Ok so to me the promo pictures Oliver posted of Buck and Jee while being adorable you can see Bucks broken hearted. The break up still sucks but I'm excited for how this plays out for Buck. We have never seen him really heartbroken or pining for a lost love. I'm excited to see how the SL plays out. Still hoping for lots of father / son scenes with Bobby. Also desperately want more Buck and Athena time, her helping him heal with her motherly love and going all protective Momma bear for him
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Only discovered 911 this year and binged watched while dealing with a bad break up. As soon as he called him Buck you just knew that was it completely over.
I loved Oliver's performance in the end scene where Bucks drinking his beer whilst trying not to fall apart.
Few thoughts
Honestly one of the saddest tv break ups I've seen in a long time.
Firstly with Lou filming SWAT would he have the availability to really explore the relationship? I feel we didn't get to see enough of his character and maybe that's due to conflicting schedules. Really sad not to see Lou on the show. Think he played the character amazingly. Hope SWAT realise what a talented actor they have and give Rocker more air time.
Back to Buck he needs to understand who he is more and really understand his sexuality and that would probably be hard to show on screen if he's happily with Tommy. I think they tried to show Bucks not fully comfortable with it all himself and needs to understand and accept who he is before any relationship will fully work. Again they needed to break up for that to happen.
Pleased Oliver has mentioned we will see Buck dealing with the break up and conflicting thoughts. Am really hoping for some Buck and Bobby scenes. I feel at some point he will need the support and guidance only Bobby can give him.
Do I think they will ever reconcile no. The interviews I've read online it seems it's a permanent exit for Lou. Personally I would love to see later on in the season Buck and Tommy reconnecting and Oliver getting his slow burn story line of will they get back together or not. Then really exploring the relationship.
I totally love Oliver's idea of them being really awkward seeing each other at calls. Maybe they could both be dating other people but realise they actually want each other.
Also on a different note does anyone else think Eddies I'm straight line was possibly the show being like we aren't going there with Buck and Eddie?
I'm not against Buck and Eddie being endgame, season 2 and 3 I really thought that's where their friendship was heading. Now I don't see this as Eddies journey.
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Please Chicago fire don’t take Pelham away from us!! I really like the character and hope Boden can save his job and he becomes a series regular.
I love how 51 already had his back and am hoping we see them rally round him next week. I also enjoyed his scenes with severide. Don’t get me wrong no friendship can replace Sevasey but Kelly needs a friend
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I have this feeling that Stella might be pregnant but doesn’t want to keep the baby.
No way in hell do I think she’s cheated on Kelly. I think the locking her future comment in the promo is her not ready to be a wife and mother and put her career on hold. Could explain why she didn’t come back to claim the Lieutenant spot on 81.
Completely hope I’m way off as it would break Kelly’s heart. I think he’s ready to settle down and have a family, he looked broody when Otis was born.
Also hoping he doesn’t go to OFI as the writers seem to be pushing that way, I think it’s time for him to step up at 51 and become captain.
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Was apprehensive to watch Chicago fire without Casey thinking it might have lost some of its magic. Episode was fantastic though, loved Hermann and mouch and the before Google comment 😂😂😂.
Loving investigator Severide but Seagar needs to back off Stella’s man.
Also hearing Boden shout “ let’s go let’s go let’s go” perfect.
Glad there wasn’t a big story around the new 81 lieutenant although I know there will be but for me the first episode without Casey would have been to soon. I loved the scene of severide looking sadly at the empty office.
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Just watched an interview with Jesse on YouTube about his exit. He clearly says he’s just stepping back and will be back. I think he means as cameo appearances but I’ll take it.
I’ll give it the show his exit really pulled the rug out from under me. Spending the summer worrying Taylor was leaving to seeing them all on set filming. I was definitely in a bubble thinking they all must had signed contracts till the end of season 12. Generally never saw this coming. I thought the Taylor rumour might have been started to create a panic about the season 9 finale only to be amused how fast it came out Taylor was filming and him even confirming he didn’t die before the premiere. Could that all have been to keep Jesse’s exit secret??
Also thinking how Casey was a hard character to write out without being killed off . If say Taylor wanted to leave Severide could easily transfer to arson. Eamonn with the promotion story, mouch or Hermann could retire and still pop up at Mollys. Kidd also transfer to a lieutenant spot. For Casey it was either forced on disability from an injury which wouldn’t necessarily leave the door open for a return. Or a reunion with Gabby. Since Monica couldn’t return there was no way of making that storyline work.
Also after routing for brettsey to get together since season 7 it needed to happen. Yes it feels bittersweet now but I love that they are keeping that going. I think Kara will smash showing how hard long distance relationships are. I think with Jesse wanting an involvement with the show still it’s important to keep Brettsey together, it’s just a good reason for Matt to keep coming back and not just for big events. If they went down a Gabby reunion the only way really to bring Casey back is if they split again as I don’t see Monica returning.
The possibilities from this storyline are endless, we could see Matt and boys move back to Chicago sooner, they convince Heather and the social worker down the line it’s for the best. If Jesse wanted to return permanently he they could find away to bring him back to 81. Or he can make regular guest appearances like the other spouses do.
From the interview it also sounds like Casey will be at the Stellaride wedding.
I forgot to say in previous post i loved the hug at the end and how it was Sev telling Casey he loved him. I just wish we had got a final cigar chat as those are iconic for Sevasey. As much as I like the humour from the micro brewery trio for me I’d have liked less of that SL and more sevasey screen time. I’d have happy for the entire episode to have been all about Casey and his goodbyes
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Ok I literally cried through that episode, but I love how wide that door has been left open for a return. I do think it’s permanent exit but we will see cameos from Jesse.
I think that’s why they carried on with Brettsey an exit where he left to be with Gabby feels to final. Matt has someone to come home too and they even said he’s only taking a leave of absence. Like I said door is wide open for a return and with Jesse still living in Chicago hopefully he can keep making guest appearances.
Bringing the Darden boys back does make for a believable exit. He loved being a father figure to those boys
I kept wondering though who was going to ask Severide how he’s doing. Best mate and room mate moving away, he’s going to miss Matt like crazy.
Also was that a broody Severide we saw at the hospital?
Thank goodness Boden is going back to 51, let’s face it they need him there.
Few wishes for the future:
Ssveride and Casey FaceTime cigar chats
Boden pushes Severide to become captain, I think how he’s matured he’s ready for it now.
Severide to take over mentoring Gallo.
We now a temporary lieutenant is coming in , I can’t wait for the drama of that. I do want to see Stella take over 81 eventually.
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Not even watched Chicago fire yet but gutted about Casey leaving, gutted for brettsey as I loved them as a couple. It’s sevasey I’m going to miss the most. Their cigar chats, joking around and always having each other’s backs. I have fingers and toes crossed that Jesse reprise’s his role for the Stellaride wedding. I wish Jesse all the luck for the future but I will always be hoping he does return
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Ritter appreciation post, he was awesome last night, loved it when he saved that arse.
Tears in my eyes when him and Eric broke up.
Can we please have him move in with Gallo now 🙏🙏
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Just watched 10x4 and promo for 10x5 and this best be Hass bluffing, I will not accept Jesse leaving.
Theory he’s all set to leave and at the end of the episode the boys arrive having convinced Heather and the social worker a fresh start with Matt in Chicago is best for them.
If he does leave I think it would be temporary and he’d find away to bring the boys back to Chicago
Loved at the car wash seeing Severide as incident commander. The conversation between Hermann and Boden has me hoping for a possible promotion for severide. Captain Severide and Chief Casey which would Stella free to take over 81.
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I’m totally loving season 10 of Chicago fire.
I love brettsey I think they compliment each other so well and are a perfect match. I never felt it with Casey and Dawson, never felt like an equal partnership. I didn’t think I would like the Darden boys returning storyline thinking it would just be a repeat of season 2 but I was wrong. Really looking forward to seeing how it plays out.
Would like to see more stellaride, is she ever going to get a ring?
So pleased we haven’t lost Boden, the show just wouldn’t be the same without him.
Finally poor Cruz but I loved the way all of squad was there for him. So excited for the birth of Brian Kelly Cruz
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Can anyone recommend a way to watch last nights Chicago fire premiere here in the uk? Not sure I can wait till next year
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Back home after a fabulous holiday with my little family, have now got a major case of holiday blues. Still got next week off work so more quality family time coming up.
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Season 3 off my #chicagofire rewatch and I’ve got to say Mouch at the Zumba class hilarious, definitely one of the funniest moments from all seasons. Love Mouch
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I’m trying not to get my hopes up by the pictures of squad 3 on set, but I can’t help but think if they wanted to do a shock death the show would be trying to keep the actors hidden more 🧐🧐
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Pictures on Twitter of squad 3 🤩🤩🔥🔥
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This person lives in Chicago, hoping this means Taylor is in Chicago filming
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