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neil-gaiman · 1 year ago
hey neil
I’d like to ask if you could show some support for transgirls as the tumblr staff and ceo are after us
Support for transgirls, transboys, trans women and trans men from here. (Should I Google to find out what's going on?)
Also Bluesky is really trans friendly.
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selfawarecreature · 1 year ago
I have never seen an animated character radiate more transboy swag than young Neil. He’s 1 year on T
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pynchvinsky · 7 years ago
more trans!neil
@menoti asked me for more trans! neil josten and its all ive ever wanted to hear
allison doing make up on neil to make his face more masculine
at first neil feels ridiculous, but allison knows what shes doing and he ends up looking pretty cool. even andrew thinks he looks hot, but shrugs it off bc he thought neil was hot before
as much as the foxes defend him, the guy can handle himself. he doesn’t stop correcting transphobes even on small things and hes like “[deadname]? i dont know her”
andrew correcting people on neils pronouns and refusing to let them continue what theyre saying until they correct themselves like “josten, shes a-” “he” “uh yeah anyways shes a great striker bu-” “he is a great striker” “hm uh but i really thi-” “say it” “what?” “neil, he’s a great striker and what?” 
andrews kinda terrifying so it works
when he first came to palmetto, he was super anxious about passing so wore his binder to his first game, another playing slammed him into the wall, bruising his ribs and punching breath out of him. kevin threatened him, telling him never to wear it again while playing
he poked neil’s chest after and said, “this. this better never interfere with your play, because its not what makes you a man, you being 5′3″ and forcing a raquet out of a 6′6″ 250lbs guy’s hand. that makes you a man. don’t fucking injure yourself trying to be what you already are.”
imagine andrews eyeroll when he says “doesnt mean i wouldnt blow you” and neil replies “but youre gay” 
because the only thing andrew cares about being in neils pants is his hand
riko tells neil that hes living a lie and that he knows who neils true self is, and neil just tells riko that hes more of a man than he’ll ever be
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sunnysynthsunshine · 7 years ago
The Young Ones headcanons
Mike is straight and cis
Neil is agender and asexual
in some interpretations Vyvyan is a transboy
Rick is non binary and bi
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yes-i-also-miss-our-talks · 8 years ago
About: OCs!!
This blog has a number of OCs (between 6 and 10, depending on how you’d define a nonessential cameo character) in addition to the 8 canon characters, so I thought I’d write them down for you. I do try to keep the gang small and use only the understudies and main cast, but I’m a sucker for fleshing out a world. Here goes.
Ben Applebaum (yes, like the one from Pitch Perfect it’s my au I do what I want).
Age: 20 
Birthday: November 27th (bn 1996)
Faceclaim [FC]: Colton Ryan - standby Connor/Evan/Jared
Diagnoses: Schizotypal Personality Disorder (STPD)
Random but Important Facts [RIFs]: homoromantic asexual; dating Jared; was homeschooled from sixth grade through the rest of high school; big on ghosts; only wears clothing because society says he has to
Kip Kleinman
FC: Asa Somers - standby Larry
Age: 47
Birthday: TBD
Diagnoses: None
RIFs: super gay; yes he’s Jared’s biological father; works for Starbucks and is therefore always overcaffeinated; tries to be the cool parent and fails but hey at least he’s funny
June Maddison-Beck
FC: Garrett Long - standby Heidi/Cynthia
Age: 49 (this is a somewhat blind guess as I’m not sure of Garrett’s actual age)
Birthday: July 1
Diagnoses: none
RIFs: Alana’s paternal aunt by marriage; Libby’s mom; has been widowed 15 years and is still a cinnamon roll; literally just a ray of sunshine that everyone can’t help but love
Kaeto (formerly known as Lee) Paige
FC: Michael Lee Brown - standby Evan/Connor/Jared
Age: 19
Birthday: April 16th (bn 1998)
Diagnoses: Depression, Anxiety, mild ADD, Anorexia/Bulimia (in recovery)
RIFs: the youngest of the squad and basically Jared’s adopted son; identifies as straight male (intersex transboy); has a service dog named Michi (pronounced Mickey) and she’s a pitbull and everyone loves her; has a highkey crush on Libby that he thinks is lowkey but it’s definitely not is now dating Libby and they are very much disgustingly in love
Oliver Ryan
FC: Nick Sacks - standby Jared/Connor/Evan
Age: 19
Birthday: TBD
Diagnoses: PTSD as a result of child abuse, more to be added later
RIFs: riased in a very conservative family; beign gay really didn’t help his situation; moved away from home as soon as he was sure he could support himself
Vivienne “Libby” Maddison-Beck
FC: Olivia Puckett - standby Zoe/Alana
Age: 23
Birthday: August 20th (bn 1994)
Diagnoses: Seasonal depression (starting late July/early August, ending around October)
RIFs: Alana’s cousin and June’s daughter - she and A are practically sisters they spent so much time together as kids; blames herself for the death of her father, who died in a car accident going to get her food; works with little kids; Libby is short for Vivienne of all freaking things; loves Lee more than life itself tbh but pretends it’s just Friendship/bc he’s got a dog and literally no one buys it but Lee; is dating Lee and they’re disgusting but everyone’s still happy about it
Cameo/Minor Characters (i did not mean for almost all their names to start with “a” it was a coicidence)
Annaliese Paige
FC: Lisa Brescia - standby(?) Cynthia/Heidi
Age: 45
RIFs: Lee’s Mom; born in Lübeck, Germany
Avery Bennet
FC: Neil Haskell (Hamilton Broadway castmember)
Age: 27
RIFs: originated in Quiet Observations [QO], the prequel/accompaniment to the AU; works a lot with mentally ill teens; I didn’t mean to bring him into the blog Y'all just love him cuz he’s pretty I swear; he’s a bi nurse who is 300% done with the world’s shit
Aaron/A'isha Beck
Alana’s parents
Leslie Odom Jr/Nicolette Robinson
living embodiments of “Black Don’t Crack”
Lily Applebaum
FC: Adrian Bumpass (Colton Ryan’s adorable gf)
Age: 23
RIFs: Ben’s older sister; more wholesome/sweet/All-American than apple pie but will kill a man with her pinky for her brother; another primarily QO character
Jasper Darcy
FC: Thayne Jasperson (Hamilton Broadway castmember and former Newsie)
Age: 24
RIFs: Connor’s first boyfriend/crush that he was aware of; is both indirectly and directly responsible for Connor’s addiction struggle (though no one blames him); moved away while Connor was still in high school and has returned but only recently made contact; engaged to Avery
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mitjo-deactivated · 8 years ago
Long Exposure Trans Hcs
(this was bound to happen)
Note: I am not the word of God or anything. These are my personal hcs that I like to think about! If your hcs differ that’s fine, everyone has their own hcs and honestly I love all and any trans hc! Again, this is just for fun and my own little list.
(Also yes, I’m aware some of these characters Wouldn’t be trans but hey, this is all in good fun and it doesn’t many any of em less of an asshole)
Jonas Wagner - Demiboy (Him/His - They/Them)
↪ Personal Hcs: amab, felt mostly “masculine” his entire life until the category of just being a boy made him feel sick. Wants to appear neutral/androgynous, and gets really bad dysphoria about certain facial features. Wants to try dressing in more “traditionally feminine” clothing but is a bit scared to. Has a lot to learn.
Mitch Mueller - Non-binary (He/His - They/Them)
↪ Personal Hcs: amab, very masc presenting because it’s all he really knows. Is fine being called masculine terms because he’s used to it but feels as if they don’t really define him. Doesn’t feel like his body is his own sometimes, and feels like he’s in a void because while “boy” feels fine it doesn’t feel Right. Also has a lot to learn.
Sidney Wagner - Genderfluid (No Preference for Pronouns)
↪ Personal Hcs: afab, they just don’t care man. They slowly came to the realization that they’d rather present themself in anyway they want and didn’t want to uphold to some kind of standard. Doesn’t really get body dysphoria but does wish they can get a binder. “Clothes don’t have gender but you are not stickin’ me inside a dress.”
Javier Osorio - Questioning (Unsure Pronouns)
↪ Personal Hcs: amab, has some trouble adjusting to the fact they’re trans. Doesn’t feel the need to change certain appearances but wants to get used to more “feminine” traits. Feels like they’re stuck not knowing what to call themself. Responds most to male pronouns but neutral pronouns and female pronouns don’t feel bad either.
Scratch Dyer - Agender (They/Them)
↪ Personal Hcs: Literally does not care about your opinion. Doesn’t like being placed within a category, just wants to be Scratch. Will bite your finger off if you call them a girl/boy. Doesn’t get body dysphoria. “Are you a boy or a girl?” “HA!”
Cliff Lonnie - Genderfluid (She/Him/They)
↪ Personal Hcs: amab, has a lot of unlearning to do. Had no idea until much later that being a boy had never felt right. Gets body dysphoria hardcore, leaves them pretty shaken most of the time. First time they wore “feminine” clothing they couldn’t stop shaking for a while. Just wants someone to talk to. Needs to grow as a person and learn. (While also unlearning)
Lewis Halls - Transboy (He/Him)
↪ Personal Hcs: He is living his own damn life!! Has a secret fear that he doesn’t pass, feels the super obligated need to pass at all times. Downplays how bad his dysphoria can get. Binds, has testosterone injectors, and had a legal name change. Wants to eventually get top surgery.
Madison Cleary - Demigirl (She/Her - They/Them)
↪ Personal Hcs: (Am I aware this is ooc? Very. Will that stop me? Nah) afab, internalized transphobia/homophobia to the max. Doesn’t like acknowledging that she doesn’t always feel like a girl, suppresses the urge to not look at more “masc” items/clothes. Does’t really know what to do.
Neil Beckham - Transboy (He/Him)
↪ Personal Hcs: (YES THIS IS VERY OOC I KNOW) Uh, not much to say here. Okay so sometimes, there’s this thing called hyper masculinity which sometimes occurs in transboys. Neil has a really bad case of being hyper masculine which turns into him being a fucking asshole. Yeah that’s all I have.
Carmen Ramirez - Transgirl (She/Her)
↪ Personal Hcs: I love my trans daughter. Her parents don’t really get it but are very accepting and let her take estrogen and testosterone blockers. Gets facial and body dysphoria. Hearing her birth name makes her want to throw up. Clothes make her feel better.
Dean Wagner - No
↪ Personal Hcs: No
Henrietta Synder - Non-binary (She/Her - They/Them)
↪ Personal Hcs: afab, very similar to Mitch’s case. She feels very lost about herself, never knowing why she didn’t feel right. She loves being called mom but sometimes she just wants to be Henri.
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arbores--loqui--latine · 8 years ago
i spent the entire first half of my time reading the foxhole court thinking that Neil was a transboy, and you wouldn’t believe how disappointed i was to find out that he’s not :(
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trixanielazbians · 8 years ago
Tag Game
i was tagged by @lazytownbunny
Answer all the questions and add a new one to the end (optional)
Coke or Pepsi: Coke
Disney or Dreamworks: Disney
Coffee or Tea: Tea, peach tea to be specific
Books or Movies: movies
Windows or Mac: mac
DC or Marvel: idk idc
Xbox or Playstation: playstation, ps4
Dragon Age or Mass Effect: idk idc
Night Owl or Early Riser: night owl
Cards or Chess: cards
Chocolate or Vanilla: vanilla
Paragon or Renegade: what are those???
Star Wars or Star Trek: Star Wars
One episode per week or binge watch: binge watch
Gandalf or Obi Wan: idk idc
Heroes or Villains: ??? neither??
John Williams or Hans Zimmer: ?? who ???
Disneyland or Six Flags: Disneyland
Forest or Sea:  sea
Flying or Reading Minds: read minds
Harry Potter or Lord of the Rings: ur a wizard harry
You’re banished to a deserted island, which fictional character would you choose to take with you: supergirl so she could fly to the mainland
Train or Cruise Ship: train
Brian Cox or Neil DeGrasse Tyson: ??? who????
Art Museum or Science Museum: art museum
Irish Pub or Night Club: idk idc
Aang or Korra: i love both my children how dare
Swimming in a pool or lake: pool
Classical Music or Classical Literature: music
Digital or Paper Books: paper
Rainy Days or Sunny Days: rainy
Fantasy or Science Fiction: science
Poetry or prose: idk what a prose is
Music or Lyrics: music?
Kissing or Cuddling: cuddle
Dancing or Movies for Date Night: neither, no dates 
Sea or Space: space
Netflix or YouTube: depends on if there’s anything to watch on youtube, if not, netflix
Plushies or Pets: pets
Pizza or Nachos: pizza, but some nachos r hecka good
If you could speak to one person from history and tell them everything you know about the modern day, who would it be: probably a US president or a scientist but idk which
If you could become fluent in a language right now, what would you pick: Spanish so i could pass my classes 
Favorite Mythical Creature: elves
Magic or Technology: magic
Princess or Dragon : dragon
Traditional art or digital art: either is fine
I tag @transboy-glanni @poploppege @yaoiputin @aleinnilatibae @furbybuddy @justlazilyrotten @shoelace-and-friends
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sexycraisinthanos · 8 years ago
Tagged by: @lazytownbunny
Answer all the questions and add a new one to the end (optional)
Coke or Pepsi: Neither.
Disney or Dreamworks: Don’t call me out like this
Coffee or Tea: Neither
Books or Movies: Movies mostly. 
Windows or Mac: Windows
DC or Marvel: Marvel
Xbox or Playstation: XBox. 
Dragon Age or Mass Effect: Don’t play either
Night Owl or Early Riser: Night owl
Cards or Chess: Neither.
Chocolate or Vanilla: Vanilla when it’s ice cream, chocolate when it’s pudding
Paragon or Renegade: Renegade for Life bitch
Star Wars or Star Trek: Star Wars
One episode per week or binge watch: Binge watch
Gandalf or Obi Wan: Obae-Wan 
Heroes or Villains: Depends on how they’re written
John Williams or Hans Zimmer: Don’t know who either of those people are
Disneyland or Six Flags: Disneyland.
Forest or Sea:  Forest. 
Flying or Reading Minds: Can I pick both?
Harry Potter or Lord of the Rings: Harry Potter but I like The Hobbit
You’re banished to a deserted island, which fictional character would you choose to take with you: Maui. He was on a deserted island for 1,000 years. He’d know how to survive.
Train or Cruise Ship: Haven’t been on either
Brian Cox or Neil DeGrasse Tyson: Never heard of Brian Cox so NDT 
Art Museum or Science Museum: Art museum
Irish Pub or Night Club: Neither.
Aang or Korra: Aang
Swimming in a pool or lake: Neither
Classical Music or Classical Literature: Both
Digital or Paper Books: Paper
Rainy Days or Sunny Days: Rainy days
Fantasy or Science Fiction: Fantasy when it’s books, scifi when it’s movies
Poetry or prose: Don’t know what prose is so poetry
Music or Lyrics: Lyrics
Kissing or Cuddling: Neither
Dancing or Movies for Date Night: Gross
Sea or Space: Space
Netflix or YouTube: YouTube
Plushies or Pets: Pets
Pizza or Nachos: Nachos
If you could speak to one person from history and tell them everything you know about the modern day, who would it be: Probably Van Gogh. 
If you could become fluent in a language right now, what would you pick: Icelandic. Not because of LazyTown but because I want to know what Stefan Karl says in those videos when he talks to his cat
Favorite Mythical Creature: Mermaids or fauns.
Magic or Technology: Both
Princess or Dragon : Dragon princess
Traditional art or digital art: Both are nice but I can only afford traditional
I tag @moku-chan018 @transboy-glanni @sportacuzz anyone else who wants to do this
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ao3feed-ddadds · 7 years ago
It's just Roseph smut tbh
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2wHPZNS
by saltyfriesuniverse
Robert goes to a bar He talks to Neil for a little He sees Joey They drink kiss and shit happens man --warning this is written by a virgin 14-yr-old transboy on his period--
Words: 1328, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Dream Daddy: A Dad Dating Simulator
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: M/M
Characters: Joseph Christiansen, Robert Small, Neil From Kim And Jim's, Penny
Relationships: Joseph Christiansen/Robert Small
Additional Tags: Sex, Drunk Sex, porn with a plot, Plot What Plot/Porn Without Plot, idk what it counts as tbh, first fic, that i posted, Top!Joesph, bottom!Robert, wow thtas it, i think, idk - Freeform, trash, Actual Garbage, Gay, Hair Pulling Kink, I forgot about that lol, it's only like one sentence tho
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2wHPZNS
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pynchvinsky · 7 years ago
anyway consider this: transman neil josten
ALRIGHT ALRIGHT SO he doesn’t shower with the guys anyway, which is obvs because of his scars but IMAGINE
and when the girls say he can shower is there before them cause theres no stalls?? cause the girls just know and theyre trying to help
Also could be a reason it took so long for his father, the moriyamas and kevin to recognise and find him after he joined the foxes, cause they were looking for a WENINSKI DAUGHTER ay
plus two of his fake names were kinda genderneutral, alex and chris? im connvinced
he realises that it’s not just how much he looks like his father that makes him hate his appearance, even with contacts and dyed hair he feels physically sick seeing himself, he realises he’s trans, But dimisses it because it would oonly cause trouble for his mother
after his mother dies, he cuts his hair off and changes his name. he only starts binding when he goes to millport (but takes it off for games because he plays better without it)
wymack signs him under neil josten and all his paperwork as male, without being asked to
the foxes ARE 100% SUPPORTIVE, unquestionably 
kevin deadnames him when he finds out who neil really was and ANDREW GETS REALLY DEFENSIVE
even on the court, when someone makes a sly comment to neil, if any of the foxes hear it, they come to his defense
matt got countless red cards for starting fights with people who harrassed neil
once he is officially neil josten, he can get on testosterone and get top surgery
his top surgery scars are the only ones he’s proud of, standing out amongst the rest of his deeper and uglier scars because he loves them, they dont bring back harsh memories like the rest
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