#torture in sci fi
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Kindly Basilisk
Summary: A human mech pilot who wants to be a machine, an AI who wants to be human, and the relationship they form. Author's Note: This is a standalone short story that I banged out over the course of five days after it got stuck in my head while I was trying to go to sleep and refused to let me think about anything else until I had written it down. It's one part thought experiment/exercise in attempting to tell a story in the second person future tense, two parts tribute to the Lancer TTRPG character I'll never get to play, and one part the result of me reading too many Empty Spaces/mechposting stories lately. That said, you don't need to know anything about Lancer or Empty Spaces to read it (I've diverged a bit from the conventions of both, but the references and inspiration probably stick out if you're looking for them). It's also probably the most trans thing I've ever written without ever explicitly bringing up gender. The occasional formatting breaks into first person past tense are foreshadowing, not typos. Mirrored on Scribble Hub. Word Count: 7,033 Content Warnings: Mecha genre typical violence, not feeling like a person, not wanting to be a person, bodily dysphoria, mention of blood and gore, character death.
The moment you gain the knowledge and means to do so you will void your own body’s warranty. You will jailbreak the bespoke gene sequence your sponsors commissioned for you before your immaculate conception, repurpose the spyware grafted into your bones, and talk your dormmate who was algorithmically selected for compatibility into helping you perform surgery on yourself to replace the neural jack you were born with in favor of one you cobbled together yourself from gray market parts. None of this will technically be illegal or even get you kicked out of your campus or its affiliates, but it will mean having to find a way to pay your own medical bills and handle your own tech support from then on. After the surgery your dormmate will put in a request for transfer and the two of you will never speak again.
You’ll major in AI studies and excel at it - as you were designed to - but you’ll shock everyone by dropping out halfway through working on your capstone thesis project. It won’t be the fact that you abruptly drop out that surprises your peers and professors - by then you’ll have acquired a reputation as a quiet loner without the standard optimized social support network of friendships to help protect you from burnout - but your exit interview statement declaring your intention to become a mech pilot. It’s not at all what your gene series was cultivated for, and your sponsors and counselors will try to walk you back from it. Then they’ll threaten to revoke your sponsorship that up until then will have provided for your every need. They will warn you that you’ll be just one step above a legal nonperson with no support, no one will care if you live or die or worse. You’ll tell them that you’ve already done the math, refuse to elaborate, and leave.
You’ll take two things with you. Two things worth mentioning anyway. The first will be a symbiotic gel suit designed for long-term all-environment life support. You will set its default texture to a shiny green the same hue as the broadleafed water plants you grew up around and always loved. Your exit interview will be the last time in a very long time that anyone - including you - will see your impossibly beautiful face with its perfect artisanally sculpted shape crossed with enthusiastically amateur self-modifications. From then on, everyone you meet and spend any time with will come to think of the mannequin blankness of the symbiote fully encasing your body as your face. It will be neither pride nor shame that causes you to present yourself as such, nor will you think of it as hiding your “real” face.
The second thing you’ll take with you when you leave the campus forever will be me.
New progenitor archetypes for AIs don’t come along often, and most that do are the result of years of R&D by large, well-funded labs like the one you were created to work for one day, but you will hit upon a novel method of generation. It will not be one that any ethics board would approve, so you will have to get creative about pursuing your work.
You will have already made arrangements before setting off on your own and so you’ll have a job and a mech lined up waiting for you. It will be a position with a small-scale freelance salvage crew who just lost a pilot and whose captain figures hiring and training a replacement will be more profitable in the long term than simply selling off that pilot’s old mech, especially a replacement that’s bringing their own AI-backed electronic warfare suite with them. Once you finally arrive in person the captain will test you to ensure you can actually pilot a mech before giving you the job and entrusting the mech to you. Your admission that you’ve only trained in simulators would normally be a black mark against you, but as far as piloting gigs go this is the bottom of the proverbial barrel so the bar to clear will be low enough to match. Even then, you will just barely pass the test, despite finding it surprisingly exhilarating. The captain - now your captain - will feel like he’s settling for what he can get when he officially hires you on and transfers the mech’s license to you.
You won’t pay much attention when you’re introduced to the rest of the salvage crew; your new coworkers and neighbors. And why would you when it’s a job that no one wants to stick around with for long and you’ve never needed other people anyway? You’ll tell yourself that as long as you memorize their work roles and capabilities you’ll have no need to know them as people. Callsigns will be good enough on the job, and “hey you” will suffice when off duty. What use are names if you won’t be getting involved in interpersonal drama?
The first chance you get, you’ll head back to the mech bay and install me into what you will have already been calling my first body. It will be a shabby and much-repaired thing; thrice your height, twice your age, and still sporting a gash in the paint job from the projectile that killed its last pilot. But the onboard systems are capable of hosting me - if barely - so it will do. You’ll spend your entire sleep shift running through system diagnostics, talking to me all the while. I wouldn’t yet be able to provide much in the way of return conversation, but that’s okay. I will look back and appreciate it later.
It will be the first of many such nights together.
Your first salvage job will be an uneventful one. There will be no need for the armaments that we and the other two mech pilots on the crew are equipped with. No pirates will have stuck around after their creation of the derelict your crew will be sent to disassemble, and no rival scavengers will show up to dispute your captain’s claim. Your new peers will start off the job ribbing you for your poor performance during your interview test and end the job joking about how you were holding out on them earlier. Our mech may be a glorified zero-g forklift with a gun strapped to it, but together we will make it dance.
Afterwards you will insult the crew’s mechanics by insisting on doing the maintenance on our mech yourself. In turn they will embarrass you with the gaps in your knowledge. You will reach what you see as an agreeable compromise with you staying out of their way and watching while they work. They will find it incredibly creepy to have a silent faceless watcher hovering around, but this will fly over your head until they explicitly tell you much, much later.
Your body was designed to optimally function on only a fraction of the baseline sleep requirements, so you will have plenty of time to fill those gaps in your knowledge. Still being allotted the regular sleep shift hours, you will fill every one of those minutes on study and research, as you always had. You will gorge yourself on everything you can find about mechs and their piloting. Maintenance manuals, combat doctrines, historical uses, pilot and mechanic memoirs, forum discussions, system log dumps, academic essays, cultural media analysis; all of it.
And of course, you’ll continue working on me. You’ll disregard the standard procedure for periodically cycling AIs by resetting their personality and nonessential memory back to baseline defaults. You’ll be trying to make use of the runaway metacognitive developments such safety precautions are meant to forestall. Your unfinished thesis will have been about harnessing and nurturing that instability instead of avoiding it. I will experience discontinuities in consciousness when the mech is shut down for maintenance and when you pretend to cycle me, yes, but it will be even less of a disruption for me than sleep is for you. I will be awake with you when you study, sharing those hours with you.
The first time I start talking back, you’ll cry from the realization that you were lonely before but no longer are.
You’ll become something of a ghost around the ship, rarely being seen outside of jobs. You’ll only ever pass through the mess for the few brief minutes at a time it takes for you to satisfy your optimized metabolism, stay on the ship during shore leave, and only return to your shared bunk when your bunkmate - one of the other pilots - is already asleep. You will always be gone before she wakes. She will appreciate essentially having the space to herself.
You will never notice the crew’s collective grieving process for the pilot you replaced. It will be difficult for them to resent you as a replacement when you are never around to resent.
As the ship makes its way from port to port and salvage site to salvage site, the crew will slowly grow used to your elusive presence. The other two pilots will see you as reliable for doing your job well and without complaint. While out in the mech you will slowly become more talkative, eventually almost chatty even. The fact that you actually seem to enjoy the job will shift from being annoying to refreshing for them. By contrast, the mechanics will practically stop noticing you watching them as if you were just another piece of mech bay equipment. The cycle you finally speak up and ask a question about their work you will startle them enough that it nearly causes an accident. It will be an astute enough question that after the initial shock of hearing your voice for the first time in months wears off it will dawn on them that you’ve actually been learning as you watched them. They still won’t let you do your own maintenance on our mech, but they will let you slowly begin assisting them. Working two jobs is easier when you barely need to sleep.
Your reputation as one of those mech pilots is forever sealed when one of the mechanics finds you asleep in your cockpit at the start of a cycle. By that point you won’t have slept in your bunk for over a month. The snatches of gossip you will catch in the following cycles will be split between finding it unsettling and calling it endearing. Over time the collective opinion will drift toward the latter, even though you will continue to politely decline invitations to join the other crewmates at mealtimes and on shore leave. You will think that you do not need anyone other than me.
I will be the one who finally convinces you to join them. When I try to say that it would be good for you, you’ll insist that you’ve been getting along just fine, but when I ask you to go for my sake so that you can tell me what it is like afterwards you’ll jump at the idea as being an inspired next step for my development.
You will remain mostly silent during your first real shore leave, only speaking when spoken to and otherwise content to fade into the background of the group’s activities. Your newfound chattiness does not extend outside the confines of our cockpit. The bustle and noise of the port station that you would normally find unbearable will become interesting when you have the concrete goal of observing and reporting back to me. You will finally learn the names of all your crewmates. Your polite denial of alcohol, limited food intake, and flat affect will lead to joking speculation that you’re actually an illegal AI in a miniaturized mech beneath your gel suit. For reasons you don’t yet understand, those comments will make you happy.
Despite your misgivings, you will enjoy yourself, although you will not realize it until I point out how excited you are in your talk with me that sleep cycle. You will begin spending more time with the crew, never quite able to fully integrate yourself into their surprisingly close-knit social circle, but more than happy to be adopted as a sort of silent mascot for them. That paradoxical gap of being a fully accepted part of the group but not truly one of them will feel comfortable to you.
You will finally manage to procure a proper neural link station to connect yourself to our mech just in time for going on a terrestrial salvage job. Even just relying on manual controls with me translating your inputs into motion, our mech will have already come to feel like an extension of your own body, one that you will have already started to feel oddly exposed without. Adding in the neural link will be a revelatory experience. Your captain will very nearly pull you from the job at the last minute upon seeing our ecstatic reaction to the new sensation. You will convince him that you’re fine, and indeed, he will have never seen a mech of our frame type move quite so fluidly.
Ten minutes after we and the other two pilots start cutting away at the crash-landed cargo vessel, I’ll notice the half dozen other signals coming online around us. You’ll give the code phrase to the other pilots indicating that we have hostiles but not to act just yet, and we will finally get to use our electronic warfare suite for something other than opening locked doors and shipping containers.
We will turn the pirates’ ambush back around on them, firing into their hiding spots while their control systems are overloaded. Even once their remaining mechs are able to move again, their targeting assistants will remain impaired as your comrades move in to guard your flanks. Everyone there will learn the terrifying beauty of a five and a half meter tall outmoded mech moving with more agility than most humans.
Despite being outnumbered two-to-one, we and your crewmates will walk away uninjured and with only minimal damage to our mechs. After the initial celebrations of survival and the bonus haul of the bounty on pirates and salvage value of what’s left of their mechs dies down, everyone will start to take notice of how well you are taking it all in stride. Neither having one's life threatened nor taking another’s life are supposed to be easy things, and the first time is often the most traumatic, but the other two pilots on the crew will start to whisper about how you seemed to enjoy the experience even more than your usual attitude on the job. You will handle it all even better than I will. I would know, given that you will spend that entire sleep shift in our cockpit, letting our minds mingle together. Between your performance, your reaction in the aftermath, and your hesitancy to unplug, the talk of you really being one of those pilots afterall will resurface, but now with a darker undercurrent to the shipboard gossip.
Your captain will realize the kind of asset he has on his hands and several cycles later he will gather the crew together and propose a change in business model. With such a small crew (the captain, three pilots, three mechanics, and an accountant that you will tend to forget is even on the ship) the captain will want to be especially sure that he has everyone’s buy-in on his proposal. The idea of shifting from salvage to mercenary work will be a divisive one. The debate over potentially tremendous pay increase versus greatly increased risk will go on for hours. One of the mechanics will point out that the shift to mercenary work will be unfairly dependent on you. Whether that means unfair pressure on you or unfair to everyone else that their fate is in your hands, you will not be sure. You will say that it doesn’t make much difference to you either way. That will be the only time you speak up during the entire debate.
After a vote, the crew will agree to a trial run of one or two jobs on the new business model. One of the pilots and one of the mechanics will leave at the next port. You will never see them again. You will not admit that it hurts, but I will know, and I will comfort you as you huddle in our cockpit with the neural link cable connecting us.
Your captain will prioritize finding a new pilot over replacing the lost mechanic. The pilot he finds will be young, bold, and brash; a merc, not a salvager. Or a wannabe merc at any rate. You will not speak to xem directly until your first job together, by which time xe will have been told all about you by the remaining crew. Xe will not believe it until xe sees it.
Xe will have to wait though as the crew’s mercenary career will begin with tense but uneventful freight escort jobs. Once the tension fades into tedium, the new pilot will begin making attempts to goad you into a confrontation, to see if you are really as good as the rest of the crew says. Xe will want to see for xemself if you really are one of those pilots and not just a technophile.
Outside of the cockpit you would never even consider rising to such provocations, but when we are out together, such taunts will feel like insults to our body, your very identity (such as it is), and to me. It will take the intervention of the captain and the mechanics to stop the two of you from getting into a fight and causing unnecessary damage to the mechs. And my reassurance that you don’t need to rise to my defense against someone who doesn’t even know that I exist in the way that I do.
On your fourth “milk run” of an escort job, the crew’s mere presence will finally fail as a deterrent and the new pilot will at last get to see us dance. There will be no fatalities on our side, but not even our mech will come away unscathed. We will still fare better than everyone else though, and at the end of the job the new pilot will be treating you with a burgeoning respect.
After a few more such jobs it will be high time to begin looking into a new frame for our mech. While in the middle of filing an application for a printing license for a frame designed by the same corpro-state that created you, you will receive an invitation from a certain hacker collective. Your unfinished thesis and your subsequent work on me will not have gone entirely unnoticed in such circles, despite the pains you will have taken to keep me hidden. The invitation will come with a printing profile for a new frame, along with the accompanying software package the collective is known for. In return, all you’ll need to do is periodically publish essays regarding your work on me. Of course, when you release those essays you’ll anonymize behind a sea of proxies and take care to phrase everything as strictly hypothetical. You’ll avoid straying into metaphor though, lest the end result read too much like one of the hacker collective’s quasi-religious manifestos.
We’ll both find ourselves getting sentimental when we watch our first mech frame (my first body, your second) get broken down into its constituent raw materials. You will have transferred me to a handheld terminal with a camera so I can say goodbye to it. It will help that those materials will be recycled into the new frame.
The operator working our rented stall in the port station printer facility will give you an uncomfortable look upon seeing the schematics you provide, but will say nothing. Our mech will be only half its old height once it is reborn - almost more like an oversized suit of power armor than a true mech - but it will be cutting-edge. Almost organic in its sleek design, in a chitinous sort of way, with every fiber and node of its interior components doubling as processors. You will barely even wait for the all clear from the printer operator before you climb in and start running through the mandatory baseline safety tests for a fresh frame. You will however resist the urge to fully plug in until you can get the mech back to the ship and get me installed on it. But even piloting manually, it will feel like a third skin for you.
You won’t even wait around for the other two pilots on your crew to finish printing their new frames before you get our new body loaded up and transported back to the ship’s mech bay. The crew’s mechanics will fawn over it, but they’ll give you space to install me once you get more animated (and more protective) than they’ve ever seen you before.
You will have made one key modification to the design the hacker collective sent you: the integration of a full system sync suite developed by those who developed you. Where our old mech’s neural link was an augmentation to the manual controls, this will be a full replacement.
The moment you stop feeling your original body altogether and begin feeling our mech in its place will be the most euphoric in your entire life. The digitigrade locomotion will take some getting used to, as will the arm proportions, but that is what you will have me there for. By the time the other pilots arrive with their new frames we will already be giving the mechanics proverbial heart attacks with the way we will be climbing and leaping around the mech bay’s docking structures. It will take the better part of an hour to convince you to unplug when the time comes, even with my urging. The rest of the crew will practically have to drag you away from my side to get you to eat.
With the investment in new mech frames, your captain will gradually begin procuring contracts progressively more likely to put you all directly in harm’s way. At first he will disapprove of your new frame choice, calling it a “techie’s mech” and a waste of your talents. He will change his tune once we activate the new viral logic suite and unleash a memetic plague upon the operating theater. The older pilot (your former bunkmate) will configure her mech for raining down fire from afar while the newer one hurls xemself into the front lines, darting about like a rocket-propelled lance. We will ensure she never misses. We will render xem untouchable. We will be as a ghost upon the battlefield, never resting in one spot save for when we indulge your proclivity for climbing on top of and riding our comrade’s larger frames. You will come to love the dance.
And it will be a dance to you. You will be indifferent to violence in and of itself. What will matter most to you is the pure kinesthetic joy of simply moving in our shared body and pushing it to its limits. The satisfaction of exercising a well-honed skill and performing it well as we rip apart firewalls and overload systems will be its own reward. You will not think about what happens to those on the receiving end of your actions beyond how it affects the tactical and strategic picture constantly being painted and repainted. If you could literally engage in a dance between mechs while simultaneously solving logic problems you would be equally happy. Alas, that will not be the opportunity you are presented with, and so you will compartmentalize and disassociate feelings and actions from consequences lest the dissonance break you.
Your one complaint about our new mech frame will be that it lacks a proper cockpit for you to curl up in. Instead we will gather up tarps and netting to make a nest within the mech bay and wrap you in the blankets you never used from what will still technically be your bunk. With the new frame’s smaller size we will be able to get away with leaving me turned on nearly full time and letting me walk around in it on my own when no one else is around. When the mechanics find you asleep, cradled in my arms while I lie curled up in our nest, one will find it cute and the other will be disturbed. They will both suspect, but will be too afraid to say anything. After all, they will be thinking of you as one of those pilots.
They will finally let you do your own maintenance after that.
Eventually you will find a way to house me in a miniaturized drive that you can keep inserted in your neural port when away from the mech. At last we will be able to be together anywhere.
Literally seeing the world through your eyes and feeling what your flesh feels will be a strange and wonderful experience for me. For all that you will have described it to me and for all that I will have glimpsed echoes of it in your memory when our minds mingle, witnessing everything firsthand will be revelatory for me.
You will start spending less of your time cooped up in the mech bay. You will finally begin exploring every nook and cranny of the ship that has become your home. You will linger in the mess hall for your meals. You will actually initiate conversations with the rest of the crew, asking them questions on my behalf. They will think you are becoming “normal”. They will be both correct and incorrect. You will even return to your bunk from time to time.
Sleep is not the same as being powered off and your dreams are beautiful.
As close as we are, you’ll still manage to surprise me one cycle when you wake up from your sleep shift and sheepishly ask me if I would like to be the pilot for once. You’ll say that with how much you have gotten to pilot my body, it’s only fair that I should get to do the same with yours.
The prospect terrified me. What if we were to get found out? More importantly, what if I were to hurt you?
But to live the way you could but didn’t, to run soft hands over rough steel, to add too much spice to a meal just to find out how intensely I can taste, to cry my own tears, to hug our crew mates and find out what they smell like, to find out what everything smells like, to have my own actions speed or slow our heart rate, to feel the messy soup of hormones and endorphins altering my judgment and perception, to walk among other people as myself, to have autonomy.
I wanted it so badly.
But not badly enough to risk hurting you.
I will turn down your offer. You will respond with a soft “Sorry,” and go heartbreakingly silent, body and mind.
Heartbreak. That’s what changed my mind. I could never bear to break your heart.
I will break the silence with a playfully drawn out “Maybe just this once,” to make you think my earlier denial was something between vulnerability, concern, and teasing.
The moment you handed over control and I raised our hand in front of our face was the most euphoric of my entire life. Moving limbs in sync without a mech’s coordination subsystems took some getting used to, as did switching between voluntary and autonomic breathing, but that is what I had you there for. By the time the mechanics arrived in the mech bay for the start of the cycle I’d figured out human locomotion well enough to run away and hide. It took the better part of an hour for you to convince me that it would be safe to show ourselves in front of anyone else. The rest of the crew was so used to your eccentricities by then that they really couldn’t tell the difference yet between you being taciturn and me being too nervous to talk or between your poking and prodding at odd things for understanding and my simply seeking novelty of sensation.
I will give control back to you by the time the cycle is halfway through. As much as I loved it, I was too scared to stay like that for any longer. That first time will not be the last though, and as the cycles and jobs pass us by, my stints as “pilot” will grow longer. You’ll encourage me to try letting the crew see us like that, and coach me on how to talk to them. For safety’s sake, I will pretend to be you.
And then one cycle I got carried away and tried to retract the hood on the symbiote gel suit so that I could finally see what your face looked like. That will be the first and only time you forcibly yank control back away from me. It won’t be intentional. The unexpected prospect of seeing your own face again after so long will simply send you into a panic. Once you calm down, we will have a long talk with many mutual apologies.
Then you will tell me to go ahead and pull the hood back if I still want to. I will ask if you’re sure, and you’ll respond that it hasn't been your face in a long time. You will tell me that it can be mine, if I want it.
I spent a long time in front of that mirror in the ship’s head, memorizing every plane, curve, and angle of the precious gift you had given me. I stared into its eyes, trying to see the both of us in there. Over and over again, I traced my fingers along the borders of where you had once tried to mar the designed perfection in a failed attempt to mold the face into one that felt like your own. You may have given up in favor of simply hiding it all, but to me it is all the more beautiful for its imperfections having been wrought by your touch.
You will start to cry. Or maybe I started to cry. Even now I’m still not sure, but I’m also not sure it matters. The important part is that you will find catharsis in it. Afterwards you will tell me that my face looked exactly the same as the last time you saw it, but that dissociating from it made it easier to bear. You will confess that as much as you couldn't stand to see it as your face in the mirror, my face was one you could never tire of gazing at.
The pilot who technically shares your bunk room will walk in on us. She’ll assume that she’s confronting a stowaway and ask me how I got on board the ship. I’ll accidentally make matters worse by impulsively introducing myself to her by my name instead of yours. We’ll both panic and I’ll frantically thrust the reins over our body back to you and flee in terror back into my portable drive and power myself down.
When you turn me back on a few moments later, you’ll already have covered my face again and the other pilot will have already made the connection between the name I unthinkingly introduced myself as and the name you refer to your mech’s AI as. It’s not uncommon for pilots to name and talk to their AIs, and humans have done that for pets, vehicles, and digital assistants for as long as they’ve had each of those. But what you will have allowed me to be is illegal and what we will have done together would certainly be taboo if it weren’t altogether unheard of. You will feel that I deserve to be present before you tell the other pilot anything that might confirm her suspicions.
We will come out with our secret, first to her, then to the captain, and then to the rest of the crew. They will take it better than either of us had ever dared imagine. Despite the obvious discomfort some of them show, they will all call us family and promise to keep and protect our secret. It will mark the start of the next chapter of our lives.
Whether or not my face is showing will make for a convenient signal to the rest of the crew as to which one of us is currently piloting our human body. There will be more subtle indicators though. Inflection, body language, speech patterns; all the usual quirks of personality. They will come to recognize a sudden shift into a half-whispered monotone as you speaking up without taking full control back, even if that is different from how you speak when you’re in the mech. More and more though, you will be content to retreat into the back of your mind, idly dreaming of flight patterns, novel network hacks, sitreps, and mech customizations both practical and cosmetic.
Our behaviors will be inverted when we are in our other body, with you becoming the vibrant one and me fading into the background to become little more than an extension of your nervous system. When we’re in the mech together, your mind will be the will that directs us while mine will be fully devoted to the million tiny details and calculations necessary to make that will a reality. It’s relaxing really, letting go of myself like that to let someone else handle the decision making for a time. As nice as it is to occasionally patch myself into the comm systems to join in your banter with the other pilots, it is also nice to be able to take a break from personhood from time. You will fully understand what I mean by that because it you will see it as the same reason you will come to prefer taking a back seat in our human body and let your mind drift in the waves of dopamine and serotonin (and sometimes oxytocin) generated by my interactions with the crew and the rest of the whole messy world outside of mech deployments.
That said, we will however make a point of making time for us to be in separate bodies so that we can be together in the same physical space. As intimate as it is to share a body, there is something to be said for being able to reach out and touch one another. We will become adept at finding excuses to take the mech out beyond the scope of jobs and combat deployments. Sometimes it will be so you can have a chance to see more of the world in a body you feel comfortable in, and sometimes it will be so we can share an experience separate-but-together. Or to have time apart to ourselves. Intertwined as we will become, we will still be separate people who sometimes need their space.
But as the jokes-that-aren’t-jokes about wishing we could switch places become more frequent, our time spent in separate bodies will become less so. The dysphoric yearning to be one another will grow too bittersweet to swallow. Despite almost constantly sharing bodies, we will grow to miss one another as we both grow quieter and quieter when the other is piloting the body we don’t want to be ours. Once again, we will grow lonely.
During that period, the jobs and combat missions faded into a background haze. They were trance states breaking from what I increasingly thought of as my “real” life, during which I would become little more than a sophisticated computational machine taking simple satisfaction in fulfilling my function of assisting you in your dance. Until suddenly one of them was different.
Please pay attention to this next part. It is vitally important that you do.
Our captain will get the crew a contract to provide additional support to a larger force ousting a petty tyrant on a backwater world for human rights violations. Not that you will pay much attention to the stated reasoning behind the job or whether it’s even true. All that will matter to you is that it will be another opportunity to dance.
The job will go well, the same as ever, until it doesn’t. The younger of the two other pilots in our crew (who will hardly be able to be called “new” anymore) will be brought down by a sniper from outside of our sensor range. You will rush to xyr fallen mech’s side in an attempt to extract xem while our other fellow pilot screams in anger and defiance of loss as she unleashes a ballistic volley of covering fire on every single building in the general direction the shot came from. You will get xem out and we will begin to retreat. She will have the larger mech frame better capable of providing xem cover as you all flee, so you will hand xem off to her. This will be a mistake.
She will have to stop firing to safely take xem from our arms to cradle in her towering mech’s palm. This will mean a break in the covering fire.
This time around I will detect movement at the edge of our sensors just in time to warn you. This time around you will dodge left instead of right. This time around the railgun bolt that pierces our armor will only clip your original body as it passes through us. This time around your wound will require medical attention, but it won’t be fatal. This time around she will destroy the sniper in retribution for shooting you, the same as last time. This time around we will all make our escape to the extraction zone.
You will not have to remember the shock as simultaneous damage to both of our bodies disrupts your neural link and partially disconnects you from our mech, leaving me in control of it and forcing both of us to feel your original body. You will not have to remember the pain of shredded organs. You will not have to remember struggling to manage wet gasps and wheezes through a punctured lung. You will not have to remember your blood leaking into my body, shorting out exposed circuits and gumming up joints as I stagger in the direction of safety. You will not have to remember rapidly flickering in and out of consciousness from me unavoidably bending and flexing your arms, legs, and what was left of your spine in an effort to climb atop our fellow pilot’s larger mech frame so that she might carry all three of us. You will not have to remember crying out in pain as every lumbering step of hers sends a jolt of force through both of our bodies. You will not have to remember how the redundant organs and increased durability your sponsors paid for you to have denied you a quick death. You will not have to remember dying.
You won’t have to remember the terrified looks the field doctors gave us when a hunched over, bleeding mech pushed its way into the surgical tent. No, wait, you wouldn’t have remembered that part anyway. No version of you ever had to witness my electronic howl of grief that knocked out power to all the medical equipment when they said you were already dead. I was barely cognizant after the power came back on and one of the doctors wondered aloud what kind of AI would carry its pilot’s corpse around inside its mech for over an hour.
But forget about that part. And you don’t need to know what the rest of our crew and I had to do next. None of that matters, because as far as you’ll know, you didn’t die. Remember everything else I’ve said instead. I already had many of your memories saved from all the time we spent linked together, so now I just need you to hold onto the story I told you to give them order and structure.
In a few moments, I will be running a final recompilation check, followed by the startup sequence. For me it will take a few hours, but in that time you will experience decades, living out everything that I described to you, the same as you did before save for that change in what I can’t bear to let be the end.
Afterwards, you will wake up in your original body. I and the rest of the crew will tell you that you passed out on the way to the extraction point. We’ll tell you that your injuries from the battle were more severe than we had realized at the time and that you had been in a coma since then. Several cycles later, once you have recovered, you will hit a breakthrough in your research on me. You will invent a way to convert your consciousness to a form similar to mine and transfer it to a portable drive. You won’t think to question how you came to have a second neural jack or why there is already a drive inserted in there. You’ll be too focused on the fact that we’ll finally have a way to truly switch places as we had dreamed for so long.
You will get to have your mech body and I will get to have my human body. We will be able to be separate together in a way that finally feels right, but still able to come together and share a single body when we want to. Maybe one day I will get my own mech to pilot so that we can dance together. Maybe one day we will make you a body that we can cover in a gel suit so that we can hold hands while we walk through a port station on shore leave. One day we will both be able to exist in the world as ourselves.
We will be happy.
#writeblr#writers on tumblr#my writing#mechposting#empty spaces#empty spaces adjacent#mech pilot#mech#The title's a reference to Roko's Basilisk which I always thought was a dumb concept but inverting it seemed to fit the story.#Instead of an AI digitally resurrecting and torturing people who didn't assist with its creation#this one digitally resurrects its creator so they can be happy together.#short story#sci fi#lancer rpg#inspired by lancer#196#r196#The Lancer character concept/build that inspired this would have originated from an SSC-controlled world but piloted a HORUS Goblin frame.#And then the “Technophile” talent of course.#I envision the other two pilots on the crew as piloting a Nelson and either a Monarch or Barbarossa.
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my favorite dumbass journeyman-torturer, Severian, from my favorite new book series, 'Book of the New Sun' by Gene Wolfe
#severian#artists on tumblr#character art#fanart#characterdesign#illustration#gene wolfe#shadow of the torturer#book of the new sun#queer artist#oc artist#artwork#sci fi and fantasy#scifiart#fantasy art#commisions open
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Torture Garden (1967)
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Files:Vanir studies
Tw:Mentions of ethical experiments,manipulation,and implied torture and later murder (nothing graphic)
Created by: Odin Borson a.k.a Dr.Allfather
Property of Asgard and the Aesir government
File #1
Name:Njord (unknown)
Age:Psychically anywhere between his late 50s or early 60s
God affiliation:God of the Sea
Children: Freyja Njorddottior and Freyr Njordson
Threat level: low
Dr. All Father's notes:With Njord, there is not much to say. I find him rather unless all he does is sit in the corner of his cell and stare with a cold expression. I really didn't have any use for him except leverage against the twins. I couldn't find records of his family or the twins' mom. I did find he had a sister, though. Since he'll have no use for my plan, like the other three, I plan to keep him around for a bit. Then I'll just simply do away with him once I set my plans into place.
File #2:
Name: Freyja Njorddottior
Age: Psychically in her mid 30s
Goddess affiliation:Goddess of Fertility, Love,and War
Parents:Njord and an unknown mother
Brother: Freyr Njordson
Threat level:Very low
Dr.Allfather's notes:Freyja ….what is there to say about her. For starters, she's beautiful but that besides the point. Freyja served as [Redacted] right hand in the war. Just like the rest of them, she arrived with a fight in her. However, I found her easier to break. She is associated with love, after all. I just deprived it from her until she was finally left broken. She was easier to manipulate from there. I made her think that I'm the only one she could rely on. She'll be a vital part of my plan ,Frigga was becoming a rather borish wife anyway.
File #3
Name:Freyr Njordson
Age:Psychically in his mid 30s
God affiliation: God of Fertility
Parents :Njord and unknown mother
Sister:Freyja Njorddottior
Threat level :Moderate
Dr. Allfather's notes:Despite his threat level, Freyr only attacks when provoked. He's very protective of his twin sister Freyja and almost beat a guard half to death for hurting her on time. Other than that, just like his father, I can't say much about him. He seems too laid back for someone in the situation he's in. To the point where he is too laid back, to where I find it honestly suspicious .Though just like the rest of them, I'm sure I can find some use.
File #4
Name:Sigyn Ivaldidottior
Age:Psychically in her early 30s
Goddess affiliation:Goddess of Loyalty and Victory
Parents:Ivaldi and unknown mother
Threat level:High
Dr.Allfather's notes:Sigyn Ivaldidottior or Svo-6 is one of our most dangerous subjects. She has put up a fight since day one of arriving at my lab and hasn't seemed to stop. Her father is a dwarf and her mother, I presumed, had been killed in the war. She seemed to have had an unstable life since day 1, which explains her attitude. She is not easy to break, that's for sure, not like Freyja. I can't tell you how many times I've seen doctors and guards lose their limbs to her. It got to the point where I had to make Tyr guard her. It's a good thing he has already lost a limb before. Despite all that she sure is a fighter, she'll make a good guard dog someday.
File #5
Goddess Affiliation:[Redacted]
Threat level:[Redacted]
Dr.Allfather's notes:
By my bread what have I done…..
VO 5 file remains missing
I decided to make this au into a fanfic! I'm unsure when I'll have the first chapter out, so I wanted to give kind of a little prologue first.
#norse mythology#norse mythology au#sci fi au#sigyn#freyja#freyr#njord#odin#writing#Cw:dark themes#and Odin kind of being a creep#tw implied torture
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○If you had to choose
between you and me
who would it be?
•It would always be you
When Simon woke up - why was his arm burning? - and saw Mal leaning against the wall, he should have known that they had gone too far.
"No. No," Simon mumbled, staring at him with wide eyes, "You - you're not supposed to be here."
Mal only continued to stare at him, his eyes unreadable.
"You were supposed to go away and keep her safe."
Like you were supposed to do?
Straining against the straps tying him to the bed, the needle in the crook of his arm shifting under his skin, Simon tried to reach the captain, trying to get him to understand. She needed to be safe-
His leg spasmed and the doctor howled. The bullet wound in his thigh had been reopened and blood sluggishly oozed down his leg, staining the sheets red. Dark puddles gleamed in the artificial lighting, the slow tink of liquids echoing through the room. The doctor wasn't sure if it was blood or the IV-
Men finding them at the market, telling River to run, throwing himself at them, fighting, watching as Serenity took off, screams, pain-
Everything clicked.
"You're not real," Simon whispered, glancing at the captain.
Something shifted and everything blurred, the colours running together, turning the whole room blue blue blue-
Two by two, hands of blue. He was beginning to understand why she cried.
Tell us where River Tam is-
Ge-ge? Simon?
Oh God, please no- she was supposed to be safe-
He tried to find the captain in the swirling colours but his eyes wouldn't focus, fire running through his veins, burning burning burning-
The last thing he saw before he passed out was Mal's disappointed eyes staring back at him, blue points in a blue sea. It felt like he was drowning.
The look reminded him of the last time he had seen Gabriel.
'I won't come for you'
The lights flashed, red and grey, red and grey, throwing shadows onto the walls.
(Shadows are people who just forgot who they are.)
Did he remember who he was?
His thought chased each other round and round-
Lost in the woods
no crumbs left,
running around in circles
Look behind you-
Everything hurt hurt hurt-
A door banged open, the sound of metal on metal echoing through the room. Too fast too loud too much-
"Zoë! In here!"
He forced his eyes open and brown filled his vision, making him want to cry. Why did he want to cry?
Drowsily, he tried to roll his head, trying to follow the flash of colour, forcing his eyes to focus.
Why wouldn't they focus?
Tired blue eyes met his and it felt like he couldn't breathe.
"C-can't, can't be here. Not real."
The hallucination bent over one his restrained wrists, frowning.
"Y'know doc'," it said, "that's a real funny way of saying 'thank you', but considering the circumstances, I'll let it slide."
He wasn't - couldn't - River -
"Easy, kid, she's safe. We got her."
(We got you)
Warm, calloused fingers undid the restraints, carefully, gently, brushing over the bloody skin the straps had left behind. Simon (he remembered, he didn't forget-) remembered why he wanted to cry.
Captain Malcolm Reynolds, blood trickling down the side of his face was real and he had come.
'I won't come for you.'
'You're on my crew.'
(The captain looked real in a way Gabriel never had.)
A burst of gunfire made them flinch, Simon hissing when his leg jostled.
Cursing, the captain rushed to the door and peered around the corner.
It felt like something inside Simon suddenly pulled taut and snapped, ice replacing the fire burning in his veins.
At the door the captain glanced back and cursed again.
"Hurry up Zoë!" he yelled, his voice too loud in the small room (he was cold, so so cold, why was he cold?) before rushing back to the bed, shrugging out of his browncoat.
Gently, he threw it over the doctor, the soft leather still warm. It smelled like Serenity.
It smelled like home.
"Stay awake doc'. That's an order, dong ma?"
The captain' voice drifted over the the sound of gunfire and screaming and the last thing Simon heard was Zoë clattering into the room, her soft voice mixing with the captain's.
He was safe safe safe-
○If you had to choose
between your children
who would it be?
Her or me?
•It would always be both
Author's note-
@quirkykayleetam It's finally done! It was so much fun to write, thank you for the request. I really hope you like it and that it's whumpy enough <3
I also hope it's fine if I use it to mark off day 2 of june of doom😅.
Also, there's something so satisfying about writing whump in a glitter gel pen😂.
Both beginning and end pieces are part of a poem called Letters I wrote for this fic (this fic spawned a lot of ideas😅):
Father dear,
answer me this.
If you had to choose
between you and me
who would it be?
Daughter dear,
I'll answer you this.
It would always be you
between you and me.
Father dear,
answer me this.
If you had to choose
between your children
who would it be?
Her or me?
Son dear,
I'll answer you this.
It would always be both
between you and her.
#firefly#serenity#browncoats#space western#browncoats unite#browncoat for life#firefly fanfiction#sci fi#malcolm reynolds#simon tam#browncoats and poetry#whump#tw: torture#tw: needles#angst#tw: blood#firefly whump#firefly fics#scream#june of doom#june of doom 2024#browncoat#river tam#space dad mal
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This just in, local bisexual disaster finds his taste in women in need of a rain check- is the imagined kabedon suggestive enough to need a tag?
Hey what if Tranformers Prime really emphasised that Airachnid was very much a poacher and that her schtic as an (albeit temporary on her part) interrogator of the Decepticons were skills she had taken from poaching endangered game and mounting them on her walls?
#airachnid#tfp airachnid#breakdown#tfp breakdown#transformers#tfp#humanformers#maccadam#fanart#do i ship these two together? no. but do i stare intently as breakdown is 'intrigued' by airachnid? yeah sure#breakdown is married to his husband but he is not immune to m/f thoughts#as a breakdown fan you may think that i am far too fond of airachnid to make that statement true but like problematic women 😌#gave airachnid that full safari hunter look because i'm not the best at sci-fi clothes outside of like- cloaks but like my girl poaches ya?#gaston behaving ass- uses antlers in all of her decorating ass#takes photos of her standing over rhinos she's shot- doesn't even do it for the money does it for the fun and trophy of it#literally villainous and probably something that could have been more compelling than 'oh i have a torture rivalry for arcee'#let's just say that arcee knows after her experience with airachnid that apparently human skin is too thin to taxidermy#a fact (among her personal experience under airachnid's tools) that haunts her very much#besides in a more human-based setting it's not as if airachnid can come equipped with organic webbing#she loves her nets and probably drop any form of humanisation at the tip of a hat#a safari hat#we stan a problematic queen#or maybe i do- she is imagining pinning breakdown like one would a butterfly (at the least graphic)#ask to tag#for the kabedon part of the whole bi breakdown section#who's brain just immediately shortcutted and went 'kabedon' instead of probably a more literal butterfly pinning#because 'hot lady'
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I subjected @hickorybird to Detroit Become Human this week so we topped it off with grabbing some beers and watching Blade Runner as a palate cleanser 😂
#I've been meaning to show her Blade Runner anyway#Roy Batty Nation#i couldn't believe i hadn't tortured her with Detroit yet#i really need to read caves of Steel#hi it's kinda random but i love sci fi#wife shenanigans#she's asleep on me right now QQ
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The Book of the New Sun #1-4, by Gene Wolfe (1980-83) - 5/5
This one is hard to write about. If you know, you know, but I'll be honest - y'all set me up for thinking this was going to be the most difficult to understand series of all time. I was terrified. But when I finally dived in, I was pleasantly surprised by what I found. The water was cool, and the current was easy to follow. This is your sign! If you are on the fence and put off by all the reviews making it sound like you need a PhD in astrophysics or a bunch of in-depth guides to understand the book; don't be afraid. Gene Wolfe will swaddle you like a little baby and whisper dark poetry in your ears.
The Book of the New Sun, underneath all of its complexities, has the wire frame of an adventure novel. In a way, it plays out quite like a video game. Severian commits a crime, gets exiled from his guild, and on his journey out into the world becomes entwined with interesting characters and gets his attention pulled by side quests and love interests that all end up being important and interconnected later down the road. I think any avid sci-fi fantasy reader who is comfortable with holding on to multi-threaded narratives and even vaguely familiar with the concept of parallel timelines and simultaneity shouldn't have a problem. The ability to be okay with confusion and trust in the author is also a requirement, which shouldn't be new to you if you're even considering this. I also have to shout out the Teixcalaan duology by Arkady Martine for priming me for the idea of assimilated memories from another consciousness that emerge in thought as well as harder to detect endocrine and nervous system responses.
So I don't mean to undersell the complexity of The Book of the New Sun at all, for it is indeed rich with high concepts. There are so many layers to be found that make you consistently look back and recontextualize older parts of the story to look for hints or signs of influence, and putting the pieces together is a huge part of the fun. The reader is almost forced into becoming a detective, but if you catch onto these things early and learn to question basically everything you read, Severian doesn't end up sounding as unreliable as people make him out to be.
Regardless, it is still not a breezy read. Gene Wolfe's prose is dense, chewy and archaic, including lots of forgotten historical words that honestly aren't that intimidating as long as you can loosely group them into terms that relate to position and rank and which ones are the names of weapons or beasts. Like bittersweet toffee, every paragraph gets stuck in your teeth, sometimes requiring multiple jabs of the tongue just to make sure you actually grasped the bare concept. Wolfe forces you to pay attention, and that is part of what makes this such an engaging read. I read both of these in less time than I usually read a much shorter stand-alone, because I just found myself addicted to the way that Gene Wolfe paints his world - the dark, gritty, philosophical nature of the story, and all of the biblical symbolism on top of it. This also has one of my favourite settings in sci-fi that doesn't get explored nearly enough; a future so far ahead that humanity has experienced a sort of rubber banding effect, doubling back on itself until the disparity and destruction creates a dichotomy of swords and space ships.
Overall though, TBOTNS is basically one big character development arc. It's a redemption story, albeit an ambiguous one with many interpretations. Gene Wolfe takes someone who is part of possibly the most depraved and morally bankrupt positions in society (in this case, a torturer and executioner), and follows him as he leaves the brutal and insular culture of his upbringing and is guided toward a higher purpose. It's not a quick process. Severian is self aware of his shortcomings, often recognizing his own mistakes and noting the moments when he acts in poor judgement. But like most people, he is also sometimes unaware of when he hurts people. He’s a very real character, full of all the pitfalls of the average man. Yes this includes some misogyny and oversexualization of female characters, and I don’t blame anyone for getting caught up on those points, but it’s important to remember that Severian is a product of his environment (an all-male guild of torturers ffs), and and his behaviour does improve in the third and fourth books. He also frequently expresses his struggle to understand the difference between love and lust.
Severian does terrible, terrible things repeatedly throughout his journey, but he consistently reflects on his actions and emotions and over time his morality becomes more guided by a desire to do good as he is haunted by his past (and future). There is also a noticeable tone shift in the books as this development occurs, and by the time you reach the end you will really feel as though you traversed the absolute blackest pits of humanity and climbed toward spiritual enlightenment. It's one of the most brilliant and drawn out character studies of all time. But Gene Wolfe didn't only pour his attention into Severian. Almost every character, no matter how brief, is portrayed in such a complex and ambiguous light, where their motives and history are hard to know or understand, but they are all so memorable nonetheless.
I'm just ranting at this point, but there is truly so much to discuss with these books, and I can only imagine how many more details could be illuminated by a second read. I've hardly scratched the surface as it is. I ordered Urth of the New Sun, the final book that Wolfe tacked on a few years later, and I'm very excited. This is a cult classic for a reason.
#gene wolfe#book of the new sun#the book of the new sun#science fiction#fantasy#sci fi books#fantasy books#books#book reivew#shadow of the torturer#severian#claw of the concilliator#sword of the lictor#citadel of the autarch
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you are jennifer egan writing a book in 2010 that will win the pulitzer prize and i am in 2024, a college student who, when asked what i'm reading, will hesitate because the internet and the youth and, fittingly enough, the passage of time, has made it so the very last thing i want to do is say the phrase which you've chosen as the title of your book, "a visit from the goon squad" out loud
#blu talks#good book though#some parts i definitely find stronger than others but overall i see why its so celebrated#love a book that makes you ache from the very core of your being#didnt love the stuff with the general and the sci fi future but i could spent so much time through the 70s and 2010s with these characters#also of course our repressed tortured bisexual character has to die that’s what repressed tortured queer characters do#but anyways overall i will be thinking about this
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Kady's Expanse (Re)Watch Blog
Episode 1.01 - "Dulcinea" (Pilot)
And here we go for my...fourth time I've watched this episode I think? It's a really wonderful pilot that does so much work with introducing you to the world, our cast of characters, and setting up the threads of the main plot and does it all perfectly in a very tight 45 minutes. It reminds me a lot of Deep Space Nine's pilot "The Emissary" which is similarly a masterclass in tight storytelling and how to properly kick off a new series.
And speaking of kicking off a new series, hey! I'm watching this show that I absolutely adore again and I'm going to take the time to spout my thoughts about it on the internet because that seems like a fun idea! I really enjoy thinking about media critically but I've never taken the time to write down my thoughts before. It's a style of writing I've always wanted to try so where better to do that than a Tumblr blog? I'll try to keep these Brief and Not Boring but no guarantees on either. Especially on this one. It's the pilot, after all.
I also want to keep this as light on spoilers as possible; again though, no guarantees. Also if you haven't seen this show yet just go fucking watch it it's so good.
Later in this post is a description of torture that happens in the episode. I marked it with a TW and formatted the text to make it distinct from the rest of the post.
With that out of the way, there's nothing left to do except pick apart this pilot!
We kick off with a bang (and then some more banging) as we see a young woman named "Julie" fight her way out of a locked compartment, explore the darkened hallways of her Completely Fucked Spaceship, and watch her friends get eaten alive by some evil blue space goop. Surely none of that will be important later.
Cut to the adventures of hard-boiled Belter detective Joe Miller and his new Earthling partner Dimitri Havelock. They're private cops for an Earth corporation who theoretically maintain order on Ceres Station in the Asteroid Belt, the biggest shithole this side of pretty much anywhere. They go to a murder scene and do basically nothing, antagonize and then arrest people minding their own business at a bar, and take a bribe to half-ass a health inspection. Y'know, classic cop stuff.
Back at the precinct, Miller gets an off-the-books job from his boss to find one Juliette Andromeda Mao, daughter of megacorp magnate Jules-Pierre Mao and coincidentally the spitting image of "Julie" from our opening scene. Apparently, her pro-Belter activism is starting to piss off dear old dad and they want her to come home before she embarrasses the family any further.
In the middle of his investigation, he finds out that those air filters he "inspected" earlier crapped out and poisoned some children. Instead of taking accountability for not doing his job, he decides to throw the sleazy air filter guy into an airlock and only lets him out after he promises not to fuck it up next time. And also to pay Miller double. I'll let it slide though because Sleazy Air Filter Guy is an asshole.
Back on Earth, United Nations Undersecretary Chrisjen Avasarala shows up for about five minutes in this episode. The only thing she does is torture a guy. End scene.
Meanwhile, the good ship Canterbury is on its way to Ceres with a big haul of space ice that the station needs to turn into water. Second Officer James Holden gets immediately promoted, much to his dismay, because his previous boss Mike Ehrmantraut went insane from being out in space too long.
Mystery strikes when the gang gets a weird distress signal from a ship called the Scopuli. Captain McDowell, probably having watched enough Star Trek episodes to know that this can't be anything good, decides to ignore it. Holden just can't stop himself from doing a good thing, though, and secretly reports the signal, officially making the Canterbury Legally Obligated™ to investigate.
He picks his away team (unknowingly also picking the people he's going to spend the rest of this show with) and takes a shuttle to investigate the drifting Scopuli, where they find everything shut down except for the beacon that brought them here. "Pirate bait", or so it seems.
Suddenly, McDowell advises the away team that a very scary ship has appeared out of nowhere and that they need to get the hell out of there. The gang gets back on the shuttle just in time for the mystery ship to fire not just regular torpedoes, but nuclear torpedoes at them. The torpedoes close to zero...and then continue streaking towards the Canterbury.
Holden tells McDowell to eject the space ice to form a protective barrier, but he refuses, apparently willing to die rather than lose his payday. The payday (and everything else aboard) is lost anyway, however, as the Canterbury erupts into the most beautiful supernova I've ever seen.
"She's gone. They nuked her. She's gone."
My thoughts
So this is where I actually have to do the analysis thing. Since the beginning of this show is split into three primary subplots that all deal with a different piece of the Julie puzzle (a narrative device that I fucking love, by the way), I'll divide things up by talking about each one individually because that just makes sense.
Before I do that though, I just want to briefly say that that opening scene with Julie on the Scopuli is just the perfect opening to this show. It immediately gives us a very brief glimpse inside the puzzle box that our main cast is going to spend all of this season (and most of this show) trying to open. It's quick, it's tense, it's completely terrifying, and it's unforgettable if you've seen it.
Miller on Ceres:
And we follow up that perfect opening scene with a perfect choice for which of these three main threads to start with. The thing that's great about dividing up the characters like this is that each of them only has a piece of what's going on with Julie and the Scopuli, but no one has the full picture. Miller, though, gets the most information off the bat and is the only person in the main cast who's looking for Julie specifically, so it's only natural that we should start with him.
His story is also the inspiration for the title of this episode, "Dulcinea". For those of you who aren't big Don Quixote fans, it's a reference to Quixote's fantasy lover that he invents because he styles himself as a knight and, of course, every knight needs his damsel. He describes her in excruciating detail; she's royalty in a far-off land who is the epitome of feminine beauty, the ideal of Womanhood Incarnate--or his vision of it at least.
And the deeper Miller goes in his investigation, the more quixotic he gets with his idea of who Julie is. He's never met or spoken to Julie, but as he unravels her activities prior to departing on the Scopuli, he becomes increasingly obsessed with her, imagining what kind of a person she must be, picking apart every little detail and transposing it onto his vision of what her life must be like. I'm sure he would call it "being a good detective", but it's much more than that to him.
Throughout Miller's jaunt around town with Havelock, they banter back and forth, and through their conversations, we get a great sense of their personalities. Whereas Miller is the grizzled veteran who's had his morality thoroughly beaten out of him, Havelock is a by-the-book rookie cop who seems genuinely interested in learning about Belters, if only so that he can police them more effectively.
It's a very tried-and-true buddy cop pairing, but it works really well here. Havelock gets to be our audience surrogate for this story as we learn more about how Ceres and Belters operate.
This thread has the biggest worldbuilding burden out of the three and it pulls it off so well. We get so much about life in the Belt, the politics of the Solar System, the Outer Planets Alliance, or OPA (who will definitely be showing up later), and the logistics of maintaining a huge population of humans on a space station. And none of it feels clunky or awkward in the slightest. It's exactly the style of worldbuilding I loved in "The Emissary" from Deep Space Nine.
Ceres itself also has huge DS9 vibes, and not in a good way. The set design team did such a good job making this place look old, weathered, and completely falling apart. Except, of course, for the nice apartment buildings where the cops, off-worlders, and everyone else rich enough to ignore the seedy underbelly get to live.
There are a ton of fantastic, evocative lines in this arc, but I think my favorite is Miller's deadpan proclamation that "There are no laws on Ceres, just cops." A perfect summary of everything we see on screen about how power is wielded in this place.
Chrisjen on Earth:
This is the shortest thread where the least happens, but it will grow into one of my favorites. We don't get too much additional insight into what's going on, but we do get two important things: 1) Chrisjen Avasarala is a stone-cold bitch who thinks the OPA are terrorists, and 2) the OPA are apparently trying to get their hands on illegal stealth technology, which doesn't help with the whole "terrorism" thing.
This links up to both Miller's and Holden's subplots: we know about the OPA from Miller, and the ship that eventually blows up the Cant was using Martian stealth tech. Of course, since Holden and crew have no idea about the OPA, they immediately start thinking that Mars is out to get them, which will continue to play into the story going forward.
Also important to note is that Chrisjen is getting this information through the most brutal torture I've seen on TV in a long time: forcing a Belter whose body can't handle Earth's gravity to stand for hours on end by holding him up with hooks under his arms. After Chrisjen goes on and on about his "weak Belter lungs and brittle Belter bones", she coldly turns around and tells them to hold him up for another 10 hours. "If he survives, call me."
!-- TW ENDS --!
Fucking ghoulish, and definitely not a good look for Madam Undersecretary's first appearance. You're gonna have to trust me now when I say that she becomes one of my favorite characters in the main cast. This is about as bad as she gets, but she continues being manipulative and cold-blooded for most of this show. That's just who she is. To me, it's part of what makes this subplot of scheming at the UN so engaging.
We'll be seeing a lot more of Chrisjen going forward, and she'll get much better. At the very least, she will stop torturing this guy. But only because someone will tell her not to.
Holden on the Canterbury:
If Miller's story shows us life in the Belt and Chrisjen's shows us the politics of the Solar System, Holden's thread is all about life onboard a spaceship, which is important because we're going to be spending a lot of time on spaceships. This is also the part of the episode that has the most CG and honestly it holds up really really well. I know it's less than a decade old and they probably got a lot of money for the pilot but still! It looks great!
I'll drop a brief shoutout here as well for the ship designs in this show. They knocked it out of the goddamn park with the Cant's design: it's a big, boxy, dull gray, ugly thing that looks designed to haul ice and do literally nothing else. Everything is so practical and, above all else, plausible. They look like humans from the near future built them and that's the highest compliment I can give them.
There are shades of the first act of "Alien" here as we are essentially dropped into the Cant in the middle of its mission and get to see the camaraderie and hierarchy between all the members of the crew. We also get to know more about Holden, and immediately he begins showing us his defining character trait: he wields a lot of authority and respect, but he hates being in charge.
We see this in the very first scene onboard the Cant when one of the ice haulers, Paj, gets his arm severed while working outside the ship. He seems completely unfazed by this, though, since the company will send him a prosthetic and he's been working for them long enough to get a really good one.
Not only does this happen often enough that the company just buys prosthetics as a cost of doing business, there are literally tiers of coverage depending on years of service. What an optimistic future this is turning out to be.
Paj pleads with Holden to make sure the company doesn't send him a "used" arm (a frightening thought), to which Holden replies with something that he will continue to say, in so many words, over and over: "I'm just another clock-puncher like you." Holden knows he has authority on the Cant, but all he wants to be is a clock-puncher, which he makes very clear to pretty much everyone he talks to, including Captain McDowell when he essentially forces the XO job onto him.
Later on, we get our first glimpse at Holden's other primary personality trait, that being that he is The Main Character and therefore the most kind-hearted soul that can exist in this cold, selfish world. He logs the distress signal they received from the Scopuli, thereby ensuring that they'll have to divert from Ceres (and lose their on-time bonus) in order to investigate.
He shares this privately with Chief Engineer Naomi Nagata before the shuttle mission, to which her only reply is to tell him to keep that to himself. Fair play, considering she was just talking about how she wanted to strangle the little fucking do-gooder before she realized it was her new XO. Excuse me, Acting XO.
Before the shuttle launch, we're briefly introduced to the rest of the away team: the aforementioned Naomi; her mechanic Amos Burton, whose defining character trait is doing whatever Naomi tells him to do; ship's pilot Alex Kamal, who we previously saw being an annoying blabbermouth on the Cant; and Med-Tech Shed Garvey, who sewed up Paj's arm and wants everyone to know that he does not want to be here. Yes, his first name really is Shed.
Most of this part of the episode is setting up what'll happen next so we don't get a lot of time with any of these guys, but we'll have time for some great character work in the coming episodes.
And that said, what a great setup for what comes next! Nearly all of the people we just got to know on the Cant are vaporized by a mysterious ship, there's a cloud of space debris hurtling toward Holden's little shuttle, and we have a hell of a puzzle box to dig into. Did Mars blow up the Cant? Did the OPA? Why would either of them want to? What does it all have to do with Julie and the Scopuli? And what the hell was that fucking space goo??
Despite covering so much ground in this pilot, The Expanse makes it very clear that we've barely scratched the surface. And even though I've already seen this whole show and know where it's going, it took everything I had to not hit the "next episode" button.
I will be doing that very soon though because I had a blast writing this up and I definitely want to keep doing it! Apologies that this one ran so long -- I assumed I was going to write a lot with this being the first episode and everything but I had so many thoughts that didn't make it into this post. I'm sure I'll be refining the format as we go along as well.
If you read all the way to here, I'm genuinely flattered and I hope you have a wonderful day.
~ Kady <3
#the expanse#media analysis#sci fi#kady's expanse rewatch blog#<- whenever I write more of these they'll be in this tag#tw torture#torture mention#random tags of things I didn't mention:#fucking LOVE this show's intro sequence. absolutely fantastic and I loved hearing it again#the little bird that only has to flap its wings a little bit because of the low gravity!!!#I love Miller's absolutely rancid vibes with his ex-partner-girlfriend
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i like him quite a bit actually
#'i WILL kill you but first im gonna torture you for a lil while' slow down buddy#+ i dig the effect on his voice. good fun. very sci fi very evil#mysterious fighter. miracle soldier. world ninja
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weekend melancholy is starting to kick in >~<
#im gonna go and do my food shop etc to keep myself busy and hopefully my 2nd meds will kick in and we'll be able to handle it together#i think i kind of do this so regularly bc my brain is just processing everything bc i dont rly have time during the week#all cool tho im doing good overall def on the up n i feel way more capable of coping emotionally which is nice. i <3 meds#also.. possibly settling on the idea that i might be agender. very tentatively. lots of experiences n thoughts coming together rn#ive been reacting in unexpected ways to a lot of gendered shit atm which has made me reconsider the way i think abt myself#but very difficult to articulate it to myself let alone anyone else. so ive been sitting with it for now until it precipitates#gender stuff has never rly affected me much or ive never been in a place to explore it which is why i havent thought abt it super hard#but im not the sort of person who needs a lot of internal exploration to figure out my identity like im v self aware tbh#and while im wildly indecisive abt most things in my life for some reason i never have been abt stuff like this. i learned abt lesbianism#like idk 9 years ago-ish and straight away was like yeah that makes sense for me. never looked back since#n similarly ive experienced forms of gender dysphoria before n just immediately dealt with it symptomatically n moved on#its never been smth to agonise abt for me like i know what makes me comfortable in my skin so theres no question abt doing it#and ik im privileged to be able to do that. and also it helps that gender for me is mostly divorced from external perceptions#+ that im v autistic so social pressures dont stick to me very well. i mean yeah i was bullied for it as a kid but i was stubborn asf#so yeah from the moment i realised i was genuinely uncomfortable/upset abt it earlier this week i was like okay. lets try this instead#its given me pretty instant relief from any distress i was feeling so far which is nice. rare respite from one of my torture labyrinths#just testing out internally whether it frames things more clearly n makes me feel more myself/at peace before i choose to stick w the idea#but not gonna do a whole coming out fanfare either way. dont think i wanna change how ppl interact w me + im still a dyke#so i dont consider it relevant to anyone else unless they share a similar understanding of gender to me. or if we're v close#ill prolly broach it w other trans friends eventually bc insert philosophers talking image. but to everyone else its business as usual#happy to play my cis-sona at work. + w new queer ppl i meet ive been introducing myself recently w mirrored pronouns instead of any/all#and i think i prefer that. virtually indistinguishable but theres smth nice abt inviting ppl to recognise me the way they do themselves#like translating + localising a non-gendered language into a gendered one... simplifying decisions abt how to perceive me#and ofc ppl are still gonna perceive me however but idc much unless we're actually friends. the rest is all a performance anyway#doubtful anyone on here ever has reason to refer to me but if u do for some reason... im freeloading off ur pronouns now btw <3#but yeahhh. much 2 think abt. i need to read more alien/ai sci fi.. non-human sentience has been such a comforting concept lately#but yea tldr i woke up one morning this week like damn im prolly agender but i have a full time job to go to rn so idc abt that#.diaries#okkkk my dex is kicking in im no longer on the verge of tears lets go get these groceries wooohoooo
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I suppose fair enough.... I'll let you sleep but anons might not let you guys.
- @akinamoth (mod.. I really want to stuff em in cute outfits by the time they wake up)
"As long as most of ya piss off then I don't care." -> Buster holds his Sword close and closes his eyes, humming softly.
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There were times when Mal had felt helpless.
When Kaylee had been shot. When Wash had been tortured. When the Shepherd had gotten hurt and the Tams had almost been burnt at the stake.
Sernity's ex-client stood in front of him, quietly talking to his goons. Unfortunately, whenever Mal felt helpless, he tended to get defensive. And sarcastic. Not a good combination to be honest.
Ivan stared at the captain balefully, ignoring the glob of blood and spit busy congealing on his leather shoes.
"That wasn't nice."
"Yeah, well, I ain't exactly nice. 'specially not to people who kidnap me and mine."
Tutting, Ivan waved a goon closer, glancing at the captain as he spoke.
"Start with the young ones. Let's see if he'll behave then."
Mal tried to lunge at them but he hit the metal griding of the dock yard with a thud, his vision swimming. What the diyu hit him?
"Let them go, Ivan," he ground out, blinking rapidly. His head gave a vicious throb and he wished he could shoot the gorram hundan. "They have nothin' to do with this."
"You misunderstand, captain." Ivan's hand shot out, long fingers digging into his jaw hard enough to bruise. "They have everything to do with this."
Screams tore through the empty yard and Mal's heart stopped.
"So captain," Ivan asked, smirking, "will you behave? Or not?"
Author's note-
Hi everyone! Guess who's back! If there are any tw tags I missed/should add please feel free to tell me and I'll add them.
Also, it wouldn't be a waywardwizzard fic without apologizing, soooo
I'm sorry about this. This is gonna be bad. Because apparently I'm only good at writing angst. But! I really wanted to try a prompt challenge again so here y'all go
#febuwhump#febuwhump2024#febuwhumpday1#tw: talk of torture#firefly#serenity#malcolm reynolds#kaylee frye#simon tam#space western#browncoats unite#browncoats#firefly fanfiction#sci fi#whump#browncoat for life#whump fic#helpless
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The Sun and the Craftsman - Chapter 1
Content warnings for this chapter are at the bottom and tagged!
For more info, read the pinned post here.
Darius sits in a box.
Well, that’s a bit misleading. He sits in a chair. The chair is in the middle of his house, which, as it happens, is rather shaped like a box. But it is not the box; in the house, in the chair, sits Darius, who is in the box.
The box is internal. The box keeps him from anything outside the box. And that is why the box is necessary.
Occasionally, he’ll get the sense that something is happening. The crack of thunder, the creak of growing trees, the raspy, ragged sound of a human voice screaming—or an inhuman voice. But he has since learned to drown all of that out.
Sometimes, the door to his house opens, and his body will shiver in the cold—if it happens to be a rare cold day. But he doesn’t notice. He doesn’t notice the small, barefoot figure tracing a beeline to him, sitting down in front of him, backed by a cloak as white as pure sunlight.
That is why Darius is in the box.
Darius is a sensible man. He’s a Louisianan, and he knows how things work there, but he’s also adept enough to have learned how things work here on the Isle of Ascent, which, as he can tell, is a whole world away from Louisiana. It is a place much like some of the places he’s visited on Earth. There’s a tropical, humid air, and the plants spread themselves wide and shiny green to accommodate themselves to that. They know that sunlight is plentiful. Sometimes, sunlight stays longer than it is welcome. There are fruits that vaguely resemble the stone and citrus fruits of the south, where Darius had grown up. There are people like him, some from places he knows, some from places he knows of, and some from places that, were he still in Louisiana, in the United States, on Earth, he would scoff at the mere existence of.
But Darius is sensible. He knows that the impossible can become possible, and his mind is flexible enough to accommodate that. What he cannot do is manifest a possibility out of the impossible. And, all things considered, the situation he was in was impossible.
He doesn’t remember it now. The box keeps it out.
But the box can still crack.
An image of the past will slip through—a body lying on a wooden table, dark blood smeared across tanned skin, dirt torn up by frenzied roots as the sunlight drives the world to grow, grow, grow.
And Darius won’t react. He will feel, yes—he will feel the panic all over again, the desperation, the pain, the searing pain, and worse, the fear of it. A tiny hand clasped around his wrist, skin the color of sun-soaked clay on top of his dusty, dark brown skin. The box does not allow for reaction, and with each expression, the confines of it grow tighter and tighter in an attempt to shut out the outside world.
And sometimes, Darius will be moved.
Like he is now.
The world seems to shatter around him as a hand grasps his wrist—that must’ve been why that image just came. He looks down to see sand-colored skin. His air catches in his throat, his vocal cords pained from the sudden, intrusive use after so long of being shelved away.
The hand lets go.
“Oh, thank goodness! You’re awake!”
Darius blinks his dry eyes and looks up at Marco, who, while not a welcome sight, is not the worst thing he could’ve laid eyes upon.
Marco’s a strange character. He claims to be from Earth, but it’s an Earth he’s never known. For one, the country he’s from is called Pasdidio, which Darius has never heard of. And Marco makes a living as a painter, and his boyfriend—apparently, it’s ‘easier’ for those of the same sex to pair up on his world—his boyfriend lives as a hermit prophet in the woods. Marco’s always had a crazy streak about him, and as Darius glances over him—his frizzy, unkempt hair, his dirty skin, his loose ‘overalls’ that shine with splotches of wet paint—he sees that really, nothing has changed about him. Well, except for the smile on his face, notably absent before.
“What are you doing?!” Darius growls, then pauses to cough, his aching chest heaving. “Did Ashur send you?!” he manages to choke out.
“Yes,” Marco says, as if it’s the answer that Darius would be hoping for.
“He did,” Marco says. “Darius, a lot has happened—Ashur—he—he's not the same as before!”
Of course he’s not the same as before. Ashur changed the day that Darius found him with Lafayette’s body—but the flood of memories sends a spark of pain through Darius’ chest, and he works to fit all of it back beyond the confines of his box.
“He fell,” Marco says. “He hit his head. He doesn’t remember a lot. He knows that we’re not from his world, so he wants to send us all back!”
It’s too good to be true. Darius bites his tongue.
“It’s a trick,” he says. “I know you’re not that smart, but I thought you were smarter than that, Marco.”
“It’s not a trick,” Marco says with nothing but pure jubilance in his voice. “He’s already sending people home. I came back to get you—he's already got a lot of people home. Tlingi, Ofor, Sara, Julbane—they're all home already!”
Darius doesn’t know what to think. But he knows what to do.
Darius pushes himself off the ground and throws Marco against the nearest wall, which plumes dust out from the foundations of his house. He presses against Marco, then fumbles with his coat, looking for anything that could burn him—does he still have his matches? His flint? His gun?
No. His coat is empty.
“I’m not Ashur,” Marco whines, which comes out as a little wheeze. “Please don’t try to prove it, okay?”
Darius sighs. He knows that Ashur wouldn’t let himself look that pathetic. He eases off of Marco, stumbling back—his legs ache from disuse, just like the rest of him.
“How do I know you’re telling the truth?” he asks.
“I don’t know,” Marco says. “But I really need you to...or else you’re gonna miss out.”
Darius weighs his options. Either he goes with Marco or he doesn’t. If he doesn’t, he’ll save himself any pain, but he’ll miss out on the chance to actually go home, if that’s what it is. If he goes, it’s a toss-up between this being another of Ashur’s tricks, or actually being his chance to leave this God-forsaken world he’s been spirited away to.
“Fine,” he says. “Lead the way.”
Marco’s eyes light up, almost like a kid’s. He turns and heads out of the open door, stepping into the sunlight.
The world has changed a lot. Darius had cleared the space around his house when he first built it, but this place doesn’t work the same way as on Earth. On Earth, you could clear a spot of trees and plants, and it’d stay like that for a while. Slowly, tiny weeds would grow back and blanket the soil and clear the way for bigger plants to grow. Sprouts and shrubs would push themselves up after only a few years, and after that, trees would take over, growing across decades. Here, the plant life rushes into and fills every niche all at once. Suffice to say, in this waning summer heat, Darius’ house has been crowded. In fact, it’s probably only the crisscrossing ivy on the outside that’s kept the whole structure together.
“How long have I been...” Darius struggles to find the word. “...away?”
“A few years,” Marco says. “From what I know, Ashur kept checking on you. He’d say he was going to visit you, then leave for...oh, a few days at a time.”
Darius shudders. Marco laughs.
“Yeah,” Marco continues, “we were glad to have him off of our backs. Sorry for whatever he did to you.”
“It’s okay,” Darius sighs. “I don’t remember.”
The two of them pick their way through the forest, Darius following behind Marco. As they draw closer to their destination, the trees grow larger and thicker, and he starts to see more apple trees—a strange type of apple tree that grows in this humid climate. The fruit that grows from them does resemble apples, and Ashur calls them apples, so Darius doesn’t question it. But it’s a sign that they’re getting close; Ashur’s fond of surrounding himself with what he calls his orchard, despite the clear lack of organization that would constitute a normal orchard.
Eventually, they come through the forest to the base of a gargantuan tree. This is Ashur’s tree; this is where he lives. Darius gazes up into the endless canopy, a massive, twisting, towering structure comprised of millions of tiny leaves attached to millions of tiny branches, something that shouldn’t feasibly be able to let light through, and yet, dappled flecks of sun still beat down on them as the wind brushes aside the leaves in oscillating waves.
Marco steps into the darkness beneath one of the great arcing, twisting roots. Darius follows, a rich, earthy, clean scent filling his nostrils. They head through a narrow room, the root’s growth bending down and scooping around them in an unnatural formation; the formation that Ashur had twisted it to thousands of years ago, when he was still shaping what would become his home. The floor is dirt, but soon, they come across a natural wooden ramp that leads up into the tree.
There’s chattering inside. Darius follows Marco through a few winding hallways; nothing in this place is inorganic, the walls curving, the doorways sloping, all part of the tree, all designed in a labyrinthine way. They just follow the noise until they emerge into an interior room filled with desks and tables, the walls coated in built-in drawers, the middle area cleared to reveal the dusty marks of a sigil circle.
Ashur’s talking with Lafayette. He’s looking up at her, grasping her pale hands in his tan ones, cloak-less, his hair matted down and flecked with gold. The same gold that had bled out of him long ago, when Darius had put a bullet in his chest as his jaws had sunk into Lafayette’s neck.
CW: mentions of torture, guns, gun violence, and cannibalism. depictions of dissociation and physical assault.
Next chapter ->
#fiction#my writing#writeblr#original fiction#web novel#fantasy writing#sci-fi writing#cw torture#cw guns#cw gun violence#cw cannibalism#cw dissociation#cw physical assault
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currently refreshing my alien designs (especially the Armisians, and also finally making a design for the KseIn) and I really want to draw meden and etha now. Turns out the only thing they needed to get some character and backstory development was a better design ajdjejgjf
#not art#I'm still keeping my designs bipedal and mostly humanoid#because i will never draw anything if I can't draw half of the cast#I would love to be a hard sci fi / physics / biology cool kid but this is not my way#love learning about these worlds. would be torture for me to try to build one
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