#tourist crap
shiftythrifting · 2 years
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A whole collection of state-themed decorative plates
Ohio Valley Antique Mall
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club-prideguin · 1 month
okay im back and have time to post about this so uh. ok what the fuck?
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tourist CONTRAPTION????
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shallowseeker · 1 month
And yeah, i’ll just say it; there’s a reason that the campbells are viewed with suspicion, especially around their subsequent honor names and their “class”
whereas henry winchester gets to be gentlemanly: even though he says shit like “hunters are apes.” gwen campbell’s playful “this yours?” about a housekeeping magazine and some dudes ribbing dean about playing golf, (cause hey, it’s typically a rich-person hobby that denotes excess leisure time) get more scrutiny and disdain than henry’s blatant disrespect.
there’s a reason fandom hates samuel more and stereotypes him AS what possessed him whereas others who are/were possessed tend to “get to be proper victims,” viewed with sympathy
it’s the same reason sam cartoonishly characterizes campbells as “brawn” and winchester as “brains.” it’s the reason dean and mary are often levied with “stupid” label.
campbell-coded stereotypes are classist, (erroneously) “incestuous,” (hiii zachariah), lesser,” “dumber,” “paranoid,” “suspicious of outsiders.” and yet the MoL were literally a secret club and get none of the overtones because? high class. refined. brains. librarians, academics etc etc
it’s why sam was excited to learn henry was a MOL and had a library to rival Belle’s, but not as over the moon about samuel’s legacy…or his family library.
edit - bobby’s junkyard attenuates how sam views his genius too imho
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dougielombax · 1 year
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Oh fuck right off with that SHITE!!!
It wasn’t a research exercise or sea floor survey! Like what you’d see from the NOAA.
Nothing even remotely like that!
It wasn’t that kind of venture at all!
It was a private tourism venture for the super-rich (the idle rich, the grotesquely rich) to gawk at a maritime graveyard.
A vainglorious venture wrought with hubris and arrogance at BEST!
Carried out using an unsafe deathbox of a submarine bolted shut from the outside!
It was a comically bleak shitshow from start to finish!
There was nothing heroic, brave, noble, bold or groundbreaking about it!
Of course Dumb Doris doesn’t seem to think so but that’s because he’s a stupid bloody Tory with his balls where his braine should be!
Stupid bloody creature!
Stick the old blobfish in an oubliette and leave his ass there!!!
For fuckness’ sake!!!
Somebody tell this putrid vainglorious platter of flesh that his opinions don’t count for dick and that he is NOT wanted!
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wordfather · 1 year
saw a tiktok today that started with "i brought my baby to the most dangerous beach in iceland!" and then they just talked about how cool the beach was. excuse me. are we just gonna gloss over that. why did you do that
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roseband · 2 months
okay my hopeium is probably valid
last week in the chinatown tourist traps on canal and the tourist traps at herald on 34th by empire state building all the stores were selling bootleg trump merch, hats of his stupid toupee, different maga shit
it's nearly all gone now.........
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last week of October thank god, takin a bath every night with a joint, a dessert and a funny tv show until hell-o-ween is over
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brutal-out-here · 3 months
Seeing people, usually it’s fans of The Originals, saying things like “Oh I would do anything to go to New Orleans!” “The city calls my name” “I feel like I belong there” and as someone who lives nearby I’m like?? You wanna come here?? To Louisiana??
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bogleech · 4 months
I really wonder exactly how Japan became seemingly the most creature obsessed culture on earth. Everybody has a mythology of spirits and beasts to some extent but in decades of my hyperfixation on monsters all over the globe I'm forced to concede that no surviving culture has so enthusiastically kept such a huge volume of their weird guys as widely relevant in the public eye as Japan has with youkai, let alone gone on to make such a high density of modern monster media including several of the most globally successful franchises on earth.
Mizuki Shigeru (Gegege no Kitaro) is popularly credited with having personally "saved" youkai culture from relative obscurity, but while the success of his work definitely had (still has) a massive snowball effect I still don't think that answers the whole question. The Kaiju genre for instance feels fairly independent of the sudden youkai craze associated with Kitaro. I guess there's probably a whole lot of factors that just perfectly came together.
I mean they even seem to think about *animals* more than is usual around the world, more than just pets and livestock and as more than just kid stuff. Their public education system spends evidently more time going over biology, taxonomy and evolution than that of many other countries, what's with that? I don't care about the anime and maid cafe tourist crap I just want to know why the rest of us are so behind Japan in appreciating varmints and critters.
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ghoastixx · 3 months
Stanley pines x gn!reader where he keeps flirting with them and reader keeps playing coy and acting hard to get? both same age and he meets them at greasies diner? (I love old couples ahh)
Stanley Pines x gn!reader
A nice old couple
Synopsis: You meet the so called "Man of Mystery" that you've heard so much about since entering town.. he's one slyyyyyy dog. Takes place before the portal is opened.
"And that is Stanford Pines, Man of Mystery."
"man of mystery?" You ask lazy Susan suspiciously.
"Yes! He runs the Mystery Shack down in the woods. Real odd place that is." You hummed and went back to your coffee. Someone sat down next to you.
"I'll take one coffee, hold the creamer." He grumbled, he had on a cheap suit and had messy grey hair. Time had gotten to him, looks like stress too. He looked over at you,
"I never seen you here before, you visiting town? If so could I recommend the mys-"
"I just moved down here, I'm not really in the mood for.. tourist traps."
"Moved down here? Usually we don't get people moving down here."
"Well, my grandkids all grew up and stopped visiting, so I thought that small town would be the way to go. Can't move around the city like I used to, and I grew up in a small town."
He "cooly" stuck his hand out,
"names Stanford Pines,"
You shook his hand, "Y/N L/N."
and that was all of that interaction. You two would see each other around. You two didn't talk again til you met these two kids. Twins.
You had been sitting at the counter at Greasies, like you usually did, with the paper. You couldn't get enough of all these strange occurrences. Reminded you of when you were young hanging around John win- that's better left buried. These two kids came up to sit at the counter, the girl ordering a piece of pie as the boy pulled out this book with all these strange pictures. He glanced over at your newspaper and cocked a brow.
"Do you believe that? About that monster?"
You smiled a bit, "You best believe it."
You two had a very engaging conversation. You learned the kids name was "Dipper" which you thought was an odd thing to name your kid, and his sister's name was Mable. They were interested in the supernatural...So you started to tell them stories. One day, you were in the diner when the kids came in with that Pines guy.
"(Preferred title) Y/N?" Mable said, you smiled at her, "This is our Grunkle Stan!"
"Grunkle?" you asked curiously, he seemed a bit surprised that you were the one his kids were talking so fondly of.
"My great niece and nephew-" he said as he ushered the kids to go sit down, sitting next to you at the bar,
"So, you're the one who's been pumping their heads with crazy stories, huh?"
You frowned a bit, "Are they having nightmares. I thought they could handle it Mr.Pines, I apologize."
"No-no- they talk pretty fondly of you. I just- was surprised. Didn't take you as the type to be into all the loony crap."
"Loony?" you chuckled a bit, "From what I've heard, you run the mystery shack." He grumbled a bit and left.
About a week later you stumbled upon a book of myths and legends in one of the boxes you were unpacking. You thought of the Pines twins and wanted them to have it, maybe it would "help" them. You liked humoring their games. So, you got into your truck and headed down to the infamous mystery shack.
It was cute, you thought as you walked around. It made you giggle, that is.
"I didn't expect to see you here-" Stan said, skeptically.
"Ah- found a book I wanted your great niece and nephew to have.. hey how much for the sticker,"
After that, Stan seemed to be down at the diner a lot more, especially the times you'd be there. He would sit down and rant about everything under the sun to you. You would listen, it was charming. He liked your way of talking, you liked things he talked about.
Then one evening you were eating breakfast when he started to stutter around.
"yes Stan?"
"Would you..like to maybe.. have dinner with me? Without the kids.."
"Stanford Pines," You smiled "Are you asking me out on a date?"
"uh- yes."
"You sly dog. sure I will."
So you two started going out a bit more.
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arjwrites · 3 months
Back On the Beach- Dean Winchester x Reader
Summary: Reader and the Winchesters find themselves at the beach for a rare day off after a long string of difficult hunts. Something about the special day changes things forever. Warnings: Some language and angst but nothing crazy. A/N: Nothing heals my heart more than a happy Dean Winchester. Hope you enjoy <3 Another hunt was in the books. That was the third one this week- you'd lost track beyond that. You and the Winchesters had definitely been “cranking and ganking,” as Dean had been calling it, but you all were exhausted to say the least. No rest for the wicked, though. When you arrived back at the motel after taking out the vamp nest, it seemed like Sam had already found another hunt, and all of you prepped to ship out in the morning.  
You woke after a near restless night, your entire body weighed down by a lack of sleep. Getting up and into the shower felt like moving through Jell-O, so you couldn’t even imagine how Sam and Dean felt. Even more so Dean, who had blamed himself for one of the casualties of last night’s hunt. Before climbing into your bed the night before, you had given him a tight hug. “We can’t save everyone,” you reminded him with a gentle whisper. But you still heard him pacing the whole night- he didn’t so much as sit, let alone lay down and close his eyes. So you were up all night, partially from worry and partially because of the noise he was making. And if you had been kept up, you knew Sam had been too. That’s why you were surprised to hear some particularly chipper laughter and discussion between the two boys as you emerged from the shower. 
“Y/N! Bobby took over that case I found last night. He was in the area, so I guess we have a day off. I was thinking we could just take the time to get some rest, but Jimmy Buffet over here wants to hit the beach,” laughed Sam, hucking a packed bag into Dean’s chest. Dean caught it with a huff before holding it out to one side in order to show off his ensemble. 
“Hey, when in Margaritaville, right? How often do we get a case somewhere like this, huh? Let’s live a little.” 
Dean was decked out in Hawaiian patterned swim trunks clearly purchased from the tourist shop down the street, complete with a towel around his neck and a pair of gas station sunglasses. He was right, how often were you taking cases in Florida (seriously, enough freaky shit goes on there, yet somehow none of it is supernatural)? Your first instinct was to laugh, because he looked ridiculous, but simultaneously, your heart soared. To see Dean getting excited about something so mundane as a little beach trip was a small miracle. Things hadn’t been easy on the road recently, and it seemed like Dean had taken the brunt of it- the guilt, the sleepless nights, the long, long hours. It always hurt you to see the way he took it all, never giving himself any kindness or time to relax. So for you, it was an easy choice to humor him a little. And after a bit of convincing Sam (okay, maybe you and Dean begging and annoying the crap out of him), you got him on board too. 
 After remedial stops at the tourist shop for swimsuits for you and Sam, and the gas station for beer, sunglasses, and the sunscreen you insisted on (“Dean Winchester I have seen you take on some scary shit, so help me God, skin cancer will not be the thing that takes you out”), your crew finally found their way down to the water. And from the moment you stepped foot in the sand, the gentle crash of the waves washed the worries from your minds. It was rare day when you three could be normal. Normal people at the beach, with no monsters to kill, no world to save, no burdens weighing you down. 
It had been a picture perfect beach day. Seriously, Dean made sure you all got the full experience. He had picked up beach chairs and towels and a football for him and Sam to toss back and forth. You sat reclined in one of the chairs, reading a book (a non-lore book, you couldn’t remember the last time you read for pleasure) and watching over the boys, laughing at their interactions. After zoning into your story for a while, you lost track of the boys. Figuring they had gone exploring down the beach, you let yourself fall entirely engrossed in the cheesy romance you were reading. They didn’t call them beach reads for nothing! The protagonist was finally alone with the love interest, who was about to lean in for a kiss, until- the book went flying out of your hand, and you went flying over Dean’s shoulder. 
“HEY! Put me down!” Your words seemed frustrated, but your tone was anything but.
Dean raced down to the ocean as you bounced rhythmically off of his strong back. You playfully whacked at him in protest, but it was no use. Finally deep enough into the water, Dean gracefully slid you into his arms and tossed you under. After catching your bearings and emerging from the surf, you surveyed the scene. There was Sam, laughing his ass off. Dean held a smug look, arms crossed and a teasing smile. And you, now soaking wet, caught completely by surprise.
“I will KILL you Dean Winchester!” You ran after him, laughing and splashing. While you had chased down plenty of adversaries recently, there was something about this enemy that was compelling- pretty cute, even. 
That was the rest of your afternoon. Playing in the surf, munching on soggy gas station sandwiches, sharing a few beers, and your constant nagging at the boys to reapply sunscreen. Though none of you ever spoke it aloud, there was a shared agreeance that this was so nice. That it was a luxury to feel normal and that in that moment, you three were the luckiest in the world. And it was so fulfilling to sneak a glance at Dean and see him smiling, really smiling. You let your gaze linger, snapping a mental image and filing it away to remember for when things got tough again. You wished you could give him this peace more often.
The sun was setting on your perfect day, but the three of you remained on the beach, stalling the oncoming nightfall and thus, the return to your reality. After a serene while, Sam rose from his chair, wrapping a towel around himself and throwing you and Dean a knowing look.
“Alright, I’m going to head back to the motel and start packing our stuff. You guys stay down here a little longer.”
So there the two of you sat, side by side, leaned back in the chairs, toes dipping into the still-warm sand. You weren’t sure if the subtle pink of Dean’s cheeks was the beginnings of a sunburn or the effects of the day’s alcohol drawing the blood to his face. Warm, tipsy, sunkissed, happy. This was a Dean you wish you could get used to. 
“Thanks for taking us here today, Dean. It was a really great idea.” A soft smile graced your face as you reached your hand out, resting it on top of his own. 
Your voice drew Dean’s gaze over to you, and the look on his face triggered a pang of hurt in your chest. Though his lips were drawn in a tight smile, his eyes slightly watered and held in them all of the angst of the last few years. It was as if you could see each harrowing memory in their glassy reflection.
“What if we just stayed?” Dean asked, already knowing the answer. His question hung in the air for a moment without a repsonse. You couldn’t stay, you both knew that. There were always going to be people to save and things to hunt. Still, you deserved some peace every now and then. And that was all you wanted to give Dean in this moment- some peace. You wove your fingers into his and pulled him to his feet, meeting him with an embrace. He wrapped his arms around you and continued.
“Obviously we can’t. But, what if we did. You, me, Sammy. We could do this every day. I mean, we’d have to get jobs, but even that would feel like a day at the beach compared to… everything else. We’d be so happy,” he sighed.
“We’re hunters, Dean. We’ve gotta make our own happy.” 
“You make me happy.”
That was all you ever asked for. Dean Winchester, in your arms, happy- and because of you, no less. In that moment, you decided that this would be your own personal slice of heaven. A moment you could return to as often as you wanted- something that could never be taken from you. A perfect instance that could remain untouched by the horrors of your world. Everything in this difficult life had lead up to this moment, and every day from here on out you would exist in a world in which you made Dean happy. 
With the kind of sweetness that brought tears to your eyes, Dean brought his hand to your cheek, cupped it gently as if it were the most precious thing in the world, and joined his lips with yours. They fit in the way you always knew they would, and the touch sparked the feeling you had always imagined it would. It wasn’t nerves or butterflies. It was so incredibly tranquil. Kissing Dean, finally kissing Dean, felt like bathing your troubles away in the ocean. The hurt, blood, sweat, and tears pooled off of you, and you felt clean, new, at peace. You knew that this wouldn’t fix everything, for either of you. Both of you had your demons, and you’d both be facing plenty more. But from this point on, you could return to this moment- return to each other, and feel your worries wash away. You could come back to the beach for a short while, and things would be okay. You could make your own happy, together.
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If I can’t have you, no one can
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pairing(s): ethan landry x fem!reader, slight oc x reader
summary: your boyfriend is murdered only to find out your best friend was the killer.
warnings: yandere-ish themes, obsession, murder, yandere behavior, gore, blood, violence, knife violence, toxicity, scream vi spoilers, stalking, etc…
part 2?
“It’s Halloween, and you know what that means? Your boyfriend smirks. “Mhm, we’re obviously watching the classic Halloween! Michael Myers any day! You smile.
He chuckled.”I’m going to make popcorn.” He kissed you and you kiss back. You’ve been with your boyfriend, Daniel for almost eight months now and you couldn’t be happier.
You met him shortly after moving to New York which happened not long after the massacre that took away your friends by Amber and Richie. God did you hate them so much but karma got them in the end.
You missed Dewey, Wes and Liv so much but there wasn’t anything you could do. You met your new friends not that long after moving with Mindy, Chad, Sam and Tara for College. You enjoyed university.
Suddenly, You remember You specifically told your best friend, Ethan you'd go to that frat party. "Crap, I just remembered, You frown. "I promised Ethan i'd go to that party. But you know, I never spend much time with you anymore. I should just message him."
Daniel smiles. "Okay. Nice of you to at least inform him." You nodded. You were super close, though kind of obvious Daniel seemed kind of jealous of your best friend. You found that funny since Ethan obviously liked Tara. "Okay, I messaged him, You said, unpausing your movie.
Living in New York was so much better than Woodsboro. By now, it became a tourist attraction. When Ethan messaged you back, you felt kind of bad since he seemed disappointed but nonetheless you usually constantly spent time with Ethan so the guilt vanished.
You got closer to Daniel as you two cuddled while watching Halloween, Candy, Soda and Popcorn. However something felt off. Not between either of you but something just wasn’t right.
You suddenly pause the movie. “Hey, Is everything okay, y/n? Daniel asks. “No, Something’s off, you say nervously.
“Hm, do you want me to check it out? He asks, concern in his voice. “No, I don’t hear anything I just… you say before being interrupted by a phone ringing.
“Is it you? You ask. He nods.”Unknown Number.” “Don’t answer! You say, knowing how it always ended. “Okay, He says.”Just stay close to me okay?”
You nod as you continue watching the movie cuddling him despite your gut instincts telling you that something was off.
It had been for a while, since you knew someone had been watching you, following you, for a while. Perhaps a new Ghostface or Crazy Fan of the Stab Movies, But you didn’t know for sure.
You couldn’t let your boyfriend die. Not under the hands of Ghostface. Not ever. Your phone rings. Unknown Number. But, You figured you could be okay. You answer. "Hello? You say, walking in your room.
"Hello Y/N. I missed hearing your voice."
"... What do you want from me?"
"You. However, Your Boyfriend won't be so lucky."
"No, Please don't hurt him! I'll do anything!"
Suddenly, the caller hangs up and you come back. Your Boyfriend is worried. "Y/n, who were you talking to? He asks. "We have other things we should worry about, Maybe You should go home, You suggested.
"No, I'm not leaving you, Y/N! Daniel insisted. "Just what is-" Suddenly, someone came up from behind him, stabbing him right in the back, He groans. You were face to face with Ghostface. Your Boyfriend was still alive. "No! You said, trying to stop him but he was stronger.
Shoving you very roughly to the side, You fell and could only watch. You weren't going to be murdered. No, You'd be fine, but your boyfriend. "Daniel! You cried, closing your eyes while he screamed, you heard him being stabbed multiple times.
Then, it stopped. You opened your eyes. Your Boyfriend, dead and drenched in blood. His blood. you sobbed, Ghostface coming closer, now in front of you. Hovering over you while he tilted his head.
You whimper in fear while you scoot back, but he kept coming closer. "I'm not going to hurt you, Y/N, Ghostface spoke. You kind of recognized his voice.
"Do I know you... You said, softly. He nods. Your legs hurt while you slowly get up. Your face wet from crying. Your movie still paused. Your boyfriend’s lifeless body. You couldn't help but run. He may not kill you, but still would hurt you. You didn't believe his words. Not one bit.
You quickly open your apartment door and bolt. Ghostface following behind you. What made you so important? There was nothing really. You were an ordinary citizen and Ghostface could’ve killed you easily.
“You can’t run.”
It walked slowly as if not even trying. But that was because he was so confident in getting you. Murdering your boyfriend? That didn’t make you want him.
He must’ve been your stalker. It all made sense. You’d be his next victim. His Final Girl, Or whatever. You didn’t know. But he didn’t try to klll you. He was there for Daniel. Not you. That didn’t make you feel any safer or relieved. In fact a lot worse.
You shouldn’t been killed along with him. Then you’d be with him now. Little did you know, He was right behind you, quickly grabbing you, you fell and groaned as he dragged you right back to your apartment.
You noted that he was strong. And you groan in pain as you know you were having an nosebleed. “You look good in red, Ghostface said.
“Who are you, you fucking bastard! You yell. “Glad you asked, ghostface said. Ghostface pulled off his mask and your eyes widen.
“Surprise, Y/N.”
It was your best friend, Ethan. Who was shy, sweet and nervous. But it made sense. Who’d suspect the kind, shy guy?
You didn’t want to cry. He comes closer. “Hey, don’t cry, he cooed. Though what does it do for you. You shove him back. “Stay away from me! You say.”I can’t believe you. You were at the party.”
“I was, and well, then I just had to come over, Ethan laughs.”Your Bastard boyfriend stole you away from me. But now… he’s out of the way.”
“I don’t like you like that, You say, backing away.”Even if I didn’t have a boyfriend.” “That doesn’t matter, Because I’m not letting you go, not anymore, He says.
And when you were backed into the corner, You knew that you were fucked. Really fucked.
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darknight3904 · 6 months
so american
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𝕊𝕦𝕞𝕞𝕒𝕣𝕪: ᴡʜɪʟᴇ ᴏɴ ᴠᴀᴄᴀᴛɪᴏɴ ɪɴ ᴍᴀʟᴀʏꜱɪᴀ ʏᴏᴜ ᴍᴇᴇᴛ ᴛʜᴇ ᴍᴀɴ ʏ��ᴜ ꜱᴡᴇᴀʀ ʏᴏᴜ ᴍɪɢʜᴛ ᴍᴀʀʀʏ ᴏɴᴇ ᴅᴀʏ, ᴋᴇɴᴛᴏ ɴᴀɴᴀᴍɪ
𝕎𝕒𝕣𝕟𝕚𝕟𝕘𝕤: ꜱᴡᴇᴀʀɪɴɢ. ɴᴀɴᴀᴍɪ ɪꜱ ᴏᴜᴛ ᴏꜰ ᴄʜᴀʀᴀᴄᴛᴇʀ, ᴍᴇɴᴛɪᴏɴꜱ ᴏꜰ ꜱᴇx ɢᴇɢᴇ ᴡʜʏ ᴄᴏᴜʟᴅɴ'ᴛ ʏᴏᴜ ʟᴇᴛ ɴᴀɴᴀᴍɪ ꜱᴇᴇ ᴍᴀʟᴀʏꜱɪᴀ??
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ꜱᴏʀʀʏ, ɪꜰ ʏᴏᴜ'ʀᴇ ɴᴏᴛ ᴀᴍᴇʀɪᴄᴀɴ….
ᴡᴏʀᴅ ᴄᴏᴜɴᴛ: 2ᴋ
ᴍʏ ᴍᴀꜱᴛᴇʀʟɪꜱᴛ
Kuantan, Malaysia
Vacation Day 5:
"Your English is really great." You compliment
"Thank you, I spent a lot of time in my early twenties practicing." The man next to you says
The hot sun that dances above is blocked by a pretty blue umbrella that your new companion got to stand up correctly. A half-melted drink rests in the sand next to your bag.
You met Nanami on the first day of your vacation while you were struggling to communicate with the woman who was working at the front desk of your hotel. He had smoothly cut in and easily translated your choppy Malay to something more fluent and even got you a room upgrade in the process. Originally, you had just planned to buy him dinner as a thank you but here you were, day five of vacation and you were still hanging out with him.
"You look good like that." He compliments
"Like what?" You laugh thinking of how sunburned you were
"With my shirt on." He explains, reaching out to tug gently at the sleeve of his soft linen beach shirt. He had let you borrow it after seeing how red your shoulders had become.
"Oh, right, duh." You smile, avoiding his gaze.
Was he even aware of how flirtatious he had been the past few days? You swore his pretty face and warm compliments would turn you into a puddle of love-sick embarrassment before you left this country. He reminded you of one of those men you only hear about in books or in cheesy one lined poems about love.
"It's getting late. Would you like to go to get dinner? I know a great market nearby, it has delicious street vendors." He asks
"Sure!" You smile jumping up off your towel to pack up your things while Nanami pulls the umbrella out of the sand.
You struggle to slip out of his shirt, your shoulders are burning from the sunburn.
"Keep it. I've got another in the car." He says pulling it back up over you, " You look pretty in it anyway."
You're mesmerized by the blonde as he drives down the road. Warm air from the open windows pushes your hair from your eyes as you eye the way his arms flex slightly when he takes a turn.
"You're quiet today. Normally you're full of jokes." He says
Crap. You can't admit that you've been ogling him all day!
"I...my back has been hurting."
What the hell was that?!
"Ah. You should've told me earlier, we could've rented those chairs." He says, referring to the overpriced chairs that were for rent on the beach.
"It's alright. Those are just tourist traps anyway." You dismiss
"We're both tourists." He reminds you
"I know..." You roll your eyes
"Put your feet up, I heard that can help with pain."
Your face heats up when he stops the car at an intersection and gently pulls your feet up so they rest on the dashboard. So touchy, you swear he's doing all this on purpose!
"Better?" He asks
"Yup!" You smile
Silence settles around you as you try not to treat the man next to you like eye candy. In defense, it's not your fault. Who knew driving could be so attractive? It didn't help that he hadn't put that extra shirt on yet...
"Tell me a joke." He prompts
Who did he think you were, a stand-up comedian?
"Umm...Why did Darth Vader go to the dermatologist?" You ask
"Why?" Nanami responds, a hint of amusement in his voice
"He had Start Warts." You say
You hear him let out a snicker of laughter and you feel your face heat up out of embarrassment.
"It was the best I could do cold turkey okay!" You groan
Nanami had been right about the market and the street vendors. You had never seen so much delicious-looking food at once. How did he know so much about this place? According to him, he had only been in Kuantan two days before he met you.
"So," You smile as you pop a delicious bite of food into your mouth "Do you always look like this or is this a special version of Nanami?"
You're referring to his relaxed appearance. Long blonde hair slightly hides his eyes and the top view buttons of his shirt are undone. His skin is tanned from all the time spent on the beach at your side and a pair of sunglasses sit in the pocket that's sewn onto his shirt.
"I actually wear suits most of the time when I'm back home." He says
Seriously? He hides this muscular build under suits every day? The poor women of Japan, they don't know what they're missing!
"No way!" You laugh
"I'm serious." He says, and he takes his phone out and pulls up a few pictures of him and a kid with pink hair at his side.
"Wow. You uh, look..." You don't want to tell him he looks like he has a stick up his ass...
"Stoic, I know." He says "I like to think Itadori brightens this picture up though."
You look at the pink-haired boy, Itadori, who is holding up double peace signs and looks like a ray of sun next to the stoic Nanami.
"He definitely makes up for your lack of smile." You tease, poking at his cheek as he brushes your hand off his face
"Well, I had good reason to not smile. The person taking this picture is the most- speak of the devil."
A chime interrupts his sentence and you look down at the phone to see a push notification.
Satoru Gojo
Shoko is going through old pics, check this one out, you were so cute, Nanamin!
Another ding sounds and your eyes widen to see a picture appear at the top of the screen.
Nanami tries to snatch his phone off the table but you get there first and open the message from this Satoru Gojo.
"Is this you in high school?!" You gasp seeing the picture in all its glory as you tap on it
You take the blushing and silence as a yes.
"Your bangs!" You laugh
"I know, it's bad. I don't know what I was thinking." He admits sheepishly
"I think it's kinda cute." You admit, "It kinda reminds me of an emo haircut."
"I wasn't emo." He says
"You sure? Those bangs aren't very convincing..." You laugh "Not to metnion you're not smiling here either...kinda seems emo to me!"
"I wasn't!" He groans, finally reaching successfully for his phone "I wasn't emo...I'm not emo."
You laugh at the way he texts this Satoru Gojo back with a scowl on his face.
"You should tell this person my opinions of your hair." You say
"So he can call me an emo when I get back? I don't think so. Nice try though." Nanami says gently tapping his shoe against yours under the table
Vacation Day 6:
You agree to Nanami's suggestion of a nice stroll through the lit-up city. City lights twinkle against the dark sky as you see the shops and karts selling different goods. You pick up the goofiest-looking plushies and make up different voices for each of them as Nanami watches and laughs.
"Wait, stop for a second." He says suddenly
"Hmm? Do you want one of those weird charms? They don't really seem like they're your style." You say, distracted by the store he's stopped you in front of.
A soft tickle on your leg brings your attention downward and you see something you're not expecting. Nanami is down on one of his knees tying the laces on your left sneaker. His blonde hair is brushing your knee as he finishes up.
"I didn't want you to trip." He says gently patting the back of your calf as he straightens back up
"Oh, thank you." You say, trying to ignore how warm his hands felt against your leg.
You're a mess internally as you try to keep cool when he continues to walk. If he keeps this up you're going to end up in love with him before this trip was over...wait...has that been his goal the whole time? It couldn't possibly be.
"Could I ask you a question?" Nanami asks when you finally get yourself together
"Sure." You say
"Are those red cups I see in movies actually a real thing where you come from?"
That's his question? Why would Solo cups not be a real thing?
"Umm of course!" You laugh at his dorky question, "Did you think they were fake?"
"I just thought it was strange that everyone drank from red cups at parties." He shrugs
"Well, for your information, Nanami I've been to multiple parties and drank from a red cup like in the movies." You say
"Interesting." He says, his body gently bumping into yours when you get a little too close, "You can call me Kento."
"I thought in Japan you were supposed to call a person by their last name." You say
"Well, yes that's for formality." He says, "I think we're familiar with each other though, we've been around each other for six full days now."
"Alright then, Kento." You smile, testing his first name out on your tongue
You want to laugh when Kento drags you into a tie shop. He must want something fun to wear to work when he gets home. You suggest multiple different kinds that are ridiculous and would probably get him fired. Your personal favorite? The one with the huge eagle with a snake in his talons. It was just too ridiculous to be real. Honestly it reminded you of things you'd see back home. It was just missing the signature red white and blue.
"Here, switch places with me." Kento says as you exit the store and get back on the sidewalk
"What? Okay." You agree
You don't miss the way he smiles to himself when he gets what he wants. Does he have a preferred side of the sidewalk or something? Who enjoys being on the side closer to the road? What a weird man.
Vacation Day 7:
"You're really strange sometimes." You observe
"How so?" He asks as he bites into a cookie
"You were fully content just wandering into my hotel room. What if I was an axe murderer?" You ask
It was a rainy day in Kuantan. There were road closures and a few downed trees nearby so you had invited Kento to spend the day with you in your hotel room. The two of you were wrapped in fuzzy bathrobes and had just polished off an excellent room service meal that he had insisted on paying for despite you insiting that it was payment for driving you around.
"I knew you weren't though." He says
"And if I was?" You ask
"I would be disappointed and then I'd try to fight you and your axe off." He says
"What if I was too strong?" You joke
"I doubt it." He laughs as he flexes one of his arms.
There isn't much to look at because of the bathrobe that conceals his arms from your greedy eyes but you swear you can see a bit of definition under all the fuzzy material.
"Whatever..." You mumble
His stupidly pretty face is making you say dumb things. Who talks about axe murderers with such a good looking man in their bed? You were surely the biggest idiot in all of Malaysia.
"I thought you said this was a good movie," Kento says
"It is! You just need to give it a chance!" You say
"We're already ten minutes in and the only jokes they've made are about sex and drugs." Kento points out
"Okay, but...look you just have to trust me okay!" You say looking at your laptop which is playing Superbad, a film Kento hasn't ever seen
"There is more to humor than just bad sex jokes." He says
"Well, not in this movie. Now hush." You say unpausing the movie
Kento Nanami's eyes drift over you as you're mesmerized by this movie. Sure there were funny moments but he had definitely seen better.
Besides, how could he focus on some old 2000s movie when he was too distracted by you? You look too cute for words in the hotel's bathrobe and there's even a bit of chocolate smeared on your face from the Hershey kisses you had pulled out of your bag and insisted he try earlier.
His eyes rake over you and your entire room in general. A pair of blue jeans haphazardly sits on the chair across the room. He can see the American flag-printed sunglasses you wore the other day sitting on the nightstand beside a few stray hair ties. An oversized bag of chips you had brought from back home is half eaten on the bed near his feet, he didn't even know they made bags that large.
He swore you were some walking stereotype of things he didn't even know were real outside movies. To top it all off he's pretty sure you're wearing a "New York Yankees Baseball" t-shirt underneath your robe.
"You're so American."
The words tumble from his mouth before he can stop them
"Huh? What's that supposed to mean?" You ask, clearly a bit offended by his words
"Nothing, nothing." He laughs at the way your eyebrows knit together in confusion
"Tell me!" You groan reaching out to punch at his arm.
He easily catches it and pulls you into his side.
"Nothing. You're just really American." He smiles as he wraps an arm around you
You let out a huff of annoyance that he finds cute.
"Whatever, Kento. Maybe you're just too Japanese." You dismiss as you rest your head on his chest.
He lets out a hum of amusement and just accepts the way you send a mean pinch to his upper thigh. The pain is barely there but he laughs when you gently rub at the spot as a form of apology.
He's never been more glad that he came to Kuantan. He can't wait to visit more corners of the world, hopefully with you at his side. Yes, he's sure he wants to be around you even more, even if you're loud in stores, drink out of red cups, and wear baseball themed shirts. Sure, you might be oh-so-American to everyone else but he loves every bit of it.
Was that a cringe ending? I hope it wasn't.
As an american, I tried to think of stereotypes to put into this fic and struggled. IS that a sign I'm blind to them? Probably. Oops.
Yes, I'm still working on my Gojo fic. Have some Nanami while you wait. Consider this my formal apology for what I did to him in the Gojo fic...
My Masterlist
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seneca-zero · 2 months
Games workshop released their end of year financial report. Nothing spectacular or unexpected, but what might be an interesting tidbit, is that they have a time limit till the end of december 2024 to agree on the creative guidelines with amazon or nothing comes from the deal. It sounds probably more dramatic than it is.
But mark my words
The chuds and right wing grifters will probaly be pumping all kind of brain dead takes into the web. That Geedub is standing valiantly against the woke mob or that Jeff Bezos personally wants fem marines or some other crap with some Cavill jerking on top.
I feel it in my bones that these lying culture war tourists will try to make a fuss out of some standard procedure.
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bougiebutchbinch · 10 months
I do appreciate 'softer' interpretations of canon where everything is happy and nothing hurts. I think these headcanons and rewrites of characters have a huge and important place within fandom. This is not to say anything against people who prefer this sort of content.
When I love a fucked-up character, I love the whole character, warts and all.
So.... a massive grateful shout out to the writers and creators who acknowledge that Ed was abused by his father, but don't shy away from the fact that Ed struggles to care for his crew. Thanks to the writers who acknowledge that he made terrible abusive choices towards his crew that there would realistically be consequences of, but this doesn't mean he's beyond changing - he can still choose to do better and can confront his own actions & his fear of becoming his father. He is worthy of love and support throughout this journey (though this absolutely shouldn't be expected to come from his victims).
Thanks to the writers who acknowledge that Stede survived his father's abuse and some truly atrocious childhood bullying - but also remember that he is a cis white ablebodied man born to extreme privilege, who needs to be reminded on occasion that piracy is not a game and that his crew are the lives he is gambling with when his plans veer even more dangerous than normal. That he started off as a class tourist, and is still very much learning what life is like outside of his circle of the landed gentry, even if he's throwing himself into piracy with adorable enthusiasm.
And thanks to the writers who portray Izzy as a victim of Ed's abuse, as he is in canon, and who also continue to depict him in all his twisted, messy, bitter glory: a man inured to violence, who warped himself to fit a crueller world of piracy than the one we see in the show, who enabled many of Ed's darker choices in S1 and pre-canon (although... he didn't make him do shit. 'I fed your darkness' =/= 'I made you abuse your crew, myself included', holy crap). Who is still learning to accept the kindness of others without biting every outstretched hand. Who was an imperfect man and is an imperfect survivor, but is a survivor nevertheless.
In short: Gimme all your flawed 'unloveable' characters, and watch me love them anyway.
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cottonlemonade · 7 months
How You Met (Falling in Love)
word count: 2145 || avg. reading time: 9 mins.
pairing: post-time skip Bokuto x chubby!Reader
genre: fluff, tiny smidgen of angst mayhaps
warnings: spoilers, having dropped out of university(?)
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> you currently live in Kyoto
> you dropped out of university (Japanese major, history minor) because the academic setting is just not for you
> you still love the subjects, just not under academic pressure
> in Kyoto you worked as a guide for a while, leading tourists through all the ruins and historical places you love
> eventually you settle in working at a café, quickly being promoted to manager and (no small thanks to you) it‘s one of the most popular cafés in Kyoto now
> one day you get a call from a friend you went to uni with and she has a big favour to ask
> she works as a manager for a prestigious volleyball team and they are gonna head overseas soon for two weeks for a big tournament and their translator had to cancel last minute
> after talking it through with your boss (whom you are on most excellent terms with) he lets you take the time off to go help your friend (asking you to bring him back an autographed poster of the team)
> and so you pack your bags and take the 3h train ride to Tokyo
> until the plane leaves in a few days you will stay with your friend
> you asked if you could meet the team beforehand in case one of them has a dialect you need to get used to first (*cough* Atsumu)
> you‘re in the gym hanging out with your friend waiting for the team to arrive
> (during Uni time you two had been on the varsity women‘s Volleyball team)
> you‘re quite nervous but also a bit excited at the opportunity
> to give yourself something to do you wanna go grab a drink from the vending machine
> you head towards the doors just when they fly open
> „HEY HEY H-hey?“
> a tall, broad guy with grey-black spiky hair and golden eyes stands in front of you looking curious
> „And hey to you.“, you say brightly, giving a soft laugh, turning to your friend, „I‘ll be right back.“
> you duck under the guy‘s arm and make your way down the corridor as he stares after you
> „Pretty“, he mutters before getting pushed through the door by Sakusa
> during the overseas trip you get of course much closer with the whole team and you end up having a really fun time with them
> you even exchange numbers with them (Sakusa being so happy to have found someone who treats disinfectant like holy water just like him)
> that day, the Jackals had only won by a hair-width in the semi-final
> however, that didn‘t stop Bokuto from spiralling
> for the most part his mood swings had calmed down significantly since his teenage years but whenever a truly crushing match came his way he couldn‘t stop the dark thoughts
> his spikes had mostly been blocked and he wanted to figure out what went wrong but was so embarrassed that he, the team‘s ace, had let his team down (none of the team had given him any crap about it (except Sakusa a little))
> It was late, he was alone in the gym and buried his face in his arms, making himself as small as possible under a table in the corner
> „Bokuto-Kun?“
> he heard your voice softly, a little confused, then saw your sneakers as you knelt down in front of the table
> “Are you alright? Are you hurt?“
> he felt childish for not saying anything but he couldn‘t bring himself to, not right now
> he heard the soft thump of your bag as you set it down and a moment later he felt you scooting in next to him
> “Do you want to talk about it?“
> ever so slightly he shook his head
> “Hm.“, you made, quietly, then „Okay. Do not be alarmed.“
> And you hugged him
> you just
> hugged him
> tightly.
> You smelled like lavender, your body just so so soft and cozy and when he felt your hand rubbing soothing circles on his back he broke and started crying
> you only held him tighter
> „Are you upset about the game?“, you asked, gently after a minute or two
> when he didn‘t say anything you figured you were dead-on
> „I actually had to leave the court during my first varsity match because I couldn‘t handle the pressure and had a panic attack.“
> He pulled out of your embrace to look at you
> you smiled, kind of sadly, then focused on your shoes as you continued, „I get very uncomfortable being in front of a lot of people and letting the team down was something I was really struggling with, too. It might have been alright during training but when it was an official match - well, you could knock me over with a feather. Every mistake I made seemed a hundred times worse.“
> he just stared at you because he knew that feeling you described so so well
> The hand you kept on his back was warm and reassuring
> „This wasn‘t meant to make you feel worse.“, you said quickly, „I just wanted to tell you that I get it. And I know that no one in the team is blaming you for anything. This was a really tough match and without your points you guys wouldn‘t have won. Blocking you took their defence everything they had and it still wasn‘t enough. You did a whole lot more than you think you did.“
> and then, right there, when you smiled at him, that‘s when he knew he was in trouble because his little crush was suddenly not so little anymore
> you stayed with him under the table for probably another twenty minutes
> you were quiet, just sat with him, listening to the rain softly drumming on the large dark windows
> after a while when you felt him relax a bit more you pulled out your phone to scroll through Instagram // your page consisting mostly of food and cute dogs, which you figured would cheer him up, and he enjoyed just watching yummy recipes and puppies while being so close to you (that’s how he learned of your love of food, cooking and baking and fell even harder)
> eventually hunger won you over when both your stomachs growled at the same time for a video of a particularly cheesy pizza
> „One more hug before we leave the table territory?“, you offered, your genuine smile now completely chasing any dark thought away
> This time he hugged you back (and man, does he give good hugs)
> After a few moments you felt his tension finally fall and he let out a long breath, making you smile knowing you succeeded in making him feel better
> You went to grab some pizza together, talking about this, that and everything
> once y’all returned to Japan you went back to your actual job in Kyoto and the Jackals back to training, but Bokuto (and Hinata) stayed in close contact sending you messages every day
> one day, maybe two weeks after coming back from overseas you suddenly look up from some paperwork you were mulling over at a table in the café when an empty chair is pulled up and a tall broad figure with grey-black hair is plopping down across from you with a big grin
> (Dude, you missed the weekend training. We thought you were dead. Where were you? - Kyoto. - Ky-what???)
> after maybe another month where you head to Tokyo on your days off and Bokuto comes to visit Kyoto whenever he has the time, you start to think about what would happen if you’d confess your feelings to him
> long distance relationships were an absolute pain and he was busy being a volleyball star, he couldn’t keep this up forever
> but were you really about to move back to Tokyo for a guy who wasn’t even your boyfriend?
> and what about your job?
> your friend of course had her antennas up about you two from the start so she listened patiently when you called her for advice one night
> your boss, who had also caught on to your blossoming love, took you aside one day and casually mentioned that he had been thinking of opening another branch in Tokyo and would need a capable manager to oversee it
> so you move back to Tokyo
> you had brought up the move to Bokuto before and he had been practically bouncing off the walls at training ever since
> he even offers to help you move
> as a Thank You you cook dinner for him and if it hadn’t been super obvious to him before, it’s official now that he is most definitely absolutely irrevocably gone for you
> Bokuto is just so so happy that he can see you basically every day after practice now
> (as soon as Meian calls for the end, Bokuto is first out the door, quickly showers and then jogs (at full speed) the 17.5mins to the café to walk you home)
> he has been trying to talk about it with Hinata, Atsumu and (because he was in the general vicinity) Sakusa but none of them were exactly experts when it came to love and confessions
> he was worried that if he would confess to you and you rejected him he’d make you uncomfortable and you’d regret moving to Tokyo
> he didn’t even want to think about you avoiding him
> so he just kind of decided to pine. A lot.
> Like. A lot.
> Atsumu and Sakusa were so done with him during that time because if Bokuto talked often about you before, it was nothing compared to now
> Hinata didn’t mind. He just listened while they were out jogging in the mornings
> meanwhile you yourself were overthinking
> seeing Bokuto every night, slowing your steps to make the walk home longer and hanging out with him on his days off was wonderful and you could only imagine how much better it would be if you could hold his hand and kiss him
> there definitely had been moments when you were sure he felt the same about you but then he would be sweet and kind to a stranger and you just kind of shrugged it off
> that was just Bokuto, genuine and warm to everyone
> you were no exception
> that did not stop you from daydreaming when you were baking at the café or cleaning the coffee maker in the evening (or in the shower or your bed)
> with winter came the first soft snow and both hands tightly wrapped around a hot chocolate from your cafè, you and Bokuto walked home one night in the swirling flakes
> he was losing his mind because you looked so gosh darn pretty and cute and gorgeous with snow in your hair, your cheeks a little red from the cold, enjoying your chocolate
> not so casually he asked to take a picture of you
> confused but game you posed in front of snow covered bushes
> (Bokuto’s mind turning into a full-on keysmash when you made a peace sign and smiled brightly with closed eyes // he took like ten pictures in a row)
> “Well, that’s a new screensaver.”, he announced without thinking and you were just like 🧍‍♀️
> “Uhm, Bo?”
> he melted like the snow around the hot chocolate he had sat down to take the picture
> the soft nickname was still somewhat new and sent a pleasant shiver through his body
> you took a deep breath and decided to just go for it
> “Do you … like me?”
> “Of course I like you.”, he said with no hesitation
> you nervously played with the sleeves of your jumper sticking out from your coat, not looking at him
> “No… I mean like-“
> “I know what you mean.”, he said with a huge smile but when you just looked at him in shock his confidence wavered, “Wait. Is- is that bad?”
> “God I hope not, because I like you, too.”
> his chest felt like a balloon inflating as his smile returned bigger than ever
> “Can I be your boyfriend then? Please?”, he added and his ears were burning so much he was glad you nodded cause he wasn’t sure if he would have heard your answer
> he stepped forward, closing the distance between you two and looked down with the dreamy expression of someone who had just been handed a puppy
> ever so gently holding your chin between his strong calloused fingers he bent down to kiss you
> slowly and sweetly at first
> you shifted a bit and he grinned a moment later when he felt you standing on your tiptoes
> he deepened the kiss, his other hand now on your hips and you sighed when his tongue slipped playfully between your lips
> you were about to pull away to catch your breath but he pulled you in again, cupping your cheek, muttering against your lips “Not yet. A little more.” and you chuckled into the kiss
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