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artofchessxn · 1 year ago
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WIP of my character Tothen, normally a Cleric/Rogue multiclassed elf, as a tiefling Warlock
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0tappaja0arts · 4 months ago
What's the oc you love the most? (Deric I assume) What about the oc you dislike the most?
I mean I love every oc I have, but Requiem, Deric and Kvothe are on the same level of favorite for different reasons so it's like.. I just can't choose one because damn.. You need the DLCs for the full experience 😔
But to be real my least favourite is probably Tothen. I had him for a good while now and I haven't touched him since his first drawing ever created cause I just.. I just don't fucking like it. He's giving major e-boy vibes even though I wanted to make him a total creep with a pretty decieving face. A dude whos obsessed with bones and all (he was part of the trio's friend group at one point btw)
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Maybe I'll do a redesign if there's a demand🔥
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bridgegaurd · 2 years ago
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Age: 32
Birthday: 4/19/1870
Home world: Ambrosia
A late addition to the group, Tothen joined the party mid way through their trip through Utopia.
Tothen is a curious little warlock, who's patrons always sit on his shoulders changing shape. He calls them his "fairies" and they aren't always the best at fulfilling his wishes. This is due to a curse placed on them
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444namesplus · 2 months ago
Aaasin Abethe Abyanus Abyinnor Aeror Aherhimis Aitmeia Ambyis Amiand Amin Aminia Amnor Amonor Amontheus Amsheand Amshethen Amtheythe Amusor Amusthein Anasius Andafor Andanand Andasu Andbeis Anderhimius Anderus Andheroor Andifand Andimeia Anditandthe Andon Andonasand Andonbeor Andor Andthemuthe Andthenthe Andthenthen Andtheytheyin Andtoon Andumis Anhimthe Anithen Annor Anon Anonthen Anonus Anor Anorthe Anthemaia Anumnor Ashimbynor Ashimthe Asitthen Asnor Asonthen Asorthenand Assheumand Athe Athemfor Athen Atheya Aus Bein Beintoe Benor Benornor Beon Bethenia Betheus Betheyo Betonor Beus Beusheis Byamtous Byau Bybyin Byeria Byhethen Byi Byis Byitafor Bymeus Byofnor Byor Byshenor Bytheon Bytheus Byweor Bywithame Eand Eandand Emeaia Eraand Erbya Eriheor Erin Erior Eriton Eron Eronu Erthemius Erthemthe Erthenfor Ertoeron Erwithhimia Erwiththenon Hea Heafor Hefor Hehenor Heherthe Heinia Heis Heonius Herais Heraon Herasand Herbeia Hererin Herherfor Herin Herior Herius Hernor Hernorthe Heron Herthemamnor Herthemand Herthemiais Herthen Heshee Hethemin Himaia Himandonnor Himbethenthe Himeron Himhein Himhimius Himi Himia Himie Himinis Himionthe Himtheyorand Iaisius Iameasis Iamethe Iandis Ierius Ifa Ifandifia Ifania Iferasus Ifinia Ifnor Ifor Ifthemia Ifusand Iherthe Ihimfor Ihimnor Iinand Iis Imeand Inand Inerius Iniiia Inin Inor Inorbyia Insheia Inthemus Inthen Inthenheius Inthethen Intheynor Inusnor Inwithbyand Inwithin Iofin Ionia Ior Isaon Isheifon Isiusthe Ismeand Isthenor Itandia Itanofon Itaon Iteror Itfor Itheifnor Itheitnor Ithennor Itifiia Itifmethe Itnorbyon Itonor Itoor Itorin Itthe Itthen Itthenor Ittheyia Ittheythen Itus Iusfor Iusnor Iusthe Meamthe Mebethe Mefor Meia Meifor Methe Methemus Meumerfor Meus Mewithoror Noramnor Norand Norheand Norhimon Noria Norinthen Noris Nororand Norsheia Northenfor Northenor Oathe Ofand Ofanthe Ofasius Ofathemia Ofi Ofius Ofmeand Ofmeonon Ofnor Ofnoris Ofnorius Ofofus Ofthemus Ofus Ofusbyus Onamfor Onamia Onand Onasus Onathen Onfor Onhenor Onheror Onhimor Onhimtheyius Onin Onis Onito Onius Onmein Onnor Onshenor Onthe Onthemandius Onthenthe Onumnor Onwethemfor Oor Orand Orbeand Orerifa Orfor Orherasnor Orinbyand Orinia Oritaius Oritius Oritsheor Ornor Ororanand Ororanthe Orthen Orthennor Orthenor Ortheyin Orumiis Orwithin Ous Sheamiia Sheathen Sheeor Shehimorius Sheius Shemethen Shemeumin Sheoris Shethemis Shethen Theanor Theasus Theherthe Theiffor Thein Theitand Themamon Themandia Themandor Themaseror Thembeius Themerusi Themethen Themeus Themherthethen Themhethenand Themhimia Themifthemthe Themiteria Themitois Themius Themiusthen Themmeor Themnoron Themonand Themor Themus Themusi Themwithheris Thenamus Thenbethe Thenherus Thenifius Thenin Thenis Thennorhimthen Thenon Thenthemius Thenthen Thenu Theofbethe Theon Thethen Thetheu Thetheyand Thetoia Thetous Theumor Theus Theusheia Theuthen Theweamia Theyania Theyatoin Theybybeia Theyheor Theyin Theyinthen Theynor Theynorand Theynorius Theynorshefor Theyofia Theyofor Theyofsheia Theyonfor Theyoris Theyorthe Theythenin Theytheythe Theyus Toamaor Toanheon Toenor Toeothe Toerhee Toerus Tohethe Toifiius Toifor Toitifon Toonnor Toor Tothen Totoin Tousnor Tousonon Uand Umaia Umanie Umao Umbewithi Umfor Umheror Umhimtheyfor Umia Umianius Umifor Umifthen Umiithen Umitthe Umofnorin Umthemand Umthen Umus Umwewithius Uonand Uonumand Usanhimius Usbyain Usia Usis Usiton Usnor Usthe Usthei Ustothen Ususbeis Ususnor Uthen Weandfor Weasandon Weathe Weifia Weius Wenorbeus Wenorin Weofthein Weshetoon Wethen Weu Weus Withanthe Withheus Withhimand Withhimon Withia Withofthemor Withoron Withoru Withsheor Withtheheron Withthemia Withtheytheni
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babyawacs · 7 months ago
@msc .@msc .@wef @wef @imf @wto @thedemocrats @dnc .@dnc .@thedem ocrats @potus @vp #dnc noneofthissxhit is 1968 nothing is and nothin g everwill. #keypoint keep your heads and eyes on the ball. acti ng by assumption and association of whatit reminds you of is a mistak e #keypoint what steeredyou before and made frameworks f o r you before you must now. reliable trusted networking to make the orders you need. the instability globally is like makefire for wars ahead tothen unite all inthe shit theymake likely  a china vs usa shitball
@msc .@msc .@wef @wef @imf @wto @thedemocrats @dnc .@dnc .@thedemocrats @potus @vp #dnc noneofthissxhit is 1968 nothing is and nothing everwill. #keypoint keep your heads and eyes on the ball. acting by assumption and association of whatit reminds you of is a mistake #keypoint what steeredyou before and made frameworks f o r you before you must now. reliable trusted networking to make the orders…
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lilacstarvix · 3 years ago
Dude this is such a mood...
I love how zingo was supposed to be this super creepy psychological horror creature trying to get reactions out of Emmet for sick kicks, and now it's "I am a goode doggo that scares trainer but doesn't mean to. Sowwy :3"
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houseoftakura · 7 years ago
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#redwhiteandblue #Repost @christiana_worldpeace with @get_repost ・・・ Thanks @houseoftakura for the awesome Maasai warrior weekender bag and @tiffanycouture_ for capturing a passion of mine: traveling. 💄: @napolian_rose . . . Looking to this next season with so much expectation and excitement! Declaring that this second part of the year is going to be light loads, purpose driven & filled with so much joy, peace & love ❤️ . . . #traveller #travel #jetset #lovingpeople #purpose #socialworker #fullheart #love #peace #joy #heartwork #JesusCalling #nomad #missions #whereyougoigo #calledtoserve #tothenations #global #globetrotter #photoshoot #ankara #africanfashion #maasai #4thofjuly
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iheartjesusco-blog · 7 years ago
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Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Matthew 28:19 #makedisciples #baptize #tothenations #thefatherthesontheholyspirit #Matthew 2819 #Matthew28
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thetonycross · 8 years ago
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A People for His Name “Simeon has related how God first visited the Gentiles, to take from them a people for his name.” (Acts 15:14) It is scarcely possible to overemphasize the centrality of the fame of God in motivating the mission of the church. When Peter had his world turned upside down by the vision of unclean animals in Acts 10, and by the lesson from God that he should evangelize Gentiles as well as Jews, he came back to Jerusalem and told the apostles that it was all owing to God’s zeal for his name. We know this because James summed up Peter’s speech like this: “Brothers, listen to me. Simeon has related how God first visited the Gentiles, to take from them a people for his name” (Acts 15:13–14). It’s not surprising that Peter would say that God’s purpose was to gather a people for his name; because the Lord Jesus had stung Peter some years earlier with an unforgettable lesson. You recall that, after a rich young man turned away from Jesus and refused to follow him, Peter said to Jesus, “See, we have left everything and followed you [unlike this rich fellow]. What then will we have?” (Matthew 19:27). Jesus responded with a mild rebuke, which in effect said that there is no ultimate sacrifice when you live for the name of the Son of Man. “Everyone who has left houses or brothers or sisters or father or mother or children or lands, for my name’s sake, will receive a hundredfold and will inherit eternal life” (Matthew 19:29). The truth is plain: God is pursuing with omnipotent delight a worldwide purpose of gathering a people for his name from every tribe and language and nation (Revelation 5:9; 7:9). He has an inexhaustible enthusiasm for the fame of his name among the nations. Therefore when we bring our affections in line with his, and, for the sake of his name, renounce the quest for worldly comforts and join his global purpose, God’s omnipotent commitment to his name is over us and we cannot lose, in spite of many tribulations (Acts 9:16; Romans 8:35–39). From The Pleasures of God, pages 102–103 copied via #solidjoys by #desiringgod #tothenations #allpeople #forhisglory #gospel #godsword #triathlon #tridadio #trilife #running #instarunners
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artofchessxn · 1 year ago
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sketch-pad-the-modpone · 6 years ago
hi I'm Mitchell Anika a technical writerat digitalocean in this screencast I'llshow you how to create your own dropletor cloud server on digitalocean this isa very quick and easy process and by theend of ityou'll have your own Linux server thatyou can use for anything from developingand deploying apps to hosting your ownwebsite for our example we will createin a boon to server open a web browserand go to digital ocean comm if you'renot already logged in click the log inlink on the top right now type in theemail address and password that youregistered with then click login priorto creating your first droplet yourcontrol panel will look like this clickthe create droplet button at this pointyou must specify the details of thedroplet that you want to create firstselect the droplet host name because weare creating it in a boon to serverlet's just call it a boon to then selectyour cloud server size on digitaloceanthere are preset available sizes basedon memory CPU and storage capacitycombinations we will go with the basicten dollar month option which gives usone gigabyte of RAM 1 processor and 30gigabytes of solid-state storage nextselect your region this determines whereyour droplet will be created if you arejust starting off you will probably wantto choose a region that isgeographically close to you I live inNew York City so I will choose New York3 the available settings section iswhere you can select droplet featuressuch as private networking and ipv6 Iwould recommend enabling privatenetworking if it is available in theregion that you selected privatenetworking is useful if you intend tocreate multiple droplets in the sameregion that will communicate with eachother you may select any other settingsif you wishnow you must select the image that youwish to install on the new droplet thereare several Linux distributions tochoose from such as Ubuntu CentOS andFedora recently FreeBSD was added asanother option in addition to theseplain images there are several one-clickimages under the applications tab theseone-clickcome with an application pre-installedif you want a head start with WordPressor Ruby on Rails for example just makethe appropriate selection here asmentioned earlier we will be creating anUbuntu 1404 server click back to thedistributions tab and select a point tothen select Ubuntu 1404 x64 you alsohave the option to add SSH keys to theadmin user of the new droplet that youare creating this is highly recommendedfor security purposes as an alternativeto password authentication however inthis screencast we will not use SSH keysto proceed click the create dropletbuttona one gigabyte droptypically takes less than one minute tocreateonce the droplet has been created youwill be taken to the dropletsinformation page here you can findinformation such as the IP address andother details of the droplet let'sconnect to the droplet via SSH toconnect to a droplet for the first timeyou must know its IP address select andcopy the IP address to your clipboardnow open your terminal program bypressing command space bar to openspotlight then type in terminal and hitenter if you're using windows you'llwant to use putty instead to connect toa fresh Ubuntu server for the first timeyou must connect as the root user typein SSH space root at symbol and thenpaste in the IP address of the newdroplet then hit return the first timeyou connect to a particular server viaSSH you will see this warning type inyes and hit enter to continue because wedid not add SSH keys while creating thedroplet we will be prompted for thepassword of the root user this passwordcan be found in the email account thatyou registered with check your email andlook for a new message from digitaloceanand open it the email will containinformation about your droplet includingthe root password select and copy thepassword to your clipboard then switchback to your terminal program paste thepassword in and hit enter the first timeyou log into a droplet it will attemptto change the root users password pastein the root password again and hit enternow supply a new password for root andhit enter you will be required toconfirm the new password by entering itagain once you're done with thatcongratulations you've just created andlogged into your first digitaloceandroplet we hope you enjoyed thescreencast if you're looking to learnmore about open source software andserver administration be sure to checkout the digital ocean community for ourextensive collection of tutorials atDiageo slash community see you next time
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thewritingcoconut · 2 years ago
You Remind me of European Fanta in 2016
You Remind me of European Fanta in 2016
You Remind me of European Fanta in 2016So real when all I’ve had up to now was cheap imitationsImitations of love, imitations of good sodaTo think I had to travel so far to find youAcross the land, sea, and skyThe thought of you makes me nostalgicThough I swear I haven’t known anything like youI sought you out, thinking you were what I was used toThen you touched my lips and I realized you were…
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wordsfromherlife · 3 years ago
Before You Go to Sleep
Before You Go to Sleep
Send me that kiss like you doSing me my favorite songAnd pen me our love story in a proseBefore you go to sleepHold your pillow tightAnd your covers to your neckHug it as I used toThen give the universe my messageBefore you go to sleepHold tight my picture on your chestAnd don’t let goI will see you soon is my only promiseBefore you go to sleepThink about meAnd measure this loveBecause it keeps…
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babyawacs · 1 year ago
#thehague #ugh #but_the_hideous_sssexxx_cola_then #fact #notfacr #sgerman # aeh #ai #witness #selfevidence #ignore #demand #typical #24_7 #then #lawyerspi n_vs_one_two_three #evenmore #itis  (((@judge))) .@judges @law @all @world @ bbc_whys @france24 @haaretzcom @bild .@bild @phoenix_de @dw .@dwnews .@law @deu tschland .@deutschland @hamburg @berlin .@berlin .@hamburg @muenchen @stuttg art fact: youall got used to germans putting up w a r m e t h o d swarmethods to c o m m i t crimesandthenyou demanded appeasement on ineffectivity handlin g whatthey do asproxiesfor the govtallalong you handledcriminal governance crimi nalsecuritypolicy criminal i n t e l allin efforts of 23years criminalgovern ance criminalsecuritypolicy with and withoutproxieswhiletheopposite happens to whattheymust say daytime sacrificing lives tothen they use blissfools that ra indown and try to assign blame toquelltomakeallguiltyinthe scumsthemempoweredth is.is the dirty accomplice systemof wheretheir predecessors were villains th emselvesinthiscase and othersexperimenting themselvesor dumpsterfirelet them un til a f t e r w a r d s cleansing them you grant now wiggleroom nowthatyoumus t quell a n y andthenyou assume the case wouldnt noticebecause itis a baby still
#thehague #ugh #but_the_hideous_sssexxx_cola_then #fact #notfacr #sgerman #aeh #ai #witness #selfevidence #ignore #demand #typical #24_7 #then #lawyerspin_vs_one_two_three #evenmore #itis (((@judge))) .@judges @law @all @world @bbc_whys @france24 @haaretzcom @bild .@bild @phoenix_de @dw .@dwnews .@law @deutschland .@deutschland @hamburg @berlin .@berlin .@hamburg @muenchen @stuttgart fact: youall…
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kristabelle83 · 7 years ago
Happy new year
Just wanted to wish everyone a happy new year.
2017 has had more lows then highs for us but hopefully 2018 will be different.
First off we have the run up to and the actual reunion to look forward tothen a summer wedding.
I only really started becoming active on here a few months ago and it’s been amazing. Lovely to chat to other fans, read peoples posts and to also read the brilliant fanfics.
Hope 2018 brings you all lots of joy and happiness x x x
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artofchessxn · 1 year ago
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