#trans rights :D
transdocm77 · 2 years
saw ur url in my notes. this blog based as hell 👏🐐🏳️‍⚧️ amen — docmaid77
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auroramosaic · 4 months
truly I am sick of the phrases "stop dating men" and "men suck". LIKE come on. we've moved past this terfy shit.
demonizing masculinity is such a cold take. like would you say men suck to a newly transitioning trans man? hell if you did he might even agree like "yeah I know haha", but that shit leaves imprints in you. If you start to feel like the queer community, your home, hates/doesn't trust/thinks they're better than men, why would you want to be one??
It's not that I don't understand where people who say this are coming from. I used to say shit like that when I was young. But I've read too many trans people nervous to be men or who dampen their expressions of masculinity to not be seen as a creep or just to not be avoided by people who should be welcoming to them.
PLEASE tell me I'm not insane for thinking this
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sad-leon · 8 months
Transfem Leo go brrrrrrrrrrrr <3
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A concept I've had in my head of transfem Leo for a while. She'd always felt a little more feminine than her brothers, but just embraced it. It wasn't like she was too upset about being their brother, but the label never settled right. Until Donnie decides that they need like- full DNA/Genetic evaluations just in case they have some underlying issues just waiting to jump out at them and surprise! Leo is biologically female!
Presenting this information to Leo, Donnie is prepared for a gender crisis, but instead he's greeted by Leo being incredibly excited and happy about this news. Leo tells Donnie that she's never really felt like their brother, but didn't think it was too big of an issue to bring up, but then Donnie gives her this information and she's ready to embrace the sister title with her entire being. Finally, it all makes sense! She's not their brother and she never was!
The gender identity crisis hits later when she has a moment of "I'm not trans, but I am and oh god I don't have a communty-", but for now she confides in her brother her true identity
For a while she decides to go by "Doe" because it's close enough to Leonardo, but when her brothers call her Leo she can tell they say the name with their "brother" in mind, so until they get used to her identity, she just sticks with Doe
I rotate her in my mind constantly alsdjflasdf
Tea made some wonderful art of her Here and Here!!!! I still treasure these very much!!
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popcornkwantum · 6 months
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:D I love Nicky so much
I'll be making these into (handmade) stickers and will be giving them out for FREE at both the upcoming Elfia event and at Heroes Dutch Comic Con (summer edition)
I actually don't think anyone from the Netherlands follows me on here but uuuhh if you do plan on going to one/both events, keep an eye out for someone in a badly made Taylor cosplay and you will be granted with one of these bad bois >:)
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conceptofjoy · 6 months
flutters eyelashes do u know that asking people especially trans women why there is discourse (implying people have told people to kill themselves about it because this is the internet) why roxy is a trans woman might be an exhausting thing to ask?
quick reasoning: the pesterchum initials are references to chromosomes with GT->EB, TT (dirk), and TG (roxy) implying transness (hussie has discussed junes handles in this manner). when the last two letters of roxy’s name was being revealed, they were referenced as chromosomal letters. roxy’s pink theme and her defeating HIC. it was a widely accepted hc pre epilogues, so when roxy comes out as trans masc, people r like?????
whats the issue as long as rox is trans? well the issue is that theres context to that move. jade’s body being seen as a joke is a fuckin HUGE one. callie another trans girl comes out as nonbinary? which is? ?? its explained as callie felt like they were forced to identify as a girl to be the opposite of calliborn. calliope the humanity and troll culture weeb. its hard to feel like this was anything but a “theyre an alien thus they must be nonbinary”.
eventually even with all the explanation, people would say “ok? its not that deep? its not like i’m hurting anyone.” and the answer to that is i fucking guess?? i fuckin GUESS. and then rinse and repeat. do u get why its exhausting now.
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creepypso · 5 months
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Sorry sorry I know I'm being a little cringe pffF
I personally I don't headcanon him as trans all the time, however I do find the idea cute BUT it doesn't matter if he is trans or not, since I am and this silly guy helped me a lot through my top surgery that I had three months ago, as well as the recovery and especially through the post-op depression :')
So I'm giving him the honors of being drawn with my new scars <33
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uncanny-tranny · 2 years
I remember people cringing about trans people getting tattoos of the chemical makeup of testosterone/estrogen or their hormone start dates, and I was looking at some of those tattoos, and honestly, they are so incredibly cool and unique and frankly beautiful. It's cool to get tattoos of important or life-changing moments in your life. It's cool to make your body a canvas to paint, a temple to decorate, a place to live.
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kirbart90 · 7 months
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krbay episode 21
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chronicas · 2 years
Shoutout to butches who are masc in the loser fail way. Let me hear it for the women who dress like Jesse Pinkman. Love for the dykes who could trade clothes with their 12yo little brothers and be wearing the exact same style. Respect to the all them butches who wanted to be masc but the only masculine figures you had in you life who didn’t suck major ass were the boys you hung out with in high school who have all broken their arm attempting a stupid stunt on a trampoline.
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spielzeugkaiser · 1 year
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I'm procrastinating so hard (and still coughing my lungs out) that I not only procrastinate on the things I have to do but also on the things I planned to draw, sooooo... another trans!Hinata piece 👉👈 Poor guy feels a bit insecure first.
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idreaminmugiwara · 10 months
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tervaneula · 4 months
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She really said that!!!!
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euphreana · 10 months
Store is live! Link in my pinned post!
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klawrenn · 2 months
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idk just the past Tumblr's trending stuff because I have no IDEAS nor do I have inspiration 🪿💥💥💥💥
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punkeropercyjackson · 3 months
I've compared Miguel to Mr D so since Hobie is Percy Jackson,do y'all think Miguel always gets his name wrong on purpose to fuck with him because of how rude Hobie is to him."Hadrian Black,you're finally here" "It's HOBIE.BROWN!" "Henry Barnes,to the FOOD COURT!!!!" "I AIN'T TO ANYWHERE,'M NOT FUCKIN'-" "Good job for once,Hank Baker" "Ight i give up" "Bobie Blue-" "I'M BACK 'N,NIGGA THAT'S TOO MUCH"
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cerise-on-top · 4 months
Ghost with a Transmasc!S/O
I've been wanting to write this since last week! I'm not exactly happy with how it turned out, but maybe someone else can enjoy it as well!
When you’d approach him, all nervous and fumbling around, he’d just stay quiet. Sure, he’ll tell you that, no matter what, you can tell him anything and he won’t judge you, but he won’t pressure you into telling him what’s wrong either, even if he is pretty curious. If you need an hour until you can tell him, then he’ll wait that hour, reassuring you that it’s alright. Once you tell him that you’re a man, he would only be half surprised. He’s seen how you eye other men. While he may have thought that could have been attraction at first, once you come out to him, all the pieces fall into place. You weren’t in love with them, you were admiring them. However, he won’t judge you in the slightest, but will talk to you about what’s okay for you and what isn’t. Are you alright with him bringing up the past? Are you alright with him referring to certain body parts? If not, then he’ll keep that in mind. He’s never really been dysphoric before, so he doesn’t really know what you’re going through, but he tries his darndest to be supportive of you.
In fact, you coming out to him as a trans man makes him think about his own masculinity. What does it mean to him? How would he define it? What makes him feel masculine? Those are things he never really questioned before since he’s never seen himself as anything but a man, he always took it for granted. Although he may not say it, or even realize it at first, I think he might grow more comfortable in his own masculinity as a result.
But that aside, the first thing he does would be taking you to a clothes store to buy you some new clothes. He doesn’t really have an eye for aesthetics, and menswear being usually rather dark in color doesn’t help that much either, but he’ll pick out some shirts and pants for you that would fit you and that you might like. He’d also pick out some boxer shorts for you, the same brand that he uses since those are of a higher quality and will last a bit longer. If you’re extremely nervous about it, then he’ll even go to the cashier and pay for you. You don’t even need to pay him back. As long as he can help you out somehow, he’ll pay any price. Will also buy you some men’s body wash and deodorant. Probably the same he uses since he’s familiar with it.
If you’re alright with it, then he’ll break anyone’s nose who dares to misgender you. Especially on the days where you’re feeling a bit more dysphoric. Naturally, he won’t out you to people when there’s danger involved or when you tell him not to, but he’s not above getting into a fight for you. Especially when some transphobe decides they need to be mean to you for no reason. He’s a scary man, he can intimidate most people with his resting face alone, which he uses to his advantage.
If you can get the approval for your surgeries and testosterone the regular way, then he’ll congratulate you and celebrate with you even. However, if you were denied such, then he has acquaintances who can get you the permits. Nikolai is a good lad, he can get you just about anything. Ghost will fight for your clinical reports.
Once you start going on T, he’ll actually be overjoyed with you. As silly as it may sound, he wants to record you saying something, anything at all, so he can compare your voice now to how it develops later on. He’s pretty good with faces, he probably has a few pictures of you on his phone, even if they aren’t plenty, so he’s confident he’ll be able to tell you how you’re slowly growing into a body that is yours. If you let him, he’ll even administer your shots or rub the gel onto your shoulders. It actually makes him incredibly happy when you do, it’s a sign of trust to him. He gets to watch you be giddy, he gets to spend time with you, he gets to make you feel good. If it was up to him, then he’d hug you every time afterwards.
If you don’t know already, then he’ll teach you how to fight. He’ll teach you how to beat someone bloody and how to get up with a broken nose. Although he may go easy on you at first, he won’t forever. He’s a top notch soldier, so there’s a good chance you won’t ever be able to beat him properly, but you’ll learn. You’ll be able to defend yourself and you’ll have a pretty nice outlet for your anger as well. If you’re okay with it, then he’ll involve Soap in your fighting sessions as well. It’s absolutely animalistic when he joins, so you really don’t need to worry about any sort of etiquette when he’s around. It’s just beating each other into submission and then patching each other up.
If you don’t already know, then he’ll teach you how to ride a motorcycle. For some reason, motorcycles are very masculine to him, so he thinks it would make you feel good as well. One day, you’ll be riding one together, with him being the one to hold onto you. He’s looking forward to that day.
On the days where the dysphoria hits harder than usual, he’ll remind you that you’re a man. You’re the most perfect man in his life, and he wouldn’t want to have it any other way. Holds you close and reminds you that you will become your most ideal self, it just takes time. Either way, he won’t leave you, he won’t think of you as less than a man just because you had to put in the work to get to where you are right now. You’re his most ideal man, and he would go through all the torture he’s gone through once more just to be with you. He’ll support you through your highs and your lows. You’re a man. A darn good one at that, because not anyone can go through what you’re going through and still be standing. He admires you greatly for your strength and will remind you of that fact as well.
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