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I always adore your art but your recent comic with the tamaharu baby tickled me so much I had to send an ask about it. I love your future character designs, and the dialogue was spot-on. I could hear each character's voice so clearly in my head that it felt like I was reading the manga for the first time again after more than a decade :') Thank you for the nostalgia, and for the cute, beautiful, and funny art 💙
What!!! Thank you so much! Impossibly high praise 🥹🥹🥹 comics are my # 1 love (and my job now!!) so hearing they resonate means so much. Your message is really motivating me to finish the other ouran comic wips I have floating around in my drafts!!
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hello! many apologies if this has been answered somewhere, but may I ask what brushes/program you use in your art?
please have a look at my #brush info tag, i use clipstudio paint 👍
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Happy Birthday!!
Thank you!! <3
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IRONIC your character's car breaks down, What do they do? (90% for Phee 🥰)
No fucking way.
Hmmmmm… I feel like this is a Henry area so Phee would not bother to learn anything helpful. Why would she, when he’s always going to be available to help her? She calls Henry then starts walking to wherever it was she was going, unless it’s better for her to stay put, in which case she goes a little stir crazy and starts exploring the immediate area hoping to find something cool/fun to do.
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Rrrrevenge incoming!! lovely ladies for @toooceanblue and @princefleabitten <3
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(vamp belongs to @toooceanblue)
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Extremely last minute to announce but I'm doing art fight this year if anyone wants to give me a follow x 😊 Username is toooceanblue!
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#somebody didnt watch the old irish spongebob recalling his life and husband video huh. (tag from @toooceanblue that made me laugh)

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ooohhh may I request blupjeans with 25 or 27 from the fluff prompts if you are still accepting!!!
both both both!!
25. "I've missed you so much!"
27. "You're crazy if you think I'm letting you sleep on the couch."
The moon is quiet in the absence of the Hunger. There's broken glass pretty much everywhere, leaving gaps in the domes that have hastily been repaired with spells and, in some cases, fantasy duct tape. A good few walls have crumbled and for the ones that are still standing, the doors have been busted through. But the power is still on, flickering as it may be. The elevators still work, making the end of the world seem a little more serene.
The Reclaimers' Dorm was one of the only places on the entire moon that didn't look completely destroyed. The furniture is crooked and all their plates are smashed from when the Hunger slammed into the quad, but most of the heavier things are still in place. The shower works. The doors are still on their hinges. It's a mess, but a self-imposed one.
By the time Barry got out of the shower, it seemed like half the employees of the Bureau were asleep in the living room. He didn't know the majority of these people, but Magnus was curled up next to a dragonborn, and Davenport was propped up against the couch with another gnome man, so he figured they were at least people he could trust. Angus, who Barry had met very briefly earlier, was underneath a thick quilt and burrowed into the side of an orc woman.
Barry took about two steps towards the living room before a haze of red blocked his path.
Today had been... wild. Absolutely fucking wild. He still wasn't quite used to having a body yet, but luckily no one saw him try to phase through the bathroom door on his way out. He had spent ten years waiting for this- waiting for the Hunger to come again, waiting for a gap in Lucretia's plan where he could slip in, waiting to see Lup again, and now that it was here, that everything was done? Barry... didn't know what to do with himself.
"Babe, you're crazy if you think I'm letting you sleep on the couch," Lup said, spectral hands laying themselves on his shoulders.
And Lup. She was here again, she had always been here, just a few feet away any time he saw Taako. Just barely out of reach.
"I don't really, uh, have a bed," Barry said.
"Yes, you do," Lup said, pushing on his shoulders to get him to turn around. He let himself be guided past the living room and down the hall. A few paintings had fallen down and he carefully stepped past them. They reached an open door and Barry poked his head in to see Taako. He wasn't asleep yet, but he looked exhausted.
"I- I don't wanna take your space-"
"Get in the fucking bed, Barold," Taako said.
"Getting in," Barry said, slipping further into the room. He took off his glasses, placing them on Taako's crooked bedside table, and then tucked himself in beside Taako. They barely fit together, but Barry really couldn't find it in him to mind. His skin felt a little prickly when Taako adjusted and brushed against his arm. When was the last time he had had a hug?
"Big day, huh?" Lup said. She was floating a little above them, though she just looked like a red blob now that Barry had taken his glasses off. Taako snorted.
"That's one way of putting it," he said. "I'm fuckin' zonked. I'm gonna sleep for days."
"Yeah, uhm. Same," Barry said. Lup let out a little laugh and if Taako relaxed a little next to him at the sound, Barry wasn't going to comment on it. He turned flat on his back, staring up towards Lup. Taako was facing the wall now.
"Light off?" Lup asked.
"Please don't," Barry said.
"Still scared of the dark?" Taako asked. "You fuckin'... lived in a cave for ten years, my dude."
"I had a nightlight," Barry said.
"Of course you did," Taako said.
They lapsed into silence and Barry let his eyes close. There was an awful ache all over his body. The shower had eased it some earlier, but now it was just pounding away at his bones. He tried to think about something else, about anything else, but it always came back to the throbbing underneath his skin. He had skin now. He was alive. Taako was here. Lup was here.
Barry opened his eyes as Taako shifted in his sleep, ending up half on top of him. The prickling cascaded into an uncomfortable feeling of burning, something hot bubbling just under his skin. Forget a hug, when was the last time someone had touched him that wasn't just a punch? Maybe when they had given him a healing potion after the gerblins? No one even mentioned that being a lich would make you touch-starved.
But he still got touch. Not a lot, but more than Lup had in the umbrastaff, alone for ten whole years-
"I missed you so much," Barry whispered. Lup turned in midair, looking down on him. She floated a bit closer, pressing a hand to his face. It didn't feel like anything. Barry's heart hurt a little bit in his chest.
"I missed you too," Lup said. "Every day."
"I never stopped looking for you," Barry said, feeling a growing lump in his throat. He tried to swallow, but it stayed. "Never."
"I know," Lup said. "I'm... I'm so sorry, babe, I-" she sighed and her form seemed to deflate with it. "I'm here now, okay? I know you were trying. You can rest now. I'm here."
"I love you," Barry said and Lup's form crackled, just a little bit. She brought her hood down to his face and Barry wished so badly that he could hold her for real, that he could kiss her again-
"I love you too, babe," she said. "Sleep."
"You'll be here in the morning?" Barry asked and Lup was nodding before he even got the whole question out.
"I'm never leaving you again," Lup said. "I promise." She swiped a ghostly finger over his cheek and Barry realized he was crying. He wiped it away himself. Again, she said, "I love you."
"I love you too," Barry said and closed his eyes again.
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lup in this cool outfit!
[ID: illustration of lup, a slim elven woman with brown skin and light wavy hair. she’s smiling with her eyes closed and wearing a flowing red cape over a body suit and tall boots. she’s holding her umbrella with lights up a bright blue light over her.
second image is a screenshot of a reply from @toooceanblue saying “maybe Lup wearing some comfy or cool clothes?”]
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#I wrote a fic on this premise XD
@toooceanblue gimme
oh blupjeans could hack this so bad with stolen century + lichdom + merle highchurch
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🥤🥤🥤🥤🥤 no idea what these emojis show up as to you but to me they are soft drink to-go cups. They have Dr. Pepper in them please get well soon.
oh my gosh i didnt see these until now. thank you so so much for the dr pepper u r my hero
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Stone by Stone
Fandom/Pairing: RNM, Michael/Alex
Length: ~1800
Tags: Free Verse, Second person POV, Season 1, Canon compliant
Notes: Thank you @saadiestuff for your episode guide and transcripts, they were invaluable. Title from Would You Come Home. Sorry (not sorry) to @toooceanblue, you made one (1) comment expressing passing interest in my obsession and then I had to write you 2000 words about it.
On AO3 here.
You’re seventeen.
You want to make music
And hang out with your friends
And kiss a boy
(But you can’t because your father might kill you.
You don’t know how he knew you were gay
Before you did
But you’ve always known
One wrong move and he’d kill you for who you are.)
You see the smartest boy in school
Sitting in the back of his truck
Playing a guitar
Playing your guitar
Your heart pounds as you confront him,
There’s just something about him…
You see he’s living in his truck.
“There's this toolshed out behind my house,” you say.
“It's warm and I go there when things get bad.”
You’re relieved when he starts sneaking in
Sleeping in your safe place
It’s cold at night.
He pulls you in and you can’t explain it.
You bring him your guitar,
Just doing a nice thing for a friend.
“When I play, my entropy changes.
Everything goes quiet,” he explains.
You feel exactly the same
When you look into his eyes.
He comes to see you at work.
“Can we talk somewhere private?”
He’s nervous, he fidgets.
You sigh and lead him back into the museum.
You think you know where this is going
But then he kisses you and…
You’d stay in Roswell, if only he kept kissing you.
“Have you ever done this before?”
“Yeah, but not with…”
“A guy?”
You both laugh, giddy. It feels like love.
“Yeah. And not with someone I’ve liked
As much as I like you.”
Your first time together is perfect.
Your father walks in as you’re getting dressed.
Dread fills you.
A hammer.
Your love will never play guitar again.
Everything changes and it’s your fault.
(It’s your father’s fault, but
You should have known better.
You should have known you weren’t safe.)
Your love starts getting arrested
And bails on his scholarship.
He’s locked up the day you leave.
You go to war for ten years
And lose more than just your leg.
You’re back in Roswell
Back under your father’s thumb
But you’re just waiting
Wishing to find something to use against him
And you come across…your love.
“Your father must be proud,” he says
And you’ve learned not to flinch when you’re hit.
Because your instinct is to hit back
“You are wasting your life,” you say.
And you hit again:
“Does the macho cowboy swagger thing
Ever get old with you?”
And he hits back:
“Did it get old for you?”
(Your heart screams out because
No, it never did.)
Tempers cool, he finds you again.
You tell him you thought he’d be long gone
By the time you returned.
(You don’t tell him it’s what you’d hoped for him.)
“Is that what you want?” he asks.
“We're not kids anymore. What I want doesn't matter.”
Yet you’re drawn together again, like something…
You try to ignore him when you see him at your friend’s bar
(“It cannot happen again,” you told him
Even as you tried to trap your brain’s logic behind gritted teeth.
His whole face shut down and you tried not to feel sick.
“What happened? I was pretty wasted,” he lied.)
Still, she reads you better than anyone.
She can’t weasel the story out of you,
She never can, even all these years later,
But she does remind you that
Home doesn’t have to mean
A white picket fence and a family.
Home can be a person.
When you were seventeen,
You thought he could be that person.
Maybe he still could.
You let your heart’s words fly freely this time,
And tell him he makes you feel young
When he looks at you like that
Like you felt before war and your father tore you apart.
But that every time he looks away,
It almost kills you
Every time.
“I never look away,” he tells you. “Not really.”
And you’re pulled into him again like something…
You panic when his sister almost finds you
Which is stupid, you know,
You’re twenty-eight, you’re an adult;
Who cares if you’re found
In another man’s bed?
You remember the feel of his mangled hand
As it skimmed across your skin last night
You know why you care if you’re found
In this man’s bed,
And you know why it really shouldn’t matter.
That doesn’t stop your panic from hurting him as he leaves.
You fucked up with that, you know it,
So you find him later at the drive-in,
Buy him a drink in an offer of peace.
Your eyes plead with him that you want to make this work.
He takes the drink and sits with you.
You’re on a date with your love in public.
Your father arrives and gets into your head
Just like he always does
And he ruins it.
(But if you’re being honest with yourself,
It’s just like your love said right before he drove away:
You were looking for an excuse, weren’t you?)
Now that you’re done,
There’s nothing to hold you back,
No one to worry over or protect.
You’ve waited your life to find leverage over your father
And now you’re free
To do what it takes to end him.
And you do.
You find government conspiracies
And alien artifacts
And illegal operations.
In your father’s conspiracies you find your love
And he tells you your love was using you.
You shake your head in disbelief
Because even after everything
You feel in your heart it’s not true.
“These aliens are monsters,” says your father
And speaks about “incident after incident of
unprovoked violence.”
And that’s when you see red,
Remembering a hammer, wielded by your father,
And your love’s maimed hand.
“I’m going to destroy the thing you love most,” you tell your father,
Rage cooled to ice,
Because he did the same to you.
The next time you see your love
You don’t see an alien
You see a world of hurt
Only some of which
Was caused by you.
“Is this really how it ends?” he asks
And his hurt is a barbed wire whip
As he reduces ten years to just sex.
Raw and bleeding
Your reaction is still
To return the pain.
the world ends with a whimper.”
If you’d said anything else
Maybe things would have turned out different.
Maybe he wouldn’t have--
By the time you see him again
He’s slept with your best friend.
You start to walk away,
Every cell in your body urging you to run
Protect yourself.
“I'm tired of walking away.
I'm tired of not saying
What I want to say.”
The words won’t
Be held back any longer.
“I loved you.
And I think that you loved me.
For a long time.”
You barely wait for his quiet agreement
Before the confusion you’ve wrestled with
For months
For years
Bursts forth.
“But we didn't even know each other that well,
Did we?
We just connected like something…”
He finishes your thought and
You look into his eyes and
You finally see it too.
“I want to talk,” you tell him.
“I want to start over
I want to be your friend.
I want to know who you are,”
I want everything,
You manage to bite back
Though your heart is screaming it.
You see clarity in his eyes
But you worry he still doesn’t get it
So when he asks,
“Do you want to know who I am,
Or do you want to know what I am?”
Your only answer is,
He’s telling you things
About his childhood
About his family
You’re having the most
Honest conversation you’ve ever had
It both fills your heart
(“Why are you showing me this?”
“If anyone’s gonna destroy me,
Might as well be you.”)
And breaks it.
(“If I can find the rest,
I can attach it to a vehicle.”
“You’re trying to leave.
The planet.”)
He’s trying to leave.
And that’s it,
You need a moment away
You need the time to breathe
Breathe through the thought
That cosmic or not,
You may not ever be meant
To keep things
From another world.
So you leave him.
You forget for a minute
Who he spent last night with
And you go to the bar
Because who else do you run to
When you’re hurt
But your best friend?
You try not to let her know
Who’s the source of your trouble
But she reads your heart
Better than anyone
And you feel your friendship
You can’t blame her
She didn’t know.
(You didn’t want her to know.)
And you can’t blame him
For loving her.
(She’s special to you too.)
You don’t think about it.
There are other worries.
You focus on your family
Their history fighting his
You learn of a site
Outside of town.
Your bring your love
To learn what he can
And standing outside
He feels their pain.
He hears their screams.
You feel a sense of dread.
Your brother’s there
Always obeys your father’s commands.
Hurting innocents
Creating weapons
You’re here to make it stop
End a legacy of pain.
Your love finds his people
Locked in cages
Abused for years.
He finds one he knows
Sees her face
Remembers her smile.
He does the only thing he can
Lights flash.
Alarms blare.
Building implosion impending.
“Nothing gets out alive!” you scream
Minutes left to destruction.
“They’re my family!” he replies
He won’t leave them again.
Your chest fills with panic
Your eyes with tears
You don’t know what this will mean
But you can’t hold back,
“And you’re mine!”
He shakes his head
A vicious snarl on his face
When he tells you to leave
Says he doesn’t love you.
You call him a liar
And plant your feet.
You can’t leave him again
You won’t.
He turns to the woman
Confined in a cage of glass.
They touch hands through the wall
A message passed
Mother to son.
You wish there were time,
But sirens cut through
Their precious moments.
He turns back and tells you
She wants him to go.
You both look at her
One more time
Before you push him toward the door.
You’re grateful to her
For helping you save his life
Moments before she loses hers.
You want to talk to him
About everything
Apologize and beg forgiveness
For your family’s part
In every pain
That’s been brought upon him.
You wait for him to come home
Hoping for the time to speak.
But he’s manic, covered in blood,
Something’s happening that he won’t explain,
But he promises you’ll talk tomorrow,
So for tomorrow
You can wait.
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Obviously no pressure if you'd rather not but I would literally LOVE to see a picture of sharpie sleeve tattoo if its still there and you wanted to share :3c

here’s the pic of it I got last night before I showered plus a pic of the dragon face which I just went ahead and drew over again but I didn’t do the scales bc that would take a while and I am supposed to be doing homework
#don’t rb#toooceanblue#asks#I might go in and do the scales again before life drawing tonight so it doesn’t look weird#but that’s dependent on whether I can get my hw done before then or no
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Ooohhh happy birthday!!!
Thank you :V!!!
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OP literally tears my heart out with her writing but go off I guess
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