#yu hansung
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broiter · 10 months ago
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Honey boy
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silkhy-john · 1 month ago
When Yu Hansung basically told AA that his smarts are as good as useless if he doesn’t have the trust it takes to put those smarts to practice
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mikey180 · 10 months ago
gotta cook up a request so aaay id like to request dates headcanons with khun,baam, hansung , like what kind fi stuff they di on a date aay :D
thank you so much for requesting and I know it's been a long time, but I've had so much to work through.
Date with Khun Aguro Agnus, The 25th Baam, and Yu Hansung.
Type- headcanons
Flavor- fluff
Tw- bugs and death...love that for a fluff fic, don't we?
I feel like Khun would take you to a fancy restaurant on the first date, but he'd much rather have a movie night and cuddle with you.
If you want to go to a restaurant he'll take you to one of the best in the tower. Ya know, the kind that serves fresh seafood. he'll make sure it has good reviews and might even have someone go to see if it's as good as people say it is.
If you go with the movie night though, it's a different story.
He will make sure to have all of your favorite snacks and drinks. He'll have candy and basically anything else you could possibly want.
He definitely wants to pick the movie, but he'll let you pick if you want to.
I can see him enjoying psychological horror, but getting annoyed at the same time because he's already figured out what's going to happen within the first five minutes.
He doesn't mind almost whatever genre you want. I don't see him as being one for romance or comedy, but if it's what you want to watch, he's fine with it.
he would absolutely love it if you were to get scared during a horror movie and cling to him. I don't think he'd be the kind to jump or show that he's scared. The only way you could tell if he's actually scared is the way his eyes widen a bit at the jump-scares.
You and Khun are curled up with each other, under a fluffy blanket, covered in crumbs from all the sugary treats he brought you. Your legs draped over his lap as he leaned close to you and held the large plate of snacks on top of your covered thighs. the scream from the movie echoes through the living room while the two of you watch intently. You shiver a little as the suspense picks up to which he chuckles and rubs you back a bit, throwing a few smart mouthed comments your way as you watch.
Baam enjoys small picnic dates.
He'll definitely cook for you and he'll try to make whatever you want. He picks out the best spots he can find and you bet he'll lay down the red plaid blanket that he sees at all the picnics in the movie.
This cinnamon roll just wants you to be happy. He'll defiantly take you on whatever date you want, but his first choice will usually be a picnic.
If you let him, he'll probably cling to you the entire time(not me adding this because I love clingy and needy people).
You'll be sitting side by side with his leg draped over your lap and when he's done eating he'll probably rest his head in your lap, not caring if you're still eating or getting crumbs on him.
He most definitely enjoys peaceful silence, as long as you're okay with it, he'll space out, head on your lap, just staring at the clouds.
Wants to stay long enough to watch the sunset with you, but he probably gets tired of it's summer timer when the sun takes longer to set.
The picnic blanket becomes a regular blanket in the fall though, poor baby gets cold easily and even if it means sitting on leaves, sticks, and risking being a bug hiking trail, you let him do it anyway without complaint.
You and bam rest there, the food mostly gone as you watch the sunset from the hill you've chosen as your spot. The orange fading to a yellow and finally out to blue after a small ring of green. He looks up at you, moving his head on your lap as you run your fingers through his hair. The moment you look down, you're met with his tired little smile, the light shifting through his lashes to reflect in his half closed amber eyes, soft like a fire on a snowy night, a picture you want engraved in your mind till the end of your forever.
Hansung Yu
Tell me this man isn't doing a coffee date? Even better if he goes to one of those tea ceremonies only to mix in instant coffee when no one is looking.
He would probably choose the best seat in a shop, a nice quiet one by a window.
It's mostly likely mid day or a little later though he'd take you at 8 like a dinner date, but caffeine at that hour might just kill you though, he can handle it.
Will order for you if you don't know what you want, assures you you'll like it.
Might just fall in love even more if you take your coffee black, but if you take it light, he'll think it's cute and probably say some things about how you can't handle straight coffee...he's right.
Expect him to pull that "wiping drink or food off your face" move like he's in some sort of romance k-drama, might even lick it off.
Will say something surprising, or spicy depending on how far along you are, just to get a reaction out of you.
*Warning*Has made you choke on coffee like this before*Warning*
You are in danger, with the way he slyly watches as you sip on your coffee, you can tell he's just waiting for the most inconvenient time to tell you humans have a water to dead body ratio they're okay with, hence swimming in the ocean with thousands of them, but not swimming in a pool with one of them
...what the heck man?
Will laugh if you choke or laugh so hard the coffee comes up your nose (fun fact, I've drank orange juice through my nose with a straw as a very stupid child)
Does hold your hand as you walk there and home though
As you play footsies with Hansung under the table, he sips on his coffee like nothing is happening. You sigh a bit as you accept your loss as you feel a bruise forming on your shin. You close your eyes to take and savor this sip of sweet, sweet coff- "cockroaches would eat you alive if you couldn't do anything about it."
You appetite for coffee is immediately gone as you slam the cup down and cough a bit on what you had in your mouth as he chuckles a bit.
"don't worry...the vibrations of your breathing are supposed to scare off bugs...or so I've heard"
He had to, don't get mad at him, it's funny, right?
Low key lost my appetite writing that last bit actually, it's true.
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deiaiko · 7 months ago
Hansung, What is your opinion of Grace and Agni? Do you see hem as a threat to Jue Viole Grace’s development?
Hansung: I've left Viole in capable hands, so I'm not really concerned about his development. Grace had proven himself with the test I gave him, and Viole should be able to learn just fine from him. Jinsung even personally requested to take them both under his wing.
Hansung: Agni however... My first impression of him was that he was a rare genius that I'd want to get my hands on (and later to break him into pieces, ohohoho~)
Hansung: But after Viole's batch came around, I understood. And there is no better person than him that I can trust with Viole.
Hansung: ... Why, you ask? Have you seen how obsessed he is toward Grace?
Hansung: *sips coffee*
Hansung: What? I'm not that naive to not notice that Grace and Agni are very likely to be the alternate version of Viole and the Khun outcast. I mean, come on, Jue Viole Grace and Khun Aguero Agnis? They should've come up with better names if they wanted to keep that a secret.
Hansung: Dimensional travel isn't a popular concept, let alone to achieve it. But everything is possible in the tower, especially with an irregular. So I wasn't really surprised if that actually turned out to be the case. As long as it doesn't concern my purpose and if it isn't beneficial to me, then I have no need to point this out to public.
Hansung: Sure, Agni and Grace could be a threat, but it shouldn't be in the way that matters. It will be very easy to play them back into my hands, given that they have lots of weaknesses that I can exploit. It'd only put them at a disadvantage if they were to commit treason, and I believe they understood the consequences of playing with fire.
Hansung: The storm will brew the moment we officially announce our slayer candidates' debut, and only then will it matter. After all, what are the reason of their existence in this timeline? Surely something had gone wrong in theirs for them to throw out their lives there. For now, I will just see how this will play out.
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piinkseelie · 1 year ago
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what is this ship even called either way i love it
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I was going through the hall of fame blog and found these gems, so now have the tog characters as things I think they would post here
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meliohy · 2 years ago
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Vote for Hansung Yu in the round 2 of the poll
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ylge · 2 years ago
KhunBam (or ToG) Houseki no Kuni AU (2022 - 2023)
Bam (the unknown rare gem) and Khun (the librarian and winter duty worker) - 2022
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The kiss goes wrong - 2022
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Bam before and after he cut his hair (and replaced his eyes) - 2022
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I first drew this AU in 2022, then someone made a fanart of it and re-upped my initial post. Then I decided to continue it a bit.
The kiss went wrong - 2023
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Hansung is the gem repairer (like Rutile in the canon series)
Sketch dump! - 2023
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Endorsi is a fighter but she is also in charge of everyone's winter sleepwear and spring/summer uniform
Few HCs about this AU here and here
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kohkiart · 2 years ago
꧁𐬹𐊗𐊫𐋉 𐊴 𐊗𐊠𐊯𐊫𐊗𐬹꧂
【Ⅰ】Magcian : Origin, potential, opportunity, talent, chance, sense, creation
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(There's even a detailed description of the card image, so read on!)
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mj-chan · 2 years ago
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jsdhwdmax56 · 2 years ago
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It's official, I love him
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broiter · 10 months ago
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In progress! I hope the final version is good
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mikey180 · 2 years ago
"Sir, please pick a personality trait. Do you want to be extra or sarcastic?" "Yes" "I, um, just one please sir." "Oh, and make it so no one can tell the difference"
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Headcanon that Hansung is extra as fuck and actually made those sparkles with shinsu. 
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mikey180 · 2 years ago
Where are my Lero-ro, Yu Hansung, and Evankhell stans at? Do I just always pick the most unpopular characters? What's happening?
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kuurake · 1 year ago
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this goes out to that one khellsung ask i got like a few months ago now
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quattrovageena · 2 months ago
my mum said the only reason evankhell didn't kill hansung is because he's pretty
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