#topic: collaboration
tayfabe75 · 5 months
"Should we all expect a collab with Taylor Swift?" "No. That would probably be… that would be good, but unfortunately not. I mean, we're just focusing on making our own record, you know? I think that people… If there's… like, working with people, it has to come naturally. You can't think, 'Oh, I want to work with this person because they're that person,' you know? Then you're gonna create art that isn't really, really meaningful. Whereas, for example, you know, you just need to pick the right people for the right things. So maybe there will be a couple of features on this next record, but it'll very much be our record. We're not going to do 'feat. Will.I.Am… you know? We're not going to start doing that." "Everybody knows that there were swirling rumors about you and Taylor Swift, so how would you feel if ever you became the subject of a Taylor Swift song? 'Cause you know how she always writes about her exes, right? What if you were on a Taylor Swift song?" "Oh that'd be amazing, wouldn't it? That would be very, very erm… it would be a nice way of kind of… haha, I don't know!" "Do you think it will be a bitter song or a happy song?" "It won't be… it won't be an anything song, because there was nothing there to report about, unfortunately. Erm, but she's just… erm, I don't know, that would be nice. It would always be nice to be the subject of somebody's affection, but I think that's my job, isn't it, really? Now that's what I do." "You know what, personal opinion, I think you and her would be really cute together."
January 23, 2015: Matty is asked about a possible collaboration with and rumors about Taylor Swift. (source)
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uncanny-tranny · 9 months
A vital part of political knowledge (and knowledge in general) is knowing when to say, "I'm not educated enough to make a statement about this topic."
It's okay if you don't know every little detail of every single issue at hand. But it won't help if you refuse to acknowledge where you lack information, where your blindspots are, and what you just don't understand. It's okay to not have an answer.
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tamapalace · 6 months
Hot Topic Tamagotchi Glitter Boyfriend Fit Girls T-Shirt
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This t-shirt is a must have if you’re a true Tamagotchi fan. What better way to show off your love for Tamagotchi than on your shirt? Hot Topic has just recently listed a new Tamagotchi Glitter Boyfriend Fit Girls T-Shirt! This shirt is available in sizes small, medium, large, extra large, and 2x.
The shirt itself is a light pink tee decorated with a glittery graphic of a Tamagotchi Original and Mametchi, clouds and stars too, and the Tamagotchi logo featured at the top. How adorable?
Made of 100% cotton, and available for purchase on Hot Topic’s website for $26.90 USD - $28.90 depending on size.
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tofixtheshadows · 7 days
kbru is my favorite male character in DM and it's sooooo disheartening to see how eager people are to misunderstand him. i know this is the white website but there reaches a point where i'm like. you have to be actively misreading the words on the page to think he's actively sinister.
even when he's at his lowest opinion of ls (BEFORE MEETING HIM! BC AFTER MEETING HIM HE HAS FAITH IN LS THAT DOESN'T EVEN MAKE SENSE TO HIM), it functions as a glimpse into what other people think of ls/the party writ large, AND WHY WOULDN'T YOU WANT THAT. it's so interesting! our characters don't exist separate from everyone else; they have reputations!!! kbru's judgment being incomplete is the POINT!!!!!!
kbru is SO important and he's SO kind and compassionate and i'm so tired of people thinking that he isn't. at the end of the day i don't blow up about it bc i know ms kui and i share opinions about him since i can comprehend the words on the page but it's so frustrating sometimes nonetheless. you're so brave for briefly ending the vagueposting... i salute you
Every day I try not to blow up about it and every day I mostly succeed because I am thirty or forty years old and I'm trying to be an adult, really I am. I'm trying not to pick fights, I'm trying not to be the fun killer, I'm trying to be nice. Especially because, frankly, I don't have a lot of backup in this regard. So I'm trying the soft approach instead, which is just unhinged blogging I guess. But if more people see my posts and associate the sympathetic thoughts I put out there with him rather than the mean and unfair ones, maybe fandom will get a little more bearable.
He is very important to me so I will not stop!
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formula-fun · 2 months
ok i know this is quiet hours for most of my mutuals but guys if hypothetically someone were to steal your masters thesis how would you respond to that
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hsslilly-blog · 2 months
what do you guys think i Need to talk about in my hss/hwu slideshow. things i absolutely can't leave out.
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shrikeseams · 2 years
While I don't personally go in for Maedhros-in-Angband torture porn (as a matter of personal taste), I do think he was subject to a quick, dirty, and thoroughly nasty interrogation for military and political intelligence before he was stapled to the cliffside.
And I also think it is very rational and probable that he told his kin about it after his rescue. Not in a graphic way, but in a 'this is the information they got out of me' way, and also 'these are the general techniques they used to do it' way. Because intelligence and counter-intelligence are an important part of warfare, and the Noldor would want to find ways to subvert Morgoth's interrogation methods. And nobody moreso than the leaders of the hidden cities.
Which is all to say that it seems probable that Finrod was able to successfully resist Sauron's magical interrogation because he'd spent that last *mumble mumble* years experimenting and tweaking means to do just that, specifically, based on intelligence from Maedhros.
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neoxghoul · 5 months
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2 new portals bags + 20% off of select items is available now at melaniemartinezmusic.com O
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breitzbachbea · 2 months
I again have so much admiration for historians who specialized and are experts in their field, because I know I will never be able to narrow anything down that much but dabble in all history. Which will result in not being an expert on anything, but it's still great to be a historian and knowing where to go to ask those who're deeply knowledgeable about it.
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nostalgia-tblr · 1 year
Fandom's weaponising of "-coded" to mean "my interpretation (headcanon) is factual and correct and anyone who disagrees with it is [something]ist" is deeply annoying and also... yeah it probably is a bit problematic that we've so muddied the waters on what is and isn't intentional in media works and on whether an interpretation is automatically correct because it appears to tick whatever boxes are currently popular.
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tayfabe75 · 1 month
"That was mostly through management. I was talking about how I was watching Taylor's documentary 'cause I just wanted to really take notes as an artist and stuff like that. Just like how the lifestyle is for such a big artist like her. My manager heard me talking about that and had like reached out to her team and then they had a song for me and everything just played out real good."
September 28, 2023: Ice Spice recounts how she came to collaborate with Taylor Swift. (source)
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sharkface · 1 year
Do you have art block or do you just draw 24/7 without taking breaks and assume that a momentary lull in your creative energy is you being cut off from the well rather than needing to refill the well
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amrv-5 · 5 months
Having very uncharitable thoughts about group projects
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mxlxdroit · 8 months
were phd programs like. invented for neurodivergent people
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grinchwrapsupreme · 7 months
Listening in on two guys talking about queer theatre (i think) and one is talking about a director he knows who hates the term queer because he still considers it purjorative and has no interest in reclaiming it and the guy here in the cafe said that he had forgotten there were people who were in that camp and how "you cant offend me because im more interested in learning" and its genuinely interesting to hear what ive only really heard in internet discourse in real life especially from a couple middle aged men in like a practical context
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@dcviated asked: 29. ❌ing
Munday RP topics meme - Accepting!
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Well, let's get the obvious out of the way: the bots are blocked as soon as I see them. I like to think Sonia is denying their visas for Novoselic herself.
But otherwise, there's really only a few things that make me want, or need, to hardblock someone. Mostly, I tend to just use filters as much as I can to weed out what I don't want to see. Mainly, certain ships I don't care for, excessive OOC (the OOC tag itself and some specific OOC tags on blogs because there's so much of it!), and some blogs I just prefer not to see on my dash but I don't really have a need to block. Just a personal preference.
More often, I'm just fine with unfollowing someone I either am not writing with or don't see myself writing with, usually due to inactivity or they've ignored asks and threads I've sent repeatedly. Only if there's a request to soft or hardblock in their rules will I do that: sometimes muns just want to read interactions I think, and I try to keep that in mind.
What makes me hardblock though? Usually one of these things:
Someone has pushed content, plots, or dynamics on me that I don't like or agree with, and I've brought it up to them that I'm not comfortable with the idea and it's ignored.
I've been sent hate, anonymously or by a specific blog. Whenever I'm sent hate to my inbox, I will just block the sender. When that's anonymous but they follow me anyway, that blog is blocked.
Someone has broken a rule that doesn't sit well with me, I've messaged them directly that 'hey, this isn't okay, maybe you could not do this in the future?' and it's still persisting.
But perhaps the most specific or petty, depending on how you look at it?
I tend to block chronic blog remakers/hoppers. And it's nothing wrong with a writing style, or content, or anything else. I just get annoyed when I see the same muns make and remake the same blog over and over again when it's due to the fact that they take on more threads and interactions than they can reasonably handle, get overwhelmed and/or find a new fandom they're into, discard everything, jump to a new blog, rinse and repeat.
It's understandable when it happens the first few times, especially when you're new to RP and/or tumblr. No one's perfect and it's easy to get really eager at first, wanting to write with every blog you can. But it can be hard to keep up with all of those interactions at a time. For some muns, that's fine: they like smaller, quicker threads and don't mind things being constantly dropped or deleted.
But I know my roleplay and writing style (and on tumblr, with this muse? it's been almost four years!): I prefer longer threads with a developed plot over a period of time. I may not be the fastest with replies, but I'll do my best to include plenty of detail and dialogue in them to, hopefully, give my writing partner something to work with and something enjoyable to write.
However, that approach just doesn't work with the chronic blog hoppers/remakers and after awhile, I just have to block them for my own peace of mind. There's only so many times I can send starters or asks hoping to build a storyline with them, only to have them be ignored or forgotten for a new blog/remade blog every few weeks/months.
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