#trans REP yall
initforthelolzz · 1 year
I know that this discussion has been made countless times at this point, but I might as well make it again.
Anyone who calls Yamato a woman doesn’t understand his character, there, I said it.
I recently stumbled across that side of the one piece fandom. As in, the side that gets violent over Yamato’s gender identity. I recently had the unfortunate privilege of stumbling across an entire YouTube comment section ranting and unanimously agreeing that Yamato is a woman and cussing out all the people who “head-cannon” him as a man.
Whelp. It’s rant time again.
For starters, I accept Yamato as a man. A trans man that doesn’t necessarily pass, but has a respected gender identity by all he associates with (as far as I’ve watched).
I have multiple trans friends and family members in my life, and as an LGBT individual myself any and all representation is a breath of fresh air. Especially in shonen anime, which is the sole form of media that I consume at this point.
I’ve already made my rant about the queer rep in Impel Down, and it’s about time I spun my spiel about the upsetting discourse over Yamato and his gender identity. Because that’s exactly what it is, upsetting.
When Yamato was first introduced he wore a mask and baggy clothing, he didn’t speak and was mysteriously called nothing other than “Kaido’s son.” He was hyped up for episodes on end before he finally joined the plot, and finally spoke. In the distinct voice of a woman.
Clearly, any and all gender norms have been obliterated at this point.
When Yamato finally took his mask off and declared himself Kozuki Oden, Luffy reacted how all of us did:
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It’s exactly what all of us were thinking, right? How can that be Kaido’s son?
Then of course Yamato responds with this:
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And we have our answer. Yamato is a trans man, and the entire Beast Pirates crew respects that. It’s incredible, isn’t it? I was blown away, you should have heard me squealing, it was ridiculous.
Luffy was a dick about it initially, but from the moment Yamato declared himself a man Luffy referred to him by his preferred pronouns for the rest of the arc.
“You can trust him.” “He’s going to help you.”
(Paraphrased. Didn’t dig up a screen shot cause I’m lazy. Took place when Luffy left Yamato with Momo and Shinobu on his way to the roof.)
Conversation over, right?! Wrong!!
Cause some people don’t like that. They see huge tits and refuse to accept this character as anything but a woman.
It doesn’t matter that Yamato is referred to using he/him pronouns by literally everyone, it doesn’t matter that Kaido consistently calls him his son, and it certainly doesn’t matter that Yamato personally declares himself a man.
They say that Yamato is biologically female; “it says it on the vivre card!” “A manga panel calls her Kaido’s daughter!” All things I found in that comment section, repeated again and again. Of course there’s the color spread covered in big boobs and bikinis, and that’s obviously proof that Yamato is a woman like all the rest. Because all of the color spreads happened in the cannon story and must be taken as hard fact.
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I mean clearly.
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Canon, 100%.
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No question.
“Cause Oda literally said it himself…” right? Yeah. Sure. I’ll believe it when I see an SBS or a quote from the man himself.
I understand where they’re coming from, I really do. Yeah, Yamato looks like a woman. Yeah, boobs exist. Yeah, both voice actors are female.
But all of this evidence is strictly surface level, and these people ignore the personality of the character they claim to defend on top of the way they interact with other characters in the series.
They say that Yamato only looks up to Oden, that he’s not really a trans man, he’s just “larping.” Playing pretend.
They claim to be defending Yamato’s identity. They claim that those who call him a man are trying to “steal” the character and “gender her.” Yet… doesn’t their entire argument revolve around gendering that exact character?
By that logic, who gendered the character in the first place? I dunno, maybe the guy who’s wrote the dialogue? I mean maybe???
At the end of the day I can get ticked off all I want, but people will think what that think and all I can do is try not to let it affect me. However…I know transphobia when I see it. I see transphobic discourse within my own family. I know what that shit looks like. Refusal to respect pronouns. “Well you don’t look male.” “You were born female.” “It’s all just a phase, they’re confused.”
Sound familiar?
People can believe what that like, but it doesn’t mean that what they believe is right. It’s upsetting to see this argument so often. It’s all over the fandom, there’s no way to avoid it.
People claim to be defending the gender of this character, they act as if Yamato is being attacked by the evil gays who will stop at nothing to turn everyone trans. I’m not joking, that’s literally how they worded in that battlefield of a comment section.
Yamato’s gender expression is confusing, we know. That’s the point! Oda said fuck gender conformity all the way back in Alabasta, and he isn’t stopping now. What we see in Yamato is trans representation, but not a clean rep like Kiku, we have a man who doesn’t pass. Guess what? Not all trans people pass! That doesn’t make them any less trans, and your black and white perception of their gender doesn’t debunk their identity.
I genuinely don’t understand why there has to be so much discourse over this topic. Like you’re literally arguing with Luffy himself at this point. 😔🙄
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p4nishers · 1 year
"of course the straight couple gets a happy ending" the day yall grow a braincell is the day i'll know peace. i love how ppl who say shit like this just adore forgetting that every angel and demon are non binary. or that beelzebub uses they/them. like seriously, STRAIGHT couple??? fuck off
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epiclamer · 1 year
villain caretaker and a sheepish hero whumpee ????????????????(!;!(&((!(!(' go
for you and your wife : 🌸🌺🌼🍄
Her favourite flower is lavender actually, but thank you.
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Soup for the Soul
The scene in front of them was definitely not reflective of their hero. A shivering, shaking, sweating mess of their former self, buried under a mountain of blankets and tissues that fell to the floor after only a minute or so had passed in between the hero’s fingers.
Masking the slight worry in their mind with a smirk as the villain approached the other sprawled out on the couch. “What are you wearing?”
With only a slight delay, the hero’s head perked up from its spot on the armrest, only to fall back down after they had caught a glimpse of their nemesis in the corner of the room. The villain pushed themselves away from the wall and slowly centred around the hero, standing over them at last.
“I mean seriously, what is that?”
The hero sighed, dropping another tissue to the floor in defeat, pulling one more from their increasingly thinning box. “It’s all I have left. Everything else is covered in vomit or snot or some other sick germ.”
Their voice was sick—if their body didn’t portray that enough already—it was a deep sick, like one’s classic cold times eight. Mucus must’ve been coating their entire respiratory system, not to mention it probably fogged their brain up too.
“So you chose to go with the hot pink princess outfit? Made for twelve year old girls?”
“My mom bought it for me.” They snapped, too upset to not set off flags in the villain’s mind.
Idly the villain began reorganizing and fiddling with the medications and dishes on the coffee table at the hero’s feet. “My mom buys me things too, but it sure as hell isn’t from the women’s youth section.” They muttered, both hands filled with dirty dishes as they headed to deposit them in the kitchen. “And even if they were, you wouldn’t catch me wearing them if it meant I had to go to the dry cleaners naked.”
That got a chuckle out of the hero at least, a little bit of life still salvageable. The villain continued their tidying as the hero closed their eyes, shaking their head a little as they grinned.
“My advice? Call your mother and get your receipt to return it for something way more revealing.”
There was a pause, then the hero sighed again. “I don’t talk to her anymore.”
“Maybe your father has it?”
The villain watched as the hero shrugged, eyes still closed. “Don’t talk with him either.”
As much as the conversation had taken a somber turn, the villain had barely any experience with heavy subjects as such. Their main resort was humour, but they doubted that would help in a moment like this. Instead they tried their best to keep busy with their hands, purposefully clanking pots against each other and utensils together to fill the void-like silence.
Food always helped in tense situations like these, especially hot soup for the soul. So they let the silence stretch on until the only thing left to do was wait for a boil.
“If you don’t mind me asking; why?” Quietly as ever, the villain dug through the cabinets in the hero’s kitchen until the pads of their fingers struck gold.
The first aid kit.
The hero hummed, never looking up, focused entirely on relaxing their sore muscles as the villain approached. “We have a history of not seeing eye to eye.”
Dropping the first aid kit to the floor the villain followed suit as they sat. Gentle hands prying over the other’s arm as they got started, mumbling in agreement while they got out ointments, bandaids and gauze.
“But particularly we never agreed on me. My life, my choices, who I am.” Their skin flushed slightly at the touch of their nemesis, goosebumps coating them in a matter of seconds, which in their head they blamed on the cool sensation of the ointment being rubbed into their raw skin. But they knew it wasn’t the truth.
“Those ones are the worst.” The criminal whispered as they kept massaging the ointment into any scabs, scrapes or areas of flaky, dry skin. Their arms both looked a mess of eczema that was left far too long untreated.
The hero couldn’t stop the blush from reaching their cheeks as they watched the villain work diligently on their sorest spots. Noticing their issues and helping them fix it. The same type of care the hero would’ve killed for as a child. “Yeah…”
Embarrassed as they were, the hero was sure that the villain could hear them swallow nervously or at least feel their pounding heart. But if they did, they didn’t mention anything about it.
“Funnily enough, they still message me. Trying to get me to ‘change my mind’ or ‘take a different path’ as if this shit is my choice.”
The villain crooked an eyebrow, eyes flicking up for a millisecond to latch onto the hero’s before returning to their work. “I’m guessing they send you gifts too. Playing off the fact that these clothes look new and not like they were passed through your childhood.”
They nodded, shutting their eyes again as their face got redder. Avoiding any type of glance at themselves and their humiliating get up, the more they thought about it, the more the hero wanted to cry.
A bubbling hiss sounded from the kitchen and the villain shot up and ran to the stove. Immediately shutting off the burner and pulling the pot of soup off to try and stop it’s over-boiling, the villain breathed in content as it calmed down quickly. Taking out two bowls and two spoons as they poured equal parts before carrying it to the couch side where they last were.
“Don’t worry about it, okay?” They handed their enemy a bowl and a spoon, relishing in the cute dusting of pink on the tips of the other’s ears. “Eat up and then just relax. I’ll handle laundry and we’ll get you out of that get up, then I’ll treat the rest of you, sound good?”
The hero smiled, nodding their head once more as they struggled up to a seated position and shovelled the hot meal down their throat in seconds. Their parents wouldn’t have approved of the villain either, but they didn’t control the hero anymore.
The villain made them feel free, and that was all they needed.
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lime1991 · 1 year
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theres nothing inherently wrong about unrealistic marjorine but im just tired of seeing it. are we really acting like the parents who sent their child to conversion camp bc they assumed he was gay would be ok with that same child being trans... lets be honest with ourselves.
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s-ccaam-era-crepe · 2 years
another dead end fan I see. you have excellent taste <3333
YES!!!!! It is so good and I have cried so many times over that show :') /pos (no but in all seriousness its such a good show and everyone should watch it please)
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teethfl0wer · 1 month
I'm so confused on how the transphobic/intersexist people work,like wasn't your whole argument if they have a vagina they're a woman and if they have a penis they're a man?
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thedogwhoisachair · 4 months
Idk much about paper mario but damn if NINTENDO is letting their characters be proudly trans WHY CAN'T SEGA ADMIT BLAZE IS TRANS
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mx-paint · 1 year
A big thing about bigots is that they'll make something more popular by shitting on it
Like they'll go like "look at this shit 🤣" and it'll be a movie with two people of color as leads that are women kissing, and of course, regardless of actual interest in it, people will go like "that looks fun!" and it'll be made popular to piss them off And help see if it may be of interest to someone that it's actually aimed towards.
Most of the time the movies are shit but they're not shit cause it's two sapphic people of color but because the show runners cut a lot of the better moments out Because it's also aimed to appeal the very same group that is going to be hate watching it
I'm sure this works the other way around too, but it's kind of funny that they say everything is going 'woke' (which like. I've never seen used unironically by the group that call 'woke'), and it'll be something that has been done before but they never cared about
I think it's a way to say 'see, we're now the unrepresented class!' but ignore the actual movies and shows that are coming out that are. Actually aimed towards them.
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fedoranon · 1 year
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kaeruutv · 2 months
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uhh so @xmaruu11 confirmed on discord that DDVAU/double hearted tango is canonically trans so:
Enjoy my tango doodle page ft. 3 redraws from Mother Spore 3 + tango in a binder :DDD (and the tango creature)
i love him so much he’s my goober
Actually so happy about the trans rep in DDVAU im gonna go feral love you so mich @kitsuneisi and @xmaruu11 yall are frikin incredible :DDD
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dinodogs · 7 months
I hope yall realize what an incredible loss RWBY will be if it doesn't get picked up.
Two of the main female characters are sapphic and in a relationship. Blake is canonically bisexual and a survivor of abuse. Yang is disabled and went through an entire arc about her ptsd and dealing with her trauma. Its also worth mentioning Blake is voiced by an openly bisexual woman.
the main character of the entire shows VA (lindsay jones) is gender queer and Ruby canonically neurodivergent, as well as aroace coded (she is not canonically confirmed to be aroace but she's widely considered to be at least ace)
It has one of the best written trans characters I've ever seen, voiced and written with the assistance of a trans woman.
The show openly shows other queer romances, with at one point a pair of married women being shown on screen with their baby, and yes the two characters had a real role in the plot.
While they haven't been amazing about poc rep before they are actively taking criticism and in recent years have learned how to write good poc rep.
RWBY, at its core, was an indie animation project. It was created by a small team of people on an incredibly small budget. Its gotten bigger and bigger over the years with a larger budget, RWBY is proof that an indie series can get massive, it is a massive win for indie animation all together.
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salemcantupdate · 20 days
Yall I’m watching Kaos on netflix right now and it’s really stinkin good??? It’s a really good adaptation of Greek myths, and so far is a fantastic retelling of Eurydice and Orpheus! Fucking hells man, it’s awesome.
I also lowkey think this might have been a Jeff Goldblum passion project because the set design is top notch.
And I’m loving it cause it’s just reveling in how lowkey evil the gods are??? Like how they are in the myths! So far there hasn’t been a single god that I’m like “Yeah that’s the good guy” WHICH IS ACCURATE
I’m constantly comparing it to my knowledge of the myths and it’s just so good
Also it’s pretty stinkin gay and I’m seeing a bunch of trans actors and rep and canon gay shit and it’s making me so happy hrksbdka
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p4nishers · 1 year
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why can't this fandom accept the non binary and genderfluid rep we get why do we need to still fucking do this. NEITHER of them are men and aziraphale doesn't stop being gay just bc he's a genderless being and they don't magically become a straight fucking couple when either of them are presenting fem. BC THEY DON'T HAVE FUCKING GENDERS. yall try cover up ur transphobia by making some bullshit up about it being homophobic and im so fucking tired of trans rep being ignored and be littled just bc it's not the rep yall want.
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ind1c0lite · 2 years
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FINALLY yall get to see this lmao, basically Ive had an au (??) rattling around in my head where Apollo decides to hire Kay, a private investigator, to help him find and track down his birth mother, shenanigans ensue, some more things abt it under the cut (feel free to ask anything abt it it lives rent free in my head JHKLJ)
-Most likely takes place a year after SOJ- Though I havent actually watched it for myself yet so Im just going off of info from the wiki HGJKHL
-Kay is 26! shes been a PI for about 3 years now and has gained a rep for being VERY good at her job
-Apollo approaches her with basically nO info or leads and while its gonna Make their job MUCH harder, Kay decides to take it on anyways on the condition that Apollo acts as her assistant during this case
-Basically this is just Apollos lil secret mission for himself, he doesnt tell anyone else abt it since its so emotionally heavy for him
-Im not sure exactly /how/ theyd do it, but I do know that Apollos bracelet would be the best bet after looking through way too much paperwork, probably via finding out what its made out of it since its a special kind of metal
- Basically it'd go like: Find out who commissioned said bracelet > turns out it was Magnifi Gramarye > Uh Oh.PNG > Theres only one woman who was in Troupe Gramarye > Apollo crisis whenever he sees Trucy now > He needs more proof though beside that > Kay finds an older recording of Troupe Gramarye, Thalassa is seen out of costume, wearing both bracelets > Well it cant be just coincidence now > He Is Now a lil Magician man > Now they have to find Thalassa > Turns out shes dead > find out that she didnt ACTUALLY die, Magnifi faked her death> not sure how they would get from here to finding out Thalassa is Lamiroir > Also find out that Phoenix has knwon this entire time and didnt tell either trucy or Apollo > mixed emotions over aLL of it but GOD Apollo is just happy to know his mother is still alive
-I like to think that Trucy joins Apollo and kay at some point in their investigation since shes directly involved at that point
-Maybe a small side plot where Apollo hasnt told Kay about the perceive thing and so he knows shes lying about /something/ unrelated to their case (the whole being the yatagarasu deal)
-overall I think Kay and Apollo would be good friends they could ABSOLUTELY match each others energy and it'd be a good time, they're trans girl trans guy solidarity
-It /c o u l d/ be like an Investigations like plot wheres theres different cases that all tie into the greater mystery OR finding his mom is the focus of it Im not totally sure yet hjgkhlj
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imqueerandadeer · 2 months
TRANScending into the multiverse
Haha I'm so funny, yall like what I did with the title?
Are you a Trans Kabru truther and has this ever happened to you? "Wow I love trans Kabru because I myself am trans or I am an ally, I am going to go consume fanfics with transmasc Kabru in it", you open AO3 and almost all of the tag is NSFW.
Well boy do I have the project for you!
Me, @pansgoobernonsense , and @sticktwiggg are making comics!!
One is a dunmeshi fan comic featuring Laios and Trans Kabru, so that we can all finally have the sfw trans Kabru rep we need and deserve.
The other one will be about trans issues such as how to bind and tuck safely, featuring our favorite characters from our respective fandoms!!
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vveezlebub · 4 months
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If you see this post I’m wishing a happy pride month tooo:
Lesbians (my incredible non men loving non men)
Gays 🏳️‍🌈 (my awesome non women loving non women)
The bisexuals ™️ (you spectacular men and women and everything in between lovers who can’t pull either I’m bi and single btw)
Pansexuals (you swag humans who adore people so fully)
Asexuals (and I’m talking bout the full spectrum, the demisexuals, the greysexuals, the cupiosexuals etc etc!!! YALL DESERVE YOUR REP !!! AND YOUR GARLIC BREAD)
Aromantics (SAME WITH AROS!!! FULL SPEC, demiromantics, greyromantics, cupioromantics, aegoromantics etc etc!!! AND MORE GARLIC BREAD)
Transfemmes (you gorgeous gorgeous girlies and some girlish’s who I truly must bow down to)
Transmascs (you handsome handsome boys and some boyish’s who are so everything)
Genderfluids (you shapeshifters, i love ya)
Nonbinarys (gender constructs, who are they? Y’all are stars!)
TRANS PEOPLE IN GENERAL 🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️
AND ALL THE QUEERS and SWEET ALLYS <3333 happy pride month my loves
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