#trans fem spencer reid
itskeithxx · 9 months
*trans femms your CM sexy man*
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i believe in trans woman spencer supremacy
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ssa-atlas-alvez · 2 years
Hey! If you write for Penelope Garcia, I'd like to request a nb/gn!reader x Garcia, where the reader is an agent for the cybercrime unit, and the complete opposite of her, style and personality wise (cos she's so outgoing and bright and colourful and cuddly yk). Don't really have a plot in mind, but perhaps a relationship reveal to the BAU fam, who NEVER suspected the two of you. Thank you so much and have a wonderful day, Atlas! <3
Ah thank you! And I'm so sorry it's taken me so long to get to, apparently I've been a bit blocked when it comes to writing fanfic aha!
Warnings: none that I can think of :)
Word cout: 833
“I’m so excited!” Garcia cheered, “I have a very special someone for you all to meet tonight!”
JJ and Emily shared a grin, “Who is he?”
“They,” Garcia quickly correctly, voice still light, “Are my partner,”
The team all gave a nod, "Awesome, I can't wait to meet them baby girl, as long as they're treating you right," Derek said with a grin, the rest of the team nodding in agreement.
“Oh they do, they do! They’re the best! I love them so much!” 
Derek smiles, “Tell us all about them then, baby girl,”
Her grin turns into a smirk, “I’m afraid that will have to wait until tonight,” 
“You’re going to make us wait?” Spencer asks, a small pout coating his lips. 
They’re shocked, to say the least, when they see you. You wore all black, no make up, boots with soles that gave you an extra inch in height. Your arm is wrapped around Penelope as you walk, whispering in her ear smiling as she throws her head back and laughs. 
When the pair of you reach the group, you unwind your hand from her waist, offering your hand for the team to shake.
“Hi, I’m (Y/N),” You said, shaking their hands. 
Spencer’s the first to speak after they’ve all introduced themselves, “What pronouns do you use?”
“They/Them,” You give Spencer a small smile when he nods, committing that to memory. “Yourself?”
You watch curiously as something flashes in his eyes before he says he/him. You don’t think anything else of it, until it’s just you and Penelope chatting with a glass of wine and you notice she needs a refill. “You want another glass?” She nods and you gently take it in your hands, “I’ll be right back,” You give her a quick peck on the cheek before heading over to the drinks table.
“Er, (Y/N)?” You turn around, smiling when you see Spencer.
“Hey,” You reply, quickly pouring a glass before turning to Spencer completely. “You okay?” 
“I just wanted to ask a question?” When you nod, he continues, “How did you know you wanted to use they/them pronouns?”
You take a sip of your glass, placing it next to Penelope’s, “Well, I asked someone I trusted to try calling me a different pronoun, see what one’s I preferred the most and went from there.”
You watch as he nods, “Can- Can I trust you?”
“Of course,” You give him a smile.
“Can you try a different pronoun with me?” Spencer asks, “Can you try they/them?”
“Sure! I met Spencer last night, I thought they were really cool!” You say, your voice deepens slightly as you act as the other person in this conversation, “Oh I love them! I found the topics they talk about really interesting.”
You watch Spencer closely, “Can-” Spencer hesitates, “Can you try she/her please?”
“Of course I can,” You make sure your voice is soft, wanting Spencer to feel as comfortable as possible, “I met Spencer last night, she seemed awesome. Oh, I love her, she knows so much about everything and I’m so jealous of her,”
You watch as Spencer starts to smile, face softening, “I think I like she/her better,”
“That’s awesome,” Your reply is immediate and your smile turns into a grin. “Would you like me to use she/her?”
“Please,” She replies, “Not in front of the team though, not yet.”
“Of course,” You reassure before saying: “I’m really happy for you,” 
“What are two of my favourite people talking about?” Penelope asks, walking up to the pair of you, taking her glass from the table. You see panic flash through Spencer’s eyes.
“I was just asking Spencer what you’re like at work,” You reply, “And, as suspected, you’re a ray of sunshine!”
Garcia blushes, placing a kiss on your cheek, “I’m heading over to Morgan, I need all the details on him and Savannah!”
“Alright, I’ll be with you in a moment babe,” You laugh and watch as she makes her way over to Derek. “You okay?”
“Thank you,” Is the first thing out of Spencer’s mouth, “I didn’t know what to say. I will tell her eventually, but I don’t know if I’m ready just yet,”
“That’s okay,” You reply, placing a hand on her shoulder, “This is your journey, take it at your own pace, enjoy the beauty of discovering yourself.”
She smiles, “Thank you,”
“That’s alright,” You reply, “Do you know if you like the name Spencer?”
“Yeah,” Spencer replies, “I think it suits me still, even if I do use she/her,”
“Definitely, it’s a beautiful name,” 
“I really appreciate you helping me,” She says.
“Hey, no worries, you don’t need to keep thanking me, it’s okay,” You reply, “Now, let’s go have some fun, I need to make sure Penelope’s not sharing any embarrassing stories about me,”
Spencer laughs slightly, shaking her head, “She’ll do it even if you’re there,”
“I know,” You chuckle, “Come on,”
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0o-junebug-o0 · 10 days
First Meeting
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summary: You're having difficulty with some code so you stop by Penelope's house for help, unaware that she has a guest. Spencer takes one look at you and is immediately head over heels.
genre: fluff
cw: meet cute (is it a meet cute?) completely gn!reader (reader is not described at all), no use of y/n, autistic!spencer (because every spencer is autistic!spencer), season 1 spencer, university/college student reader, talk about research and coding, pov switch from reader to spencer
wordcount: 1.5k
a/n: this is an actual error I had this summer when writing my spectra analysis code
You lean back in your chair with a sigh, scowling at the code you’re trying to write. You’re still relatively new to coding, the first time you ever took a class on it was just under two years ago, so this code has taken you significantly more time to write than it would have taken Penelope. But you’ve written it. You read through the code again and rerun it. Everything runs fine, the code should work, but it doesn’t. 
You rub your eyes and groan with frustration. You should be able to get a wavelength solution out of this. The professor you’re doing research with told you what you need to do to get the wavelength solution and then how to use it to find the redshift of the lensed galaxy and the foreground lensing galaxy, but nothing is lining up!
You’ve opened the data, plotted the variation in flux for each line in the image, fit a Gaussian to it to get the brightest point, and converted the pixel value of that point to vacuum wavelength, but none of the wavelengths you’re finding match up with what lines should be present in the spectra for this lamp type!
You briefly consider emailing your professor but decide against it. Even though he told you that asking things wouldn’t bother him and that it’s his job, you don’t want to take up more of this time than you already have. 
You look around your apartment for anything that might help. Your eyes land on your keychain and the spare key Penelope gave you because she enjoys it when you stop by. You quickly shut your laptop, tucking it under your arm, grab your keys, slip on a pair of shoes, and make your way down the hall to Penelope’s apartment, not bothering to lock the door behind you. 
Spencer sits awkwardly on one of Garcia’s kitchen stools, tapping his fingers on the Tardis mug she had filled with tea and given him. He’s not exactly sure why Garcia invited him over. She said she wanted to bond, but they’ve known each other for almost two years now, and Spencer considers her a good friend, so he doesn’t really know what bonding entails. So far, Garcia has just been bustling around her kitchen preparing snacks and drinks for their Doctor Who marathon.
The lock clicks and Spencer’s head whips toward the door just in time for it to burst open. Spencer freezes and stares at you in awe and confusion. 
“Penny!” you cry, your voice a mixture of a shout and a whine. 
Garcia calls your name with a surprised look. “What happened? Are you alright?”
“What?” you ask. Then you wave your hand flippantly. “Yeah I’m fine, I just need help with some code.” Your eyes land on Spencer and he can feel his heart rate increase. He really hopes his face isn’t as red as it feels. 
“Oh, sorry, I didn’t know you had someone over,” you say. “I can, um, I can come back later.”
Spencer watches as your posture stiffens slightly and you start to fiddle with your keychain. 
Spencer opens his mouth to reassure you but Garcia beats him to it. “No, no, it’s fine,” she says. “I’ve been wanting you two to meet anyway.” You shoot Spencer a small, awkward smile and wave from across the room when Garcia shares your name. When she introduces him, your eyes widen and you look toward Garcia with an expression Spencer can’t decipher and whisper something to her that makes her laugh loudly. 
Spencer can feel himself flushing at your reaction and takes a sip of his tea to hide his face.
“Anyway!” Garcia says cheerfully. “Do you mind if I help them real quick?”
“Go ahead,” Spencer responds, trying to sound as nonchalant as possible. It’s difficult with you there, though, all his thoughts suddenly seem much harder to grasp. Like your presence is forcing them aside. 
Your eyes seem to linger on him for a moment before you head over to the counter and set your laptop down. “Right,” you mutter, opening it and entering the password. Spencer listens intently as you describe to Garcia what your code should be doing and he can’t help but smile at the clear passion in your voice. It sends butterflies to his stomach. 
“What do you study?” Spencer blurts out. 
You close your mouth and cock your head at him for a moment. “I’m, uh, I’m studying astrophysics. Specifically strong gravitational lensing. I’ve already made preliminary models of the system and I’m just working on analyzing the spectra now.”
Spencer nods and leans over to look at your code. 
“Do you want to help Penny find the issue?” you ask. You sound a bit nervous and Spencer looks up and smiles what he hopes is a soothing smile.
“I would if I could. I really don’t know how to code, though.”
“Seriously?” you ask. Spencer cocks his head at the tone of surprise in your voice. “Sorry, it’s just that Penny has told me a lot about you and about how you’re a genius and have three PhDs, which is insanely impressive by the way, so I guess I’m just surprised you don’t know something.”
“There’s a lot I don’t know,” Spencer admits. “Coding and other technological things are some of it. I don’t know too much about astrophysics either.” That’s not exactly true but it isn’t a lie either. He’s read papers on several astrophysical topics but he’s never come across one on strong lensing before. But the truth of the statement is irrelevant, the only reason he said it was to find an excuse to spend more time with you.
You smile and Spencer’s stomach feels like it does a backflip. “I won’t be much help teaching you how to code, Penny would be better for that, but I can tell you about some astro stuff at some point.”
“Alright, lovebirds,” Garcia teases and Spencer’s face burns. “Let’s focus.” You nod, clearly also a bit embarrassed, and turn back to your laptop.
“How about I go line by line and tell you what it should do and you let me know if something doesn’t do what I think it does,” you say. Garcia nods and both she and Spencer follow along as you point to and describe each line of code. You get to a printed image of the data file you’re analyzing before Garcia stops you.
“Can you open the file on your computer?” she asks.
You nod and open the file in a new application and move it so it’s side by side with the image in your code. “Wait,” you mutter, glancing back and forth between the two images. “Is that seriously the issue?” Spencer leans forward to get a closer look, the x-axes of the images are flipped. 
You throw your head back with a groan and change the rotation of the file in your code. “I swear, if this works,” you growl. The clear exasperation in your tone makes Spencer chuckle slightly. 
You rerun the code and compare several of the outputs to a list of wavelengths before groaning again and letting your head fall onto the counter. “I hate Python,” you grumble. “Why does it have to switch the axes!” 
Garcia laughs and pats you on the back. You raise your head off the counter and tap your forehead against her shoulder in a gesture Spencer assumes expresses gratitude. “Thanks, Penny,” you sigh. “You’re the best.”
“Of course I am!”
“Oh, and Spencer,” you say, turning to look at him. “We should get lunch sometime. I can tell you about astrophysics and you can tell me about all the crazy things you know.”
“I-I would love that,” Spencer stutters, unable to speak clearly with you looking into his eyes. He's hardly able to wrap his head around the fact that someone as beautiful as you would want to spend more time with him. Spencer's not sure whether you’re asking him on a date or just to go out as friends, but he doesn’t care either way as long as he gets to spend more time with you.
“Great!” you say happily. You stand and cross the room to quickly grab one of Garcia’s pens before returning. You hold the fluffy pink pen with a smile on your face and hold out your hand to his. “May I?” you ask. 
Spencer’s eyes widen and he nods, setting his hand in yours despite his usual aversion to touch. The contact makes his heart feel like it’s about to burst from his chest. You scrawl your number across the back of his hand before handing Spencer the pen and holding out your hand for him to do the same. He writes his number on your hand and watches in a sort of daze as you gather your computer and keys and wave goodbye before leaving.
Spencer jumps slightly as Garcia ruffles his hair. He looks over at her to see a knowing smile on her face. Spencer blushes and hides his face in his hands. “Shut up,” he grumbles, embarrassed.
“No way,” she laughs. “Derek’s going to have a field day with this. Boy genius has a crush!”
Taglist!: fill out this form if you want to be tagged when I post fics
@daryls-crossbow16 @roboticsuccubus83 @nemobee777 @dorcas4meadowes @spenciesslut @Idfk17 @pleasantwitchgarden @angeliccss @novaana @moonysreid @cynbx @dead-universe @starlighta
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tgirltammy · 2 months
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What do you wanna do with this sweet body? Dm with your answer
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golden1u5t · 5 months
distract him | spencer reid x fem!reader
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ꨄ requested: anonymous
ꨄ genre: smut
ꨄ summary: spencer looks amazing reading his book, his lip tucked between his teeth and his hands trailing across the page. you can't help but pull him onto your lap and distract him.
ꨄ a/n: THIS IS TRANS!SPENCER i would've put it in the title but it made a second line and that bugged me.
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you couldn't help but to distract him, he just looked so pretty sitting on the couch reading. at first spencer just thought you were being affectionate so he didn't mind when you sat on the couch next to him and pulled him into your lap. that is, until he felt the silicone pressing against his back.
he immediately perked up, setting the book aside and turning to look at you, shock written all over his face. he looked down at it and then looked back up at you. "wha- why are you wearing that?"
"i thought we could have some fun." you shrugged and tucked your fingers into the waistband of his pants, not tugging them down until you got his permission first. spencer swallowed the lump in his throat as he looked back down at the cock.
"i'm was reading."
"i never said you had to stop, you can just sit on it until you're finished." you proposed, putting your free hand under his chin and directing his gaze back to you. you leaned forward and placed a kiss to the corner of his mouth.
"of course, only if you want too. if not i'll just leave you to it." you started to pull your hand away from his pants but he stopped you with a hand on your wrist.
"no, i- i want to." spencer nodded, letting out a shaky breath as he felt himself getting wet at the thought. you smiled and placed a quick kiss to his lips. spencer stood up and pushed his pants and boxers down his legs, looking at you so you could guide him to where you wanted him.
you turned him around and pulled him into your lap, he held himself up and wrapped his hand around the base of the dick and guided it into his entrance. spencer let out a soft whimper as he lowered himself onto your dick completely. instinctively, spencer lifted up and pushed back down but you quickly wrapped your arm around him and held him still. you picked up his book and placed it in his hands.
"you were reading, remember?" spencer huffed in annoyance but still opened the book back to the page he was at before you came in. you rested your head on his shoulder as he started to read aloud, pressing your thumbs into his hips.
a few minutes went by of spencer reading to you-stuttering and whimpering between words as the tip of the cock brushed against that sweet spot — before he decided that he couldn't take it anymore.
this isn't- mmgh- this isn't fair." he whined, his core pulsing around the cock nestled inside of him. he writhed in your lap, trying to get any friction but you tightened your hold on his hips to still him.
"i don't think that's in the book, spence." you turned your head and pressed a kiss to his neck, flexing your hips up to push the cock deeper into him. spencer gasped at the sudden movement, dropping the book in his lap and shifting his hips. he leaned back into you and turned his head so he could look at you, crying out softly when the dick shifted. you lifted your hips again, just to see his eyebrows furrow and his lips part.
"please just fuck me, i can't take it anymore." he whimpered. you hummed and crashed your lips into his, starting to thrust up into him.
"only because you were such a good boy for me." you mumbled against his lips.
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atticssmellgood · 2 years
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Requests are currently: Closed
(But my inbox is always open if you want to have a chat, give me any feedback, or talk about concepts‼️)
Please read the following before requesting
Fandoms I write for currently:
Criminal Minds
Arctic Monkeys
Things I will write:
MLM and FTM x readers
Fem x readers
GN x readers
Song fics
Platonic x readers
Outsider POV
Age gaps (with exceptions)
Things I will NOT write:
Abusive/toxic relationships
Anything political or involving religious aspects
Any x OCs
Homophobia, transphobia, racism, or hate speech of any kind(this is a safe space and I will not tolerate hatred)
I will write one-shots and series
I’ll write suggestive content but not straight smut
Please be kind to me in your requests and otherwise! Sometimes I won’t be able to read or write your requests very quickly, just remember that I have a life outside of tumblr.
I do have motivation issues so bear with me.(ADHD sucks)
(May update rules in the future)
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beautifulbrainrot · 1 year
last updated: 03/08/23
request guidelines: here
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Criminal Minds
Spencer Reid
spencer reids doe eyes 
lipstick kisses
after sex cuddles
touch averse reader kisses spence
looking at spence when he reads
alt!reader in a band
holding hands
bathing together
rich!reader fluff
kisses with spence
artsy gf!reader meets the team
listening to autistic!spence rambling
autistic!reader realises autistic!spencer is attracted to her
jealous spencer
reader telling spencer they love him for the first time
introducing spencer too beabadoobee
angst & angsty fluff
spence getting his hair cut after prison
traumatic event (reader kidnapped)
reader finds out about spencers addiction
reader breaks up with spencer over his relationship with jj
TW spencer seeing readers scars
TW reader seeing spencer’s scars
edging spence with a vibe*
thigh kissing drabble*
round 1*
youre more than just a fling, my love*
i love your body baby (insecure spence)*
im bored, wanna play?*
we could.. do it*
sub!spence x rockstar!reader*
stop the teasing please..*
pegging spence for the first time*
i love it when you’re naughty like this*
i love your body baby (insecure reader)*
rich!reader buys spence an expensive gift*
making out with spence in his car
sub!spence giving oral*
overstimulating spence*
spence with a praise kink*
spence with a praise kink getting pegged*
dumbification with spence*
spencer watching you stretch*
sub!spence and tall!reader*
firearms qualification*
pegging needy spence*
drunk spence humping readers leg*
cant keep my hands to myself
whoever gets horny first loses
overstimulating sub!spence*
teasing sub!spence through his boxers*
sub!spence rutting against you but not going in*
sub!spence giving you a facial*
sub!spence in panties and a skirt*
drunk needy spence
spence’s sensitive nipples
spanking bratty spence
sub!spence & sub!reader
playing with spence while he’s having a wet dream
spencer pleasuring you
aftercare with sub!spence
sub!spence w premature ejac
tying spence up during a punishment
perfect princess
virgin!autistic!spence x virgin!autistic!reader
pretty princess spence
spence & reader sexual tension
aftercare hc’s for sub!spence
more skirt spence
trans!spence strap warming you
trans!spence squirting
cockwarming princess spence
sub!spence hc’s 
princess sub!spence hc’s
trans!reid hc’s
slapping spence’s ass in a skirt
glasses reid
pt2 spanking spencer in a skirt
spencer finding out he has a mommy kink
TW body worship with self harming reader
eating trans!spence out on his period
getting eaten out on your period
Aaron Hotchner
pegging sub!hotch
Emily Prentiss
be patient.*
scared of storms
emily in lingerie
Elle Greenaway
elle with sub!fem!reader
Moreid & Moried x Reader
moreid phone sex
spence blowing morgan while u watch
Amy Santiago
amy santiago x emily prentiss au
dancing with ames
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ralvezfanatic · 9 months
Outfits and Naps
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Spencer Reid x FTM!Reader
FEM-ALIGNED DNI - You will be blocked if you interact with this post. This is made for trans men/mascs, not women.
Reader is bored at home, not having much to do. He decided to try on some outfits he bought earlier, and then falls asleep.
Warnings: Mostly focused on Reader. Slightly feminine outfit mentioned. Dysphoria is implied if you squint really hard. Practically just a random drabble I randomly came up with. Reader has a cat because cats are very cool. Also, guys.. please don't sleep in your binder..
Word Count: 1.2k
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Spencer was away at work, so it was only you and your childhood cat (that you got at 17.. so more of a teenage-hood cat), Mr. Whiskers the 3rd (and since it was such a long name, you shortened it to Mr. Whiskers. Although you stated his full government name was Furball Whiskers the 3rd.) at home.
You didn't have much to do, it was a peaceful day and you decided you were going to order takeout for dinner when Spencer came home. So, cooking wasn't an option. Having set your mind to takeout, there was no way you could cook. You already knew what you were going to order, so you couldn't change plans.
So there you were, sitting on the couch, your cat next to you, sleeping while you were bored out of your mind. You pet him for a whole, sighing as you tried to come up with something to do. Calm days were actually really boring. As you thought, you scrolled through your phone, switching between apps trying to get an idea.
Maybe you could take a walk? No, too cold, and you felt bad leaving Mr. Whiskers alone.
As you scrolled through your phone, you saw this post which reminded you of some outfits you bought and wanted to try on earlier, but always put aside. Happy that you found something to do, you stood up, rushing to your bedroom, your cat soon following behind.
You threw your phone on your bed, heading to your closet and pulling out some boxes where you stored the outfits. You carried them and placed them on the bed to open and take the clothes out.
You decided to wear your binder while trying on clothes, so you knew how they'd look when you go out. You go get it, and put it on after a few minutes of struggling.
Now you stood by your bed again, your cat sitting in the middle of the bed, waiting for the boxes to empty.
“Which one looks better Mister? This? Or.. this?” You ask him, holding out a cropped turtleneck with the shoulders cut in your left hand, and a white, sleeveless button up shirt in your right.
Mr. Whiskers turned his head to the left, sniffing the air a bit, which had made you think he chose the turtleneck, but then he turned his head to the right, so you thought he changed his mind. Finally, he just spun around in a circle trying to get comfortable on your bed before lying down and not picking anything out for you.
“Thanks..” You mumble, wondering why you even bothered asking a cat for help. You decided you would try both of them, hoping to style them for future use. You set the button up shirt down and put on the turtleneck. You had to find a nice pair of pants now.. which was difficult because you knew this turtleneck would look great with a skirt, but you weren't that comfortable yet.
Finally, you decided on a pair of black jeans, because you couldn't figure out what else to wear. You thought you looked nice, and snapped a mirror selfie of your newly created outfit and sent it to Spencer.
That's how you spent your afternoon, mixing and matching different shirts and pants, trying out different outfits, taking pictures, and sending a few to your boyfriend, asking for his opinion.
Not that he was helpful, that man said you looked absolutely stunning in each outfit you created. And also he usually stuck with sweater vests and slacks.. so he didn't really know he was supposed to help with.
You gave up after his third, “They both look great.” and his second “It’s you, anything looks good on you.”
Obviously, he wasn't helping, so you just sent him pictures of what you decided looked better, which he still enjoyed.
Finally, you tried out all the new clothes you got, and managed to style each of them. You put everything away, and sat on the bed, telling yourself you were only sitting to think of something else to do, but instead ended up laying down and falling asleep.
Spencer opened the front door, and was surprised when Mr. Whiskers didn't rush over to sniff and inspect him. “Y/N! I'm home.” He called out, closing the door behind him, only to be met with silence. Puzzled on why he arrived home to be met with a quiet house and no greeting, he ventured further into your house. He grew slightly nervous, which was only normal considering his job, but kept calmed.
He walked into the bedroom, slowly opening the door, hoping you just fell asleep and the animals were locked in with you.
As he opened the door, he was met with the cutest view, and he felt his heart melt at what was in front of him. He smiled, taking out his phone to snap a quick picture before walking up to the bed.
You laid in bed, wearing a pair of your boyfriend's sweatpants, which were baggy on your smaller body, along with your binder that you didn't take off after trying on clothes. In front of you was Mr. Whiskers, which you held close, hugging him as if he was a plushie.
He had been asleep, but woke up when Spencer entered the bedroom. He only looked up to him, but stayed comfortably on the bed under his owner's arms.
Spencer couldn't help but let out a small chuckle at the sight, finding it absolutely adorable how you slept with your cat. He also saw how you still had your binder on and decided to wake you up, now knowing how long you had it on.
“Love. Get up, you need to get that binder off.” He shook you lightly, trying to wake you up in a nice manner. You grumble and shoo him off, trying to pull your cat closer, but he decided to get up when Spencer started to wake you. “Y/N, get out of your binder..” He insisted, shaking your shoulder now.
You groaned being woken up from your nap and shook your head no. “Mm.. 5 more minutes.” You mumbled, hiding your face in your hands, turning away from your boyfriend.
Spencer laughed and shook his head, finding your sleepiness amusing. “No, get up Y/N. Now.” He laughed, grabbing your arms and pulling you up to a sitting position.
As he managed to sit you up, he smiled at your now barely conscious self. “I was having such a good nap ‘Pence.. you should have joined me instead of waking me.” You mumble, leaning your head on his shoulder and wrapping your arms around his own.
“Sweetheart, as good as a nap it was.. and as cute as you look in my sweatpants and your binder, you shouldn't be sleeping with that on! Now go change, I'll give you one of my sweaters if you want too.” He smiled, pressing a kiss on your temple. “And then we can cuddle and nap if you want to.” He added on, knowing that'll be good enough motivation for you to go change.
You turn your head to look at him and smile, pressing a quick kiss to his mouth before getting up to change out of your binder, rushing so you could cuddle up with him.
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sadsstoptalkingfr · 10 months
Dom!(fem)Reader x sub!Spencer Reid. NSFW
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Trans!Spencer x Dom!reader who asks "where am I honey? as her soft hands trail down to his lower stomach. "Am I here?" As she gently pushes down on her hardly visible bulge in his tummy (this one gives me brain rot)
sub!Spencer who doesn't see the point in being a brat when he knows he can just get what he wants if he behaves. He always asks to cum so nicely even when you don't tell him to. He already knows his role and how to please you. He'd throw his head back as you stroke him, biting down on lip "Mmm, can I cum?" He'd ask quickly, not sure if he could hold it any longer. You'd say yes because you can never reset his gentle pleading eyes.
Sub!Spencer who will do whatever you ask without even thinking about it Once he's comfortable with you. Get on his knees? Done. No touching? He's already reaching for his pillow to tightly hold on to. He loves not having to think for once so he'll follow your every command without hesitation even if it makes him look a little pathetic.
Sub!Spencer who gets so braindead after being edged for soo long that he can't say anything other than "oh God" while moaning out your name tiredly.
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theseventhdimension · 2 months
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Yo Yo Yo! Welcome to my masterlist!
Im the man behind TheSeventhDimension, and you can call me Seventh! I'm 22, use he/him pronouns, and am taken by my lovely fiancé; so please don't use sexual or romantic language when talking to me! :)
Request Rules:
Fanfics - Open/Closed
I write Male or Gender neutral Reader only. Any requests with unspecified genders will be written as gn! reader, unless smut with PiV or PiA was requested.
Specify whether or not it's NSFW!! I want to write what you can read if I'm fulfilling your request!!
I write Top Male/Gn reader only. I'm willing to discuss submissive if your idea is well written and appeals to me, but I'm not comfortable with writing bottom reader :).
I'm fine with writing female characters, although it is not my preference, so excuse me if it isn't as good as my regular stuff!! :)
Trans! (Character) = Fluff/angst
FtM/MtF = Smut w gendered anatomy
If you want to request, please specify:
Hello, I want (Season!)(Character) x (Gender!) reader. (Plot specifics) (Type of fic, smut, fluff, angst).
Scat/Piss stuff, Rape, Incest, M!Preg, Blood kinks, MAJOR Pain kinks (No punching/kicking but like hair pulling is ok), Fem!reader.
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Spencer reid
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I Put the D in ADHD - Spencer Reid x ADHD! Male! Reader
Embracing Sanctuary Beyond Confinement - Spencer Reid x Gn! Reader
Petals and Perseverance: The Scent of Jasmine and Anxiety - Spencer Reid x OCD! Gn! Reader
Pet Names and Profilers - Spencer Reid x Male! reader
Are you missing me like I'm missing you? - Spencer Reid x Gn! Reader
Sand and Scars - Trans! Spencer Reid x Gn! reader
Show Off - Spencer Reid x Male! reader
Seedless Seedlings, the End and Beginning. - Spencer Reid x Gn! Reader
Relentless Sensations - FtM! Spencer Reid x Top! Male! Reader
He wasn't beaten up I swear. - Spencer Reid x Top! Male! reader
Just a Tip over the Edge - FtM! Spencer Reid x Top! Male! reader
Not Walking is a Good Pay Off - Spencer Reid x (Implied Top!) Male! Reader
After Case Special - Spencer Reid x Top! Male! Reader
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Aaron Hotchner
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Paperwork, Kisses, and Office Escapes: The Hotch Chronicles - Aaron Hotchner x Gn! Reader
Heavy Stakes and Healthy Shakes - Aaron Hotchner x Male! Reader
"Dumbass" "Your Dumbass." - Aaron Hotchner x Male! reader
The Art of the Post-Case Cuddling - Aaron Hotchner x Gn! Reader
Drive my Car~? - FtM! Aaron Hotchner x Gn! Reader
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lucyswinter · 9 months
Request guidelines
Requests are : OPEN<3
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Who/what I write for:
-Cillian Murphy/ characters: (Jackson Rippner, Tom Shelby, Neil Lewis, Jonathan Crane, Kitten Braden, Jim: 28 days later, Emmett: a quiet place part II, Raymond Leon, Robert Fischer, Tom Buckley)
-Criminal Minds: Spencer Reid, Aaron Hotchner, Derek Morgan, Emily Prentiss, Penelope Garcia, JJ,
-The Bear: Sydney Adamu, Richie Jerimovich, Carmen Berzatto, Sugar Berzatto
-Saw: Lawrence Gordon, Adam Stanheight, Mark Hoffman, Peter Strahm, Amanda Young, Jill Tuck, Lynn Denlon (for ships: I’ll do chainshipping, coffinshipping, and shotgunshipping/lynnmanda!)
-American Horror Story (All seasons up to Cult with the addition of 1984. Only ships if they are canon (by season, I mean)! i.e: I won’t do Kit Walker (s2) x Madison Montgomery (s3) or anything! And for canon relationships, I will do any season besides NYC and Delicate as long as they are already together. For example, I would do Montana and Richard from 1984.)
-Nip/Tuck: Sean McNamara, Christian Troy, Matt McNamara, Julie McNamara, Liz Cruz, Eden Lord, Sophia Lopez, Kimber Henry
-DC villains (from the Nolan trilogy or Gotham tv show! I will specify from which one I mean. I’ll also write Batman but that’s the only “hero”/vigilante)
-Peaky blinders: Luca Changretta, Tom Shelby, Alfie Solomons, Finn Shelby, John Shelby, Arthur Shelby, Oswald Mosley
-Top Gun/ Top Gun: Maverick: any characters! (For ships, I only rlly know IceMav 😭 but I’m open to others! I’ll also do penny!reader)
-Bridgerton/ Queen Charolette: Daphne x Simon, George x Charolette, Anthony x Kate, Colin x Penelope (and all of these characters individually as well as Benedict, Violet, Eloise, and the Featherington sisters! *Edit for season 3*: Lord Debling, Lord Stirling, Lady Arnold, Lord Anderson, Francesca Bridgerton, Cressida Cowper)
-Community: Professor Ian Duncan, Jeff Winger, Abed Nadir, Britta Perry , Annie Edison, Troy Barnes
-Impractical Jokers: Joe Gatto, Sal Vulcano, James Murray, Brian Quinn
-Supernatural: Sam Winchester, Dean Winchester, Castiel, Destiel (will not do Wincest or Wincestiel)
-X-files: Fox Mulder, Dana Scully, MSR
-BBC Sherlock (only JohnLock)
-Good omens (only Ineffable husbands)
-Hannibal (only Hannigram)
(Any other characters im open to! Just PM me to see if I know the fandom/media they’re in, or rec with a few options! I’ll ignore if I don’t know them <;3)
I will write: A bit ooc (depends on scenario 🤭), fluff, smut, small-ish age gap, AU’s, non romantic pairings, alternate endings, fem!/gn!/afab!reader, character x reader, character x character
I won’t write: Male!/nonbinary!/trans!reader (im a cis female so I will write gender neutral reader if requested, but most fics (unless specified) were written with a fem reader in mind :)), incest, underage reader (or character), dub/non-con
Thanks for reading! Feel free to PM requests if you aren’t comfortable sending them through the question button or want to work through the request :)
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gh0stlyb34r · 11 days
Welcome to my blog !
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About me ! ; the basics
name ; saint , logan , johnny
big age ; 19 ('05)
little age ; 2 - 5
pronouns ; he / they / star / it (+more!)
gender / sexuality ect. ; gay , trans , ace , poly(?)
links at end of post!!
pronouns page | strawpage
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About me ! ; my interests
games ; call of duty , overwatch , valorant , hogwarts legacy , jedi fallen order , jedi survivor , red dead redemption 2 , roblox (royale high , dress to impress + more!) , fnaf , poppy playtime , indigo park , forza horizon , resident evil 4 , good pizza great pizza , animal crossing new horizons , mario kart 8 , mario kart wii , just dance , the last of us , detroit become human , spiderman , little nightmares , buckshot roulette
movies / shows / musicals ; star wars , harry potter , marvel , x-men , deadpool & wolverine , the greatest showman , grease , hairspray , moulin rouge , phantom of the opera , annie , hamilton , les miserables , arcane , criminal minds , swat , titains , the batman , high school musical , heartstopper , heathers , young royals , ghostbusters , beetlejuice , into the woods , mean girls , the umbrella academy , nimona , descendants , lemonade mouth , stranger things
youtubers ; pezzy , grizzy , bigpuffer , elasticdroid , gtlive , game theory , warn , aspen , frogger , flats , dawko , ethan nestor , smii7y , blarg , thedooo , beaplays , coleydoesthings , filmcooper , dechart games , hthaze , james marriott , willne
musicians / bands ; taylor swift , hozier , noah kahan , james marriott , mcr , twenty one pilots , p!atd , billie eilish , sleeping at last , the smiths , fleetwood mac , the cranberries , laufey , mitski clairo , paramore , bruno major , depeche mode , chappell roan , novo amor , taylor austen dye , maya hawke , frank sinatra , 1d , 5sos , feels like july , florance the machine , djo , sleep token , lily allen , ghost , lady gaga , gerard way , daughter
misc ; books , lego , monster high , collecting , cds , dvds , posters , flowers , pins , halloween , fall/autumn , deco pacis , colouring
DISCLAIMER ; I do not support the actions of my faves! I hold them all accountable! I do not support JKR , noah schnapp ect!!!
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About me ! ; My faves
celebrities / authors ; pedro pascal , oscar isaac , hugh jackman , ryan reynolds , erik j brown , ali hazelwood , tom holland , gerard way , aiden gallagher , kit connor , andrew garfield , ewan mcgregor , hayden christensen , carrie fisher , eddie remain , tom hiddelston , josh hutcherson , david harbour , wynona rider , aaron tveit , matthew gray gubler , maya hawke , natalia dyer , thomas gibson , padget brewster , aj cook
characters ; viktor , jinx , vi , ekko , simon 'ghost' riley , john 'soap' mactavish , kyle 'gaz' garrick , captain john price , keegan p russ , robin buckley , spencer reid , steve harrington , emily prentiss , aaron hotchner , penelope garcia , james potter , remus lupin , sirius black , loki , logan howlett , scott summers , rogue , marc spector , steven grant , obi-wan kenobi , anakin skywalker , luke skywalker , han solo , leia organa , ben hargreeves , luther hargreeves , five hargreeves , newt scamander , theseus scamander , din djarin , wade wilson , danny zuko , ben florian , flynn rider , aziraphale , crowley , nick nelson
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My rules ! ; do not interact
nsfw , abdl/ddlg (and variants) , racist, homophobic , transphobic , ableist , zionist , edsh , n@zi , trump supporters , anti agere , anti petre , dsmp/qsmp fans (mainly dream team & wilbur fans)
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My rules ; boundaries
when using pet names or gendered terms, keep them masc or gn NO FEM TERMS
DO NOT flirt with me , whether that is as a joke or platonicaly
keep all asks SAFE FOR WORK
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Links ; other blogs
writing blog ; @b4bywr1t3s
caregiver blog ; @royaldaycare
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Links ; requests and master list
request info / master list / whitelist
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Links ; credits
dni banners ; one , two , three
consent banner and dividers ; @kodaswrld
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My tags ;
ghostlyblog ; normal posts + asks
ghostlyboards ; moodboards + stimboards
ghostlymedia ; agere media + other photos/videos
🐾 . lo's fictional cgs ; fictional characters that I see as cgs/my cgs
🐾 . lo's fictional faves ; my favourite fictional characters
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harvsboy · 7 months
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the central hub
>> about me
|| aidan, 18, autistic, queer (demiaroace, gay, trans), writer
agere side blog; @bunny-nivison
>> my content
|| masterlist, character list
>> what i’ll write about
|| chuckle sandwich (schlatt + ted), stardew valley (harvey main), x-files, ninjago, spencer reid, detroit become human, + more!
>> requests OPEN
|| no smut (suggestive is okay), i’ll write mostly gn reader (fem or masc is cool too!), moodboard/hc/fic requests appreciated! CHARACTER LIST IS WITH MASTERLIST!!
>> taglist
|| @riverwritez @titishq @asterjaxx @luv4luci @zuuriell (ask or dm to be added!)
>> friends / mutuals
|| river, titi/taylor, aster, elodie, buck, moth, star, dino, jj <3
divider credit; @benkeibear
more will be added!
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0o-junebug-o0 · 1 month
What if?
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summary: You have some fears surrounding sex, you and Spencer talk it out.
genre: angst and fluff, hurt/comfort
cw: suggestive 16+! talk about/discussion about sex, insecure reader, reader is afraid of sex, understanding spencer, completely gn reader (reader is not described at all), no use of y/n, reader takes unspecified medication (implied to be an SSRI), bi spencer, autistic!spencer (because every spencer is autistic!spencer)
wordcount: 2k
note: venting in the form of a fic? who me? anyway, this is for everyone who, like me, is scared of having sex for the first time and wants someone to comfort them and ease their fears. you are not the only one out there.
Spencer’s hands slide from your cheeks to your waist, gripping you firmly yet gently. The feeling of his hands makes you shiver and you gasp into the kiss. He moans in response and nips on your lower lip before running his tongue over it. He pulls away for a moment to breathe before kissing you again with a fervor you’ve rarely experienced in your months of dating. 
You kiss him back just as desperately, curling your hands into his hair, tugging unintentionally. He moans loudly, his mouth falling open into the kiss. You pull again, deliberately this time, and the sound he makes drives you crazy. Your whole body feels like it’s on fire. Spencer’s hand slips under the hem of your shirt and you pull away to allow him to tug it over your head. 
Unwilling to part from him for too long, you grab the front of his shirt and pull him back toward you. Your fingers fumble with the buttons as you try to take his shirt off, distracted by the feeling of Spencer’s hands running up and down your sides. He chuckles and kisses you again before helping you finish unbuttoning his shirt and shrugging it off his shoulders. 
Your hands slide across his chest and he gasps again. His hands hold tight onto your hips as you kiss along his jaw and down to his neck. You nip at a spot along his pulse and his hips buck up into yours with a moan. You freeze for a moment as a pang of anxiety shoots through you. You move away from that spot and continue to kiss along his neck as Spencer whines your name.
You smile, pleased at the reactions you’re getting as you kiss your way back up to his mouth, keeping your hands pressed against his chest. Spencer kisses you with desperate, open mouth kisses and the feeling of his hands sliding over your bare skin makes you shiver.
But then Spencer’s hands are tugging at your pants. Your eyes shoot open, having slipped shut while kissing him, and your whole body goes cold like a bucket of ice water had just been dumped over your head. Involuntarily, you tense, your lips freezing against Spencer’s. Spencer stills and pulls away, removing his hands and opening his eyes, looking at you with a furrowed brow. 
“Are you alright?” he asks softly.
A wave of guilt rushes over you and you press back in to kiss him, grabbing his wrists and returning his hands to where they had been, hoping he’ll just forget about what just happened. He seems to move on instinct for a moment, kissing back, before he gently grabs your shoulders and pushes you away. His eyes dart around your face, his expression full of concern.
He whispers your name gently and you turn your head away in shame. “What’s going on?” he asks. “Did I hurt you?”
Your eyes widen and you whip back around to look at him, shaking your head frantically. He looks so worried. Tears well in your eyes and you swipe them away violently, climbing off of Spencer’s lap. 
He watches you for a moment before grabbing your shirt from where it had landed and handing it back to you. You clutch it to your chest and sob. “I-I’m sorry!” you gasp. “I’m sorry!”
“Hey, hey,” Spencer says softly. He reaches his hand out but freezes before he touches you, clearly worried that doing so will make things worse. You press your body into his hand and he seems to relax as he starts rubbing his hand up and down your back. “Don’t apologize. You have nothing to apologize for. You did nothing wrong.”
You tuck your legs against your chest, still cradling your shirt, and bury your head in your knees. 
“Can you tell me what happened, sweetheart? I don’t want to upset you or make you uncomfortable but I need to know what I did so I don’t do it again.”
“You didn’t do anything wrong,” you cry. “You’re perfect! It’s just me! There’s just something wrong with me!”
“There’s nothing wrong with you, baby.”
“There is!” you insist, lifting your head to look at him. He gazes back at you with a kindness you don’t deserve. You look away from him. “I want to have sex with you, I promise.”
The movement of his hand on your back stutters slightly but quickly continues. “Okay,” Spencer says carefully. 
“I-I don’t want you to think I don’t want you or-or love you because we haven't had sex yet, because I do! I really, really do! I’m just scared,” your voice trails off into a whisper as you finish speaking. 
“Hey, look at me,” Spencer says. You tilt your head and look up at him. “You’ve done nothing to make me think for even a second that you don’t love me. Whether or not we’ve had sex plays no role in that for me. Honestly, I don’t care if we ever have sex. I know we’ll both love each other just as much.”
“I do want to,” you whisper, your voice cracking slightly on another sob. 
“I know. I believe you.”
You sniff and wipe at your eyes again. Spencer smiles sweetly at you and guides you to lean against his chest, holding you close and rubbing your arm. 
“Can you tell me why you’re scared?”
“I-It’s stupid,” you mutter.
“It’s not stupid, especially if it’s bothering you. And being nervous about having sex for the first time is completely normal.”
“I know, but it feels like more than just being nervous,” you try to explain, unsure how to put the feeling into words.
“And that’s okay too.”
“There’s a lot of things,” you admit timidly.
“We can go through them. One at a time, okay?” Spencer offers.
You nod and press your head harder against his chest for a moment in thanks. “One thing I’m worried about is, um, how I look,” you mutter. “What if, once you see me naked, you don’t think I’m attractive anymore, or-or you think my, um, my genitals look gross or disgusting.”
Spencer is silent for a moment and you can feel panic starting to build in your chest. You shouldn’t have said that. You shouldn’t have said anything. What if you’ve messed all this up? This wonderful amazing thing you have with Spencer, just because you can’t get it together. 
“I-I’m sorry,” you start. “I don’t think you’re shallow or mean like that or anything. I—“
“It’s okay, sweetheart. I know you don’t,” Spencer reassures you.
“It’s— I know you won’t think those things but my brain won’t stop worrying about it.”
“That’s because anxieties are often irrational. We know that they’re untrue but they still exist. I don’t think there’s anything I could really say to prove to you that I won’t think those things but I can still promise that I won’t. No matter what, I will always think you are the most beautiful person I have ever seen.”
Fresh tears steam down your cheeks and your lip wobbles. You untuck your legs and let your shirt fall into your lap as you wrap your arms around Spencer. He presses a kiss to the top of your head.
“I love you,” he whispers. 
“I love you, too,” you respond.
You stay in each other’s arms for a moment before you pull away again. “What if I can’t cum?” you whisper, speaking so softly that you’re almost unable to hear yourself.
“I couldn’t hear you, I’m sorry, sweetheart. Can you say it again?”
Your face feels like it’s on fire and you bury your head in your hands out of embarrassment. “What if I can’t cum?” you say louder. There’s a moment of silence before you realize what that statement might sound like. “N-not through any fault of your own!” you rush to insist. “But because of my medication. Or-or because there’s something wrong with me! And what if I can’t make you cum. I want you to enjoy yourself when we have sex! I don’t want to let you down or not make you feel good!”
“Okay, I’m going to start with the first thing you brought up, alright?” 
You nod.
“This might not be what you want to hear, but being unable to cum is a possibility. There’s a condition called anorgasmia which results in orgasms that are less intense, delayed, infrequent, or absent altogether. And it can be due to taking certain medications. Though it’s unlikely because it only affects less than five percent of people, we won’t know if that’s something you experience until we try. If you do experience it, there’s nothing wrong with you, and there are ways to treat or work around it. But, to be honest, given the statistics, it is unlikely that you will be unable to cum. Your medication might make things a little more difficult but if that’s the case, and if we have sex, that just means I’ll get to spend even more time making you feel good.”
“But I don’t want it to all be focused on me. I don’t want you to have to put in extra effort you shouldn’t have to give just to make me feel good,” you respond.
“That leads me to your second concern.” Spencer pauses for a moment before saying, “Can you look at me, sweetheart?”
You lift your head to meet his eyes.
“Sex is not transactional. Just because I do something for you that doesn’t mean you’re obligated to do the same for me. And I can guarantee you that regardless of what we do, I will enjoy myself. And if I want to spend extra time or even a full night just focusing on you, that would not subtract from my pleasure at all. Making you feel good would make me feel good too. And if you’re worried about not knowing what to do when it comes to anything about sex, I can show you or we can do research together. Alright?” You nod and Spencer smiles at you. “Is there anything else that scares you?” he asks patiently.
You open and close your mouth. Anxiety clogs your throat and seems to physically prevent you from speaking. You bow your head. Of all the worries you have about sex, this is the greatest. “What—“ you pause and take a deep breath. “What if I try to have sex and then don’t enjoy it as much as I thought I would? Or-or what if I hate it and never want to have sex again?”
You look back up at Spencer with wide, pleading eyes. The tears once again forming and sticking to your lashes make his face swim before you.
“Then that’s okay,” Spencer responds like it’s the simplest thing in the world.
“What?” you ask, unable to help but feel surprised.
“If you try having sex and decide you never want to again, that’s okay. If you change your mind midway and never want to try again, that’s okay. If you never want to even try, that’s okay. Nothing you do or don’t do could ever disappoint me or make me love you any less. I love you for you. I’m with you for you, not for sex. Sex is not necessary for a relationship to me. And I don’t want you to think it is for a second.”
Tears stream down your cheeks as you nod. 
“I will love you no matter what we do or don’t do. Okay?” Spencer says softly.
A sob of relief bursts from your chest and you launch toward him, wrapping your arms around his neck and burying your face in his chest. “Th-thank you,” you cry weakly. “Thank you.”
“You have nothing to thank me for, baby,” Spencer says, pressing a kiss to your head.
You shake your head in disagreement and feel him chuckle against you.
“I love you,” you whisper. “So so much.”
“I love you too,” he responds. “So so much.”
Taglist!: fill out this form if you want to be tagged when I post fics
@daryls-crossbow16 @nemobee777 @roboticsuccubus83
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tgirltammy · 2 months
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the-guilty-writer · 1 year
Criminal Minds PRIDE Fics
Well, it's the end of Pride Month. Thank you to everyone who entered fics, new or old (or both)! This was my first time hosting a writing challenge and the amount of love surrounding it was truly incredible. From the range of writers who participated, to the the types of fics, it shows just how broad this community spans. I hope all of you are well, and safe, and know that you are extremely loved ❤.
This list is not exhaustive by any means. There are many other LGBTQ+ Criminal Minds fics out there, these are just the entries for the challenge. If you have a late entry (I know I do) don't be afraid to send it in! If you sent in a fic and it is missing, let me know that too!
Please let me know if you have issues with the accessibility of this list for any reason (I used fun colors again). I am happy to provide you with an accessible format.
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(once again, my favorite CM Pride gif which is actually part of a set that I need to track down and reblog later)
Fics are under the cut!
Reader Insert Fics:
Note: I tried my best to indicate reader traits to make it easier to find fics. If you find any of these to be inaccurate, please let me know and I will edit it to be correct
Spencer Reid
(In)visible by @foxy-eva: (fem!reader, bisexual!reader) There are a lot of obstacles you had to face as a queer woman but you never thought that falling in love with a man was one of them.
Bigotry Kills by @staygoldsquatchling02: (trans masculine non-binary!reader) While on a case in Tennessee, Spencer and Y/N accidentally reveal that Y/n is transgender to an unsub who has made it his mission to ride his small town of people he views as “less than himself”.
Ocean by @cinnamon-lesbian: (intersex!fem!reader) The reader can’t seem to love herself. Spencer lets her in on how amazing she really is.
I'd Better Ask Emily by Gill: (daughter!reader, lesbian!reader) When Spencer goes looking for your school notebook and accidentally reads your diary instead he goes to the BAU bisexual badass for help.
Emily Prentiss
Freedom-Seeking Hearts by @/foxy-eva: (fem!reader) For how much longer will Emily Prentiss and Fem!Reader be able to contain their freedom-seeking hearts?
Jennifer Jareau
Somewhere Underlined by @railingsofsorrow: (fem!reader) jennifer jareau would be the death of you someday, you know that and you'd probably let her. surprisingly, you weren't aware that you caused that same reaction on her, too.
Aaron Hotchner
So Much by Gill: (teen!reader) reader comes out to their dad as gay and his reaction is not what they expected.
Character x Character Fics:
Aaron Hotchner x Derek Morgan
second chance by @masterwords: It's time for Hotch to tell Jack about his relationship with Derek. He's understandably concerned that it could go bad, but hopefully nothing some chocolate chip pancakes won't help. (Spoiler Alert: It doesn't go bad. There are some rough patches here but this is a story with a happy ending.)
Derek Morgan x Spencer Reid
Love can rise out of the ashes by @satchels-and-socks: Spencer is heartbroken after Maeve. Spencer locks himself away and becomes a shell of his formal self. Derek realized something and is determined to show Spencer that life goes on and how someone other than Maeve is truly in love with him.
Jennifer Jareau x Emily Prentiss
The Way You Felt by @andiebeaword: While on a flight to help Spencer, exes J.J. and Emily ultimately come to terms with their buried feelings.
Jennifer Jareau x Tara Lewis
Soft & Sweet by @/foxy-eva: A confession between JJ and Tara leads to a night full of soft and sweet moments. (includes smut, 18+, minors DNI)
Emily Prentiss x Clara Seger
I Felt a Million Things When I First Met You by @baubeautyandthegeek: The one where Emily finally comes clean about just how come Clara’s always so willing to help.
Spencer Reid x Aaron Hotchner
There Are Secrets That We Still Have Left To Find (on Ao3) by @starzzyeyed: Spencer Reid is seven years old the first time he comes out to anyone. Three times Spencer comes out, across three different points in his life, all with three very different outcomes.
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