Read the many tales across the multiverse about Percy Jackson and his friends facing old and new enemies. As well as read the many what-ifs tales. The Multiverse is a concept about which we know frighteningly little. So let’s explore it together.[Askbox is open for ideas on FanFictions or questions about my stories]
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Estelle and The Mark of Arachnid: The Trident of Poseidon (Chapter 10)
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Chapter 10: Even My Doctor is Quite... Strange
Disclaimer: The following is a non-profit, fanbase series. Percy Jackson and the Olympians; Heroes of Olympus; Trials of Apollo; Kane Chronicles and Magnus Chase and the Gods of Asgard are owned by Rick Riordan. Spiderman or any concept of him are owned by Marvel Comics and Sony Entertainment. Please support the official releases.
So… after what happened at the CTF event, the adults took us to the medical cabin and gave us a check-up. They first checked up on Sam and saw how she was doing after her little power-up. Sam was confused at first on why she was being checked until I explained to her what happened.
“Wait… so I just went full Ultra Instinct?” She asked.
“That’s totally cheating! And Overpowering!” She yelled. “There’s no way I could use such an overpowering technique this early. Not even Goku mastered it in one day!”
“Relax, it’s not Ultra Instinct,” Annabeth said. “It’s Aura.”
“Aura? What’s that?” Sam asked.
We already talked about this from the last chapter so we’ll just skip that for now. But rest assured, a time will come when Sam’s adventures will be revealed. It is awesome!
After Annabeth explained her theory of Aura, Sam was giving a shock expression.
“Oh my god… or rather, gods. I can’t believe I unlocked an ability that gods can wield!”
“You unlocked it, but you haven’t mastered it,” Annabeth said. “I don’t watch anime, but even you have to know that it takes a lot of training to master such power.”
“True, but still, it’s crazy enough that I’m also a daughter of Athena, let alone have a unique power.”
After the doctors finished up on checking on Sam, they reported that she’s healthy for now. However, they did find a small burn mark under her arm. It may have been the result of her overusing the power without proper training. Unfortunately, there’s no one alive that can guide her to use the power properly. And the gods are forbidden to teach a technique to mortals (Don’t ask why because not even Annabeth knows either). So for now, she’s not allowed to use the power for the time being.
For now, they started their check up on me. Percy was really impatient about it. Annabeth was more worried about the symbol and what it means. I recall what Percy told me about how she fought Arachne and won. Afterwards, they both fell to Tartarus; I guess seeing the symbol brought some horrible memories for both of them. And it’s worse if I have it.
“Anything?” Percy asked.
“Nothing out of the ordinary. Just only these marks that’s on her sleeves,” one of the Apollo kids said.
“Then what about the immense strength she showed earlier? And her fast reflex?!”
“Percy! Calm down!” Annabeth tries to calm Percy down. “I’m sure it can be fixed easily.”
“Now, Estelle, do you know when all these strange abilities start to manifest?” One of the Apollo kids asked.
I shrugged, “Sort of? It may have been around the same time that the spider bit me during the field trip. It kind of appeared near the Tablet that mentions Arachne.”
“Tablet?” Annabeth asked.
I explained to everyone about how a spider appeared near the Tablet of Arachne and then bit me, only to disappear afterward. Then The Vulture appeared and attacked me and Sam. And pretty much, that’s how we were sent to Camp in the first place.
“I see…” One of the kids said.
“What is it?” Percy asked.
“What Estelle has is a simple Curse.”
“A curse? Oh man, am I gonna turn into a giant spider monster?”
The kid sighs, “Unfortunately, we do not know. Curses are not our specialty I’m afraid. And the expert of curses is in California at the moment so there’s no one close by that can help us.”
“No,” Percy replied. “There are a couple of people I know.”
“Really? You know some people, Percy?” I asked. He nodded.
“The most powerful sorcerers we know, The Kane’s.”
The three of us, Percy; Annabeth and I, headed off to Brooklyn to get me checked up and to understand more about my situation. Sam had to be left behind due to her injury during Capture the flag. In the meantime, she will be watching over the kids until we return.
“So… when you say sorcerers…”
“They’re Egyptian sorcerers. Some of the most powerful ones we know so far.”
“Woah…” I said. “I didn’t think such a thing existed.”
“There’s more than just demigods, Estelle. There’s Egyptian magicians, fallen Norse warriors called Einherjar who are sent to Valhalla, Valkyries and Roman demigods,” Annabeth explained.
“Okay, we’re here.”
We all got out of the car and arrived at a tall building. What amazed me was that it was a school with a bunch of students around my age and younger coming and going in uniforms. The crazy part is that I know the school.
“Hold on! Is this the Kane Boarding School Institute?!”
“You heard of it?” Annabeth asked.
“Heard of it?! Sam and I nearly got accepted to the school! Apparently we were highly skilled and were considered to be transferred to KBS.”
“Why didn’t you?” Annabeth asked.
“To be honest, I don’t know.”
“Well anyways, before it was a school, the place was an abandoned warehouse. But Carter decided to expand the House and rebuilt it into a school. It’s a lot bigger inside,” Annabeth explained.
As we entered, one of the administrators greeted us.
“Hello, welcome to Kane Boarding School.”
“Hi Jasmine,” Percy answered. “We’re here to see Carter and Sadie.”
“Ah, Percy Jackson,” Jasmine replied. “It’s good to see you again. Elevator down the hall. Top floor as always. I’ll let them know you’re here.
Percy sighs.
“Thanks Jasmine.”
As we left and heading down, Percy commented about how much he hates elevators. Apparently, he had to escape Tartarus by an elevator and started playing Pina Colada as he watched his friends in Tartarus suffer in front of him.
I don’t know if I should find that funny or traumatizing.
Anyways, we started heading down the hall, I noticed that kids were looking at us, well, me specifically. They weren’t being curious; they were being more cautious instead. The elevator that was at the end of the hall opened and we all entered. Percy pushed the button to the top floor and it closed. And you wanna know what song it was playing?
Walk Like an Egyptian by the Bangles.
Kinda funny in a cosmic way. Going to visit some sorcerers of Egypt; on an elevator, listening to Walk Like an Egyptian.
I started humming to the lyrics and swayed a bit. Couldn’t help it, it’s a good song.
“You really love the classics, don’t you Estelle,” Percy commented.
What can I say, I have a… bizarre taste.
And before you ask, YES! THIS IS A JOJO REFERENCE!
I’m sorry…
Anyways, the elevator opened and reached the roof and what I saw amazed me to this day.
“Woah…” I said.
It was a huge mansion and at the front was a wooden door with no knob or handles.
“So, uh, do we knock or…”
Before I could finish, the doors automatically opened and a young kid around my age appeared, with dark skin and black curly hair and light brown eyes.
“Hey Lucas,” Annabeth said. “You’ve grown a bit.”
Lucas smiled, “Hey Aunt Beth, Uncle Percy.”
“Hey kid, is your mom and uncle home?”
Lucas nodded. “Yeah, Uncle Carter just came back from the museum with the artifact.”
“Artifact?” I interrupted, “Wait, are you referring to the Tablet that bit me?!”
“Ah, you must be Estelle Blofis,” Lucas said. He took out his hand for a shake. “Lucas Stone is my name. You already know my mother.”
When I heard Lucas last name, I freaked out.
“Your mom is Sadie Stone?!”
Lucas nodded.
“The very same,” said another voice. I turned around and saw a woman wearing a jean jacket, a black shirt and blue jeans. She has long blonde hair with colorful highlights.
It was the highlights that gave away her identity.
“Doctor Sadie!” I said. I ran up to her and hugged her.
Doctor Sadie is my doctor who I always visit every year. She also checks over Sam too.
“Hey Estelle, how have you been? I hope you’ve been eating properly.”
“Me?! Why didn’t you tell me you were a wizard?!” I replied.
Sadie chuckled, “I take it Percy told you the truth about everything?”
I nodded.
“Well it’s about time. I swear, I thought your brother was making a terrible mistake hiding it from you.”
“I did it to protect her,” Percy replied. “You of all people should know how dangerous this life is.”
“And you of all people should know how important family is,” Said another voice. Behind Sadie and Lucas was an older man, roughly around Percy’s age but maybe a bit younger. Dark skin and brown trimmed curly hair and brown eyes.
“Hello Percy, Annabeth.”
“Carter, been a while,” Percy said. Though I sense a bit of hostility between Percy and Carter.
Carter smirked, “Ready to admit you lost that fight?”
Percy scoffed, “When hell freezes.”
Annabeth sighed and explained. Apparently, these two fought when encountering a very hungry alligator (Or Crocodile, I couldn’t remember) and neither are admitting who would’ve won that fight.
Boys, am I right?
“And you must be Estelle Blofis,” Carter spoke to me and reached out his hand to shake. And shook it.
“That’s me, I took it that my brother and Annabeth explained my situation?”
He nodded.
“Yeah, I had to head to the museum to retrieve the artifact.”
“How did you manage to steal an ancient artifact after the building was attacked?” I asked.
“Simple, I was the one that found the artifact in the first place.”
“Huh?” I said.
Apparently, Carter Kane was on an archeological expedition for the high schoolers and eventually, they found the tablet and brought it back to New York for studying. And the crazy part? Carter Kane is the Pharaoh. No joke. This archaeological sorcerer is the Pharaoh. So technically, he’s a king. Like Black Panther.
And what does that make Sadie? The Sorceress Supreme?
“The weird thing is that the entire case was secured both to mortals and monsters. So how a spider managed to bite you is a mystery itself. But Sadie and I will find out about it.”
“Hold on Carter, I think we should wait for Walt to come up with Zia and Ruby. He’s an expert on this kind of magic as well.”
Carter nodded and explained to me who Walt and Zia are.
Zia Kane and Walt Stone are also gifted with magic and are married to the Kane Siblings. Zia Kane is the headmaster of the school downstairs and Walt Stone is a professor who teaches curse magic. The school is also part of the Kane’s mansion and is used as a place for children gifted with magic to learn how to wield it as well as use it responsibly.
It’s basically Hogwarts but for Egyptian sorcerers.
“Sounds like Hogwarts has competition,” I said.
Sadie laughed.
“Oh they wish they can compete with Zia's students.”
We all sat by the main floor, waiting on Zia and Walt to finish school. It is the last day before Summer Vacation. In the meantime, Sadie was gonna give me a doctor check up on my situation.
“So, what’s the issue with Estelle? Transformation? Death Omen? Sickness?”
Percy shook his head. “No it’s… well it’s best that she shows you. Go ahead Estelle.”
I looked for something that I can use for demonstration.
“Hey, can I use that lamp?” I asked.
Carter nodded.
I aimed my hand at the lamp and the magic circle appeared again at my wrist.
A thread of web was shot toward the lamp and made it fall.
Carter and Sadie were shocked at what I did.
“Did you just… shoot out webs on your wrist?” Carter asked.
I nodded. “Yeah, but it’s coming from these magic circles on my wrist.”
“So… it’s not like Tobey Macguire’s situation then?”
“That’s not all,” Annabeth said. “She apparently has a quick reflex and superhuman strength. We witnessed this during our Capture the Flag event.”
“Does she have the ability to climb walls?” Sadie asked.
“Sadie, this is no joke,” Carter replied.
“I’m serious, Carter.”
I never really thought about that. I never had an opportunity to climb up walls. Maybe now might be a good chance. I asked the Kane’s if I could try climbing their walls. I walked up to the wall.
“See if you can climb up that wall.”
I then placed my hands on the wall, but nothing seemed to be happening. My hands weren’t sticking to the wall.
“Maybe you need to have the need to climb the wall. Otherwise your hands would have stuck to everything,” Carter suggested.
“That… actually makes sense,” I said.
“That’s why he’s the nerd,” Sadie said.
Carter rolled his eyes.
Apparently even when you grow up, siblings will always be siblings.
I did what Carter suggested and tried to crave for a need to climb the wall. Right when my fingers were about to touch the wall, the magic circle appeared for each finger. Suddenly, my hands felt attached to the wall.
“It worked!” I yelled. I started climbing upwards, even the magic circles appeared to my feet as well. I kept climbing up the wall until I reached the ceiling.
Everyone was shocked at what I was doing.
I, on the other hand, was freaking out with excitement.
“PERCY! ANNABETH! LOOK, I’M SPIDER-MAN!” I yelled, laughing.
As I came back down, I asked the Kane siblings, “So, what do you guys think?”
“Well… for starters,” Sadie responded. “Do you guys by any chance have an Uncle Ben?”
This is why she’s my favorite doctor.
“Sadie!” Percy yelled. “This is serious!”
Before Sadie could reply, the front door opened. Three people walked in. A woman with short black hair dressed in a business suit arrived. A man, dark skin and in formal satire as well. And a little girl, a shade lighter than Carter’s skin.
“Daddy! We’re home!” Said the little girl, running toward Carter and hugging him.
“Hey Ruby. How was school? Were you behaving well for Mommy?” Carter asks as he picks her up and hugs her.
“She was a little excited but she behaved well in school,” Said the lady. Carter kisses her on the lips after putting down Ruby.
“I take it the school wasn’t too hard today, Zia?” He asked.
She sighs, “Just the usual. It’s what you expect from teenagers.” She looks at us, “Ah, Percy! Annabeth! So good to see you again.”
“Hey Zia, we need your help in a situation. It involves curses.”
“Then I take it, you’ll need my help as well?” The other man spoke. He walked up toward Sadie and kissed her. I take it that he’s her husband.
“You know it, Walt.”
Percy and Annabeth explained the situation to Walt and Zia. Meanwhile, I was talking to Lucas.
“I have to say, Lucas, I never knew Doctor Sadie ever had a son before. She never mentioned that.”
“Well, technically, I’m not actually her son.”
“Huh?” I said.
Ruby walked up to Lucas and he picked her up on his lap.
“You see, a couple of years ago, I was brought in due to what happened to my real mother.”
“Oh, I’m sorry to hear that. What happened?” I asked.
Lucas hesitated for a second and replied. “I… really don’t want to talk about it. I’m sorry.”
“It’s okay, I understand,” I said.
Lucas talked more about himself. He used to live in California. His mom used to be a scientist but was suddenly on the run. At some point, she met up with Sadie and Carter and asked them to protect her son. Since then, Sadie took him in and he’s been family since. Especially to Ruby, he was like an older brother to her.
“I see,” Walt said.
The adults finished talking about my situation.
“So now she’s showing symptoms similar to that of Spider-man. That superhero from those movies.”
“Yeah, and it all started when she saw an artifact in her field trip,” Percy explained.
“The Tablet of Arachnid,” Carter mentioned.
“I see…”
“Mr. Stone?” I spoke. “Are you an expert on Curses?”
“Yes. It’s mostly because my bloodline is cursed as well.”
“Wait really?!” I said.
Walt explained that due to him being a descendant of King Tut, his lineage tends to die very young. Which explains why Sadie never had children. But that left me with one question.
“Wait, if that’s true, then how are you alive?!”
“That’s because I became one with Anubis.”
“…Come again?”
“Walt is a vessel to Anubis, the God of Funerary Rites, protector of Graves, and my husband.”
“… your husband is a god?!” I said.
After explaining the situation with Walt, I was still baffled. Walt and Anubis are technically one person. Like, it’s the Fusion Dance technique but without the time limit. No… wait, that’s not right. It’s more like Naruto and Kurama?
I… I need to figure out a better analogy but this is the best I can come up with.
But one thing is certain.
I am a HUGE fan of Anubis.
“YOU’RE LIKE MY MOST FAVORITE EGYPTIAN GOD EVER!” I yelled. At first, it was due to that movie, The Mummy’s Return and that huge army of Anubis. Of course, as I grew older I realized that movie was terribly inaccurate. Regardless, it's still my favorite.
After a while of me freaking out about Anubis and still contemplating the fact that my doctor is a sorcerer; her brother is the Pharaoh and his wife is the headmaster of a magical school. I swear, each day I’m learning more and more about my brother’s life and the many wonders that were hidden from me.
Ugh, anyways, we all headed toward the library except for Lucas and Ruby. Those two headed off so that the adults could talk to me about my conditions.
“So I did some research on the artifact,” Carter explained. “And I learned some very interesting history about its makers.”
As we reached the library, I was astonished by how massive it was. There were books everywhere and enough to rival even the Public Library here in New York. There were several artifacts that were displayed. There was a staff made of gold and had rings; A bracer with a small blade underneath, hidden; A pair of big old books with locks on them and an arrow with a unique arrowpoint.
“What are these?” I asked.
“Deadly artifacts that we sealed away.” Carter answered and named them. “The Staff of Cleopatra which is said to have a powerful amount of magic in it; The Blade of The Medjay which was used to kill several of the last pharaoh’s servants.”
Okay… That one is definitely familiar to me. Glad Sam’s not here, she’d be all giddy.
“The book of the Dead and the Book of the Living. Said that it can bring back those that died or undo the spell.”
Oh, apparently that also exists. I hope a really bad CGI Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson with a scorpion body and an army of undead anubis warriors doesn’t exist.
“And lastly, this cursed arrow. We don’t know how it functions but for some reason, the majority of people who got hit with it die. Yet, a handful of people survived and say that they see spirits around them.”
“Oh my god, that’s a Stand Arrow!” I yelled. I explained to them what a Stand arrow is, it’s basically an arrow forged from a meteor that unlocks powers from those with strong wills. These powers are called Stands and they vary to different types. I… can’t explain it too much because it’ll take all day. Best you look up Stand Arrow online, it’s quite bizarre.
“So… what you’re saying is that those with strong wills receive these abilities from this arrow?” Carter asked.
“Yeah, though I’m not surprised this also exists in real life too since this confirms my brother being an Alternate Universe Joseph Joestar.”
“Please stop, Estelle!” Percy yelled. “I’m not like that cheating old man! It’s never going to happen!”
“Anyways, let’s get back to our current situation,” Carter said. “The Tablet is over there.”
At the center of the hall was the artifact itself, the Tablet of Arachnid. The very thing that started all this.
“What did you learn?” Walt asked.
“Well… this artifact was made during Ancient Greek time but it was found in a castle in England. How it got there is still a mystery, but I detected two kinds of magic on it. Greek magic and… dark magic.”
“Dark Magic?” I asked. “Like Harry Potter Dark Magic?”
“Not exactly,” Carter explained. “You see, a long time ago, there was a time where myth and reality coexist. But, there were mortals who feared the supernatural, including the gods. They would use magic, weapons and all sorts of methods to put a stop to them. They want to rid this world of all the gods and monsters that exist.”
“Who are these people?” I asked.
“They call themselves the Cult of the Cosmos.”
“Of course…” I muttered.
“Since Ancient Greek, they have been in the shadows pulling the strings in politics, military, kingdoms and more. Hell, they were the ones responsible for World War 2. They used Germany as a scapegoat for their experiments to fight off the gods.”
“Why?” Percy asked.
“They fear the unknown.”
That’s understandable. Not knowing what’s out there can be scary. Heck, we still don’t know what happens after we die. But even so, to sacrifice so many lives to fight off the supernatural is just not right.
What’s the point if innocent lives are lost?
“What were they trying to do?” Annabeth asked.
Carter replied, “… They were hoping to make a philosopher's Stone.”
A Philosopher’s Stone? The Harry Potter kind or the Fullmetal Alchemist Kind because… oh… never mind. I just figured that out.
“And they almost succeeded too. But the war ended before they could finish. Since then, they have been quiet for a long time. But my men have been finding proof that they were still pulling the strings even after the War.”
“So, have they been involved with most of the historic events after WWII?” Percy asked.
“Along with recent events we were involved with.”
“Wait,” Annabeth said. “Are you implying that…”
“The Cult was the culprit for everything. The return of Kronos; Apohis revival; Gaia’s awakening and many more.”
“So what you’re saying… these guys were the reason for all the people we lost in our life…” Percy said, with a lot of anger.
Of course it’s the Nazi’s fault. If Alucard was real, he’d be giddy with joy for being right. Ugh, I hope these cults don’t have vampires or werewolves. Twilight ruined the hype for me.
“We’ll have to talk about them in our next summit. For now, let’s focus on the curse. Walt, can you help me out with this?” Carter said.
Walt nodded and got working on studying the artifact.
There wasn’t really much to it, they used some tools, some magics and even used some books from the library. In the meantime, Zia and Sadie continue checking up on me to make sure nothing unusual is happening to me. They ask me if I started seeing anything strange after the bite. Other than the fact that I can see through the mist and know the truth about the world of Myths and Folklore, not much has changed. Of course, there are the occasional dreams I tend to have, but that shouldn’t be of much importance. Right?
As time passed, Carter and Walt finished and explained what they found on the Tablet.
“I studied the artifact for a bit, but I can tell that this tablet was a spell for Arachne’s revival. Its sole purpose was to find a new host for Arachne, but the magic was incomplete and was unable to achieve its purpose. Instead, it gives whoever it chooses the abilities of a spider.”
“So, there’s no fear of turning into a spider creature or being possessed?” I asked.
“No, you’ll just be, well, pretty much Spider-man.”
I sigh in relief. As much as I love to be Spider-man, I don’t want to turn into a monster or be possessed by Arachne.
“Is there a cure?” Percy said.
“What?!” I yelled. “But Percy, there’s no harm to this. We’re okay.”
“Doesn’t matter, it’s still a curse. Plus we don’t know the full extent of this magic or what it can do to the host.”
“He’s right,” Carter said. “We don’t know the full capability this curse has, nor the limit. It may be a permanent curse that may pass down to your lineage; or a temporary one that can fade away at any moment.”
“But there won’t be any changes physically, right?” I said.
“No, just the magic circles appearing and your fast reflexes,” Carter answered.
“Then there’s no reason to find a cure! I can use this power to protect myself, my parents and Sam! I can-”
“NO!” Percy yelled. We all jumped at the sudden change in his tone. “No… I won’t let that happen.”
“But Percy! You kept this hidden my whole life! This is my family's life. I don’t want to be left to sideline and-”
“I told everyone not to tell you because I want to protect you. You saw what happened to Mr. Stacy. You saw how dangerous the monsters are. You saw how powerful and dangerous us demigods are.”
“But Percy-”
“No… we’re finding a cure and then sending you back home. You will not be part of this life.”
Frustrated, I stormed out of the library and headed outside. I just couldn’t believe Percy. He always said that I was smart and brave. I remember how happy he was when I told him I got straight A’s in my classes. I worked hard for those A’s!
He always believed in me.
So why was this different?
What was he afraid of?
#percy jackson#Percy Jackon and the Olympians#Heroes of Olympus#trials of apollo#fanfiction#fanfic#spiderman#spider man#estelle blofis#kanechronicles#carter kane#sadie kane#annabeth chase#marvel reference#JoJo reference#Assassin's Creed reference
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Childhood Love Story (Childhood AU) Part 3
Leo Valdez: The following is a non-profit fanbase series. PJO, HoO and ToA are owned by Rick Riordan and Disney Hyperion. Please support the Official release.
Inspired by another Fanfiction I read called Safety Patrol (In Fanfiction.Net)/ Something More (In Archive of Our Own) made by EthnicToken (Fanfiction.Net)/ StarriNights (Archive of Our Own).
[Table Of Content] [First Chapter] [Mid Chapter]
Leo and Calypso have been neighbors and friends since kindergarten. The two were inseparable all the way to high school. However, in their Junior years, Calypso was about to confess to her crush, Percy Jackson. However, he turned her down and made her realize that who she truly loves is her best friend, Leo. Will she finally let her true feelings out? Or will she bury them deep in her heart, never to see light?
Calypso looked everywhere in the library, but Leo was nowhere to be found.
“Maybe he’s at the Mechanic’s Clubroom?” She thought. She headed toward a small garage near the school where some students go when doing some mechanical projects for their club. Leo would tend to be there every now and then but due to his… wild ideas, he was not allowed to work on any projects there. Instead, he tends to help out the other students when they ask for his help.
Calypso looks around to find Leo. Then suddenly, someone spoke inside. Calypso peeked in the garage and saw Leo with another girl. A club member named Jessie. She has brown hair and wears a little bandanna on her forehead. She’s wearing a jumpsuit that all club members wear when they’re in the garage.
‘What’s going on?’ Calypso thought.
“So… I… I like you… for a very long time.”
Calypso's heart stopped for a second and realized what was going on. Leo was getting confessed by a girl. She’s panicking, fearing that Leo will accept her confession. That Jason was wrong and he doesn’t see her as a lover.
“So… will you go out with me?” She asked. It was quiet for a moment, putting suspense on his answer.
“Yeah, I’d love that.”
Calypso lost her breath and her heart just stopped instantly, as if it shattered into many pieces and was unable to be rebuilt. Tears were starting to fall on her cheeks and before anyone could spot her, she ran off.
She failed.
She should’ve realized the truth of her feelings a long time ago and confessed to him. He was always by her side through thick and thin. He was there for her when she was heartbroken; he was there when she got her first period; he was there when she was grieving the loss of her sister. He was there when she needed help with her garden and fixed up her tools as well. He was always there for her. And now… he won't be anymore. He’ll be too busy with his girlfriend and won’t make time for her. And the thought alone is unbearable.
Meanwhile, back at the garage.
“And Scene!” Leo said. “And that’s how you’ll confess to him, okay?”
Jessie sighs, “Leo, there’s no point in practicing! I’m just gonna make a mistake and end up stuttering on my words!”
Calypso was unaware that Leo was actually helping Jessie practice her confession to her crush.
“Besides, I’m not even that pretty.”
“Looks aren’t everything, Jessie. Plus I think you have a fair amount of charm on you. Look, the guy you like seems like he’s totally into you. I mean, he practically comes and visits everyday just to see you. There’s literally no reason for anyone to come here unless it’s us club members. Look… If a guy like me can get a girl like Khione, then you’ll definitely hit it off with your crush.”
“Didn’t she use you just to get to Jason?”
“She did, but she saw me as a threat to one of the hottest guys in school. So…”
Jessie snickered, “Did you just call Jason Grace hot?”
“Yes, but don’t tell him. It’ll go to his head.”
Jessie rolled her eyes and thanked him for support. She ran off, leaving Leo by himself.
He really should take his own advice and just confess to Calypso. But, the thought of their friendship ending because of his love for her was too much to bear. He was content with just being her friend.
But he wants more.
Is it wrong to be selfish sometimes?
Leo and Jason met up at the Library as usual but Calypso was a no show. Both are unaware that she saw the confession and did not know it was simply an act.
“She usually comes here,” Leo said, concerned.
“I’m sure she’s just caught up with some of her other friends.”
Leo grumbled, “I guess, so what do you want to talk about?”
Jason told the news that he finally asked Piper out and she said yes.
“FINALLY!” Leo yelled. “It’s about damn time!”
“Shut up! I don’t want to hear that from you! You still haven’t confessed to Calypso.”
“And I told you, I’m fine where we’re at.”
“No you’re not, and you know it.”
“Can we just focus on you right now?”
Jason sighs but nodded.
The two talked about how his date is gonna go. Jason’s gonna take Piper to the Pier and go on some of the rides and play some games. He’s hoping to take her to a nice restaurant and confess his feelings to her. If things go smoothly, Jason might have a shot.
“If Calypso was here, she’d give us a woman’s point of view,” Leo said. “Where is she?”
“I already told her earlier today. She already knew. In fact, she was supposed to see you afterwards.”
Leo was now getting more concerned until the bell rings, announcing for next class.
“Head to class, Jason. It’s my free period right now. I’m gonna go find Sunshine.”
Jason understood and nodded. As Jason headed off to class, Annabeth came in, looking for Leo. She saw him and marched toward him, furiously.
“What did you do this time?!” Annabeth asked angrily.
“I swear, this time I didn’t do anything.”
“Then why is Calypso crying in the girl’s bathroom?!”
“What?!” Leo said. “Where?!”
Annabeth told him that she found her crying in the girls bathroom on the second floor. Leo ran off to find her when he started hearing crying in the bathrooms. He knocks the door just to make sure no one else was in there.
“Calypso?” Leo said.
“Go away, Leo!” Calypso said, sobbing.
“Calypso? What’s wrong?” he said, concerned. “Did something happen? Was it your dad again?”
Calypso's dad was the reason her sister died and for some reason is fighting a custody battle with her mother for her. The truth was that he doesn’t care about her health at all, he just using her for his selfish gains.
“No…” She replied.
“Was Khione being an Ice Queen again?”
“Then, what’s wrong? Tell me, please? I don’t like to see you upset. If it’s about Percy-”
Calypso slams open the door and Leo sees her with puffy eyes and tears flowing down her cheeks.
“What’s wrong?! You! That’s what’s wrong! You just love playing with a woman's heart, never thought that maybe what you’re doing hurts them! Have you ever thought about how I felt?!”
Leo was confused. He genuinely does not know what he did that made her upset.
“Look, I’m sorry for whatever I did. But Sunshine-”
Leo just stood there, confused and shocked at what just happened. He doesn’t know what he did that made her this upset, but he needs to find a way to apologize.
The thought of his Sunshine hating him hurts more than every confession he was denied.
The day arrived for Jason’s date with Piper, but he was very concerned about the argument Leo and Calypso had. Leo told him of what happened and he was just as confused as him. Nobody seems to know why she yelled at him and it’s making Leo worried.
“Don’t worry about me, Jason. Go enjoy your date. You earned this moment. This is my mess so I’ll clean it up… somehow.”
That’s what Leo said.
As soon as Jason arrived at Piper’s place and rang her doorbell, she opened it and he was speechless. She was dressed casually, but to him she is the most beautiful being on the planet.
“Hey Sparky,” Piper said, smirking.
“H-hey, Pipes,” Jason stuttered. Piper chuckles at his shyness but grabbed his hand gently.
“Ready to go?” She asked. He nodded and the two headed off to the Pier. Their date was going smoothly, they went on a couple of fun rides and games. Piper was having a really good time, which gives Jason some hope that this date may end up with a chance to be in a relationship with her.
“I’m having a fun time, Jason,” She said.
Jason blushed and replied, “Me too… it’s fun with you around.”
As the two continued walking around, Piper had to use the bathroom real quick. Meanwhile, Jason spotted Calypso by one of the benches near the sides of the pier.
“Calypso?” Jason said. “What are you doing out here?”
“Oh… hey Jason. I… I just came here to avoid Leo.”
“I heard that you two argued, but what happened?” He asked.
“Leo… L-Leo…” Calypso started to cry. “I was too late, Jason. Another girl already confessed to Leo and he said yes.”
“What?” Jason said.
“It’s true, I saw it with my own eyes.”
Jason was surprised. Leo did tell him earlier before the fight, he was helping a club member practice so that she can confess. He now understands what happened.
This was all a misunderstanding.
“Wait, Calypso, I think you misunder-”
“It’s fine, Jason. I knew it was a waste. This was my punishment for realizing too late my feelings. You go enjoy your date. I’ll… I’ll be okay.”
Jason wanted to tell her the truth, but he can see that she won’t listen.
The only person that can talk to her is Leo. And he’s currently at home, working on a way to make up with her.
The whole situation was just frustrating and Jason’s the only one who has all the answers. But if he does this, it’ll ruin his date with Piper.
“I’m back,” Piper said. “Something wrong?”
“Oh, uh… nothing. Just thinking about some stuff.”
“Oh okay, then shall we get going?”
The two kept walking, but Jason was still thinking about Leo and Calypso’s situation. After a short while, it was time to get something to eat.
“You want to grab something to eat?” She asked.
“Uh before we do. There’s… something I want to ask.”
“Sure, what’s up?”
“Well… why did you agree to go on a date with me? I mean, you’re funny, pretty and all the guys and girls like you. I just want to know why me?”
Piper was quiet for a moment, then answered.
“Because you’re kind.”
Piper blushed, “Last year, you were always supportive of my suggestion for the project, yet you also guided me so that I didn’t make any mistakes. I also saw how you are with your friends. You always give them support and push them to do the right thing. You never asked for anything in return nor do you put others in harm's way. You weren’t just some high school cliche Jock. You were more than that. You were… a good guy. Like a real hero.”
Jason's heart stopped.
It was at that moment he realized he truly had fallen in love with this girl. And it pains him that she’s right.
He brought out a frustrating sigh.
“Jason?” Piper said with concern.
“I’m sorry, Pipes. You’re gonna hate me for this. And you have every right to be. But, I need to go help a friend.”
Before Piper could reply. Jason already ran off to his car.
To get Leo.
To fix this mess.
Meanwhile, Leo was trying to figure out what he can do to have Calypso forgive him. It’s only been a day and he misses her badly. He misses her sassy remarks; her laugh; her judgemental look toward him. But most of all, he misses her smiles.
If he doesn’t fix this soon, he’ll lose her forever.
Leo heard a car horn outside his house and looked out the window. He sees Jason in his car. Leo ran outside to see what was going on.
“Jason? What are you doing out here? Did you just ditch Piper on your date?!”
“Shut up and get in!” Jason said.
“What? What are you-”
“JUST SHUT UP AND GET IN!” Jason yelled.
Jason has never yelled at Leo before. This baffled him but he obeyed and got in; he did not want to make Jason more mad. Jason drove off and explained to Leo what happened.
“I found out why Calypso was mad. She saw you and Jessie practicing and she assumed it was real.”
“She told me.”
“But why would she get mad over that? I was only-”
“BECAUSE SHE LOVES YOU! YOU DUMBASS!” Jason yelled. “After she confessed to Percy, he told her that he thought she was dating Leo. Afterwards, she realized she was in love with you the whole time!”
Leo was shocked and speechless at the sudden news.
“T-there’s no way that she loves me.”
“Really?! Think of all the guys she was crushing on! Literally every guy has some sort of trait similar to you! Odysseus was as smart as you; Drake was courageous as you; and Percy is just as loyal as you! She was subconsciously in love with you and it took Percy to help her realize the truth! And now, she’s crying at the Pier thinking it’s too late! So I had to leave Piper to get you to clean this mess!”
“What?!” Leo said. “She’s at the Pier, alone?!”
“Yes! Calypso is crying and I left Piper too; all so I can help you clean up your mess! I just ruined my one chance to be with the girl I like so that you can be with your true love!”
Leo was baffled at Jason’s intention. He ruined his own date to help Leo apologize to Calypso and confess their true feelings.
Leo truly was a dumbass.
He owes both Jason and Piper an apology.
They arrived at the Pier.
“Jason, I-”
“Save it. Just go get your girl,” Jason replied.
“I owe you one,” Leo said and ran off.
He owes Jason more than one for this one.
Calypso looks around as she continues to sit on the bench. She remembers when she was little and she and Leo would go there with his mom. They’d go on every ride and play every game available. She remembers one time they were at a shooting game and Leo won a teddy bear. He gave it to her because he thought it was childish.
She still has it in her room and kept it since.
They had so much fun together and were alway by each other’s side. And now, Calypso regrets never being able to tell her true feelings to her Leo.
“I wonder if they’re having fun right now,” Calypso said, wondering about Leo and Jessie.
Calypso jumped a bit as she heard his voice. As if just thinking about him summons him.
“Leo?! What are you doing here?”
Panting, Leo replied, “Sorry, Sunshine. I know you don’t want to see me. But, I had to find you.”
“Why? Shouldn’t you be out with Jessie?” She asked with a harsh tone.
“That’s why I’m here. This is a huge misunderstanding.”
“What do you mean?”
Leo explained to her what happened at his club. However, she refused to believe since it sounds like a cliche thing to happen in romantic-comedy movies.
“There’s no way that happened.”
“But it did, Sunshine!” Leo said. “And even if she did confess to me, I’d turn her down.”
“Why? You dated other girls before; isn’t that you wanted? To have a girlfriend?!”
“I only want you!”
He finally said it.
“Every girl I try to go for shares some similarity to you! You’re funny; smart; beautiful and not afraid to get your hands dirty!”
Calypso wants to believe, but she feels like Leo is only doing this out of pity.
“That’s not true!”
“Why do you think I’ve always asked you when I went off to see a show? Or those times we spent at the treehouse. And what about those times you cried after every rejection you went through?”
“You did it because you’re my friend. We’ve been friends since we were kids.”
“Exactly, Sunshine!”
“Don’t call me-”
Calypso got interrupted when Leo moved forward and kissed her.
Her brain and heart halted for a second as she realized what was happening. Suddenly, her memory of their first kiss came back to her.
“That didn’t happen!” Calypso said, blushing.
But Leo was dazed at what just happened but nodded.
Neither wanted to admit that it was amazing.
And now, back at the present, Calypso was one that was shocked. Leo slowly distanced himself and said, “That did happen, Sunshine. I… I love you.”
Her eyes were getting teary out of the sudden confession.
“I’ve always loved you and always will. I can’t imagine my life without you. You’re my best friend; my partner in crimes… my first and only true love. I’d follow you and save you from every hell that awaits us, especially college.”
Calypso laughed but was still tearing up from his words.
“I… I love you too, Leo.”
Leo let out a huge breath of relief.
“Oh thank god, I thought I was gonna have to get a jukebox and play it by your window,” Leo joked.
Calypso laughed, “You are such an idiot sometimes.”
She kissed him.
The two held on to each other tightly, fearing that this was all a dream and that they’ll wake up. But they didn’t; they’re feelings finally let out and they have each other now.
Meanwhile, Jason spotted the two as he went after Leo. He sees them kissing and let out a sigh.
“It’s about damn time,” He said.
“You said it.”
Jason jumped and looked behind him and saw Piper there.
“What are you doing here?”
“I was wondering why you ran off, then I saw Calypso there earlier. I kind of put two and two together.”
“Yeah… I’m sorry.”
“You should be,” She said. “If I knew you were helping them get together, I’d have help too.”
“I swear, those two took their damn time.”
“So, you’re not mad at me?”
“Oh I’m mad.”
Well, there goes Jason’s hope.
“But you can pay me back with another date,” Piper smirked.
“What?!” Jason said.
Piper laughed and replied, “I had a really great time with you. And like always, you put others before yourself. Always acting like a hero for everyone.”
She took his hand and squeezed it gently.
“But even heroes deserve to be loved too,” She said as she pulled Jason by his shirt collar and kissed him.
Time has passed and as Senior year was near its end, we found our main couple up in their little treehouse by the backyard, cuddling.
“Leo?” Calypso said. But Leo was not responding since they did take a quick nap during break. She sighs and climbs on his lap and flicks his forehead.
“Ow!” He said. He looked up and saw his Sunshine on him and smirked.
“Now this is the best way to wake up.”
“Oh really? Getting flicked by your pissed off best friend?” She said.
“No, waking up from my beautiful girlfriend who’s also on my lap… half naked.”
Calypso blushed as she remembers earlier before they napped that they had a very intense make-out session that most likely the neighborhood has heard. She’s gonna be too embarrassed to face the neighbors now.
“Shut up! That was your fault for being-”
“Cute? Irresistible?” Leo interrupted.
“Irritating,” She finished.
Leo laughed but held Calypso by her waist.
“Admit it, you love me just the way I am,” He said as he kissed her by the neck.
“Whatever,” She said, unable to reply well due to his kisses. “Please tell me you got everything set for college?”
“I did, don’t worry. We’re still getting a nice apartment close to the university, just the two of us.”
Calypso smiled.
After they finally confessed, the two were back to their old self. Except this time, it was mixed with some strong affections and whispers and several other lovey-dovey stuff. Especially the most spicy moments, like what they just did earlier. And now, high school is almost over and they’re both graduating. Their plan is once they head to college, they’ll have a nice little apartment together to save up money and hopefully one day, come back home to take over the family business, or at least, Leo’s family’s business.
“I still think we should add some entertainment in the garage,” Calypso says. “It’d be nice for some people who come to the shop. Oh, and we should definitely have a restaurant too, giving the visitor a place to relax while you work on their cars.”
Leo chuckled, “You do realize it’s my family business?”
“And what? Am I not family?” Calypso frowned as Leo stopped his action and stared at her.
“I mean, you said that after college you were going to take after the shop and you want by your side, right?”
Leo blush as she points toward the old drawings on the wall.
“W-we were kids, Sunshine! I wasn’t thinking and-”
Calypso cupped his cheeks and kissed him gently but passionately. She let go and leaned her forehead to his.
“Well neither am I. Right now, I’m listening to my heart. And it’s telling me to never let you go. Never again. I love you, Leo.”
Leo’s heart took a big leap and can’t stop himself from grinning.
“I love you too, Calypso. Always.”
Leo kisses her passionately, then continues down toward her neck and lower. Calypso moans as he continues to shower her with all of his love and more.
I think it’s safe to assume that in the end, they lived happily ever after.
#Leo Valdez#calypso#Caleo#leo x calypso#calypso x leo#percyjacksonandtheolympians#Percy Jackon and the Olympians#Heroes of Olympus#trials of apollo#PJO#hoo#toa#pjo hoo toa#fanfiction#fanfic#childhood#alternate universe#three shot#romance
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Nostalgic Love Story (Childhood AU) Part 2
Piper McClean: The following is a non-profit fanbase series. PJO, HoO and ToA are owned by Rick Riordan and Disney Hyperion. Please support the Official release.
Inspired by another Fanfiction I read called Safety Patrol (In Fanfiction.Net)/ Something More (In Archive of Our Own) made by EthnicToken (Fanfiction.Net)/ StarriNights (Archive of Our Own).
[Table Of Content] [First Chapter] [Last Chapter]
Leo and Calypso have been neighbors and friends since kindergarten. The two were inseparable all the way to high school. However, in their Junior years, Calypso was about to confess to her crush, Percy Jackson. However, he turned her down and made her realize that who she truly loves is her best friend, Leo. Will she finally let her true feelings out? Or will she bury them deep in her heart, never to see light?
School has ended for the day and we find Calypso contemplating in her old treehouse that’s behind her house. From Kindergarten to Middle School, Leo and Calypso would hang out in that treehouse and would mostly just play games, talk about stuff they like or just simply to get away from parents or school. But ever since High School arrived, they rarely came up anymore. Calypso wasn’t bothered by the sudden change at first; but ever since she realized her true emotions for Leo today, she has gotten more conscious about the changes.
Now… she misses it.
She looks around her treehouse and nostalgia hits her like an ambulance. There were old drawings pinned to the wall; she and Leo made them back in the days, mostly just doodles of either plants or cars. Calypso chuckles as she looks at each one, memories coming back to her. Then she looked at one drawing that Leo made a long time ago.
It was around when the two were in elementary school and Leo was in the middle of drawing.
“What are you drawing?” Calypso asked.
“My future,” Leo replied. “Ms. Gomez told us to draw what we want to be when we grow up.”
Calypso looked at his drawing. It was a doodle of a garage with a car inside and himself with a wrench.
“You want to be a mechanic like your mom?” Calypso asked.
“Yep, when I grow up, I’m gonna take over the family business,” Leo replied with a grin.
“Who’s that?” Calypso pointed toward another character in his drawing. It was a girl with orange hair and carrying flowers.
“That’s you.”
“Why am I in it?”
“Because,” Leo answered sincerely with a bigger grin. “I want you by my side when I grow up. That way, the future will be more fun.”
Calypso was shocked at his answer and frowned.
“There’s no way I’m working in a garage! It’s dirty and messy and a lot of work.”
Leo laughs, “I know, Sunshine. That’s why I drew flowers with you. When we grow up, I’ll work in my family’s shop and you can make a small garden in the back, sell all sorts of plants and vegetables to our clients.”
Calypso giggled, “I can probably make some nice food too. I’ve been learning to make some nice stew from your mom.”
“Really?!” Leo said. “I can’t wait until we grow up!”
The two laugh as they continue having fun in their little treehouse.
And now, they’re in high school, with college just around the corner. And Calypso would like nothing more but to make that dream a reality.
It’s been years since they made that promise; both of them completely forgot about it, until now. Calypso can’t comprehend the thought of a future WITHOUT Leo. He was always there for her when she needed him. Sure he’s an idiot; chaotic and just a plain trouble-maker. But he always finds a way to warm your heart. And now that she realized the truth, she doesn’t want to let that go. College is just around the corner and she has no idea if he’s even going to the same one as her. Four years without Leo is a nightmare for her.
“Sunshine?!” Yelled out in the distance.
Calypso looked outside and saw Leo with his backpack, coming home from his club meeting.
“I’m up here!” Calypso yelled.
Leo climbed up to the treehouse and sat next to her. “So this is where you've been hiding. I thought you were gonna wait for me after the club meeting?”
“I-I was bored so I went home. I figured you can find your way back on your own,” Calypso lied. Because she realized her true feelings, she’s more conscious about the atmosphere when she’s alone with Leo.
She wants to be him, but she doesn’t want to lose him forever.
“It has been awhile since we've been here,” Leo said. “I can see that our old drawings are there too.”
“Oh hey! I remember this,” Leo says as he looks at the drawing Calypso was earlier.
“Man, we were so young. I told you how I was gonna take the family business and that we’d live together,” Leo laughed as Calypso also joined as well, hoping to hide her blush.
“You’re still going to do that, right? Become a mechanic like your mom?”
Leo nodded, “Yeah, but I doubt you’ll be living with me.”
“W-what? Why?!” Calypso asked.
Leo scoffed, “Because you hate the noise and the smell.”
“O-oh! Yeah! I mean… like, who wants to live with you when you’re all dirty, smell like oil and never bother to wear a shirt most of the time…” Calypso said, unaware that she spilled the fact that she tends to see him without a shirt sometimes at the family shop.
And the fact that she sometimes stares.
“Wait, what?” Leo asked. He wasn’t fully paying attention after the comment about the smell. He kind of zone out whenever Calypso complains about him.
“I mean, you’re always a mess once you finish up at work. No girl would want to date you.”
Leo chuckled, “You’re right about that.”
Calypso cursed in silence, “B-but maybe you’ll find the right girl, you know? Like, someone who knows you better than yourself and always keeps you on your toes?”
Leo shrugged, “I doubt it, every girl I try to go after is either not interested in me or just hates me. But enough about me; how about you? How’d it go with Percy?”
Calypso flinched, she hoped to avoid that conversation for several reasons. The main reason is that it’ll prove Leo right and she hates how much he’ll gloat about it.
And to think, this is the boy she fell in love with in the end.
“I-it went well, just that…”
“He turned you down, huh?”
Calypso tries to hide it, but her expression says it all. As she waits for Leo to laugh and call her out that he was right, he sighed.
“I’m sorry.”
“Huh?” Calypso said.
“I’m sorry you had to go through this mess again. Percy is a nice guy, but he’s obviously in love with Annabeth. If he wasn’t, he’d totally would’ve dated you.”
Calypso frowned, usually Leo would tease her and tell her ‘I told you so’. Why is he being… well, nice? Of course, he always watches over her and helps her out. But he usually teases her about her love life, telling her that she’s better off without them and too good for them.
“Why would you think that Percy would date me?”
“Because you’re Calypso, silly,” Leo laughed and answered. “You may not be the smartest, coolest or most popular girl in school; but, you’re kind, quirky and always help out those in need. You have a bright smile and loving singing voice that ANY guy would kill to hear.”
The way Leo talked about her made her feel giddy and heartwarming. And yet, she still believes he doesn’t see her as a lover. Most likely as a sister or a friend. So badly, Calypso wants to be more than just friends with Leo. But she’s too afraid to lose what she has now.
“T-thanks, Leo.”
Leo shrugged, “I’m just speaking the truth. But…”
Leo smirked at Calypso, “I told you so.”
Calypso rolled her eyes as Leo laughed. Even when she realizes she’s in love with him, he’s still the same crazy pyro-mechanic who annoys her to death.
It has been a week since Calypso realized the truth and it’s getting harder to hide it from Leo. Jason continues to persuade her to confess, but she won’t do it. Considering that she was turned down three times in a row, she doesn’t want Leo to be number four. Instead, she decide to talk to one person who understands her situation more than anyone.
“Percy!” Calypso yelled as she called him out in the school hallways.
“Yeah, Calypso?”
“I need to ask you something?”
“Ask him about what?” said another voice. Behind Percy was Annabeth, his childhood best friend and first (and only) love. Calypso was jealous of her back then because she has Percy’s attention. Now, she’s the one person that can help her.
“Oh, Annabeth! Perfect! I was looking for you!” Calypso said.
Percy and Annabeth were confused but Calypso asked Percy for some privacy for the two. He agreed and went to class.
“So, what do you need, Calypso?” Annabeth asked.
Calypso took a deep breath and asked, “How do you manage to keep your feelings buried when you’re around Percy?”
Annabeth blushed, “W-what?! I don’t know what you’re-”
“Annabeth, everyone knows you’re in love with Percy. Only Percy doesn’t know. He’s, as you say, a Seaweed Brain.”
Annabeth blushes harder at the comment. “What's your point, Calypso?”
And so she told Annabeth everything. How she confessed to Percy but was turned down, only for him to make Calypso realize she’s in love with Leo. Because of this, it’s getting harder for her to be around him without wanting more than what they have.
She wants to hold his hands.
She wants to hug him.
She wants to kiss him.
She… she wants him in her life, even after graduation.
“So… I just want to know how you managed to do it. How do you manage to be with Percy without showing your feelings?” Calypso asked.
Annabeth was silent for a moment and then answered.
“Calypso… I wish I could answer that to you but… I don’t know. Everytime I’m with Percy, I get all nervous and I overthink about what I would say to him. A day doesn’t go by where I wish I could just kiss his idiotic face.”
Calypso nodded. Everytime she sees Leo’s iconic grin, she resists with all her willpower not to just grab him and kiss him on the spot.
“But… I’m just scared.”
“Scared to lose him over a crush?” Calypso asked.
She nodded.
“So even you are no match to the boy's stupid charm,” Calypso said.
Annabeth laughed, “Well, regardless, I think you have a chance with Leo. I saw how he looks at you sometimes.”
“Then why doesn’t he ever try his charms on me?”
Annabeth shrugged, “Maybe he believes you deserve better than some cheap flirt. You two have been friends since kindergarten. Just… talk to him. I’m sure you’ll find some sort of hint of his affection towards you.”
“You really think so?” Calypso asked.
“I know so. Anyways, I gotta head to the Library. I promised Piper that I’d help her out with her homework.”
“Thank you, Annabeth. And for your information, Percy really likes you. You shouldn’t hide your feelings.”
Annabeth blushed at the sudden information.
“Y-you really think so?” she asked.
Calypso nodded.
“W-well, we’ll see… see you around, Calypso.”
Meanwhile, Leo and Jason were chilling once again at the Library.
This time, it was Leo in distress.
“Come on, Leo. I don’t see why you need to hide it anymore, just try at least,” Jason said.
“It’s not that simple, Jason! If I ask her out and she says no, it’ll be awkward and she’ll distance herself from me. I can’t bear that.”
Leo was talking about how he found Calypso in their old treehouse. Reminiscing on old memories and promises. And how he wishes their promise becomes true.
“Look, Leo, trust me when I say this. You have a guaranteed chance with her. Better than I ever can with Piper.”
Jason argues with Leo, hoping to convince to ask Calypso out. Ever since she confessed to him about her feelings towards Leo, Jason was doing everything he can to get them together. Everything except telling them the truth.
Jason sighs, “Leo…”
“Just forget it, okay? Focus on your issues with Piper.”
“What about me?” Said a feminine voice.
The boys looked behind them and saw Piper, coming out of dance practice and taking a break in the library.
“Nothing,” Jason replied quickly, hoping to change the subject. “Leo here is just being stubborn and refusing to ask Calypso out.”
“Really?” Piper said. “Leo, I’ve seen the way you look at her. You have it badly, worse than with Khione and Echo. You two are meant to be.”
Leo groaned, “Guys, just give up. No way in ANY universe would Calypso fall in love with me.”
“And why’s that?” Jason asked.
“Because she’s amazing! Okay? She’s smart, funny, kind, sassy and beautiful. She’s a goddess! And me? I’m just a crazy mechanic-to-be teenager with ADHD and creates things that end up crash and burn. Why on earth would she love someone like me?!”
Leo got fed up and left.
Jason sighs, “Leo… why can’t you see that she loves you too?”
“Wait, what?!” Piper asked.
Jason explained how Calypso confessed to Percy but was turned down and was given the realization that she was in love with Leo the whole time. And now, both of them are trying to hide their feelings so that they won’t lose the friendship that they have right now.
“Oh my god,” Piper said. “It’s like your classic cliche romance movie. They’ll probably won’t say anything until graduation. And by then it’ll be too late.”
“Exactly,” Jason agreed. “They just need a little push.”
He sighs, frustrated at the situation, ignoring how his heart is beating just by being next to Piper. Even though he’s doing what he can to help his friends, he can’t ignore the chance he has just been given.
It’s better to at least try and fail then to not try at all.
Jason chuckled at the advice Calypso gave, despite not following it herself.
“Well, I gotta go. I promise Annabeth I’d meet her here at the library so she can help me with some homework that’s due tomorrow. I’ll see you around, Jason.”
As Piper was getting up, Jason took a deep breath.
It was now or never.
“Wait, Pipes?”
“Yeah?” She replied as she got up.
“… Are you… busy this Saturday?”
“Not really.”
Jason took another deep breath as his palms were getting sweaty.
“I… I was wondering if… maybe if you… I don’t know, want to hang out with me at the Pier?”
Jason feels really sick, heartbeat getting louder and palms getting sweatier. But he needs to follow Calypso's advice. If he can do it, so can she.
“Like a date?” Piper asked.
“…Yeah. Like a date,” Jason replied.
Piper was quiet for a moment, giving more anxiety to Jason. Then she replied.
“Sure, I would love to. Think you can pick me up around 7pm?” She asked.
“Y-yeah…” Jason replied, still shocked at her answer.
As Piper left to find Annabeth, Jason quickly got up and ran to find Calypso.
He just asked Piper McClean, one of the most beautiful and popular girls in school, out on a date and she said yes. He needed to tell her what happened. And hopefully, give her the courage to go out with Leo as well.
Unaware that Jason was looking for her, Calypso was by herself by the football field, contemplating on what to do with her feelings with Leo.
One side to risk everything and confess, hoping that everything works out and that they will be together, even after high school. But on the other hand, if she did and he rejects her, he will most likely distance himself. It’ll be awkward between them and their friendship will fall apart.
She couldn’t bear that to happen.
As she debates her choices in her head, she reminisces on a memory that happened a long time ago, in that same Treehouse.
It was around middle school and somehow, boys were being attracted toward her. She hated it because it made the other girls jealous of her and it made her time in school more difficult.
The only reason she was able to bear through it was because of Leo. He was always by her side, even when the other girls were spreading rumors about her. She remembered how one time in the treehouse she complained how she'd never get her first kiss if these events continued. Calypso is a hopeless romantic kind of girl; she hopes her Prince Charming would come for her. Leo would listen to her complaints for a while and come up with a surprising suggestion.
Calypso still blushed at the idea.
Leo suggested that they try a kiss together.
Calypso was going to deny the request, but she feared that she wouldn't get a chance to experience it. But the crazy thing, at the time, she was hoping for it.
She still remembers the experience. Short but sweet. Quick but felt like a lifetime. Calypso remembers how she wished it was longer. But, being as stubborn as she is, she hid the fact that she enjoyed it. Maybe if she told him the truth, would he see her as more than a friend?
“Calypso!” Yelled Jason as he ran toward her.
“What’s up?”
“I did it!”
“I finally asked Piper out!”
“Oh,” Calypso replied. “What did she say?”
“She said yes!” Jason replied with excitement.
Calypso smiled. Jason was crushing really hard on Piper ever since last year. Which is understandable, Jason is a good guy. But he’s always been a “yes” man; helping everyone in need. He never once thought about what he wanted, just listened to what his parents wanted; what everyone expected from him; what he needed to be. But whenever he looked at Piper, he saw someone who wasn’t afraid to be herself; wasn’t afraid of failure or disappointment. She is something that he wishes to be.
“That’s great, I hope it works out,” Calypso said.
“Thanks, but I was able to do it thanks to your advice. I took my chance and asked her out.”
Calypso shrugged, “I was just helping a friend.”
“I know that, that’s why I’m telling you to follow your advice and go after Leo.”
“Don’t,” Calypso replied. “Leo had all this time to be interested in me. But he isn’t.”
“That’s not true. I see the way he looks at you. He truly cares about you more than anything. More than his love for engineering; more than his dream. I know for a fact that if he had to choose between you and his dream, he’d pick you.”
She scoffed.
“Look, Calypso, just try at least. Even if, and that’s a big if, he doesn’t like you, he’d still be by your side. No matter what.”
She wants to believe that.
She wants to believe in a future with Leo.
But the fear of losing him is too great.
Think of it like this, imagine that you found your soulmate and you never knew. You've been together for most of your life, but you never became more than friends. When you finally realize your feelings for them, you fear that you’ll lose a part of yourself to take that first step forward. Fear eats you more than curiosity.
“I want to believe that, Jason.”
“I know, Calypso,” Jason said. “Look, I know it’s scary to take that first step. But that’s how I felt too when I asked Piper out. I had a better chance of being rejected, but I wasn’t.”
“… You really think I have a chance with Leo?” Calypso asked.
Jason scoffed, “I’m willing to bet my life on it. You two have always been inseparable. Heck, you might as well have been in a relationship without the benefits.
Calypso rolled her eyes.
“Thanks, Jason. I’ll… consider trying.”
After listening to Jason, Calypso had made a decision. If Jason was willing to ask out Piper, she might as well try as well. Damn the fear. Even if Leo doesn’t see her as girlfriend material, he loves her. Their friendship is stronger than any fear. She needs to remember that this is Leo Valdez. The boy who was always by her side when she suffered from her heartbreaks; the one who always invited her to most of his trips to see car shows; the one who always made her laugh with terrible jokes. Leo Valdez is many things, but he would never abandon his friends; especially Calypso.
She shook her head and stood up with fierce determination.
“You’re right, Jason! Screw my fears! That little idiotic mechanic-loving trouble-maker will be mine!”
Jason laughs at her sudden change of mood. But I was glad.
Maybe there’s hope with these dorks after all.
Leave a comment if you can. Thank you for reading my stories, hope to see you on my next update.
#Leo Valdez#calypso#Caleo#leo x calypso#percy jackson#percyjacksonandtheolympians#Heroes of Olympus#Percy Jackon and the Olympians#trials of apollo#PJO#hoo#toa#pjo hoo toa#fanfiction#fanfic#childhood#alternate universe#romance
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Cliché Love Story (Childhood AU) Part 1
Jason Grace: The following is a non-profit fanbase series. PJO, HoO and ToA are owned by Rick Riordan and Disney Hyperion. Please support the Official release.
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Leo and Calypso have been neighbors and friends since kindergarten. The two were inseparable all the way to high school. However, in their Junior years, Calypso was about to confess to her crush, Percy Jackson. Will Leo accept this and continue being just her friend? Or will he finally let out what his heart truly desires?
Our story begins in the school library, with Jason sulking next to our dynamic duo.
“Ugh, Jason, just go ask her out,” Leo said. “The worst thing she can say is no.”
“You don’t get it, Leo!” Jason replied. “Piper McClean is the most amazing woman I ever met!”
If you guys are wondering, Jason Grace has a huge crush on one of the Dance team leaders, Piper McClean. Jason is the school’s main quarterback in the Football team. He developed feelings for her when they were partnered up for a school project in Sophomore years and since then, he was lovestruck. Even his (other) best friend, Reyna, was being annoyed by it.
“Dude, even Reyna is telling you to ask her out and she used to have a crush on you!”
“Oh no, she did not. She has a crush on my sister, I saw how she looks at her.”
Leo groaned as Calypso was next to him, reading a book.
“Jason, you’re like one of the hottest guys in this school. And that’s coming from me!”
“That’s not saying much,” Calypso replied, getting a snort from Jason and a scoff from Leo.
“Point is, she’d be crazy not to date you. So what’s the problem?”
Jason replied, “Three reasons. First, she’s Bi.”
“How is that a problem?” Leo asked.
“It means I have TWICE the competition. Have you seen the girls she hangs out with? How can I compete with that?”
“Fair enough, what else?”
“Second, I’m boring as hell. I’m just your every Jock stereotype into one person. I don’t have anything to stand out. Piper, on the other hand, is amazingly unique. She’s funny, carefree, beautiful in a messy way, thoughtful to her friends, and-”
“Okay, Jason, we got it,” Calypso intervened. “What else?”
Jason was quiet for a moment but blushed.
“Jason?” Calypso called.
“...I never went on a date before…”
Leo laughed.
“Shut up! It’s not that funny, man!” Jason yelled.
“Oh it is VERY funny! I mean, one of the most popular guys in school has never been on a date in his entire life? That’s just hilarious!”
Jason blushed harder and hid his face with arms as he faced down on the table with defeat.
“See? It’s hopeless.”
“Don’t give up, Jason,” Calypso said. “Just make an effort and at least try to ask her out. I did it on my crushes.”
“Yeah, and just like how they all rejected her, I’ll be here to cheer you u- OW!”
Calypso jabs Leo on the side.
She used to have many crushes in the past. First, there was Odysseus who was a Senior last year, he was the smartest and was the most handsome man by standards. They went on a couple of dates, but Odysseus rejected her confession because it turns out he already has a girlfriend. It devastated her. Then came Drake, an ambitious and carefree man who made Calypso feel alive and adventuristic. But, he rejected her too because he already had eyes for someone else. Twice she was rejected and was only as good as “Second best”. It took her months to move on; and now, she has another crush.
Percy Jackson. The School’s leading swim team member. And Jason’s cousin.
Calypso and Percy became friends this year and at some point, she developed feelings for him and was determined to finally get together with him.
There’s just one problem.
Annabeth Chase. Percy’s childhood best friend.
“Shut up, Leo! Look, Jason, it’s better for you to at least try and fail then to not try at all. Yes, I had some bad experiences, but I learned from them. Even if it did cost me spending time with this idiot,” Calypso replied, gesturing to Leo.
“Oh, you know you love me, Sunshine.”
Calypso rolled her eyes.
Jason was still not convinced, “It doesn’t matter, she’d reject me. Plain and simple.”
“Ugh, you’re really bumming me out, man.”
As the three were talking, Calypso saw Percy pass by. This whole talk about love motivated her to make her move.
“I’ll be back,” She said as she put away her book and grabbed her stuff. The boys looked at where she was looking and noticed Percy.
“Gonna try your luck?” Leo asked. “Well, if you ever need another hug from your’s truly, I’ll be here.”
Calypso rolls her eyes and leaves the two boys alone. As she leaves, Jason sighs at Leo.
“You’re seriously just gonna let her get heartbroken, again?” Jason asked. “You know that Annabeth is in love with Percy, right? So why did you let her go?”
“Because… I want her to be happy and I know that Percy can do that… even if it’s not with me.”
Jason shook his head. Since the day the two boys met, he knows how much Leo loves Calypso. Only problem? He’s just as scared as Jason to ruin what they have now.
Jason sighs, “You are such a hypocrite, Leo.”
“Hey! It’s different, this time. If she turns me down, I’m losing my best friend who has been with me since kindergarten. The fact that she is still single to this day is unbelievable.”
Jason can see the sparks in Leo’s eyes everytime he talks about Calypso. How his entire mood brightens just by saying her name. He can talk about mechanical stuff for hours, but Calypso? He’d talk about her for years.
Of course, Leo tries to move on from his crush. He tried to hook up with several girls in the past only to be turned down hard. First, there was Khione, the cold cheerleader; she only went out with him a couple times just to get close to Jason. When Calypso found out, she threatened her to never be near her boys again. Then there was Echo, the repetitive but sweet girl from the Drama club who was madly in love with Narcissus. He tried to get her attention, but she turned him down gently, knowing full well she will never be loved by Narcissus for he only loves himself (Total jerk, yeah, but you gotta appreciate that confidence). Then there was Thalia, Jason’s sister. She was this cool punk girl who gets into trouble, but she cares a lot for her friends and family. Leo tried to impress but she was not interested in boys due to her last relationship. Apparently, her ex got in trouble with the police and tried to run away with her and Annabeth. Neither of them joined and he ran off on his own; no one has heard of him since.
Despite all that, Calypso was always there to cheer him up. That only made his feelings for her worse. He knows that every girl he tries to hook has some similarity to Calypso. Khione has the cold sassiness of Calypso; Echo with her sweet and gentle personality, like Calypso; and Thalia with her wild yet loyal characteristic. Each girl was only a fragment compared to her, and Leo knew that.
“Look, Leo,” Jason said. “I get that what you have with Calypso is special. But, at some point, you gotta take that step and ask her out. Like you said, the worst she can say is no.”
Leo scoffed.
“I wish it was that simple, Jason. But, clearly you can see that I’m not her type.”
Jason groaned at Leo’s response. Apparently, BOTH of them don’t understand what they want.
Calypso left the library and went after Percy. Committed to proving Jason to be brave, she will confess to Percy, whether he accepts or not. Most likely, he won’t, Calypso see’s how Percy looks at Annabeth. She has little to no chance of reciprocation, but she needs to try. Otherwise, Leo would tease her for weeks. And she’d rather face rejection then listen to Leo’s terrible (maybe a bit funny) jokes.
“Percy!” Calypso yelled.
Percy turned around and saw her, “Oh, hey Calypso. What’s up?”
“Well, there’s something I want to ask.”
Calypso takes a deep breath and asks, “Will you go out with me? I really like you, and I want to be closer to you. I know that… I may not have a chance compared to Annabeth. Don’t even think of denying it,” Calypso says as Percy started blushing at the mention of Annabeth. “But, I had to try. Not just for me, but to prove to Jason to take risks. I mean, Everyone knows me. Yet, you treated me normal. Everyone else either pity me, shunned me or just ignores me. You… You treated me like a good friend and never turned away from me. So…”
Calypso started getting all fidgety. Despite confessing to several boys, she still gets nervous about the reaction she’ll get. But she must be strong, not just for her sake, but for Jason’s. And maybe to make Leo speechless.
“Wow… Calypso, I…” Percy stuttered. Trying to find the right words to say. “I can’t believe you feel that way,” He replied, “But…”
And there it is.
“I figured,” Calypso said. “You really love Annabeth.”
“I-it’s not just that,” Percy replied rapidly, blushing madly, “But… I thought you were dating Leo.”
Calypso frowned, “What?!”
“I mean, you two are close; known each other since kindergarten, go out together-”
“That’s because we’re friends!” Calypso yelled. “He’s like an annoying brother I have to watch over. I mean, the last time I left him alone, he nearly burned down my house because he was trying to make soup!”
Calypso frowned and sighs as she reminisces on the event. She was sick at the time and Leo was trying to help her by making some soup. If she didn’t arrive on time, the kitchen was lost.
“I heard about that; but I also heard that Leo didn’t go to that car show that arrives once a year so that he could help you get better.”
“What?! You mean the Annual Car Show in Brooklyn? He never misses that; he even ditch school last year to go see it!”
Percy shrugged, “My point exactly. Other than his wild ambition for mechanical stuff, you’re his first priority.”
Calypso blushed.
“T-that’s because we’re friends! We’ve been friends since I can remember, like you and Annabeth.”
“And I’m in love with her. I can accept that.”
Calypso stuttered. She can’t seem to find a way out of this conversation.
There’s no way she and Leo can date.
“Look, Calypso,” Percy interrupted her train of thought. “Answer me these questions. First, who do you think is smarter? Leo or Odysseus?”
“Why are you-”
“Just answer.”
Calypso scoffed, “The answer is obvious. Odysseus is smarter than Leo… but, Leo alway finds a way to use his street smarts to save the day. Like that time with our school project from our science class.”
“Okay, next question. If both Drake and Leo had plans with you on the same day, who would you go with?”
“Oh that’s a dumb question. I can’t leave Leo alone, he’d probably cause an explosion with his witty skills or get hurt for his wild behavior. I’d have to be there to make sure he’s safe.”
“Last question…” Percy said. “If something important to you happened, who’s the first person you’d tell? Me or Leo?”
“Leo, of course. He’s my best friend, he knows everything about me just like I know everything about him. He was always there for me when I was heartbroken; Always know how to make me smile even if his jokes are terrible. He always trusted me with his darkest secrets. He trusts me and I trust him. Don’t get me wrong, Percy. You’re a sweet guy, but Leo has always been the first to know anything about me. And that’s one of the things I love about him and…”
Calypso stopped as she realized what she said.
“Oh…” She said, “I love him…”
Percy smiled, “So, you finally figured it out.”
Suddenly, the bell rang. Percy cursed in silence, “I’m late for class! Got to go.”
Before he left, he put a hand on Calypso’s shoulder and spoke in kindness, “I’m glad you realized your true feelings. Took me a while for Annabeth. Don’t deny what you truly want, Calypso. You deserve happiness.”
And with that, Percy left her in that hallway with her thoughts.
Thoughts of Leo.
Thoughts of his witty remarks.
Thoughts of his goofy smile.
Thoughts of all his touches and the time they spent together.
How much she realized that all the boys she liked were only fragments compared to Leo.
“Oh my god…”
Calypso is in love with her best friend.
Ain’t that a kick in the head.
Class ended and everyone started heading home. Leo had mechanic club meetings after school so Calypso tends to wait for him so that they can walk home together.
Only now, she realized her feelings for him.
She’s hanging around the bleachers near the football field. Normally, she’d wait by the library; but right now, she needs to have a talk with Jason.
Jason had practice today but he managed to make a break and saw her.
“Hey Calypso, what are you doing out here?” He asked.
“Hey Jason, I need to talk to you.”
Jason nodded and sat next to her.
“What’s up? How did your confession go?”
Calypso was twiddling her thumbs and answered.
“It… didn’t go so well.”
Jason sighs sentimentally.
“I’m sorry, Calypso. I’m sure Percy didn’t mean anything bad to you. He’s just-”
“It’s not that he rejected me. It’s what he said afterward.”
“...What did he say?”
Calypso took a deep breath and replied, “H-he thought that Leo and I were dating and… after trying to convince him we weren’t dating… he made me realize that… I wish we were.”
Jason was silent for a moment, contemplating what he just heard. Calypso just confessed that she’s in love with Leo. He took a deep breath and yelled.
Calypso jumped at the sudden reply.
“Do you have any idea how long I waited for you to realize it?! I mean, it was obvious after you went after Drake; but when Percy was next, I knew instantly you were subconsciously denying your true feelings!”
Calypso blushed and replied, “W-whatever, at least I admit it.”
Jason laughed, “You sure did! And it’s about damn time too.”
Calypso pouted in frustration from his teasing.
“So, how are you gonna tell him?” Jason asked.
“I mean, how are you gonna tell Leo how you feel?”
“WHAT?!” Calypso yelled. “There’s no way I am telling him how I feel!”
Jason groans in annoyance.
‘These two are so alike,’ he thought.
“Why not?”
“Because!” She replied. “He’s my best friend and the only one who knows me better than even myself. If…” She hesitated at what she’s gonna say next. “...If Leo rejects me… he’ll distance himself and…”
Jason understood exactly what she’s going through. It was the same with him on Piper. But for Calypso, it’s so much worse. If Leo rejects her, she’d lose not only her best friend, but her best friend since kindergarten. The two were inseparable; they’d go to every birthday party, every school event, even every school dance together. If he denies her love, she’d lose a part of her life, forever.
That’s worse than what Jason is going through. If only he could tell her how Leo feels. But, he promised him not to tell her, no matter what.
I know what you’re thinking.
‘He knows that both of them love each other. So why not just tell them the truth?’
The thing is, Jason is a good kid. Sure he’s not unique and just your average popular jock-stereotype. But he’s always there to support his friends and family. He helped out his mom get through her alcohol addiction; helped his sister realize how terrible her ex-boyfriend was. Helped his cousin, Nico, come out of the closet and hook him up with Will. He even tended to do some community service in his free time during summer vacation. Jason was a selfless guy and he’s okay with that.
The only people that ever knew this was Leo and Calypso. They helped him out when he did that dumb dare of eating a stapler and cut his lips. They were there when he attended his mother’s funeral. They were there when he confronted Thalia’s ex-boyfriend about the police.
Jason owes them so much.
That’s why he couldn’t tell either of them the truth.
But it’s also why he wants them to be happy. He doesn’t want to be the reason they’re together… or worse, distance toward each other.
“Look,” Calypso spoke. “Just don’t tell him, please? I’d hate to lose him over something silly as love.”
Jason scoffed.
Love is silly?
Sure it makes us do dumb things and say dumb stuff. But, how can one live without love?
“Fine, I won’t tell,” Jason answered.
Eventually though, he’s gonna break that promise.
Author’s Note:
Hey everyone, hope you enjoyed that. Funny thing, I was just gonna make this a One-shot, but I decided to expand it to a 3-part story (again). I kinda inspired this plot from another Fanfiction I read called Safety Patrol (In Fanfiction.Net) or Something More (In Archive of Our Own) made by EthnicToken (Fanfiction.Net)/ StarriNights (Archive of Our Own). Do check out their Caleo Stories; some of my most favorite fanfictions to read. Leave a comment if you can.
Thank you for reading, hope to see you on my next update.
#Leo Valdez#calypso#leo x calypso#Caleo#fanfiction#fanfic#percy jackson#percyjacksonandtheolympians#Heroes of Olympus#trials of apollo#pjo hoo toa#PJO#hoo#toa#childhood#alternate universe#romance#three shot#Percy Jackon and the Olympians
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Estelle Blofis Character Art made by Erabu-San (Envisioned for my Fanfiction) + (Character Info and Commission Link)
Here’s an art that I commissioned from @erabu-san. It is Estelle Blofis (Percy Jackson’s baby sister) that I envisioned in my story:
Estelle and the Mark of Arachnid: The Trident of Poseidon (a Percy Jackson/Spider-Man fanfiction)
[Link to story here]
[Commission Link to @erabu-san]

Estelle Blofis
Age: 15
Personality: Quirky and mischievous with kindness.
Eye Color: Sea Green
Hair Color: Black
Education Level: 10th Grade (Sophomore)
Favorite Show: Supernatural
Favorite Book: Harry Potter
Favorite Anime/Manga: JoJo’s Bizarre Adventures
Favorite Music: Rock and Roll (70′s-90′s)
Estelle Blofis is a mix of her mom and brother. She’s quirky and mischievous like her brother but kind and selfless like her mother. She never knew about the world of Myths and Folklore existing until recently after she got bitten by a cursed spider that gave her the abilities of a spider which thus ends up with her going to Camp Half-Blood during the summer. Her best friend is a child of Athena who is huge fan to Anime. Because of that, she got her bizarre taste in music from two shows, Supernatural and JoJo’s Bizarre Adventures. She has a huge love of Myth and Folklore due to her brother telling stories about his past that he lied about being fake. This also lead her to watching the Tv series, Supernatural. She is loyal to her friends and family and that includes Percy’s friends. With their help, she has begun a path of heroism and responsibility. She will face ordinary thugs and mythological monsters while protecting all of New York. Along with the most dangerous trials yet, High School.
Do check out more of @erabu-san artworks, they’re amazing and remarkable. She has also made the Artwork for the Cover Page of the Story:
#erabu-san#erabu#erabu san#percy jackson#Percy Jackon and the Olympians#Heroes of Olympus#trials of apollo#pjo hoo toa#PJO#pjo fanart#fanfiction#Estelle Blofis#fanfic#marvel reference#spiderman#spider man#JoJo reference#supernatural
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Estelle and The Mark of Arachnid: The Trident of Poseidon (Chapter 9 + Filler about Sam's new powers)
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Chapter 9: I Gotten Myself in a Sticky Situation
Disclaimer: The following is a non-profit, fanbase series. Percy Jackson and the Olympians; Heroes of Olympus; Trials of Apollo; Kane Chronicles and Magnus Chase and the Gods of Asgard are owned by Rick Riordan. Spiderman or any concept of him are owned by Marvel Comics and Sony Entertainment. Please support the official releases.
Okay, so the first thing that came to my head was not something like, ‘Sam! You’re on fire!’ Or ‘Such devastation…’ (If anyone understands THIS reference, you will be an honorary friend for life); instead, my first reaction was literally, “HOLY CRAP! SAM, YOU LEARNED ULTRA INSTINCT!”
Ugh, I got to take a break from anime, Sam as well. Anyways, Mitch got back on his feet and asked, “The hell is Ultra Instinct?”
Before I could answer, Daniel replied, “It’s a technique in Dragon Ball that even gods struggle to master! It’s one of the most powerful techniques that Goku was able to master after Dragon Ball Super!”
“Hold up!” I yelled. “You watch Dragon Ball?”
Daniel looks at me with confusion, as if it’s common sense.
“Who doesn’t know Dragon Ball?”
“Can you guys shut up about cartoons and deal with this first?!” Mitch yelled.
At that moment, a murder was about to be committed.
“How am I friends with you?” Daniel replied.
Suddenly, a strong gust of wind was blown at us from Sam’s position.
“I don’t care how strong she is, I beat her before, I can do it again!”
Mitch charges at her, but she dodges all of his attacks. The way she moves though was smooth and effortlessly; as if she’s just water itself. I’ve seen enough martial arts movies to tell… kind of.
“Why won’t you stay still?!”
Daniel answered, “If it’s like Ultra Instinct… okay, not a lot of time to explain but basically she’s just really good at-”
“DODGE!” I yelled as that strong tingling sense intensified.
Before Mitch could attack, he heard what I said and ducked down, a gust of wind flew past him and hit a tree, cutting it in half. Mitch saw the tree and shuddered at the immense power she demonstrated.
“Okay, nerds… let’s, uh, say I believe you now. Where do we go from here?”
Don’t quote Cell. Don’t quote TeamFourStar. Don’t quote TeamFourStar Cell.
“We just need to hold out long enough until she wears out. Though, I don’t know how long that’ll be,” Daniel explained. He’s not wrong, whatever Sam is going through, eventually she’ll have to get tired. Right? I mean that usually works in anime so I presume it should work in real life, right?
I look behind me and see Percy, Annabeth and Chiron heading toward us. I guess Jessie told the three about my note. Eh, it’s fine. I knew it was bound to happen, I just hoped that I would’ve finished the game before I got caught. Though right now, we have bigger problems.
“Hey Percy,” I said. “I know you're mad, but we have bigger problems right now. Sam is going berserk for some reason, and she has an immense aura surrounding her.”
Percy ran forward and picked up a shield that was on the ground. He uncapped his pen and it transformed into a sword. Sam reacted as Percy charged and sent another powerful gust of wind toward him. He blocked it with the shield, but he was pushed back a bit but still standing.
���Damn! What power!” Percy yelled.
Chiron was shocked and said, “It can’t be…”
“Estelle, get back! Mitch, Daniel, You’re with me. We’ll try to wear her down and knock her out.”
“Percy! Wait!” I yelled but the three already charged at Sam. I bet you’re thinking, ‘three boys against one girl? That’s cruel. Well, it would be if it weren’t for the fact that Sam has gotten an OVERPOWERED ABILITY AND IS DODGING LIKE A BOSS.
Piccolo would be proud.
“Estelle!” Annabeth ran toward me and asked, “Are you okay?”
“I’m fine, Annabeth. But, what’s wrong with Sam? She’s… different.”
“That… is Aura,” Chiron replied.
“Aura?” I asked. “What’s that?”
“… Aura is-”
You’re probably thinking, ‘Isn’t this supposed to be about Estelle Blofis becoming a hero? Basically, a Marvel Story?’
Well, yes but you see… Sam awoke something that was deemed to be considered impossible to achieve and it’s a really complex thing to talk about. Most likey, it’d take a while to explain what this Aura is. So for now, we’ll put a pin to that and focus more on the fight. But trust me when I say this, Samantha Stacy has become a Shonen Anime Main Character, no joke. After this fight, I’ll explain what Aura is, I promise. For now we’ll talk about the basics.
“-a strong energy source that dwells within all living creatures, especially the gods. What Samantha Stacy is doing is unlocking the full potential of Aura, which only gods themselves can do.”
“Woah… so she’s something special herself, isn’t she?” I commented.
Annabeth nodded, “Indeed, but it was only a theory. We never were able to confirm the existence of it. But seeing it now… It’s astonishing.”
“Okay, but… you know what, we’ll talk about it later. For now, we need to stop Sam from hurting anyone,” I said.
The three boys tried to knock out Sam, but she was too fast and kept dodging every attack. She hasn’t even moved out of her spot, like Percy and the others weren’t much of a challenge. Suddenly, a strong wave of energy burst out of Sam and pushed everyone back.
“Such power!” I yelled. “Just where is she getting all this power?!”
Percy was down on one knee but Mitch and Daniel are down. Percy kept on the offensive, but Sam was just too fast for him. As Percy tried to make her trip, she did a backflip and jumped on top of a branch of a tree nearby.
Percy cursed quietly as the rest of the campers arrived at the scene. Chiron informs everyone to stay back as Percy tries to calm down Sam. I got up and ran toward Sam.
“Estelle! Get back!” Percy yelled but I ignored him. If fighting won’t calm her down, maybe I can. At least, I hope so.
“Sam! It’s me, Estelle! Can you hear me?” I said.
Sam jumps down on the ground and faces me. The aura that surrounds her is immense but it’s starting to cool down a bit.
“That’s right, Sam. It’s me, no one is going to hurt you. I promise.”
I kept talking as I walked closer to her. Percy was trying to tell me to stay back but I looked at him with an expression that says I can handle it. Annabeth does it all the time and he listens. I may be over my head, but Sam is my best friend, and now technically my sister, so I gotta do whatever it takes to help her.
“Come on, Sam. You don’t have to be scared. I’ll always be there to help you out, remember? We’re sisters… well, technically we are now since you’re a daughter of Athena and Annabeth is one as well so- I’m getting off track. Look, just listen to my voice and be calm. I got you.”
Talking to her is working. The aura is dimming and she’s starting to wobble a bit. As I got closer, I heard Mitch and Daniel slowly getting up. Percy tells them to stay away from us as I try to calm Estelle down. Unfortunately, Daniel accidentally hit a small twig and it snapped, making a noise that startled Sam. She reacted quickly and was just about to fire another gust of powerful wind towards him.
“SAM! NO!” I yelled as I tried to reach her hand. Then, something crazy happened. There was this green magic circle that appeared on my sleeve. As I try to reach Sam's arm to avoid Daniel getting hurt…
I suddenly shot out a ball of web fluid toward her hand, which made her miss and shoot upwards. Of all the things that happened in just a week, that was the most bizarre thing to ever occur. Monsters attacking us in a museum? Classic start of an adventure. Learning about the existence of monsters and gods? Seen enough Supernatural so I’m used to it. My family being demigods themselves (excluding my parents)? It explains everything about them.
But the fact that I just shot out a small threadball of web out of nowhere was the strangest thing to ever happen. And to add to that, that tingling sensation keeps happening whenever I’m in combat or about to get attacked. That can’t be just a coincidence, right?
Sam’s energy skyrocketed and burned off the web in her hand and faced me.
“Sam! Calm down! It’s me! Listen to my voice!”
But she wasn’t listening as she now aimed her hand at me. The tingling grew and then I ducked and tried to make her trip by instinct. But Sam jumped, but it’s what I want her to do. As she jumps, I grab her by the legs and she falls down. We landed near a puddle that was nearby so we got a bit wet, but the energy around her just vaporized it completely.
Oh man, I feel bad for the dude (or girl) that’ll break her heart.
“SAM! STOP!” I yelled.
Suddenly, I heard her mutter something.
“What? Talk to me, Sam!”
“...Dad… don’t… go…”
At that moment, I understood what was happening. Sam is still unconscious and is having a nightmare. Another burst of energy emerged and pushed me off of her. Sam got back up and charged at me. Percy was about to intervene, but I told him to stop. As Sam was about to punch, I dodged thanks to that tingling sensation. I kept dodging all of her attacks as I noticed that as time passes, her attacks are getting weaker. I can tell because of the heat, it was cooling down. If I can just get her to wake up, she’ll go back to normal. As I kept dodging, I tried to wake her up by talking. Seems like she’s still having nightmares about what happened to her father. I wouldn’t blame her, watching the only blood family you have die in front of you can be traumatizing. But I won’t abandon her.
I noticed that those magic circles that appeared on sleeves are still there. I don’t know how I did it, but I tried to use them again at Sam’s feet.
It worked, though I figured that since it was just web fluid I thought, ‘What if it’s like Spiderman and I gotta do a certain hand signal?’ So I did the Spiderman web shot gesture and it worked. It made Sam imobile and unable to escape. Though normally, she’d just burn off the web fluid but she’s losing more and more of her immense strength.
I just gotta hold out a little longer. Sam was starting to yell out of nowhere, it seems like her nightmare is getting worse.
“Sam! Wake up! It’s only a nightmare!” I yelled.
“Don’t… Leave me! Dad!” Sam yelled.
The Aura grew hotter and stronger. Out of pure instinct (not the tingling one, but mine), I rushed toward her and hugged her.
“Sam… it’s okay. I’m here for you,” I said. “Remember what you told me, back in kindergarten? You said that you want to be as strong as me. Well you are, but you need to wake up and control that power. It’s yours and yours alone. You dream of having an adventure ever since you read those books. And remember Final Fantasy? Sword Art Online? Danmachi? You dreamed of having adventures like that, right? Well guess what; your dream will become a reality. And you’ll make more friends along the way.”
Sam's eyes were starting to close and the aura that surrounded is fading. Next thing I knew, she collapsed in my arms.
“I got you, Sam. I got you.”
She groans as she opens her eyes.
“Stella? Wha-,” Sam jolted up. “What happened?! Did we lose? I blacked out for a moment and…” Sam notices the crowd that surrounds them. “Did something happen?”
I chuckled, “Yeah, I’ll explain later. Let’s get you up.”
I got up and gave Sam a hand.
“Estelle!” Percy yelled.
“It’s fine, bro. She’s okay, no one got hurt… mostly.”
Percy just stood there with a shocking expression. In fact, everyone was.
“What?” I asked. I heard people muttering and whispering about something. “Don’t worry, Sam’s awake now. She won’t cause any troubles as soon as we figure out what the heck her powers are and-”
“Estelle Blofis,” Chiron interrupted. “It’s not Samantha that concerns us right now.”
“What do you mean?” I asked.
I looked back at Sam and saw her with the same reaction as everyone else, except she was looking above me.
“What is it Sam?”
She gestured for me to look up and I did. I saw a big symbol floating above me but I couldn’t tell what it was. Plus, how could I be claimed in the first place? I’m 100% mortal.
“Sam? What god or goddess is it claiming me for?”
“Then what’s the symbol?” I asked.
She replied.
“...A Spider…”
Suddenly, everything that was happening around me was making sense now. The Spider that bit me and disappeared; the tingling sensation on my body; the magic circles and web shooting and the crazy dream I have been having lately. And my first reaction?
“Ah… Crapbasket. Percy, do we have an Uncle Ben?! Cause I’d be very concerned about his safety right now.”
[Filler Explanation on next part. Not necessary to read unless you're curious about Sam's powers]
So… that happened.
Well… I have some time before we can start the next scene so…
I guess I can talk about what was happening to Sam earlier. Just to clarify, this is a theory Annabeth made with the help of Chiron and the Kane Family in the past. To start, it’s called Aura, it’s an energy source that dwells within all living creatures; like the Force in Star Wars. The gods themselves have better control of it because they are the living embodiment of Aura. It’s like this, for every prayer or thoughts related to the gods, Aura energy manifests those thoughts and creates the gods. How that even happened in the first place is still a mystery, but that explains how the gods and monsters exist and why they keep coming back. The stronger the beliefs, the more powerful the being becomes.
However, even Gods themselves cannot master Aura. It has three category types:
Mind: Basically, Aura can increase the ability your mind can handle. For example, you can be quick to adapt and can use any weapons available. Telepathy, Telekinesis, flying and other types of mind powers. IQ’s are also considered to be related to Aura as well. Annabeth theorized that Aura: Mind can increase or decrease IQ levels of a person, making them more intelligent in certain types of fields.
Body: This type affects more on body types abilities such as superhuman strength; speed; instinct and more. It also involves powers such as transformations and breathing underwater. Annabeth theorized that the more powerful Body is, the weaker Mind will be as well. But, the person using this type will become very powerful, and may even rival gods.
Spirit: Now this one is not in Annabeth’s expertise, it’s more of a friend of hers, Carter and Sadie Kane. Spirit does not involve body or mind but rather having some control on Aura on the area around the person. A great example of this is pretty much that it’s magic itself. The Green Mist? Symbols and Names? Sorcery and Curses? These are all types of abilities that Spirit users can use. Carter and Sadie believe that the stronger the will of a person, the more control they have on Spirit. They even theorized that these abilities can manifest as beings if such will is powerful enough.
If you want a more simpler analogy of each type its like this:
Aura: Mind = Charles Xavier/NewTypes in the Gundam Series (bunch of whiny telepathic kids committing war crimes).
Aura: Body = Shapeshifters/Inhumans or Metahumans/Transformations similar to Dragon Ball (From Super Saiyan to Ultra Instinct).
Aura: Spirit = Magicians or Sorcerers/ Stand or Spirit Users.
It’s kind of similar to Nen abilities from Hunter X Hunter. But what Sam did was almost impossible for a mortal to achieve, not even gods can master it easily. Sam used the full potential of Aura: Body which shuts down her mind and her body just reacted by pure instinct. It was basically the Autonomous Ultra Instinct from Dragon Ball Super. It was shocking for Chiron because Demigods can only use a fraction of Aura due to us being part-mortals. A demigod can use a fraction of two types of Aura while regular mortals can only use one.
For example, a child of Athena mostly uses Body and Mind types of Aura. A psychic mortal has some power related to Mind and a bodybuilder has endurance thanks to Body. Spirit-Types are more difficult to locate since they're mostly magic wielders or Spirit users. Gods can activate Aura at ease while mortals can not.
So… yeah… Sam basically just became a classic Anime Main Character in a modern society with monsters and gods in the shadows. Like a mixture of Supernatural, Demon Slayer, Hunter X Hunter, etc. Unfortunately, you won’t hear about her progress or adventures in my stories. She’s just starting her journey and when she’s ready, she’ll tell you all about it afterwards. Which sucks because what she told me was mind blowing! There’s not enough time to comprehend what she went through! I guess we’ll see in the future. For now, back to the story.
Author’s Note:
Sorry for the short chapter. I couldn’t think of a good way to prolong the fight and I don’t want to start the next scene until the next chapter. But I hope you enjoyed it. I also would like to make an announcement, coming soon in a future chapter in Wattpad and Archive of Our Own, I will also include a commissioned art piece of Estelle Blofis made by the same person who made the cover art for this story [@erabu-san]. I wish I could post it here as well, but it seems the website does not allow it. You can find it once I publish it (I publish each chapter in all three websites simultaneously) in AO3 or Wattpad. Same title and my author name too. I will announce it once it’s finished.
Again, I hope you enjoyed it. Next chapter will also be posted soon this month.
here's the cover art for the story (Also made by @erabu-san):

#marvel#marvel reference#fanfiction#fanfic#spiderman#spider man#estelle blofis#Oc#percy jackon and the olympians#heroes of olympus#trials of apollo#percy jackson#erabu#erabu san#pjo hoo toa#percyjacksonandtheolympians#anime#anime reference#lore ideas#anime lore#Dragon Ball Reference#Team Four Star Reference
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Estelle and The Mark of Arachnid: The Trident of Poseidon (Chapter 8)
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Chapter 8: Sam has the power of God AND Anime?
Disclaimer: The following is a non-profit, fanbase series. Percy Jackson and the Olympians; Heroes of Olympus; Trials of Apollo; Kane Chronicles and Magnus Chase and the Gods of Asgard are owned by Rick Riordan. Spiderman or any concept of him are owned by Marvel Comics and Sony Entertainment. Please support the official releases.
“Come on, Percy! Let me join!” I yelled at Percy as he kept denying my request to join the event.
“Why not? It looks really fun!”
“Estelle, they’re gonna be using actual weapons and battle tactics in this game. This event is to train the kids for real-life situations against monsters or battles.”
“Oh come on, I learned a lot from yesterday AND learned some skills from Annabeth my whole life.”
“Estelle,” Annabeth intervenes, “I understand your frustration but this is something that only half-bloods like us can do.”
“Oh, so because I’m not special like you guys, I can’t join?!”
“That’s not what we meant,” Percy replied. “It’s just too dangerous for you. We have medical and healing materials that work only on Demigods. It won’t work on mortals like you. So because of that, you’ll risk heavy injuries in the process.”
I guess that makes sense, but I hate the idea of being pushed to the side because I’m some weak teenage girl. So what if I don’t have special powers or have demigod blood in me. Batman and Black Widow didn’t have powers yet they manage to fight alien invasions, super humans and powerful magical sorcerers. Though it’s true that they have training, money and resources. But there’s also other characters like Daredevil; Kate Bishop; The Punisher; Green Arrow; Nightwing; et cetera. I mean… they also had money and experience but…
Huh… No wonder Spider-Man is more relatable. He’s broke like all of us.
“I’m sorry, Estelle,” Annabeth said. “I promise to make it up to you. Okay?”
I shrugged but responded, “Fine, whatever.”
“Go meet up with the Demeter kids and help out with watching Luke and Silena, Okay? I’ll meet up with you in a bit.”
I sighed and nodded as I walked off.
Today is the day Capture the Flag begins. And like Percy said, I am forbidden to attend.
I hate it but there is nothing I can do about it. I don’t have the equipment used for CTF and Percy will not allow me to get any. I love my brother but he can be too much sometimes.
Yes, a demigod’s life is too much sometimes. But I saw regular folks like Sam and Dean Winchester fight against the impossible. I saw regular people stand up against alien invasions. I saw an ex-thief stand up against a multiversal conqueror and win. Were they fictional? Sure. But wasn’t Mythology as well? Couple of days ago, I didn’t believe it to be real. At this point, who knows what tomorrow would bring?
Ugh, I’m just so frustrated is all.
“Come on, Jessie!” Said a voice, I saw two girls heading out of the barracks, carrying gear for the games.
“Hang on, Penny. I need to find my sword.”
I hid behind a tree as the two went inside again to find her sword. They left their gear by the entrance and I noticed it has the same color as Sam’s gear, meaning they are in the same team as her.
Now I know what you all are thinking, stealing is wrong. Do the right thing and you will be rewarded. Well the last time I did the right thing, property got damaged; Percy and Sam got hurt and her dad died.
Sometimes you have to break the rule to do good things. Like Star Wars, if Luke stayed at the homestead, he’d never have saved the galaxy. If Anakin stayed in that Naboo Starfighter, he’d never save all of Naboo. If Rey stayed on Jakku, The Emperor would never have truly been defeated. Heck even life too! If Percy didn’t run off to the Sea of Monster, Camp would never heal. If Percy didn’t run off to find Annabeth, Artemis would still be captured. I’m probably going to get in trouble for this, but I won’t miss an opportunity like this. Still, I’ll be sure to leave a note as a way to apologize for my mischief.
After I grab a set of the gear, I put it on and strapped on the helmet so I don’t get recognized. I headed toward the area where the event is taking place and found the group Sam is grouped up with.
From what I recall, The game will include most of the campers of the camp, excluding Demeter; Aphrodite; Iris and Hypnos kids. The Demeter kids were tasked to watch over Percy and Annabeth’s kids until Annabeth comes back. Hypnos kids tend to be asleep this early in the mornings and Aphrodite and Iris kids were tasked to do chores for the day. If they're missing out on the game, they actually have something planned out for them later on in Summer. Knowing Aphrodite, they’ll probably do a fashion show or a silly love-match game. Iris kids will most likely practice magic involving communication since Percy told me that demigods struggle to communicate due to magic and monsters. As I reached and sneaked into the group, I noticed the Hephaestus and Apollo kids on the sidelines, ready to give medical support and replacement for broken equipment.
I know that there’s no children of the Big three (As far as I know) joining. So the rest of the camp is attending this game. As Chiron announces the game and explains the rule, I was looking for Sam.
“Welcome Campers, to the annual Capture The Flag event!” Chiron announced. “Now for all of you new campers this summer, let me explain the rules.”
Chiron explains how the game is to give us experience on tactics and combat so that when the kids are off to do quests, they will be prepared to face many challenges. Apparently they will also be using real weapons as well. Who’s idea was it to give kids deadly weapons during a camp activity? Why not give them foam swords or nerf blasters or just good old fashioned Paintball warfare?!
I need to ask Percy if anyone ever dies in these games.
Anyways, I found Sam who was also wearing armor and whispered to her.
“Psst, Sam!” I whispered.
“Stella?!” She responded. “What are you doing here?! You know Percy and Annabeth will get mad if you get involved with this?!”
“I’m not missing out on camp because I’m just a mortal girl. I’m gonna show everyone I can be strong too.”
“But Stella, you heard what Percy said. This is a dangerous life.”
“And yet you’re okay with that?!” I asked. “I’m not letting you go through this alone, Sammy. Just like the Winchester brothers, we’re in this together, no matter what.”
Sam usually likes to stay close with me since she tends to get bullied back in the day. But ever since the Vulture attacked us, she wanted me to stay safe and get stronger on her own. I kind of understand though, she lost her dad and right now, I’m all she has left.
After Chiron explained the rules, the campers split up and headed toward their flags. Our team, the red team, are strategizing on how to retrieve the other team’s flag. Several of the leaders talked about how to win and then decided on a plan.
The majority of the group will go on the offensive while a handful will stay behind and guard the flag. A classic tactic.
And guess where Sam and I are stationed?
Guard duty.
“I risked getting into trouble just to guard a flag?!” I yelled.
Sam and I are stationed close to the flag while the rest are stationed a bit further but close enough to the flag.
“I mean, it’s better this way,” Sam replied.
“No it’s not! We should be out there, fighting other warriors and getting riled up! Not just simple guard duty!”
“Think about it, logically, Stella. We’re still new to this world, we’re not really ready to face what’s beyond this camp.”
“Well Percy did!” I said. I sighed and sat near a log.
“Stella, what’s really going on?”
Sam looked at me with concerned looks and sat next to me.
“Nothing, just… I hate that my whole life, my family kept this from me. Percy; Annabeth; The Zhang’s; The Valdez’s and even the fact that they KNEW Piper McClean! I told them how much she’s our most favorite actress and how badly I want to meet her!”
“They did it to protect you. Like dad did.”
“Yeah, but I don’t like that my whole family lied to me. They knew how much I enjoy mythology. I could’ve helped them out in the past! I could’ve given important info or something. But instead, I was left behind to attend high school while they go off saving the world!”
I ranted for a while as Sam listened.
“Stella, they just want to protect you because they love you. You know how Percy can be. Remember when we were kids, you heard him say ‘ow’ and you quickly grabbed a bandaid so that he could get better?”
I blushed at the memory.
“You have a big heart, Stella. Percy knew that; he figured you’d go far and wide for him and his friends.”
I shrugged. “That’s what family does, we’re there for each other through thick and thin. And that includes you, Sammy.”
I brought a fist out for a fist bump and Sam returned the gesture. Sure, we’re not out having an epic battle like Odyssey. But being here with my best friend is better than any epic moment.
Rustling noise came behind us and it was one of the campers we were paired with.
“We have a problem,” He said, panting. “Several of our members just spotted a small group heading this way. Looks like a small regiment managed to sneak off and are heading this way!”
A few more of our team members joined up and formed a barrier around the flag.
“You did say you wanted some action,” Sam responded.
“That I did, Sam. That I did.”
I had my shield and spear up and ready. The enemy's horn sounded nearby and we heard a loud cry of multiple warriors in the distance. Before I knew it, the enemies were charging at us. Several of our team members were already in combat against the enemy. Sam yelled out to me to watch out as one of them charged at me. She jumped and blocked their attack. Looks like all that training yesterday really paid off. Just as I was getting back up, I felt a strong tingle, like a sixth sense was reacting and next thing I knew, I rolled to the side just in time before an enemy fell right where I was.
I got back up quickly and headed toward Sam’s location. She was being overpowered by two warriors. I charged forward and slammed my shield at one of them, making them fly off at the distance. I was surprised at the distance he flew; since when did I gain such strength?
“Stella!” Sam yelled as she cut the warrior at the leg and slams her shield at their face. “Are you okay?!”
“I’m fine! Protect the flag!”
Sam nodded.
Several more troops arrived and our teams are still holding them off. But we were heavily outnumbered. Maybe sending most of our most valuable troops towards the enemy wasn’t such a good idea after all. We kept holding them off, but they were quite resilient. The weird thing is that you think I’d be hesitating or getting weak knees, except I wasn’t. I kept getting this strong adrenaline pumping in my blood, feeling that tingle whenever an enemy attacks and such immense strength when fighting back. I took down three more already and I’m still feeling great. What the heck is going on?
Anyways, Sam is actually doing really well. The training from yesterday really paid off, but she is still Sam so she’s been hesitating most of her attacks and flinches at every enemy's attack.
“Stay close to me, Sam!” I yelled.
The battle was fast and fierce, but we’re standing strong. Several of our members are down but a majority of the enemies are as well. Only one remained and he was doing well against both me and Sam. As we continued to push him back, Sam told me to go for his legs. So I ducked down, dropped my spear and shield and took out my knife. I sliced his legs as Sam grabbed his arms and judo flipped him to the ground.
I cheered.
“And that’s how we roll! Up top, Sammy!”
I had my hand out for a high five and Sam replied happily. I looked around and noticed that several of our team members are down and wounded but only two remain, excluding me and Sam.
“You guys okay?” One of them replied.
“I’m good, Tristan. You?” The other replied with a feminine voice.
“I’m good Becky. Thanks. What about you two?” Tristan asked us. I nodded and Sam replied.
“A bit beat but still standing.”
“Good,” Tristan sat down to take a breather. “That was too close.”
Becky nodded and smiled, “You two did great out there for your first time.”
“How did you know it’s our first?” I asked.
“Your gear is still shiny and new,” Becky replied.
I snickered and replied, “Oh? So we’re shinies then?”
As someone who watched the Clone Wars series, being called that will hit harder than Dio dropping a road roller on you.
Tristan scoffed at my comment, “For now, but in time, you might make it to Arc Trooper with those skills.”
We all laughed at that. I think I’m gonna have a great time here at Camp.
“Whatever you say, Captain Rex,” I replied jokingly.
Suddenly, footsteps were in the distance and the four of us stood instantly. All of a sudden, a shield fly by us and Sam and I dodged quickly by rolling out of the way.
One warrior jumped out of hiding and charged straight at me and Sam. Another jumped behind Tristan and Becky and attacked. The shield-less warrior relentlessly attacked me and Sam. We tried to counter attack but he was too fast and reacted quickly to our combos. He tripped Sam and then launched his spear toward my shield, forcing me to drop it. I still had the dagger I got from the barracks so I took that out and charged at him. Just as I was charging, that strong sense tingled again and I quickly duck and rolled before the warrior was able to slice his sword.
I sliced near his legs and grunted in pain. He was just about to punch me with his open arm but I quickly grabbed him and judo flipped him myself. I really gotta thank Annabeth for those lessons.
The warrior got up quickly but his helmet fell off, revealing his face.
“Mitch?!” I said. The warrior was Mitch, that jerk from yesterday.
He scoffed, “Estelle Blofis? I thought your big brother didn’t want his baby sister involved with the big boys.”
“Says the guy who’s getting his ass kick!” I replied.
Sam rushes in with her shield, hoping to knock Mitch out, but he was too fast and quickly disarmed her.
“Too slow!” He yelled.
He kicked Sam at the stomach and knocked her down.
“Sam!” I yelled before she fell down on the ground.
I look back and see Tristan and Becky still struggling with the other soldier, who turns out to be Daniel since he too dropped his helmet.
Looks like I’m on my own for now.
“Crapbasket,” I said.
“Just give up,” Mitch said. “This just isn’t for you. You’re not cut out for this life. Go back to high school.”
Every word Mitch says just makes my blood boil.
Mitch continued attacking me, but I was quickly reactive to all of his attacks. That sense that continues to tingle keeps me from getting hurt. I’m starting to wonder why this is happening; it never happened during the time The Vulture and The Minotaur attacked us or even when Percy and Annabeth were training us.
What the hell is happening to me?
“Hold still, you brat!” Mitch yelled.
“I don’t even know how I’m doing this!” I yelled. “I’m just dodging by instinct!”
Mitch swoops down and tries to trip me, but I jumped and somehow, I flew a couple feet back.
Panting, Mitch replied. “Gotta admit, kid. You got moves.”
Suddenly, I heard Tristan groan and saw both him and Becky on the ground. Daniel was still standing but barely; he’s a bit bruised up and tired out, but he’s still standing.
“It’s over, Estelle,” Daniel said. “Just give up. I promise that Mitch won’t go too far. I promise.”
I scoffed, “Fat chance, Daniel! I can take on both of you! I haven’t even gotten a scratch!”
“You heard him, Danny,” Mitch replied. “Time to teach the twerp about the real world.”
“Wow, a big tough guy is gonna teach a defenseless little girl like me about how cruel reality is,” I said sarcastically.
He rushed towards me, but I dodged quickly. Daniel was about to join in on the attack but Mitch ordered him to stay out of it.
“But Mitch-”
“I don’t care if she’s Percy Jackson's sister! She needs to understand what it means to survive this world!”
“And what’s that? Push-ups, sit-ups and plenty of juice? The ol’ Vegeta training?”
Again, Sam showed me anime and… let’s be honest, who HASN’T seen Dragon Ball? That’s definitely a must watch and that’s coming from me!
Mitch continues attacking, forcing me to back up since I only have my dagger. My spear and shield are around but too far to reach. All I can do is keep dodging, which is easy to do thanks to this sixth sense that keeps tingling.
I really need to get that check after this.
Suddenly, I tripped and fell from a small branch that came from a tree nearby.
“Crapbasket!” I yelled.
Before I could get up, Mitch already pointed his sword near my neck.
“It’s over. You lost, Estelle Blofis.”
I hated to admit it, but he was right. He was just more skilled and experienced than I am.
“Fine… I-”
A strong gust of wind flew past us and was heading toward Sam’s location. It was spiraling around as she was slowly getting up.
“Sam?” I said.
The gust of wind kept getting more wild until a loud boom noise hit and burst the air outward. The crazy part was not just that, it was the fact that the wind went from a cooling breeze to a hot burst of heat.
We all covered our eyes due to the wind and when it stopped, we all faced toward Sam and something astonishing was happening.
On top of Sam was a sigil of an Owl.
As a huge fan of Mythology, I know what that means.
“Well then, congrats on being claimed, Samantha Stacy, Daughter of Athena,” Mitch said.
But I was still wondering about what’s happening to her. She got knocked down hard and fell to the ground, but she got back up like it was nothing. Her eyes were closed and her helmet fell off.
“Sam? Are you okay?” I asked.
Mitch walked toward her and waved his hand around her face. She did not react and Mitch shrugged it off as if she’s just sleepwalking.
“Probably out of pure instinct.”
Daniel replied, “I don’t know, Mitch. I’m feeling a strong presence on her.”
Mitch scoffed, “It’s nothing. Just a little tap and she’ll-”
Mitch was sent flying away from Sam.
Daniel and I were shocked at the sudden action because Sam literally did nothing. It was just only a strong gust of wind that hit him. She then opened her eyes and…
To this day… I can’t forget those eyes.
Her dull gray eyes were brightened into sharp silver ones. Then a small light surrounded her, like an immense yet calming heat.
I can tell it was hot because I can feel it even from this distance.
“What the…” Daniel was speechless at the sudden change.
As for me…
“Sam… What on earth happened to you?”
#marvel#marvel reference#fanfiction#fanfic#spiderman#spider man#estelle blofis#OC#Percy Jackson#percyjacksonandtheolympians#heroes of olympus#trials of apollo#percy jackon and the olympians#pjo hoo toa#Anime#anime reference
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Estelle and The Mark of Arachnid: The Trident of Poseidon (Chapter 7)
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Chapter 7: Sam becomes the Eagle-Bearer.
Disclaimer: The following is a non-profit, fanbase series. Percy Jackson and the Olympians; Heroes of Olympus; Trials of Apollo; Kane Chronicles and Magnus Chase and the Gods of Asgard are owned by Rick Riordan. Spiderman or any concept of him are owned by Marvel Comics and Sony Entertainment. Please support the official releases.
So, the first day of camp (officially) and of course my brother is still asleep. Isn’t he one of the camp counselors?
This isn’t the first time this has happened; back when I was in elementary school, Percy would oversleep whenever he and Annabeth would come and visit. Usually some loud noise would tend to wake him up, especially since he snores really loud. And don’t get me started on his drool. Over 30’s and has two kids and still drools in his sleep. Like, what did Annabeth see in this guy?
Luckily, I have my phone, with my favorite music.
I turned it with max volume to one of my favorites, Heat of the Moment by Asia.
Percy instantly woke up and sat up.
“Rise and shine, Seaweed Brain!” I said while dancing to the song and then lip syncing to the lyrics.
Percy groaned as I told him it’s morning.
He’s never a morning person.
After we got dressed for the day, we met up with Sam for the introduction. Since I’m still a temporary camper, my introduction was short but Percy gave a strong look at the campers and asked them to behave themselves with Sam and I.
I rolled my eyes in annoyance, he’s still my annoying, dorky overprotective brother. Many of the campers were tempted to do their traditional bathroom initiation, but I straight up looked at them and said, “touch my friend here, and you wish you were fighting monsters.”
Most of them shivered at my wrath, but there were a couple of them that scoffed it off.
Good to know who’d to avoid in camp.
After the introduction, Percy took me and Sam to the barracks to get our weapon of choice.
“That reminds me, Annabeth is coming over with the kids,” Percy said on the way.
“Really?! That’s awesome! I need her to tell me everything!” I said excitedly. As we reached the barracks, I noticed several campers all dirty and filled with dirt and soot.
“Children of Hephaestus,” Percy explained. “They love tinkering and building stuff. Leo’s one too.”
“That makes so much sense,” I said. “But… that still doesn’t explain how he managed to get a woman like Calypso?” I asked.
Percy chuckled. “He asked himself the same question. Check out the inventory, see what peaks your interest.” I nodded and looked around.
There are many kinds of weapons on the shelves. Swords; daggers; spears; axes; etc. There was just a huge variety of weapons. One of the children of Hephaestus, Jim was his name, helping me and Sam on recommendations.
Knowing Sam though, she’s a hardcore fan of Assassin’s Creed. And with the many references to Greek Mythology, well…
“I don’t know what to pick,” Sam said excitedly. “What do you think I should get, Stella?”
I shrugged.
Sam continues to look around as I did the same. Truth be told, I never thought about what kind of weapon I’d use, fantasy or not. Though if I had to choose it’d be something like how Annabeth or Percy would fight. I know Percy uses a sword, but that doesn’t seem like my style. He did tell me that Annabeth tends to use a dagger but lost during their trip to Rome so she tends to use a sword made of Drakon bones.
Another reason why she’s awesome.
Though if you think about it, each weapon would have a fallback in comeback. Jim was telling us about each type of weapon downfalls. For swords, you’ll need room to even swing or thrust or you’ll be in trouble. Daggers are good for close combat but very ineffective against enemies from distance. Polearms can do that but it’s difficult for close range as well as concealment.
After much debate in my head, I went for the daggers. Thanks to the many lessons I received from Annabeth, I’m pretty good with martial arts. Percy insisted that I learned self-defense just in case. It’s funny though because it didn’t do much against Vulture and the Minotaur. Plus, after watching Supernatural, I always dream of having a demon-killing knife like Dean Winchester. Maybe someday Jim or his siblings can make a replica someday. That’d be awesome.
“Found something?” Percy asked.
“Yeah, I’m gonna go with a dagger. You know how Dean Winchester has a knife when hunting monsters? I figured I should give it a try.”
“Estelle, this is real-life, not a tv show.”
I rolled my eyes.
“I know, Percy. I’m just stating some inspiration for my choice. Anyways, let’s see what Sam picked.”
We both went to find Sam in the barracks and found her picking a sword.
“What’s that?” I asked.
“A Kopis! It’s one of the many weapons Greeks would use back then.”
I chuckled and asked, “Let me guess, Assassin’s Creed?”
Sam smiled and shrugged , “You know me.”
We both laughed until Sam noticed something in one of the crates of weapons.
“Hey, Jim,” Sam said to one of the campers in the barracks. “What’s that crate for?”
Jim responded, “Just some defective gear in the past. We tend to have some gears and artifacts that can’t be reused or destroyed so we keep them in that box.”
Sam kneels down towards the crate and picks up what seems to be a broken piece of a spear. It’s mostly just the tip with the other end broken off. The blade is completely rusted and unfit to be used for any reason.
“Where did you guys get the broken spear from?” I asked.
“Been around since Ancient Greece. It was leftovers from the fallen Spartans during the Persian invasion.”
“The 300 Spartans?!” Sam yelled in excitement. Jim nodded and it made her squeal in excitement. I already knew what this meant. You see, Sam loves history. Especially ancient history and war. So when Assassin’s Creed: Odyssey came out, it became one of our favorite games. So the fact that we’re finding an actual broken spear from the 300 Spartans is one of Sam's happiest moments in her life.
“Can I take it?! Please?” She asked.
Jim shrugged.
“If you want, go ahead. The spear is rusted and nothing we do seems to work on it. We even try to attach it to another polearm, but it seems to… reject it. So we had no choice but to just leave it in the crate with the others. You can keep it as a souvenir if you like.”
Sam shouted yes when suddenly, the spear blade started to glow and shake rapidly. All of a sudden, the rust on it washed away.
“Sam, you okay?!” Percy asked.
Sam responded, “Yeah but… what was that?”
Everyone looked at the spear as it continued to glow.
“No way…” Jim said. “They tried everything to lose the rust. How…”
“Because that spear once belonged to a powerful warrior,” Said another voice.
We all looked and found Annabeth, wearing one of the camp’s T-shirts and jeans.
“Annabeth!” I yelled. “You got here quickly.”
“No monster sightings. Seems like you guys made a lot of commotion last time.”
“Mrs. Jackson,” Sam said. “What do you mean a powerful warrior?”
Annabeth walked toward the spear and picked it up. The glow shimmered as she did and gave it to Sam.
“The Spear once belonged to a powerful Spartan warrior. A king.”
Sam and I gasped as we knew exactly who.
“Leonidas of Sparta…” I said.
Annabeth nodded and spoke, “Long ago, before Leonidas confronted the Persian army of Xerxes, he was visited by the gods and was gifted with a spear. To this day, we don’t know what this spear is made of. But, it always glows whenever Leonidas wields it. And now…” Annabeth hands the spear to Sam. “It seems it found its next user.”
“Me?” Sam asked.
“With some practice, we’ll help you learn how to use a weapon.”
Sam grasped at the spear and was in awe. Eventually, we all left, thanking the children of Hephaestus for their help.
“Where are the kids?” I asked.
“They’re with the children of Demeter. They’re really great babysitters and they owe me a favor. Now, tell me about your experience here so far.”
Sam and I explained to her everything about our experience. From the car chase to the introduction ceremony.
“Wow,” Annabeth said. “You two had the same experience as Percy did.”
“Exactly what I thought when he told us his story!” I yelled. “Which reminds me. Annabeth? You’re a demigod too, right? Who’s your godly parent?”
“Oh, Athena.”
“What?!” I yelled. “You, a daughter of Athena, is married to a Son of Poseidon?!”
“I see that you are listening to your classes, Estelle.”
“Only her favorite ones,” Sam added. “Also, Mrs. Jackson?”
“Just call me Annabeth, sweetie,” Annabeth replied.
“Okay, Annabeth, why did you say I was chosen by the spear?”
“After the death of Leonidas, the spear never glowed again. It just rusted away until now. Not even Leonidas’ descendants were able to unlock its power. It just stays dormant. The fact that it awoke right when you picked it up shows that you have something in you that is special.”
“Woah,” Sam said. “Then… Can I be called Samantha, The Eagle-Bearer?!”
I laughed because I knew the moment we saw the spear, she’d make an Assassin’s Creed reference. She alway loves playing those games.
“Let's just focus on your training. You get to join the Capture the Flag game tomorrow.”
“And apparently, I don’t” I said, sulking.
“Sorry, Estelle,” Annabeth said. “But I agree with Percy. Our camp activities are a little too much for you.”
“Yet it’s fine for kids younger than me to join,” I replied.
“Estelle, look,” Percy spoke. “Demigods are different from regular people like you. Because we have godly blood in us, we’re hunted by monsters. We have no choice but to learn to fight, so that we can live to see tomorrow.”
I was also gonna reply how Sam and Dean from Supernatural were humans too and they fought even powerful beings, even God himself. But, then again, they only won because Chuck (God) blessed them with luck so that they could give him more writing materials.
Crazy right?
“Let's just learn to fight,” I said.
We arrived at the training arena and the Jacksons were teaching us formations and tips on how to wield a weapon. Since I was using a dagger, Annabeth is teaching me while Percy is teaching Sam how to wield a sword.
Annabeth was really good at using daggers back in her teen days. But ever since she lost it in her fight with Arachne, she uses a sword made of Drakon bones. I tend to ask her about Arachne since just a couple days ago I was at a museum learning about a tablet based on her. But, Annabeth doesn’t like talking about it. Apparently, Children of Athena are mortal enemies to spiders and freak out the moment they see one.
That does explain one time how Annabeth got on the dining table during their visit. I saw a little spider and she just screamed in fear. Since Sam and I like spiders, we tend to just pick them up and drop them outside safely.
I never stopped teasing her about it since.
“Hey Annabeth?” I asked during our training.
“What was Piper McClean like?” I asked. I was still surprised that Percy and Annabeth knew Piper McClean.
“Oh… Piper was… kind and supportive to us.”
“Percy said she doesn’t come to camp anymore. And I never saw her come visit us like you and the others.”
Annabeth had a sad look on her face when she replied. “…She went through some difficult times at the moment and… well, Camp just brings a lot of memories.”
“Bad memories?”
“No… good memories…”
I was confused, but she said she’ll talk about it some other time when she’s ready.
“Okay, then how about Jason? Can you tell me about him? I saw him in a picture with you and everyone. Percy said he’s not around anymore so… I’m assuming the worst right now.”
Annabeth hesitated for a second but nodded.
Jason Grace was his name and he was Thalia Grace’s younger brother. Apparently the siblings were children of Zeus/Jupiter. He was this tall handsome guy with great looks and was strong in combat. He can fly like Superman, thus tends to be called that by his friends. But he tends to get beaten up hard by enemies and can be a little clumsy sometimes. But despite that, he always gets back up and does the right thing, no matter what.
“Sounds to me like he’s no Superman.” I said.
“He made mistakes, sure. But he’s always there for his friends.”
“No, Annabeth. I meant that he’s no Superman. He was just a regular teenager just wanting to help his friends. He was just… a good man.”
Annabeth smiled.
“Yeah… he was.”
Hearing about Jason really brought a lot of respect from me. Shame that he’s gone… I would’ve loved to meet him.
Anyways, while Annabeth and I were training on dagger techniques, I noticed that Sam is starting to get the hang of using her Kopis. She’s not using the broken spear since she’s hoping to fix it up with the help of the Hephaestus kids.
She’ll probably want to make it look like the Spear in Odyssey. Classic Sam.
“How are you holding up Sam?” I asked.
Panting, she replied, “It’s really difficult holding a sword when you’re not an outdoor person.
I snickered, “That’s what you get for staying inside to play games all day.”
“Okay, you two. Let’s take a break,” Percy replied.
All four of us sat at a fallen log nearby to take a breather from training. As we did, I asked Sam something.
“Hey Sam, do you remember how you were fighting the Vulture?”
“Not really, no. It’s kinda foggy to remember. After seeing Dad… you know… everything just, kinda went dark and I blacked out.”
“It’s okay,” Annabeth replied. “It can be difficult to remember something traumatizing. You don’t have to explain.”
“But that’s the thing. After she killed my father, I felt this strong feeling surrounding me. Like a calm wave of warm light. Then, next thing I knew, I was hearing the Vulture in my head, telling me how she was gonna strike. But everything else, it just went blank.”
“Hm, did you have any dreams afterwards?” Annabeth asked.
“I actually did. It was weird though, I saw this hooded man and he spoke to me. I can’t remember what he said, but he had this strong vibe, yet calming. It’s… it’s kinda hard to describe it. But I didn’t think much of it.”
“Dreams are a lot stronger for demigods, I’m afraid,” Annabeth explained. “You see, demigod dreams can show vague information that is crucial to you and your destiny. Sometimes they give omens if something bad is going to happen; or they give you details of something happening elsewhere.”
Bad omen? Then, would my dream a while ago be considered as one? Should I even ask? I mean, ever since then, I haven’t had another weird dream yet. But knowing Percy, he’ll probably make a big deal of it.
Anyways, Annabeth insists that Sam keeps an eye out for her dreams whenever she sleeps. I guess life really is hard for a demigod.
Suddenly, two other campers passed by, whispering. One of them scoffed and said, “She’ll be gone within a week. Girl got all nervous just by the introduction; she ain’t gonna last long out there.”
I assume they were talking about Sam since she did get nervous at the ceremony. I mean, you try introducing yourself to a bunch of other kids holding deadly weapons with an urge to shove you down a toilet. Still, I never allow that to happen in school so I sure won’t let that happen in camp.
“Hey!” I yelled as I got up and walked toward the campers. “Do you mind repeating that?”
The two campers turned around. One of them was a bit tall and had a bit of muscle on him, probably from the training here at camp, and had brown eyes. Tanned skin with short brown hair. The other guy had dark skin with bright hair; he’s not as built as the other guy, but he seems toned out; he also has green eyes.
“What do you want?” The built guy said.
“My friend has been through enough already. We don’t need to deal with your attitude!” I yelled out.
“Stella,” Sam got up and spoke to me, “it’s fine. This isn’t the first time, just let it slide.”
The jerk was about to reply until his friend spoke, “Look, Mitch, just walk it off. Please? I don’t want to see you get in trouble like last year.”
Mitch scoffed and just walked off.
“I’m sorry about Mitch. He’s… been through a lot last year.” He took out his hand. “I’m Daniel, son of Hermes. That was Mitch, Son of Ares.”
I shook his hand and replied.
“I’m Estelle, Percy’s sister on mom's side. This is Sam, I don't know about her god parent though.”
Daniel shrugs, “It happens, some of us still don’t know who our parents are. Your brother tried to change that but… well…”
“Gods rarely change,” Percy replied. “Is Mitch still upset about last year, Danny?”
Daniel nodded.
“What happened?” Sam asked.
“I… rather not talk about it. Too much to handle at the moment. And again, I’m sorry about Mitch. He was never good with talking to people.”
“Are all children of Ares like that?” I asked.
“Not really, I heard tales of how of of Ares' daughter used to bully Mr. Jackson here.”
I snickered at the thought, “I’m sorry, a daughter of Ares? Percy got bullied by a girl?”
“Wasn’t the first time,” Annabeth added. This made me laugh hysterically. My brother who saved the world more times than the Avengers, gotten bullied by several girls? That’s just hilarious.
After I stopped laughing I asked, “How on earth are you popular here?!”
“Whatever,” Percy said. “Let’s just get back to training.”
We said our goodbyes to Daniel as we headed back to the field for some more training. Percy and Annabeth really helped us out a lot about how to use our new weapons. Though, Sam wants to work on the spear itself once it’s fixed. During training, Sam and I asked a lot about their past and learned more about the half-blood’s life.
You think it’s filled with adventures and action mixed with some love and comedy, right? Well, it was… along with traumatic experiences, drama and death.
Remember the kids, Luke and Silena? They were named after some people Percy and Annabeth knew in the past.
Cliché. But I guess it helps them bear through the trauma. Don’t forget, they fought monsters; gods; immortal beings; traveled to several hells; literally carried the sky and so much more. All at least around my age or younger.
I gotta agree with Percy, they deserve a vacation.
I even learned a lot about our family. How they've been through a lot as well but are learning to cope with it. Which reminds me, if being a demigod is traumatizing, how come they don’t have therapy? I can’t imagine what would happen if these kids are mentally unstable. Still, with New Rome support, which is another place like Camp Half Blood but for Romans, they were able to expand Camp Half-Blood with more activities and support. Hopefully they can do therapy sessions soon.
Anyways, after training, we went to pick up the kids from the Demeter cabin. Luke and Silena saw me, got very excited and hugged me tightly.
“Hey Annabeth?” I spoke. “Where are the kids going to be sleeping?”
“By the Big House. Kids are still too young for camp but eventually they’ll experience it themselves.”
“Even questing?!”
“Not until they’re eighteen years old!” Percy yelled.
I mean, I figured that’s what would happen. Other than being an overprotective brother, he’s also an overprotective father.
“Well, at least the kids will be safe.”
“I’ll be with them as well. Percy will be staying with you until you head back home. Trust me, this place is too dangerous for you.”
“Ugh, I don’t need babysitting, Annabeth,” I argued. “I’m fifteen years old! I can take care of myself. This is just summer camp, not like monsters can sneak in here!”
“That happens more often than you think,” Percy replied.
I continued arguing about how grown up I am and that I’m usually the one watching over Sam in school. I help babysit the kids every time they come and visit. However, it’s already late and I’m too tired from training.
I gave up and just let it be.
As soon as we got to the cabin, I crashed to bed and just rest up.
And once again, the dream appeared.
I was in the same dark room with the same three ladies. Only difference is that the ladies were not making any new clothings. One of the elderly ladies looked up at me and spoke.
“Estelle Blofis… a crossroad has been made for you…”
I was confused at the comment but she continued.
“You must make a choice that shall forever change your fate. Along with those you care deeply…”
“Fate? What fate?” I asked. “What choice? I don’t understand!”
Suddenly, I felt an immense pain on my hand and saw the same spider that bit me at the museum. As I looked up, the elderly ladies were gone. But there was one feminine figure in the shadows. It was just standing there for a bit, menacingly. Then I saw something appearing from behind her. Looked like long insect legs; it didn’t take me long to realize they were spider legs and that they’re coming from behind the lady. Her eyes were glowing bright green.
“Embrace me…” She spoke eerily.
The way she spoke gave me the creeps.
“Who are you?” I asked.
She didn’t speak for a while, until she replied.
“You’re destiny!”
She charged rapidly towards me.
And suddenly, I awoke. Sweating and panting from my dream.
I was trying to make some understanding of my dream. I mean first off, I don’t dream so why on earth did that happen? And second, what were those elderly ladies talking about? What choice did I have to make? And who was that shadow lady with the spider legs and bright green eyes?!
So many questions, yet no answers.
I recall Annabeth talking about Demigod dreams but it couldn’t be that. I’m not a demigod so it shouldn’t happen to me.
I will have to worry about it later. Right now I need to get up and see one of camp’s most favorite activities.
Capture the Flag.
It can’t be that dangerous, right?
#marvel#Marvel Reference#fanfiction#fanfic#spiderman#spider man#estelle blofis#OC#percy jackon and the olympians#percy jackson#percyjacksonandtheolympians#heroes of olympus#trials of apollo#pjo hoo toa#assassin's creed
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Estelle and The Mark of Arachnid: The Trident of Poseidon (Chapter 6)
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Chapter 6: Surprise! My Brother is Joseph Joestar!
Disclaimer: The following is a non-profit, fanbase series. Percy Jackson and the Olympians; Heroes of Olympus; Trials of Apollo; Kane Chronicles and Magnus Chase and the Gods of Asgard are owned by Rick Riordan. Spiderman or any concept of him are owned by Marvel Comics and Sony Entertainment. Please support the official releases.
Percy gave us the tour of Camp Half-Blood.
Camp Half-Blood is a safe haven for demigods so that they can train and learn to defend themselves. Many of these kids have unique powers and abilities they can use to protect themselves. But, the moment these kids find out about their origin, their scents become more active and monsters are able to sniff them out. Which is why many of them are still out there, in hiding. Most of them are even shunned by society because they are different and nobody will know why. That would explain about Percy and Sam being bullied in the past. And the crazy part? Sometimes the kids will head out to the world for some crazy adventures, fight monsters and save the world.
“So, let me get this straight,” I said. “This is a place for those with godly blood in them and are learning to control their powers and do fun camp activities and go out and save the world by doing missions called quests?”
“Pretty much, yeah,” Percy answered.
“…This is just like the X-Men,” I replied.
“Oh my god, it is!” Sam agreed.
Percy was gonna argue with me about comparing it to a comic book series. But, I mean, come on! They both are a safe place for kids with powers; do normal people activities like school or summer camp and send them to do dangerous missions and save the world; even the adults are demigods teaching the younger generations how to fight and survive! The only thing missing is if the camp was being counseled by a crippled Patrick Stewart.
Ugh, getting off track here. Anyways, after our talk, Sam got even more excited.
“Do you tend to have people with powers to shoot lasers or teleport? What about telekinesis or transformation?”
Sam was asking a lot of X-Men related questions about Camp Half-Blood. Percy tried to explain to us how the Camp is different to the X-Men. But it’s gonna be really difficult to convince Sam otherwise. Anyways, Percy showed us more about the camp. The infirmary was near the center of Camp which mostly involved the cabins for the campers. So far it seems that there’s dozen of cabins and each one represents a different god. I noticed that they also have both Greek and Roman names of the gods. When I asked, Percy said it was because there’s also Roman demigods too. I found that confusing because it’s literally the same thing, just with different names. Though I can tell from Percy that it was gonna be a long story to tell. He said that once he finishes the tour, he’ll talk about how this all happened around the time he found out about himself.
He showed us a lot of stuff here at Camp. Apparently, the Camp is being protected by a giant energy barrier that prevents monsters from attacking. They even got some regular camp events such as Arts and Crafts; canoeing; volleyball, and they even have a strawberry field. It looks like an ordinary summer camp with an Ancient Greek theme to it. The only difference? The camp also has an Arena for combat training, an Amphitheater for camp meetings; even a freaking Forge and Armory area too. And get this, they even have a Pegasus stable.
Literal flying horses exist!
Sam and I have dreamed of riding one since we were little and watched My Little Pony. Tell anyone and I will hunt you down.
Percy showed us around the stables and… we were just amazed by the pegasi and wanted to pet them. Percy told us it’s not safe to pet them because some of them are a little mischievous. I asked how he knew that.
“I can talk to them.”
“Yeah,” Percy replied. “I can talk to horses and fishes. I’ll tell you about that later.”
Percy did not elaborate and continued the tour.
I… I don’t know what else to say at this point…
So let's just move on; As Percy continues the tour, we reach toward the counselor’s house. Percy calls it The Big House.
“This is where our counselor, Chiron, lives. It’s pretty much where we can plan for camp activities, battle plans and prepping for quests.”
“I’m sorry, battle plans?” I asked.
“He’s referring to strategies for capturing the flag activity,” Said another voice. Sam and I looked toward the entrance and saw a man in a wheelchair, he looked about the same age as Percy and had a scruffy beard. And unlike Charles Xavier (Patrick Stewart), he has hair.
At this point, you might as well cue the X-Men 90’s theme song.
“Estelle, meet Chiron, the Camp Counselor, a centaur… and a friend.”
I look at Percy with a raised eyebrow.
“Percy, the counselor is on a wheelchair. Like Charles Xavier.”
Chiron laughed.
“You must be Estelle Blofis. Percy told me a lot about you.”
“I hope they’re good things,” I replied.
Chiron chuckles, “In case you’re wondering, I am indeed a centaur, but I am greeting you in my human form. So that way I don’t shock you too much about everything.”
“Well, I appreciate that, Mr. Chiron, sir. But, we got attacked by Tweety the bird and her big ogre friend.”
“Actually, that was the Minotaur.”
“…I’m sorry, what?”
“The Minotaur, a half-human and hal-”
“I know what a minotaur is,” I interrupted. “I meant, why was the freaking minotaur involved?!”
Chiron replied, “On that, I do not know. But, it seems he was very delighted to have his rematch with Percy.”
“I’m sorry, WHAT?!”
After asking many (and I mean a lot) questions, Percy said he’ll explain it all later. For now, we had to discuss Sam's situation.
“Percy explained to me about the situation. Unfortunately, I do not know why Vulture and the Minotaur were near you two.”
“Vulture did say something about scouting. Maybe she was looking at a place she was planning to attack?” I said.
Chiron seemed pale as Percy spoke, “Chiron, you think they’re gonna attempt to attack Olympus?”
“Olympus? You mean Mt. Olympus?” I asked.
Chiron and Percy explained to me how Olympus actually exists in New York, right on top of the Empire State Building. I used to go there sometimes with mom and dad. To think that this whole time it was a meeting ground for gods.
“But why would she attack what would most likely be a heavily secured place?” Percy said.
“She did say something about her master. She may have been working for someone,” I added.
“Chiron?” Percy asked. “Do you know something?”
Chiron took a deep breath and nodded, “I will tell you about it later, Percy. For now, let’s get the girls some rest for today. In a couple of days, we will be having our Capture-the-Flag event.”
Sam gasped excitedly, “Can we join?!”
“You will, Samantha Stacy. For now, we need to introduce you to the campers tonight.”
“What about me?” I asked. “Can’t I join?”
“No,” Percy answered. “You can’t join, Estelle. Camp activities are a lot different here.”
I scoffed, “Come on, it can’t be that bad. What, you guys use foam swords and shields to pretend to be Greek warriors?”
Chiron laughs, “You, Estelle Blofis, are a lot like your brother.”
“Oh, that’s not a good thing, Chiron. One Percy is too much for this world to handle.”
He and Sam laughed hysterically while Percy was frowning.
“Oh I love her, Percy,” Chiron said. “I just hope she doesn’t get any influence from you.”
“W-whatever; look, just know that Camp Half-Blood’s activities are a lot different then regular camp activities. I’ll explain it all in the meantime.”
I rolled my eyes.
Clearly, Percy is just being an overprotective big brother. I mean, how bad can Camp Half-Blood be? It’s not like kids die here? Right?
“Well, for now, Estelle will be staying with you at your Cabin, Percy; and Sam will be staying in the Unclaimed Cabin for now. Tomorrow, we will send Estelle back home and-”
“I’m staying,” I interrupted. “Look, I may not be a demigod; have super powers or anything supernatural. But, I’ve been by Sam’s side ever since we were kids. I have been her partner in crime and kept her safe until now. And I will continue doing so, with or without your permission.
Percy sighed in frustration. He tries to convince me that Sam is going to be okay here. But even so, I can’t leave her on her own. She just lost her only family. I’m all she has left.
And we all know how gods are with their children; I read the mythologies. So whoever Sam’s mother is, it won’t be enough.
I’m all she got left.
Before Percy could convince me otherwise, Chiron spoke.
“We can continue this conversation for another time. For now, get some rest and eat at the Mess Hall. Tomorrow, I’ll announce to the campers our newest member here and then the following day, We’ll start the event for Capture the Flag.”
Percy agreed and guided me and Sam to the cabins.
Before I could ask which cabin he and I were staying in, Percy already showed us his cabin. The cabin was blue and had several marine-like decorations with a sign in Greek terms. I couldn’t tell what it says, but I can guess just from how the cabin looks.
“Percy… is your dad, Poseidon?”
He nodded, “Yeah, God of the Sea.”
Honestly, that explains so much.
Sam gasped in excitement, “You’re a son of Poseidon? Of the Big Three?”
“That does explain a lot of things about you, bro. For example, you never get wet during rainstorms, fishes seem to like you in aquariums and you ARE the best swimmer I know out there.”
Percy opens his cabin door.
The entire room describes Percy. The messy bundle of clothes; the unmade sheets on the bed; some leftover snacks by the side and there was also some armor and weapons by the side. The interior was Ocean-based decoration and colored with a blue-green mix color. Sam and I were amazed by the size of the cabin.
“Each Cabin has a different look and tends to show each unique style similar to the Olympians and their children. You should see the others, theirs are much bigger than mine.”
“Is it because the gods tend to be busy hooking up with humans?” I asked.
Percy chuckled, “Yeah, and as you can see, I’m an only child. Or rather, an only human-child.”
I was confused for a second, then I recalled the myths.
“Wait.. are all horses-”
“Yep,” Percy replied.
Well… at least we’ll know what most of Percy’s siblings like to eat.
“That explains why every horse reminds me of you, Percy. Your untamable hair, your sloppy eating habits, your-”
Percy ruffles my hair, “Okay, you little brat, just set your stuff on the bed next to mine. I’m gonna show Sam her cabin.”
“Hold on,” I said as I looked at the end table next to Percy’s bed. I saw a picture and saw several familiar faces.
“Is that you and Annabeth around my age? And is that.. It is!” I yelled as I recognized the faces.
I knew most of the faces in this picture, Frank, Hazel, Leo and… I was shocked at the next person I saw.
“Is that Piper McClean?! The actress?!” I yelled.
Sam and Percy walked towards me and looked at the picture.
Sam squealed in excitement. Piper McClean is this really beautiful and amazing actress that me and Sam always love watching. She is confident; kind and funny, especially off-screen too. We always hope to meet her in person someday, but never did I think that my idiotic brother actually knew her in person.
“Yeah, that’s Piper. We all had to travel to Italy and Greece with them to save the world. It was crazy, dangerous and we almost died. But… I knew we’d win when I had them by my side, especially Annabeth,” He said with a nostalgic tone. I also recognize there was a seventh person in the picture. He was tall, handsome, a bit muscular, had blonde hair and was wearing glasses.
“Who’s that?” I asked. Percy looked and replied.
“That’s… Jason. Son of Jupiter, or Zeus in Greek terms.”
“How come I never met him?” I asked. Besides Piper McClean, I met Frank, Hazel and Leo before and I considered them as family; so did mom and dad. But I never heard of Jason, nor met him.
“Let me guess, he’s out there saving the world like some Superman, right?” I said with a teasing tone.
Percy didn’t show any change of emotion in his face, but I can tell from his eyes. They were filled with loss and grief.
“Jason’s… not around… anymore…”
“We can talk about that later, at the Mess Hall. For now, I’m gonna show Sam where she is sleeping. In the meantime, call mom and Paul and let them know you’re okay. I left some of your stuff by the bed. We’ll be back.”
I nodded as Sam and Percy left while I contacted my parents.
After I contacted my parents and told them I was okay, I also asked a lot of things about Annabeth. Turns out, she’s a daughter of Athena, the Goddess of Wisdom. That also explains so much about her; she always seems to know anything, anywhere, anytime. So my next big question is what did Percy do to get a girl like Annabeth?
Well, I’m sure he’ll tell me.
After my talk with Annabeth, I reassured my parents that I will be staying with Sam at Camp. I was half-expecting them to deny the idea; but instead agreed to it because it was much safer here than back home. Especially since the monsters now got my scent.
After we got settled in our cabins, we headed toward the mess hall and ate some food. Percy took me and Sam to the mess hall, or what it’s usually called the Dining Pavilion, and food was already by the table. Percy told us how each table is arranged for a god and that it’s forbidden for a demigod of another god to sit at another table. However, he said that Poseidon is a chill guy and wouldn’t mind if Sam and I sit with him. I hope I get to meet Papa Neptune someday; he sounds like a fun guy, when he’s not giving tsunamis. Plus, this would give Percy the chance to finally answer all my questions.
“So, Sam, what do you think of the camp?” Percy asked.
“Well, other than the fact that I’m basically a Mutant.”
“Demigod,” Percy corrected.
“Same thing; anyways, I think this place is amazing. I never went to summer camp before, but I can’t wait to try out all the activities.” Sam sighs, “I wonder if this is what my dad wanted to tell me about. How my mom is actually a goddess, how I’m different from normal people.”
“I’m sorry, Sam.” Percy apologized. “I should’ve been more careful. I didn’t think Vulture would be this relentless. Lately, monster activities have been under the radar; I don’t know why exactly she was there. But, don’t worry, I’ll deal with her and her partner when the time comes.”
Sam nodded, “Thank you, Percy.”
Sam is taking the whole “dead dad” thing pretty well. Makes sense, her dad’s a cop and whenever he heads out on patrol or on a case, she’d fear it would be the last night she’d see her dad. She was mentally strong for it, but that doesn’t mean she won’t grieve for him. After all, he was the only family she had.
“Anyways, now that we got that out of the way, I think it’s time you tell us how your Odyssey began.” I chuckled at her joke and agreed with Sam; Percy finally told his tales.
How he was framed for stealing Zeus’ Lightning Bolt and ending up fighting Ares, the God of War. (Not Kratos, the ORIGINAL god of war. Let’s be real, if Percy fought Kratos, he wouldn’t last a minute.)
How he traveled the Sea of Monsters, which is really just the Bermuda Triangle, and reclaimed the Golden Fleece to save the camp.
How he sneaked out of camp to save Annabeth from Atlas AND carry the sky for her.
How he arrived at his own funeral after being healed from a volcano eruption that he caused because he was fighting an immortal being. (Quite… bizarre…)
How he fought a war against an immortal being that can control time.
How he arrived in New Rome and saved death (Literally) and went on a quest to fight Mama Earth.
How he and Annabeth fell and survived Tartarus, a hell worse than hell. A Super Hell.
How he fought alongside Egyptian Sorcerers and Norse Demigods and saved the world countless times.
Percy has… been through a lot. A LOT. Like, I’m surprised that he’s not in therapy nor gone criminally insane with immense PTSD. I mean, he literally went through SEVERAL kinds of hell, both metaphorically and literally. It really brought me a lot of respect and pity for him; and, it really explains why he’s so overprotective and caring. He wants me to live the life he never got.
But, of all this, only one thing was certain about Percy.
“You’re Joseph Joestar.”
“What?” Percy asked.
“Oh my god! I was gonna say the same thing, Stella!” Sam replied. “Like, Percy, you've been through about 80% of the exact same thing as Joseph Joestar.”
Percy groaned in annoyance. “Can we not talk about anime at the moment.”
“Think about it!” Sam yelled as she listed down the comparison.
“Look, you’re a New Yorker who obtained power at a very young age. You went on a journey to fight a guy who has issues with his dad and obtained powers involving time. You encounter an Italian and befriend them. Then, one of them gave up their lives for you to continue your quest. You fought an experienced warrior and won; not with skills and powers, but just out of sheer dumb luck and tricking them.”
Percy shrugged, “Okay, but how does that relate to-”
“-AND!” Sam interrupted. “You literally arrived at your own funeral after being healed from a volcano eruption that YOU caused because you were fighting an immortal being.”
Now, I know what you’re thinking. Who’s Joseph Joestar?
Well first: I can’t believe you don’t know Joseph Joestar! What, have you been living under a rock? Second: Joseph Joestar is one of the main characters of the animated hit series: Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure. He’s basically like Percy but British, flamboyant and is just a bit smarter. Just a bit… well… it’s debatable…
Don’t believe me? Go Watch Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure Part 2: Battle Tendency and tell me, he doesn’t remind you of him. And no part jumping; It’s crucial you watch Part 1 before Part 2, no matter how boring it is. Although in my opinion, it is really good and- oh my god, I’m rambling. I’m sorry, I’m a huge Jojo Fan mostly because of the musical reference and it was one of the first anime I watched because of Sam. I’ll tone it down, for now.
Though… if I had an editor who refused to watch it… This will be one of my methods to convince him.
“Percy,” I spoke. “You gotta admit, what you do is… kinda bizarre.”
Percy groaned in annoyance.
“Only three things remain, Percy,” Sam started listing. “You need to either lose an arm; befriend a cybernetic german scientist or have an affair with a japanese woman.”
“None of that is happening,” Percy replied instantly. Sam and I laughed. If you have heard of any of Percy’s tales AND watched Jojo, you’d see the resemblance. “Look, my point is, my life has been anything but normal. I’m telling you all this because I know you, Estelle. You think that this seems like fun and adventurous. But it’s not…”
“Percy, I know it isn’t. That’s why I want to be a part of it. Saving people, hunting monsters.”
“Estelle, it’s not like Supernatural.”
I rolled my eyes; of course he knows Supernatural, one of my favorite Tv Series. I mean, who doesn’t wanna explore the country fighting monsters while listening to 80’s rock music in your ‘69 Chevy Impala? Now that’s a dream come true for me.
“I’m not changing my mind, Percy.”
Percy sighs.
“Fine, we’ll talk more about it later. Did you tell mom and Paul about it today?”
I nodded.
“What’d they say?”
I smirked, “Don’t cause too much trouble in camp.”
Percy is the only one in our family that seems to be VERY protective over me. Mom and dad trust me enough to make the right choice, but Percy is the only one who can’t accept the fact that I’m growing up.
Siblings, am I right?
“How about you, Sam? You think camp is good for you?”
“Yeah,” Sam replied. “I mean, it’s not like I can go back home. Dad… gave his life for me to be here. Least I can do is give this place a shot.”
“Well don’t worry, Sam.” I said. “You’re not doing this alone. I’m with you, to the end.”
After we finished eating, Percy took us to one of the campfire sites to just relax and take a minute to reel it all in.
I mean, last week, my only concern was how I’m gonna be prepared for my exams. Now, my best friend watched her dad get murdered by a harpy and my brother attacked by a hooded Minotaur. Just a couple of days ago, I didn’t think supernatural creatures existed; now, it turns out my brother is the son of Poseidon and most of the horses in the world are his relatives.
My whole world was changed, forever.
“Hey, Percy?”
“How come Piper McClean never comes to visit us? Almost everyone in that picture does, other than her and Jason.”
“...To be honest, I don’t know. She… distanced herself from camp. From all of us, especially Leo.”
“Leo?” I asked.
“Yeah, they’re like siblings. Always had each other’s back. But ever since Jason…”
There’s that name again, Jason.
Who was he?
What happened to them in the past?
“I… don’t really want to talk about it, Estelle.” Percy replied. “It’s… too painful to talk about.”
“I understand,” I said. “So, what are we going to be doing tomorrow?”
“Well,” He answered. “First, Chiron is going to introduce Sam to the camp. Just pray they don't follow the tradition.”
“And that is…?” Sam asked.
“They dump you in the camp bathroom toilet.”
“Over my dead body they will!” I yelled. “They so much put Sam anywhere near a toilet, not even Zeus will protect them from me!”
“Relax, Estelle. I’ll make sure they won’t, I promise.” Percy reassured me. “Anyways, afterwards, I’ll be teaching you both how to fight. You got lucky with Vulture and the minotaur. Next time, you won’t be so lucky.”
I smirked, “Are you gonna show us the Jackson Family secret battle technique?”
Sam snickered because she understood the reference.
“Ha ha,” Percy said sarcastically. “No, I’m gonna show you how to fight with a weapon. I was pretty experienced with a sword back in the days. So after the announcement, I’m taking you both to the barracks and helping you pick out your own weapons.”
“Wait, weapons?” Sam said. “As in, actual sharpened and deadly weapons that could most likely kill a person?”
“No, they’re enchanted weapons, they can only kill monsters. They have no effect on mortals, unless you’re a demigod.”
Isn’t my brother just the poster boy of safety?
Percy continues telling us more tales of the past and tells me more about the others. How Frank is a son of Mars and can shapeshift into animals; how Hazel is a daughter of Pluto and can summon cursed jewel stones; and how Leo is a son of Hephaestus and has a giant mechanical dragon and can burst into flames.
Funny thing, it doesn’t shock me about Leo. Frank’s shapeshifting powers, maybe. Hazel’s curse stones? Quite unusual.
But Leo? Everytime he comes over, mom has to have a fire extinguisher ready just in case. I wasn’t sure if it’s because every time he’s around, something catches on fire or if he’s just “too hot to handle” (his words, not mine).
Unfortunately, it was getting late so we all had to head to bed and get some rest.
“Hey Percy?”
“Yeah, Estelle?”
“I’m sorry you had to go through so much when you were at my age.”
“It’s fine… even though I've been through hell, I gained a family from it.”
“You mean Annabeth?” I asked.
“No, not just her. My friends, my dad, this camp… even you,” He said as he patted my head.
I always hated when he did that.
But just this once, I’ll allow it. He’s been through enough.
Maybe I will learn more about Percy’s life here at camp. Sam and I might see more mythological creatures and maybe go on some epic adventures.
Who knows… This might be the best Summer we’ll ever have.
Author's Note:
Hello there! I'm sorry for the delay post. Been very busy these couple of months, work-related and family-related. But, regardless, I will do my best to keep writing at least monthly for this story and I'm committed to it. I hope you enjoyed the chapter and to help you understand Estelle and Sam, here it is:
Estelle "Stella" Blofis:
She loves music and books and is a huge fan to the TV Series, Supernatural. It was one of her reasons why she got into the Myth's and Folklores. She's kind and loyal along with a humor similar to Percy. She got into anime because of Sam and is a huge fan to Jojo's Bizarre Adventures due to the musical references. She is just as stubborn as Percy and has a big heart just like her mother. Whenever she see's anyone in need of help, she'd always lend a hand. She would recommend books or songs for Sam to read/listen to.
Samantha "Sam" Stacy:
She loves games and animes and has a huge love for history. She has a quirky personality but is hidden due to her shyness and social anxiety along with the caution her father gives her when talking to people (Mostly because she's a demigod and monsters can hide in the open). She tends to be herself when she's with the Jackson or her dad for they're the only ones who knew her best. She would also recommend animes and play videogames with Estelle every now and then for she likes having Estelle enjoy the same things she likes; as well as enjoying the things Estelle likes. In this series, she will gain confidence in herself and be more open to people.
Also, there will be Jojo references once a while but they're only minor and not really important to understand (Unless it's about Percy Jackson being an Alternate Universe Joseph Joestar). So if any Jojo fans understood the reference, awesome; if not, that's okay for I'm also giving musical references for you to try out too. My editor (Who I joked about in this chapter) has not seen the show but I tend to get him into it even though I know he never will for he keeps refusing to. We just like to have some fun here.
Finally, I still have not finish reading ToA for I'm still feeling the shock about Jason and how Jiper (#3 on my favorite ships in PJO-verse) relationship went along with Caleo (#1 ship tied with Percabeth). I will do my very best to finish the series before crucial scenes about any characters involved in ToA, Especially about Jason, Piper and Leo. These three are crucial for Estelle's development to become a hero herself. So for any fans (Or haters, I won't judge, everyone has their own opinion) of these three, please bear with me for now. Let's just say that one of them will suffer the LEAST. That is all.
#Marvel#Marvel Reference#Fanfiction#Fanfic#Spiderman#Spider Man#Estelle Blofis#OC#Percy Jackson#percyjacksonandtheolympians#percy jackon and the olympians#Heroes of Olympus#trials of apollo#pjo hoo toa#JoJo reference#Joseph Joestar
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Estelle and The Mark of Arachnid: The Trident of Poseidon (Chapter 5)
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Chapter 5: Sam Gets Her Epic Anime Moment.
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Disclaimer: The following is a non-profit, fanbase series. Percy Jackson and the Olympians; Heroes of Olympus; Trials of Apollo; Kane Chronicles and Magnus Chase and the Gods of Asgard are owned by Rick Riordan. Spiderman or any concept of him are owned by Marvel Comics and Sony Entertainment. Please support the official releases.
So, at this moment, I’m pretty much useless. Because of my fever, I don’t even have the strength to get up. So I have no choice but to watch my best friend hold on to her dying father. While that’s happening, The Vulture was laughing sinisterly.
“Stop laughing, you freak!” I yelled in anger.
“Oh you foolish mortal. Can’t you see? This is the curse of being a half-blood, no matter how much they struggle, the people they care and love are the ones that suffer.”
Sam was trying to stop the bleeding, but it’s not working. The wound was too big and too much blood was spilling. Mr. Stacy was dying and there’s nothing we can do to stop it. At this moment, Mr. Stacy seems to be saying something to Sam, but he was too weak for me to hear it. The Vulture flies up in the air, ready to attack.
“Time to die, Halfblood!” She yelled.
As she swoops down, Percy suddenly flies out of nowhere and clashes with the harpy. They both fall to the ground. I hear Percy groaning in pain.
“Percy?!” I yelled.
“Should’ve known it was an ambush,” He replied. “Where’s Sam?”
I pointed towards the Stacy’s, and as I did, Sam looked at me.
Her eyes say it all.
He’s gone.
Percy notices her expression and curses in an ancient language. Then the Vulture pins Percy down from behind.
“You insolent brat!” She yelled. “Always getting in the way! Always ruining our plans and forcing us to hide in the shadows!”
Percy tries to escape from her grip but fails. The harpy claws out Percy’s back. He screams in pain. I screamed out to him as I tried to get up; but once again, I was too weak to even move. I don’t know why I’m getting this fever, but it’s a really bad time to lose most of my strength!
“Time for you to die, Percy Jackson!” Vulture yelled.
Just as she was about to do the finishing blow on Percy, a bullet flew past her face, leaving a scar on her face. She grunts in pain and lets go of Percy.
“Who did that?!” She yelled.
We all looked at where the bullet was shot at, and we saw Sam holding her father’s gun and the knife I had a while ago.
“You're fighting me, bird freak!” she yelled.
Vulture snarled at her, “You? How can a mere child hope to stand against… wait…” She squints her eyes as she takes a closer look at Sam, “Your eyes…”
I looked at Sam and saw what the Vulture was seeing. Sam’s eyes were glowing. As I said before, Sam has gray colored eyes that are just full of curiosities and wonders. Now, they’re glowing, shiny like silver but fueled by anger and sorrow. It’s kinda like how Goku goes Super Saiyan; or Rose using her silver eyes; or… basically like how every anime character activates their powers for the first time.
“No matter!” The Vulture once again flies up and swoops down to attack Sam. However, Sam miraculously dodged her attack and slashed her talons with the knife. The harpy screeches in pain. Sam was being relentless, she was somehow dodging all of her attacks and was counter attacking with her knife. She wasn’t using the gun, but I believe she was just saving ammo to finish off the Vulture.
As Sam was dealing with the harpy, Percy was getting back up and was about to join the fight when we suddenly heard a loud roar. Percy cursed in silence and saw a big figure charging through and ramming towards him. Percy managed to dodge but barely. He grabbed his pen that was in his pocket and uncapped it, turning it into a sword. Percy gets back up and continues fighting the big guy while Sam deals with the Vulture.
I’m honestly at shock; not only is my lovable and dorky brother is being a total badass, but my best friend who is a total otaku (don’t judge, anime is getting popular lately) and a nerd on history and myths is standing up against a highly experienced flying bird person. Either I’m now hallucinating, or I have underestimated my family.
Sam continues dodging and slashing down the Vulture, but is only doing minimal damage. Makes sense, but just because she has some ancient power that’ll most likely be the start of another Shonen anime, does not mean she’s instantly an expert. What do you think this is? An Isekai Anime? Anyways, despite Sam holding up, she’s still no match for the Vulture. After only a few minutes of them constantly fighting, Sam was being overwhelmed by fatigue and the harpy’s relentless attacks.
Panting, Sam was cornered.
“Your temper tantrum is over, little girl!” The Vulture yelled. She lifted one of her talons and attempted to attack, but Sam anticipated and dodged it, then aimed her father’s gun and fired at her. The bullet flew past her, but left a small scratch by her cheek. The vulture then left a swift kick toward Sam at the stomach, knocking her out. Sam landed right next to me, groaning in pain.
“Sam!” I yelled weakly, “Stay down, just get to the gate, I’ll be okay!”
Sam slowly gets up and grabs the knife on the ground.
“No!” She yelled, “I’m not losing anyone else because of me! You want me, you flying freak? Come get me!”
As the Vulture was panting from their fight, I saw Percy also struggling with his fight against the big guy himself. Whoever this guy is, he definitely knows Percy’s fighting technique. I muster up all the strength I have as I slowly get up, but my fever is really wearing me down, like I could pass out at any moment. But I can’t. I need to find a way to help them in any way possible.
“Percy!” I called out.
“Estelle! Get Sam inside camp! I’ll hold them off!” Percy yelled, unaware that I’m not feeling well and can’t do much to help Sam.
“But Percy-”
“I’ll be fine, go!”
I know he’s lying, but I ain’t got much of a choice at the moment. I called out to Sam.
“Sam! We gotta go!”
“Not yet! Not until I kill her!” Sam replied.
“Sam! That’s not you,” I said. “Your dad wouldn’t want this for you! He wants you to live a normal, happy life!”
The Vulture continues her relentless attacks. She would either fly up and swoop down to attack with her claws; use her wings to attack on the ground or simply throw some of her feathers at Sam. Most of her attacks don't lay a scratch on Sam, but she’s wearing out fast. Probably because she never did this much exercise in the past. Remember, she’s an Otaku nerd, not an athlete. Or maybe, it has something to do with those silver eyes. You know, how in anime where the main character uses their abilities for the first time with recklessness, only to wear out fast and lose the fight? Yeah, something like that.
Okay… I gotta convince Sam to stop making me watch anime. It’s ruining both our views in reality.
Suddenly, Sam was kneeling down, panting from dodging and attacking the Vulture. She was already wearing down from the fight already.
“Sam!” I yelled.
“You lose,” The Vulture said, kicking Sam towards me. She dropped both the knife and gun far away from us so we have no way to defend ourselves.
Meanwhile, Percy was managing to keep his head up and focused on his fight. The big guy was losing his breath. No doubt, Percy is actually winning.
“Why can’t you just stay down?!” Percy yelled.
The big guy growled.
He then punched Percy, making him fly towards us.
Percy groaned in pain.
“Okay, that really hurts,” He said.
The three of us stayed closed as the Vulture and the big cloaked man walked towards us. But now that I got a good look at his front side, I noticed he has horns popping from his hood. I can only think of one creature with such a horn. But it can’t be… right?
“It’s over, Percy Jackson!” The Vulture yelled. “Give up!”
Percy still has his sword on his hand, but he’s worn out from his fight and so was Sam. Plus, her weapons are tossed to the side. And what’s worse, the two are blocking the entrance to the camp, so now we can’t even get to safety and call for help.
“Now, time for you to-”
As the Vulture was gonna attack, a sudden buzz was heard from nearby. The vulture then responded toward her ear.
“Master?” She responded. She was nodding and listening to whoever was behind her earpiece. Which, may I remind you, I just noticed right now. Was that always there? And if so, was she just following orders from someone else? And by whom?
“Understood,” The vulture responded and looked at her partner. “Change of plans, our boss wants Percy alive. The rest we can dispose of.”
The big guy growled and nodded.
“Who wants me?” Percy asked. “Who do you work for?!” Percy yelled.
“Nothing for you to know, Jackson. Just know that you are very lucky that my master wants you alive,” The Vulture says.
“What, Percy has a fan club of his most hated enemies?” I asked.
“Oh, you have no idea.”
The Vulture walks closer to them as Percy gets between.
“You leave them alone!” Percy yelled.
“I don’t think so,” Vulture replied. “You are important to my master, but the girls made this personal now. Never have I lost my prey in all my life.”
I scoffed, “Yet you managed to fail to stop all three of us.”
“Perhaps… but you won’t be alive to tell anyone.”
As the two monsters walked closer to us, an arrow flew past the big guy. It came right behind us, and as we looked behind us, what I saw was even more shocking. I swear, I saw dozens of these spartan looking warriors, wearing armor and wielding spears, shields, and bows. Suddenly, a tall man walks up front from behind the group. As he appears, I realized something… he has a horse body underneath his torso. A horse butt.
Yeah… let’s add that in this pile of crazy reveals.
“You two! Leave these kids alone, or you face my campers!”
Vulture snarls then replied, “Chiron… mark my words, your camp will burn along with these warriors. My master will ensure it!”
The Vulture ordered the big guy to retreat, as they both walked back towards the shadows, she spoke to Estelle.
“We will meet again, sister of Percy Jackson.”
“The name is Estelle. Estelle Blofis,” I replied.
And the two disappear to the shadows.
Several of those warriors ran towards us and tended to our wounds. The man with the horse body, I believe his name was Chiron, spoke to Percy.
“Percy, are you okay?” he asked.
“Been through worse, but…” Percy looked towards Mr. Stacy’s corpse. “We lost a good man.”
Sam collapsed, as if all of her energy was just used up and she didn’t notice until the fight was over. Of course, I’m no different.
“Hey, Percy?” I asked. “I… I don’t feel so good…”
I suddenly started to lose consciousness as Percy called out for me. The last thing I saw was him running towards me as several of those warriors grabbed onto me so that I wouldn't collapse on the ground.
And then everything turns black.
You want to know something crazy? I don’t dream, at all. Seriously, everytime I go to bed, I close my eyes and then wake up the next day. No dreams or visions, nothing. It’s like time just passes by and I don’t notice it.
This time… I had a dream.
I can’t really describe where I was; only that it was dark and secluded. At the other end of this room, I saw these three hooded elder ladies, weaving something. Hard to tell what it was as it weaved endlessly towards the darkness.
I slowly got up and asked, “Where am I?”
The three ladies did not answer, instead they continued weaving. I noticed something though; they seem to be weaving some unique colors of threads. As I look towards the end of their threads, I see several sweaters and shirts with names on them. Most of them I recognized instantly and some not yet. However, the majority of these shirts were unfinished. But… the ones that were finished had names I am unaware of. There were names like Charles Beckendorf, Silena Beauregard, Luke Castellan and more; but there was one name that really grabbed my attention for some reason. It was a purple sweater, unfinished and tossed to the side and had a hole on the spot on the chest, where the heart would be. It didn’t have a name on it.
I don’t know why it piqued my interest, but for some reason I felt grief and sorrow for it. It’s as if it was meant for someone.
“Estelle Blofis…”
One of the ladies spoke and was pointing upwards. I looked up and saw a spider hanging by the light on the ceiling. It came webbing down towards the unfinished clothes and did something unexpecting. It began using its webs to seal up the holes on them.
“It seems,” One of the ladies said, “You have taken a path that shall defy fate itself, Estelle Blofis. Would you use this gift for yourself? Or for others?”
I didn’t understand what she was saying.
Gift? Defy fate? What does that even mean?
“Perhap time shall tell…” She said as the room began to darken.
Then I woke up.
I groaned as if I didn’t get enough sleep due to me staying up and watching some anime Sam recommended. Don’t deny that you have done this before.
“Estelle!” I heard a voice. I looked ahead and saw Percy, wearing some shorts and an orange shirt that had a logo and name on it: CAMP HALF-BLOOD.
I replied, “Percy? Where am I?”
“In the infirmary at camp. After you passed out, we took you here to heal. You had a pretty bad fever during the fight.”
“How long was I out?” I asked. Percy was quiet for a moment and then replied.
“About two days.”
“TWO DAYS?!” I yelled. I then rapidly started asking questions about The Vulture and her partner, Percy and Sam’s health and… about Mr. Stacy.
Percy was able to explain everything to me. The campers took us here to heal and recover from Vulture’s attack. As for Mr.Stacy… They buried him nearby and gave him a proper funeral yesterday.
“I should’ve been there for Sam,” I said. “It was my fault… I should’ve done something to help.”
“It’s not your fault, Estelle. He knew how dangerous this life is, so he did everything he could to protect her daughter. Mom did the same for me, and Annabeth and I would do the same for our kids.”
I sighed, “But all that Sam had was her dad. What is she going to do now?”
Suddenly, Sam emerges from behind Percy as she enters the infirmary.
“Stella! You’re okay!” She yelled as she jumped on me and hugged me.
“Sam…” I couldn’t say anything. I just held her and she let out all of her emotions.
“I was so worried, I thought I’d lose you too!” She said, crying out on my shoulder as she held onto me tightly.
After what felt like a few minutes of crying, Sam picked herself up and joined in on the conversation. Percy explained how the campers healed our wounds and saved us from the Vulture and her partner. Percy explained to me how I was having a nasty fever and that I was sweating pretty bad. I miraculously survived, but there was no explanation for my sickness. I wasn’t hit by any poison or cursed at all, whatever that means. He explained to Sam why he brought us here.
“Sam, your father and I brought you here because it was the safest place for you to be. You see, your blood is sacred and brings danger to yourself. Your father did everything he could to protect you from this. If you knew, our enemies would pick up your scent much faster.”
“And where are we, exactly?” I asked. “What is this camp?”
“This is Camp Half-Blood. A safe haven for half-bloods like me and Sam,” Percy answered.
“Half-bloods? What is that?” Sam asked.
“Demigods, Sam. Demigods.”
Sam and I gasped.
“I understand this is a lot to take in but-”
“I’m like Thor?!” Sam yelled in excitement. “Can I do some awesome god powers like him? No wait, what if I’m like Bell from Danmachi?!”
Leave it to Sam to always talk about anime and movies. To be fair, it is a good anime, don’t mind too much about the… plot.
“Not like that, Sam,” Percy said. “It’s a lot to explain, so as soon as Estelle is ready, I’ll take you girls to the big house. Chiron will be there to help explain it better.”
“Chiron?!” I yelled. “You mean THE Chiron? The friendliest and wisest Centaur in Mythology?!”
“Oh yeah, I forgot how much you both were into Mythology. I guess this will be pretty easy to explain. Anyways, I brought you some extra clothes for you to wear in the meantime, Estelle. It’s by the chair next to you, Sam and I will wait outside.”
After that, Sam and Percy got up and left the building. On the chair next to me was an Orange shirt and shorts. My sneakers were there too. Afterwards, I got up and changed. I thought about what my dream was about and why I even had it in the first place. I don’t dream, at all. And what did The Vulture and her partner want with Percy? Who was their master? Well, whatever it was, it’s not good. All I know is that Percy is involved, and even though he’s such an overprotective dork, he’s still my brother who’s also a father and husband. And Sam is all alone now. She needs me.
Whatever happens from this point on, is my choice. I don’t know where this life will take me, but I won’t abandon my friends and family. Whatever this life holds for me, I will have to face it. Even if it’s a living nightmare.
And so, I stepped out of the infirmary.
#marvel#marvel reference#fanfiction#fanfic#spiderman#spider man#estelle blofis#OC#percy jackson#percyjacksonandtheolympians#Percy Jackon and the Olympians#Heroes of Olympus#trials of apollo#pjo hoo toa
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Family Pride (Caleo)
Jason (Leo and Calypso’s son; not Jason Grace)Valdez: The following is a non-profit fanbase series. PJO, HoO and ToA are owned by Rick Riordan and Disney Hyperion. Please support the Official release.
A/N: Short one but a good one. Warning: Contains a bit of language and some slight spoilers to HoO and ToA. Also, another Author’s Note at the end.
Jason Valdez, son of Leo and Calypso Valdez, has gotten into a fight in school and was called to the Principal Office. Calypso and Leo arrived at the school to understand the situation. However, Calypso is very upset at her son. Why did he get into a fight in the first place? He never gets himself involved in situations like this. What happened that led to this? What made Jason get into a fight in the first place.
At the Principal Office, a young man named Jason Valdez is sitting right in front of the office while his parents are inside talking to the principal. The reason why he’s there in the first place is because he got into a fight today and was sent there. As he reminisced on the events that led to this, his parents walked out of the Principal’s office, his mom had a very angry expression. One thing is certain for Jason.
He’s not getting out of this situation very easily.
As the family walked out of the school and arrived at their car, Calypso spoke, “The principal says you’re getting only a week of detention.”
Jason sighs in relief, it could've been worse.
“You’re not out of this, young man!” Calypso yelled, furious at her son’s actions. “What were you thinking?!”
Jason shrugged, “He asked for it…”
“No me des esa actitud!” Calypso said in spanish. “You’re gonna go to detention and you're going to write an apology letter to that boy. Understand?!”
Jason scoffed, “I ain’t apologizing!”
“Jason,” Leo spoke, “I understand what you're going through. I was like that too back then. Whatever this guy did, you need to be the bigger man and-”
“I’m not apologizing to him! I’ll take the detention but I’m not apologizing to him. If he just kept his mouth shut about…”
“About what?” Calypso asked.
Jason said nothing.
“¿Mijo, qué dijo él?” Leo said.
The Valdez arrived home and Jason said nothing more for the whole ride. Calypso was furious at her son. She raised him to be a kind and gentle soul with a bit of anarchy from his father. For him to get into fights out of nowhere was very shocking. They had to temporarily close the shop and diner to come to school and talk to the principal.
Calypso is not your ordinary parent though. Heck, she’s not your ordinary human either. She was THE Calypso, the goddess that was trapped in Ogygia for more than three centuries and was forced to fall in love with every hero that landed. The last hero was Leo Valdez, and it was completely by accident. Even so, she fell in love with him and he was the only one to come back and save her. They had some rough moments in their relationship, but they were always there for each other. They got married and have a business that’s both an auto-shop and a diner.
When their first kid, Zoe Esperanza Valdez, was born, Calypso wanted to give her kids a happy childhood and life that she was never given until Leo saved her. Thus, why she’s furious at her son.
Jason walks up to his room in silence as Calypso talks to Leo about his behavior.
“¡¿Qué estaba pensando?!”Calypso yelled.
Funny story, at some point, Calypso tries to learn Spanish as a gift for Leo on their anniversary. Leo tries to convince her that she doesn’t have to, but at this point, she is too stubborn to give up. Eventually, it became her third language; the first two being English and Greek.
“After everything we gave that boy, he went and got himself in trouble!”
“Sunshine, it’s fine. It’s only a week of detention, I did it before.”
“Exactly! He shouldn’t be doing what you did in the past.”
“Ouch,” Leo said jokingly, pretending like he’s wounded.
“You know what I mean,” Calypso sighed. “I just, I want what’s best for our kids, Leo. It’s bad enough that they’re demigods. But what will they do with their lives when we’re not gonna be there to save them? What if they get into danger and…”
Leo walked up to her and held her gently but firm.
“Sunshine, it’s okay. You know how stubborn we Valdez are. If I recall, didn’t you disobey your dad during the Titan war one time?”
“I did to help him, only to end up helping the gods instead.”
“And saved the world,” Leo added. “And look at me, I was supposed to die during the Giant war, but I was too stubborn and madly in love to accept my fate. Now look, we have a home. We have a life. A family.”
Calypso sighs comfortably.
“We made mistakes in our lives, yeah. But that’s who we are. We’re not perfect beings.”
Calypso scoffed. “Say you.”
“Hey, you decided to join me and be free from that island; love me willingly AND marry me.”
Calypso chuckles as she punches her husband on the arm.
“Just go talk to our son. I’m sure that he’s hiding something from me, but he’ll definitely tell you.”
“Okay, I’ll go talk to him. See what got him mad,” Leo says as he kisses her by the forehead and walks up towards Jason’s room. He knocks on his door and answers him to come in. Leo walks in and sees Jason on his laptop, listening to music and doing some homework.
“Hey kiddo, wanna talk about it?”
Jason was quiet for a moment but spoke.
“Not really, but I might as well. Otherwise I’ll have to either suffer from mom’s wrath or your terrible jokes.”
Leo smirked.
Jason got off of his headphones and closed his laptop. He adjusts himself so that he can be comfortable telling his story.
“So tell me sport, what happened in school today?” Leo asked.
Jason took a moment to ponder on the events that led today.
“So, the guy I beat up is from my myths and folklore class. He’s one of the football players in our school. I heard him in his group talking about what we learned today in class and…”
Leo understood a bit of why he did it. When Leo and Calypso told their kids the truth about their pasts, they worried over how it’ll affect them in their daily lives. For the most part, they were able to handle it pretty well. Of course, that doesn’t change the fact that monsters will now be on alert for them, but since Esperanza is in New York with some family friends, she’ll be okay. Jason, on the other hand, is still in high school and will be going to college in New Rome, wanting to be an engineer and help out with the family business.
“Jason, I get it. It’s hard knowing that most of those myths and legends are real and involve real people. But the world is not ready to accept what’s out in the dark. People would freak out knowing that the world is in constant danger every week.”
“But it’s not that, dad,” Jason replied. “What they said was more personal.”
“What do you mean?” Leo asked.
“…Today, we talked about the Odyssey.”
“Oh..” Leo knows where this is going.
The Odyssey, the Tale of Odysseus’ adventure.
Calypso’s first love.
Leo tries his best not to compare himself to Calypso’s previous lovers, but he couldn’t help himself. How would you feel if the girl who truly loves you back has had many and more cooler boyfriends in the past. Heck, she even fell for Percy back then too.
And what can Leo do? Build things, burst into flames and tell the best jokes (arguably) in the world.
But despite that, he was the only one who came back to her. Who loves her. Who made plans of a future together, even if it was a joke at first. So Leo may have won her heart in the end, but it doesn’t change the fact that there’s always better people out there. It’s life, no one is perfect.
But Leo is learning to accept himself. And accepting that Calypso loves him and him alone.
“I see,” Leo spoke. “Let me guess… Mom?”
Jason didn’t say anything, but he nodded.
“They… they were talking some stuff about her. I know that nobody knows that mom is the real goddess from the stories but…”
Jason took a deep breath.
“I tried to hold back my anger, dad. I really did, but the way they talked about mom… I just…”
Leo hugs his son, interrupting his talk.
“I get it, mijo. I do,” Leo replied. “It hurts when someone talks crap about someone you care about. Do you have any idea how many times I got into fights back then?”
“Did you win any?”
“That’s not important,” Leo replied quickly. “Point is, I have seen my share of struggles in the past. Especially those involving your mother.”
“But dad,” Jason spoke. “I just hate when people talk about mom like she’s some evil witch or something. I've seen it in movies, books and stuff. I saw it in people’s faces when we read about her. I just…”
Jason grips his fists tighter as he tries to calm himself.
“I just wish people knew how much mom has been through, how much of a good person she is. Sure she’s scary when she’s angry.”
Leo snickered at the comment.
“But mom is always compassionate to others. If mom hadn’t saved Odysseus, he’d never have come home, built that device and passed it on to you to save the world. If she hadn’t saved Drake, he’d never have found America, our home. If she hadn’t saved uncle Percy, Olympus would’ve fallen.”
Leo sat there silently as he listened to his son’s rant.
“Why couldn’t people see the fact that mom was just as much of a hero as everyone else?! That’s why I beat that guy up! He was talking shit about mom and I couldn’t let that slide! So yeah, I’ll take the detention, but there’s no way in any realm am I going to apologize to him.”
Jason took a deep breath as he finished talking.
“I’m sorry,” Jason spoke again. “I didn’t mean to yell, I just-,”
Leo hugs his son and interrupts his conversation.
“It’s okay, Jason. I understand. You were protecting your mom’s honor. I’d do the same too; hell, even your sister did too back when she was in high school too.”
Jason didn’t say anything and just embraced his dad’s hug.
“Your mother has been through so much,” Leo continues. “And I know that we can’t change how other people will see her in stories and such. But know this, Jason, your mother loves you and is very proud of who you are.”
After a couple of minutes of taking a breather, Jason thanks his dad for the conversation as Leo walks up and leaves his room. Standing next to the door frame was Calypso, hiding so that her son couldn’t see her. Leo notices the tears dropping on her cheeks.
“You heard us, didn’t you?” Leo asked.
Calypso nodded.
Leo hugs her in comfort.
“Don’t blame yourself for this, sunshine.”
“But it is my fault, Leo. If I didn’t do all those-,”
“Calypso,” Leo said. He never calls her by her name unless he has something important to say. “Never in our lives have your past ruined us. In fact, it made us love you more. Sure you fell for heroes who were already taken, but you also saved their lives. You helped me when you could’ve just left me alone on your island, you could’ve fallen for anyone else in the world, yet you chose me. You gave me a home, a family, a future.”
Calypso stood in silence as she listened to Leo’s words.
“You gave our kids a happy life. Yes, he shouldn’t have got into a fight, but he did it because he loves you. We all do, honey. Because to us, you are our light, our rock, our sunshine.”
“I thought I told you not to call me that,” Calypso responded as she cried tears of joy.
Leo laughs and then kisses his wife on the lips, telling her how much he loves and how grateful he is to have her in his arms.
The two never got a happy past, struggling with loss and trauma. But now they built a future filled with hopes and dreams. Their children were gifted with loving parents who would do anything to keep them safe and happy, as would the kids would for their parents.
After all, aren’t the kids the pride of the family?
Author’s Note: Short one today, I hope it was good. I just want to say thank you all for reading some of my work even if most of them aren’t that good. Still, I ain’t stopping, I’m going to keep writing about this ship because other than Percabeth, it’s one of my OTPs in this franchise. However, I will be focusing more on my other work, Estelle and The Mark of Arachnid [Summary in Link]. If you don’t know what that is, it’s pretty much a Spider-man origin trilogy but Estelle is the main character, and it takes place in the Riordanverse with connections to the MCU Multiverse. The goal is at 30+ chapters and I’m already at Chapter 5. I'm getting a lot of views and I would very much like it if you get the chance to read it too. It’ll still have Caleo in it, just more to the sidelines since this is more of a hero’s story.
This doesn’t mean that I’m ending this series here, I will be continuing on working more stories, just that I will be posting them at a later schedule. So instead of once a month, it’ll mostly likely be once every 2-3 months. So don’t worry, I will be continuing this series, just that there will be later updates. I still have some stories on my list to write for this series.
Thank you all for reading my stories, until my next update.
#Caleo#Leo Valdez#calypso#leo x calypso#calypso x leo#percyjacksonandtheolympians#Percy Jackon and the Olympians#Heroes of Olympus#trials of apollo#pjo hoo toa#oneshot#fanfiction#fanfic
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Estelle and The Mark of Arachnid: The Trident of Poseidon (Chapter 4)
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Chapter 4: Runnin’ With The Vulture and Her Friend
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Disclaimer: The following is a non-profit, fanbase series. Percy Jackson and the Olympians; Heroes of Olympus; Trials of Apollo; Kane Chronicles and Magnus Chase and the Gods of Asgard are owned by Rick Riordan. Spiderman or any concept of him are owned by Marvel Comics and Sony Entertainment. Please support the official releases.
As we finally made it to my apartment building, we got a lot of concerned and confusing looks from the residents. I fear that I may have to avoid taking the main entrance for a while. I mean, look at us, we’re dirty; bleeding and bruised up; carrying a wounded police officer and we’re just walking toward the front entrance like it’s a normal monday.
“Percy, we’re getting a lot of attention,” I said.
“You’ll get used to it.”
I don’t know if I should be relieved or concerned that Percy is used to all this. As we reached our floor and arrived at my apartment’s front door, Percy knocked on the door.
“Annabeth? It’s Percy, Estelle’s here with her friend and her father.”
I heard the locks on the door and it opened.
Annabeth Jackson, my brother’s wonderful and brilliant wife. She has princess curly blonde hair and sharp gray eyes. She was wearing a simple shirt with jeans, and was holding what appeared to be a sword, like Percy.
“Estelle!” She yelled and hugged me tight.
“Hey Annabeth, kind of had a rough field trip.”
“Wasn’t the first time for us. Won’t be the last either, I’m afraid,” Annabeth replied. “Let’s get everyone inside. I’m sure you have some questions.”
“Oh you have no idea,” I said.
We all went inside and saw my mom taking care of Percy and Annabeth’s children, Luke and Silena Jackson.
“Aunt Stelle!” They yelled as they ran toward me, hugging me. Unaware about me being messy and such. I laughed and hugged back.
“Hey kids! I hope you've been behaving for your mom and grandma!”
The kids nodded and were called back to mom’s side as the adults talked about the situation. Percy and I explained to Annabeth and Sally what happened while Sam stayed by her dad’s side and took care of his bruises.
“And then Sam crashed at that creature and we ran back here,” I finished. “So that leads to my question?” I took a deep breath and asked, “WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT?! HOW DID PERCY LEARN TO FIGHT AND WHY DO THESE CREATURES KNOW HIM AND HATE HIM?!”
Annabeth answered, “I’ll explain everything to you. Percy will go and take Sam somewhere safe from the monsters and-”
“Woah, hold on. Where Sam goes, I go,” I implied.
Percy objected, “No! You have to stay here, getting more involved will be dangerous for you.”
“In case you haven’t noticed, Sam is not a fighter and her dad is hurt. Also, shouldn’t we take Sam’s dad to a hospital?!” I said as Mr. Stacy was by the kitchen counter, cleaning up his bruises and hits.
“I’ll be fine, Estelle,” He replied. “My main concern is for Sam’s safety.”
“Estelle, listen, I know your concern about Sam’s safety,” Percy intervened. “But you have to understand that this whole thing is-”
“I don’t care!” I yelled. “Sure we just got attacked by a big pigeon and some giant hooded man. But that won’t stop me from protecting Sam!”
Percy was about to object, but Annabeth intervened.
“Estelle, you have to understand, this is something that you must never be a part of.”
“Why?! You think I won’t accept the fact that supernatural creatures exist in the world?”
“No, Estelle,” Annabeth. “It's too dangerous for you.”
I scoffed. “Life is dangerous. All of you taught me that. But, you also taught me to always be there for those I care for. To do the right thing, and I believe that being there for Sam IS the right thing to do.”
“Estelle,” Sam spoke up. “It’s okay, really. I’ll go with your brother. You should stay here, where it’s-”
“-Safe?” I intervened. “I don’t care if I’m safe. How can I relax and be safe, knowing that my brother is out there fighting to survive and my best friend is being hunted down by monsters?”
Everyone was quiet for a moment but then mom spoke up.
“Percy, maybe it’s best that Estelle knows the truth about all of us. She deserves to know our pasts.”
The way she said it so ominously worries me, but I won’t hesitate to know the truth. Percy sighs and replies, “Fine, she can come. But, she has to stay close and stay out of trouble, understand?” Percy then looks at me with deep concern, “What you’re about to go through is a dangerous life, filled with powerful beings and dangerous creatures. If you really go with us to camp, you’ll never live a normal life again.”
I shrugged, “If I can survive high school, I can handle anything.”
Okay… So I kind of underestimate the gravity of the situation. Hard to explain now so I’m just gonna continue the story. After everyone agreed to let me go with Sam and Percy, Annabeth stayed behind to keep watch of the kids. I asked why but she said that Percy will explain everything, to the best of his abilities. Mom will call dad and explain the situation to him while the rest of us will be going to a safe place for Sam.
Percy took the family SUV he used to get here. Percy doesn't like taking flights and neither did mom. Apparently, in the past, mom’s parents died in a plane crash and since then, none of us Jackson has ever gone on a plane trip ever.
“So, how far is this camp?” I asked Percy.
“Not that far, we should be there by tonight.”
“Good,” I said, “Then you can explain exactly what’s happening to us?”
Sam’s dad sighs and answers, “Yeah… this whole thing is… it’s my fault.”
Mr. Stacy then told us about how he met Sam’s mother. At the time, he was just starting his career as a detective and was on his first case. The case was a murder mystery that led to a library; he went to investigate the librarian there, next thing they know they were being chased by the mob. Long story short, they caught the guy and in their insane adventure, the detective and the librarian fell in love.
“I still couldn’t believe it myself,” Mr. Stacy said. “I mean, I was just a hot-headed recruit, trying to live to everyone’s expectation. But your mom, Sam…” He sighs, “She was just… out of this world.”
Mr. Stacy’s expression was exactly the same everytime Percy would look at Annabeth, completely in love.
“After a few months, she told me who she truly is… and she was holding you, Sam.”
“I’m sorry, in a few months?!” I interrupted. “H-how is that even…”
“Where is she now?” Sam asked. “Is she…”
“No, Sam. She’s not dead. I doubt anything can kill her.”
“What do you mean?” I asked.
Mr. Stacy looks back at us as answered, “Samantha’s mom is a goddess. And I’m not talking about her looks; she is a real and living deity in our world.”
“Wait, like the gods? Like the Olympian gods?”
“Not just them, Estelle,” Percy said. “There’s others out there too. Egyptian; Norse; Roman; the list goes on.”
I scoffed. “So what? Is Jesus real too? Did he once involve a crippled man who wanted to win a horse race to kill the president of the United States? Not a word, Sam.”
Sam gasps in excitement then pouts.
“No, Estelle, he did not… I think.”
“Look, the point is,” Mr. Stacy continues, “Gods and monsters exist in this world too, but they are hiding from society. Thus, why we’re going to this camp. Your mother once told me about this camp. It’s a safe haven for kids like you, Sam.”
“Like me?” Sam asked. “What do you mean?”
Before Mr. Stacy could answer, claws burst from the roof. Percy cursed.
“They found us!”
Percy swayed the car to get the creature off our roof. Sam’s dad grabbed his shotgun that he brought with and aimed on the roof. He ordered us to get down and cover our ears, and we did. He fired the shotgun and we heard a screeching noise, the claws let go of the roof and as I looked up, I saw a flying creature backing off and flying high in the sky. I assumed it was the Vulture that was attacking us since she was the only harpy I know.
“Hey Percy, Lady bird brain is back!” I yelled.
“Hang on, I’m gonna try to lose her in the woods!”
Percy drives off the streets and into the woods. It did make it difficult for the Vulture to chase us, but it also made it harder for Percy to drive carefully. As the car was bumping up and down, The Vulture was trying to swoop down on us again. But thanks to the trees, she doesn’t have an opening.
“The plan’s working, Percy!” I yelled. “We might be able to lose her!”
“We have a problem though, we’re about to be in an open field.”
As I looked ahead, I noticed a small open plain field we’re about to enter. This is bad for us, because we won’t have any cover against the harpy. As we exit out of the forest and into the field, the Vulture once again swoops down on us, but Mr. Stacy was already prepared, he popped his head out the window, took out his shotgun and aimed it at her. He fires and it makes a direct hit, The Vulture screeches in pain and falls to the ground.
“Alright!” I yelled, “We lost her!”
Percy and Mr. Stacy sighs in relief.
“For now…” Percy said. “She’ll get back up shortly. They always do.”
I was confused at his comment, but I let it slide for now. Once we’re safe, he’ll have time to explain everything. As we continued to drive down the field, Percy was able to get back on the street and drive safely.
“So,” I spoke. “This camp we’re going to, is this the same camp you and Annabeth went for summer back then?”
Percy answered, “Yeah, it was one of the safest places for us. There’s other places too, especially the one in California.”
“Wait, in California? You mean…”
Percy nodded, “Yeah, Annabeth and I moved into California because it was the only place for us to live. Truth be told, I want to live here in New York, stay close to you and mom. But with monsters constantly hunting us and trying to kill me… We believed it was best for me to be out in the West.”
I can still remember the day when Percy left home. I was very sad and begged for Percy to stay with us. I was a little kid at the time. But, Percy said at the time that it was best for the family. He didn’t hate us or anything. He just wanted to live his own life; at least, that’s what I believed.
“So, the reason you left home was to keep us safe?” I asked.
“Yeah… a while ago, some of my enemies tried to kidnap you when you were a baby. If it weren’t for my friends…”
Percy was gripping tight on the steering wheel, most likely remembering the events that occurred that day. I guess I understand now, in order to keep us safe, he had to leave.
“But wouldn’t they try again to kidnap me or mom or dad?”
“They won’t attack anyone unless they have my scent. Because I have been away for a while, my scent on you guys should be faint enough. But, today says otherwise?”
“I’m sorry, your scent? What does that mean?”
“It’s because of who I am, Estelle. Who my father is.”
I was confused for a moment, but then it hit me. I put all the pieces I have, together.
Monsters and gods exist.
Percy’s dad loves the ocean.
Percy is an experienced fighter and can control water.
“Holy crap, you’re-!”
Before I could continue, a giant log was thrown right in front of the car. Percy sways to get out of the way, but he did it too quickly. The car flips and rolls down the streets. Ever been on a rollercoaster? It’s like that but with glass and debris flying everywhere with a chance of hurting you or worse, killing you. My advice to limit the damage? Wear a seatbelt. Even if you were being chased by a hawkgirl and her big hulk partner. Anyway, after the car crashed, I groaned in pain and called out to everyone.
“Is everyone okay?” I asked.
I heard groaning and moaning, but so far, everyone is breathing. I looked behind us and saw a big silhouette in the distance.
“Percy!” I yelled. “The big guy is back!”
“Yeah, I know,” Percy said as he tried to snake his way out of the car. I followed suit and started to feel wobbly. Remember that headache I had a while ago? It’s back, and with the car crash and being chased by mythological monsters, my body was starting to break down.
“Hey, you okay?” Percy asked as he noticed me swaying back and forth.
“Yeah, I’m still feeling the crash at the moment,” I said.
I really hope that spider wasn’t poisonous.
“Okay, you go help the others get to safety. The camp is just only a few walks down the way. I already contacted Chiron; he’ll allow you and Sam’s dad to enter camp,” Percy ordered as he pointed down the direction.
“What about you?” I asked, not bothering to ask who Chiron is and why they need his permission to enter camp.
Percy uncapped his pen-sword and answered, “Gonna visit an old friend.”
“By yourself?!” I yelled.
“I’ll be fine, Estelle. Just get Sam and her dad to camp. I’ll be right behind you.”
“Go!” He yelled. I wanted to deny and help him, but I was feeling weak and was losing blood from the crash, plus Sam and her dad are definitely in more danger if left alone.
“Fine,” I said. “But don’t you dare die on us! Otherwise I’ll find a way to bring you back and kill you myself!”
Percy snickered.
“You’ll have to get in line. Annabeth got dibs on that first.”
I rolled my eyes, of course his wife would. I’m sure there’s a list of people who want him dead. I’ll have to talk to him about that soon. As Percy ran off to face the big guy, I helped Sam and then her father get out of the car and headed straight toward the campsite.
I almost forgot to ask, how on earth is a summer camp a safe place against monsters like the Vulture and her giant partner? Do they have some sort of high tech defense gadgets? A magical guardian? Guns? I hope not that last part; I’m okay with something magical or technologically advanced than just regular ol’ guns. As Sam and I dragged Mr. Stacy closer to camp, I saw the main entrance gate, totally looking all Ancient Greek, with its symbols and architecture design. Don’t ask me to explain it in detail, you’ll have to ask Annabeth on that, she loves architecture.
“We’re almost there, dad!” Sam said. “Just hang on!”
“Good, we’ll be safe- Stella, watch out!”
He pushed me out of the way and then sharp talons just passed by me and scratched Mr. Stacy.
“Dad!” Sam yelled.
The Vulture pins down Mr. Stacy with her claws by his chest.
“Don’t move!” She yelled. “Enter camp, he dies.”
Sam called out to her dad. He was groaning in pain but answered.
“Go!” He yelled. “Keep Sam safe! Promise me, Stella!”
I was holding on Sam as she wanted to charge at the Vulture and try to save her dad. Mr. Stacy pulled out his pistol and aimed it at the Vulture’s face. But she reacted quickly and pinned his arm down so that he couldn’t aim.
“You’re really pushing my patience, mortal!” She said, “Last chance! Move away from the gates, and I’ll let your father live.”
“Dad! Hang on!” Sam yelled.
“Vulture!” I yelled. “Let him go!”
The Vulture snickered in amusement, “Or else what?”
I was shaking in both fear and anger, but I took out the knife Annabeth lent me when I left with Percy and the others. It was bronze with some Ancient Greek symbols on its hilt. Looks ancient, yet it was neatly refined and cleaned. I wonder how on earth did Annabeth get this weapon.
“I’ll fight you!”
I was bluffing.
I do know a bit of jiu jitsu from Annabeth, but how’s that gonna stop a flying monster with claws that can slash through my guts? The Vulture laughs, totally knowing that I was bluffing.
“If you truly think you can stop me, you wouldn’t have run away in the Museum or at the Park.”
I cursed silently, she totally calls my bluffs. And what’s worse, my headache is getting worse, I can barely keep myself focused on the situation. My body was feeling heavy and hot, my arms were weakening and I was losing my grip on the blade.
“Ha, how can you fight me now, in that state of yours?!” The Vulture yelled.
I then dropped my blade in exhaustion from my sickness, but Sam grabbed it in mid-air and threw it at the Vulture; aimed it at her eye and cut through. The Vulture screeches in pain, letting go of Mr. Stacy’s arm as he aims for the Vulture as she flies away.
“Dad!” Sam yells as she runs towards him. But before She could grab him, several sharp feathers hit Sam’s leg and made her fall.
“You’ll pay for that, you brat!” The Vulture yelled as she swooped down to attack Sam. I tried to get up, but my whole body felt like bricks and I couldn’t get up. But just as the Vulture was about to attack with her talons…
Sam’s dad jumps in and gets between the two. Vulture’s talons pierced through Mr. Stacy’s chest. He was coughing up a lot of blood, while Sam was crying out for her dad.
I couldn’t do anything…
All I could do was watch my best friend cry out in sorrow as she watches her dad get killed, right in front of her.
#marvel#marvel reference#fanfiction#fanfic#spiderman#spider man#estelle blofis#OC#percy jackson#percyjacksonandtheolympians#Percy Jackon and the Olympians#Heroes of Olympus#trials of apollo#pjo hoo toa
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Estelle and The Mark of Arachnid Roadmap (A Percy Jackson/Spiderman Fanfic series Project)
Don’t mind about this post, this is just something for me to follow as I work on this fanfic project that has been on my head for quite a while. If you are interested in reading this fanfic series, links are at the bottom. I’m pretty much trying to write a fanfic series that’s a sequel to the Percy Jackson universe and is somewhat (loosely) connected to the MCU. Ever since I saw No Way Home, I wanted to make a Spiderman story inspired by the Homecoming Trilogy and I thought, “Why not make one in the Percy Jackson & the Olympians Universe?”
So, I decided to plot out a Fanfiction story and it eventually expanded to a trilogy. So this list will be what I’ll be working for a while:
Estelle and The Mark of Arachnid:
Trident of Poseidon (16 years after Trials of Apollo) [summary and links here]
Legend of the Kitsune (17 years after Trials of Apollo) [Coming Soon]
The Scroll of Time (18 Years after Trials of Apollo) [Coming Soon]
The main character is Estelle Blofis, sister of Percy Jackson and just your average teenage girl. She will be embarking on a crazy journey of becoming a hero like her brother and his friends. Many characters from the books will be returning.
This will also include characters/relationships from the books too:
I will try to make it as canon-accurate as possible but it’ll be hard since I still need to finish the ToA Series and Magnus Chase series too. This is just something I just want to do as a fan of both fandoms and it’s been in my head for a long time. I want to write this for not just for me but to fans who also like these fandoms. Maybe it’ll be good, maybe not. We shall see.
This story’s theme is mostly gonna be about Estelle’s journey to understand what it truly means to be a hero. It’ll be fun, exciting, suspenseful, difficult and tragic.
I hope you’ll enjoy it.
#spiderman#spider man#estelle blofis#percy jackson#Percy Jackon and the Olympians#Heroes of Olympus#trials of apollo#kanechronicles#magnus chase#marvel#marvel reference#marvel mcu#mcu#fanfiction#fanfic#pjo hoo toa
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A Heart Made Fullmetal (FMAB AU) Part 3 [End]
Alphonse Elric: The following is a non-profit fanbase series. PJO, HoO and ToA are owned by Rick Riordan and Disney Hyperion. Please support the Official release.
Author: This story is dedicated to @winryofresembool on Tumblr. Thanks for making an amazing Caleo story AND being a Fullmetal Alchemist fan, keep up the good work. Some of the backstory is even inspired by her fanfiction, Things We Lost In The Fire. Do check it out if you are also a fan of Caleo.
Warning: Spoilers to Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood. If you have not seen this anime yet, I really recommend you watch it. It's really good.
Table of Content
Part 1
Part 2
Our story takes place after the events of Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood. The Elric brothers are exploring other regions to understand other concepts and ideas about Alchemy, hoping to prevent another tragedy the boys once went through. Edward is now a husband to Winry (His childhood friend and first love) and a father to his two children. Meanwhile, our main character, Leo Valdez, is an engineer in the Amestris military and was summoned to the Fuhrer's office. That was the day his life made a big change. And maybe for good?
Time has passed and Leo is starting to get used to living in the country-side, especially with a certain flower girl. And he’s learning a lot about Autmail engineering with the help of Winry Elric. His time at Reesembol is showing great results, however, he must now face his ultimate trial yet. Can he succeed? Or will he forever be chained to his tragic past?
As Leo was about to create his first automail project, he realized that fire will be involved in the process. He almost had a panic attack but managed to control himself. After he arrived home, he told Calypso about his past. His mother died due to an accident at their old garage. The flower girl comforts him and wishes to help him face his trauma. Since Leo told Calypso about his traumatic past, she starts telling her tale about her father and his horrific experiments with chimeras.
Alchemy: The Science of understanding, deconstructing and reconstructing matter. However, it is not an all-powerful art. It is impossible to create something out of nothing. If one wishes to obtain something, something of equal value must be given. This is the Law of Equivalent Exchange, the basis of all alchemy. In accordance with this law, there is a taboo among alchemists. Human Transmutation is strictly forbidden, for what could equal the value of a human soul?
[Insert Anime Opening: Again by Yui]
Part 3: A Heart Made Fullmetal.
Calypso’s story begins at a big warehouse, where her father, Atlas, was conducting his experiments in creating chimeras. Calypso was dragged to the warehouse where her father was going to commit his experiment.
“Daddy! Please!” Calypso yelled, trying to escape from his grip.
“It’s okay, dear. You’re helping daddy with an important project.”
Calypso tries to break free from her father’s grasp as she looks around the warehouse. Filled with cages and chains. In these cages are creatures created by alchemy. Half human and animals. Many creatures howled in pain and suffering, while some spoke in human language.
“Help me…”
“Free us…”
“…Kill… me…”
Calypso cries out to her father.
“Daddy! Please! I don’t want to be a monster!”
“Monster? No, Calypso, you won’t be a monster. You’re going to become the next evolution for the human race. Soon, you’ll lead humanity a step closer to becoming the ultimate life form!”
Calypso cries out, but no one will hear her cry for help. Her father has strapped her to an operating table with a transmutation circle created at the center.
“Don’t worry, Calypso. Daddy’s just gonna turn you into what you've always been…”
Atlas grabbed a cage with an animal inside. The animal was an eagle that was on sale on the market that day.
“…an angel who will guide humanity to sanctuary.”
Calypso does not understand what made her father go mad. But, ever since the death of her mother, Atlas also conducted research to bring back the dead with Alchemy. His research led him to the Amestris Military which led to Father himself. He became a member of Father’s inner circle and helped create the Chimera’s and the Homunculi. Using the research notes from Shou Tucker, the creator of the first Chimera, he was able to replicate Tucker’s work and create more chimeras for Father’s goal. He continued this line of work because he believed that working with Father will help bring his wife back. Unfortunately, everything fell apart when the Coup d'etat occurred at Central. Father and his homunculi are gone; the Fuhrer and his inner ring either arrested or killed; and all research about the Philosopher's stone has been destroyed, preventing anyone else from trying to obtain the power of a god through the death of many souls, regardless of innocence or guilt.
Atlas had no choice but to take the last of his research notes on Chimeras and his daughter out of the country and run from the military. As he was on the run, he reflected on his deeds and accepted the truth that you can not bring those who are gone back from the dead. Instead, he focused more on his daughter. However, his time at the military made him less sane and he began doing more research on Chimeras. Thus led to this moment.
As Calypso begs for her father to stop this madness, but he is far gone. The father she once had is forever gone. In his hand, he was holding a Vial with red liquid in it.
Unaware to Calypso, what he was holding was one of the last vials of The Philosopher’s Stone. A stone that was rumored to give Alchemist’s extraordinary powers that bends the Law of Equivalent Exchange. However, the main ingredient of such power is human sacrifices. When the Elric Brothers discovered this, they vow never to use such a horrible tool and prevent others from using it ever again. Atlas managed to escape with one and uses it for his research.
As Calypso cried out for help, A vent broke down and fell right in front of them.
Suddenly, a short man (We all know the pipsqueak) crawled out of the vent, groaning in pain.
“Ow! Should’ve just gone for the main door instead.”
Atlas was shocked at the familiar voice and face.
“Edward Elric! The Fullmetal Alchemist!”
Edward Elric, formerly known as the Fullmetal Alchemist, was traveling after the events of Central City’s rebellion. He and his brother, Alphonse Elric, are traveling around the world to learn other aspects of Alchemy, making sure to prevent the mistakes these boys did in the past. When Ed heard of these mysterious disappearances in the area, he went and investigated and noticed Atlas and his daughter were heading to a warehouse. Thus led to this moment.
Ed faced Atlas and replied, “Ah, looks like I found Dr. Frankenstein.”
Ed looks around and sees all the chimeras; crying out in pain and sorrow.
“You bastard… you ruined all these people’s lives for your own selfish gain.” He then noticed Calypso on the operating table. The sudden realization brought a terrible memory to Edward.
A memory about a little girl and her dog.
Ed clenched his fists.
“No! Not again!” He yelled as he ran to save Calypso. But Atlas was faster, he opened the Vial and used the Philosopher's Stone to use Alchemy and used the ground to tie up Edward and pin him down.
Atlas laughs.
“You’re too late, Fullmetal. I already completed my research; once I give my daughter her gifts, she’ll be free from this world’s fate.”
“Your Daughter?!” Ed yelled. Everything that Atlas was going to commit was just like how Tucker did. If Ed doesn’t stop him now…
“Big… Brother…”
The memory of Nia just kept looping in his head.
He needs to save the girl.
“Please! Help me, mister!” Calypso yelled.
“Hang on, kid! I’ll save you!”
Atlas yelled, “Silence! You don’t know anything about saving people! You claimed that every life is precious and sacred. Tell me, Edward Elric, do you consider my daughter an equal to that of criminals and murderers? Do you consider freeloaders and drunken folks equal to that of family? Do you consider a man like you to be equal to that of an innocent man?”
Ed was silent. Having no answer to give.
“What I did… I did it for my late wife. I promised her I’d protect our daughter. But how could I when we humans are weak and fragile. Corrupted and impure. We humans… are more animals than people. I gave these people the abilities to survive this imperfect world,” Atlas explained as he gestured towards the chimeras.
“And once I finish with Calypso, she will no longer have to fear the inevitable.”
“You’re insane!” Ed yelled. “A father shouldn’t put such horror to their own child! Yes, the world is cruel and unfair! But a parent’s duty isn’t to protect them from the world. It’s to prepare them for it. Otherwise, they’ll be just like us. Broken and tainted with blood.”
Atlas scoffed.
“Simple minded fools like you will never understand. When you become a father, you’ll understand how far you’re willing to go for your kids' safety.”
Ed tries to break free, but to no avail. Atlas was about to attempt the transmutation, when suddenly, red lightning appeared near Ed and deconstructed the binds on him.
“What?!” Atlas yelled.
“Always jumping to the pit of fire, aren’t you Edward?” Said a familiar voice.
Ed looks behind him and sighs in relief.
“Teacher? What are you doing here?!”
Izumi Curtis, an alchemist and teacher to the Elric Brothers. Master in the ways of Martial Arts and the only one to stand up against the North Brigade troops in Fort Briggs (and live).
But most of all…
She’s a housewife.
“I was on vacation with my husband, then I saw you enter this warehouse and I can see why,” Izumi replied as she looked around. She notices the cages and Calypso by the table.
Izumi clapped her hands and touched the ground, red lightning appeared around Calypso and unshackled her from the table. The floor then formed a pillar that led straight to Izumi, bringing Calypso to her. She grabs and put her down.
“You okay, sweetie?” Izumi asked.
Calypso was too scared to answer properly but she nodded.
Atlas yelled in frustration.
“Damn you! No matter, you won’t escape here alive.”
Atlas snapped his fingers and all the cages broke free. Most of the chimeras walked out and stood behind Atlas.
Izumi and Ed huddled up in front of Calypso, protecting her.
“Be careful, teacher. Atlas made these people into chimeras against their will.”
Izumi sighed, “Still naive as always.”
“Better than be a murderer like him.”
Atlas orders the chimeras to attack them.
“We’re in trouble, I’m not much without my alchemy, Teach,” Ed said.
Izumi laughed, “Oh relax, Edward. I brought company of my own.”
“Huh?” Ed said.
“Come out you two!” She yelled.
Suddenly, a giant explosion appeared behind them, bringing out a beam of light from outside.
From the light appeared two figures. Beings beyond man.
On the right was a big heavy man with a manly beard and ferocious-looking face, yet has a heart of gold and owns a meat shop. That man’s name is Sig Curtis, Izumi’s husband.
On the left was a muscular man with a small stand of blonde hair but has a gentleman moustache. Trained in the ways of Alchemy passed down by the Armstrong Family for Generation. Major Alex Louis Armstrong.
“What the hell?!” Ed yelled. “Why the hell are you here Major?!”
“Ah, Edward my boy. I was simply on vacation when I met these two on the way. We saw you enter this warehouse and just happened to drop by,” Armstrong replied.
“So it was all just a coincidence, huh?” He thought out loud.
“Enough!” Atlas yelled. “You’re ruining everything. All my hard work, all the sacrifices, all the struggles I had to put through.”
Ed clenched his fists.
“Struggles? Do you even realize what you did to all these people?! To your own daughter?!”
Calypso was hiding behind Izumi, shaking in fear and in confusion of the situation.
“She doesn’t need to be the perfect being or ultimate life form! And these people, even if they were struggling in life, they still have a life! And you took that away from them!”
Atlas ignored Ed and ordered the Chimera’s to attack Ed and his friends and retrieve Calypso.
As the Chimera’s attack, Atlas fled towards the roof. Ed tries to give chase, but the chimera’s were preventing him from pursuing.
“Damn it!” Ed yells.
Suddenly a wall emerged from the ground and pushed the chimeras out of the way. Izumi and Armstrong created the walls.
“Ed! Go after the bastard! We’ll take care of these creatures!” Izumi ordered.
“Wait! Don’t kill them! They’re still human beings, we can’t-“
A chimera jumps over the wall and was about to attack when Armstrong jumps in and intercept the attack.
“Not to worry, Edward my boy. We’ll handle it from here and protect the girl. Despite what horrible deeds he has done, he must live to pay for them. Especially to this young lady here,” Atlas replied, gesturing towards Calypso.
Ed spoke to Calypso, “Hey kid! Don’t worry, everything is going to be okay! I promise, whatever happens, you’ll be safe!”
Calypso nodded but whimpered as the chimeras focused their attacks on them.
Ed gave chase and went after Atlas at the roof.
As Ed’s friends deal with the monsters at the bottom, he chases Atlas at the roof.
With nowhere left to run, Atlas was cornered.
“It’s over, Atlas! Give up!” Ed yelled.
Atlas grunted in anger, “Damn it! I had hoped that I didn't need to resort to this. But I guess I have no choice.”
Atlas pulled out the vial.
“A Philosopher's Stone?!”
Atlas took the stone out of the vial and used it against Ed.
Ed may not be able to use Alchemy anymore, but he can still fight with martial arts that he learned from Izumi from the past.
The battle was long and harsh.
But Ed managed to avoid most of his attacks, however, he did gain a few cuts and bruises though.
Atlas was furious, “Why won’t you just give up?!”
As he was about to use the Stone again, it started to erupt energy around it, as if it’s starting to lose control.
It then exploded and blew up his entire arm.
Atlas screamed in pain and was walking backward towards the edge.
“Atlas! Stop!” Ed yelled.
But it was too late, before he could reach him, Atlas fell to his death.
Later on, the law enforcement of that country arrived, Armstrong and Ed explained the situation to them as The Curtis’ comfort Calypso.
“And what about the child?” Armstrong asked the officer.
“We’ll put her in foster care until we can find any relatives in her family. Though that’s gonna be difficult.”
“What do you mean?”
“Well… you guys are from Amestris, right? Outside your country, Amestris has a bad reputation about it being a world conquering empire. Especially from the rumors about civil wars and rebellions.”
Armstrong frowns, the dark history of Amestris still haunts the locals of the land and now it taints the Amestrians reputation. The Fuhrer has a long and hard path to fix those mistakes.
Ed looks back at Calypso and notices her traumatized expression.
Who wouldn’t?
Her father strapped her to an operating table in a warehouse filled with monsters he created; and he was going to turn her into one as well.
But it was her eyes that got to Ed.
It was the same with Winry when she found out about Scar.
Filled with shock.
“…I’ll take her in,” Ed replied.
The officer and Armstrong were shocked with Ed’s answer.
“That girl… went through the same thing like another friend I knew back then… this time, I was able to stop it in time. Now, she needs a new home. I’m sure Winry wouldn’t mind.”
Izumi and Sig smiled and nodded. Proud that Edward has grown-up to be a fine young man.
Armstrong agrees, by crying manly tears and hugs Edward with immense strength. Edward was trying to escape from his grip, but to no avail.
That was the day Calypso became part of Elric's family.
[End of Flashback]
As Calypso finishes her story, she looks back at Leo and notices his shock expression.
“Wow… Calypso, I’m…”
He was too shocked to say a simple sentence. But Calypso understood.
“It’s okay. It was all in the past. But since then, I have.. trust issues with people. I mean, my own father tried to make me a monster when I was a kid. How can I interact with strangers or friends?”
Leo grips on Calypso’s hand tighter in reassurance.
“It’s okay, Sunshine. I get it. We all have issues from our past.”
Calypso smiled.
Telling Leo about her past made her feel like a big rock was lifted from her.
After Breakfast and their emotional talk about their past, the two headed out to visit the Elric family. Leo wanted to apologize for his behavior last time .
“I really need to get over my trauma if I want to continue my training,” Leo said. Calypso nodded and noticed Winry outside of her porch.
“Oh good, I was hoping you would come today,” Winry said. “Come inside, Ed and I want to talk with you Leo.”
Leo believes he’s gonna fail his training on Automail Engineering. He doubts they’ll give him another chance.
As the three went inside, Winry and Calypso went to the kitchen to get some drinks while Leo headed to the living room where Ed was. The kids were still asleep at the moment so it was just Ed and Winry right now.
“Hey, Leo,” Ed greets.
“Hey… you’re probably wondering about my behavior last time, weren’t you.”
Ed nodded.
“Yeah, I do. I spoke to Mustang about it, but I want to hear it from you. If you’re okay to talk about it.”
Leo nodded and told his story to Ed.
Ed didn’t judge nor show any negative expressions.
After Leo told his story, Ed asked, “Why didn’t you tell anyone in Central about this? Why take this job with such trauma?”
“...I guess, despite what happened, I wanted to bring back all the good things my mom did in the past. Even if I have issues with certain aspects of this career, I still want to follow in my mom's footsteps and help people.”
“But you don’t have to do it alone, Leo.”
Leo laughs, “Yeah, I already got that lecture from Calypso. Don’t worry, I’ll get over this trauma eventually.”
“Not by yourself, you’re not,” Winry said as she entered. “Ed and I understand more than anyone what you've been through. What it’s like to lose your parents.”
Ed nodded.
He then told his story.
How he became an Alchemist.
How he lost his mom and committed the ultimate taboo with his brother.
How he lost many friends and good people just to get their old bodies back.
How he and many people joined together to stop an evil homunculus from taking the lives of all who live in Amestris and become a god.
How he gave up his ability to use alchemy to save his brother.
The path was long and hard for Edward, but if it weren’t for his brother, Alphonse; his best friend and wife, Winry, and of the many friends and allies he has made in the past, he never would have the life he has now.
But he did lose many good people.
His mom who always smiled for her boys, despite being very sick.
A little girl named Nina who loved her father and dog and became a horrific experiment for him.
A good man named Maes Hughes who went far and beyond not just for his friends and family, but for the Elric brothers too; and died for it.
The many lives that were lost in the battle at Central City to stop a monster and help the boys get their bodies back.
And finally, his father who was cursed with immortality and saw his entire civilization become a part of him; who loved his wife and kids and wanted to grow old with them. Ed hated his guts because he believed that he abandoned them, but in truth, he was preparing his final fight against the Homunculi. In the end, he died right in front of his wife’s grave.
Leo and Calypso didn’t say a word.
How could they?
Sure they went through a horrific moment in their lives.
But Ed? He went through several and faced the impossible head-on.
And was able to live a happy life now.
“Wow…” Leo said. “I just…”
“It was a long time ago. My point is, I understand. The guilt and fear of losing someone dear to you. Losing a home…”
Leo looks at his drink.
“How did you do it?” Leo asked. “How did you manage to make peace with that?”
“With some help, Leo,” Ed answered.
After that, the gang worked together to help with Leo’s phobia with fire. They started small by using matches, candles and little sparks made from machines.
Leo flinched and started to hyperventilate whenever he saw them at first. But in just a couple of weeks of going through such a process, he’s able to hold candles, lamps and such at ease.
It was a big accomplishment.
So everyone celebrated by baking a cake. While the girls headed to get the ingredients at the markets, Leo and Ed had another important conversation.
“About the man that saved you back then, that was Alphonse, my brother.”
Ed explained, “Al was coming back from his trip to the East and he and I were gonna meet to catch up and combine our notes. When we met up, he told me about the fire. After what happened, everytime he comes back to Amestris, he comes by her grave and sends flowers.”
“So it was him who’s been bringing flowers once a while,” Leo said. “I hope to see him someday, I want to thank him for the flowers… and for saving my life.”
Leo and Calypso’s relationship also changed drastically. Whenever Leo has some free time off, he’d come downstairs and help Calypso with her shop. Whether it was technical problems or just managing the front counter, he’s there to help her.
Calypso would make lunch and dinner for the two of them every chance they could. Once a while, Leo would have nightmares and Calypso would enter his room and comfort him and end up sleeping with him.
The two were having a peaceful and happy life in that flower shop that eventually they realized something that they tried to deny for a while; fearing that it’ll end this peaceful time.
They were both falling in love.
One day, Leo came to work on his trauma with Winry and asked her for advice on Calypso.
“Oh, so you finally realized your feelings, huh?” Winry smirked.
Leo blushed.
“Well, take it from someone who’s married to a man with little to no romantic bones in his body. Love is complicated and unexpected, you never know when it’ll happen or with who.”
“But… What should I do if I get transferred to a different part of the country? I saw how fragile long distance relationships are back and Central and… I don’t wanna lose what I have with Calypso.”
“I get it. Don’t forget, my husband goes out of the country and explores the world despite being a husband and father. But you know what? I don’t mind, because no matter where he goes, what he learns, what he’s been through, he’ll come home. Always. Isn’t that what Calypso is to you?”
Afterwards, Leo saw Ed playing with his kids and having fun.
Despite all the horror he went through in his past, he continues to smile and live.
Leo’s training to get past his trauma continues.
Eventually, he was even able to join the village bonfire.
The Elric family and Calypso celebrated with Leo that day. To Leo, it felt like he was cleansed of his burden. At some point, he swore that he saw his mother at that moment and that she was smiling at him. Proud of how grown up he is, and surrounded by good folks that would watch over him.
And so, his training continues.
He still struggles with fire now and then, but he keeps moving forward. He continues to push himself forward to learn Automail Engineering.
In less than a year, he finished his training.
And now he needs to report his training to the Fuhrer.
As Leo arrives at Central, he feels gloomy. It’s not that he’s not proud of his accomplishment.
It just meant that eventually, he’ll have to leave Reesembool.
Leave the Elric family.
Leave Calypso behind.
He arrives at the front entrance of the Fuhrer’s office. He gave his report on his training and that he has completed his training.
“That’s good,” Mustang replied. “With the training and your expertise, I’m sure we can help the poor souls that are still suffering from the Ishvalan war.”
“Um… Sir?” Leo said. But he couldn’t say anything afterwards. The Fuhrer put in so much effort for Leo to get training. The Elric family did so much for Leo to get past his trauma and finish his training. Calypso did so much for Leo to feel at home.
That’s why he can’t deny his transfer.
“Yes?” Mustang asked.
“Uh… nothing, Sir…”
“Corporal… I understand what you’re feeling right now. You got comfortable in your new post. That’s the struggle here in the military. Eventually, we all have to leave our homes behind to protect our country. But know this, Leo…”
“Keep moving forward toward your dream, Leo Valdez. It’ll eventually help out the people around you, and they’ll do the same to others. It’s human nature to give back to those that helped us. And who knows, eventually, your dream may lead you back home…”
After he left Central Command, he went to visit his mother’s grave. As he arrived, he saw a figure standing in front of her. He was wearing a trench coat and was holding a briefcase and a bouquet of flowers. He has short blonde hair and golden eyes.
It was the eyes that gave him away.
Alphonse Elric. Edward’s younger brother.
“You’re Alphonse,” Leo called out.
Al looks at him. He recognized him instantly.
“You’re that boy…”
Afterwards, the two spoke near a cafe.
“I see,” Al replied. “You've been getting automail training from Winry, and my brother told you about me.”
Leo nodded. “I have to thank you, you saved my life and for that, I’m grateful.”
“...But I couldn’t save your mother…” Al replied, with a guilty look.
“It’s okay, my mother would be grateful for you saving me. That’s how she is, always caring for others before herself.”
Al grips on his coffee tight. “Just like my mom…”
“...Ed told me about you guys tragic past,” Leo said. “I’m sorry you have to go through such a thing. But, you managed to save so many lives afterwards. And for that, I know I’m not the only one grateful for all you have done. So, don't beat yourself down for this. Like Ed says…”
“...Keep moving forward, you've got two good legs. So use them,” Al finished.
“Exactly, which is why I was in Resembool. I finished my training and will be transferred to the East to join in the effort to help out the Ishvalans. After I fulfill my tour, I’m gonna rebuild my mom’s shop and continue her work.”
“That’s good,” Al replied. “I know Winry will be proud of you. Otherwise you’ll have to face her wrench.”
The two laugh at his joke. The two headed back to Resembool.
When Calypso got the news that Leo will be transferred to the East, she had mixed feelings. She’s happy that Leo was able to gain one step closer to his dream. But also sad, because eventually, he’s going to leave in about two weeks.
And she’ll be alone again.
“Gonna miss me Sunshine?” Leo jokingly said.
Calypso scoffed it off as a joke, but deep inside, yes. These few months with Leo have been the best months of her life. She felt needed, happy and no longer alone.
But she doesn’t want to hold Leo from his dream.
“Yeah right, I’m glad you’re leaving. I’ll finally get some peace and quiet here,” She said as she was cleaning the dishes. Unaware that tears were flowing past her eyes.
And neither did Leo.
The next day, Leo invited Calypso to a walk around the village. It confused Calypso because he never went out for a walk. He’s always working on something, training on his automail expertise or helping out with the shop.
“What for? You never simply go out for a walk?”
Leo shrugged, “Gonna be leaving soon, might as well get a last look around before I do. And I enjoy your company, despite your fiery temper.”
Leo smirked while Calypso frowned at his teasing.
She still agrees to join.
As the two walk around the village, they tend to joke around or tease each other for fun. But unknown to each other is that they both are trying really hard not to express their true feelings. Fearing that it’ll ruin what they have now.
“So, once you finish your tour, you’re gonna rebuild your mom’s shop, right?” Calypso asked.
“Yeah, though I probably won't be able to do it at our old spot anymore. So I’ll probably need a new place.”
“I see…” Calypso trailed off. “ that case, why not build a shop here in resembool?”
Leo snickered, “You know what? That’s a good idea! I can build a shop right next to yours. That way I can enjoy your cooking.”
Leo laughed whole-heartily, but Calypso was silent, looking at Leo brightly.
Even though he said it as a joke. To Calypso, it was hope. Hope for the future.
She scoffed, “Yeah right, you’ll disturb the birds and scare my customers away. I’ll never be able to sell my flowers.”
“Well in that case, I’ll buy all the flowers you made… and give them to you.”
Calypso stopped walking with Leo. Leo turned back and saw her crying.
“Sunshine? What’s wron-”
He couldn’t finish his sentence.
Not when he has Calypso’s lips on his. Unable to speak.
Nor did he want to let go of her.
Like her nickname suggests.
She’s his sunshine.
It was Leo’s last day and was about to head out. Leo said goodbye to the Elric family, but Edward and Alphonse already headed toward the train station for their departure too. But before he could head out to the station, Calypso walked with him early in the morning, hands-holding and talking about their future.
“Make sure you write back at least once a week. And please don’t skip your lunches and dinner time, I worry for your health,” Calypso ordered.
“Okay, Sunshine. I promise,” Leo answered.
“And please don’t blow yourself up!” She said jokingly. “I don’t wanna hear the news about a scrawny mechanic nearly blowing up ANOTHER street.”
Leo laughs and eventually, so did Calypso.
“Okay, I promise, Sunshine.”
“And…” Calypso grips tighter to Leo, “Come back home soon.”
“I promise.”
As the two arrive at the train station, they say Ed and Al waiting on the train.
“Leo, heading out too?” Ed asked.
Leo nodded.
Later on, Ed wanted to speak to Leo privately. The two sat at a bench nearby so they could talk.
“So, you’re still gonna fulfill your dream?” Ed asked.
“Yeah, I may not be able to rebuild it at our old spot, but I’m sure my mom wouldn’t mind. I’m sure she’d want me to build my dream close to home,” Leo replied, looking at Calypso as looks out to the horizon, waiting for the train. “I won’t lie, I still get nightmares about that day. And I still flinch now and then whenever I’m near a spark or a fire. But… I’ll keep moving forward.”
Ed nodded.
“Good,” Ed said. “Keep moving forward, Leo. Being away from home will be painful, but you have to keep following your dream. There’s no such thing as a painless lesson. They just don’t exist. Sacrifices are necessary. You can’t gain anything without losing something first. Although, if you can endure that pain and walk away from it, you’ll find that you now have a heart strong enough to overcome any obstacle.”
Calypso called out that the train was about to arrive.
Leo got up and walked toward Calypso.
He knew that it would be a long time before he could come home. So, he grabbed her, hugged her and kissed her passionately. Expressing all his love and care for her.
For him, she’s home.
“Yeah,” Ed said to himself, “A heart made Fullmetal”
[Insert Anime Ending: Let It Out by Miho Fukuhara]
Video made by DPGoingGhost
Happy Fullmetal Alchemist Day everyone. Sorry for the late reply, school and work kept me busy. But then I remembered October 3rd was close and that I was off that day, so I made the final touches on this chapter for that day. I’m sorry if it’s not good, but I won’t lie, I had nostalgia hit me hard while writing this. I actually cried at certain parts when I wrote them.
Again, this story is dedicated to @winryofresembool on Tumblr. Thanks for making an amazing Caleo story AND being a Fullmetal Alchemist fan, keep up the good work. Some of the backstory is even inspired by her fanfiction, Things We Lost In The Fire. Do check it out if you are also a fan of Caleo. Thank you Winryofresembool for making such an amazing story and being one of my many inspirations to become a writer myself. Never stop doing what you love and keep moving forward.
Despite whatever happens in the future, Leo and Calypso are meant for each other.
Two broken souls, lost and alone.
Desperate for love and acceptance.
I know that together, their shattered hearts can become one.
A heart made Fullmetal.
Don’t Forget.
#Fullmetal Alchemist#fullmetal alchimist brotherhood#Caleo#Leo Valdez#calypso#edward elric#Winry Rockbell#Edward x Winry#Percy Jackon and the Olympians#Heroes of Olympus#trials of apollo#pjo hoo toa#fmab#fma#fanfiction#fanfic#three shot
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Percy Jackson and The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Crossover Fanfic?
I have 2 plots ideas that could involve in the Percy Jackson universe. Something that I thought recently. Been watching a lot of TMNT content lately.
Plot 1: Takes place during the first Titan War, the titans are losing and Calypso attempt an idea that could aid them. She and several sorceress uses a powerful spell to summon powerful warriors. Who are these warriors? None other than the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. Now the turtles must embark on a dangerous journey along with Calypso to find a way back home and survive the war. Mystic weapons and powers like the Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles will be involved. Epic anime fights.
Plot 2: Takes place after Turtles Forever. The Shredder has been defeated but is still alive. The turtles have found his last location and attempt a universal jump to chase after him. They end up in New York City, where Olympus stands. Now the Turtles must work alongside with the Demigods and stop the Shredder and his new and improved Foot Clan. Mystic powers involved. (May be a sequel to Plot 1). Epic battles and shocking plot twists.
These may seem like odd plots to involve the turtles. But don’t forget:
They fought aliens, mythical and/or mutated creatures and immortal stone warriors.
They traveled through time, space and dimensions.
they fought alongside both the Power Rangers AND the Batman.
I mean, wouldn’t that be a fun story?
#fanfiction#pjo#heroes of olympus#fanfic#percy jackson#trials of apollo#pjo hoo toa#percyjacksonandtheolympians#rise of the teenage mutant ninja turtles#teenage mutant ninja turtles#calypso
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Estelle and The Mark of Arachnid: The Trident of Poseidon (Chapter 3)
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Chapter 3: Percy fought a giant Pigeon at the Park.
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Disclaimer: The following is a non-profit, fanbase series. Percy Jackson and the Olympians; Heroes of Olympus; Trials of Apollo; Kane Chronicles and Magnus Chase and the Gods of Asgard are owned by Rick Riordan. Spiderman or any concept of him are owned by Marvel Comics and Sony Entertainment. Please support the official releases.
You know, I never thought my trip would be ruined like this. Museum being closed down due to a pandemic? Sure. A robbery occurred near the area? Makes sense, it is New York. But being attacked by a giant pigeon woman and my brother has to save us while holding an ancient sword? Never thought it could happen. Anyways, Sam and I manage to get out of the building and put her dad right next to his car. Outside of the entrance, police officers were blocking the civilians from entering the building and prevented any casualties from happening. One of the officers walked toward us and Sam’s dad explained the situation. Except, he didn’t tell the whole truth; all he said was that there was some crazy lunatic and that a trained specialist is dealing with the culprit. I wanted to ask why he lied, but my main concern is Percy's safety. Yeah, I was scared out of my mind with the fact that a mythological creature attacked us, and that I almost got killed by it. But right now, my brother, who’s a son, a husband and a father, is inside, fighting that creature on his own.
“You’re okay, dad.” Sam said. “We’re safe.”
“For now,” I implied. “But I need to go back and help my brother!”
“Don’t!” Sam’s dad yelled. “If he’s what I think he is, then you’ll just be in the way. He can get the job done.”
“I don’t care, that’s my brother out there. And not just that, he’s also a husband and a father, I’d never forgive myself if something were to happen to him!”
Just as I was about to head back, the front entrance erupted, showing Percy being lifted by the Vulture herself. Percy was struggling to get loose, but the harpy was also wounded. Percy must’ve wounded her inside. The two flew off towards National Park. I ran off while telling Sam to watch over her dad.
As I reach toward their location, I see Percy defending himself as the Vulture (Ugh, I really got to ask for her real name, someday.) flies down and attacks. Percy tends to roll or dodge to avoid her claws.
“Come on, Vulture. Is that really the best you can do?”
Vulture snarled.
She dashes forwards and Percy swung his sword at her. But, she dodge it and then kicks him off the ground. Percy groans in pain after he falls. The Vulture laughs in amusement.
“Seems age is starting to take its toll on you, Perseus Jackson.”
“And yet, you still can’t kill me.”
Percy threw his sword at her, hitting her by the leg. She snarls in pain and flies up towards the trees. Percy got up and looked into his pocket.
I want to help him, but I have no idea how. I mean, first off, I don’t have a weapon; I have no combat experience at all (Video Games don’t count!), and what’s worse, I’m starting to heat up. Sam said the spider wasn’t poisonous, so why am I starting to catch a fever?!
Percy took out a pen from his pocket.
Really? A pen? He had a magical sword and now he only has a pen. What’s he gonna do, write a formal complaint? He uncapped the pen and it transformed to the same sword that Percy threw. Well, you know what they say, The pen is mightier than the sword. Especially if it’s ALSO a sword.
“What are you doing here, Vulture? What’s your game?”
Vulture replied, “I was simply grabbing a snack while I was scouting. Then I found your sister, and then you came along. Seems fate really is on my side today. Not only will I get a half-blood, but I also get to make you watch as I kill your sister.”
Percy frowned, “Don’t you dare touch her. Your fight is with me.”
Vulture smirked, “Exactly…”
She flies down again and tries to pin down Percy, but he dodged it and was gonna land a blow at her. But she predicted his movement and swirled around and used her wings to hit Percy.
The two were relentless, neither of them would leave an opening to attack. Seriously, where did Percy learn how to fight like that?! Never in my life have I seen this guy fight like that. At home, he’s a nice guy with some idiotic behaviors. Remember the blue food? He loves them; even his own wife makes them for him. And don’t get me started on his ADHD problems. One time, he and I were making a surprise cake for my parents' anniversary, and we ended up destroying the kitchen with dough. Don’t ask how it started, we don’t know.
You get what I’m trying to say? My lovable idiotic brother is fighting for his life against a mythological creature who has a grudge against him. Seriously, what did he do in the past? Is there like a whole series of books I can read about that?!
Percy starts panting as he loses his stamina just defending himself from the Vulture. The harpy on the other hand, was also losing her strength but she has the high ground.
“It’s over, Percy Jackson,” She said.
Percy replied, “You underestimate my power!”
Really, Percy? In the middle of a life or death situation, you had to pull a Star Wars Reference? No doubt about it, he’s still my dorky brother.
Anyways, despite what he said, he was really in trouble. He needs to find a way out of this situation and stop Vulture.
“Oh, did I? I know your abilities, Jackson. Why do you think I cornered you in an area with no water nearby?”
Water? What does water have to do with Percy? I mean, he’s a great swimmer and loves the sea, but how is that effective in battle?
Percy chuckled.
“What’s so funny?” Vulture asked.
“You idiot, did you forget how trees grow?”
Percy slammed his right hand down to the ground and everything started to shake. I was getting wobbly but I noticed that the falling leaves, the trees nearby, even the flowers and grasses, were being drained. Droppings of water started to appear around Percy and began forming into shapes. Instantly, they formed into spear-like figures, aiming toward Vulture.
She cursed while Percy fired the water spears at her. She dodge a couple but got clipped by the third one and fell down to the ground.
I was shocked at Percy. I mean, he was able to control the water itself like a water-bender. Another thing I noticed is that Percy wasn’t even wet. Both Vulture and I got wet from the sprinkles of water.
Another thing Percy has to explain.
As the Vulture gets back up, Percy points his sword right in front of her neck.
“It’s over,” Percy said. “You lost.”
Vulture scoffed.
“You may have won for now, Percy Jackson. But soon, Olympus will fall. I guarantee it.”
Olympus? Like Mount Olympus? The actual home of the gods? Is that real as well? Ugh, questions just keep piling up and I still have no answers to them! Anyways, Percy summons a small orb of water and it manifests into a rope-like material and wraps itself at the Vulture.
“Now, you stay here while I call the huntresses to pick you up. I really don’t want to get involved with another world-threatening situation right now. Or ever,” Percy said as he, somehow, caps his sword back into a pen and puts it back in his pocket and then takes out his phone.
“Also, Estelle, you’re really bad at hiding.”
I cursed silently and walked out in the opening.
“I thought I told you to get out of here,” He scolded.
“Sorry, it's just, after everything that happened today, I couldn’t see you handling something like that… no offense,” I said, referring to the tied up harpy.
The Vulture snarled at me in hatred.
“When I get out of this, sister of Percy Jackson, I’ll…”
“First off, the name’s Estelle. Estelle Blofis. And second, my brother just whooped your sorry butt. So why don’t you just be a good birdie and zip it.”
She growled at me while Percy guided me further away from her.
“Estelle, please don’t anger her anymore than she already is.”
“Fine, but you’re not out of the woods yet.”
I mean, technically we’re still in the park, but I meant it as an expression.
“Look, Estelle. I promise to explain everything to you soon. But right now, we need to get you home, safely.”
“What about Sam and her dad?” I asked. “That harpy creature nearly killed them!”
“She must be a half-blood. That’s not good,” Percy mumbled.
“What’s a half-blood?”
“Look, just go back with the Stacy’s and get home safely. I’ll deal with the Vulture and meet you back home. Okay?”
Suddenly, the Vulture started laughing.
“What’s so funny?” Percy asked.
“You think I was alone this whole time?”
Suddenly, rumbling was occurring around us. Like something big was charging at us. I was starting to lose my balance, and my fever was definitely not helping.
“What is that?!” I said.
Percy was quiet until he yelled.
“Estelle! Run!”
But it was too late, suddenly a giant tree was thrown from the air and got between me and Percy. I lost my balance and fell into a ditch. I groaned in pain as I tried to get back up. Out in the distance, I hear a loud roar and Percy fighting. As I reached the top, I hid behind the log and looked at where Percy was at.
He was fighting a big guy, and I couldn't say who or what he was, but he was bigger than Percy, stronger even, and he was holding some giant axe. Percy has this shock look on his face, as if he knew exactly who it is.
“How on earth are you alive?!”
As Percy was fighting the big guy, I noticed that the Vulture was starting to break loose from her water prison. As she gets out, she flies up in the air and dives for Percy.
“Percy, look out!” I yelled.
Out of pure instinct, I ran toward Percy and jumped, pushing him out of the way. We both fell into a bush while the two villains collided with each other. Unfortunately, the harpy reacted quickly and got out of the big guy’s way. I got up and yelled at Percy.
“We gotta go! Now!”
Percy nodded and got up. We both started running away from the enemies and tried to find a good place to hide.
“What was that big guy?!”
“No time to explain,” Percy answered. “Just another guy I fought back then.”
“Another… How many enemies did you make?!” I yelled. “What, were you on the most wanted list for stealing something important?!”
“Kind of?”
At this point, anything goes. Percy could be a descendant of wizards and went to Hogwart. Or he’s a half-vampire or werewolf because mom fell in love with a monster. Or maybe he’s a mutant like the X-men and all these creatures are just humans with mutations. I don’t know, I just want some answers!
But, as you can see, we’re a bit busy trying to survive. Percy found a spot under a bridge. We ran there and hid.
“Look, I’ll make this as simple as possible once we’re in the clear, okay?” Percy whispered. I sighed and nodded.
“Fine, at least tell me why these guys are after you?”
“The Vulture had siblings and I killed them to save some of my friends. I couldn’t let them get eaten. As for the big guy… well… he and I have some history together.”
“How much of a history?” I said.
“…He once took our mom and sent her to the underworld.”
Okay, that… that was unexpected. “WHAT?!” I yelled. Percy shushes me and covers my mouth. I mean, how would you feel if you found out your mom, who’s still alive, went to the underworld because of your brother?
“Look, it’s a really long story and we don’t have time. Just know that monsters are real and they love to eat humans, especially half-bloods.”
“And what’s a half-blood?!” I whispered loudly.
Before he could answer, suddenly, the bridge collapsed. A giant figure came falling down and roared.
“Estelle, run!” Percy yelled. I got up and ran as far as I could, but then I got pinned down from the Vulture. She swooped down from the sky and dragged me to the floor.
“Don’t think I forgot about you, you little brat,” She snarled.
“Ugh, brush your teeth next time you eat out,” I said, disgusted by her breath smell.
As I looked toward Percy, I noticed he was fighting the big guy. He was wearing a robe so I can’t really see his actual appearance; but, I could’ve sworn I saw hooves on his legs. I tried to get loose from the Vulture’s grip, but she is holding me tight with her claws. I couldn’t break free.
Percy was struggling too. He can’t seem to find an opening with the big guy he’s facing.
“Damn it! When did you get this good?!” He yelled.
The big guy growled at him.
“Kronos is gone! Why are you guys still here?!”
Vulture scoffed. “Haven’t you heard the news? Our father has returned.”
Percy replied with a shocked expression, “What? That’s impossible!”
He kept dodging the hooded monster’s attack.
“Enough! Best you stop now, Percy Jackson. Or your precious sister gets it.”
Vulture lowered her wing arms near my neck and I noticed that some of her talons have sharp edges. She could cut my neck anytime she wanted to if Percy didn't hesitate.
Percy was near the river that was under the bridge so he can probably use it to attack or something. I don’t know, I was still wondering how he did that whole water-bending technique earlier.
“Don’t you dare go near the water, Jackson,” The Vulture replied.
Percy was frustrated. He can’t attack or move, while the big guy gets a free pass to attack.
I hate this.
I hate being the damsel in distress. Yeah it’s nice being saved by the hero; but who’s gonna save the hero if the damsel is too weak to fight? No, I won’t be a burden to Percy, even if I am facing the supernatural. Though, not gonna lie, I’d happily be the damsel if the Winchester brothers came to save us. I mean, have you seen The Winchester brothers?!
Anyways, since Tweety here is holding my arms down, I still have one motive I can use. It’s a dirty tactic, and really nasty, but I had no choice.
“Hey, birdbrain!” I yelled. The Vulture looks at me and I straight up spat at her eyes. Don’t ask how I got accurate aim.
The Vulture grunted in disgust and lost her grip at me. I managed to get my left arm out, grabbed a broken debris and hit the Vulture at her legs. She screamed in pain and let go of me. Percy saw and used it as an opportunity to strike at the hooded man. He put his hand on the river and summoned a huge whirlpool toward the man and pushed away and toward the harpy. I ran toward Percy and grabbed something I can use as a weapon.
Vulture gets up as she is furious from my escape attempt.
“You arrogant, brat. I’m gonna enjoy making you suffer,” She snarled. The big guy growled as he got up and picked up his axe. The two cornered us.
Percy has his magical sword while I have a metal rod from the bridge as I held it like a bat.
“So, Percy, think we can take these losers down?” I said with confidence. But, judging from Percy's expression, we do not have a chance.
“Sorry, Sis, but that metal bar ain’t gonna help you. These guys can’t get hurt from regular material. Only enchanted weapons can.
Thanks for telling me important information at the last second, Percy!
“Great, any more bright ideas?!” I yelled.
As if all hope was lost, our knight in shining armor appeared on his great stallion. And by stallion, I mean her dad’s police car. Jumping off from the broken bridge, Sam dad’s car came flying down and crashed down towards the monsters. As the car crashed on them, more debris from the bridge fell and piled up right on top of them.
As the smoke clears out, Sam and her dad exit out of the car, coughing from the debris smoke.
“Sam? Was that you?!”
Sam replied, “I couldn’t let you handle everything, Stella.”
“…How did you get your driver’s license again?” I said in amusement. Sam shrugged.
Percy sighs in relief and says, “We gotta go, that’ll knock them out for a while, but they’ll wake up soon.”
Sam’s dad nodded, “He’s right, these creatures are resilient when it comes to their hunger.”
“Hunger for food or vengeance?” I asked. “Cause either way, they have got to go on a diet.”
“There’s a subway station nearby. Let’s head over there and head home. I gotta get Estelle home safely and tell my wife the situation.”
“What? Can’t you just call her?” I asked Percy.
“Phone broke during my fight with the Vulture. Seems she was smart enough to stop me from calling for help.”
I groaned in annoyance.
Percy gestured us to follow him as Sam and I helped her dad walk since he’s still wounded from the harpy’s attack. Luckily, he’s not bleeding, but he definitely took a beating from her. We walked toward the subway station and managed to catch a train to the station near my apartment.
We all sighed in relief as Mr. Stacy took out his phone. He made a quick call to the police and told them that he’s fine and taking his daughter to a safe place and will return soon. After that, he gave the phone to Percy.
“Here, my phone still works.”
Percy denied it.
“Can’t, my phone was specifically built for my kind.”
“Your kind?”
Percy sighed, “I’ll explain later, Estelle. Let just get you home and tell Annabeth the situation and-”
“Wait, Annabeth knows too?!”
It was gonna be a long trip back home for Percy.
#marvel#marvel reference#fanfiction#fanfic#spiderman#spider man#estelle blofis#OC#percy jackson#percyjacksonandtheolympians#Percy Jackon and the Olympians#Heroes of Olympus#trials of apollo#pjo hoo toa#kanechronicles
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A Heart Made Fullmetal (FMAB AU) Part 2
Winry (Rockbell) Elric: The following is a non-profit fanbase series. PJO, HoO and ToA are owned by Rick Riordan and Disney Hyperion. Please support the Official release.
Author: This story is dedicated to @winryofresembool on Tumblr. Thanks for making an amazing Caleo story AND being a Fullmetal Alchemist fan, keep up the good work. Some of the backstory is even inspired by her fanfiction, Things We Lost In The Fire. Do check it out if you are also a fan of Caleo.
Warning: Spoilers to Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood. If you have not seen this anime yet, I really recommend you watch it. It's really good.
Table of Content
Part 1
Our story takes place after the events of Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood. The Elric brothers are exploring other regions to understand other concepts and ideas about Alchemy, hoping to prevent another tragedy the boys once went through. Edward is now a husband to Winry (His childhood friend and first love) and a father to his two children. Meanwhile, our main character, Leo Valdez, is an engineer in the Amestris military and was summoned to the Fuhrer's office. That was the day his life made a big change. And maybe for good?
Time has passed and Leo is starting to get used to living in the country-side, especially with a certain flower girl. And he’s learning a lot about Autmail engineering with the help of Winry Elric. His time at Reesembol is showing great results, however, he must now face his ultimate trial yet. Can he succeed? Or will he forever be chained to his tragic past?
Alchemy: The Science of understanding, deconstructing and reconstructing matter. However, it is not an all-powerful art. It is impossible to create something out of nothing. If one wishes to obtain something, something of equal value must be given. This is the Law of Equivalent Exchange, the basis of all alchemy. In accordance with this law, there is a taboo among alchemists. Human Transmutation is strictly forbidden, for what could equal the value of a human soul?
[Insert Anime Opening: Again by Yui]
Part 2: Sins of the Past.
In a small dark room, a little beam of light passes through the covered window. The light beams down on a certain mechanical engineer from Central. He groans as he tries not to wake up from the light.
Suddenly, someone knocks on the door.
“Leo! Wake up! It’s past noon already!”
Leo groaned, “Fine, I’ll get up, Sunshine.”
A loud slamming noise came from the door.
“Do not call me Sunshine!” She yelled.
Leo groans as he gets up from bed. It’s been about a couple of months since Leo was transferred to Resembool as Edward’s bodyguard; when really, he’s transferred to learn more about Automail Engineering, with Winry teaching him everything she knows about the subject. However, he had a bad encounter with his soon-to-be roommate, Calypso, a gardener who owns a flower shop. Despite their terrible first impressions, the two slowly but surely got along.
As Leo comes downstairs towards the kitchen where Calypso was making breakfast.
“It’s about time you got up, Leo. I wouldn’t be surprised if an earthquake couldn't wake you up.”
Leo scoffed, “Guess that shows how obnoxious you are, Sunshine.”
Calypso slams her knife to the cutting board.
“Any more insults and you can forget your breakfast.”
Leo frowned confusingly.
“Breakfast? You’re making breakfast for me? That’s new.”
“Don’t flatter yourself. It’s the least I can do since you've been fixing up the shop.”
During his stay, he fixed up several of Calypso’s stuff as well as her gardening tools. Despite their irritation towards each other, they watch each other’s health and safety.
But they won’t admit it.
“Now sit,” Calypso ordered, “Breakfast is about to be ready.”
Leo smirked, “I hope you didn’t poison it.”
She scoffed, “With that attitude, I probably regret not doing so.”
Leo laughs. He enjoys their little banters, makes him feel like he has someone to joke around with. Someone to enjoy life with.
“Still, thanks for making breakfast, Sunshine… I haven’t had home-made food in a long time.”
Calypso noticed the sad tone on his voice. He never sounded so depressed since his stay in Resembool. It worries her. But she won’t push it, she knows better than anyone that the subject is too much for Leo right now. After all, she too has something in the past she wants to bury.
“Well, for now, just eat and be ready to head to the Elric’s. I don't want you to be more of a nuisance to them than normal.”
“Oh please, Winry loves me. As for Ed, well, you know how he is. Always having a ‘short’ fuse.”
Calypso rolls her eyes, but she can’t stop herself from trying to chuckle.
Ed wakes up from his bed.
“Ed?” Winry asks as she was still resting in bed with him. “What’s wrong?”
“I sense a disturbance. Like someone just called me short and-”
Winry hits Ed on the head.
“Can you keep it down then?! I’m trying to sleep.”
“OW! Sorry, besides, weren’t you gonna teach Leo about Automail today?”
That woke Winry up.
“Oh that’s right! I need to prepare everything. Today’s the day.”
As Winry starts to get dressed, Ed asks, “What’s the occasion?”
“Leo’s gonna finally make his own Automail!”
Later that day, Leo was just about to exit the shop before Calypso called for him.
“Oh, Leo. Before you go, I’m gonna be making stew tonight so don’t be late for dinner!”
“Gotcha, Sunshine. I’ll be home before nightfall!”
Before she could reply, Leo already waved goodbye and walked towards Rockbell's home. That was the first time Leo ever called their place a home. It didn’t feel like it at first, but eventually it was a place he could return. Where he can be well grounded. Where he felt belonged.
Neither Leo or Calypso will admit it, but it made them both happy.
For Calypso, she was alone for a long time, even if the Elric family would come and visit sometimes. She never really made any friends or got into a relationship (doesn’t mean she never tried). To be frank, she just pushes everyone at arm’s length. She fears that if anyone knew of her past, they’d reject her. But she wouldn’t blame them.
But Leo was different. And she knew that.
She shook her head.
“No, he’s just a brat. An irritating, self-loving, annoying, handsome brat!”
It only took her a second to realize what she just said and started to blush. Thank goodness Leo wasn’t around, he’d tease her endlessly.
Meanwhile, Leo starts heading toward the Elric’s and wonders what Winry is gonna teach him next.
As he reached for the front door, he noticed Edward was outside, cutting some tree logs.
“Ed!” Leo yelled “What are you doing outside?”
“Oh, hey Leo. Winry wanted me to break some firewoods for today. She said that you’re ready to start making your first automail product.”
Leo grinned.
“Alright, I can’t wait!”
As the two were talking, Winry and the kids came out with drinks and snacks.
“Ah, Leo, you’re here! We still have time before we can start your first project. Why don’t you join us for some time off before we begin.”
Leo nodded and offered to help Ed with the firewood. As time passed, the adults were relaxing on the balcony while the kids were playing out on the field. Winry then asked Leo about Calypso.
“How’s Calypso doing?” She asked.
Leo shrugged, “She’s okay, I guess. Hates my guts still, but she seems to be getting used to my presence.”
Winry smirked, “Oh really?”
Ed replied. “Calypso was always quiet and never got along with other people. She always pushes people at arm’s length.”
Leo frowned, “Why? Besides her rude personality, she’s beautiful and caring and is a really awesome cook.”
“Sounds like someone is having a crush,” Winry said with a teasing tone.
Leo blushed.
“What?! Me and Sunshine? Forget it!”
Winry laughs. “Already at the pet names stage?���
“W-what?!” Leo yelled while being red as a tomato. As Winry teases Leo about his bond with Calypso, Ed explains to Leo about Calypso.
“I can’t really say much about her personal life. That’s her choice to make. All I can say is that I met her on my travels in the west. Stuff happened and she moved here to Resembool. Winry and I helped her out on getting settled here. Though, like I said, she never got close to anyone other than us. She distances herself from others because of…” Ed was quiet for a moment. Leo wanted to know more, but Ed continued.
“Sorry, I can’t say any more of it. It’s… too much.”
Leo notices the grave look on Edward. He has this grim look, as if he remembers a past he never wanted to face.
Leo understands that better than anyone.
“Anyways, let’s go ahead and start getting ready to make your own Automail,” Winry interrupted and changed the mood in the air. Leo and Winry started getting up and headed inside while Ed stayed with the kids outside.
Winry began what Leo’s first Automail is going to be.
“A while ago, I got a request from Rush Valley. A mother who lost her arm in an accident needs an automail left-arm. She was saving her daughter from getting hurt and ended up losing her arm. She’s okay now, but she wants to be able to hold her daughter again. She already went through the therapy needed to connect to her new automail arm. We just need to make the arm; that’s where you come in. I’ll be assisting you but it’ll be your handiwork.”
Leo understood and began his planning. The two spent most of the day blueprinting the arm with the given numbers of sizes for the mother. Normally, Leo would try to improve the model with some insane mechanism or something. But this request was for a mother who wants to hold her child. Sometimes even the simplest things can make a big impact when you lose the ability to do it.
“Okay,” Winry said. “We can begin on making the Automail. For now, we’ll work on the wires and twigs and then tomorrow we’ll use the furnace to make the metal.”
Leo flinched.
“I’m sorry, furnace?” Leo asked.
“Yeah, That’s why Ed made those firewoods earlier. Tomorrow, we’re gonna use the fire to make the metal part and adjust it to her style. It shouldn’t be too hard, but I’m sure you can-”
“I’m sorry, Winry. But, is it possible to do this without using any kind of fire-source equipment?”
Winry frowned.
“Is something wrong, Leo?”
Winry can’t see his expression, but Leo has a pale expression on his face.
“Sorry, I just can’t work with equipment involving fire.”
Winry noticed that Leo was shaking.
“Leo? Are you okay?”
Leo turned around and gave a small smile. “Yeah, I’m fine. Just not very comfortable near a fire is all. Everything else I can manage, I promise.”
Winry doubts his reassurance, but she won’t push it. But she will definitely tell Edward about it. The way his body was shaking was similar to that of Edward's back then; after he stopped her from making a mistake and shot Scar at Central.
The way his hands were shaking, he was just as scared and angry as she was. Yet, despite that, he stayed strong for her, telling her that her hands were used to help lives, not take them.
The way the boy was shaking, she knew instantly that Leo was hiding something.
Something too tragic to face.
The day passed as the two mechanics worked on the wires and cables for the arm. They mostly just gather the necessary components and then connect them together for when it’s time to combine them with the metal components. It was already past noon and it was almost time for dinner.
“We should be good now, let’s go ahead and clean up, call it a day, I gotta go make some dinner for the family.”
Just as the two were finishing up, there was a knock outside and a familiar voice spoke.
“Hello? Winry? Edward? It’s Calypso.”
Winry wiped her hands of dirt and oil and went to the front door.
“Oh, Calypso. Something wrong?”
“No, I just came over to bring some food for Leo. You know how he is when he’s working.”
Winry stomach grumbled. She blushed.
“He’s not the only one.”
The two laughed as Winry asked her help on making dinner. As Leo finished up cleaning, he noticed Calypso heading to the kitchen with Winry.
“What are you doing here, Sunshine?” He asked.
“You didn’t come home so I brought some food to eat, but since you and Winry did a lot of work today, I’m gonna help make dinner.”
Leo shrugged, “Can’t help it, once I’m in the zone, I lose track of everything.”
Winry nodded.
“Couldn’t agree more, there were times even I would be in my office for days and Ed would have to literally pull me out of my room to rest. Even the kids had to help.”
Calypso sighed, “You mechanics have no remorse for your own health.”
As Winry and Calypso went to make dinner, Leo went out to find the Elric family and bring them in to eat.
The family, along with Leo and Calypso, ate and talked at the diner table.
Winry would usually talk to Leo about their project while Calypso would talk to Edward about her day. Sometimes the four would talk about their past, none of the traumatic moments.
“There’s this one time, Ed and Al once destroyed an entire block in Rush Valley because of Ling’s bodyguards.”
“Ling? Wait, THE Emperor Ling of Xing?!” Leo asked.
A while ago, there was a meeting between the Fuhrer of Amestris and the Emperor of Xing to arrange an alliance and unite the people toward a peaceful future.
Ed scoffed.
“Yeah, that’s Ling. Bastard came to our country and I was one that paid for most of his payments. He still owes me!”
Leo and Calypso laughed.
“I can’t believe you met the Emperor before! What, did you also meet the Brigadier General of the North?”
“Oh, you mean the Major’s sister? We have, actually. She may look fierce, but she has a good heart underneath.”
Leo was baffled at the answer, but he did notice that Edward was shaking in fear when he mentioned the General.
“You must have traveled a lot back then.” Leo commented. “What were you doing at the time? Alchemy research?”
Ed flinched at his question and Winry noticed it immediately.
“It’s kind of a long story… and a tragic one too. It’s best that we don’t talk about it.”
Leo wanted to ask more, but he understood.
The rest of the day was just all them talking about old times and learning more about each other.
Yet, no one had the courage to talk about their darkest secrets.
I mean, who would want to ruin such a peaceful day.
As Leo and Calypso said goodnight to everyone, the two walked home together.
“Thanks, for coming to check up on me,” Leo said.
“If I didn’t, I’d find you on the floor dying of hunger.”
Leo laughed and nodded.
“Still, I appreciate you watching over me, even though you can be a handful.”
Calypso took a jab at Leo’s hip for the comment, but smiled regardless.
“You’re still an irritating mechanic mutt. But, you help out a lot at the shop so I’ll… manage it.”
As the two walked off, at the Elric’s house, Edward and Winry watched the two walk off as Winry noticed the two slowly getting along.
“How long until the wedding?” She asked teasingly.
“Weren’t the two at each other’s throat a few weeks ago?”
Winry sighs at her husband's idiocy.
“You idiot, you never understood romance.”
“And yet, you married me.”
Winry shook her head, smiling as she went off to take the kids to bed. Meanwhile, Ed headed toward the living room’s telephone to make a call.
“Hello? This is Edward Elric, I need you to make a connection to the Fuhrer.”
After giving his military code for confirmation, Mustang answered.
“Ah, Fullmetal, this is a surprise. You don’t normally call unless you need something. Despite the fact that you still owe me.”
Irritated, Edward replied, “It’s only 520 cens you money groveling bastard! Anyways, I’m not calling for a favor. There’s something I needed to discuss about Leo.”
“The Corporal? Something happened?”
Ed explained what Winry told him after dinner.
“I see…”
“How many times do I have to tell you! It’s Fuhrer now!”
Ed scoffed, “I wouldn’t care if you became king, you’re still Colonel Bastard to me.”
Mustang sighed and spoke, “Anyways, I think I know why he got agitated about fire.”
Late at night, Calypso woke up to some noises coming from the next room. She got up and went to Leo’s room.
She knocked on the door to see if he’s awake.
There was no answer, but then a loud thump came from inside. Worried for his safety, Calypso opened the door and found Leo on the floor, sweating and panting. Calypso went to his side and tried to wake him up. She shook a bit and kept calling out his name. Leo was still asleep but she noticed him mumbling.
“Mom… don’t…”
Calypso was getting more worried and started yelling out his name. It was after the third time she yelled when Leo woke up.
Panting, Leo spoke, “Calypso? What are you doing in my room?”
“I was worried! You were on the floor, sweating and panting! Did you have a nightmare?”
Leo was shocked that Calypso was worried for him. But I know why this happened. After what he learned today at Winry’s house, he knew he had to confront his past and trauma eventually. Maybe it was best that his roommate knew it first.
“I’m sorry, Sunshine. I just… remembered something I wanted to forget.”
Leo and Calypso got back on the bed and sat down by the edge.
“Want to talk about it?” She asked.
“Not really… but I have to eventually.”
Leo took a deep breath and looked at his hands. He noticed that they were shaking a lot, not just because of his ADHD. But rather, in fear.
“Take your time,” Calypso said. Grabbing his hands and reassuring him that he’s safe. Leo looked at her and he started to calm down a bit.
“… A long time ago, I used to live with my mom at our old mechanic shop. She loved fixing stuff, though I don’t know if she knew automail engineering. Anyways, we were happy, I’d watch her from afar as she fixed cars, electronics, almost anything really. Sometimes she’d ask me for help and I’d do the best to my ability to help her out. It was hard work, but we were happy.”
Calypso noticed Leo was smiling while reminiscing on the past. She won’t deny that it was a beautiful smile. Not your average Leo grins or smirk. A good, honest, loving smile.
“My mom and I loved our shop. People would come and we’d just help out the best we can. My mom always loved helping people. My dream is to be like her, helping people and fixing things. The family business.”
Leo chuckled.
“Then… I made a mistake. And it got my mom killed….”
The setting begins at Central City, where the Valdez live. Esperanza Valdez was at the garage, fixing up a car while Leo was at the back, trying to make a gift for Mother’s Day. He was almost done but needed to make one final adjustment. Leo headed to his mother’s workshop to get some tools.
Normally he asks his mom for the tool, but he already knew what he needed, despite being very young. As he went to the table, he grabbed a screwdriver and started finishing up his project. It wasn’t anything fancy, Leo made a little metal flower.
It was supposed to symbolize love everlasting.
As he was running to show his mom his gift, he accidentally tripped on a wire and it got plugged off the wall. Just as it was disconnecting, a small spark burst and landed on the floor where oil was around. Flames started to burst and Leo was freaking out, he called out for his mom and she came as quickly as possible.
“Leo! Get back!” She yelled. Leo got up and ran towards his mom, but the flames got too close to the oil barrels and it exploded.
Leo got knocked out for a moment, but when he woke up, he looked around and noticed that his mom was down on the floor, pinned to a pillar from the ceiling.
Leo ran towards his mom and tried to lift the pillar off her.
“Leo… run…”
“Hang on, mom! I’ll get you out!”
Flames were spreading everywhere, smoke was making it difficult to breath, if Leo doesn’t get his mom out of the fire soon, they’ll both suffocate.
Leo called out for help, hoping someone would come save his mother.
Esperanza was in pain but was more concerned for her son’s safety.
“Leo, get out of here. Mommy will be fine,” She lied. She can’t feel her legs and starting to lose consciousness, but she can’t let her son die.
But Leo wouldn’t give up on saving his mother. Suddenly, someone knocked out the front door entrance to the garage.
“Anyone here?!” Yelled someone.
Leo called them out and they ran toward Leo and Esperanza.
Leo couldn’t see his face but he noticed that it was a man.
“My mom is trapped! Help me!”
The young man helped Leo try to lift but the pillar was still attached to the ceiling.
“I’m gonna try something, hang on!”
Before Leo could ask, the man clapped his hands together and placed them on the pillar. Suddenly, the pillar disintegrated and freed his mother.
“Okay, we got it out, but now we need to-“ The man stopped mid-sentence as he realized the state Leo’s mother is in. A metal bar was piercing through her and blood was spilling out through the wound.
“Mom!” Leo yelled.
“Hang on, We’ll get you out.”
“No!” She yelled. “Get my son out of here. Please!”
“But Mom-“
Leo’s mom looks at Leo with a calm smile.
“Live for mommy, sweetie. Live…”
An explosion erupted behind her and Leo got knocked out.
When he woke up, he was outside. Firefighters arrived and got rid of the flames.
But that day, Leo lost everything.
Calypso listened to the whole thing, shocked at what Leo had to go through at such a young age.
“After the fire, I never got to meet the man who helped me, my mom was the only family I had. She ran off from her family a long time ago and they never got in contact since. I was brought in for foster homes but I got taken in by this nice family. A mother and a daughter who lost their father/husband in the military. They never told me how it happened, just that he was trying to help people. Since the fire, I’ve been afraid to be near anything with flames, from simple sparks and candles to bonfires and fireworks. A little candle gives me an anxiety attack. I try not to think too much about it, but every once in a while I start getting nightmares, about my mother dying and I could see my younger self, telling me it’s my fault. That she died because of me.”
Leo sighed, “Sorry Calypso. I didn’t mean to put all this out on you. Get some rest, I’ll-”
Calypso hugs him tightly, not knowing that she has been crying this whole time.
“You idiot, this is your home. You don’t need to hold back, just let it out. I’ll be here to hold you tight.”
Leo was shocked at the gesture, but the warmth of Calypso’s hug brought out all the memories he had with his mother. All the time they made snacks; when she read him his favorite story; when he watched her work. All of his childhood memories were coming back to him.
He couldn’t help but start to cry as he hugs Calypso back.
Despite their first encounter with each other, Calypso had brought a lot of new, fun and exciting memories.
Here, he truly felt at home.
The next day, Leo woke up late. As he got up, he noticed something shifted next to him. He looked and saw Calypso sleeping soundly right next to him.
Leo remembers what happened last night and smiles.
“Thanks, Sunshine,” Leo said as he stroked a small piece of hair behind Calypso’s ear. He blushed at the gesture and wondered why he would do that. He gets up and tries to wake up Calypso. She groans and turned around.
“Come on, Sunshine. It’s time to get up.”
That woke Calypso up; as she got up, she realized that she’s still in Leo’s room and blushed. She remembers the events that occurred last night and apologized to Leo for last night. Leo shook it off, saying it’s fine.
“This is your home, Sunshine. Your house, your rule.”
“This is your home too, Leo!” Calypso replied. “I mean, you already made improvements to my shop and fixed my gardening tools. Everywhere I go in my house, I see your handiwork.”
Leo smirked, “You love my work, don’t you?”
Calypso groans in annoyance, “And the annoying mechanic returns. And here I thought I’d finally get some peace and quiet here.”
Leo laughs, which then Calypso joins afterwards.
Neither will deny the fact.
Last night, their bond grew closer.
As they both got up, Calypso went and made breakfast, while Leo made his bed and changed for the day. As the two ate breakfast, Calypso spoke.
“I want to help you,” Calypso said.
“With what? I know that you can sew and weave too, Sunshine. But, my projects don’t really involve much of those, besides the wires of course.”
“I meant your trauma to fire. I want to help you confront it.”
“Oh…” Leo was quiet for a moment as he continued eating.
“I understand that it’s hard to get over something like that. But I’m sure that with some effort, you can confront your fears and achieve even greater feats. It’s what your mom would’ve wanted.”
Leo pondered at the idea. As much as he wants to avoid fires as much as possible, he knows he has to eventually confront his fear if he ever wants to achieve his dream.
“Have I ever told you about my dream? My goal?” Leo asked.
Calypso shook her head.
“… I dreamed that someday, I can be like my mom and help people. Fix things and make stuff. That’s why… I planned to reopen my mom’s shop. Rebuild it from the ground and help people like my mom used to do.”
Calypso smiles.
“That’s a lovely dream, Leo.”
Leo hides his blush.
“Why do you want help?” Leo asked. “I know this is your house and everything, but my trauma isn’t really your concern. So… why?”
Calypso was silent for a while. Later on, she took a deep breath and confessed.
“I… also went through something traumatic… a long time ago.”
Leo frowned in confusion as Calypso prepped herself to tell her tale by bringing them both some coffee she made.
“When I was little, my father was an alchemist here in Amestris. He heard of the theory of Chimera’s and tried to conduct them himself. Chimeras are creatures created by mixing one animal species with another. My father once heard of an actual talking chimera here in Amestris and wanted to improve such experiments. He helped the Amestris military create such experiments with some of their soldiers with the works of another alchemist, a Shou Tucker, I believe. He… he had no morals and would use whatever resources he could use. And…”
Calypso gripped tightly on her cup of coffee. Leo noticed the expression and reassured her that she’s safe by grabbing on to her hand gently but firmly.
She took a deep breath and continued.
“After the rebellion that occurred in Central, he fled west and continued his work. He would kidnap stray kids and homeless people just to continue his work. And… Most of those experiments ended with failures and the people suffered for it.”
“Oh my god…” Leo said, shocked at the horrible memory.
“That wasn’t even the worst part. Eventually, my father found a theory to create the perfect chimera, but he was out of test subjects and he was wanted for the kidnappings. So…”
She didn’t finish, but Leo understood what she was gonna say.
“He was gonna use you as his experiment?”
Calypso nodded hesitantly.
Leo’s grip on her was tighter, not out of fear, but out of anger.
“He’d used his own daughter just for his experiments?!”
“He wasn’t able to, thank goodness. I was saved.”
Leo sighs in relief.
“Who saved you?” Leo asked.
Calypso smiles, “The man who saved me, was none other than Edward Elric himself. The Former Fullmetal Alchemist.”
[Insert Anime Ending: Uso by SID]
Next time:
After finally expressing each other’s true pain and loss, Leo and Calypso work together to confront Leo’s trauma. Along the way, the bond between the mechanic and flower girl grows stronger. But, like a flower, such beauty shall wilt in time. Will Leo once again lose a home, or will he have to give up his dream of reopening his mother’s shop? Can he confront his trauma and finish his training on Automail engineering? The conclusion to this story shall decide the fate of these two broken souls.
Next time on Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood:
Part 3: A Heart Made Fullmetal.
To heal a broken soul, you can not do it alone. It takes two halves to create a whole. Only then can your heart truly heal.
A/N: Ugh, I know. I shouldn’t end it there, but if I continue the chapter, I’d never finish on time. I got stuck at Leo’s backstory because I couldn’t find a good way to interpret his trauma to fire along with the death of his mother. Hopefully it was good enough. I’m sorry if you don’t like it.
Also, I’m sorry for the late post. Due to work, I got very fatigued and got knocked out on my bed once I arrived home. But things are slowing down and I’m now back in school. Plus, I have an hour gap between my classes so I can work on my stories every Tuesday and Thursday.
#Caleo#leo x calypso#calypso x leo#Leo Valdez#calypso#percyjacksonandtheolympians#Heroes of Olympus#trials of apollo#pjo hoo toa#fanfiction#edward elric#Winry Rockbell#Edward x Winry#Fullmetal Alchemist#fullmetal alchimist brotherhood#fmab
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