#top moments list
In my final hours
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Something about the way his wings droop onto the floor…
I don’t know how to explain how this scene impacted me… the contrast of the cathedral with his angelic presence, the piercing echo of the organ as you approach, I could feel the anger radiating off the way he played…
But I might just be a little silly about it all and a bit too into the storytelling here
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heynhay · 1 year
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so part of my klance renaissance has obviously included haunting ao3 and can i just say this one by @thespacenico was especially lovely. drew a lil somethin.
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hugheses · 1 year
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colecaufield summer fun with bauerhockey
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artist-of-obsessions · 5 months
Hi-Fi Rush! (For sending you a fandom)
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I love you CNMN I love you CNMN I love you CNMN I love you-
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suchine-toki · 3 months
Top 10 Gintaka moments
(Arranged chronologically because it was too difficult to choose. Spoilers ahead.)
1. Takasugi's laugh
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After many encounters challenging the dojo, Gintoki sees Takasugi laugh for the first time, which becomes a core memory of his, a symbol of how things used to be and what he wants to preserve (ch. 517).
2. The promise
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Surrounded by enemies, Takasugi asks Gintoki why he decided to join the war, to which Gintoki replies that, like him, it was not for a noble cause. At this, Takasugi recognizes that the two are good-for-nothing warriors, but asks Gintoki to take care of their sensei in case he dies. Likewise, Gintoki asks Takasugi to stay alive (ch. 516).
3. Gintoki's tears
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Right after their sensei's death, Takasugi furiously runs towards Gintoki until, for a split second, he sees him crying. This becomes the last thing he saw with his left eye, a core memory that reminds him of the pain and grief they experienced (ch. 520).
4. Reunion at the festival
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After 10 years of not seeing each other, Takasugi sneaks up behind Gintoki and threatens him with his sword, commenting on how easy it was and that he has become weak. He also tells him about his plan to kill the Shogun, claiming that within him there is a black beast that seeks revenge. At the same time, he confronts Gintoki for looking away from the past, making him unable to understand his feelings. To this, Gintoki responds that it's a shame that he underestimated him, which can be read in both a physical and emotional sense. It's assumed that they separate without another word (chs. 30-31).
5. They were the same
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During a conversation with Nobume, Oboro asks her if Gintoki and Takasugi look like their sensei, to which she answers no, that the true resemblance was between them, since both had eyes full of sadness. As she says that, Gintoki and Takasugi can be seen passing each other, but only the former turns around to check that the latter is gone. It's worth mentioning that Gintoki warned Takasugi to be careful if he saw him walking down the street in chapter 97, but in the end he decided to not do anything (ch. 398).
6. Confession and realization
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After their fight, with both of them on the floor, tired and full of injuries, Takasugi opens up to Gintoki about his suffering. He confesses to him that his face was the last thing he saw before losing his left eye, how devastating it was to see him cry, and the enormous survivor's guilt he feels, because he understands how much Gintoki loved Shouyo. To this, Gintoki responds that he didn't choose him, but simply knew what was important to theirsensei, thus lifting the burden from Takasugi's shoulders. Not only that, but Gintoki also confesses that, despite everything, he continues to see him as a fellow disciple of the Shouka Sonjuku and a comrade, whose soul he will protect (ch. 520).
7. Sword exchange
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After a long coma, Takasugi awakens in Rakuyo and throws his sword to save Bansai. Likewise, Gintoki launches his bokuto to save Shinpachi, leaving them both unarmed. This is when they decide to take each other's sword and protect what is important to the other, reinforcing the message that a sword is made to protect the soul, and on other occasions that it even embodies it. Afterwards, they pass through hordes of enemies in order to see each other again, defending the other from an imminent attack and retrieving their weapon while locking eyes and making snarky remarks (ch. 573).
8. Pep talk
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While everyone on Earth seems defeated, Gintoki hears a familiar voice over the radio. Hundreds of kilometers, far up in space, Takasugi tells him that they have everything under control and encourages him to continue fighting. Likewise, Gintoki assures him that on his side they haven't lost yet, and playfully encourages him, asking if he has already been reduced to junk. Despite being injured, Takasugi tells him to be ready when he comes for him, to which Gintoki smiles (ch. 650).
9. Let's rescue sensei
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The greatest tragedy in Takasugi's life is not only the death of his teacher, but also that Gintoki had to be the one to kill him. Aware that he has little left to live, he admits that now he can be a little more honest with what he really wants to do. After fighting Gintoki as a way to punish himself, he's now able to recognize that he wishes to fight alongside him, while also wanting to alleviate his suffering by sharing the burden of his actions that day. Upon hearing this, the serious expression on Gintoki's face turns to astonishment at being able to achieve mutual understanding and once again have a common goal that is deeply personal to both of them (ch. 682).
10. Born under the same star
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While Gintoki's eyes reflect the despair he feels at having to strike Takasugi's body, he remembers their childhood together. Gintoki fought very hard to protect everyone, but Takasugi fought even harder to protect him, and although Gintoki was definitely not ready to lose him, Takasugi was content with the idea that he had prevented him from killing their sensei once more. Knowing that he has little time left, it's Gintoki's turn to be more sincere. He embraces Takasugi and reassures him, acknowledging that he did indeed manage to protect him and that he wished they could have drunk together more often. But Takasugi tells Gintoki he doesn't want to hear him like this and he asks him not to send him off with a sad face. Mustering willpower, Gintoki smiles and tells him to wait for him in hell, which becomes the last sight from Takasugi's right eye as he smiles back before dying. No longer able to restrain his emotions, Gintoki weeps as he watches the sunset (ch. 703).
Part (1) (2) (3) (4)
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[hydraulic press sound effect]
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More clone wars headcanons (it's just Ahsoka and Anakin)
No matter how only Ahsoka gets Anakin will always see her as that little 14 year old who strong-armed her way onto a battlefield 
Honestly he isn’t very aware of this but there are tiny moments when it becomes very clear 
There are moments when people ask how old his padawan is and he’ll go “Oh she’s” and he’ll take a moment for some mental calculations and say “she’s 18 kriff she’s 18” 
And he’ll kinda sit in silence with that fact for a couple of seconds 
There’s also moments when people will call him out for getting her age wrong 
Like he’ll go “Don’t bite off more than you can chew Soka you’re only 14 after all” 
Ahsoka will reminds him in two days she’s be turning 20 when Anakin argues that fact Obi-Wan reminds him that he’s 25 which would make her 20 in a couple of days Anakin just kinda stares at a wall 
Ahsoka tried to snap him out of it but Obi-Wan stopped her with a quite “let him grieve Ahsoka” 
No matter how old the two get they will always play pranks on each other if anything the intensity grows with them 
When Ahsoka when 14 she would save small handfuls of sand to put in Anakin’s shoes 
And he would have thought it was just left over from some mission if the sand didn’t keep appearing after he emptied it out 
That and he caught Ahsoka red-handed and chased her sneaky ass around the temple until they were both too tired to care 
When Ahsoka turned 20 she hid sand everywhere in his shoes and in his pockets, girl even got it in some of his mugs 
He knew it was her cause he knew her m.o but she won’t admit to it and she doesn’t stop to matter how much he begs 
The breaking point is when he finds his bed covered in sand which he deems going too far cause even tho Padme literally couldn’t care less 
He tracked her down and kept her in a headlock until she admitted defeat 
It wasn’t a chocking headlock mind you it’s just tight enough to keep her in place he just drags her around the whole base while he goes about his business 
Anakin’s prank was pretty simple he would slowly steal all her head wraps 
At first she didn’t notice anything she just thought Anakin stole one during training and put it somewhere 
But after a couple of days of not being able to find it she discovers another one went missing 
And the cycle continued like that for years 
It didn’t bother her but sometimes when she was going out with friends and couldn’t find her favorite ones you’d hear her scream “Ani where’s my leather head wrap?” 
And he’d act all innocent saying that he “has no idea what you’re talking about snips maybe you misplaced it again” 
And she’d groan and go look for a different one because she didn’t have enough time to interrogate him 
Anakin waits a couple of years to pull off his full prank which is convincing everyone he can to wear one of her head wraps and act like nothing is going on 
And he gets a good amount of people too including some of the clones and even the twins 
The only people who wholeheartedly reject being a part of the plan are Padme and Obi-Wan they discovered years ago that it isn’t wise to get involved in their prank war 
Honestly Ahsoka would have thought she lost her mind that day if she hadn’t found every single head wrap she lost hidden around her quarters 
It kind of becomes a running joke of how protective Anakin is of Ahsoka 
Some stories being blown out of proportion about how Skywalker single-handedly moved the ruble to grant her freedom form the tank 
Some say how he searched on the ground day and night when Ahsoka was captured by the hunters 
Criminals claim they barely made it out with their lives if they had Ahsoka in their custody 
They both find these stories hilarious but Obi-Wan and Padme know there is a lot of truth in those stories 
It doesn’t just stop with the enemy either this man has and will do intensive background checks on every single person Ahsoka meets 
And you best believe that potential love interests are kept under the closest watch possible 
Rex and his boys are happy to track down the person if they feel they’re acting a little sketchy 
Sometimes this ends with actual criminals being put away and sometimes this ends with Ahsoka scolding everyone who had anything to do with it 
Some people get 30+ apology letters and a promise that it will never happen again (most of those people can tell those letters were written with grit teeth and a little togruta standing close by)
Anakin does agree to tone down his protective streak and promises to never abuse his power like that again 
She didn’t make him stop giving the shovel talk to literally anyone within a three-mile radius of her (mostly cause she didn’t know he was doing it) so he considered that a win
I’m always reminded of how Anakin made it a game to count how many people their squads took out and I was wondering what other games they had 
How many times could they lie to the council without getting caught, how many times they crash a ship, and how many times they save each other's lives 
Like imagine Ahsoka tripping Anakin and before he can ask why the hell she did that a blast hits the floor and she just goes “That’s 40 for me” as she runs away 
Anakin yelled after her “yeah 40 to my 80 snips” 
Those numbers also serve as a reminder and reassurance that no matter how dangerous the situation gets they’ll never let that count stop
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touchlikethesun · 6 months
kuroo's an asshole and gets people riled up on purpose for funsies, but he's also genuinely a very caring guy and tries his best to help and encourage people.
tsukki's an asshole, and if he doesn't like you he will laugh as you run off a cliff. if he does like you, he'll laugh at you for being thick, but he'll stop you before you can truly hurt yourself. (bonus secret soft side can be unlocked, but watch out)
oikawa is an asshole, but only because he's keeping up an act to protect himself - and to make others laugh. when the act drops, he's shockingly serious and sincere no trace of assholerey to be found.
kags isn't an asshole at all, he's just incredibly straightforward, and people constantly mistake his bluntness as him being a dick on purpose.
most people get fooled by suga's outward appearance and think he's a nice guy just so sweet, but that's just because they aren't paying attention. make no mistake his asshole streak runs dangerously strong.
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slushi-chan · 8 days
I need everyone to know and see that the criminal minds wiki lists Pipe Cleaner under nicknames on Spencer’s page
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flowercrowngods · 3 months
i honestly don’t think anything compares to having your friends feel welcome and comfortable in your own home. that big smile on their face as they look around and you let them, feeling on display because they’ve never seen you like this, not really, and you wonder if they will find this lacking, if they will find you lacking. but they don’t. because they’re smiling and they’re complimenting you and you can watch a tiny part of them falling in love with this home just like you did the very first time you found it. when it’s all still a work in progress because it’s always a work in progress, but you’re both at ease now because this is your home and that is your friend and somewhere in the universe there pops up the thought that by proxy, this is their home as well if they so choose. for a while at least. for as long as they’ll stay.
i don’t think anything compares to your friends finding comfort in your home.
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zer0point5ive · 10 months
lawrence: … technically speaking he's not really a murderer. he never killed anyone. he finds ways for his victims to kill themselves … you won’t stop [the camera]. that’s why we can’t cut through these chains. it’s why you won’t break that glass. every single angle has been pre thought out by him … to overcome something you have to understand what a perfect engine it is …
adam: [looking around for something to use as a weapon] ok
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buckysoldatbarnes · 2 years
ok but in season 3 episode 7 son of a coma guy the coma guy asks house “what’s going on with you two? (house and wilson). House tells him that wilson just lied to the cops to keep house out of jail. the next question coma guy asks house is “have you ever been in love?”
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xroub · 1 year
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Christ, what a nightmare.
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thousand-sunnies · 6 months
every day the collection of fics i want to write grows bigger
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coffeeblackandneat · 6 months
mr lou ferrigno jr. absolutely insane choice to ask "approve?" APPROVE?? i have not not thought about the chin thing in six days and you ask APPROVE??? that moment haunts my waking and sleeping hours and you ASK approve? what de fuck man
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titsthedamnseason · 1 year
okay my darlings, you know what time it is…..SURPRISE SONG GAME TIME!!! except this time it’s extra super duper special because this post is actually queued because today is MY SHOW 🤭🫶 aka it’s atlanta n3 therefore i am BEGGING you to manifest the absolute best of your best picks and leave them in the tags or replies for me to see later and then give you an internet smooch if you win 💗 HAPPY GUESSING
i’m going to guess my absolute dream combo of hey stephen and dorothea
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