#trans!adam parrish
crimeronan · 7 months
normally i get annoyed with "he's a lesbian to me" nonchalance from people who do not care much for lesbians & i prefer to blog about actual women in media instead, but my One ongoing personal exception is that hunter owlhouse is a dyke. i don't even know if he has gender stuff going on i just know he's a dyke. he has the energy and has been accepted into the club by me, the supreme ultimate ordained gatekeeper of dykeness. thanks for the understanding everyone 🙏
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banana-beavers · 29 days
trans ronan lynch you are so personal to me
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one-squash-one-end · 6 months
once again rambling about Adam Parrish
Hi! This still belongs to my big Raven Cycle analysis, click here for the masterpost.
For most of the characters I obviously read a lot into subtext and speculate about how they're absolutely not straight, but lucky for us, we do get canon queer characters!
So let this be me talking about Adam as bi representation and also throwing in (other people's) gender headcanons. As always, please tell me your thoughts in the notes <3
c) Adam Parrish
Sadly, I cannot speculate too much about Adam’s sexuality, as he is canonically the mean, witchy (and bitchy) bisexual.
There isn’t much I can say, really. Throughout the book series he displays interest in both Blue and Ronan. And also Greenmantle, but I would like all of us to ignore that because I want to believe Adam has good taste. Blue and Ronan as his love interests are essentially seen as equal. While I would say he had already had some repressed attraction for Ronan (see: him calling the swearing melodic, black-painted poetry- you normally wouldn’t feel like that for someone who just called you a motherfucker) in book one while dating Blue. Yet it becomes very much clear that he did have romantic feelings for Blue. Yes, the two of them were doomed from the start (but still pretty cute I’d say! Until things went to shit, that is), however, Blue is not treated by the narrative as some mistake before Adam figures out he’s actually gay (looking at you judgingly here, Rainbow Rowell). Neither was Ronan a quick, silly thing to see how it would feel to kiss the same gender. That is, like, very much very obvious, through the last five books. They are boyfriends, your honor.
At this point I would also like to give a shout-out to Adam Parrish and the Crying Club (which would make for a fire band name, just saying). This little group of queer people Adam collects at uni (in Call Down The Hawk) has my whole heart and I so wish we would have seen more of them, I am forever mourning their potential of silly, reoccurring side characters. What I’m trying to say though is this: The fact that Adam builds a group of queer people around himself (another one apart from the Gangsey) proves his sexuality even more, because we all know queer people flock towards each other.
Either way, canon bisexual, we love that. Moving on.
Honorary mention to the transmasc Adam headcanon that Tumblr user @barbaricpoetic compiles especially well in a post. I personally do not follow that headcanon, like of course I do not think Blue is supposed to be written as genderfluid in the books, but somehow I believe even less in trans Adam, but either way I do agree there is a lot of strong source material to support that headcanon. Check out the original post for a lot more detail, I don’t want to plagiarize all of that here either way, but here’s two especially solid hints: First of all, he does everything to appear more masculine, like working in typically male-dominated fields and dressing accordingly to that, while orientating his behavior on Ronan and Gansey, who, ironically, do not try as hard as him. Secondly, there’s physical descriptions, Adam being a lot more “elegant” and delicate than the other (Raven) boys Blue knows, with unusual features, and “blue eyes pretty enough for a girl”. Yeah, might be a coincidence, might be solid, queer truth.
This would all make so much sense, even within the books and all, there is just one, considerably big thing, that would not add up with this in canon. Adam’s rural-conservative shitbag of a father would never use the correct name and pronouns for his ftm child.
Either way, there might still be something fun going on with his gender that defies the binaries. Why do I think so? Well, Gansey says a very interesting thing. “Henry was a boy. Adam was a─ Gansey didn’t know.” I wish he would have told us what makes them different. What is it that Adam was? A man? A demiboy? A nonbinary person? A dinosaur in disguise? Please do enlighten us, Gansey. I’m assuming it’s got something to do with Adam being more mature than Henry (he definitely is), but like with Blue and the 300 Fox Way Women, it might be a gender thing, at least you can very easily lay it out to be that way.
To conclude as I will conclude every character part, I think Adam might possibly wear a crop top (might take him a while to accept masculinity is everything you want it to be and not just a certain aesthetic standard though), but absolutely not regularly and not around strangers or his parents.
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ganseylike · 2 years
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trans adam
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micamicster · 6 months
Super Rich Kids
Close my eyes and feel the crash...
I wrote this one on post-its on a trans-continental flight after my phone (where i was re-reading the raven cycle) died. 0/10 plane experience would not recommend but I did manage to entertain myself! And now hopefully you as well!
When Ronan pulled into Monmouth Manufacturing he knew Gansey wouldn’t be there. Adam Parrish was, though, sitting on the steps in the golden afternoon light, bike dumped to the side in dying grass. He didn’t so much as flicker an eyelid when Ronan bootlegged the BMW into an approximation of parking on the far side of the lot, which was fine because that’s how he would have parked the car anyway, whether or not Adam was here.
Ronan was pretty sure that Gansey had arranged a shift system with the other boys, to prevent Ronan from being unaccompanied on the rare occasions of his own absence. The idea of a babysitter should have rankled Ronan, but Adam did not seem particularly invested in his role. Small favors.
As he got out of the car he gave Adam his customary once-over, as brief as it was habitual. You could notice a lot in a single glance, if you were Ronan, glancing at Adam.
Adam was wearing long sleeves (his father? Or just because it was October?) and his faded camo pants, the ones Ronan said made him look like a jingoistic meathead. They had recently acquired a tear in one knee. Not in the stylish, deliberate manner in which Ronan’s own jeans were shredded, but awkwardly, in an L-shape, where they had caught on some jagged edge and given way before even careful Adam had noticed and unhooked himself. The tear gaped open at times, like it was doing now, revealing Adam’s knobby left knee and, worse, a triangle of his brown thigh.
Ronan looked away.
Ronan never allowed himself, even in dreams, to trespass beyond the carefully demarcated boundaries of Adam’s clothes. And Adam was usually helpful in the maintenance of this boundary. Unlike Gansey, who could be found working on his model Henrietta in boxers at all hours of the night, or wandering to and from the shower in a towel, absent-mindedly forgetting his clothes in bathroom or bedroom. Unlike the boys Ronan played tennis with, who stripped down casually in the locker room after practice. Unlike even Ronan himself, who’d never met a shirt he couldn’t rip the sleeves off; Adam was always fully covered.
This summer, foolishly, Ronan had imagined that this might change. Now that the hideous secrets Adam protected with his long sleeves were no longer his alone. But by now he knew what kept those sleeves in place, something that Adam had already understood: that knowing and seeing are two very different things.
For example: this. Ronan knew that Adam, like most people who walked around on earth under their own power, possessed thighs. Two of them, attached in the normal way to other body parts, such as knees and hips. To know this was one thing.
Now that he’d seen it, he couldn’t stop seeing it. The way his knee bent, and the muscle above shifted as Adam made room on the steps for him. Ronan was looking away, out at the familiar, grounding, skid marks on the concrete of Monmouth’s lot, but he could picture in their place with deadly accuracy the hinge of Adam’s knee, the tanned skin of his thigh, scattered with golden-brown hair. He could dream about pressing his face against it.
He picked up a rock and hurled it. It glanced off the side of the soulless suburban and fell anticlimactically into the grass dying by the rear tire. It didn’t help.
Adam shifted next to him, subtly.
“What?” said Ronan. “Impressed?”
“Surprised, more like. I thought you were supposed to be the tennis star.”
“You think you can do better?” Ronan pried another hunk of gravel or concrete out of the dirt and tossed it in his left hand, tauntingly.
“I know I can.”
“But,” said Adam, with some hint of exasperation coloring his voice, “I’m not going to sit here chunking rocks at Gansey’s car to prove it. My ego’s not that fragile.” His accent slipped out on chunkin’, not as if Ronan had pissed him off enough to forget to hide it, but as if it was a word he’d never used any other way.
Ronan threw his rock again. This was, if anything, a worse throw than before, and it skittered harmlessly across the suburban’s roof.
Adam made a small but contemptuous noise.
“Don’t give me that shit, man. You know he hates this fucking car.”
“That was for your shitty aim.”
“Come on then.” Ronan hefted another piece of gravel. “Ten points if you knock out his taillight.”
“It costs a hundred and five dollars to replace a taillight on that make and model. Plus tax.”
Ronan’s brief cheer was collapsing again. “I’ll pay you a hundred bucks to bust Dick’s lights.”
Adam blinked slowly, his dusty eyelashes obscuring the contempt in his eyes for a brief moment. “I’ll leave.” (He wouldn’t).
Ronan dropped the rock. Next to him Adam sighed. Abruptly, he put out his hand. “Telephone pole. Six feet from the top.”
Ronan swept back up the rock and dropped it into his hand. Their fingers did not touch. His heart thudded.
Adam tossed the rock once, testing its weight while his gaze, cool and assessing, remained on the telephone pole. It was a splintered, tilting thing, shamed by his attentions. In one smooth, economical movement, he rose to his feet and let the rock fly. His leg went forward, knee jutting out of his clothes, his back curved, and his arm swept around in an arc, fingers scraping at the blue October sky. Ronan didn’t need to turn his head to know if the rock hit—he could see it in the brief hard satisfaction on Adam’s face.
Adam turned back to him, one eyebrow cocked.
“You’re going to have to do better than that if you want to earn that hundred,”
Adam shrugged. The gesture was disinterested, but there was a quirk to his mouth that contradicted it. “I know nothing blew up, but…”
Ronan already had another rock in his hand. “West corner lightbulb. It breaks or it doesn’t count.” Adam rolled his eyes, but turned agreeably to watch Ronan miss.
“Would you like to get your tennis racket?”
“Eat me,” said Ronan. (Maybe).
They traded shots back and forth for a while, calling increasingly specific and complex plays.
“Bullshit. Bullshit.”
“Get the government to pay for some glasses, Parrish, and then come back and try to tell me that wasn’t a fucking bullseye—”
“It wasn’t even close! You—”
“You calling me a liar?” Ronan loomed, and Adam, as usual, was unimpressed.
“Just because you don’t lie doesn’t make you right all the time! Like when you said that quote on Tuesday was Seneca. It doesn’t stop being Martial just because you’ve got a child’s sense of morality—”
“See, right there.” Ronan pointed triumphantly at an invisible scuff mark on the doorsill, marking where his handful of gravel had made impact.
Adam gave it a skeptical glance. His face was faintly flushed from exertion in the cold air, but his eyes were as cool and considering as ever. “What we need,” he said, “is a knife.”
Ronan was not allowed knives.
“Are you trying to stab each other in the feet? Why are your shoes off! It’s October!”
“Equal playing field.” Ronan wiggled his toes against the cold asphalt. “Parrish’s shitty knife is no match for my boots.” Over Gansey’s head, Ronan tried to catch Adam’s eye, to share a ‘can you believe him’ sort of look. Adam’s embarrassment over being caught acting irresponsibly meant Ronan could expect the look to be rebuffed, but he couldn’t help himself from trying it anyway.
Adam was bent over, eyes hidden. He carefully dusted off his socked feet one at a time before sliding them back into his shoes, as though the socks or sneakers could look any worse. A little parking lot crud might improve their appearance, actually.
Next to him, Gansey was still fussing. Without the pressure release valve of eye contact with someone who knew Gansey was overreacting, Ronan snapped, “Come off it, man, I’m not going to slit my throat while Parrish watches. He can’t afford that caliber of snuff film.”
Gansey’s concern transformed into revulsion, but underneath it he looked hurt, which was far far worse.
Adam straightened up. “We were just using it to mark where we hit. Honestly, we could have done it tossing a sharpie, but neither of us had one.” He sounded conciliatory, which pissed Ronan off. But Gansey was letting it go, returning the knife to Adam with an apologetic smile. Sorry for the fuss. Sorry for Ronan. Ronan’s bare feet were cold against the asphalt.
“Well? Are you going to throw or not, Parrish?” he said belligerently.
Adam rolled his eyes, but obligingly stooped for gravel and let one fly at Ronan’s open bedroom window, a shot he made easily.
Gansey whistled. “You’ve got quite the arm on you. How come you’re not on the Algionby baseball team?”
Adam shifted his feet, awkwardly.
“Please,” scoffed Ronan, “he’s not a team player.”
Gansey did not let it go. “Bet you’d have a better fastball than both our pitchers.”
There was a pause, during which Adam’s face clearly showed all of the thoughts he was trying to corral into a polite response to Gansey’s unconsidered enthusiasm. Ronan got there first. “Yeah, Parrish, why not hitch your wagon to the star of organized sports, like every other rags to riches wannabe?”
“Ronan!” said Gansey, Ronan’s offensiveness registering where his own had not.
“Hitch my wagon to a star?” Adam was unruffled. “I thought quoting Transcendentalists could get you excommunicated.”
“Who said I know it’s Emerson. It’s a sourceless idiom to those of us who aren’t sad little nerds.”
Adam smirked. The smirk said, I never said Emerson. His words said, “Gansey’s damning me with faint praise. No one’s going pro out of an Algionby sport team. Even tennis.”
“Ouch,” said Ronan, cheerfully. “Hit me where it really hurts. My school pride.”
Now that Gansey had arrived, his plans for the day took precedence over noble pastimes such as flipping pocketknives at each other’s feet. His plans involved comparing readings from various instruments and then placing said various instruments in various new locations, all of which were equally arbitrary (to Ronan’s eyes) and inaccessible. Gansey’s plans involved him waiting by the car to monitor the readings while people hiked with antennae to the outermost reaches of the signal. People, in this instance, being Ronan and Adam, Noah having mysteriously and silently fucked off, as he so often did when a job required carrying anything.
Ronan put his head down and trudged. It was brambly here, and slightly damp, and he was beginning to work up the kind of counter-intuitive sweat that appears from working in the cold, the kind that makes you colder later.
As the person leading the hike, custom would dictate that he should catch and hold the long clinging arms of the brambles for the following hiker. This presented a dilemma. Ronan compromised, and set about stomping the multiflora into the ground as he walked. Scarlet hips burst under his feet, invasive and beautiful, spreading their millions of seeds across the damp earth. Noxious weeds.
“It’s too unreliable,” said Adam, into the silence. “Sports. It all depends on… your physical condition.”
“And your condition is shit.”
There was Adam’s ironic smile. “Yes. So.” He shrugged. There was the part they weren’t saying, which was that his physical condition could always get worse. Unexpectedly.
“My dad hates baseball.” Ronan heard himself make the slip—hates and not hated—and a spark of fury burned through him, brief and inconsequential.
“My dad loves it.”
They marched on in silence.
Adam swore as a bramble Ronan had beaten down sprang up again, catching him right across the tear, where his skin was exposed. He bent to unhook it from the camo with deft, deliberate hands. “What?” he said, like he could feel Ronan’s eyes.
Ronan looked away. “Why not the military?” He kicked purposelessly at the bramble and heard Adam sigh. “And don’t tell me you never thought about it. Test scores like yours out in hicksville high school, you must have had recruiters hopping all over you like fleas.”
“Would you believe I had a moral objection?” Adam’s smile was self-deprecating. Ronan studied it.
Adam shrugged. It, too, was self-deprecating.
“I think you had a superiority objection. You think you’re too smart for that shit.”
Adam blinked at him. “Do you think I’m wrong?”
Ronan snorted. “Hell no. You can do better than getting blown up in a desert for the United States government.”
The smile, when it came, was small and stunning. “Damned by faint praise again.”
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lizpaige · 3 months
fics i read this week 👩‍💻
hiiiii its me again. I've read lots of fics this week, but going to share some of them here in case you need some recs in your life! also please send me some recs if you've got any! i'd love to check them out!
Adam Parrish and His Band of Merry (College) Friends by Idontshaveforsher_yesyoudo Collection of pOV Outsider stories of pynch and this is my fave genre of fic okaaaaaay? I just love it and love their dynamic it's great!
A Moment in Time by pinkhorizon This is a WIP (3/10 chapters so far) and sososo good! farmer!Ronan hires college student!Adam for the summer to help around the farm and the tensionnnnnn is just so good I love it so far!
Am I Gonna Get to Love You? by earthquaker Classic oops they got married in vegas au. butbutbut the pining and backstory and everything is just next level.
shout (let it all out) by beanwestchester My heart!!!! This fic was so sweet and delicate and soft and just let Adam enjoy wearing his skirts pls and thank you.
we all fill up with time by interropunct There aren't enough trans!Ronan fics in this fandom tbh and this is a great one. soft dom!Adam was *chef's kiss* and there's 6 chapters of outtakes/bonus scenes from the original story
how to rescue your idiot vampire crush from the jaws of death (and maybe kiss him too) by elliptical vampire!adam!!!!!! this story is standalone but there's a greater series that is just as good! I hiiiiiiighly recommend checking out the whole series if you like vamp!aus
Different Wounds, Same Weapon by ungoodpirate i loooooove a niall is alive and meets adam story. i want to read 1000 of these, but this one would always be my favorite. the drama, the comfort, the chaos, i love it all.
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decladams · 9 months
rating: mature words: 6591 relationships: ronan lynch/adam parrish characters: ronan lynch, adam parrish, blue sargent, richard gansey iii, opal, chainsaw additional tags: t4t ronan lynch/adam parrish, trans, trans female character, coming out, ronan and adam are unrealistically articulate about their feelings, character study, domestic fluff summary: At the Barns Adam said, “You look different,” and she said “Bad different or good different?” and he replied, “I like it. It suits you.” Something caught on her heart, but she couldn’t quite name it. It had been lingering in her mind for a long time, and yet she had never had the courage to put words on it, to look it dead in the eye.
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wintersshowers · 11 months
(trust me its gonna be so good)
My thoughts on “crush” by Ethel Cain and The Raven Cycle (because my niche right now is rereading the raven cycle for the first time in 4 years and I just happened to see Ethel live and I cannot stop connecting them) 
As a prelude to my lyric/quote breakdown… Ethel Cain is a trans woman who writes hauntingly beautiful music.. She is religious and from the south, which is a HUGE part of why it is so undeniably apparent to me that she can be connected to specifically RONAN (gay catholic from the south with his barn house). Her music is so amazing and she is an awesome story teller so I hope you give her a listen.
Her most popular song CRUSH is so goddam Ronan and Adam I had to write this because I needed to put it somewhere. 
“His window's already passed, so he's shooting at the glass
Keeping guns in his locker, and he denies it
Like it's actually important, but he lied 'cause I sure did watch him
Showing up wearing black, and he knows that” 
His daddy's on death row, but he'll say it with his chest, though”
This is just very Ronan angst i don't feel like i need to explain.. 
“His friends move dope, he hasn't tried coke
But he's always had a problem saying no”
OKKK soooooo lets get into the the dream thieves helloooo 
Yes Kavinsky and Ronan’s relationship is very hard to define but whatever it is he takes up a lot of his time in dream thieves.. And he loves coke (or whatever the hell he dreamt up)… and Ronan is VERY BAD at saying no when it comes to any sort of challenge from Kavinsky.
“Can you read my mind? I've been watching you.”
“As they moved through the old barn, Adam felt Ronan’s eyes glance off him and away, his disinterest practiced but incomplete. Adam wondered if anyone else noticed.”
“Adam finally sat down on one of the pews. Laying his cheek against the smooth back of it, he looked at Ronan. Strangely enough, Ronan belonged here, too, just as he had at the Barns. This noisy, lush religion had created him just as much as his father's world of dreams; it seemed impossible for all of Ronan to exist in one person. Adam was beginning to realize that he hadn't known Ronan at all. Or rather, he had known part of him and assumed it was all of him.
The scent of Cabeswater, all trees after rain, drifted past Adam, and he realized that while he'd been looking at Ronan, Ronan had been looking at him.”
“When he opened his eyes, he saw that Ronan was looking at him, as he had been looking at him for months. Adam looked back, as he had been looking back for months.”
“Couldn't fight to save your life, but you look so cool”
“I’ve watched the evening news, Adam,” Gansey snapped. “Why don’t you let Ronan teach you to fight? He’s offered twice now. He means it.” With great care, Adam folded the greasy rag and draped it back over a toolbox. There was a lot of stuff in the carport. New tool racks and
calendars of topless women and heavy-duty air compressors and other things Mr. Parrish had decided were more valuable than Adam’s school
uniform. “Because then he will kill me.”
“Good men die too, oh, I'd rather be with you, you, you”
“See, Adam Parrish is wantable, worthy of a crush, not just by anyone, someone like Ronan, who could want Gansey or anyone else and chose Adam for his hungry eyes.”
HELLOOOOOOOOo are u kidding…. 
1st Gansey is the definition of a “good man”
2nd Adam is OBSESSED WITH THIS the whole damn series and is constantly attempting to model himself/who he wishes he was after gansey 
3rd to tie it all together… the whole series its like oh yea gansey is about to die (along with everyone else if we are being real) 
“I owe you a black eye and two kisses
Tell me when you wanna come and get 'em”
PLEASEEEEEE like this is MY WAY of describing the ANGST and SLOWWWWWburn of their relationship. When I hear her sing this I cannot help but giggle and kick my feet because of how amazingly it fits. 
“I only want him if he says it first to me”
"It was Adam’s ribs under Ronan’s hands and Adam’s mouth on his mouth, again and again and again. It was stubble on his lips and Ronan having to stop, to get his breath, to restart his heart. They were both hungry animals, but Adam had been starving for far longer.”
We all know the Ronan longing and it being a HUGE secret that he likes Adam... and Adam like knows and its like lol embarrassing (as if he isn't down bad as well)
ADAM is like oblivious to the legitimacy of his feelings until ronan gives him a little kissssss and then it's like he is all like “what is love” 
“He looks like he works with his hands, and smells like Marlboro Reds”
HELLOOOOOo this is so adam are u kidding
“Ronan crossed his arms to wait, just looking. At Adam's fine cheekbones, his furrowed fair eyebrows, his beautiful hands, everything washed out by the light. He had memorized the shape of Adam’s hands in particular: the way his thumbs jutted awkwardly, boyishly; the roads of prominent veins; the large knuckles that protruded from his long fingers. In dreams Ronan put them to his mouth.” 
“Adam twisted off the lid. Inside was a colorless lotion that smelled of mist and moss. Replacing the lid with a frown, he turned the container over, looking for more identifying features. On the bottom, Ronan's handwriting labeled it merely: manibus. For your hands.”
“Something's been feeling weird lately
There's just something about you, baby (there's just something about you, baby)
Maybe I'll just be crazy (I'll be crazy)
And piss him off 'til he hates me
Yeah right, he fucking loves me”
…… do i even need to say anything??
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Charlie's Master List
incomplete because I'm a mess
My AO3: charlie_mou
All my original posts are under the tag of #op
All my writing (fics/fic ideas/prompts/etc) are under the tag #charlie writes
Fandom-specific master lists under the cut
All my fic ideas/prompts for all fandoms are for grabs! Please if you like one and want to write a fic/do anything else based on it, do it!
every link in this list leads either to my tagged posts or to my ao3
Fandoms I'm currently interested in:
Top Gun & Top Gun: Maverick
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare (original + reboot series)
Fandoms I have a slight interest in (mostly fandoms I used to be in):
Merlin (merthur, Merlin-centric stuff)
Strangers Things (harringrove, steddie, Steve&Robin, Steve-centric stuff)
One Piece (marcoace, lawlu, zosan, Sanji-centric stuff)
Harry Potter (drarry, wolfstar, grammander, Remus-centric stuff)
The Raven Cycle (pynch, bluesey, Adam Parrish-centric stuff)
MCU and Marvel Comics (under one tag - #MCU; stony, spideypool, Hawkey or Spidey-centric stuff)
DC Comics (comics and cartoons mostly, I don't like the TV shows; Wally- or Barry-centric)
Alex Rider (Alex-centric, yalex)
Detroit: Become Human (hannor)
Pacific Rim
Law&Order and Law&Order: SVU
(tumblr doesn't allow me to post so many links in one post so I've separated a couple of fandoms off)
📃✨ List of Works-In-Progress I'm still intending to write/actively writing
✈️ Top Gun & Top Gun: Maverick Master List
🚒 9-1-1 Fox ABC Master List
🔪Call of Duty Mini Master List (TBA)
Other AO3 fics (most are very old):
❌- unfinished
fire of the name - soulmates AU marcoace - One Piece
future of the name ❌ - soulmates AU lawlu + Strawhat Crew - One Piece
close your eyes and do the countdown - marcoace, narcopletic Ace One Piece
(fire) my one desire - marcoace, they sleep with each other before Ace joins the crew - One Piece
think once, feel twice - marcoace, soulmates AU, Ace has issues - One Piece
no such thing as a stupid question - marcoace proposal - One Piece
I could be your baby tonight - marcoace age difference 5+1 - One Piece
mark your memory ❌ - marcoace soulmates AU - One Piece
borrow or lend (for a second or for a life) ❌ - marcoace soulmates AU - One Piece
the best is yet to be - 5+1 pynch being basically married - The Raven Cycle
using your dark magic on me ❌ - pynch Harry Potter AU with werewolf Adam - The Raven Cycle
lord knows how hard we tried ❌ - pynch parents AU with kidnapped baby - The Raven Cycle
shout (let it all out) - Adam in skirts, pynch - The Raven Cycle
face the music ❌ - harringrove, deaf!Steve - Stranger Thing
yes, I'm back (in black) ❌ - harringrove, metalhead!Steve - Stranger Things
holding a torch (or a lantern) - halbarry, female Barry - I wrote this when I was sixteen, it's bad - DC Comics
Other blog tags:
#resources, #trans topics, #interiors, #fic recs, #cow posts
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latin-phrases-showdown · 11 months
Round 1 Poll 7
Formatia trans sicere educatorum
It may look as Latin, but it's actually what some would call dog latin, a sentence made up to sound Latin
It's an inscription on Sunnydale High School (Buffy the Vampire Slayer, season 2 episode 17) intended to mean "formations of the otherwise educated," implying "enter all ye who seek knowledge"
Tamquam alter idem
Means "as if another self," as if a second self
Apparently it's cicero's description of a friend but it's also PYNCH'S WAY OF SAYING I LOVE YOU TO EACH OTHER!!!!!!!
Pynch = Ronan Lynch/Adam Parrish (The Raven Cycle)
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encrucijada · 2 years
wip inspiration tag.
the tag was started by @goose-books
you know i Love to talk. so i might reblog this various times with other wips to show you what inspired them. starting with my current main wip.
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i'm kinda bad at keeping track of my inspirations, especially because i tend to take things in parts to inspire my own stories (see: not taking the entire premise of the magnus archives but instead just the concept of things like the hunt or the lonely). so i did my best here!
EVERGREEN LUNG; ezra borja died, then she undied. woke up in the local forest with no memory of what happened and she returns to find out what felt like passing out overnight was a year of being gone, she's missed high school graduation and there is a disconnect now between her and her best friend. with something taking root inside ezra. a story where being aroace is represented through a sentient forest.
HELL FOLLOWED WITH US: i hadn't read hell followed with us before conceptualising the concept of evergreen lung, in part because the book wasn't even out yet. hell followed with us is "queerness as monstrosity for the trans" and evergreen lung is "queerness as monstrosity for the aroaces". both ezra and benji perceived the thing inside them as something separate but we all know that's just a metaphor for who they are inherently. seraph transforms benji's body and the forest makes it so ezra has trouble connecting with people. hell followed with us is just a little more brutal in its body horror because that's part of the book's appeal. but suffice to say i think benji and ezra would get along.
THE RAVEN CYCLE: okay. i would be lying if i said the whole sentient forest idea didn't come from the raven cycle. adam parrish is my favourite character and 90% of it is because he has magic powers linked to a sentient forest. ezra doesn't have psychic powers, though, and her "deal" with the forest has fewer rules and a more blurry line of consent. also not to mention the character of juan diego is adam parrish inspired just because. it's mostly aesthetic though.
MY NEIGHBOUR TOTORO & KIKI'S DELIVERY SERVICE: i included these for the ~vibes~ mostly. my neighbour totoro has some gorgeous nature imagery (that really most studio ghibli movies have i could just include lots of scenery stills from various movies tbh) and i hope to capture that energy of a forest that feels like it could give you a hug. there's also something about the soft and quaint life of the characters. evergreen lung is a very tender book, focusing a lot on atmosphere. ursa from kiki's delivery service is ezra's ideal. both movies also have wholesome family dynamics which ezra has with her parents. you get a sense of how much they mean to each other.
OVER THE GARDEN WALL: there isn't a lot of the vibe of otgw in evergreen lung per se. the vibes of otgw are a little too dark. otgw, however, is the inspiration for the story ezra's parents originate from. so i'm adding it to the roster. i won't be going into detail about what the parents get up to, though those events are technically canon and did happen to ezra's parents. it isn't important and i would rather it stay a mystery you'll only get hints of through the small fantasy aspects of xiomara, katalina and caleb.
tagging: @saltwaterbells @chayscribbles @thelittlestspider @moonssugar @derridaspectres @coffeeandcalligraphy anyone else who wants to do this is welcome to!
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ao3feed-pynch · 11 months
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theepsteinlist · 1 year
"epstein" client lists
ring leaders:
epstein and gf
r. kelly
michael jackson
michael vick
donald trump
perps/victims: (i.e. their victims who joined the criminal conspiracy)
kelsey mayfield
megan thee stallion
beyonce knowles
targets:  pretty runaway rich girls who wanna be ~bad girls~ for a weekend and ~seduce an older man~
epstein was known locally to strippers as mr. brown
nazi blood diamond money laundering:
doc martens
james avery
dr pepper/snapple/green mountain/keurig
hobby lobby
american eagle
nazi pedophile blood money (m)/(b)illionaires:
robert a. eckert
sheila a. penrose
john w. rogers jr
miles d. white
richard childress
jen foyle
truett cathy
david green
meg whitman
john mcafee
alice walton
brian kelley
travis kalanick
mark zuckerberg
tony xu
new braunfels: ring leaders:
amy allen
sam allen
lori hines
donna simpson
targets: high school kids who just wanna ~have fun~ and ~have a safe environment to drink in~ because "there were adults present so it's safe"
sergio zamora
bryce parrock
chris allen
travis allen
clayton mott
curtis kostan
travis kostan
calvin hoffman
ashton henderson
hannah jeroswhatever jerosezswki
lisa pickens
rachael lee muschalek
courtney cashion
taylor davis
raelynn haggerty
adam sheldon
devin kelley
zach rhoades
ryan walker
taylor akins
samantha rich
stephanie gawlik
charlie miffleton
chris tysdal
ross johnson
reed edwards
paige beyer
landre nattinger
aubrie iverson
andrew shafer
matt durbin
spencer jergins
clint whitley
tim word
chad laborde
chez council
"victims"? (participants with a wide spectrum of consent that were nonetheless assaulted/exploited)
maggie osborne
esmerelda ??? (zapatos?)
liz perez
autumn reno
angel ??? (bustos?)
destiney sheldon
katie turpin
kiki grossman
lauren laborde
lindsay smith
stephen lupton
landre nattinger
ashton henderson
hannah jerosewzski
ring leaders:
david duke
greg abbott
ken paxton
vance lesseig
walton family
taylor swift
david green
james reno
edwin braun
marisol padilla
chuck kirchhof
tom muschalek
dunno mr. zeitler's name
aforementioned men's wives
oakwood baptist church of new braunfels
community bible church of new braunfels
vance langley
coach schmidt
coach mclean
mrs. lindsay
ms. pradervand
mr. baker
mr. trollinger
mr. ??? (other NBHS short term criminal justice teacher in 2009)
officer broussard
shelby lesseig
rachael lee muschalek
kelsey mayfield
henry desroches
thomas neupert
michael brennan
mark hardiman
dr. hardiman
sam allen
judge and mrs. gray
targets: young teenagers that were ~special~, i.e. identified by the duke talent program
sam coronado
samantha allen
mitchell ridsdale
aaron criddle
ben turrubiates
akash motani
faizal khan
sterling demasters
zach mares
ethan poulter
jordan thiem
edward stockwell
anthony castilleja
charles tandy
jonathan dockall
emily brandon
lauren knipe
heather brown
josh burlison
the trix family
the piranha family
gavon payne
emma roddy
alison kim
sarah perrilloux
amanda and mary pike
sarah stiponavich
stephen phipps
allie alcala
jeremy priest
jackson faires
alex mott
marco martinez
brandon anderson
scott antoine
amber antoine
star hernandez
jessica atwell
rylee young
jamie hand
suzanne stricker
emily langendorff
olivia langley
taylor francis
ana castro
maria chavez
tanner brewer
katie ha
zach parrish
anthony tran
kylie blair
cullen nisson
ranger wallace
taylor mares
kathryne mares
jayme zigler
evan zigler
gracie payne
ellie payne
manuel deleon
the dione triplets
justin and taylor schwarz
araceli ayala
jamie bell
cassie barrett
jordan d'eri
rachel jones
andrew bryant
michael trombold
stephanie bryant
ashley bryant
daniel schroeder
kirsten schroeder
alexandria ingram
julianna pappalas
kindell hardin
edward yu
alexis lewis
katherine davis
ana ??? (katherine's girlfriend, texas a&m track team 2013)
ajay patel
james lamon
emily lamon
dionne diaz
mirea ayala
katelyn warner
kirby fisher
kyle fisher
tyler rougeux
kyle rougeux
josh chappell
kyle chappell
jaimee chapell
emily chappell
tyler mcdonald
marissa maddon
john maddon
tessa loge
eden bonneville
jack rhodes
andrew romero
lauren laborde
sarah laborde
stephenea sotcheff
sophia sotcheff
david mis
britton ware
will stapleton
canaan hoffman
caitie hoffman
sarah kreuger
ben jacks
ben triesch
gabe ramos
gene jacobson
aj jerosewszki
daniel phipps
daniel schumacher
eric stiebing
stephen rapp
maisha rumman
shradha thakur
vamsi vishnubhotla
michael carl
lindsay smith
lindsey kubena
samantha partida
steven partida
victoria rich
jennifer koepp
jenniffer flores
anne manzano
elizabeth villarreal
denise ortiz
kevin korpi
brad arnold
ed gonazles
david eckert
felicia curtis
trent wenzel
coach woodall
coach kilford
mrs. bock
mrs. lopez
ms. wetz
ms. caldwell
ms. biggs
mrs. thompson
oldest batey girl
oldest gorski girl
any other teenagers in central texas that have died in car crashes since 1980 or so
bharadwadj tanikella
hayley gray
colby callahan
austin milam
heath burley
los angeles:
ring leader: grayson bauer
targets: young runaway artist girls
harvey weinstein
bill cosby
jack antonoff
dr. luke
beyonce knowles
travis scott
janelle monae
megan thee stallion
erykah badu
mark oliver everett
marina diamandis
breandan urie
victims: (ranging from financial abuse to outright sex trafficking)
ellie goulding
rina sawayama
billie eilish
avril lavigne
amy lee
ky voss
christine and the queens
la roux
chloe chaidez
tove styrke
tove lo
bebe rexha 
ximena sarinana
angel haze
azaelia banks
colbie caillat
charli xcx
kim petras
kacey musgraves
mia rodriguez
melanie martinez
jazmin bean
ivy levan
iggy azaelia
alice glass
cardi b
nicki minaj
charlotte sometimes
lana del rey
sky ferreira
florence and the machine
sarah jaffe
alex winston
jessica hernandez
tegan and sara
caitlin rose
alice merton
hailey williams
emily king
rett madison
king mala
princess nokia
post malone
sir babygirl
caroline polachek
moses sumney
king princess
dorian electra
lil nas x
phoebe bridgers
harry styles
alicia keys
lil mariko
carrie underwood
kelly clarkson
mount moriah
zz ward
miranda lambert
the chicks
frank ocean
chance the rapper
ariana grande
britney spears
christina aguilera
alessia cara
mac demarco
sam fender
jason isbell
mexican institute of sound
la perla
gera mx
royal blood
st. vincent
white reaper
biffy clyro
the chats
corey taylor
cage the elephant
vishal dadlani
shor police
diet cig
flatbush zombies
dj scratch
jose madero
moses sumney
j balvin
chase & status
backroad gee
the neptunes
jon pardi
portugal. the man
aaron beam
the hu
tomi owo
phoebe bridgers
miley cyrus
elton john
yo-yo ma
robert trujillo
chad smith
dave dahan
mickey guyton
dermot kennedy
mon laferte
igor levit
my morning jacket
pg roxette
darius rucker
chris stapleton
goodnight, texas
imelda may
chery glazerr
kamasi washington
rodrigo y gabriela
worked with grayson, benefitted from him, but were not aware anything was going on or did their best to help:
st. lucia
tame impala
the hush sound
straylight run
the naked and famous
blue october
old 97's
frank turner
sea wolf
my chemical romance
avenged sevenfold
blaqk audio
fall out boy
young the giant
san francisco:
ring leaders:
marc benioff
elon musk
travis kalanick
evan spiegel
steve jobs
jeff bezos
mark zuckerberg
steve chen
bill gates
michael dell
ren zhengfei
eoghan mccabe
secondary: grayson bauer using this circle for remote revenge crypto shills from 20mission and burning man preying on runaways as well
targets: queer tech-inclined teenagers
zach snow
dan granquist
jeremy whittington
taran patel
jim spagnola
seth tager
walter harley
jose garcia
connor cook
andrew zigler
chris sullivan
"anna lytical" (billy)
kelsey mayfield
caroline rhoades
henry desroches
mark hardiman
ben angel
ian coldwater
"belgium solanas" (michael troy judd)
meagan clawges
nalini prakash
lovi yu
peeyush aggarwal
matthew allen
samantha allen
janus rose
c boucher
chelsea manning
ben turrubiates
emily johnston
gavon payne
jamie delton
chris koch
amanda le
naomi wu
tux pacific
sev welker
alison kim
cara mazzi
ruby ??? (caroline's old roommate)
nick ??? (caroline's ex-boyfriend)
rachel forbes
daphne gunawan
trisha day
sidney powell
srijita mori
rebecca ??? (srijita's partner)
scott conger
erin nielsen
qinlin chen (catherine chen)
hank yang
kevin ren
aaron wong
matt hwang
chloe cauley
zane witherspoon
ana garcia
jeremy cruz
john lewis
lida wang
waylon clanton
wyatt clanton
tyler mcdonald
jasmine christiansen
new york/london/vegas && norcal/socal rivalries
ring leaders:
bernie madoff
jack antonoff
joanne rowling
evan spiegel
fox news, et al
new york times, et al
washington post, et al
the guardian, et al
noah pentecost
mark zuckerberg
jp morgan/chase bank/etrade
lin manuel-miranda
bari weiss
sarah jeong
juliette sieve
ravi gill
will yang
jesse yang
sahil bhumi
???? (their armenian friend from stanford 2012 class)
antonis kartanapis
marko salkovic
erykah badu
oakstop coworking space
wag dogsitting app
kent from youtube & his sri lankan sugar mama
gabriella from wag
stephenie meyer
"e.l. james"
john green
hank green
susan collins
meg cabot
angela santomero
john kricfalusi
tom cruise
george r. r. martin
david benioff
targets: expressive, artistic teenagers envied by big money bankers and "feminist" writers
tori holland
janus rose
andrew bryant
daniel schroeder
max parks
amanda le
kelsey mayfield
samantha allen
josh burlison
ben turrubiates
henry desroches
nico ??? (from shippo)
sev welker
rachael kauffman
janelle monae
kim petras
scarlett ??? (my friend in the london club scene)
james sampson
james twigg
james sanchez
maria nunez
young asian women, age 18 - 22, going to raves and to vegas (i.e. "asian baby girls")
john lewis
lida wang
katie holmes
stacy london
carrie brownstein
ring leaders:
richard stallman
steven pinker
mark zuckerberg
queer software engineers
priscilla chan
amanda le
samantha allen
josh burlison
jamie delton
jamie hand
katie ha
emily johnston
chris koch
cara mazzi
jasmine christiansen
mark hardiman
chicago && washington dc
ring leaders:
barack obama
rahm emanuel
beyonce knowles
joe biden
targets: pretty, light skinned, liberal teenagers interested in politics
samantha allen
emily brandon
lauren knipe
andrew zigler
andrew bryant
michael trombold
carissa nietzche
cassie barrett
jordan d'eri
haley gray
ben turrubiates
jose garcia
ana garcia
victoria benson
cj dehart
austin scarborough
stephen lupton
michael morton
michelle moon
jeff stevens
becky pickert
ashton nicole casey
carter freeman
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thattransboyaled · 2 years
introduction post!
about me!
hello! my names aled and i am bisexual, trans and asexual. my pronouns are he/him and i prefer masculine terms!! i enjoy writing (especially fanfic), reading and watching youtube. sometimes i watch tv shows. i also listen to a shit ton of music! if you want to follow me elsewhere, i’m thattransboyaled on spotify, pinterest + ao3 :)
what will i post on here?
i’m mostly going to use this as a place to shitpost/share fanfics!
top 3-
books: crooked kingdom, radio silence + the raven king
characters: wylan van eck, aled last + adam parrish
shows: shadow and bone, the end of the f***ing world + heartstopper
music artists: louis tomlinson, james marriott + baby queen
songs: light from next to normal, casual by chappell roan + apocalypse by cigarettes after sex
authors: alice oseman, leigh bardugo + holly jackson
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jackwolfes · 2 years
have you ever thought about trans punch? cause i have 👀🥵
i know i KNOW you mean pynch but i fucking. love the idea youre just talking about fruit punch that makes you commit gender crimes 😂
to answer your question YES, i have some on my "marked for later" list!! im not sure if i'd write any bc i'm just. so very slow writing pynch fics. but i do love the things that you could do with young mr adam parrish who works SO HARD to prove himself at aglionby because hes not a boy in the same way that the other aglionby boys are boys!! or son of a dreamer and a dream ronan lynch who makes his body whatever he wants it to be!! or both!! idk there's a lot to play with!!
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bluestlilylilyblue · 2 years
Top 5 canonically non straight chars (can divide into books/shows mlm/wlw whatever or just a general top 5).
i was replying to this and it got all deleted 😭 i was saying that this is interesting but hard because i get canon and canon in my head mixed up but i’ll try to answer my most relevant/formative charas i hope i dont forget anyone too important which wouldn’t be weird because i forget everything lmao sorry
1. utena and anthy, both lesbians
2. piper mclean, no canon sexuality but lesbian in my head. bonus: nico, his coming out was a moment in history
3. adam parrish, a bi man with good taste in men and women make a wish
4. jules vaughn, trans ??? lesbian with comphet or bi fuck euphoria
5. dani clayton, another lesbian representing the haunting series
honorable mentions are santana lopez, emily fields and nina zenik
sadly most of my favs/the ones i relate to the most are implied, subtext or just headcanons, i guess im just a big fan of non canon rip but thank u so much for the question 🥹 i’ll reply the other one whenever i can use my brother’s laptop since mine is dead
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