#tooth extraction tw
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ex0rin · 2 years ago
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Frank Grillo as Roy Pulver 1/?? Boss Level (2020)
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penvisions · 4 months ago
survived the first night, y’all
first 12 hours was intense and insane, read it will initially be the most painful during the first 7-10 days and will take an entire MONTH to heal completely. soft foods, no dairy, and because of the tooth i got pulled was the last one on the bottom, my jaw is bruised all to hell
there are v few instances in life where being single truly bothers me and this is one of them. to have someone to help wake me up for pain meds so they don’t lapse, ask me if i’m okay or need anything, just help emotionally and lay in bed with me while the chills set in and the shock wars off…
wasn’t able to afford to take work off with the holidays looming near and being just two bakers right now, so work is going to be interesting when i go in at midnight
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postnuclearophelia · 2 months ago
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things i got today including my wisdom tooth that got pulled out
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bluemusickid · 24 days ago
Idk what american dentists give their patients for wisdom tooth removal, but all i got was local anaesthetic and none of the stuff that makes you funny and loose
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sunkissedlouis · 11 months ago
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itsalwaysdark · 5 months ago
ughhh the stupid fucking tooth is rly stressing me out. i never shouldve moved to fucking washington i wish i could go back in time and hit 18 year old me in the head with a hammer .
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ramblingzombpossum · 1 year ago
Now that my spleen is taken care of, I decided it was time to do away with my wisdom teeth.
Am I in pain?
Am I going to do anything about it?
Am I still certain if I walked out of that office without having them ripped out of my conscious mouth, I never would have gone back and lived on with infection in my mouth?
Fuck yeah I would have, I don't like dentists, and the moment they brought out the novacaine I was about to bolt. Not because of the needle, I just hate that shit.
The had to drill one of my teeth part way in half, then apply extreme pressure to break the tooth and pull it out, and 10/10, it was still better than having that first fucking drain.
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burnhamandtilly · 2 years ago
can't believe I had a panic attack and almost passed out on the dentist's chair.. but at least I got the goddamned tooth extracted
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maevefinnartist · 2 years ago
I got half of my wisdom teeth out (the right hand side ones) on Tuesday (four days ago) and ever since then the hair around the right side my mouth is extremely thick and coarse and growing SO FAST. for so many years I've fantasized about being able to grow a beard and I thought having stubble would be extreme gender euphoria vibes but no holy shit it itches and the dermatillomania is telling me RIP EACH INDIVIDUAL HAIR OUT
TLDR; is it normal to suddenly have the beginnings of a beard after getting wisdom teeth out?
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confusedkain · 1 year ago
I have to go off on a tangent with this which will include a horror experience I had with my wisdom teeth. If at any point a dentist tells you you should get them removed? DO IT. I can not stress that enough. All 4 of mine were growing in, I had a dentist tell me to get rid of them because of just HOW they were growing in and that was at a young age. My mother dismissed it because I wasn't feeling any pain... Until 5+ years later. Wisdom teeth take a long time to grow and in my time of having them, only one was removed without much problem and it was due to it growing in crooked and would make my other teeth crooked. The other three ALL became impacted, cracked, and the last one left with a big fight by somehow becoming infected and it spread throughout my jaw! That one was so bad that I could have died from blood poisoning due to being near a major artery in my jaw! I was out of work (a job I had literally just started) for nearly a week and was crying in so much intense pain from those things. INTENSE PAIN. Pain you CAN NOT stop unless with a direct injection with pain killer. No amount of pills, numbing gel or anything helped me and I was given all sorts of stuff, including vicodin which did NOTHING. I couldn't sleep for days and had to get emergency surgery done. The later you wait, the harder they are to remove, just like tonsils which to this day I am spiteful of my mother for not removing them because they bring me nothing but infections and they're too large for me, even ask an adult. So, I shall repeat myself:
If at any point a dentist tells you you should get them removed? DO IT. They're not worth it.
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penvisions · 4 months ago
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been slowly working on the next chapters for {gone to the dogs} and {return the favor}. even been working on a little one shot for {by the grit of sandpaper} and the first chapter of {black hole sun} while on my prolonged bedrest
i didn't anticipate taking time off work but two days doesn't seem like enough now...i will be going back to work tomorrow though and most likely working a straight week to make up hours. tooth pain is serious, this whole ordeal has seriously knocked me on my ass. if you have any, please see a dentist and get treatment started, don't let it get worse. granted my dental health was impacted greatly by my chemo
x.o dev
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clancysstole · 5 months ago
Having a certifiably Bad Time right about now bc I'm having delayed complications from my wisdom tooth surgery. The whole right side of my jaw is swollen as HECK and I look ridiculous, not to mention it HURTS. I really hope I'm better by next week cause that's the week of my concert :'((( I just wanna see the boys and have a good time
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wolfie-queen-bri · 7 months ago
Tooth extraction was successful! Photo under this.
Trigger Warnings: Tooth, Blood, The Color Red, Bone (Tooth is bone?)
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rosekins621 · 1 year ago
So I think I have a mild flu case or a nasty cold cos I've been sick for like 3???? Days now. Anyway I'm missing g the horse and don't get to see people smile at the updated coloring pages tomorrow! Also getting all for of my wisdom teeth out on Halloween. One of them has a really bad cavity that could abscess.
Can I not have a health issue or more of the week?
/light hearted venting
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graylinesspam · 2 years ago
Did you know that sometimes when getting a tooth pulled that claw-foot motherfucker might just decide to take some of your jawbone with it?
Cause I didn't.
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thebeegalaxy · 2 years ago
tw: Venting, Neglect, Abuse, Mother issues,
Will I always be less than priority?
Im assured that I'm priority, Im assured that when I need someone I can just ask. But every single time I actually need someone they flake, dismiss me, and push my issues to the side.
I was assured that after my dentist appointment I could rest and would have someone there if I needed. The day comes, and everyone flakes. Im forced to go do work and errands because my Care-family cant keep a single promise.
I thought that it would be better after I left my moms. I guess I was severely mistaken.
I thought that leaving my moms abusive and neglectful house would mean that someone would finally care. Leaving has meant I'm no longer yelled at, dishes are no longer thrown, I can finally take care of my mental and physical health; I am finally allowed to go to doctors without the fear of what may happen when I do. I am no longer her therapist.
I guess I was naiive to think that leaving abuse would mean someone would finally care about me and my wellbeing.
I care about me; When will someone else do the same?
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