#trademarked and everything
partiallypearl · 1 year
going through @1ooo-w0rds’s jeyna and inspiration tags always breaks my heart
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tomboxed · 4 months
one in the same
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shima-draws · 7 months
I’ve mentioned it before but I’m a fucking sucker for unhealthy dependent relationships. There’s just something about them that is so. Chef’s kiss 👌
Anyway I’m still thinking about how Law was so attached to Cora and was so traumatized by his death that he literally devoted thirteen YEARS of his life to revenge killing Doflamingo. Even though all Cora ever wanted was for Law to just be free and live his life happily. And Law spending all his time in a hateful revenge spiral is literally the exact OPPOSITE of what Cora wanted for him. BUT WAIT THERE’S MORE. If the thirteen years of endless devotion to avenging his savior wasn’t enough Law 1. Named his pirate crew the Heart Pirates in honor of Cora, 2. Covered himself in permanent heart-themed tattoos in honor of Cora, and 3. Fashioned his Jolly Roger to be a mockery of Doflamingo’s and ALSO to honor Cora. Homie is a walking memorial for a man he only really knew for six months and again crafted the most intricate plan known to mankind to murder Cora’s killer. Because losing Cora fucked him up THAT much. Because even though Cora set him free, the moment Doflamingo shot him Law was chained to the memory of a man who no longer existed. Law literally fashioned his entire life down to his own appearance after Cora and it makes me so insane. I cannot even imagine what went through his head after Dressrosa I mean how do you move on after a thirteen year grudge is put to rest. What is he supposed to do now. Avenging Cora was literally his entire existence, his entire reason for living for half of his life. He needs therapy probably. If Cora somehow ever did come back to life Law would lose his fucking mind. The dependency is SO unhealthy and I am SO here for it
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lavendermemoriess · 1 month
"oh but- but- but that's max's phrase-" DUDE. Y'ALL ARE THE ONES BEING CHILDISH, NOT LANDO 😭😭
(plus SO WHAT if it was a dig at max?? y'all acting like max is the nicest driver on that fucking grid oh my god.)
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draculagerard · 6 months
Tbh it’s always the fandoms that think they aren’t cringe that are always the least enjoyable to participate in…
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completeoveranalysis · 8 months
Let's put it under a read more, just in case:
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Splash text:
These days smeared with regret and shame Believe only in that time That will one day come
In which we have a soft, gentle, thoughtful Syaoran posing like he’s on the cover of a photo shoot; head gently resting on his hands, which are folded on top of the hilt of his sword; lips almost frowning thoughtfully as he gazes at the camera. 
And then there’s the blood. 
Which is just SO much worse now that he (probably?) has his soul back now. He’s committed untold horrors and will never be free of the shed blood that taints him wherever he goes. But he’s also back! Ish? Maybe? 
We have him back and he’s gone after Sakura, but he’s still here wearing an (absolutely incredible) outfit still marked with the bat wings of Evil Wolverine’s dominion. The splash text at least seems to hint that he might be just getting through this, holding out for the hopeful pivotal moment where it all becomes ok again.
Which is wild to say the least.
Would love to know more about what’s going on with him!
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inutaffy · 2 years
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itsmeanxy · 1 year
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don't you just love when Mick goes 🤙
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thespoonisvictory · 1 year
desperately need more worlds beyond number episodes right now pls
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jazzy-a · 2 years
Love that Kaz would be the ultimate "I'm-having-fun-if-you're having-fun" guy in the crows trio.
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whatwillyousing · 2 months
words cannot describe how much miku actually legitimately anguishes me just conceptually like as a character
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norttinson · 2 years
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good-fwiend-in-wome · 6 months
>shits on someone else for "ignoring in-game evidence" for like 10 minutes
>claims portals couldn't possibly move
>explains several times how particles that quantum tunnel lose energy, ignores that things conserve all momentum through portals
yknow, this video is actually a great demonstration of the concept of being confidently wrong. it spends its first half accusing someone of being confidently wrong, and then directly shows you an example of someone being confidently wrong and getting like 50% of people on board by using fancy words!
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goddamnitkastle · 2 years
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yoohyeon · 2 years
FINALLY ! TUMBLR LET ME HAVE IT ! Hello I’m your resident yoohyeontual 🥰
Korimi4 -> Yoohyeontual
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cookinary · 2 years
Me: *having the HFR soundtrack stuck in my head and working on a school project involving a wolf*
Me: lmao how about werewolf Chai tho
Me: Oh.
Me: *subconsciously starts developing the AU*
Me: Oh no.
Me: It's all downhill from there isn't it
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