#tower of god brainworms
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the-messenger-hawk · 6 months ago
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Wangnan depressioncore
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mikey180 · 10 months ago
Hai I see that you open request
So, because I really miss Tower of god
I want to request family head fem reader x bam and maybe his friend too
Platonic and fluff (wait, can platonic became fluff?because I didn't understand what fluff meant) it can be head canon and one-shot maybe both
reader is a friend of arlene and v and the other family head, she think of arlene as her younger sister. When the family head attack arlene and v, FEM reader didn't agree with this, and planning to help arlene and v . After v died, fem reader help arlene to escape. Fem reader feel anger and sad, that her friend, she made in her journey to the top of the tower became like this ( ☹️ poor fem reader, she need someone's shoulder to cry on) she is immortal like the other family head, she have many kids but not all of them from her blood, she adopted them, she just have 2 kid, its a twin boy and girl. When bam and his team want to fight family heads, they need our help. One of his friend(fem reader's kid) tell bam,that maybe we can help him, so they go to fem reader's castle and meet us, when fem reader meet bam and the his team. Our focus is just on bam, when bam instroduce himself as v and arlene's kid, fem reader start to cry (because, finally! Fem reader can meet arlene's kid its been thousand years we haven't meet her and her kid maybe? ) fem reader start to hug him and say that she miss him and his parent (the rest is up to you) I want to know his team's reaction too hehehehehe.
This is so Long 😅, I get this idea from family head reader ( and then I start to think about it and want to request it, fem reader really misses the time, when she and her friends could gather together and chat calmly without any hostility, she hopes that those days can come back again)
Maybe I will request again if I want too
Fem reader x bam and team, platonic
Type- one shot
Flavor- fluff
The knock rings out through my palace as i resign inside, my curiosity turned from my book to the door as I use my Shinsu to open it. My children immediately run in to hug me, something I've missed dearly, eyes tearing up slightly as I find they're safe in their journey through the tower so far, my worries laid to a temporary rest.
They introduce me to their friends, but a certain brunette with amber eyes stands out, eyes that I'd recognize anywhere, but I keep yourself from saying anything as you listen to their story, careful to not make assumptions that could lead to being awkward. "...and so...we'd appreciate it if you could help us in any way you can." The brunette finishes explaining. I give a nod and explain to them what to do and how I could help, but at the end I suggest they rest for the night, having more than enough space to house them.
After Khun convinces rak to calm down from trying to go through with the plan right off the bat, I introduce myself and look at fire eyed boy, motioning to him. "And you are?
"the twenty fifth baam, ma'am."
I freeze for a moment, looking at him with a bit of shock. I swallow and glance away but before I can even try to hold the tears back, they fall and a quiet sob escapes my lips, sending shock to their faces. Without a word, I walk forward and wrap baam in a hug. "You're Arlene's boy...you're her's" I quietly cry as I hold him. I feel him hug me back after a second and look up to me with surprise. "You know her? My mother? What about her?" His surprise changes to intrigue and a bit of excitement at the idea I know of his family.
I sit him down to talk, answering all the questions he has as he nods at each answer, his teams reactions varying from confusion to irritation at the time I take with him and the answers I give. A soft smile graces my features as the time of the afternoon slowly passes, feeling at peace for the first time in years.
I am sorry this is so short and may be a bit different from my normal writing style, but I'm just now getting back into writing. Thank you for requesting.
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mikey180 · 2 years ago
This person is officially one of my favorite people
Yep I’m going to hell for this
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misersdream · 4 months ago
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Slay the Prince - The Tower
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deiaiko · 7 months ago
night owl agni and early bird grace
late evening grace embraces agni from behind, leaning on him and resting
next morning grace holds agni like a princess (or a pancake cuz he's still wrapped in sheets)
Hell yeah!!! 😳 Softttt
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They used to sleep in shift before going back in time, so sometimes they still get the urge to stay up when the other was asleep, to look out for the other and for their own peace of mind.
They rarely got enough sleep back then, so now that they could take their time to catch up on it, they were always careful not to wake the other up unless it was an emergency. Though, their sleep schedule was still a mess, especially when the FUG business required them to stay up late. So they could switch from being night owl to early bird whenever the situation needed them to be.
Grace sleeps easier with his ear pressed to Agni's torso, counting heartbeats as he drifted off. Nothing comforted him more than knowing that Agni is alive and well. He always checked on Agni right after he woke up, caressing Agni's hair while he was at it. It was already a habit at this point that Agni could sleep through it, lulled him deeper even.
Agni sleeps easier when he's wrapped under thick layers of blanket/clothes, since he's always cold now that he no longer has the firefish. Grace's presence also helps him drift off to sleep, knowing that Grace got his back put his mind at ease. When it was his turn to keep watch, he would browse information and form plans accordingly. But since now things had settled down a little, he would sometimes read articles and stories just for fun.
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the-messenger-hawk · 7 months ago
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sleep paralysis demon Karaka
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mikey180 · 2 years ago
"Sir, please pick a personality trait. Do you want to be extra or sarcastic?" "Yes" "I, um, just one please sir." "Oh, and make it so no one can tell the difference"
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Headcanon that Hansung is extra as fuck and actually made those sparkles with shinsu. 
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mikey180 · 2 years ago
Where are my Lero-ro, Yu Hansung, and Evankhell stans at? Do I just always pick the most unpopular characters? What's happening?
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cheer-soli-art · 1 year ago
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The meeting of a wishing star and their destined young prince…
It was best to not build expectations ^^||
Happy Valentine’s Day 💕
Support me on ko-fi
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uten4 · 7 months ago
I should have noticed this last season, but Khun calling himself "ore" in the anime is an interesting choice! I like it; male characters of his type are always "boku" guys, so it's a nice change of pace.
Anyway, the way they executed his revenge speech makes me feel insane.
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mikey180 · 2 years ago
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ask-teambaam · 8 months ago
Hockney please suggest something to draw I have motivation but I can’t figure out what I want to draw and nothing is appealing.
Oh no! Well, if you are still facing this problem, I like to draw things I am very good at drawing when I face this. It may sound counter-intuitive, but it helps me sustain my motivation until I find inspiration. Personally, I find that drawing fantastical scenery works the best for this, so if that is something you are interested in, it may be worth a try!
- Hockney
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morganafayes · 4 months ago
morganafayes bbc merlin fic rec list <3
hiiii here is a tiny little fic rec list i made for fun of some of my personal underrated faves in the fandom!! i've tried to avoid stuff that's already pretty well known + have a decent balance so hopefully yall might find some new stuff you haven't seen in here :)
the witch and the queen - toxic morgwen slay <3 very short!
in our quiet hour - i mean just read everything by lupinely. its all so good. its everything. they have never missed. id recommend 'castled' by them too... insane merthur fic. their dynamic is perfectly written. also their gwen character study mwah
heir - gen, arthur & merlin. genuinely have never once stopped thinking about this since i read it and it makes me sick :/
off the deep end - now THIS. this is good shit. toxic merthur modern au where they are exes and hate each other and hurt each other. finally someone who gets their specific brand of codependent toxicity. bbc merlin modern aus peaked here i dont care
swan down - nimueh ficlet about her relationship with arthur. gave me many brainworms............ please read it. its very short and it will make u crazy.
this graveyard - ok i havent finished reading this yet bc its like 10k. but its morgana/gwen and a rewrite of the whole dark tower thing which as you all know is the bane of my existence. society if the the writers had actually written that episode well etc etc.
i hear deserts heal your history - THEEEEE fic of all time. genuinely i have never stopped thinking about this fic ever. i have such complicated feelings on it. it makes me want to die and throw myself off a cliff at the same time. this is the morgana centric fic of all time genuinely she is done SUCH justice here oh my god but also. everyone is very mean to merlin. my poor guy..... :( in terms of morgana fics though. a must read <3 also great exploration of the mergana dynamic. reading this was truly where my mergana crusade started btw. also read their other morgana fic its absolutely fantastic (i havent finished it either though because im slow asf...)
living for the hope of it all - mercelot warriors come get your heartwrenching angst <3 i have more mercelot fics to rec if people want. i hate them and i love them
ouroboros - merlin/morgana. insane freaks at it again. my fave victims of lavender divorce
drawing lines - gwen character study which i <3.
the chakra of merlin - okkk this is a strange one. it feels almost semi incomplete because although it does. end. it doesnt really. its most interesting for its sci fi elements + character exploration which i find really interesting and well done. merlin is truly unhinged here in the worst ways. when is he not though
the huntress' heart - mithian/gwen slay!
tongue tied - yeah its another truth spell merthur fic... what can i say im basic. its very good though!
dragons! - morgana/gwen. super short and cute <333
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acceleratio · 3 months ago
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The figure in black beside the towering God of Death does not appear to be surprised by your arrival.
AYM - ". . . . ."
PERCEPTION (SIGHT) [Easy: Success] - Not a muscle moves on its visage. The only motion you can make out is in the eyes, which tersely follow you like searchlights.
PERCEPTION (HEARING) [Challenging: Success] - Just barely, you make out a hint of faint miffed grumble likely gone unnoticed by the others.
EMPATHY [Legendary: Success] - Envy. Fiercely suppressed, but for whose sake?
alt and ramblez under cut
Version with alt background, bcuz I wanted to include the moon/moon scythe in the background somehow, but the design got busy enough, so I decided against it - have it here anyways though!
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Drew this because I got CRAZY inspired by @mosslingg's DE and COTL crossover post. God, I neva thought my strongest brainworm of history vs my strongest brainworm of today could mishmash so well.
Imitating Disco Elysium's style is much harder than I thought, just forcing myself to make bolder and bigger brushstrokes was one hurdle - plus being more abstract and storytelling through more surreal design is quite foreign to me. SUPER fun though, might just make more.
Chose Aym for this almost completely randomly btw.
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reverieblondie · 9 months ago
since we’re on the theme of rolan and raph i have this brainworm that i can’t get out of my head that raph is rolan’s dad.
hear me out.
both respect showmanship.
good with the weave.
they’re look a bit similar (cheekbones).
we don’t know who rolan’s parents are, raph might’ve fucked a mortal that gave birth to a lil tiefling. (raph doesn’t know, rolan doesn’t know).
sure, haarlep says raph only sleeps with himself but i don’t think we can’t trust haarlep in this.
You know...they are also both very ambitious... and cocky...
Like what if that's way Rolan is so strong with magic? He's got demon prince blood in him! of a dark prince Rolan?! Hello?!!!!! The more I think about this the more I love it!
Like Raphael sees Rolan and Tav getting close and that's when he drops the bombshell!
"Seems like you found my bastard Tav, Very impressive."
And Rolan just looks at Raphael and is like, "What the hell are you talking about cambion."
"Talking about you boy."
"Don't call me boy!"
"Oh? would you prefer son then?"
OH MY GOD!!! what if Rolan is like a really good singer and Raphael offers to teach him bard magic, "Every conquer needs an heir... and with the way you help kill your past master and took over his tower...I believe you have the potential for greatness..."
okay Anon I think your onto something with this. Anyone else have thoughts? I could ramble about this all night!
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the-messenger-hawk · 7 months ago
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concept: Long-haired Wangnan (+encouraging Bam)
(bearing the most iconic hairstyle)
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