#trans wrath
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lilaira · 2 years ago
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made a new sticker/t-shirt design enjoy and show your trans wrath <3
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ballbrain · 2 years ago
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efangamez · 9 months ago
Introducing: The Trans FURY Jam!
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Welcome to the yearly Trans Wrath Jam!
In this game jam, your objective is to create something that is trans as h*** (heck) using the power of Trans Wrath to celebrate Trans Wrath Month!
There are no rules on genre or topic OTHER THAN it is REQUIRED for all submitters to be trans and/or gender nonconforming.
Wrath doesn't always mean pure rage and vengeance also. Wrath can be raging inside, using the pain we feel from the harm done to trans people to fuel us to enact change and lead the world to a better place. Wrath also can mean defiance against the system, actively avoiding and suppressing white supremacist and hetero-normative tenets of our country. It can mean anything YOU want it to be!
Your games can be tabletop games OR digital games. Anything that gets your mind in the realm of game design is all that matters to me!   
IMPORTANT: Please submit products that were made only while this game jam was active. This is a chance to exercise your creative skills AND get your game out there, not just one or the other! ALSO, NO AI ART OR WRITING IS ALLOWED! Also, Under no circumstances are people who submit games with bigoted tones, ideologies, or dogwhistles allowed in this game jam. If your work is bigoted in any way, it can and will be rejected for submission. You have no place in my community, and please do not play my games at your tables. Also, please no NSFW submissions (you know what I mean by that).
Have fun, and may the wrath flow through you!
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estrogenandspite · 1 month ago
Imagine, if you will, two trans women naked on a dirty mattress. It’s on the floor of a room as barren as a rotting womb, concrete floors and fluorescent lights split by spackle drywall barriers. One’s hand is tangled in the other’s hair and they kiss, one exhales and breathes smoke into the lungs of the other, and the one is riding the other, their bodies moving in perfect unison, their pupils dilated from marijuana and raw, unadulterated lust, and they are not prude and proper, they are lascivious and vulgar.
They are beautiful.
The act is profane the act is profane they are slick with sweat and the one on top is scarred and the other tattooed, and there’s a cockroach crawls out of a discarded beer can and the room smells like stale brew and sweat and sex, sex so hot it’s turned rancid and so debased it’s become holy, and they’re trembling, and they’re breathing, and they’re bleeding. Kurt Cobain is playing behind a cracked screen and a 41% battery life remaining, and it smells like teen spirit but it’s 2025 and neither of them have been teens since Kurt Cobain was sucking air.
They are us.
She is a bundle of trauma held together by obligation and self loathing, she’s a web of neuroses full of sugar and cigarettes. They aren’t making love because she doesn’t believe in it and she wouldn’t know it if it tore her face off they are fucking, but when all you’ve known is hate a slap is a hug and a fuck is a proposal and if you’ve never known love you’d never realize you’ve fallen in it, so you’re not making love you’re fucking and this isn’t real but it’s the most alive you’ve ever felt and if it isn’t real then fuck reality, fuck the hate, sink your teeth into her and feel her nails rip into your back.
Hope is a poison but it is so sweet when you’re licking it off her cock.
So lick and kick and suck and fuck and yearn and fight and breathe and live and never, ever stop. If your existence is profanity then swear until your throat bleeds because if To Be is a sin then there’s no reason to hold back because a sin made flesh is love made hungry and if I am a sin, then I will sin until the Devil asks for pointers, and I’ll feed him estrogen and sweet hope until she realizes that life is a sin and freedom is a sin and existence is a sin so fuck your blessings and give me damnation until I’m bleeding and she’s so close and she’s so close and for a moment
For one moment
It is tender and it is sweet and it is safe and you would die to protect her future and she would die to see you smile and the only way for you both to do that is to live.
Then they finish, and reality tries to reassert itself, but she has her in her arms and she is petting her hair and they are kissing and they’ve never known love but if this isn’t it then the real thing must be shit.
They kiss, and they sleep.
They are beautiful.
They are.
Imagine, if you will, two trans women asleep on a dirty mattress.
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lesbianhouseplant · 4 months ago
Oh wowwww, who coulda guessed, dems start blaming the trans community for Harris’ loss as soon as they lose the election. The party has no principles, and if you genuinely think they did for this election, you are a fool. Several democratic politicians have started blaming Kamala’s loss on the parties support of trans rights. Neither party wants us around. It’s time to show BOTH parties that we aren’t fucking around. That we won’t be silenced, thrown under the bus for shit going wrong, beaten, or killed for who we are. Make pride a riot again.
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were-wolverine · 2 years ago
queer pride month 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️ is OVER ❌❌
now it’s queer WRATH month 🔥🔥👿👿🔪🔪
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gothgrampa · 8 months ago
I have been on T for 5 years but I am still having periods because the clueless 80 year old asswipe who fills my prescription knows nothing about trans medicine and every time I tell him I’m still having periods he just gives me this look of ancient dumbassery and disgust like “why would you tell me about your periods?? I’m just your doctor” and I swear to fuck the next time I start hemorrhaging blood from my swarthy sexy dickcunt I am going to put on a manly-ass skirt with a thong and drive an hour to his practice just so I can sit around and free-bleed on all the ugly furniture it that shitball’s waiting room until he understands that
my health IS his problem actually
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nizzybean · 4 months ago
Last week I got to say some words at my local TDoR remembrance event, I'm terrified of public speaking, my voice was trembling at times, but I did it anyway, and I did it because too many of us are already no longer here.
Here's the meat of my statement.
Refuse to die, by any means necessary.
For people like us it feels like everything is always happening all at once, and because it never slows it feels like we're standing still, paralysed as the world moves against us, never being able to so much as take a breath as this world tries to strip our joy from us, our grief from us, our friends and our lovers from us. There is no reprieve, we exist in a living death in perpetuity, with our heads on the block and with a sword demanded to follow, and at the same time we're chastised for treating our own executioners with contempt, for refusing to die in any way that matters. 
I don’t care what motivates your desire to survive, as long as you refuse to die. Love may be a beautiful emotion, but it is one we fetishise too readily, one often misconstrued as shameless acquiescence to every indignity, that by suffering the violence and disrespect with restraint we attain virtue and valour, we do not, there is no virtue, no valour, and no honour in being a slave to our own undeath.
And yet rage is othered, treated as evil, as monstrous, but rage is beautiful too, rage can be sublimely beautiful in its application as a tool against those who do us harm, there is beauty in spitefully surviving your enemies weapons, in hating them for their transgressions, in your acts of sublime rage against those who wish to annihilate you.
“But that will make us monsters” you might say, but I would ask, in the eyes of those who are regarded as our betters, in the eyes of a world that strips us of our hopes and our dreams, a world that devours the people we love, have we ever been anything else? Would you really want to be anything else? This world is my enemy and I say it proudly.
Cherish your rage, nurture that nucleating fire, forge it into a weapon for you to wield against the ones who kill us, kill our friends, kill our families and our lovers.
Embrace your grief, let it fuel you, let it bring you to your feet to demand that enough is enough, to demand to see your people grow old around you and to demand the dignity of a good life and an even better death.
And cultivate your love, express it openly and inspire others to do so in turn, let your love shine bright, let it be a beacon in the night to help others find their way into your hearts, lighting the way out of the darkness and towards a better future for us all.
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icelogged · 2 years ago
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there is holiness in transfiguration becoming new in the eyes of the lord is sacred ♱ o.o mim 2023
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claypigeonpottery · 2 years ago
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wish I’d been a bit more confident about this one, and hadn’t given her a skirt. I wasn’t sure how it would be received at the studio at the time
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transtanium · 9 months ago
CW, brief suicide mention, venting poem
Feel the air against your bare chest, and the sunlight.
That warmth, the love of the sun.
Look at yourself.
That someone loved you unconditionally, taught you to be a man, taught you to take care of yourself, picked you up when you fell.
That it did not depend on who you were.
That it was not CONDITIONAL.
Imagine if you felt UNSAFE in your HOME.
Imagine if in your formative years you never knew PEACE.
> But that has nothing to do with cis people.
But it is so very much to do with cis people.
They forced a gender upon me, they told ME what *I* was, and I was TRAPPED-- because in all this coming of age, these stories of romance and growth, I was ALONE, I was in a CAGE.
Never for ME to dress as my heart desired, never for ME to feel comfortable picking a bathroom, never for ME to feel safe going to the pool, to the beach, never for ME to take the "faggy" elective classes I wanted.
I was in HELL looking at HEAVEN.
I was a FREAK and you were EVERYBODY. You were NORMAL.
And I began to HATE.
Your self-assuredness, your comfort in your sickening flesh, your unquestioned assumptions, your ability to express yourself without persecution-- your undeniable status as god's chosen DEFAULT for this world from which ALL OTHERS ABERRATE.
But I will not detransition.
I will not bow.
I promise you I will not.
I will die a thousand deaths my true self before I take one step backwards.
To hell.
To hell with all of this.
But that's what this IS, isn't it?
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inaturalist-propaganda · 2 years ago
Pinned post.
The iNaturalist staff have decided to prove, the day before Pride month begins, that iNaturalist's proclaimed acceptance of Queer people is just as performative as any other corporate that pridewashes.
They banned me from the forum for asking not to be misgendered by someone who is purposefully misgendering me and literally admitted that she knows it's wrong but she's going to do it okay.
The staff have done nothing but victim blame, tone police, and punish everyone for the bigotry of two people, which they refuse to remove from the thread.
Meanwhile, they've hidden posts by Trans and ally users who have called out the bigotry and criticized their reaction, and have, from their very first response, been treating our reaction to the bigotry as more aggressive and offensive and inappriate than the bigotry itself.
They literally are leaving the posts where I am purposefully misgendered up, but have hidden and removed my posts as well as the posts of other trans and ally users who have been criticizing their abhorrant behavior and asking for an apology.
According to the iNaturalist staff, asking someone not to misgender you is hate speech, but purposefully misgendering someone is not
= = =
Read this shit for yourself:
The original thread for LGBTQIA+ people:
The thread the staff created to hide the responses and criticism many trans people and our allies who criticized their first response:
Ways you can help:
[Ways you can help]
You can send the parent company a message on Facebook here:
And you can share your feedback with the parent company through google:
Call iNaturalist's parent company, and/or send them a direct email:
The phone number for the California Academy of Sciences is:
1 415 379 8000
Their email is:
Be nice to the person who answer the phone! I just called, and I was told that the number for the academy is not the correct place to call about concerns with bigotry --
That is exactly why you should call this number. Be nice. Be polite. Explain that you found this number online and wanted to contact the company because you have serious concerns about bigotry being done by paid staff members of iNaturalist.org.
Again. Be fucking nice to the person on the phone. They will redirect you to send concerns to [email protected], which you should then do so.
But calling this number and being redirected is going to make these people extremely aware of the problem, and make it that much more urgent when they've got dozens of people calling them about this as well as sending feedback through google forms and the Facebook page.
I highly recommend that any written messages you send, you type out ahead of time in a word document that you make sure to save in case the site glitches and eats it somehow! I am also saving all the messages I have sent for accountability purposes, so that no one can claim they didn't receive anything, as well as making sure that my words are not misquoted or purposefully taken out of context.
I hope that's just unecessary paranoia but I literally was expecting the iNaturalist staff to do the right thing, and instead we're in this nightmare now.
Take a Survey:
[Plain text: "Take a Survey:". End plain text.]
You can now take one of two surveys I created. When at least 20 responses are given for each, I will begin emailing the results to the California Academy of Sciences.
Survey for those who already have an iNaturalist account already:
Survey for those who do not have an iNaturalist account:
I will be encouraging the California Academy of Sciences to create and distribute their own official surveys for iNaturalist users and potential users.
= = =
Here’s the parent company’s About Us section about diversity and inclusion so you can see for yourself that they're claiming to support Queer people and inclusivity:
If you have an iNaturalist account you can comment on the forums directly.
They literally just said that if we don’t want to be misgendered we can just leave.
Archived link because I know they’re gonna delete my response like they’re deleting all the posts that criticize them.
If you don't want to make any posts or send any messages, please signal boost this post and share it on literally any social media you want. You don't even have to screenshot it, you can copy and paste the whole thing and just put it in quotation marks.
If you care about trans people, please help us call out this blatant bigotry on the part of the iNaturalist staff. Either by sending a message to the parent company, posting to the iNaturalist forum, sharing this post elsewhere on social media, or reblogging it here on tumblr!
Thank you, and have a happy wrath month.
= = =
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maxine302 · 4 months ago
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November had been tough but hey at least I'm getting my gender stuff sorted right ?
oh right I live in England
Also check out my kofi if you wanna support me: https://ko-fi.com/artimus302
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rjalker · 2 years ago
I'm not even going to bring up the fact that I've spent over a week now fighting not to be misgendered on what was my favorite fucking website because that isn't even relevant to the fact that every single post about it/its has at least a dozen nonits repeating the exact same fucking exorsexist bullshit about how it's soo difficult to use it/its pronouns and why are you being so mean to people who are learning English for the first time?????
Zyg, literally fucking no one who uses it/its pronouns, and no one who is making positivity posts for it/its pronouns, is getting mad at people who are learning English for not speaking it fluently yet. Literally no one.
Coming onto a positivity post for it/its pronouns to pretend that we are getting pissed off at people for trying to learn a new language and not knowing the rules yet and getting mixed up is literally just further demonizing us when we are literally already demonized by everyone else in society including other trans people.
If you wouldn't make the comment you're planning to make about it/its pronouns on a post about she/her or he/him pronouns, instead of commenting, shut the fuck up and learn to actually respect it/its users for real instead of just doing it performatively.
Leaving comments on positivity for it/its users about how hard and uncomfortable our pronouns are to use and how icky they make you feel and demand that no one ever ever ever use them for someone who doesn't ask you to, you are being exorsexist. You are demonizing us. You need to shut the fuck up and actually support us. Literally no one on this fucking Earth thinkgs calling someone who does not use it/its pronouns is okay. The reasons bigots do that is because they know, specifically, that it's not okay.
Stop fucking swarming onto every post by someone who uses it/its to go, "Oh!!! but make sure you never ever ever call someone this if they don't ask you to or I'll set you on fire and chop your legs off!!!!!"
No one would fucking think it's okay to swam trans men or trans women's posts with comments like "Oh but if someone called me she/her I'd kill them and then myself" or "He/him pronouns are valid but you can never ever ever use them for someone who hasn't told you it's okay!!! They make me want to throw up!!!"
But because we're talking about a majority nonbinary people, and especially a majority of fucking nonhumans, well now all of a sudden, being a horrible fucking person and ruining every speck of positivity we create for ourselves is fair game!!! It's totally fine!!! Why should we get to have any posts that just genuinely support us, anyways? Don't you know nonits opinions on our pronouns are more important than showing us the most basic respect???
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marajadestarkiller · 2 years ago
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cigarettesandcommunism · 2 years ago
This 2023, in honor of trans people, June is not pride month.
This is wrath month.
Support trans folks.
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