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Trails of the AHR 48/? - Alpine Haute Route, June 2021
photo by: nature-hiking
#trail#path#forest#alpine haute route#landscape#mountains#AHR#trails of the AHR#alps#long distance trail#wilderness#hiking#trekking#nature#photography#original photography#photographers on tumblr#AHR 2021
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first of all, good luck on yoru surgery dear!
i was thinking, okay reina isnt jaelous of jooha's dad situation... but aren't the other boys jaelous of jaehyun for becoming possesive to the point of making ahri pregnant with his bio child while the other just are on a limbo about paternity
Thank you !! 💚 (I’m somehow less worried about the surgery itself and more about the recovery/outcome… but also wtf im gonna say in front of my parents while high 😭 when I got my wisdom teeth out a couple of years ago, I didn’t say anything bad, I just started communicating in sign language and they don’t know ASL so they were confused asf 😭😭😭)
YES THE BOYS GET JEALOUS 110%. I briefly mentioned this in the dad!Jungwoo post— But after Jooha’s born, and time has passed, and it’s time to get back to sexy time, Jungwoo is the first to bring it up, that he wants a baby that’s his. And Ahri’s like *bonk* “Reyna and Jooha are your kids”. But nooooo he wants a kid that he knows is his, like Jae got. But he’s also not going to push it. BUT ALSO- ….Ahri can’t stop thinking about it………. Another kid. (It’s baby fever galore but she can’t recognize it while she’s in the thick of it)
Johnny’s caught off guard when Ahri initiates sex with him one night. He’s been trying to be gentle and keep away from touching her because she’s still healing somewhat, and he’d rather she rest than push herself too hard. Even though the doctors say she’s fine to have sex again and she’s more than ready, Johnny’s hesitant. While she’s on top of him, cold hands wandering under his sleep shirt, kisses trailing all over his face and neck, Johnny finds himself enjoying it. He’s missed touching Ahri. Missed having her touch him. Recently, he got to let off some steam when Doyoung visited from the military, and Johnny can’t remember the last time sex felt so good. Truly. But with Ahri, his head is spinning, and he’s on the verge of cracking. “I want another baby,” she whispers to him. Johnny’s knocked out of his trance in an instant. “I want one with you,” she continues. He sits up slightly, “What?” “I really want another one, J! Please!” He doesn’t get it. She can’t just go around popping kids out every few months, what’s gotten into her? What? Why not? She wants more, so what’s the problem? They have a big house and plenty of parents to look after some more kids…… Why not? Why’s he being weird? “I thought we agreed Reyna and Jooha are enough,” he argues. “Yeah………. But I want one with you…” “Reyna and Jooha are mine.” “You know what I mean.” “No, I don’t.” And he’s already shuffling out of bed. “J, I was thinking about it, and I just want a few more….. One with you, one with Hyuck, and maybe one with Tae.” Johnny nearly faints, “Jesus, Ahr, we’d out numbered.” Ahri chuckles, “Wouldn’t it be fun, though?” “We don’t need more kids, especially not with two little ones already running around.”
So. Johnnys not jealous. Nope. But jungwoo’s still on his thing about wanting a kid of his own before enlisting— And Hyuck’s got half a mind about it too. Taeyong coming back from the military means it’s always a fuck-fest in the house with various people, but a common theme seems to be wanting to fill Ahri up now. Even Mark is getting a bit needy, whispering things in her ear while balls-deep about how he wants to be the next one to knock her up (completely unaware of the fact HE ALREADY DID)………
Johnny and Yuta have to put a ban on unprotected sex ‘til they all calm tf down. If they’re getting baby fever that bad, go hold the puking baby and remind themselves THEY DONT NEED MORE! If they’re thinking about all the blissful months of watching Ahri show more and more, JUST REMEMBER THE PAIN OF DELIVERING THE DAMN THINGS! Someone pass Johnny and Yuta a cigarette, they fucking need it, good LAWD. “If any of you get her pregnant again, you’re sleeping on the couch all nine months of it, and you’re changing every damn diaper by yourself. capiche?” Yeah, that’ll knock the baby fever right out of anyone— Hell, even the way Johnny said it with so much anger made Mark see God pfftttt. They just wanted to have a few more kids…… There isn’t any harm in that! All Jae had to say was “I want another one” and Ahri made it happen… Feels unfair they can’t have the same treatment…. “Puking baby,” Johnny says, pointing to Jooha who’s fussing in Yuta’s arms. “Demon child,” he points to Reyna who’s running around the living room in a princess costume, wielding a plastic pirate sword. “No more.” “OKAY but that’s his fault,” Jungwoo argues, pointing at Reyna then pinning the blame on Yuta. Johnny rolls his eyes, “No. More.” …sir, yes, sir….. 😔
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The Red Wine Trail in the Ahr Valley has been nominated as Germany's Most Beautiful Hiking Trail 2022 👍 On the Altenahr-Marienthal stage, you will experience the Ahr Valley with all its charming facets. You won't get enough of the impressive views of the vineyards of the Ahr Valley. When do you set off? This stage shows you that the Ahr Valley is once again happy to welcome guests and look forward to your visit. The hiking trails in the Ahr Valley are open again. You are also welcome to use public transport to get there 🤗
Pictures by Dominik Ketz
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Pebalap Belia Astra Honda Racing School Ikuti Program Pembekalan Kelas Dunia

BALIPORTALNEWS.COM, JAKARTA – PT Astra Honda Motor (AHM) kembali menyelenggarakan program pembinaan pebalap muda Tanah Air melalui Astra Honda Racing School (AHRS). Tahun ini, para pebalap yang lolos seleksi mendapatkan menu latihan yang semakin komplit, mengadopsi program pembekalan yang biasa dilakukan pebalap hebat kelas dunia. Sebanyak 16 pebalap belia potensial berusia 11-16 tahun terpilih untuk mengikuti program AHRS dan siap untuk ditempa menjadi pebalap berprestasi di masa mendatang. Tak hanya mendapatkan teori dasar balap dari mentor berpengalaman, mereka juga mendapatkan porsi latihan fisik, mengendarai motor trail di arena flat track, hingga diuji mentalnya di arena balap sesungguhnya melalui Honda Dream Cup. Pendalaman materi pelatihan AHRS 2023 dibungkus dalam kegiatan camp selama empat hari, Selasa-Jumat (20-23/6/2023) memanfaatkan fasilitas AHM Safety Riding Park, Deltamas, Bekasi. Pola pelatihan dengan jadwal dan disiplin yang ketat diharapkan mampu membentuk mindset dan perilaku dengan mentalitas dasar yang tangguh untuk diterapkan sehari-hari, bahkan saat berlatih sendiri demi menjaga kondisi. Andra Aryasetya Ismaya (14), pebalap asal Nusa Tenggara Barat, merasa sangat bangga menjadi bagian dari AHRS 2023. Proses seleksi yang telah dilalui menjadi sebuah motivasi lebih baginya untuk bisa berlatih serius dengan tujuan menggapai mimpi sebagai pebalap profesional. "Pelatihan fisik dan motor di sini betul-betul membuka wawasan saya bahwa menjadi pembalap bukan hal mudah dan perlu berbagai pengorbanan. Harapan saya, semua ilmu di AHRS bisa saya terapkan dan menjadikan saya pebalap yang lebih baik lagi," kata Andra. Nelson Caeroli Ardheniansyah (12) asal Yogyakarta, yang bergabung AHRS di tahun kedua, merasakan pola pelatihan yang baru sangat menarik dan tentunya positif. Selain mengendarai sepeda motor seperti tahun sebelumnya, pelatihan fisik yang diberikan semakin menantang baginya. ”Berbagai gerakan yang diajarkan mudah untuk dipraktikkan saat kembali ke rumah. Semoga ilmu yang saya peroleh dapat mewujudkan mimpi saya sebagai pebalap MotoGP di masa depan,” ujarnya. Tempaan Atlet Muda Sebagai atlet muda, para siswa AHRS perlu peningkatan standar secara fisik. Setiap pebalap belia mendapatkan porsi latihan fisik yang mengadopsi gaya latihan para pebalap hebat kelas dunia dari Benua Eropa. Mulai latihan menggunakan sepeda, berlari, angkat beban, dan aktivitas gim lainnya. Mereka didampingi trainer profesional untuk mengawasi dan supervisi latihan. Para pebalap AHRS juga belajar teknik dasar sebagai pebalap yang baik. Terlebih, fokus pada ketahanan, kelincahan, dan mengontrol sepeda motor. Latihan ini dikemas dalam flat track program menggunakan CRF150R Special Engine, dan materi-materi tambahan lainnya. Di dalam kelas, 16 pebalap AHRS tahun ini dibekali teori dasar seperti mengetahui jenis-jenis kompon ban, suspensi, posisi berkendara, aturan balap, dan hal-hal kecil lainnya di balapan seperti bermacam jenis bendera petunjuk. Pengetahuan dasar ini akan berguna saat para rider beranjak ke balapan level yang lebih tinggi. Setelah semua bekal dasar tersebut didapatkan, para pebalap diberi kesempatan menerapkan semua ilmunya dalam ‘mini race’ untuk memberikan sesnsasi balap. Honda NSF100 dijadikan tunggangan untuk memberikan pengalaman mengendalikan sepeda motor berkarakter balap. Pada step selanjutnya, para rider akan merasakan langsung balapan pada ajang balap sesungguhnya dengan mengikuti Honda Dream Cup (HDC). Atmosfer balap penting didapatkan untuk mengasah mental, sekaligus mendukung HDC sebagai ajang event one stop racingtainment di Indonesia. Lulusan Kelas Dunia Dimulai sejak 2010, AHRS menjadi ajang pencarian pebalap belia Tanah Air yang konsisten mengantarkan mereka menjadi pebalap-pebalap berprestasi di ajang balap Asia dan dunia. Mario Suryo Aji yang saat ini bersaing di kelas Moto3 World GP, merupakan lulusan AHRS tahun 2016, sementara Fadillah Arbi Aditama yang saat ini bersaing di Eropa pada ajang FIM JuniorGP merupakan lulusan AHRS tahun 2019. Sebelumnya terdapat Andi Farid Izdihar dan Gerry salim yang merupakan lulusan AHRS tahun 2010. Tahun ini, tercatat 68 pendaftar mengajukan diri untuk bergabung dalam program AHRS. Setelah melalui seleksi administrasi dan pendaftaran ulang, terpilih 43 pebalap belia berusia antara 11-16 tahun yang berhak mengikuti proses seleksi hingga mendapatkan 9 pebalap. Mereka lalu bergabung dengan 7 pebalap lainnya dari program AHRS tahun lalu. Pembinaan dalam program AHRS bertujuan untuk semakin mematangkan skill pebalap belia Tanah Air sebelum terjun ke balapan sesungguhnya di tingkat nasional maupun internasional seperti Asia Road Racing Championship, FIM JuniorGP, hingga level dunia di ajang Grand Prix. Latihan intens dilakukan melibatkan instruktur-instruktur berpengalaman, yakni Gerry Salim, Wawan Hermawan, dan Sudarmono, serta Exy yang berperan sebagai pelatih fisik.(bpn) Read the full article
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Seen on the red wine trail in the German Ahr valley
#Germany#Ahr valley#lizard#red wine trail#landscapes#Ratzer#original photographers#artists on tumblr#photographers on tumblr#landscape
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GER// Der November ist dann doch noch zum totalen Nebelmonat geworden. Zumindest in diesem Augenblick auf dem Rotweinwanderweg im Ahrtal. Aber auch so ist die Natur wunderschön! Findet Ihr nicht auch? ENG// November has finally become a month of total fog. At least at this moment on the red wine hiking trail in the Ahr valley. But even so, nature is beautiful! Don't you agree? #raw_germany #srs_germany #meindeutschland #deutschland_greatshots #deutschlandkarte #ig_deutschland #visitgermany #phoenix_germany #batpixs_germany #travel_drops #germanysworld #meinedeutschlandliebe @deutschlandviews #deutschlandmylove #prettygermany_ #placestotravel_s #visitrlp #rlperleben #deutschlandkarte #travel_2_germany #_bestgermanypics #german_landscape #germany2you #germany.explorer #raw_allnature #fiftyshades_of_nature #raw_community #srs_nature #bns_landscape #LOVES_UNITED_LANDSCAPE #natürlichimahrtal https://instagr.am/p/CINKPMQszSV/
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The Tipping Point - Snippet 3
This is just 4,336 words of me extrapolating on my characters and their personalities and a little more of the noble, upper-class culture they live in. We get full names, as well.
For clarity, this scene is set five years before the majority of the story takes place, so the main characters are quite a bit younger in this scene than they “actually” are. In this scene they are teenagers; they are anywhere from 19 to 25 in the “present time”. Let me know what you think! Enjoy!
Five Years Ago : 206 Annum Effugium (A.E)
The sun was shining, therefore the children were excited.
“Don’t run down the stairs, Wynona. You will trip over your dress and find out how hard that marble is.” Duchess Gallio prided herself on being the epitome of a perfect, well-bred lady of status, and therefore did not raise her voice at her young daughter. Winnie, barely six, did not yet care about being a lady and did not heed her mother. She knew a stronger scolding wouldn’t come, anyways.
Thea, arm in arm with Iona, was just as happy as Winnie about the weather, though Thea knew better than to run down the palace staircase without first lifting the hem of her dress. She watched with amusement as Winnie’s skirts caught around her ankles and made the girl stumble and slow down.
It was mid-April and the cold front had just broken. It had been a hard winter. Nearly seven months of snow, frost, blistering wind, and chilly drafts that occasionally seeped through even the palace walls. Thea hated the cold and everything that came with it. She preferred the spring dresses with their loose skirts that didn’t weigh nearly as much as she herself did, she preferred the street festivals she was allowed to attend and even those she wasn’t, and she much preferred day-long picnics spent outside in the sun. While Duke Kaiso spun the most magnificent tales in front of the fire, Thea would still take grass stained knees and bouts of wrestling that made her mother shriek.
Winnie amazedly reached the bottom of the long staircase without knocking her teeth out. When she spotted Thea, she grinned and didn’t slow her run into the other girl’s arms. Iona cooed at Winnie as Thea propped her on her hip and made her way out into the palace’s sprawling garden. The sun was out and so were the birds, the butterflies, the bugs, and the troublemakers.
“Now, Winnie, if you eat lemon cakes today, take care not to get any on that gorgeous dress of yours,” Thea said. She knew Winnie would attack the plate of lemon cakes the moment she saw them without any regard for her words, but she said it nonetheless.
“Momma says I won’t be allowed to eat lemon cakes today.” Winnie sounded distressed. Her little hands were tangled in Thea’s curls. Thea turned a sympathetic look on Winnie and said, “Well, then you’ll just have to spend the whole afternoon with me. How awful.”
Winnie squealed and clapped her hands, simultaneously tugging Thea’s hair. Iona laughed and steered them over to where the rest of the noble families were sitting.
It was a large picnic. Nearly every member of the seven noble families were there. The first picnic of the year was always the biggest, symbolizing unity between the houses and a celebration of the breaking of winter.
Thea’s parents, Duke and Duchess Fontaine were seated next to their closest friends and Iona’s parents, Duke and Duchess Tithonius. Iona’s older brother, Cicero, was nowhere to be seen. Judging from how the Duke Kaiso’s only son, Adonias, was also missing, Thea assumed the two were off somewhere beating teeth out of each other. They knew by now to take their arguments far from everyone else. The Tithonius’ cousins, the Anatolious family, sat under a nearby tree with their only daughter, Valerie. Valerie was speaking to Winnie’s older brother, Matthias Gallio, and was giving him a grin almost as sharp as her eyes. Twins Ruth and Wren Dexion were engaged in a playful game with each other and seemed to be trying to convince a young teenage boy to join them. Freiderich Augustus Quintilla was fourteen but looked twelve. He was only a head or two taller than Ruth, who was currently wrapped around his leg, cackling. Freiderich was clutching a book and looked for all the world like he might pass out. His pale skin stood out against his red-blond curls that only added to his youthfulness.
From besides Thea, Iona gave a shuttered sigh.
“Where is my brother?” She grumbled. “Father is going to tan him for not being here.”
Thea set down a squirming Winnie, who ran off to join Ruth and Wren in attacking Freiderich. “I’m sure Cicero had every intention of coming, Iona. Adonias probably caught him in the hall and started running that mouth of his.”
Iona couldn’t stop the smile that flickered on her mouth. “For having grown up together, you would think they would have learned how to get along,” she mused, taking a seat on the warm grass. Thea sat and stretched her legs out.
“I don’t pretend to understand them. Let’s talk about something else.”
“Yes, please. I can’t stand the two of them. Always at each other’s throats. When was the last time you were in town?”
“Not since I went with you last week. Why?”
“Oh, Madame Ahr-Yusa put out the most gorgeous display of dresses a few days ago in time for the new season. They’re to die for, you’re going to melt when you see them!”
The two girls fell into an easy stream of conversation over the next hour concerning the latest fashions arriving in the capitol with the spring season. After Madame Ahr-Yusa’s gowns were discussed it was the hats from Madame Ingrid and then the daggers from Master Quell’s shop, famous for their ability to never dull. Being trained to fight was a lesson the noble families of the Cerulean Isles did not fail to teach their children, for the palace could often be the most dangerous place to live. But while the young boys learned to fight with broadswords and fists, the young ladies were taught to take lives whilst in corsets and heeled shoes.
Thea, despite her mother’s wishes, had ensured her education was as well-rounded as she could. Upon hearing her wishes to learn how to swordfight, Cicero had handed Thea his broadsword, which she had quickly found to be much too heavy. So she had commissioned a sword to be made to fit her. It was thinner, lighter, and laid in her hand perfectly. It had taken her almost a full month to get even the most basic movements mastered whilst in a gown, but she was making steady progress. She subsequently felt as though she had provided Cicero with four weeks’ entertainment as he watched her struggle with the balance between her dress and sword. If she hadn’t thought his laughter had cracked a few of his ribs, she probably would have attempted to do it herself.
The girls ate with Valerie and discussed the upcoming festival, the first of the season. Valerie often took advantage of festivals to buy as many unique knives as she could, but Thea found herself drawn more to the entertainment and the music. Thea had seen Valerie’s collection of sharp rings, and was surprised to know that Matthias Gallio was still trying to court her. Val was currently wearing one of her weapons, a thin, strong piece of metal that glinted at her knuckle and exposed a razor-sharp blade when her finger curled in.
But for all her danger, Valerie Clementine Anatolious knew how to be a perfect lady. She could dance for hours in a tightly-laced corset and never lose her breath. She could balance a stack of books on her head while walking down the stairs. She could make her voice heard without raising it, and she could make Thea double over in laughter with the slightest quip. Thea liked her very much.
In the middle of the girls’ conversation about the festival in two weeks, Friederich Quintilla managed to finally slip away from Winnie and the Dexion twins and loped over in time to hear a few words.
“The Vernal Festival? The weather should be good, it seems. Unless we get an unexpected cold front in which case we may have some rain, but…” He was suddenly aware of all three girls staring at him and trailed off self-consciously, “...but it’s highly unlikely…” he swept his red-blond curls off his forehead but they needed a trim and fell back into his eyes. Friederich was three years younger than Thea and Iona, and four years younger than Valerie. Thea didn’t know him all that well; he took all his lessons with the prince and His Majesty’s private tutor. Duchess Quintilla, his mother, was a woman to rival Duchess Gallio. Prim, proper, fragile. Spoiled, overprotective, overbearing. Thea was often distracted whenever Duchess Quintilla was in the same room as her, the diamonds the Duchess wore were cut so sharply that they sparkled even at night.
To ease Friederich’s embarrassment, Thea inquired, “What book are you reading, Friederich? Let me see.”
The boy handed it over and sat in the grass next to her. Thea was delighted to see it was written by a man named Isaac Von Hue. A few of his novels sat in her own room.
“You read Von Hue as well?” She asked. “I only just finished The Paper Lantern. How did you come across him?”
“The prince, actually.” Where anyone else Friederich’s age might have boasted this, Friederich almost lowered his voice to draw less attention to the fact that he was so close with the young heir. “His Grace learned to read using books by Von Hue and Ryner and Pav...Pavlish…”
“Pavilishchev,” Thea supplied.
“Yes, thank you. Anyways, he suggested this one to me quite a while ago and I’m embarrassed to say that I never read it sooner only because it didn’t seem very intriguing.”
Thea had to laugh. “Just because he is the prince doesn’t mean you have to agree with his literary tastes.”
“Still, I was hesitant. I don’t fancy adventure novels or daring rescues.”
“Well, has Von Hue changed your mind? You’re nearly done with this book so it seems he might have.”
Friederich thought about it, then shrugged. “Perhaps. I’m not quite sure. What book of his did you say you had just finished? Maybe I’ll try that one next.” “The Paper Lantern,” Thea smiled. “It’s my favorite of his so far. There’s a lot to be said for the battling of wills between the ruling patriarchy and the strong minds of the women underneath it. When you’ve read it, I would love to discuss it with you.”
Val, only hearing Thea’s last sentence, leaned over Thea’s lap and said, “Don’t take her up on that, she’ll talk a whole day and night away.”
Thea made an indignant noise and shoved Val away from her. Val tugged on Thea’s hair with a sharp smile and went back to her conversation with Iona.
“I’m pleasantly surprised to find you read as much as I do,” Friederich said. “I’ll come to you when-”
They were interrupted a second time when two figures strode leisurely into the garden. One had short, fair hair, and a set of bright green eyes. He was tall and broad chested and currently spinning a wooden sparring staff in his left hand. A very familiar smirk was twisting his mouth into something arrogant and borderline rude. Adonias Montague Kaiso. Twenty years old; three years older than Thea and the eldest of all the noble children. Thea’s interactions with Adonias were limited to pleasant greetings in passing or during lessons, and the few times he picked arguments with her to either see how sharp her claws were or for an excuse to take Cicero to the ground again. Adonias had soon learned, however, that picking fights with Thea weren’t worth it; she always knew what he was doing and very rarely rose to the bait.
The young man behind Adonias was only two years his junior. He contrasted Adonias astoundingly, in both looks and behavior. This man’s hair was a red-brown color and hung in loose waves to his shoulders. Half of it was tied back with a strap of leather. His eyes were amber and his brows dark, his skin dark enough to show that at least one of his parents was not native to the Isles. He was slightly taller than Adonias and just as broad, but strode into the garden with his hands slipped casually inside his pockets. Cicero Caspian Tithonius. The second eldest of all the noble children and the instigator of half of all the fights between him and the eldest.
Iona seemed relieved to see her brother finally show up. Thea was relieved to see that neither man seemed to have been fighting the other as of late. It was a rare occasion that Cicero and Adonias had a civil conversation, but it did occasionally happen. Perhaps it was due to the formal clothing they currently wore.
Adonias propped his sparring staff onto his shoulder to bow to his mother and the Duchess Quintilla. He accepted the food they offered and Thea heard him smoothly apologize for his tardiness. Adonias was almost as adept as Valerie in walking the line between being an outright aggressor and a noble.
Thea heard Cicero acknowledge his father with a perfunctory, “Sir,” before moving to kiss his mother’s cheek and sit besides her. Duchess Tithonius was a stunning woman with bright eyes and dark skin. She had left Tasnia when she had met and married the Duke, and bore his children only months after their marriage. She was very nearly a second mother to Thea. Her accent was much thicker than either Cicero’s or Iona’s and she often sang in her native language, her voice melodic and winding and something Thea knew to be unique to her country’s people.
Winnie chose this time to get bored with the Dexion twins. “Thea! Come find rocks with me!” Her once-white gown was already grass stained around the hem. Thea didn’t know what Duchess Gallio had expected.
Thea held up Friederich’s book to show Winnie she was currently occupied. Winnie pouted and called, “But you promised!”
Thea had not, but she returned Friederich his book and went to join Winnie in the warm grass.
“Where is your puppy, Thea? Can she come play?” Winnie picked up a handful of rocks, deemed them unworthy, and threw them down again.
“Clover? She’s probably sleeping on my bed right now. There’s a lovely patch of sun that lands right on my pillow around noon.”
Winnie giggled. “She’s sleeping? But it’s not morning anymore.”
“Oh, she’s a lazy thing. Maybe after the picnic you can come with me to wake her up.”
Thea allowed Winnie to hand her the rocks she wanted to keep, knowing the girl would forget all about them the moment her mother called her over to eat. But it was Matthias who fetched his sister, not the Duchess.
“Come along, Winnie. Don’t you want lunch?” Matthias held his hand out towards his sister and she grabbed his fingers. Matthias Gallio was only a few months older than Thea and she was under the impression that he was the most proper young noble out of all of them. He was well trained how to fight but not to the indecent extent that Cicero or Adonias had been. He was just as likely to be dancing or reading or making sure his unruly little sister didn’t knock over anything valuable. Which, in the palace, was nearly everything you could touch.
Thea returned to Iona and Valerie to find they had saved her a few bites of lunch.
“I was thinking we could walk down to the river,” Iona said, looking that direction and shielding her eyes from the sun. “It isn’t too warm for a walk.”
Thea hummed in agreement around a bite of lemon cake. She understood why Winnie liked them so much. “I’ll go with you. Will you come, Valerie?”
“Oh, perhaps.” Val adjusted her silver skirts. “I doubt my mother would be pleased if I decided to steal Adonias’ sparring staff and go a few rounds with him.”
“I’d give anything to see that,” Thea said honestly. “My coin would be on you, too. Speaking of Adonias, we should ask the boys to come.”
“Let’s not,” Iona protested. “They’ll simply bicker the whole time.” “They aren’t that bad. And besides, it’ll be more fun with them.”
“We aren’t fun enough for you, Thea?” Valerie feigned hurt.
Thea rolled her eyes and stood up, brushing invisible crumbs from her bodice. “I won’t answer that.”
“Why not?”
“I don’t want to incriminate myself.” She left the girls and made her way across the lawn to where Cicero was engaged in light conversation with his mother. The Countess’ eyes lit up when she saw Thea.
“Theadora Dior, precious girl, come to me!” The Countess opened her arms and Thea couldn’t help but smile and run to her. The Countess was sitting on a low stone bench so Thea knelt in the grass and embraced the Countess. She breathed in the woman’s scent of sunshine and perfume, and allowed the Countess to kiss her hair.
The Countess Tithonius was the only woman apart from Thea’s own mother that sometimes referred to Thea using her middle name as well. But Countess Fontaine only used it when Thea was in trouble; Countess Tithonius called her with melody and happiness.
“Good afternoon, my lady. I apologize for not greeting you sooner.”
The Countess tsked. “None of that, girl. I need no special respect.”
Thea made a face. “Of course you do.”
From besides them, Cicero laughed softly. “You flatter each other.” He shook his head, smiling.
Thea ignored him for the time being. The Countess did as well. She ran a bronze hand through Thea’s hair and said, “What are you three troublemakers scheming up over there? I can tell you have something in mind. This warm weather is enough to bring the most out of anyone.”
“Troublemakers?” Thea smiled. She folded her feet more comfortably under her and rested her arms on the Duchess’ knees.
“My lady, I cause no trouble. You mistake me for your son.”
Cicero had been watching Thea and his mother’s interaction with half-lidded interest until Thea mentioned him. She could practically feel him staring at her.
“Careful,” he warned mildly.
The Duchess tsked again, waving a hand. “As I say. Troublemaker Fontaine, that is your name.”
Laughter bubbled out of Thea and soon the Countess was laughing with her. Her laughter, Thea thought, was one of the most beautiful sounds she had ever heard.
“We are only going to walk to the river. It won’t take us long. We should be back within the hour.”
“Don’t fall in.”
“No, Countess.” The two were still smiling.
“You came all the way over here to bid me farewell before leaving for only an hour?” The Countess knew Thea had not.
“I was going to ask your son if he would like to come with us, but I’m sure he would rather stay here with you.”
“I would,” was Cicero’s instant reply. He was spinning a needle-blade between his fingers, and shot Thea a honed smile when she looked at him.
The Duchess flicked her hair back behind her shoulders and regarded her son with a mix of disdain and disappointment.
“Son from my womb? Sometimes I wonder. Run along. I know it pains you to sit still for too long.”
Cicero smiled genuinely and the needle-blade vanished with a twitch of his fingers.
“As you wish, my lady.” He stood, kissed his mother on the head, and held out his hand to help Thea stand. Thea curtseyed to the Countess, who pressed a hand to her heart, and turned away with Cicero.
“It’s a wonder I can make myself leave your mother’s presence,” Thea mused quietly. “She’s a magical woman.”
Cicero made a noise of agreement. He placed her hand on his arm and she took it as a lady would whilst walking with a gentleman. Val and Iona had convinced Adonias to come along, but Matthias would stay with his younger sister and the young twins. Thea and Cicero were a few paces ahead of the other three but Adonias’ voice still rang out clearly from behind them.
“Is that why you two don’t get along?” Thea asked. “He’s loud and you’re so broody.”
“I don’t brood, Thea. And no. Adonias is only loud because he’s deaf in one ear.”
“Firstly, you do brood. And second, how do you know that? Which ear?”
Cicero raised a brow at her.
“See, that’s a brood,” Thea said. “I win. One point for Theadora.”
“You’re a child. And I know Adonias is deaf because he can’t hear shit if you talk on his left side. I asked him about it a few months ago and he seemed surprised I had figured it out. Nobody else has, apparently.”
Thea took in this information with interest. Then she shrugged and turned to more important matters.
“Are you planning on going to the Vernal festival in a few weeks?”
“I’ll decide that the morning of.”
“Ugh, how boring. How will you know what to wear?”
Cicero knew a joke when he heard one but the look of absolute incredulity that he gave Thea was enough to send Thea into a gale of laughter.
“You’re in a good mood.” He observed dryly. The river was almost in sight; they were picking their way over small stones that lead to the bank.
“How could I not be, it’s spring. Sometimes I think each winter becomes harder and harder to bear. I could just die from boredom and the awful cold.”
“Find someone to keep you warm.” Cicero’s smile was razor-sharp and simmered with bait. Thea felt her face heat, but she stuck her tongue out and said, “Don’t be lewd.”
“Then don’t ask for it.”
“I did not.” “Like a child asking to be fed.” Thea’s mouth dropped. “I- What does that mean?”
But they had reached the river and Cicero only laughed. Val and Iona had caught up with them, Adonias still spinning his sparring staff. The girls found a part of the river shallow enough to wade in if they held their dresses up but it was only a matter of time before Valerie splashed Iona, soaking her bodice, and Iona retaliated in kind. Thea’s dress was brand new and she didn’t want to spoil a wonderful day by having an argument with her mother, so she fled from the battle well before she could be dragged into it. She was content to place herself on a warm rock next to the boys and yell advice from the sidelines.
Adonias came to sit next to Thea. His presence was welcome until he looked at the two girls playing in the water, sighed heavily, and said, “That’s hot.”
“You’re a fucking pig, Adonias.”
Cicero let out a startled laugh. “Language, little Fontaine.”
“I’m serious. If there was a rock nearby big enough to kill you with, I would consider it. This is why Iona stopped sleeping with you.”
Cicero dropped the stone he had been sharpening his knife with. “Excuse me?”
Adonias sent Thea a poisonous glare. She simpered back, knowing what she had done. “Oh! I’m terribly sorry. You seem to have some explaining to do. A hasty mouth makes mighty trouble, isn’t that right, Adonias?”
Adonias was about to respond when Cicero seized his collar and hauled him to his feet. His blade winked in his hand. Adonias did not take well to being manhandled and was quick to shove Cicero’s hand off his neck. But Adonias was unarmed and the accused violator of a sister’s propriety. Thea stood, suddenly seeing how bad this could get.
Val and Iona turned at the disruption, and Iona was the first to call out. “Cicero! Adonias!” This was not Iona’s first or fiftieth time breaking the two apart; she knew how to get their attention with only her voice. She climbed out of the water and onto the riverbank, dripping from her hem but still somehow managing to look regal.
“None of that. I mean it. If you want to fight, you will go someplace else and not ruin the mood of this afternoon.” Her words were final.
Val broke the tension when she followed Iona onto the back, wringing out her short hair. “I’ll fight you, Adonias. If you promise to cry when I beat you.”
Thea scoffed out a laugh and was rewarded with Val’s wink. Cicero, thankfully, miraculously, dropped the subject but shoved Adonias hard enough to send him rocking back on his heels. Iona raised an eyebrow but kept silent.
Cicero came to sit next to Thea, who had taken up her perch on the sunny rock and was smoothing her skirts out and trying to look innocent. He used the pommel of his knife to turn her face to him and said, “What was that about a hasty mouth making trouble?”
Thea removed the knife from his hand and hid it in the folds of her skirt. “I’m not sure what you mean.”
“Lies sound repulsive coming from your mouth.”
Thea bit back a rather inappropriate quip that would have been more suited to Valerie’s tastes.
Adonias had fallen into smooth chatter with Val and Iona as the girls tried to figure out how to dry their hair and dresses as quickly as possible. Thea glanced at them and was amused to see Valerie using her skirt to polish her bladed ring. When she looked back at Cicero, he was leaning back on his hands, tilting his face up to the sun, closing his eyes. His hair was glinting a deep red in the sunlight and beginning to curl with the rising humidity. The tension had gone from his face and left in its wake a Cicero that Thea often never saw. His mouth was parted slightly, his breathing steady as he soaked up the warmth. But Thea’s heart had begun to pound so she forced herself to look away before she could notice anything else.
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Red Wine 🍷 Trail The red Wine Trail is hiking in the open vineyards of the 'Ahr Valley', a region famous for its excellent and winning red wine (at Germany - Deutschland) https://www.instagram.com/p/CkqxQVpuKj91BC4QFaPaICqFZN3glsJkBqUkqs0/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Climbing into the fog - Alpine Haute Route, July 2021
photo by: nature-hiking
#mountains#fog#landscape#mist#nature#trails of the ahr#AHR#Alpine Haute Route#alps#long distance trail#wilderness#hiking#trekking#photography#original photography#photographers on tumblr#AHR 2021
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What Happened to the Barkeith in The Expanse Season 5 Finale?
This The Expanse article includes MAJOR spoilers for the ending of Season 5, Episode 10.
Much like Marco Inaros, The Expanse Season 5 finale writers used a bit of misdirect to distract from the fact that, while (most of) the crew of the Rocinante were finally reunited and Acting Secretary General Chrisjen Avasarala was gathering her team in preparation for war, the culmination of Marco’s deal with a rogue Martian fleet was coming to a head. In the final moments of “Nemesis Games,” the shape of the alliance between Inaros and the rogue Martian fleet (including the Barkeith) comes into focus, and it is not good news for Chrisjen & Co. But, before we get into that, let’s recap what happened with the Barkeith and the rogue Martian faction this season, and how we got to The Battle For the Sol Gate and the alien worlds beyond.
The Barkeith’s Season 5 Journey
The Rogue Martian Faction Storyline has been a slow-burner all season. Early in Season 5, Bobbie began to suspect that Martian Admiral Sauveterre was involved with the black market sale of some major Martian military equipment. When Alex shows up on Mars, she convinces him to try to get information out of Sauveterre under the guise of looking for a job. Sauveterre blows him off, but Alex does get a date with Lieutenant Babbage, who is obviously also planning on pumping Alex for information about what he knows. During the encounter, Babbage lets slip that she will soon be shipping out on the Barkeith for a “supply run.”
Bobbie and Alex decide to follow in the Razorback, trailing the Barkeith to a group of asteroids where the supply ship and its two escort Frigates meet with a group of Belter ships. Team Razorback eventually realizes that the Barkeith isn’t just delivering weapons or other, smaller military materials; it is delivering the Frigates themselves to the Free Navy.
Who Are the Rogue Martian Fleet?
While we do get to meet Admiral Sauveterre and Lieutenant Babbage early in Season 5, as it is often commented upon throughout the season, this isn’t just a few rogue Martian officers; it is a large group of people. In the Season 5 finale, we learn a bit more about what the faction believes in, through Sauveterre and Babbage’s conversation before they enter the Laconia gate. Disillusioned with the current state of Martian politics and culture, which they believe to have become diluted and weak, this rogue faction of Martians wants to create a more “pure” Martian society, on Laconia.
As The Expanse showrunner Naren Shankar described the group to my colleague Michael Ahr: “We describe them sort of as a splinter group, the more-Martian-than-Martian notion, that they’re the ones dedicated truly to the idea of Mars. Their view of Martian society in present day is that it’s fallen, is that it’s become corrupt. Mars was founded with the sense of getting past Earth and the sins of the past and starting anew. It’s this group going, ‘We’re going to start anew.'”
The Battle for the Sol Gate
In the final act of “Nemesis Games,” we see the three battleships of the Earth-Mars Coalition Army guarding the Ring gate attacked by the Free Navy command fleet and the rogue Martian faction. They are easily destroyed, and the Free Navy takes over control of the Ring gate. Chrisjen & Co. deduce that Marco traded his sample of the Protomolecule, stolen from Fred Johnson, in exchange for the rogue Martian faction’s backup in the battle. Now that Marco has secured control of the Ring gate, the alliance is seemingly over. Admiral Sauveterre informs Marco that there will landmines on the other side of the Laconia gate to keep the Free Navy from entering.
Read more
The Expanse: The Complicated Legacy of Alex Kamal
By Michael Ahr
The Expanse Season 5 Episode 10 Review: Nemesis Games
By Michael Ahr
What Happens to the Barkeith in The Expanse Season 5 Finale?
After The Battle for the Sol Gate, we follow Admiral Sauveterre and Lieutenant Babbage as they transit into the Ring Space and then move to pass through the Laconia gate, with the plan to join their comrades on the surface of Laconia. Unfortunately for them, something unexpected happens when the Barkeith passes through the Laconia gate. The ship—and everything in it, including Sauveterre and Babbage—appear to be disintegrated by an unknown force, vanishing altogether. They seem to be very dead.
The scene is reminiscent of the wonder-horror that occurs in The Expanse Season 2 finale, when the scientific team aboard the Arborghast descends to above the Eros crash site on Venus to better observe the Protomolecule structures below. Upon their descent, the Protomolecule dissembling the Arborghast into parts, its crew along with it. In our final shot, we see the members humans crew suspended in space as part of the Protomolecule’s latest display of alien power.
Laconia: What is the Rogue Martians’ Plan?
Before Admiral Sauveterre and Lieutenant Babbage bite it, they have a conversation with Cortázar, the Protogen scientist last properly seen in Season 2. Cortázar is already on the surface of Laconia, where he has been using the Protomolecule sample to activate and study the Protomolecule artifacts in orbit there.
When Den of Geek’s Michael Ahr asked Shankar about the new location, the showrunner replied: “Now they’re on this world with these structures in orbit which they haven’t seen before. They’ve got the last living true expert about the Protomolecule, Cortazar; they’ve got the last active sample of the Protomolecule that they know to exist; and they’ve taken that through the gates, and they’ve taken it to the planet. And the last time that happened, shit started turning on on Ilus. So maybe not good for people on the receiving end of that.”
Who is Admiral Duarte?
Book readers will know that this Laconian effort will be led by Admiral Duarte, who Shankar calls “the prime moving force of this [plan for Laconia].” He’s not featured in the Season 5 finale, but he is mentioned by both Sauveterre and Marco by name, implying he is politically important. Without giving too much away about what’s to come in Season 6, Duarte is a major antagonist in the story moving forward.
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The post What Happened to the Barkeith in The Expanse Season 5 Finale? appeared first on Den of Geek.
from Den of Geek https://ift.tt/3pMWObR
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* As Loona’s solo songs, not members,
We should make more KPSQ As with songs rather than with members or characters, RT if you agree ahre
Blooming like sweet seduction Another shape of me found inside of me My face in the mirror I ask myself who it is In the cold breeze of early morning Pulsating heart That moment i looked myself squarely I realized my new face All my life by my life Soar up into the sky now All my life by my life
The new me learnt about me Always, always all my life Refreshed new days All my life by my life I’ll trust myself, all my life No matter what, by my life With bright lights, all my life I’ll hold myself, all my life
- Yves gives zero (0) fucks in this
- The song is about finding a new you, leaving the old you, the past & all the bullshit behind
- With no regrets and without looking back
- Empowering message
The only person that can shine a light in my heart is me, one & only
Being fallen into a weird world even if you tell me so, I’m fine I’m the leading role then
I don’t need no garden of eden the time in my hands means that I’m already in heaven
The feeling that any dreams could come true it’s been spread in my life the secret door to happiness that door has opened, baby
The reflection of my new shape on the window it feels familiar now the voice being heard again I’m trying to listen
In this universe it’s not a coincidence that i’ve met myself oh, I know now why the waving flowers bloom
- In the video, Gowon spends the entire time running and hiding from herself and from the people who love her
- But, at some point, she decides to embrace herself and defies Eden
- She learns that the only person she needs in the world, the one she loves the most is herself
- The song is oddly bright even though the storyline is dark/serious
I wanted to despise you
But my heart wouldn’t let you go
They say that time heals
Even those words became pain for me
I couldn’t get over you
All the petals of the flowers That bloomed in my heart fall My tears are on the tips of my toes At the edge of the darkness On the way home after sunset That’s where I saw the moonlight
From now on I’ll love myself, Instead of you, I’ll live on Take another step To hold myself, and give myself all Love myself today Let you go today Love myself today Let you go today
- The song is about breaking out of an unrequited love towards someone that didn’t appreciate you and made you doubt yourself
- It’s about starting to preach self love and sending said person to hell
- As “egoist” as you may be, putting yourself first and breaking free of the control they had over you
The day we first met, inside my quiet heart As if a new world has opened Accelerate particularly, move Even my hidden secrets that only i knew That mood that i wanted to tell you all about
The fact that i took a step towards you first It lets me find myself that i didn’t even know
Pounding more and more I’ll give it all, take my heart Surely you’re my destiny It shines fully in my heart This must be what thrill feels like, darling Eventually i fall into you You attack my heart
This is what “fall in love” is Dipped you inside my white heart, and made it red Can’t stop thinking about you I keep thinking about you more and more
All of my standards are set to you Like the moon spinning around the earth We will be seeing each other On the love trail
- First of all, this is a gay anthem
- The MV is super artsy
- Chuu is super devoted and passionate in this
- This is literally what I imagine Barbara being in love is like KSJSKSJDSJ
- Soft & bright
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Pebalap Belia Astra Honda Racing School Ikuti Program Pembekalan Kelas Dunia

BALIPORTALNEWS.COM, JAKARTA – PT Astra Honda Motor (AHM) kembali menyelenggarakan program pembinaan pebalap muda Tanah Air melalui Astra Honda Racing School (AHRS). Tahun ini, para pebalap yang lolos seleksi mendapatkan menu latihan yang semakin komplit, mengadopsi program pembekalan yang biasa dilakukan pebalap hebat kelas dunia. Sebanyak 16 pebalap belia potensial berusia 11-16 tahun terpilih untuk mengikuti program AHRS dan siap untuk ditempa menjadi pebalap berprestasi di masa mendatang. Tak hanya mendapatkan teori dasar balap dari mentor berpengalaman, mereka juga mendapatkan porsi latihan fisik, mengendarai motor trail di arena flat track, hingga diuji mentalnya di arena balap sesungguhnya melalui Honda Dream Cup. Pendalaman materi pelatihan AHRS 2023 dibungkus dalam kegiatan camp selama empat hari, Selasa-Jumat (20-23/6/2023) memanfaatkan fasilitas AHM Safety Riding Park, Deltamas, Bekasi. Pola pelatihan dengan jadwal dan disiplin yang ketat diharapkan mampu membentuk mindset dan perilaku dengan mentalitas dasar yang tangguh untuk diterapkan sehari-hari, bahkan saat berlatih sendiri demi menjaga kondisi. Andra Aryasetya Ismaya (14), pebalap asal Nusa Tenggara Barat, merasa sangat bangga menjadi bagian dari AHRS 2023. Proses seleksi yang telah dilalui menjadi sebuah motivasi lebih baginya untuk bisa berlatih serius dengan tujuan menggapai mimpi sebagai pebalap profesional. "Pelatihan fisik dan motor di sini betul-betul membuka wawasan saya bahwa menjadi pembalap bukan hal mudah dan perlu berbagai pengorbanan. Harapan saya, semua ilmu di AHRS bisa saya terapkan dan menjadikan saya pebalap yang lebih baik lagi," kata Andra. Nelson Caeroli Ardheniansyah (12) asal Yogyakarta, yang bergabung AHRS di tahun kedua, merasakan pola pelatihan yang baru sangat menarik dan tentunya positif. Selain mengendarai sepeda motor seperti tahun sebelumnya, pelatihan fisik yang diberikan semakin menantang baginya. ”Berbagai gerakan yang diajarkan mudah untuk dipraktikkan saat kembali ke rumah. Semoga ilmu yang saya peroleh dapat mewujudkan mimpi saya sebagai pebalap MotoGP di masa depan,” ujarnya. Tempaan Atlet Muda Sebagai atlet muda, para siswa AHRS perlu peningkatan standar secara fisik. Setiap pebalap belia mendapatkan porsi latihan fisik yang mengadopsi gaya latihan para pebalap hebat kelas dunia dari Benua Eropa. Mulai latihan menggunakan sepeda, berlari, angkat beban, dan aktivitas gim lainnya. Mereka didampingi trainer profesional untuk mengawasi dan supervisi latihan. Para pebalap AHRS juga belajar teknik dasar sebagai pebalap yang baik. Terlebih, fokus pada ketahanan, kelincahan, dan mengontrol sepeda motor. Latihan ini dikemas dalam flat track program menggunakan CRF150R Special Engine, dan materi-materi tambahan lainnya. Di dalam kelas, 16 pebalap AHRS tahun ini dibekali teori dasar seperti mengetahui jenis-jenis kompon ban, suspensi, posisi berkendara, aturan balap, dan hal-hal kecil lainnya di balapan seperti bermacam jenis bendera petunjuk. Pengetahuan dasar ini akan berguna saat para rider beranjak ke balapan level yang lebih tinggi. Setelah semua bekal dasar tersebut didapatkan, para pebalap diberi kesempatan menerapkan semua ilmunya dalam ‘mini race’ untuk memberikan sesnsasi balap. Honda NSF100 dijadikan tunggangan untuk memberikan pengalaman mengendalikan sepeda motor berkarakter balap. Pada step selanjutnya, para rider akan merasakan langsung balapan pada ajang balap sesungguhnya dengan mengikuti Honda Dream Cup (HDC). Atmosfer balap penting didapatkan untuk mengasah mental, sekaligus mendukung HDC sebagai ajang event one stop racingtainment di Indonesia. Lulusan Kelas Dunia Dimulai sejak 2010, AHRS menjadi ajang pencarian pebalap belia Tanah Air yang konsisten mengantarkan mereka menjadi pebalap-pebalap berprestasi di ajang balap Asia dan dunia. Mario Suryo Aji yang saat ini bersaing di kelas Moto3 World GP, merupakan lulusan AHRS tahun 2016, sementara Fadillah Arbi Aditama yang saat ini bersaing di Eropa pada ajang FIM JuniorGP merupakan lulusan AHRS tahun 2019. Sebelumnya terdapat Andi Farid Izdihar dan Gerry salim yang merupakan lulusan AHRS tahun 2010. Tahun ini, tercatat 68 pendaftar mengajukan diri untuk bergabung dalam program AHRS. Setelah melalui seleksi administrasi dan pendaftaran ulang, terpilih 43 pebalap belia berusia antara 11-16 tahun yang berhak mengikuti proses seleksi hingga mendapatkan 9 pebalap. Mereka lalu bergabung dengan 7 pebalap lainnya dari program AHRS tahun lalu. Pembinaan dalam program AHRS bertujuan untuk semakin mematangkan skill pebalap belia Tanah Air sebelum terjun ke balapan sesungguhnya di tingkat nasional maupun internasional seperti Asia Road Racing Championship, FIM JuniorGP, hingga level dunia di ajang Grand Prix. Latihan intens dilakukan melibatkan instruktur-instruktur berpengalaman, yakni Gerry Salim, Wawan Hermawan, dan Sudarmono, serta Exy yang berperan sebagai pelatih fisik.(bpn) Read the full article
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View from the red wine trail down to the small village of Mayschoss
#Germany#red wine trail#Ahr valley#landscapes#Ratzer#original photographers#artists on tumblr#photographers on tumblr#landscape
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GER// Der November ist dann doch noch zum totalen Nebelmonat geworden. Zumindest in diesem Augenblick auf dem Rotweinwanderweg im Ahrtal. Aber auch so ist die Natur wunderschön! Findet Ihr nicht auch? ENG// November has finally become a month of total fog. At least at this moment on the red wine hiking trail in the Ahr valley. But even so, nature is beautiful! Don't you agree? #raw_germany #srs_germany #meindeutschland #deutschland_greatshots #deutschlandkarte #ig_deutschland #visitgermany #phoenix_germany #batpixs_germany #travel_drops #germanysworld #meinedeutschlandliebe @deutschlandviews #deutschlandmylove #prettygermany_ #placestotravel_s #visitrlp #rlperleben #deutschlandkarte #travel_2_germany #_bestgermanypics #german_landscape #germany2you #germany.explorer #raw_allnature #fiftyshades_of_nature #raw_community #srs_nature #bns_landscape #LOVES_UNITED_LANDSCAPE #natürlichimahrtal — view on Instagram https://ift.tt/33tlsVC
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What to expect from the stock market this week
Last week’s review of the macro market indicators saw with the first half of the year in the books, equity markets showed renewed strength into the holiday weekend. Elsewhere looked for Gold ($GLD) to continue higher while Crude Oil ($USL) joined in a move to the upside. The US Dollar Index ($DXY) continued to drift lower in consolidation while US Treasuries ($TLT) consolidated. The Shanghai Composite ($AHR) looked to continue to the upside while Emerging Markets ($EEM) also moved higher.
The Volatility Index ($VXX) looked to continue to move lower making the path easier for equity markets to the upside. Their charts also looked strong, especially on the longer timeframe with the QQQ leading the charge. On the shorter timeframe the $QQQ was also leading with the $SPY at the June gap and the $IWM trailing.
The week played out with Gold pressing to a 9 tear high before meeting resistance while Crude Oil continued to drift higher until getting slapped down Thursday, before reversing higher Friday. The US Dollar continued to move towards the June low while Treasuries jumped to a higher high in a reversal. The Shanghai Composite exploded to nearly 2½ year highs while Emerging Markets gapped up and held in place.
Volatility staged a small bounce but remained in a narrow range. This put mid-week pressure on equities and they responded in mixed fashion. The SPY, most sensitive to the Volatility Index, retreated toward the end of the week. The IWM moved lower all week until Friday. The QQQ bucked the trend and new all-time highs before stalling Friday. What does this mean for the coming week? Let’s look at some charts.
SPY Daily, $SPY
The SPY came into the week at resistance since June and at the 78.6% retracement of the drop from the February high to the March low. This was also in the gap from June. It moved slightly higher Monday and then held in a tight range the rest of the week, short of a gap fill. The thrust Friday had it close at the high of the week after a full on trend higher day.
The daily chart shows the Bollinger Bands® have squeezed in and showed signed of opening to the upside. The RSI is level in the bullish zone with room to move higher, while the MACD has crossed up and is positive. There is also now a Golden Cross. These are some positive characteristics in the consolidation environment on this timeframe.
On the weekly chart price continues to move up towards the June top and near the February gap. The RSI is moving higher, but remains short of the bullish zone, with the MACD rising and positive. There is resistance above at 318.50 and 320 then 325 and 332. Support lower comes at 313.50 and 309.50 then 305.50 and 302.50 before 300. Possible Resumption of Uptrend.
SPY Weekly, $SPY
Heading into July Options Expiration the equity markets are showing renewed strength. Elsewhere look for Gold to continue its uptrend while Crude Oil consolidates over support. The US Dollar Index continues to drift to the downside while US Treasuries possibly may be resuming their uptrend. The Shanghai Composite looks to continue the drive higher while Emerging Markets also move to the upside.
The Volatility Index looks to remain elevated, but moving lower, making the path easier for equity markets to the upside. Their charts look strong on both timeframes with the exception of the small caps. The QQQ is leading the charge on both timeframes as it seems to set new all-time highs every day. The SPY had a strong finish to the week and looks ready to break higher as well. The IWM however remains stuck in consolidation on both timeframes. Use this information as you prepare for the coming week and trad’em well.
Join the Premium Users and you can view the Full Version with 20 detailed charts and analysis: Macro Week in Review/Preview July 10, 2020
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Hello hello... is there anybody out there in space?..... This is the Radio Telescope in Effelsberg - Germany...... ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ [wikipedia: The Effelsberg 100-m Radio Telescope is a radio telescope in the Ahr Hills (part of the Eifel) in Bad Münstereifel, Germany. The telescope is located about 1.3 km northeast of Effelsberg, a southeastern part of the town of Bad Münstereifel. It is placed less than 300 m west of the 398 m high Hünerberg, which is already in the neighbouring Land of Rhineland-Palatinate. In the vicinity of the telescope, the boundary of the Land of North Rhine-Westphalia is the Effelsberger Bach, which runs only a few metres east of the telescope. The Effelsberger Bach is 6.5 km long, flowing from the Effelsberger Wald into the Sahrbach, which in turn flows south and into the Ahr river. A hiking path leads past the telescope; in 2004 part of this was turned into a planet trail with information panels about the Solar System with its planets. The trail ends at the 39 cm model of the Sun next to the visitor centre.]⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ #radiotelescope #telescope #Effelsberg #telescope #hubble #stargazing #astronomy #nasa #cosmos #science #galaxy https://ift.tt/2Y2W9nN
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