? Come hanno fatto le cose a diventare così STRANE? Almeno le parti dei mostri hanno un senso, perché ci sono alcuni strani giocattoli che vagano per la fabbrica.
Living Playground è un gioco fantasy dalle sfumature horror creato da Meaka con l'RPG Maker XP.
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Finalmente, dopo Retail Hell e Do us part, sono lieta di presentarvi in italiano il gioco più famoso di Meaka: Living Playground, l'unico gioco che può vantarsi di avere come principale personaggio giocabile uno scivolo!
La descrizione del gioco qui sopra mi sembra meravigliosamente esaustiva circa il suo contenuto, quindi vi lascio ai bellissimi e quantomai realistici scambi di battute tra una bimba adorabile, un piccolo umorista fallito e un bambino tsundere, e alla fabbrica di giocattoli, con le sue bizzarrie colorate (o forse no) e il suo mostro metallico.
(Posso tuttavia confermarvi con gran dispiacere che, sì, ci sono poche lumache.)
Un ringraziamento speciale per questa versione italiana va a Tayr, betatester, risolvitrice di terribilissimi problemi tecnici e suggeritrice di giochi parole bellissimi (?) con gli orsi. 
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Thank you Meaka per avermi dato il permesso di tradurre il suo gioco!
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game-meak · 3 years ago
I made a thing in like 3 days.  It’s not... very exciting or even really a game, but I may as well slap it here.
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game-meak · 3 years ago
Do Us Part is now available in Italian!  And thus, we’ve come full circle.  Thank you so much to Soe!
Do Us Part è un breve gioco di avventura e puzzle in cui il giocatore muove la novella sposa Margerita nell'esplorazione della tenuta del suo nuovo, e in qualche modo molto ricco, marito. Certo, un matrimonio normale e pacifico non porterebbe ad una favola o ad un gioco eccitante, quindi le cose non vanno come previsto. Potrebbero essere  scomparse delle persone in questa villa, in passato. Potrebbero succedere cose inquietanti. Qualcuno potrebbe morire. Chi lo sa! Margerita no, altrimenti di certo non sarebbe in questa situazione in primo luogo.
Do Us Part è un breve gioco horror creato da Meaka con l'RPG Maker XP.
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Un dettaglio divertente di molte “fiabe rivisitate in chiave horror” è che, spesso e volentieri, sono molto meno horror delle originali. Quindi, perché non fare un gioco horror di una storia horror dichiaratamente horror~?
Do Us Part è un gioco breve dalla grafica in bianco e nero, con pennellate di rosso che risaltano nell'atmosfera bicromatica, che si ispira alla fiaba How the Devil Married Three Sisters - Una fiaba tutta italiana (Da noi più conosciuta come Il naso d'argento. Sì, è un pochino meno scenico. Il titolo l'ha scelto Calvino, che ha rivisitato la fiaba orale originale dalla versione chiamata Il diavolo dal naso d'argento, ma c'è da dire che le altre opzioni erano tipo I Tre Cavolfiori o La Novella di Ohimè. Inteso come “povero me”.) che segue il filone della celebre Barbablù.
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Thank you Meaka per avermi dato il permesso di tradurre il suo gioco.
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game-meak · 3 years ago
Ah, lavorare a contatto con il pubblico. Quella cosa che devi fare per pagare le bollette ma che ti lascia morto dentro. Purtroppo per lui, Arcana sta per scoprire che può portare anche alla morte letterale.
Retail Hell è un breve gioco d'esplorazione dall'atmosfera horroresque creato da Meaka con l'RPG Maker XP.
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Lavori in un supermercato? (Se anche la risposta fosse no, continua a leggere lo stesso.) Hai mai pensato che il tuo posto di lavoro (o il tuo luogo di acquisizione di beni primari) possa essere perfetto per un gioco horror? Soprattutto dopo essersi imbattuti in gente che sprizza simpatia da ogni poro? 
Nah, nessuno zombie (So che l'ambientazione supermercatesca avrebbe potuto farlo pensare!), qui troverete patate perdute (è un ossimoro?), ragnatele appiccicose, uomini parabola e tante altre cose allegre~ 
Soprattutto, questo gioco insegna una morale molto importante - In particolar modo se lavorate a contatto con il prossimo.
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Thank you Meaka per avermi dato il permesso di tradurre il suo gioco.
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game-meak · 3 years ago
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I promise, I’m actually hard at work planning my things...
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game-meak · 3 years ago
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They said she could become anything... so she became a manjuu.
I wanted to experiment with making things!  There are only 3 available right now, but there could be more (and other characters, maybe?!) in the future...
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game-meak · 4 years ago
Emerges from the floor to pass you all a little animation based off a scene from my game, then slides back into the abyss from whence I came...
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game-meak · 4 years ago
Mind if i ask how you made that little attacking system with Pablo in the cave, with the potato and all, in LP2? I wanna try to program that into my own game so bad, and i'm pretty sure it applies on other RPGM engines, so take your time to answer if you will!!
Sure thing!  I used eventing (since I am very easily intimidated by scripting) so I think it should theoretically work with every engine, just that my screencaps are going to be with XP’s event system.
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On almost every map of the game, there’s at least three empty events:   001, 003, and 005 are all just empty event boxes that I label with Tony, Pablo, and Octavio’s names respectively.  This way it’s consistent across each map for the common event!  These events are usually just slapped over an impassible tile, like a bush or a wall that you cannot interact with otherwise.  Useless, but this an example of one of them.
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I used two common events to make the throwing happen.  First is the hotkey, which is really just binding it to a button as a parallel process event that is turned on and off via a switch.  This is essentially how I had the kids’ transformation ability work, and why the same button is used for throwing,  just switched the condition switch for their ability off and turned on the “deadly weapon” switch (I am good at names)
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The next is to get the variables for where Pablo is on the map (with that first set), and set the event location to be on top of where the player is currently.  So if you push the button while walking, you may notice it lag behind a touch.  And I did conditional branches for each direction, but you can probably just safely set it to “move forward” for however many spaces you want your projectile to go!
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Then at the end of the event, I have the second set of variables determine where two spaces in front of Pablo would be, which you can alter for whatever distance the projectile goes.
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Since there were targets, there’s also a parallel process event on every map that checks the x and y coordinates of different enemies.  This is probably the one (1) time in my game making career(???) that I actually used event comments for something other than yelling at myself or making bad jokes.
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From there, I just use conditional branches to check if the coordinates of the projectile’s end location is equal to the coordinates of an enemy.  If it is, they disappear and I teleport the now “dead” enemy to an inaccessible point on the map so that you don’t still walk over the tile and get hurt.  Alternatively, I think you can just erase the event, but I never tried that.  The label jump is my way of making sure it keeps going back to check where things are, I’m unsure if it’s necessary.  ... And I don’t know if the “reward” system actually works, but there’s supposed to be a low chance of some monsters dropping health items, as you can see there!
... Th...that all said, I’m sure there are much better and more concise ways to do this!  This is just the way that happened to work for me.  If this is unclear, please let me know!  I hope this is at least a little helpful for what you’re looking for!
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game-meak · 4 years ago
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2003 Angelfire webring vibes
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