#transformers oneshots
galacticspaceguy · 2 years
Earthspark x Reader Request: platonic human reader teaching Hashtag & Nightshade about pride flags (since we know Nightshade is NB and Hashtag likes femmes.)
You swiped threw your phone, searching the internet for a quality flag. June was approaching. This would be your first pride month in Witwicky.
You’ve seen videos of the town's pride parades, and how the town boomed with activities.
You had your own pride pins, but this year, you really wanted your own flag. But, the internet is an untrustworthy place, and it’s hard to find a good quality pride flag.
You let out a sigh, crossing your legs as you sat in the Maltoes grassy fields.
You’ve been friends with the Maltoes for some time, being one of the only humans to know about the Terrans.
You found a nice looking flag, clicking the screen and zooming in on it.
“What are you doing?” A voice from behind you asked.
Nightshade took a spot on the grass next to you, head resting on their two hands. You wonder why Nightshade was so much bigger than Twitch and Thrash.
“Oh, Nightshade! I’m trying to find a pride flag.” You glanced back at your phone.
They looked at you confused. “What’s a pride flag?”
Were you surprised? A little. But then again, Nightshade is a new cybertronian, they aren’t used to Human concepts yet.
“It’s a flag that shows off your sexuality, showing people you’re proud of who you are, and your identity.”
“What is a sexuality?” Nightshade asked, leaning closer towards your phone.
You moved in closer, making sure your phone was in view for the both of you. “Ok, so sexuality is like, who you like! Some girls like girls, some guys like guys! Some people like to know one at all, some people like all people.”
Nightshade’s eyes sparked in amazement at all the colorful flags you were showing him.
“This pink one is for girls who like girl, Lesbian. The blue one is for boys who like boys, Gay. The blue, purple, and pink on are for people who like both girls and guys. These two, the green and purple on is Aromantic, and Asexual!”
“What is that one?” They pointed their large fingers at a blue, pink, and white flag.
“That’s transgender! It’s for people who were born in the wrong body, so they switch genders. Like a guy is born into a female body, so he changes himself to show who he is on the inside, or a girl who is born into a male body, so she changes herself.”
Nightshade was silent for a moment. “What about…” They paused. “The people who don’t fit into either..?” They tapped their digit on their chest.
You typed into your phone, a yellow, white, purple, and black flag loading up.
“Non-binary, for people who don’t fit into any category.” You lifted the screen closer to their face.
Many images showed humans waving around the flag, smiling. Nightshadd had a name for what they felt, not just a simple feeling too hard to explain. They were non-binary.
“What are you guys doing?” Hashtag knelt down next to you.
“Looking at pride flags, wanna join?”
You patted the grass next to you. Hashtag moved in closer.
“Ooo, what’s that?”
“Let me show you.” You lean the phone in her direction, going over the same things you told Nightshade.
“Hey, that’s like me!” Hashtag gasped after you explained the Lesbian flag. She (sorta) gently shook you around, with one hand. “I like pretty girls too! I mean, have you seen those seeker femmes!?”
You laugh. After Hashtag finishes her little rant, you scroll through your phone more.
“You good, Nightshade? You look like you’re on the verge of tears?” Hashtag asked. Nightshade looked up from the phone.
“I have never been happier, sister.” They sniffed, smiling.
You scrolled down more in the pride shop, still you found something. You gasped. “Oh my god, I got the best ideas!” You nearly screamed.
“What?” The two bots said, simultaneously.
“I’m gonna get you guys bumper stickers!” “You jumped up. “You can stick pride flags onto your alt mode! I’m ordering some right now! Nightshade, non-binary sticker, Hashtag, lesbian sticker. Oh, this is gonna be so good!”
(Might do a part 2)
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lovefazedforsoundwave · 10 months
I'm going to start doing oneshots of transformers and many more options to choose from🥹
MY REQUESTS ARE OPEN, dm me if u wanna request!! Ill try to be on as much as I can!
What il do:
G1 (generation 1)
SG (Shattered glass)
WFCT, WFCS, WFCER (War for cybertron Trilogy, War for cybertron Siege, War for cybertron earthrise)
ES (EarthSpark)
CV (CyberVerse)
CW (Combine Wars)
IDW & MTMTE(lost light)
KV (KnightVerse)
TFP (Transformers Prime)
TFA(Transformers Animated)
Ofm(Orgin of megatron)
What I don't allow:
Weird Kinks..
Character x Character weird Kinks included
Slightly incestuous or pedophilc.
Anything that i find disturbing or weird no.
What il do:
Non con
Human!gn!reader (or whatever gender)
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roslynvb · 3 months
hello lovelies! A small rant, but someone needs to say something. If you actually like incest, pedophilia, or any of that in writing, or even at all, please please seek professional help. I cannot stress this enough. I can’t believe people don’t talk about this enough. I honestly don’t care if you use it to cope, write that for yourself PLEASE and stop putting it on the internet. Get therapy, or at least any kind of help PLEASE
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Devil x Angel
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LOOK, IM A SUCKER FOR CLICHES!!! Did this on the MegOP server while on vc with the lovely people there <3
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zenzenzence · 2 years
idk how else to illustrate this than making a fake, unpublished example fanfic —
***Tags selected randomly for making a quick example***
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Stop posting random one-shots into one work. Stop making Chapter 1 a Table of Contents. Stop tagging multiple pairings/fandoms/additional tags etc when you haven’t even POSTED the chapters they would apply to!
This spams tags and 9 times out of 10 I avoid these fics on sight and don’t even bother digging through the fic to see if the oneshot is something I won’t even want to read.
These fics should be reportable for spam if they aren’t already.
I’ve started completely muting authors on sight for this now because I’ve personally had enough.
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floofyfungi · 27 days
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Bulkhead is a great green dragon hiding in a cave, licking his wounds after a vicious battle with the Decepticons.
Miko is tasked with finding and killing a dragon.
She half succeeds.
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Hi frieeeend! Glad to be one of ur first requests ^^
I was wondering if you could do some TFP Ratchet x female reader 🫣 some smut OR some angsty fluff where Ratchet feels insecure about his age and vitality and y/n (suggestively his s/o) comforts him :)) whatever u choose
Take ur time! ❤️
Whew, never have I ever written so much so quickly (in a good way). I guess I got carried away a bit. Hope you like it :3
*Anything in italics is either a sound effect or a character’s inner thoughts*
Young At Spark
TFP Ratchet x Reader
Warnings: Suggestive
Word Count: 2000+ (Holy Sh*t)
It had been a relatively quiet day in the Autobot base for you. Jack, Miko, and Raph were at school taking their final exams, and the autobots were out on an extensive energon scouting mission somewhere in the rural wilderness of Serbia. You would’ve found a trip to Europe to be a fun outing, but couldn’t bear the thought of leaving your favorite medic alone. As you returned from a brief walk around the halls of the base, a loud *clang* followed by a frustrated and exasperated shout could be heard from the main room. He sounds actually pissed off, you thought to yourself before briskly making your way to the main room. You turned to see Ratchet picking up various shattered metal pieces from the floor, all the while muttering incoherent profanities and curses. 
“Ratchet? Is everything okay?” you asked softly, although the concern was easy to glean from your tone. The medic was clearly surprised by your sudden appearance and seemed a bit startled as his blue optics locked onto you. “Oh, (Y/N)... E-everything is fine. I just… was clumsy and dropped the device I was trying to adjust. I um, I’m sorry if I may have startled you.” In fact, everything was indeed not fine with Ratchet, as that morning his thoughts had gotten away from him and locked onto you, and not in the way he usually enjoys.
I can’t upset (Y/N) with my frivolous doubts. Albeit it will be difficult as her mental prowess is always… rather intuitive, the aging medic tried to silence his thoughts and re-focused on (Y/N). Ratchet cleared his throat as he noticed you had already conjured up a broom, “No need for that, I shall clean up my own mess.” You paused at the increasingly odd behavior of the normally composed medic, and you began to grow suspicious of why he seemed to be hiding something from you. 
You two had been close for some time, albeit when you first met the resident Autobot medic it wasn’t a great first meeting. With Ratchet insisting the base was getting far too crowded. You quickly won him over though. Unlike the kids, you were far more mature and patient, and you didn’t actively break his tools or go off placing yourself in unnecessary danger, like a certain someone with pink puffball hair… Another admirable quality you possessed was your sharp mind, and your ability to quickly grasp new concepts and actually be interested in things like science.
The first time Ratchet really noticed you was when he was struggling to decipher an unfamiliar set of code which had come into their possession regarding imperative intel. Despite applying the standard techniques to decipher the code, there was some sort of new trick that had been embedded in the code. As (Y/N) had watched the medic continuously failed to succeed, you had been watching closely, and had noticed the answer didn’t lie in breaking the code through conventional means, rather through a visual pattern. Your sharp eye and wit had spotted a pattern of certain colors and symbols, and after explaining this to Ratchet, the two of you were able to team up and crack the code. 
“Ratchet… What’s actually going on? You seem upset at more than accidentally breaking something. You know you can tell me anything, right?” You looked up at him, hoping the medic would let you help him. Primus, she’s onto me, Ratchet quickly finished picking up the broken mess on the floor, before turning towards (Y/N). “I appreciate your concern for me, I do, but I insist it was just a fleeting moment of frustration. Nothing more.” Before you could open your mouth to say anything else, the comms system flashed and Optimus Prime’s voice sounded over the audio “Ratchet, we require your presence immediately. We are taking Decepticon-fire and Arcee is down!”
His azure optics widened in surprise before turning to you. “I’ll man the groundbridge. …Be careful, otherwise I may throw a wrench at you” you had an ever-so-slight smile on your face, but your heart was still heavy as no one could ever foresee when things would go wrong. “I promise to return unharmed” Ratchet said softly, hoping that you wouldn’t fret too much over him, before powering up the groundbridge and speeding through in his alt-mode. 
As Ratchet sped through the swirling vortex of green and blue energy, his thoughts from earlier resurfaced. He had been replaying the moment you had first met, the first time you had touched servos/hands, the moments where he would place you on his shoulder as you both reviewed data and worked on projects.
The memory that was the source of his inner turmoil was the first time you kissed. You had shifted your weight on his shoulder and just planted one right on his lips. He could remember the rush of heat to his entire frame, something he had not experienced since his youth back on Cybertron, and that was a very long time ago. It wasn’t long after that you two had been intimate with one another, albeit it took a lot of learning on his part since you were both an organic and far smaller than him. The size difference didn’t bother him much, as he was very VERY creative. You were so vigorous, energetic, passionate, and youthful…. And youth had long since surpassed Ratchet.
 He should be above silly things such as anxiety or doubt, but now he felt all of his confidence melt away as the thought of such a stunning and lively being as yourself, being held back by an old rust bucket with one pede in the well of Allsparks. The very idea of him disappointing you felt equivalent to losing a patient. Spark-crushing. Perhaps it was wrong of him to think some old bot like him could ever give you what you truly deserved from a partner. …*PEW PEW* The resounding ringing of blaster fire pulled the medic out of his anxious self-pitying stupor, and into a battlefield before him.
Ratchet had only just exited the groundbridge, but he could already make out his fellow Autobots as they duked it out with various Decepticons and Vehicons. He had to focus, as he was here as a medic not a sniveling idiot. As his optics scanned the field for the injured Arcee, he saw the femme leaning against a large boulder, pinned down as she took cover from Vehicon blaster-fire. 
His white and scarlet armor glinted in the light of the sun, as he quickly made his way through the battlefield, being trailed by Optimus and Bumblebee as they provided coverfire. Ratchet was able to make it to Arcee, quickly scanning her to assess her injuries. “I’m fine, Doc. Just a few scratches that’s all,” the two-wheeler calmly stated. “Ep-ep! I’m the medic and I will be the one to diagnose y–” Ratchet was interrupted by the sound of crackling electricity from behind. “Nice of you to join the party, Ratchet!” Ugh, not Knockout of all bots… Ratchet thought, as he saw the ever-polished and buffed Decepticon standing a short distance from him. “Knockout, I am in no mood to deal with your incessant posturing…” Ratchet drew his blasters as he glared at Knockout. “Well they do say bots get crankier as they age, huh? Perhaps you’re better suited as a doorstop at your age?” the Decepticon medic cackled. 
Ratchet felt his energon boil and before anyone could realize, he charged at Knockout, optics wide with fury, “You’ll look like a doorstop once I’m through with you!!!” Knockout was taken aback by the sudden vigor and frenzied rage from the Autobot medic, genuinely shocked as to what had gotten into him. “PRIMUS I didn’t know you could move that fast!” Knockout ordered the surrounding Vehicons to begin firing at Ratchet, but was interrupted by opposing fire from Optimus, Bulkhead, and Bumblebee. Before Ratchet could reach him, Knockout quickly transformed and retreated along with the remaining Vehicons. 
Ratchet had no choice but to stop his charge, but his rage was not so easily quelled. He was boiling over with anger, HOW DARE HE INSULT ME LIKE THAT? HOW DARE HE ASSUME– Ratchet’s angry thoughts were cut short by the sensation of a large servo on his shoulder, and Optimus’s voice. “Old friend, what has gotten into you? Why would you abandon your patient and charge after Knockout?” Prime’s face was full of concern for his long-time friend and confidant as this was out of character. The medic’s rage began to subside, as he realized what a fool he had made of himself. “M-my apologies Optimus, I don’t know what came over me.” Ratchet immediately went back over to Arcee and helped her onto her pedes, ashamed at his actions. 
Back at base, (Y/N) powered up the groundbridge after receiving the call from Optimus. You were still worried about Ratchet, as you had been struggling to think of what on earth he was so upset about. As the portal opened, the Autobots began to make their way through, including Ratchet who was assisting an annoyed Arcee into the base.
As you began to acknowledge everyone’s return, Bulkhead suddenly approached Ratchet, “What the scrap was that about?!” Ratchet’s optics briefly darted towards the wrecker, but as in usual fashion, the medic turned away and scoffed at the question, “Think nothing of it. Just stress from being engaged in combat.” Despite being assisted by Ratchet, Arcee piped in with her concerns “Bulkhead has a point, Ratchet. You lost it at whatever Knockout said to you. What gives?”
Growing increasingly frustrated with the sudden interrogation, Ratchet snaps his helm around “I’ve already told you that it was inconsequential. Now let me proceed with scanning you for injuries and move on!” The tension in the room could’ve been cut with a knife as the rest of the group falls silent, and no one presses the matter further. Standing at the controls, you were taken aback by Ratchet’s behavior, as this was severely out of character for your normally patient, if a bit sassy-medic. But you remained silent as you watched Arcee begrudgingly allow Ratchet to assess her. 
It wasn’t long before Arcee returned to the main area of the base, being cleared of any injuries by Ratchet, but you noticied that he had yet to reappear. Normally the only other area on base you could find Ratchet would be in one of the back storerooms which usually housed various supplies. You quietly made your way through the halls, the faint sound of something falling making you hone in on one particular room. The motion-sensors on the door allowed you entry into the storeroom, and you quickly spotted Ratchet with his back turned against one of the shelves. It felt as if you were walking on glass as you approached him, “...Ratchet? You’re really starting to worry me. Can you please, please… tell me what is wrong?” 
“...I’m sorry, (Y/N) for worrying you. That is the last thing I would want to do to you” Ratchet replied, but his back remained turned away from you. You approached him and closed the door behind you. Stepping closer, you wrapped your arms around his heel in a hug, hoping your touch would comfort him “I know. But Ratchet…. You are hurting yourself by holding in.. whatever it is that’s making you act this way. We’ve been through too much for you to shut yourself off from me.” A heavy sigh escaped from the medic’s vents and he shifted his frame to look at you.
As you briefly stepped back, he knelt down to move his faceplate closer to your level, “You deserve to know of course… You deserve better. …Perhaps if I was in a different field of medical training, I would be better suited to explain myself, so I shall try my best.” He took a deep breath, clearly struggling “I’ve been concerned that I may not be the mech best suited for you.” 
You stood before him frozen as you struggle to process his words, “...Come again?” Ratchet felt as if someone were twisting a blade in his gut, but continued, “I meant that you deserve the best. You are so kind and full of life and vigor, and I am perhaps too old to provide you with what a younger mech could.” He can’t bear to meet your gaze any longer, and turns his face away from you in shame. He is shocked to feel a brief sting on his helm, looking back to see you holding a small wrench in your hands. “Hopefully that will knock some sense back into you” your eyes were welling-up with tears as you dropped the wrench.
“You really think your age would change how I feel for you? You think I would care what anyone, bot or con or human has to say about it?” You approach Ratchet and gently place your hands on his cheeks, staring deeply into his optics, “Ratchet, you are the only man for me. So what if you’re mature and full of experience? You’re my one and only and don’t ever think otherwise.” You lean in and plant a deep and sweet kiss against his cool lips. 
It felt like time stood still as he looked at your beautiful face. Your warm lips were like fireworks as you pressed them to his, How can she be this perfect? How do I deserve her? Ratchet’s mind swirled as you pulled away from him, feeling a gentle brush as he swiped a tear from your eye with a servo, “(Y/N), please forgive me for putting you through such torment. I… I was insecure about many things. I still wonder if I am truly capable of fulfilling all of your needs.”
You stepped forward and kissed him again, albeit with a little more heat. You raised an eyebrow as you pulled away, a devilish grin playing on your lips, “You have always fulfilled my every need. You could always test how well you’re able to please me…?” The look in your eyes and tone in your voice was easy for the medic to decipher. He felt his frame heat up and his engine rev, “...I suppose I can run a few… tests to see the results.” He gave you a half-cocked smirk before gently scooping you into his servo and setting you on one of the upper shelves, before showering your neck and collarbone in sensual kisses. 
Primus, hopefully no unlucky soul needed any supplies from that room…
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uselessmicrowave · 1 year
Can I please get a part 2 for the breeding of op and hus f,reader. Thank you.
part 2 of this post
Once he realizes that you’re into this too (it’ll take some time), he doesn’t feel guilty about his fixation.
Very vocal. Growling, moaning, whines, and telling you how well you’re doing. How tight you are and how good you feel.
Wants to fill you up so many times, to the point where your midsection is distended and you’re leaking with his transfluid. To make sure that you’ll carry his sparkling.
Loves to have you on his lap afterwards. Or before. Or during the session. He’ll guide your hips up and down his spike praise you for taking him soooo well.
He gets super protective and possessive during aftercare or the next couple days.
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image-thot · 1 year
Throw Him Off His Rhythm: Mirage x Reader
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Fandom: Transformers Rotb
Summary: After getting caught and subsequently losing a bet he made to his human, Mirage now finds himself having to follow through with his end of the deal.
Words: 1,517
Warnings: Masturbating, handjobs, Sub/Dom, orgasm denial
A/N: The reader is written as gender-neutral. I did indeed spend a little time today figuring out an average size estimate for how big a cybertrionians spike would be (more specifically Mirages) relative to them and their humans because I needed something to like visualise or something. Can’t lie I may be on my way to making a table of transformers and how big their spikes are, if you by primus wanna see that let me know XD
Enjoy the fic.
"Shit. Shit. Shit." The string of curses leaves Mirage's vocaliser as he awkwardly shimmied down the narrow alleyway.
"Why'd the perfect spot have to be so fragging, hard to get to." Mindful of his finish he carefully squeezes out of the alley into the outdoor courtyard. 
Sure it wasn't the nicest looking or biggest of hiding spots, but it was private and quiet. Panelling sliding open as he sits on the ground, leaning back against the brick wall he sighs in relief as his burning spike pressurises already dripping transfluid.
"Frag finally, for a second thought I was going to burst a line." Servo quickly dives down to wrap around his spike and he bites back a moan as his servo begins to stroke at a fast pace, aching to relieve the burning pressure.
"You couldn't wait until after the meeting?" Helm hitting the wall behind him as he groans, of course it couldn’t and you knew that all too well otherwise you wouldn’t have followed him out here.
Although amusing at the time making, a bet to see who could go the longest without needing to fuck or masturbate wasn’t his most brilliant idea. In his defence he thought humans weren’t capable of going more than a day let alone a week without having to self-service themselves, all but certain he’d have the win in the bag.
It didn’t help him that you’d poke and provoke his imagination, you’d butter him up with your sweet words which had done more than just stroke at his ego. Not-so-subtle innuendos had on more than one occasion almost had his interface panels sliding back, it’s a miracle he had managed to last this long.
“Obviously not.” Servo still stroking his spike as he speaks optics looking everywhere but your eyes, he doesn’t need need to look at your face to see the grin that spreads across it. “I can see that but aren’t you forgetting something?” Your words tease him as a huff of annoyance leaves his intake, slowly making your way over to him you lean against the wall next to him.
“Fine. Fine. You win. You a human can outlast me a cybertronian. Happy now? Cuz I could really use some help.” Continues to stroke his spike as other servo reaches out to grab you, when you quickly dart out of his reach a whined gasp leaves him.
"W-what? Come on you can’t be serious.” You chuckle at his needy response no doubt in your mind that if your roles were reversed he would have teased you.
“But didn’t you say the winner could order the looser around for an entire week?” Smugness dripped off your words as you watched his frame slump forward, a defeated sigh leaving him.
“Yeah, but I thought you’d just wanna be on top or something. Not like. Not like leave me hanging.” Sending the best puppy dog eyes he could muster your way, hoping you’d cave into his needs.
“Mirage. You wouldn’t be trying to go back on your word, would you?” A fake look of disappointment briefly covers your face as carefully move around his legs coming to a stop by his pedes.
“What!? Of course not! I mean, after so long I figured that you'd. You know, wanna fool around." Servos still as he watches you contemplate and tries to stop his legs from bouncing impatiently as he waits for your response. A devious look spreads across your eyes as you walk between his legs, hand coming up to trace between the seams as you move closer.
"I suppose, a little fun now wouldn't hurt. If you promise to stand by your word and do exactly as I say." Missing the dark edge of your words as he moans out a string of yes. Now standing in front of his leaking spike you give him a playful smile as you tap the servo that had slowly resumed its stroking.
"Servos by your side's big boy and no matter what. You don't touch me or your spike." Words are spoken as if you're sending him into battle, your hands gently caressing the metal and seams around his heated array.
"Sir yes sir!~" The chuckle he lets out after his own words are cut off by a soft moan and his servos drop-down like rocks off a bridge, digits grip the ground as your breath fans over his spike.
"Good." You hum as one hand trails up to his spike while the other continues to tease the wires between his seams.
Your eyes watch his faceplate like a predator, his optics offlining and scrunching up when your hand delicately runs up his spike. Shifting your gaze back down to his spike,  your fingers briefly graze over the tip blue biolights pulse at the touch and a gaspe escape his intake. Fingers move back down as your hand begins to slowly stoke easily gliding thanks to all the pre-leaked transfluid.
"Frag." A moaned whisper breaks from him as his hips twitch and he desperately holds back from thrusting them into your hand.
A chuckle escapes you, eyes moving back to his faceplate as they keenly watch him bite his derma as his helm hits the wall behind it. Digits dig into the ground below them, frame shifting uncomfortably as you barely increase the speed of your hand and a whine slips out and his optics online.
"Please baby. Frag you're killing me here." Optics looking down at you and he groans as a smirk briefly returns to your face.
"Aww, I'm sorry." A fake pout spreads over your face as your hand begins to stroke a little faster, eyes never leaving him as your mouth moves in closer to his spike.
"Would you like me to go a little faster?" The teasing words fan hot air over the sensitive tip of his spike and have his hips jolting up. Spike almost pushing into your mouth you move your head back with a chuckle and your hand speeds up.
"Yes! Please babes! Frag I wanna be inside you so bad!" Optics offlining as his words fall out along with his desperate moans as your mouth moves away.
Your other hand finally leaves the cluster of wires it had been teasing to wander to his spike, your thumb firmly runs over the tip and he gasps out. Frame shaking you can see the strain in his servos as he desperately keeps them from reaching out to grab you. Hand stroking faster as your fingers tease around his leaking tip, whined moans leave his vocaliser as he approaches his overloaded and you bite your lip holding back your own moan.
"Frag babes I'm so close! Frag yes. Yes." The words fall freely from him as his spike throbs, biolights pulsing quicker as he almost reaches the tipping point of his pleasure and just like that your hands pull away.
"What?! Frag babes you ok? I'm almost there." The desperation, confusion and slight concern are evident in his voice as his optics look down to identify the reason for your sudden lack of touch.
When his optics catch the devious smile spread across your face as your hands link behind your back, the realisation of your motives slowly comes to his lust-filled processor.
"No please! You can't! Babes come on. Just a little more! Don't leave me like this! I-I'm almost done then- you can ride my face place however long you want after! Please." Panicked and pleading for you to tip him over the edge, his legs shake and servos hit the ground in frustration but never make any move towards you or his spike.
The pleasure that surges throughout your body as you watch him in such a state of need and want, you almost want to jump on his spike then and there. Unlike your partner, you have a lot more self-restraint.
"I said I'd have a little fun. Nothing about letting you overload." You hum out enjoying the look of needy frustration that covers his faceplate.
"Come one. Babe's I've been good! I-I didn't touch-." His babbling words are cut off by your own stern ones.
"Good and you'll keep it that way." Smirk dissipates into your normal loving smile as you shift from between his legs.
"What no!" Shifting to his knees as you continue to walk into the small alley. "You can't leave me like this!" 
"I think I will." You muse out as you wave your hand for him to follow. 
"Perhaps I'll change my mind a little later. Until then we've gotta get back to the others." You call out from the end of the alley, not missing the small sob and whine that comes from him as you make your way back into the building.
"This is going to be so much fun if he can keep his servos away from his spike." You think to yourself as apologize to the others for your brief absence, trying to hide your smirk when a rather tense and twitchy Mirage tries to sneak his way back into the building.
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mskenway97 · 2 months
Halooo I jumped when i saw your request open. Can you do a one shot where Bot!Gn reader have a little race with EarthSpark Bumblebee? Reader saying they can drive faster and can beat his record. Bumblebee saw this as an opportunity to 'woo' em and agree. Ended with a small confession ❤️❤️
TF EarthSpark Bumblebee x GN!Cybertronian!reader
Trick or race
Words: 1,188
Summary: You had beaten your personal best and wanted to show someone that you could be as fast as he was with a little race.
Warning: Nothing, so fluff and sweet
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I will put the links of pillowfort and ao3 to publish this application:
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galacticspaceguy · 2 years
You know what, I might as well started writing tf Earthspark x reader, since it’s in demand at the moment
So please leave requests because why not:
-any character (not the kids of course, platonically, like an older sibling is fine though)
-I don’t do human readers for the bots or cons in a romantic sense, platonically I will
-I’m not good at writing smut, I can kinda do slightly suggestive stuff, but I don’t go full out (sorry)
-scenarios are very welcome
(Ex: a con! Reader working for mandroid - a bot! Reader who is dorothys car - A human! Reader who is Robby and Mo’s babysitter - A con! Reader who is imprisoned by ghost - A human! Ghost agent! Reader)
-Most readers will be either gender-neutral or masculine presenting. (I will write femme presenting as well if requested)
-I can also write ships too (as background relationships or main relationships to the story) (Ex: MegaOpLita, MegaOp, SoundStar)
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errolluck · 5 months
Summary: Megatron had finally recovered from his coma and everything seemed to return back to normal in the Nemesis. But while he was glad to have his leader back, that was not enough for one Decepticon…
Pairing: MegaSound (Megatron/Soundwave) [Transformers Prime]
Warnings: None! Just lay back and enjoy the fluff :)
Word count: 3.7k
English isn't my first language. Sorry in advance for any grammatical error.
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Megatron walked across the Nemesis halls, his footsteps reasonating across the ship. From time to time, he encountered a pair of Decepticons, they would greet him and continue their ways.
Since he had woken up from his coma, the other Decepticons treated him with more respect and fear than before, and that was saying something when talking about fearing Megatron. Maybe having witnessed Megatron’s strength and resilience by surviving the impossible had brought back an old admiration that many in the Decepticons had lost time ago, especially after him disappearing for three years in space.
As he walked through the empty hallways, Megatron spotted the coming slender figure of Soundwave, his most loyal and fearsome warrior.
He hadn’t said it out loud, but he had missed Soundwave a lot. As they got closer, Megatron could feel his spark beating faster. Soundwave’s sighting was enough to make him feel like that.
When they finally encountered each other in the middle of the hallway, both stopped in their tracks. Megatron’s crimson optics stared at Soundwave’s visor, his spark accelerating with each second that passed.
“Soundwave” Megatron greeted the communications officer softly. The Decepticon returned the salute with a head nod.
They both looked at each other for some moments, in complete silence. Megatron opened his mouth, trying to formulate something, but nothing came out. He started to walk away but, suddenly, he felt something pulling his hand.
Megatron looked down and saw Soundwave’s fingers holding his hand tightly. The red optics then changed their focus to the Decepticon that refused to let go; Soundwave was giving his back to Megatron but his posture gave the Decepticon leader an idea of what was happening.
“Soundwave?” Megatron asked, their hands still joined in a tight grab. “Do you want to tell me something?”
Soundwave turned around to look at his leader. There was a second of silence before Soundwave let go of Megatron’s hand and, before the leader could say anything, laid his visor in Megatron’s chest with his arms dropped.
Surprised at first, he let Soundwave lay on his chest for a few minutes; it had been a long time since Megatron had such a close interaction with Soundwave and he could feel a warming but comforting sensation rising up inside his chest. Megatron put his hand under Soundwave’s visor to lift his head up and looked at him.
“Now, Soundwave, what is it that you want from me?” Megatron asked. “It’s not usual of you to be this needy.”
Soundwave made a click and played an audio of someone else’s voice.
“Together” Soundwave played the recording as he moved his head to the side, indicating that he wanted to go somewhere else.
Megatron stared at him for a few minutes, thinking about the proposition that had been made to him.
“I see… You want to spend time with me, am I right?” A quick nod from Soundwave confirmed Megatron’s assumption. He smiled. “And I can correctly assume you have already planned out all of the activities you wish to do with me today?”
Another nod was Soundwave’s response, Megatron made a noise of satisfaction.
“Oh, my dear Soundwave…” He let go of Soundwave’s visor slowly. The communications officer leaned his head forwards just to feel Megatron's touch for a little longer on his chin. A silver claw caressed the black visor before letting go. “Let's get out of here.”
. . .
Soundwave and Megatron, both in their alternate modes, flew together across the clouds and the infinite blue sky. It was sunny outside, but some gray clouds in the distance threatened to cover the light with rain and lightning.
They were side by side, with Megatron following each change of direction Soundwave made. A growing curiosity invaded Megatron, who’s mind started to wander around the possibilities of what his communications officer had planned for them that day.
What could possibly this planet made of dirt have that picked Soundwave’s interest, to the point he wanted to share it with him?
The silent Decepticon started to descend and Megatron followed him. They were heading to a canon full of steam, making the visibility a little harder as they landed slowly. As the ground came closer, Megatron managed to spot several pools; he assumed those were the reason for the exaggerated amount of steam there was around them.
With a quick move, both Decepticons transformed back into their normal forms. They had landed in the ground of rock above the giant cloud, just some meters away from a fall that, if someone slipped into it, could lead to serious damage.
Soundwave looked back at Megatron, almost as if he was expecting permission from his leader to continue on his plan, or, maybe, he just wanted to check up on him.
Whatever it was, Megatron nodded and followed Soundwave as they started to crawl deeper and deeper into the canon. Megatron raised an eyebrow, now more curious than ever to see what Soundwave was planning and why he had brought him there.
It took a while, but finally they were able to walk into a natural path of rocks that the time had formed. Soundwave turned around to look at his leader and pointed to something. Megatron’s optics followed his hand and saw the reason why Soundwave wanted to come here with him.
Just a little below them there was a giant hot spring, big enough to fit at least ten robots inside of it. Warm steam came out, surrounding Megatron and Soundwave, leaving a nice sensation in their systems.
“Reminds me of the oil baths back at Cybertron” Megatron turned to look at Soundwave with a grin. “Now I understand why you wanted to bring me here.”
He moved his head, inviting the other Decepticon to go in with him. Megatron slowly but surely jumped into the warm waters, feeling a complete relaxation of his structure; he closed his perceptors. Soundwave followed shortly.
“Oh, this feels good…” said Megatron as he lowered his head, letting only the superior half of his face above the water. “Won’t you agree, Soundwave?”
Megatron opened his eyes again, and found a cube of energon in front of him; he raised his body again and grabbed it with curiosity. Megatron looked at Soundwave for an explanation, but saw that the other Decepticon had also a cube of energon to drink himself. The leader grinned.
“Ha! You really planned this out, didn’t you?” Megatron said before sipping the beverage.
. . .
They spent hours in the springs. Megatron and Soundwave, reunited once again, spend the time talking (this more on Megatron’s part), watching old recordings and enjoying each other’s company.
The warm ambient along with the calming sounds around them made both Decepticons forget all of their worries and stress. It was almost as if the war and constant battles against the Autobots were nonexistent, that Megatron never disappeared for three years and that his coma never happened. It was just them and that’s all they could care for.
Soundwave was laying on Megatron's chest, snuggling and holding onto his leader with his long arms as Megatron caressed his black visor with one of his claws. He was purring softly, creating small vibrations that reached Soundwave’s spark, making him feel complete and in calm once more. The Decepticon buried his head into the warlord’s chest as much as he could; how much he had missed him…
“Soundwave…” purred Megatron, picking up Soundwave’s attention. He lifted his head to watch his leader, but kept holding Megatron, refusing the idea of letting go of him even a second.
Megatron leaned his head and landed a soft, delicate kiss on Soundwave’s forehead, making the other Decepticon’s spark beat faster in joy.
They stayed like that for a few more minutes. It wasn’t until the sun had started to set in the horizon when both robots crawled out of the spring. Water dropped from their bodies, leaving a trail behind them as they walked away from the canon.
“That was good,” said Megatron, looking at his partner beside him. “What's next?”
Before Soundwave could show to Megatron what he had in mind, a shot from a blaster flew just barely above their heads.
Megatron turned quickly to look where the fire had come, unconsciously putting himself in front of Soundwave in a protective stand, charging his cannon while his perceptors analyzed the surroundings, looking for threats. Soundwave also changed his position, ready to attack anything that dared to hurt Megatron.
There was a second of dead silence before multiple shots were fired against the Decepticons. Megatron reciprocated the fire, blasting his cannon against the bushes where the attackers were shooting.
“We are too exposed here!” Megatron yelled at Soundwave, seeing a blue shadow run to the other side as a yellow blur went the opposite direction. They had been expecting them. “Soundwave, retreat!”
Soundwave wanted to disobey for a second, to put himself before Megatron and gain time for his leader to escape.
But as always, he did as Megatron said. Soundwave ran off and, with a swift jump, he transformed into his alternate mode before flying away.
For a moment, he heard nothing but the fire of the ongoing battle behind. For a moment, he was alone once more. For a moment, he didn’t feel Megatron.
Then, suddenly, after crossing the sky full of doubt, Soundwave finally heard another jet behind him. The familiar roar of Megatron's motors made his spark gain calm again.
Both Decepticons flew back to the Nemesis in silence, side by side.
. . .
“Those damn Autobots... It almost seems that they have nothing else to do, other than bothering me.”
Megatron had been injured in the battle against the Autobots. As he tried to avoid Bumblebee’s quick fire that aimed for his head, a shot from Arcee had landed on his arm, leaving a nasty black burn on it.
Knockout had checked him up immediately (to Soundwave’s insistence) and said it would eventually fade out, since it wasn’t as serious as it seemed at first. Still, the surprise attack, plus Starscream's comments on the situation, had ruined Megatron’s good mood. Now he was in his personal quarters, sitting on his berth with Soundwave, as the communications officer took a look at his newly adquired injury.
Megatron growled before looking at Soundwave. His third-in-command had been just staring at his arm, carefully pressing his thin fingers on the black mark, trying to comfort his leader. Megatron’s gaze softened at the view; with his other arm, he put his hand on Soundwave’s chin, lifting up his head so he could talk to him.
“I hope you aren’t very upset about what happened, Soundwave” said Megatron. Soundwave didn’t nod or shake his head, but Megatron could read that his partner wasn't pleased about how things had turned out with his plan, probably feeling guilty about his burn mark. “It wasn’t your fault.”
Soundwave just laid his head on Megatron’s shoulder as an answer. The leader corresponded by pulling him closer with his arm, feeling the warmth of Soundwave’s chest. They stayed in that position for a few minutes, without saying anything.
A loud thunder striked in the sky, the sound echoing inside the room. Megatron and Soundwave raised their heads, hearing the rain from the outside pouring against the walls of the ship, creating a constant tapping on the walls.
The leader looked down, where Soundwave continued to look away, listening to the rain. His posture was more relaxed than moments before the thunder and his focus seemed to be finally on something else that wasn’t the warlord’s injury.
Megatron then had an idea:
"Let’s go, Soundwave," he said to his partner. The communications officer lifted his visor, staring at Megatron curious. Megatron got up from the berth and inclined his head, inviting Soundwave to follow him. "I have an idea you might enjoy."
Soundwave just nodded before leaving the berth and walked out from the dark room along with Megatron.
. . .
The door of the Nemesis’ roof opened and both cybertronians walked out. The rain poured intensely with lightning painting the sky with white for a second before a loud thunder clashed.
“This noise makes you believe that you were back in the middle of Kaon’s arena, won’t you agree, Soundwave?” Megatron extended his arms, letting the rain fall against his body. The noise sounded exactly as a roaring audience, full of cybertronians that demanded a bloody spectacle.
Soundwave looked at his leader. The combined noise of the pouring water and thunder transported the communications officer back to the first time he and Megatron met, when they were the best gladiators of all Kaon, feared and adored by other bots who looked up at them with shine in their optics.
Who would have thought that his most brutal combat that ended in a draw had been the best thing that could have happened to him? If he hadn’t fought Megatron that day, he would have never met the cybertronian he would give his life for.
Megatron turned around, with a smile painted all over his face. He leaned over his body, adquiring a fighting stance.
“If I know something to cheer you up,” yelled Megatron above the rain, moving his hands towards him, inviting Soundwave to engage in combat, “is a good training session!”
Soundwave stared at him for a couple of seconds. Then, his posture went from his usual calmness to a more predatory and alert position. He extended his feet with force, stomping the ground: Soundwave had accepted Megatron’s challenge.
“Come on, Soundwave!” Megatron was filled with joy and excitement. “Give me your best move!”
Soundwave stayed still for a few seconds, analyzing the situation. Then, as fast as lightning illuminated the sky around them, he charged towards Megatron at full speed. The warlord had seconds to block Soundwave’s attack, covering with his arms as the communication’s officer lashed out with quick and spontaneous hits.
The Decepticon leader smiled with surprise. He knew that Soundwave was fast; back at their days in the Pits of Kaon, Megatron always found himself impressed by how Soundwave used his speed to take advantage over his opponents.
But now, he was surprised how faster Soundwave had gotten. His new slender frame let the Decepticon to move at an impossible speed, allowing him to launch multiple punches and dodge every attack that Megatron tried to land on him.
“You haven’t lost the touch, Soundwave!” Megatron grined. With a quickmove, he stopped a punch from the other Decepticon mid air. His red optics shinned in excitement. “But I’m still full of surprises.”
Grabbing him with both of his hands, Megatron raised his third-in-command above his head and slammed both of their bodies against the Nemesis’ roof.
Soundwave recovered quickly, regaining freedom of his arm. Taking advantage of Megatron’s lower position, Soundwave grabbed his leader’s hand and twisted his arm behind the gladiator's back.
“Argh!” Megatron growled in pain. He moved his leg, kicking Soundwave down, freeing his arm from the communications officer's grab. As Soundwave tried to get up, Megatron launched himself against the Decepticon.
Their bodies clashed against each other and rolled around the metal roof, trapped in a ball of punches and kicks. Both tried to bring the other down, but their strength and combat skills were immaculate, making a cycle of back and forth between Soundwave and Megatron, both trying to win the battle.
Suddenly, Sundwave managed to get Megatron off him, throwing him to the ground. But before he could move away, the leader grabbed him by the leg and dragged him down, the Decepticon landing at his side.
Both cybertronians stared at each other, their bodies dropping the water from the rain that continued to fall on them.
Then, Megatron started laughing, covering his face as he giggled uncontrollably. Soundwave remained silent but his visor projected the image of a smiley face, showing that he shared the same emotion as his partner.
“Another tie!” Megatron crackled. “I should have expected that!”
The Decepticon continued laughing for a couple of seconds before getting up off the ground. Megatron offered his hand to Soundwave and helped the communications officer get up, pulling him easily.
“That was intense” Megatron’s legs felt weak after all of that combat and his arms were heavy. “How are you?”
Soundwave just nodded, as he analized his leader, his visor going up and down. Realizing Megatron's tiredness, the Decepticon offered support to his leader by putting his partner's arm on his shoulders, giving a better stability to Megatron.
If any other bot had made the same action, this would have enraged the warlord beyond words; showing weakness was something he despised with all his spark and reciprocated with violence to anyone that dared to think he was vulnerable.
But Soundwave was different. He always respected Megatron’s boundaries, not abusing his trust and supporting him as much as he could.
He felt safe around Soundwave.
“That’s enough water for one day,” said Megatron, closing his optics as the rain continued to pour down on them. He laid his head on Soundwave’s shoulder, letting his partner guide him back to his quarters. He purred, satisfied. “We should rest a little now…”
Soundwave was as quiet as always, but now walked with a more peaceful step, letting Megatron support his weight on him as they both got inside. He made a soft click and started playing an old cybertronian song that both him and Megatron used to listen under the pits of Kaon, waiting for the next combat to begin.
As they walked together across the Nemesis, exhausted from the training session, a reassuring, warm feeling filled their sparks. No words were needed to know how much they valued each other’s company.
. . .
Knockout wandered around the Nemesis, on his way to Megatron’s personal chambers. As a doctor, he had the responsibility of checking on his patients from time to time after an injury, even if they didn’t consider it necessary. He knew that Megatron probably wouldn’t be pleased to see him at such late hours, but he preferred to be denied and just walk back to his laboratory than to be seen by Megatron as an unprofessional bot.
He finally spotted the door to Megatron’s quarters. Knockout walked without rush to them, just wanting to finish quickly and go back to his own stuff.
“Lord Megatron, I have come to check on your injury” explained the doctor as he knocked on the metal door, making an echo that resonated a little bit more than usual in the empty corridors.
There was no response from the other side. Knockout was expecting that.
“I will leave if you don’t want a check-up,” said Knockout, “but as a doctor, I highly recommend doing–”
Taking him by surprise, the metal door opened as he was finishing talking. Knockout was confused at first, having not expected Megatron to agree, but quickly recovered his laid-back composture and walked in.
“Sorry to interrupt your rest, Lord Megatron, but it is my duty to check on–”
Knockout stopped right on his tracks.
In front of him, was the fearsome warlord laying on his berth with his perceptors closed. Megatron slept in such deep slumber that not even an explosion could have woke him up at that moment. His chest went up and down, creating a soft growl as it slowly moved.
Seeing his master, usually a brutal and merciless figure, in such a vulnerable position was a rare, and even strange, sight to Knockout. One thing was seeing Megatron in a coma, with his expression still but constantly frowned, making Megatron intimidating even while being unconscious.
But this. This was different.
Knockout’s initial surprise made the doctor only focus on Megatron at first, but now he realized that he wasn’t alone in the room:
Caressing the Decepticon leader’s head that laid in his lap, Soundwave was staring at Knockout. Even in the darkness of the room, the doctor could perfectly distinguish Soundwave’s visor, reflecting his image slightly.
“Soundwave…!” Knockout almost yelled the name because of his surprise, but quickly remembered Megatron’s sleeping presence and quieted down to a whisper. “Sorry, I... I didn’t know you were here.”
He received no response from Soundwave. The communications officer just kept staring at the doctor, making him feel a little nervous.
Knockout cleared his throat, remembering the reason why he was there in the first place.
“I just wanted to check up on Lord Megatron’s arm, it is my job after all.”
Soundwave looked in his usual silence at Knockout until, after a couple of seconds, he just pointed his view down, where Megatron was laying his injured arm, his hand looked as if he was trying to reach something in his sleep.
Knockout took that as a signal to approach. He walked up to them and kneeled to inspect the injury, his optics moving along the burn, analyzing how it had developed since the initial diagnosis.
“Everything seems fine,” said Knockout, pulling himself up. Soundwave followed his movements, “it was just external damage, nothing too bad, especially for our leader.”
Soundwave made a simple nod, followed by more silence between the two robots; the only noise in the room was Megatron’s breathing. Knockout took Soundwave’s silent stare as a sign he had to go now; he had done his job and there was no other reason why he had to stay more. It almost felt as if he had interrupted something sacred and had to leave to restore it.
Knockout cleared his throat again and started walking away.
“I’ll should go now… Goodnight, Soundwave” Knockout waved at the communications officer. As he was at the doorstep, he looked back at the pair.
Megatron had pulled himself closer to Soundwave, now grabbing one of his hands with his own bigger claws while his body curled more against the slender body of his partner. Soundwave had started to caress Megatron again, but kept an eye on Knockout.
The doctor just looked away and left the room in complete silence. The door closed behind him as soon as he stepped out of the chambers and both Decepticons were only at each other’s company again.
Soundwave slowly pulled himself down with Megatron on the berth. As he curled to recharge, feeling Megatron’s arm slowly pulling him closer into the cuddle, Soundwave felt complete.
He no longer feared losing Megatron to a coma, to the Autobots or to the infinite space outside the Nemesis. He was with Megatron again, and, as his consciousness faded, entering the recharging state, Soundwave felt happy, safe in Megatron’s arms.
He tilted his visor, closing the gap between his face and Megatron’s chest and fell into a deep slumber.
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I got a cute scenario for Mirage and Noah fic writers
Mirage watches and hears Kris talk about how bad Noah cooking sucks then tries it despite not being able to taste but nobody knows
Noah: Hey man what do you think? Doe it taste as bad as my brother and mom says it to be?
Mirage: Give me a few more servings it's the bomb
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its-elioo · 6 months
A huge thanks to @yuki2sksksk for coming up with such brilliant ideas and for the amazing fanarts she did based on the 'Robots and Magic' crossover series
Context: After I posted the RnM Headcanons a few days ago, Yuki suggested a very adorable scenario between Bumblebee and Fluttershy. Since I adore them both very much and they have a special place in my heart, I had to write it down as a one-shot.
Plot: After the girl's musical performance inside the base, Bumblebee struggled to muster the courage to ask his charge for an autograph.
Words: 2.6k
Melodic Adoration
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The deafening sound of a loud rock song echoed through the corridors of the highly secure military base, causing vibrations in the walls and floors as it filled the entire space with an energizing and exciting rhythm. The source of the powerful music was coming from the main area, where every Cybertronian and human was gathered.
A band consisting of seven teenage girls, also known as the Rainbooms, were energetically performing their original rock song while they were surrounded by their loyal and supportive robot companions, clapping their metallic servos and cheering for their friends. The Equestrian magic was activated the moment they began to demonstrate their abilities on their musical instruments. Their pony ears and tails suddenly appeared while the element of magic, loyalty and kindness also gained their feathery wings.
Each member played a crucial role in the band's dynamic sound: Twilight Sparkle shined with her captivating lead vocals, Rainbow Dash sent waves of thrill with her electrifying guitar solos, Applejack fastened the melody on bass, while Rarity added a touch of glam with her keytar. Fluttershy played with her delicate tambourine beats, Pinkie Pie's lively drumming and Sunset Shimmer's rhythmic guitar strumming all blended seamlessly, creating a harmonious symphony that resonated throughout the whole place.
Knock Out and Arcee were both leaning over one of the platforms while the rhythm of the melody made them slightly bob their helms in sync with it, clearly enjoying the small concert. Sideswipe, Smokescreen, Bulkhead, Grimlock and Spike were having the time of their lives as they were dancing and rocking around with energy and hyping the teenagers up. Meanwhile, the ones who had more control of themselves, Ratchet, Strongarm, Fixit, Optimus Prime and Bumblebee, stood a bit further behind as they watched the girls with intrigued expressions.
It took a lot of pleading for the grumpy medical officer to finally let them play inside their base, especially since he didn’t want to be distracted at all from his important work. He also had quite a hatred for loud annoying noises but after he decided to listen to their song, he realized it did not bother him as much as he first assumed. To his very own surprise, he even found the entertainment somehow pleasant.
Right next to him stood the young lieutenant who was trying his best to stay serious among his comrades, especially in the presence of his old Prime leader. But man, it sure was very challenging as a rock fan himself not to slightly tap his pede on the ground. During that moment, the small movement of his leg caught the attention of Optimus. His face-plate focused on the yellow Autobot who kept faintly moving to the rhythm of the song. The young Cybertronian’s optics soon landed on the staring leader and quickly stopped, returning to his firm position. The Prime’s intake formed a small smile and turned his helm back to the band. Bumblebee then decided to get distracted with something else.
As he tried to concentrate on their human companions, his gaze was mindlessly directed to his charge, Fluttershy, who was playing and singing along with her close friends. He felt a deep sense of admiration and fondness growing within him as he watched her joyful and carefree demeanor. Such instances were rare for him to witness, largely due to her timid nature. Wistfully, he longed for more opportunities to behold this side of her.
However, as their song reached its final crescendo, the girls gradually slowed down, letting the last chords hang in the air before the music finally faded away, leaving the audience in a state of amazement. Eventually, the whole Autobot team broke the silence with thunderous applause that filled the space with joy and gratitude.
“WOO YEAH!” noisily cheered Grimlock as he lifted his fists in the air, “That was awesome!”
As the rest approached, Strongarm commended, “You guys were fantastic!”
“Those are one heck of good talents.” delightfully added Bulkhead afterwards.
“My audials didn’t explode from the loud volume, so I suppose the song was rather… nice.” remarked Ratchet, mostly glad it was over.
Sideswipe looked at him in surprise, “Pfft, nice? Come on! That was hands down one of the most epic rock songs I’ve ever heard! Can’t wait till you girls officially release it.”
“I thought human musical performances weren’t so entertaining.” Fixit chuckled, “Glad that you proved me wrong.”
Sunset warmly smiled at them as she placed her guitar down, “Thanks guys, it means a lot.”
“Gotta say, we wouldn’t have done this great without yer encouragements.” replied Applejack.
While they kept on congratulating them, Fluttershy’s eyes settled on her guardian. A wave of uneasiness washed over him as he immediately repositioned his face-plate to a different corner of the spacious room, avoiding her gaze. It was then that his attention was drawn to a stack of posters featuring their rock band's illustrations, placed on the nearby table in their shared human area. The girls must have brought them earlier upon their arrival. As Bumblebee's processor whirred with thoughts, a small idea crossed his mind.
Perhaps he could work up the courage to ask her for an autograph?
The yellow robot continued to stare at the pile with a hesitant look.
…could he?
He shook his helm.
Bad idea.
Realizing that it might make her feel uncomfortable made him reconsider, deciding it was best to just keep it to himself. At that moment, Smokescreen, who was standing right beside him, followed his close teammate’s glance and saw the printed pictures, “Hey.” the blue mech suddenly spoke up to the whole group, everyone focused on him as he pointed to the pile, “About those posters- can I grab one?” he questioned curiously.
“Sure, go ahead!” Twilight kindly responded, gesturing to the paper, “Feel free to take as much as you like, we have a lot to spare anyway.” Smokescreen grinned and went to the collection, cautiously picking up the one that was on the very top.
“We printed them out for the school event this week so everyone could come and join the concert.” informed Sunset.
“Do you- maybe have something to write with?” he inquired.
The red-yellow-haired girl kneeled to open her school bag, “You’re lucky I brought some markers for art class today.” she took one and handed it to him. As he gratefully and thoughtfully took hold of it with his large digits, Sunset couldn’t help but raise her eyebrow at him and ask, “What do you need it for exactly?” the mech formed a smirk and glanced to his energetic charge, who was happily putting her drum sticks inside her backpack. While she was distracted, Smokescreen approached her closely from behind, clearing his vocalizer loudly enough for her to hear.
Pinkie Pie turned around only to see her guardian with a beaming face, offering her the small objects he was currently holding between his metal fingers, “May I have your autograph, miss?” he quizzed smoothly.
Bumblebee became wide-eyed in an instant, staring at his ally in disbelief.
“Of course you can, silly!” Pinkie giggled at her guardian’s sweet attitude and delightedly signed it for him.
“Huh, no one has asked us this before.” said Rainbow a bit surprised by Smokescreen’s sudden request.
The second she said that though, Sideswipe impatiently exclaimed, “Wait- I want yours too!” he rushed to get one and hand it over to his human companion.
Rainbow smirked as she looked at him, “Dude, c’mon- I’m not that famous.”
“Yet.” he added, “I even bet these signatures will get pretty expensive once you become one of the world’s greatest bands.”
She rolled her eyes in return and teasingly responded, “Well… since you are such a big fan I guess I could sign it for ya.”
As the young leader stayed speechless, he couldn’t comprehend what was happening. He thought about this first! How come they-
“Don’t mind if I take one for myself then~” Knock Out quipped in amusement as he delicately took out another printed-out poster with his sharp digits.
“Pass some to the rest of us, will you?” Arcee chimed in from behind. More and more team members became enthusiastic about keeping their talented friends’ signs as a memory. Bumblebee stood frozen as he watched them, happily chatting with each other while the girls excitedly wrote down their initials on the prints. All of them seemed to be having fun. He looked at his charge, he couldn’t catch what exactly she was talking about due to the numerous conversations around the base but he noticed her giving an autographed poster to the dinobot who formed a big toothy grin in return. Fluttershy brightly smiled at his delighted reaction.
“Maybe It wouldn’t hurt that much to ask…?”
Yet, Bumblebee still didn’t move from his spot. Why was he still hesitating?!
He groaned, “You know what? This is getting ridiculous. At least I’m not the only one who—“
“Can I get one from each?” Strongarm eagerly questioned as she presented the illustration to Twilight.
“Yeah, absolutely.” the element of magic replied warmly as she signed it and returned it to her, after that, she looked at the old medic who was standing near them with a firm expression, crossing his arms as he observed the whole scene in the room, “Ratchet?” he glanced down at her the moment he was called. With a playful yet inviting gesture, the girl dangled the marker between her fingers at him.
“Come on now, doc.” Arcee persisted, fixing a gentle but determined gaze on the obstinate doctor, “We know you want one too.” she extended a second piece of paper towards him, inviting him to partake in the engaging activity.
He sighed tiredly in defeat, “Alright, alright. But I’m doing this only so you can stop annoying me.”
The blue femme smirked back, clearly not believing him, “Whatever you say.”
“Okay, Ratchet is down…“ the lieutenant was now even more nervous, “T-that’s fine, I’m sure Optimus wouldn’t— wait. Where did he go?“
His question was quickly answered once he heard his old leader’s voice from the other part of the room, “You had quite the astonishing performance, little one.” Bumblebee quickly turned his helm to the older mech. The yellow Autobot stood in complete shock as he watched how the Prime kept a poster gently in his hold while speaking to Sunset, “Would it be much of a nuisance to have your signature as well?”
She chuckled, “Of course not, big guy.”
He couldn’t believe this.... now he was the only one without an autograph!
That’s it. The whole situation drove him absolutely crazy. He was going to do this, now or never. He took a print and stared at it, letting out a deep ex-vent, “Alright, Bee. It’s only an autograph. Not a big deal... just- go and ask her. It can’t be that hard… right?”
Meanwhile, amidst the conversations with her friends, Fluttershy kept on waiting for the lieutenant to appear but couldn't shake off a sense of melancholy that crept over her. Wondering why her guardian still seemed distant and uncertain to engage with her, she pondered on what might have caused him to stay away. The troubled expression on his face-plate didn't escape her notice, adding to her own feeling of unease. Was his unusual behavior somehow... her fault?
Suddenly, a pair of heavy pedes approached her, bringing her back to reality. She looked up, only to be greeted by the yellow Cybertronian’s awkward smile and tense posture, “H-hey…um- I hope I’m not interrupting,” he stammered softly and rubbed the back of his helm, trying to gather some courage to articulate his request, “I just- you know, came here for a…uh-“ his voice trailed off momentarily, caught in the struggle to find the right way to express the thoughts swirling in his circuits.
His unusual state grabbed the attention of a few members of his team, both robots and humans were watching them with puzzled expressions, “What in Primus' name has gotten into him?” questioned Ratchet completely confused.
“I’ve never seen the lieutenant acting in this way before.” stated Strongarm, gazing at her superior with a mix of wonder and concern.
Twilight was curiously observing them, “Is he… nervous?”
Sideswipe snorted, “This is one sad, sad scene.” reacting to the red mech's comment, the cadet smacked him behind the helm with a servo.
Unfortunately for the young leader, no matter how much he tried to muster up his question, his words continued to tremble, “I- I was wondering if I can… have your autograph?” the kind girl couldn’t help but smile, “It’s totally fine if you don’t-”
“Bumblebee, it’s okay.” Fluttershy reassured calmly with a tiny chuckle, “I will be… more than glad to sign it for you.” she answered with a timid tone, feeling her face getting warm.
He stared at her in a mix of surprise and delight for a second, processing her response while astonishment flickered across his features, “…really? I mean-! T-that’s great!” he exclaimed, his optics reflecting genuine gratitude. When she wrote down her initials and drew a pair of tiny butterflies, which resembled her element, the teenager lifted the poster and he gently took it. Bumblebee examined it with a tender look, his intake curling up, “I will make sure to keep it safe, thank you. I appreciate it a lot… “ he replied, still somewhat apprehensively, “G-good job, on the song by the way.” he complimented.
“You were wonderful.”
The instant that sentence came out of his mouth, the two of them froze on the spot. Fluttershy stood motionless, her cheeks bloomed with a rosy hue, eyes widened in surprise. An awkward silence hung heavy between them until it was broken by her guardian, who was now flushing in blue, rapidly shaking his servos in the air in front of her while fumbling to explain, “I- I MEANT THE SONG! Yeah, the song was wonderful! N-not that you weren’t-! You’re incredible- Wait, no-! I- I didn’t--!” he jumbled his words, hoping to diffuse the accidental confession that had slipped from his glossa.
His whole team could only watch him in sympathy from the opposite corner of the area, “He is definitely malfunctioning....” Arcee notified.
“Someone please go stop him before he embarrasses himself even more.” suggested Sunset.
“I got it.” the cherry medic answered, already walking up to his comrade, “Aaalright, my dear friend.” Knock Out interrupted all casually, patting Bumblebee’s back with his claw, “I think it’s time for our ladies to take some well-deserved break after their grand show.“ he gently guided him away from the awkward situation.
Bumblebee immediately apologized before they could leave the area, “R-right. Sorry for that- and thanks again!”
The shiny red mech chuckled softly and teased the poor mortified robot, “Come along now, Romeo.”
As they faded away from everyone’s vision, Rainbow stood baffled, “Dude, what the heck was that?”
Twilight leaned closer to her and giggled, “I think someone has a little crush.”
Once her guardian left, Fluttershy focused on her friends, “D-did I do something wrong?” she asked worryingly, holding her hands.
“Oh, nono, not at all, darling.” Rarity reassured, caressing the girl’s shoulders in comfort, “It seemed our Bumblebee was just really excited to get a signature from you.”
Sunset chimed in, "Don't worry about it too much. It's sweet, really. And besides, you made quite the impression on him with your singing skills." she winked playfully with a small nudge.
Fluttershy blushed slightly at the thought, her gaze flickering between them, "Oh, I-I don't know about that."  as they continued talking, the tension eased, replaced by laughter and camaraderie. She couldn't shake the feeling of warmth spreading through her chest, though, as she replayed the encounter in her mind.
Maybe, just maybe, there was something more to Bumblebee's reaction than just simple admiration for her talent. But for now, she decided to simply enjoy the moment and cherish the memory of their unexpected exchange.
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ikkosu · 5 months
This came to me while I'm chewing and popping gum (Feel free to make this a one-shot! If so fem reader
Imagine being a human in a relationship with tfa Prowl, you lean in while blowing a bubble, he leans in only to bite it to make it pop and he kinda snickeres at it popping on your face :((
But he apologizes later for it tho
(I believe all prowlers are a tad bit mean, it's in their coding :p)
This is adorable!? Hello?! He would so do that 😔 (Idw prowl would clock you in the skull/j he would give you the death stare and pop it with a difit)
I bet tfa prowl would lean in with a quick peck to your nose. Watching your face scrunch and just >:( he probably adores your scowl. Maybe even squishing your cheek with a servo before a full on kiss to your lips ough wish I can have my own asshole prowl to pester everyday.
Tumblr media
Snuff, hrrhjrkkrj snifff...sniff, snjffss
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sc-02 · 1 year
Pairing: OptiRatch
Continuity: Transformers Prime
Warning: Explicit Content
Context: Optimus and Ratchet finally gets some alone time in the base
It’s been a while since the two old mechs have done this. Now never having the time to themselves since the Decepticons had come back. Ratchet and Optimus have to work and even keep the younglings in good condition in both health and armor. When they have some time alone, it would just be a 30 Klik break for the two, away from the chaos and the younger members. The prime would wrap his arms lovingly around the medic. Locking his hands that would almost be below Ratchet’s decent gray panel. Resting his helm in-between his partner’s shoulder and neck while watching him work on the computer. At least the clicking sounds of the keyboard are strangely relaxing and satisfying.
Ratchet used to chuckle and give a greeting as he turned around to give a small peck on the prime’s flat silver lips before going back to work. The sounds of keyboard keys would click while Optimus would calmly whisper encouragement and praises into the medic’s audial. Which would mostly make Ratchet’s internal cooling fans spin and softly interrupt the gentle moment. Optimus usually gives a small, gentle smile, knowing his lover enjoyed those words that he had uttered into his audio receptors. Especially when no one had heard them. The medic would be slightly embarrassed that someone had caught them having their precious moment, even if it is only a few kliks.
Now, they’re alone in the base while the youngsters and humans are off in the roads. Thankfully, Arcee had noticed their (especially Ratchet) slight discomfort of not being able to have affection or physical contact in the main hanger in the day without disruption in their way. At night, Ratchet would work tirelessly, Optimus would be just there for the medic. Comforting and gently giving some physical and mental affection in hopes to get the doctor to fall into power down (which always works). The three bots offered to take the humans outside of base for the day to allow the two old mechs to have some time alone with each other. Which was something the two mates were thankful for. Optimus knows that he can just easily get Ratchet off the computers by pulling the medic away from the work now that there’s no chaos happening in the base that he has to handle.
The medic huffs as he feels the sensation within him grows stronger as he wraps his servos around the prime’s neck. Burying his head into the shiny, ebony cabling as Optimus’s engine purred. Ratchet panted as he went to kiss the prime, gently closing the gap between them. This time, the doctor’s engine rumbles while the prime’s glossa easily slides into his mouth. His calipers tightened around the spike inside him that rubbed against a few nodes. The two made out for a while, Ratchet whines as he feels the thick, smooth base of the spike slide past his sprawling, aching calipers and brush against his interior node. Parting with a string of lubricant connecting the two’s mouths.
Optimus clenched his dentas as he held his medic close to his chest. Feeling the calipers clamp down tightly onto his spike, releasing a submissive noise that spewed out of his voice-box. His engine revs up as he opens his armor plating to let steam out in attempts to cool down his hot protoform and inner coils to not malfunction from overheating as he grips onto Ratchet’s hip plates as if his partner will leave him right then and there. The larger forge huffs as he pants a warning into his partner’s audial.
“I’m…going to start moving..”
Just with that Ratchet sighs in approval then he feels himself getting lifted off the spike that he was so eager for, his valve lips brushing against the tip. Moaning softly in the process then getting back in his previous positioning, letting out a strained ‘Ah!-‘ in the process.
The medic breathlessly moans and whimpers as he feels himself being stretched out so close to the limit as he feels the aching sensation inside him rise further with each lock and movement. Optimus whined as he felt calipers tighten around his spike even more despite his tries of being gentle with the smaller cybertronian, trying to contain himself to not completely rail the medic in his hands. Eventually his spike reaches the ceiling nodes and oh… how good it felt, how his doctor moans loudly in pure bliss as the tip of his spike brushes against the head of his seal.
Ratchet groaned in encouragement as he hid his face in his lover’s cabling. Slightly rubbing his faceplate against the slightly sensitive wiring which earned a soft moan in response. He pecked the cabling there as he was being thrusted up and down at a steady pace. His servos around the base neck tighten slightly as the medic moans happily as he was being driven into pleasure.
Optimus huffs and whimpers as he feels the calipers of his partner clenching down onto his spike tightly. The prime moaned softly as he drove into his teammate, trying to keep a steady pace even though he wanted to absolutely take this medic and rail him into oblivion.
“A-Oh…f-frag, Optimus…”
The medic groaned. His overload is building up fast in the midst of the interface. He was sure Optimus was too due to the prime’s sloppy pulling and huffing even more as his spike brushes against his partner’s seal.
Eventually, the two overloads together with one final thrust and moan. Ratchet almost screamed as he released his fluids that gushed out and leaked over the spike inside him. His calipers tightened around the spike base which triggered an overload for Optimus.
Optimus loudly groans in satisfaction as he finishes. His fluids flushed into the valve of his partner, earning a pleased moan in response. The medic huffed while he’s feeling himself getting filled to the brim, almost bursting his seal.
The old mechs sat there for a while, cooling fans spinning. Optimus lets his armor plating stay open for a brief while before closing them back up again. His armor slightly hissing in the process. Ratchet pants as he holds onto Optimus, hugging him from the waist front, laying his helm on the prime’s chest plates, just below his tinted windows. Optimus took notice of this and sighs in amusement as he wraps his servos around his medic. The two stayed like that for a while. […]
Voila! Some fluffy OptiRatch for you people <3
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