wadeeamohd · 3 years
عرضت ھذه اللوحة في دار المزادات ُ)سوذبیز( للفنان بانكسي )مجھول الھویة ( ، ما أن طرقت مطرقة البیع قدرت ب ١.٣٧ ملیون دولار، وتم بیعھا فخرجت من إطارھا وتمزقت نصف اللوحة .
أحدثت ھذه اللوحة ضجیجا، وحازت على اھتمام الجمھور ومنھم أعجبتھ والجزء الاخر لم تعجبھ، نشر مقطع فیدیو للوحة وھي تمزق نفسھا وكان یشمل ھذا الفیدیو وجھ الجمھور المصدوم .
ھذه اللوحة مؤطرة، استخدم بھا اصباغ الرش والاكریلك، تمثل اللوحة فتاة صغیرة بیدھا الیسرى بالونة حمراء، تم رسمھا من قبل الفنان بانكسي في
عام ٢٠٠٢ ووضع بھا اآلة تمزیق سریًا، انتظر الفنان حتى تعرض في المزاد، وعرضت في عام ٢٠١٨ وفي ھذا العام تم حدوث العرض الذي كان عبارة عن تمزق اللوحة، یعد بعضا من الناس انھا حركة او خدعة فنیة قویة واعتبروھا عرض فني مباشر، واعتبرھا البعض إھانة لما تحمل من رسالة، موضوع ھذه اللوحة یتكلم بانكسي بھا عن المبالغ الطائلة التي تدفع للوحات المختارة بمعاییر معینة بینما ھناك من یعاني للحصول مبلغ بسیط، لاینفي الفنان ارتفاع سعر معین للوحات وانما یدحض السعر المبالغ بھ، ویوضح بھذا العرض ان أموالھم لا قیمة لھا .
نشر بانكسي الفیدیو للوحة وھي تتمزق وعلق "تذھب تذھب ذھبت" وبعد ذلك نشر أیضا مقطع فیدیو للوحة وعلق علیھ "قبل سنوات وضعت الة تمزیق الورق في اطار اللوحة سریا" كما انھ نشر مقولة لبیكاسو " إن الرغبة في التدمیر ھي أی ًضا دافع إبداعي ".
ھذا العرض الفني المباشر یعتبر حركة فنیة جمیلة وذكیة في توصیل او نشر رسالة او فكر معین، الفنان بدوره خلق تواصل بین الجمھور والعمل الفني وھذا التواصل اعطى قیمة للوحة اكثر، كما اعتبر ھذا العمل اول عرض عمل مباشر في المزادات، وأصبحت اللوحة رمز لمزج الأداء في العمل الفني )اللوحة(.
المصادر :
https://theconversation.com https://www.theguardian.com https://www.streetartbio.com Instagram account of the artist : @Banksy
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wadeeamohd · 4 years
For still life class
Oil on canvas 40x50cm
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wadeeamohd · 4 years
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wadeeamohd · 4 years
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The blue chair .
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wadeeamohd · 4 years
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wadeeamohd · 4 years
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wadeeamohd · 4 years
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These are the small packaging for snacks, I really had fun designing these and I love healthy food .
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wadeeamohd · 4 years
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These are the packaging of the products , and there is also cooking class that has a notebook .
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wadeeamohd · 4 years
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In this assignment, u have to imagine that u have a
Product and there is a recipe for the product , I designed a logo for the product I choosed “oats “ I named the product “Avena suave “ it means soft oats by spanish , and I described the recipe as shown with designing the ingredients.
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wadeeamohd · 4 years
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This design is an assignment that we have to imagine if we had a restaurant whats the logo we will design and whats the visual elements we will design.
I designed a logo its a simple shape of three fishes , and the visual device is three waves , the pattern is a shapes of an anchors , i choosed three colors as shown , and I designed a business card to the restaurant, I had fun in this assignment , its make me how I want my restaurant to be .
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wadeeamohd · 4 years
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These are several designs for an answers of a questions :
1. The best sentence: I choosed this sentence (وإن طال البعاد عانقوا بعض بالكلمات) for the destence we have if corona virus , we can’t meet our families and friends .
2. The name of the best friend u have : I choosed my bestie Jenan , shes so kind and lovely , I but the ن like its a hug , because she always hugs me and make me feel better.
3. The food u love : I choosed shrimp , I love seafood specially shrimp , I tried to write the word shrimp of the shape of shrimp it self .
4. The strongest feeling that u ever had : for me it was shock , I design it like its heart beats and stopes because that what I felt abou it .
5. the best hobby: I choosed photography, I like to take photos , and I used one of the letter to make a simple design of a camera .
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wadeeamohd · 4 years
Design of if I have a travel company and I post in instagram, the square design shows an information of the trip and I choosed Italy , I love italy its like the perfect place of art , I named the company “ Art Travel “ , its like the company chooses a places to the artists and photographers wants to go , the other design is for story posting , it shows a prief info for the trip .
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wadeeamohd · 4 years
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A designing for a club I imagined named “ hawaii sports club “ , this design shows a basic map of the Sections of sport we have , I choose a sports club because I love sports and I choose Hawaii because I wanted it to be near the sea so we could have some sea activities.
FA 222 assignment
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wadeeamohd · 4 years
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تعديل الكاركتر " ام السعف والليف "
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wadeeamohd · 4 years
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البوتريه بعد التعديل
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wadeeamohd · 4 years
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There is an assignment for us to do , which is to take a photo and draw on it , i toke these photos in turkey , except for one i toke it in the university of bahrain , I was thinking about what to draw on them , I remembered the tv show “ FRIENDS “ and how much I love this show , so I draw the characters of the show on the picture, i choose these pictures and this show to mix because I love them both and it makes me feel so happy , and when I work on them I felt that I’m enjoying on them.
At the end I want your opinions it’s important to me
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wadeeamohd · 4 years
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It’s a self portrait using photoshop ... It’s an assignment for FA223 .. I love portrait so much ... can you give me your opinion?
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