#trainee jobs
rabid-citrus · 7 months
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this dude is tired of everyone's bs lmao
the fact that the carousel LIGHTS ON FIRE AT THE END OF THE LEVEL LMAO
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petrichoraline · 6 days
ryan crying and turning jane soft would be everything to me gimme noww
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thespookybean14 · 3 months
What if I wrote a Clarice Starling character analysis fic? what then?
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orcelito · 5 months
Opening the local bubble tea store absolutely livid and shaking in rage and upset bc my bitch ass boss is too concerned about us sitting on the job to order the tea bags I requested Two Fucking Weeks Ago (it only takes like 4 or 5 days to ship) and so we're out and I had to hand wash the 1 reusable bag to make black tea and I have to strain the free floating tea leaves from the cold brew and I just KNOWWWW he's going to have something more to bitch about because he always does
Last straw on the camel's back, etc etc, I want to put in my two weeks notice by the end of this week. That's a goal for myself.
#speculation nation#i currently dont have a job lined up but im going to start applying Today#because i cant take this anymore. i cant fucking take this anymore.#i feel like im about to shatter from the strain of hos chokehold#8 years total under his thumb and for What? he doesnt appreciate me. he doesnt value me.#he's an asshole this place sucks and it makes me so sad because i really do care about the people here#but i cant. i cant fucking do it anymore.#im really glad im alone on shift rn bc ha ha ha. ill put up the mask for customers but i am#genuinely shaking rn. im so upset.#this being after he complained Again about people sitting on the job during the meeting last night like#shut UPPPP I DONT CAAAARE#YOU TRY WORKING WITH CHRONIC PAIN AND FATIGUE AND A JOB THAT DOESNT GIVE GENUINE BREAKS#'oh if you need to take a break then do it but just dont sit down on the job“#WHEN DO YOU THINK I COULD TAKE MY BREAK? IM WORKING ALONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!+#and when im.not working alone im working with trainees so i still cant leave the store unattended#im sick of him.im so sick of him and im THIIIIIIIIIS close to just breaking down here and now#i hate him i hate him i hate him i hate him i HATE HIM#negative/#sorry for the vent i just feel like.im about to blow up and everyone's busy so ic cant. vent properly#im not even done opening bc im too busy freaking out and pacing and being angry#and hes gonna watch me sitting here thru the cameras and be like Ho Hum Look at you immediately doing what i said not to#like fucking STOP!!!! WATCHING US!!!!!!! YOU FUCKING CREEP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!#IM SO SICK OF HIM WATCHING US THROUGH THE CAMERAS. HE HAS NO TRUST IN ME DOING MY JOB#0 value for me as a person or employee 0 value for my to this day dedication to this company#i want to send my heel through those front windows. watch them shatter. wreck the whole place#because fuck this place and fuck him#i wontttt bc i dont wanna go to jail lol but the temptation is there. i fucking hate his guts.#im going to put in my 2 weeks by the end of this week. im going to start applying to places Today. just fucking watch me.
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ladypilotuniform · 5 months
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FlyBye babe!
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mississpissi · 10 months
she torte on my berry till i whip cream
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gaym3bo1 · 4 days
not sure if watching The Trainee is good for my health while i'm still job-hunting lol
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liu-yu-xin · 10 months
Im #1 yuwin hater bc it was so popular but their dynamic is actually so off like its company assigned gay bait and winwin was bad at pretending he didnt hate it and yuta seemed annoyed winwin was bad at it and had to compensate for them both and was way overselling it which made winwin hate it more. Vicious cycle. victims of the fujoshi industrial complex really
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greenskellyblob · 2 months
I am venting don't mind me UwU
That event I helped organize a week and a half ago now? I'm wrapping some things up, sending out the rewards, and three days ago a colleague and me agreed that she is dropping the last ones off later today. So, I went ahead and sent the info to the winners about pickup times! Starting from tomorrow morning!
Just now she sent me a message that she won't be able to bring the rewards today, and from reading between the lines I believe she decided to instead bring the gifts the organizers got so she and her friends can have a fun little time opening them. They see each other every day at college. She could have done that every day in the past week and a half, and she decided to change plans last minute and just ignore the winners today???
Like, lady??? What is in your head??? Just??? Aaaargh!!!??
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bandzboy · 2 months
i don’t know if you’re an army but yoongi did not write snooze for his “fans” to go and shit on the very juniors he was trying to comfort with the lyrics
i am not exactly an army i'm more of a casual listener but i know the song and it's a very nice song really but also this brings up these discussions i've been seeing on twt about how some armys don't even read their lyrics or even care much about their music as much as they say they do and it's sad
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pickapea · 3 months
as someone who politically is more inclined to the socialist side of things, i know about the whole "lazy people don't exist, humans are not lazy" argument, and i would love for that to be the case, but the more people i train at work the harder it becomes to actually believe im sorry
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nerdie-faerie · 1 year
Floor time isn't enough, I need to become one with the floor
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aidenwaites · 4 months
Every now and then I see like local dog daycares hiring and the pay isn't bad but the problem is I have so much trouble not opening my mouth and being annoying about how other people handle their dogs and I would be going insane daily
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orcelito · 5 months
I just desperately miss being able to be silly at work y'all my boss has been so staunch about no downtime ever and it's really cramping my style 😭😭😭
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glassfullofsass · 4 months
@ my micro mutuals I need ppl to appreciate that I recognized non-swarming proteus on sight today. My two trainees didn't understand that this was an achievement.
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necro-hamster · 6 months
anyways. i need to draw corpo liam from a very specific au that lives in my head where he actually managed to get a netwatch job he was canonically denied as a teenager
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