#top 10 worst hits of 2018
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max released his very own verstappie all-time win list, i must get your analysis 🔎
Omfg tastyyy ok heres Max's picks for his top 10 wins according to his latest red bulletin and transcribed by the awesome @tyrannosaurus-maxy , lets check if they feature in the verstappie rewatch
spain, 2016 ✅ mexico, 2018 ❌ ((analysis: a classic maxiel shootout that I wud have included if not for format limits and my pick of china, 2017. although very cunty of him to pick this as a crucial victory in his career, because it was a proper 'u wont win while I'm here' send off.)) austria, 2019 ✅ germany, 2019 ❌ ((analysis: ok I get it because that race was like .. netflix's drive to survive live action so to come out of it p1 is a classic max slay. also rip Hockenheim shout out to a real 1 u put the fear of god in those men fr)) 20th anniversary, 2020✅ france, 2021 ❌ ((analysis: entire 2021 season shud be its own verstappie rewatch lets keep it FRESH and TRUTHFUL howevr. I did go wid Emilia Romagna for my pick of the first wins because of what it represented ..dramaturgically. Like imagine the existential horror of knowing Verstappen has the car to challenge u in a classic f1 track on pure pace. Horrifying. But France did start to chip away at the 'average qualifier' myth in the culture and it did show rbr were willing to go freak for freak to dethrone Lewis. Looking back to it , it IS a champion drive from Max at such an early stage of his maiden wdc run, so makes sense it felt like that to him too.)) COTA, 2021 ✅, Spa, 2022 ✅ miami, 2023 ✅ , japan, 2023✅
Veredict: verstappie seal of approval. Some new insight particularly into COTA, 2021 which answered a few questions I had about the Silverstone crash and its consequences. Idk if yall ever saw pics of Max's lid after the crash, but the paint on the left side was completely scrapped off. Obvi we knew it the hit was serious enough from his radio, the general state of his car, how he looked climbing out of it, but I truly never expected him to share the full extent of the concussion. This isnt like the cramp or the like the bird he hit that one time, concussions are scary and uncomfortable and we still learning how to deal wid them in sport. Its an ongoing debate between medical responsibility and individual choice and that demands sensitivity and care and often lacks both. Because this time it involves Max and he didnt die, it now invites the worst people in the world to be purposely nasty and disingenuous in their interpretation of what he shared. But I think its important he told us. He shud not have to hide how much a crash like that impacted him, his title run, and what it meant to come out the other side a champion. I always said COTA 2021 is when he went from lil bro to big bro and now I'm sure he feels the same.
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Fic Writer 20 Questions
Tagged by @dead-cowboy!
1.) How many works do you have on ao3? Across three accounts and like 1......1? years, jesus, 154. (I think. Give or take a couple anonymized that I may have forgotten.)
2.) What’s your ao3 word count? 325,886. Somehow.
3.) What fandoms do you write for? Previously? Red vs. Blue, The Magnificent Seven (2016), The Musketeers (2014), Warcraft (2016), RWBY, Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them, The Umbrella Academy, The Hobbit trilogy, Supernatural, and Star Wars. Currently: Dragon Age, Jak and Daxter, Skyrim, Ted Lasso, Kingdoms of Amalur, and Star Wars.
4.) What are your top five fics by kudos? A trite, originally tumblr not!fic about OWK (anonymized), the sequel that tricked me into liking Darth Maul (anonymized), an old Cody/OWK Week fic from 2020, the first Sith!Cody fic in the tag (anonymized), and Renegade (time-traveling clones from 2018). Seven out of my top ten are anon, and eight of the top fifteen, so I figure we can just leave it there lmao.
5.) Do you respond to comments? Why or why not? Not really, no. Most comments I get are.....cursory? Obligatory? They aren't substantive, is what I mean to say. "Thanks for writing this", and whatnot, which not only don't necessitate a reply, but like, what reply can there possibly be? If there's a non-rhetorical question that I can answer, or the commenter had something to say, or even just has fun energy, then I try to respond in kind, but those kinds of comments are uhhhhhh. Not something my work attracts lol. Basically, I'm not going to send a thank-you card for a thank-you card, you know?
6.) What’s the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? Uhhhhh, I don't know, I don't really deliberately do angst? Maybe a Dogma/Hardcase ficlet with ghost!Hardcase, but also depending on your point of view, maybe the Sith!OWK Kenfetti fic. It's hard for me to judge, I don't think I've ever even tagged something with angst, but that definitely seems like the darkest ending I've written? Idk.
7.) What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? God this is much harder than I thought it would be. Somehow I don't think these two were meant to be the hardest-hitting questions lmao? *scrolling down my fic summaries* Hmm, learning things about myself that I'm not sure I appreciate... Maybe "she wore it wonderfully well" (Mag7, Emma/Vasquez)? Trying to find something unambiguously happy that I also am less embarrassed to link is. Difficult.
8.) Do you get hate on fics? Not especially. I have guest comments turned off, my fics are locked, and I generally don't write ships with wide readerships to start with. For the most part I occasionally get something rude and entitled that I delete, but I tell you FFN readers are some of the most hostile people you'll ever meet, they're truly dedicated to being haters of anything even resembling creative writing, it's very funny.
9.) Do you write smut? If so what kind? I do, it's not very good, and honestly I think the most prevailing trend is consent issues and power dynamic fuckery. My first smut fic was anonymous mindsex, and my second was sex-pollened enemies lmaoooooo.
10.) Do you write cross overs? What’s the craziest one you’ve written? Not as often as I'd like to, but yes! Allow me to introduce you to (and please ignore that it's a fusion), DRUMROLL PLEASE!, The Worst AU In The World (Game of Thrones/Winx Club)! If you want an actual crossover though, I did just write Dorian "Dragon Age" Pavus/Savage "Star Wars" Opress, so that was fun.
11.) Have you ever had a fic stolen? Not to my knowledge; I doubt it.
12.) Have you ever had a fic translated? Um. Yes. About eight years ago someone translated a Warcraft smutfic of mine into Chinese. That's the only one I know about.
13.) Have you ever cowritten a fic before? No, I genuinely don't even know how that would work.
14.) What’s your all time favourite ship? Hmmm. I can't say I have one. I'm a multifandom multishipper at heart, I've burnt out of several fandoms, burnt out of several ships, and I'm too AuDHD to be able to pick a favorite anything. Trent Crimm/Jamie Tartt.
15.) What’s a WIP you’d like to finish, but doubt you ever will? To be fair, most of them. But also the Dooku POV installment of the first two most-kudosed fics' series, and the Locus/Tucker roleswap RvB fic, and the Locus time-travel fic, and the Dragon Age/Star Wars crossover Maulrexsoka fic. Just off the top of my head.
16.) What are your writing strengths? I've been told my fics tend to be very high concept and I do weird things with syntax. And honestly, that's already me knowing too much.
17.) What are your writing weaknesses? Quickest answer? Plot.
18.) Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic? I'm monolingual and don't have any cultural baggage around it, so I generally find it at least some level of fun and engaging, but it's also easy for it to become gimicky when it's a conlang (guilty) and not well-executed when it's a canonically code-switching character (also guilty). I maintain however that all of that should be forgiven in Red vs. Blue fics though; the entire point from the ground up is that all the Spanish is wrong.
19.) First fandom you wrote for? ....................................Yu-Gi-Oh!. With reader-insert. I plea Not Guilty by reason of I Was Fourteen.
20.) Favourite fic you’ve ever written? See, recency bias says "cat-scratch" (amnesiac!Sabretooth AU) but brand loyalty says "peace is a lie" (JesseMaul). Maybe I'll split the difference, end up with a net-zero, and say "memento (mori)" (Cailan Theirin/Female Surana).
Honestly I think our biggest takeaway here is that I can't be trusted to answer questions about my own content because I harsh the vibe by tending to not like it lol
Tagging whoever wants to play!
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10, 13 and 25, please?
10. worst part of fanon
This is so mean of me to say and I really hate to do it but..........some of the modded clothes y'alls Vs wear for VP photoshoots...................guys if I worked an actively-strenuous job and had latex stretched over my rack and cooch like that to do it, I think I would literally set myself on fire in the middle of Corpo Plaza.
I need to clarify that this is not a "I'm against revealing outfits" opinion, this is a "Do you have ANY idea how tight rubber feels against your nipples?" opinion.
13. worst blorboficiation
Johnny's an obvious contender, and because he's a main character there's a lot more discussion centered on him for people to blorbofy, but I'm gonna go and say Rosalind Myers gets this a LOT. It's honestly kinda startling how many people I see using Rosalind as a vehicle for shipping fodder when she's arguably the overarching villain of the entire DLC, and I don't think the game really intends for you to sympathize very heavily with her. But if you check her tag it's full of people using her for ships or discussing how cool she is. Yes I like morally-questionable women but I like ADDRESSING that the women are morally questionable before letting them top me.
I also think it's unfair that people will bend over backwards to debate the morality of people like Reed and Songbird and not bat an eye about the woman who called in a hit on the former that led to them being stranded in Night City for a near decade, and used the latter as a literal Blackwall probe for god knows how long. Wonder fucking why.
Other characters who I would've given this to are Takemura-- a corporate-trained bodyguard/assassin who I feel like sometimes gets shoehorned into a weird 'malewife' role in fan works, fuck if I know why-- and Kerry-- the guy's charismatic I get it but I feel like we kinda just gloss over the fact that he was more than ready to shoot three 20-year-olds for literally no justifiable reason.
25. common fandom complaint that you're sick of hearing
So many, but I'll go over my personal highlights:
"Johnny should've been a love interest!"-- I like SilverV don't get me wrong, but I'm a firm believer in the fact that shoehorning a romantic relationship between the two of them into the narrative would've nuked Johnny's character development. Protagonists don't always need to get together romantically guys, friendship is allowed here.
"Panam is a spoiled brat!"-- Panam is suffering from what people in the industry like to refer to as 'a character flaw', which is a helpful little tool that will allow her to experience growth at a later point in the game.
"I can't believe they made one of the love interests a cop!"-- such an annoying complaint that I actually addressed it this week.
"There's such a huge focus on promoting fem!V now! What about masc!V??"-- 1) masc!V was the center of all the base game promotional materials from 2018-2020 so it makes sense that fem!V gets to be the center of promotion around the DLC, 2) the game is pretty much over so they're hardly advertising it anymore, and 3) advertising in the video game industry still relies so much on the male eye and is still so male-dominated in terms of thinking and ideation, having fem!V get a little bit of the promotional focus is fine. It's an RPG that's 4 years old, literally who gives a shit anymore
"The game's not cyberpunk enough!"-- I don't agree nor disagree with this opinion-- I do think the game could've gone a little further with its messaging-- but I'm fucking sick of hearing people parrot this talking point blindly because the game lets you participate in consumerism by buying cars and occasionally working with corporate clients. There is nothing worse to me personally than a stale, repeated argument from someone who played the game for 2 hours and refuses to engage with the text.
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I hope you're doing well! I'm trying to read more fanfiction, but I don't really know where to start. So, I'll split my ask into two categories:
Essential fanfics that I shouldn't miss
Personal favourites
It doesn't have to be a long list (I imagine you're busy), but any recommendations would be appreciated 😊
Thank you so much for everything!
(P.S. If I'm not mistaken, I think I saw you're from my neck of the woods. I hope you weren't affected by the outages last week!)
Hey Lovely!
*HUGS* I hope YOU were okay from the storm!! Yes, I live in the Capital region, but thankfully the worst I had in my neighbourhood was a tree next to my building literally was PEELED from the ground (it looked wild, LOL). A couple of my coworkers who live on the QC side said they had no power for over 2 days, so their Easter was pretty poopy, bleh. It's SO weird now thinking just a week ago we had that wicked storm when today is a BEAUTIFUL summer day, 20˚C and sunshine. WEIRD.
ANYWAY, I always have time to try my best with recs!! I'm not always spot on, but I hope I can at least direct you to a few lists you'll enjoy!
Check these out:
Top Five Fandom Fics on Ao3, Plus 1M Hit Fic (Dec. 2018)
Fandom Favourites / Popular Fics
My List of “New Classics”
I-J’s Last 50 Bookmarked Fics (June 2017)
Last 17 Bookmarked Fics (July 2017)
Last 30 Bookmarked Fics (November 2017)
Last 86 Bookmarked Fics (Jan 2019) || [MOBILE]
Top 20 Fave 40K+ w. Fics (April 2017)
Ten Fave Short Johnlock Fics (Easy Reads April 2018)
25 Fave Johnlock One Shots (April 2018)
Top 10 Fave Fics (September 2018)
Top 20 Bookmarks of 2018 (March 2019)
Another Top 10 Fave Fics (June 2019)
Top 30 Read-Again Fics (March 2019)
Top 30 Read-Again Fics Pt. 2 (Sept. 2019)
Top 25 Fave Non-Ao3 Fics (Nov. 2019)
Top 25 Fave Non-Ao3 Fics Pt 2 (Apr 2022)
Top 25 Bookmarks of 2019 (Dec. 29/2019)
Top 30 Bookmarks of 2020
Top 25 Bookmarks of 2021
Top 20 Bookmarks of 2022
Fave Read-Again Fics (10) (Dec 11/20)
Top 20 Comfort Fics (Feb 2022)
Top 30 Fave Angst Fics Under 10K
25 Fics for Fic Rec Bingo
I hope these lists bring you joy, and if there's anything else you're looking for, let me know!
(PS: and I'm SO EXCITED to know other people live near me, LOL!)
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Zoe Saldana stars in "Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3"SOURCE: MARVEL
That’s not to say Marvel — along with all studios and streamers — doesn’t face some hurdles going forward. But the nature of those obstacles for Marvel are frankly pretty obvious; it’s mostly things Marvel has overcome before; and regardless of those issues and the need to address them, Marvel is still actually doing pretty good right now even amid the problems they’ve had.
So let’s just unpack what’s really going wrong, and what it means for Marvel Studios.
The situation with actor Jonathan Majors — the star of several Marvel films and streaming shows, as the MCU’s time-traveling villain Kang the Conqueror — is that he faces multiple accusations of abuse, and is scheduled to stand trial for one recent case. After that case was initially reported, other accusations surfaced, as did previous public statements from years ago by performers who asserted accusations of abuse were already circulating about Majors.
So yes, Marvel will almost certainly recast Kang. Lucky for Marvel, the character literally exists across a near-infinite number of alternate realities where he takes different forms and changes appearance. Likewise, Marvel has had to recast characters in the past, just like lots of other franchise or TV/streaming series. This isn’t brain surgery, and the framing of this issue as something that could sink Marvel’s whole future plans is frankly nonsense.
Just one great example, Marvel could offer the role to John Boyega (who I’d argue should’ve been the top candidate for the role in the first place). Or maybe Denzel Washington as an iteration of Kang who sat out the in-fighting and collective efforts of the rest of the Kangs and grew older and wiser as he made his plans to take over. Or maybe Ray Fisher could be offered the role, if Marvel wants to poke DC and WBD while scoring a great casting option.
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Or perhaps Marvel could offer the role to Leslie Odom Jr., Lakeith Stanfield, O'Shea Jackson Jr., Daveed Diggs, Stephan James, or any number of other fantastic casting choices to take over the role of Kang in the MCU.
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The point is, the worst part of the situation with John Majors is if the allegations are true and women suffered this abuse while Hollywood ignored it. The casting “problem” is small potatoes by comparison, and is easy to solve.
So let’s look at the financials now, since a central claim to the “Marvel is in trouble” narrative is that the studio is struggling at the box office while streaming is an unpopular mess.
At the box office, it’s true Marvel hit a high point with their back to back releases of the two-part Avengers conclusion to the Infinity Saga. The $2.79 billion from Endgame and $2 billion from Infinity War elevated the final global gross for all 22 films in that saga to more than $20 billion, for a per-film average of around $935 million.
In 2018 and 2019, the MCU put up the following numbers: Black Panther hit $1.34 billion, then Infinity War topped $2 billion, then Captain Marvel scored $1.1 billion, and then Endgame took $2.79 billion. Ant-Man and the Wasp at $622 is the only MCU film in those 24 months that failed to top $1 billion.
Since the Infinity Saga ended, Marvel’s releases have taken north of $8.1 billion across 10 movies so far, with a Multiverse Saga per film average of about $815 million. The difference between $815 million and $935 million is not insignificant, but nor is it disastrous, and it’s certainly not hard to understand why it’s happening.
The 2018 and 2019 slates for the Infinity Saga benefited from a decade of build-up, and it was those last four (out of five total) blockbusters topping $1-2 billion each that provided the final heft and resulted in an even higher per film average. We are only in the first half of the Multiverse Saga to date, and so far we haven’t had a single Avengers movie in this new saga, while as noted the Infinity Saga ended with a one-two Avengers punch good for more than $2 million per film.
And then the fact of the Covid pandemic alone accounts for most of the rest of the downturn in Marvel Studios’ average box office performance. Even during the Covid pandemic, when films were flopping or going straight to streaming/PVOD, Marvel’s three releases that performed “badly” due to the global health crisis still managed to finish between $379.7 million on the lowest end and $432 million. That’s better than the DCEU can perform even after theaters reopened and box office started its climb back toward something resembling “normal” — at least for the right films, since 2023 has been a roller coaster ride for theatrical.
Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania underperformed earlier this year and wound up the weakest performer of that franchise at $476 million, but Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 scored blockbuster results with $845.5 million.
Indeed, Vol. 3 is currently the fourth-highest grossing movie of 2023, both domestically and worldwide. And for the record, as disappointing as its box office was, 2023 has been so cruel to theatrical releases that Quantumania is still a top-10 box office performer.
We’ve seen one would-be blockbuster tentpole after another face-plant or otherwise disappoint, and often when a tentpole has managed a healthy box office performance it’s at a more moderate level than expected or typically enjoyed by the given franchise and/or its prior financial trajectory.
Other than Barbie, The Super Mario Bros. Movie, Oppenheimer, and Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3, nothing else truly put up top-tier results this year. Fast X topped $700 million, but is fourth film in a row from the series to suffer a decline from its predecessor’s box office gross, and the lowest box office for the franchise since 2011’s Fast Five, so it’s a mixed bag there.
Besides that, 2023 saw three films in the $500-600 millions range, four in $400 millions territory, and a couple of $300 millions.
The makeup of the top 10 this year looks like this: Barbie, The Super Mario Bros. Movie, Oppenheimer, Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3, Fast X, Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse, The Little Mermaid, Mission: Impossible - Dead Reckoning Part One, Elemental, Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania.
Notice, there are three Marvel superhero movies in the top 10. Yes, one of them underperformed, but the point is that it seems silly to talk as if audience are in any widespread or large scale way turning away from superhero cinema, or that Marvel is somehow reeling from a downfall and have lost control.
The Marvels is currently tracking toward a shockingly low debut this weekend, with most projections pointing to a $130-$150 million global opening. Without at least average holds, the film could struggle to get past $300-400 million. On the other hand, I think tracking has proven pretty unreliable these days, and I believe a significant part of these disappointing numbers is the fact a lot of people are confusing this film with being another new Disney+ Marvel show, or think it is coming to Disney+ as a film soon. There’s also the general 2023 ongoing curse to consider.
But regardless, The Marvels should’ve been a home run sequel. While we can point to the unethical shenanigans and toxic behavior of fans and of certain organized hateful online voices obsessed with attacking women-driven movies or shows, if this film flops or underperforms rather than merely suffering a downward adjustment consistent with the genre overall (which would mean a box office for The Marvels in the $700 million range, I’d say), then it’s entirely fair to call it a big stumble for the studio.
The large-scale tainting of superhero cinema by the DCEU’s overarching failure the past several years (eight films in a row across five years, all failing to reach $400 million and averaging in the roughly $250 million range) coinciding with the Covid pandemic and theatrical downturn, coupled with a leveling off — not uncontrolled free-fall or any other hyperbolic situation — of Marvel’s must-see “event” status in the aftermath of their 11-year Infinity Saga’s conclusion (and lack of any Avengers team-ups for four years and counting) has no doubt reduced the dominance of the superhero genre and audience’s previous high-level anticipation.
But that sort of heightened “event” status is impossible for any franchise or genre to maintain, and no serious person expected the genre or any one studio’s piece of it to be some perpetual ever-increasing profit machine
Neither Marvel nor the genre in general need to treat the usual ebb and flow of primacy in entertainment as if it’s some major crisis threatening the existence and profitability of the studio or genre. That’s just the natural clickbait mentality driving entertainment journalism. We should be able to report on and assess such situations without resort to exaggerated portrayals for melodramatic purposes, nor parrot claims from those with obvious incentives and ulterior motives behind any of that sort of hyperbolic claims. We know better, but that doesn’t mean the profession behaves better, and so we get clickbait and studio drama delivered up like silly reality TV, and everyone pretends not to recognize it as the nonsense it usually is.
Marvel has to recast a major lead actor, something we’ve seen plenty of times by studios and projects, including literally by Marvel themselves on more than one occasion. Marvel’s first two films of 2023 grossed a combined $1.3 billion in box office. Even if The Marvels only does about half the box office of Captain Marvel — a vastly bigger drop than the Ant-Man franchise experienced, but let’s just use a 50% dramatic decrease to make the larger point — the MCU will have grossed a total of about $2.45 billion for 2023, an average of $815 million per film.
If that figure sounds familiar, it’s because I mentioned it earlier since it’s the per-film average for the MCU ever since the end of the Infinity Saga. Marvel settled back a bit from the high per-film average of $935 million, and for four years we’ve consistently seen this same new average level of performance for their films. Again, not insignificant as a drop, but in context it’s easier to understand and recognize as not a sudden emergency situation, and I suspect most studios would be happy if they could average north of $800 million per film on average every year.
And let’s face it, once the latest Avengers movies hit the radar, we’ll see the average per film gross go up during those years, just like always, and in the long run if the two scheduled Avengers movies play at the $2 billion level, that will actually result in an increase in the final average per-film gross for the Multiverse Saga, just as those huge Avengers box office grosses at the end of Infinity Saga seriously raised the saga’s per-film average.
This is all fairly predictable, within an obvious margin of error but not frankly too far of deviation. Which doesn’t negate the fact of the downturn in average performances, but rather puts it into less histrionic perspective as solvable problems for a still overwhelmingly successful studio that’s seeing per film averages still far superior to what any other studio can claim.
On streaming, where audience trends and preferences have likewise evolved during the Covid era, Marvel
First we got the ABC broadcast series: Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., Agent Carter, and Inhumans. Want to take a moment to recall how did those all fair with audiences and critics?
Then came Netflix's slate, with Daredevil, Jessica Jones, Luke Cage, Iron Fist, The Defenders, and The Punisher — half of those got mostly good or great reviews, a couple got mixed to negative reviews, and along the way different seasons of a given show had their ups and downs. Many fans and reviewers bemoaned the general lack of tie-in to the cinematic releases, a point that's amusing in light of how the same reviewers and fans completely reversed course a few years later to bemoan the fact the newer MCU shows often try to tie in to the MCU.
So next up are The Runaways and Cloak and Dagger, shows with younger casts and less direct connection to the rest of the MCU, but both were short lived and appeared on two different streaming services.
Which brings us to the MCU shows on Disney+, overseen by Marvel Studios itself and consisting of WandaVision, The Falcon and the Winter Soldier, Loki, What If...?, Hawkeye, Moon Knight, Ms. Marvel, She-Hulk: Attorney at Law, and Secret Invasion.
While The Falcon and the Winter Soldier and What If...? received mixed reactions, WandaVision and Loki got generally good to great reviews, as did Hawkeye and Moon Knight.
Ms. Marvel likewise received strong positive reviews, aside from resentful fans mostly motivated by racism or sexism who bashed the show (the same way angry bigoted fans harassed Brie Larson and tried to manipulate online reviews for Captain Marvel, and to this day engage in bizarre conspiracy theories pretending movies with women leads are secretly propped up by studios buying up tickets), and the same mob of boys and men perpetually upset that everything isn’t just a mirror reflecting themselves were incensed that She-Hulk dared make fun of them for being immature, bigoted, and all-around goofy.
Granted, She-Hulk did often have what looked like rushed and unfinished CGI, but it was also still miles ahead of most TV CGI and it didn’t detract from the entertainment value of the show and was generally fine. (Yes, plenty of folks just didn’t enjoy these shows, and I’m sure it’s entirely a coincidence that for many of them it always happens to be women-led shows that bother them or are declared “meh”).
Secret Wars is the most recent new MCU show (besides a new season of Loki), and it got mixed reviews that lean mostly positive but still point to trouble in the decision-making to develop the series, questions about
The point of all of this is, Marvel’s had a lot of superhero shows for a long time during the reign of the MCU, and the shows have tended to mostly get good or great reviews, while often suffering complaints of inconsistency in tie-ins vs stand-alone abilities, or iffy VFX, or questions about who is in charge and why certain decisions were made. Sound familiar? It should, because it’s a broken record of reality at this point, the sort that gets mentioned as if it’s a new development any time someone is pushing the latest version of the “sky is falling” narrative.
Not that there aren’t issues needing solutions. The budgets are too high, and Marvel — like many streamers — is discovering it’s simply not sustainable to spend $20 million or more per episode with rushed production schedules and increasingly unreasonable demands on VFX workers.
But the shows themselves are so far working and working pretty well, if you aren’t focused entirely on social media debates and media exaggerations. Most every MCU show on Disney+ has enjoyed positive reception from critics and viewers, enjoying good (and sometimes record-setting) viewership. Fixing the problems for the Marvel streaming plans is not really any more difficult than fixing the theatrical issues, because it’s easy to identify the problems, easy to see where the problems arose, and easy to see what is necessary to end those problems.
Nobody foresaw the Covid pandemic (or at least the extent of it) or the utterly shameful, failed public health response it elicited from governments and organizations that are paid and entrusted to prevent or deal with such crises. Marvel was caught off guard like every studio, Marvel suffered the same box office downturn as every studio, Marvel leaned into streaming like every studio, and Marvel is now having to make adjustments to adapt to the still-evolving environment theatrically and in streaming.
So media and fans and others in Hollywood pretending this is some shocking, Marvel-specific situation are making disingenuous claims, and they should know better. Most probably do, but the truth is more boring than doomsaying — and with everything else in the world falling apart, clickbait and hyperbole are the best way to get attention for entertainment news during a drought (caused by few new films/shows releasing, and the likelihood of strikes dragging into next year because studios put money toward bonuses, yachts, and private jets rather than pay artists, writers, and performers living wages from a fair share of the revenue they generate).
Marvel will recast Kang, they’ll reduce the number of shows and films in production at a given time, they’ll get budgets under control and allow more time for VFX work, and they’ll refocus on the approaches and measures that worked so well in the past to determine which projects to greenlight and how to return to the sense of a big shared world the Avengers have to team up to save.
Luckily, with the X-Men and Fantastic Four reboots around the corner, Marvel has a couple of big teams with lots of potential for precisely the sort of storytelling Marvel does best at the blockbuster level. They could even simply move toward a post-Secret Wars setup that lets Fantastic Four, X-Men, and a handful of other existing popular franchises carry the Marvel brand forward for a while.
We will also probably see the temporary return of Robert Downey Jr., Chris Evans, and Scarlett Johansson reprise their popular MCU roles for Avengers: The Kang Dynasty and/or Avengers: Secret Wars.
And looking at the upcoming slate, it’s not hard to see there’s plenty of reason to feel confident Marvel will continue to enjoy success, even if it’s at a slightly moderated level due to the myriad factors we’ve discussed, including the idea that superhero genre films are settling into a more consistent long-term level of popularity and performance from now on.
The next four years brings Deadpool 3, Captain America: Brave New World, Thunderbolts, Blade, Fantastic Four, Avengers: The Kang Dynasty, and Avengers: Secret Wars, and at some point thereafter Armor Wars and the X-Men. Of these films, the two Avengers movies are likely to be blockbuster hits, as is Deadpool 3. Captain America: Brave New World is an established franchise, lacking the original series lead but with a continuing cast and brand that I think are enough to avoid any significant downturn in box office, even if we see some drop from the peak levels of the Infinity Saga.
Blade and Thunderbolts are the riskier properties here, but the former is a previously successful cinematic brand and the latter is a team-up movie including some recognizable characters and stars. Still, this is where we might see more underperformances. Fantastic Four could likewise either perform at a blockbuster levels, or might wind up in the $700 million range, but as a key property getting lots of attention and must-work oversight, I think it’ll avoid being a problem.
Armor Wars as an extension of the Iron Man movies — and possibly/probably coming after we see Robert Downey Jr. again in some Avengers action — should perform well, and X-Men is a known successful brand getting an MCU reboot and polish as a big team franchise including younger cast members, so I think it’ll at least be capable of playing at the Guardians of the Galaxy level, if done right.
This isn’t a debacle, it’s not doomsday, and Marvel isn’t in disarray. The internal difficulties they’ve faced are frankly typical and easy to identify and solve, as much as everything else we’ve discussed here. The bottom line is this: we’ve seen Marvel Studios kick off with a big hit in Iron Man and an outright flop with The Incredible Hulk, after which Captain America: The First Avenger and Thor performed at okay levels but didn’t set the box office on fire by any stretch.
We got the original Avengers movie off the strength of Iron Man and Iron Man 2, and to really help put this into perspective I’ll point out the average per film box office of Phase One was $634 million. Phase Two’s per film average was $876 million.
Marvel worked hard to build what they created, and it’s a tremendous historic success full of ups and downs that so far have ultimately maintained an impressive level of successful across a large slate of films and series. To look at this history, this math, and think Marvel Studios is in deep trouble, struggling, or never really was very good to begin with, is unreasonable and contrary to the data and any serious considerations.
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I hope I'm not the only one and I hope I don't sound too mean but I don't think I've watched that many Sam and Colby videos since like earlier last year. Also srry if this gets long 💞
I mean, I have been dealing with personal stuff so I genuinely haven't really been able to watch them at all over the last year. But at the same time, I just feel kind of exhausted with their content, especially the amount of collaborations too. Sometimes the humour in a lot of videos is just too much like I can handle a touch of it but not to an excessive and unecessary amount.
The last video I watched of theirs was the one with Daz Black because I like his content and it was more chilled out to me, like the humour wasn't over the top and it felt like a 2021 video all over again (kinda) which 2021 was my favourite era for them even if I didn't really like some of their guests at the time.
I also really liked when they did that video and investigation when it was just the two of them like late 2022 and I hope they do more videos like that at some point because I miss them.
And with all due respect I kind of just miss when they weren't as popular tbh, like I'm so happy that I found them in 2019 because it was such a laid back time for me and their content was so enjoyable in my opinion. Of course I'm happy that they're gaining more subscribers and all that but I feel like their fandom is just so insensitive now and I force myself to watch their content just to support them silently.. 😒
hey i get it. i’ve gone thru ebbs and flows with snc’s content over the years.
i think some of their videos can be hits or misses bc of who they collab with, and other times their vids surprise me bc of the collabs being so good. it’s a toss up, so skipping out on some isn’t a bad thing. it’s not like they’re a tv show and missing an episode is gonna make the show now make sense lol
general curiosity usually keeps me coming back. and also bc even the worst snc video is still pretty good to me so… it is what it is.
i’m happy i found them when i did as well, me in 2018. it was fun to be a fan back then. but to watch their trajectory has been amazing and they genuinely deserve their fame and success. as for the fandom…. taking a step back and just enjoying snc for their content and nothing else ain’t a back thing. if the fandom is stressing you out that much, best thing you can do is find a group of ppl you like or tolerate the most. that’s what i’ve been able to do on here. pretty much every other platform pisses me off lol
i will say, one good thing to keep in mind is that the majority of the fandom is good, it’s just the annoying ones that are the loudest. like if you really think about it, how many ppl can you point to in the fandom that really, genuinely upset you/have bad takes? maybe 10? 20 max? that’s not even a .01% of the fandom et large. so just try to remember it’s really only a few that suck, so don’t let them get under your skin too much.
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Pokemon Card of the Day #2923: Rayquaza-GX (Celestial Storm)
Rayquaza-GX was immediately one of the more impressive cards when it came out. It had potential Energy acceleration to itself by just coming into play, Max Elixir and Vikavolt to accelerate more, and was a Basic Pokemon that could get pretty strong if the set-up found the cards it needed. It did rely pretty heavily on actually hitting its cards, and having a slow start was a real risk for a GX that was on the lower end when it came to HP. This was something to work around, because there was clearly the chance of a big, relatively early hit here, and on a Pokemon that wasn't hard to get into play.
180 HP was on the low end for Pokemon-GX, though not rare by any means for a Basic one. It was just high enough to survive a single hit from a lot of the format until things like Pikachu & Zekrom-GX and Mewtwo & Mew-GX came around. Things like Buzzwole-GX were still a bit of a threat and there was always the mirror match earlier on, however. The Fairy Weakness wasn't the worst, as Gardevoir-GX use had fallen off dramatically, though the Fairy-type Alolan Ninetales-GX and the later Gardevoir & Sylveon-GX were able to take advantage of it. Rayquaza-GX was certainly past its prime by the time Gardevoir & Sylveon was a problem, however. The Retreat Cost was 3, and you likely would have room to fit some switching cards in, especially in the BKT-On format where you didn't really have to run Vikavolt and therefor had a ton of space for Trainers.
Stormy Winds was a nice Ability that you could use if you wanted to when putting Rayquaza-GX into play from your hand onto your Bench. It let you discard the top 3 cards from your deck and then attach a basic Energy card from your discard pile to Rayquaza-GX. This could get Energy into play quickly, with a bit of a risk of discarding something good. The risk was typically worth it, as each Energy added to the power of each of your Rayquaza-GX which was the entire point of the deck.
Dragon Break required a Grass, a Lightning, and a Colorless Energy. The damage varied, as it got 30 damage for each basic Grass and Lightning Energy attached to all of your Pokemon. The goal was to get a few Rayquaza-GX into play, accelerate Energy with Stormy Winds and either Max Elixir or Vikavolt (Max Elixir rotated out with the final XY sets, so it depended on the format), and hit hard as soon as you could. The strategy was pretty effective, though there was still a little luck involved to hit everything at once since you wanted to start swinging as soon as possible.
Tempest GX needed a Grass Energy and had you discard your hand to draw 10 cards. Since leaving a Pokemon-GX vulnerable without doing damage was a big risk, this was something to use very early in a game. It was nice in that moment to get through more of your deck (and potentially get Energy into the discard pile for other Rayquaza-GX) and was a lot less vulnerable to something like N when used early. It certainly helped the deck if able to be used on the first turn.
Rayquaza-GX had a reasonably good chance of getting off a big attack after just a turn or two, and while it wasn't perfectly reliable it was certainly one of the better BKT-On options due to that explosiveness. Decks could get overwhelmed by early Dragon Breaks, and there was a reason that it had 3 top 8 and 5 top 16 finishes at Worlds 2018. After Max Elixir rotated, the deck turned to Vikavolt, which made the deck a little slower on average but a little more reliable as well, and the deck had some good finishes until the power level of the game skyrocketed in the Tag Team set. This was definitely worth keeping in mind when building for the BKT-On or any early SUM-On format due to how it could take over games when it all came together.
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tagged by my beloved @ayceeofspades thank u 💖
tagging @wolfiemcwolferson @duquesademiel @river-ocean @gaslybottoms
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
11 (10 under my username and 1 on anon)
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
30,363! my goal for the year was to hit 20k total so ive already smashed that
3. What fandoms do you write for?
f1 babyyyyy
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
something borrowed (my first fic which im genuinely quite proud of)
tip of the tongue (literally just pwp)
treat with care (girl brainrot)
no poor substitute (my a/b/o unwellness which was. shockingly well received)
helping hand (esteban hand propaganda)
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
i WANT TO but i always feel so awkward and i never know what to say 😭 i dont know how to adequately express my emotions so i just end up. never getting around to it and i feel BAD ABOUT IT
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
muscle memory... its like. my singular angsty fic. the ending is nice and hopeful right up until i shatter it with a hammer but it Had to be done. its simply how it is.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
i think all the other ones!! possibly no poor substitute or treat with care because they both end on an "oh this is a New Relationship now" while something borrowed and tip of the tongue are both more like. we were already hooking up but i guess its serious now.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
no and if i ever did i would cry forever
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
almost exclusively jdkjhdkjhs it is my Favored Terrain. i feel like my smut is. emotional and grounded? or at least thats what i hope.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
no, not that im aware!
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
non! but i would be delighted if anyone did.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
no but i hope to one day!!!
14. What’s your all-time favourite ship?
i have been thinking about pierresteban literally non-stop for the past 14 calendar months i am so fucking sorry to everyone who knows me
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
my singular wip on ao3 is on anon and... i dont know if i'll ever finish it but i hope i will at some point. and as for unpublished wips... i have a lot. i dont know if ill ever get around to finishing most of them.
16. What are your writing strengths?
i have consulted the gang and i have been told that i am good at tying the physical and emotional together (which is something i do Deliberately try to do as much as i can) and that i am very meticulous with what words i choose to use to carry a mood
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
DIALOGUE GOOD GOD. every single bit of dialogue ive ever written has been like pulling teeth. the thing is i dont know how to talk like a human person and i dont know how human people talk so it is my worst nightmare. one of my eternal wips is one i started and got like 3k words into before realizing that the dialogue would have to do the heavy lifting for the rest of the fic and then i was like "oh god damn it im an idiot arent i". also sentence structure that isnt subject-verb-object. but im kind of leaning into it tbh.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
my honest to be honest opinion is just. write the dialogue in english and if you NEED to specify what language the character is speaking just be like "he says in [language]" UNLESS the pov character doesnt understand what theyre saying. literally simple as that.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
f1 baby!!! this is literally the first fandom that has broken through the barrier in my brain thats kept me from writing fic my entire life. not even amc's the terror 2018 could do that.
20. Favourite fic you’ve written?
honestly? something borrowed. it was the first fic i ever completed literally in my life and i have such a soft spot for it and people were so UNBELIEVABLY nice to me about it!!!!
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The slow, wet, meandering destruction of Tropical Storm Debby - Journal Today Internet - BLOGGER https://www.merchant-business.com/the-slow-wet-meandering-destruction-of-tropical-storm-debby/?feed_id=159595&_unique_id=66b57e03e702a Tropical Storm Debby, a plodding, waterlogged system that has already saturated four southeastern states, bears many characteristics of a warming planet, climate scientists say. It’s reminiscent of other catastrophic tropical cyclones that have battered the United States over the past eight years.On Wednesday afternoon, the storm was drifting at 5 mph near the South Carolina coast, about the pace of a monarch butterfly. It is expected to pick up speed today as it heads through North Carolina, where a foot or more of rain could fall in the southeastern part of the state and 6 to 8 inches are anticipated in the central Piedmont.North Carolina Gov. Roy Cooper declared a state of emergency this week, warning residents on Wednesday to “be prepared for a deluge.”A warmer atmosphere holds more water; likewise, warmer temperatures accelerate evaporation. “There’s a lot of water in this system that’s just ready to come out,” North Carolina’s state climatologist, Kathie Dello, said. “We’re pulling more of that moisture into the air and essentially supercharging the atmosphere. Or, as I like to say, get a cup of coffee and pour in a few shots of espresso.”Tropical Storm Debby has arrived in what is on track to be one of the top 10 warmest years on record in North Carolina. As recently as late June, 99 of the state’s 100 counties were experiencing drought conditions ranging from abnormally dry to severe, according to the State Climate Office.That pattern reversed in July, when several cities reported their wettest July on record.“Swings between wet and dry are something that we’re expecting with climate change,” Dello said. “The extremes become more extreme.”Tropical Storm Debby is reminiscent of two historic hurricanes that hit North Carolina — Matthew in 2016 and Florence in 2018. Although both were Category 1 storms by the time they landed in the US, they caused disproportionate damage because they stalled over land and dumped historic amounts of rain — as much as 3 feet — in eastern North Carolina. Thousands of people were left homeless and damages totaled in the billions of dollars.Tropical storms and hurricanes are producing heavier rain over the US, an indicator of climate change, according to a study published last month in the Journal of Climate, a publication of the American Meteorological Society.John Uehling co-authored the paper with Carl Schreck III, both of whom are scientists at the North Carolina Institute for Climate Studies.Uehling told Inside Climate News that Tropical Storm Debby is “a classic case of what we’ve seen a lot in recent years,” including with Hurricanes Harvey and Florence, “where we have a stalling storm near the coastline that basically dumps rain over the same areas for an extended and prolonged period of time.”Using historical rainfall gauge data, Uehling and Schreck found that instances of heavy rain associated with tropical cyclones are becoming more frequent and extreme. Major hurricanes — those in categories 3 through 5 — show the largest increases in extreme rainfall.“The real impact that we’re seeing is where the worst events are getting significantly worse,” Uehling said, whereas, in general, “your more run-of-the-mill events are not increasing at nearly the same rate.”The study’s findings could help local governments, planners, and residents prepare for these weather disasters to occur more frequently, Uehling said.That includes inland areas in particular, where the study found the highest increases in rainfall: Alabama and Mississippi through southern Appalachia, including the mountains of North Carolina. Flooding in higher elevations presents different threats — including mudslides and more challenging evacuations — than coastal areas.“Places that have not been used
to dealing with these kinds of threats are going to have to start dealing with them more often,” Uehling said.“It’s important that people keep in mind that our climate is changing, that these sort of events are occurring with more and more frequency, and that the impacts seem to be getting greater,” he said. “We have a duty as a society not only to mitigate against these changes, but to do what we can to prevent them from getting worse.”Debby made landfall Monday morning near Steinhatchee, Florida, in the state’s sparsely populated Big Bend region, so named for the way the peninsula meets the panhandle. The Category 1 storm forged a path similar to that of last year’s Idalia, a Category 3 hurricane that was the strongest to strike this part of the state since 1896.Hundreds of thousands of Floridians lost power and Gov. Ron DeSantis declared a state of emergency in 61 of the state’s 67 counties. More than 9,400 feet of what his administration characterized as flood protection devices were deployed at critical infrastructure sites such as schools, health care facilities, and roads and bridges. For the first time flood control barriers also were positioned around utility substations, to try to prevent more power outages, his administration said.Florida officials feared more flooding later in the week, as water continued to flow south from the rain-soaked states of Georgia and the Carolinas. By Wednesday, the Florida Division of Emergency Management had pumped more than 104 million gallons of floodwater from communities across the state, the DeSantis administration said.“This could take anywhere from three to seven days,” said Kevin Guthrie, executive director of the Florida Division of Emergency Management, of the duration of the flooding in the state. “This is going to be about a weeklong event that we’re going to be monitoring.”Some of the worst flooding occurred about 200 miles from the Big Bend region in Sarasota, a beachy community south of Tampa. As much as 12 to 18 inches of rain pummeled the community as Debby’s outer bands swirled some 80 miles offshore. The totals constituted some of the highest rainfall amounts in the state, said Tony Hurt, a meteorologist at the National Weather Service in Ruskin, south of Tampa. Florida typically receives roughly 50 inches of rain annually.At least 500 Sarasota residents were rescued from flooded houses, according to the police department. To the north, in neighboring Manatee County, 186 residents were rescued, the local government said. Officials characterized the rainfall as record-breaking.“Any kind of event like this you just try to be as prepared and stay as flexible as you can,” said Terry Chapman, minister at the South Trail Church of Christ in Sarasota. “We are thankful that it was not worse.”Some of the church’s parishioners had friends and family members who were affected by the flooding, and the congregation was considering the best ways to offer help. One area that was especially hard-hit was east of Interstate 75, well away from the Gulf Coast.“Those are newer houses,” Chapman said. “Those are houses that were built within the last 20 years.”Warm sea surface temperatures in the Gulf of Mexico powered a rapid intensification of Debby, a phenomenon that is becoming more common because of climate change. The warming climate also is leading to more water evaporation, producing more water vapor that can feed heavy downpours like those experienced with Debby, said James Marshall Shepherd, director of the Atmospheric Sciences Program at the University of Georgia.“For Floridians, the intensity of the rainfall falling from the afternoon storms and hurricanes has likely increased,” he said. “The pump is primed, if you will. I like to say these hurricanes probably are a little juicier because of the additional water vapor capacity.”The atmosphere today holds about 10 percent more moisture, said Brian Soden, professor of atmospheric sciences at the Rosenstiel School of Marine, Atmospheric, and Earth Science at the University of Miami.
“It just compounds the problems you get from hurricanes,” he said. “You have not just the wind but more intense rain events. You have storm surge and higher sea levels, and gradually the sea levels rise higher. That means it takes longer for the rainfall to run off into the ocean in coastal regions, and that further compounds the flooding problems you experience.”Debby was the second hurricane to menace the US this year, after Beryl offered an explosive start to the season as the earliest Category 5 hurricane recorded in the Atlantic Ocean, according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). Beryl lost strength before making landfall on July 8 as a Category 1 storm near Matagorda, Texas, between Corpus Christi and Galveston. The hurricane season begins June 1 and peaks in August and September before ending November 30.NOAA had predicted an extraordinarily active season with 17 to 25 named storms, the greatest number the federal agency had projected since the forecasts began in 1998. The agency expected eight to 13 hurricanes and four to seven major hurricanes of category 3, 4, or 5 strength, packing winds of 111 miles an hour or more.NOAA based its unprecedented forecast on a confluence of factors, most notably unusually warm sea surface temperatures, which the agency said could power more storms. The forecasters also cited an anticipated quick transition to La Niña conditions, leading to a decrease in wind shear or atmospheric choppiness that can weaken or break apart storms. The average season features 14 named storms, including seven hurricanes and three major hurricanes.“This story was originally published by Inside Climate News and is reproduced here as part of the Climate Desk collaboration. Tropical Storm Debby, a plodding, waterlogged system that has already…”Source Link: https://www.vox.com/climate/366041/climate-hurricane-debby-drenches-the-southeast BLOGGER - #GLOBAL Tropical Storm Debby, a plodding, waterlogged system that has already saturated four southeastern states, bears many characteristics of a warming planet, climate scientists say. It’s reminiscent of other catastrophic tropical cyclones that have battered the United States over the past eight years. On Wednesday afternoon, the storm was drifting at 5 mph near the South … Read More
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Jaron Ennis and Cody Crowley Meet at Philly Presser
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Published: May 10, 2024
IBF Welterweight king defends his crown against unbeaten mandatory challenger on July 13 at Wells Fargo Center
Jaron Ennis and Cody Crowley came face-to-face at a launch press conference today in Philadelphia – as tickets flew for the homecoming defense of Ennis at Wells Fargo Center on Saturday July 13, live worldwide on DAZN.
Ennis fights at home for the first time as a World champion and the first time since November 2018, and fans flocked to snap up tickets for the next household name of the sport, with presale tickets selling out on Thursday and then the general sale tickets proving a huge hit. PRESS CONFERENCE QUOTES: Jaron Ennis “He’s got to get in that ring and it’s going to get nasty. Keep talking and he’s going to get the worst beating of his life. I promise you that. We can make a bet or whatever. You’re in my city. It’s going to get nasty, man. “Look, I’m glad you accepted the fight. July 13 at the Wells Fargo Center. I’m very excited. It's the first big fight here and it’s a blessing. I’m glad I’m going to be able to be here and put on a show. I want to look good and retain my belt in a beautiful, knockout fashion, in front of my friends, family and supporters. “Listen, there’s really no pressure on me. I’ve been in this game since I was a baby. There’s no pressure. It’s normal for me. My brother has been at the top and I’ve seen all this stuff before. This is like being at home in my house right now. It’s natural for me and it’s normal. “On fight night, I can’t wait. He [Crowley] has got more pressure than me, I’ll tell you that right now. He’s going to have 20,000 fans against him and that’s way more pressure on him than me. For me being here, it will be like sitting at home with my feet up. “You know, he’s definitely a good fighter and a tough guy. But on July 13 it’s going to get nasty and I’m telling you that now. I’m going to put on a beautiful show and I’m going to look good. We’re going to do it in a knockout fashion. “My main focus right now is Cody Crowley. My eyes are on him. After this? Definitely undisputed, for sure. I want to go and collect all the rest of the belts, then go up to 154 and do the same thing there. “By the time I fight on July 13, it’s going to be a year. Everybody's missed me. I’m the best. I’m the best at this game, I’m the most exciting in this game and the fans love to see knockouts, so of course they’re going to come out to see me. For sure. They’re going to come and see me put on a show, beat him up, beat him down, then get the knockout. “I want to thank Cody for coming out to fight. I appreciate that. But I’m sorry it had to be you. “You know my story and I can’t wait for this. Don’t miss it and make sure you tune in because on July 13, we’re going to put on that beautiful show. We back on tour, that P-I-A-C tour. Let’s get it, CBG! “July 13, we’re taking him to the church. Philly, you in?” Cody Crowley “I’ve been out of boxing for the last year after people on my team done stuff, so I’ve been totally out. I had people trying to negotiate on my behalf when I’ve been out. Then I tried to get back into boxing and then I had emergency double eye surgery. I just said I got my eyes taken from me and I’m still getting booed? This is kind of… hey, we don’t have to have a show on July 13! It takes two to tango and I am very, very excited to be here and I am very excited to fight Boots Ennis because I have wanted to fight him for a while. “I wasn’t even fighting, and I’ve been dealing with a lot of mental health. I didn’t even want to live for the past couple of years. Then my dad [passed away]. Just like everyone else in this room, when you have things happen to you it takes time to get over it. It takes time to heal yourself and come back and step up. “So, I went away and did what I had to do to try and heal myself. Then I had people who weren’t even on my team trying to negotiate for me. Like I said, I just wanted to reach out to you [Boots], DM you and say how can we just make this happen? “I want to fight for a World title and if I fight for a World title, there is one, two, three, four World titles, I want to fight the very best in the world. And I believe that at 147 right now that Jaron Ennis, you are that guy. So why would I want to fight anyone else? Out of respect to you Jaron, I love you. I hope you have the best sleep on the Friday night because on the Saturday, I want the best you to show up because I want to be there. The best me is going to show up. “There’s a lot of people who didn’t [step up] and it takes two to tango. You can’t even put on the gloves by yourself. You need your dad to put them on. “I had WBC opportunities, I had WBA and WBO opportunities, but I chose you. How comes World champions at 147 are moving up to 154? How comes former World champions won’t even fight him for a certain amount of money? It’s because he has got the crown. He's the man right now. “Listen, this is a real-life Rocky Story. I’ve had my whole, entire life taken from me. I’m ready to die on July 13. He has a man in front of him who is ready to die. I'm serious. “The last time I was going for the IBF, I was going against the No.1 contender, and I went from No.6 after I beat him to No.14. So that tells you none of this s*** is real and it’s all f****** illusions. I don’t care about this IBF title. I don’t need the title. And I don’t need any of your guys’ acceptance. I’m whole in myself and I’m happy. I’m just proud of myself to be here. All the s*** that I’ve been through, I pulled on and I kept going. How many of you have stuff going on in your life and when you wake up you question whether you get up and keep going, or do I sit here pop a Coke and have a little potato chip? It’s much easier to do that and be comfy every day. But I’m a champion at heart. I’m a champion at life. I get up and I don’t quit. “I went through the back door to get here. There are gatekeepers and certain things you have to do to get to this level. I had my own promotional company, and I was my own promoter. I’ve done everything I had to do to get to this moment and I’m not going to let anyone steal my happiness or my joy. My heart is way too powerful for that. “I can’t wait. The second I get to walk out in front of all these people booing me, and in front of Jaron looking at me thinking he’s going to walk right through me, it’s going to be the most beautiful moment of my life where I get to actually show up the highest version of myself. I have to walk through that fire and every decision I have made in my life is going to show on July 13. “I’m pretty excited for this to happen and I’m pretty excited to become a champion of the world. I want to thank Jaron Ennis because in this fight, you are setting me free. “I’m an honest guy and Jaron, you know I am coming to fight. So, it’s going to be an exciting time and I’m going to be right there for you so we can allow the best man to win. I’m going to put my heart down and I know he is going to do the same thing. That’s it. “For my dad, up in heaven, this one is for you. I love you.” Matchroom Sport chairman, Eddie Hearn “What a great reception and what an incredible turnout. Before we get started for this incredible event on July 13, live on DAZN, judging by the pre-sale yesterday and judging by the general sale this morning I think we should make an official announcement that the Wells Fargo Center is now the home of Jaron ‘Boots’ Ennis. “It took me five years to sign this man. I remember the first meeting we had in Las Vegas it was during the Canelo-Daniel Jacobs fight week. Someone said to me we had a chance to get Boots Ennis. Now there’s a lot of people here and it’s no secret here that everybody has known for a very long time that this guy is the real deal. A year later, then six months later, I said to everyone stop wasting our time. But shout out to Shaun Palmer and Kevin Rooney that they kept trying. And recently, of course, we made the huge announcement that Jaron Ennis would be signing with Matchroom Boxing and DAZN. “Now, this was a massive announcement for us. The news and the ramifications it’s had in the world of boxing has been simply incredible. The numbers we saw from it and the excitement it generated with many saying, finally he is going to get let off leash and show the world how great he is. “But the most important thing to me was to bring him home to Philadelphia – and we made it happen. When you have a fighter as special as this and you have a city as great as this – and people don’t even understand the history of boxing in this city – how has he never even fought here before? “Well, now, it’s time for all of that to change. And on July 13, your champion, Philadelphia’s champion, will defend his IBF Welterweight World title against a mandatory challenger in Cody Crowley live on DAZN around the world. “When I walked in the arena this morning, the first thing I said to myself was: “Wow. Wow. What a place.” And I looked out and in the middle of the arena was Jaron Ennis doing exactly the same thing. “What a great thing for someone from this city, who has dedicated his whole life to the sport with his father Bozy and his family, who has lived the life and is a great ambassador for you all, to finally get his moment and fight here and fight in front of his people and his city on July 13. “But you know the great thing? And I shouldn’t really say this! But sometimes I go to a city and I tell a little bit of a 'porky pie' – that’s a ‘lie' in the UK – and I might say something like: “Oh, this kid! He's going to be a World champion. He could be a great, he could be this…” and that’s my job. But the difference is when you have a fighter like Jaron Ennis, I’m not even lying. So now the whole city can say not only are we bringing big-time, World championship boxing back to Philadelphia, we’re doing it with a young man who may the very best in the entire sport. “Of course, he’s got to prove it and he’s got to prove it against a very, very tough and undefeated mandatory challenger, Cody Crowley – who, I’ve got to say, is just as excited as Jaron Ennis by the way. He came up to me earlier too with a huge smile on his face. He’s already run the Rocky Steps this morning and he said to me that this is his dream, and this is his time. He said he knows that this is the big homecoming. But, as he said on his Instagram earlier today, ‘I’m going to steal the hearts of Philadelphia’. Come on guys… I thought it was a nice line! “Just a word or two before I start this press conference, but this fight is part of an unprecedented schedule live on DAZN. “DAZN has absolutely become the global home of boxing. Last week we had Canelo against Munguia. A couple of weeks before we had Haney versus Garcia. Tomorrow night in Mexico we have a huge card with Rocky Hernandez and Erika Cruz defending her world title. And, of course, next week we have Fury against Usyk live on DAZN for the World Heavyweight Undisputed Championship in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, where Joe Cordina and Jai Opetaia will be defending their world titles. “Then we fly back to the UK for a huge, all-British domestic fight with Josh Taylor against Jack Catterall in Leeds before we head back out to Riyadh for a historic night with Dmitry Bivol and the 5-v-5. Then we are in Puerto Rico for another World Champion, Subriel Matias, defending his World title before we’re back to the UK for an incredible card in Birmingham. Then we’re in Phoenix for Bam against Estrada – what a fight. Then we have July 6, which we’ll announce shortly and on July 13 we will be here in Philadelphia. I cannot wait. “It always takes two fighters to make fights to happen and I promise you there aren’t many fighters in the world who want to take on the challenge of fighting Jaron Ennis. Everything Cody has been through has brought him to this moment. I want to thank him for coming today and I want to thank him for accepting this fight. We look forward to seeing you in Philadelphia on fight week. “And, of course, the man who will fill this place up and bring big-time boxing back to this city, the reigning and defending IBF Welterweight World champion, Jaron ‘Boots' Ennis. “As I said, the pre-sale and general sale has been incredible. We’re already at 10-12,000 and we want to fill this place up. Spread the word, we’re bringing World championship boxing back to this great city and it will be live on DAZN.” Bozy Ennis, father and trainer of Jaron Ennis “The way you talking [to Anthony Girges, Cody Crowley’s manager], after they fight maybe me and you get the gloves on. We can go to my gym now. We’ll see. “Why didn’t you accept the challenge last year [for Crowley to face Boots]? We offered you $300,000 to fight him and he turned it down. He turned it down. What happened? I like you Cody, but he [Anthony] is talking that tough s*** so I will stop him. I'll stop him. “Cody, let me say one thing. They said you were trying to go for the WBC. But they made you take the IBF because you were the mandatory for the IBF. Understand this, we wanted to fight Crowley and we wanted to fight Spence. We didn’t ask nobody to take the title. We wanted him to fight us. “We appreciate Cody for taking this fight because so many other people turned Boots down. Even the top guys. We wanted Spence. We wanted Crawford. Virgil. All of them. We sent them to word. “I want to thank everyone for coming out, buying tickets and everything. I appreciate Cody and his team for taking the fight. He’s a good fighter. You can’t take anything away from him and I respect him. But you are going to see something different. “Cody can fight. But you’ll see him [Boots] go to another level, which you saw in the last fight he went to another level when he’s in with someone who is real good. He might go to a different level this time too. It all depends on which version of Cody’s coming out. “One more thing. We fight all ways. You want to fight, we’ll fight. You want to box, we can box. We can do everything.” Anthony Girges, manager of Cody Crowley “He is more than ready. Nobody has seen this version of Cody Crowley. From everything, A-Z. From the management team to the training team to the resources. A-Z, nobody has even seen him. Boots shouldn’t even watch videos of him because he will be unrecognizable on fight night come July 13. “I see you already forgot the belt at home. Are you ready to lose it? Yeah. Bro, you got emailed that belt. You didn’t even win it. You’re not even a champion. Just so you know, we’ve had plenty of opportunities. But he’s been waiting for you. He’s here. “Eddie, I’m really sorry that this is his [Boots] first fight under Matchroom. I apologize because I like you. He [Cody] is the real-life Rocky Story and he’s in your hometown. We didn’t turn anything down before. We are here. “Cody will be walking out of here on July 13 as the new World Champion. That’s all I’ve got to say.”
(Featured Photo: Andrew Maclean/Matchroom)
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A few years back, the English football team was considered a joke by many of the fans and the pundits. This occurred due to the disastrous performance of the team, not just in Internal fixtures, but in the major tournaments as well. The standard and the quality of English football had been deteriorating since the start of the century. Since 2000, there have been several low points in English football, with each being lower than the last one like not qualifying for the Euros in 2008, early elimination in the 2010 world cup and the 2014 world cup, just to name a few. In the latter, they scored just two goals, secured a solitary point in 3 games, and got knocked out in the group stages. But the moment when England hit rock bottom was in the 2016 Euro tournament.
When it came to the qualifiers of the 2016 Euro’s, there was optimism among the fans. This was due to their performance in the Qualifiers where they topped their group by winning all 10 games, scoring 28 goals, and only conceding 3. Another reason why the qualifiers was a big plus for England was because of the introduction of fresh faces such as Danny Drinkwater, Harry Kane, Jamie Vardy and the performances of John Stones, Danny Rose and Keiran Trippier in defense which resulted in England conceding only 3 goals in 10 games in the qualification stages.
But their performance in Euro 2016 of one of their worst in their entire tournament history. The finished second in a group consisting of Wales, Russia, and Slovakia, three teams who England should have beaten comfortably on paper. Instead, they drew to Russia, just got past Wales and drew 0-0 to Slovakia. There was optimism about England reaching the quarter finals as they had to face Iceland in the round of 16. But their tournament got worse as they lost 2-1 and crashed out of the Euro’s. The backlash from this tournament was heavy as several players such Raheem Sterling and Harry Kane were criticized for their poor performance and Roy Hodgson had resigned after a 4-year reign.
There were several theories formed by fans and pundits as to the reason for the poor performance of England in major tournaments. The problems were made clear from their Euro 2016 debacle. Many people felt that the team selection was wrong and people who were in the team did not deserve their place in the squad. Players such as Danny Drinkwater was left out of the Euro squad after a good performance in the league leading to a title win for Leicester city. The inclusion of Jack Wilshere had not gone down well amongst the fans either as he spent 8 months of the 2015/16 on the sidelines with an injury and had played only 141 minutes in the entire season. England had appointed Sam Allardyce as the new England manager, but he was sacked after one game after he was charged with corruption.
England appointed Gareth Southgate as their caretaker manager, following the sacking of Sam Allardyce and was made the permanent manager on 15th November 2016. This did not make England fans optimistic. The reason was because he had previously managed Middlesbrough who got relegated and he was the coach of the England under 21 team who had not been performing well under him.
Under him, they had performed well in the World cup 2018 qualifiers finishing toppers of their group with 8 wins and 2 draws out of 10 games and conceding only 3 goals. The pundits and fans were not excited about their chances in the world cup.
In the tournament, they won all 2 out 3 group games, losing to Belgium 1-0. They won in the round of 16 against Columbia in the penalty shootout and won the quarter finals against Sweden. When it came to the semifinals, England got the lead in the 5th minute through Kieran Trippier but eventually lost 2-1 to Croatia who went on to lose in the finals to France. England finished the campaign in 4th place after they lost their 3rd place playoff game against Belgium 2-0. Despite losing in the semifinal, players like Harry Kane, Kieran Trippier and Jordan Pickford drew a lot of praise for their performance in the tournament with Harry Kane winning the golden boot.
Following this their next stage of preparation was for the 2020 Euro. In the qualifiers, they had a strong performance, topping the group with 7 wins out of 8, conceding only six goals but scoring 37 goals. Fans and pundits lauded Gareth Southgate for giving chances to players who did not just play for a top six club. Players like Declan Rice, Kalvin Phillips and Jack Grealish, Dominic Calvert Lewin and Conor Coady were given their chance to shine in the qualifiers. Southgate also gave chances to youngsters such as Bukayo Saka, Jude Bellingham and Jadon Sancho were given chances in the tournament.
Going into the tournament they had an squad with an average age of a little over 25. They had a mix of experience and talented youngsters. They topped their group in Euro, won in the round of 16 against Germany, brushed aside Ukraine 4-0 in the Quarter finals, won 2-1 against Denmark in extra time through a Harry Kane goal in the 104th minute. In the final against Italy, they went ahead inside two minutes through Luke Shaw but eventually conceded from a corner which was scored by Leonardo Bonucci. The game eventually went into penalties. Pickford had made two saves in the shootout, but Italy cliched the final after misses from Marcus Rashford, Jadon Sancho and Bukayo Saka.
England finished the tournament as runners up, but there was a lot of appreciation from the fans and the pundits for the performance of the manager and team players, especially the youngsters. They were a laughing stock in the 2016 Euro and nearly won the 2020 Euro.
There has been steady progress that has been taking place in English football and Gareth Southgate deserves a lot of the credit for much tough decisions and giving chances to player to shine. The Euros are taking place in Germany this year and Gareth Southgate has a chance to take the England team one step further and guide them to the title before leaving his job as England Coach. England go into this tournament with a little bit of negativity, considering their performances against the big teams in the last 2 years, but this tournament is a chance for them to but these negative talks to rest.
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Wednesday, August 23, 2023
Travel Will Soon Be a $15 Trillion Economy (Bloomberg) The crowds of travelers filling airports in many parts of the world this summer are a telltale sign of what’s ahead for tourism. By 2033, travel is set to become a $15.5 trillion industry—accounting for more than 11.6% of the global economy. This represents a 50% increase over its $10 trillion value in 2019, when travel represented 10.4% of the world’s gross domestic product.
Gun deaths among U.S. children hit a new record high (Axios) Firearm deaths among children in the U.S. hit a new record high in 2021, according to a study published Monday in the journal Pediatrics. There were 4,752 pediatric firearm deaths in 2021, or a rate of 5.8 per 100,000 people—an 8.8% increase from the year before, the study found. The study, based on government data, points to the worsening of an already distressing trend, after guns became the leading cause of death for children for the first time in 2020. “Spikes in firearm purchasing during the pandemic were substantial, resulting in roughly 30 million children living in households with firearms, a known risk factor for pediatric firearm injury,” the researchers wrote.
US car prices (AP) The Mitsubishi Mirage is the last model of automobile in the United States that is still selling on average for less than $20,000, with last month the vehicle averaging $19,205 at sale. Other vehicles are priced at under $20,000, but exceed it on average after factoring in options and shipping. The average vehicle in the U.S. costs around $48,000, particularly as the big three automakers ditch compact and subcompact cars in favor of massive trucks and SUVs, which are considerably more profitable. As it stands, 32 models sell for above $100,000 on average, up from 12 models in 2018.
Two dead, thousands homeless in Chile after heavy rains (Reuters) Two people are dead from flooding in the central-southern region of Chile on Monday, while thousands of others have been evacuated or left homeless from dangerous rains pounding isolated communities. President Gabriel Boric declared a state of catastrophe on Monday while visiting one of the worst affected areas, some 250 kilometers (155 miles) south of the capital Santiago. In late June surrounding areas had experienced some of the heaviest rainfall in three decades, exacerbated by the El Nino weather pattern that has led to rainier winters and springs in the central-southern part of Chile, as well as warmer temperatures. More than 26,000 people remain cut off from basic services and almost 34,000 have been evacuated, according to the Chilean disaster agency Senapred. Some 38,000 are without electricity in the affected area that is home to rural farming communities.
Monster hunting at Loch Ness (NPR) Loch Ness is the largest lake in Great Britain by volume at 22 square miles and up to 788 feet deep, and the long-running claim that there is some sort of cryptid in the lake—the Loch Ness Monster—has gotten a lot of mileage out of that size. Now, the Loch Ness Centre is going to embark on the biggest search of the lake ever, claiming they will be using equipment and technology that had not yet been used on the lake before and recruiting the largest mass of volunteers in decades. While there had been claims of something in the lake going back to the times when people wrote “here there be dragons” on maps, the claims took off in 1933 when a couple claimed they saw a dragon. Since then, there have been 1,140 claimed and reported sightings.
Germany’s far-right party is more popular than ever (Washington Post) Maximilian Krah, the newly elected top candidate of the far-right Alternative for Germany for the European elections, has described Pride Month as “disgusting,” is a proponent of deporting immigrants and peppers his speech with allusions to white-supremacist conspiracy theories. Far-right experts say his recent election as lead candidate to represent the party in the 2024 European Parliament elections was just another sign of the AfD’s increasing radicalization. But the party is attracting a record number of German voters. In recent months, the AfD has surged to become the second strongest political force in the country after the opposition Christian Democrats, polling at around 21 percent, ahead of all members of the country’s liberal governing coalition. The AfD’s record-high position in the polls comes amid brimming dissatisfaction with Germany’s ruling three-party coalition, led by Chancellor Olaf Scholz’s center-left Social Democrats. It also comes on the back of multiple crises, including the pandemic and war in Ukraine that have boosted populists Europe wide. Krah puts the party’s success down to the population’s distain for liberal policies on climate, gender and LGBT issues, immigration and the war in Ukraine, saying established political parties have no answer to real issues German face.
Windows are shattered in a Moscow suburb as Russia says it thwarts latest Ukraine drone attack (AP) Russian air defense systems thwarted four nighttime Ukrainian drone attacks, Russia’s Ministry of Defense said Tuesday, with the falling wreckage of one drone shattering an apartment building’s windows and damaging vehicles in Moscow’s western suburbs. There were no reports of injuries in the latest drone attacks that Russia blamed on Kyiv, as the war approaches its 18-month milestone. Though the drone attacks on Russian soil have occurred almost daily in recent weeks, they have caused little damage. Even so, they have unnerved some Russians and are in line with Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelenskyy’s pledge to take the war into the heart of Russia.
Americans told to leave Belarus (Washington Post) The U.S. Embassy in Belarus urged Americans to leave the country “immediately.” It said Americans should avoid traveling to Belarus because of a buildup of Russian military forces, the “arbitrary enforcement of local laws,” and the risk of detention and civil unrest. Lithuania, Poland and Latvia were considering closing more border crossings, the embassy warned.
Running It Cold: Why Xi Jinping Is Letting China’s Economy Flail (Bloomberg) Xi Jinping’s quest to rewrite the playbook that drove China’s economic miracle for a generation is facing its sternest test yet. The $18 trillion economy is decelerating, consumers are downbeat, exports are struggling, prices are falling and more than one in five young people are out of work. Country Garden Holdings Co., with 3,000 pending property projects up and down the country, is on the cusp of default and protestors have gathered at Zhongzhi Enterprise Group Co., one of the biggest shadow banks, demanding their money as payments are halted. Foreign investors are pulling money out, with the central bank boosting efforts to stanch the yuan’s tumble toward the weakest level since 2007. Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen this month termed China a “risk factor” for the US while her boss President Joe Biden called China’s economy a “ticking time bomb” at a recent campaign event. But where Biden has opted to run his economy hot, spending trillions of dollars on household stimulus and infrastructure to goose the economy, Xi is running his cold in a bid to finally break China’s addiction to fueling growth with speculative apartment construction and low-return projects funded by opaque local borrowing. If China is a “ticking time bomb,” Xi’s aim is to defuse it. It remains to be seen whether it will work.
Japan to release water from Fukushima nuclear plant starting Aug. 24 (Washington Post) Japan will start discharging treated radioactive water from the crippled Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant into the Pacific Ocean as soon as Thursday, despite fierce opposition from neighboring countries and Japan’s fishing industry. Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida said Tuesday that the release of more than 1 million metric tons of wastewater—equivalent to more than 500 Olympic-size swimming pools—will take place in a safe manner. Following a two-year review, the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) concluded last month that Japan’s plan meets international safety standards and would have “negligible” radiological impact on people and the environment. The water, filtered to remove radioactive elements and highly diluted to lower the concentration of tritium, will be released into the Pacific Ocean in a process expected to take more than 30 years. The concentration of tritium, a radioactive material that is extremely difficult to separate from water, will drop to background ocean levels after the dilution, Japanese authorities say. For years, the contaminated water has been stored in large metal tanks near the plant, the site of one of the worst nuclear disasters in history. But Japan is running out of space to build more tanks to accommodate the contaminated groundwater and rainwater that are still exiting the site.
Protests rock government-held areas in southern Syria as economy crumbles (AP) Protests spread Monday in two government-held provinces in southern Syria amid widespread anger over the crash of the Syrian pound and the dwindling purchasing power of many people in the war-torn country, opposition activists said. The rare protests are still limited to southern Syria and are far from government strongholds along the Mediterranean coast, the capital Damascus and the largest cities, including Aleppo and Homs. The U.S. dollar has gone from 7,000 Syrian pounds at the beginning of 2023 to 15,000 now. At the onset of Syria’s uprising turned-civil war in 2011, the dollar was trading at 47 pounds. The United Nations estimates that 90% of Syrians in government-held areas live in poverty and that over half of the country’s population of 12 million struggles to put food on the table.
Emmerson Mnangagwa—Zimbabwe’s ‘crocodile’ who wants another bite (BBC) When Robert Mugabe was ousted as Zimbabwe’s president in 2017, his replacement, Emmerson Mnangagwa promised a new start for his country’s people. But as President Mnangagwa seeks re-election at the polls later this month, Zimbabweans are grappling with the same problems—high inflation, poverty and a climate of fear. Known as “the crocodile” because of his political cunning, he came to power after a military takeover and mass demonstrations forced Mr Mugabe, long-time leader and Mr Mnangagwa’s former mentor, to resign. Mr Mnangagwa may have unseated Zimbabwe’s only ruler, but he is also associated with some of the worst atrocities committed under the ruling party since independence in 1980. Some of his former comrades in the liberation struggle used to describe him as a “very cruel man”. But his children see him as a principled, if unemotional, man. His daughter, Farai Mlotshwa—a property developer and the eldest of his nine children by two wives—once described him as a “softie”.
Adopting 8 therapeutic habits can add decades to your life, study says (Washington Post) In a study presented at the annual meeting of the American Society for Nutrition, researchers found that men who had adopted eight healthy lifestyle habits by middle age lived 24 years longer than men whose lifestyle included few or none of the habits. Women’s life expectancy increased by 23 years for those who had adopted the eight habits compared with women who had not. Described by the researchers as “therapeutic lifestyle factors,” the eight key habits were: Not smoking, being physically active, managing stress, eating a healthy diet, having good sleep hygiene, avoiding binge drinking, not being addicted to opioids, and having positive social relationships. Overall, people who adopted all eight were 13 percent less likely to die for any reason during the study period of about eight years, researchers said, and the mortality rate for participants declined as the number of healthy habits they followed increased. The greatest mortality risk was linked to smoking, low physical activity, and opioid use.
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Health care, housing and leadership top issues as P.E.I. heads toward April 3 vote
Prince Edward Island Premier Dennis King called a provincial election for April 3 on Monday night, and political experts say the top issues on the campaign trail are expected to be health care, housing and leadership.
King's majority Progressive Conservative government is seeking a second term in office following four years marked by the COVID-19 pandemic, two major post-tropical storms and an ongoing struggle to repair a deteriorating health-care system.
At dissolution, the Conservatives held 15 of the legislature's 27 seats. The Green Party, led by Peter Bevan-Baker, had eight seats, and the Liberals under Sharon Cameron held four.
The vote in 2019 saw P.E.I. become the first province in Canada in which the Green Party formed the official Opposition.
Political observers say the electorate does not seem to be in the mood to change the government, but the campaign could prove pivotal because there are plenty of hot-button issues.
Like other provinces in Canada, P.E.I. is facing its own health-care crisis. A growing number of Islanders are complaining about a lack of family doctors and long wait times for treatment.
During the 2019 election campaign, which brought the Progressive Conservatives to power, the incumbent Wade MacLaughlan faced withering criticism about the Liberal party's failure to deal with the doctor shortage.
Since then, the number of residents looking for a family doctor has continued to climb, leaving the ruling party vulnerable to opposition criticism.
But King's government is sure to draw voters' attention to the federal government's recent decision to give the province $966 million over the next 10 years for health-care funding, including more than $288 million in new money.
The Island's rapidly growing population has led to a shortage of housing, but the problem is not new. P.E.I.'s vacancy rate hit a record low in 2018, and the problem has persisted; it was 0.8 per cent last year.
King has responded by offering developers low-interest loans to increase the housing supply, but the latest data suggests development is actually slowing down.
The Green Party has focused on this issue, pointing out in January that as the government was tearing down a tent encampment in Charlottetown, the Canadian Mortgage and Housing Corporation was reporting that P.E.I. had one of the worst rental markets in the country.
"It doesn't matter if it's housing, health care or any other issue that matters to Islanders," Bevan-Baker said in January. "The bottom line is this. The King Conservatives are failing to meet the challenges of the day and the expectations of the public. And the quality of life on P.E.I. is declining because of it."
King's government has come under scrutiny for how it has handled a number of major challenges, including post-tropical storms in 2019 and 2022 that caused widespread damage.
At one point, Bevan-Baker called for a public inquiry to investigate the government's response to post-tropical storm Fiona in September 2022, but King's government rejected the request.
Questions have also been raised about the government's handling of the potato industry's struggle with the potato wart fungus, which resulted in trade bans that cost the province about $50 million in lost revenue.
And much of the government's first term in office was defined by its response to the COVID-19 pandemic, which was declared after King had served as premier for just under a year.
"I don't know of any government in recent history that has had to deal with so many crises in their first term," says Don Desserud, political science professor at the University of Prince Edward Island.
Meanwhile, King's straight-talking, folksy style seems to have connected with the electorate. But Bevan-Baker has also proven to be an effective communicator.
As for the Liberals, leader Sharon Cameron is virtually unknown, having led the party for less than four months.
Peter McKenna, a professor in the political science department at the University of Prince Edward Island, says Islanders don't appear to be in the mood for a change in government.
He says there is no sense of fatigue or disillusionment with the party in power, despite the state of health care and the rising cost of living.
As well, he says the opposition Greens and Liberals don't seem to have any momentum as the campaign gets started.
The Greens appear to be "in a holding pattern," McKenna said. As for the Liberals, the professor says the party is practically a non-entity.
"The Liberal party has sort of faded from the political scene here," he said in a recent interview. "It's no longer a major political force on Prince Edward Island."
This report by The Canadian Press was first published March 7, 2023.
By Hina Alam in Fredericton and Michael MacDonald in Halifax
from CTV News - Atlantic https://ift.tt/XQ0UkCx
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10 Worst Hits of 2018!
I hate the 2018 hit list.
I hate all the artists we brought back. I hate all the new ones we got. I hate the fact that Lil Peep kicked the bucket without getting on the hot 100 but XXXfuckassaton got three hits. I hate that nothing off of Kamikaze reached the year end hot 100 despite it being one of the only good hip-hop albums that dropped this year. I hate that we’re all alive and that Tumblr has banned porn. But life goes on.
Bad hit songs. Bing bang boom.
Fair warning, I’m gonna be hitting a lot of trigger topics including abuse, pedophilia and rape.
10. Lucid Dreams - Juice WRLD
Before I say anything, can I just point out that ‘Juice WRLD’ is one of the absolute worst rap names I’ve ever heard in my entire life.
Anyway, Lucid Dreams.
I feel like rap music has been having a lot of sad pathetic break-up songs lately. And this won’t be the last one, absolutely not. Pretty much everything about Lucid Dreams, much like a seizing, dying epileptic old man, is wriggling and frothing uselessly in a puddle of its own filth. With nothing to do but choke out on a mouthful of blood it can only try to scream weakly through a pool of foamy spit that’s settling towards the back of its throat. It’s sad in the same way that ASPCA commercials are sad, as opposed to how a good break-up song feels.
As Juice WRLD brokely copies the beat of Lil Uzi Vert’s smash hit XO Tour Llif3 from last year, and also randomly samples a song by Sting, he stumbles weakly through lyric after insipid lyric that sounds like it was written by a 13-year-old. I tried to find an example of specific bad lyrics but holy shit, I’d honestly be better off just putting the lyric genius page here, complete with verified translations of this lyrical xanax binge from our boy Juice WRLD himself.
It’s a break-up song, but it’s as whiny as one can get. With Juice WRLD claiming “evil girls have the prettiest face” (gag) and insisting the girl in this song “wants him dead”. His whimpery vocals don’t help any part of this droning septic tank that I can only describe as the closest similarity we’ll ever get between a song and the pokemon Muk.
Even the music video is just a shittier version of XO Tour Llif3, and while it’s honestly more interesting than the other 75% of rap videos, what does it really add? I can only imagine that whoever was directing it realized this song has literally nothing going for it other than the possibility that stoners and pill-poppers will mistake it for XO Tour Llif3 if they’re high enough and threw in some surrealist imagery with the excuse being that, well, it’s titled Lucid Dreams.
Really the most egregious thing about this song is that, in the lyric genius page, Juice WRLD goes on some tangent about how popping pills isn’t cool and he was popping pills “before it was cool” and now kids are doing it. Hey Hi-C, you know these kids look up to people like you, right? Why not actually make a song about how doing drugs is bad instead of just offhandedly mentioning how you used to pop pills to, quote, “feel a-okay”? Not that I’m assuming you ever thought of that when you were writing this, most likely dosed up on a gallon of cough syrup.
Then again, I dunno if I wanna be preached to by the man who wrote a song titled All Girls Are The Same.
A lot of songs this year were underwritten and boring. Lucid Dreams isn’t the worst offender, but it’s definitely the saddest. And I don’t think it was sad the way ol’ Juicy Juice was intending. Personally, I’d rather just drink the kool-aid.
Blurgh... Muk cannot change you... Muk must replace you...
9. Meant to Be - Bebe Rexha ft. Florida Georgia Line
Is it bad that I honestly wasn’t sure who was the feature and who was the headline of this song?
Anyway, here we have Florida Georgia Line returning for another year of meathead bro-country crap and Bebe Rexha returning for another year of having literally no personality whatsoever with a song that has so little substance it may as well just be air.
I’ve never really extrapolated my thoughts on Bebe, mostly because she’s a complete and utter non-presence in every track she appears on. I honestly didn’t even realize she had a music career of her own, I felt like she just existed to feature on everyone else’s shitty music. What the hell is she gonna sing about besides the damn factory she was built in?
I’ve also never extrapolated my thoughts on Florida Georgia Line.
Here’s what I’m imagining their brains look like:
Yeah. So a combination between two walking cans of Pabst Blue Ribbon and a literal sex robot. What can go wrong? Well. Everything.
With a title like Meant to Be, you’d think it’s about running screaming into a relationship because you know it’s gonna work. Not so, as it’s actually about staying relaxed in a relationship. We got time, right? At least that’s what like, 75% of it is about that.
Bebe seems more than ready to rush in and get sloppy, but you think Florida Georgia Line are 100% ready to enter a steady relationship with a dead person? I wouldn’t be.
The production is just a piano and some sad trap drums, so basically every other Florida Georgia Line song. It has nothing going for it other than maybe masturbating to the music video and Bebe’s sweet, sweet inflatable titties trying desperately to crawl their way out of her country girl flannel.
And that’s really it.
You tried.
(Or did you?)
8. Friends - Marshmello ft. Anne-Marie
Aww! They’re so cute.
Marshmello is kind of a cryptid to me. I never really understood the whole trend of producers and DJs wearing these weird things on their head. And part of me, well, all of me feels like Marshmello rides purely on quirkiness alone.
Look at him! He’s so wacky!
The production on this isn’t bad per se, other than this high-pitched squeal they drop into the final chorus, but it’s definitely not great and kinda has me wondering why Marshmello is basically producer of the year despite not doing anything much more interesting than all the other producers. At best he has a little bit more energy behind him.
Anne-Marie has apparently, allegedly existed before this year, but I have literally no recollection of any song by her. But if this song is anything to go by, she’s annoying and sucks.
Friends touts itself as “the friendzone anthem” and tries to be relatable to teenage girls who’ve had to friendzone a boy, and if I had to guess this is sort of in response to all the friendzone songs from 2016 like Treat You Better. This would be fine except 1. you’re two years late, 2. nobody wants to hear a friendzone anthem and 3. this song is the highest level of cuntiness anyone can comprehend.
Here’s the thing about the concept of the friendzone. Nobody sits around wanting to friendzone people. Nobody is chilling in their bedroom with their friends wishing they could have a friend who has a crush on them and then that friend is like “I like you” so they can be like “uhh we’re just friends”.
Which is why we don’t really need an anthem for it.
The friendzone sucks. It’s not even a real problem, dudes just make it a problem because apparently being friends isn’t good enough for them. Nobody wants to have a friend who’s crushing on them, nobody’s happy about that. And the catty Mean Girls tone that Anne-Marie takes to it makes it seem like she’s a strong independent woman trouncing on the hearts of men like some kind of TERF horse when really nobody feels that way when having to “friendzone” a person.
Plus judging by the lyrics, this guy is showing up at 2 AM in the rain. At some point you need to stop being friends when he starts obsessively stalking you, maybe a few words to consider would be R-E-S-T-R-A-I-N-I-N-G O-R-D-E-R.
Women have the right to see their male friends as just that. But nobody is proud of having to do it. It’s not a point of pride, it’s just a choice people make, like what shirt they wanna wear in the morning. Trying to sell it as some kind of bootleg female empowerment anthem is pathetic.
Also I swear to god she spells friends as “F-R-I-N-D-S” in the chorus.
“We’re just frinds, Deadmau5.”
7. Yes Indeed - Lil Baby and Drake
Who the good god damn is Lil Baby? I’d never actually heard of him until someone in my music history class gave us a presentation on Lil Baby and how cool he is. I’d literally never heard of the guy before, because I never really listen to any of these hits until the end of the year.
Turns out Lil Baby is just another mumble-rapper, this time jacking his style from Young Thug. Color me surprised, I guess. How come none of the mumble rappers I actually like came back this year? No Desiigner, no Lil Uzi Vert, no Lil Xan? No. Fuck you. You get Juice WRLD and Lil Baby, two of the worst rap names on the planet.
He’s on the list of rappers made famous by Drake, and Drake had a monster year this year. Even with me living in a hole I knew the impact God’s Plan had, but apparently all 25 of his crummy songs charted at some point. That is 25 monotonous Drake songs circulating through the radio stations, 25 Drake songs constantly weighing on the shoulders of the collective public, and 25 Drake songs even his detractors probably knew all the words to just through exposure. Even I’m sick of the guy, and I have Hotline Bling on my Google Play Music library.
Yes Indeed is honestly void of things to say about it. Drake is boring, Lil Baby has one of the worst voices in recent history I can think of, the beat is nothing, it’s just a nothing song. The only noteworthy thing about it is that Lil Baby references Pikachu, a big mistake, as Young Thug also referenced Pikachu on one of his first hits. Though I’ll admit a yellow car has more similarities to the electric mouse pokemon than diamonds do.
What bothers me about this song is less the song itself, as the song is a non-presence, but moreso that in a world where streaming has finally seeped its way into the Hot 100, we have come to the conclusion that this is what people want to hear. They wanna hear Yes Indeed. And I just don’t get it.
Also, “waah waah waah, bitch I’m a baby”. High art.
6. Te Bote - A whole shitload of people
I feel like Spanish reggaeton has been an on-and-off interest of the American public. But it really reached a head recently thanks to Despacito, which all Alexa memes aside, is a great fucking song. But the fruits of its labor have been less than impressive, from last year’s goat-screeching jam Mi Gente to whatever the hell this is.
It’s nice knowing that foreigners write music as shitty as we do.
The title, Te Bote, roughly translates to “I dump you”. But it can be read much harsher in Spanish as bote is often the verb people use to describe tossing out garbage. And boy, is this song... uh... you know.
I don’t like to barf out the word “misogyny” constantly just because, well, anything can be misogynistic if you look deep enough. There’s a point where even I, the ratty little feminist I am, just don’t care. But Jesus, referring to your woman as garbage in the most backhanded way is... wow.
But I’ll be honest, being an English speaking moron, I don’t care about the lyrics. My problems run much deeper than blatant misogyny and pettiness.
Namely that this song sounds like ass.
Te Bote has six artists on it. Six artists, and not a single one sounds good. Most of them are squealy. I don’t actually know who’s who except Ozuna and Bad Bunny. Ozuna is considered one of the worst Spanish artists of today, and I can see why, because he just straight-up sounds like the lovechild of Akon and Lloyd.
As for Bad Bunny, I was slightly more drawn in by him because he looks like a cross between Blackbear and Pitbull, and I dunno if he’s dropped any other better singles, but on this he straight-up sounds like Barney the Dinosaur. Not as much as Lil Yachty, but still. Most of the others sound like autotuned mice, but there’s one guy who tries some kind of low-voiced speed-rapping and it sounds weird and wrong. The production is nothing notable, and uses the bum, bum-bum drumline of literally every reggaeton and Spanish pop song including Despacito.
And I could forgive all of that.
But let’s look at this for a moment. Each artist has their own verse. That’s six verses. Six verses plus five choruses, one pre-chorus, an intro and an outro. And how much does that add up to?
Nearly seven minutes.
Seven minutes of the same beat. Seven minutes of basically the same kinds of singers. Seven minutes of misogynistic lyrics. Seven minutes of garbage, garbage, garbage. Imagine listening to this whole thing. There are people on this earth who have actually sat through this whole garbage song multiple times and thought, “yeah. I like this.”
I mean of course Te Bote barely got any radio play, it’s nearly 7 minutes long with no breaks. So obviously some massive group of people had to be streaming it and listening to it by choice.
5. Taste - Tyga ft. Offset
Remember Tyga? He was one of the Young Money rappers that didn’t completely fall off after the 2000′s, along with Nikki Minaj and Drake. But after he put out $timulated, a song about how he fucked a 17-year-old Kylie Jenner but, in the words of Slim Shady, “look at her bush: do it got hair?”
we all dropped him, because that’s fucking gross. Kylie Jenner dumped him and is now dating someone else, I forget who because I don’t care. And with us having to deal with 6ix9ine I was comfortable leaving Tyga in the wastelands.
Honestly? The only reason this song is even here is because it’s a return Tyga single. I’m not even mad about Freaky Friday, because like, whatever, it made me laugh like a stupid idiot, but this? We asked for this. A Tyga single in 2018, about nothing, with a nothing beat, and Offset still bragging that he’s the best member of Migos when that’s like being the twinkiest member of One Direction. And once again, people actively wanted to hear this song about nothing in a year full of songs about nothing that, at the very least aren’t by pedophiles.
I don’t even wanna talk about this anymore.
4. I’m Upset - Drake
Me fucking too.
Like I said, Drake dropped 25 songs on his new album Scorpion, and all of them became hits. The worst of which, in my opinion, being I’m Upset. Just look at that title. That’s how your father talks to you when you slam a window open with a baseball and he walks through the glass shards.
This one has backstory, my favorite, longtime rival Pusha-T stated in some song that Drake actually had a secret child with a porn star and was planning on using that kid for like, an Adidas sponsorship or something. Which is fucked up. And at least part of that has been confirmed on Drake’s end, he did have a secret son with a porn star.
And then Scorpion and I’m Upset dropped. And it sucked. All of it.
The chorus of I’m Upset is weirdly catchy, but the beat is like every other Drake beat, Drake himself sounds about as upset as he can convey, which is very little, and it’s all just really really boring soundwise. When Drake goes on for long enough he begins to just sound like a bunch of bees. Bees, bees, bees, nothing but bees. And I’m tired of Drake bees! I’m sick of it! I don’t want anymore!
Anyway, lyrically the gist of I’m Upset is about how Drake doesn’t like paying alimony, and NO.
You do not get to be a world-famous rapper with fuckillions of dollars to your name and get to whine and bitch about paying alimony to your baby mama. You don’t get to roll on the floor whimpering about how your evil harpy whore of a porn star one-night-stand is (legally) receiving money from you to take care of the son that YOU ditched.
You had 25 hits this year. 25. And you’re getting pissy because you have to pay and I quote fifty to a hundred thousand dollars child support. For you that should be nothing. You are practically drowning in money, and if you really don’t wanna pay child support you could, I dunno, raise your goddamn son instead of leaving him in the hands of someone who probably barely makes a fraction in a year of what you make in a month?
Look, say what you want about Eminem. At least he was a good father on record, and if he isn’t a good one in real life I’ll be very very shocked.
I’m upset too, Drake.
3. Roll in Peace - Kodak Black ft. XXXTENTACION
Might wanna consider writing stuff down, Kodes.
May I call you Kodes?
Anyway, Roll In Peace is the only song on this list that isn’t ACTUALLY in the Year End Hot 100, but I couldn’t just let it slide. Not when it’s a collab beween Kodak Black and XXX. Not when it sounds like ass and feels like being shot.
If Drake sounds like bees then Kodak sounds like mosquitos, right in your ear, in the deepest parts that can only be reached by one of those earwax slurping tools. The beat has that flute again, probably because it’s half of what made Tunnel Vision famous. (The other half being controversy of course.) X’s verse has like, two lines to do with the actual plot of this song. And what is the plot?
Oh, poor pitiful Kodak can’t roll in peace. Poor Kodak Black can’t have any time to himself! The media is just all over him and X for no reason whatsoever! He’s never done anything wrong, other than, oh I don’t know, the rape allegations? The abuse? Armed robbery? Assault? That one time X nearly killed a gay dude in prison for no reason other than the gay part?
Yeah, fuck you.
You can’t “roll in peace” because you don’t have the right to anymore. You are a bad person. And X, when he was alive, was a bad person too. Sure maybe he was claiming to be working on self-improvement, but the only way I’d believe it is if I saw it, and it’s too late for that now.
As long as you refuse to apologize, you will not “roll in peace”. As long as you don’t see that you have done something wrong and continue to blame it on systemic racism which is a very real thing that you continue to trivialize again and again so you can avoid your rape allegations, you aren’t allowed to have any peace in your goddamn fucking life.
You can’t try to deflect it on Lil Uzi who posts Satanic imagery on his Instagram despite wearing a Jesus piece. You don’t get to deflect. You get nothing, and you deserve to go broke and fuck off.
There’s a joke I can make, but it’s too soon.
2. Gummo - 6ix9ine
Oh, okay, I can do this.
Uh, Gummo is this really good movie directed by Harmony Korine about some kids in this town that was totally wrecked by a tornado. And after that everything’s in shambles, so these kids can just do whatever they wa...
Oh. Oh dammit.
So imagine you’re me looking at the Hot 100 for one of the very first times about a year ago, and you see a song titled after one of your favorite flicks of all time. And sure, it’s being sung by a guy who looks like a Lisa Frank condom, but god you just love that movie so much. And sure, Nicole Dollanganger has already made songs referencing that movie, but you want MORE.
Then you play it and it has literally nothing to do with it.
It’s loud and obnoxious and stupid and has a very clearly hispanic dude dropping the n-word like he fucking owns it. He’s just screaming these nonsense lyrics about nothing. And it’s not like I just don’t get songs with screaming. I have the entirety of Carcass’ Reek of Putrefaction on my phone. But this? This sucks. It sucks! The beat doesn’t fit at all and no matter how I look at it it wouldn’t fit anywhere else, and 6ix9ine’s flow is the death of all art. The only thing he can do, much like a child in a well, is scream and scream and scream and it’s horrible.
And trust me.
This was far before I knew of 6ix9ine’s baggage.
In case you don’t know somehow, this Rainbow Brite little fucker was actually convicted of filming a sex tape of a 13-year-old. While I don’t think he actually had sex with her, he was at some level sexually involved with her.
How did we respond? We gave the ugly fucker a hit. And his hit was this. Where he directly references his sexual involvement with this 13-YEAR-OLD GIRL.
He doesn’t give a shit. And he knows his fans don’t either. He continues to release low-effort garbage music, and in an interview about FEFE he even openly stated that he doesn’t put any effort into writing lyrics. He doesn’t try, he’s a bad person, and his blind fanbase continues to shower him in money like he deserves it.
We’re idiots.
An awful song made by an awful person. The only way to hold a candle to it would be, well, an even worse song made by an awful person.
Anyway, dishonorable mentions.
FEFE - 6ix9ine ft. Nikki Minaj
This song sucks too. And Nikki Minaj should be ashamed for working with this fuckhead.
God’s Plan - Drake
I’m almost definitely a minority in absolutely loathing this song, but I can’t stand it. It’s not structured, there’s no flow to it, it just feels like a whole lot of nothing with no point. And while I will give it to Drake that throwing money at homeless people is a really good thing regardless of why he did it, it was still a super obvious publicity stunt.
Plug Walk - Rich The Kid
Girls Like You - Maroon 5 ft. Cardi B
Also boring. My tolerance for Maroon 5 has lasted way longer than anyone else’s, but I think it’s about time we let them go.
I Like Me Better - Lauv
I’ll be honest, the only part of this song I really hate is the weird synth interludes. The singing is fine, the content is fine, it’s all the perfect level of mediocre without that violin fart synth.
No Brainer - The ‘I’m The One’ crew, but we replaced Wayne with an actual baby
Really just an even less interesting version of I’m The One, but without Li’l Wayne. Also Justin Bieber kind of looks like a trucker now, and I hate to say it, but that’s the most attractive he’s ever been in my opinion.
Freaky Friday - Li’l Dicky ft. Chris Brown
I’ll be honest, I actually love this song. It’s funny to me, I mean, maybe I’m a simple-minded man, but a good dick joke can send me off the rails. But I’m still at least a little miffed that we’re letting Chris Brown have money, so it gets a mention.
Gucci Gang - Li’l Pump
It would be here if it wasn’t also a hit last year. Consider this a placeholder for any crossover hits I didn’t like, like Mi Gente, Perfect, Believer, and Sorry Not Sorry.
Let’s do number one. And if you know me, you know what this is. If you don’t, don’t just immediately get pissed with me when you read it. Okay? We’re good here? Alright.
So here’s a fun little sobstory for you. Less than a year ago, my boyfriend introduced me to this great artist. They were in a really oversaturated genre but doing something completely different with it, and I fell in love immediately with their dark topics, interesting production, cool music videos, and general aesthetic. And their name was not XXXTENTACION, it was Melanie Martinez.
Late last year she was pressed with a rape allegation, and one that couldn’t be proved either way. Desperately I scraped through the bowels of the internet in search of something that could disprove it and came back largely empty-handed and wounded. Because Melanie’s music meant a lot to me, and I do mean that. I couldn’t sleep. I wasn’t sure what to do knowing that a person I’d based my own aesthetic, my own writing, my art, and my music on would do something like that. I tried to force myself not to listen to her music, but it just wasn’t possible.
Over time the wound scabbed up and closed and I finally gave up and decided to split the art from the artist, feeling like at the very least I wasn’t directly giving her any money by downloading her music on Google Play. But I’ll still never be able to get back the way she used to make me feel.
So what I’m saying is, I get it.
I’ve actually gone and listened to a few of X’s songs on my own before doing this. And I put myself in the mind of me a year ago discovering a new artist without those preconceptions. And I felt it. I don’t know how, but I did. I felt it. I listened to Look At Me, and I felt like if I’d heard it before I knew what X had done, I’d probably love it. Sure the production is a fucking disaster but the lyrics are just the kind of shock rap that entertains me. The production on Moonlight is really interesting and while I didn’t think Changes was very good and kind of guilt trippy, I could definitely understand it.
But then I circled back around to SAD!
And I lost it.
Something about this song just kills all the good will I might have ever had for this kid or his fans. And really it’s all because of one line, and everyone probably knows what that line is already.
So according to lyric genius this line might not actually mean what I think it means and could potentially be referring to X’s friend Jocelyn Flores, who took her own life tragically. And though on X’s song about her and every time he addresses her he seems to make it all about himself, he really did seem wounded by it. He seemed like a wounded, mentally fucked-up person who needed help.
Except that this song is about Geneva.
The girlfriend he allegedly abused.
The girlfriend who was pregnant, who he abused, and judging by this line, who he is now performing the age-old manipulation tactic of threatening suicide if she ever leaves on.
When I remove this song from context, there’s no way of excusing that line. The rest of it I can understand, and he really does seem emotional in the verses, and I know we’ve all been in a place at some point of being somehow spurned by a lover and still missing them in spite of it. But to threaten suicide if they try to leave is inexcusable.
His voice sounds fine, and the beat is once again stolen from XO Tour Llif3, but there’s a point where I can’t really care about it. Because children do listen to this kind of music. And along with Melanie Martinez, this song brings me back to when I was young and one of my favorite songs was What The Hell by Avril Lavigne. A song about cheating on your S/O and not seeing a problem with it. My sister and I would sing and dance to that song all the time, so much that I never really realized what it was about, or that there was anything wrong with it. Not until I was an adult and I looked back on it. And wouldn’t you know it, children can sing along to SAD! too.
I know X is dead. And I know it’s not my business to dictate how people should feel about things. Geneva deserves the right to be sad about X’s death, and she forgives him, even though I really don’t. But the way people have treated her especially after X died is inexcusable, and it’s in part because he wrote songs like this. He didn’t just manipulate her. He manipulated everyone. Every single one of his fans probably really did think he would kill himself if his girlfriend left her. And yes, X is on record having thoughts of suicide, I would never take that from someone.
I used to have a close friend who would feign a panic attack every time someone criticized him. It felt like he was threatening suicide once a week. And I always supported him because I cared about him. It was exhausting. I ostracized people because they knew he was a bad person. I shut people, good people, out of my life because they wanted to help, and I said bad things to them. Eventually we fell out and I was left cold and alone with nobody left to take me back, and I slugged through mud for a year just to pick myself back up.
I can imagine that’s kind of what being an XXXTENTACION fan is like.
And like me, with any luck, they’ll regret saying the things they did too.
That’s all for this year. I’ll get to the best when I have more energy, but now I just can’t.
11 notes
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The researchers Charlotte Brand, Alberto Acerbi and Alex Mesoudi analyzed more than 150,000 pop songs released between 1965 and 2015. Over that time, the appearance of the word “love” in top-100 hits roughly halved. Meanwhile, the number of times such songs contained negative emotion words, like “hate” rose sharply.
Pop music isn’t the only thing that has gotten a lot harsher. David Rozado, Ruth Hughes and Jamin Halberstadt analyzed 23 million headlines published between 2000 and 2019 by 47 news outlets popular in the United States. The headlines, too, grew significantly more negative, with a greater proportion of headlines denoting anger, fear, disgust and sadness. Headlines in left-leaning media got a lot more negative, and headlines in right-leaning publications got even more negative than that.
The negativity in the culture reflects the negativity in real life. The General Social Survey asks people to rate their happiness levels. Between 1990 and 2018 the share of Americans who put themselves in the lowest happiness category increased by more than 50 percent. And that was before the pandemic.
The really bad news is abroad. Each year Gallup surveys roughly 150,000 people in over 140 countries about their emotional lives. Experiences of negative emotions — related to stress, sadness, anger, worry and physical pain — hit a record high last year.
Gallup asks people in this survey to rate their lives on a scale from zero to 10, with zero meaning you’re living your worst possible life and 10 meaning you’re living your best. Sixteen years ago, only 1.6 percent of people worldwide rated their life as a zero. As of last year, the share of people reporting the worst possible lives has more than quadrupled. The unhappiest people are even unhappier. In 2006, the bottom fifth of the population gave themselves an average score of 2.5. Fifteen years later, that average score in the bottom quintile had dropped to 1.2.
In an interview, Jon Clifton, the C.E.O. of Gallup, told me that in 2021, 21 percent of the people in India gave themselves a zero rating. He said negative emotions are rising in India and China, Brazil and Mexico and many other nations. A lot of people are pretty miserable at work. In the most recent survey Gallup found that 20 percent of all people are thriving at work, 62 percent are indifferent on the job and 18 percent are miserable.
7 notes
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PT.2: Overview to understanding different saving/retirement methods, investments, and forms of income
2.1 Savings and Retirement
Welcome lovelies to (what I hope will be) a helpful series on gaining wealth and becoming financially literate and independent!
*disclaimer: while this advice can generally apply to many it will not apply to all. Everyone is in a different situation and should do their own research before they take what ANYONE says as fact or law. This is also coming from the perspective of a young, biracial, first generation female business student following a hypergamous lifestyle and who does sw so some advice may be specific to my like-minded ladies, but for the most part I just love money and want to help others find joy in their wallets as well. I am also operating in the US so things regarding accounts, stocks, and certain laws will vary by your country. Also, this is just a fun thing I wanted to do because talking about leveling up and learning and growing and money are my favorite past times. None of these pictures are mine, however I am using some links which may compensate me in some way, but I only used links which were mutually beneficial and would help you gain something as well, they are still just actual sources I use for myself.
Financial independence is different than financial confidence.
Financial Independence: “The most common sense of the term is that someone has enough wealth to live as they wish for the rest of their life without having to work.” -Investopedia https://www.investopedia.com/financial-edge/0611/declare-your-own-financial-independence-day.aspx
Financial Confidence: “We define financial confidence as having three aspects,” says Miler. “The first is awareness of how money can be a tool for helping you reach your goals and dreams. The second is financial literacy and understanding economic factors. The third is trust and knowing where to turn for financial advice.” -Forbes https://www.forbes.com/sites/shelleyzalis/2018/06/16/women-money-8-steps-for-growing-your-financial-confidence/?sh=2175b65e2468
While the ultimate goal is financial independence, financial confidence should be the main focus. I’ll give an example why. Imagine there are two people: Rhonda and Jill. Both of them like nice things, love to shop, and participate in the occasional splurge. Rhonda works a regular 9-5 and has a decent salary. She doesn’t have much financial knowledge (translation: financial confidence), but she has a savings account at her local bank and puts a couple hundred into retirement each year and she thinks that's enough. Suddenly, Rhonda wins the lottery. Overnight she has become a millionaire, so she quits her job, moves to LA, and goes on to live life to the fullest. She would now be considered financially independent. However, Rhonda has no idea how to manage all that money. She puts a small amount into that bank savings account and takes the rest to do what she will. One day she tries her luck at a casino, in less than five hours she has lost all of her money and has to start back at square one with no job, only a few thousand to get her through, and no-good way to explain to employers that she just wasted the last 5 years spending money on handbags she now has to sell at a depreciated value. (BTW you would not last not working with only a million dollars in LA for that long)
Now, let’s look at Jill. Jill is an independent contractor and has a relatively steady income. She knows very little about finances, but she actively learns how to manage what she has and keeps up to date on the latest money news. The day that Rhonda won the lottery was just another Thursday for Jill, the only unique point for her was that she opened a savings accounts with a high APY (we’ll say 1%) and put in $5000.00. A little later she also opened a Roth IRA and puts in the maximum yearly allowance of $6000.00. Along the way she opened a brokerage account of her own and started trading in the stock market along with investing in real estate which has given her some extra income to play with each year. Unfortunately, another housing crash occurs, and all of the money Jill invested into real estate is gone. However, since Jill learned the skills behind her choices early on, she is knowledgeable and understands the ups and downs of the market and how to invest her money in other places in the meantime. And, that High yield savings account accrued around $50 more without her doing anything and she has that to fall back on, or worst case she can take out part of her principal Roth IRA contribution. 10 years from now Jill should start to see a steady increase in her Roth IRA that by retirement will be a little over 1 million and she should be comfortable and invested enough into stocks that she gains around $200-1000 extra each month.
I think you understand why you want to be Jill.

As discussed in Pt.1 the first goal you should achieve is securing an emergency fund that could sustain you for a couple of months if things were to ever hit the fan, and starting a retirement fund should be in your top 5 goals to complete. The saying, “the rich get richer” is popular for a reason. Wealthy people know how to make their money work for them instead of them having to work for money. An easy way anyone can do the same is by opening the right accounts for your savings and retirement.
All of your savings should be in a high yield saving account or split between different high yield accounts. This is an account which will reward you some interest every period for having money in your account with them. This is incredibly easy to do. You can either research/ask your bank about their high yield accounts or do some googling to find some other bank. Then transfer your money and there you go! When looking at banks understand that the highest Annual Percent Yields (APY), or the interest they will reward you, are going to be from online banks because they have less operational costs than a brick and mortar, but they will also come with their own disadvantages, like less ATMs to access or the inability to use when outside of your country so make sure to look into that. IMPORTANT: Make sure that whatever bank you choose is FDIC-insured so if the bank were to ever collapse or lose your money you have insurance up to $250,000.This won't generate a lot of extra cash, but an extra $20 every year is better than $0.
These accounts usually go by your current situation and what you see for your future.
401K: Probably the most known (I believe it’s only in the States but there might be something close to it in other countries) and that’s just because this is what employers usually offer if they offer anything. It is a retirement fund that your employer will set up and you can predefine how much of your paycheck you want to automatically go into it every time. Sometimes, the employers will also have a match program, and if they do you better max out the money they will contribute because that is FREE money! Most advice that I have seen has said to really only focus on this fund if your employer has that match program, otherwise I would focus on one of the accounts below. https://www.investopedia.com/articles/retirement/08/401k-info.asp
IRA: An IRA stands for Individual Retirement Account. There are three kinds…
Traditional: This IRA lets you put in pre-tax money and lets it grow tax-free until you make a withdrawal. Once you make the withdrawal that money is taxed at the current rate of your income at the time. Your contributions are tax deductible so you can write them off of your taxable income of that year. There are limits to how much you can contribute depending on your income, status, and whether you have another retirement fund as well.
Roth: With this IRA your contributions are taxed, but when you withdrawal money later on it is tax free. For those of you in a lower tax bracket than you believe you will be in the future, this IRA makes the most sense as you will pay less taxes now than you will when you are 59 ½ (The official age of retirement in the States). There are limits to how much you can contribute depending on your income, status, and whether you have another retirement fund as well.
SEP: Simplified Employee Pension. This is also an employer-based plan and may also work better for my self-employed gals out there. I don’t really know a lot on this one so I’ll just leave a link you can look into if it interests you: https://www.investopedia.com/ask/answers/102714/how-does-simplified-employee-pension-sep-ira-work.asp
You can have both a traditional and Roth IRA as long as you are eligible for both. Anyone with earned income (with a job or can prove a steady income) can contribute to a Traditional IRA, however with a Roth IRA, as a single you can earn up to $139,000 and contribute. Personally, if you are just getting started with all of this just set up one IRA and as you learn more you can take steps to get another or switch accounts.
There are a plethora of other accounts, but they are more specialized and the top four should get you started on the right path to saving for retirement. I’m guessing that the majority of the audience reading these are women between the ages of 20-30. Trust me when I say that I love to spend money as much as the next girl, but I also would like to be completely comfortable should anything happen in my older years that screws up my marriage or job, and no one is going to secure that for you.
Also, I’m sorry this is so US-based, but once again it is all I know. I believe IRAs are more widespread than a 401K, but all that takes to find out is a Google search on your part.
Either way, make sure you have a plan going into 2021 for your savings and retirement because this economic whirlwind is far from over and there is always a chance for another recession, depression, or disaster. (Wow O, way to keep the mood light)
This was getting way too long with the investments added so look out for Pt.2.2 on the overview for investments (where the actual fun begins and I can stop being such a stick in the mud)…
Financial independence
Financial Confidence
Roth IRA
brokerage account
High yield savings account
Traditional IRA
Once again… if in these posts I ever give bad advice, F- something up, or am just generally ignorant PLEASE call me out! Remember that just like you I am a young woman figuring everything out and while I am confident when talking about money, I am by no means a genius (only in spurts) so any chance to learn I appreciate. I hope you all learned something new today and as always…
With Love,
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