#top 10 exercises to build muscle
ranjith11 · 1 year
Top 10 exercises to build muscle | Akram Yoga & Personal Training
In this video, we talk about how to build muscles and the top ten muscle-building exercises. Let's watch the video Top 10 exercises to build muscle by Akram yoga & personal training.
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thatweirdfandom · 3 months
hurt comfort prompt:
zoro doesn’t understand why the cook is so skinny
he is the gym freak so he’s always helping the crew build muscles - but with sanji he just stays the same?
he also questions why sanji chooses to do smaller workouts for muscles he hasn’t even heard of
chopper does know all the medical records of the crew- he knows the limits and can be upset when it’s ignored-
sanji always has to check up with chopper because his body - while he takes care of it- can break easily
zoro gets annoyed by this and try’s to confront him- he’s confused and mistakes this as him holding back (kunia flashbacks similarity)
pop- zoro has unintentionally dislocated sanjis shoulder and promptly freaks the fuck out- 1 he would never hurt the crew intentionally that is actually HURTING the crew- ie sanjis hand to should ratio is always off limits
anyway sanji is used to this- while he is more careful about his arms it still makes him upset
they cool off for a bit away from each other. zoro comes back to help apply kt tape and they talk
sanji explains that even though he is strong. strong enough to fight zoro and others- doesn’t mean he doesn’t have limits. even now- he cant feel them since wci so he needs to be more careful
everytime he gets hit- yeah he doesn’t feel it- or his body fixes itself now- doesn’t mean it’s good. his joints and muscles suffered damage when he was younger- his body isn’t magically 100% at most it’s a solid 60% and even with the regeneration he needs to be careful.
each time it happens he can feel a shift. he can feel a slight change- he isn’t as accurate, a slight tremble turns into a noticeable one on a bad day
he explains this and how even zoro himself should look into more then main muscles- that he looks out for the crew the best he can in diet but there’s only so much he can do
it’s why he does yoga and pilates with the girls (franky and brooke too)
he does resistant training with luffy
he doesn’t over exert himself on one training method or anything else- he takes his time because that’s what he needs
zoro learns all this and after helping sanji apply tape and stretch he fucking dissapears for a week (how on a ship he will never know)
zoro comes out a week later having read 10 books on anatomy and exercise methods (5 from chopper and 2 from robin ans 3 from sanjis collection)
zoro is still a drill sargent in the gym but he curates his workouts more- he talks to sanji about what the crew needs. heck he has meetings with sanji and chopper about keeping the crew healthy and top shape
zoro corners sanji in the bath later and he sees this as him being the most vulnerable just like sanji opening up to him
so he opens up about not only wanting to be the best because of his promise but because he cares for the crew that death is too unkind and quick and he wants to make sure everyone is safe, ready and able
sanji kicks him for corning him the bath of all places but understands
he opens a bit about how he was raised how he sees things and in that moment something just kinda clicks in his head and instead of freaking out it’s just a long groan of “wow how did i only notice now”
and he’s like welp whatever i guess then kisses zoro and idk they have sex you choose wink
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earthnashes · 1 year
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Fitness update time baybeeeeeeeee! I once again had to gather the balls to post the photos here so uh. Ye. :D
Like the last one, more details will be under the cut, but for the TL;DR crowd:
Last Update Here
Current: 177lbs | Estimated BMI: 24-26% | Push Pull Legs split at 6 Days a week
Notes: Training stimulus for this block focused on lifting basics and intensity: establishing a stronger mind-muscle connection and knowing how training to true mechanical failure feels like. Additional challenge: Finding maintenance calories and maintaining weight in the general range of 175-180lbs before re-attempting 1st Lean Bulk attempt.
Results: All lifts have seen an increase in working weight. Noticeably more muscle definition overall over the course of the last two months. Weight largely remained the same; assume maintenance calories has been accurately found.
Sooooooo the last two months have been kinda crazy. I took a look at my past lifting logbooks and found that despite my PRs being higher than the last recorded attempt, my overall working weights for all of my lifts hadn't really moved much. Partially out of fear of injury, but mostly due to the noticeable lack of real intensity in the training.
On top of that I found that my weight wasn't going down or up at the calories I was eating at, but my energy had begun to drop and recovery was suffering. Originally I was meant to be in my first bulk, but my weight never moved, and that ultimately resulted in me switching strategies for my nutrition too.
Basic idea: dial up the intensity, RPE of 8-9.5. Find true maintenance calories.
For nutrition: I used the TDEE calculator for my calories this time. It's supposedly more accurate than most other calorie calculators including MyFitnessPal's calculator, which gave me 2200 calories as my "bulk". Welp, turns out that's wrong; 2200 is my cutting number with my current activity level. And given how long I've been in a cut, it explained why, even in the deficit still, my weight never moved: it's too low to gain weight, and with how long I been in a deficit up until then my body was adapted too much to continue losing fat. So I instead switched focus onto finding my actual maintenance calories by immediately bumping my calories to the number the TDEE calculator gave me (2600 cal) and adjusting based on how my weight trend.
Result is, over the course of 2 months I gained 2 pounds but I'm certain this is almost entirely muscle (based on look, measurements, and performance in the gym); I've otherwise hadn't changed weight wise. This is good to know; it means I can eat more than I initially thought and gives me a stronger baseline for when I do actually go into a real bulk.
For training: First thing I focused on was my legs, which was arguably my weak link. This is largely due to an old injury in my left knee made it hard to reach full range of motion, and the strength discrepancy between my left and right leg because of it was pretty noticeable. Correcting it is one of the reasons why I switched to PPL training split, with Legs being trained first every cycle.
For both my legs and my isolation exercises I utilized unilateral versions of all my exercises; working each limb separately instead of together. I also incorporated a different set program: 2 working sets of 6-10 reps, 1-2 sets taken to true mechanical failure. The failure sets were meant for me to get used to the very uncomfortable sensation of training the muscle to- and past - it's actual limit and not my mental limit while maintaining proper form technique. That shit is rough, but it ensured that I was training with actual intensity and I was taking the muscle to true failure for growth, which in turn would help with building better muscle-mind connection with each muscle bilaterally and unilaterally.
For compounds I didn't take any of the lifts to true failure due to the higher fatigue and recovery toll. Instead I focused on building strength skill, so the set program was: 1 Topset (heaviest set of the exercise) 1-3 reps, 2 working sets for 5-8 reps. Any hypertrophy work for these lifts were always done with machine accessories for stability and safety.
Results thus far has seen my overall strength increasing, my knee is much stronger and stable (tested my squats and I can safely squat my own bodyweight without pain or wobbling, which is a feat due to being unable to do that months ago), and I confidently can say I have better form and idea of intensity.
SO! With all of that said I'd say this block was overall a success after much trial and error. Now that I've gotten a better idea of a few things, my next move right now is to take a deload week for some much needed rest, then structure my next block for a more strength focus alongside my 2nd attempt at an actual lean bulk. The goal is to gain at least 4-5 pounds of muscle by the beginning of next year and make a new maxout for my PRs, so I might look a lil soft the next time I do a progress report but hopefully I'll be much stronger and ready for my second cutting phase.
This shit is hard, but I'm loving it to death man. I'm having a lot of fun learning and going through the journey and now I can confidently say that I'm at the Intermediate stage of lifting! I also think I know the type of weightlifter I am now. I've heard the term "powerbuilding" a few times now and I feel it fits; primarily lifting to build strength, but also throwing in some bodybuilding rhetoric for aesthetics.
Like I said a while back I'm seriously considering recording my workouts and posting those as I go on my Instagram, and I've actually bought a lil phone stand to practice recording and being more comfortable in front of the camera. We'll see how that goes I suppose!
But uhhhhh YE! That's all my yapping for now. Thank you for listening, and if you have any fitness goals feel free to share them with me! :)
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tfmybody · 1 year
Changing the Fundamentals
Sometimes I feel benevolent, and when I do I like to build something completely new from the ground up. And that’s where @clevertreephilosopher came in. I took a look at his life. Almost 30, his body starting to put on weight as a lifetime of not exercising caught up with him. A good start, but I wanted to go deeper, rewrite everything that made him him. Bisexual, Brooklyn native. It all was going to go. I wiped his life cleanly out of existence and got to work building a new man, completely changing the fundamentals of his life.
To start off with I’ll age him down, take him back to 25. His body start to slim as the years fell away, wrinkles that begun to appear vanished as his skin became smoother. That wasn’t enough though, he had never been one to go to the gym. But I changed that, now he had started going to the gym during high school. All those new years of working out began to show as his body grew. Muscles appeared on his chest stretching his shirt out while his sleeves struggled to contain his new biceps. His legs began to thicken as years of leg days worked their magic. Whatever fat was left on his body vanished away leaving a six pack hidden under his shirt. To top it off I changed his career to a personal trainer, no college degree required. And his body began to swell with more muscle as all the time he had spent in classes vanished and was replaced with more time in the gym.
But I’m not done. American muscle bro was too cliché. So I changed his residence, no longer living in Brooklyn, he now lived in a small apartment in Paris that he shared with another personal trainer from his gym. And since he lives in Paris now, might as well make him French too. All knowledge of English became replaced with a lifetime of speaking French. His memories of American culture washed away as a new life in France replaced it. His American genes changed as his French heritage came through. His face began to shift, thick stubble grew from his cheeks spreading to cover his face. Eyes brows reshaped and hair became brown.
There wasn’t much left to replace. Any desires and attraction to men faded away as his sexuality became firmly straight. Any memories of nights spent with men were replaced with girls he met on a Friday night when he allowed himself a beer after the gym. Him and his new roommate would compare notes on who brought back the hottest girl that weekend. His personality became more like a bro.
All that was left was to change his name. One fit for a French jock. Pierre. And in an instance nothing was left of the old him. I let him return to reality, his new life firmly in control having completely changed the fundamentals of his life. And the first thing he did, like after ever gym session for the past 10 years, was take a selfie of his pump to share with his followers on instagram.
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androgynousblackbox · 2 months
This Life We Build. 1 [Appleradio, Radioapple]
Okay, so this is basically an AU of my Arranged Marriage AU. We can call it Fluffy AM AU lol This would take place after the epilogue in "How I Met Your Father", but I really think it would make it easier if you read the first chapter of "How to Lose a Lucifer in 10 Days". Only the first chapter, though! After that the plot starts off. Here, there is no plot or don't plan to. Just pure self indulgent fluff. Also! I reserve the right to make up any prompts I want and jump the timeline because, again, this is just for fun. Not all chapters may contain smut. [Day 1: Pregnancy test + electro stim]
Something was wrong.
Alastor knew it when the third attempted Overlord and their minions of the week came to try to prove themselves in front of the king that Vox had announced on their dumb boxes. He could still take them down without much of an issue, but this time, for the first time ever, he felt lightheaded when returning back to his original size. When he called upon his own minions to take care of the bodies, he stumbled one time on his own foot.
It was all Lucifer needed to appear at his side as soon he came inside the hotel.
"I am fine" said, instinctively, but the tiny angel was already pressing a hand on his forehead, that did felt warmer than usual.
It wasn't a fever, though. It was the heat of after doing exercise. For a few days now, it was taking him more effort than expected to use his magic. The first time he noticed it, he though maybe it was an issue with himself still needing to learn to regulate his own powers after coming back to hell, like how he had to adapt a new muscle to the use he wanted to give it. But even if that was the case, it would happen too with small task and it didn't. It was only when he needed to do something bigger or get into his full demonic form that he could feel the limit. Not to mention how he never had that problem right after falling, when the contract with Lucifer came into full effect. It was only on the past week or so.
"Cut the bullshit" Lucifer sighed, holding his cheek. "We are going to the Sloth Ring."
Alastor protested in principle. He was just hungry despite all the minions and their leader he just ate. He was just tired, freshly woken up from bed. A good breakfast could solve anything, there was no need to worry so much. Lucifer did not want to hear about it.
At the very least they didn't had to wait long. As soon Lucifer texted Belphegor, she went to look for them in the lobby and take them up to her private office. Sitting on her chair, Alastor looked up to the ceiling and then to the eight eyes in the goat face of the Queen of Sloth.
"It's not that serious" added in the end when he finished explaining. As Bel prepared herself to give him a quick exam, he shook his head to Lucifer. His husband haven't stopped looking at him with a slight frown the entire time. "My love, I am fine."
"Just for my sake then, okay?" Lucifer took his hand and squeeze it, his blue thumb rubbing the backside of his palm. For this outing he had changed into his blue shark demon look. Bel didn't have any issue to identify him directly and didn't even question the different form at all. But his voice was the same, the concern on his face was too Lucifer to hide. "I will feel better with this."
Alastor sighed. As if there was any way he could refuse anything now. But at least it had been made clear now that, if it was for him, none of this would be necessary. They barely even had time to tell Emily that they were going out for a bit before they were just gone.
"Get on the bed" said Bel, opening a curtain for him to pass inside. Alastor laid on top as Lucifer kept a hand over his shoulder. Bel's hands started to glow in purple as she passed them over his body, not touching, but still making him tense up a little. The only hands he allowed so close to him were his immediate family. Bel could count as extended one at the most. "How long have you been having this issue?"
"Not long" Alastor frowned, trying to remember. "Mmm, I want to say a week, more or less. 10 days max. That is why I wasn't thinking there was moment to get alarmed" said, sending a side eye to Lucifer. "It never impede me to do what I need to do."
"But it's there when it wasn't before" pointed Bel calmly, going over his legs extended. "That alone is worth checking to see what is going on. Luci did well. This could have escalated eventually and be harder to deal with" Alastor grunted, ignoring the satisfied smirk that Lucifer send him. Bel moved up his torso and continued, passing over both his arms and finally his head. All with the same blank sleepy expression of always, so surely she wasn't detecting anything that serious either. That is what Alastor was assuming until she spoke. "Mmm. I need another test. You can sit up."
She moved to a cabinet on the side, looking on the drawers.
"Any idea what it could be?" asked Lucifer, letting his warm hand on Alastor's back as soon he changed position.
"I have an idea, but I need to confirm it" Bel came back with a wide stick of light grey on her hand. "Put this into your mouth, over your tongue. It won't take much."
As Alastor did, resigned to his fate, that was probably goin to include rest, Bel sat on her chair again.
"How about you, Luci? You didn't feel anything different lately?"
Lucifer shook his head.
"Absolutely nothing. If something was happening with the girls, I think they would have told us already. So at least it's not contagious, right?"
"No, it's not" Bel looked at the clock on her wall and then at the stick of Alastor, slowly blinking as the extreme that wasn't behind Alastor's teeth started colouring on a soft lilac. When the whole things was painted, she extended her hand to grab it. Alastor growled low for a second before forcing himself to relax again, realizing that nobody was taking food out of him. "I see" she said, her eyes going big for a moment. But once that second was gone, they were back to their half lid default. "Luci, you never checked on his magic, right?"
"No" Lucifer frowned, immediately a sense of guilt sinking his eyes. "Should I?"
"It's best if you do" Bel nodded. "I can tell you now, you are not sick" added to Alastor.
Lucifer turned to him, taking the hand that he kept on his lap to ask for permission before. He nodded, bracing himself for he weird feeling of having his being naked in a way that had nothing to do with his clothes. The first time it happened it was such a shock he could only interpretate like an attack, but now it was just something different he couldn't quite prepare himself for even if he knew it was coming. The previously yellow eyes of Lucifer turned into red and looked at him, his gaze instantly landing on his abdomen. He tilted his head to a side.
"What?" asked Alastor, not really liking his silence.
"What is that?" asked Lucifer to Bel instead of answering.
"So you do see it" said Bel. Just when Alastor was about to demand what they were talking about, she looked up to him. "You are pregnant."
Alastor stared at her like she just spoke gibberish.
Lucifer blinked, his red eyes glued to the same spot a second longer before they came back to normal, seeing at Alastor.
"You are" said, breathless. "I can show you" added with urgency, squeezing the hand of Alastor in his again.
In front of Alastor's eyes it was his own silhouette, full with green magic in constant movement. On his stomach there was a glowing white spot that was also moving without losing that essential circular shape.
"That…" said Lucifer and his voice sounded so close to chocking up that Alastor squeezed him back. "That is a baby. Is a baby, right, Bel?"
"Yes" confirmed Bel calmly.
"How?" said Alastor, like it was the only word he was capable of pronnouncing.
"It's a magical pregnancy. Both of your magic must have combined when you both wished for a new child and made it possible. The reason you have been feeling tired so much it was because the fetus needed your energy to keep form. You were using even more magic that you thought at once. If you were a normal sinner it would have dissolved already without more magic from the father. I imagine that in a month or so that would have happened here too. If you want to keep it, it was a good thing you came now."
Alastor blinked and his vision went back to normal. He turned to Lucifer, the expectation on his face so pulled back that he had to reach out, cupping his cheek. The king exhaled sharply, as if it burned.
"What is that if about?" Alastor brought him closer, kissing his forehead. "Of course we are having it. Of course. Aren't we?" he hummed softly as he kissed the tears that started to fall from Lucifer's eyes. His silly king could get so worried over nothing. How could he even imagine for a second he was going to have any other response? "You wanted it too, didn't you? Why are you surprised?" teased lightly, nuzzling his temple.
Lucifer whimpered without words as hold him tight, burying his head on his chest as Alastor squeezed him tight back. A nice melody all around them was the only way he had to express how full and content he was, his body vibrating with radio static coming from his core.
Maybe it wasn't what any of them expected or planned for, but right at that moment that didn't matter at all. They were going to make it work, somehow. Just like they did for Charlie and Emily, they would do as well for the new addition to their family. They had everything they could need.
"Babe" Lucifer kissed his neck and went up until he found Alastor's lip, clinging him him like he wanted to imprint his presence there. "I love you" sighed, keeping his head close to pet his ears. There were streak of tears on his cheeks, but they were drying up and his smile was so much bigger now. "I love you so much."
Alastor laughed, a light and joyious sound that reverberated with radio noises, and kissed him back, his lips and his red dot and his neck as he hugged him again, stronger than before.
Bel stared at her wall, full of pills of every color in the rainbow. Either because she genuinely did not care or for giving them that moment, she didn't say a word until Lucifer adressed her again by wrapping his arms around her and lifting her up. She was like a rag doll, a doll that was bigger and taller than him, but the king did not mind at all.
"Thank you, thank you, thank you!" said Lucifer, laughing. "You have given us the best news ever, Bel! You are the best! How can I repay you?"
"You are welcome" said Bel calmly, somehow elipping an arm-tentacle from the grip of Lucifer to clumsily pat his head a few times. "I won't charge you, but you need to know a few things. If you let me sit I can tell you."
"Thank you" Lucifer giggled, giving her one final and especial kind of strong squeeze, before letting her come back to her chair.
If she were anything else but a Sin, they would have heard the sound of her ribs crushing already. Instead she just plopped down, fixing up her robe.
"Well?" asked Alastor when she just looked at the bed with a wishful expression.
Bel directed her eyes at him and pronnounced a little oh, suddenly remembering.
"Right. The baby needs the magic of both parents to keep growing. It's a similar process as what you did for Charlie already. Just one minute for week of magical transference should be enough. If you want to add more minutes it's fine, it won't hurt them. The magic will just go to the pregnant father if it's not absorbed by the baby. I can teach you a way to keep track of so you know if you need more."
Bel taught him a little sigil to know the level of magic the baby needed. After drawing it on the air, the color it glowed would be the status. For now the levels were at a dull green, out of danger, but it was best if they could do one as soon they could. It had to be a brighter green. If it was ever in red, that was their sign something was wrong already. Alastor could feel Lucifer tensing up at his side as his grip on his waist became stronger. He draw circles on his back to calm him down as Bel continue. They were never going to let it get anywhere close to red, that was for sure.
Since it was magical, and not entirely biological, Alastor was going to have significant less symptons than usual, but they could still be there. For that, there were pills. If he had trouble sleeping, there were pills. If anything at all was stressing him out, that wouldn't be nice for the baby, so there were pills. He could eat and drink whatever is that he wanted without worrying. Finally, she wanted to keep checking on the baby every month to make sure it was developing normally. It was exactly two weeks since the conception started so they would have to come back in other two.
Lucifer made some questions, to ease his own mind. Bel answered everything as succintly as she could, not minding to repeat it when Lucifer just wanted to double check. When all of their doubts were resolved, Lucifer hugged her again, thanking her for everything, and Alastor shook her hand. Once they were traspassed the portal to go back home, landing in front of the hotel, Lucifer had a bag full of pills hanging from his shoulder and the biggest smile he had in years.
"Oh, Charlie and Emily are going to be so excited!" squealed, opening the door to let Alastor in. "We have to tell everyone!"
As soon the door was closed behind them, Alastor pushed Lucifer behind a curtain with his tentacles. The little king let out a gasp before Alastor reclaimed his mouth, holding his chin up. He didn't know, but he felt possessive, as if needing to leave his mark all over the father of his unborn kid before letting the rest of the world even know that it existed.
"You heard the doctor, love" whispered, taking a hand of Lucifer. He guided his tentacles to open up his shirt from the bottom up, placing the warm palm of his husband above the fur on his stomach. His skin was still flat, as if nothing had happened, but soon that was going to change. He kissed Lucifer hungrily, sucking on his lips. The curtain was a heavy cover that wouldn't let anyone even know what they were doing, as long they weren't too loud, but even that could be handled with an easy spell from his own fingers. "Our baby needs his papa."
"How could I forget" Lucifer sighed, licking his own lips before bringing him down again, turning him around so now Alastor's back was against the wall. The hand that was over on his stomach slipped under his pants, his underwear, rubbing his mound of fur until Lucifer recieved a nod from Alastor. "How do you want it, baby?" asked, opening the pants of Alastor to pull them down. He gripped his ass between his fingers, mouth watering already. "Hand, tongue or cock? Anything for the good daddy."
"Hand" Alastor punctuated his response by taking the wrist of Lucifer and pushing it on his underwear, further ahead until he moaned with the intimate contact.
He looked over to the side of the curtain, controlling that nobody was getting in or out, but it was as deserted as it was when they left in the first place. If any force on the universe were interrupted them now, he was going to destroy them for the rest of eternity until there was nothing left. This was his little moment of celebration and was going to grab it with open claws if he had to.
"So wet already, babe" Lucifer grunted, pushing inside to his knuckles with two fingers. Alastor grabbed to his shoulders, shivering in delights as he rotted his hips, rubbing himself on the palm. Lucifer's chuckles was like the most pleasant grumble from his chest. "Does carrying my baby makes you like that? Are you going to be one slutty daddy for me?"
"Maybe" Alastor panted as the fingers kept moving, relentless. "You will have to make sure our baby keeps growing to find out. "
Lucifer's grunt came out with a bit of fire between his teeth. Alastor extended his legs further to get down on the wall, grabbing Lucifer by the back of his head to steal a smoky kiss, the tip of his tongue getting so warm as he pressed it inside Lucifer's mouth. For a moment both his tongue entangled on each other, one tasting of hell fire and destruction in such a way Alastor wanted to swallowed it whole, let it burn his insides as much as the fingers were driving him insane.
"Here I go" said Lucifer.
Alastor didn't know what was going, but then a warm, tingling sensation that had nothing to do with Lucifer's movement went up from his fingers to inside of him. His vision was changed again to show him his figure, his magic, and traces of golden magic that were taken out by the white spot inside of him. Everytime a new trace of gold appear, a new little shot of electricity made him jolt, vibrating.
It all lasted a couple of blinks and then he was looking again at the yellow eyes of Lucifer, brow furrowed slightly in concentration.
"Does it feel good?" asked Lucifer. "I can make it softer. Or stronger. You tell me."
"Stronger" Alastor braced himself, holding onto him when the big shock came. The sudden stimulation made him moan harder, one large sound that extended in the air. After that shock, Lucifer added a third finger and kissed his jaw.
"You are taking it so well, baby. You are such a good daddy already" Lucifer's voice smiled before he could see it.
Alastor nuzzled against his head and bite on his cheek down at the next shock, breathing sharply. This one went from Lucifer's fingers to his palm, immediately on top of his sensitive nub. He gave a strangled scream, mouth open, before furiously licking on the droplets of golden blood offered up to him. The sudden warmth of the blood, as if swallowing down whiskey during a blizzard, quickly extended to the rest of his body, making him relax again.
When Lucifer shocked him again, Alastor lost all strenght on his legs. As if sensing, or predicting it before then, Lucifer grabbed him from under his ass to keep him up as he finger fucked him through his orgasm. Alastor moaned, his voice rasping with each exhale, until Lucifer slowly pulled out. He bite down his own lip when Lucifer made a show of cleaning himself up with his tongue, sucking on each tip. Then the king reached out to kiss him, his own flavor and smell still over him.
"Do you think that is enough?" asked Lucifer in a whisper, barely moving.
"If not, I would be surprised" Alastor sighed. The bite on the cheek was already completely healed, so he kissed gently the zone and nuzzled him. "Do you want me to do something for you?"
"Later, at night" Lucifer smiled, petting his head, scratching around his ears. Alastor hummed satisfied, feeling his tail wagging at the attention. A little involuntary squeak came out of him. "You are so cute" chuckled Lucifer, kissing his cheek.
"Shut up" grunted Alastor. He took a breath and started to put his hooves on the ground again, when he remembered. "Darling."
"I know" Lucifer snapped his fingers. Alastor squinted his eyes when a quick and sudden surge of magic passed between his legs, cleaning up his underwear. "Better?"
"More decent at least" Alastor straighten up at last, pulling his pants to close them again. Next it was his shirt and last his suit jacket. He looked like always, but soon enough that was going to change. Another visit to the tailor, who would have to keep his mouth shut if he wanted to keep living. "I am going to need bigger clothes when I start showing."
"We won't have to worry about that for a while" assured Lucifer, holding his hand.
"Oh, I am not bothered at all by the idea" said, reaching down to kiss his forehead. "I can't wait" added in a whisper, leaving a caress on his cheek. "For now, we have an announcement to make, don't we?"
Lucifer perked up.
Five minutes later, Lucifer had conjured up a megaphone to spread his voice as far as possible through out the whole building.
"Everyone come in to the lobby to receive the best news ever that hell has ever heard about! It's nothing tragic or bad, I promise!"
The good thing of living so long around the king of hell was the ability to completely tuned out his loud shenanigans. Alastor sat down on the couch, patiently waiting for the residents and staff to start appearing.
"Is that fucking thing necessary?" grumbled Husk, covering his ears.
Once everyone was accounted for, Lucifer smiled big and cleaned up his hands on the air.
"Papa, what is happening?" asked Charlie, who despite the warning still looked worried.
"I just wanted to have all of you at once for this!" said Lucifer, enthusiastically moving to get the hand of Alastor on his and stand at his side. "We just came from visiting auntie Bel. I noticed that Alastor wasn't feeling too well this morning, so I got worried and had her test him out. That is how we find that…" Lucifer took a deep breath, like he haven't breath at all during the whole exxplanation. "He is pregnant! We are waiting for a baby!"
Almost everyone in the room instantly looked at Alastor for further confirmation of those words. It only took a simple nod from Alastor for the two princess to make loud noises. For Charlie is was a yell, as Emily squealed, running to hug Alastor.
"Am I am going to have a little sibling?!" Charlie already had tears on her eyes, not knowing what to do with herself.
Lucifer put a hand on her shoulder and nodded.
"Two weeks and counting!" said happily, lifting two fingers. "It's a magical pregnancy that could only happen because we both wanted it at the same time! So if you think about it, it was totally planned!"
Charlie babbled something that almost sounded like how happy she was and she hugged Lucifer, lifting him off the feet on one of the signature bone crushing squeeze she learned from him. The incontrollable sob of her, predictably, started causing a similar effect on Lucifer.
"Aww, sweetie" said first, before his voice was lost on the cries. It was a struggle to understand any of them as they talked over another. "I love your dad so fucking much, duckling, and I know our baby is going to be just as amazing as you are!"
"You are the best papa ever and I love you both so much, I am so happy for you!"
Vaggie sighed, patting the back of her girlfriend as she and Lucifer turned themselves into fountains. Emily looked upon them with a smile and kissed the cheek of Alastor, holding both of his hands as she kneeled
"I don't really have a lot of experience with this side of life. Or afterlife, I guess" commented with a chuckle. "In Heaven I never really saw a pregnancy up close, but I am going to learn as much as I can so I can help you out and be the best big sister I can be" promised, nodding seriously but with a happy smile on her face.
"I am sure you will, dear" Alastor kissed the top of her head. "There is more than enough time. I won't even start showing for a good few weeks."
"Showing what?" Emily tilted her head, confused.
Alastor was taken aback at that. What the fuck did they taught them in Heaven?
"Sweetie" said, gently, "do you know what pregnant means?"
"Of course I do, silly! Lucifer just said it means you are having a baby! That is very exciting."
"Do you know how I am going to have the baby?"
"By…" Emily blinked, thinking it over as a small crease was created between her eyes, "Huh. I guess it appears when it's ready?"
"Not exactly" Alastor took one of her hands and put it over his stomach. "The baby is already here, inside my body, but they are still too small. The more they grow up, this part of me will change to contain them. Then one day they are going to be big enough to get out my body and live here with us."
"Is that how it works?!" Emily's eyes were full of wonder at the new information. She pressed her palm down on Alastor for a second, looking to feel something, and then pulled out, suddenly scared. "Sorry, I shouldn't do that! I don't want to hurt them. Are they okay?"
Alastor chuckled, cupping her cheek.
"They are fine, dear. Like I said, they are too small so it's mostly just my own body now. You didn't hurt any of us."
"Oh" Emily sighed. "Good. I definitely need to read more on it then. How long are they going to be inside your body?"
"If everything goes alright, it should be nine months. That usually is how long it takes."
"Oh, that is really a lot of time. Like almost a year! Is there something I can do to help them come out sooner?"
Alastor smiled, petting her head. Internally damming all of Heaven again because how could let an angel live for so long in ignorance of a big part of human life.
"No, dear. They need that time to develop properly. Your father and I" said, looking at Lucifer, who for some reason had decided to include Vaggie on his hug. Now he and Charlie were sniffling on each side of the fallen angel, doing her best to calm them both "will take care of them to ensure that happens. For now there is nothing else to do but wait."
"I will still do my due research!" promised Emily, standing up to hug him again. "Do you need anything right now? Juice? Water? Something?"
Please, let not this be the start of all of their interactions becoming into this, begged Alastor internally.
"No, dear, thank you. If I want something, I can still get it myself. No need to fret so much" said, feeling relieved when Husk approched him. "Yes?"
"I am going to go ahead and assume that this is real" said, making a pointing gesture to Lucifer finally returning to the floor to recieve the congratulations of everyone else. He looked positively ectatic. "Not even you would be so fucked up to make a joke out of this."
"Why, thank you."
"And you didn't do a terrible job with Charlie either. Although a big portion of that was Lucifer."
"That is usually how parenting with a partner goes, indeed."
Husk took a deep breath and exhaled, as if saying the next part was taking a lot of him.
"I am just saying, when that baby comes out, I am not changing any diapers. Congratulations or whatever" said, turning around to return to the bar.
"Was that a positive interaction or a negative one?" asked Emily in a whisper.
She was still struggling with the nuances of hellish beings.
"Positive. I think" Alastor wasn't entirely sure himself, but he was going to take what he could. After everything that happened, that was probably the most he could get from Husk.
The winged cat didn't had the same reservations about congratulating Lucifer, going so far as to endure one of his hugs. With her eyes finally not leaking. Charlie came running to wrap her arms around him. Alastor patted her back and didn't mind when he could hear another tinu sniffle.
"I am so… so happy for you, dad" said Charlie, kissing his cheek. Her emotions were still on the surface, but at least she was in better control of them. "Are you okay now? Do you need anything?"
"That is what I said!" pointed out Emily.
"Please, don't" Alastor sighed, taking both of her hands. "Dears, I came back from a doctor who said I am fine. I was merely a little tired because the baby was absorbing magic without me knowing it. Now that we do know, we can take care of them adequately. Do no start worrying so much over me when there is no need at all. That is going to be Lucifer's job anyway."
"My job is what now?" said Lucifer, finally joining them.
"That you are going to be the one fretting over me from now on, darling, so the girls don't have to. Isn't that right?"
"Absolutely!" Lucifer perked up, sitting on the couch next to him and hugging him from the side. It seemed that he just had way too many hugs inside he needed to disperse all around. Alastor couldn't say that it bothered him too much. "You two just concentrate on being big sisters and leave everything else to papa! That is what I am here for!"
Charlie pouted, but then Emily grabbed her arm.
"Where is the baby going to sleep?" asked Emily.
Charlie gasped loudly, grabbing her cheeks.
"We can totally decorate one of the rooms of the hotel! And their room at the palace too! It's going to be the cutest room ever!"
As Charlie and Emily got invested on talking about what the room on their baby sibling could include, Lucifer kissed his cheek. Alastor hold onto the arm around his middle. Planned or not planned, he thought, this was okay.
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iridessence · 4 months
How are you so confident? Your pics give the the "I'M FABULOUS AND I KNOW IT" vibe without being fake... you know... a lot of times in pics you can see who is fake confident even of they try to fake it well.
You're GLOWING and you give this great positive vibe.
How did you achieve this? I'm asking this because I'm not confident at all. At home when I'm alone I can be confident but as soon as I go out I stop being confident. At home in my mirror I look ok, average but ok. When I see my reflection outside I'm horrified by my looks and I look like the ugliest person on the planet.
When I talk people usually don't understand me well due being so stressed sometimes I talk too fast or too quiet and they're like "what???"
I think talking too fast comes because people usually interrupt me. I'm introvert and people have always talked over me since I was a kid. So I feel like I need to get it all out before I get interrupted
Other times I don't speak too fast or too quiet but words just can't come out and I struggle to even form a sentence. For 5, 10, 15 seconds I would struggle to find the right words. And when you talk to a boss or a co-worker those 5, 10, 15 seconds last sooooo long that it seems to me like I have been quiet for 10 minutes.
I also cry quickly and I struggle with this. I can't top myself and it's very unprofessional to cry in front of my boss or co-workers that later on make fun of me even more.
Can I become more confident myself?
Or do I need a shrink for my problems (or psychiatrist english is not my first language so idk which word to use)
When I see confident women like you I'm like I CAN DO IT... but this "I can do it" just lasts till I don't step out of my apartment.
Hi, thank you for reaching out. Identifying your issue and seeking help is a very important step, so you’re already on the path! Some of what you asked is addressed in my pinned post, but I have some other thoughts.
These are tough things to deal with and work on – there are so many factors that contribute to struggling and it sounds like you deal with anxiety. It might not be to the same extent, but I struggle with that as well. Something that helped me was reframing confidence and related issues under its umbrella: it’s a muscle, which means it will take time to build but it can be built. And some people have muscles that are naturally suited towards certain things while others might have to work really hard at it; you may be in the latter category but that doesn’t mean it’s not possible!
Therapy certainly helps, but one of the other big things is trying to find community and surround yourself with people who support your personal goals and for whom you can do the same. People that say “hell yeah, wear/do/say the thing!” This may seem hard and counterintuitive to achieve for a person with anxiety, but even online community can be a huge help. Finding those people who have similar interests who are kind and supportive can help you to build confidence before branching out to locals as well. Soon you’ll find your people 
Location makes a huge difference too. I definitely dressed up quite a bit in Chicago where I’m from but I felt sometimes like an alien on the street with how some people received me. Moving to New Orleans, when I’m dressed up it’s just Wednesday. Sure, I turn heads and people take pictures and often people inquire about or comment on my style, but still there’s a sense of creativity and letting your freak flag fly in this city that really feels liberating. But sadly relocating is a huge to-do.
Leaning into what you love is super important— making sure that what you do/say/wear is ultimately for YOUR enjoyment is a key foundation to build on.
One of the great things you’re doing great already is looking at yourself in the mirror. You’ve gotta do it every day. Try talking to yourself in the mirror too, practicing ways you might introduce yourself, etc. These are all different ways you can exercise that muscle so that it doesn’t feel so strange when you’re out in social interactions.
The biggest thing with all of these is just time and taking steps to care for your mental health and growth. It’s hard but it’s worth it, and I wish you the best of luck! 
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optimal-living-lab · 1 year
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 How to make body fit without gym
There are many ways to get fit without going to the gym. Here are some useful tips :
Walking is a simple and effective way to improve your cardiovascular fitness, bone strength, and body fat reduction. You can walk for 30 minutes a day, or try interval walking for more intensity.
Taking stairs instead of elevators can help you burn more calories and strengthen your legs. You can start with a few floors and gradually increase the number of stairs you climb.
Bodyweight exercises such as planks, push-ups, squats, jumping jacks, and lunges can build your muscle tone, flexibility, and balance. You can do them at home with no equipment, or use household items like water bottles or furniture as weights or props.
Shadow boxing is a fun way to improve your upper body strength, coordination, and balance. You can punch at the air in front of you, or follow a video online for guidance. Don’t forget to move your feet and add some defensive moves as well.
Yoga can increase your flexibility, muscle tone, and mental well-being. You can practice yoga at home with a mat or a soft floor. There are many poses for beginners, such as tree pose or triangle pose. You can also follow a video online for instruction and inspiration.
Barre exercises are inspired by ballet and can tone your legs, core, and arms. You can use a wall, a bar, or a piece of furniture to hold on to. Some of the exercises you can try are knee lifts, ballet squats, and deep lunges.
If you want to focus on some specific areas of your body, you can try some of these exercises:
Glute bridge can help you tone your glutes, hamstrings, and lower back. To do this exercise, lie on your back with your knees bent and your feet flat on the floor. Lift your hips off the floor and squeeze your glutes at the top. Hold for a few seconds and then lower your hips. Repeat for 10 to 15 times.
Tricep dips can help you strengthen your triceps, shoulders, and chest. To do this exercise, sit on the edge of a chair or a bench with your hands on the edge and your legs extended in front of you. Slide your hips off the edge and bend your elbows to lower your body until your arms are at a 90-degree angle. Push yourself back up and repeat for 10 to 15 times.
Side plank can help you work on your obliques, core, and hips. To do this exercise, lie on your side with your elbow under your shoulder and your legs stacked. Lift your hips off the floor and keep your body in a straight line. Hold for 30 seconds and then switch sides.
Lateral raises can help you sculpt your shoulders, arms, and upper back. To do this exercise, stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and hold a pair of water bottles or books in each hand. Raise your arms to the sides until they are parallel to the floor. Lower them slowly and repeat for 10 to 15 times.
These are just some of the ways you can get fit without a gym. You can also try cycling, swimming, skipping rope, or any other activity that you enjoy and that makes you sweat. The most important thing is to be consistent and have fun! 😊
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art-of-manliness · 29 days
Bruce Lee’s Forearm Workout
If we’ve learned one thing this year about what the ladies find attractive in men, it’s forearms: forearms sticking out of rolled-up sleeves; forearms gripping steering wheels; forearms handling tools. Women love the look of a man’s well-developed forearms. Strong forearms are functional too: they improve your throwing capacity and help you lift, carry, and hold things better. If you’ve wanted to build bigger, stronger, more defined forearms, today we’ll get a tutorial on how to do so from someone who raised forearm development to an art: Bruce Lee. A Dragon’s Forearms Last month, we detailed the all-around physical training protocols Bruce Lee used to build his strong and chiseled physique. But there wasn’t room in that article for delving into how Lee worked his forearms, an area of his body he was especially committed to developing. Lee believed that forearm strength was essential to punching power and grip strength, capacities that were fundamental to his life’s great goal: becoming the best martial artist in the world. And, as someone who desired to fully express the beauty of his body, he appreciated the aesthetics of muscular forearms as well. Lee’s wife Linda called him “a forearm fanatic.” The martial artist Bob Wall remembered: “Bruce had the biggest forearms proportionate to anybody’s body that I’ve ever seen. I mean, his forearms were huge! He had incredibly powerful wrists and fingers—his arms were just extraordinary.” Another friend said that “If you ever grabbed hold of Bruce’s forearm, it was like grabbing hold of a baseball bat.” Bruce Lee’s Forearm Exercises The forearms include numerous muscles that can be broadly categorized into two groups: the flexors (on the underside of the forearm) and the extensors (on the top of the forearm). To develop truly meaty forearms, you’ve got to do exercises that work both of these groups of muscles. As you do so, your forearms will not only develop in size, definition, and strength, but you’ll improve the stability, endurance, and stamina of your wrists and grip as well. Lee only lifted weights three times a week, but he trained his forearms every single day, doing a variety of exercises that trained all of their muscles. While Lee commissioned the creation of several special forearm-training apparatuses, most of the exercises he did, which we’ll detail below, can replicated by the average joe: Wrist Roller. Lee was a big fan of this classic forearm exercise, which targets both the extensors and the flexors of the forearms. To perform it, you need a wrist-roller device: a bar/rod from which a rope hangs that attaches to a light weight (usually 5-10 pounds). To perform the wrist-roll exercise, stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and hold the wrist-roller rod straight out in front of you with both hands, palms facing down. Begin rolling the weight up by rotating your wrists; focus on using your wrists to roll the rope around the bar, rather than moving your arms or shoulders. Don’t bend your elbows. Continue rolling until the weight reaches the top, near the bar. Slowly lower the weight in a controlled way by reversing the motion. Lee could perform push-ups with just two fingers (the index and thumb), of one hand. Fingertip push-ups. Fingertip push-ups are performed as you would traditional push-ups, but instead of placing the entirety of the palm-side of your hand on the floor, you support the weight of your body with only your fingertips. As you get stronger at this exercise, try to progressively subtract a finger from each hand; Lee eventually got to the point where he could do this exercise with just two fingers from one hand. Reverse Curl. The reverse curl targets the brachioradialis, a muscle of the forearm that flexes the forearm at the elbow; it will hit your forearm extensors as well. Usually when you’re doing a curl, your palms are facing up; with a reverse curl, your palms are facing down. You stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, gripping the barbell or dumbbells with an overhand… http://dlvr.it/TCFbjQ
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miss-shawdowsinger · 2 years
Soothing Darkness - Azriel X reader fanfic
Chapter 10
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Summary: the day after Starfall Azriel is called away on business but when he returns Y/N ends up helping him.
Warnings: violence, swearing and angst!! Please only ready if you are 18+
AN: things are starting to heat up!! Thank you all for your support so far on this fanfic! Please please let me know what you think because I love reading your comments! Enjoy ❤️
Chapter 1
You arrived at the training rings the morning after Starfall with a surprisingly clear head. Gwyn, Emerie and a couple of the other priestesses were already waiting as you arrived. The spring sun was warm as the rays of sunlight fell on the mountain. If the heat was anything to go by, you would definitely not be needing your leather jacket.
“How was your Starfall?” Gwyn greeted you. “Wasn’t it just beautiful?” she gleamed.
“It was” you smiled at her, thinking of what had happened last night. Azriel would arrive at the training rings any minute and you felt like your chest was going to burst. You hadn’t slept much, thinking about the male who’s room was just opposite yours. It crossed your mind a couple of times to go and knock on his door but you weren’t able to build up the confidence. The two of you weren’t able to talk about the kiss you shared after being interrupted by Cassian. You hoped that you might get the chance today. “How was your date?” you turned to Emerie who was surprisingly quiet.
“It was….pleasant” she fought for the right word to say and you cringed.
“That good?” you laughed as your friend began blushing.
“Lets just say I would have rather joined you last night” she rolled her eyes.
Cassian and Nesta arrived together. Nesta kept rubbing her temples with her fingers as she joined the group. She may have had a bit too much to drink last night. You seemed to always catch her topping up her wine glass with Mor. You were glad it wasn’t you this time because last time you trained with a hangover, you felt like you were going to die.
“Don’t say a word” she scowled at you as you bit your lip to stop from laughing.
“Good morning ladies” Cassian stood in front of the group. “We are going to practise one on one combat today. So, lets warm up and then pair off” he clapped his hands together and everyone followed his instruction.
You were all halfway through your warm up exercises when Azriel finally arrived. His hazel eyes scanned the training ring until they found yours. Your heart momentarily stopped, holding your stretch for a bit longer than necessary whilst you gauged his reaction to you. His face was unreadable but then the corner of his mouth twitch upwards into a knowing smile. You smiled back, taking in the breath you didn’t realise you had been holding and releasing your stretch.
“Now that my punching bag has arrived” Cassian gained the groups attention by slapping Azriel on his back, earning a scowl from him. “We are going to demonstrate one to one combat. I think Az here needs to get it out of his system and I always love knocking him on his ass” Cassian teased.
“Keep talking a big game Cass and you’ll embarrass yourself even more when you find it’s you in the dirt” Azriel’s face had turned dark. Cassian barked a laugh as the sun beamed down on him. He undid the first couple of buttons on his shirt before pulling it off. You had to stop yourself from gawking at the Illyrian’s physique, especially when his mate was stood right next to you.
“Lets go then” Cassian growled. Azriel looked him up and down before smirking, following his friend by slowly taking off his own shirt. Heat flushed your cheeks and you had to swallow hard. His torso was perfectly muscled from his chest to all of his abs. His Illyrian tattoos ran over his pectorals right down his big strong arms to his wrist. He took your breath away.
The two Illyrians circled around one another, wings tucked tightly behind their toned backs. They each waited for the other to make the first move. “They do this every so often” Nesta sighed as the rest of the group watched intently. “It’s like they have this build up of emotions that they have to let out by fighting each other, Rhys too” she rolled her eyes.
“They haven’t done anything yet” Gwyn remarked just as Cassian lunged at Azriel. The group gasped as Azriel dodged Cassians attack, landing a punch to his ribs. Cassian grunted and spun. Suddenly it had gone from a game of patients to attack and defence. Both Illyrians blocked, kicked and punched. There wings spreading and tightening behind them to keep their balance.
Cassian landed a rather hard hit to Azriel’s jaw, causing him to stumble backwards. Azriel rubbed at his already bruised skin. “Finished already Az?” Cassian smirked and then whispered something under his breath. Azriel looked up, his face stared like cold death at his Illyrian brother. A deep growl reminted from his chest. As he lunged forward, shadows curling around his neck and arms.
Cassian blocked each strike, but Azriel was like a male possessed with rage. Blow after blow was struck. Azriel’s muscles taught with each punch. He slowed momentarily, allowing Cassian to believe he had tired. Cassian lowered his arms only slightly to watch his opponent. That’s when Azriel struck one more time, landing not one but two punches. The first hit Cassian in the stomach, winding him. The second connected to his jaw. Cassian fell backwards to the floor.
Azriel stood over the top of him. Sweat gleaming over his brow and torso. “I hate to say it” Azriel smirked as he stood over Cassian, now rubbing his own jaw.
“Then don’t” Cassian growled. Azriel offered his brother his hand to help him up which Cassian took begrudgingly.
“I told you so” Azriel clapped him on the back hard. Cassian scowled at him before turning to the group.
“Right pair off ladies and play nicely, unlike this one” Cassian rolled his eyes. Azriel had a victorious smile on his face as he crossed his arms over his chest.
“Y/N, you’re with me” you heard Nesta say from next to you. Although you found it very difficult to tear your sights away from the topless Illyrian, you followed her across the ring. “Idiots. Both of them” she scowled.
“Who usually wins?” you asked timidly.
“It really depends” she shrugged her shoulder. “Azriel clearly had some pent-up emotion today but they are all as good as each other. I think Cassian won the last one. When Rhys is involved it’s usually one of the Illyrians just because he’s out of shape”.
You and Nesta worked for the whole session together. The both of you didn’t go quite as far as the demonstration but Nesta knocked you on your ass more times than you could count. You managed to knock her over once, thanks to Cassian distracting her as he walked by. He laughed earning a scowl and a rude gesture from Nesta in return.
Even though Nesta was hungover she still managed to best you every time. After an hour of being knocked over, you both called it quits. Taking a much deserved drinking break, the two of you sat watching as the rest of the group continued. “My sister has invited us all to a family dinner at the end of this week. She asked if you would want to join” Nesta said whilst catching her breath.
“That’s kind of her” you smiled. You were torn. Of course you would love to go but you weren’t part of there family and didn’t want you to intrude.
“I said you would come. I thought being in the house by yourself would be boring and you could just meet us after you finish at the bakery” she instructed.
“Are you two going to get of your ass’ and do something?” Cassian stood over the both of you, distracting you from your convocation.
“Oh shove off, we’ve done enough” Nesta rolled her eyes.
“Nesta has already killed me more times than I can count” you agreed.
“Then pair off with someone else” Cassian tilted his head disapprovingly. The two of you just stared up at him, unmoving, until he sighed and walked back off to circle the rest of the group. The two of you laughed at his feeble attempt.
The two of you watched the rest of the session from the side of the training rings. Just before the session was due to finish Mor arrived. Her face was pale and clammy as she strode across the training rings. She marched straight over to Azriel and handed him a note. You watched as he read it carefully, his eyes turning dark as he read. Cassian joined them and read the note afterwards.
The three of them looked between each other and then Azriel marched from the training rings. He strode straight by you and Nesta who had now stood up from the ground. “What’s going on?” Nesta shouted out to him as he passed. His shoulders tightened as he paused to face the two of you.
“Koschei” his deep voice was cold as ice as he uttered the name. His hazel eyes met yours “I need to go” you nodded in understanding as he turned from you both and was gone.
“Who’s Koschei?” you quietly asked Nesta who had tensed at the name.
“No one you need to worry about” she patted your arm. “I’ll catch up with you later” she left you at the side of the ring as training ended and the priestesses dispersed. Cassian, Mor and Nesta now stood at the very far side discussing as you glanced over your shoulder one last time before heading to your room.
Azriel had been gone for three days. Cassian even cancelled training on one day because he had to go join him. You still dragged yourself up to the training rings each morning, to your surprise so did a couple of the others. The six of you trained together for an hour before returning back to your days. During lunch and dinner Nesta didn’t mention Koschei or who they were. You decided it would probably be better if you didn’t know. Not that she would tell you anyway.
You sat in bed after a long day. The bakery was just as quiet as usual, giving you time to overthink. You thought about the kiss and how you haven’t been able to talk to Azriel about it. Azriel, who could be mother knows where. He could be hurt for all you knew. Whenever you felt your mind wondering to far you practised mind-stilling but it only worked for so long.
You began to settle, reading one of the books that Emerie had recommended. A mug of hot chocolate appeared on your bed side table as you pulled the bed covers as high as they would go. “Thank you” you whispered to the house. As you were reaching a steady flow of reading, footsteps from outside your door grasped your attention. You watched as the shadows from the light underneath the door flickered indicating where the figure was.
“Az?” you heard Cassian’s voice whisper. “Your back. You look like you’ve had better days”. Your chest eased slightly. He was back and he was safe.
“I just need sleep” Azriel’s deep voice sounded like quiet thunder. “I’ll report to Rhys tomorrow”. There were a few scuffled footsteps and then the sound of doors opening and closing. Then quiet. You put your book down on the table and the faelight went out. Now that you knew he was safe you could sleep.
Fear. You were jolted awake by pure fear. It shook you to your bones, you could feel the cold sweat running down your brow as you sat bolt upright. You don’t remember having a nightmare but you could feel the deathly edge of fear crawling down your spine. It was still pitch black outside as you turned your attention to the clock in the room. 2:20am.
You felt like you needed to get up, like something was calling you. You needed to leave the room and follow this pull but you forced yourself to stay under the covers. That’s when you heard it. The noise shook you to the bone, a noise you would never be able to forget. Your heart felt like it had stopped altogether as your blood ran ice cold. Azriel was screaming.
Before you could register what was happening you flung the covers from your body, leaving you in just your nightgown. You didn’t think about what could be waiting for you as you ran from your room and into the hallway. His screams were getting louder. The pain he must be enduring was excruciating to listen too. To your surprise Cassian wasn’t already there but you had no time to wait. Azriel’s door was right in front of you.
You threw the door open. Shadows filled the room in swirling darkness as the door closed behind you. You allowed your eyes to adjust slightly before stepping further inside. The shadows curled around you, in a more frantic caress then before. You moved quickly, finding Azriel in his bed. His skin was glistening with sweat as he tossed from side to side. The screams were still filling your head, but his lips were unmoving. He was having a nightmare.
You moved to the edge of the bed. His bare torso was covered in sweat as he writhed around, kicking the covers from his body. You had to help him, had to wake him up somehow. Gently you bent over him and used both hands on his shoulders to gently shake him.
“Azriel” you whispered soothingly. “Azriel, you need to wake up. Everything is alright”. His fists balled up, his knuckled turning white. His black hair stuck to his wet forehead. You had never seen him so pale. “Azriel” you tried again shaking him harder.
Quicker than a lightning bolt flashing across the sky. Azriel’s hand whipped up and grabbed your throat, flipping you over to pin you onto the bed. A dagger held in his other hand, ready to make a fatal swipe.
“Azriel, it’s me” you breathed as the wind got knocked out of you. His eyes were glazed over in a panicked haze. It was as if he was looking but not seeing. He seemed to pause, heaving breaths as he assessed the situation. “It’s me” you stared into his hazel eyes as they came into focus.
“Y/N?” he whispered, eyebrows furrowing as he came back to reality. His shadows curled back into him leaving one caressing his neck. He stared down realising that he still held a dagger to you and was pinning you by your throat. He pulled both hands away from you, like he had been burnt and you heaved a breath. Azriel was knelt over you on his bed, staring at the scared hands that were just threatening you.
“Azriel, are you alright?” you sat up to kneel in front of him. You reached up slowly, to not frighten him, and placed both your hands in his. His eyes widened at your touch as you brought his hands down from his face. Hazel eyes met yours, then he scanned your neck.
“Are you alright? Did I hurt you?” his voice was mixture of pain and panic as one of his hands moved to gently assess your neck.
“No Az, I’m fine” you shook your head. It was true, although he had pinned you down, his eyes dark as they bore into you. He hadn’t harmed you. Although your heart was still racing in your chest as everything happened so quickly.
“What happened?” his hand still softly placed on your neck, making sure you looked at him in his eyes. His head shook in confusion of why you might be there.
“I heard you scream so I came to see if you were alright. I think you were having a nightmare” you shuddered at the memory of his scream still ringing in your ears. You had never experienced such fear. “I tried to wake you but I don’t think that was the best idea” you half smiled.
“You’re sure I screamed?” Azriel’s brow furrowed. His bare chest still heaving as he took deep breaths to calm himself.
“I heard you, but I thought Cassian would be here by now” you looked towards the closed, empty doorway. There was no sign of Cassian or Nesta, surely they couldn’t have slept through that. The scream was so loud, half of Velaris could have heard it.
“Thank you” Azriel’s eyes softened. You suddenly became very aware of the situation. You were both in Azriel’s room alone. Azriel was in nothing but his boxer shorts and you were only in a small nightgown. The two of you knelt before each other, his hand in yours as the other still placed lightly on the nape of your neck. Heat flushed to your cheeks.
“I should go” you breathed. You began to move from the bed when Azriel’s grip tightened slightly on your hand. His hazel eyes looked pleadingly at you. He opened and closed his mouth as if he was about to say something. His throat bobbed slightly before he released his grip on you. You paused before you asked. “Do you want me to stay?”.
You are not sure where you got the confidence from to ask but his hazel eyes met yours in slight surprise. The corner of his mouth turned upwards as he nodded. He moved over to give you room as you sat back down on the bed, pulling the covers over you. The bed was huge, allowing extra room for his membranous wings. He laid back down on one side of the bed whilst you settled into the space beside him.
You took as shaky breath as you stared up at the ceiling. A couple moments passed in tense silence as you tried to control your breathing. Azriel breathed a small, quiet laugh. You were just about to turn over and ask what was so funny when one of his strong arms snaked under you. His other arm wrapped around you and pulled you closer to him. He positioned your back into his chest as his wings cocooned around you.
You found it hard to suppress the smile that threatened your lips. His arms wrapped round you and pulled you closer to him in a warm embrace. You backed up into him, feeling is muscled body pressed against your spine. His hard arousal against your ass made your breath hitch. You moved your hips back against him, a low growl emanating from his chest at your movement.
“Y/N” Azriel’s deep voice whispered into your ear. His breath hot on your neck, sending shivers down your spine. “You need sleep. I’d rather not see Nesta knock you on your pretty little ass again” you could feel his smile on your skin as he kissed the nape of your neck. You fought to hold the moan sitting in your throat as you swallowed hard.
Fine. You thought. Two can play that game.
You moved your hips forward slightly. All the pressure between your ass and his hardness was filled with an empty space. Azriel sighed deeply, tightening his grip around your body. “Goodnight then” you smirked, knowing exactly what you had done to him.
You opened your eyes slowly, not realising where you were. You were surrounded by a membranous cover. Then you felt the relaxed grip around your body and the press of Azriel’s muscled frame against your back. You bit your lower lip lightly as you smiled, feeling the warmth from his body pressed tightly against you.
“Morning” his deeper almost croaked voice breathed against your neck.
“Morning” you returned as he tightened his grip slightly on you. “How did you sleep?” you asked shyly.
“A lot better, thank you” he nuzzled into your neck.
“You kissed me on Starfall” you whispered. You couldn’t think of the next opportunity you would get to talk about it. He hummed in response. “Do you regret it?” you cringed as he went still. You decided you would rather know now if all this was just spur of the moment things or if they meant anything more. If it was just a spur of the moment, then you could stop it and spare your feelings that seemed to grow each day.
He took in a deep breath. The silence growing louder by the second. Suddenly, he flipped you around to meet him face to face. Chest to chest. His hazel eyes met yours, his lips barely an inch away as he pulled you in tighter.
His hair was slightly messy from sleep and his eyes were relaxed. “Y/N” he sighed in slight amusement. “You are in my bed”.
“You didn’t ask me to be here” you let the words slip out.
“But I wanted you to stay” he smirked leaning his brow against yours. “Do you think I would have done that if I regretted kissing you? If Cassian hadn’t of interrupted us, I would have said ‘you have no idea how long I had waited to do that’. Why, do you regret it?” his eyes widened slightly.
“No, not at all” the words came out in a rush. He smiled as he moved a loose strand of hair that fell across your face, behind your ear. His lips then softly met yours. He kissed you lightly at first, then you opened your mouth granting his tongue access to explore you. One of his arms was still snaked under you, pulling you closer to him while the other was tracing circles onto your bare thigh.
You wrapped one of your arms over his shoulder and round his neck whilst the other hand lay flat on his chisel chest. Feeling his heartbeat quicken under your fingertips. His grip found the back of your knee, pulling you over him to straddle his hips. Azriel sat upright with you over him, hands placed around your waist to pull you even closer. Deepening the kiss as your nightgown hitched up around your hips.
You could feel the heat rising in between your legs as Azriel began trailing hot kisses down your jawline and neck. You tilted your head to the side, granting him more access as you held onto his shoulders, feeling his strong muscles as he gripped you. He had barely touched you but your body was already in pure ecstasy as he reattached his lips to yours. You could feel his hard arousal between your legs as you pushed your hips down.
“Az” Cassian shouted through the door. The two of you stopped kissing as Azriel growled.
“What?” he snapped.
“Training is in ten minutes”. Azriel tipped his head back and sighed but he didn’t loosen his grip on you. You bit your lip and placed one of your hands over your mouth to stop from making any sort of noise.
“I’ll be right out” Azriel sneered. You both stayed silent as you listened to Cassian’s footsteps as they slowly disappeared down the hall. “I could kill him” Azriel placed a soft kiss to your lips.
“I’ll help” you smirked. “I better go get ready” just as you went to move from his grip, Azriel flipped you both over. He hovered over you as your back laid softly in the bed. His body still between your legs as he groaned.
“I want you back here” he kissed your collarbone lightly. “Where we will continue, uninterrupted” his voice was deep and predatory as he emphasised the last word. You shivered as the thought tremored through you.
Chapter 11
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battorlstuff · 1 year
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Story Idea - Lovals (training ) 
David called me a few days ago, he told me about his situation and I decided to help him, I couldn't resist the money either.
All I had to do was ruin the body and appearance of a stud that lived in his building so I hit the road. When I saw him, I immediately knew why David was so jealous of the guy.
I did what he ask me, the 10 thousand dollars would be worth it. I sent an email and left advertising outside the department, private classes, I made him believe that he had won a one-year subscription to the program and would have free private sessions for all that time.
"Hey you must be Philip"
We greeted each other, his smile was charming and his delicate but manly face got me.
"It will be great to have the gym so close, I usually go to GYMgreeks about 30 minutes from the building."
"Oh I'm glad to hear your enthusiasm, now let's start I have another class in a few hours" that was not true but I had to avoid any suspicion.
I made him take off his shirt and gosh the guy was hot. His body was a wonder to behold his shoulders were big but not too big and he kept his triceps nicely defined, his biceps were the best part of his arms he worked them pretty hard and well and the training was noticeable, they were big, but not exaggerated, always maintaining the perfect proportion, the veins bulged along his arms and his triceps stood out without even flexing them. His neck showed prominent veins and was thick leading to a prominent clavicle and a strong, jutting chest due to a toned pair of pecs which sat on top of a well-defined six pack, every muscle showing years of hard work, Philip didn't even have to pose or try to flex their abs to show them off.
The rest of his muscles weren't far behind, his broad back ended in a framed waist and a well defined lower back, it was impossible not to admire those incredible obliques that were joined below with his magnificent deltoids.
His legs were just lovely, his round, firm ass joined to a pair of muscular thighs. His legs were long and his calves were thick making him a perfect specimen with great condition and an excellent build for any athlete.
Damn what a shame, I have to ruin that beautiful body.
"Very good I see that you are in good shape but you could use to gain... a little muscle don't you think?"
"I don't know, I've never liked being that big," said Philip doubtfully, I would have to convince him.
"Don't you think your girl would like to see you more muscular" I squeezed his biceps and it spectacular, I had a great body myself but this guy was hot.
"Hmm I don't really have a girl" this would be so easy.
"Oh, come on someone like you must have many girls drooling over, any suitor?"
"Look at those abs! tell me that the girls in the building don't like to see you shirtless" I said feeling the beautiful and marked six pack, Philip just smiled stupidly it was clear how proud he was of his body and his good looks, bingo, it was done .
"Oh well there's a girl, Camille lives in the building, but she's not in town, she went on exchange a couple of weeks ago and won't be back until the end of this year."
"Then let's surprise her, you'll look better than ever when she comes back, it'll be a <huge> surprise."
The boy did his normal training, he was really in good condition, I told him I would make some changes and I stopped him before he left.
"This supplement is the best of the best, a shake after each meal even at night if you do want to increase muscle."
"Sure, and as for the exercises, what will my routine be?"
"Don't worry, when you come tomorrow I'll have everything ready."
First week (175 lbs)
Philip actually felt his muscles grow, he was more robust and his biceps increased in size. The muscle mass was actually the beginning of his new body, the fat from the shakes began to accumulate in his muscles, deteriorating them.
Second week (179lbs)
Philiph had started to lose definition, mainly in his abs, his arms looked spectacular but Andrew knew that Philip's muscles were already accumulating fat and soon they wouldn't look like this. In addition, his vision became blurred, it was strange, he felt scarred and weaker, even his appetite increased.
Third week (183 lbs)
He thought he was getting stronger lifting the weights more easily, little did he know that Andrew had planned everything well, actually Philip was decreasing the weight he was carrying no matter the size of the discs or the number written on the dumbbells, Andrew had in charge of everything The shake contained a drug that would make Philip tired quickly and keep him in a sleepy state so that he wouldn't notice the change in his body for a few months, when it would be too late to do anything about it.
First month (225 lbs)
For Andrew it became an easy task, it was rather erotic seeing the handsome jock go to the pot and turn into a pig ruining his perfect body. While Philip worked out, Andrew watched with satisfaction at the flab on the pretty boy's body, his previously firm and formidable pecs bouncing with every movement, where his six pack used to be just a flaccid roll of fat hung. Meanwhile Philip noticed that every time he looked in the mirror his vision was blurry, he felt heavy but he couldn't understand the number on the scale, maybe he was just more muscular, that should be it.
Second month (255 lbs)
The supplement had certainly done its job, Philip had lost all muscle tone now it was time to make him grow, the supplement would give him a voracious appetite, and David would take it upon himself to sabotage the pretty boy's diet, also at the end of the "treatment "Philip's metabolism would be so slow that he would never be able to lose the accumulated weight.
Those days David wanted to join in and fuck his rival a bit, so I gave Philip an "energy drink" full of the drug, he was so confused that he didn't notice that David was the one giving him the instructions.
Philip was really losing condition, running out of breath after a few minutes.
Three months later (290lbs)
Philip's pecs had already turned into moobs hanging over his new belly and Philip seemed unaware he was still drinking the shakes. Andrew suggested four jugs of the supplement per day, Philip obeyed his trainer without question.
In the mornings he was too hungry, he showered and dressed but never knew what he looked like, it was as if every time Philip tried to see his body or how much he weighed, his vision would blur and he would start to feel tired and sleepy, the only clue about his appearance were comments and compliments from Andrew about how strong he looked, he said he had never seen progress equal to his.
Andrew trained David after Philip's session ended, so he could see his rival's progress as he worked on improving his own physique while Philip's body was being ruined.
Seven months later (340 lbs)
Philip could no longer lift any weight weeks ago he struggled and almost passed out from the effort trying to lift dumbbells. There was nothing left, not a trace of the handsome and athletic stud he once was.
"Wow, I've progressed, but how many pounds have you put on this Andrew?" Philip asked naively still thinking that he was the same sexy guy who arrived seven months ago.
The handsome trainer just smiled, it was obvious that Philip was still affected by the supplement, he seemed more confused and clumsy than in the previous months.
Second week of the ninth month (410 lbs)
Finally, Philip woke up from the dream, that morning before going to the gym, he decided to try one more time to see himself in front of the mirror but this time he could see clearly.
Every trace of muscle he had left was gone. His abs had disappeared under a huge layer of fat, he could see nothing but rolls and rolls of fat around him, the huge belly hanging down. His belly rested on his thighs like a pale gelatinous mass, it was also covered in red stretch marks. that covered his round navel. He tempted his fingers over the gelatinous mass horrified to see what his enviable abs had become.
Philip watched in horror as his stomach lurched. He wanted to cry and scream, but then he looked at his thighs. They seemed bigger and softer, so much so that they clung together in huge fatty folds making his long legs look short.
His arms, the bulging veins and defined muscles that were his pride, were just pure fat, his biceps were gone and where his muscles used to be, the skin hung like misshapen folds that hung from being too flaccid to meet his lats well. , joining the part where their bibs used to be.
His big pectoral muscles were ruined, they were nothing more than oversized and greasy tits, they hung like two flaccid bags that were only supported by his flabby belly which was so big that it kept the new moobs of the once hot stud in place.
Desperately, Philip reached for the scale and climbed up, the little machine creaking and breaking under his weight, the dial marking random numbers until it went blank. Then, with a fluttering heart, he ran out of the apartment.
Before leaving he saw a note, he had been fired, hadn't been to the office in months, didn't even remember getting any calls, but no job, how come the rent was paid? Food? The cupboards were full, well maybe Andrew could help him.
He arrived at the entrance of the gym without a shirt showing his obese body covered in sweat, he was panting and his face was red from the effort and embarrassment. He had a run in with David on the stairs, it was humiliating, seeing how David made fun of him and Andrew was David's friend? Philip had to get answers. As he could and ashamed of his new body Philip put on his shirt having difficulty doing so.
Upon entering the gym Andrew was ready, preparing a shake in different jars, he only stopped when Philip came snorting.
"Sit down chubby, I think we should talk."
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ranjith11 · 1 year
Top 10 exercises to build muscle | Akram Yoga & Personal Training
In this video, we talk about how to build muscles and the top ten muscle-building exercises. Let's watch the video Top 10 exercises to build muscle by Akram yoga & personal training.
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idontknowreallywhy · 10 months
Estera - Ch 11 - Run
(Previous… Prologue - Stars are Only Visible in Darkness, Estera - 1 - Colour, 2 - Dinosaur, 3 - Shoes, 4 - Thunderbird, 5 - Lesson, 6 - Safe, 7 - Gull, 8 - Deliver, 9 - Coffee, 10 - Flight)
(Sofasurf’s Recrudescence which is the foundation for all of this)
What’s happened to Scotty? Has Virg broken the door or just his shoulder? Has John eaten his own arm in despair? Has EOS accidentally overthrown the government of a medium sized country in her anxiety?
None of these questions will be answered here, as I leave the Tracys within the tender loving care of @sofasurf and her alligators and we quickly check in with somebody else…
One of the best things about Bez was his relentless enthusiasm about something as simple as her unlocking the front door. She smiled as he treated her to an impromptu drool bath and gradually nudged him down the hallway so she could put down her bags.
“You’ll never guess who I met today, Niebieski… the Commander of International Rescue! … Yes, he did seem nice… No, he didn’t have any treats…Yes it’s possible to be nice and not have treats, you daft creature… You don’t believe me do you?”
Extracting herself she reached up and fetched one of his favourite chews from the top cupboard.
“Give me a minute to get changed, Bez, then we’ll go for a run, ok?”
Receiving only chomping noises by way of reply, she left him to it and went to sort herself out. Grabbing her phone to check the time, it unlocked on the new contact screen and she smiled. He’d given her his personal number, just in case, but had been endearingly awkward as he’d asked her to save it under a pseudonym. Something to do with his brother John, someone called Kyra and security protocols, he was sorry it was such a weird thing to ask. She didn’t mind, she knew exactly what to name to save the number under.
She tapped the word ‘Blue’ and sent a quick message as he’d asked, given he’d not had his own with him.
“Was good to meet you today. Here is my number. I hope you’re doing ok? Estera”
Right. Job done. Next on the list: exercise.
The wind was bitter as the sun slipped below the horizon and stained the clouds behind which it had been skulking most of the afternoon.
The plus side was it meant nobody else was out this far. They’d have the less well known Jacob’s Ladder beach to themselves while the rest of the dog walkers did a quick circuit of the main seafront. Bez, well insulated from the frigid air, lolloped excitedly down the steep path ahead and she ambled behind, limbs trembling slightly in the aftermath of their clifftop run. The exertion had helped focus her mind, as it always did, while she was actually running. But as soon as she allowed her heart rate to slow, the swirling thoughts returned.
The tide was right out, and it seemed every sea bird in the Westcountry had gathered to scour the shoreline for treats, their figures dark against the reddening sky and their fading shadows reaching many times their height across the sand towards her.
As expected, there were no other dogs on the beach - she unclipped the leash and let Bez hare towards the ocean, driving the gulls into the air in a squawking cloud, the combined sound of their wings like a drum roll in the distance. Usually his unbridled joy would be catching, but today she felt kind of detached, as if she was watching him frolic in a poor quality recording on a broken screen.
The shadows lengthened further.
Suddenly unable to contain all of the Everything building up inside, she let out a yelp and ran across the top of the beach towards the sunset. For a given value of running anyway. The pebbles sucked her legs downwards with every step, her feet slipping and twisting on the uneven surface. The wind whipped across the bay and blasted into her face, hair streaming and coat billowing behind her like a sail. Despite forcing her last scraps of pent up energy into her muscles she made barely any progress and eventually stumbled forwards, landing with a crunch amongst the stones.
She pushed herself on to her knees and paused, dizzy but aware of Bez sprinting back towards her, droplets of seawater flying from his fur.
Then he was there, shoving his soaking wet face into hers, blending the salt of the sea with the salt of her shame.
She’d left him.
The initial delight that he’d survived, that he hadn’t been stabbed to death in the square as she’d imagined was overshadowed by what she now knew his attempt to rescue her had cost him. The stories of the nearby camp were rife in the town. The open secret of the mass grave to the east of it. The horrors inside. Some said it was simple torture. Others had heard from someone who knew someone who had heard tell of twisted medical experiments. People said that when the wind was right, you could hear the desperate screams on the road, over a mile away. Nobody knew the truth of it because nobody came out.
People didn’t survive the camp.
And then there were the dogs. The constant barking as they patrolled the town, barely under the control of the thugs who held the leash. There were dogs at the camp too, she knew that. She recalled watching, helpless, from her window as her neighbour was dragged from his house by the snarling beasts. If he’d even made it to the camp alive, it wouldn’t have been long for him.
People didn’t survive the camp.
Somehow Scott had. She couldn’t quite believe it. It clearly hadn’t left him unscathed though. She covered her face and tried to picture the twinkle in his eyes as he had teased her about the toy in her pocket. The eyes of somebody who was alive and knew laughter. But she couldn’t find them. Instead she saw his wide, frightened eyes watching unknown horrors unfold behind her, in a reality only he could see.
She clenched her fists and yelled her apology to the sky, before pulling her knees to her head and wrapping her arms around her legs as she sobbed. “I’m sorry, I’m so sorry.”
Bez, damp yet radiating warmth, lay against her back and waited.
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lunalillyhbhb · 2 years
Lea's home
Chapter 6 pt.1
The top floor of Lea's house is occupied by a private gym. It's equipped with everything from treadmills, rowing machines and cycles to weights, bars and dumbbells. It also has a 10 m long pool. It is a pretty nice gym. While I'm not exactly allowed to use it freely as I see fit, I'm not too bothered about it as the owners rarely use the gym facilities. And being on the top floor (a lot of stairs), it's as good as deserted. Almost like it's MY personal gym. Now and then when college ends early, I rush to Lea's house to use the gym quickly before my shift starts.
The only issue is Khushi, the appointed trainer of this residence. Khushi is a muscular woman, with defined facial features and beautiful brown eyes, a straight pierced nose and plump lips. Her long black hair is usually braided and drapes her back like silk on a sculpture. Her flawless brown skin define her lean muscles so prettily, she would make a perfect anatomy model. A long time outdoor and mountain marathon running enthusiast, she has a lean build with long arms and long legs, as well as perfectly sculpted D cup breasts.
Being a trainer, she specializes in all things sports and exercise, and frequently monitors the vitals of the family to keep track of things like body weight, fat percentage, muscle weight, loss/gains.... and most importantly: heart beat and blood pressure.
I just know she must be an excellent candidate to be hooked up.... heart being listened to.... the way she places her hand on her chest when she stands watch... the way it subtly bounces... but I haven't dwelt on it. I rarely use the gym and when I do, I have to make sure Khushi isn't there to rat me out to the owners. As such, I avoid her and rarely interact with her.
What a pity.
Today happens to be one such day, classes ended early and I have 2 hours till my shift starts. I decide to make the best of it and rush over to Lea's place. As the maid I have access to the house schedule. I notice that the gym is due for a cleanup, and there's no classes scheduled. Perfect. I could bring my maid uniform and in-case someone comes in, I could quickly change into my maid uniform and get to work. Simple.
I race up the stairs, open the glass doors to the gym and slip inside. Once in, I spot my favourite cardio activity: the treadmill. I quickly wear my shoes, tie my hair into a messy bun, turn on the machine, and start.
5 mins go bye and my heart has settled on a steady 140 bpm, going strong. I decide to jog for 15 mins as warm up, and hit my biceps today. Suddenly I hear a tussle from the staircase. My body immediately goes into panic mode as I swiftly turn off the machine and run to the changing room. Once inside, I hear footsteps, and quickly attempt to remove my crop top. In my panic I fail to notice the footsteps nearing the changing room. As I slip out of my tights the door barges open. I freeze, heart thudding in my throat. Khushi is staring at me, in my deep cut sports bra and tights halfway removed. She smirks.
"My little kitten, what were you doing in here? Changing clothes?"
She speaks in a sensual yet pleasing tone, capable of pulling everyone's attention to herself. Her loose tank top over black cycle shorts accentuates her curves and muscles even more, she looks incredibly sexy.
"H-hey Khushi, how come you're in today? I am scheduled to clean the gym so I was just changing into my uniform here...."
I pray she buys it.
She doesn't.
"The treadmill was slowing down when i entered, you have anything to do with that? Seeing how we're the only people here... and I definitely didn't use it...."
She knows. Why is she doing this to me? Why's she so strict? Just let me go!
"I'm really sorry Khushi, please don't tell the owners!"
My heart stammers as I scramble to look for an excuse.
"But you know I must my little kitten! The other workers are not allowed to use the equipment without permission and you know this!" she says this in a calm berating voice, as she traces her manicured fingernails across my cheek and down my neck. Her finger subtly rests on my carotid pulse, and I can feel it pushing against her finger with such force, and I know she's feeling it.
Her finger lingers there for a moment longer. I can see her beautiful eyes calculating her next words, and suddenly it lights up. Oh no.
"Ok. I'll help you, I'll keep it a secret......under one condition."
There it is. I'm going to agree to it no matter what, else I loose this haven of a job.
"Yes, anything, tell me what I can do!"
Her whole demeaner changes in a split second, and she's back to her upbeat bubbly self. "You can help me out with my sports medicine thesis! Just follow my instructions to the tee and I'll keep your secret between us.... hell, I'll let you use the gym facilities without getting caught! How's that of a deal, sweet right?"
I want to say yes immediately, so badly, but I know there's a catch. There's something she's not explaining fully. Otherwise, this would be too good to be true.
I sigh resignedly. "Umm..... Ok. Let's do this. What do you need help with?"
She perks up, eyes shining with mischief. "I need to record the cardiovascular changes of the heart before, during and after exercise. This exercise includes and cardio and weight training. Of course, I'll be doing the grunt work and hooked up on monitors, I just need you to tell me how it's beating, the blood pressure, and help me record it properly. I might need to record yours here and there, for baseline if you don't mind."
Yes. YES. This is what I wanted. I've wanted to do this. I've waited for an opportunity like this, and I can't let it slip by.
"YES!" I blurt out, sounding a little too eager for my liking. She smirks in response.
"You can remove your tights, don't change into anything new, It makes movement easier for you."
I got a little shy, but i am in no position to make demands. I see her removing her own shirt and cycle shorts, her sculpted breasts snugly sit in a sports bra with a matching set underwear. I can't believe I get to see all this. My eyes drink in her entirety, memorizing everything about her curves, her hips, the way she walks, everything.
She opens her bag and grabs two sets of steths, attaches one firmly to her mitral valve. She makes her way to me and without asking for permission, she palpates my left breast, moving them around as she sees fit. Finally she settles for my mitral valve as well, and securely attaches the steth. My heart is beating fast, fluttering lightly. I know she felt it. I try not looking at her breasts, try not to locate for any visible palpitation. The steths are connected to a recording device, monitoring both our heart rates. The right arm is connected to a blood pressure cuff, continuously relaying the rise and fall.
Both these devices are also connected to her laptop. Finally after finishing her setup, she looks at me, a sense of hunger in her eyes.
"Watch me closely, please. Keep an eye for my heart." She says, steadily getting on the treadmill and starting her run.
The machine whizzes to life, and she starts stretching her limbs and her eyes sharpen, like a wild cat ready to pounce on its poor prey. I begin recording, keeping an eye out for the changes along the way. Initially her pump starts with a steady 90 bmp with the usual 120/80, breathing steady and deep. Slowly she increases the speed and 10 mins in, she is going fast, almost sprinting. Her heart is pumping amazingly at 190 bpm, with an astonishing 195/110. I envision her arteries working hard, trying to accomodate the mucle forcing blood at such high pressures through them. Khushi is so focused that she remains quiet staring straight ahead. I so badly want to listen to the sound of her organ, but I don't want to do anything that could potentially upset her, lest she revokes her offer.
She stops after 15 mins total, breathing heavily and fast. With her hands clutching her chest and eyes closed, she looks slightly worried. She suddenly looks at me, steps off the treadmill and closes the distance. With a shine in her eyes she grabs my hand and forcefully places it over her sternum. Her sports bra, soaking in sweat, does little to muffle the powerful pump, and I instantly close my eyes as I feel her thump away at 190 bpm, shaking my hand. Her body covered in sweat and her ragged breathing makes it hard for my hand to stay in position but that hardly affects the way her heart pumps forcefully, so beautifully, pushing her chest away from me. Khushi's heart is amazing. My other hand reaches for the headphones which are connected to the steth but she bats my hand away, her lips puckered like she's annoyed. I feel her recovery beats and watch her slowly gain back her breath.
I am completely entranced. My mind starts stripping her and I envision pushing my fingers inside her where I know I can torture her little heart a bit further, pushing it to its boundaries. I wonder what kind of face she'd make.
"Next is the pool!" she quips in her cheerful voice, pulling me out of my trance. She motions for me to bring the setup to the indoor pool and I set it up in the corner, free from potential splashes. I wonder how her heart will react this time. I am desperate to be a part of her, and my mind is filled with unspeakable thoughts. I can't wait for this pool session.
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commaclear · 9 months
Holy crap???????
I very recently started reading (most?) of the stories you have wrote on Ao3 and I'm in love. Marry me?? I'll give you a plastic spider ring I got for 25 cents.
Anyways, I aspire to be an author and was mostly wanting to know, how do you continue??
I have so many little ideas that float in my mind and I don't know how to keep writing after getting through one paragraph.
-Turtle-shell anon.
Oh dear, unfortunately I'm sworn to only marry Danny Devito...
Okay, I've got a lot to say abt this apparently. I was originally just gonna write some quick tips and it somehow turned into a full essay lol
#5 is my top suggestion for anyone who's feeling uninspired or stuck. Stories are driven by their characters, so let them lead the way!
1. Write your ideas down as soon as you have them
I've got about five or six tiny notebooks stowed away in different places (purse, desk, bedside table, etc.), and as soon as I have any kind of story idea, I start writing it down as soon as I can, otherwise I tend to lose it or lose my enthusiasm abt it, and it's harder to keep steam later on. I do this with ideas for future stories, ideas for dialogue five chapters from now, random descriptions of scenes, just literally anything that pops into my head.
Like dream journaling makes your dreams more vivid, the more you write down your ideas, the more ideas you'll start having! It's like unclogging a dam.
Also, physical writing is always better for me than typing when I get stuck because kinetic movement engages the brain more, so I have a few full size journals too to write longer ideas in.
2. Start stories even if you know you won't finish them
Writing is like a muscle. The more you use it, the more stamina you build up. So starting on stories, even if you don't know where you're going or know you won't finish is still productive because you're exercising that muscle and making it stronger. And who knows? Maybe you'll come back years later and finish this story brilliantly!
3. Download WriteorDie2
Write or Die is a horrific torture device for writers, but it is genuinely helpful for me to power through pointless writer's block or procrastination stints. Even when I feel completely uninspired, suddenly I find I'm full of ideas when threatened with screeching violin spiders.
4. Get a hype man
A big reason writers lose steam on projects is you start listening too much to the internal critic, and you end up hating your own project when you've barely even started. The best way to combat this is to get a non-writer friend to read your stuff and tell you everything they like about it. Ask them to say specific things they liked, not just vague "Yeah, it's good!" because specific positive feedback is always more encouraging than generic platitudes.
5. Do free form character PoV word-dumps
Get out a journal. Set a seven-minute timer and start writing in the voice of your main character (or whatever character is most relevant), like they're making a diary entry or giving a soliloquy. Your pencil cannot stop moving until the timer ends. Just keep writing and ignore any spelling or grammar mistakes.
Have your character dump out all their thoughts and feelings and insecurities, have them rant and cry, have them giggle and blush and kick their feet, or maybe they're still masking their feelings and trying to be strong. Just write in their voice, and you'll be surprised by what they have to say.
6. Explain your story to a rubber ducky
If you're stuck in a plot and don't know where to go, explain your whole plot to a rubber ducky. Make sure you go into all the intricacies and details, explain all the side characters and background lore, tell that ducky where you want your story to go next and why you're stuck.
8 times out of 10, simply talking out loud through your plot will get you thinking differently, and you'll unstick yourself. And it doesn't have to be a rubber ducky; it can be literally anything with a face, but trust me, it is important that is has a face, and you need to be talking out loud, even if it's just a whisper.
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trainingforfandom · 3 months
Asta (Black Clover)
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Asta is the kind of character everyone would love to be friends with, even if he is loud and a little much at times his heart shines through. He works hard with what little he has and makes the best of it. He is super ripped before the time skip, he mainly does high rep calisthenics (these build muscle, trust me I know a guy) and hard labor around the church (hence why even Yuno is considered physically strong). I don’t have much to say on Asta as he is a simpler character that manages to be engaging. He does get bigger after the time skip as a result of better nutrition swinging around a heavy sword and being really short. Although we don’t see him train I feel kind of bad about how short this is so I’m making 2 workouts: 
Calisthenics classic workouts
The hidden time skip mass builder (with swordwork considerations) 
I’ll try to stick to some bronze age bodybuilding, labor simulating, and minimal equipment techniques. Asta is a character whose training grows with him and evolves,based on his needs. 
Diet: POTATOES. The ones that grow in Hage village resemble red skinned sweet potatoes, or simply red potatoes. They might even have varieties! Potatoes are actually very good for you! However, potatoes are short on protein, and other vitamins and minerals. So please eat a balanced diet of which potatoes are a part of. 
Recovery/Programming: Asta works out until he literally can’t anymore. A lot of this stuff will be to failure especially the calisthenics and he works out MULTIPLE times a day. Since he lives in a church, we’ll call Sunday his day of rest. Knowing him, he’s not resting. I’ll be doing a 3 day cycle repeated 2x a week kind of thing, you could do only 1 cycle and be just fine. Measuring up to the character he’d do labor, his workout, cardio, and abs all in one day everyday, but we ain’t trying to die here so I figured something out. We don’t have access to recovery magic or potions or whatever he probably uses. So stretch up, eat well and rest plenty. 
Part 1 Calisthenics and Labor: When bodyweight becomes boring/easy add weight to simulate Asta getting his sword. 
Day 1: Legs  + Labor 
5 x Failure (on each leg if doing unilateral exercise( Bodyweight Squats/Pistol Squats/Shrimp Squats
3 x Failure Explosive Split Squats 
5 x Failure Calf Raises
5 x Failure Nordic Curl Progression
3 x 10 Sandbag/Barbell Deadlifts (moving heavy-ish items) 
4 x 100 m Farmers Carry 
3 x 5 Sandbag/Atlas Stone (Pick Up and place onto waist height box, please research technique)  
4 x 100 m Sled Push/Pull 
Day 2: Push + Labor 
5 x Failure Basic Push Ups 
3 x Failure Dips 
3 x Failure Handstand Progression/Pike Push Ups 
5 x 8 Overhead Press
3 x 20 Sec Isometric Plate Hold (Arms straight out, holding the plate parallel to hands, pushing together should be what’s holding the plate up) 
4 x 25 per side  Cable lateral raise 
4 x 10 Tricep Overhead Extensions
Day 3: Pull  + Labor 
5 x Failure Basic Pull Ups 
5 x Failure Chin Ups/Headbangers 
5 x Failure Australian Rows/Front lever training 
1 x Failure Rope Climb/ Pull sled with rope 
6 x 10 (or 3 x 100m ) Supinated Carry/Bicep Curls  (Bicep Curl with moderate/heavy weight, squeeze at the top and keep it there) 
4 x 10 Straight Arm Pushdown
Day 4: Legs + Abs + Cardio 
5 x Failure (on each leg if doing unilateral exercise( Bodyweight Squats/Pistol Squats/Shrimp Squats
3 x Failure Explosive Split Squats 
5 x Failure Calf Raises
5 x Failure Nordic Curl Progression
3 x 30 Crunches/Sit Ups (mind the lower back) 
2 x Failure Hanging Leg Raises 
2 x Failure Plank with alternating knee to elbow 
2000 m run (or any distance that forces endurance) 
Day 5: Push + Abs + Cardio
5 x Failure Push Ups Variety (each set should be different: diamond, archer, decline, staggered, pseudo planche etc..) 
3 x Failure Dips 
3 x Failure
3 x 30 Crunches/Sit Ups
2 x Failure Bicycle Crunches (Slow) 
2 x Failure In and Outs 
Stair Climbing/Hiking 
Day 6: Pull  + Abs + Cardio
5 x Failure Pull Ups (each set should be different: narrow, wide, archer, 21’s etc..) 
5 x Failure Chin Ups/Headbangers 
5 x Failure Australian Rows/Front lever training 
3 x 30 Crunches/Sit Ups
2 x Failure Windshield Wipers
2 x Failure Rotating Plank 
Interval Running (100 m Sprint, 200 m Jog x 5) 
Day 7: REST/ Cardio
-------------------------------TIME SKIP----------------------------------
So here we start his weighted training to get him big and beefy in the Heart Kingdom.
1. Asta will be eating more and have access to more state of the art equipment. To get bigger is to eat in a surplus mainly of protein.
2. He will still train 6 days a week, 4 with weights, 2 for his swordwork/fighting/anti-magic, 1 day off for Sister Lily. We'll do an Upper/Lower split as this is common with some of the strongest biggest folk I've seen.
3. He finally learned to prioritize efficiency and recovery over sheer volume. Burnouts are there for that 'going to failure feel'. Be warned that the form on these exercises might be a little 'advanced' for someone just stepping foot in the gym for the first time.
Upper 1
Warmup + (Program = 95% 1rm 5 x 2 -> 80% 1 x AMRAP -> 65% 1 x AMRAP) Bench 
15 + (8,5,5) + Burnout OHP 
15 + 3 x 8 + Burnout Barbell Bent Over Row
3 x 10 SkullCrushers
6 x 10 Curls 
4 x 10 + Burnout Rear Delt Row
Lower 1 
Warmup + (Program = Refer to bottom of the post) Squat
Warmup + (Program = Refer to the bottom of the post) Deadlift  
4 x 10 BB Alternating Lunges
3 x 10 each Quad + Ham 
4 x 10 + Burnout DB Lateral Raise
Upper 2 
Warmup + Program Bench 
15 + (8,5,5) + Burnout OHP 
4 x 8 Dips
15 + 3 x 8 + Burnout Smith BOR 
6 x 10 Curls  
4 x 10 + Burnout Machine Lateral Raise
Lower 2 
3 x 8 RDL’s (Light) 
Warmup + Program Squat 
4 x 10 light leg press (quad emphasis)
3 x 8 Heavy Calf Raise
4 x 10 Quad Ext 
4 x 10 + Burnout Rear Delt Row 
Calisthenics and Fight Training 1
Mace workout (for obvious reasons!) As a real person, I would suggest not doing this in public... it's a little awkward, maybe go to a class or hit a tire with a hammer... Where would you even get a mace anyway?
Here's one you can try to base yours off of: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TdatDbqb8TY
Calisthenics Portion Upper:
3 x Pushups to failure
3 x Inverted rows to failure
Train Pull-Ups AND Chin Ups, train to pull more weight or just rep out till you can't feel your lats with a band.
2 x to NEAR failure Dips, keep 1-2 reps in the tank
Short Abs workout: ab wheels, captain chair, crunches, planks are all great
Calisthenics and Fight Training 2
Mace workout/ Some kind of combat class
Calisthenics Portion Lower:
3 x 30 Jumping Squat
3 x 30 Jumping Lunges
3 x 10 Sissy Squats (assisted usually, these are hard)
Train shrimp/pistol squat to your skill level
Short Abs workout: ab wheels, captain chair, crunches, planks are all great
Squat Programming: I made this up myself and went from nearly dying under 135lb to repping 185lb. Be safe out there y'all!
Step 1: Pick a working weight, it should be REALLY HARD, but not your 1rm, it can look messy! but you will build strength and eventually the perfect form will follow.
It goes like this: the only thing that is included is the TOPSET with the working weight you picked, you must warm up and do back off sets too!
Week X: Session 1/ Session 2
2x2 / 3x2
4x2/ 3x3
1x4/ 2x4
1x6/ 1x8 (at this point pick a new weight and repeat the program with it. If you fail or feel like one of the sessions is too hard, repeat it until comfortable and then move onto the next rep/set scheme)
Deadlift Programming: This works! It got me from 225lb - 265lb on DL, thats 40lb! I do want to hit 315lb this year so I'm running the program again:
Oh my... how the hell did I used to spit these post out so often. This is my first post back, and it's SOOO LONG ... Anyway here it is. Enjoy!
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bigbruthag · 2 months
1. Be consistent with your training routine: Incorporate a mix of cardiovascular, strength, flexibility, and balance exercises. Aim for at least 150 minutes of moderate aerobic activity or 75 minutes of vigorous activity weekly, along with strength training exercises twice a week.
2. *Prioritize Strength Training: Muscle mass naturally decreases with age, so strength training is crucial to maintain and build muscle. Include exercises that target all major muscle groups.(Bodyweight squats, Pushups, Burpees, Planks etc)
3. Stop eating like a fkn child: Focus on whole, nutrient-dense foods. Prioritize lean proteins, healthy fats, whole grains, and plenty of fruits and vegetables. Drink water and limit overly processed foods and added sugars.
4. Go to bed: Aim for 7-9 hours of quality sleep per night. Sleep is vital for recovery, hormone regulation, and overall health.
5. Manage Stress: Chronic stress can negatively impact your health. Practice stress management techniques such as minding your damn business, mindfulness, meditation, saying no without explaining, yoga, or deep-breathing exercises.
6. Stay Active Throughout the Day: Avoid long periods of sitting. Incorporate more movement into your day, like taking the stairs, walking during breaks, or using a standing desk.
7. Regular Health Check-ups: Keep up with regular medical check-ups to monitor and manage any health conditions. Stay on top of screenings and preventative measures. Better yet move somewhere with free healthcare.
8. Stay Socially Active: Maintain a strong social network and engage in activities that you enjoy. Social interaction can boost mental and emotional health.
9. Avoid Harmful Habits: Limit alcohol consumption, avoid smoking, and reduce intake of other substances that can negatively impact your health.
10. Listen to Your Body: Rest when needed and don’t push through pain. Adjust your routine to accommodate your body’s needs.
Implementing these strategies can help you achieve and maintain better shape in your 40s than in your 30s. I’m living proof that it works because believe me black does indeed crack when you don’t take care of it 😉
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