#trans offenders
miiju86 · 3 months
- A Petition For Accurate Data Reporting In Criminal Statistics -
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About the Petition:
The goal of the "NOT OUR CRIMES" petition is to call attention to the reporting inaccuracy of criminal statistics as it pertains to biological women (XX) and biological men (XY). Previously, 'The Federal Bureau Of Investigation' reported that, "in 2023, 73.8 percent of all arrestees were males. Males accounted for 80.1 percent of persons arrested for violent crimes and for 62.6 percent of persons arrested for property crimes. Males comprised 88.7 percent of persons arrested for murder and nonnegligent manslaughter in 2023. Of the total number of persons arrested for drug abuse violations, 79.7 percent were males". Statistical inaccuracies related to gender identity can arise from a variety of sources, affecting the reliability and validity of data in this area. These inaccuracies can significantly impact research outcomes, policy decisions, and the understanding of gender identity issues. Statistical inaccuracies can also further isolate Females (XX) who are victimized based on their biological sex and not a gender identity.
The phrase "NOT OUR CRIMES" often appears in discussions about the historical and ongoing injustices that marginalized groups face. We argue that gender identity should NOT be considered in the reporting of violent and sexual crimes, and that this practice on a broader scale attempts to further ERASE the biological Female/Girls (XX) as victims of sex-based crimes. Globally. statitica data suggests that the majority of sexually violent crimes are committed by biological men. If sexually violent crimes that are committed by men are now labelled as crimes committed by "females", based on gender-selection, then this data is flawed and any societal laws set to protect the Female (XX), will further be eliminated.
Please Sign & Share! 💜🤍💚
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tariah23 · 5 months
oooooo white people in my replies really saying ‘I can excuse racism but I draw the line at homophobia’
Not surprised since this is the site that only talks about racism and thinks it’s a big deal when they see it demonstrated in the cartoons and comics they like *coughs* dungeonmeshi *coughs* (for example at least. I haven’t seen THIS many white ppl talk as in depth about racism on here as much as these fandom nerds, man. I stg. Like “Ohhhh, so you all DO acknowledge that racism is real? Just not in real life even if you could feel it slapping you in the face at high speed. Gotcha.” It’s crazy.
Tumblr is like, 90% white and is extremely centered around them. That’s why you barely see stuff that’s important to black and brown people ever trending here or being talked about. It has to be something incredibly huge to the point where even white people can’t ignore it like they usually do, to talk about it here.
They only talked about George Floyd here because the topic of his death became world news. Even people in other countries were talking about it. Before him, it was probably Ferguson and Trayvon Martin… most of them are still trying their best to ignore the genocides because it’s a “touchy subject.” What do you expect from white people who live in their own bubbles of comfort and refuse to pop it with a needle??? They find comfort in their privilege and faux ignorance (they love playing stupid to avoid conversations about important things outside of fandoms like, are these mfs born with half a brain dedicated to fandom or what.) That’s literally all these mfs make a big deal out of, especially on this annoying ass platform. The ao3 mfs will go to war for the site that allows racist ff and cp like it’s no big deal. I wonder how many people here even donated to the site while actively scrolling past dono posts from folks who really do need help. They act like they’re doing a civil service by defending this site that makes over the amount of it’s intended dono goal in minutes.
Then you already know as soon as you even bring up racism in the stuff they like, they start ganging up and harassing black bloggers especially, calling them TERFs and the whole nine. Anything to make that person look bad for being concerned about the racism that they have such an intense aversion to. God, it’s absolutely exhausting knowing that these people would have no problem choosing a cartoon character over your entire existence if they COULD. Isn’t that fucking sad, man?
#:(#it’s like what can you do#as a black person I get why sm black bloggers here have ‘don’t follow me if you’re white’ in their bios#they’ll call it racist or whatever (it’s fucking not you guys just treat black ppl like shit here and most of us feel unsafe to interact#with y’all. you guys always turn on us at the drop of a hat)#i remember commenting on a HS post funny enough years ago#because the punchline of the post was literally the white mfs saying nigga#and I was so annoyed that I told them off and one of my white mutuals unfollowed meanjsjsjsl#like right after that#and another unfollowed me because I talk about racism and the like a lot like this is a really well known artist too so I was like 🧍🏾‍♀️?#because I talk about racism a lot??? it’s weird lol#like they’ll tolerate you for a while then when they feel offended they start to act weird and act like you’re not supposed to talk about#the stuff that effects you#tkf replies#karmelarts#they don’t give a shit about anything if it doesn’t personally Involve them#they act like they can’t relate to anyone or anything it they aren’t marginalized themselves (being gay or trans which they treat as a#personality trait)#notice how you never see movies/ shows about black and brown ppl trending here? it’s always white centered shit no#matter how hot and popular that show might be#you’ll never see something like the wire snowfall or power trending here#all of the black ppl are on twitter anyway so#sm black ppl got ran off of here by annoying white ppl
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relaxedstyles · 8 days
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my-autism-adhd-blog · 7 months
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This is the most fucked up thing I’ve seen recently. How is transgender connected to offenders?
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r-g-d2 · 3 months
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Gravity Falls reference!! BOOM 💥
Bc Im re-watching it and bc I saw a funny video saying "june 1" and this clip LMAOOO
Extra, Headcanons time yey
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Also, hey yeah I know I'm suuper late since we are in the middle of end this month—
But have pity on me 🥲 My head is full and at the same time not??? I'm just nervous about things and my minds decides to do nothing... Yeah— But have this! That even if it's not big thing at least maybe I can make u giggle with it hahah (⁠⊃⁠。⁠•́⁠‿⁠•̀⁠。⁠)⁠⊃💛
well byeeeeee ✌️
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punkeropercyjackson · 5 months
I think if you told Jason Todd he has a slutty waist or the vibe that he's super kinky he'd tell you to kill yourself and then shoot you in the nuts
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youngpettyqueen · 6 months
Julian's line of "I needed another womb for the baby, and the only two other people on board were Major Kira and me." is already very. That Man Is Trans. and listen yes you can interpret it as him saying Kira was the only choice, but then it's literally followed up by Sisko saying "I think you made the right choice, Doctor." which I know is supposed to be a joke but the implication IS there that there WAS a choice and basically Julian is trans
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uncanny-tranny · 11 months
I think a lot of homophobes and transphobes don't just feel hatred toward queer people, but they genuinely fear us in an almost literal sense, and so they assume the inverse is true for gay and trans people.
I think that's why you have so many cishet people who smugly say that they're going to make queer people angry, afraid, "triggered" by displays of heterosexuality and/or displays of traditional gender - they think we aren't used to living in a cishet world, that we fear cishet people for their identities as much as they fear us for ours.
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queeraliensposts · 5 months
If y'all don't believe that transmascs experience misogyny let me tell you something that happened recently.
There was a post that was essentially making fun of "pick me gays", where they were saying that "I don't watch rupal's drag race, I don't like being called "gurl" and I don't do *insert stereotypical gay activity"". And in that post I commented that some people don't like being called "gurl" or "girl" because it makes them dysphoric and you shouldn't label them a "pick me" because of it. The responses I got for that comment were SO hostile for the sake of my mental health I had to delete the comment. Some people even tried to PURPOSELY trigger my dysphoria.
In that same post a cis man said that he prefers men who are masculine and he shouldn't be shamed for his preferences, and EVERYONE agreed with that.
If you don't see the hypocrisy IDK what to tell you.
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initforthelolzz · 1 year
I know that this discussion has been made countless times at this point, but I might as well make it again.
Anyone who calls Yamato a woman doesn’t understand his character, there, I said it.
I recently stumbled across that side of the one piece fandom. As in, the side that gets violent over Yamato’s gender identity. I recently had the unfortunate privilege of stumbling across an entire YouTube comment section ranting and unanimously agreeing that Yamato is a woman and cussing out all the people who “head-cannon” him as a man.
Whelp. It’s rant time again.
For starters, I accept Yamato as a man. A trans man that doesn’t necessarily pass, but has a respected gender identity by all he associates with (as far as I’ve watched).
I have multiple trans friends and family members in my life, and as an LGBT individual myself any and all representation is a breath of fresh air. Especially in shonen anime, which is the sole form of media that I consume at this point.
I’ve already made my rant about the queer rep in Impel Down, and it’s about time I spun my spiel about the upsetting discourse over Yamato and his gender identity. Because that’s exactly what it is, upsetting.
When Yamato was first introduced he wore a mask and baggy clothing, he didn’t speak and was mysteriously called nothing other than “Kaido’s son.” He was hyped up for episodes on end before he finally joined the plot, and finally spoke. In the distinct voice of a woman.
Clearly, any and all gender norms have been obliterated at this point.
When Yamato finally took his mask off and declared himself Kozuki Oden, Luffy reacted how all of us did:
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It’s exactly what all of us were thinking, right? How can that be Kaido’s son?
Then of course Yamato responds with this:
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And we have our answer. Yamato is a trans man, and the entire Beast Pirates crew respects that. It’s incredible, isn’t it? I was blown away, you should have heard me squealing, it was ridiculous.
Luffy was a dick about it initially, but from the moment Yamato declared himself a man Luffy referred to him by his preferred pronouns for the rest of the arc.
“You can trust him.” “He’s going to help you.”
(Paraphrased. Didn’t dig up a screen shot cause I’m lazy. Took place when Luffy left Yamato with Momo and Shinobu on his way to the roof.)
Conversation over, right?! Wrong!!
Cause some people don’t like that. They see huge tits and refuse to accept this character as anything but a woman.
It doesn’t matter that Yamato is referred to using he/him pronouns by literally everyone, it doesn’t matter that Kaido consistently calls him his son, and it certainly doesn’t matter that Yamato personally declares himself a man.
They say that Yamato is biologically female; “it says it on the vivre card!” “A manga panel calls her Kaido’s daughter!” All things I found in that comment section, repeated again and again. Of course there’s the color spread covered in big boobs and bikinis, and that’s obviously proof that Yamato is a woman like all the rest. Because all of the color spreads happened in the cannon story and must be taken as hard fact.
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I mean clearly.
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Canon, 100%.
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No question.
“Cause Oda literally said it himself…” right? Yeah. Sure. I’ll believe it when I see an SBS or a quote from the man himself.
I understand where they’re coming from, I really do. Yeah, Yamato looks like a woman. Yeah, boobs exist. Yeah, both voice actors are female.
But all of this evidence is strictly surface level, and these people ignore the personality of the character they claim to defend on top of the way they interact with other characters in the series.
They say that Yamato only looks up to Oden, that he’s not really a trans man, he’s just “larping.” Playing pretend.
They claim to be defending Yamato’s identity. They claim that those who call him a man are trying to “steal” the character and “gender her.” Yet… doesn’t their entire argument revolve around gendering that exact character?
By that logic, who gendered the character in the first place? I dunno, maybe the guy who’s wrote the dialogue? I mean maybe???
At the end of the day I can get ticked off all I want, but people will think what that think and all I can do is try not to let it affect me. However…I know transphobia when I see it. I see transphobic discourse within my own family. I know what that shit looks like. Refusal to respect pronouns. “Well you don’t look male.” “You were born female.” “It’s all just a phase, they’re confused.”
Sound familiar?
People can believe what that like, but it doesn’t mean that what they believe is right. It’s upsetting to see this argument so often. It’s all over the fandom, there’s no way to avoid it.
People claim to be defending the gender of this character, they act as if Yamato is being attacked by the evil gays who will stop at nothing to turn everyone trans. I’m not joking, that’s literally how they worded in that battlefield of a comment section.
Yamato’s gender expression is confusing, we know. That’s the point! Oda said fuck gender conformity all the way back in Alabasta, and he isn’t stopping now. What we see in Yamato is trans representation, but not a clean rep like Kiku, we have a man who doesn’t pass. Guess what? Not all trans people pass! That doesn’t make them any less trans, and your black and white perception of their gender doesn’t debunk their identity.
I genuinely don’t understand why there has to be so much discourse over this topic. Like you’re literally arguing with Luffy himself at this point. 😔🙄
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donnieisaprettyboy · 3 months
why is it when transphobes comment on my stuff it’s only ever “you weren’t born a man.” like. yeah dude I know. you aren’t saying anything any of us don’t know.
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julianplum · 2 months
How much more masc do I need to look before I stop getting misgendered
This message brought to you by sort-of well meaning older white women meeting their first trans person
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mist-sterious · 2 years
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cokicito · 2 months
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universe-of-peoples · 4 months
It’s pride month! You know what that means! It means it’s time for people to see me in Pride merch and compliment me for being an ally 🙄🤦‍♀️
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punkeropercyjackson · 21 days
'I hate Jason's canon romances'Okay,so basically you either don't actually read comics or you do but you're racist about it.Gotcha
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