#toothless x stormfly x light fury
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Winner Winner, Stormfly's Dinner
Pairing: Hiccup 'Horrendous’ Haddock III x fem!oc
Word count: 6.7k
Hiiii I was wondering if you could write a fic about the dragon races? I’ve seen your fic about the Lightfury stealing a dragon rider and really enjoyed it and I loved the dynamic the Lightfury had with your oc, Toothless and Hiccup even tho she doesn’t seem to like him too much. I was hoping you could incorporate that dynamic into an x reader fic? Also, you're free to use Stardust as the name of the Lightfury since I thought it was so cute. Since I know it probably wouldn’t fit into your original story I thought it might be easier to do it as something completely new with similar characters if that’s alright? Love your work and can’t wait to see more! From Anonymous
Hiii i was wondering if u could do something like a dragon racing fic with the sheep since I thought that might be fun. I’ve seen most people have requested Hiccup so I’m just going to request him as well since that’ll be fun and easy for you. So maybe like just segments where the reader is singled out with each rider so she can have some fun banter or moments with them and then maybe she gets the black sheep and wins the whole thing and hiccup is super proud of her <33333 From Anonymous
(Y/N): Your name
(H/C): Hair colour
(D/N): Dragon name
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A loud horn rang out as (Y/N) stepped into the old dragon training arena, her Lightfury–Stardust–following behind her. The noise signalled the nearing of the annual dragon race, letting those know to start making their way over soon. The stands were empty but the pit of the arena was full of dragon riders and their dragons, applying paint to the wings and heads of their dragons.
"Running a bit late now, are we?" Astrid called out as (Y/N) passed her. She wore a smug grin on her face, coloured orange and blue just like Stormfly behind her. Stormyfly perked up at the sight of (Y/N) and Stardust, trying to take a few steps towards the pair to greet them. At the sound of her talons scraping along the stone floor, Stardust's head snapped towards her, and a flash of teeth and a wrinkle of her nose deterred Stormfly from getting too much close. (Y/N) placed a hand on Stardust's head, lightly pushing it in the direction of where a mass of darkness sat patiently and with his chest puffed out slightly as its one-legged rider smeared paint across his head. At the sight of the other fury, Stardust went gracefully over without a second question, leaving (Y/N) to fend for herself.
"Hi, Stormfly. Looking good," (Y/N)'s voice rose as she ran her hands under the Deadly Nadder's chin, earning an elated hum from the beast. A bubble of joy rose from the pit of (Y/N)'s stomach to her chest, lighting her up until her soft laughter rang out around the arena. Astrid soon joined in on the laughter as she followed after her wayward dragon. "You ready for today, Astrid? Been feeding Stormyfly as much chicken as possible?"
At the mention of chicken, Stormfly lit up. Rising from (Y/N)'s grip and stomping her feet lightly in excitement. Astrid raised both her hands to try to calm the Deadly Nadder down, shooting (Y/N) a feigned annoyed glare. "We've definitely been getting some extra practice in, though I wouldn't say… you know what is needed to beat all these knuckleheads. What about you? Got any secret flights in with Stardust in preparation for today?"
(Y/N) ticked her head to the side, the corners of her lips lifting. Her body language showed indifference, but Astrid could tell something was going on that (Y/N) wasn't telling her. "Stardust and I will do just fine without any extra help. We always have a few tricks up our sleeves."
"We'll see about that once we get in the air," Astrid comments as she leads Stormfly back to her painting station. She dabbed a small sponge into the bowl filled with orange paint before lifting her arm to run it along Stormfly's outstretching wing, leaving a trail of paint behind that she would later go over to make the colour brighter and the lines steadier. "I took the liberty of setting up your station near Hiccup's. I hope the colours are to your liking."
"I'm sure whatever you picked out will make Stardust and I stand out amongst the rest of you," (Y/N) called over her shoulder with a laugh ringing through her words, choosing to ignore any undertones of teasing that she could find in Astrid's voice. (Y/N)'s eyes now landed on a new target. A target that she wouldn't be able to reach as quickly as she would have hoped to.
"(Y/N), I need your honest opinion–well, not too honest, or I might cry–about my battle paint!" Tuffnut called out as he saw the (H/C) haired girl walking past. As (Y/N) turned to take in the mix of colours on his face, she jumped back at the closeness of the boy. Tuffnutt had run up to her and was standing with his face pushed outwards with his eyes widened. On it was a yellow skull with the rest of his face blacked out. "Is it too much? Too little? I think I should add more paint but Ruff disagrees."
"It's, uh, very you," (Y/N) said slowly, her palms extended in front of her and faced up as she acknowledged the thought-out design. (Y/N) took half a second to think out her answer before she was closing a fist and lightly punching Tuffnut in the shoulder with it, "You know, I think you should go with your heart. If you think you should add more, then by all means, add more."
Tuffnut stared at her for a few seconds before he threw both hands into the air, "This is one of the many reasons you are my favourite," He exclaimed with a large grin overtaking his feature before he was spinning around and walked back towards his sister, arms still in the air. "You hear that, Ruff? (Y/N) thinks I'm brilliant!"
A smile displayed itself on (Y/N)'s face as she watched Tuffnut happily run back over to his paint station, his half of Barf and Belch looming over as he watched Tuffnut happily smear more paint on his face. The groan that rang out did little to wipe the smile off (Y/N)'s face as she turned to see Ruffnut glaring at her with her arms crossed. "Great, now I'm going to have to deal with the aftermath of all that."
"If it makes you feel any better Ruff, you get to dunk water on his head later. Maybe even repeatedly," (Y/N)'s words got an evil grin stretched across Ruffnut's face as she rubbed her two hands together, shooting her twin brother a sideways glance as she imagines the future that awaited for her.
(Y/N) didn't stick around for too much longer after that since she was losing time. Everyone else had finished painting at least themselves or their dragons and were now either going in for more details or working on whatever they hadn't done yet while she was still yet to even see the colour of her paint. Her hope for getting started didn't stay around for long as a short Viking called out to get her attention.
"Oi, (Y/N)," Snotlout yelled as he waved a large hand at her. Hookfang stood behind his dragon rider, sporting some red and yellow paint along his wings and a little bit on his jaw and cheeks. (Y/N) quickly walked over to greet the boy, not one for ignoring anyone. "You mind helping do my face? I would use the mirror normally, but the twins shattered it earlier while trying to call dibs on it."
"Are you sure you weren't in on the shattering of said mirror?" (Y/N) questioned with a grin as she came to a stop in front of Snotlout. The shorter boy's shoulders dropped as he tried to fight to string a sentence together to defend his honour. It only ended up causing a laugh to rise from (Y/N). "I was kidding, Snotlout. I totally believe it was just those two causing their normal ruckus."
"Good, because you know I would never stoop so low to join in or whatever it is those two get up to," Snotlout puffed out his chest as he said this, earning another huffed-out laugh from (Y/N) at his actions. "Now, about that face paint?"
The laughter slowly died down as the question was brought up for a second time. One of (Y/N)'s arms was raised as she wrapped it around the forearm of her other arm. Trying to let the boy off gently, she spoke softly, "I don't know, Snotlout. I haven't even started on Stardust or my own paint, so I don't think I have the time."
"It will only take a second, I promise," Snoutlout said as he tried to push the bowl of paint into (Y/N)'s hands.
But at the sound of a second horn (Y/N) shook her head and pushed the paint away from herself and back to Snoutlouts chest. "I'm sorry, Snoutlout, but I don't have time. How about if I finish myself and Stardust and still have time afterwards, I'll come back over and help y
The offer was a good one, and the best (Y/N) would be able to give as she could already hear the first group of Vikings arrive early for the race later. Snotlout seemed to ponder the offer, taking his time in weighing it out in his head before giving a single nod of his head. "But I want you coming straight back here once your done. No faffing around with Hiccup afterwards."
One of (Y/N)'s hands shot up to her forehead in a salute as she looked down at Snotlout. "Hearing you loud and clear, soldier."
(Y/N) could hear the huffing of Hookfang, along with some muttering from Snotlout, as she turned away from the flaming duo and tried, once more to get to her desired destination. This time she thought she'd finally be able to. She had gotten through nearly all the dragon riders, and Fishlegs wasn't one to socialise much before a big race, having some pre-race ritual he had to forgo. But as she started walking once more, a Gronckle-loving dragon rider attempted to get her attention.
"Ooh (Y/N)! (Y/N)," He called as he left Meatlug behind, the Gronckle happily snacking on some rocks. Fishlegs held a card in his hand as he made his way over to the (H/C) haired girl, a nervous grin on his face as he came over. (Y/N) came to a stop even though she was a little annoyed at being stopped for the fourth time. She tried to hide that annoyance as Fishlegs hadn't done anything wrong. "I stayed up late last night trying to finish this new card I made for Lightfury's. I thought we needed a newer version since we've found out so much more about Stardust and her species."
A smile fought its way onto (Y/N)'s face as she saw the carefully drawn Lightfury on the small trading card. (Y/N)'s eyes widened as she swore she could see every detail on the small picture that replicated her very own dragon. "Wow, Fishlegs, I don't know what to say. It looks amazing."
"This one's for you," Fishlegs quickly said, placing the card in (Y/N)'s hand before she could decline. "And before you say anything, I have a second one at home. I made this one just for you since I know you love everything and anything dragon related."
"Thanks, Fishlegs. I don't even know what to say," (Y/N) grinned as she stared at the small card before delicately placing it in a small pouch she had attached to her belt so it wouldn't get ruined while she was racing. As she thought about the race, she realised how much time she lost between getting to the arena late and having to talk to all the different dragon riders. "Good luck with the race, yeah?"
"I'll see you out there," Fishlegs concluded as they both turned away from each other.
This time, (Y/N) was finally able to get to where she needed to be.
"Hi, Hiccup," (Y/N) said as she trailed her fingers along the brunette's arm. The taller boy looked up at (Y/N), a soft smile on his face as he watched the girl dance around him. "And hi, Toothless. Red is such a good colour on you."
A gargling noise quickly erupted from Toothless' throat in his way of saying hello. Stardust was wrapped around the other dragon, head resting under his chin as she was careful not to smudge any of the red paint, mainly because she didn't want any of it getting onto her scales.
Before (Y/N) could take another step forward, she felt two arms wrap around her waist and pull her backwards. As she fell back into Hiccup's chest, a bubble of a laugh rose from her chest as she felt him pull her down to sit on his lap as he rested his head on her shoulder. At the action, Stardust let out a small growl. Her nose scrunched up as she threatened to take a step forward, the gentle coaxing from, Toothless stopping her from doing so.
“I was wondering when you were finally going to make your way over here,” Hiccup said as he rocked the both of them back, completely ignoring Stardust’s warning as he was already used to the untrusting behaviour on her part. He was sure he was slowly starting to get a breakthrough with the dragon. Having Toothless around certainly helped with that. “Once Stardust over there came bounding over, I knew it was only a matter of time before you would follow. I didn’t know it would take that long though.”
“All the other dragon riders seemed to want to keep me as far away and for as long as possible,” (Y/N) said as she wiggled out of Hiccups grips to the Viking's annoyance. She quickly turned around however and stood between his legs, forcing the Viking to look up at her from where he sat as he extended both of his arms so they could gently rest on her hips. “I’ve got a lot of time to make up for. So, if you could help me by painting Stardust with me, I’d appreciate it.”
At the mention of her name, Stardust stood and stalked a few steps away from Toothless, getting ready to be coated in paint. But when she heard her name in the same sentence as the Viking (Y/N) likes to keep around, her head shot around so she could watch Hiccup with a heated gaze.
“I’m not too sure Stardust likes the sound of that,” Hiccup said slowly. Rising from his seat, he followed after the shorter girl as she moved over to where three bowls of paint sat. Of course, there was the bowl of red paint that Hiccup had used for Toothless, but the other two bowls were left untouched.
“Nonsense. Stardust will stand still as you help me,” (Y/N) announced confidently as she picked up a bowl filled with light blue along with a sponge that sat near it. As she turned back around she sent Stardust a warning look, silently telling her to behave. “I want to do a sort of spiral along Stardust’s back where the colours intertwine with one another. But I don’t know what markings I want to do on her wings or face yet.”
Hiccup came up next to (Y/N), a step or two away from Stardust as he watched (Y/N) dip the sponge into the paint and slowly start to trail it along Stardust’s back. A soft purring began to emit from the Lightfury as (Y/N) worked her way down, her other hand gently trailing along with her. Hiccup took this as his chance to step up beside her now that she had gravitated further down Stardust’s body. At the sense of his presence, Stardust’s head whipped around while the rest of her body stayed eerily still.
“Easy girl,” Hiccup reassured gently as he raised a slightly shaking hand for Stardust to sniff. The dragon however scoffed a bunch of air out of her nose, the wind smacking against Hiccup’s hand as she turned away from him once more with a grumble. As if on cue, Toothless waddled over to them and stopped in front of Stardust to keep her busy while Hiccup worked.
When a hiccup got about halfway, (Y/N) left his side as she walked over to Stardust’s other side. Patting the white dragon on the edge of her wing, Stardust extended it for (Y/N)’s use. (Y/N) started to run the blue paint over the groves of Stardust's wings. As Hiccup walked over to help finish off the wing, he got a similar response to when he stepped up to her once more.
(Y/N) didn't pay too much mind to her, shushing her as Hiccup watched what she was doing. "I want this done on the other wing but in reversed colours. Also, can you fill these in with pink? And trace the back of her wing with it as well before you start on the other side with me?"
"Sure I can," Hiccup agreed, quickly doing what the (H/C) haired girl had asked him to. Again, (Y/N) was able to finish and move on to Stardust's other wing as Hiccup fought to catch up, trailing behind her as he copied her work. When Hiccup finished, he could see the girl crouched in front of Stardust's face while the dragon leant her face down low. Coming to a stop behind her, Hiccup saw the two bands of blue wrapped around Stardust's front legs while she now trailed some paint up her face. Looking at the close proximity between the two, Hiccup said, "I think you should finish Stardust off."
Once the final stroke of paint was drawn, (Y/N) turned back to smile at Hiccup. "Come on Hic, you know Stardust won't bite."
"That's the thing," Hiccup unwearily said as he cautiously stepped forward, an immediate response rising out of Stardust. (Y/N)'s head instantly whipped around at the noise emitting from her dragon. A light scowl was on her face, slowly making the rumbling calm down. "I'm not completely sure she won't."
(Y/N) took a second to think over what she was going to do before she reached a hand back for Hiccup to take, waiting patiently until she felt the steady weight of it. At the contact she pulled him forward, the light ring of his metal foot hitting against the stone floor as (Y/N) pulled him to crouch down next to her. Stardust's face twisted at the sight of the other dragon rider but tried to stand still as (Y/N) was still crouched in front of her.
Grabbing onto Hiccup's other hand, the one that had the bowl and sponge held in it, she pulled it forward before making another grab for his previous hand. Together they dipped the sponge in the paint before trailing it along Stardust's front legs, having two rings on each alternating leg. Since (Y/N) was doing most of the work, Stardust couldn't find it in herself to try and scare them off. She still however made her annoyance known as she glared at Hiccup, the boy only being able to give her a throaty chuckle in response.
As they moved onto Stardust's face, (Y/N)'s hold on Hiccup's hand loosened, giving him the chance to back away if he wanted. But the boy's hand stayed where it was, trying not to seem too keen to get closer. As the sponge dipped back into the paint before moving up to the Lightfury's face, Stardust slowly closed her eyes, allowing the paint to trail across her face. Hiccup could feel a smile slowly starting to etch across his face. Never before had he been able to get this close to the Lightfury with Stardust's willingness. Even if there wasn't much of it right now.
"All done," (Y/N) happily cheered as she pulled Hiccup's hand away from Stardust's face. The dragon's eyes instantly shot open, a smile starting to stretch across her face as she turned to find Toothless to show off the finished work. (Y/N) watched happily as the dragon bounced over to Toothless, spreading her wings as she pranced around Toothless, forcing him to turn to follow her as he showed one of his famous toothless smiles.
"Now it's time for something more important," Hiccup said as he stood. Balancing the paint in one hand, he pulled (Y/N) to her feet before tugging her slightly closer.
"What could be more important than painting Stardust?" (Y/N) questioned, smiling softly up at Hiccup as she waited to see what he might do.
"This," He said as he dipped his thumb into the pink paint and brought his hand up to (Y/N)'s cheek. He waited half a second before running his pink-coated thumb across her cheekbone, making sure he curled the paint up the higher he got. A laugh rang out of (Y/N) as she pinched close one of her eyes when Hiccup ran his thumb underneath it. Once he was done with that half of (Y/N)'s face he wiped his thumb into the palm of his hand, trying to get rid of as much of it as possible before he bent down to place his bowl down and pick up the one (Y/N) had put down earlier. "Nearly done."
"You have to let me do your paint after this," (Y/N) demanded with a grin, leaning forward as she bounced forward on her toes.
"Absolutely not." Hiccup was careful not to mess up the swirls he was painting onto the girl's face. "What I want is simple and I can do it myself. Plus, I know you're going to try and add something to the design if I don't keep a close eye on you."
"Alright," (Y/N) said as a hum in return. She stood still as she waited for Hiccup to finish. "Here, I'll take the paint back over."
At the offer, Hiccup handed the bowl of light blue over, watching as (Y/N) turned to get the pink bowl off the floor before walking over to the table it had originally rested on. Dipping a thumb into the blue paint, she let it coat her thumb before grabbing the bowl of red paint for Hiccup and bringing it over for him. "Thank you, (Y/N)."
"No problem, my love," (Y/N) said as the bowl was handed over. Hiccup's eyes flashed up at her, trying to hide a smile as he dipped his pointer and middle finger into the paint. While Hiccup was distracted by his own paint, (Y/N) reached her thumb up and smeared the blue paint she had gotten on it across her lips until they were completely covered in blue. Hiding her face by knocking her head down, (Y/N) circled Hiccup until she stood behind the dragon rider. Wrapping both of her arms around the taller boy's waist, she rested her chin on Hiccup's shoulder like he had done to her earlier. As Hiccup dipped his two fingers into the paint again so he could drag them along his face, (Y/N) lept forward and placed a small kiss on the boy's jaw.
"What was that for?" Hiccup asked as he lifted his hand up to draw on the paint, ignoring the sensation of the paint (Y/N) had left behind.
"Nothing," (Y/N) grinned, hiding it behind Hiccup's head as she moved to his other side before placing a longer, drawn-out kiss on his cheek. The blue paint wasn't as vibrate as the first kiss but still was a clear outline of her lips. "Am I not allowed to kiss my boyfriend?"
"I never said that," Hiccup said as he twisted in (Y/N)'s arms. His eyes locked on the colour of (Y/N)'s lips too late as he had already dived forward to catch her lips with his own. (Y/N) smiled at the sensation, keeping her arms tightly wrapped around Hiccup's midsection while the boy's brows pinched together. His tongue edged forward, waiting for (Y/N) to part her lips when the taste hit him quickly. Just as (Y/N) was about to grant him entrance, Hiccup pulled back, staring confusedly down at (Y/N)'s lips. "Why is there paint on your lips?"
"No reason," (Y/N) quickly said, feigning nonchalance. Maybe she spoke too quickly or should have been quicker since when she surged forward to try and leave another kiss mark on Hiccup's face, the boy planted both hands on (Y/N)'s shoulders, a groan leaving his now blue-coated lips as he hung his head onto (Y/N)'s shoulders.
"Please don't tell me your blue kisses are all over my face." (Y/N) didn't respond, causing another groan to rise from Hiccup as he lifted his head again, scowling lightly at the shorter girl when all she could do was smile. "You know what?"
"What?" (Y/N) asked, her brows furrowing at the lack of reaction from Hiccup. Once she saw Hiccup's thumb dip into his red paint, her eyes widened at what she knew was coming her way. Dropping her hands from Hiccup's side, she tried to wiggle back and out of his grip.
"No, you don't," Hiccup quickly exclaimed as the bowl of red paint dropped from his hand and spilled across the stone floor. Not to matter though since Hiccup's lips were already coated red. (Y/N) tried to fight Hiccup's arms off her as she backed away with a laugh. Hiccup's arms shot out and tightly secured themselves around (Y/N), trapping her arms to her side in the process. (Y/N) tried to lean back as far as possible but Hiccup only followed after her. Leaning up and forward, Hiccup placed a large kiss on (Y/N)'s forehead, marvelling at the red that was left behind. "There. Now we match."
(Y/N) pretended to be annoyed as she felt Hiccup's arms loosen around her. She wasn't doing a very good job at hiding her true emotions as a large smile blossomed across her face. At that moment, (Y/N) didn't have to worry about anything. Certainly not about the betting that was going on above her.
“My money’s on Snotlout,” Spitelout said as he stood neck to Stoick. Spitelout was looking down at his son as he pointed an all-knowing finger towards him.
“You sure he ain’t gonna throw it all away again?” Gobber asked from the other side of their chief as he scratched his beard with his fake wooden hand, looking down at Snotlout with a less then keen eye.
Spitelout flashed Gobber a glare, both of his arms crossed tightly over his chest as he said, “I’m sure he has it this time around.”
"What about you Stoick?" Gobber asked, turning Spitelout's glare away from him as they both turned their attention to the man sitting down. "Who have you got your eyes on for today's race?"
Stoick didn't even need to think about his answer as he brought a large hand to rub against his chin while saying with a bellowing voice, "My golds going towards my daughter-in-law."
"Oh? Hiccup's popped the big question?" Gobber asked he turned back to look at the pair still wrapped in each other's arms. He could see the splatter of paint they had been leaving on each other's faces, but Gobber was more than content to let them stay in their own little bubble for a bit longer.
Stoick's face pulled downwards at the question. In a grumbled-out response, he said, "Not yet."
"If that boy doesn't hurry up, she's going to do it for him," Spitelout stated, getting silent agreement from the Vikings he was conversing with."Now, back to business. Not putting your gold on Hiccup, eh?"
"Not today, no," Stoick shook his head. "(Y/N) and her dragon have been looking promising recently."
"We'll see if your judgement has grown clouded soon enough," Spitelout teased, grinning as he heard the final horn ring out. Some of the dragon riders got on their dragons as soon as possible, flying up to where they stood on their baskets, waiting for the race to begin. "Normal amount?"
"Hm? Sure," Stoick absentmindedly said as he stood from his seat and walked a few steps forward, gaining the silence from the crowded arena stands. The silence urged the remaining dragon riders to mount their dragons and get to their starting positions. "Vikings and dragon riders, today we join for the first race of the year. On the Gronckle we have Fishlegs, the Monstrous Nightmare being flown by Snotlout-"
Stoick was cut off by a loud cheer from Spitelout, the man yelling, "That's my boy!"
"Yes, thank you for that wonderful display Spitelout," Stoick deadpanned as he turned briefly to face the other Viking as he calmed himself down. "The twins, Ruffnut and Tuffnut of the Hideous Zippleback, Astrid on the Deadly Nadder, and my son of the Nightfury."
Stoick paused as he got to (Y/N)'s part, drawing the crowd into suspense. "And on the Lightfury we have my hopefully soon to be daughter in law, (Y/N)!"
(Y/N) turned and grinned at the Viking chief, her face light and full of joy as she laughed along with the other Vikings watching from the arena stands as Hiccup gave off a slightly sheepish smile. At his smile, Gobber banged his wooden hand on the arena's railing before pointing accusingly at Hiccup and saying, "We see you, Hiccup and we're all waitin' for that question to be answered."
"Moving on," Stoick yelled as Hiccup threw his hands in exasperation. "I hear now begin the first dragon race of the year! Release the sheep!"
Once the horn rang out, all six dragons took off. At first, it was a battle of speed as they all raced straight up before breaking away from each other so they could scower Berk for any of the painted sheep they needed to win this. There were twelve sheep that they needed to find before the black sheep worth ten points would be shot to the sky.
As (Y/N) guided Stardust a bit closer to the huts when she noticed another fury trailing behind her. Looking over her shoulder with a grin, she saw Hiccup flying not too far behind them, the paint from earlier still smeared across his face and lips. "Love that colour on you. Is it maroon?"
"Oh, laugh all you want," Hiccup waved her off as he leaned forward on Toothless's back a bit more, his hands tightening on the saddle as Toothless tried to speed up.
(Y/N)'s head quickly turned back around, copying Hiccup's movements as she leaned down to Stardust's ears. "Come on girl, it's time to disappear."
Stardust let out a soft mew at (Y/N)'s words. Spreading her wings wide, speeding up as much as possible in the time to heat up a plasma blast in her mouth. Without warning her wings shot inwards towards her body as she turned into a nosedive. As the shot rang out, (Y/N) buried herself as close to Stardust's body as possible. As the both of them dived through the blast, the same cloaking that took over Stardust danced across (Y/N) and the few white scales she had woven into her clothes.
"Whoo!" (Y/N) yelled as they vanished without a trace, the only lingering part of them being her voice. It took a while for (Y/N) to spot her first sheep, the fluffy animal trying to hide under the hut of some Viking. But when both her and Stardust's eyes landed on it, they changed paths without a thought and swooped down. Twisting her body so (Y/N) sat upside down on her back, Stardust flew upside down so (Y/N) could hang down and pick the sheep up from where it lay. Pulling the sheep to her chest, Stardust helped to right them up as they burst back into the sky.
To everyone else, it looked like a sheep had somehow been granted the ability to fly but those who truly knew could just see the ripple in the air as (Y/N) and Stardust tore through the air.
Taking a sharp turn, the two of them with their extra passenger dived back towards the training arena, careful to keep out of sight of any other dragon riders. As they swooped in, the crowd cheered as they faded back into view to drop the sheep into the Lightfury's basket. Taking a quick look at the other baskets, (Y/N) could see that Astrid already had two sheep while Hiccup had three, meaning there were only six more sheep to find before the black sheep was released.
Pulling back on Stardust's saddle, the whistle that commonly was handed to the Nightfury rang out, filling the air as she shot away from the arena. The two of them didn't have time to waste as Stardust looked out for any stray sheep while (Y/N) looked for any dragon riders in the air with sheep.
As her eyes landed on Berk's Nightfury, a grin spread across her face. "Stardust, we need to go after Toothless. Make sure he doesn't see us coming."
Stardust shot out another plasma shot, cloaking them as Toothless looked back as the noise echoed. The dragon's eyes narrowed as it searched for Stardust but eventually had to look away when nothing turned up. Hovering above him though was Stardust as (Y/N) began to climb from her back. (Y/N) kept a hand situated on the saddle as she got ready to drop. Her feet touched down on the leathery back of Toothless, a confused yelp escaping him as his head shot back once again. As the feeling began to climb along his back, he tried to hiss out a warning to Hiccup.
"I'll be taking that," (Y/N) yelled as she tore the sheep from Hiccup's hands before launching herself off and over Toothless's head. Toothless gargled as (Y/N) went falling off of him, diving through thin air as she waited for Stardust to catch her. She continued to fall for a few seconds before she saw a floating sheep hurtling towards her in the claws of Stardust as she faded back into existence once more. (Y/N) landed on Stardust's back harshly, her bones rattling as one of her hands unlatched from the sheep to grab onto Stardust as she turned to the arena, a Nightfury on her tail.
"I'm going to need that back, (Y/N)," Hiccup called as he tried to keep up with (Y/N) and her Lightfury. Adjusting his metal foot, Toothless's tail changed directions, giving them a gust of speed. The soft grunts of a Monstrous Nightmare behind him were slightly startling with how close Snotlout and Hookfang were to catch up to them. Stating his thoughts, Hiccup said, "We can't let that happen, bud."
Toothless made his agreement known as he flapped his wings once, shooting away from Snotlout as they grew closer to Stardust. But no matter what they seemed to do, Stardust had an impossible lead on them. So there was no stopping it when Hiccup watched as both sheep were dropped into the Lightfury's basket. Hiccup and her were now tied. Astrid still had two but the twins had been able to score themself a sheep of their own. Nine sheep found, three to go.
(Y/N) and Stardust shot up once more, hoping to make one final round before the black sheep could be found. They didn't bother to vanish again, shooting through the sky as they tried to find more sheep. It was when a commotion could be heard above them. Meatlug had a sheep clutched in her claws while Stormfly and Barf and Belch tried to herd the sheep towards them. Fishlegs was panicking from atop the Gronckle, a perfect opportunity for (Y/N) to steal it.
Barf and Belch slammed into the side of Meatug, making the Gronckke growl as the sheep was dropped from her to retrieve the fallen sheep already gone after it. Stormfly was close to grabbing it within her claws when Stardust shot forward, sweeping the sheep from the air as she spiraleD up. “You’re going to have to be quicker than that if you want to win this!”
"Stormfly fetch!" Astrid yelled and the excited growl that erupted from Stormfly was anything to go by, (Y/N) was going to be in trouble.
"Fly Stardust, fly," (Y/N) screeched as the Deadly Nadder's eyes locked onto the both of them. Stardust's head shook as she shot forward, taking sharp turns to try and lose Stormfly as they were chased down. (Y/N)'s eyes landed on the last two remaining sheep. Patting on Stardust's neck, the Lightfury's eyes also landed on where (Y/N) was looking. "This is going to be a close one."
Dropping down, Stardust got all of her claws ready, planning on holding one sheep in each pair. As they reached the sheep, Stadust's front claws were able to score the first sheep but as she started to lift, her black claws pointing out to latch onto the sheep's fur, something snatched it out from under her. "I think it's only fair that I get this one after what happened earlier."
It was Hiccup. Both Stardust and (Y/N) were left slightly dumbfounded as they followed after the Nightfury. The others had caught onto their catchings and were trailing after them, making a train of dragons and dragon riders. As Hiccup threw his sheep down, followed by (Y/N) and her two, a final horn rang out, signalling the black sheep as the scores rested five to (Y/N), Hiccup at four, Astrid at two and the twins at one. Whoever grabbed this sheep would seal the victory.
"It's just one more sheep, Stardust," (Y/N) whispered to her dragon, the two of them shooting away from the arena along with all the other dragon riders. (Y/N) could hear them also muttering encouragements to their dragons. "We've come far enough to win this all."
As she spoke, she heard the launch of the sheep, the subtle clank of the chains smacking against wood as the black sheep went flying. It was a fight of flames and talons as all eyes locked onto the black sheep. It was a certain Nightfury that was able to shoot forward and steal the sheep into his clutches. That's when the chase broke out again.
Toothless had an advantage with speed, taking a small lead as Stormfly and Stardust were close behind. Both dragons were trying to shoot forward in front of the other, the riders on their back yelling jeers at each other as their dragons did the work. It was only when Stardust was able to push herself forward in a burst of speed that Astrid let out a frustrated yell. "He's right there Stardust. It's now or never."
As her agreement Stardust flew under Toothless, getting close enough that (Y/N) could reach up and snatch the Blacksheep from his claws, earning a snap from the dragon. "Right, let's go."
As they lowered themselves even further, Stardust let out a roar as they flew. The arena could be seen coming up, crowds of Vikings hitting each other and jumping up to see who had the black sheep as they all rode in.
It didn't stop there though. As they began to dip into the arena, Snotlout came hurtling around from the other side of the arena, an axe in hand as he tried to swing it toward (Y/N)'s head. Stardust already acted as (Y/N) yelled, "Dive, dive, dive!"
Nearly falling from Stardust's back because of the lost grip she had, a not-very Viking-sounding squeak as she fought to grip onto Stardust's saddle. Stardust rumbled from below her as she knocked her tail up, bumping (Y/N) further up her saddle as she swung around the arena, weaving in and out from the different dragons as they tried to steal what was theirs.
As the black sheep made contact with the Lightfury's basket, the sheep getting squashed in with the other ones, a ripple broke out through the stadium as the race ended.
"Yes," (Y/N) yelled as she threw both her arms out, Stardust throwing her own call to the wind as they sailed across the arena perimeter, close enough to the stands that some of the Vikings could read out and congratulate her.
"That's my girl," (Y/N) heard the yell from Hiccup as he flew up next to her, the tips of Toothless and Stardust's wings overlapping. "I almost thought I'd be able to win one over you."
"That is where you must have gone wrong," (Y/N) called back before Stardust was steering her to Stoick's seat, the man waiting happily with a grumbling Spitelout not too far away from him. "Have I won you enough gold, Stoick?"
His booming laugh shot around. "You have this time."
"Placing bets again Dad?" Hiccup questioned as he fell from Toothless's saddle, climbing over to (Y/N) where he pulled her from Stardust's saddle and placed a kiss on the side of her head.
"Of course I was Hiccup," Stoick said as he watched the two. "Picked the right dragon as well."
Turning around to face Hiccup, (Y/N) grinned up at him. "You want to go on another race?"
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httyd-art-requests · 1 year ago
(Originally one-httyd-a-day)
Read the rules‼️
Requests are currently CLOSED!
Commissions are open!
[Started on 2024/01/01]
Hello! :D
This blog was started in honor of the 2024 Year of the Dragon, which also happened to be a leap year, aka Hiccup Haddock's birthday year. This blog was originally a daily art blog, but I changed it to an art request blog due to burnout and the sheer amount of requests people have sent me.
That being said, I'm drawing YOUR 🫵 HTTYD requests - which are periodically open. You can see whether requests are open by checking this pinned post, or in the bio of the blog itself.
Any requests sent in during the closed period will be thoroughly ignored.
(I'm in the process of fulfilling old requests - sit tight!)
I hope my fellow HTTYD fans will appreciate this blog, and I hope you'll stick around <3
Toothless in Gravity Falls crossover (Ad Astra AU):
⭐️ Part 1
⭐️ Part 2
⭐️ Part 3
⭐️ Part 4 (1/2) (2/2)
⭐️ Part 5 (?)
⭐️ Hiccup and the twins
⭐️ Stanley getting harrassed by Terrible Terrors
⭐️ Toothless and Bill
Request criteria under the cut!
🤎 Dragons I will draw for you:
Dragons from all three of the movies
Canon dragons (Toothless, Stormfly, Cloudjumper etc)
Dragons from the spinoff shows (Riders/Defenders of Berk and Race to the Edge)
🤎 Dragons I will not be drawing:
Dragons from the HTTYD games (Rise of Berk, School of Dragons, Dawn of new Riders and Titan Uprising)
Hybrid dragons
Dragons from The Nine Realms
Dragons from the books (This blog is dedicated to the animated franchise)
Fanmade species
I love you and I appreciate you being here. Thank you for following my silly dragon project 🤎
[HTTYD OC blog: @wardenofdragons]
[Main blog: @theonewiththeideas]
🤎Dragons I've already done🤎
In order of posting:
Death Gripper | Stormcutter | Deadly Nadder | Gronckle | Monstrous Nightmare | Zippleback | Snaptrapper | Hobblegrunt | Silver Phantom | Scauldron | Reignstorm (Rise of Berk) | Woolly Howl | Auroma (Rise of Berk) | Thunderdrum | Death Song | Flightmare | Night Fury | Skrill | Dart (Nightlight) | Dramillion | Typhoomerang | Terrible Terror | Razorwhip | Screaming Death | Light Fury | Changewing | Sandbuster | Sand Wraith | Speed Stinger | Boneknapper | Timberjack | Nightlight | Singetail (Freezeburn from Rise of Berk) | Sentinel |Prickleboggle | Sliquifer | Skyfire (Rise of Berk) | Shivertooth | Tuffnut's Chicken | Groncicle | Scuttleclaw | Shockjaw | Brute Stormcutter (Rise of Berk) | Egg Biter | Slitherwing | Triple Stryke | Red Death | Eruptodon | Tide Glider | Skrill × Stormcutter Hybrid (my design) | Zipplewraith (Titan Uprising) | Drago's Bewilderbeast | Toothless :) | Sea Shocker | Windstriker | Catastrophic Quaken | Rumblehorn | Titan Woolly Howl | Baby Typhoomerang | Baby Bewilderbeast | Rosethorn (Rise of Berk) | Hobgobbler | Bone Gripper (Bonknapper × Death Gripper Hybrid) | Viggo's Skrill (and Viggo) | Smothering Smokebreath | Deathly Galeslash (Titan Uprising) | Raincutter | Grim Gnasher | Snow Wraith | Snafflefang | Ruffnut's Trancemare (Rise of Berk) | Night Fury OC (Warden) | Fireworm | Fireworm Queen | Scimiterror (Rise of Berk) | Wise Wind (Rise of Berk) | Flame Whipper | Sand Wraith × Night Fury Hybrid (my design) | Monstrous Nightmare × Deadly Nadder Hybrid (my design) | Stormfly and Astrid | Non-Binary Pride Terrible Terror | Transgender Pride Night Fury | Asexual Pride Night Fury | AroAce Pride Changewing | Transgender Pride Hookfang and Snotlout | Asexual Pride Deadly Nadder | Aromantic Pride Scuttleclaw | AroAce Pride Night Fury | Asexual Pride Light Fury | Progression Pride Gronckle | Bisexual Pride Stormcutter | Bisexual Pride Deadly Nadder | Agender Pride Sandbuster | Cupiosexual and Cupioromantic Pride Night Fury x Skrill Hybrid | Exiled Stormcutter (Rise of Berk) | Lesbian Crimson Goregutter | Gravedigger (Rise of Berk) | Hackatoo | Night Fury × Death Song Hybrid | Aroace Speed Stinger | Asexual Silver Phantom | Light Fury × Sand Wraith Hybrid | Bambi Lesbian Terrible Terror | Concept Art Light Fury | Pouncer and Ruffrunner | Hunterbolt (Rise of Berk) | Color swapped Night- and Light Fury | Marinecutter (Rise of Berk) | (Sleeping) Night Fury | Patch and Scribbler from Dawn of New Riders | Lycanwing Hiccup | Terrible Terror Hiccup | Quartz Wraith (Rise of Berk) | Toothless :) |
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oncewhenalongtimeago · 1 year ago
Do you have more of " Sorry, but I Think I Lost Your Plot"? It's so good that I'd like to read more about it <3
Sorry, but I Think I Lost Your Plot pt 10
Pairing: Onesided!Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III x Modern!Fem!Reader
Words: 2,963
You hitch a ride with the Twins. 
Tags: Time Travel, Reader into Movieverse, Dragons: Defenders of Berk, The Night and The Fury, unedited
<Previous - Next>
“Okay, seriously, who’s going to watch the dragons?” Came the muffled voice of Hiccup from outside. 
You shifted around, arms pulled tightly, together, rubbing against rough, frayed, grainy fabric, too busy trying to reorient yourself to pay any real attention. You were certain this was going to give you a rash.
You ignored the ruckus going on outside, a dragon attack or something, trying to shift so that you weren’t curled completely around, feet pressed against the knot holding your sack closed. 
This wasn’t necessarily what you expected when the Thorston Twins said they had a job for you. You wished you had more time to react before they’d shoved you into the sack. At least enough time to ask for some air holes.
You puffed hot air against your hands, blinking roughly before, all of a sudden, you dropped. You winced as your shoulders met sand, tumbling onto the floor, tumbling out of the sack.
“Yeah, we knew you were going to make us do something stupid like this-”
You landed half on your back and stayed there, staring up at the sky for a good minute as you made an effort to blink away the vertigo.
“-That’s why we brought someone else to take my place.” 
Then, you dug shaky hands into the ground, feeling sand catch under your nails with discomfort. 
“Hey,” You heard the indignant voice of Ruffnut grumble, “What about me?”
“You snooze, you lose, sister.”
You pushed yourself up by your hands, making out the faces of Berk’s Dragon Riders by the dim light of their lanterns, and hoped with a vague suspicion that you hadn’t stumbled your way into another television episode.
“Hi,” You said, swiveling your head slowly in order to get a good view of all of the riders. For some reason, your eyes landed fixedly on Hiccup, who was very notably refusing to look you in the eye.
You furrowed your brows, wondering where the dragon was.
“Tuffnut,” Astrid reprimanded.
They all held simple box lanterns.
Hiccup had his shield, made of Gronckle Iron, on one arm. It reflected dim light, shining silver and white. Pristine, well taken care of and very, very new. And soon-to-be sullied, probably, too.
“Why doesn’t she stay behind and take care of the dragons?” Fishlegs suggested, “Or-or she could take my place instead.”
Their dragons convened behind them. Toothless snuffled at Stormfly as Barf tried to nip at him from behind. His scales were chipped and a dull green and turquoise. He’d probably need a wash soon. 
“We’ve already been over this, Fishlegs.” Hiccup suggested, turning and squinting at him.
You shrugged and turned your eyes to the coast, listening to the sound of claws digging into sand and boots kicking it up. You kept a careful eye on cooling glass, sand red and melted into a small crater, and made a point to stay carefully positioned away from it.
You wondered how difficult it would be to swim back to Berk on your own. Not that you wanted to, anyhow.
“Do you know how to take care of the dragons?” Astrid asked, “We can’t just fly back now.”
“No idea,” You said, just as Tuffnut suggested that they did. Besides that one time during Snoggletog with Hiccup, you weren’t sure you’d ever ridden a one. 
“See?” Fishlegs protested, as they quickly fell into chaos, “I didn’t want to do the exercise much anyways.”
“Well, she-she could always come with me?” Hiccup suggested uneasily, as you dug the toes of your boots into the sand, scooting back slightly as the tides swelled, “I could fly her back and meet up with you guys after you finish the exercise. Or I could go and try to find her a dragon. To fly back on.”
You hoped not. That seemed like a lot of responsibility.
You sighed, completely disconnected as you stared off at the horizon line. The sea was eerily black this late at night. You wondered how things were doing back where you came from, and whether the ocean back in your world was just as cold.
“Hiccup. Really? Now isn’t the time for that.”
“She’s coming with me,” He said, tapping His prosthetic soundlessly into the sand, as if resisting the urge to shuffle.
“For what?” You asked finally, turning around as you pulled yourself from your musings.
“Do you ever wonder what goes on at the breeding ground when the dragons aren’t there? Is it just one big hunk of rock? Or do you think some of them stick around?” You walked alongside Hiccup, trying not to let your feet drag as you walked alongside him.
“Actually, I’m not sure.” Hiccup nodded shiftily, still not able to look you in the eye. His mouth opened and closed once or twice, as if he wanted to say something but thought better of it.
Your hands rubbed at your arms through your thin tunic as you very much wished you were back on Berk, in your bed. But your landlords had just started taking rent.
You wrinkled your nose, trying not to chatter your teeth.
“Do you want my, ah, coat?” Hiccup asked, eventually, before trying awkwardly to pull it off. It was a bit hard considering his hands were full, and so you held out your hand in an offer to hold the lantern.
“No, it’s okay. I mean I wouldn’t want to- take it from you. It’s cold. You can keep it. I can carry- oh.”
Hiccup had settled down his shield and pulled off his coat, offering it to you. You took it with unsure hands, your knuckle brushing gently across his fingertip.
“It’s fine, I have plenty more.” Hiccup said, picking up his shield. It looked like he was about to try and dust it off but thought better of it.
“Really?” You asked. You sniffed it suspiciously, feeling the fur in hand. It was a lot shorter than it had been before, nearly down to the leather and definitely singed in some parts, but it was still just as cozy.
“Well, no, but I was outgrowing it anyways.” Hiccup shrugged with false casualty, head facing away but his eyes looking back at you, just in his green tunic. 
You couldn’t make out much else, especially not just by lamplight. He didn’t look like he was outgrowing it.
The fur was incredibly soft between your fingertips, though even without leaning your head in close you could smell the heavy scent of smoke and metal. Hiccup had probably left it in the forge overnight or something. You had heard the Chief complaining about it before.
“Wait, you mean you’re giving it to me? Like, giving it, giving it?” Hiccup flushed under the scrutiny. You decided to dial it back.
“Well yeah, the red-” He stammered.
“-Tunic. Right. Well, I promise I’ll return it to you after.”
“No, you won’t.” He insisted stubbornly, metaphorically digging his heels in. You wondered how neither he nor any of the other Vikings on Berk were ever cold at all. 
“I will,” You stared stubbornly back, the two of you locked in a sort of staring contest until you saw Hiccup’s eyes focus on something behind you.
Mournfully, you broke eye contact, and turned to look behind you where, just over a ledge were the smoky beginnings of a fire.
“...Great.” Hiccup sighed, taking the first few steps around you.
You weren’t even sure how they got so far ahead of you two and had the time to put up a fire, but that was just as fine. As long as there was something warm.
“Oh, cool.” You said, tossing Hiccup’s coat back at him as you quickly sped your way out of his range, “A fire. Are we allowed to even have fires?”
“I don’t- you’d have to ask Astrid…”
“What happened to only dragons being able to find Dragon Island?” You mumbled to yourself drowsily, though you were sure you already knew the answer. 
A lot of the smoke around the island had cleared since most of the dragons fled it, and it was a lot more accessible now that it didn’t have an armada of scales to defend it.
You wondered if coming back was at all traumatizing for the dragons. Honestly, you were surprised the island had any shrubbery at all, though you supposed that the Timberjacks might need it. 
You wondered how the Berserkers discovered this island, if at all an island suddenly appearing from the mist was startling to them. Or if they were too unfamiliar with the area to notice or care. The island was in Hooligan Territory, after all.
You stood at the edge of the treeline as Dagur lifted Hiccup into the air, angrily recounting their last meeting on the island. You had a small dagger clutched in hand, though kept it vaguely out of view, waiting for either Hiccup to signal you, though he was currently enthusiastically shaking his head ‘no,’ or for Dagur to start acting just a little bit too deranged.
“And then you kicked me off!” Dagur grit out angrily, “Why are you here? Are you planning to steal my kill, again?” 
Dagur ended the last bit slowly, holding out his sword, the tip of it pointing threateningly towards Hiccup. 
“What am I doing here?” Hiccup asked nervously, and irritatedly, somehow, looking back and forth between you and Dagur.
You had to resist the urge to back away as your heart picked up speed.
You asked yourself what in the world had happened between the two the last time they were on Berk together; if this was supposed to happen.
You mouthed a nervous ‘What do I do?’ back at him as you took a hasty step past what looked to be the flayed skin of a Gronkle.
“You know what? I know exactly what you’re doing he-...” Dagur paused, following Hiccup's line of sight. His face scrunched up as if he had only just realized you were there. In all fairness, he probably had.
You tried to pull your dagger- well, Hiccup’s, really- further behind you so that he wouldn’t see it, though you had very little hope as his eyes caught it, probably glinting back the light of the fire.
“Nothing! We’re doing nothing.” Hiccup said, laughing nervously and pushing Dagur’s sword down with his fingertips by the flat end as dread coiled in your gut.
“You…” Dagur began with a sneer, shoulders high. Then, suddenly, like the sky after a heavy rain, his face cleared, “You’re on a date!”
You let out a heavy sigh, which morphed into mildly hysterical laughter as the aggressive lines of his face smoothed itself out into a false, strained grim. Then you grimaced, certain you’d missed something in between then and the last time you encountered Dagur.
“A date?!” Hiccup asked, as you attempted to smother your confusion. You weren’t quite sure where he got that idea. You wondered next when his mood would flip.
“Don’t think I’ve forgotten about you!” Dagur finished, opening his arms wide and taking the first steps forward into your direction, “I’m going to enjoy tearing the both of you apart!”
“I wish you had.” You grumbled sourly, very pointedly ignoring the last bit, afraid to poke the proverbial dragon.
You kept a safe distance from the swords and other various weaponry buried into the ground everywhere in sight around the campfire. You took a moment to stare wide-eyed at a skull, a Nadder, presumably, sticking out from a branch hanging over the clearing.
“A firecracker, that one.” The orange firelight flickered menacingly across Dagur’s face, whose eyes were narrowing again. You could see a vein on the corner of his forehead beating. You imagined it might be very easy for him to over take you with an axe, and even easier to hide your remains somewhere on the island.
“No, not really,” You mumbled, wincing, relaxing the hand holding the borrowed knife. You really did need to get one of your own. 
“The two of you! Like two elements! Fire and,” Dagur looked over Hiccup, “Something else just as… Ferocious.”
You grimaced as he turned around, shifting away as best you could without being noticed.
“Fire isn’t an element.” You muttered under your breath as Hiccup shuffled his way uncomfortably back towards you. You wondered if it was too soon for you and Hiccup to leave and get the heck out of dodge.
Dagur laughed erratically, making the hairs on the back of your neck stand on end. Though, to be fair, you preferred this version of him a lot more to the version you met on Berk. He was much less aggressive this way. Or, at least, purposefully aggressive. Towards you.
“Huh?” Hiccup asked disconcertedly.
“Fire isn’t an element. It’s a reaction. I think,” You stared blankly at Dagur’s retreating back.
“So, what are you here for?” Hiccup asked Dagur as your shoulders bumped into each other. He pulled his dusty shield higher in front of you and further to his left to it covered some of you both as Dagur pulled up an especially wicked serrated blade from the dirt.
Scouring through your memories, you tried to look for something, anything to get you out of this situation. You glanced at Hiccup guiltily. You felt a little bad sometimes, for keeping all these future things to yourself. But you weren’t sure who would believe you, and it had been a whole year and you realized with alarm that you were beginning to lose a few things. 
You tried not to think too much about it. The concept was frightening to say the least.
“The only thing worth being out for,” Dagur paused, ��Dragon hunting.”
“What happened?” You asked under your breath, leaning sideways closer to Hiccup. You felt the tips of a tuft of his hair scratch the side of your face as you searched Dagur’s, loathe to look away as if it might tell you the answer.
You were half inclined to believe it was your little tussle back on Berk that caused it, but you were sure that wasn’t enough to inspire manslaughter, at least not to any sane mind. 
“Oh, well, I said somethings, he said some things, a few words were exchanged-Most of which I probably should have kept to myself-” Hiccup mumbled hurriedly and ruefully back, speaking just above a whisper, “We really need to get out of here.”
“Tell me why I shouldn’t cut you down where you stand?” Dagur scowled, turning back to you.
You felt a bead of sweat slide down your neck, noting from the corner of your eye Hiccup forming the beginning of an answer.
“We’ve got somewhere else to be!” You grinned testily, answering before Hiccup could, “Supposed to meet up with, uh, the rest of our group. A large amount of people. Training exercise. Everyone knows about it, really.”
“What a coincidence. I didn’t come alone either. You’ll have fun explaining where you and your little friends are to my armada.” Dagur stalked up to the two of you, pulling weapons from the ground as he strode. 
“Gods, what is it with you and your armada?” Hiccup exclaimed, gesturing with his shield. 
As Dagur approached and Hiccup’s shield became less and less of an obstacle between the two of you, you took the opportunity to kick up between his legs, not at all taking the time to watch as Dagur folded over, voice wrought with anger, “Now, that was a little-”
Hiccup engaged his shield partially, dropping it hard so that he delivered a heavy blow to Dagur’s head, and dropped his lantern right by the fire, its metal skeleton bouncing against wood and stone.
Hiccup was smart, sometimes. More mechanically inclined than booksmart, at least outright. You found that to be one of the most intelligent decisions Hiccup ever made.
“Come on!” You began, just as Hiccup began shouting for Toothless.
Hiccup sprinted slightly ahead, collapsed shield in hand as he jumped fully onto Toothless’ saddle. 
You followed with a nervous laugh, a skid and a kick of dirt as you stumbled, nearly tripping as you slung your leg over Toothless’ saddle and slid close to Hiccup’s back.
Hiccup was bent forward with the ghost of a fright and a shade of awkward confidence in his voice as he urged you forwards and Toothless into the sky.
Said dragon launched very soon after, making a quick effort to catch up to the rest of the Rider’s dragons, Dagur storming behind you across the clifftops.
You turned to look back quickly, bringing your hand up to Hiccup’s shoulder in an attempt to stay stable even as Toothless flew like a rocket, splitting through the air.
Your heart pounding, adrenaline doing numbers. You felt Hiccup’s heart through his back, like some sort of war drum. You worried he might actually have a heart attack.
You felt his torso stiffening as you wrapped your arms around his middle, though he remained razor focused on the sky in front of him. On the gently curved horizon line in the distance.
Hiccup’s shoulders jumped under your hands as you moved your hands onto his shoulders. Quickly, you pressed up close to his back, so close your upper thighs were pressed to the back of Hiccup’s, in an effort to fight against the pushing wind, and brought your head over his shoulder, resisting the urge to bury your wind-bitten nose into the collar of your tunic. 
Being in the sky gave you the perfect opportunity to say it. It was probably inappropriate timing, but as you found Dragon island becoming more and more of a speck in the distance, you found that you didn’t care.
“See? The Earth is round!”
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sea-owl · 3 years ago
GDI. I fell back into the httyd fandom and yall gonna have me shipping poly dragons?
The ship in question is Toothless x Stormfly x Light Fury.
Damn it, now I'm picturing like a modern human au where Toothless and Light Fury are the it couple of their university.
Many have said they're like yin and yang. The perfect couple that makes people believe in soul mates. No one knows that both of them are openly pinning after their best friend Stormfly. At least no one outside of their friend group and unfortunately Stormfly.
They're like that one tiktok sound:
Meatlug: You two really have a crush on Stormfly?
Bar:She's like bigger
Belch: stronger
Hookfang: and probably a better fighter than either of you
Toothless and Light Fury staring dreamily at the taller girl: Exactly.
Stormfly does think her best friends act a little odd sometimes but who is she to judge? Their both from old money families and gods only knows they could be worse from what she's seen from their extended relatives. Thank Thor Stoick and Valka are so down to earth.
Stormfly also knows that to everyone else she doesn't belong among her friends. She herself is from a lower class family. Even her getting to attend college was only possible because the university gave her an archery and academics scholarship. Her sister, Astrid was working hard towards those same scholarships since the archery team added axe throwing. Visiting every other weekend so Stormfly can help with her networking. To others Toothless and Light Fury took pity on her and their other friends followed. Which to be fair Stormfly gets. They all went to the same small town school for years and it wasn't until junior year did any of them learn her name. They can afford all the newest things while Stormfly sometimes struggles deciding whether to pay rent late or starve for a few days.
So yeah Stormfly doesn't belong in her friend's world a lot of the time. But they don't take pity on her!
Hell who is she kidding? The only reason Stormfly met her friends because her younger sister just happened to be dating Hiccup, Toothless' younger brother.
It was obvious when they kept trying to buy her things.
The pity has gotten so bad lately though that Toothless and Light Fury started inviting her with them on date night.
Stormfly almost broke her bow over their heads the first time they asked her that. Do they believe she has so little pride?
Astrid snorted, aiming her axe while Stormfly aimed her arrow. "Storm they want to fuck you."
"WHAT!?" Stormfly released the arrow too soon, her aim way off.
Hiccup groaned from the side. "Please fuck them Stormfly and put them out of their misery. Their pinning has become unbearable! Dad and Gobber are taking bets."
Stormfly's face turned red, getting even redder when she sees said couple approaching.
Toothless goes to greet his brother when Stormfly exclaimed. "You two want to fuck me!"
Toothless went silent while Light Fury had a predatory grin. "Oh honey, we want to do more than fuck you."
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mceproductions · 5 years ago
Best of 2019 Movies #6: How to Train Your Dragon: The Hidden World
It’s rare that the third installment of a franchise happens to be the best clear proof that quality can grow.
In spot number six we have two third installments.
This brought the curtain down on one of dreamworks biggest franchises. The world of toothless and company.
It’s been a long road for Hiccup, after being so afraid long ago, the bond he’s forged with the Night Fury known as Toothless has taken them far beyond their world into bigger and more perilous foes.
Just when Berk becomes a true dragon utopia, a rare hunter sends the Viking crew fleeing for thier lives, Hiccup begins to seek what he’s heard about in passing from his own dad, the home world of the dragon’s themselves a true hidden world where they’ll be truly free.
But In seeking the utopia the fear of Letting go now becomes a reality for Hiccup, Astrid and the Vikings we’ve come to known over the decade.
Cash cows are profitable yes but it’s rare to see a cash cow like this not only end but do a complete full circle bookend to what made us adore the flight of these creatures in the first place.
Hiccup got his happy ending with Astrid and Toothless got his with the Light Fury.
Beyond the upcoming holiday special you honestly see this chapter closed.
And it couldn’t have gone out in better fashion.
Sum 22: The saga of the Viking, dragon and the village of Berk came to a satisfying conclusion with all the visuals and resonance dragons have become known for.
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alwaysahiccupandastrid · 6 years ago
The epilogue where Hiccup, Astrid and their kids ride the dragons...I have so many feelings about it.
The way Hiccup closes his eyes, feeling what it is to fly once more, for the first time in ten years. The familiarity of Toothless’ wings beating, the clouds and the wind on his face. For a moment he feels like nothing has changed; that he’s 20 again and going for a fly with his best friend.
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And then he opens his eyes, and Nuffink is giggling happily, and he feels his heart swell in his chest. His son is so happy too, his son is feeling the feeling of flying too and loves it just as much as Hiccup does. He sees Nuffink reach out to touch one of Toothless’ children, sees the white Night Light baby touch Nuffink’s hands playfully, and he’s reminded of himself and Toothless for a moment.
Astrid and Zephyr fly past on Stormfly, and his wife looks back at him; she gives him a playful look, a challenge almost - who can fly faster, just like when they used to train as teens, and he can only grin. Zephyr is raising her arms in the air, beaming as she cheers in exultation. His little girl - his eldest, his daughter, his heir - is having the time of his life on the back of Stormfly, seeing the dragons their parents talked for so long about.
Hiccup sees the joy in Astrid’s eyes at riding on Stormfly for the first time in a decade, sees how she’s just as happy as he is about being reunited with their old friends; she has never judged him for how much he has missed Toothless, never made him feel like he’s being silly or ridiculous - she gets it. She knows. She gets him.
When Toothless catches up to Stormfly, he drops Nuffink down to sit with Astrid from above before flying to her level; he takes Zephyr’s hand and helps her jump the small gap between Stormfly and Toothless so that she can sit with him. He gives Astrid one last challenging look, daring her to another race; he sees the smirk she gives, the nod exchanged between her and Nuffink, and it’s on.
This is how it wishes it could always be; he knows he made the right choice to let the dragons fly away to the Hidden World, but even so this is how he wishes it could be. Not only does he get to ride Toothless again - hell, to see Toothless again at all - but he feels so content because Astrid and their children are there with him.
He’ll always love Toothless, and he’ll always wish it was possible for dragons and humans to live completely peacefully, but in that moment it hits him: for all that he misses Toothless, they are both where they should be. Toothless has the Hidden World, a mate, and hatchlings to be with - it’s where he belongs.
As for Hiccup, he smiles and feels warm all over; he has a brave and beautiful wife who stands by his side, a wife who helps him with his duties and does so much, a wife who loves him and he loves beyond belief. She is so strong in so many ways; she’s a warrior, a Chieftess, a general, a wife, a mother. She’s the one who gave him two children who they both love unconditionally, even when Nuffink’s birth nearly caused him to lose her completely (I love that headcanon okay). Zephyr and Nuffink are Hiccup’s world: being their father is perhaps the greatest responsibility he’s ever had, and he would do absolutely anything for them.
Hopefully one day dragons and humans can live together in peace, hopefully someday it will be safe, but for now everything is as it should be. He loves Toothless and always will, but at the same time he knows he wouldn’t give up the life he has built with Astrid and their children for anything.
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lumiidragon · 3 years ago
Wait, I actually am curious. What do you dislike about THW? There are definitely some things I don’t like about it, so I’m curious to hear your thoughts.
Including the entirety of the movie, this post would be a mile-long, so I'll just pop in some bullet points:
-The movie hates Hiccup and makes everyone act shitty to him
-The movie takes Hiccup and Toothless's friendship, rubs it in the mud, spits on it, then crumples it and hands us Toothless X Light Fury like we're suppose to be happy with that choice instead.
-The movie contradicts basically everything HTTYD stood for so there could be some pointless bittersweet (that wasn't sweet at all it was just bitter) ending to match the book's (which the movie has not matched up to at all until then).
-Toothless doesn't give a shit about Hiccup in this movie and that sickens me.
-Hiccup and the others are so OOC.
-The Light Fury was romance fodder and nothing more. She was also snobby.
-'Toothless is the last night fury'. Boring.
-Snotlout has it out for Hiccup for some reason and the other riders don't matter other than "inspirational Astrid".
-"Romance is more important than friendship". I hate that garbage.
-Literally the whole scene with Toothless playing Dragon Jesus in The Hidden World instead of actually being on New Berk taking care of his own flock and ripping Hiccup's heart out who (once again) is made to feel like it was him doing something wrong.
-Astrid's shitty line about how Hiccup shouldn't have expected Toothless to ever come back to him now that he had his freedom. Also, her praising him on embracing change for once like he wasn't the viking who made it so she could have Stormfly and literally have the life she has now.
-The dragons leaving. The dragons leaving. The dragons leaving.
-Toothless in a "blood lust" mode right before he recognized Hiccup and otherwise would have killed him because I guess vikings were right in HTTYD 1 and dragons really are mindless murdering monsters.
-"You have to get married and have kids to truly be happy".
I have more and I could go into a lot more details with these individual things, but as I said before, the post would get super long! lkjfglkjfgldkj
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clovermarigold · 2 years ago
Daggers and Daffodils Chap.17
Dagur x Reader
In the time it took me to write this chapter I've gone through two separate chargers, since the one I shipped in broke withing the first half of the chapter. So that was disappointing.
But on another note, it's been a year since I posted the first few chapters! Thank you all for the support and interest in my cringy fanfic, and I apologize that in the span of a year I've only made this many chapters for Ya'll.                                   -Clover
Narrator POV
"Hiccup" Dagur greeted with a twisted smile. "I thought we could settle this like real Vikings" Hiccup said from atop Toothless. Dagur grit his teeth and quickly gripped the Skrill's ropes, "Me and my Skrill vs you and your night fury? I like those odds".  You yelled for him so stop as he pulled the reigns causing the Skrill to narrowly miss Hiccup. He swiftly dodged and flew away, making Dagur and the Skrill follow him.
A familiar roar graced your ears at Dagur's disappearance. With a smile you hauled towards the side of the ship, jumping onto Silver Tongue's back as in a fly by. "Good to see you boy" you chided, "did you miss me?". He huffed steam from his nose. A low growl eliminated from him as he caught a glimpse of Dagur, who was currently standing in a puddle of water as Hiccup goaded him. With a flash Dagur was launched into the water leaving the Skrill free to chase Hiccup.
Silver Tongue dove to catch up with Hiccup, and you were both flying side by side. "Thanks, it was getting really awkward in there". "I bet" Hiccup said, "But don't thank me yet" the two of you dodged a lightning bolt. "I'll lead the Skrill away, you get home". "I'm not leaving you alone with that thing!" you argued. "Don't worry, I'm not alone" he looked down at Toothless fondly who in turn gave a purr like agreement. Silver Tongue gave a sneeze to voice his disgust, "Allright then, seems like this one's ready to go home anyways. Stay safe" he nodded. You were just glad it was all finally over.
Some weeks later
...You don't tend to think of yourself as a superstitious person, as you don't believe in luck or curses. But this year has got you thinking. After all, how in Odins name is it possible for one singular person to be THIS unfortunate. Currently, you are hanging upside down by your feet. While training with Astrid and the others, Snotlout (not listening as always) had launched into Silver Tongue's side and sent the two of you crashing down, after he had already caused a chain reaction that launched a boulder towards Astrid. You sighed, closing your eyes as you contemplated your life choices. Your attention refocused as you felt the branch you were on bend and a familiar chuff sounded to your left. turning your head, you were met with Silver Tongue, comfortable in his usual sleeping position upside down. "You gonna help me or what?". He let out a light huff from his nostrils and opted to turn his head in a 180° away from you. Today was going to be a long day.
After the hassle of pulling both yourself and Silver Tongue out from the tree (him being a stubborn baby who was throwing a tantrum) you joined the others on the ground rushing to help the hurt Astrid. "Wh-what?" Astrid asked dazed and confused. "She has a possible slight concussion, but thankfully nothing seems broken. But she could have been seriously hurt" you said, giving Astrid a once over inspection. Despite your urging for her to sit and rest she used your side to help stand.
"You have no idea what you did?! Do you?!" Hiccup yelled at Snotlout.
"Yeah, Hookfang and I made the coolest trick shot ever".
"You almost got Astrid killed!".
"Oh, come on she's fine, look at her". Astrid was slightly curled clutching her left side which most likely took the blunt of the fall. "Yeah, no thanks to you" Astrid threw herself off of you and lunged at Snotlout, only barely being caught by Hiccup first.
Rushing over to the three you hoisted Astrid to her side and led her towards Stormfly so she could sit.
"Thats it I'm tired of this" Hiccup said.
"I'm tired of this!... What are you tired of?" Snotlout asked.
"You always have to do things your way. How can we rely on you if you don't do what we ask?" Hiccup reasoned, you and the others silently watching the conversation that was months overdue.
"So! What are you saying Hiccup" Snotlout taunted with his arms crossed.
"I'm saying until further notice, you're suspended from the academy". A gasp erupted from the others and Snotlout stood mouth agape for a second before falling back into his stubborn childish snark. "You can't ground me! You're not my dad!" he said puffing his chest out. Hiccup leaned in, apparently wanting all of the smoke, "oh yes I can".
"Boys!  Thats enough, we need to get Astrid home now" you interrupted their standoff. "Hmmf. Watch!" Snotlout yelled indignantly, mounting Hookfang and taking off. "Ground this dragon boy" he yelled as he flew away. "Um, am I wrong in thinking that grounding means staying on the ground? Cause that looks a lot like- ugh- skying" Tuffnut said flapping his hands.
"You didn't have to do that for me Hiccup" Astrid said. "If we can't count on him in practice, how can we possibly count on him the next time we run into Dagur".
"Easy" said Tuffnut, "We throw Y/N in the opposite direction, so Dagur follows her, and we can catch him by himself, then tell Snotlout that somewhere on one of Dagur's ships is his father's approval". You shot him a glare. "What, just being honest".
"Hello Mr. Nightfury, how are we doing today?" Dagur asked the picture against the wall. "Happy? Feeling Hiccupy good? It's just a big wuv fest over on Berk, isn't it?" Dagur continued to talk to the picture as his men stared awkwardly, too scared to interrupt one of his delusions fueled rants with inanimate objects.  
"Dagur" Savage called entering the room, "I have news regarding our latest dragon root tests". "What did you call me" Dagur's eyes narrowed dangerously on the thin man, promising death if he didn't backpedal immediately.  "R-right, sorry. Your derangedness".
"Ah, rolls right of the tongue, doesn't it?" his sarcastic smile returned. "Ugh, yes. Anyways, the test worked exactly as you thought it would, the wild dragons starve for it like, well, wild dragons".
"excellent" he laughed, "What shall we do next, so many options".  Savage thought for a moment, "What if we kept an eye on Berk for the right time to plant it".  Dagur fiddled with his axe deep in thought, "So simple, yet so, deranged. I like it! When the time is right, we will put my plan into motion and both the Nightfury and Y/N will finally be mine!". Dagur quickly broke into loud maniacal laughter before a thought entered his mind. "Oh, should I get Y/N some flowers" Savage and the rest of Dagur's men stood on edge, scared and surprised by yet another 180 in Dagur's mood. "Purple brings out her eyes, I'll get her a wreath".
"SAVAGE!" He screamed making the pathetic excuse of a Berserker scamper over quickly. "Make my love a wreath". "Right away your derangedness" He watched as Dagur exited the room, dying on the inside at the fact that he had absolutely no idea how to make one.
Today was academy cleaning day, Astrid was busy polishing Stormfly's saddle while the twins planned to expand theirs into Snotlout's. You on the other hand were busy reinforcing the beam on Silver Tongues pen due to his weight straining the wood when he slept hanging. Your attention was drawn to the sound of Hiccup and the twins. "No one is knocking down anything. I will talk to Snotlout when he comes back" Hiccup stormed out of the academy towards what you would guess was the house.
Cleaning has been rather therapeutic as of late, sure your bad luck was continuing it's streak this morning, but now you could relax and finally enjoy some peace and quie- "OW". You pressed the wrapped block of ice harder on Snotlouts head before rooting through your bag of herbs. A barely awake Snotlout had arrived with none other than Alvine the treacherous, who was currently standing trial in the great hall. "Any idea when he'll wake up?" Fishlegs asked. "Considering he was semi-conscious when he showed up, any damage should be minimal, but that leaves a large window for how long he'll be asleep. As if to mock you once again, the universe chose now to be when the idiot would open his mouth. "Ah! Big! Nasty!".
"Slow down," said Astrid "What's going on?".
"The island. There was a wrecked outcast ship, and Alvin was on it". "We know that already," said Astrid.
"No! That wasn't all, the Screaming Death, it was there". The rest of you exchanged glances.
"We need to tell Hiccup" You nodded.
Once you had told Hiccup about the approaching screaming death he had gone into protective overdrive and began to have you all run closed space drills withing the academy nonstop. With the exception of Snotlout who despite his protests was still under suspension. "You can't take away my dragon. Hookfang!" The sadness and desperation in his voice as he watched his dragon get locked in his pen made your heart twist. It wasn't as if he was the only one being locked up. All the others were too (minus toothless and Meatlug) but it left you disappointed in both Snotlout and your brother.
Unknown to you, you were being watched by Dagur atop a hill. "Perfect, the dragons are locked up in the arena. Don't worry my love, we'll be back home soon enough" Dagur cooed as his spyglass singled on you exiting the pens. "By the time Hiccup and his dragon dunderheads get to them, it'll be too late" Dagur devolved into his trademark deranged laughter. "Wait!" Savage flinched at his volume. "Where is her wreath?" Savage swallowed thickly as he handed Dagur the crudely made circles of sticks and- flowers? They were likely from weeds. Cue a blowup from Dagur, "You idiot! You're supposed to trim the stems so there aren't any thorns! And what in Thor's name is this supposed to be?!" he pointed to the wilting leaves. Savage leapt to hide behind the dragon root crate as Dagur threw the wreath at him. His rage swapped for a cavalier dismissal as he turned away "I have to do everything myself. Figures".
That night you were awoken by the sound of the warning alarm. Scabbard was quick to crawl onto her spot on your shoulder but was met with hands lifting her back onto the bed. "Not tonight, Scabbard, you need to rest" after two long back-to-back trips between Outcast Island and Berk in a single day she was exhausted. She let out a small chirp of indignation before deciding that the crisp sheets and warm animal hides were too tempting to ignore. You, Hiccup, and Toothless rushed out from the house. Flying above the pens you saw the dragons attacking one another. "Dragon root" Hiccup exclaimed. Landing at the entrance you and the others gathered.
"Dagur put dragon root in the arena so the dragons would attack each other".
"Hiccup" Snotlout came running over, "Listen I need to tell you something".
"Snotlout, not now" Hiccup said.
"It's important I-" "I said not now! Fishlegs, this is all you. Toothless and I can't go in there because he'll be affected by the root. You and Meatlug have to get in there and get the root out, while the others distract their dragons".
At once the gate opened and each of you booked it towards your dragons. Silver Tongue however was nowhere in sight. You used your dragon call only to receive a loud screech from above. Silver Tongue was gripped onto the arena's chains looking at you with savage eyes. To add insult to injury he came down in a way that would leave you with nightmares for months. Instead of leaping down towards you, he opted to slowly scale down the chains while rotating his head in the complete opposite direction of his body, to make his head appear as if it were standing still, as steam puffed out from his nose, and his bloodshot eyes stared at you narrowed and unblinking.
"Silver Tongue, I'm gonna need you to snap out of it, and stop being this creepy right now!" he lounged at you bellowing a roar. As he chased you, you were barely able to avoid his fire by staying in the small pocket in the center of his fire ring. Once Meatlug and Fishlegs grabbed the root you ran as quickly as possible towards the gate. The gate suddenly began to close, and out of instinct you were just able to make it out by sliding on the ground.
"What the?" Fishlegs exclaimed, now trapped inside along with Ruff and Tuff. You, however, were met with two Berserkers trapping you against the gate. You drew your sword, grateful to see Hiccup and Toothless land behind them.
"Open that door right now or-" "Or what?" Dagur asked, a number of Berserkers surrounding you all with crossbows. Hiccup grit his teeth. "Dagur what do you want?".
"What I've always wanted, Y/N, and the Nightfury. Hand 'em over, and we leave peacefully that's your choice. Your dragon and your sister, or your friends". A smile broke out onto his face, "Isn't this exciting! What will be choose ladies and gentlemen?!" He looked to your friends who were beginning to struggle to fend off the dragons. "We can't keep this up much longer!" yelled Fishlegs.
"So, Hiccup. What's your answer". Before Hiccup could get a word in, your father answered for him. "The answer is, we run you through and open the gate ourselves", with a cry him and the other adult Vikings of Berk charged at the Berserkers. Using the distraction, you slammed the hilt of your sword into one of the Berserker's nose and swept the leg of the other.  With the two guarding the gate knocked out, when the gate opened the others were free to escape. However, when flying out with the dragon root, Fishlegs flew too close to the ground, resulting in him accidentally hitting Stoick and knocking him out cold. "Sorry chief!" He called. "Darn it Fishlegs!" you exclaimed running to your father's side. "This is what I get for being the only trained battle physician on Berk".
Dagur surveyed the battle which was no longer in his favor. Savage limped towards him, clutching his side "Our plan has failed, we must retreat". Rage pooled into his body causing him to clutch his head tightly in an effort to quiet his racing thoughts and give himself a cruel sense of comfort "I'M NOT LEAVING BERK EMPTY HANDED!". Looking around once more, some of his anger dissipated into sly joy, as he made out your figure over an incapacitated Stoick. A grin stretched across his face, "follow me" he called.
"My love" you heard the sickeningly sweet yet taunting voice of Dagur behind you. Swiftly you grabbed your sword and turned to face him. "Now now, let's not be hasty" he raised his hands in an attempt to calm you. Without a word you ran at him swinging your sword. Dagur let out a small yelp, genuinely taken aback that you were attacking him.
"This is a bit much, my love" he dodged your attacks with relative ease, before slipping behind you. He wrapped one hand around your sword, prying it from you in favor of intertwining your fingers. His other arm wrapped itself around your waist and other arm, pinning you against him in a sort of mock dance position. Having you up against him brought Dagur endless enjoyment as he forgot that the two of you were supposed to be fighting as he began to slowly sway you both.
"You kidnaped me and threatened my dragon, this is tame" distracted by the smell of your hair, Dagur was caught off guard when threw your head backwards, landing a hit directly into his nose. The arm around your left arm and waist released allowing you to pull yourself apart from him. However, when you tried to run to your fallen sword you were stopped by the firm hold of Dagur's still interlocked fingers. Looking back, you see that Dagur, though still gripping your hand is curled over gripping his face. A quiet almost squeakish laugh escapes him as he shakes his head slightly. Dagur looks up at you smiling like an idiot, his pupils are dilated and focused solely on you, and for a moment you almost thought they were shaped like hearts. As if the universe could already tell your heart rate was exploding (and not out of fear), a stream of blood fell from his nose, trailing over his lips. Despite the smell and taste of iron pooling in his nose and against his teeth Dagur ignored it. No, it didn't matter. What did matter was the absolute look of shock and flustered surprise painted on your face.
This moment, however, was interrupted by a number of Berserkers raising their swords towards Stoick and threatening you to comply. And Dagur watched as that shocked and dare, he says shy look on your face faded. Replaced with a look of rage and contempt. Despite every ounce of his being screaming at him to rip their heads off, his attention refocused. Not the time, not the place. That was ok though, soon he would be able to spend every moment staring at that awe filled face. But for now, he had to get you out of here.
"I suggest you listen to them, my love" your nose scrunched as you looked over to your dazed father with several swords pointed at him. "Fine" you said begrudgingly. Dagur's men tied up your father and took used the both of you as hostages.
"Nobody moves. We'll be leaving now. And if I see one dragon following us, rider or not, you're going to be looking for a new chief" His prideful and cocky grin hadn't left his face once as you escaped Berk without so much as a hand raised to stop him, neither did his hand around yours.
Yup, it's a fact now, you have terrible luck.
Thank you so much for reading! Take care!
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dzamie · 3 years ago
Problematic tropes: Human and sapient feral (eg Ilia/Wolf Link).
Mild apologies to anyone who has this pop up in their followed fandom tag; it's not very content-ful on its own.
I highly encourage people to ask me more about anything mentioned here. I'm a big fan of ships across anatomies.
1. Any of my ships that fit it
Hoo boy. Uh, let's see...
Toothless, Stormfly, Light Fury x Hiccup, Astrid, in any combination
Imp Midna x Wolf Link wait you specified "human, nevermind"
Serperior, Salazzle, Sylveon, Leafeon, Milotic x Trainer
do ponies count? cuz uh wew lad do I have selfships there
Lady Nora x Trace Legacy
William x Vanille; Princess Selene x Azurel Dracolis (nonsexual, because they like Selene to survive). Dzamie isn't human otherwise there'd be a bunch more
2. General Opinion
I like it a lot! Playing with different body types is fun~ The only reason it isn't my absolute favorite is because it specifies humans, rather than humans and anthros :P
3. Any ships that aren’t canon it But I’d read w/ the trope
Takato x Guilmon; Charizard, Flygon, Goodra, Garchomp x Trainer (these mons are arguably anthro but could be nice on all fours); Marinette, Ladybug x Chat Noir; Madeline x Badeline (if I could find a good feral for Baddy); Spyro x Elora
...man, panther!Chat Noir is a banger idea, honestly. A shame feral!Ladybug doesn't work so well.
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Chapter Three: A Lightfury’s Guide to Stealing A Dragon Rider
Pairing: Hiccup 'Horrendous’ Haddock III x fem!oc
Word count: 3.6k
Chapter Summary: It’s not easy trying to persuade a rouge dragon rider, Hiccup finds that out the hard way. In a chase across the open water, there aren’t many places to hide, only deceiving one another or getting a little help from some other riders. It isn’t easy to lose a seasonal dragon rider, Valkyrie finds that out the hard way.
Overall Summary: A mysterious new dragon rider has been starting to make their presence known by tearing through dragon hunter ships and leaving nothing in their wake. What dragon they ride is unknown. What they look like is unknown. Why they are hunting the dragon hunters is unknown. The only thing that is known is that they will stop at nothing to destroy every dragon hunter ship at any cost.
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“Valkyrie?” Hiccup was startled, nearly dropping the helmet he had caught midair as he stared at the girl from the markets he had met a day prior. As his eyes rocked down to the dragon that Valkyrie was sitting on. “What are you doing out here? Better yet, what are you doing on a… Dayfury?”
“Lightfury,” Valkyrie corrected, the white dragon below her gargling at the name Hiccup had called her. Stardust’s head turned to glower up at Hiccup, doing so until a green eye caught hers. “Now if you would be so kind, I need that helmet back.”
“You need to answer my question first,” Hiccup demanded, pulling the helmet closer to his body. He could see Valkyrie look back nervously, eyes flickering over the ships before her head turned back forward, a more set expression on her face. Hiccup tried again, “Why are you out here?”
“I could ask you the same thing,” She rebutted, hands growing restless as she felt her hair smack against her skin. She felt exposed. “You don’t understand Hiccup, I need that mask.”
“Why?” He made his voice gentler as he asked this time around, trying to offer a sense of calm to pull an answer out of Valkyrie. “What is so important about this mask that you can’t go without it?”
“Because Ryker knows who I am, alright?” Valkyrie felt the words slipping from her mouth in a burst of desperate anger. The terror that dawned on Valkyrie’s mind came crashing in waves at the information she just shared with Hiccup. Taking a steadying breath, Valkyrie tried not to let the unsettling silence get to her. She had to think of something, and something quick. “A few years ago I had a run-in with Ryker. Stardust wasn’t with me at the time and I hadn’t yet found the sword you saw me use, so I was basically defenceless. Ryker thinks I’m dead, and with all honestly, I probably should be.”
Now the silence that hung in the air was for a different reason. Hiccup’s face was calculating, the new information being absorbed and stored away somewhere in his brain for later analysing. “But why are you fighting the dragon hunters? Wouldn’t you want to get as far away from Ryker as possible?”
“There is no running from that man Hiccup,” Valkyrie warned, her voice eerie as her eyes shot back down to her helmet. She needed this to sound believable so she could get her helmet back and then promptly disappear. “Ryker has eyes and ears everywhere. So I took on a new face, a face he can’t see.”
“You’re the reason we’ve had destroyed armadas turning up at our island,” Hiccup nearly whispered, the answer dawning on him for something that had been eating at his mind since he and the other dragon riders came upon their first destroyed ship. As he turned to face Valkyrie, the Lightfury below her made a snap of her jaw, drawing Hiccup’s eye once more. “Come with us Valkyrie. Me and the other dragon riders can help you. We want Ryker gone just as much as you do.”
“Oh, we want very different things Hiccup,” Valkyrie’s voice was dark as she spoke, eyes staring hollowly into Hiccup. Valkyrie lifted her left hand and ran it along Stardust’s neck, leading down to her leg, sending a silent message to the dragon. “Now, I’m gonna need that helmet back.”
In a quick arch of her wings, Stardust went hurtling towards Hiccup and the dragon he was flying. Valkyrie had never seen a dragon like it before, the species being of a similar build to Stardust. Valkyrie didn’t plan on finding out what type of dragon that was though as Stardust curved over the top of Hiccup and his dragon, one of her arms outstretched as she snatched the white helmet from his hands. When the scaly thing was back to its rightful owner Stardust flipped back around and shot forward, leaving Hiccup and his dragon behind.
“Oh, no you don’t,” Hiccup yelled, making Valkyrie fasten the helmet on her head quicker. Valkyrie could feel as the muscles in Stardust’s back tense, her wings winding out further as she readied a plasma blast in her jaw. “We got to catch them bud.”
As Hiccup spoke, Stardust released her shot of pink flames. Valkyrie tucked herself in close to Stardust’s back without a second thought. As the warm flames washed over them, Valkyrie felt the sensation of warping run across her skin, the cloaking that covered Stardust extending to her.
“What the?” Valkyrie heard Hiccup ask, a confused mew following his words. Valkyrie chanced a glance back, to see Hiccup and his dragon flying straight forward, the dark dragon looking wildly around. “Find them Toothless.”
Without warning rings of purple shot out straight at Stardust and Valkyrie. Valkyrie tried to warn Stardust as silently as she could, twirling her finger in a circle along her back but Valkyrie wasn’t quick enough as those purple rings wrapped around them. They didn’t hurt but Valkyrie could feel the energy surging over her.
“Good job bud,” Hiccup said at the same time Valkyrie realised her outline was somehow visible. An elated hum left Toothless as he now had a target to chase after. Valkyrie faced forward quickly, keeping herself low down to Stardust.
“Lose the cloaking Star, they can see us so there’s no point trying to stay hidden,” Valkyrie whispered lowly, pressing her right hand down on the side of Stardust’s neck. “Hiccup’s dragon is going to naturally blend in with the night sky while we are going to stand out. Our best bet is to tire them out by both leading them in every direction and vanishing without a trace. Worst case scenario I have to use one of the Zippleback canisters on them.”
Stardust let out a disapproving grumble as she shook her head, effectively shaking the cloaking off of them while also telling Valkyrie her plan wasn’t as thought out as she hoped it to be. “I’m giving you the reigns here Star. Do whatever you need to lose them.”
The words didn’t need to be said twice as Stardust instantly tucked her wings to her body, falling from the sky as they dived towards the ocean. A startled whump came from behind them as Stardust showed no sign of stopping. At the sound of beating wings behind them, Valkyrie knew that they were being followed just like she had hoped. Before they could hit the water, Stardust’s wings shot out, slowing them down for half a second before they were thrown upwards, shooting back towards the sky like an arrow as they attempted to leave Hiccup and Toothless behind them.
Another shot of plasma was launched forward, Stardust diving through it as Valkyrie clung onto her back. As they flew into invisibility, Valkyrie could hear the same echo of the purple rings being shot upwards. This time Stardust was prepared to avoid them as she took a sharp left, flicking out of the firing range of Toothless’s location blast. Stardust began to steer upwards now that the rings had passed her. Their peace didn’t last long though as multiple rings were shot in circles, dancing across the sky as Toothless continued to shoot them at every angle manageable.
“Why can’t that dragon just let us get away?” Valkyrie questioned to no one, in particular, a grunt following her words as her hands grew an outline. A similar response was drawn out of Stardust as she became visible once again with a grumble, her teeth snapping together a few times like she was mimicking talking. “You know what? Let’s just drop a Zippleback canister on them now. Stardust fall.”
A gargle of joy fell from Stardust’s throat as she stopped moving her wings, the two appendages going limp as the dragon started to fall backwards. As the two of them whipped through the wind, Valkyrie struggled to pull one of the canisters from the saddlebag. She probably should have thought everything through a little longer.
It didn’t take long to pull one of the canisters out of the bag, just in time as well as she heard the questions rising from both Hiccup and his dragon. Unlocking the canister, Valkyrie throws it over to Hiccup, the boy naturally catching it. It was only then that he realised what the green gas coming from the small box.
A little too late as well as Stardust’s mouth lit, a small blaze of fire shooting out as they continued to fall. As the explosion emitted above them, Stardust flipped over in the air and shot forward, repeating the process that would turn her invisible. “Sindri isn’t getting that back any time soon.”
Valkyrie was hoping that Hiccup would get the hint this time around. Would leave her alone. But when her hands became outlined in front of her and rings of purple spiralled away, it became clear that she wouldn’t be getting away from the dragon rider that easily.
Hiccup’s hair stood up and was only slightly singed. Valkyrie was good at running away, disappearing–literally–without a trance. But he knew dragons. He had been herding them to and from the Edge for months at this point. With a bit of luck, he’d be able to steer her toward the Edge and hopefully–if Odin’s looking out for him–the other riders will take notice and help him.
Valkyrie was already outlined again in front of him. She didn’t shake the cloak that took over her this time around, making it slightly harder to follow them since the outlining still faded after a while but Toothless made sure to keep them visible.
After the Zippleback attack–in which Hiccup still had the canister held in his hand–he and Toothless were a bit more careful with how they approached the duo in white, not knowing what they might throw at him next. “Come on bud, they’re already taking themselves towards the Edge, let’s just make sure they don’t get off track.”
Toothless’s wings spread as he glided off to the left, silently encouraging Valkyrie and Stardust to fly right, their presence acting as a deter. And it worked as the Lightfury that Valkyrie was riding zipped away, trying to force Toothless (Hiccup) away from her. Every time they got too close the dragon’s nose scrunched up, her head swirling backwards to narrow her eyes at the rider sitting on Toothless’s back before shooting in the opposite direction of where Hiccup and Toothless were.
A few times Valkyrie went off track anyway. Taking sharp turns and dives as they tried to throw Hiccup off their trail, making Toothless have to work extra hard to catch them and turn them away from where they were headed.
When the Edge came into view, Hiccup’s shoulders sagged, relief flooding through him as it meant all of this would be over soon. Toothless let out a mighty roar as they flew closer to the island, the huts and stable becoming clear. He was able to gain the attention of a few dragons as they neared.
Valkyrie’s head shot back at the roar, brows pinching together at how unnecessary it was. But when there was a screech in return, Valkyrie realised what the dragon had been doing. The flaming body of a Monstrous Nightmare soared up from one of the huts on the island, gaining Valkyrie’s attention while a Deadly Nadder sailed through the air, spikes at the ready. The crackling of a Hideous Zippleback scratched through the air while the buzz of Gronckle wings followed.
Valkyrie had flown herself straight into an ambush.
“I’m going to kill that Nightfury rider,” Valkyrie seethed, getting a confused rumble from Stardust below her. “Well, he called you a Dayfury when he first saw you, meaning he thought you were the same species as his dragon. So the first thing that would have come to his mind would have been the opposite of yours.”
“But now we got bigger fish to fry than what Hiccup wants to call you.” If Valkyrie didn’t know that Stardust couldn’t hiss, she would have thought the noise that erupted from her was exactly that. It came at the exact moment Valkyrie had said Hiccup’s name. Stardust wasn’t a big dragon or people animal, especially when certain people on certain dragons chased after her.
Valkyrie’s eyes scanned over the island, trying to think of a way to lose the dragon riders. She was on their home turf so no matter what she did they would have the upper hand. They knew the landscape of the island better, the dragons that inhabited it and how their dragons react and can work together.
“We got to lose them Star,” Valkyrie said as the Deadly Nadder and its rider flew underneath them, popping up on their right as the Monstrous Nightmare tried to close in on their left. Toothless was still behind them while the Gronckle lugged after them from underneath. The Hideous Zippleback maneuvered itself around the sky, not sticking to a single path which Valkyrie was guessing they did on purpose. “Hit the Gronckle. It’ll be easier to get path them.”
Stardust didn’t waste a second before shooting a blast of pink flames down at the Gronckle before plummeting towards them. The blast that Stardust had shot wasn’t deadly but enough to wound or stun any dragon. Shouts of concern could be heard all around Valkyrie, the boy who was sitting on the Gronckle letting out a high-pitched yell as they both went down. Valkyrie tried not to worry about the pair, knowing that if she allowed herself to get concerned with the dragon she wouldn’t be able to pull herself away.
Stardust made sure not to fly too close to the ground, a few meters in between the long grass and her stomach as she wove in between the trees, blocking out certain dragons from following her as their movements weren’t as smooth as the Lightfury. Toothless was able to follow them because of course Hiccup and his Nightfury couldn’t let Valkyrie have anything today. The Deadly Nadder was also pretty close to catching them, a bit behind Toothless as they fought to keep up.
Valkyrie’s hands began to fiddle through Stardust’s saddlebag, another one of Sindri’s Zippleback canisters coming out. As Valkyrie unclasped the box, she didn’t throw it like she did last time. Instead, she held it out to the side, letting a trail of gas run behind her.
“Watch out for the Zippleback gas!” Valkyrie heard Hiccup yell, Toothless letting out a squawk as he tried to fly above the gas and avoid it. The Deadly Nadder tried to get out of the way of it as well but couldn’t get far enough as an actual Hideous Zippleback flew out and into range.
“Zippleback gas?” A female voice questioned from one of her heads of the Hideous Zippleback. “Hiccup, why didn’t you tell us Fury’s could spew Zippleback gas?”
“They can’t,” Hiccup tried to warn, much to the dismay of those sitting on the Hideous Zippleback.
“Who cares?” A male voice now spoke from the Hideous Zippleback. “Belch, let’s light this place.”
“No,” Another feminine voice yelled, but a little too late as the sparks began to light from one of the Hideous Zippleback’s mouths. As the cloud of gas began to light, Valkyrie let go of the canister, Stardust taking a sharp turn and flying through the trees and away from the explosion lighting.
Stardust began to shoot up to the sky again, throat warming as plasma began to build in it. They were going to disappear again. But before anything could be shot forward, a yell rang out through the air as the flaming body of a Monstrous Nightmare came hurtling towards Valkyrie. “Snotlout, Snotlout, oi, oi, oi.”
Valkyrie’s head shot towards the Viking yelling. The short man’s eyes were already on her, a devilish grin on his face as his dragon bound after them. Valkyrie shook her head as she turned back to face forward, tapping Stardust on the neck. The fire that she had previously been warming was shot forward, Stardust diving through it.
As the sensation washed over Valkyrie, they were barely cloaked for a second before Valkyrie felt something slam into her and dig into her back. Valkyrie was ripped from Stardust’s back, the Lightfury whirling around to see what happened when her eyes landed on Toothless, his front claws dug into the scales of Valkyrie’s armour. A class of distress left Stardust as she watched Valkyrie dangle.
Trying to shoot forward to grab Valkyrie back, Toothless deterred her as he turned, keeping his body between Stardust and Valkyrie. That however left Hiccup exposed to Stardust. Slicing her claws into the back of Hiccup’s leather suit, Stardust tried to pull Hiccup from Toothless’s saddle. Hiccup’s foot however got caught. Valkyrie looked up to see why his feet hadn’t fallen from the buckles onto to see a metal foot in its place.
Hiccup’s other foot came undone, jostling him from Toothless’s back and pushing him forward and off until he hung twisted and connected to the saddle, hanging backwards as his head slotted next to Valkyrie’s. The boy let out a nervous laugh as he stared at Valkyrie from upside down, trying not to show too much struggle as Toothless began to fall from the sky as well as having Valkyrie’s deadpan stare on him. “Uh, how’s the view?”
“Really?” Valkyrie asked as she tried to cross her arms, struggling lightly at the tight grip Toothless had on her. As Toothless’s body whirled around, throwing Hiccup and Valkyrie around with him, Valkyrie began to grow worried as Stardust couldn’t get close enough to pull her from Toothless’s grip. “Are you going to do anything about our current situation?”
“I’m working on it,” Hiccup said, slightly more unsure of himself as he pushed himself up, gripping the side of the saddle as he cranked his body up. Slotting himself on Toothless’s back properly, Hiccup could see that they would get too close to the ground for comfort and that Valkyrie was in the crushing zone. Shoving himself nearly off of Toothless’s saddle, Hiccup yelled, “Take my hand Valkyrie.”
“You’re crazy,” Valkyrie said as her head shot down to see how fast they were falling before one of Toothless’s claws left her shoulder, giving her space to swing up and stretch a hand towards Hiccup. As their hands met, a shock ran through Valkyrie’s bones as she was pulled up and pushed behind Hiccup.
“I know. Now, hold on,” Hiccup warned as Toothless’s wings spread, trying to slow down as they crashed down. Valkyrie’s arms instinctively tightened as she dug herself closer to Hiccup’s back. The clanking of Hiccup changing his foot’s position rang before Toothless glided forward, tail nearly smashing into the ground as Hiccup tried to redirect them up.
A sigh escaped Hiccup’s lips as they became suspended in the air again. When Valkyrie didn’t make the instant decision to throw herself from Hiccup’s back, even with Stardust hovering nearby, he leaned forward so he could talk to Toothless. “Take us to the stables, bud.”
Toothless’s gargled response came quickly before he was carefully making his way towards the Edge’s stable. Toothless made sure to keep an eye on Stardust as they flew, the Lightfury hovering as she waited for Valkyrie to signal something to her. Hiccup had half a thought that Stardust might try and pull Valkyrie or Hiccup from Toothless’s back but after the fall they had just suffered he was hoping she wouldn’t try anything. That the Stardust probably didn’t want to hurt Valkyrie.
As Toothless touched down on the stables landing strip, Valkyrie was jumping from Hiccup’s back. She hesitated for a few seconds, eyes darting between the edge of the platform and where Hiccup stood and Stardust flew. But as the other dragon riders landed around her, Stardust fell from the sky and curled herself around Valkyrie’s front, nose scrunched as a snarl started to rise from her throat.
Hiccup was the one who stepped forward, a hand raised as he tried to calm both Valkyrie and Stardust. “We need to talk, Valkyrie. Just hear us out and we’ll let you go.”
“What makes you so certain you can keep me here?” Valkyrie asked, settling a calming hand on Stardust which the dragon ignored, her teeth still bared at the other dragons and riders. Valkyrie’s eyes kept rocketing between those in front of her, trying to stay as aware as possible of who was surrounding her.
“We were able to get you here,” Hiccup brought all of Valkyrie’s attention back to him as he spoke. He still had a hand raised, taking slow steps towards Valkyrie and Stardust every few seconds, making Stardust’s hackles raise. “What makes you think we won’t be able to keep you here?”
“I’ve seen this island on maps before. I know where we are and where the nearest islands are,” Her voice was even as she spoke. Valkyrie took a step forward until she was at Stardust’s side, one of her hands falling into place on Stardust’s saddle. “We could disappear and get there quicker than any of you.”
“Maybe,” Hiccup tried to agree, his head tilting to the side slightly, earning himself a sharper glare from Stardust than he did Valkyrie. Valkyrie’s own eyes hardened, daring Hiccup to say something more. “Look, we have a common enemy. Let us convince you to work with us.”
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walks-the-ages · 4 years ago
In a world where HTTYD 3 wasn't complete crap:
Plot twist! Toothless is not the last Night Fury... he's the first.
"the unholy offspring of lightning and death" could actually mean something, in that Toothless is the theoretically impossible hybrid offspring of two different dragon species (Screaming Death x Skrill? Or two completely different dragon species with Death and Lightning in their names/arsenal), and is the first of his line.
Light(ning) Furies, if they made any appearances at all, would either be a dramatically-different-looking parent species of Toothless that share only a few distinctive traits that lets the characters realize they're related, or "the" Light(ning) Fury (who would actual get a name like everyone else instead of existing purely as Toothless' love interest) would be another hybrid that is around his size and general shape, with a few extra bells and whistles thrown in because she's not a slimmed down feminine copy of Toothless in this universe >:/
And hey! If Lightning Furies are here as one of the parent species, they would either be absolutely massive and spikey with electricity courses between their spines, each wingclap sending the sound of thunder over the land.... or they could be teeny tiny compared to Toothless, quick and darting and streamlined, so fast they attack like lightning, darting in to bite with their sheddable stun-gun teeth before flashing back out of range of retaliation, stalking from the shadows to suddenly strike again from the opposite side without warning, never striking the same spot twice so they don't hurt themselves on their own electric fangs. And no, they would not be pure white, or at least, not all the time. They would have very strong bioluminescence that they use to stun their prey with a blinding flash of light as they attack.
"death Furies" Could be silent, eerie, batlike behemoths that navigate with echolocation and kill with a deadly poison they coat their retractable claws with, a poison that slowly drains the victim's energy as they flee while the Death Fury patiently follows, waiting for the inevitable to take their prey with no hurry in their tremor-causing steps. Or maybe again, they are small, and travel in packs, swarming silently through the shadows as they stalk their prey, overwhelming their prey with their sheer numbers as, alone, a single Death Fury does not have enough venom on their claws to be lethal, so many travel together to bring their poison to a lethal dose in their prey, the death of a thousand cuts.
Toothless COULD have hybrid gigantism and has grown far bigger than both his parents, standing like a protective giant as he defends them from the villain of the year, or he could still be young, still be growing (and have Hiccup commenting that Toothless is going through a growth spurt at the beginning of the movie as he adjust the tailfin's size, and Toothless is significantly larger than he was in the second movie), still small for now as his parents stand taller than a mountain, his lifespan stretching ahead of him for hundreds of years to come until he too flies through the air and blocks out the moon and stars for entire islands with the span of his wings.
Just. These movies had So Much Potential when it comes to design and plot and they just... Ruined it all by tossing everything that was established as having meaning in the previous parts of the series into the trash; as the one post put it, the villain won, the villain burned Berk to the ground, the island home that our main characters have been fighting to the death to protect for generations, and no one, not the audience nor the characters cared or even NOTICED.
Why is every other dragon in existence a myriad of chaotic colors and patterns while Toothless and the Light Furies plain black and white with no creativity? Toothless could have at least canonically been a melanistic mutation and have all other Furies be rainbows to rival Stormfly... but no, the creators aren't even going to show actual Night Furies, unless they're dead pelts of one.
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nocturnasnadderaneas · 4 years ago
thoughts on light fury x stormfly? i'm particularly fond of the AU where Grimmel releases the LF in attempts to woo Toothless, but as he is gay and already has a mate, and she is also gay, she falls in love with strong willed Stormfly who builds her general confidence & confidence with humans and can eventually help her... defeat... Grimmel and liberate the dragons of the hidden world & let them all go in between them school of dragons style
i actually used to be a whole ass “stormlight” warrior but i've kind of drifted away from the pairing after httyd: hc because it showed that the light fury has a horrific personality. i still kind of like it though? i'm basically lukewarm on it now.
your ideas sound wonderful though, it would make a great fic too, if you or anyone else decides to write it. speaking of sod, i haven't played in for fuckin' ever. i wonder if anythin' has changed...
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izzygyrl · 6 years ago
New Friends (Child!Reader x Hiccup Haddock)
Requested By: @imagesofeveryone
A One Shot based off this imagine
Words: 2,148
“Hiccup we’ve done four border patrols in the last hour and a half! Don’t you think we’re going a bit overboard?” Tuffnut asked from atop Belch, his sister beside him on Barf the other head of their shared zippleback dragon.
Hiccup sighed, sharing a quick look with his wife Astrid who was atop Stormfly, her Deadly Nadder. She didn’t say anything but he could see it in her eyes. “I can’t take a chance with the sighting of that Outcast ship when we were flying back to the island. They were way to close for my liking. We have to make sure they’re not any of the surrounding islands hiding out!” He explained to the group.
“H-hiding out?” Fishlegs sputtered nervously. He gazed below him nervously but was distracted when Meatlug his female Gronkle let out a reassuring rumble. “Thanks girl. I’ve got your back too.” He said wrapping his thick arms around her neck, careful to avoid her tiny, rapidly flapping wings.
“I’ll take on 100 outcast’s any day!” Snotlout said as he sat atop his large monstrous nightmare, Hookfang, who seemed to roll his eyes at his riders remark.
What a crazy crew they made.
They were just beginning to fly to the closest islands that was neighboring Berk. It was about an hour flight at a slow flying pace. It had been one of the first Hiccup and Astrid had discovered years ago. The thought brought a smile to his face.
But so much had happened in these past years. The death of Hiccups father...Hiccup becoming chief. And now he had just married his beautiful fiancé Astrid now his beloved wife.
It felt good to get out of the constant meetings and chieftain duties. Recently Hiccup felt like he had been neglecting Toothless. Thankfully he had invented a new tail sail for Toothless where the dragon could control the tail manually and was able to fly on his own. But even with the freedom Toothless missed his partner and companion and his solo flights were the same as when he was with Hiccup.
Through most of the flight there was banter between the group and they discussed the plan where Hiccup and Astrid would do the main island and then the others would do the tinier islands nearby before they would all meet back on Berk.
They finally arrived at the island. Calling out a farewell to the group, Hiccup and Astrid dropped down to the island. As they landed on the beach they quickly took cover before they paused, watching as the group moved on in the direction of the next island.
Husband and wife dismounted as as they did so, something caught Hiccups eye.
“Footprints.” Hiccup muttered. Astrid turned to see her husband was right. A large amount criss crossed but they seemed to be the same person.
“Whoever it is, they’ve been here a while.” Astrid commented.
Hiccup nodded in agreement. “Let’s see where they lead.”
The two vikings, their dragons cautiously following behind, began to make their way off the beach and into the thick trees that lived on the island.
As they traveled deeper into the trees, they came upon a small meadow with a cave off to the left. Suddenly a breeze went up and Stormfly stiffened and let out a chirp. Astrid immediately became alert. “What is it girl?” She asked. Hiccup stopped and saw how his wife’s dragon was intently focused on the cave that was located at the edge of the clearing. As they approached, Hiccup suddenly caught the sound of almost what sounded like scuffles. Hiccup pulled out his sword, to which Toothless let his spines out and let a low growl. Astrid took her ax from her belt, while Stormfly popped her tails spines out, ready to fire them.
As they got to the mouth of the cave Hiccup gave Toothless the command to locate.
Obeying, Toothless let out a low roar, letting him see within the cave. Whatever his reaction would tell the vikings if it was safe to go in.
They waited, for a few seconds as they heard the roar travel into the cave. Suddenly they heard another sound from within the cave.
They were caught by surprise when they saw the Night Fury’s reaction. Toothless all of a sudden let his spines in and cocked his head a curious look on his face. He lowered his head in almost a non threatening way.
“Toothless what…?” Hiccup asked as he gazed at his dragon. Toothless responded by nudging Hiccup towards the cave.
“I think he wants us to go in.” Astrid said.
Together the group of four began to make their way into the cave. Hiccup ignited his sword and the flames illuminated the cave. As they came to mouth Hiccup noticed there was a pile of fish bones lying at a bush close to the entrance. He signaled to Astrid and motioned to the bones.
Someone was definitely here
As Hiccup’s eyes adjusted to the light, he saw the cave wasn’t very deep. As they ventured deeper into the cave there was another sound, this time Hiccup heard it.
It sounded like a whimper.
Hiccup turned to Astrid and he saw she was looking at him, her eyes wide. She had heard it too.
Turning around he went deeper into the cave, approaching where the sound had originated from. Toothless seemed to almost get impatient and leapt ahead and came to stare at a rock that was at the  back of the cave.
As Hiccup came to stand beside the Night Fury he saw what his dragon had detected. He let out a gasp of surprise.
Behind the boulder, a young child was curled up, huddled, her eyes wide in silent fear, as she stared up at Hiccup and Toothless. In her tiny hand was a small rock, Hiccup realizing it was for defense. Hiccup immediately backed up, lowering his sword. “Hey it’s alright!” Hiccup said quickly. Astrid confused came over quickly beside Hiccup and saw what her husband saw. She gasped. “A child?” She said in shock.
Stormfly sensing her riders shock let out a defensive chirp and lashed her tail, which startled the small child.
“Stormfly at ease!” Astrid ordered, to which the Nadder sheathed her spikes and folded her wings, becoming quiet and calm.
Turning back to the girl Astrid met eyes with the girl. “What’s your name?” She asked.
The girl didn’t answer, only stared at the female viking with wide eyes.
Hiccup gave his sword to his wife before he squatted down. “”Don’t be scared. We won’t hurt you. My name is Hiccup and this is Toothless. What’s your name?”  He said in a soft voice, trying not to startle the girl. When she didn’t answer he tried again.“We’re not going to harm you. We’re here to help. This is Astrid my wife and her dragon Stormfly.” He said. The small child didn’t say anything but gazed at the Night Fury, her eyes still wide with fear. Seeming to understand Toothless took a step back before he cocked his head letting his ears cock up and opened his mouth revealing his toothless mouth in a smile. The girl seemed surprised by this before Toothless gave a silly grin, causing the girl to giggle.
“Can you tell me your name?” Hiccup asked.
The girl gazed at him for a moment before she glanced at Astrid and then back to Hiccup. “(Y/N).” She said in a soft voice, the sound echoing around the cave. Hiccup nodded.
“Alright (Y/N). Can you tell me how you got here?” Hiccup asked.
The girl at hearing the question looked down. “I-my village was attacked by invaders. I escaped in a boat but it was sunk and I drifted until I came here.” She said, small tears coming to her face.
Hiccup and Astrid shared a look. “Were your parents with you?” Astrid asked. The girl shook her head. “They were on the boat with me but….” Her voice choked up and that told the two adults everything.
This girl was an orphan.
“It’s alright now. You’re safe. How about we get you out of this cave and back to our island?” He said. (Y/N) gazed at him for a moment before she let out a slow nod.
Standing, Hiccup offered his hand to the girl who took it with slight hesitance. As the girl stood, Hiccup saw her clothes were tattered and ratty.
As they exited the cave the girl shielded her eyes from the light, seeming to be sensitive to it. A moment later suddenly a shadow fell over Hiccup and the girl. Looking over, Hiccup saw Toothless, walking beside him, his wing raised blocking the sun from the girls view. (Y/N) saw and gazed at the Night Fury who gazed back at her, giving her another toothless grin, which got a small smile this time in return.
As they plodded on through the trees towards the beach Hiccup slowly began to step towards Astrid as he saw (Y/N) becoming more comfortable around Toothless. (Y/N) didn’t seem to notice his slow absence as Toothless kept her attention with a variety of silly faces and expressions.
As Hiccup came beside his wife and her dragon she sighed. “What are we going to do with her?” He asked.
Astrid seemed almost shocked by the question. “We’re going to take her back to Berk and….” but his wife’s sentence became unfinished. Hiccup realized she didn’t know what to either.
They walked in silence for a few moments before Hiccup spoke up. “What if we take her in?” He said before he could stop himself.
Astrid blinked in surprise. “Are you serious?” She asked cautiously.
Hiccup glanced at (Y/N) who was admiring Toothless as he showed her his back spikes, and clapped them together playfully before looking to the girl for approval. She gazed at them curiously and surprised Hiccup when she reached out a small and and touched one. Once she deemed them not dangerous she stroked a few, causing Toothless to let out a purring rumble, causing another giggle from (Y/N).
“Well I don’t think Toothless would have it any other way.” Hiccup said with a chuckle. His wife turned to follow his gaze and saw what he did, before a smile fell upon her lips. “I believe you’re right.” She said.
As they came out onto the beach Toothless, lowered his wing and turned back to focus on Hiccup waiting for his rider’s instructions.
“Where’s your boat?” (Y/N) asked curiously.
Astrid and Hiccup shared another look a smile on both their lips. “We didn’t come in one.” Hiccup explained.
“Then how-.” But (Y/N) must have answered her own question in her head because her eyes widened and she gazed at Toothless, who gave another spine clap. She gazed at Hiccup. “You rode a dragon?” She asked in shock.
Hiccup nodded. “Yes. He has a saddle, here see?” Hiccup said, pointing to the saddle upon Toothless’s back. In all the commotion the young child hadn’t noticed.
“You mean I’m going to-” (Y/N) asked pointing to the saddle.
Hiccup nodded. “I’ll be behind you the whole time.” Hiccup said as he threw his peg leg over the Night Fury and clicked it into the stirrup.  Scooting back he held out a hand to the girl. She gazed at the dragon hesitantly. She glanced at Hiccup before gazing at Toothless who gazed at the girl with a soft gaze. He gave another purring rumble. “It’s going to be okay.” Hiccup said in a soft voice.
She gazed at Hiccup for a moment before she offered her hand. Hiccup then took it and pulled her up. He was about to tell her what to do when she quickly swung her leg over easily. He gave a her a surprise blink and when she saw it she replied, “I had a horse.” She said.
Hiccup nodded. “Alright. Well you can hold on here alright?” He said pointing to the saddle horn. He then looked at Toothless. “Alright bud nice and easy!” He said.
Toothless let out a rumble and extended his wings before he took to the sky. (Y/N) gasped clutching onto the horn, her eyes shut tight as the dragon took off. As the rose into the sky she could hear the wind whistle past her as they did so.
“It’s alright (Y/N). Open your eyes.” Hiccup said in her ear.
She did as he said and gasped at what she saw. They were high above the water, gliding. The girl had never seen anything so beautiful before.
Toothless saw the girls reaction and gave another toothless grin.
“I felt the same way the first time I rode.” Hiccup told the young girl.
“Does it ever get old?” She asked.
Hiccup smiled as he met Toothless’s gaze before he focused back on the horizon.
Hope you enjoyed it! Request are open! 
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william-afton-positivity · 5 years ago
Oooooo! Speaking of fandoms *slides over* what about....favorites ships? 👀
Hehe I got a few good ships
Chromewind (chromedome x rewind even tho its canon)
G1 Optimus x Elita One
TFP Optimus x Arcee
Preceptor x brainstorm
TFP Starscream x TFP Knockout
TFP Knockout x TFP Breakdown
Sort of ship Megatron x Staracream but more of an AU where its not an abusive thing
Springtrap x self insert/OC
Freddy x Bonnie
Molten Freddy x Mangle
Springtrap x Nick (from Springtrap And Deliah fancomic)
Toothless x Stormfly (even if he's with the Light Fury)
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alwaysahiccupandastrid · 6 years ago
Okay so I get that part of the beauty of films is that everyone takes away something different from them, but I just want to say that I personally don’t get how people can watch HTTYD3 and think that the message is trying to force “romantic love over friendship love”.
When Stoick says “there’s no greater gift than love”, I think he’s talking about love in general. There’s love between lovers, sure, but also it cuts to Hiccup and Toothless afterwards because they have a love for each other as friends (perhaps even similar to brothers you could argue). You have the love between friends, between father and son, mother and son, human and dragon. I felt like the whole “no greater gift than love” and “it hurts but it’s worth it” wasn’t specifically talking about romantic love - the first thing I thought of was my grandmother who passed away. You could argue that “with love comes loss” applies to Stoick x Valka, Hiccup losing his father, Hiccup and Toothless parting ways, Hiccup losing and refinding his mother etc. etc.
I wrote this in a fic once but you can’t really compare the romantic love shared between Hiccup and Astrid to the bond between Hiccup and Toothless - I’ve thought about this and I think that Hiccup loves both of them, probably equally, but in different ways. (Ditto for Toothless x Light Fury too, by the way) For example, you can love your husband and your father equally but in VERY different ways. I mean, Toothless is Hiccup’s best friend, the one who helped him grow into the man he is, who protected him and made him feel worthy. It’s even said during the film that he feels like he’s nothing without Toothless. He loves his dragon so much. Meanwhile, Astrid is basically the love of Hiccup’s life - he crushed on her for years, eventually got to actually know her properly as friends, they became a couple and were betrothed for a number of years if you go by the television show(s). While they both show a reluctance to get married (it’s not the right time), Hiccup isn’t 100% against the idea - it’s just not the time yet (Astrid seems to feel the same way). I think we can assume that Hiccup and Astrid knew they’d definitely get married someday, when they were ready and not because anyone else said they had to.
To add to my above point, there’s strong parallels drawn throughout the entire series between Hiccup and Toothless’ lives; both of them use a prosthetic for a missing body part on the left side, Toothless becomes Alpha as Hiccup steps up as Chief etc. The parallels are all deliberate, which is why I think the “Furies mate for life” can also be applied to Hiccup and the other men in his family; just as Furies mate for life, we see that Hiccup has only ever loved and wanted to be with Astrid. In fact, it applies to Stoick too, who never wanted another after Valka disappeared, and after not seeing her for 20 years, his first words to her are “You’re as beautiful as the day I lost you” - he was in love with Valka for life, no doubt.
I went off track in my points above but my original point was that Hiccup’s love for Toothless and his love for Astrid are completely different and not really comparable. They’re both extremely important to him and play different roles in his life - it would be like comparing Hiccup and Stormfly in Astrid’s life.
Toothless and the other dragons didn’t just leave because he found a mate. Over the six years of Berk having dragons, despite trying to make it work, there’s always enemies out there (The outcasts, the berserkers, dragon hunters, Drago, Grimmel) - as Hiccup says, their enemies are getting smarter and more determined. Consider what would happen if the whole world heard of dragons being able to be tamed and ridden - you can imagine how they would be used for war and destruction. Everyone can preach all they want about how it would be entirely possible to have a 100% happy ending where dragons and humans co-existed but I honestly don’t think it would happen - greedy humans, as Valka would say. I mean have you seen how humans have treated creatures on our earth in the past?? There will always be evil people who will twist this knowledge to suit them and their businesses.
Hiccup and Toothless are best friends, 100%, and no one is denying that their bond is special. But consider that (since they’re the same age according to Valka) they’ve been friends since they were approx. 15 years old - by HTTYD3, they’re approx. 21 years old. The friends you have growing up aren’t necessarily going to be your best friends who you keep in touch with every single day. People move on and start their lives with jobs, partners, families etc. Both Toothless and Hiccup realize this, I think, and it’s something they both seem to want - Hiccup marries Astrid + they have a family, Toothless finds a lifelong mate and has hatchlings. They both have responsabilities that they must fill for their people/dragons: Hiccup must be Chief and protect his people, and Toothless must protect his fellow dragons in the Hidden World. Friends do grow apart and refind each other years later, and it’s almost like they’ve never been apart - which is what it’s like for Hiccup and Toothless when they do catch up ten years later.
The overreaching arc of this series has been watching Hiccup grow up; from a scrawny 15 year old runt all the way to a mature, caring adult and Chief who will protect his people. Saying goodbye to friends, becoming your own person, flying the nest (both literally and figuratively), even when it’s only temporarily, is a part of growing up.
Everyone saying that they wanted Hiccup and Toothless to stay the way they were forever are forgetting that dragons aren’t just glorified pets - treat them like you would any creature with human intelligence.
Dragons are wild animals - they are meant to be free, to live in the open. Yes they had a certain amount of freedom on Berk and were, for the most part, safe. But they don’t deserve to be treated as what is essentially pet horses. I’m not saying that the dragons didn’t love the Vikings on Berk it anywhere else in the world, but they belong in the wild.
Hiccup’s friendship-love for Toothless is so strong that he’s willing to die so that the Light Fury can save Toothless. He’s willing to sacrifice himself so Toothless can be saved, so that he can be happy with the Light Fury, because he loves his best friend that much. To me, that sends a VERY strong message about the power of friendship-love and how important it is.
Like this isnt about shipping or whether you liked the movie or not, but this is just my take on it.
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sheepishlyshippingsheep · 6 years ago
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A year-2014 Miyo art
I was browsing my old Deviantart account because I found out someone uploaded an old HTTYD art of mine to a site that provides “free” images .__. without my permission and saw this Human!Toothless x Human!Stormfly when I still did art with a mouse. Back in the days, I lowkey shipped those two dragons xD way way before HTTYD 3.
Though I know Toothless is happy with the Light Fury now, I’d still probably redraw this piece one of these days
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