#town massacre
datoneboardedguy · 1 year
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Avatar: Legend of Korra Fanfiction - Korra x OC Male Reader.
Chapter 9: The Angelic, The Demonic & The Phantom..
Part’s 2/2
It’s been nearly 3 Months since I’ve unlocked my new Airbending abilities but I’m still keeping it to myself, since I accidentally sent two men seemingly to their deaths by unknowingly tossing them high up into the sky never to be seen again I don’t want anything to do with Airbending, all it’s done is make things worse & gets people like those guards from earlier hurt which thankfully seems to have gone completely unnoticed. Due to recent world events regarding a crazy power hungry earthbending war lord lady going on a rampage throughout the entire Earth Kingdom which was thankfully stopped by the Avatar.
I’m currently working on cooking an order in the shop while Nox’s going on his usual supply runs who usually should be back by now, as I finished & served the order to the customer I hear Nox shouting outside the shop & rushed outside to see what’s going on & find Nox on the ground surrounded by men in black hooded cloaks just kicking him laughing & demanding “You should have paid the tax on time.” “Yeah you very well know what happens if you don’t pay the bill!” This starts to bring up bad memories of myself being tortured in prison & a well of anger starts brewing up within me & as I approach to confront them I shout “HEY YOU COWARDS!” They all looked at me & dismissively say “Get lost worm, this doesn’t concern you!” “Yeah move along Runt!” That last insult triggered something in me & Nox see’s the visible anger on my face & says “Don’t ya dew it kid!” In a last ditch effort to try to calm me down before I escalate the situation too far, I then took a step back & tried to calm myself down but those efforts were soon proven to be in vain the second one of thug’s provocatively insulting says “Go now & run home little Runt!” Nox sighs then says “Oh, Dang Spirits.” I then start marching forward towards them which to worry about what’s about to happen & shouts “Nooo!..” “This kid have a death wish or something?”- I then thrusted my fist forward to punch the Thug & to his, Nox & everyone else’s surprise who’s watching on in the street successfully sending the smart ass flying into the group of cowardly thug’s behind him knocking them all over I then helped Nox up to his feet & tell him “Sir are you alright?!” “Yeah, I think so. Kid what just happened, what you did.” “I know, it’s pretty new to me too Nox.” “You’re an Airbender, kid this is huge.” then we notice the thug’s are starting to come to so we immediately backed away from them as they got back up “You’re an Airbender?! No matter, you’re still can’t take us all on! GET HIM!” & they all started bending Fire, Lightning, Earth, Water & Metal projectiles at me. I managed to dodge the Earth & Water Projectiles & just barely narrowly dodged the lightning bolts & air blasted a couple of the thugs in the face & the other right in the Cabbage’s but then I got nailed in the face by a shard of metal staggering me back a few feet & blasted in the chest sending me right into the nearest wall with a fireball then dropped onto the floor “ugh, ow!..” as I get back onto my feet they’re encased in Earth & I started getting water whipped in the back *WHIP* “AARGH!” *WHIP* “AAAAARGH!” *WHIP* “AAAAARGHAAAHAAHAARRGH!” ( “PLEASE S-STOP!” “Heheh! I’m sorry but there’s no mercy for the weak.” *WHIP* AAARGH!) then as they go for another whip I then turn & catch it, broke from my earth constraints & air blasted all them out of town as I frustratingly shouted “..PISS OFF!”
Then when the dust cleared Nox & the rest of the town residents had started to panic about what I had just happened, then Nox worryingly asks “Kid, Did ya know what ya’ve just done?” “..Yeah, I just stopped you from getting hurt & mugged by those hooded jerkholes?..” “Ya just picked a fight with de Red Lotus & drove ‘em out of town!” “Well.. Isn’t that a good thing?..” “NOT WHEN DEY CAN SEND IN REINFORCEMENTS TO DESTROY DE NTIRE TOWN & KILL EVERYONE IN IT TO SET AN XAMPLE & I ASSURE YA DAT DEY WILL BE BACK!” “..O-Oh!.” Then civilians started screaming “We’re all going to die, there’s no hope, by spirits this can’t be happening!” & other various pessimistic things, as the distressed crowd started turning on me with anger & hatred I see Nox looking at me with worry (then I see Farther’s face) & “sighs I gotta do something.” I then stepped up onto a pile of crates as the crowds started getting violent & shouted “HEY HEY ..ENOUGH! PULL YOURSELVES TOGETHER EVERYONE, WE’VE SURVIVED THROUGH WORSE THAN A GANG OF THUGS! WE’VE SURVIVED THE HUNDRED YEARS WAR WITH THE FIRE NATION, WE’VE SURVIVED THE SIEGE OF DARK SPIRITS, WE’VE SURVIVED KUVIRA’S EARTH KINGDOM INVASION, WE WILL SURVIVE THIS ATTACK OF THE RED LOTUS! WE’LL SURVIVE BECAUSE WE DON’T GIVE UP, WE JUST GO ON!..” I hear a single person in the crowd say “Well Spirits, I’ll fight for that!” then everybody cheers then Nox shouts out to the crowd “Alright lads, we’ll be expecting company at dawn tomorrow. Now let’s get to turning this town into the most heavily fortified & deadliest town in the entire Earth Kingdom!..” we then get to fortifying our towns boarders, after the first boarder is set up Nox pulls me aside to ask me “Alright kid, what’s your plan?” “Err I don’t have a plan other than just survive..” “umm Kid dat’s not a plan, just a goal.” “What do you want from me? I barely held my own against those thugs, my bending was barely effective against them.” “Look kid don’t despair ya got da makings of greatness in ya. Ya gotta take the helm & chart your course. Stick to it no matter the squalls. & when the time comes ya get de chance to really test de cut of your own sails & show ‘em what ya made of, ..well. I hope ya find someone who can be there by your side, catching catching some of the light coming off ya dat day. ..Ya might not be able to flawlessly blow ya enemies away ‘yet’ but ya still have your old man’s smarts, so use it..” my eyes well up, I wipe them *SNIFF* “Thanks Nox..” “Anytime kid, now go get yourself ready. We don’t have long..” “Ya got it hoss!”
I then went back to my dad’s old apartment & pulled out my farther’s old Metalbending grappling device & got to work on retrofitting it operated completely through Steam, attaching a grappling hook that also doubles as a blade from a common rope dart & replaced the majority of the metal components with pure platinum metal ore’s. I then looked at my current shredded clothing & said to myself out loud “I definitely need to get changed, I can’t have my enemies looking at my three chest hairs.” I then opened my dusty old wardrobe that I haven’t opened since I moved in & surprisingly I see a box with a bow & not from Ikki? “You may not want to be an Airnomad but you’re still an Airbender & every Airbender needs a uniform! Hope it fits, Ikki..” I then open the box to find an Airnomad red & yellow coloured wing-suit, I try it on. It’s a bit tight around the old grappling hook but otherwise it fits perfectly & is very comfortable. I then looked at myself in the mirror to see if the wing suit fits, it fits perfectly & I see it’s very form fitted & flexible. I then took the wing suit off to recolour it with some black & red paint, after a few minutes I finished repainting it to be a black with red lining wing suit while also adding in black hood with red stitching through it & I finally strapped my my new steam powered platinum cabled grappling hook darts.
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As I finally finished getting ready I take one last look at my farther’s cactus plant with “Love always sprouts if you let it grow.” Written on it then quickly water it. I then looked at my old family picture, I then took the photo out of the frame & put it in one of my wing suit pockets. I decided to sit down & meditate waiting for these Red Lotus thugs to arrive..
M/R In Meditation dreams:
I see my mother’s dying in my arms as I her killer shadowy silhouette run out of the window, I then hear my father say “Survive!..” I turned to see my father’s death *SNAP!* then the ground erupts from under my feet into a bright beam of light propelling me up into the darkness hitting the brick roof face first then my perception of the room spins upside down & suddenly the roof becomes a brick floor.
I then stand up to realise that I’m now in a black shadowy forest then I hear a thunderous scream from the wall of trees ahead of me as I approach the trees I see cracks of light piercing through. I reach & peered through the trees only to be met with a blinding flash of light & suddenly I see a short haired man in robes attempting to hurt a black haired woman woman in black leather clothes with red accents that’s been taken hostage then my vision goes red & I am charging at him with pure rage & push him back into a spirit & that spirit passes through him & severely deforms him then everything goes white.
M/R’S POV Back in the real world:
It’s now the break of dawn, I am woken up by Nox banging on my apartment door while shouting “KID, ya in there?! It’s almost time!..” “ALRIGHT HOSS JUST GIVE ME A MINUTE TO GET READY!” I then quickly got up went into my bathroom use the toilet, after I finished I went to wash my hands as I was washing them I looked up at the mirror only to essentially be jump scared by the short haired woman with glowing eyes staring right back at me for a brief second causing me to jump & recoiled back & I rapidly blinked then she was gone. I then heard a loud bang from outside & quickly dried my hands then went outside the appartment to meet Nox. “Hey, nice suit kid!” “Thanks, the little Airnomad girl left me this suit. Is it time yet?..” “Yes. It’s time.”
We then make our way to the barricades on the perimeter of town, as we approach the main road barricades start to fail due to the bombardment of large flaming boulders launched from a fleet of Red Lotus trebuchet’s. I asked the residents trying to repair the barricades “What’s the situation?!” “Well, ‘as you know’ the Red Lotus has ambushed us & our distress call to the nearest metal bending police base has been received & they’ve dispatched a small army of Metal Benders to help but they’re not going to be able to get here in time!-“ “OF COURSE I KNEW THAT, WHY IN THE SPIRIT’S ARE YOU TELLING TELLING ME THINGS THAT I ALREADY KNOW?!” “Oh, well uh..-“ “Just tell me something that I don’t know!” “They have the entire town surrounded, their commanders are behind the armies of Red Lotus Soldiers over there!” He says as pointed out to the east-western side of the town boarders towards the mountainside. “Okay, Nox make sure to hold the line while I take the Red Lotus’s commander’s from above!” “Ya got it kid oh & be careful!” “You too hoss!..” we quickly hug each other then I fire both of my steam grapples to two steel flag poles & pull myself back a few feet then I mumble to myself as I slingshotted myself into the air “Welp, here goes nothi-AAAAAANG!….” I’m sent flying high up into the sky.
As I approached the height of my jump pulled out my wing suit & started to soar further than I could ever have imagined, wind blowing in my face, the peacefulness of the air however brief had brought me momentary peace until I flew close enough towards the Red Lotus army to hear one of the soldiers scream “What the?!- SHOOT! ..SHOOT THE FLYING DEMON!” & they drew their bows while some of the other Red Lotus soldiers had started bending projectiles of various elements towards my direction. I then flew left to right, dodging and weaving until I was close enough for my grappling whips are in range when a familiar grunt shouts “OI, IT’S DAT RUNT AGAIN, THE ONE WHO CAN’T AIRBEND FOR SHI!”- I then hook grappled around his waist then pulled him in “-AARRGH!” & air kicked him right in the face sending him flying off straight into the soldiers behind him & stick the landing with a tuk & roll & retort “I may not be an Airbending master but I’m still experienced enough to kick all of your asses with some good old fashioned ‘air to whip’ combat!” I then grapple whipped the guards operating the trebuchet’s, then I airlifted & tipped over the nearest trebuchet smashing into trebuchet next to it destroying them both. I then air punched into one of the trebuchet Fire boulders pushing it towards the enemy encampments nearby rolling through & wrecking trebuchet’s, tents, & flattening Red Lotus soldiers. I then sent more flaming boulders into the steamrolling the Red Lotus armies as I’m making my way towards the Red Lotus commanders location I see Red Lotus fire benders trying to put the fires out as I cause a massive wind storm whirlwind making the flames too much for the fire benders to handle.
Nox’s POV:
I’m doing what I can to help fortify the barricades but it’s doing little good with the spreading wildfires & say “Ugh I feel like boarding deze barricades up at dis point may result in dis being an ever growing exercise in futility!” Then I’m send hurtling backwards through the air by a massive flaming boulder explosion. I then smash through the entrance of my shop landing & smashing into the cash register completely taking the wind out of me. As I start to fade in & out of consciousness I hear the screams of my friends being brutally beaten by the Red Lotus & see a few soldiers murmuring townsfolk without mercy I tried my hardest to get up & help them but my entire body’s too saw from the explosion, all I could do was was whisper out in a raspy voice “N-Nooo-oo…” I then black out.
Then they gave up on trying to extinguish the flames & just went to shooting lightning bolts towards me, I dodged a few & quickly grapple the nearest rock boulder in the way to block the last lightning bolt exploding the rock bolder into small pieces then leg sweeped the Red Lotus soldiers with my grapples & air blasted them into the trebuchet then I triggered the trebuchet’s mechanism sending them flying to their deaths. I then get surrounded by a bunch of Red Lotus guards “Well, now the tables have TURNED!” I say as I air spun in circles creating a mini tornado wiping the floor with the non bending guards then the bending guards swarm me with a flurry of bending attacks, i block & countered with my own air bending attacks & dual grappling blades like I’m dancing around them. Soon enough I defeated the last of the soldiers then I’m hit in back by huge rock boulder sending me down the hill towards the village, I fall straight through the a through a building wall & land right into the kitchen of Nox’s Shop.
Nox’s POV:
I’m woken up by the smashing sounds coming from the kitchen, my head is throbbing, my whole body is saw all over. I then hear a another crashing sound, I suck it up & force myself to get back up to see what’s going on in the kitchen as I approach the open kitchen doorway I tumble back down onto the ground & as I look up I see M/R on the ground as the Red Lotus commander is standing over him as he literally slams the kitchen sink onto his head then frustratingly exclaims as he’s ruthlessly punching M/R’s face “Y-you’ve been *PUNCH!* a thorn  *PUNCH!* in our side *PUNCH!* long enough!” *PUNCH!* he’s now coughing out blood at this point. As the commander keeps on monologuing ”You killed my soldiers, *PUNCH!* you destroyed my organisation, *PUNCH!* you even killed MY BEST AGENT & COMPLETELY DERAILED MY PLANS!” *PUNCH!* M/R’s barely conscience at this point then the next thing he said shook me to my very core “YOU SHOULD’VE JUST LAID DOWN & DIED IN THAT DAMMED PRISON!” *KICK!* M/R’s the escaped prisoner! M/R killed his own Farther?! I don’t believe it! In utter disbelief I mutter out loud “N-Noo kid, what’ve you d-done?!..” the commander hears me & I then realise how much of a mistake that was when look’s over to my location & smirks as he makes his way over to my location.
M/R’s POV:
I’m barely conscience after that beating, then the commander heard someone saying something just behind me smirks at something behind & walks towards what he’s looking at. I force myself to roll over onto my stomach & started to crawl towards the direction that the commander went. As I crawl over the pile building debris I see Nox staring back at me in horror & say “You’re the escaped prisoner? M/R ..you killed your own father?!” (“..Survive!” “..NO!” *SNAP*) “..I would never, i was set up & a Blood Bender killed my father ..right in front of me!” “& you snuffed out the life of my only Blood Bender. & for that!”- the Commander grabs & lifts Nox up by the throat & Earthbend’s a sharp spike around his right arm pulled his arm back to his spike arm through Nox’s torso as he says “You can now watch your mentor get skewered right in front of you!” “Then I start to panic & shout “N-No no nonono no DON’T! Don’t do this!” Then Nox closes his eyes knowing what’s about to happen, my desperate pleads fell on deaf ears as the commander says “..just like your father.” & thrusts his spike arm forward & in a split second decision I quickly shot out my grapple dart towards Commander Rook but at the last possible second he moves Nox in the way of my grapple dart to use him as a human shield & as my grapple dart pierces his heart Commander Rook thrusts his spike arm into his spine & right through the front of his torso & then suddenly I’m overwhelmed with with loss, guilt, anger then everything goes red & I SCREAM “….ARRGGGHH!”- *Rapid Flash’s of the glowing eyed short hair woman screaming* “-ARGH!..” & suddenly I was in the middle of the street with Commander Rook down on the ground & my grapple dart is impaled right through his throat into his brain killing him. I look around only that everybody in the town is dead on ground sliced up like animals & I look at my bloody hands in complete & utter shock.
I heard the sounds of Earth Kingdom Satomobiles & I run, detaching my grapple dart that’s still lodged in Commander Rook’s head leaving it behind. Runner off into the night..
Tenzin’s POV Hours Later:
I’m looking in complete disbelief at horrors I’m seeing & says “My spirits, this is a massacre. Who or what could’ve possibly done something like this?!..” chief Beifong walks up next to me & says “I don’t know, but whatever it is will be brought to justice.” I then see Asami show up in her Satomobile & she walks up to me & asks “What in spirit’s happened here?!”- “Where’s Korra?!” “She’s back in Republic City helping Pema watch your kids, now what happened here!” “We don’t know, we received an S.O.S. distress call from the town marital but by the time we arrived we- *sighs* ..we were already too late..” She looked around at the dead silent street & asked “may I take a look around?” “Of course but I’m coming with you.” She raised an eyebrow as she asks “Why?” I reply with a look of determination “Because I have to know what happened here ..& Korra will kill me if something ever happened to you.” *sigh* “Fine, let’s go.”
Asami’s POV:
We then go into the nearest building & we find ourselves inside of a destroyed food shop. I look on in horror as we find a dead body lying in what remains of the kitchen I see Tenzin inspecting a lonely wall painting of the dead elderly man who we presume to be person who owned this shop standing next to somebody else that couldn’t make out who it was since half of the painting is completely burned off. As he’s looking at it I search the body & find a key ring with several keys on it & a badly folded up invoice containing the address for a couple of apartments in a nearby apartment building say “I found something.” He turns to me & I say with a smirk “Let’s see where these lead us.”
Chef Beifong’s POV:
I find the remains of what used to be a unique uniformed soldier with some kind of dagger lodged right through his chin into his head, i tried & failed to Metalbend it of his head so pulled it out the old fashioned way & inspected it closely to realise that it’s made out of pure platinum & I say to myself while intensely frowning “Hmm, I don’t like this ..one little bit.”
Asami’s POV:
We finished our inspection of the elderly man’s apartment & now we’re approaching the second apartment door as we reach it I unlocked & opened it & as we walked into the apartment I started walking over the bedroom & see a photo of the guy who used to live here he must’ve been the other person in the painting & I come across a Small Cactus plant that’s covered in soot. I decided to take it put into my farther’s shoulder strap bag & I find a note next to where the Cactus plant was sitting & I read it finding out that this guy’s farther was a member of the White Lotus then I inspected the end table next to the bed & find an old tattered Prisoner Uniform that was child sized. As I put two & two together Tenzin walks into the room & asked me “Did you know anything?” He sees the shocked look on my face & asked me with great concern “Asami, what’s wrong?”- “Care to explain THIS?!” I interrupted him as I hold up the child prison uniform in front of him. “It can’t be, that’s ..just not possible!” “What? WHAT’S NOT POSSIBLE?!” Tenzin concerned expression immediately saddened with guilt as he looks down & reluctantly said “The young man who lived here was a prisoner at Temple Prison we originally locked Zaheer In before he became an Airbender. There’s was a Red Lotus Spy who’d infiltrated our ranks & made an attempt to break Zaheer out of his prison but was thwarted at the last minute by one of our own guards only for him to lose his life in the process, by the time we found the Red Lotus Agent responsible for the break in the child had murdered him. Bludgeoning the Red Lotus agents head in with a bolder. He went missing & was presumed dead by Zaheer when he broke out of prison with his newfound Airbending abilities.” “Why did you lock a child up with a known serial killer like Zaheer?!” “We had no choice, he- ..he killed his own mother.” “I- I can’t believe it, we gotta tell Korra.” I say in shock & in complete disbelief of what I just heard as he tells me “Asami, Korra can never know.” “Why?” “This is a White Lotus matter to handle!” “Tenzin, this man is dangerous, wiped out an entire town!” “Which is why the White Lotus will handle it & Korra’s got enough on her plate right now!” “But why? Why are you soo adamant about not getting Korra involved?!” “Because she knows him!” “W-what?” “They were childhood friends & if she get’s involved she’ll try to save him not stop him & he’ll kill her. For Korra’s safety she can’t ever get involved.” “Please Tenzin, me & Korra are now in such a good place after our relationship went public, please don’t make me keep this secret from her!..” “If you truly love Korra ..you will. I’m sorry Asami but Korra can never know.” *sighs* “okay..” I said reluctantly.
M/R’s POV:
I’ve taken refuge inside a small cave nearby where I can sleep for the night to get some much needed rest & regain my strength but before I head off to sleep I looked at my broken grapple & say with a single tear drop stranding down my cheek ”I tried to put my past behind me & make you both proud of me ..but my past always haunts me everywhere I go, unless I haunt them back & I swear to you Mum, Dad, Nox that I WILL NOT STOP UNTIL I KILL EVERY LAST MEMBER OF THE RED LOTUS!..”
-End of Prelude Chronicles!..
Next chapter the fun begins!..
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ginniesfangirllife · 3 months
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No. I refuse to view these two as the same person.
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camojacketfag · 1 year
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who will survive, and what will be left of them?
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okay I refuse to indulge a second longer in this dumbass project, but. do you see the vision.
if gerudo town is to be home of the unpractical heel, why should he be spared.
be a king ganon. lead through example.
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goryhorroor · 11 months
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day 20 of horror: masks of slasher
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love-toxin · 2 months
since I'm down this wabbit hole already I'll just say it: 2022 tcm might not have been everyone's cup of tea, but great googly MOOGLY does dilfy leatherface go OFF!!!!
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hmmrhhhggherrrnrnrmnrrnrnrmm.......the way he throws em around......the plague of bein a righteous-vengeance momma's boy....meeeoowwwww!!!! not me thinkin abt him losin the last of his family & becoming obsessed w/ making a new one w/ some pretty lil thing i mean what
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kaapstadgirly · 6 months
somewhere in Cape Town, South Africa📍
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southernsadie · 2 months
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“Those girls... those girls don't wanna go messin' 'round no old house!”
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solargeist · 2 months
The runaway au gives me big horror movie vibes..
grian final girl real
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socksandbuttons · 1 year
how much did you hate Bloodmoon after his little appearance in Lunar and Earth’s room today?
I think its interesting u think I HATE bloodmoon for this. After the INITIAL shock, im like 'yeah that seems like something he'd do after massacring towns yeah' but with the MY BOY... OH HIS HORRIBLE SCREAMS. Awful... just OOF. im happy Earth whapped him a bunch (she LORGE that would HURT) Bloodmoons literal confusion of being shocked AND punched? Deserved! But not just cause of him hurting lunar but also he DOES need to be aware of ONE being HURT and TWO what RUIN did. sO yeah Dont hate him, just watching this disaster man and what he gonna do??? watcha gonna do man??? murder endlessly and be aware u are still just a tool even if it seems ruins trying to be fair OR think.
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thatrandombystander · 4 months
Jesus fucking christ every single sequence with Val in The Silt Verses has me having to pause the episode to go
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shiroandblack · 1 year
I absolutely adore the fact that both Castlevania series begins with acts of violence commited in the name of love.
It adds a layer to the perpetrators' characters to know that these terrible acts are done because of grief and they carry this loss with them throughout the series, never forgetting.
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shihlun · 6 months
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Kim Tae-Yeong
- Wilderness
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wildwildwasteland · 4 months
im glad i reloaded actually because necropolis was fun it's nice to help people in a video game for no fucking reason except that i would've felt bad if i didnt
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melhekhelmurkun · 9 months
Me: I want to replay RDR2 and shoot people and rob banks and hopefully probably finish it this time
Also me: *spends multiple hours on a cliff birdwatching instead*
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haliaiii · 10 months
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Oc posting 5: Juno
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