#Tw: ptsd
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thewritetofreespeech · 1 day ago
Hi, it's me again! Could I request Jason Todd who has a moment of body dysmorphia while really spiraling inwardly mentally with him being so big, so changed after the Lazarus pit, having all these scars and the autopsy scar. His female girlfriend comes to help him and grounds him, reassures him. He's perfect the way he is and really lovable!
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“Jason! Can you hurry up? I’d like to get in there before we go to bed.”
“Yeah. I’m working on it.” Jason called back to his girlfriend as he finished up his routine for the night.
Patrol had been light. So no need for first aid or stitches this time. Like he needed another scar. Sometimes when Jason looked into the mirror like now, he barely recognized the man looking back at him. Time was not always kind to mortal men who pretended to be superheroes. The physical strain. The bruising. The marks. He glanced over his body in the mirror. Old scars mixed with new. Some that were faded that he couldn’t remember how he got. Simply too old or memories that were lost to him in the Pit.
Jason flinched and clutched his head when he tried to think about the Pit. Visions of knives cutting into his flesh and stitching him back up. The scar down his front from chest to naval oozing with black putrid goo. Banging on his coffin liked the pounding in his head. Flashes of skin sluffed off a bleached white skeleton staring back in the mirror.
'Dead man walking. Dead man walking. Dead man walking!'
His hands lance out for the mirror before he could stop them. Ripping it off the wall with his bare hands before throwing it into the tub with a shatter.
“That’s ok. I didn’t need to shower anyway….”
Jason looked up, panting in his panic & rage, to find [Y/N] standing in the door. Her expression even but clearly freaked out about what he had done. The uncertainty of what he was going to do next. “Sorry.”
“It’s ok.” Jason hissed through his teeth. No, it wasn’t ok. Why did people say that when things weren’t ok. “Do you want to talk about it?”
“No.” He said as he rubbed his face with his hand. How could he explain what was going on? “I just get these flashes sometimes. Headaches. Probably something to do with the Pit.”
“Well, coming back from the dead can probably be very traumatic for the brain.” She agreed. “Not to mention all the other trauma.” [Y/N] aware of his past, before & after coming back from the dead. She knew of his superhero exploits, and even his new role as a vigilante. “Why don’t you take a break for a while? Get your head straight?” She suggested. Carefully coming into the bathroom to avoid any glass or startling him as she came in to place her hand on his shoulder. “It might do you good.”
“I can’t.” He told her. “If I do then what was all this for.” Jason gestured to himself. All the pain. All these scars. His body mangled and twisted, along with his mind. What was the point of it if he couldn’t do some good, in his own way, with it.
“Maybe it’s just about you being here, and not some bigger picture Jason.”
[Y/N] wrapped her arms around him and rested her head against his shoulder, giving him a light squeeze. “I know saving the world is important to you, but it’s not the only thing in the world. You need to focus on yourself sometimes. Talk to me. Or talk to someone. I think it would do you good.”
Jason listened to what his girlfriend was saying, then lifted his hand to grip her arm around his waist. “So, you don’t think I look gross?”
“What? Of course not! Is that what this is about?”
Jason shrugged. It was what had started all this but now it felt like it had spiraled into something more serious than he intended.
[Y/N] just rolled his eyes and let him go. “I’m not going to just stroke your vanity, Jason. You already know how hot I think you are.” She kissed his shoulder and gave him a withering look in the direction the mirror should be. “Come to bed you idiot. I’ll show you just how ‘not gross’ you are. You’re gonna be real disappointed in a minute though that you didn’t let me shower first before you blew up the tub. You’re cleaning that up tomorrow by the way.”
Jason chuckled. The shift from caring concern to just plain annoyed at how ridiculous he was being somehow grounding to him. “Yes ma’am.” He simply replied as he followed her into their bedroom to make good on her promise.
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cedric-k-rossignol · 2 months ago
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Book of Circus + le traumatisme
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irondadmadlads · 1 year ago
Irondad Prompt #197:
Peter: I’m okay, Mr. Stark! I mean, sometimes I have these horrible nightmares or have random panic attacks at school. But I’m fine! :)
Tony: Peter’s that’s literally PTSD
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balrogballs · 3 months ago
In the literary fiction scene there can sometimes be this irritating opinion that creating fanworks isn’t bad, per se, and many of them even enjoy reading it — but that it could never reach the emotional depth of published literary fiction/creative non fiction. It’s just an extension of the litfic patronisation, the “ah yes, we are Better than genre fiction” nonsense (as if there hasn’t ever been dogshit litfic), I didn’t do an MFA but it tends to be more prevalent in the MFA crowd, etc. Also could be because I hang around with academics a lot.
Anyway I saw someone express said take just today and frankly it completely boiled my blood lmao because I’ve published a novel that went to auction and is litfic by even the strictest definition of the term, received funding to write said book, as well as landed a handful of nonfic in global litmags…
…but absolutely nothing I have ever written has been as cathartic as working on this personal essay about the process of trying to find a Tolkien character who’s mentioned in a couple of footnotes in the rest of the text so like… crawl into my asshole and die if you think fanworks can’t ever reach the emotional calibre of published work 🤪✨
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ok balls rant over have a nice evening 😇✨
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monimccoythings · 1 year ago
Alastor x Daughter!Reader III (Platonic)
Yeah, this is going to take place after the end of season 1, just after Sir Pentious has ascended and the hotel has been rebuilt into a bigger better version. I just don't know how to fit Y/N in season 1.
Reminder: Alastor is in Hell for a reason.
TW: This contains a very delicate matter, like PTSD and panic attacks, even though I wanted to keep it brief because I'm not very well versed in these kind of subjects and wanted to be careful and respectful with it, I'm not entirely satisfied with how I wrote it, I researched and looked into my past experiences, but still don't think I truly adapted it as best as I would have liked. Also several mentions of cannibalism. Brief mentions of controlling behavior.
This isn't proof read so sorry for any grammar and/or vocabulary mistakes.
Part I |Part II|Part III (You are here!)
tags: @anonymousewrites, @nonetheartist, @littledolly2345, @sunnyx07, @ouroborostheunholy, @mo-0-o, @sydneyyyya @lbcreations-blog
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Soft jazz music enveloped the room, accompained by a strong smell of coffee and magnolias, someone was humming quietly to the music. Somehow, it reminded you of home.
You blinked groggily, trying to get the sleep away from your eyes, and leaned on your elbow. Why was the ground so soft and cushioned?
Yor eyes shot wide open when you remebered the events that led you there. The blood, the laughter, the eyes, the smile, the radio static... Your heart started beating wildly inside your ribcage, and you suddenly found yourself gasping for air. You clutched your old dress, hoping that would alleviate the growing pressure in your chest in some way.
"Well, look who's finally awake!" Alastor left the newspaper on the table and turned towards you, if his grin was supposed to be comforting it was not working. Just the fact that he was acting so casual, as if nothing had happened in the last ninety years made everything a million times worse.
"You are quite the hide and seek champion, ma petite faon. It took several years for my shadows to casually find you and then it took even longer for me to believe you actually had been sent here, ha ha!" His neck bended in an unnatural way as he laughed.
Crap. Did he always know where you were? Was this just a game of cat and mouse for him?
As if he had read your mind, his eyes adopted a more relaxed expression that did nothing to soothe your nerves. "Well, for the last ten years you gave me quite the chase, cher. Always on the move, never stopping, from one part of the ring to the other. And then there's that seven year gap." He muttered to himself that last part.
You still felt on the verge of a panic attack. Your body couldn't and wouldn't stop shaking, and felt like reality was blurring around you. Everything was happening too fast, it brought you back to that night decades ago when you found that your beloved father had actually been a serial killer. It almost felt like it was mere minutes ago.
Alastor knew of your discomfort, your fear. He could see it as clear as a day, he could almost taste it. He had always enjoyed tasting the fear on his victims, but yours only left an aftertaste of bitterness in his mouth. It was rotten, putrid and nauseating. Maybe because it was the only fear he should never had a taste of. Watching you like this also brought him back to the night he lost you.
As he held your unmoving body in his arms, for a couple of seconds his brain stopped functioning, unable to accept what had just happened. The pain he felt was just like someone had ripped his chest open and pulled out his still beating heart, only to crush it, leaving an empty and cold hole in its place.
He had taken you to your room and laid you in the bed, tucking you in. You looked so peaceful, if your face and clothes weren't stained with blood he would have believed you were sleeping. But you would never wake up again.
The next couple of days passed in a blur, tracking down the man who had dared to do this to you and then run away, and giving him his fair punishment. And as he dragged his mutilated body through the forest... Well... the rest is history.
"Anyways! All's well that ends well! Now I found you, and you won't need to worry anymore!" His chirpy radio filtered voice portrayed some genuine happiness that didn't reach you. The bond and trust that used to tie you two together, had been damaged beyond repair. And Alastor knew. That didn't mean he was going to give up, though.
Before he had the chance to make things even more awkward between you two, the door bursted open, revealing several people behind it.
"Oh, you're awake, that's so great! We were all sooo worried since Al suddenly brought you here, and you seemed passed out, we didn't know if you were alive or-" The blonde haired demon kept rambling, but you barely listened to her, way too much in shock. Behind her, there was a bunch of demons: a winged cat who would be rather doing anything else than be there, a tiny cyclops with a psychotic and perky smile; a spider demon who, if anything, looked confused; a taller cyclops demon girl who found the dirt in her nails to be way more interesting than you, and some kind of moth demon girl? You wondered if they all were going to participate in your slaughter or were just going to watch.
"-aaaand who were you again?" The blonde demon asked with an awkward smile.
"I'm very glad you're asking! Because this is no other than my beloved little girl!" Alastor opened his arms widely in a dramatic form of presentation as the sound effect of a studio crowd cheering mixed with his voice.
"Wha- hold the fuck up? Your daughter??? Didn't you sing to Luci-?"
One glare full of murderous intention and loud static was enough for the spider demon to shut up.
"Now, now, how about we let the newest addition to our merry little band have a well deserved rest." Your dad not so gently pushed the uninvited guests back towards the door.
"Addition? Is she our new guest?" The moth-like demon girl asked.
Alastor's face darkened and loud static filled the room. "A҉b҉s҉o҉l҉u҉t҉e҉l҉y҉ ҉n҉o҉t҉.҉". He swapped back to his more charming persona. "She'll be joining our facility as an assistant!" His tone admitted no further questioning, and, quite reluctantly, the staff and guests left the room.
So that's the story about how you ended working in the Hazbin Hotel.
Your work was mainly small chores or helping others. Nifty needed help to clean the rooms? You were there. Someone needed you to take cover at the reception? On it. Whatever tiny task someone needed help with, you had to do it.
You were not allowed to leave the hotel. Alastor made sure of that. Wherever you went, he made sure some of his shadows followed if he was not around, just to keep you controlled; although he'd rather call it, 'lovingly checking on his little baby'. It really was not needed, even if you didn't trust nobody there and your guard was still up, where else would you go? It was literal hell outside.
Years of hiding and living in constant fear of death or something worse had left you extremely mistrustful and fearful of people. There were times were you believed this was all a ruse to lure you into a false sense of security and then hit you were it hurt most.
It's not like you didn't believe in Charlie's dream, it was just you couldn't believe it could be possible, your father had very sincerely stated that he was just sponsoring it because he loved watching doomed souls struggle to achieve something meaningful and then fail spectacularly. Of course he did.
So, at least you had a roof over your head, enough food to eat, and a no-killing rule inside the hotel. Things could be worse.
Yet, there was still something inside you, something that you so desperately tried to let go but were unable to, as it had rooted itself deeply inside your mind and heart.
It started with small things, maybe a loud sound, maybe a bit of blood, it didn't matter because you could already feel yourself breathing heavily and sweating. It was like the entire world vanished around you. You couldn't breath, you couldn't think, your mind was on edge and your heart felt like it was going to burst out of your chest. You were completely paralized with fear, your hands shaking furiously, making you drop whatever you were holding.
These episodes started becoming more and more frequent, the more you tried to fight against them, the stronger they became. Whenever Charlie, Vaggie or any guest tried to ask you about them you always tried to brush them off, not wanting them to see it as a weak spot to exploit.
After several episodes and you refusing to open yourself, Alastor had enough of watching you suffer and decided to take matters into his own hands. So, he took you to Rosie.
If you expected something out of a place called 'Cannibal Town' it certainly wasn't that. It looked so... normal, like any other town you would have found back in your time. Well, if you ignored the people eating an entire corspe on the street. Your father gently moved your face to face front, because apparently it was rude to stare.
Oh Rosie immediately adored you. 100% godmother material. That southern belle couldn't wait to pamper you and dress you up in all kinds of fancy clothes.
Talking to Rosie was surprisingly, easy, if you looked over her cannibalistic tendencies. She kindly offered you some fresh fingers, but quickly backed up when she saw you turning green, jokingly saying "Ah, teenagers and their diets."
Sessions with Rosie always left you crying and drained but in a positive way, you felt like a huge load had been lifted off your shoulders. It may be a long road ahead but it was a great start.
Talking to Vaggie also helped. Turns out being a former exterminator had left not only physical but psychological scars on her. The first months after she had been left to die in hell had also been very struggling for her. She helped you with breathing exercises, held your hands when they started shaking, and even was willing to teach you some self defence. Which your dad opposed to.
Charlie was... Charlie, always positive and upbribing but also respecting your boundaries, you were almost starting to belive she was being genuine.
There was another member of the staff who had not been present when you were first brought there and you had yet to meet. The King of Hell himself, Lucifer. Just knowing he could be there send shivers down your spine, wondering what kind of diabolical entity could he be. When you first saw that 4' overly excited manchild, at first you thought it was a joke.
Lucifer took a liking to you pretty easily, much to the annoyance of Alastor. He was curious about how someone as innocent and young as you could have ended in a place like that and vowed to protect you if someone ever gave you trouble. Your dad is seething. "Here, take this." And he just gives you a toy duck who backflips and makes the cutest rubber ducky noise. You loved it. Your dad is about to break the no-killing rule.
Alastor tried to win back your trust and love, even if he knew it was going to be a long and arduous task. He didn't care. He just got you back he was never letting you go.
He may not believe entirely in Charlie's dream, but he knew that if it was possible the one who had more chances to go straight to Heaven would be you. And he was not having that.
Alastor briefly considered making a deal to own your soul, just to ensure your safety and his control.
Up to this day he still doesn't know how you ended down there, and can't wait for the day when you will trust him enough to tell him.
He will respect your boundaries begrudgingly, he is your dad, he knows best. Will play nice and let you take your time with things. He will quietly show support for your emotional progress and make light physical contact, just enough to be supportive and not freak you out.
He cooks for you, and only you. The old homemade grandma's recipes he used to make back in your living times. At first, you didn't trust it, thinking he could have poisoned it. But the second you tasted his Jambalaya you felt like crying. Not only because after ninety years barely eating you were famished, but because for a couple of seconds, something there in the taste and smell had brought you back to simpler times. (like the Ratatouille guy)
Alastor truly desires to hear you call him 'Dad' again, you had yet to do so. Yes, you recognise him as your father, but after everything it just pains you to address him as such. It's like your dad and Alastor were two separate people. The loving father vs the serial killer, the guardian vs the Radio Demon.
He really loves you very much and it's been hard on him to keep that much distance from his little fawn. So he takes out his frustration on others, don't turn the radio on when he tells you not to.
And with time, his efforts were rewarded. Somewhat. You seemed to have gotten a bit more comfortably around him, at least you didn't flinch or recoil anytime he approached you. But you couldn't forget, you couldn't overlook the fact that he was a murderer and a cannibal and still doubted if anything you two had lived together had been truly genuine.
Honestly, it offended him that you would even think that way. Wasn't he there for you, always? Didn't he protect you from the darkness of the outside world during your living times? Wasn't he, as a father, devoted enough to his fawn?
But of course, actions spoke louder than words, and his actions had left too many cracks in your trust. But he will keep trying to win you back. Alastor's very patient demon, he has all the time in the world.
Y̸̗͉̺̱͂̕o̸̧̯̞̟̰̪̗̱̳̱̎̈̿̄̄͛̅͝͝û̴̦͔̹͈̣̥̾͛͑͗͋̅̏̂̚ͅ ̷̭͋̈͛̽͒̅̀̈́́̚ă̷̢̢̖̦͕̞͚͔̻̳̅̇̃͌̿͐̄̃̕r̵̨̢̺̦͇͚̙̈́̅̽́̊͠ę̶̺̖͋̐͐͌͘͠͝ ̶̖̲͎̜̮͚͉̰̒n̵̢͕̝͖̗̜̣̾̾̇̾̅̽͊͘ǫ̴̼̺̠̱̦̘̒̈̎̿̇́̔̉t̴͙͇̼̱̻̦̦͔̖͙̍͌ ̸̩̂́̎͒͘g̶͔͚̰̺͔͉͓͍͔̈́̽̈́͋͘͜o̵̹͔̫͚̼͚͒͑į̷̧̫͔̹͉̰̘̮̍͋͒̈n̸̢͕̙̙̞͔̓͐̓ͅg̵͖͇̜͚̗͙̤̫̱̝̉̂́̚ ̴̪̂͑̓̊͛a̷̖̞͊̄̈́͑͋̈́̄͘n̶̻̟̙̝̪̩͂̋͗ẏ̸̨̛̱̱͇̱͖̤͕̥͛́̍̂͛̕͠w̸̛̖͎̫̑h̵͔̝̣̀ẹ̵̝͍̳̟͚̪̍̒͋̒̀̊̏r̷̨͉͉̒̑̉̒̄̎̓̎͜͝͠ȅ̸̩͇̳.̵̠̪̖̍͂͠.
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wynnyfryd · 1 year ago
Trailer Park Steve AU part 7
part 1 | part 6 | chapter 1 on ao3
cw: panic attack, ptsd flashback to minor character death, graphic depictions of… food? lol
Dinner is exactly as chaotic as Steve expected it to be. He and Claudia take opposite end seats with a glass of red wine each, and the kids take the middle and start acting like a pack of caffeinated raccoons: talking over each other, scraping forks against plates, stretching their entire upper bodies across the table and dragging their sleeves through the side dishes instead of just asking someone to pass them the butter; Steve’s starting to wonder if any of these kids have ever eaten at a table before, or if they maybe just wandered in from the surrounding woods. Feral asses.
When they do start asking for things, he regrets wishing they would, because Lucas goes “Erica, can you pass me the salt?” and Erica sneers “I don’t know, can I?” and Mike jabs “Whatever; nobody says ‘may’ anymore, you dork” and Claudia gasps “Michael!” and it all escalates from there until Dustin tries to catapult lasagna off the end of his fork and hits Steve in the side of the head with a glob of warm cheese.
Silence falls around the room.
The cheese plops onto his plate.
“Sh-ii-it,” Dustin breathes, face stuck in wide-eyed shock.
Steve gives Claudia an imploring look.
“Why don’t we clear the table for dessert?”
The commotion starts up again in double time, everyone scrambling to clean up and clear the room before Steve starts bitching about them messing up his hair (and his plate, and his clothes, because the cheese splash sent a spray of little tomato sauce droplets splattering all over him, and isn’t that just perfect; he’s gonna have to hand-scrub the stain out of his khakis), so it’s just him and Dustin left when Dustin’s elbow catches and tips over his wine.
The liquid spills onto his plate: dark, and red, oozing into the uneaten scraps of sauce and cheese and pasta to form a viscous, fleshy sludge. Red like his dad’s office, like his father’s mangled thigh, and it’s just food it’s just food it’s not blood it’s not blood but he can’t fucking breathe, can’t hearing anything beyond the wet, gasping sounds his dad made the night he died, and then he realizes that he’s making them, mouth moving fruitlessly around air that won’t pass, trapped in the bottleneck of his choked-off windpipe.
“Steve?” Dustin asks, and his voice sounds far away. “Shit, shit, Steve! Can you hear me? Are you choking? I know the Heimlich, just- just hold on!”
He snaps out of it when Dustin pulls him halfway from his chair, gets his fists under his ribs and all but punches the air from his lungs. It sets off a nasty coughing fit that leaves Steve snotty and ready to hurl, and he braces himself with his forearms on his knees and stares hard at the ground until the hacking finally stops.
There’s a scuff on his sneakers.
He can’t replace them any time soon.
A moment to catch his breath, and Dustin’s shaking him by the shoulders. “Are you okay??”
Steve keeps his head bowed. “Yeah.” He needs to get the fuck out of here. “Yeah, I’m good.”
He rises from his chair, grateful that everyone else already cleared out before they could witness his little moment, that the blare of the TV from the family room covered the sound of his retching coughs; more grateful still that they won’t notice him now, scampering out of here with his tail between his legs. “Hey listen, man, I’m not feeling so well,” he says absently, fishing his keys from the pocket of his jeans. “Can you get your mom to drive everyone home?”
“Shouldn’t you stay?” Dustin frowns in concern. “If you’re sick? You can go lie down in my room or something, it’s—”
“—Nah, man; I mean, thanks, but…” His hand trembles around his keys, the muscles in his calves screaming bolt, bolt, bolt. “I just- I gotta go.”
He makes a break for it, rushing out the side door so no one else will see him leave (and he knows it’s fucking rude to head out without saying goodbye, but he’s also pretty convinced he’s going to combust if he doesn’t go right now.) “Tell your mom I said thanks, okay?”
“Tell her yourself!” Dustin chases after him, clumsy and slow across the darkened yard. “Dude, will you slow down? Talk to me!”
Steve throws himself into his car like there’s a demodog on his heels. “I’ll call you!”
“What the fuck!” Dustin shouts, but Steve’s already gone.
part 8
tagging a few people i know have been following along 🩷 @slowandsteddie @paintsplatteredandimperfect @stevesbipanic @pennyplainknits @ledleaf @hellion-child @formosusiniquis @missjashin @runninriot @xpaperheartso @steddieas-shegoes
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sparkywrites25 · 5 months ago
Summary: You're struggling in the aftermath of a mission. Amid the beauty of autumn, Levi finds you.
Pairing: Levi Ackerman x Reader
Inspiration: Credit goes to @creativepromptsforwriting for some of the prompts that I used. Here is the post.
TW: descriptions of death and violence as well as symptoms and mentions of anxiety/PTSD especially flashbacks and panic attacks.
Taglist: @youre-ackermine @galactic3a @notgoodforlife @ladycheesington
Notes: If you like my work and want to see more then please join my taglist. Form is pinned on my blog.
Your footsteps crunch satisfyingly against the browning leaves beneath your boots. You enjoy the harsh, crisp sound as you march across the grounds to the thick woodland surrounding the base. Under the stunning rays of sunset, the forest shines in various shades of golden-brown, green and red. The leaves that drop to the ground are beautiful in their variety before they land with their comrades and disappear into the autumnal mulch of the earth, turning to bits under your weight. 
Huffing quietly, you lower your head and continue onward, a scowl twisting its way across your features. Away from the prying eyes of your comrades and commanders alike, you allow your feelings to fully settle over you. Your first ball into fists so tight that your nails scratch deeply at your palms and your shoulders are so squared that they ache already.
Each puff of air is sucked in and inhaled quickly, each one shallower than the one before. You let your stride increase, your anger pouring off you in waves as you retreat deeper and deeper into the forest. The colourful, bright ways of sunset begin to disappear behind the thickening shade of the trees. 
The scent of apples hits you immediately and your stomach surges in immediate, nostalgic delight. In those brief seconds, you are back home watching your mother serve up the family treat of apple pie, the apples produced from the family orchard. Or you’re running through the orchard with your friends, ducking behind trees and lying down flat behind brushes and bramble. Or you’re strolling under the trees with a basket, plucking down the ripest-looking apples and adding them to your basket, beaming with pride at the growing pile there and then comparing the collection to the ones sitting in your siblings’ baskets.
Back before you killed anyone. 
The thought brings you a stop and for a moment you can’t breathe as the images hit you again: comrades swallowed up in horrific, gaping mouths, riders racing towards their endangered comrades only for a surprise grab to pluck them out of their intentions and their lives, and the remains of bodies and blood streaming the plains around the titans. 
You reach out a hand to the nearest tree to steady yourself as the stench of iron and death overtakes you at once. You gag under it and bring your fist to your mouth at once. 
You’re a useless captain. You should have just taken the loss and focused on the mission. You should have protected your squad. Maybe you wouldn’t have lost half of them. 
It was so simple at the time; the possibility of saving the new recruits and minimizing casualties. It was a sick twist of fate that your decision had resulted in more casualties. 
You lean against the tree and slide down it until you have slumped onto the ground. You stretch out your legs and you feel your anger draining out of you as your intrusive thoughts take hold. Anxiety swirls like a maelstrom, filling up your body with a dizzying, queasy feeling of regret. The faces of your team, the ones who will never come home again, drift in front of your face, like their ghosts are taunting you. 
Why shouldn’t they?
You let out a shuddering breath, a strange, strangled sound escaping you when you think of Commander Erwin’s announcement this morning. The next mission would be delayed. There was talk of that being the last one before expeditions halted for the winter. You smile mirthlessly. Once upon a time, that would have irritated you. You would have been chomping at the bit to get out there again. 
Now titans are chomping on your team. 
You pass a hand over your face, closing your eyes as that weight falls over you again, the heaviness of responsibility, of the consequences of your decision. The same burden of dread and hindsight that hovers over you at night, sapping sleep away from you before it can land.
Your breathing is coming out in shallow, quicker pants. You stretch out your hands either side, feeling for the earth around you. Your left hand closes around the nearest object - something smooth and lukewarm. You turn your head to look at the smooth, round object in your fingers. Your see a chestnut, free of its spiky case, sitting in the lowest dip of your hand. You clutch onto it instinctively, hanging onto it steady firmness as you breathe deep.
On your other side, your fingers meet with the familiar shape of acorns. You trace the shapes of them with your fingers. The motion helps with the increasing struggle to breathe. You can feel some of the nervous energy disappearing into the movement and you gasp for breath, trying to take in more air. 
You’re so weak. You’re pathetic. 
How you ended up in this position, you suddenly can’t remember? Why did the higher ups think that they could trust you? What made them think that they could trust you? They made a mistake. That much is very clear. You can’t even breathe properly. 
You hold onto the acorns and the chestnut, focusing on the grip and trying to breathe as slowly and deeply as you can. Unfortunately this isn’t the first time you’ve felt like this. You just have to wait. You keep your fingers moving over the acorns and then move your fingers over the chestnut as well. You feel some of the anxiety beginning to ebb away little by little. 
“Planning on camping here all night?” Captain Levi questions as he steps out from behind some trees to your left. You jerk at the arrival, cursing yourself for not spotting him. 
Too busy panicking about nothing, huh?
You swallow and look away from him, trying not to focus on how put-together he still looks after a day of training and official duties. Not even a hair looks out of place. 
“It’s not a crime to seek out some peace and fucking quiet,” you snap at him between gritted teeth, your fingers still trying to work off the worst of your feelings. 
The famous captain slowly strides over to stand in front of you, frowning at you as if he can’t believe that you’re actually sitting in the dirt. In fact, that’s probably exactly what he thinks, you muse. 
“You shouldn’t be on your own when this happens,” he reminds you.
“I don’t exactly get advance warning,” you bite back. 
“You’ve been stressed to hell all day.”
“So? I’m often stressed. I’m used to it.” You exhale, feeling your breathing beginning to steady at last. Your eyes flutter closed with the rising relief of the feeling of air actually settling in your lungs properly. 
“Hange told you to go and see them if you were this stressed.”
“Yeah because running to my superior officer every time I get pissy is a real good look.”
Levi crouches down, his kneecaps inches from the ground and his eyes, as grey-blue as pale slate, meet yours intensely. “Everyone needs to take a breather. That includes you.”
“Why should I when I don’t deserve it?” you question, your brows furrowing.
He’s silent for a moment, still staring into your eyes. He looks like he’s reading you. “You made a tough call. You did what you could. Sometimes it goes to shit. That’s not on you.”
“They would be alive because of me,” you whisper. 
“Not necessarily. If we’d advanced further, we could have run into another titan horde and lost even more lives.” Levi frowns at you. “You can’t know what would have happened. We’ll never know that shit. Once we make a choice, anything else is gone forever. All you can do is choose what you’ll regret the least.” Levi’s words are calm but firm at the same time.
You lower your gaze to the leaves between your legs. You can feel yourself steadying now that your breathing is returning to normal. You think about your options back then on the mission. Would you have regretted leaving the recruits to it? Would you be haunted by that instead of this? Was it always going to end with you sat in the woods having a panic attack?
You sit there silently, mulling over your thoughts. Levi remains crouched but he stops staring at you, gazing around the forest instead. It takes you a few minutes to realize that he’s keeping an eye out for trouble while you recuperate. You feel a swell of gratitude and something deeper at the thought. 
Eventually you clear your throat and your fingers release the acorns and the chestnut. You start to pick yourself but suddenly Levi’s hands clasp around your elbows and he hauls you to your feet. 
You’re unsettled by his strength and so when you are upright, your feet stumble, unprepared for the sudden weight again. You topple into Levi who catches you against his chest. Your face is instantly nose to nose with his and your heartbeat begins to quicken for an entirely different reason. 
He’s staring at you for a moment, his mouth ever so slightly open as his eyes dart down to your lips for a moment. His arms move around you, holding you to him. 
You don’t want to move. You want to stay there, wrapped up in his arms. You want to stay in this little bubble, out here in the trees away from titans and tragedy. 
Levi leans in a little, like he’s going to touch his lips to yours. Like he’s done so many times before already, in the darkness and in the privacy of his office or yours. Part of you wants him to, to linger here together a little longer. 
But your breathing is quickening again and Levi pulls himself out of the daze that holds you both. His arms around you shift so that his hands hold your elbows again. 
“Come on,” is all he says and you nod, getting your bearings and stepping back from the hold. Once he’s sure that you’re steady, he lets go and you feel the absence of his touch. 
Soon you’re walking through the woods again but this time, the rage and fear has calmed.
An hour later, you are settled in one of the chairs beside Levi’s fireplace, a large mug of pumpkin spice tea in your hands and the comforting presence of your little black furball, Sooti, in your lap. 
The dark little kitten snoozes happily against your stomach and you lower one hand to brush against her soft fur. The motion eases away some more of the earlier anxiety. 
You smile towards Levi who is working quietly at his desk behind several stacks of paperwork. His jacket and cravat have been put away and the top buttons of his shirt are undone. At last, a few strands of his hair are falling into his eyes. 
You say nothing to interrupt him, just reflecting on how lucky you are to have him, and all of the good things in your life. You’re grateful to be able to see that clearly again. 
After taking a sip of your tea, you turn to gaze into the firelight, feeling your body relaxing once again. The crackling of the fire and Sooti’s purring fill the air, and your heart with peace. 
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coriphallus · 2 years ago
Nuance is dead apparently so I’ll be very very blunt. After I got SA’d (for the first time) I had a slutty streak that didn’t help matters. Since I didn’t feel one way or the other about sex I used it for various purposes, I was very liberal with my body.
After I had one mind blowing experience with a woman I too thought I’m magically cured and good to have tons of healthy sex, I too participated in orgies and such and found myself dissociating. I didn’t want to admit to myself that I’d be ‘broken’ forever so I kept pushing it.
I have seen how it affects the people I’ve been with, too. From denial “but you liked when we were doing x/y/z” to dread “omg did I do something horrible?!”
What I did was harmful, for sure, but it was a kind of self harm born out of desperation. I did it to myself, I had a choice to walk away, and I didn’t. Half the time I didn’t even know I had that choice and I blamed other people for forcing me.
I am fine now, my mistakes are how I learned to know myself better and be at peace with my sexuality.
I know I’m not alone in this because it was another survivor who eventually convinced me to seek professional help. And I see a lot of people relating to astarions flavour of trauma in a very specific way, so I don’t think I’m being delusional.
When y’all write things like “of course astarion would hate the foursome, his story was concluded at the graveyard scene, we didn’t need to see that” it makes me think that well yes, maybe you did. Maybe it’s good that you did see it in a video game in fact, so you could learn how real people deal with these things from a fictional setting.
The graveyard scene is incredibly clear in stating that it’s the beginning of his story. Now he’s gonna fuck up a bunch. And I’m not sorry to throw this out there but no tav’s cunt/dick is good enough to cure 200 years of trauma
(This is not about HCs or smut writers, I too draw astarion smut on the side. go nuts show nuts w/e. It’s about a very specific kinda response I got to a previous post)
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livwritesstuff · 8 months ago
When I got my wisdom teeth out, the nurses all told my mom to film me when I woke up. Well, when I woke up I just cried and cried the whole hour long ride home. Suffice to say, she did not record me. I feel like Steve may also have a similar experience
yeah I think it would be rough.
i was doing some research (because my psych-brain doesn't let me ramble about what are ultimately psychological phenomena without doing at least a little research first), and there are some recent studies finding that PTSD can increase the likelihood of complications with anesthesia -- especially with emergence delirium.
i can definitely see middle-aged steve needing to be put under for some procedure and coming out of the anesthesia fully convinced that he's eighteen again and he's being held captive in a secret russian bunker underneath a mall in Indiana, and it is awful.
I also think it would be a situation where Eddie is completely dropping his goofy, pestering, drama act to be an advocate for Steve, informing staff early-on that there's pretty much guaranteed to be some kind of trauma-based reaction if they don't take precautions, staying completely checked-in throughout everything to make sure everyone is following the plan, making sure Steve has privacy, and all that.
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arcsimper5 · 10 months ago
Spoilers for TBB S3 Finale under the cut, just a bit of clarification on what I've been posting about since the finale.
I've lost quite a few followers and had some odd comments directed at me for this, so I wanted to just go a bit more in depth on my gripes.
I want to preface this by saying, I enjoyed the finale. I've glad they got their happy ending, I'm glad we got old man Hunter and grown up Omega and they got their peace.
What bothers me the most is Crosshair.
To put this into context, Jennifer Corbett is a Navy veteran. She has seen combat. She has almost definitely seen people affected by PTSD, if not affected by it herself.
Crosshair's hand tremor was a result of PTSD from the torture and the attempted conditioning.
PTSD is a serious, sometimes lifelong condition which can limit what someone can do. Triggers differ for everyone, as do the causes, but as someone who also has PTSD, though mine is from childbirth and the trauma associated, I get shivery and clammy and have panic attacks if I hear certain stimuli, smell certain smells.
Crosshair was meditating. He was coming to terms with his PTSD and how it WAS in his control if he worked on it.
To end all of that, basically going 'PTSD is stored in the hand, lol', was an insult.
Taking his hand was a stupid writing choice. Not only because it served literally no narrative purpose (the bridge scene would have been SO MUCH MORE IMPACTFUL IF CROSSHAIR'S HAND HAD STOPPED SHAKING BECAUSE HE HAD TO SAVE OMEGA), but also because, from that point on, Crosshair's PTSD is never addressed again.
He's cured! Right?! Because they cut off the thing that was being affected by his BRAIN, so there's NO MORE PROBLEMS.
It's cheap. It's lazy. It's poor writing.
The second half of the finale reeks of being rushed and cut and glued back together incoherantly.
We don't get closure for anyone other than Hunter. They sit under the tree, and Crosshair and Wrecker are SILENT.
I expected MORE. The focus on Crosshair and his hand has been intense this whole season, it's been a huge plot point.
But now the hand's gone, so it's all good.
I've seen some people saying that it 'freed' Crosshair from being a sniper.
But you know what? He could have freed himself. He didn't need a personal attack (by a clone who turned out to be no-one - salty about that for other reasons). He could have done it with the love and support of his family.
I expected better from a veteran. That's what's miffed me. I expected better from a writing team being trusted to deal with PSTD.
So I'll leave you with this, because I'm frustrated, but I know it's just a show, and I'm going to let it go.
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irondadmadlads · 1 year ago
Irondad Prompt #199:
Peter: Just because I have the symptoms of PTSD doesn’t mean I have PTSD. I haven’t been diagnosed so the symptoms aren’t valid
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1heartfanfics · 2 months ago
Carlos has PTSD after 4x04 part 2.
"Dude," Nancy said, reaching over to nudge T.K. as she pulled the ambulance into the bay of the station.
"Huh?" T.K. asked, looking up from his phone. "What?" he asked when Nancy didn't say anything. She finished parking and then nodded her toward something. Confused, T.K. looked over to where she was gesturing.
"Shit," he muttered, realizing what she'd been trying to tell him.
Carlos was sitting at the table in the stations dining area. What was he doing here?
Despite insisting that T.K. go back to work, he knew that Carlos struggled while he was gone. Especially after dark. Most nights T.K. would come home to find Carlos anxiously pacing the apartment or bouncing his legs nervously at the kitchen counter, unshed tears welling in his eyes.
But Carlos barely went anywhere these days, even with T.K. Aside from his weekly therapy sessions and the occasional walk around the block with T.K. he just stayed at the apartment. He certainly hadn't driven himself anywhere since everything happened.
"Is that Carlos?" Tommy asked, poking her head up from the back of the rig as Nancy finished parking.
"Yes," Nancy answered when T.K. didn't say anything. His thoughts were racing, trying to think of what might have happened that was bad enough for Carlos to come here.
"Is everything okay?" Tommy glanced back and forth between T.K. and Nancy, trying to figure out what was going on.
T.K. hadn't really told anyone how bad things were. Carlos hadn't wanted people to know. Nancy was the only one who had some idea, because she was the person T.K. worked most closely with, and she'd always been able to tell when T.K. was lying.
"I don't know..." Nancy trailed off, both of them watching as T.K. hopped down out of the rig, heading quickly over to Carlos.
Judd was sitting at the table opposite Carlos, while his Dad leaned back against the counter. They both looked over at T.K. as he approached, their faces asking 'what's going on?'.
Carlos was staring down at his hands in his lap, one leg bouncing quickly. But T.K. knew that wasn't what they were concerned about. He knew they were looking at the dark circles under Carlos's eyes and how gaunt his face looked from the weight he'd lost, unable to eat much most days.
"Hey Carlos, your boy's here," Judd said, as T.K. got close.
Carlos's head snapped up, turning to look at T.K. as he walked toward the table. He fumbled over himself to scoot the chair back and stand.
"T.K.?" Carlos's voice shook, and T.K. knew he was close to tears.
"Baby," T.K. said softly, reaching out toward Carlos as he closed the distance between them.
As T.K. grabbed Carlos's shoulder to pull him into a hug Carlos let out a sob. He immediately pressed himself against T.K., arms circling tightly around his back, face pressed into his shoulder.
"Okay, okay. I've got you baby," T.K. murmured in Carlos's ear, keeping one arm wrapped tightly around Carlos's waist while the other hand moved to tangle in Carlos's curls, something that always helped calm him down.
Judd and Owen were both watching, looking at T.K. with confusion and concern written on their faces. 'Is he okay?' Owen mouthed. T.K. just shook his head. He'd have to explain later.
"C'mon love, let's go upstairs," T.K. said, pulling Carlos away from him slightly. He kept one arm wrapped around his waist, leading him through the kitchen and up the stairs to their bunks with a hand on his hip.
When they stepped into the bunkroom, Marjan, Paul, and Mateo all looked up from where they'd been chatting on Marjan's bunk. Their expression quickly changed from excited to worried when they saw Carlos pressed against T.K.'s side, crying into his shoulder.
Marjan opened her mouth to say something, but quickly stopped when T.K. gave a quick shake of his head. Then he silently led Carlos over to his bunk, helping him sit down at the edge of the bed.
Hushed voices came from the other side of the bunkroom as T.K.'s colleagues spoke. Carlos jumped, eyes going wide as he looked around the room.
"Hey, hey, it's okay, just look at me alright? Eyes on me," T.K. said, crouching down in front of Carlos and taking both hands in his.
Out of the corner of his eye, T.K. saw the three firefighters leaving the bunkroom. Mateo caught his eye for just a second as he pulled the door shut behind them. T.K. wondered what Nancy had told him, because unlike everyone else he seemed to have a look of understanding.
"Breathe baby, you're safe here," T.K. said, turning his full attention back to Carlos. He took in a slow, deep breath, modeling for Carlos to follow.
"Hey there," T.K. said once Carlos had taken a few good slow breaths. He moved from his crouched position in front of Carlos to sit next to him on the bed.
"I-I'm sorry, for coming here, I just-" Carlos started shakily.
"Baby don't. You are always welcome here," T.K. cut him off, reaching over to cup Carlos's cheek in his hand, turning his face toward him. "Always," he said again, ducking his head to meet Carlos's eyes.
"I just needed to see you," Carlos whispered, tears starting to spill down his cheeks again.
"I'm right here," T.K. said. He took Carlos's face in both of his hands, swiping the tears away with his thumbs as they fell. Carlos leaned forward to press his forehead to T.K.'s.
They stayed that way for a few minutes, until T.K. pulled away. He silently maneuvered them so T.K. was leaned back against the wall behind his bunk with Carlos curled up against his chest.
The bunkroom door opened, and his Dad peaked his head in. Thankfully Carlos didn't notice, but T.K. shook his head. Silently asking his Dad not to come in. Owen nodded in understanding, but he lingered in the doorway. T.K. gave a small shrug and a wince. They'd talk later. For now he just needed to take care of Carlos.
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thatzombieinafedora · 9 days ago
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poor guy, he just wanted to live a happy life with his family.
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doodle-pops · 9 months ago
Lords of Gondolin | Dating Reader Who Has PTSD
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Request: Headcanons on how the lords of Gondolin would support an SO with PTSD? (Assuming it’s from childhood, not only war, tho that’s probably true for most of middle earth by the fourth age LOL.) - Anon
A/N: I decided to make the request ambiguous, not specifying where the trauma came from and the type, and focused on how they would care for you as a survivor. So you, the reader, can decide the type of trauma.
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𓏲⋆ ִֶָ ๋𓂃 ⋆ Galdor
Galdor would be exceptionally patient and understanding, offering a steady presence that is always there to listen. He would never push you to talk about your trauma, always waiting for you to open up when you were ready.
His strong, comforting presence would often be felt in the form of gentle touches—a hand on the back, a warm embrace, or simply holding hands. He would use his physical presence to convey safety and support.
He’s aware that nighttime can be particularly daunting for someone with PTSD, Galdor would stay awake, watching over you to ensure you felt safe. Furthermore, he would often wake you from nightmares with soothing words and a calm demeanour.
As someone with a gentle touch and soul, he would create a safe space for you, meticulously arrange your living quarters or design a new wing in the estate to become a haven of peace and tranquillity.
Galdor would engage in activities that can help you to feel more grounded and present, such as gardening, walking through nature or a secluded section of the garden made for you, or crafting. He would even suggest special blends of herbs and incense to ease your nerves.
He would also encourage you subtly, helping you to engage in social situations and daily activities without feeling overwhelmed or alienated. He knows the fine balance between encouragement and pressure.
𓏲⋆ ִֶָ ๋𓂃 ⋆ Ecthelion
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Known for his musical prowess, Ecthelion would use his skills to soothe you. he would play soft, calming melodies on his flute, creating an environment of peace and tranquillity.
Thel would be incredibly attuned to your emotional needs, offering a shoulder to cry on and always ready with a comforting word. His empathetic nature would make him a perfect confidant.
He would often remind you of your safety, providing gentle reassurance when you feel anxious or triggered. His calm voice would be a constant source of comfort.
You can always count on his protective instincts to be heightened, always ensuring that your environment is secure. He would be super vigilant in keeping potential triggers at bay, creating a bubble of safety around you.
Thel would introduce you to mindfulness and relaxation techniques, guiding you through breathing exercises and meditation to help manage your stress and anxiety. He would even block off an area in his estate to construct a pool or fountain just for you to have your peaceful, meditative, alone moments.
Reading is something to expect with Ecthelion on evenings. He would choose stories that are both engaging and soothing, helping you to relax and feel a sense of comfort before sleep.
𓏲⋆ ִֶָ ๋𓂃 ⋆ Glorfindel
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Glorfindel’s physical would be a source of comfort, often holding you close, wrapping you in his arms or swaddling you in tons of blankets to make you feel safe. His physical presence would be a barrier against fear.
He does understand the need for distraction, so you can count on him taking you on gentle adventures—exploring nature, riding horses, or simply walking under the stars. These activities would help ground you in the present.
Given his extensive experiences and warrior background, Glorfindel would encourage you to learn self-defence or archery, empowering you to feel in control and capable of protecting yourself. This would be done with patience and care, ensuring it’s a positive experience.
Praising and encouragement are a thing to expect of him as well. Small victories would be celebrated, reinforcing your progress with positivity and encouragement. His enthusiasm would be infectious, lifting your spirits.
He would also use his experiences to share tales of heroism and bravery, drawing parallels to your own strength and resilience. You can bet his stories would serve as inspiration as a reminder of your inner power.
You can always count on his loyalty to be unwavering as he stands by your side through your struggles, reinforcing the fact that you are never alone.
𓏲⋆ ִֶָ ๋𓂃 ⋆ Egalmoth
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With his keen emotional intelligence, Egalmoth would express his empathy towards your needs intuitively. He would know when to give you space and when to offer comfort without being told.
We all know that Egalmoth does have a playful and childish side to him, so you can expect to come home one day and learn that he constructed an entirely new wing on the grounds just for you to have a safe space. Plus, it will be filled with all your favourite scented candles, flowers, colours and any other personal mementoes.
He is capable of expressing gentle communication, non-intrusive and always asking how you feel and what you need. Your emotional safety will always be prioritised above all others.
He may not have expressed himself as an eloquent musician like Ecthelion, but Egalmoth can still whip up a tune or request musicians to visit and play something soft or tell light-hearted tales accompanied by background music. Something to bring an extra smile to your face.
Expect him to be consistent and a reliable presence whom you can depend on no matter what. His reliability would be a cornerstone of your sense and safety.
𓏲⋆ ִֶָ ๋𓂃 ⋆ Rog
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Rog’s unwavering strength would be a pillar of support for you. He would be your rock, providing a sense of stability and security that they can always rely on.
He would engage you in physical activities that help release stress and tension, such as sparring, hiking, or working out together. These activities would also serve to strengthen your bond.
Note that Rog would have a straightforward and direct approach to dealing with PTSD, addressing issues head-on but with great sensitivity. He would always be honest, fostering trust through transparency.
He would understand that sometimes words aren’t necessary and that offering comfort through silent companionship is better. Just his simple presence, holding hands, or sitting together would be enough.
At nighttime, Rog would be incredibly attentive, holding you through your nightmares, whispering soothing words, and ensuring they feel safe until they fall back asleep.
He would focus on empowering and encouraging you to take small steps towards overcoming your fears, always there to catch you if you falter. You can’t possibly go wrong with him at your side.
𓏲⋆ ִֶָ ๋𓂃 ⋆ Maeglin
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Maeglin’s own experiences with trauma would give him a deep understanding of your struggles, and he would use this empathy to connect with you on a profound level. His approach would be full of patience and deep understanding.
Comfort in quiet ways would be provided since he prefers quiet moments, such as reading together, sharing a meal, or simply sitting in silence. His presence would be a calming influence.
Maeglin would encourage you to express your emotions through creativity, whether it be writing, drawing, or crafting. He would often join in, creating alongside you. You might be surprised that he finally teaches you how to craft and bring you along to the workshop with him.
His protective instincts would be heightened, always ensuring your environment is safe and free from triggers. He would be vigilant, always looking out for potential sources of distress.
Maeglin would take the time to understand your specific triggers, helping and teaching you how to avoid them whenever possible and helping you to navigate your daily life with minimal stress. If certain triggers can’t be avoided, he’ll make your environment a safe space.
He would also gently encourage you to confront your fears at your own pace, always offering a hand to hold and a reassuring word. His support would be steadfast and unwavering.
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Taglist: @lilmelily @ranhanabi777 @rain-on-my-umbrella @mysticmoomin @asianbutnotjapanese @batsyforyou @stormchaser819 @aconstructofamind @addaigio @lamemaster @elficially-done-with-life @hermaeuswhora @eunoiaastralwings @zheiya
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hurrraaid · 2 years ago
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OKAY so it turns out I have over 50 drawings of my various cod ocs (as well as my friends ocs) so I have no idea how to post it all without spamming. So here's just a handful of various comics.
Tadger ( Sgt Brian mcdougall) is my whore of an oc. Todger and Magpie belong to @twilishark
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ominous-faechild · 8 days ago
CHARACTERS: ✦ Beck Molleur ✦ Dahlia Molleur
story intro moodboard table of contents < last chapter next chapter >
(if it's possible for you to read and listen to lyrical music at the same time, please listen to the music provided ❤️)
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NOTE: this story is centered on two characters in a codependent, toxic marriage. Exact content warnings about the relationship will not be given for plot reasons, so if you have ANY possible worries about that subject matter, I beg of you to be cautious before reading this story. Thank you.
Most topics are implied—haunting the narrative rather than being displayed openly—and this story depicts how one can be trapped in that sort of relationship. It has portrayals of depression, self-hatred, and implied abuse... although I would still like and encourage you to read it.
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Countless images flashed through Beck's mind.
Flooded streets, loose wreckage of destroyed buildings, and rows and rows of suffering people.
It was always like this. Beck was constantly tormented by these kinds of visions. Visions of pain, destruction, and death. Anything and everything going wrong around the world was stuck in his mind, constantly playing again and again and again.
Whether he closed his eyes or had them open, tried going about his day normally or not, he was tormented by visions of misery.
Still, Beck now had his eyes closed, cheek pressed up against the back of a couch, and noise-cancelling headphones over his ears playing soft, calming music.
With his senses stifled, it was easier to focus on the visions. It was easier to see what he shouldn’t be able to see, hear what he shouldn’t be able to hear, and move what he shouldn’t be able to reach.
The soft music coming from his headphones calmed Beck. He’d seen so much suffering in his life that he’d long-since grown almost numb to it, but… that didn’t mean he was okay with it.
He still wanted to help.
So, when he could, when things were “a little too bad”, Beck made an effort to use his powers for good. He’d make small changes where he could—fill in a pothole that’d been untouched for years, trip up someone on the attack, make a stray noise to draw someone’s attention near danger, or manipulate information that could otherwise destroy people’s lives—and try to help people.
… for once in his life.
“Sometimes I for-get… the world doesn’t want me…”
A whole roof had been torn off its building by the vicious winds of a hurricane. It tore through the air, flying toward another home—and suddenly steered away, crashing into the street instead.
“And I won-der where… all of my friends are…”
Hundreds of miles away, cars were bottlenecked at an aging bridge… one that had long-since been shut down for repairs. Not that it’d ever been repaired—but still. It was supposed to be closed.
People were desperate to escape the hurricane, though.
They risked the bridge, and if it hadn’t been for Beck watching over it? It would’ve cracked under the weight of their cars, plunging them all into the hungry waters below.
“But then I remember… I’d pushed them all a-way…”
So much destruction, so much panic, so much chaos—and Beck did his best to help everyone he could in small ways.
To avoid detection.
For plausible deniability.
Few people believed in magic, so what else were they going to believe? That a god walking among them—one they’d otherwise blame for their misfortune—was looking out for them? Or that the wind moved just in time? That the bridge was just a little sturdier than the architects and scientists believed? That Their God, whichever one or ones they believed in, was looking out for them?
Yes. Far better for people to assume those than the truth.
They’d all agreed on that thousands of years ago.
“So where am I? Who am I?” the song continued, melancholic.
“And what will I do… when I don’t ev-en have me?”
The couch shifted under Beck, tilting him to the side, as something landed on his shoulder.
Beck flinched, mind abruptly returning to his body.
Snapping his eyes open, Beck quickly turned to look at what had disturbed him—
A pair of bright green eyes—on the most beautiful face he’d ever seen—met his.
Despite her soft smile, Dahlia's eyebrows were furrowed slightly in concern as she stared at him expectantly.
“Who will I be?” the song continued.
Dahlia was a woman Beck knew well, though her face had changed countless times over the years. Now, she wore one of a brown woman with angular features and a mane of long, curly brown hair. She sat against the couch with one knee, her hand still on his shoulder, and the scent of her lilac perfume washing over him.
Beck swallowed, then cleared his throat awkwardly as he looked away to stare down at the cushion creased under Dahlia's knee. Every fabric of his being screamed against it, but Beck hesitantly grabbed the earpads of his headphones to slowly take them off.
“Where will I g—?” the song lamented, before getting cut off for overpowering silence.
“Beck?” Dahlia's voice interrupted, warm and gentle. “Everything okay?”
A wave of relief flooded over him.
Relaxing and smiling weakly, Beck hesitantly looked back up to meet her eyes.
“Yeah,” he said awkwardly, “just… was working on some stuff.”
Dahlia's soft smile grew faintly teasing. Then, she shifted to sit in his lap, her knees propped up against the cushions outside of his legs. Her hand moved from Beck's shoulder to his cheek as the other went to the backrest over his shoulder.
“Oh, yeah?” Dahlia asked, her tease leaking into her voice. “Like what?”
Beck felt his face flush as he pressed his cheek into her hand.
Letting out a slow, shaky breath, he turned his face away as he placed his headphones to the side and awkwardly wrapped his arm around her. It pulled her close as he stared hard at the headphones, still faintly emitting sound.
“Just… helping out around the hurricane,” Beck said, his voice subtly thick. “You know… without making it too obvious.”
He let out a small, pained laugh, then closed his eyes as he sank his cheek completely into her hand.
Beck's exhaustion leaked into his voice as he added: “not that anyone would question it, anyways. They just thank whatever god they believe in… or consider it ‘miraculous’ and move on…”
The entire couch shifted as Dahlia moved.
Beck tensed slightly, his breath catching in his throat. He quickly opened his eyes and turned his head to once again look at Dahlia.
His wife shifted to fully sit in his lap, leaning her forearms into his chest, cupping her hands around his cheeks, and meeting his eyes with a warm, loving smile.
“Awe, that’s sweet of you, Beck,” she said, voice slightly teasing still.
Then her eyes closed, and she leaned forward.
Beck took a deep breath before following her example.
Dahlia's hands dropped from his cheeks to rub against his chest as she kissed him gently, then slowly deepened it.
Beck struggled to breathe, but carefully kissed her back. Wrapping his arms around her lower back, he lifted her just enough to cross his legs under her and pull her close.
Dahlia paused the kiss—and Beck opened his eyes, though hers remained shut—to speak lightly against his lips.
“Did you know that?” she asked.
He swallowed awkwardly, looking down, not knowing how to answer.
She didn’t give him the time to figure it out. Instead, she quickly went back to kissing him, moving her hands up his chest and to his cheeks, where she rubbed his jaw with her thumbs.
Taking a slow, unsteady breath through his nose, Beck pulled her even closer and tried to just enjoy the kiss.
I love you, Ver, he wanted to say.
But he bit it back, giving her the moment to do whatever she wanted.
Instead, Dahlia pulled away after kissing him for a few more seconds. Her hands moved from his cheeks to his chest again as he met his eyes with another warm smile.
Beck was too caught up in watching every subtle shift in her expression to recognize his own relief.
“I reserved a restaurant for us to eat at tonight,” Dahlia said, a slight, sly smile on her lips. “Bistro Minuit is your favorite, right?”
Face flushing again—hotter this time—Beck hesitantly tore his eyes from hers to stare at the floor, past her hip. At the same time, he moved a hand from her lower back to place it over one of hers on his chest.
“Yeah,” Beck said awkwardly, his voice thick.
Then he gave a weak, dry chuckle, closing his eyes.
“It’s still open?” he asked, his voice weakly amused. “With how fast time goes by—”
“Uxi,” Dahlia interrupted gently. One of her hands—the one not trapped under his—moved to cup itself around his cheek again.
Beck froze, his breath catching in his throat as he quickly returned his eyes to hers.
But Dahlia still had her warm, slightly-teasing smile on her lips.
Her tease leaked into her voice as she answered: “of course it’s still open. I just told you I made reservations, didn’t I?”
Beck's heart twisted, but Dahlia's face was still soft, easygoing.
“—And, besides, I make sure of these things, you know that,” she finished warmly.
She seems fine. Nothing to worry about.
Beck forced a weak smile in return, but then sighed heavily as he closed his eyes and sank his cheek into her hand again. At the same time, he moved his hand from the one on his chest to cup it over hers on his cheek, lovingly sandwiching it between his cheek and hand.
“Yeah,” he answered, voice thick, but level. “You’re right. Sorry, I’d… I’d like that.”
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Unless, yknow, they're "wtf are you writing; stfu". Or "men can't be abused." Keep that kinda shit out.
This is a very heavy story, and will touch on heavy topics... even if only through implication.
(Also to those of you who recognize their names... 🙂)
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