#tori does art sometimes
astorichan · 3 months
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trying my hand at some simple animation and - this was surprisingly tough but just as fun! getting my revenge on @slimeshade :3
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sugahbunnies · 10 months
It’s been a month.
Thirty long dreadful days, you picked up the cigarettes again and a bit of alcohol drinking with your mother. Everything has gotten worse in every aspect in your life, no wonder you drank with your deadbeat of a parent. Atleast you had your group of friends, even though it was painfully awkward with Saiki present. He still couldn’t glance at you, not even in the slightest. It feels as though everything is falling apart, it’s gotten so bad to the point where you even began hanging out with Toritsuka. After that encounter in the hallway, you been seeking him out to hang out. Although, you are aware he is pretty pervy but he hasn’t done anything to really disturb or make you uncomfortable.
You’re on the rooftop of the school, sketching on your notepad as Toritsuka sat next to you, eyeing your drawings. He suggested you’d draw someone, so you took his suggestion and decided to draw him. “\Where did you learn to do art?” He asks with genuine curiosity. You look up at him, leaning in closer and staring at him intensely. You watch his face turn a into a bright color of red.
“You have nice features, Reita” You mumble, poking his nose with your mechanical pencil. He moves his face back, he looks like he’s in awe of you.
“T-thanks, Y/n” He says, clearing his throat as he scoots closer to you. You notice this, sighing in devastation. You know maybe asking Toritsuka to hang with you wasn’t good, he might get the wrong idea. You give him a small smile, adding a few lines to the drawing.
You pull out a cigarette and show it to Toritsuka, raising an eyebrow. “You smoke, Tori?” You ask, knowing that this might ruin the reputation you have going on for you.
“I don’t actually” He answers, grabbing the cigarette from you and twirling it between his fingers. You nod, going back to your drawing and noticing you forgot his eyelashes.
“That’s good, forget I even asked okay?” You smile again, to which he returns the smile but he seems a bit excited.
“So.. what are you and Saiki?” He wonders outloud, your pencil stopping at the same rate as your thoughts.
What am I and Saiki?
“We’re just friends” You reply, and you feel a stinging pain in your chest as if you just told the biggest lie. Toritsuka seems to be thrilled by what you said, and he ruffles your hair.
“You think you’re just friends, huh?” He laughs a bit after his question, shaking his head.
“Better tell that to Saiki” He adds on.
You tilt your head in confusion but rather not ask, you nod in response and focus on your drawing. Toritsuka continues watching you draw as he tries to further the conversation. Though you don’t really seem to be into the whole idea, as you mindlessly think about what Saiki must be doing.
Please just forgive me , Kusuo..
Saiki is devastated. Not even an exaggeration, he is quite literally depressed. This is all his fault, of course, not talking to you for thirty days. He actually feels quite empty, not being able to be around and to hear your voice has taken a toll on him. I mean hearing your voice everyday for endless weeks was a bit excessive to him but .. Why does he feel cold inside when he hasn’t heard you make you a joke for the last thirty days?
He always sees you pass by in the halls and jeez, sitting next to you in class not only makes things even harder, he cannot help but sneak glances at you. The way your purple yet reddish eyelids hang low as you attempt to not fall asleep during class. Your hair that is not thoroughly brushed. Your freshly sticked on bandages with bears on them.
He sees it all, he really does. And he’s about to forgive you with his own audible words when he sees you up on the rooftop with Toritsuka. He asked everyone around where you were and everyone laughed and said, “Dude, they’re with Toritsuka”. Now this made him panic, knowing Toritsuka can be a pervert sometimes. So, Saiki decides to go up there and see what is going on. What he did not expect was to see you giving the purple haired freak a small smile. The one you make when you’re tired and want to sleep. Saiki’s breath hitches as he watches you both behind the door.
“So, what are you and Saiki” Toritsuka asks outloud, and Saiki’s heart begins thumping like crazy at the sound of his name.
Saiki stays still until he hears your answer, his palms becoming sweaty but holding the door steady.
“We’re just friends”. That answer feels like a hit to the face when Saiki comprehends you say it. He swallows hard and breathes out shakily, closing the door to the rooftop and standing there a bit to process. ‘
“Just friends” Saiki repeats, nodding and hitting his head on the side with a fist.
“Of course, we’re just friends, just friends, just friends..” He repeats with the goal to stitch it into his brain. To hammer it into his brain. What was he thinking? That he could actually develop romantic feelings for someone? There’s no way in hell.
Saiki trudges down the stairs, now he’s even more devastated.
“I guess this could be worse” He mumbles. The rooftop door swings open, Tortisuka runs by Saiki with your sketchpad in his hand. “Yo Saiki” Toritsuka waves at him before jumping down the stairs.
“Tori!” Saiki hears you yelp from behind. He feels a hard nudge on his shoulder when you pass by and realizes you bumped into him hard. Really hard. You spun your head towards Saiki, you look him up and down in boredom before running after Toritsuka again. Saiki swears there was a slow motion between you spinning around and you two locking eyes. He swallows hard again, his heart thumping once again.
“Why do you make me feel this way, Y/n?” Saiki sighs and sits down on the stairs, receiving stares from other students who were passing by him.
Just have to apologize to them..
He has a plan.
Not really a plan but he just thinks this will make you forgive him for ignoring you for the past month. During class, he decides to repeat what you did a month ago and write you a little note.
He writes down on the note, “can we talk?” and passes it down to your desk. Honestly, he should’ve expected this but it stung even more when you actually did it. You give a death glare, crumble up the paper and throw it at his forehead. Okay, maybe your throw wasn’t as accurate as his but he knows you were trying to repeat what he did a month ago.
His mouth twitches in annoyance yet in amusement. You could be petty sometimes, yeah. He looks outside and notices the weather is definitely getting worse. He knows how you feel about bad weather and he hopes your condition does not worsen by your mood.
After school, Saiki decides to do one of the lamest things to do when you need to reach your friend.
To call you.
So, there he is. Leaning against a locker, his thumb playing in midair as he contemplates whether to call you or not. His mind is spinning and really does not know what to do. His body is shaking and he’s not sure if it is due to his nervousness or the cold air that is coming inside the building.
He’s about to press the button when he hears a feminine voice behind him.
To his disappointment, it's just Teruhashi. He nods at her, and she gives him a smile while glancing down at his phone.
“Oh! About to call L/n, huh? It’s about time you both made up” Teruhashi admits with an awkward smile as Saiki simply just nods at her again.
“Okay, I’ll see you tomorrow again then!” She exclaims, stomping away in a manner that seems.. frustrated?
“Silly girl” Saiki mumbles under his breath, shaking his head and tapping the call button without hesitation. He’s not sure where he got the confidence from but now he’s sure, he has to call you up.
The phone picks up and all he can hear is your deep breathing, hesitsation hinted behind.
“At the entrance” Saiki breathes out, then hangs up as quick as he could to not hear you protest.
He has to apologize to you now! At this moment he has to. He cannot waste another day without hearing your stupid little jokes that poke at him.
He sighs, slightly panting from the running he just did. He’s not exactly fit. He looks down at his feet and genuinely starts hoping you’ll come, you have to. He stands there for what seems an eternity, in reality it is just seven minutes. Saiki sighs again, his heart skipping a beat whenever he thinks he sees you but it’s just another student that looks similar to you. He cannot seem to see clearly, he squints and .. oh.
Saiki feels his heart stop, his hearing becomes clear and his vision suddenly becomes clear as well. You’re walking towards him so painfully slow, a blank expression shown on your face as you near him. Saiki’s breath hitches as he watches you come his way.
He scrunches up his nose as he feels specks of coldness on his nose. He looks towards you and notices small white balls falling upon you. He glances up at the sky.
He looks back towards you and almost yelps, you’re right infront of him. He examines your face, your soft skin and sickenly looking eyes. Your red, swollen lips and wandering eyes.
“You came” Saiki speaks out breathlessly, his voice slightly cracking at the sight of you. You burst into a light laugh, the sound of it just music to Saiki’s ears. He has not heard that laugh of yours in forever.
“You called” You say with the same breathy voice, coming closer to Saiki and staring up at him.
“I’m sorry” Saiki chokes out, his hand reaching for yours in your pocket. “I’m so sorry, Y/n, I should have never spoken those words to you”. You blink away a few tears, shaking your head and smiling brightly at Saiki.
“No, I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have yelled at you”. Saiki pulls you in for a hug, his arms wrapping tightly around as you hide your face in his shoulder. The snow slowly piles up on both of your heads, but it doesn’t bother you neither of you. Not at this moment, not right now.
All that matters is that you’re together again.
Now, you have a bucket list to do, and you really hope Saiki remembers.
And he does, of course.
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mixelation · 9 months
has Kakashi/Shisui ever been on a real mission with Tori? (Or Deidara for that matter) Since you mentioned that Deidara is technically part of R&D, do Tori and Deidara go on R&D missions together? Are "R&D missions" even a thing? It's just hard to imagine her on like a legit mission with people who know her and are not reborn!Akatsuki
i haven't hammered out how R&D really... works, yet. i know most of tori's day-to-day activities are research-related. i think most "R&D missions" are internal. like, you'll get assigned to develop a justu that does xyz, or test out the efficacy of some new field protocol someone proposed, etc. you might have external missions to observe or collect something, but i think those are more like "R&D requests the mission, it goes into the general mission pool, someone from R&D may or may not actually be assigned." R&D ninja can take gen pool missions depending on what their assignment in R&D is like, or their expertise might get them assigned to gen pool missions requiring niche knowledge/techniques/etc
deidara has an R&D affiliation because minato is like "oooh that kid needs specialized space or he's going to blow up something important," and then from there it's a lot of R&D higher ups begging him to formally write down how his justu actually, like, work. sometimes someone is like "hey wait can you make you hyper useful animated clay do x?" and then they have to listen to him give an insane diatribe on art, but sometimes he does go and do it. but i don't think he's assigned to any research groups and his main goal as formally stated by the hokage's office is to just be a better ninja (most R&D ninja are not like this, but it's not uncommon for someone to be there for this purpose). so deidara also regularly takes field missions
tori gets field missions less often, but she ends up on a lot of random ones because having a fuinjutsu master on hand is really useful and there's not a lot of them. i talked a little about this before, but i don't think it would be insane for her to be temporarily assigned to an ANBU team that needs fuinjutsu for some reason, or for someone from ANBU to be stuck on a gen pool team including tori. i think minato might be hesitant to match her with kakashi or shisui, but it's not... impossible. idk it might be fun to have them interact in a professional capacity. the tori mood for this au is that she is incredibly good at what she does; it just always comes as a surprise that she is lol
i decided medics do have to put in a certain number of hours training/in the hospital to maintain their status as medics, so what's MORE likely (and possibly funnier) is shisui going in for stitches and tori being like "guess who's doing her mandatory hours!!!!!" (i don't think tori is like.... great as an actual medic. certain aspects of it she's fantastic at because it's her research interest, but she doesn't actually like practicing medicine, and she's constantly trying to dodge her hospital shifts or count missions where she did 0 medical jutsu toward her hours)
one thing i want to play with is tori in a situation where other people's wellbeing/survival depends on her. like a mission gone wrong where she realizes she's the one who has to get other people to safety. i think this would be fun because tori.... never has to do this? she's always been the weakest on the team, and she doesn't consider herself a leader
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autisticheadcanons · 1 year
Jade West from Victorious is autistic.
-Very blunt, often deliberately, but she struggles to simultaneously be genuine and kind due to the fact that she always defaults to honesty.
-Hates, hates, hates being touched, sometimes even by her own boyfriend.
-She doesn't have very many facial expressions, unless she's really mad.
-Her voice tends to be flat and doesn't really fluctuate in tone, unless she's yelling at someone.
-She's very passionate about acting/singing and writing/directing, even pursuing it against her father's wishes. She also has a somewhat odd obsession with scissors.
-When Tori got accepted to Hollywood Arts, Jade was the only main character not to immediately accept her into their social circle because she got in easily and hardly seemed to have earned it, suggesting she's reluctant to change, and she still holds a grudge against her seasons later.
-She almost never sweats and freaked out the first time it happened, which I guess falls under the category of an abnormal heat threshold.
-When she's upset, her first instinct is to lash out, and when she does, the only person who knows how to calm her is her boyfriend.
-She is rarely outwardly emotive but sensitive nonetheless, and she doesn't really show affection in a traditional way.
-Stimming: biting her nails, picking at/fidgeting with her fingers.
-Her posture sucks, although the same can be said for other characters too.
-Extreme black and white thinking. It's hard to change her beliefs or talk her out of doing something she wants.
-She has exactly one person that she even remotely considers her friend, and she's very loyal/tries harder to be nice to her.
-Strong sense of justice, even towards herself: "You can't be nice to me after I've been mean to you. That's not how it works."
-She wrote a whole song about how she feels different and how everyone thinks they know her but they really don't.
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superbfirnacho · 4 months
What is dreamtale Ivy's species?
What is her connection towards dream and star sanses?
What is her relationship with the other bad guys
.. how would she react to Bluu?
What are her magical capabilities
How did nightmare meet ivy?
What's the difference between canon nightmare, and ivymare nightmare?
Are her children canon to the main story
What is her favorite food?/ Drink?
.. Since it's pride month, is she a fruit bowl or is she able to drive a car straight..
What is her least favorite sans au?
Thoughts on Error, Ink, Or lust?
Has she ever met a monster kid before?
Does she have any toxic qualities?
Has she ever been to a zoo before? And if so what was her reaction to seeing the goats?
Opinion on Toriel?
Has she ever been outside of her AU and went to the omega timeline? If so opinions on core?
What was she like when she was little?
Have nightmare and ivy ever.. k.. k-kissed..?!
Finally, How does she think of me? Interview sans!
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*[A very short skeleton bugs you with millions of questions.]
I love these questions!! (Note this will be about Dreamtale ivy unless I say otherwise) 1. Ivy is herself an immortal being, her mother (the goddess of fertility and nature) combined the souls of monsters and humans along with the seed of a blessed willow. So ivy technically has monster and human inside of her.
2. Ivy was friends with Dream, though not as close as him then with nightmare, she think he’s a good person. She met ink and Swap and though ink was….an interesting person (she’s okay with him) and enjoyed being a lil ADHD gremlin with Swap.
3. She likes playing pranks on killer and they have a frenemies relationship. She doesn’t bother dust. And she occasionally asks horror to teach er how to cook things (she’s ass at cooking) they get along best. 4. She would think bluu is adorable and would want to ask them questions/ play with them if they’re a kid.
5. Ivy has the ability to control plants with her soul energy, it acts as sort of a puppet to control the plants. She can also heal herself and others with soul energy. She had a limited amount and if she run out of Soul energy there’s a risk of death and extreme vulnerability. Her magic gets stronger as she ages.
6. Nightmare met ivy when they were young kids, she found her way into the town he was at, heating of a bad omen on the top of the hill, she figured she would eliminate it (despite being like 7) and gain favour from the townsfolk. To her surprise to was a young skeleton her age and they started talking. Eventually growing to be close friends after she protected him from bullies.
7. Really the only difference between the canon nightmare and the one in this story is the fact he had ivy growing up, and that passive is this nightmare, they aren’t separate beings. I don’t want to make him super different then the canon.
8. They are! I may draw angst art/ what would happen if they got in a big fight but it’s all (mostly) non canon.
9. Nearly anything sweet, also cheese. It’s because when she was a kid (5 centuries ago) sweets were uncommon and only eaten by wealthy and rich people.
10. She’s Bisexual and Demisexual! Also she can drive for ass so no way.
11. She hates a lot of the Aus that have killed aus of her, for example Killer and Dust, they have killed their Ivys.
12. I already said inks so I’ll say error and lusts, she finds error annoying and he has canonically stolen her kids before. She thinks lust is chill and asks him for advice sometimes.
13. Dreamtale hasnt, original has. Og thinks they’re pretty cool and and funny.
14. Ivys only really “toxic” traits are that she lives in the past, has trouble excepting large changes, and sometimes struggles to keep secrets. She carries a lot of self hate and guilt.
15. She has been to a zoo before, tried to free all the animals. She would kind of laugh at the goats but doesn’t associate herself that much with them. She loves all animals except for parasites.
16. Og Ivy has met Tories and Tories is like another figure to her, If dreamtale met her she would be shocked because her mother, Ren, was very emotionally abusive. She would be frightened if Tories tried to keep her with her, though, because that’s what Ren did.
17. She has been outside of Dreamtale after meeting Nightmare again. She thinks core is silly and they get along.
18. She was (is still very) ADHD coded (one thing her mother hated about her) , very rambunctious, forgetful and all over the place. She loved to explore nature and catch animals. She loved playing pretend with nightmare. Ivy didn’t know how to read until nightmare taught her.
19. They have. He Immediately Stated it was a mistake however. She’s knows he feels something for her and she still cares about him.
20. “I like your outfit! You seem very nice! :3”
sorry for any typos.
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itscubetime · 1 year
Honestly, I fee like a lot of Osemanverse fans treat the books rather unequally. Let me explain.
I'm going to make a ranked list of all of Alice Oseman's books/series in order from most loved to least loved (based on my observations in social media and the availability of different books). I hold no biases in this list, since I have read/watched all of them. Only observations and some opinions.
Heartstopper. I'm pretty sure most people who have heard of the Osemanverse heard about Heartstopper first. You can find elements of this series everywhere, from all the webcomic platforms like Webtoon and Tapas, to the physical books in bookstores and libraries, to reposts of favourite moments, to the piles upon piles of fan-art and, of course, to the Netflix adaptation, which had immaculate casting and has already been green-lighted for two more seasons. I think this series deserves to be high up on the list - after all, the representation is casual and exemplified in the right places, nothing feels forced, the love story is healthy, but no so perfect that it's entirely unrealistic and the characters all have their spotlight moments. However, I feel like the series sometimes overshadows the other books, which I find interesting, considering this is the only book/series that is centred around a romantic love story.
Solitaire. This is probably the most well-known YA novel for a couple of reasons. One, it is the debut novel, the one that is praised in the front cover of every other Oseman novel, with the familiar phrase 'The Cather in the Rye for the digital age', so most Osemanverse fans have heard of it. Two, it's the novel that ties in with the Heartstopper story the most, by far, especially considering that the main character of Solitaire, Tori Spring, is the older sister of Charlie Spring, one of the main characters in Heartstopper. Three, its depiction of mental health issues, particularly Tori's implied depression, is healthy, realistic and educational. Overall, it deserves the love it gets, especially considering how dark it can get compared to Heartstopper.
Radio Silence. Honestly, I think that this could be tied with Solitaire in some cases - it was, after all, the book that first introduced me to the Osemanverse. It doesn't link with the Heartstopper universe as much as Solitaire, but it does focus more on Aled Last, one of the side characters in Heartstopper, and one of Charlie's friends, although it appears that the two drift off before the events of Radio Silence. I absolutely love this book for two reasons. One, the amazing relationship between Frances and Aled, the two main characters, never goes beyond anything platonic, showing that a boy and a girl don't have to be in a romantic relationship to thrive together. Two, it's the first book in the Osemanverse that shows explicit ace rep - better yet, demi rep - for Aled, which was so nice to read even before I began questioning if I was aspec. I love the cameos it gets in Heartstopper too, especially with Aled in the same shot lol.
Loveless. I'm so mad that this book is so far down the list, but I understand that's because it's the latest one. Firstly, PLEASE READ IT!!!! It follows the first-person perspective of Georgia Warr on her journey to discovering that she is aroace. This book has done wonders for the aspec community in giving them awesome representation and increased attention from the rest of the community, because yes! we exist and yes! us being aspec doesn't mean our lives are sad and lonely and YES! not all love has to come in romantic form!!!!! The fact that Oseman was alluding to their own uni experience in this story is just so amazing! Secondly, it deserves so much more attention in the Osemanverse fandom. Oseman put her whole heart and soul into this book and we are gonna love it like it deserves!!!
I Was Born for This. And now, we come across the book with the least amount of copies sold, available in the least amount of places and talked about the least in the fandom, despite it literally being about the fandom (eyyyy). This was the only novel I had to buy because it wasn't at my library (edit: it is now but it wasn't before) and none of my friends had it, but it is so good and criminally underrated. I understand every other story has something going for it. Heartstopper has impactful rep, Solitaire is the debut novel, Radio silence has Aled and the Universe City and Loveless has aroace rep. However, this book deserves love too!!! It focuses on the chaotic mess of fandoms and the impact it can have on the* artists behind the content, because gaining fame doesn't automatically make everything better, in fact it can make thing worse, like with Jimmy's anxiety. The story also having a muslim MC is also really awesome to see, especially since I haven't read many books with prominent muslim MCs (should probs change that soon lol). Anyway, this book is so so good and you need to read it somehow aaaaaaa!
Anyway, this has been sitting in my drafts for a year now and everything beyond the *asterix has been written today, but most ideas in this still stand. Most of the low-ranked books focus on queer people just existing without the plot being carried by a love story (no hate to the latter but i would like to see more of the former too). Anyway, it's time for the post to be brought into the world, especially considering Heartstopper season 2 coming up in August (yayyy!!!).
What did we learn today, kids?
Give all of a creator's work a chance, not just the most popular one! You will discover many gems!
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otrtbs · 8 months
thank you so much for everything that you’ve contributed to this fandom, seriously, your time has been invaluable. people treat fanfic authors like a writing machine, but no, this is just your hobby!!
i was wanting to ask about your writing process:
1. when writing, do you usually write most/all of your fic before starting to post it?
2. how much do you outline before starting to write?
3. how do you keep up with what seems to be a semi regular posting schedule (as in like, staying committed to a fic and actually completing it lol)
sorry if you’ve already answered any of these before :)
hey hey heyo!!! this is so sweet!!
it honestly depends! with ahb!, i had a very good direction and plan on where i was taking the fic so i knew each chapter before i sat down to write it! but winterlude was more free-form. i was like, i want these 15 things to happen over 4 chapters lets make it work! and then with the dinner fic, that's one that i am writing out in its entirety before i post it. because there's a lot of details and web-weaving that go into it, and if i drop a thread somewhere it'll make the whole tory unravel, so it has to be complete before anyone else sees it. so it really depends on the vibe/intricacy of the fic!!
most of the time i'll try to outline a solid timeline with beginning and then major points to the end in chronological order. (so with art heist imagine like: 1. james introduction. 2. job interview/acquisition 3. assembling the heist team 4. meeting the team 5. new hampshire training 6. practice heist 7. heist 8. art swaps (berlin/amsterdam/portofino/copenhagen) 9. regulus death 10. grieving 11. healing 12. ending) <- and then i would go in and fill in things like,,, how does a jegulus relationship develop amidst all of this? and then you get sub-plot points like the museum date, the drowning degas, the auction house date, etc. until you get a pretty good fleshed-out idea! and then as i write and have even more ideas, i can plop them down somewhere on the timeline (amsterdam coffeeshop meeting/last supper group dinner/ etc) . and before writing each chapter,,, i sort of break chapters down into mini-stories with their own beginnings, middle, ends. just to make sure something is happening in each chapter, and it has structure.
this is putting so much faith in me hahah!! my posting schedule ranges from twice in one week to once in 4-6 months. and sometimes i just delete works if im not feeling them anymore ah! but!! i will say, the biggest way i stay committed to completing a story is having an ending in mind that i'm excited to execute or get to!! like something on the horizon at the end of the story normally motivates me to write enough to get to that point. but it's also just okay to stop writing a certain story if you're feeling uninspired!! sometimes, when i'm feeling burnt-out with one story and i'm not motivated to finish it, i'll just leave it alone and go work on something i'm actually interested in for a while until i feel the interest spark up again!! (hence...months between uploads sometimes) 😋
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phioneplatinum · 3 months
some harmoknight headcanons i have!! this isn't all of them, but here's some for lyra and tempo!!
Lives in Symphony City, near the exit close to Calypso Beach and the Tori Gate.
Ever since she was younger, she always wanted to protect the people she cared for most. This was her main drive to eventually become a soldier of Melodia.
She mainly patrolled Calypso Beach before the Noizoids struck, but after they did, she found herself patrolling Rock Range and Marching Hills more.
She sometimes gets into small fights with Tyko, but thankfully they simmer down before they get any worse…
Has a weakness for sweets.
Doesn't like talking much. However, he feels comfortable talking to Woodwin and Tappy. Maybe if enough time passes, the same will go for Lyra, Tyko, Cymbi, and Ariana...?
Has a big Allegro plush in his room thanks to Octarina. Sometimes, he's even seen sleeping while hugging the thing…
Sees his mentor as a [grand]father figure of sorts.
He visits his friends quite often! Sometimes they all get together in his house to have fun :D
Can be seen drawing sometimes. His art isn't the greatest, but they're charming enough to make you smile!
Despite saving the world, he still does training. Can't have his skills growing rusty!
Doesn't like going to Baroque Volcano. You know why.
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Hello friends and history lovers!
Another year of Carry On Through The Ages is over and done! I am so happy with success this year has had. Every year, I am blown away by how amazing this little community is. We are a small event, but we are so supportive and loving of each other.
It has been an absolute joy to watch the Discord server so active every single day, with people talking about their research and their projects. Watching as they gained support and encouragement from other history nerds. It was everything I could have hoped for when I first started this fest four years ago. So, thank you, from the bottom of my heart, everyone who participated, whether it was as a creator, or support, or researcher. You all helped to make COTTA 2023 a continued success.
Under the page break, you will find individual links to the fics and art that were created this year for COTTA. They are INCREDIBLE, and I highly encourage you all to read them.
Here is the link to the AO3 Collection: Carry On Through The Ages 2023!
Until next year, love you all!
BazzyBelle 🧡
Blood, Salt & Hummingbirds (T) - @hushed-chorus : AO3 // tumblr
Simon is lucky to survive when his ship is wrecked, even if it left him stranded on a desert island. But he's not the only one who escaped. The ship's mysterious cargo, the creature in the box, also made it to shore. What hope does Simon have when a vampire is lurking in the island's wooded interior? But the monster is not what it seems, and if they are to survive, they need to work together. And maybe they can do more than survive. Maybe they can thrive.
Fifty Names For A Cat (T) - @hushed-chorus : AO3 // tumblr
Simon and Baz are settling into their new life, getting Pitch Manor in working order and preparing to move to their cottage on the moor. Meanwhile, a certain cat is adjusting to his new life.
The Trails We Blaze (M) - @j-nipper-95 : AO3 // tumblr
Simon and Baz have been through a lot together. Growing up as criminals on London's streets; surviving the Great War; dealing with a lot of repressed feelings. But after their latest con goes wrong, they're left with nothing but an ancient map, a signet ring of unknown provenance or value, and promises of a city that doesn't even exist. Thrust into a world of adventure with danger at every turn, they're forced to decide how far they're willing to go for a myth, a fortune, and a chance at love.
The Snow Fox (E) - @aristocratic-otter : AO3 // tumblr
Simon "Snow" Salisbury is the most wanted patriot in the American Revolution. Wanted by the British army, who want to see him hanged. Wanted by the Tories, who'd shoot him on sight, given the chance. And wanted by Tyrannus Basilton Grimm-Pitch.
Lavender Hearts (M) - @aroace-genderfluid-sheep : AO3 // tumblr
America, 1950s. Queer people are fired left and right, friends lose their jobs daily--and sometimes, their lives. Simon and Baz are caught in the middle of it all with a homophobic father and an unconventional (in more than one way) relationship, terrified out of their minds but unwilling to give up the fight. They'll fight for years if they have to. They'll fight for decades. But even the strongest wills can be broken with the hardest of blows.
An 1800s daguerreotype photograph art piece created by the amazing @samalander01 : tumblr
Shoulder To Shoulder, Hand To Hand (M) - @wellbelesbian : AO3 // tumblr
Britain, 1984. Across the country, miners go on strike against pit closures. With the government, police and media set against them and no end in sight, they and their families begin to feel the strain. In London, Simon Snow recognises a familiar struggle, and decides to do something, while closeted Baz Pitch just wants to get out of the house and be among his community for a day. What starts as a few collection buckets at a pride march soon becomes an organisation, and a bond is forged between the lesbians and gay men of London and a village of miners and their families in South Wales. But Simon has a past he's trying to outrun, and Baz is trying to live a double life. Both boys have secrets and shame, but if they want to make it through together, they'll have to find their pride.
A beautiful Galatea/Pygmalion-inspired water colour piece by the wonderful @ic3-que3n : tumblr
Safe Harbour (M) - @snowbaz-parentis : AO3 // tumblr
It all started on an island... It's 1956, and Baz Pitch is existentially lost in New York City. After graduating from Columbia, he's working for a wedding photographer with no taste as he avoids his inevitable fall attendance at Yale Law School, his father's alma mater. All Baz wants to do is be a fashion photographer, and when an opportunity to assist a famous photographer out on Fire Island falls in his lap, it just may be the key to helping unlock him from the closet of his family's expectations. It's 1956, and Simon Snow is wondering if there's more to life than this or if this is as good as it gets. He's been working in construction with his foster father, David Cadwallader, practically ever since he was taken in at age 13, but there's something beyond the water that's calling for him. When Davy offers Simon a chance to manage his family's rental properties for the summer in Cherry Grove on Fire Island, Simon jumps at the chance to finally take charge of something. What Baz and Simon didn't expect: the sense of freedom that comes from being able to absolutely surrender to the truest version of yourself, and the choices you have to make when it happens.
Costly Colours - A Precious Bane AU (M) - twigs_in_my_hair : AO3
In the aftermath of the Napoleonic wars Baz is being groomed by his aunt to be a physician. Tired of the farming life, Fiona would like to set up shop in town with her sister’s herbal remedies and her nephew settled down with his mentor’s lovely daughter and a fine degree hung on the wall. But first the family must toil and scrimp and save to raise the funds. And what if this is not the future Baz longs for? And what if the townsfolk won’t let go of their superstitions and petty grudges towards this family marked by tragedy? Does the handsome young weaver have all the answers?
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animehouse-moe · 1 year
Heavenly Delusion Opening: Innocent Arrogance
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Yes yes, I know. Late to the party. But I wasn't really feeling it before and I've been watching it a good bit over the last few days so I figured now or never since I've not got much else going on today. A wonderful opening, incredibly expressive and fluid and ridiculously dense, it centers around a few key aspects and themes. Religion, connection, branching and reaching out. There's a lot to get into with it so I guess I'll just get started.
As soon as the opening starts, the symbolism and story does too. Two birds circling above, one white, one black. It's easy to see the Yin and Yang association as they go around each other, but beneath it we get a character who puts their hand over their eyes to transition to the next scene. You might be able to say that it's saying something about death in that regard, but it's a rather large stretch considering the more apt symbolism that precedes it.
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Next up is this incredibly well animated spider's web. While it does set the tone for the overall style of ethereal animation that seems to almost escape you, it also begins to chip away at that theme of connections. A literal spider's web of them, to be exact. Though of course, it doubles up to symbolize the danger of the story, how Kiruko and Maru are prey rather than predator of the world.
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Following that up, we have this two step shot of background shifting to foreground. The background objects being pillars of a bridge that survived into the post era of the apocalypse, while the foreground is a cutout of a young boy sporting a similar uniform to the ones that the children wear at the institution. The former image of course making use of the pillars to compare them to Tori gates (based on their shapes), while the cutout is meant to link that religious symbol towards the institution. It's a very quick and aesthetically pleasing one-two punch that leaves viewers with a vague sense of something.
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We transfer very smoothly over to a shot of overhead powerlines in the next scene, which flows very well in terms of repetition, as it has a similar appeal as the "tori gate" pillars. What we see with the power lines though is the connections made between them, what brings them into contact with one another. It's a rather fluffy and vague use of the symbolism to liken it to the overall theme, but with follow-up shots it works well in establishing the overall explicit story of the opening.
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With the follow-up scenes to this cut, we get a grasp of what this opening is. The journey of Kiruko and Maru. The two are trekking across Japan in search of Heaven in this opening. Not exactly a revelation, but it serves to be a great way to tie together the vague and sometimes loose pieces within.
Also, I love the approach to line art within the opening, which you can really see in scenes like this. The characters don't have that hard outline, they're not well defined in the slightest. Incredibly fluid and open, it's a really unique and beautiful style that they make full use of through all sorts of pieces. Even take the pieces of paper fluttering in the wind, they're rather transparent and don't feel incredibly well defined.
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After this, we get a breakdown that matches the timing of the song. There's not really much to say? It's almost sort of self-explanatory. An explosion of creativity at almost random, with a strong line on literal "misdirection". Maps and signs that twist and turn and become undecipherable. It's cool, though maybe a bit out of touch compared to other sequences, but gets the point across about how difficult and winding and confusing the path of the story is. All the foreshadowing and mishaps and challenges that occur, they're all summed up in one messy billboard.
What's really impressive is how much is going on. There's scenes and layouts you'll completely miss if you're not playing the opening back over and over again and slowing things down and pausing in the right spots. Ridiculous how densely animated and detailed this opening is.
Now, for the keen eyed anime-onlies I'll leave a single hint within this sequence: order of events. Have fun haha.
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Now, one last blink and you'll miss it bit, this one. The text says "welcome to hell!", as the sun shines above and countless hands make a peace sign at the bottom. Interestingly enough, a dog or some other similar animal paw appears at the top of the screen. What's most interesting here is the sun, which I think viewers of episode 3 will associate with a certain scene.
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So, following that we get the title card and some scenes of the pair wandering around on their journey. Very well animated, very well expressed. Lovely little bits that add to it. But, we get some nice foreshadowing. Some yet to come, others that have appeared. Obviously, I'll only talk about the latter. First though, this frame of Maru kicking a can. The direction does wonders in these literal scenes to stay true to Hirotaka's vision of a more voyeuristic and outside-looking-in style.
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Anyways, onto the first foreshadowing/symbolism: Maru's ability. It's a very strong sequence that speaks to a lot about what anime viewers suspect and understand about Hiruko. His ability starts as a flower that blossoms into a technological branch that reaches out, before transforming into an actual one. The best I can describe it is almost something like "human intervention". Something natural is intervened with, changed, altered by humanity, before returning to a natural state.
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Following that we've got this breathtaking sequence for Kiruko. I was stunned when I first saw it in episode 2, knowing where the anime was headed for the third episode. Incredible work to show the separation between mind and body as Kiruko's outline lags behind their actual body. And then there's the whole out of focus piece that blurs the lines between Kiruko's outline and their actual body to even further the symbolism. Really, really incredible work for such an important detail in the opening that ties in with the early foreshadowing of the reveal.
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And that's about where the opening ends. It's very intense, and has an incredibly strong vision that brings it all together. The opening is a story of Kiruko and Maru, but runs deeper and wider than just their journey to Heaven. It's stippled by references to religion and restriction, expression and evolution, and confusion and misdirection. It branches out and changes shape and form to find the perfect ways to tell its stories, to show viewers what lies ahead and what's to come, dropping subtle and not-so-subtle hints and bits of foreshadowing.
Just all around incredible work that essentially puts it neck and neck with MAD's OP for this season. I can, and have, picked a favorite between them just because of expectations placed upon both, but from an objective viewpoint there's no way you can call either "better" than the other. It's just incredible work that sets the bar painfully high for the rest of the year. Endlessly impressive that between this and MAD we're looking at not only the OPs of the season, but damn near shoe-ins for the year at large. Beautiful, beautiful work done on them.
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chthonicgodling · 5 months
Giiiiive us.... Maci's current living space! What does it look like. What is the the decore. The vibes!
bOyyy oh boy in a perfect world I could be like “ah yes, let me whip out these detailed schematics and background art of Maci’s bedroom and palace!” BUT I cannot do that because those drawings do not exist lmfao and, due to my whiny dislike of drawing anything that I personally do not like to draw - props, scenery, furniture 😔 - probably will not ever exist. HOWEVER!
you would think that I’d have given more thought into some of these details than the amount of thought I actually have over all these years so I’m about to make some split second canon decisions in this lengthy set of paragraphs, blended up with things that I HAVE given thought to and. I will not be specifying which is which so that I seem like I’m on top of my game ggkfkgkgkg soooo
Maci’s living space is the heart and soul and main setting of the entire Elysium’verse, as she and all her friends live in a giant palace in the middle of the Elysian Fields of the Underworld. It’s HER very own personal palace (separate from the main, bigger palace in the main, bigger Underworld); her parents gave it to her when she was an actual teenager even though she didn’t move into it until millennia later, with Tory, when that became their home ever after. I refer sometimes to “the palace” or “everyone else in the palace” its Maci’s one here that i’m referring to!
The Elysian Fields are a physical bubble of artificial bubbly sunlight in the middle of the afterlife but Maci’s palace is more on trend with the Underworld itself it’s a BIG ass goth castle. Loosely Greco-Roman in architectural style obviously — although I enjoy the thought of the palace being very anachronistic - mmmm idk really. there’s columns on it. it’s all black. whatever!!! it’s whatever you imagine it to be!!
Canonically I BELIEVE it’s got at least three floors but more importantly it’s got literally infinitely generating bedrooms because it’s maaggicccccc. Most everyone’s bedrooms are loosely near each others in the same wings or at least according to family units. Yes all the kids have their own rooms! The kids also have a huge playroom; Tory’s got multiple art studios of his own; there is NOT a throne room in the Elysium palace actually its my personal cute belief that this is what the living room den area was supposed to be and they just,, chucked a Regular Huge Family Style Sofa in there and a tv fgkfkfkg. Huge family kitchen-dining room….
There’s an expansive courtyard in the middle of the palace grounds, a pool as well (somewhere else?? I think that’s inside??) , the whole palace is surrounded by meticulously maintained gardens!
Everything is black. EVERYTHING is black. theres also sooo much marble (it’s just very fireproof), also there’s lights but also many candles it’s a blend,, like I said I love love love the thought of the palace being incredibly anachronisticz Big goth ornate palace with a..,, regular giant family couch and Legos from the kids scattered everywhere—
Maci’s PERSONAL living space aka her bedroom with Tory - honestly it’s, so lovingly, like a revolving door common area in and of itself too haha. Maci & Tory’s bedroom is nearly ballroom sized, it’s connected to their bathroom (with features such as a bathtub the size of a small swimming pool). Maci’s got paintings of herself and tory on her walls (Tory painted them all!! There’s sculptures of her and the kids scattered through the palace too - also done by Tory!) other features incluudeee ridiculous huge vanity, giant mirrors,, again lights but also goth pyromaniac shit like candelabras. Maci’s bed is ridiculously huge, it’s able to fit quite regularly and very comfortably like. Eight people PLUS at a time lmao. ouyughh I don’t actually know what her bed looks like except that it’s uhh. got a headboard and corner posts that are……. Handcuffable fgkfkgkgk
on that note turning nsfw VERY quickly when talking about Maci’s bedroom — Running joke forever that one of her bedroom walls behind a curtain inexplicably has CHAINS on it. though thats less inexplicable if you’re cute enough ;) the other running joke forever is Maci’s walk in closet, behind another curtain — The Closet™ breaks the laws of physics to be an infinite spiralling room of every sex toy known to man and presumably some that mortals have yet to discover. it’s her pride and joy, very well organized, frequently ransacked by the rest of the palace residents fgkfkfk
the vibe IS very distinct and honestly iconic its , giving.,,,, Ornate Luxurious Princess of the Dead/Sleazeball Royalty of the Underworld/Spoiled Beyond Your Imagination/Horny Vampires COULD Live Here. It gives VERY Maci. welcome to the palace!!! it’s 🖤home!
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astorichan · 1 year
Head empty just blorbo
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comfortablecomfort · 1 year
Fishing Trip
(Have an Ellsworld fic, I know we haven't seen Tori yet, but this is my little personality headcanon... and please don't bring up that dumb fan movie, I hate it)
Ler(s): Ell and Tori
Lee(s): Ell and Tori
"Ell! Look how big this one is!" Tori reeled in a massive fish from her rod, Ell smiled at Tori's catch.
It's been a while since Tori moved out, Ell and Matilda missed her, Tamara on the other hand... not really.
Tori was living her life to the fullest, but she did send the girls postcards every now and then.
After some more fish catching, Ell and Tori layed on the green grass, stargazing at the lovely little lights above.
"So, how are things back at home?" Tori asked, kicking her legs a little.
"Pretty good. We still go on adventures sometimes." Ell gazed over at her norsk friend
"Nice. Tell me everything." Tori was curious, she needed to catch up.
"Well, this one time. We went to the magic store, and Tamara bought this box with an evil genie who tried to kill us, and Matilda bought this magical mirror that leads to... a familiar dimension.." Ell explained
"What did you buy?" Tori asked
"A sword. I used it to kill him and it worked.." Ell said
"Pfft, really? A sword?" Tori snickered
"What? Swords are cool!" Ell felt a little offended on how Tori thought her weapon was lame.
"If I were there, I could've shot him down!" Tori snarked
"Guns can't kill Ghosts.." Ell sighed
"And swords can?" Tori asked in disbelief on how a sword is suddenly more powerful than a gun
"Apparently so." Ell said
"Unbelievable." Tori sat on the grass and stretched her arms a little.
Ell looked over at how her hips were being a little revealed at the moment. She smiled playfully.
"Hey... Tori? I've been wanting to ask..." Ell tried not to show her teasy smirk
"Yeah?" Tori was about to lower her arms when...
"Are you still ticklish after you left?" Ell smirked while asking
Tori froze, why Ell would ask about that?!
"W-What does that have to do with-" Tori got cut off when Ell tackled her to the ground.
"Ell! Let goho!" Tori giggled before Ell even touched her.
Ell scribbled her fingers up and down Tori's hips.
The norsk shrieked and kicked when Ell touched her worst spot.
"You are still ticklish!" Ell gaped in awe
"YOU IDIHIOT! KNOHOHOCK IT OHOHOFF!" Tori attempted to push her friends hands away, but this made Ell tickle her even more.
"Wait till Tamara and Matilda here about this!" Ell teased, targeting Tori's sides.
"EHEHELLL D-DON'T TELL THEHEHEM!" Tori begged a little.
"Hehe... Coochie Coochie Coo! Big strong Tori hates tickles?" Ell cooed
Tori felt embarrassed. She was getting tickled mercilessly by her best friend, curse her for having such a weakness!
Ell finally let up and Tori collected herself.
"Did I go too far?" Ell asked, concerned for her tired friend
"N-No, I'm fine..." Tori sighed
"Good to hear."
Tori grinned, noticing how vulnerable Ell was.
"In fact, I'm about to feel even better." Tori tackled Ell to the ground and it caught her off guard.
Tori slowly lifted Ell's shirt up, Ell bit her lip as she knew what was about to happen.
"Oh, you looked so confident when you did it to me Ell, what happened?" (Inspired by some Turning Red art I found on tumblr)
Ell laughed and broke into snorts when Tori targeted her belly
"GAHAHAHA *snort* TOHOHORI WAHAHAIT!" Ell broke down, She regretted what she started
"Yes?" Tori cooed at Ell's giggly state
"STAHAHAP IHIHIT! *snort* I'M SOHORRY! PLEHEHEASE!" Ell begged, now it was her turn.
"But Ell, you didn't really act all fair to me.. So I should return the favor." Tori spidered all the way up Ell's Torso, tickling her neck and underarms, as squeals and snorts poured out of the ponytails mouth.
"How about your knees? They may not be your worst spot, but I never had the chance to tickle them.." Tori spidered all the way down to said spot, Ell was on her breaking point.
"TOHOHORI I *snort* KNOHOHOW I'M MORE TIHIHIHCKLISH! *snort* JUST LEHEHET ME GOHOHO!" Ell pleaded and begged even more.
Tori decided to let up, she didn't want to kill her friend after all.
"Did I go too far?" Tori teased with a concerned ask
"I had fun. Thanks Tori." Ell smiled
"For what?" Tori asked, confused on why Ell would thank her for after all this.
"For spending time with me again, it's been a really long time... I missed this." Ell enthusiastically admitted
"I did too. Maybe I shouldn't have left-" Tori looked down, a little upset at herself.
"Don't be... leaving is your choice, as long as you remember you have me, and Tamara and Matilda of course." Ell chuckled
"Yep, now let's go before it gets dark."
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mixelation · 4 months
Housekeeping post! Last updated 29 June 2024.
Who is Tori?
My OC! Check out her masterpost.
Do you have a tags masterpost?
I'm working on it. :)
How do I refer to you?
I've been telling people to call me Mixel, but some people call me Mix. I use she/they.
Can you tag something for me?
I am not good at remembering to tag things. In general, if you following a blog requires certain things to be tagged, I wouldn't recommend following this blog.
You didn't answer my ask!
I don't answer even close to every ask I get. It's nothing personal! Sometimes I don't have time or energy, sometimes I just don't have opinions on the thing, and sometimes I mean to answer later and then forget and then it gets buried. Sometimes this happens even if I've specifically asked for people to send me stuff via an ask meme. Sometimes I don't answer even when I really want to for various reasons.
Do you want a recommendation?
Please don't send me recommendations unless I have specifically asked for them.
Can I DM you?
I don't like getting DMs from people I don't know. Please don't DM me unless we've talked before (via comments, asks, etc -- anon does NOT count). If you have a question you don't want answered publicly, you can send me an ask and request it be answered privately.
Also: please do not send me posts with zero context. I cannot read your mind and I don't like not knowing what you expect me to do with the post (reblog it, talk to you about, etc). Yes, even if you think the context is obvious. You do not need many words to contextualize a post.
Do you have a DNI?
No, but relevant to being a fandom blog: I am a bonafide adult, and my view on shipping and other fandom activities is basically "I have no right to judge what fictional scenarios other people enjoy or want to explore." If either of those things make you uncomfortable, go ahead and block me.
Can I repost your content to another website? I'll credit you!
For fics, absolutely not. Do not repost any of my creative story writing, fanfic or original fic.
For generic tumblr posts, I am wary of giving permission to repost any sort of content on another site. I can’t stop you reposting screen caps of my posts, and I’m not going to hunt them down or (publicly) complain about screen caps of my post on other sites. But if you come to me actually asking for permission.... the answer is no.
Fandom and fics:
I came here to find the Plasticity AUs and what I found confuses and frightens me.
Not to worry! I made a masterpost.
Why did you change your user name?
Here's a post about it. Most relevant notes form that post: 1. Don't refer to me by my old user name, even on other sites. 2. If you find an old tumblr link that's broken, you can replace my old user name with "mixelation" and it will work again!
Can I do ______ with your fic?
I have a permissions statement on my AO3 profile. I try to keep this up-to-date as my feelings on how my work is used evolves.
Can I tag you/send you a post that reminds me of your fics?
Yes, but please explain that's what you're doing. Please don't send me context-less posts. I cannot read your mind through the internet.
I might retract permission for this if I start getting a ton, just for my own sanity. But so far it's been fine.
How do I send you fan art?
Most people have been sending them by asks, but you can also post them to your own blog and @ me, or else comment on the fic itself or send me a link via tumblr asks. Give me a few days to interact before following up.
When are you going to update _____? Is _____ abandoned?
I have a busy life and what fic I work on in my free time is controlled by the whims of my brain. There's no schedule and I am unlikely to be able to give you an estimate. I will tag a fic as abandoned on AO3 if I decide there's no way it will ever get updated. For some fics for which I get this a lot:
Homemade Dynamite - I actually have about 95% of chapter 13 written. Chapter 12, however, is only like half written and I have a pretty big block on it. :(
Fun and Games - I do hope to continue this one, and I have a decent chunk of the next chapter written, plus notes + an outline for the rest of the fic. Unfortunately, to keep writing it, I have to do a decent amount of research on HP canon, and certain recent events have really soured by motivation to interact with that canon.
I found a fic I think you would like!
Please see my answer about recommendations. Don't send them unless I've asked, no matter how good you think it is.
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morgue-xiiv · 3 months
for the ask game: Idiot Doom Spiral
OKAY! I been working on this one for a while so it's gonna be great. Really high concept.
This is tough, not because he doesn't have good or bad thing about him, but because like. Everything about him seems like an opinion or vibe based thing. Like okay he's homeless because he lost his keys and ID and couldn't prove he had a right to enter his own home. Is he a fucking dipshit as I've heard many people say or is he a potent reminder of the insane precarity of our lives? I think the latter. Every person I've spoken to about it has a different idea of how he could get into his own house and every one of them runs out of ideas if you say "and if that didn't work?" even a couple of times. Even the game says there should be an obvious solution yet does not provide one. Oh your landlord would let you in. What if you rented through a managing agency and the staff turnover is high so no one recognises you? How would you even CONTACT your landlord? with the phone number you wrote down and carry with you everywhere even if you're on a jog? Oh your staff would let you in at work. Suppose they don't though? Suppose the main point people are on a week long business trip or your security guard says "look man I know its you but I'm not allowed to let you in without ID I could lose my job", you're a grown man so your parents could easily be dead or very far way. my absolute favourite take was "well the supervisor in your building would recognise you!" Yeah thanks Monica Geller, tell me you're American without telling me you're American. Hell, what if all this beurocracy is HARD and lying down on a beach drinking is EASY. That's the real reason, you maybe could get in "if you tried hard enough" but everyone has a limited ammount they CAN try and traumatic experiences like the cops locking you up for asking for help sap that energy Realllly fast. You, too, are probably 4-8 comedy of errors events from homelessnessliness. It blows!
1) He's very invested in his work and doesn't accept anything that falls bellow his standards of excellent BUT his job is predominately hollow overcompensated manipulative bullshit. BUT advertising is art even if you don't agree with the art or its aims. He's focused on his artistic fullfilment rejecting low concept ideas even if he thinks they would be functional effective ads.
2) I seem to recall him rejecting fascism as 'low concept stuff' but I can't find the line now so take my word for it. And I'm not even sure.
3) IDS was a very controversial Tory scumleech who oversaw massive punitive cuts to financial support for the disabled in the UK and it's funny as fuck now to call him Idiot Doom Spiral because they abbreviate the same. (that's meta as shit sorry)
3) he seems to really appreciate the company of his friends but he clearly views himself as "above" them somehow. Buddy, you had a fancy job but you're here in the dirt those are your mates now. coked up marketing exec aint the win over drunken small business owner and professional non-caller of Abigails even when you were society approved.
4) not above a little beneficial fraud. Does however take a pen "for his trouble" without negotiating or revealing that price in advance. But sometimes it's the racist lady's monkey pen so for the love of god yes please take it I hate that pen.
5) TFC: he's supportive if you tell him you're dating Kim
6) I really feel like there's more but he has so much dialogue goddamn
7) oh he refers to his ex as a "sweet piece of ass" the objectifying misogynistic little cumstain.
8) smart enough to not drink medical spirits
9) If you tury to embark on the cocain skull quest he pretty much looks into the camer and says "not unless we the studio get More Money to make a Bigger Game!" and that's really funny. I mean kinda sad now but that meta shit is funny. I guess in narrative he doesn't know that's what he's doing.
10) he's pretty entertaining and can chat shit on all day if you keep him in booze. We all need that friend.
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shadowredfeline · 1 month
Four in One Post
For my Filipino Friend's Signature On This Day Post
I totally remember that time when my friend got to dress up in his signature clothes during that time. And normally i never minded him with his Darwin Hat, because if i were to have my own Signature clothes, i bet i can practice while wearing a cute Mona hat or a Tails hat and practicing on signing my secondary signature while i use my original signature for personal things. And also, i used to wear Sketchers shoes sometimes. Even my mom wanted some while we were on vacation last month. But if i were to wear Sketchers shoes again, then maybe i should stick with the Airaiders where the shoes are cool and they can breathe.
And a Response to my Filipino Friend.
Well Warioware is a really good game. But if you were to plan on buying a Switch, you should order Get it Together and Move it. But normally Move It does the same exercise content as Smooth Moves does on the Wii. But if you were to get that as well on the Wii, but normally your Cousin is the only one who has a Wii. Plus if you got the Membership Expansion, you can try out the GBA titles on there as well as for 64 and Genesis. But if you get the normal Membership, you can go classic and we can play 2 players of NES, SNES and Game Boy. Also, i'm glad you like my meal, and if you were to try it, i bet it'll taste really good. I chose this meal since i'm trying to eat healthier before i go to my next well check, so i'm sure i'm trying my best to stay healthy, even the Speedsters will help the Ramcats to get healthy since they're great with physical education. Plus for your Paper Dolls, they might like it too. Because i was glad i got to do a Cooking class since i do want to try some of the meals that are healthy. And normally if Shadow and Debby wanted to eat and stay healthy, then maybe Rita is the only person who can help them alongside Windy.
For my Filipino Friend's On This Day Post of Chowder and Panini's Opposite
You know it does look really cute of Chowder and Panini doing the exact same opposite as his remake. But i also remember seeing Lisa doing one with her character Callie the Calico cat. She had a problem with Brandon the Cat who he's so obsessed with Callie. He keeps chasing her which it's kinda like the same with Panini chasing Chowder. And her Series is quite good ever since she used her Flipnote to create Callie. And that's how i remember her content is going to be as different compared to Chowder's.
And finally for the Wangan Maxi Tune Post you discussed as promise
It is really cool to see he got the custom market in Wangan Maxi Tune and got back to the game. And even when i get my Banapassport anytime i go the theme park and the arcades, i'm sure i'll ask if they have a machine or ask an employee if they have any Banapassport so i can give it a shot on making my custom vehicles for Shadow and Tory and even Caleb too. And the Ramcats will be ready to race with the Speedsters and have them race with them in Mario Kart Arcade GP DX as well. If any reason they want to add customs to Mario Kart As well.
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