#and ik im privileged to be able to do that. and also it helps that gender for me is mostly divorced from external perceptions
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phagodyke · 8 months ago
weekend melancholy is starting to kick in >~<
#im gonna go and do my food shop etc to keep myself busy and hopefully my 2nd meds will kick in and we'll be able to handle it together#i think i kind of do this so regularly bc my brain is just processing everything bc i dont rly have time during the week#all cool tho im doing good overall def on the up n i feel way more capable of coping emotionally which is nice. i <3 meds#also.. possibly settling on the idea that i might be agender. very tentatively. lots of experiences n thoughts coming together rn#ive been reacting in unexpected ways to a lot of gendered shit atm which has made me reconsider the way i think abt myself#but very difficult to articulate it to myself let alone anyone else. so ive been sitting with it for now until it precipitates#gender stuff has never rly affected me much or ive never been in a place to explore it which is why i havent thought abt it super hard#but im not the sort of person who needs a lot of internal exploration to figure out my identity like im v self aware tbh#and while im wildly indecisive abt most things in my life for some reason i never have been abt stuff like this. i learned abt lesbianism#like idk 9 years ago-ish and straight away was like yeah that makes sense for me. never looked back since#n similarly ive experienced forms of gender dysphoria before n just immediately dealt with it symptomatically n moved on#its never been smth to agonise abt for me like i know what makes me comfortable in my skin so theres no question abt doing it#and ik im privileged to be able to do that. and also it helps that gender for me is mostly divorced from external perceptions#+ that im v autistic so social pressures dont stick to me very well. i mean yeah i was bullied for it as a kid but i was stubborn asf#so yeah from the moment i realised i was genuinely uncomfortable/upset abt it earlier this week i was like okay. lets try this instead#its given me pretty instant relief from any distress i was feeling so far which is nice. rare respite from one of my torture labyrinths#just testing out internally whether it frames things more clearly n makes me feel more myself/at peace before i choose to stick w the idea#but not gonna do a whole coming out fanfare either way. dont think i wanna change how ppl interact w me + im still a dyke#so i dont consider it relevant to anyone else unless they share a similar understanding of gender to me. or if we're v close#ill prolly broach it w other trans friends eventually bc insert philosophers talking image. but to everyone else its business as usual#happy to play my cis-sona at work. + w new queer ppl i meet ive been introducing myself recently w mirrored pronouns instead of any/all#and i think i prefer that. virtually indistinguishable but theres smth nice abt inviting ppl to recognise me the way they do themselves#like translating + localising a non-gendered language into a gendered one... simplifying decisions abt how to perceive me#and ofc ppl are still gonna perceive me however but idc much unless we're actually friends. the rest is all a performance anyway#doubtful anyone on here ever has reason to refer to me but if u do for some reason... im freeloading off ur pronouns now btw <3#but yeahhh. much 2 think abt. i need to read more alien/ai sci fi.. non-human sentience has been such a comforting concept lately#but yea tldr i woke up one morning this week like damn im prolly agender but i have a full time job to go to rn so idc abt that#.diaries#okkkk my dex is kicking in im no longer on the verge of tears lets go get these groceries wooohoooo
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zumbieve · 1 month ago
More isekai’d shadow au ideas yippee!!!
This is mostly for @hugsandchaos
Because of you, my Isekai’d shadow au lives on, soldier ✊🏼
Let’s just pretend that somehow shadow still has his doom powers, although they’re not as painful as they were whenever he used them because black doom is dead, it just feels uncomfortable in a way.
Boom Amy would ADORE the doom wings, she’ll be the one to call him “angel of darkness” and the name just spreads around.
She likes the doom morph a lot because it looks like a squid, and im obsessed with marine life Amy.
Doom surf is her absolute favourite, and shadow lets her surf with him, it was the best day of her life.
Sticks thinks the powers are so cool but it also freaks her out.
The wings are cool, just keep the squid thing away from her she hates it.
She doesn’t like the surfing thing too, she doesn’t know if it’s alive or not and it scares her, modern shadow doesn’t help with him saying that he’s able to hear it talk in his head sometimes (it doesn’t he’s just messing with her).
Boom Sonic will go batshit insane, like this guy is already majestic and cool he doesn’t need more!! And don’t get him started on doom morph, how can the ultimate Lifeform be so cool and cute?? That’s unfair.
He asked shadow if he can fly with him and tried to pass it off as a joke, but to his surprise shadow just gave him an amused smile and agreed to it.
And SURFING POWERS?? Hello?? How he wishes to have that!
Boom tails will ask shadow if he’s ok with little harmless tests and they’ll stop whenever he says so, shadow humours him because he trusts him.
Boom knuckles thinks it’s so cool and is sad that he won’t grow wings or become a squid like modern shadow.
Ik i didn’t touch on the boom shadow and modern shadow dynamic, mostly because i couldn’t think of anything for them.
But now that im thinking about it, i feel like modern shadow would feel pity for boom shadow.
The way i see it is because shadow had a support system to help him grow and be better, and (that’s my own hc) as far as he’s aware boom shadow doesn’t have that, he wants to try and let boom shadow see the world the way modern shadow and maria see it. But he can’t do that if his boom counterpart keeps trying to kill him whenever he sees him on sight.
The boom team doesn’t help with that too, they think that boom shadow is a lost cause because he refuses to join their team. and he tried to destroy the world.
But modern shadow almost blew up the whole planet because of what he thought was Maria’s wish, it feels unfair to him that his counterpart doesn’t get a chance like he did, but he also understands where they’re coming from.
He just wishes boom shadow will be able to see the beauty of the world the way his beloved sister taught him.
Modern shadow isn’t a fan of touching, but he’s also touch starved, he only allows boom amy (because she’s amy and he doesn’t mind her touching his shoulders or her hugs because he knows she’s just affectionate like that) and boom sonic (because boyfriend privileges)
Because of how serious modern shadow is and the fact that he has a poker face, modern shadow will joke around and lets them try to figure out whether he’s serious or not.
Modern shadow’s love language is acts of service (any shadow really tbh) so whether boom team sonic asks of him or not he will do something for them or lend a hand.
Modern shadow likes to include boom sonic into his 20 steps skin routine, and despite boom sonic complaining he enjoys doing them with modern shadow.
Modboom sonadow like to always race in their dates, if a date doesn’t begin or end with a race to the destination it’s a failed date.
Modern shadow fell first and boom sonic fell harder. And modern shadow confessed first with boom sonic asking him on a date first.
Modern shadow speaks highly and fondly of Omega and Rouge, yet whenever boom team sonic say something that insinuates that they’re his friends, he immediately denies it.
Out of pocket hc that was brought from the 3rd sonic movie, shadow likes to play the guitar because maria loves it :D
He never showed boom team sonic until they had their 5th hangout camping trip that he decided to play a guitar version of Live and Learn. :)
Boom sonic has never felt smitten in his life up to this moment. (Yes this is a Boom sonic is smitten for Modern shadow acc what do you expect?)
Boom knuckles wanted to play the guitar like modern shadow, and mod shadow was happy to teach him how because he gets to share something important to him and maria with other people he trusts.
Modern shadow and Sticks have sleepover nights where they shit talk the government and plot how to destroy them from the inside out, no I don’t make the rules that’s their friendship to me.
Modern shadow likes stargazing. Like, A Lot. And if he wants any of Boom Team Sonic (or any of mainline characters) to stargaze with he will grab someone, preferably Boom sonic or Amy, it doesn’t matter if they’re about to go to sleep or busy doing something else. Stars are more important.
Abit of a warning here, this is where i completely self project onto my favourite sonic character, you can change my headcanon into something else you like if you don’t like it.
Shadow knows Arabic (Because i said so) and whenever modern shadow speaks in Arabic Boom Sonic loses his shit cuz omg that was so attractive.
Boom Amy gets a new hyperfixation in the form of a language because of modern shadow and is eager to learn it with his help.
Modern shadow would say a curse in Arabic and someone would ask him what it means, he’ll lie and say it means a compliment like “you’re beautiful “ or “you look good” and then the episode will proceed to air without any problem.
Modern shadow’s chao is called “ Layl” لِيل and it means Night in Arabic, im not as creative it was either that or Najm نَجم which is Star in Arabic.
Boom Sonic calls the chao Darky to piss off modern shadow, but when he’s with her alone he calls her little night.
Sometimes modern shadow would go days without sleep,food,or even breathing, and it scares boom team sonic quite often.
When modern shadow first appeared in the boom universe, some mobian mistook him for his counterpart and told him to follow them for an important meeting he has to go to, shadow had no idea who that mobian was and why they were wearing a ring leader outfit from a circus or something that Rouge showed him once, but he needed to know where he is and that is the closest he’ll probably get with a direction.
So he followed them and that’s where he found himself in a “Villain” meeting with Eggman of all people and some weird group of individuals who call themselves as such. He’s sure their shoddy ways of Villainy will bring shame to Black Doom and his stupid army, not like he cares really.
Anyway he left :D
Modern shadow skating on ice, and trying to teach Boom Team sonic how to skate like him, he never smiled big as he did in that moment.
Alright ig that’s all for now! :D
I tried to think of hcs I didn’t already use in my previous post and i still think i probably reused some old ones without knowing idk, either way. It was fun writing this and thinking of scenarios of these silly characters.
Again if anyone wanna add anything plz tag me in! It’ll brings me so much joy seeing them!
And in case youre new here and wanna see more of my isekai’d shadow au here’s a link so you don’t have to go through my posts that you won’t probably care about :)
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otrtbs · 10 months ago
hi! could you explain a little bit what you studied and if you did any apprenticeship before you got a job ? a little summary to how you got there ? i’m so curious (and i admire you a lot)
hiya!! sure!!
so back in high school i actually started volunteering at my local art museum when i was 16 (up until i graduated at 18). they had a program specifically designed for teens to volunteer at the museum (i gave guided tours, and helped plan events at the museum, and worked with kids 3-12 in a drop-in studio every saturday where they could make art of their own after looking in the gallery) <- not a lot of museums do this, but you can call and ask if they need volunteer docents for the weekends !! they’ll train you!!
then i majored in art history in undergrad (making sure to focus my courses in modern and contemporary art towards the end of my studies bc that’s what i wanted to do! also i took a LOT of french classes. as in i only needed a few credits to have a minor but the last class was so hard i dropped it) to give yourself a leg up, i recommend studying a language (italian, french, spanish, german) most jobs in ARH require at least a minimal reading knowledge of another language.
while i was in school, i got a job at my university’s art museum as a gallery assistant! (<- fancy way of saying i walked around the galleries and told people not to touch the paintings and answered their questions if they asked and made sure no one was trying to steal the art)
during the summer, i got a summer internship at an art gallery in the biggest city close to my house (bc i moved back home w my parents in the summertime. uni housing was crazy expensive) and that was the *most* instrumental. i learned how to write wall texts, how to install artworks, i made studio visits to artists, updated the gallery website, handled artist contracts, you name it! it was great experience!!
i also got involved in art history/fine arts clubs at my university! i was on the fine arts council at my uni which represented the art and art history department to the student senate and the university at large. and the art historical society.
then i got my master’s degree in history of art theory and display, joined the art historical society at that university, got a degree and entered my FLOP ERA OF THE CENTURY
and by that i mean, i was 6 months unemployed and moved back home w my parents flop era. no one would hire me ,, no one would even give me a call back to tell me they didn’t wanna hire me ,,, and then one day someone did !! rahhh!!!! and i got some of my research approved 4 publishing and now im here!!!! (i say this not to discourage you but to let you know that the job market for art history ppl is tough,, it has always been tough,, but if you love it, it’s never a waste to pursue!)
i would do a few things differently if i had a second go at it, just to get a leg up so here’s some advice that im giving but i DIDNT DO myself:
1) try to minor in something to give you a leg up! a language is good, marketing is good, public relations… something to make you stand out!
2) try to get things published as an undergrad or a grad student! get your research out there if you can (way easier said than done ik ik) have some things you can list under your publications tab on your CV
3) if you find yourself in a 6+ month jobless, flop era period like me, volunteer somewhere at a museum or gallery if you are able. i was bitter as fuck that i had a masters degree and would be working at a museum for free when i needed money so i didn’t do it ,, but when someone finally calls back and you get an interview and they ask what you’ve been up to recently ,,, telling them you spend your time volunteering in museum spaces and working in your desired environment looks so much better than saying “i’ve been job searching” i promise !! (<- also just recognizing the extreme privilege i had to just stay at home and look for jobs in my desired field instead of immediately having to get a job somewhere. but im not gonna lie to you. i put out applications at olive garden and einstein’s bagels and they both rejected me. so. i was scrambling bc my student loans were due and i had zero dollars 2 my name 🧍‍♀️)
okay i rambled on for entirely tooooooo long. but i hope this was helpful somewhat !!! 💗💗
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chaos-coming · 2 years ago
Its really really selfish of me ik, but seeing the current transgender panic and the wave of antitransition legislation happening around the world, i feel this like sense of dread mixed with relief. Dread that people are having such a terrible time accessing transitioning care, a bit of fear that i may not be able to get my hormones legally (tho i know if i walked into an intense group of gym bros i could probably get my hands on black market testosterone pretty quickly, im resourceful like that and steroids are easier to find than estrogen).
But i also have this guilty feeling of relief. Relief that i transitioned 10 years ago when it was first hitting the mainstream and before this whole trans panic thing started. Relief that i pushed hard to transition and get my documents set quickly, relief that i pass nearly all the time and live completely stealth, relief that my white passing privilege gives me a relative measure of protection on the streets, relief that my parents have finally come around after like 8 years of complete shit (including getting disowned, cutting them off, and then later family therapy) and my dad is now even helping me fix my non-american documents. It's relief that, in all honesty, this wave of antitransness is barely going to affect me in any real way.
And i cannot understate how big of a privilege this is, or how different my experience coming out was to my trans siblings going through it today.
And i would be lying if i said i did not see this reactionary antitrans backlash coming 10 years ago. That was part of my urgency and motivation for creating stability as quickly as possible. So my guilty feeling of relief comes from having seen it coming and having taken steps to protect myself. When others did not have this chance.
But i still feel so guilty about living with this privilege, and after a decade of living stealth i'm genuinely afraid to be openly trans in this social/political climate. I dont know if its possible protect my vulnerable trans siblings without putting myself in the line of fire, but i also dont know if i could live with not doing so, given my privilege in so many aspects. But i mean i'm even afraid to enter the dating scene with cis people for fear of being outed and facing rejection based on whats in my pants.
I feel so guilty and a bit like a coward, and maybe i really need to sack up and put myself out there. Being stealth is a bit of a double edged sword because i am inherently alienated from cis communities, and then it also alienates me from gnc communities. But the safety in this privilege is hard to give up and maybe i'm not as brave as i think i am, or maybe i'm burned out on an existential level from the battle i already fought 10 years ago.
I think i need to start teaching self defence for gnc folks, i'm going to visit my senseis in october and even though i had their blessing to teach a few years ago i would like to have it again.
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imanes · 4 years ago
Hello imane! Because of the pandemic, I still have all my uni classes online & idk ive been feeling v stuck in life like ik everyone has and im v privileged compared to alot of people but just submitting assignments in the same old home environment everyday. Ik we all have to get through this but life feels joyless and dull. Just endlessly depressing. So i wanted to ask u how u idk made life exciting while u were working from home? Like any rituals or a routine or hobbies?
hi angel! tbh i don’t know if i’ve suceeded in making my home life very exciting in the last year, but there are a few things that helped. my desk used to face a wall and it got really old after a couple of weeks of always staring at purple paint all day long so i turned my desk around to face the window, and surprisingly that helped a lot. having the cats around definitely do a lot of good things for my mind too. i decluttered my space, i burn a candle every day, got a lot of comfy clothes to wear around the house. i also take showers during my lunch break lol. i have a thing for fancy drinks so i got myself quite the selection of teas, coffees and various drinks to prepare at different points throughout the day. taking walks got real old bc living in the city means taking ugly street upon ugly street for little pay-off so i don’t really have that outlet akjkfjgld. one thing that really helped me was making my own food and be diligent with my meals by making sure i was treating myself to things i wanted to eat and by trying new meals and prepping my own pickles and fermented foods! i feel proud of myself even when i make a sandwich bc i can put in stuff i pickled myself etc, and it constitutes a highlight of my day even if it’s based on something i made many days ago. i make sure i talk to my friends every day, even if it’s just to share memes. i’d say just little things make a whole lot of difference when you add them up. starting tomorrow i’m going to do that 30 day yoga challenge thing by adrienne something something because to be honest i have a LONG way to go when it comes to my physical health and i really need to start generating happy hormones by working out and involving myself physically into activities. as far as food for thought is concerned i’ve been following a lot of webinars on decolonisation, anti-racism and stuff, it’s a topic i’ve always been interested in and i feel very lucky to be able to assist to so many online conferences where scholars and activists come together to share their expertise.
as far as hobbies are concerned, i’ve taken up playing electric guitar a few weeks ago and i’m getting back into drawing and painting a little, but i wouldn’t say it’s something i’m doing to alleviate the constraints of working from home if that makes any sense, it’s more part of a long-term plan to be more creative. and as usual i read a lot! reading is my favorite thing to do, especially now that life is so boring and monotonous. fiction is literally making me feel alive by proxy as pathetic as it sounds lmao. but i’m not berating myself for that, and neither should you. yes there is a mountain of privilege involved in being able to work or study from home when so many are at the end of their rope. however, it does not invalidate the fact that after nearly a year of repetitive lockdowns, isolation and general threat to mental and physical health, there is a lot of people who feel at the end of their rope and are still trying to find the silver lining somewhere. i think a lot of people have started journaling, which is cool, and jotting down stuff they feel grateful about, which works for some people but for me it’d be counterproductive. it all comes down to trial and error and see what makes you feel alive. lately even doing my laundry has been a highlight of my days bc i love the smell of cleanliness (it’s the virgo in me...).
last but not least u can join our book club~ the link is in the bio. to be honest it’s a book club but it’s not mandatory to read, there are plenty of channels and it’s a nice occasion to chat with people about common interests. if you feel like socialising that is <3 just being able to chat about this or that w/ cool people in a positive space does wonder for my feelings of depression and loneliness.
ok i typed a lot but idk if this has been of any help lol i’m a boring person and i don’t do any spiritual stuff or think about mindfulness at all and i’ve got a laundry list of issues to deal with so i don’t even feel qualified to share advice but at the end of the day i just wanted to tell u that i wish u the best and that u find ur cruising speed, and that if u do and lose it for a bit, it doesn’t mean that u can’t get back on track!! i wish the both of us and everybody else a better future
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zeldasayer · 4 years ago
Hi mama Z idk if you remember but about 2 weeks ago I messaged you saying im starting my first big girl job and.....Ik its only been 2 weeks but I hate it. My manager essentially refuses to give me proper training because he's running around the store, and everytime I bring it up he goes oh idc when and we will get to it whenever. He's also one of those people that teaches things way to quickly and expects you to understand things even faster. I'm trying to help out more but my biggest issues right now is getting the computer system down for checking ppl out and putting in the paint orders. Last week 3 contractors came in and my manager and my other coworker was on the phone ignoring them so I also didnt go to help because I legit have no clue what to even say/ what the customer wants and or needs like the lingo I still dont have down. So my manager pulls me aside and snaps at me "yknow you could help more" and im just dumbfounded cuz like I would love to help more and not feel like a complete fucking idiot but YOU WONT GIVE ME PROPER TRAINING. I haven't even been working for 10 days at that point. I want to quit so badly but ik i cant or else I'll look bad and i need money. It just sucks that I leave essentially crying everyday. I guess I've never really hated a job I've had before and thats just a privilege im gonna have to get over. It also doesn't help that its 30 minutes north so its ALL TRUMP COUNTRY. The contractors that come in are sexiest as fuck and half the time wont put on a mask, yet my manager says nothing to them.... my coworker and assistant manager are just fine with me and kind and patient (and women so that helps) its just my manager Jacob (yas im name dropping) that makes me feel like its a hostile environment. I'm just having my fingers crossed that I will get the hang of things and be able to leave in a 6 months or a year 😞 I just don't know Z it's making me so depressed and anxious
I’d start applying for other jobs now, because you don’t want to miss pay checks and this doesn’t seem like a very pleasant place to work.
Unfortunately this does happen though, some places don’t have the means to train right away — so prove that to them. Fake it until you make it and bring every thing that you can’t execute due to your lack of training to them, because really HOW are you supposed to know?
You seem to have sweeter coworkers which does help, you can only do what you can.
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