#transformative parenting
fastlane-freedom · 10 months
Parenting Success through the S.A.V.E.R.S. Morning Routine
Parenting is a demanding and rewarding journey, filled with challenges and joys. As parents navigate the complexities of raising children, establishing effective routines becomes crucial. One powerful framework that has gained popularity is the S.A.V.E.R.S. routine, a holistic approach to personal development introduced by Hal Elrod in his book “The Miracle Morning.” In this blog, we’ll explore…
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familylawyerbarrie · 1 year
Transformative Parenting Solutions in Barrie
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In today's rapidly evolving world, parents face a myriad of challenges when it comes to raising their children. From navigating the complexities of technology to fostering emotional well-being, the need for transformative parenting solutions has become paramount. This blog aims to explore transformative parenting solutions tailored to the specific needs of Barrie's parents, offering valuable insights and guidance.
Understanding the Essence of Transformative Parenting
Transformative parenting is a holistic approach that focuses on nurturing a child's physical, emotional, and cognitive development, ultimately empowering them to become confident, resilient, and compassionate individuals. It encompasses a wide range of techniques and practices, considering each child's unique characteristics. From mindful parenting to positive discipline methods, transformative parenting emphasizes fostering healthy parent-child relationships based on trust, communication, and mutual respect. 
Key Transformative Parenting Solutions 
Community Engagement and Support: Barrie offers a wealth of resources and community organizations dedicated to supporting parents and children. From parenting workshops to playgroups, these initiatives provide valuable opportunities for parents to connect with like-minded individuals, gain insights from experts, and share their experiences. By actively engaging in the local community, parents can access a network of support, exchange ideas, and gather valuable knowledge to enhance their transformative parenting journey.
Technology Management: In the digital age, managing children's exposure to technology has become a pressing concern for parents. Barrie recognizes this challenge and provides various educational programs and workshops focused on digital literacy and responsible technology use. By equipping parents with the necessary tools and knowledge, Barrie empowers them to guide their children in developing healthy habits, ensuring a balanced approach to technology and fostering digital well-being.
By implementing these cooperative parenting solutions, parents in Barrie can empower their children to thrive and become resilient individuals capable of adapting to future challenges. For more information on transformative parenting solutions, contact JMS Law.
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starry-bi-sky · 8 months
(Part of this post with older brother danyal al ghul)
...Okay, look. Sam knows she's staring. She knows very well that she is staring. And that if she doesn't stop staring it's gonna draw her unwanted attention, and that will only have to make her explain why she's staring. Which she doesn't want to do.
She's trying not to stare, which she thinks she should get brownie points for. She tries to look away, to find a spot on the wall to stare lifelessly at, maybe she can burn holes into some of these annoying socialites' heads. But eventually her eyes drift, and suddenly she's back to staring again.
Can you blame her though? Damian Wayne looks like a very close mini-me of her fucking best friend. Seriously, it's like looking into a mirror to the past. If that mirror to the past had green eyes rather than blue and a distinctive lack of a facial scar.
The first time she sees him when her parents drag her over to Bruce Wayne to butter up to him she has to do a doubletake. Then a triple take. Then a quadruple take, just for good measure that she was seeing what she was actually seeing. She was sure she looked like one of those stress toys that when squeezed had their eyes pop out comically like a Saturday morning cartoon, that's what she certainly felt like anyways.
Look, Danny's come a decent way from being that scowl-y, jerkish little ten year old she first met when he arrived like the wind to Amity Park five years ago (even if he was still occasionally scowl-y and jerkish), but one thing that's stayed the same is how reserved he is about his home life prior to being taken in by the Fentons.
He doesn't talk about it much, and Sam's come to know that he's very good at changing the subject when it gets brought up. Even after being friends for nearly four years, the only thing she and Tuck know for certain is that he has a little brother that he refers to as 'starlight', whom he cares a lot about but left on really bad terms with. And that he's never met his father, but wants to and knows who he is.
He's never told her or Tucker who he was though, and glancing at Bruce Wayne, Sam is realizing why. She can begrudgingly acknowledge all the good he's done for Gotham, but... well, if Danny told her that Bruce Wayne was his dad, she wouldn't have believed him at all.
But she's starting to see the resemblance, as subtle as it is.
And she sees the resemblance to Damian Wayne, her eyes dropping back down to him as he wears a very Danny-like scowl on his face, arms crossed behind his back as his eyes swept around the ballroom. He was five years younger than Danny, and god it was so, so weird.
His eyes turned on to her, and they locked gazes for a moment.
Involuntarily, Sam makes a startled noise and looks away. Fingers tap against her purse, black and purple and unfortunately a clutch that only held her phone and her wallet in it. She would have kept a knife on her, but her parents put their foot down and there was a security detail at the door. Only in Gotham.
Silently, she was hoping that the little Danny-me didn't say anything. Or at least, he hadn't noticed her staring. Which was a tall order if she ever heard one -- and unfortunately, her silent prayers went unanswered as her mother's eyes dropped down onto her.
"Did you say something, Samantha?" She asks in a sickeningly sweet voice, a sound that makes Sam's skin crawl. Her dad and Bruce Wayne's attention also turns onto her, and she glowers at her mom from the corner of her eye.
"I didn't say anything." Sam says, barely keeping her tone polite as she turned her head away. Her mother clucks her tongue, disapproving, but from her peripherals doesn't pester her more
Bruce Wayne, the bastard, takes that time to turn to Sam and grace her with his dime-a-dozen billboard smiles. "I've been talking with your parents this whole time, Miss Manson, you must be terribly bored. How is your schooling going?"
Sam eyes him up and down. On one hand, she immediately wants to be snarky. It's none of his business what her school life is like, she doesn't care for his fucking small talk.
On the other hand, this was Danny's whole father. Someone who she knows that Danny has wanted to meet for, what she's assuming, his whole life. He's never brought it up much, but she remembers that very quiet, solemn conversation she and Tucker had with him where he admits to having never met his dad. But god does he want to.
And... wait. Sam's eyes narrow, and she meets Bruce Wayne's eyes. Does this man even know Danny exists? She drops her gaze down to Damian, who was staring at her suspiciously, and then back up to Bruce, and she alternates between them.
Why was Damian living with Bruce, but not Danny? Why hasn't Bruce done anything to reach out to him - what was going on with Danny's biological family that Danny had to be separated from them, but not Damian? Danny's always been kinda mysterious, but now things weren't adding up.
Was Danny given up? Does Bruce just not want Danny, but wanted Damian? Why the fuck does Bruce Wayne know about Damian but not her best friend -- or does he know and just not care? He's fought for custody for his adoptive kids before, does he just not want to fight for his other biological son? Does he think Danny's not worth it?
She's never cared much about the Wayne family before, other than to hear about the advancements on WE's eco-friendly tech, but Sam thinks she's gonna have to look into why Damian Wayne was living with the Waynes.
Slowly, with a protective anger beginning to burn in her gut and crawl up her throat, a scowl slowly curls at the corner of her lip as she redirects her glare from her mother onto Bruce. "It's going fine," She says curtly, jutting her chin out defiantly. "Me and my friend Danny started a petition to fix the leaky faucets in the girls and boys' bathrooms in order to conserve more water for the rest of the city."
She eyes his face, waiting to see if anything like recognition flashes through it. And- and nothing. Sam breathes in slowly through her nose, trying to quell the red that's blurring the edge of her vision -- does he just, not know where Danny is?
Her parents however, make vaguely displeased expressions. "Our Samantha is... quite passionate about her pet projects." Her dad says, laughing low and nervously, "she's very vocal about silly things like that."
"Her friend Daniel is perhaps even worse than she is sometimes." Her mother adds on, fanning her face with her perfectly manicured hands with a sigh. "I swear, he's the one that keeps dragging her into these things."
Sam's anger turns on its head, and she whirls on her heel like a fire-breathing dragon. "It's Danyal." It rolls out like instinct. Danny's told them both that he hates the Americanized pronunciation of his name, but in a rare moment of restraint, puts up with it for reasons unknown to her. "And Danny doesn't make me do anything, it was my idea."
The name, Danyal, seems to ring some kind of bell in Brucie Wayne's head, because she sees him and Damian quietly perk up like two cats pricking up their ears. Her eyes flick onto him immediately, something dangerous rearing its head. So Bruce Wayne knows about Danny. And he's not reaching out to him. Is he? She's not sure.
She does know that she's gonna rip his throat out if she finds out that he's known about Danny this entire time and has been ignoring him while favoring his little brother. She'll hunt down Aragon herself and steal his dragon-shifting amulet and wreck house on Bruce Wayne if that's the case. Batman and his league of vigilantes be damned. Her parents don't notice her slowly turning head towards Bruce.
But Bruce does, and she makes direct eye contact with him. His smile doesn't falter, he just tilts his head like a curious puppy and looks at Sam's parents. She hopes Bruce can read minds, she hopes he can hear her threatening him.
"Danyal?" He asks, and Sam doesn't know if she hates the fact that he said it correctly or not. She just continues burning holes into him and hoping he might spontaneously combust.
Her mother waves her hand dismissively, tilting her nose up poshly into the air. "Our dear Samantha's little... foster friend from school," she says, not even bothering to hide her disdain, "a creepy little boy with the most garish scar on his face. He's a rude little thing, not good for polite company."
Scratch that, Sam mentally alternates between ripping into her parents and Bruce. She whirls on them. "Do not talk about Danny that way." She all but snarls, and they all but ignore her.
(She's tearing up the upholstery when she gets home. She's going to paint over the fine china. She's going to do something to make them pay for this.)
"Oh yes, he was taken in by that freaky Fenton family a few years ago." Her dad continues in lieu of her mom, and they both shake their heads disapprovingly. "It's just what our city needs, another menace."
"Danny is not a menace." Sam continues, raising her voice while her hands shake with rage. Her parents finally look at her, but she can already tell that they're going to scold her for raising her voice. She bulldozes over them and jabs her black-painted finger at them. "He's got a bigger heart than the both of you combined."
"Samantha, please." her mom says, exasperated. They both give her disapproving looks, Sam thinks about grabbing champagne off the tray of a nearby waiter and throwing it in their faces. "You defend that boy far too much. What do you actually know about him and his family?"
Sam sets her jaw, puffing herself up like a dragon protecting its hoard. She steps into her mom's space. "I know that he loves the stars; you can ask him anything about astronomy and he could give you an entire lecture on the formation, class types, and various gasses that stars are made up of. He can tell you how the Earth was formed, he can tell you about the visible light spectrum and about light curves, and a whole ton of other stuff that I don't really understand. But Danny loves talking about it."
Her face twists and scowls, "I know he cares a ton about the environment and about fixing light pollution, and preserving the forests and natural habitats of animals." She nearly jabs her finger into her mom's chest, "I know he loves dogs, and that there's one he feeds every day on the way to school that he calls Cujo, its a St. Bernard puppy and Danny carries him around whenever he sees him after school, and is in the middle of training him."
It's not a total lie, but it's not the whole truth either. Cujo doesn't need food, but Danny gives him it anyways. "I know he likes spicy food and loves movies but specifically only sci-fi and horror, and he hates most martial arts movies. His favorite superhero is the Martian Manhunter, but Batman comes in at a close second." For reasons to her that were pretty unknown, but it didn't matter.
"I know he loves wordplay and making puns, which I would have never expected from him when we first met, but it's so unbelievably Danny-like that I can't imagine him not making puns." And she smiles a little to herself, she remembers the first time Danny intentionally made a pun once and it got startled laughs out of both her and Tucker.
Her smile suddenly falters, and she swallows. Her lips purse up, wobbling, and she very quickly glances over to Damian Wayne, of whom is watching her with a vaguely bewildered expression alongside Bruce.
She turns her eyes back onto her parents. "And I know that he worries a lot, even if he has a shit way of showing it. I know he had a little brother that he hasn't seen since he was adopted by the Fentons, and he doesn't talk about him often but when he does he he calls him 'starlight'." From the corner of her eye, she sees Damian jerk.
"So- so, so what if he's not 'good for polite company'." Sam's voice, embarrassingly, cracks down the middle. But she's so angry over Danny's behalf that she doesn't really care. "Or that he can be mean, and critical, and stubborn. He's learning, and he's becoming kinder by the day. That's more than I can say about you."
(She remembers when Danny finally admitted to her and Tucker being his 'closest friends'. It was sometime before the portal incident, and it felt like a milestone because beforehand he only really referred to them as his companions or allies.)
(At the time, he'd looked unsure of himself. Skittish like a stray in the back of an alleyway, almost shy in his own way. It had come out stilted, slow, like an infant taking its first steps, and it would have been endearing if it hadn't been heartbreaking.)
Her parents rear back like she'd struck them, and her mother holds a hand against her chest in aghast. Sam doesn't care, she blinks the sting out of her eyes. "Samantha." Her mother starts.
Sam cuts her off, "I don't care what you have to say, you-- you pricks." she snaps, around her, there are gasps. Belatedly, she realizes she's grown an audience, but again she doesn't care. "Danny might be an asshole, but he cares. And I'd rather be around someone whose mean but cares, than someone whose nice but doesn't."
With that, she whirls on her foot and turns on Bruce Wayne, who has been silent the entire time with a surprised expression on his face. He starts to shake out of it when Sam turns to him, but she doesn't give him the chance to speak. "Enjoy your party." She snarls, and then stalks away.
#dpxdc#dp x dc#dp x dc crossover#danny fenton is not the ghost king#dpxdc crossover#dpdc#danyal al ghul au#older brother danny#sam is one protective gal. this scene went differently in my head. way differently. but alas. i am not complaining.#sam: if bruce wayne abandoned my best friend i'm gonna physically transform myself into a dragon and incinerate him. how dare he.#bruce and damian got to watch in real time as a random girl who knows danny suddenly realizes he's related to them. which is comical to me#because she suddenly goes from being disinterested but weirded out by damian. to suddenly looking at bruce like she's gonna kill him#which is very funny to me bc from their pov at first its like this random girl just speedran hating bruce. and then her parents bring up he#friend danny and then she calls him danyal. and suddenly its starting to click into place like 'oh fuck wait we may just have a lead on --#-- finding danyal and his whereabouts.' especially after sam's mom mentions the scar on his face. like wow. what a crazy ten minutes.#not seen but def happened: sam gets her phone out to go text danny in the corner. she's not gonna bring up the bruce thing yet. she needs#a pick me up. related note: danny and tucker know she's gone to some gala thing with her parents but not to a wayne gala. if danny had know#he may have told her that he was related to damian wayne. just to prepare her for that. not so sure on the writing in this one folks#but i also dont wanna go through and edit anything its like half past one in the morning and i also dont wanna wait until morning to post#when i can just do it now. and get instant serotonin. i thought of this scene in various ways. like sam calling damian 'danny' out of shock#and then quickly correcting herself. and then excusing herself very quickly. or her mentioning that damian resembles her friend danny a lot#so she was just thrown off by him. because i def think that could happen if sam has no reason to think that she needs to hide danny from th#waynes. i also thought about her parents mentioning that damian resembles danny a little bit. only for one of them to go 'oh no no couldn't#- be. how insulting to damian since the daniel they know has this horrid scar on his face.' and then go from there. either way i thought#a scene like this would be fun. get to also kinda explore how danny looks like from his friends' povs. of which he is#'our lovable jerk who is an ex-cult member and whom we will maim someone over.'#not a scene that was added but i wanted to: sam mentioning in parenthesis that she and tucker think danny was part of a cult prior to the#fentons. and that sometimes danny will say something alarming and sam and tucker will stare at him until he frowns and goes#“that... isn't normal. is it?” and tucker will clap his shoulder and cheerfully go “no buddy. no it isn't” bc i think the idea is funny.#sam is so focused on the idea that bruce abandoned/ignored/was unaware of danny's existence that she momentarily forgot that bruce may have
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maddietransxxx · 2 months
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Send me a message if you can go balls deep in my ass 🍑💗
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silverior968 · 3 months
Mortifying! Transformers equivalent of nearly 30yo man forced to third wheel his parents
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[Image ID: A digital drawing of RiD15 Ratchet, Optimus and Bumblebee. Optimus and Ratchet are holding hands with Optimus smiling gently and Ratchet either talking or laughing. Bumblebee is walking next to them, looking bored. The background is mostly white, except for a patch of grassy dirt defined under their feet. The artist's signature, Silverior968 is overlayed over the image in green. / End ID]
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yasbeych · 2 months
first half of my drawings for this year’s @tf-bigbang !! I was partnered with @wendy-comet who wrote a fantastic fic of the scavs deciding to raise the firstborn (purple baby from the IDW comics)!! here are some photos from their family album!!🥰
link to the fic: https://archiveofourown.org/works/57546139
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bet-on-me-13 · 8 months
Ellie is Cass
So! Years ago, Ellie began to destabilize again. They finally figured out that the reason she was destabilizing was because her Core was too young to sustain a Fully Grown Ghosts Body. The only way to save her was to Revert her to her True Age, so her Core could healthily grow alongside her Body. She would lose her Memories, but she would survive.
But, there was an incident. A Mercenary had attacked the Fenton's Lab one day while they were Babysitting Ellie, and killed both of Danny's parents. Then, that motherf#cker had kidnapped his Daughter.
And Danny searched for her, he did. He searched for Years on End, sent all the Ghost Allies he had to try and find her, got the word out in the Zone that his Daughter had been kidnapped. But nobody could find her.
It was like the Assasin has dropped off the face of the Earth, but even then he had his contacts searching Deep Space and the Zone as well. He just couldn't find her.
Still, he would not rest until he found his daughter. And the one who took her would have more than just Hell to pay.
For David Cain meanwhile, he had struck Gold on his most recent mission. He had been hired by the League if Assasins to go and kill a pair of scientists who had somehow managed to get their hands on Lazarus Water. Apparently they had gotten it a while ago, but had somehow gone under the Radar for years.
But while he was there, he came across something Special. A Lazarus Touched Child. One who seemed to be more Blessed than Any Other Lazarus Touched he had ever heard of. And she was just a Baby.
A Baby who could be raised and Moulded into a Weapon, as any Lazarus Touched should be.
So, he took the Baby and presented it to the League. Ra's ordered that he raise the Child as a Perfect Weapon, to be used as his Bodyguard and Attack Dog. And so he did.
For years, he raised the Child in the most Secluded base he could. There was no need for him to teach it Language beyond following orders, so he filled its head with absolutely nothing but how best to Kill.
Unfortunately, the Weapon managed to escape after its first mission. He tried to track it down for Years, but to no avail. He should expect nothing less from a Lazarus Touched who had been trained from Birth to be the perfect assasin, but he guesses he should have expected this.
Still, he will find the Weapon. And he will teach it why it should have never attempted to escape.
Cass had been feeling off for a while.
Well, No, that's not right, it's more accurate to say that she had never felt truly right. For as far back as she can remember, since her earliest days of childhood, she had always had a nagging sensation in the back of her mind, telling her that something was missing.
She didn't know what though. Was it an Object? A Memory? A Person? She had no idea.
For some reason, the feeling had lessened a little when she got adopted by Bruce. She felt a bit more whole, like some part of her had found a part of what it was looking for, but at the same time the rest of her still felt as if it was missing something.
And recently it had gotten even stronger. She couldn't ignore it anymore, she needed to find the thing her heart was yearning for.
She needed to feel Whole again. Again?
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tanglepelt · 1 year
Dc x dp idea 71
Danny’s accident happens early. Little 6 year old child was left alone in the lab. Instead of popping out on the human side he ends up in the ghost zone.
Only temporarily. A natural portal opens. Dropping 6 year old Danny on top of John Constantine.
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marinatedsaltea · 7 months
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The first ever experience
It took them only 100000 years to finally get confident enough
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lynxgriffin · 1 year
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How do you feel about losing your face?
Part two of what will be a real short four-part series. Based on this total crack theory ! Susie gets some advil and some exposition, but neither of them are very helpful.
Start | Previous | Next
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bitchyqueensblog · 5 months
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GM guys.... it your favourite QUEEN👑💋
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compaculaaa · 1 year
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Sentinel shan’t accept this shit
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nelkcats · 1 year
Wrong Ticket
Danny bought a plane ticket to travel to Goshen, Indiana to visit his father's family. Apparently his aunt was very excited to meet him, and Jazz was excited to send him away from the lab after his accident.
She was worried that she would have to spend a few days scouting colleges, and Danny would be left home unguarded (she wouldn't make that mistake twice, her parents didn't count as good guards and Danny would be too bored since he was on school holidays), so the invitation from their uncles was like a miracle fallen from heaven.
Unfortunately for Danny, his family didn't check the ticket after purchasing it, and therefore they didn't notice the error where "Goshen, Indiana" was changed to "Gotham, New Jersey," so when the airline called his flight, Danny didn't notice his destination. He practically fell asleep a few seconds after entering the plane.
Danny wished he had been paying attention when a few hours later he found himself stranded on the streets of Gotham with nothing but his luggage and a little money. Though that last seemed more of a risk than a benefit if he took into account the way they watched him as he passed.
As if that wasn't enough, it seemed that something strange was starting to happen to him, there were moments where his backpack would slip from his grip, almost as if he was walking through it, and others where he felt invisible. This did not go unnoticed by the denizens of Gotham, who were assessing him with clear interest.
Red Hood, who had noticed the guy (possibly meta) stumbling into his territory, sighed and offered him a temporary place to stay. Danny, who just met the strange guy in the red helmet, was relieved to have temporary lodging, though he would probably look for another place the next day. Just in case.
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witchofthesouls · 4 months
Please do More DADIMUS! Fr dying from the wholesome scenarios
Optimus feels that soulless malice, and sure enough, his battle-honed instinct proves correct as he wakes to the sight of the aquatic squishmallow by his berth.
Much like the multi-faced toy, Miko shares that sharp, unblinking, predatory gaze. However, she's painfully endearing with half-hearted chewing upon the plush head, the tired slant of her wingspan, optics half-lite, and the sleepy tug of her jittery EM field.
Jack makes a questioning chirr, but he's lulled back to silence with an easy, soothing whirl of entangled fields. The dark sparkling too comfortable in his nook between the wall and Optimus' side.
Raf, too cozy and snug over the back of Optimus' neck, twitches in his sleep. Optimus feels the pup flex and curl. The smooth plating a marvel over his musculature.
Raf sneezes but doesn't budge from his makeshift burrow.
Optimus engages microtransformations along his back, creating a more comfortable indent and allowing her into his field. The connection flows easy as she quickly latches on. Words aren't needed as he layers on nonverbal confirmation to join them.
Miko immediately lunges, jumping hard enough to hook her talons on the berth edge, and scurries over his side and beneath the smokestacks to sprawl across his spinal struts like an overgrown starfish.
She purrs, nuzzling and chewing on the squishmallow in a rapid squeaks as Optimus rolls and pats her immature field in smoothing strokes. Miko snuffles, the squeaking quieting down until he could hear whiffles as her systems begin to match his own slowed ones.
All three sparklings radiate simple contentment and affection. Sparksong twirling around in his peripheral senses, anchoring deep as they needed it and falling into his rhythm as he regulates them. Optimus takes a slow moment to bask in it before slipping back into recharge.
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avocado62524 · 1 month
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#im lazy as hell#4 boxes in i lost my mind hahaha#megastar#im rewatching g1#ill draw better latee trust me#i just need to learn how to draw#hes supposed to be kissing the gun i uhhhh couldnt portray that so take my word for it#maccadam#transformers#anyways how yall nerds doing? i found my megatron figurine that survived getting ran over by a car. hes on my desk now.#anyways on the topic of g1 WTF IS WRONG WITH THESE TWO????#you ever see some shit like damn i hope you two die together#they give me secondhand cringe. head in hands i cant be near these deranged mfs#5 years ago ppl tried to pressure me away from this ship lmao#megatron#starscream#dawg im being ran through by my workload.#wanna hear another very real problem i have? so im a starscream fan since i was like 7. always a ss fan#and one time when i was a teen my mom accidentally ran over my megatron toy with her car so i begged my parents for a model kit#ss was out of stock for years so i got tc. i bought that for $24 and it was all chill#recently i was thinking i want the entire dumbass squad. all 3. i checked the price#$58??? MINIMUM???? AVG PRICE IS 70???? for HIM???#so what i need yall to do is i need a recs so i can infiltrate hasbro and character assassinate ss so bad the merch price drops back to $30#for the small cost of 20 rec letters i promise to destroy the franchise. how about it? then we can all get merch for better prices. cool!#or we can start a gofund me and raise millions so i can become an investor and tell them to lower prices from outside the club#maybe i should email the board. some shit like hey i was planning on having kids but i cant if the toys cost as much as the hospital bill#can you lower the prices so i can buy my future kids toys so i can indoctrinate them like my dad indoctrinated me to become a lifelong fan#sincerely. two generations of TF fans (your franchise isnt that old yet and i hope my kids can afford to be the third gen)
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jazzy-man13 · 10 months
Can we get a scenario for Optimus and Megatron from both Earthspark AND TFP where a young adult human (gender neutral) accidentally calls them "Dad"?
TFE&TFP Optimus and Megatron x gn reader
Grrr hi anon! I loved your request- I adore Earthspark Megs, I'm so glad you requested him. I wasn't really paying attention so idrk if these count as hcs or scenarios, but I hope you enjoy anyways!
TFP Optimus: You were discussing plans for what to do with a new relic with Optimus, when you slip up and accidentally call him dad. He abruptly stops speaking as you embarrassedly apologize to him. "I'm so sorry, it just slipped out-" You stammer. He cuts you off with a wave of his hand and a gentle smile, reassuring you that it's perfectly fine. He doesn't say it out loud, but his spark soars knowing that you see him as a father figure, and he acts more like a parent to you than ever before after this incident. He's remarkably protective of you, because deep down, he fears that he'll fail you and you'll get hurt because of him.
TFP Megatron: The two of you had surprisingly become close, and Megatron often confided his plans with you. When you called him dad in the middle of one of your discussions, you didn't even realize it at first- you just kept casually talking. Megatron, on the other hand, noticed it immediately and was confused. How could you see him as one of your kind's family members? To spare your pride, he doesn't bring it up. To be quite honest, he's flattered that you think both so highly and fondly of him, even if you didn't realize it at the time. Later, he tries to teach you some decepticon traditions in order to include you in his version of a family.
TFE Optimus: You were a new recruit for G.H.O.S.T, before they somewhat shut down their operations. The two of you got along fairly well, and during one of Optimus's grand speeches, you accidentally called him dad. Fortunately/unfortunately for you, he 100% embraces the role. The second you call him dad, he becomes insufferable. Be prepared for nonstop dad jokes and life advice. Maybe he'll take you fishing, who knows? Either way, you're not getting rid of him because he has crippling anxiety and doesn't want anything to happen to you.
TFE Megatron: You were watching over the terrans as a babysitter of sorts, when you slip up and call Megatron "dad". He smirks and laughs it off, not being surprised by it. The terrans often called him dad, on purpose or by accident, and he was relatively used to it by now. However, anytime someone calls him dad, whether it be you or the terrans, he can't help but feel a tinge of shame. He had once been seen as a father figure to Soundwave's cassettes, and he's constantly reminded of how he failed on that account. He can't bear the thought of letting you down too, so he makes a promise to himself to be better. He puts in the effort to spend more time with you after discussing the role he plays in your life, and he offers as much advice as he can. Megatron is always there when you need him, for problems big and small.
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