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statuamlapis · 4 months ago
Dear Lunar Friends,
Are you two the only ones on the moon or are there more friends we haven't seen yet?
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ruthytwoshakes · 2 years ago
I hate it when people draw engineer skinny like WHAT DID YOU DO??where the FUCK DID HIS TITTIES GO???? WHAT HAVE YOU DONE????????
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sapphirebluephoenix · 2 months ago
Tradgyty, tragety, tradgedy, /tade/ trade, tradesy, tradgy, tradgety, tradity, tradg/d/y, tradgady, tragia, tradegy,trarget, tradgey, tragidy, trajedy, tra/d/dedy, tragdey, tragedey, tragity, tragity.
For those who couldn't understand the handwriting :P
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Another year, another group of my delightful ninth graders trying to spell the word "tragedy" for their Romeo and Juliet assignment.
Last year's collection
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littlebirdy0301 · 1 year ago
why did I get a grade lower than the class average on my last art assignment nooo I was so proud of it :’(
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koolades-world · 4 months ago
alright, cute idea three out of four! i'm on a roll right now :) after writing it, i'm less sure of how much of fluff this is. i had intended to make it much cuter lol. maybe this is more hurt/comfort? i was listening to the mizu5 song for my proseka followers so things took a bit of a turn there. this is short, but several of the lines go hard imo
after all that writing the word tradgety (tragety? trajety?) and i still can't spell it right...
the greatest human tragedy
If you'd asked Satan what the greatest human tragedy was before the exchange program, he would've confidently answered the burning of the Library of Alexandria.
The amount of lost literature made his heart ache. Every time he was reminded, he couldn't help but wish he'd gone more when it was still standing. He was lucky enough to own some copies of the books that were lost, but he was only allowed to have so many.
His opinion began to sway when you entered his life.
He began to grow unsure of himself and the solidity of his answer. The blinding light that you were seeped through the cracks in the walls he’d built up around himself. You were quite literally nothing less than a saint to him. You treated him kindly, and helped him work on himself, asking for nothing in return. He was lost in the ocean that was you.
After getting to know you, his answer changed. If you asked him now what the greatest human tragedy was, he'd immediately answer you. Not because you exist. On the contrary, you're the greatest thing to happen to the three realms. No, he'd say this because your life span is a blip in time compared to his. The day he loses you will be the day the Devildom freezes over.
God must've made you mortal to taunt him.
Human life was fragile, and he was aware of this. But once he'd gotten to know you, it fully clicked at just how little it would take to bring you down. The first you got sick while in the Devildom was a whirlwind of a day for everyone but you. Fate was playing a cruel joke on him, stringing him along like a marionette and dragging him towards the inevitable.
He was drawn towards you like a moth to the flame. He wasn't sure what he'd do just yet, but as of right now, he planned to savor your time together. He wasn't sure if he was in a tragedy or comedy, but he wasn't sure which to hope for either. He hated the amount of uncertiantly this issue was acompanied by
Being born had been a curse for not only his brothers, but for himself. However, he was grateful for you. He wasn't sure how he'd cross the bridge of mortality with you, but he'd pour all of his candle wax into yours if he had to.
Anything for the greatest human tragedy he called his lover.
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originalwinnercheesecake · 4 months ago
Assigning Names to Characters from The Underland Chronicles who's names were 'never disclosed"
written because names and their meanings interest me, as does Greek mythology, history, and plays, and I had a couple Saturdays where I had no plans and writing this was a fun way to pass the time.
Character from Luxa's Paternal Family... basically everybody except Nerissa and Henry
Luxa's father the former King of Regalia, Judith's husband. So Luxa's name means "Light", which in the underland goes hand and hand with "Life". I have heard the fan theory that, because of how closely associated the two are then it is possible that all of the first born heirs have names that mean light. So I googled male names that mean light and I picked Lucius or King Lucius because it has a Latin root just like his daughters.
King Lucius and Queen Judith's bonds. Yes I know it is never stated that either characters had bonds. But humans having bonded relationships with the bats seem more common for them than marrying other humans. Even Suzanna Collins herself admitted that you have to be close with a bat to survive long in the underland. Anyway I always assumed that the pair had bonds, who died with them during their final battle. i have also always head cannoned that the King's bond was named Zeus for obvious reasons, and that the Queens bond was named Venus, because Aurora surely cannot be the only bat in the underland to have a Roman deity name instead of a Greek one.
Luxa's paternal uncle, Nerissa & Henry's father: The younger royal brother. At first I was going to give him a name that meant light like his brother. But since Nerissa's name means "Sea Nymph" and Henry's name means "House Ruler" I do not think that "spares" have the same naming tradition as the first borns. So I considered other words that have important enough symbolic meaning to name a prince after: Darkness, Torch, sword. when I looked up names that mean sword I discovered that the name 'Owen" has two meanings. It means both "noble/ well born" and 'young warrior". So I would say Prince Owen is a very fitting name for the Prince of a military based society.
His Bond: a female bat named Styx a minor goddess/river in the underworld. My reasoning is, again, that Nerissa's name means "Sea nymph" and it does not really fit with Henry "House Ruler" and Luxa "Light" name scheme. But if one of her parents had a bond who was named after a mythical body of water then they could have lead to a touch of inspiration. I picked "Styx" because while it does not sound anything like "Nerissa" as far as pronunciation, it being the river that runs through the underworld does give it a sense of mischief and tradgety, that envelops Nerissa & Henry's branch of the royal family.
Nerissa & Henry's mother, Luxa's paternal aunt by marriage. She is an interesting one. I had to remember that, like Judith, she married into the royal family instead of being born into it. I also do not think that her and her husband's marriage was arranged at birth (Luxa, Nerissa, and Henry do not have fiances). This means that while she probably did not have a name meaning "Princess" she could theoretically be named anything. I want to name her " Cleo," later "Princess Cleo"partly after Cleopatra who was a very historical women, and also because it means 'to praise or acclaim". That is fitting for a women who married into royalty and became a princess.
Her Bond: Achilles a brave and powerful soldier, who slipped up in battle once and died tragically. Another name that fits both the power and the tragedy of this team and this family. Also feel free to imagine this character as Nerissa and Henry's goofy gay uncle.
Characters from Gregor's family
Gregors Dad. Lee Campbell. Despite being heavily explored/featured in the books he is famously never given a name. I have seen fans in posts and fanfics give him names like Andrew, Steve, and Lee. While I am partial to the name Steve, I went with Lee. The Campbell kids physical descriptions are vague at best, but when you look add up what we do get (they have brown eyes and light brown skin, Boots hair is a mess of dark curls, Lizzie wears her hair in braids) most fans agree on the interpretation that they are biracial kids. Their dad's race is never specified (his face is near identical to Gregor's , and while he used to have dark hair its been gray since his time with the rats) and Lee is a name that works with multiple races you want to imagine him as
Gregor's Grandmother: Dorothy Campbell. Her family and friends shorten her name to either Dora or Dottie. Another member of Gregor's family who is never actually given a name in the books. There is one scene in CotWB, when Gregor and his parents are getting everyone up to evacuate the apartment because the rats are in the walls, where Gregor's dad is talking to grandma and he calls her "Mama" so she is likely the kids paternal grandmother, and their dad's mama. I am really glad that the dad being missing for 2.5 years did not cause a rift between her and Grace then. You know that these two women needed each other during that time, and the kids needed both of them.
I am naming her Dorothy after Dorothy from the wizard of Oz. Both are women who grew up on a country farm, then move to a strange and wondrous land that they enjoy parts of, but ultimately they never quite take to it.
Greogr's bonus grandmother, Mrs. Cormaci. We know her last name but not her first name. According to Google Cormaci as a surname is most likely either Scottish or Irish. Awesome because Morgan is a Welsh and Irish name. It also is the name of many magicians throughout literature. While Mrs.Cormaci is not specifically mentioned to have psychic powers but she has an almost magical talent for knowing what Gregor will need in the future. So as far as I am concerned her name is Mrs. Morgan Cormaci
Names for Characters from Luxa's Maternal family.... a couple bats and her uncle's lover
Names for Bats bonded to York and Susanna
York mentioned having a bond in GatCoC, who since childhood I have headcannoned was named Hercules. York is described as being a muscular giant, and so anybody who carries him in battle has to be very strong. Since he is not bonded to Ares he can be bonded to Hercules
With Susanna I never thought about her having a bond as a kid, but I guess she would have one. She is a doctor and an older sister, so let's say she has a bond named Apollo.
Hamnet's first bond. @deliver-the-light already did a poll on what her name should have been, and Eurydice was the name that won the poll. I like that myth, so I will honor the poll and keep that name.
Hamnet's lover, Hazards mother, and the women who maybe could have been an aunt to Luxa and Howard, had she ever gotten to meet them: Well first lets talk about this women. It was from her that Hazard inherited his two overland traits: curly black hair, and lime green eyes. Black hair and green eyes are actually a rare combination. Most people with black hair have either blue or brown eyes. According to google she would most likely be Irish or Scottish. Another notable thing about her, she once lived in New York City, or at least she had parents who lived there. She also wanted to take Hazard to visit at some point, which implies that there was a chance she could get back to the overland, and chose to stay in the jungles of the underland. Now New York is a difficult place to live with its over population, high cost of living, high crime and pollution rates. But the Underland jungles are also a difficult place to live. There was something about Life in the overland vs life in the underland that led to her choosing to stay in the Underland jungles. She didn't just love Hamnet, but also this wild world he lived in. Or her life above ground was so wild that she felt more secure in the underland? Because of all of this I looked up a female scottish or Irish name that means "Wild'. Her name is Fia.
Also if you have read another post I made you will know that I am a fan of the theory that She was Mrs. Cormaci's daughter. Finding out that there are cannon reasons to suspect that the two have similar/the same heritage is adding to that. Let Mrs. Cormaci see Hazards face either in a picture from the party, that Gregor shares with her, or have him come up for a day visit, and meet her in person. Have her send/show Hazard a picture of her daughter with Fia Cormaci's name written on it and him get all excited because yes that is his mother. Then let Mrs.Cormaci and Hazard form a relationship and eventually complete the circle, by giving Hazard an actual chance to chose which world he wants to live his life in.
Last thing since I was thinking a lot about Hamnet's family I used that opportunity to look up alternate meaning to "Hazard" and try and find justification for why loving parents would name their son something that means "Danger" and "bad thing". Alternate meanings include "Venture, put forward, chance, risk" Hamnet is named "Home", I just named Fia "wild" and these definitions make Hazards name fit perfectly with his parents and their story.
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monster-fucker69 · 10 months ago
Charles Xavier and and Erik Lensherr's love story is a tradgety and I cannot read fluff fanfic about them cuz that's really all they are.
Soulmates damned to fight eachother because love isn't all there is.
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animnightmare · 10 months ago
MASH tradgety vs House MD tradgety, go
You can use whatever qualifications you want to decide. Wich upsets you more personally, wich episode was more tragic narrativley, whatever.
My own thoughts in reblogs ;)
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6flyingosprey6 · 2 years ago
I really want the islanders to have a win.
Ever since the beginning of the server they’ve seen nothing but tradgety. Their children are hunted down and killed, and the prospect of them being revived is constantly teased and rarely given. They have lost two of their own, and we have no idea what happened to them.
I know it’s incredibly unlikely, but I hope that they get a nice, clean win today. They’ve more than earned it.
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comradeboyhalo · 1 year ago
Please, Bad needs to get one of us to recap egg lore for him 😭 The stream may last all day, but that’s okay, because everyone MUST know about c!skephalo and the tradgety of everyone involved. Animatics as presentation examples are a must.
how to explain that its imperative to hear quackity drop the line "then why do you still not have skeppy?" to fully experience the egg arc. awesamponk was done especially dirty by all the recaps AGHHHHH someone make a thorough clip compilation im BEGGING
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lmelodie · 2 years ago
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Doodle Dump lets gooooo! Haven't been drawing as much lately so it been a little bit since one of these appeared. Let's get into it
The underlying theme for this one is: What if Older!Fiera and Chimera were friends or something? And now they ARE (to me at least). Idk it just seems like they would vibe. Like a weird, kinda estranged auntie type figure.
I feel like Chimera has a lot of advice about guys that Fiera could listen to. She didn't peg her for one to be so head over heels with such a normal guy. But she's happy for her none the less.
Chimera can also breathe fire! It's always green and the both of them together is a whole smoke show.
Also, I have no idea if I'm gonna keep giving Fiera Jacks little hair flippy thing. I'm still on the fence about it, so you'll probably see it come and go lol.
OK I HAVENT YET WATCHED ACROSS THE SPIDERVERSE. I KNOW THAT ITS A TRADGETY. But I wanted to play around with spidersona designs for Kills and Jacquie anyway. Cause they would be very cool conceptually. Arachnophobia and Snowspider everyone!
Stands to reason that if you have telekinesis that you'd be able to lift yourself around, right? This might make it into CC or it might not. Still on the fence about that particular ability lol. But Jack being able to turn into air and wind is just something a really vibe with.
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ogdoadfates · 1 year ago
What is "this summer is for us" about? :D You have so many wips. I can't even. xD
Heya! XD Haha yeah I got lots lol.
This summer is for us is a au and this file has the draft notes for the three stories that are a part of this au! (it's a modern au)
A never-ending summer is a story of when all of vox machina were children. It's a very fun and in some cases light hearted slice of life with a few sprinkles of angst here and there till it turns a bit sad at the end when they all get split up.
Next Summer, is the next story and a continuation. The gang are all in their teens now and all of them are moving back to their home town all of them re-meeting and relearning each other after the tradgeties that befell them after they got seperated!
And lastly. This summer is for us, the final story of the series which takes place when they are all adults, Vex and Percy married, Pike and Scanlan freshly married, and some surprises with Vax and Kiki!
It's a very bitter sweet slice of life au/series of stories that I hope to get working on once I'm done with my currently planned stories or if I just let my whims take me it might be started sooner lol.
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sweetie-peaches · 1 year ago
unrelated to todays tradgety, I won’t be able to post a new chap today. Im sick as hell :(
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idk-what-to-put-here-123 · 10 months ago
Absolute fucking tradgety
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cleve-in-a-can · 10 months ago
Not my usual kind of post, but I'd just want everyone who sees this to take a moment to renemeber the tradgety that happend today 38 years ago (26 April 1986.) may we never forget the victims of the Chernobyl nuclear accident and include all the angelic liquidators in your prayers.
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pixelatedsushirolls · 11 months ago
Penguindrum Part 2
Honestly, Im am so done with this series. I already said it once and I plan to say it again, the insanity of the show is similar to evangelion, a show I hate for the life of me.
Though, one of the things I did enjoy was the art style. Particularly, where all the background characters look like the bathroom door man but grey. It creates a reality where only character that are important enough or are "chosen" get to be part of the plot while everyone else's story is basically non-existent. With a world as big as are and some many people, it is sometimes easier to see people as numbers rather as individuals. Especially, when it comes to tragedy.
And though I hate the stalker girl, her presence is important to the story because how it shows the after affect of said tragedy and a small scale. Yes was society able to quickly move on. But the those personally affected by said tragedy will still have the scars.
What i dont like about this show tho is that the stalker girl and her family where the only ones shown that suffered from this tradgety. If they really wanted to rapresent the incident, i feel like they should of tried to go to multiple storyline of victims and their family who were not able to escape fate. Instead we have the story of a family of a victim and the family of the perpetrators.
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