#touka chan
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nothingbutareverie · 15 days ago
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skinnyhyena · 9 months ago
Yea remember how his info helped ghoul investigators??? How he tracked Yamori on his own??? How he proceeded to operate as Scarecrow????? Maybe he *acts* dumb in a silly way but boy is wicked smart
I hate the assumption and hcs that hide is "dumb". Especially in hidekane headcanons when they make him the reckless one?? Did we read the same manga?? That man got into kamii university and is a fucking GENIUS kaneki is the one doing stupid impulsive shit!! He has amazing detective skills and can bluff pretty much anyone. When u write him remember that! He is smart!! And also stupidly in love with kaneki and that's why he let him eat his face my self sacrificial oogly boogly
Sorry if this isn't coherent I'm Abt to go to bed
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waimaimai · 9 months ago
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Happy birthday Kirishima Touka-chan ★
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oh-no-its-bird · 8 months ago
I have been day dreaming about Chasing Shadows on the regular but I have a bad memory and am bad at day dreaming, so it's just been the exact same idea every time, but I enjoy so much, so here it is:
Uhhhh, because of [insert plot reasons], Ichigo is gonna get mind walked. Maybe she was convinced after realizing how people view Tobi-oji/Dara-oji, and has now made it her life's mission to explain to everyone that no, they were actually great and not at all murderous, unless it was necessary and unless it was with each other beause there was "tension" between them according to Mama and Touka-nee said they should just fuc-.
ANYWAY, cue the entire adult cast watching multiple memories of Ichigo continuously walking in on Madara and Tobirama very clearly having been making out until a second before she walked in.
One memory is Ichigo visiting her Oji-san's house, but no one opens the door when she knocks, so she sneaks in through the window in the kitchen and she starts looking for Tobirama but doesn't find him. Eventually, she ends up at his bedroom door and manages to just barely crack it open, only for a very disheveled and barely dressed Madara to shoot out from the opening and almost slamming the door shut, only to stop at the last second and quietly closing it. All she managed to see was a messy bed with her Oji-san curled up in it, seemingly asleep.
"Your oji-san is, uh, tired, Ichi-chan. He... experimented. Yes, that. Did that very late into the night. So. He needs sleep. Which I'm making sure he gets." Before ushering her out the door with a tired, if slightly stressed, smile on his face. His neck is also covered in bruises that look like teeth marks, probably from her Oji-san beating him up for interrupting his experiments, because the only one allowed to interrupt is her and no one else (lie, she's not allowed to interrupt either, but Oji-san would never beat her up for that, just scold her).
Hmmm, she would usually just break in again after getting kicked out, but her Oji-san really does need whatever sleep he can get... She'll break in again later.
Another memory is her walking into the Hokage office, only to find her Oji-san pushed up against the office desk by Madara. Tobirama pushes him off immediately, going to right some of his clothes that are now out of place, including the opening to his happi, one side of which as nearly been pushed off his shoulder.
"What are you doing?" Ichigo asks as Tobirama snatches her up from the ground and starts walking away with her. Madara is laughing so hard he's sitting on the floor.
"Nothing." Oji-san's voice is rough and his face is bright red.
"Didn't look like nothing!"
"You'll learn when you're older."
"You never say that! You say you can learn anything if you try hard enough."
"Yes, well, this was boring adult stuff that you won't want to understand until you're older."
"Wrong, because I wanna know now."
"I will let you test my new seal if you never ask or speak of this again."
Madara is still laughing, the sound echoing through the corridor until the door shuts itself.
And it just goes on and on like that. Maybe throw in a memory with Touka where Ichigo is complaining about them always fighting and Touka pats her head before saying "They just really gotta fuck." Which is a WILD thing to say to a seven-year-old, but Touka never claimed to be good with kids and, in fact, strives to be a horrible influence.
By the end of the mind walk, Ichigo is squinting into the distance because 11 is old enough to start figuring out what the hell was happening all those times, Hiruzen is staring into the distance looking haunted, Danzou looks like his entire world just stopped making sense only to suddenly start making way more sense at the same time, Kakashi looks like he would like to be anywhere else but also he can't stop checking out Madara's ass, Shikaku looks like he wants to smoke twenty cigs at once before entering a coma, Inoichi has his head in his hands and is just slowly shaking either from laughing or crying or both, and Chōza is torn between going "awwwww" because that was some adorably dorky love and "fuuuuuucking what" because fuuuuuucking what.
So, yeah, probably none of this is going to happen in the fic, but by god has the thought been stuck in my head for days and now it will be stuck in yours too.
I'm in actual fucking tears thanks!!! Lying prone on the floor of an airplane isle losing my mind!!! I've read this like 6 times now and lose it the same way each time, I'll never recover
I'm?? Honored u like my fic enough to day dream about it???? Fucking crying rn oh my god. They need to GET A ROOM!!!! Ok actually got one, but they need to GET A BETTER ROOM!!!!!
This reads like one of those "characters read the original book/watch the anime" fics but the "anime" is just a highlight complelation of times Madara and Tobirama narrowly avoiding getting caught getting a little too up close and personal
You're right and it'll definitley never happen in the fic but I will never stop thinking ab the pure comedy of this now, so thanks
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kyanitedragon · 10 months ago
I think the misconception that Touka isn't feminine comes from the fact that the original Tokyo Ghoul is told in Kaneki's POV.
(Seriously. When you read the manga and force yourself out of that mindset, you realize a LOT of different things.)
Because its through Kaneki's POV, we have a very specific introduction to Touka.
We see her briefly in her sweet waitress act, then glaring when Rize lures Kaneki...
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...and then we officially meet her when Kaneki's having a breakdown and they yell at each other,
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and then again when she beats up Nishiki and forces being a ghoul on Kaneki and having another nasty argument.
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Through Kaneki, time and again, we see Touka as this loud, violent, informal ghoul girl.
It takes her a while to like Kaneki, and even then she doesn't let him know that. She doesn't let him see that side of her. It's subtle and hard to see - literally kept to the background at times. Look at that little fond smile!!
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But remove Kaneki entirely from the situation for a moment. Look at Anteiku when he's not around. Before they met.
It's not that Touka's informal. It's not that she never uses honorifics. It's that she doesn't think age alone should warrant them. She uses them for people who she respects.
Yoshimura? Koma? Irimi? Yomo? Ryoko? Uta? Itori? She calls them all -san respectfully.
Look at how cute and happy she is to see Ryoko at the start of the series!
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It's literally just Kaneki, Nishiki, and Tsukiyama who she doesn't use honorifics for, and then Hinami because she's younger and they're friends. She even uses the cute nickname Hina.
Everyone calls her by the cutesy honorific Touka-chan, and she's never been shown to mind it. Even at the start when Kaneki was only ever pissing her off.
And her violence? Kaneki was being rude to her, so she lashed out. Ryoko died and Hinami was in danger, so she lashed out. But if you saw her on a good day, a normal day, when nothing awful was happening? When no one was pissing her off? She wouldn't be violent. She wouldn't be rude. Sassy and playful, maybe, but not rude.
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Take another look at her in Chapter 116, when she's not around Kaneki or Nishiki to rile her up. Just speaking to Yoshimura.
Not too much unlike her personality in :re, huh?
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Or look at any of her scenes alone with Hinami, like chapter 22 or 89.
Touka likes rabbits. She has a rabbit mask that is canonically based on an in-universe series.
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She has a bunch of rabbit plushies in her home.
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She has a lot of potted plants.
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She likes going to the zoo and seeing the animals with Yoriko.
Remember this scene? Of Yoshimura gently advising Kaneki to not judge ghouls? I think this can also be said for not judging Touka as a person. I mean, look at her here! Gently letting a butterfly land on her as she relaxes on her balcony surrounded by her potted plants! A complete 180 from what we've seen of her before this moment.
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She has a rough and tomboyish side, yes, but she's also incredibly girly and feminine. And I really love that about her, that she's both at the same time. It's not a contradiction. Ishida lets her be both, and he always has. We see a little more of her rough side in the original, and a little more of her soft side in :re, but they've both always been there and always will be.
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lurkerwithcomputer · 6 months ago
Hey, hang on. TG:RE Hinami is around 162 cm /5'4", meanwhile there's only one height listed for Touka - 156 cm /5'1".
Did we ever get a cute little "Hey, when did you get taller than me, Hinami-chan?" moment?
If I ever write a scene where Touka and Hinami reconnect, i've gotta include that as a tension-cutting moment.
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harleyquilt · 6 months ago
Finding Solace - Part 1 (Kingneki x Touka ficlet)
Touka looks around the dilapidated room – brown stains run down the exposed, concrete walls, and the iron bars that make up the room's entrance are coated in rust. The one piece of furniture in the room, save for the unusable toilet bolted into the wall, is a rather sad-looking cot. Sitting down on it, the wire hooks that hold up the yellowed fabric creak loudly. Kaneki watches Touka, wringing his hands together.
“It's not ideal, I know.” He begins, looking around the room. “There weren't many options to pick from.”
Touka smiles. “Stop worrying, idiot. I really don't mind.”
She pats the bed, signalling him to sit beside her. He nods weakly, and taking a seat, he sinks slowly backwards into the cot, falling back against the wall. Touka chuckles and shuffles herself back so that she is sitting by his side, and settling, she hooks her arm through his. They stay like this for a while, Touka feeling the tension in Kaneki's body slowly unravel until he slumps against her, his head on top of hers. 
“Are you sure this is okay?” He asks, murmuring. Touka squeezes his arm in turn.
“Of course it is.” Touka shuts her eyes, moving her hand down to his and lacing their fingers together. “I used to live in this ward, remember? At least we have a roof over our heads.” 
Silence follows, his hands squeezing hers. He turns his head slightly, his lips brushing against her temple. It's a strangely soothing sensation. 
“What was that time like for you?” Kaneki asks. “Could you tell me about it?”
Touka is not sure what to say at first, her eyes opening. Memories run through her mind, like a rush of cold water, robbing her of her warmth. She pulls away and she can see the worry in Kaneki's eyes. She smiles and pulls his hand to her lap, holding it between hers. 
“I don’t have any good memories of those times.” She says, searching the torrent that are her childhood memories. “Even the better moments weren’t all that nice. It was very tense, especially for two orphan kids. Some of the other ghouls would show us pity, others would try to take advantage of our weakness. For most, though, they were too busy trying to survive to worry about two more runts. Me and Ayato only had each other to depend on.” 
Kaneki listens intently, looking almost pained at her words. Touka hesitates and wonders if she should leave it there, having never been one to dwell on the past. She saw no use in doing so, wanting instead to move on and focus on what's in front of her. It would only hinder her if she were to slip now, allowing herself to be consumed with the sorrow that made up her childhood. But now that she has returned to the 24th ward, she can feel those memories seeping back seamlessly into her mind, as if no time has passed at all. 
Holding Kaneki’s hand, Touka quietly reassures herself that she is not the same child she was all those years ago. Even so, there remains a notable sadness in her voice as she continues to speak.
“It’s not as if it was an uncommon upbringing for ghouls.” She sighs. “I guess that was one of the only comforts I could find during that time – that we weren’t entirely alone in our suffering. I’m not sure if that makes sense.”
Kaneki brings her hand up to his lips, kissing her palm, and pressing it against his cheek. “I promise, I’ll bring an end to this war as soon as I can.” He keeps his eyes on hers, steady and uncompromising. “I won’t let you go through all that pain again.”
Her cheeks feel warm and with a tut, she pinches and pulls his cheek. “Idiot.” She mutters. “What’s with you?”
“Touka-chan…” He whines, holding her wrist. “It hurts.”
She lets go and crosses her arms. He rubs his cheek, but smiles, a gentle, genuine smile that leaves her heart fluttering. It was this shameless kindness that reached her back in the days of Anteiku, drawing her out of the darkness that overshadowed her day-to-day life. At that time, she could hardly imagine life in any other way; for ghouls, everything is temporary, to the extent that stability was never a certainty. Even in the face of relative peace, she knew everything could and can fall apart in an instance. 
Life remains uncertain, more so now than ever before. Yet, Kaneki continues to find his way back to her side, and in doing so, Touka can continue hoping that one day, some day, they'll find the peace they desperately crave.
A smile creeps onto her lips and she reaches forward, wrapping her arms around Kaneki's neck and throwing herself onto him. He yelps and falls back against the bed, the wires rattling against the metal frame, and he holds Touka's waist while she leans up, their face inches apart.
“T-Touka-chan…” Kaneki says, his voice almost a whisper. 
“I love you.” She confesses, breathlessly. Touka kisses him – a light, gentle kiss. 
His eyes widen momentarily and he smiles, kissing her back. As he moves his lips slowly over hers, his hands move slowly up her body and reaches under her shirt, his hands cool against her warm skin. Pulling away, he sighs against her lips and shuts his eyes, holding her tightly against him. 
“I love you too, Touka-chan.” He kisses her nose and then her cheek, prompting a small, embarrassed giggle from her. “Can you tell me more about your childhood?”
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precuredaily · 11 months ago
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Once again the calendar has reached the lovely day of April 4 (three weeks ago)! That means it is (was) the birthday of my favorite Precure, Yukishiro Honoka! 20 years after her series she would be about 34 years old today, if she were real.
It's no great secret that the formula for the original series was taking two girls from opposite walks of life and teaming them up, to represent the strength of friendship. Honoka's charm was her intelligence and pursuit of science, while remaining kind and fairly humble despite her wealthy background. Without Nagisa's influence she probably wouldn't be taking many risks, and without Honoka's influence, Nagisa would probably be dead. Well, neither of them would be Precure so probably not, but both would definitely be worse off.
I haven't actually watched Otona Precure yet, but it is my understanding that Black and White appear at the very end of the last episode, looking the same as ever. I'm not clear if they have any dialog. The Kamikta Twins (the most consistently quality part of this fandom) released a piece of artwork that included aged up designs for Nagisa and Honoka. I have to assume they're official and Toei-sanctioned.
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Last year, I said I hoped for an Otona-style sequel to FWPC. The middling to negative reception of the series has me second guessing that. But the art is nice.
As always, enjoy the gallery and congratulations to Honoka, and of course thanks to everyone involved in creating and bringing her to life: Character designer Iganami Akira, series director Nishio Daisuke, series composition/head writer Kawasaki Ryo, voice actress Yukana, and more.
Art credits (in order):
Kamikita Twins https://twitter.com/kamikitafutago/status/1729634086849855800
Camille☆ https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/117523421
Rakugaki Shitagari-ya https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/117523771
Uzukun https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/117530711
Mishima https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/117532584
Xiao Mo https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/117532942
Myarikuru https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/117532942
Yumikosky https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/117543640
Luna Rune https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/117547004
🌈 honagino 🌈 https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/117543627
Touka https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/117551553
kobo https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/117551713
paretto https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/117552049
doragodorago https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/117553638
GiulliaGT Art https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/117557408
Naaga https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/117620871
Nanakusa Gaiyu https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/117641037
Toyarinomu https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/117532148
Matsu-chan https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/117586520
Funari https://twitter.com/Funakounasoul/status/1775661044196610501
Mece Pokeee https://twitter.com/mece_pokeee/status/1775724041355325674
Funari https://twitter.com/Funakounasoul/status/1775754583672844323
lilac❁୭* https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/117549533
BLOODOCTOPUS https://twitter.com/kihari561208/status/1775921798179385603
Bonus comics:
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Kato Kyoka https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/117525210
TL: p1 N: Happy birthday Honoka! H: Thank you Nagisa! N: Isn't it nice, you're older than me. It's not fair… H: Come on, that's not really something to be jealous of, is it? H: But when I think about it
p2 H: If I'd been born 3 days earlier, I'd be a grade higher than you. N: That's true… it's really close… N: *stare* N: Thank goodness we're in the same grade! Thank you! *squeeze* H: Eh, um, y…. y-y-y-y-you're welcome…?
And this one I didn't have time to translate:
Links to previous birthday posts: 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
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miraclemaya · 6 months ago
Kanagis communist theory reading and it's just fucking awful. It's terrible. The reading for the week is abolition of the family. Mitama didn't read it and is giving bedroom eyes to kanagi the whole time. Alina is there because it was mandated she participate in community events as part of rehabilitation and is just talking about the one quadrillion deaths communism is responsible for to get a rise out of kanagi. Iroha is there and she read it but her takeaway is, "I like the family though! Ui-chan and touka and nemu are all my precious sisters :)"
Himena is going "that's right" everytime kanagi says something while bullying mitsune into making jdpon unlimited genocide on humans recruitment memes for the neo magius
himena would do that.......
alina would start talking about how everyone should murder their parents and kanagi would try to explain that that wouldn't abolish thr family but alina just would not stop gleefully describing how she'd kill her own parents
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pyropsychiccollector · 5 months ago
Irina: Right! Now that Kayano-chan's back with us, we can get to that special training I promised last week. (❋•‿•❋)
Kaede: … What's Professor Bitch on about? >_>
Yukiko: Nobody knows. (✿◠‿◠);;; During our English lessons last week, she made some giddy announcement about training that none of us could get her to elaborate on…
Rio: She DID say we all needed to be here for it. (✿◠‿◠)(✿◠‿◠)(✿◠‿◠)
Nagisa: … I have a bad feeling about this… ಠಿ_ಠ
Karma: Aw, don't say that! (❋•‿•❋) Bitch-sensei must have a grand idea if Kayano-chan needed to be here~
Kaede: Why are you saying that so ominously?! (╬≖_≖) Now I see where Nagisa's coming from.
Rio: You WOULD. (✿◠‿◠)(✿◠‿◠)(✿◠‿◠)
Karma: (❋•‿•❋) shows pic of Nagisa kissing Kaede from last week
Kaede: Will you DELETE THOSE ALREADY?!?!?! (╬ಠ益ಠ)(╬ಠ益ಠ)(╬ಠ益ಠ)(╬ಠ益ಠ)(╬ಠ益ಠ)
Karma and Rio: No. (❋•‿•❋)
Irina: (✿◠‿◠)*** If the peanut gallery would kindly shut up, I would be glad to give you your instructions. Be good brats and take out a sheet of paper. You only need to write down the names of three classmates you would prefer to practice seduction lessons on. That's it.
Everyone: … ಠಿ_ಠ WHAT?!
Hinata: Seduction lessons?!?!?!
Okajima: You mean like taking babes' clothes off?! __
Isogai: (✿◠‿◠);;; This doesn't sound kosher…
Meg: Because it's not. (╬≖_≖) Who authorized giving Junior high kids seduction lessons?!
Irina: I did. (❋•‿•❋) Stop being babies and sack it up. You wanted to learn to be kickass assassins, and one of the tools you'll have is seduction~
Rinka: We're training to kill the Octopus, not drag him into bed. (╬≖_≖)
Irina: Yeah, well, you know how he gets all orgasmic about you kids pairing off. (❋•‿•❋) There's a good chance you can distract him with lovey-dovey shit, and the rest of you can go in for the kill~
Touka: Well… I guess that makes a weird sort of sense…
Hinano: Can we put down teacher names?! _
Irina: Meh, sure, why not?
Kaede: ……… This is because of last week, isn't it? (╬ಠ益ಠ)(╬ಠ益ಠ)(╬ಠ益ಠ)(╬ಠ益ಠ)(╬ಠ益ಠ)
Irina: (❋•‿•❋) The inspiration hardly matters. What's important. You don't have to worry about advanced techniques yet. Right now we'll only be practicing kissing.
Itona: With three people of our choosing?
Irina: Yup. Gotta be fair and spread the love around~… Well. It's more practice than anything else. Get you used to kissing fast. (❋•‿•❋)
Kaede: (╬≖_≖) Three names, you said?
Nagisa: (✿◠‿◠);;; … Why me…?
Irina: The only rule is NO BLANK PAPERS! Everything else goes! (❋•‿•❋)
Yukiko: … Oh. Okay. (✿◠‿◠)
Rio: I like this. (❋•‿•❋)
Yuzuki: Loopholes are great. (❋•‿•❋)
Irina: … Eh? Why do you brats look so smug? (╬≖_≖)
Kaede: ≖‿≖ Just because YOU'RE a bitch, doesn't mean the rest of us are.
Irina: Will you all cut that cheeky crap out?! Turn your papers in if you're done!!! (╬ಠ益ಠ)
an awkward hour of kissing later, end of the day
Nagisa: (✿◠‿◠);;; Not to sound ungrateful, Professor Bitch, but why can't I go home?
Irina: pinches his cheek Because, my dear sweet Casanova, as you might have noticed you didn't get any action during that practice session. (❋•‿•❋)
Nagisa: Well, yeah. I mean, I was hardly the only one. Okajima only got to kiss the three he wanted to. A lot of the guys were like that. ಠಿ_ಠ
Irina: (❋•‿•❋) Ah, but they DID get kissing. YOU didn't even get the ones on your list.
Nagisa: … I just figured we were out of time. It's not that big of a deal. (✿◠‿◠);;;
Irina: On the contrary, it's a very big deal. ≖‿≖ Turns out you were quite popular on the surveys. Some smartasses even listed you thrice. ≖‿≖*** Well, it was my fault for not considering repeats as a way for people to get out of spreading the love around. Oh well. You got a long afternoon ahead of ya. (❋•‿•❋)
Nagisa: You could list repeats?!?!?! (⊙▂⊙✖ )
Irina: (❋•‿•❋) Thank YOU for being a better sport and listing three different girls~ Gave me plenty of data. (❋•‿•❋)
Nagisa: ……… I need an adult.
Irina: I AM an adult. (❋•‿•❋) slides open the classroom door, hauling Nagisa back in Okaaay~ Everybody here? counts off … Yep, all nine of you. Fantastico~… (❋•‿•❋)(❋•‿•❋)(❋•‿•❋)
Nagisa: (⊙▂⊙✖ ) staring … H-How many of you guys listed…me…?
Kaede: head buried in arms to hide her crimson face, raises hand
Yukiko: shyly raises hand
Rio: shamelessly raises hand
Rinka: awkwardly waves hand
Yuzuki: proudly waves hand Loopholes! (✿◠‿◠)
Touka: chirps brightly, waves hand After seeing you put Kayano-chan out of commission, I just had to know! (✿◠‿◠) ignores Kaede's indignant squawk
Hinata: meekly raises hand
Hinano: waves hand guilt-free I didn't know about the loophole, but Mister K said I only got one chance anyway! (✿◠‿◠)
Ritsu: raises hand with a dead serious expression No one else struck me as attractive with kissing.
Nagisa: (⊙▂⊙✖ ) All of you…?!
Irina: (❋•‿•❋)*** Yup. And just about all of them listed you three times. Kurahashi only gets the one, Hayami twice, but everyone else was a smartass. Though if this training goes well, you might have a promising future ahead of you. (❋•‿•❋)
Nagisa: P-Promising future?! (⊙▂⊙✖ ) doesn't want to hurt any of their feelings, he's nervous as hell
Irina: Let's get that hit rate up, okay? pinches Nagisa's cheek No excuses this time~
Nagisa: … mutters I'm so dead by the end of this. ಠಿ_ಠ
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Hinata: D-Don't get any weird ideas!! >////////<* I picked you because you and Isogai were the least troublesome boys, and I figured Isogai was gonna have a line a mile long… I never pegged YOU as a womanizer! >///////////<*
Nagisa: I'm not!!!!!! (⊙▂⊙✖ ) God's honest truth, I didn't even WANT to put names down, but Professor Bitch said no blanks…!
Hinata: … huffs I guess that's true. You're like the opposite of that idiot Maehara… >///////////>*** Let's just get this over with. Can't believe I had to put you down three freaking times……..
one lengthy session later
Irina: Alright, break it up~ You can go home, Okano-chan. You're done. (❋•‿•❋)
Hinata: (⊙▂⊙✖ ) Wh-What do you MEAN done?! W-We only just got started!!
Nagisa: ಠಿಠ zoned out after three kiss sessions went by in a barely lucid haze Tha… ಠಿಠ struck speechless at how much he liked it
Hinata: Youuu…! >///////////////<* F-Fine, but we're practicing later, you big perverted j-jerk!!! @/////////////@* runs out the door, steam whistling out of her ears, beet red face
Nagisa: ಠಿ_ಠ
Irina: Ufufu. Seems Kayano-chan wasn't an accident. (❋•‿•❋)
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Hinano: I don't expect too much from you. Mister K will always be my #1! (✿◠‿◠)
Nagisa: Th-That's fine, Hinano-chan. (✿◠‿◠);;; We only have to do it the once.
Hinano: Just pucker up already. (๑•́ ₃ •̀๑)
a couple minutes later
Hinano: Wha?! It's over?! Σ('◉⌓◉’)
Irina: You had to come up for air sometime, sweetie. (❋•‿•❋) You can go home.
Hinano: Σ('◉⌓◉’) looking very conflicted at Nagisa
Nagisa: ಠಿ_ಠ I-Is it over yet? glad he only had to kiss Hinano once, but it was a kiss sessions he didn't want to end
Irina: Not even close, dear. (❋•‿•❋)
Hinano: Σ('◉⌓◉’) nudged out the door and questioning whether she liked kissing Mister K or Nagisa more
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Ritsu: I have performed the necessary research while awaiting my turn. I am reasonably confident practice will be a nonissue. (๑•́ ₃ •̀๑)
Nagisa: … (✿◠‿◠);;; You…studied? Like, watched clips or something?
Ritsu: nods sagely Clips. Read up on specific techniques. I am certain I will "wow" you, Nagisa-kun. (๑•́ ₃ •̀๑)
Nagisa: ……….. doesn't want to be hearing this right now Let's… just get this over with. (✿◠‿◠);;;
three lengthy, dizzying rounds later
Ritsu: Over? (☉_ ☉) This cannot be. I swear to you, we only just got started. (☉_ ☉)
Irina: (✿◠‿◠)** Yeah, well, hate to break it to ya, computer junkie. But you were about to go for Round 4. I can't let you do that… Wouldn't be fair to everyone waiting.
Ritsu: Impossible. (☉_ ☉) My mind went blank and I forgot everything I learned. I merely reacted to Nagisa-kun… This is troubling. Nagisa-kun seduced me. (☉_ ☉)
Nagisa: I'm telling you, it was as much of a blank for me!! ಠಿ_ಠ
Ritsu: Untrue. You were singularly focused into overwhelming my senses. (☉_ ☉) Do not lie to me.
Nagisa: twitching violently, unable to deny that he was…focused…on the exercise after Ritsu promised she'd studied up ಠಿ_ಠ I was hoping to learn a little bit more than that… You said you studied! DX
Ritsu: (☉_ ☉) We will have to save it for…next time…
Nagisa: ಠಿ_ಠ twitching
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Rinka: I did kiss Chiba earlier, just as a head's up… >///<***
Nagisa: That's…okay? ಠಿ_ಠ I mean, if you like Chiba, I'm not going to tear you away from him…
Rinka: huffs It's not like that. >///<* I mean… He's a good friend. But I don't honestly know anything about this lovey-dovey stuff. I put you down twice cuz you obviously had the skills, knocking out Kayano… But I didn't know if Professor Bitch would allow that. So I put Chiba down as a fallback. >///<* Should have just went with my gut.
Nagisa: … ಠಿ_ಠ Everyone keeps bringing that up, but I was just saving her life… Anyone would have done the same.
Rinka: groans Just come here. I'm tired of hearing you all down in the dumps. >///<***
couple rounds later
Rinka: >///////////////////<*** Just blind luck, my ass.
Nagisa: ಠಿಠ I'm pretty sure you were pretty… experienced… Yourself. ಠಿಠ
Rinka: No. >/////////////////<*** I'm a damn greenhorn, and I just refused to roll over for you. That's all. This is supposed to be practice, so I have it my all, too. Thanks for not holding back, but I've got a long way to go.
Nagisa: ಠಿ_ಠ I don't think that at all… W-We can try again later?
Rinka: Goes without saying. @/////////////@***
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Yuzuki: Fufufu. My time to shine! (^ω^)
Nagisa: ಠಿ_ಠ I'm surprised you wanted to kiss me, Yuzuki? I mean, I'm not even that good.
Yuzuki: That's not what Kayano-chan's starstruck face said. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) And I'll have you know I came prepared! I rewatched a bunch of lovey-dovey anime that featured this very type of scenario!! You have no chance! (^ω^)
Nagisa: huffs out a sigh I keep telling you guys, it was no big deal… (✿◠‿◠);;; But if you think you're prepared, I'm…happy for you? I'll try and learn from you, Yuzuki-sensei.
Yuzuki: Don't patronize me! ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) I'll have you roll over and beg me for more!!
A few heated sessions later
Irina: Alright, break it up, you two. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Fuwa-chan, you look sweaty~… Your shirt is not doin' so hot. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Yuzuki: It's…….over? (☉_ ☉) No. No, no, no!!! It can't be over!!!!!! (☉_ ☉) shakes Nagisa like a ragdoll Gimme back my three lives, damn you!!! I didn't get to show you anything!!!!! (⊙▂⊙✖ )
Nagisa: (✿◠‿◠);;; still kinda spacey I think you showed me p-plenty, Yuzuki-sensei… G-Give yourself more credit. (☉_ ☉)
Yuzuki: @~~~@*** Unacceptable!!! It can't be over…! getting yanked by Irina to the exit I-I still have my Ace to play! J-Just gimme one more chance!! DX
Irina: Nope… (✿◠‿◠)*** swats Yuzuki's hand away before she can strip off her soaked, sweaty jacket Advanced techniques come LATER. What part of that do you not understand?!
Nagisa: watches them go, shivering (☉_ ☉) Can I go home yet? doesn't know how much more he can take
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Irina: (✿◠‿◠)*** Touka, dear. Clothes stay ON, you got that?
Touka: (^ω^) Of course, Sensei! I am a professional!
Nagisa: (☉_ ☉) I know you're besties with Kaede, Touka… But you wanted to kiss me, too? Seriously??
Touka: ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) After seeing the mess you made of Kaede-chan, I just had to see how I stacked up~ You're pretty formidable, Nagisa-kun. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Nagisa: (✿◠‿◠);;; You guys give me too much credit… I have nothing to offer…
Touka: We'll just see about that! (^ω^)
a few steamy sessions later
Irina: ………… (✿◠‿◠)*** Right. You guys are done. Touka. Go home.
Touka: was prevented from removing her sweat-soaked shirt every time throughout the sessions >:[ Mean, Sensei. It's getting hot in here. Just let me-
Irina: I SAID GO HOME!!!!! (✿◠‿◠)*
Nagisa: (☉_ ☉) feeling sooo conflicted about Irina interfering in Touka's attempts at "cooling off" Actually… It is p-pretty warm in here…
Irina: (✿◠‿◠)*** Nagisa, don't think I didn't notice how you kept groping where your hands didn't belong.
Touka: Pshaw. They were right where they were supposed to be. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Let's meet up later, Nagisa. Alone. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Nagisa: (☉_ ☉) hardly has willpower to refuse such an invitation
Irina: For the last time, you knuckleheads…! Advanced techniques…….ARE FOR LATER!!!!!!!! (╬ಠ益ಠ)(╬ಠ益ಠ)(╬ಠ益ಠ)(╬ಠ益ಠ)(╬ಠ益ಠ)
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Yukiko: (✿◠‿◠);;; I didn't think my turn would ever come…
Nagisa: (✿◠‿◠);;; I'm pretty sure Professor Bitch was always going to make us see it to the end… B-Besides, I did put you down on my list…
Yukiko: Really? (❋•‿•❋) I-I was afraid I'd be too…plain for you… >w<*
Nagisa: N-Not at all!!! (✿◠‿◠);;;;;;; You're amazing, Yukiko… I know probably every guy in class had you on their list…
Yukiko: Well… I suppose there's some truth to that… (๑•́ ₃ •̀๑) But even if I'm considered… popular… I don't think that about myself at all. >//////////////<* A-And besides, I was curious why you never got a turn… I'm glad you ARE appreciated, even if that means a wait time for me. >///<*
Nagisa: Honestly, this is surreal for me… I'm not that special at all… >///<***
Yukiko: Not true!!! ٩(๑ `н´๑)۶ You're VERY special!!!
Irina: Could you two lovebirds get to it already? (╬≖‿≖) As much fun as this is, I'd like to go home, too. (╬≖‿≖)
Yukiko: L-Lovebirds?! Σ('◉⌓◉’)
Nagisa: B-But Yukiko's way out of my league!!! (⊙▂⊙✖ )
Irina: Just shaddup and pucker up already!!! (╬≖‿≖)
a few dreamy sessions later
Nagisa: (☉_ ☉)
Yukiko: short-circuiting from how happy she is (✿◠‿◠)
Nagisa: unable to tear Yukiko off from her adoring hug she's got him trapped in (☉_ ☉) … Not sure if he wants to be free
Irina: Time to go home, Yukiko-chan! (✿◠‿◠)*** picks her up by the back of the neck like a kitten and scootches her to the door
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Rio: (❋•‿•❋) Myyy tuuurn~
Nagisa: (⊙▂⊙✖ ) B-But I got done with Touka…! I was supposed to be safe from hereon. Σ('◉⌓◉’)
Rio: Oh, I'll keep you safe, hubby. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) I'll blow all those others away~…
Nagisa: staring horrified at Irina (⊙▂⊙✖ ) N-No crossdressing allowed, right?
Irina: (❋•‿•❋)*** Clothes stay on, Nagisa. You know the drill by now.
Rio: ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) I'm cool with clothes on. We can get nice and oily just like this~… rubs up against Nagisa sensually
Irina: Advanced techniques…LATER. (╬ಠ益ಠ)
a few steamy sessions later
Rio: standing over Nagisa faceplanted on the floor I'm the best~ (^ω^)
Irina: sighs Yes, yes, Rio darling. You can continue your kissy obsession later. (╬≖‿≖) Nagisa still has one more to get through.
Nagisa: …
Rio: I'll wait outside~ (^ω^)
Irina: HOME. (╬≖‿≖)
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Kaede: >////////////<*** I was hoping Professor Bitch would get bored by now…
Nagisa: sighs (✿◠‿◠);;; She's not. She's filmed each one.
Kaede: WHAT?! (╬ಠ益ಠ)(╬ಠ益ಠ)(╬ಠ益ಠ)(╬ಠ益ಠ)(╬ಠ益ಠ)
Irina: (✿◠‿◠) For feedback purposes~ Relaaax~
Kaede: I'M GONNA MURDER YOU!!!!! (╬ಠ益ಠ)(╬ಠ益ಠ)(╬ಠ益ಠ)(╬ಠ益ಠ)(╬ಠ益ಠ)
Nagisa: (✿◠‿◠);;; L-Let's just get this done and go home, Kaede. I won't let her humiliate you.
Kaede: E-Eh…? @///////@*** W-Well… If… If you don't mind, Nagisa…
Irina: ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) starts filming
a few hot minutes later
Nagisa: (✿◠‿◠);;; Professor Bitch, Kaede passed out… Again…
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Irina: I saw. (❋•‿•❋)(❋•‿•❋)(❋•‿•❋)(❋•‿•❋)(❋•‿•❋) You were a real stud~… All that practice paid off~…
Nagisa: (✿◠‿◠);;; Can you…take her home?
Irina: Nope! I've got business to attend to. Don't worry, you can ask Karasuma where she lives. (❋•‿•❋) Don't do anything I would~ leaves a deeply disturbed Nagisa holding a limp, unconscious, but content Kaede in his arms
Nagisa: Professor Bitch!!! (╬ಠ益ಠ)(╬ಠ益ಠ)(╬ಠ益ಠ)(╬ಠ益ಠ)(╬ಠ益ಠ) Grrr… walks into teacher's lounge … (☉_ ☉) does an about face when he sees that Mr. Karasuma has gone home for the day, and instead all the other girls are sitting in there waiting for him
Rio: You're not getting away that easily! (❋•‿•❋)
Nagisa: gets yanked back into the office with Kaede in tow, door sliding shut (⊙▂⊙✖ ) I need an adult…!
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fixationlikeaphoenix · 8 months ago
Starting from the oneshot...
This was pretty fun and I gotta say I loved it. It was actually the first time I read the oneshot! So it was able to surprise me.
The version I read is by Kawa Scans.
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What a delightfull image to see haha!
So this one shot features only a few characters from the manga. Kaneki, Yoshimura, Touka, Shinohara and lastly the ghoul activist guy on tv. The early versions of them that is... but they are easily recognizable design wise while their personalities are quite different.
One shot Kaneki honestly reminds me more of manga Touka here. He is angsty from the start because he is a ghoul from the start. Not an artifical half ghoul.
Meanwhile o.s. Touka seems to be an innocent human girl, with her carefree life and simple fears contrasting Kaneki's ghoul struggles.
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(Kaneki trying to eat a sandwich lol)
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She talks of fearing being eaten by a ghoul, much to Kaneki's discomfort.
I was kinda annoyed she would just be simple a foil character but then...
Anyway, the philosophy the pacifist ghouls go by is different here. Less developed. Ooooor in other words, they arent pacifist at all. It seems that the way Kaneki decides to feed is by going after the bad ones.
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Like I said, kinda under-developed. It's a very basic way of thinking, not all that just or fair as one may think at first. But I think it makes sense for Kaneki's character here. I will get back to this later.
Kaneki is being suspected by an early version Shinohara, his personality is very similiar to that of the manga Mado Kureo's. Shinohara is targeting Kaneki because he thinks the recent binge eater ghoul that targets young girls is a teenage male ghoul, on the logic that teenage boys like feminine bodies. He makes fun of the ghoul activist on TV that comments the binge eater must either be an obese or a brat ghoul. While Kaneki thinks the binge eater must simply target young girls because they taste good.
Either way, Shinohara pins that Kaneki is a ghoul because of the way he grimaces while eating and rushes to the bathroom afterward. So Kaneki dons his mask to go kill Shinohara before he himself is killed. It seems like Kaneki is losing until...
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(Kaneki's face again haha)
Man I love Touka...
So she was the binge eater. The TV commentor was correct that the ghoul responsible should be young (Kaneki later mentions that younger ghouls have a bigger appetite) and Kaneki was correct that the eater mustve simply liked the taste of young girls. Really emphasizes the arrogant ignorance of an investigator like Shinohara here.
Her being a ghoul is hinted at as well in the way she says she is on a diet and how she kept her friend away from those men who she knew could be ghouls. Obviously things like this are also explored in the manga but this one shot has a small page count to tell its story and I think it is remarkable that details like these that deepens the characters could still be hidden in. And there is more...
The last character revealed to be a ghoul is Yoshimura. It is hinted all throughout with the way he is clearly looking after the young ghouls without them realizing it. But it doesnt seem obvious at first because he always offers them sandwiches and eats them casually himself. But here's the thing:
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Kaneki and Touka are inexperienced. Because of how young they are, and they dont seem to have any adult figures to teach them either. Touka is glad Kaneki is there to teach her, who is older than her, which means there must not be anyone else. (This also explains Kaneki's eating preferance. Eating bad people was just what he came up with on his own. He isnt aware of any alternatives. Wasnt taught any that are more discreet.)
Eating human food is perfected with practice. And Yoshimura mustve had a lot of it already. So he offers them human food often to practice. (But also offers Kaneki coffee after to make him feel better)
Yoshimura is later shown (not actually shown, but he recognizably says "Kaneki-kun and Touka-chan" as there arent any other characters who refer to the kids as such) eating the ghoul activist guy. He is saying that kaneki and touka should handle their meals more deliciously? kinda hard to decipher which I am guessing is because the translation has been off all throughout this scan. But I think he targeted the ghoul activist because his knowledge is too accurate and therefore dangerous to ghouls.
I want to finish this post off with this image of Touka and Kaneki failing to eat sandwiches
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I think this was the part of this oneshot I enjoyed the most. The way they are really just dumb kids trying to figure out how to live as ghouls, relying on eachother and with the help of an older ghoul looking after them. It makes this one shot unexpectedly sweet and endearing. I wasnt expecting that at all but I am glad nonetheless. It put a smile on my face. I would read a tokyo ghoul alternative of the misadventures of young ghouls Touka and Kaneki and their caring grandpa.
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pachu09 · 2 years ago
I like to imagine that Tobirama is one of the girls kinda guy. (Except that he is gay). Women felt safe around him despite his prickly nature. He invented gay best friend accidentally lmao. (Touka and Mito is one of his best friends). But he also belongs to a clique of courtesans from the Fire Country. He visited them when he is on break to hang out with them. Because of this he is dubbed as a playboy or a womanizer. Whenever they have a girl’s night out, I bet you Tobirama will be there lmao. (Much to the confusion of Hashirama lmao).
Madara scowls as he looked out of the window. " There he is again. I can't believe your Brother really is a playboy, Hashirama!. "
Izuna peeked in at what his Brother was looking at. Down below, standing on the main road, he saw Senju Tobirama was once again surrounded by many beautiful Noble Females that joyously tittered and giggled at him. The man even had a small smile as he gamely answers the questions and curiosity that they throw at him. He too scowled as it looked like the man would never escape from his annoying Fangirls.
" Tch. I've been waiting for at least half an hour in his office and he still hasn't ditched them?. " Izuna pouted as he glared at Tobirama’s back.
Madara turns to his brother with a nasty sneer on his face. " What else can you expect from a serial womanizer like him! "
Izuna was was taken aback at his Aniki's venomous tone. He eyed the man worriedly.
" Now, now. Madara. My Otouto is not a womanizer. My Mito and Touka can confirm it. He's just really friendly when it comes to the opposite sex and I don't even know why they trust him so?. " Hashirama strokes his smooth chin in thought. The Uchiha Brothers both turn to him with extreme skepticism on their faces.
" Why else would they flock to him if he didn't slept with them?. " Izuna scrunches his face at his Brother’s question. Yeah, why else would they flock to him?. Its not as if those Courtesans or even Noble Women can keep up with Tobirama’s genius mind....
The office door opening unexpectedly made the three men turn around to look at their guest.
" How about those women actually find Tobirama is a safe man to talk to?. " Mito's graceful form walked in without much fanfare. The three men looked at each other and gave Mito a confused look.
Mito gave them a pointed look back especially Madara. " Tobirama will never sleep with any of them because they're not his type. "
Madara blushes furiously, Izuna choked in his spit. Hashirama’s face darken quickly.
" Are you saying I have to protect my Otouto from lecherous men, Mito–chan?! " Hashirama stood up from his chair and the Hokage desk rotting quickly beneath his hands made the Uchiha Brothers backpedal quickly.
Mito quickly assured her Husband. " No. You don't need to do that, Hashirama. Tobirama can take care of himself. You'll make him embarrassed if you unnecessarily protect him. "
Hashirama scowled more. " But, Mito!. "
Mito glowers. " No!. Enough, Husband!. Tobirama is a grown Adult. Let him decide for himself and support him with whatever he decided to do!. Also, please turn the desk back to what it looks like. "
Hashirama wilted and pouted, he did what his Wife had requested of him. The rotten desk beneath his hands had immediately became smooth and polished as if it was newly made again.
Mito smiled proudly at her Husband and Hashirama beam back at her. The Hokage then let his Wife usher him out of his own office. He never even saw Mito throwing his bestfriend a knowing look.
Izuna, with a sly look turns to Madara as soon as the office door closes. " Soooo....are you ready to court the shit out of Tobirama?. "
Madara slap a palm over his brother's mouth. " Shhh....be quiet!. The plants are listening!. " they both warily eyed the small cactus plant on Hashirama’s desk and the many bonsai that littered the windows of the Hokage's office.
When the smallest of the bonsai rustled its leaves, Madara and Izuna paled and Shūnshin out of the office like they were set on fire.
They're not suicidal enough to confront an angry Hashirama, yet.
Probably after they successfully secured Tobirama as an Uchiha will they then confront the man....
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mugmegan · 11 months ago
We lost
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We were winning before the last 3 hours when Sakura made an unexpected come back and dealt a final and fatal blow. You are the best female lead in my heart Touka-chan.
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khr-guilded-cage · 3 months ago
Why Nana was shoved into Yuka?
Because Yuka has 0 friendship with anyone of the Vongola (she refused to befriend Tsuna's people and her own Guardians hate the Vongola). She got to pick her own relationships and no matter how much Reborn tries to split those, they don't budge.
Nana is lonely, depressed and missing her Tsu-chan, so Iemitsu had the bright idea of giving Yuka a 'mother figure' (since Masako is death) to get her into the Famiglia and her loyalities and a willing hostage, and a way to make her stay into that jail-town Namimori. So we have this mental ill woman begin clingly and obssessed with Yuka as a substite for Tsuna
It didn't worked, of course
Nana does get put into a mental house by Touka and, at some point, Hoshi will sit down and explain that she is a awful mother and her son is dead parcially because of her neglect and indifference of him
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arcy-lethra · 3 months ago
Nunca entendí esa sensación de mariposas en el estómago y a día de hoy sigo sin entenderlo. Creo que supuso una barrera cuando empecé a escribir porque no tenía idea de cómo describir emociones románticas, pero ahora disfruto mucho escribiendo como mis dos lindos personajes se enferman de amor el uno por el otro ✨ 💕
Así que me gusta pensar que la primera vez que Touka sintió esa sensación se sintió tan extraña, como si le hubiera dado hambre o dolor. Y cada vez que veía a Kuro con esa pequeña sonrisa tímida y nerviosa. Ella quería patearle el trasero porque según ella "la hacía sentir enferma". Chica, solo tenias un crush en él, necesitabas leer más 😭
Al final ambos están sentados en un sofá, bebiendo café, hablando sobre aquellos tiempos lejanos.
"Ahora que lo recuerdo, no entendía por qué cuando te veía simplemente me hacías sentir enferma"
Touka se inclinó sobre el hombro de kaneki con una sonrisa divertida.
"Creo que eran esas estúpidas mariposas en el estómago. Yo creí que tenía hambre"
"Cómo confundes eso con hambre Touka-chan..."
"... Quizá sí quería darte un mordisco"
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kyanitedragon · 2 months ago
Two Rabbits & A Centipede
(HideTouKen Playlist)
“I wonder if Touka-chan is alright. I hope so. If she weren't, I'd be worried. ... Hide. I haven't seen him in a while. I wonder if he's doing okay..."
Monster / Kaibutsu - Studio Yuraki (“our world is conflictual”)
Hunger - Of Monsters and Men (“i will be the wolf and when you're starving you'll need it too / hungry for the kill but this hunger, it isn't you”)
Glassy Sky - AmaLee (“i didn’t wanna hurt you, hope you know / empty promises / shattered dreams of love”)
I Hate U I Love U - Gnash & Olivia O’ Brien (“i hate that i love you / don't want to, but i can't put / nobody else above you”)
Baby - MARINA (“find me in another place and time / if only, if only you were mine / but i'm already someone else's baby”)
I Wanna Know - Bea Miller (“does she make you feel wanted? is she all you wanted? cuz i wanna know, yeah, i wanna know”)
I Kissed a Boy - Jupiter (“i kissed a boy and I liked it / hope my girlfriend don’t mind it”)
Dangerous Hope - Beth Crowley (“what if we could start again? a dangerous hope / unfurls inside my chest / but it dies just as fast / cuz i know better than that”)
Appreciated - Rixton (“cuz it's you who takes care of everyone else / you need to allow me to help / you are appreciated / cuz its you who somehow is always the first to take care of me at my worst”)
Die With A Smile (“if the world was ending i’d wanna be close to you / if the party was over and our time on earth was through / i’d wanna hold you / just for a while / and die / with a smile / if the world was ending i’d wanna be next to you”)
Hold Each Other - A Great Big World & Futuristic (“something happens when i hold her/him”)
Only Have Eyes 42 - Janelle Monae (“yeah i only have eyes for two”)
Ally - We The Kings (“i hope that it helps to know i'll help”)
It’s On Us - AJR (“and if they hurt you with words so cruel / here’s what we’ll do / we’ll all fight for you”)
Gettin Bi - Crazy Ex Girlfriend (“i’m gettin’ bi / oh yeah, i’m lettin’ my bi flag fly / not gonna hide it, not gonna lie”)
Boys / Girls - Torrey Mercer (“i like it when his heart is on his sleeve / i like it when she doesn’t have manners”)
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