#took him to the mall & he walked out in this....
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Uncle!Sukuna Part 6
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
Uncle!Sukuna who puts his plan for a second date on temporary hold. The day after the incident with Yuji, you sat him and Sukuna down for that "talk" about why they shouldn't resort to violence, and what other methods they could use to get their emotions out. He hated every second of it. But he did enjoy watching you in your professional element. You were stern and serious, but still had a gentleness about you that showed you actually cared.
Uncle!Sukuna who was falling, real hard, real fast.
But he pushed that aside, instead offering to take Choso out for the day that weekend. He could tell the boy needed some cheering up, and your worry was only getting worse, so he offered to take Choso to some "kid-appropriate guy stuff", and asked you to help Yuji with the finishing touches on his project. Both boys were up for it, and when Saturday hit, you and Yuji waved Choso and him goodbye.
Uncle!Sukuna who couldn't deny that the car ride was a little awkward. He still wasn't very good with kids, and honestly, he was starting to wonder what he was thinking when he offered to do this. He liked the kid, sure, but he knew very little about him. One thing he did know was that Choso and himself were very bad with people, and general socialization wasn't really their thing. So from the house to the mall, the car was silent.
It wasn't until he parked, turning the car off, that Choso spoke.
"I know you like my mom."
Sukuna is silent, stunned by the sudden call-out. He stares out the windshield blankly before his eyes move to the rearview mirror, meeting Choso's. Th boy looks calm and sure.
"You don't have be friendly with me just to get on her good side. She already likes you too." Choso added after a short period of silence.
His words make Sukuna's brow furrow. He ignores the part about you liking him back, turning his head to glare straight at the boy.
"Listen, brat. You're here with me because I wanted you to be, not so I could get brownie points with your mom. Now say something like that again, and I'll throw you in the mall fountain." He quickly got out of the front, leaving Choso to blush at his words. He has a small smile on his face when he climbs out.
Nothing more was said as they walked into the mall. Sukuna took him to the comic store first, that being the whole reason they were there. He watched as the kids eyes lit up, looking around at all the images of his favorite superhero's . It made Sukuna smirk.
"Get what you want. If you see something you think Yuji would like too, let me know." He said before they split up. Choso went to look for his favorites, making sure to keep an eye out for Yuji's too.
Sukuna kept his eye on the kid as he browsed, not caring much about looking at the selection. But his eyes caught on one of the covers, making him pause as a memory surfaces from the pits of his brain.
A young Sukuna is approached by his twin, the younger of the two having his usual grin on his face, while his older brother had nothing but a scowl. Sukuna barely acknowledged his brother until he is standing in front of him, looking far to excited for no reason at all.
"It's our birthday tomorrow!" Jin replied. Sukuna rolled his eyes.
"I know that, idiot. Like you said, it's our birthday."
"Well I wanted to give you your present early."
Sukuna looked at his younger twin, confused. They never got each other gifts.
He doesn't get a chance to ask before Jin pulls out a flat, wrapped gift from behind his back. He holds it out to Sukuna, his grin never wavering. Sukuna slowly takes it, holding it in his hand for a second with a skeptical look on his young face.
"Open it." Jin encouraged.
Sukuna listened, tearing off the wrapping paper slowly to reveal a comic book still preserved in the plastic. Sukuna examines the cover, recognizing it as one he's seen Jin read before, one that Sukuna had actually been interested in reading (though he never said that).
"I know you've wanted to read it, so i thought I'd get you a copy. That way, it's something we can enjoy together." Jin admits, practically bouncing up and down with his excitement for Sukuna's reaction.
The older twin is surprised by the thoughtfulness of the gift, and his twins desire to have something they can share. It makes his chest feel full, but he clears his throat in an attempt to appear unaffected. Even at 10, he preferred appearing reserved.
"Uh..thanks, loser." He says after a second, ignoring his brothers grin. Jin can see right through him. "I didn't get you anything." He adds.
"That's okay. Just make sure to tell me what you think once you've read it."
Jin leaves, and Sukuna is left looking down at the colorful cover.
That comic was one of the few things Sukuna ever shared with his brother. It was one of the few things they could talk about and enjoy, finally having a common ground. Sukuna would never had said it before, but he could admit, at least to himself, now that this one comic brought him and Jin a little bit closer.
Which is why he picks it up, not bothering to look at anything else when he moves toward Choso. The kid had already picked out a few comics, some for him, some for Yuji (though he couldn't read that well yet). The two checked out, before making their way through the rest of the mall.
They walked through a few stores, Sukuna buying whatever Choso wanted without complaint. The kid was grateful each time, not expecting Sukuna to do so. But eventually, Sukuna was tired of hearing "are you sure? thank you" over and over.
"Say thank you again and I'll take it all back." He threatened. Choso laughed, nodding in agreement. Sukuna wasn't as intimidating when you got to know him.
They finished their afternoon with some food in the food court, before leaving with plenty of bags and two full bellies.
The care ride back was far less awkward, but the two still didn't talk much. They simply enjoyed the low music playing through the radio, and the easy ride home.
When they were close to the neighborhood, Choso spoke up.
"If you and my mom get married, would that make Yuji my brother?"
Sukuna blinked in surprise, glancing at the boy in the mirror. Choso had a curious look on his face, genuinely wondering.
"Yuji isn't my son." Sukuna answered after a moment, ignoring the feeling he gets at the idea of marrying you.
"So he'd be my..cousin?" Choso asked. That wasn't as cool as 'brother' but it wouldn't be too bad.
"I...I guess. Technically, yeah." Sukuna answered, trying to brush it off with a shrug. He didn't know why they were talking about this. "But your mom and I aren't even dating, so don't worry about shit like that."
"But you both want to date. Don't you?"
"Don't you have other things to worry about, brat? Since when are you so damn nosey?"
"Mom says it's good to be curious and ask questions."
"Yeah well, not about this. Just worry about your comics and your ma and I will worry about..all the other stuff."
Choso huffed, not happy with his question going unanswered, but figured it didn't make sense to push it. Not right now, at least.
"Well, I like you. And Yuji. So I hope, even if you don't date my mom, you both stick around." Choso admits. Sukuna looks back at him again.
"Yeah?" He sees Choso nod. "Well I...we like you too kid." He says, his voice a lot quieter and soft. His eyes return to the road, right as they turn down the street to your house.
Neither of them say anything more, but both feel a little bit lighter at the confession.
Uncle!Sukuna who walked into your house a few minutes later, to the sound of upbeat music playing and two voices, very off tune, singing along. He shares a look with Choso, before they walk further in. They stop at the kitchen, seeing you and Yuji dancing around together while seemingly baking. There's a sheet of cookies already laid on the counter to cool, telling Sukuna you both have probably been at this for a bit. He smirks as the smell finally catches up with Choso, who rushes forwards towards the two of you. The sound of his steps catches your attention.
Once again, Sukuna is sure his heart stops when you give your son a large grin, hugging him tightly. It gets worse when you look up, giving Sukuna the exact same beautiful smile.
You turn down the music as he walks into the room fully, Yuji immediately running towards his uncle to be picked up. His bright grin is in place as he starts to ramble about the things the two of you did. He's talking so fast that Sukuna can't understand but a few words, but he doesn't bother interrupting the boy. He simply holds him with one arm, staring at him with a raised, unamused brow. He sees you and Choso talking out of the corner of his eye.
Once Yuji has calmed down a little, you turn to look at them with another smile, handing Choso a cookie while you do.
"Did you get me anything, Uncle Kuna?" Yuji asks, staring at the man expectedly. Sukuna scoffs, wanting to call the boy spoiled for thinking he got him something. But he couldn't, because Sukuna did in fact get his gremlin of a nephew stuff.
"Yeah, but don't expect me to every time. I'm not gonna let you get spoiled." He glares slightly. Yuji ignores that completely, clapping happily at his uncle's words. He wiggled, wanting to be put down to go play. "tch. can't ever stay still." Sukuna mumbled as he set Yuji down. The kid immediately took off, grabbing Choso's hand on his way and dragging the surprised boy to another room of the house.
"Don't know where he's going. The shit's still in the car." Sukuna says with a smirk. His words make you laugh, bringing his attention back to you. "How was he?"
"He was lovely. We finished the project, I think it will score good, and then he wanted to bake some. Said his mom used to make cookies all the time, so I thought it would be a nice treat and help cheer him up." You answered. Sukuna was a little surprised at the mention of his late sister-in-law. Yuji didn't really talk about his parents much. But he didn't think much of it.
"They smell good. Surprised you let him have any before dinner." Sukuna smirked, knowing how strict you usually are about desserts before supper. He moved closer, leaning on the counter as you took the last back of cookies out of the oven.
You huffed playfully, setting the cookies down to cool.
"Well I'm not a monster. Finishing the project was a little emotional for him, so I wasn't gonna be strict with him about something as little as this." You replied. Sukuna frowned slightly at that, but he could understand why. "Also, I don't think I've ever heard of a pair of twins who are so totally opposites, I honestly wouldn't have known you were both related in any other situation." You teased.
"Wait, how'd you know Jin was my twin?" Sukuna asked, thrown back by your knowing something that he definitely never told you. Sure, you saw pictures, but him and Jin looked nothing alike, so surely the twin thing wouldn't be easy to assess. It was your turn to be confused, and you gave him a look as though the answer was obvious.
"Yuji, of course. He mentioned it a while ago. Did you not think that would ever come up?"
"Yuji talks about his parents that often?"
"Of course he does. He talks about them all the time. His dad apparently told him a lot about you, so he talks about that too."
Sukuna was shocked. Yuji hardly ever talked about his parents to him. He thought the kid was just a silent griever, like him, but apparently that wasn't the case. Sukuna frowned as he tried to understand why Yuji wouldn't want to talk about them with his own uncle.
You see this, understanding immediately where his confusion was coming from.
"Does he...not talk about them with you?" You ask softly.
"..No. not really. I figured he just..didn't like talking about them. Figured it might be hard for him." Sukuna answers. His frown turns to a slight scowl at the feeling that he might be doing something wrong. If Yuji wasn't coming to him to talk, didn't that mean he wasn't doing what he needed to in order to show the kid he could be there for him?
His thoughts are interrupted by your hand on his arm, and his eyes snap to meet yours.
"I don't think Yuji is the one who has trouble with it." You said gently. He got what you meant. "If you want to know why he doesn't, I think you should ask him." You added, just as the boys ran back into the room.
Sukuna watched as they excitedly showed you something they drew, contemplating your words. He knew you were right, you always were. He just didn't know how the hell to go about it. Talking wasn't his forte, none of this was, but especially not that.
But he remembered he told himself he would be better, and wanted Yuji to be open with him, even if he struggled with that himself. So he knew he'd have to figure out a way to talk to the brat, sooner rather than later.
He decided to save that for later tonight, though, when you turned to him with another pretty smile, as Yuji runs towards him to shove his drawing into the mans face.
Uncle!Sukuna who gets offended when you offer to pay him back for everything he got Choso, simply walking away without dignifying you with a response. He basically pouted as he helped you make dinner, making it seem like you has actually insulted him. It made you laugh.
Uncle!Sukuna who isn't surprised when he finds Yuji and Choso passed out on the couch once more. In the short time after dinner, while Sukuna help you clean up, they had gone to watch some TV. He will never understand how they can go from so energetic to snoring and halfway falling off of the couch.
Uncle!Sukuna who smirks when Yuji actually does fall off of the couch. He still didn't wake up, making Sukuna shake his head in disbelief. He was pretty sure the kid could sleep through anything.
Uncle!Sukuna who approached your bed room, knocking on the door softly. He couldn't help but admire you when you opened the door, obviously getting ready to go to bed soon. You smiled again, opening the door to allow him inside.
"They're asleep aren't they?" You assumed with a chuckle. He smirked, nodding as he examined your room.
"Knocked out." He confirmed.
"Yuji can stay here tonight, if you don't want to carry him back to yours." You offered, looking at him through your mirror. His brow raised, smirk growing.
"What about me? Can't I stay too?" He teased, giving you a flirty smile. You flushed, breaking eye contact and shaking you head fondly.
"You can if you'd like." You replied after a moment, looking back at him. You see his smile drop in surprise, making you smirk. "Plenty of room on the couch for you." You added, teasing him.
His shoulders dropped, a scoff leaving him as he shook his head. His reaction made you chuckle. He moves closer and you turn to face him fully.
Sukuna remembers he had a plan, to ask you out on another date. And while this wasn't how he intended to do it, it feels like the perfect time.
"Tease," He grumbled. His hands settled on your waste, holding you just like he did when he kissed you. "What are you doing next weekend?" He asked.
You flushed, hands going to his chest because you weren't sure when else to put them. This was the closest you two has been since your date.
"Um, nothing specifically. Choso won't be here, so I was just gonna get some stuff done around the house. Why?" You replied. You could guess why he asked, but you wanted to be sure before getting your hopes up.
"How about we get to that second date?" He asked, doing his best to appear confident in his questioning. He hoped you were on the same page.
Your instant smile reassured him that you did.
"Oh yeah? I don't know, the house could really use a deep clean." You teased. He scoffed, glaring at you with no heat behind it.
"Don't be a brat." He replied, making your smile grow. His jaw clenched as he hesitated. "You..do wanna go on another one, right?" He forced himself to ask. He wanted to be clear with you, straightforward to the best of his ability.
Your smile softened.
"Yes, Sukuna. I'd love to go on another date with you." You said. The look of relief on his face made you want to tease him more, but you decided to give him a break.
He smirked softly, pulling you closer. He didn't say anything more, and neither did you. You ended the night with a soft, sweet kiss, before he left your bedroom. He took Choso and Yuji to bed in Choso's room, before actually laying on your couch. Both of you fell asleep with little smiles, feeling more secure in whatever it was between the two of you than before.
let me know what you think! also, would ppl like to see a snippet that's about reader and Yuji's afternoon together while sukuna and choso aren't there? I realize sometimes i focus too much on one dynamic and might leave another out a bit. I assure you guys there will be plenty more about sukuna and reader in the next part! I just think it's important to build their relationships with Yuji and Choso.
I'm thankful for any constructive criticism! Thank you for reading, and all the support <3333
barely proofread
#jjk#ellie writes#fluff#jjk fanfic#jjk fluff#jjk x reader#jjk x you#ryomen sukuna#sukuna x you#sukuna x fem!reader#uncle sukuna#modern au#modern jjk au#modern sukuna#sukuna fluff#sukuna x y/n#sukuna fanfic#part 6
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♥︎ Good graces part two ♥︎
(Pete dinunzio x fem reader)
(couldnt find a gif with pete only 💔)
♡-Summery: You decide maybe you should get to know him and see whats he like!
♡-Genre fluff? (Sfw)
♡-Warnings: little perverted thoughts and mini make-out session
♡-Notes: This is mostly mixed with the pilot version and a tad of his comic version of him plz lmk if i went out of character 😭 but just wanna say thank you so much for reblogging or liking part one means a lot to me :,)
It's the next day you finish your same routine and pick out your outfit which is a (black) wide scoop neck, short-sleeve top with a lace trim. With low-rise flared jeans then apply your “Paco Rabanne Fame” perfume
While getting ready, You decide that you are going to ask for his number and get to know him better hopefully you won't sound awkward or anything
Later on 4th-period ends and you try to look for him down the halls luckily he isn't with his friends like yesterday and you tap on his shoulder
“Hey,” you said trying to stay calm
“Oh uh hey” he sounds a bit surprised that you came up to him again ever since he was acting cold toward you
“I was gonna ask can I get your number?” You started to get a bit nervous
“Why” he asked in an amused tone he mostly thinks that you’re doing this as a joke 
You start to get anxious
“Uh well, I would like to get to know you better maybe like to hang out sometime?”
He starts to get nervous but tries to hide it he never got a girl's number or attention “Yeah sure..”
As you were writing down your number you remembered you never got his name
“Hey, I never got your name.” You asked
“Oh, it's Pete.”
“Nice my name is Y/n!!”
You gave him a note with your number on it with a little heart doodle and gave it to him
Pete noticed the heart doodle and looked up at you as you waved goodbye
Pete couldn’t stop looking at you whenever you would walk past by down the halls
But one of his friends (Bill) noticed and got a little suspicious
Later on, you ran to your bedroom and you were so happy that the short conversation was a total success that you decided to text him
(Pete:red Y/n:pink)
“Hey, whatcha doing :D”
“Nothing much what about you”
“I’m just finishing my homework”
“You do the homework assignments?”
“Uh yeah, you don’t?”
“Nah it’s not my thing”
“Anyways I wanted to ask you if you would like to go hang out tomorrow??”
“Yeah sure I guess”
“Where do you wanna go?”
“Uhh up to you”
“Ooh, how about the mall??”
“Alright that’s fine with me”
“Thats great! meet me at my place at 2:30 at *address number*
Timeskips and you start getting ready, apply your makeup,
you want to impress him so you wear a black cardigan unbuttoned, a black simple tube top, and low-rise baggy jeans with a washed-out color then you apply your “Paco Rabanne Fame” perfume once again
Pete was walking to y/n’s place and realized you two didn't live too far away from each other
Pete starts to freak out a bit he never got as close to a girl before so this whole situation is new to him
He starts to imagine him side hugging y/n and her head against his shoulder while he gets a trace of her perfume and starts to get a bit flustered by his thoughts
You hear a knock at the door and you run downstairs before opening your door you grab a little compact mirror just to double-check if you look good
and then open your door
“Damn what took you so long,” Pete said with a smirk and his arms crossed
“Whatever I didn’t take that long,” you said jokingly
Pete glanced at your top mostly looking at your chest
“Uh are we going or what?” You said trying to get his eyes off
“Oh yeah right” he got caught red-handed he felt a bit embarrassed after that
*Not bad..* he thought
Timeskips and you two are at the mall together and you try to start a conversation
“So do you mostly go out?” You asked
“Well would hanging out with my friend's place count” He said
“Well, it isn’t your house so that counts! What do you guys mostly do?” You asked
“Well we mostly play D&D and stuff like that” although he didn’t want to mention that half of the time they mostly argue
“Hey, there's a record store wanna check it out??” You sounded excited because it’s one of your favorite stores
Pete smiles and agrees to go and you two walk together You thought he was so cute when he smiles
You two have a lot in common mostly with horror movies
Then you guys made it to the record store and started to browse around 
Then you two check out the CD section
“So what kind of CDs are you looking for?” Pete asked
“Well I always wanted to get a Depeche mode CD I recently bought a CD player,” you said
“What kind of music do you listen to?” You asked
“I mostly like Tool they’re pretty cool but I mostly just listen to any heavy metal band or black metal though,”
“What about you??” He seems interested in talking to you
“Well, I like Sonic Youth I have been listening to them recently I’m mostly into that kind of stuff you do have good music taste!!”
Pete liked the fact that you complimented his music taste
“Thanks, I think I heard of them before but I never got into them”
“Oh my gosh, you should!! I feel like you might like them” You said holding the Sonic Youth “Goo” cd
Pete grabbed the CD from your hand and checked the back
“Hey what if we listen to one of our favorite bands like I listen to this band and you listen to my favorite band” he sounds excited
“Sure what band??” You said
Pete looked at the CD shelf and pulled out a black metal band but you couldn’t exactly tell what the name was due to the exaggerated font on the CD
“Listen to this album it's really good,” he said
“Sure I think I can give them a try”
You guys headed to the cashier and both bought two CDs together
After that, you guys were tired of walking around the mall he asked if he could walk you home, and you didn’t mind
You guys had the best time together and got to know each other even better
then you made it home safe
“It was fun spending time with you i never knew how interesting you are,” you said
“Yeah I thought the same way about you, never thought you were interesting,” Pete said jokingly
“Oh really??” You said laughing
Then you two looked at each other and you got closer to him and you kissed him on the lips
Pete looked at you with a shocked expression but then he smirked
“Oh, so you feel the same way too huh?” He teases
You grab his hand and bring him to the side of the house so your parents don’t see you
You pin him to the wall and started French-kissing him while you put your arms around his neck
Pete wasn't a bad kisser but he wasn’t good which explains a lot but he tries to follow how you do it
Then you felt his hands slowly go to your waist and pull you closer
you could tell he was enjoying this moment the way how strong your perfume was and how close you were to him, drove him crazy.
His hand try to reach your left bum cheek but you grab his hand and laughed
“Nice try but you aren’t slick,” you laugh he looks a bit disappointed but he smirks
“Sorry couldn’t wait” he teases
“But one thing I gotta ask,” he said
“Yeah, what is it?” You said
“Was this even a hangout or a date” he smirked
“Well after what just happened then yes I guess it was a date” you giggled
After that, you waved him goodbye and closed your door
While Pete was walking home he couldn’t believe what just happened, he looked at the Sonic Youth CD and then thought to himself
*Oh I'm definitely gonna listen to this*
#welcome to eltingville#the eltingville club#fanfiction#fluff fanfic#eltingville club#eltingville pete#eltingvillefanfic#eltingville comic#petedinunziofantic#pete dinunzio#evan dorkin
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going to the mall
ok, alive!team thanos au where they get out of the games and all go to the mall together and nobody murders each other...... :]
thanos insisted on picking everyone up (even though se-mi wanted to just meet them there), and is a reckless driver. he has the windows all the way down and his music on max volume. nam-gyu's in the passenger seat, and min-su's squished in the back between se-mi and gyeong-su, getting jostled around. he's terrified
se-mi buys something in the food court; nam-gyu and thanos say they're not hungry, but then when they lean in for a bite, they take the most heinous chomp ever (thanos asked, nam-gyu just took one) and then she beats the shit out of them
se-mi's only there for min-su and often walks in front of the rest of them, trying to pretend like she doesn't know them
se-mi and nam-gyu accidentally show up in eerily matching outfits (i think they'd have a similar sense of style), and they both pretend like it doesn't bother them
thanos constantly steps out to go to the bathroom bc he's hitting his vape
thanos and nam-gyu force min-su to try on clothes and dress him up. they try to force him to buy the fits they put together for him, and when he politely declines, thanos just buys it for him anyway and makes him put it on. he does it because he feels guilty over someone else spending money on him (the fit looks... stupid as hell </3)
gyeong-su insists on holding all of thanos's shopping bags even though he didn't ask him to. he's also constantly taking selfies with everyone (namely, thanos) to brag about it on his socials later
when they're looking in a store with CDs and records, nam-gyu and se-mi end up in the same section, and they're horrified to find out that they like a lot of the same bands. they both ask each other to 'name 3 songs' at the same time
later, they're in a video game store and find out that they have a similar taste in video games as well. se-mi's looking at a specific title when nam-gyu scoffs, saying that that one is shit and the old version was better. they proceed to have a heated discussion over each other's video game opinions
min-su lags behind and wanders somewhere else for like. a couple minutes. he's fine. but thanos insists on going to the help desk and paging him over the intercom, making it sound like he's their lost child
thanos buys little pretzel dogs and then randomly starts throwing them at the others, telling them to 'catch'. he only stops when se-mi yells at him for getting grease on her jeans
headcanon that se-mi likes cute things, including little keychains. she buys a blind box from a small shop, and everyone else does too, just for the fun of it, though she doesn't ask them to. they all open theirs to find out which plushie keychain they got. gyeong-su makes a comment about how "they're all matching" (he lowkey only says this so thanos will acknowledge it and he can now say that he's matching with his idol)
nam-gyu pretends that he doesn't care about the blind box when he buys it and tells himself he's only doing it because everyone else is, but when he opens his, he finds that he was secretly hoping for a specific one and got the one that he was hoping he wouldn't get. when he looks over at what everyone else got, he realizes that se-mi got the one he wants. he stares at it dangling from her belt loop (she notices) until she turns around, rolling her eyes before she takes hers off and tosses it at him and rips his out of his pocket. turns out, she secretly wanted the one that he got, too. "there, since you're too shy to ask me."
they all go home in the thanos-mobile, and he says they should all do this again sometime. gyeong-su is the only one who enthusiastically agrees, but everyone had a good time, se-mi included (though she won't say it out loud)
thanos hangs his keychain on his rearview mirror, gyeong-su puts his on his backpack, se-mi's alternates between her purse and her belt loop (it's in a protective clear bag), min-su's stays by his desk, and nam-gyu's gets stuffed in the bottom of his pocket or bag (somewhere hidden) when he can convince himself to give a fuck. he doesn't like to acknowledge or think about why he does it (it lowkey gets a little grimey from being thrown around so much. he secretly takes care of it and washes it from time to time)
projecting my own interests onto thanos team yayyyyyyyy. also that one picture of se-mi and nam-gyu out of character where he has her nose piercing on makes me want to push my reluctant se-mi and nam-gyu friendship agenda........
#i don't talk about thanos team enough; i need everyone to know i gaf about ALL of them pls.....#was gonna write a cutie little fic of this but this gonna have to be good enough#I'LL DRAW SOME OF THIS OUT LATER THO#squid game#team thanos#talk#lilyposting#se-mi#se mi#thanos#nam-gyu#nam gyu#min-su#min su#gyeong su#choi su bong#gyeong-su
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✮⋆˙ 𝐨𝐟𝐟 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐞 𝐝𝐞𝐬𝐢𝐫𝐞𝐬, 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟒 ˙⋆✮
| pairing: johnny x manager!oc
| warnings: 18+ MDNI. Tooth-aching fluff.
Aurora wondered if it was too late to jump ship.
After waking up hungover in Yuta's bed with no recollection of how she got there, she wondered how she could’ve possibly said yes to going on a date with Johnny Suh. And how was that the only thing she could remember? Granted, she wasn’t drunk at the time, though she wished she was so she had an excuse to not go… But everyone and their grandmother was talking about how Johnny finally asked out Aurora and she actually said yes to it! Her headache was killing her, but that was not the problem. The problem was Johnny already texting her, asking if she wanted to go out not that night but the following night… for dinner…
“Ah, fuck me,” Aurora groaned, throwing herself back down against the mattress.
Yuta walked into the room, shirtless, a smoothie in one hand while the other was tucked into the waistband of his pajama shorts to keep it warm. Men. Aurora rolled her eyes— She was surrounded by men. Disgusting, run-of-the-mill men.
“Ohaiyo,” he said.
She glared at him. “I blame you.”
“What did I do?”
“I don’t know, but I blame you.”
“Okay, well, while you do that, do you want breakfast?”
“No. I have to figure out what I’m gonna do about this.” She turned her phone to show him her screen, but without his glasses on he couldn’t see anything from such a distance, so while squinting and leaning forward, he approached the bed then took her phone to read Johnny's texts. “I’m going back to sleep and never waking up.”
Yuta scoffed. “I love that you can tell Ten helped him write these.” He handed her phone back. She raised a confused brow. “They went home together last night.” She shrugged. “He was way too drunk to text you a coherent sentence like that.”
“Yuta-kun, please convince me this is all a bad idea.”
“He’s a good guy, and he’s down bad for you, I don’t see the harm in giving him a chance, oneesan.”
She groaned and kicked her feet around like a kid throwing a tantrum. “You’re not helpful!”
Sipping his smoothie, Yuta started walking out of the bedroom again with a final comment about how he was going to cook something for her to eat because they needed to go shopping. Shopping? Why shopping? “Because you’re not going on your first-ever date looking like that,” he replied all the way from the kitchen. What was that supposed to mean!
Yet there they were, at Hyundai mall, Yuta hiding under a million layers of clothes to keep himself warm but also to protect himself from anyone that would recognize him as he chauffeured Aurora around the place. He was a man on a mission, searching for the best stores with the cutest clothes that he thought Johnny would like to see on her. She couldn’t imagine that. She knew Johnny, but not well enough to assume what he’d like on her… But Yuta had known Johnny for nearly a decade, he’d seen various girls come and go out of Johnny's life, and he heard all the praises and complaints Johnny had to give about each of them. He liked neutral tones, apparently. While Aurora was more inclined to wear pink, she wasn’t opposed to the thought of wearing the cream colored sweater and brown sweatpants Yuta made her try on.
“No,” he immediately said once she stepped out of the dressing room.
“It doesn’t fit you right.”
“It fits me just fine.”
“Sure, it fits you, but it doesn’t fit you right.”
Aurora stared at him. “Nihongo.” She crossed her arms and stared at him flatly, almost glaring at him if it weren’t for the fact that he immediately grabbed her wrists to push her hands back down to her sides.
In Japanese, he explained perfectly that Aurora looked best while wearing things that fit her slimly on the top with high waisted pants that were tight around her waist yet bell-bottomed. “You’ve got tits for a reason, show them off. And you’ve got big hips and ass, you don’t want all of that to hide you like a tent in the shirts you wear.”
“It’s too cold outside to wear a crop top,” Aurora argued after she put on the next outfit for him to see. A black crop top with the same brown sweatpants. “I’ll freeze to death before I even make it to his place.”
“Yeah, but you look sexy.”
Aurora rolled her eyes.
Yuta bought the outfit for her as an apology for secretly betting against her and Johnny. After seeing the total at the cash register, Aurora really had no complaints when it came to Yuta tapping his black card against the scanner, because she couldn’t wrap her brain around how a black crop top sweater and brown sweatpants could cost nearly $300 USD. That was why she didn’t shop at Hyundai mall or Lotte World mall, though. Her income didn’t give her many opportunities to even go window shopping at the various luxury stores around Seoul which all of the boys at work always raved over. If she were back in America, she knew that she would have found the same outfit at Walmart or Target for approximately $50 USD— And even then she would’ve considered putting it all back on the racks.
Yuta wanted to spend the day at the mall even after settling on an outfit. Aurora was too worried about being seen, so she convinced him to at least leave the touristy area surrounding the mall so they could instead get lunch somewhere together where they weren’t as likely to run into fans. She was right, of course. No one said a thing as they entered the dak-galbi restaurant and were seated at a table against the wall. No one bothered them as they ordered and ate. The only time anything happened was when the owner came over to deliver their receipt, she asked if Yuta would sign something for her daughter who was a big fan of NCT. With a smile, Yuta nodded before taking a clean paper napkin where he wrote a note and signed his name on it before handing it over to the owner— along with his credit card for the meal. She bowed deeply at the hip while thanking him profusely. “My daughter loves you. Thank you so much.” Yuta shrugged it off with a laugh, “It’s really no problem.”
At a nearby cafe, no one bothered them at all, not even for a signature or to snap a photo from across the room. For a couple of hours, Aurora and Yuta sat across from each other, drinking matcha, talking about work, missing Japan, the new album, when and where they would go on their next vacation, and Aurora’s date with Johnny.
“Do you think you’ll kiss him?” Yuta asked with a smirk.
Aurora rolled her eyes. “No.”
“Not even if he’s a perfect gentleman who walks you all the way to your door after dinner?”
“You sure?”
“Why? You have another bet on that or something?”
Yuta rolled his eyes too. “Fair enough… Are you at least nervous?”
Of course she was fucking nervous! How could he ask such a stupid question when he’d caught her regretting her entire life after waking up hungover in his bed, asking if she could find any way to get out of the whole thing. Aurora had never been out on a proper, official date with anyone, and it was Johnny Suh whom had asked her out, so those two factors mixed together made Aurora’s stomach queasy, and the matcha wasn’t helping, so she got up to order a croissant to help settle herself.
“It’s cute to see the two of you like this,” Yuta admitted after she sat back down.
“Like what?”
“I don’t know… Not ‘in love’, but something like that.”
“Yeah, maybe let’s hold off on the L word ‘til after the first date.”
Yuta reached over to pick a bite off of Aurora’s croissant until she smacked his hand away and muttered something about his diet and not wanting to get yelled at by his trainer. Aurora picked the bite off for him then, out of pity, fed it to him.
“So when are you going to ‘not in love, but something like that’ with someone, Yuta-kun? You can’t just always bully me. I need an excuse to tease you too.”
“Maybe if our schedules weren’t so busy I’d be able to go out and meet someone.”
“Ha ha. I’m being serious.”
Yuta shrugged and stretched his arms over his head with a slight groan. Once he settled again, he slumped in his chair. “I promise, oneesan, when I find someone, you’ll be the first to know, then you can get back at me for all of this.”
Aurora didn’t sleep that night because of her upset stomach. She really had half a mind about texting Johnny to tell him that she didn’t feel well and would have to cancel their date, yet every time she picked up her phone and saw Johnny's excited message that read: “I can’t wait” in response to her confirming their date, she couldn’t bear the thought of flaking on him after all the effort he’d put into catching her attention just to ask her out after getting a little bit of that liquid courage in him. So she remained restless in her bed while counting down the hours until the sun would come up and she’d at least have an excuse to sit at her desk and play video games with Haechan or something until she would have to leave to see Johnny.
In the early hours of the morning, around the time Aurora elected to get ready for a long day of gaming, Johnny texted her while she was showering to ask if she was alright with having the date at his house. Her stomach did another uncomfortable somersault while reading that. Who did he think she was? There was no way he thought that it would be that freaking easy to coax her into his bed! After all that time of Ten and Yuta reassuring her that Johnny wasn’t the playboy guy anymore and was indeed really down bad for Aurora, he was just proving to be a little bit of a fuck boy.
Aurora immediately made it clear that she wasn’t looking to fuck, so if he was inviting her over with that in mind, then he could just forget about it and pretend that the whole thing never happened. However, Johnny insisted that he was only doing it because he had a fun at-home-activity they could do together since it would be hard to go out and be comfortable. If they went somewhere, he would have had to cover up completely, they would’ve had to stay separated from each other so as to not stir rumors if the media saw them, and they would’ve always had to be on their guard about who was around and who was looking at them. It wouldn’t have been fun. He wanted it to be perfect, and by being at home, they could actually hang out and talk honestly. So she decided to give it a shot and go over. Typically she wouldn't have taken someone up on an at-home first date because of all the horror stories she heard— But Aurora had known Johnny long enough, and they had far too many mutual friends for anything bad to happen. She trusted that it would be okay.
It was the first time she had ever been over to his place. When they became close, it was during lockdown, so they never visited each other, and after the pandemic’s peak passed and they returned to work, there just wasn’t any time for Aurora to invite him over to her place or think about stopping by his. Besides, she thought they were friends, but not like that. So when she arrived at his apartment building after taking a train and then a bus, she stopped. There was a gate surrounding the entire property of luxury apartment buildings which prevented just anyone from coming and going, so she had to buzz in using Johnny's apartment number and a code that he gave her via text an hour before she left her own apartment; and once she was inside the building, she felt sick. Did he really make that much money? She knew how much the boys made off of NCT work, but it was never enough to sustain having a place that nice, so it must have been all those side hustles of his, modeling and whatnot.
Aurora checked the apartment’s floor number when she got in the elevator. That couldn’t be right… Right? She pressed the button, but she doubted herself as the doors closed and she began ascending floor by floor, higher up into the air until it stopped and the doors opened. The hallway was nice. Not gross, moldy, decrepit. White and clean, almost like it had been freshly painted even though it hadn’t— But that just went to show the difference between the type of lifestyle Johnny could afford versus Aurora who warily walked down the hallway until she reached Johnny's door.
Was it really, really too late to jump ship?
Before she knew it, Aurora had rang the doorbell and moments later the door opened to reveal Johnny who seemed a bit flustered and out of breath when he saw her. He relaxed and smiled, like his body was telling her, “Oh, it’s just you.” In fact, he practically said it himself when he welcomed her in and said, “I thought you were the caterers. You’re a bit early.”
Aurora blushed as she stood awkwardly in his entryway, unsure of what to do with herself, meanwhile Johnny walked further into his apartment to set up some stuff. “Sorry, I just… I like to be early rather than late. People being late’s a pet peeve of mine.”
He peeked his head around the corner. “I know.”
He flashed a cheeky smile before disappearing again, prompting Aurora to take off her shoes so that she could follow him, but after taking a step forward, she remembered that she should find a place for her jacket and purse to be polite, so she awkwardly settled back in the entryway and stared at the wall of hooks next to her. Johnny had a lot of jackets. Various colors, weights, lengths, and purposes for occasions like going somewhere fancy versus just walking to the office. There was one empty hook in the middle of it all, so Aurora dared herself to just go for it. She peeled off her jacket then hung it up before securing it with her purse hung over top.
“You fine with waiting a few more minutes ‘til the caterers show?” he asked.
Aurora turned the corner to find Johnny in his kitchen, cleaning up the counter space so that there would be room for whatever food he was having brought directly to them. She nodded and shrugged. “Sure.”
After seeing him in his element, which was his home, Aurora found herself relaxing a bit upon realizing that she wasn’t underdressed at all. She worried that Yuta might have accidentally set her up to fail with such a casual outfit for a first date, however Johnny was just as comfortable as she was. He was wearing just a black t-shirt and grey pants— Nothing fancy at all. Yuta made the right call, Aurora would have to remember to thank him later.
But then of course, timing was seemingly on their side as the doorbell rang again, prompting Johnny to jog around Aurora in order to answer it. She continued to linger awkwardly. Wasn’t he supposed to be the lingerer? What was she doing? She felt stupid.
As the caterers entered, Johnny directed them towards the kitchen using Korean before quickly telling Aurora in English that she should make herself comfortable— Which really meant that she was in the way and needed to sit down so that they could work in peace. So she listened, shyly making her way to his couch which she sat on just barely… Lounging entirely felt weird. She would've been even more uncomfortable if she ended up reclining, so she called it good by sitting with just her butt and a bit of her thighs on the cushions, and that was it. Johnny made sure the staff of three people knew what they were doing before he stilled in the middle of the kitchen and glanced in Aurora’s direction with a bright smile that said: “Okay, we’re good.” When he was ready, he joined her on the couch.
“Do I want to ask, or…” Aurora gestured with her eyes in the direction of the kitchen.
Johnny peeked over his shoulder to watch the staff who were platting some finger foods and pouring wine in glasses Johnny had on hand. “You know those, like, mug painting places in the States?”
“It’s not as popular here, but this company provides private catering and mug painting dates, if that makes sense.”
Well, she was witnessing the set up first hand, so it did indeed make sense. While they sat and ate some snacks that were catered for them, the company set up Johnny's dining room table with all of the paints, brushes, and mugs so that they didn’t have to lift a finger outside of just sitting and painting together. Watching the whole thing, Aurora knew it was an expensive date. Far more than if it had just been the two of them at a restaurant or at a movie theater— Even if he had rented it out completely. But she also understood that he wanted something at home to maintain their privacy, and that doing something like watching a Netflix movie while eating a delivered pizza wasn’t exactly special. Hell, Johnny never really gave her the vibe of “casual dates”. He always came off as the type of guy that would go all in to impress his partner, which she undeniably found appealing…
“Did you find my apartment alright?”
Aurora nodded. “I figured I was in the right place when I was shell shocked by how expensive the building looks.”
Johnny chuckled at her. “Yuta lives in a nice place, too. Same with Taeyong.”
“Yeah, but not like this…” She glanced around his living room one more time to catch a glimpse of the book titles he had on his shelf. “Do you read a lot? Besides manga, I mean.”
“Depends… I’m usually too busy to get invested, and when I do have time to read something, I’d rather spend it on manga you recommend.”
Aurora blushed while still looking away from him, so she spent another minute collecting herself before she settled back in her seat to look at him. “You should get hobbies besides what I think.”
“That’s no fun.”
“Sillyehamnida” one of the employees shyly called from the empty walkway between the kitchen and the living room. Johnny turned to face them. “Everything’s ready.”
Johnny stood and bowed gratefully. “Gamsahabnida.”
They bowed in return, not saying a word, until they scurried to the exit with the other staff members, at which point they all bowed again and told Johnny and Aurora to enjoy themselves. They left as quickly as they had initially appeared. Once the door was shut and locked, Johnny inspected the state of his dining table and kitchen. The dining table had plates for dinner, silverware, and wine glasses set at place settings across from each other, meanwhile the mugs, paintbrushes, and paints with caps screwed on were set to the side for whenever they wanted to paint. As for the kitchen, they’d set up a catering pan across two of the stovetops which were set to low to keep the food warm, and there was a pot of sauce beside it.
“I requested pesto tortellini since I know you like it,” he told her as he sniffed the pesto sauce. Smiling contently, he asked, “Are you hungry?”
She could eat, yeah. She was more concerned with the idea of how he knew he liked pesto tortellini when it was such a niche meal she didn’t have too often because it wasn’t a popular thing in Korea. Actually, she couldn’t remember the last time she had it. Maybe when they were in France a couple of years ago and she wandered into a touristy place with Yuta and Taeyong in search of Italian food… in France…
So while Aurora sat at the dining table, Johnny grabbed their plates to spoon the pasta onto. From her spot at the table, she could see that there was fresh garlic bread and a salad too on the other countertop, so Johnny made sure to get plenty of that for her as well.
“Wine?” she offered.
She opened the bottle of red wine on the table in front of her before pouring half a glass for Johnny first then a little less than half for herself. Curious, she lifted her glass up to her nose to swirl and smell the wine. Expensive. That was her first thought, that it smelled expensive because of the hints of chocolate and cherry aromas which countered the fact that the wine had been aged a long time. Between the smell of pesto, garlic, and wine, Aurora couldn’t help but feel oddly flattered— Or perhaps wooed, if people even used that word anymore.
Johnny served Aurora first to make sure that he’d done everything to her liking before he sat down across from her, at which point he fidgeted with his own plate, wine glass, and all of the paints on the table in order to make sure everything was perfect, just the way he wanted in order to impress her properly. Aurora tried to hide her grin. It really was funny seeing the usually confident and nonchalant Johnny Suh struggle with trying to go above and beyond for silly old Aurora.
They spent the next two hours talking. Honestly, it didn’t even feel like two hours to Aurora, but it had indeed been that long from the moment she entered the apartment. The meal passed quickly because it tasted good and also because the company was enjoyable. Johnny was funny as per usual. He made Aurora laugh with the stupidest jokes imaginable, and he always smiled when he managed to get a laugh out of her even when she tried so hard to keep a straight face in order to not let him think that he was actually funny otherwise it would get to his head. Too late. It was like every other time they had chatted on Discord while playing video games or at work when he was trying to linger, the only difference was that there was a hint of flirting in the way they spoke to each other while under the pretense of being there for a date. Aurora wasn’t quite sure how first dates were supposed to go, but she decided to treat it like she was testing the waters. Did she actually like Johnny like… that? Yes. Did they have chemistry? Absolutely. Could she bear the thought of going on a second date with someone who had the same humor as the ahjussis? If that was part of the package deal that came with Johnny Suh, then alright.
In the two hours that they talked, Johnny moved their dinner plates to the counter top to make space for them to paint their mugs. Aurora was honestly the worst when it came to things like that. All of her creativity flew out the window any time she had a paintbrush in front of her, so she spent the first few minutes sipping her wine while waiting to see what Johnny would do. Much to her surprise, he went for the pink first. Knowing him and reflecting on what Yuta said about Johnny's favorite colors, pink was the last thing she expected him to do to paint his mug. He didn’t say anything to tease the look on her face as he painted. He just continued on with the conversation like nothing was amiss… So she took a paintbrush and dipped into the green to draw some drop vines from the lip of the mug.
“One of these days I want to take my mom to South America or something. She doesn’t get many opportunities to travel the world like we do, but I really think she would enjoy it, you know? She likes food, and she likes to sight see. It’s not really my thing… But I like doing those things with her because it makes me appreciate the little things in life.”
“Like what?” Aurora asked as she washed her brush.
“Going to random restaurants in the middle of a new city and sitting there, people-watching. No matter where you are in the world, people are always going to be people. Adults running to meetings that they’re late for. Families playing with their kids who are discovering things for the first time. Couples falling in love. Old people feeding birds.” Johnny laughed to himself. “I get to see all of that while getting to appreciate the fact that I’m privileged enough to take my mom to see those things in different corners of the world.”
“Is this your way of telling me to put Brazil on the next tour?”
“Chile, too.”
“Oh, yes, can’t forget Chile.” Aurora also chuckled quietly before putting all of her focus into painting a black cat beside the handle of the mug.
Johnny looked up briefly to ask her, “Is there anywhere in the world you’re dying to go to?”
Aurora took a moment to consider while still silently painting. She’d been to plenty of places ever since she started working with NCT 127. They’d been all over the United States— As if she hadn’t already done that while growing up— They went to Central America, a city or two in Argentina, and they bounced around Europe so much that Aurora could never remember which city they were in every morning when she woke up during press tours.
“The Maldives… If I win the lottery some day…”
Johnny cleaned his brush then set it to the side to indicate that he was finished. “I don’t know if you could convince the execs to put on a show there.”
“No, I don’t think so.”
They both laughed.
“If you win the lottery, would you take Yuta with you?” he questioned.
Aurora put her paintbrush down too and spun her mug slowly to make sure there wasn’t anything she needed to fix or add. “Depends.”
“If there’s someone who also likes to people watch who’d want to go with me.”
To that, Johnny didn’t say anything, but he bit his lip to stop himself from grinning as Aurora peeked up at him through her lashes.
“Alright, let’s see the Mona Lisa’s competition,” Aurora said. Johnny immediately scooped his mug up and hid it under the table. “What—” She leaned down to look, but Johnny lifted it back up over the table. She sat up again. “John—” He hid it under the table a second time. Aurora squinted at him, “Why?”
“It’s a surprise.”
“Because it’s for you.”
“That’s not fair!” she protested.
He whined back at her, “Why not?”
“‘Cause I made mine for you too, but I was gonna show you.”
Johnny laughed. “It’s cute,” he said, gesturing to her mug. “I like it.”
She’d painted a mug which she figured fit his minimalist aesthetic yet had details of how she viewed him. The green vines were pretty on brand for Johnny, but the small sunflowers that hung from them were just her way of reminding him how nice his tattoo was, and the black cat trying to climb onto the handle was playful and cute like he was. She liked the idea of him being the black cat because he really wasn’t anything like that— Sure, he could be quiet and mischievous. Sure, he could get grumpy like that. However, Aurora thought he was just cute like those cats that tried to act tough until they inevitably gave in and cuddled up with their owner. The hope was to design something cute enough that Johnny wouldn’t want to hide it in the back of his cabinet, which was why she wanted to show it off to him with the intent to get a live-reaction so that she could change something last second if he didn’t like it, yet he was being that mischievous black cat again by refusing to let her see the mug he’d secretly made for her. No wonder he went for the pink first!
“So then show me the one you made for me—” She tried to sneak a peek under the table again, but Johnny continued to elude her. She huffed. “If it’s for me, I’ll see it eventually.”
“Yeah, when it’s glazed and everything.”
“You’re difficult.”
“Yeah, yeah, whatever you say.”
When they were done painting their mugs and drinking their wine, the caterers returned to take them so that they could be put into the kiln at their office; and once they were glazed and fired, they would be delivered back to Johnny directly so that he didn’t have to be inconvenienced by picking them up from their office. It was a good business plan. Aurora could tell why they charged so much and why the celebrities were jumping at every chance they could get to hire them.
Against expectations, Johnny invited Aurora to stay a little longer by joining him on the couch to talk some more while drinking the little bit of wine he had left in his fridge. Just talking! That was what he insisted. So she decided to stay until she at least felt tipsy enough that maybe the thought of kissing him was overwhelming.
“You did not!” he exclaimed through a loud laugh.
“Shut up! It’s embarrassing as it is without you making fun of me!”
Johnny held his stomach as he laughed so hard it hurt. “After all… After all this time… I thought you’d never done anything embarrassing in your entire life—” He nearly toppled off the couch.
“Says the one who does some stupid shit on live TV every week.”
“Yeah, but I never threw a tantrum at five years old and hit my head against the floor on purpose to make a point!”
Aurora rolled her eyes and leaned back against the arm of the couch. “I never should’ve told you that story.”
“I’ll make it up to you by telling you something embarrassing about me, you just gotta prompt me.”
“Prompt you?”
“Yeah, like what do you want to know about me?”
Without an ounce of hesitancy, she finally decided to bite the bullet by asking him what had been on her mind for months.
“So how come you’ve been so adamant about keeping your hair long and blonde these days? I thought you liked it short so you fit in more.”
Johnny picked up his glass of wine. “‘Cause you like it.”
So there it was, the answer Aurora and her friends had anticipated for months yet were too scared to poke at. Honestly, she was surprised that Johnny would even admit to it in the first place. Didn’t he have any shame? Surely it was somewhat embarrassing to tell her that he spent months and months growing his hair out and dying it just so that he could get her attention because he was really just waiting for the perfect moment to ask her out… But no. Johnny wore it like a badge of pride, which was also understandable considering his plan worked.
“But do you like it?”
He smiled. “I do. It’s not what I’m used to, but the compliments are nice, and it’s something for me to take care of rather than just waking up and mindlessly running a comb through it before racing to work.” He drank. “I think this has been my favorite era so far, just between the group I’m with, the song, the dance, and actually getting to participate more— Thank you for that, by the way—”
Aurora blushed.
“The hair just makes it perfect, in my opinion.” He finished his glass then set it down without bothering to refill it. “That’s not embarrassing, though.”
She didn’t find humor in embarrassing him, however, regardless of the fact that he was being a good sport about it in order to ease her mind about oversharing stories from her childhood. When she didn’t give into his lead-on, Johnny decided to just go for it himself.
“I got one. When I was ten, and I was still in America, I was sleeping over at my friend’s house for a weekend so we could go to this Star Wars marathon at the local movie theater, and in the middle of the night, I woke up because I felt, like, oddly wet, you know? So when I sat up, I saw that my friend’s cat had been on my chest, peeing all over me—”
Aurora stifled a laugh.
“He dug his claws into my shirt when I tried to push him off! And he just kept going! Like, come on, man, take me to dinner first or something!”
Aurora couldn’t hold back any more. Through her laughter, she told him, “That’s way worse than my story.”
“Maybe,” he replied with a satisfied grin, “but it made you laugh.”
Without really thinking anything of it in the moment, Aurora reached out to push his shoulder to say, Shut up, but she quickly remembered in the moments following that she wasn’t with Yuta or Taeyong, and she wasn’t sitting on Johnny's couch as his friend but as his date. Suddenly she was embarrassed all over again. However, Johnny didn’t make note of it or even tease her further, he just navigated the topic easily onto the next question in order to see what else he could learn about Aurora. She said he hardly knew her, right? Well, what was a date if not the opportunity to learn everything about her?
Johnny was the first to say something when he noticed that Aurora was getting tired yet was too shy to interrupt the flow of their conversation. He checked the clock on his living room mantle, then double checked his watch, and once he’d concluded it was late enough, he asked Aurora how she was planning on getting home. She shrugged and said the same way she arrived: public transportation. When he laughed at that and pulled out his phone, Aurora was mildly confused all the way up until the point where he admitted he called a taxi for her and that it would be outside of his building in the next seven minutes, giving them plenty of time to wrap up their evening properly.
“You didn’t have to do that,” she insisted, feeling guilty.
“There’s no way I can let you go home on the bus in this weather and this late at night. I invited you over, I should be responsible for seeing you home safely, even if I can’t go with you.”
Aurora knew there was no argument she could make against that, so she simply smiled and thanked him with a slight bow of her head.
“I’ll see you out.”
They stood in unison, Aurora heading to the coat hangers to retrieve her winter coat and purse. Johnny didn’t grab anything to keep himself warm. However, he made sure to step around her to open the door wide enough for both of them to step out, his arm above her head while his grip didn’t waver. It was perhaps the first time she ever truly noticed how tall he was, at least in comparison to her and within the context of being on a date with him. On their walk to the elevator, Aurora realized why Johnny didn’t bundle up. She had to go down alone because they couldn’t be seen together, so he at least saw her to the elevator like a gentleman.
“Listen, I, uh…” He grinned to hide his shyness. “Thanks for coming over… For, uh, giving me a chance.”
“Well, all-rounder, it was impossible to not give you a chance after you spent so long drooling over me.”
“I wouldn’t call it drooling.”
“Whatever helps you sleep at night.”
They laughed together. He looked really happy that night, more so than she’d ever seen him, which made her smile never waver. That smile of his only wavered when the elevator dinged and Aurora stepped in, signaling the end of their night together.
“Next time, you should come visit my place,” she told him.
Johnny's face brightened up at the fact that she proposed there would be a next time. He nodded eagerly. “I’d like that.”
The elevator doors began closing. “See you tomorrow, all-arounder.” Before he could think to reply, Aurora was on her way down.
taglist: @tiredlittlevirgo , @henderysposts , @trash-number-one , @mystverse , @strawberryax0lotl , @hisunflower , @alili-milidoy , @junrenjun , @slayhaechan
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Blunt Force, Part 11
“You know, I’m not a big surprise guy. I kind of like to know what’s going on, particularly given recent developments,” Deeks commented. Kensi had arrived at his apartment early Saturday moment, armed with a hot cup of coffee just the way he liked it, a donut, and instructions to get ready for an excursion.
Normally, he’d have a few questions, but three weeks out from his TBI, cabin fever had started to set in. The worst of his concussion symptoms had resolved, but he still wasn’t cleared for most activities that would he’ll pass the time. Definitely not surfing or running, which he’d relied on a lot to deal with both frustration and boredom.
So, he’d changed into jeans and a t-shirt, grabbed his phone, and let Kensi drive without any idea of their destination.
“Deeks, relax, I’m not kidnapping you,” Kensi said now, calmly driving along a road lined with a mix of gas stations, apartments, and retail establishments. He dipped his head to glance out the passenger window.
“Well, two minutes ago I wasn’t too worried, but this does kind of look like my old stomping grounds. Please tell me you didn’t stage an intervention with my mother.” He intended it mostly as a joke, but the surrounding area did look pretty familiar.
“Deeks, I’ve never even met your mom.”
“Really?” That surprised him after the amount of time they’d spent together since his injury. He started to ask why, but Kensi signaled to turn into a parking lot with a strip mall, which contained several chain restaurants, a boutique, and supplements store from what he could see. “Did you have a sudden craving for the Chinese buffet?”
“No. Though the crab Rangoon from that place are amazing,” she said.
“I know. I used to come here all the time when I lived in the area,” he told her.
She flashed him an odd look, but didn’t say anything else as she slowed in front of a nondescript gray building and parked towards the back of the parking lot.
“Kensi, where are we?”
“Do you trust me?” she returned, fingers clamping and unclamping around the steering wheel.
“Yeah,” he said without much thought. She hadn’t given him a reason not to.
“It’s a firing range.”
“That’s what I thought, which leads to my next question. Why?”
Putting the SUV in park, Kensi sighed and turned to face him. “We spent a lot of time practicing and training, so I thought being in a familiar environment might, I don’t know, bring up some memories. And if not, it’s a good bonding exercise.”
“And we could do that at the buffet or a walk in the park. Literally, anything else,” he said. Kensi pressed her lips together, staying silent for several seconds.
“Do you trust me?” she repeated, more softly this time.
He narrowed his eyes, but didn’t call her on the blatant manipulation. “Ok, let’s go shoot stuff,” he said unenthusiastically.
Kensi rented two lanes for them along with ear protection. When the attendant asked if they needed weapons or ammunition, she said they had their own.
At this time of day, there was only one other patron at the far end of the room. Deeks instantly felt tense at the muted sound of gunfire, the smell of gunpowder.
Once they were set up in their lanes, Kensi removed a gun from her waistband. He instantly recognized the model thanks to way too many cases involving firearms.
“This is your preferred service weapon at the moment,” Kensi explained, offering it to him with the muzzle pointed towards the floor. “You switched from a Smith and Wesson a while back. Here, take it.”
“Guns aren’t my favorite thing,” Deeks drawled, side-eyeing the weapon with distaste.
“I understand, but I’d bet a month worth of dish duties that Hetty will ask for a firearms demonstration, so…” she presented the gun to him again.
With extreme reluctance, Deeks took the gun by the handle. The weight and coolness of the metal didn’t surprise him, but the vague sense of familiarity did. He hadn’t held a gun of any kind in his bare hands in over a decade. It felt odd, not wrong exactly, but certainly not something he enjoyed.
“Why don’t you take a shot?” Kensi suggested.
“Or I could just watch you.”
“Deeks.” Coming up behind him, she cupped his elbows, physically adjusting his arms and hands into the appropriate position. When she stepped back, he missed the warmth again his back. He automatically shifted slightly in a way that felt more natural. Raising his hands a little higher, he pulled the trigger, and the bullet pinged off a piece of metal outside of the target.
“Yep, I’m a natural,” he commented.
“It’s going to take a minute,” Kensi assured him. “Though I’m going to remember how bad that was later on.”
“Sure, keep making fun of the concussed guy.”
“Yeah, you poor baby.” Moving over to her own lane, she removed a second gun from her waistband, adjusted her headphones, and aimed with an impressive amount of speed, shooting several bullets in a row.
She casually stepped back with a smug smile and brought the target forward.
“Wow, that’s impressive. And kind of terrifying.”
“Thank you. Now it’s your turn again.”
“As delightful as your demonstration was, I don’t think I’m going to be any better this time around.” He tried to hand the gun back, but Kensi shook her head.
“Close your eyes and visualize yourself aiming the gun and shooting,” Kensi instructed him, and he followed along as she kept speaking. He’d never taken Kensi for the type to buy into this kind of thing. “You’ve done this a thousand times before. It’s second nature at this point. It’s easy.”
He focused on his breathing, letting his thoughts drift with the sound of Kensi’s voice. He imagined the times when he’d wished he could defend someone over the years. The little girl who got bullied by kids twice her age, the eighteen year old boy hurt in a carjacking, the terrified mom just trying to protect her children. Eleven year old Marty Deeks.
Deeks’ eyes sprang open and he raised his arms, gun held between his hands; everything stilled around him as he aimed and pulled the trigger six times. He lowered the gun, breathing as hard as if he’d just finished a race.
Beside him, Kensi reeled in the target, revealing six bullet holes clustered around the bullseye.
“Wow,” she commented. “I guess that muscle memory kicked in after all.”
Shaking, Deeks pulled the headphones off and shoved them into Kensi’s hands.
“Yeah, it’s fantastic,” he muttered.
“Deeks,” he heard her say, but he pushed past her, ignoring her repeated calls.
A/N: Was that too much?
#ncis la fanfiction#marty deeks#kensi blye#angst#drive au#Deeks whump#blunt force#part 11#ejzah fanfiction
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#today after I picked up Beba I decided to take him out and about with me#we went for a walk then we went to pick up some groceries#then I took him to Barnes and nobles and then to the mall to play at the play area#and then we went to the food court#it was a lot of good one on one time together#he did really well for how much we did#anyways at the food court we grabbed some dinner and I sat him down in his stroller to feed him#and he fought me a bit before I finally caved and pulled out my phone to put on ms Rachel while he ate#and he finished both our meals basically lol#but this lady walks by and comments about how he eats so well and how he listens#she said he’s doing great#and then she made it a point to look me in the eye and say#you’re doing a great job mom#and the way that touched my heart so much#she didn’t need to do that#but she did and it was so extremely kind#I will think about it for a long long time
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ᯓ★ babydaddy!toji would never admit that he got jealous when you were around guys your age. he’d never get insecure, no, but he felt a deep pang of jealously in his chest. like he prayed that he had been born later so he could be more similar to you. your relationship with him was complicated. you were dating on and off but finally just settled as friends with benefits (who took care of a ridiculously cute baby together).
your parents often asked you why you dated a guy who was less than a decade away from being your father. your friends did the same too, not seeing the appeal in being with a “broke old man”. you never understood why toji just scoffed and looked away. it was out of character since he’d usually just cuss people out.
babydaddy!toji who let his jealousy show a little too much when you ran into an old high school friend of yours while you were out shopping. toji had to piss and you were waiting outside when he came up to you. shit, you didn’t even recognize him at first and the conversation was merely small talk but when toji came out, he had his arm around your waist, his hands coming down a little too low.
“this is your uh.. boyfriend, yeah?”, you friend asked, his eyes immediately going to the hand on your waist. most people just assumed you were single again.
“you could say that..”, you sheepishly replied, trying to swat toji’s hand away.
“tsk why’re you acting like i didn’t just dick you down and you didn’t carry my baby, ma? course you’re mine”, toji scoffed, looking away.
your eyes dart from your friend’s to his and it finally clicked. he was jealous. with a small smile, you excused yourself and tugged on the hem of toji’s shirt, signaling him to walk out to his car. the walk there was filled with short protests from him and silence from you. of course, he didn’t mean it, he loved this kind of attention from you. as you got to his car you rummaged through his pants pocket to grab his keys—not being shy to graze his dick—and unlocked the car.
babydaddy!toji who’d never admit he was jealous, even when you two were making out in the middle of a mall parking lot with your hand on his crotch.
“admit it, you still—ah, you still love me and you were jealous”
“course i fuckin love you—fuck yeah,keep your hand there—we’re long over, ma. didn’t you say we were just friends with benefits?”
“you’re avoiding the question, toji”
he had his hands all over you at this point, tugging at your shirt but you pulled away and furrowed your eyebrows.
“admit that you were jealous, old perv”
“fuck—fine. i was jealous. i hate seeing you with men younger than me. makes me feel old. happy now, doll?”, he leaned in again, grabbing your face as you kissed back with a smirk.
“yeah, i’m elated”, you grinned, trailing your hand up to play with his dark happy trail and dipping it in his sweatpants.
“don’t be a fuckin brat, ma. m’gonna give you a second snotty little shit if you keep this up”, toji growled, trailing open-mouthed kisses down your neck and onto your collarbone
“yeah?“, you smirked, tangling your fingers in his hair as you guided him down, “keep that promise and maybe we’ll get married”
babydaddy!toji who was definitely going to take you in the backseat for hours. fuck driving home.
babydaddy!toji who nearly died at the spot from the news of you being pregnant not with just one baby, but twins. you ended the year with a ring and a freshly painted nursery.
#jjk x reader#jjk smut#jjk x reader smut#toji fushiguro#jjk toji#toji x reader#toji smut#toji x reader smut#i want him#CAN HE GET ME PREGNANT#rina thinking 📝
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ᡴꪫ sum. it’s your birthday and your sugar daddy takes you on a spree to the mall. perhaps buying a new set of panties with his initials engraved on it to tease him wasn’t the brightest idea. get in loser, you’re going shopping.
wc. 5.5k
warnings. fem! reader, sugar daddy!gojo au, age gap (early twenties/early thirties), unprotected, semi-public risky themes, dry humping, implied multiple rounds, lots of praise, squırting, fıngering, dumbification, ōral (f! receiving), dirty talk, brēeding, petnames.
➤ sd!gojo masterlist
“a- anything?”
“anything, darlin,” satoru hums with a teasing smile, burying both hands into his pockets. your face lit up as he happily slides his black card into your palm. it had a glinting shine to it, your eyes gape at the sixteen digit code plastered on the front with his full name in bold, ‘satoru gojo.’ the both of you stood near the center of a busy, packed mall. it was an ordinary hot friday, and since it was also your birthday, he decided why not let you pick your special gift. the older man leans down, planting a kiss against your forehead. “go crazy, yeah? ‘s your day, gorgeous. the pricier, the better. buy something that’ll be easy ‘ta tear off. oh, i mean uh— buy something pretty, heh.”
you felt a wave of heat burn over you. you could never, never get enough his praises. satoru’s eyes remain on you as you clutch on one of the many purses he bought you. “toru, you don’t have to.”
“shh, you’re my baby,” he reassures you, pulling you close. you lean into his embrace, feeling the palm of his hand caress circles against your back. he feels the thin straps of your top glue against your skin. his cologne, it was forevermore intoxicating. in a husky low tone, satoru whispers. “i wanna spoil you extra hard today,” and you gasp, feeling him nuzzle into your neck. “what do ya say, sweets? i heard victoria’s secret has a few new deals goin’ on right now, heh.”
you spent the next good hour shopping, going to any store that just so happened to pique your fancy. you told gojo that you’d save victoria’s secret for last, and he nodded.
of course, he tagged along with you. like the gentleman he was, he carried your weighty bags for you like they were nothing.
“gonna run me for my money, huh sweets?” he snickers, an arm slinging around your shoulder as you stood beside him on the escalator. as it slowly took you both upstairs—you let off a tiny exhale. you were preparing to go toward the second floor of the mall.
with a coy smile, you brush a thumb against the edges of your skirt. “o- oh, sorry ‘toru,” and you knew he was teasing, he’d buy you the world if he could. he was stood so close next to you that you could almost always get a good whiff of his loud scent. “didn’t mean to get so much stuff.”
“sweetheart, i’m joking you know that,” he hums, stepping back to let you get off the moving escalator first. it was so packed, dozens of people walking around each part of the centre. it was full of chatter and laughter. a whirring breeze sets against your skin as he steps beside you, leaning down to plant a kiss near your forehead. “tired out yet? or do ya have more pretty stuff ‘ta buy?”
speaking of pretty, satoru gojo was the prettiest.
he stood out in the mall—he was an elite businessman but people were smart enough to not disturb him while he’s spending time with you.
so classy, he was always wearing the finest richest suits, preferably black or white ones. long, stretched out slacks to show off his legs and his hair. gojo’s hair was always neatly done, as he aged he usually settled with a parted style, a visible undercut to run his fingers through to pass time.
thin white bangs would run down his eyes a few times—occluding his vision. gojo would often find himself digging his hands into his pockets as he happily watches you drain his wallet.
“we can go get some lingerie now,” you murmur out, hearing some random pop song blare through the mall’s speakers.
“we? aw, am i gettin’ dolled up too?”
he peers at you as your expression twists to abashed embarrassment. gojo chuckles, a soft thumb brushing against your cheek lovingly. “you’re so cute, i’m teasing. let’s go then, lead the way princess.”
you ended up getting at least three new sets, including the brand new panties gojo’s been rambling to you about nonstop.
he told you how he’s recently got a partnership with the store.
a million dollar partnership at that — his new ‘satoru gojo’ limited edition panties were finally launched, and at first the idea of his name on underwear made him grouse. thanks to gojo’s hefty contribution to the company, they’ve gained a lot of new customers over the past summer. but, the moment you pick them out with a cute curious smile, he only cared about how you’d like them. so far, he’s heard from the reviews of buyers that it was quite soft, cottony and synthetic.
waterproof also, and gojo being gojo brought that specific fact up to you about a dozen times.
“can i open my eyes now, darlin'?” a low, husky yet playful voice calls out. gojo sat manspread in the dressing room, awaiting for you to show the final results of the product. “mhh, ‘s kinda dangerous to jus’ let my imagination roam, you know.”
“hold on, satoru.” you roll your eyes, slipping on the panties. they were really pretty, they fit perfectly and had tiny blue bows on the side.
you spun around near the nearby mirror, taking in your figure. it had a thong yet bikini type shape to them. stretchy and all, not to mention it was very comfortable—not too tight whatsoever. right on the back, you spot the infamous letters that were sewn in bedazzled rhinestones, front ‘n center.
‘ satoru gojo, ’
you felt a brew of heat tickle its way down your thighs before you strut toward the white haired man. even sitting down, he’s so attractive. long legs stretch themselves out as he’s laid back against the concrete wall. he’s surrounded by colorful bent hangers, the dressing room was spacey enough. as he sat on the bench, he taps his foot. “baby, i can feel you lookin’ at me. are ya done?”
“yeah,” you utter, slowly removing his hands away from his eyes. “you can look now.”
it takes him a moment to register the sight — you stand still, feeling his cerulean blue eyes awe at your beauty.
oh, your curves, his blown irises linger everywhere so intently that it makes you feel small in the best way. your heart’s thumps accelerate as he’s got a growing smug smile curling against his pink lips.
“oh my,” he purrs out, a hand cupping under his chin. his expensive g-shock shimmers against the luminescent ceiling light as also he gently pulls his bottom lip down. his stare makes you nervous and you don’t even know why. “spin around for me.”
you do, twirling your body slowly and his eyes get a front view of your ass. you still wore your blouse, feeling his gaze burn into your rear.
“goddamn,” and you let off a soft breath, feeling his hands gingerly creep up against your thighs. “you look gorgeous in anything,” he whispers, inching his lips toward your backside. gojo then drags his twitching, crooked lips toward the left cheek of your ass. it smooches against the lace fabric, a thumb stroking the letters of his own name. “i’ll buy this entire brand just to see you walk around ‘n these for me, sweetheart.”
“satoru don’t do that,” you protest, gasping once he parts your legs open a bit. with you, his touch was always gentle. he couldn’t ever keep his hands off of you though. his strokes continue to roam, and that’s when he playfully bites your ass cheek. “h- hey!”
“sorry, baby,” he chuckles, giving it a soft teasing smack. gojo hears you whine out in need before he turns you back around. “mhh, don’t give me that pout. come give ‘toru some sugar instead.”
your heart always flutters whenever he says that, those sweet words never fail to strike right into your heart. churning the pit insides of your stomach that’s already packed with butterflies swarming everywhere.
as you slowly make your way toward him, tantalizingly, he cocks his head to the right.
“don’t be shy, i won’t bite today,” he flashes you a soft toothy grin, patting his lap for you to take your favorite seat. wasting no time, you sit on his lap, your bare skin brushing up against his loose fitted slacks. “good girl,” and his hands meet your waist. zeroing his eyes down your sweet physique, he strokes your bottom lip. “closer.”
the moment you finally close the distance, your lips press against his. a cheeky smile curls against his mouth — a groan shortly following out of his throat, betraying his playful demeanor. you moan, finding it impossible to not move a bit against him. as you gradually grind against his lap, delving your tongue between his, he lets off a sharp breath. “mhm,” pretty snowy lashes of his shut tight, fluttering as he’s poking a single thumb against your hip. gojo tastes sweet, sweeter than he’s ever been. peppermint lives on his tongue, running against your tastebuds and with utmost grace, you relish in it. the flavor, its additive and his touch wasn’t helping. a raspy groan slithers into your mouth once your grinding speeds up, the bottom part of your panties grazes against his secret growing boner and he huffs.
“f- fuck, baby,” he snarls, breaking away from the kiss to look down. there, he spots it. he was indeed hard, he’s been hard this entire time you’ve been splurging hefty amounts on his black card. the moment you gave him a little show of the sediment panties, that was the final straw. “you’re such a tease, y’know,” and you gasp once he slides a lengthy finger toward the cottony fabric. “ooh, is someone already a mess? lemme see ya.”
and as you’re just barely hovering over his lap, legs sprawled apart for him, he swipes the fat print of his thumb inside. “s- satoruuu.” you hiss out, the last syllable of his name elongated and cutely dramatic. a bit loud, you had to remind yourself the two of you were in a store. indeed, you were soaked already. part of you thinks it was because of his showering praises.
every time he calls you a ‘good girl’ or his ‘pretty girl’ you felt the stickiness between your thighs dampen. it was just embarrassing.
“can’t believe you’ve been hidin’ this mess this entire time,” the white haired man almost pouts, a tone of playfulness humming underneath his tone. two of his fingers poke their way between the middle part of your panties, prodding against your soppy pussy. “oh, look at that. so fuckin’ nasty,” and cunning blue eyes flicker straight at you, making you gulp in ignominy. “sweetheart, you do know i gotta pay for this. did ya forget?”
“o- oh.” and reality hits you again. he was right, you were soaking panties that weren’t even bought yet.
you could feel yourself dripping, a little damp spot forming its way against the woolen linen.
“yeah, oh,” he mocks your cute surprised word, easing a single thumb past your slit. it’s swollen, he feels the eager twitch of it and your legs rock back in lewd rapture. “awh, how cute. you want my thumb, princess?”
“y- yes,” you whine, tossing your arms over his broad shoulders. the man eyes you with a haughty expression, continuing to flick the edge of his thumb in and out of your puffed clit. the panties were still on and you clenched your jaw before letting off a needy sigh. “take them off, ‘toru. please.”
he gives you a long stare before humming. “nah,” and a pout twines against your glossed lips. with his right hand, it grips your ass, his thumb resuming to fondle your skin before it tenderly starts to go in. “silly girl. panties are for wearing,” he teases, and your lips part themselves open once he successfully eases his way inside. you’re already so sloppy, spiraling all underneath his fingers. a white brow of gojo’s crimps into an intrigued furrow before he buries his nose into your neck. “ah, ah. don’t hold back those moans, let me hear that pretty voice.”
“but- we’re in public.”
“i won’t be crazy this time, i promise sweets, heh.”
total lie,
he says he won’t be crazy yet here you were bent over, face shoved into the wall, legs all parted. you moan, feeling his tongue dip straight into your cunt, slurping a loooong suck of your honeyed sweet. your thighs weakly tremble a bit at the teasing sensation of his stubble gracefully bristling against your skin. your cheek presses up on the glass of the other mirror that sits up against the wall. “f- fuuuuck.” you whimper out, toes curling up in utter ecstasy. his tongue, it was always so messy. messy and long, you whimper out once he dives straight in.
dipping in and out, no manners whatsoever. he’s nose deep, lolling it out all the way until he’s shamelessly drooling down your drizzling folds.
even still,
your panties were still on the entire time — they were lazily pulled to the side. with his eyes closed, he’s letting his tongue wander everywhere. you whine, digging the edges of your teeth into your bawled up fist. “arch more baby,” he whispers, hot breath ghosting right against your cunt. the store was blasting obnoxiously loud music, you hoped no one would walk in, hoped no one would see. the door was closed but still. once he watches your back obediently raise up at his command, he hums, nibbling right against your cunt. “atta girl, gimme that arch, uh huh.”
gojo groans, eating you out from behind, using a single hand to make your legs spread just a bit further. the continuous squeaks that pours out your lips makes him ten times harder than he already was. “ngh, t- toru,” you start to huff, feeling a crushing pull yank its way at your lungs. your breathing only started to get more crazed. as he’s spelling out the ten different letters of his name. you whine out a sobbing mewl, feeling the way his tongue curls once he flicks a sweet ‘s’ in your pussy. the swirl — your back only arches more, the skin of your cheek practically glued against the mirror. “ohmygodd.”
“y’r so fuckin’ hot,” he purrs out, and you’re so busy focused on his tongue that you didn’t even realize he had two fingers shoved inside you already. they’re so long, they reach into the very caves of your walls, specific spots that you didn’t even know could be located. with a swift motion, his fingertips curl around your cunt, feeling the gripping squeeze. “mhm, that’s it. bare around ‘em just like that,” and he’s making out with your cunt, giving it multiple french kisses. your legs were so close to giving up, you could feel that same annoying smile rub against your pussy. as your lip shivers, you start to breath heavier.
puffing and huffing . . heaving as you let off the same pathetic whimpers for more, more of his sloppy tongue.
he slurps everywhere, making sure to not miss a single spot. gojo sucks against your clitoral hood, knowing just how sensitive that spot made you. as you’re coating not only his fingers but his chin at the same time with your sheeny juices, you couldn’t help but swallow your pity. “i- i’m gonna cum,” you moan, a hand of yours reaching behind to grab onto his head. it lands near the top, gripping onto his strands and shoving him further into your pussy. “satoru, agh,” and you had to cup a hand over your mouth, growing paranoid once your heard a few people right outside your stall.
shit, shit, shit,
all you heard from gojo was that same raspy chuckle as he pumps in his two fingers inside your pussy with the most presumptuous grin on his face. as he’s bent on his knees, his chin was soaked with your slick.
every few seconds, he pries himself off to breathe and clean the lower part of his chiseled face with his tongue. “c’mon, baby. wait a little f’r me,” and his tepid breath repeatedly fans against your fevered skin. the pleasure — the pulsation, you were found with your legs spread and jaw dropped. so close, you could merely taste a salty tang that’s forming on your sugared tastebuds.
satoru gojo was a eater, and he could eat you all day if he really really wanted. your pout from his words makes him laugh. he spots your dumb expressions through the mirror propped up directly in front of you before he starts to spit on your cunt. “ugh, look at her. always so shiny ‘n slick,” and with bright eyes, he stares at the way his saliva trickles down your puckering hole. “ooh,” gojo breaks his mouth away again, lustrous cobwebs of spit dripping down his lips. frantically, you were shaking once he suddenly stopped. as his two fingers still plugged inside of your pussy, he gives the outer part of your entrance teasing pecks. “such a wet girl. listen to her with me, sweetheart.”
“s— fuckk, ‘toru,” you babble out, a sharp swat of his free palm hitting against your ass. suddenly, the cramped up dressing room felt hot. blazing, and yet, your thighs were even hotter. with your lips betraying themselves, curling into a circular shape in pleasure, you barely could make yourself stand still. “pleaseplease.”
“no, baby,” he gifts your cunt it’s final kiss, one of his hands running down your thighs. you had glossy slick racing down and he takes the opportunity to lap it right up with his tongue. “only sound i wanna hear is this pretty pussy talkin’ back to me. let’s hear what she’s got ‘ta say.”
the sounds of your own cunt was so lewd. it’s crying squelching rings and reverberates off the walls.
abruptly, you grow quiet and he hums, slowly dragging out his two long fingers before you gush out straight away.
your eyes were as wide as saucers, electric shocking currents travel through every part of your body as you come undone on his tongue. as you whine into your palm, your eyebrows come together into a furrow.
“mph,” you whimper, feeling your thighs shake. it’s so much that within seconds, you feel yourself spraying against his tongue until you couldn’t anymore. it felt like your life flashed before your eyes. the tenderness of it all was almost too much to bare. as you’re still violently shaking on his pink twitching muscle, gojo spreads your ass apart, growing drunk at your taste before he chuckles against your clit - teeth nibbling against your sensitive, puffed folds.
“my baby’s velocity just gets better ‘n better,” he snickers, giving your right ass cheek a frisky kiss.
as he stands up again, he faces you — watching as your eyes were all droopy ‘n hooded.
“c’mere,” and you felt your cunt throb as you fall into his touch, pressing your lips right back against him. right away, your tongue gets met with the taste of yourself on him. you tasted sweet, he’s always described you as sweet anyway. gojo groans, lifting up your thigh before making you lie back. “good girl. ‘s just you ‘n me. let me spoil you today, princess.”
glancing down, you spot his slacks that were just barely hanging on. they were half on, dark blue boxers clinging onto his perfectly sculptured waistline. you spot a bit of a peeking white happy trail that’s curly — sticking against his skin.
“s- satoru,” you pant, pawing your hands at his already open fly. he ogles at you, popping the two wet fingers that were stuffed into your cunt literally just a few seconds ago right into his mouth. you watch, growing more aroused as he sucks on his digits right in front of you.
“satoru what, baby?” he leans down, springing out his cock. it was quick, he fishes through his boxers before whipping it out, wrapping a single bare hand around his fat length. giving it a few pumps, a thumb of his swipes against his pulsing vein and he groans. with a snarl, he bites into your neck. “you don’t wanna wait ‘till we get home, huh?”
“no,” you whimper, and he lets you take control a bit.
with shaky hands, you make him sit flat against his back, a cute shove goes against his chest and he huffs. “want you, ‘toru,” and he smiles at how out of breath you were, still trying to overcome your more recent, nirvana filled high. as you get on his lap, straddling him, you lean right up to the older man’s face. “please.”
he returns your lust-filled gaze, a hand of his creeping toward the curvature of your ass. “such a sweet girl. with manners like that, i could never say no,” he coos to you, helping you align your entrance against his reddened tip. with your panties still on, string passively pulled toward the crevices of your thighs, you whine. “there’s that sweet ‘lil moan,” he brings you closer toward his neck. the veins that ran down his cock pulse even quicker. “mhm, c’mon sweets,” he playfully pulls your hands away from your face. “i wanna see those eyes roll back. don’t be shy, ride me girl.”
and as he’s careful to sink you down on his cock, your legs wrap around his slim waist like a vice.
a hand of yours tugs onto his tie, giving it a little forceful pull. gojo’s hair was all ruffled — white strands everywhere, you had him a mess and right where you wanted.
whenever you straddled him like this, you always took his breath away and that hungry gaze you always give him, fuck you were dangerous.
intaking a sharp, deep breath, he’s halfway in now. gojo’s so thick and bulky that it feels like he’s fully in.
balls fucking deep,
a whimper pulls out of your vocal cords as his tip kisses your sweet swollen insides. his own eyelashes were half-lidded and he’s panting right with you, frigid cold band of his watch rubbing off against your skin. the saturated squelches of your pussy were so loud, he holds onto your hips before a pussy drink grin tugs against both corners of his lips. “attaaaa girl. move those hips, ride me good, birthday girl.”
the friction was so delicious, so appetizing..
you were barely moving but you felt like you were gonna screw up and cream all down his shaft. with your face still burying itself into the crook of his neck, your hips finally start to adapt to some sort of steady rhythm. gojo huskily grunts, feeling the welcoming grip your cunt gifts him every time he goes inside. the elastic stretch always makes him short circuit. as his blushing tip thrashes its way inside, your hips roll and it’s only then that you start to sloppily lurch against his lap.
“t- toruuu,” you sob out in a sweet broken syllable, your own words sticking against your tongue. strong, built arms hold you upright as you’re making steady haste. the music of the store seems to get louder and you don’t even care if you get caught anymore.
with the way his cockhead’s smooching up against your sweet spot, you’re already dumb, stupid ‘n hungry for more of your beloved sugar daddy. your whines always ghost right up against his earlobe, falling on deaf ears every time. your sweet, carnal sounds makes his dick twitch. the electric pulse surges through your cunt and you feel it — shivering, glancing at him and he shoots you a flashy, sheepish grin. “yeah, ‘s okay baby. doin’ so good for me.”
even still, you’re adjusting to his size. the big stretch has your lips parted and circular, moans spilling out of your lips again and again until you were a broken record.
every single time, gojo’s cock extends inside of you through and through. it’s like it comes natural to him. no matter how many times he’d please you, you’d always end up getting a bit more stretched out than the last time.
a constant lewd loop,
“s— satoru,” you start to whine again, swiveling your hips against him. he’s seated down on the bench, taking in your body and the way your breasts bounce. he can’t help but snatch a feel, bringing a hand toward your left mound, squeezing two fingers against your nipples. with your frilly blouse still on, he’s just tugging against fabric but you start feel the familiar incoming shockwaves of pleasure. you let off a tiny squeal, head tossing back and your teeth digging into your bottom lip. “ngh, ‘toru. ‘m sensitive.”
“baby you’re always sensitive,” he teases.
lowering his head down between your neglected tits, gojo pulls up your blouse and leisurely slides his tongue down the sheeny crack of your chest. you’ve got a bit of a glow, probably from your recent teeth shattering orgasm. “mhm, look at my girls. they get prettier every time i see ‘em,” and as you’re still swaying your hips against him, he pops out one of your tits from your bra, sucking against the tender skin. you whimper over and over, he can barely get a good solid suck from the constant movement of your hips. you’re jittery, repeatedly moving back and forth against him, about to erupt as if your cunt was a volcano. “thaaat’s my girl, always taste so sweet.”
you ruffle his hair a bit as he’s latching his mouth against one of your sore nipples. the mobility of your hips so sloppy and unstable. he tends to each nipple, latching his wet lips against the sore mounds before slobbering all over it. as you’re grinding against him in an alluring manner, your eyes start to roll back. “toru, ngh. ‘s fuckin’ big,” you squeak out in a tiny mewl, your voice entirely small.
you’re moving so much that he could barely keep up, burying his face into your chest. his hot breath tickles against your skin — it’s feverish, sending a multitude of shivers to race down your spine.
he grunts in annoyance at your bra in the way, snatching it down to properly attach his plump lips against your neglected nipples. gojo sucked until they were all sore ‘n swollen, madly pulsating from the salacious stimulation. he eyes you with a teasing simper, a crinkle informing underneath his eye as he licks up his saliva dripping down the bare valley of your chest.
“y’r always a perfect fit though,” he whispers, another groan leaving out of his throat. as he’s leaning back again, allowing you to continue riding him, you’re just completely dumbfounded.
irises were dilated, lungs were full, toes curled.
you moan once he spanks your ass at the feeling of your hips slowing down, his way of encouraging you to keep at it. with your frilly blouse pulled up, he gawks at your body and admires how you match his crazed tempo, rolling and mirroring the same amounts of rickety.
“my fuckin’ girl,” he grunts, a hand sliding down your ass again, spanking it again. “uh huuuh,” his tongue slides against his lips, averting his gaze at your seductive looking hips. “just like that, sweetheart. niiiice ‘n slow, ‘toru’s not going anywhere.”
as you’re jerking forward against him, constantly bouncing against his thickset, bulky base — your jaw hangs wide open. he’s reached your sweet spot, it’s out of nowhere and you feel a bundle of nerves scream all through out you. your limbs were getting weary, and as your arms wrap around his shoulders, you nibble on his chin. “satoru, satoru, f— fuuuuck.”
he chuckles, watching as both of your eyes close tight, feeling one of your hands slither its way inside of his dress shirt. “hm,” he looks down, and your fingertips feel against his chiseled washboard abs. your pace was relentless, and with the feeling of just how ripped he was, you felt that same twitch arise in your cunt again. “fuck yeah, baby. touch me anywhere you like. this body ‘s all yours,” and you moan from his provocative words, still moving back and forth. gojo’s scent made itself well known throughout the entire dressing room. his abs instinctively clench from your gentle yet tender touch. “make me feel so good.”
“i- i do?” you moan, his words alone sending you a plethora of spine-chilling chills everywhere. they linger for a long time before you feel yourself starting to tighten. you were hungry for his approval, his praise — anything.
“yes, sweetheart,” he grunts, cupping your face as your hips continue to rock against him. he was reaching his inevitable limit and so were you, gojo’s face turns flustered and his pretty blue eyes flicker backward for a moment. that action alone was sexy, only you made him like this. “you like hearin’ what you do to me, huh?”
his voice was always so low — deep ‘n pitchy, it had the right amount of rasp hiding underneath it.
the timbre, it was a huskiness that always got you soaked. gojo moved his hands back down toward your waist, helping you keep up your frantic rhythm. every few seconds, you felt his throbbing dick plunge in and out of your drooling cunt. it’s so thorough, and every once and a while, it slips out. “fuuuck,” he groans, lifting you up before aligning himself back in. “got me workin’ over time, baby. stay still, yeah.”
your sweet nub was constantly being kissed up against, and you’re already so so stupid.
metaphoric heart eyes form through your pupils as you twitched ‘n fluttered on his cock. the moment you came again, and again, and again, there was barely a thought in your mind. you were always left being a puddled mess, swollen walls perfectly ravaged and stretched out.
it’s probably been about a good hour or two.
the dressing room had a sweet smell of tangy sweat and cologne—you whimper, babbling repeatedly as you’re now bent back over again.
but this time, gojo’s fucking you from behind.
he’s probably had you do various positions, and he was just about to finish again, anticipating to see another load pour right into your puffy pussy.
“s- shit,” he swallows a lump residing in his throat, catching your secretive hand trying to reach down and touch yourself. “princess..”
you pause, your hand staying still and he chuckles — pressing right up against your ass. he’s still pumping you full mid-thrust, a free hand wrapping its way around the back of your throat. his tone sounded like you’d just been caught redhanded. “aw, someone’s eager. but you always ask before touchin’ this sloppy pussy, right?”
with your breath hitching, he’s continuing to reel you back into his sharp hips within each piston of a thrust. with your mouth opened wide, you moan. “y- yes,” and as he’s jutting his cock into your gripping walls, you whimper out a sweet question of want. “can i touch myself, ‘toru?”
“let me think, baby.”
and you whine, a pouty expression marinating against your features as he’s got you pressed up against the mirror once more. gojo chuckles, clammy hands squeezing against your ass. “oh, you big baby. ‘m joking, go ‘head princess.”
as your fingers skid down your sopping pussy, it’s immediately coated with your slick. you whine, feeling his pace go faster before he groans. after a while, he’s just about there. gojo’s eyes remain fixated on your pretty rear — skin against skin clashing onto each other in such sync ‘n harmony.
his orgasm hits him like a truck. as a pretty translucent ring forms around his heavy cock, lust foils at his brain. “hah, fuck, pretty. such a mess, arch more for me, good girl. good fuckin’ girl.”
with the way he’s praising you continuously, you felt the constant twitches of your pussy cling onto his length. as your limbs were shaky ‘n on their final concluding hinges, you grow quiet at the feeling of him dumping in yet another sweet sticky load of cum. in the process — he coats the fabric of your panties with his mess, luxuriating in how sloppy you looked.
everything feels so slow - it’s probably been hours.
the current song that’s playing on the speakers, you’ve heard that same chorus for at least three times now.
it’s so warm inside, the flushed left temple of your cheek sticks against the mirror as you’re pressed right up against it. “f- fuck.” you wheeze out, allowing him to pump you full of creamy, velvety loads. he groans, throwing his head back and letting off a deep exhale. pretty lashes of his flutter shut as he’s staring openly at the way your cunt swallows its favorite bittersweet meal. with his mushroom tip still thrashing against the bulb of your sensitive clit, he gradually pulls out.
gojo’s eyes remain at your backside — gazing at the way he’s overflowed you with ropes ‘n ropes of hot wads of cum.
he licks his lips, staring in awe at how it dribbles down your thighs so effortlessly. it’s so messy,
a thumb of his swipes down the inner crevices of your thighs, getting a taste of it himself. “such a pretty girl,” he huffs, bringing the same thumb up to his lips to get a good enough taste. with the honeyed concoction of both flavors, he hums in contentment. “awww,” he stands up, taking in your dumbed down state. you were still panting, cum dripping out of your swollen hole.
you’ve still got a brief portion of your fist in your mouth - trying to suppress your sweet noises, split knuckles tickling against your tongue. “cute. c’mere, princess.”
you shudder, feeling him reposition your panties whilst pulling up your frilled skirt. with a teasing smile, he kisses your forehead, giving the fat of your ass one more squeeze. “you did so good,” and once he’s making sure you’re okay, with glossed eyes—you leer as he drags his slacks back up, zipping up his fly. as you gawk, gojo looks so handsome. ruffled white strands all over the place and his once professional dress shirt was now all unbuttoned ‘n scruffy. “hm,” he catches you staring, and he strokes the bottom of your chin. “you look hungry for more,” and his voice gets a bit low, he pressed a soft kiss against your lips, watching as you pout once he devastatingly pulls away. “happy birthday baby.”
“t- thank you, ‘toru,” you speak, trying to catch your breath. abruptly, you’re suddenly being lifted up by him, bridal style. a gasp wrenches out of you before you involuntary hurl your feeble, numb arms over his tense shoulders. he smells so good, you sink your face into the collar of his tux, feeling his body rumble from a chuckle.
“welcome,” and he unlocks the dressing room, walking out with you in nowhere but his warms. glancing at you, he whispers in a sweet low tone. “let’s get you outta here, hm? a nice warm bath ‘s waitin’ for ya at home. don’t want my baby’s limbs to be all sore.”
and as gojo’s carrying you and your bags with one arm supporting underneath you—he continues to make his way toward the front of the store.
he’s met with a few eyes yet he could care less. all he cared about was you, his pretty princess.
you shift a bit in his arms, still feeling creamy remnants of his cum plug you full even while being protected by your panties and skirt. it sticks against the fabric and you couldn’t help but grow flustered, feeling your thighs glue ‘n stick together. as he’s just about to leave out the door, he’s interrupted by the loud sound of a beep.
it’s the anti-theft security alarm, and gojo groans once he’s stopped by one of the employees.
“sir, i think you forgot to pay.”
“oh right,” the white haired man rubs the back of his neck, gently placing you back down on your feet. you glance up at him and your forehead’s met with another one of his tender, sweet kisses. “stay put, baby.”
you nod, watching as his back turns. he trods toward the cashier, whipping out his black card that he had you use for the majority of the day. as he’s paying for your items, he apologizes for the inconvenience with the most faux unknowing expression. gojo leaves a big tip in advance before making his way back toward you.
his staggering height stands tall and he slings an arm over your shoulder. he grabs your bags, having you lean against him as you both finally make your way out of the store.
“c’mon, darlin,” gojo mutters in a low tone, guiding you out of the mall. he’s still holding you close, but he stops briefly to plant a kiss near the inside of your neck. “still not done makin’ a mess out of my messy baby girl.”
#★vegasbaby.#gojo x reader#gojo smut#gojo satoru smut#gojo satoru x reader#gojo x reader smut#gojo x you#gojo x y/n#gojo satoru x you#gojou satoru x reader#satoru gojo x reader#jjk x reader#jjk smut#jjk x you#jjk x y/n#jjk x reader smut#jujutsu kaisen smut#jujutsu kaisen x reader#jujutsu kaisen x you#jujustsu kaisen x reader#anime smut#female reader#jjk gojo#gojo satoru#jjk fic#smut#cw sex mention
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SIZE ~ (true form) sukuna x reader ౨ৎ .⋆。⊹ 18+



thinking about kuna with a size kink....... is not good for my mental health omg. sukuna has been stalking you for what seem like years. Watching you when you walk to class, going out with your friends, heading to work,,, and who you fuck yourself late at night. You've always had a feeling as if you were being watched for the last couple years. An unknown darkness that follows you around. It should have scared you away,,,, but you couldn't help but give into your sinful desires... especially on the night that this darkness comes to pay you a little visit.
word count: 7600 sukuna x reader smut. size kink,,, obviously. dumbification, fingering, slapping, overstimulation, heavy smut, corruption kink, stalking, voyeurism, breeding, monster fucking, heavy CNC. Double penetration. Perv! Monster! Stalker! Sukuna x Innocent! reader (I have a problem). True form sukuna smut (yes, we get a double dicker sandwich).

Sukuna always knew that he had a size kink, he just never acknowledged the fact until he met you. You were so small compared to him, it was like you were just a measly doll, a puppet. So pretty, so small, and so, so very innocent. He almost felt guilty for the things he fantasizes about doing to you. almost.
He additionally almost felt a little guilty for how many times he'd watched you masturbate through your window late into the night. The sounds you make while touching your pretty pussy were the only thing that calmed him after a long and stressful evening. He had been doing this for a while. Watching you, that is. He liked watching you get dressed for the day, guessing what makeup style you were planning on doing, the little pop you did with your lips right after you applied your lip gloss. It should be disgusting how many times he's rubbed one out to the sight of you popping those pretty pink, full glossy lips. but he didn't care nor did he feel a tinge of disgust towards himself.
He enjoyed all the times he's watched you walk to and from your little cafe job down the street. How your routine consisted of grabbing a coffee at a different spot despite being able to make yourself a free one at your place of work. How you would play with and feed your cats before heading out for the day.
He also enjoyed the days where you went out with your friends to the mall to shop, or to a restaurant for girls night. He especially liked it when you and your girls went out for dinner. All the cute and godawful tiny dresses you found yourself wearing always just about make him lose his cool. The only thing he hated about girls night out was the fact that you knew you were sexy, meaning men swarmed around you like vultures, eyeing you like a piece of meat. It made him want to bend you over the nearest table and fuck you right in front of everyone.
Sukuna owned you, he just hasn't put the collar on you yet.
Tonight was one of those nights where you went out with your girlfriends. Your hair was done up all pretty and your makeup took you hours to perfect, but it was all worth it for the evil, thigh clasping presence you felt in the dark corner of the club you were in. Your glossy lips were a tint of pink and your cheeks matched the deep red of the short dress you were wearing. The familiar dark energy seemed to be radiating all around you, more than normal.
He knew you couldn't see him, but sukuna stood at that corner of the room, hidden away from all the humans, his eyes locked onto one. Sweat glistened on the top of your breasts, and your lips seemed more plump than normal. But the thing that was driving him crazy was the fact that one man couldn't seem to leave you alone. he kept coming up to you in desprate search of starting a conversation, shamelessly eyeballing your prominent curves and licking his lips. sukuna wanted to explode his head right then and there for trying to seduce his woman. And what pissed him off even more was the fact that you were actually playing into it.
You kept making small touches to the mans arm whenever he said something "funny" and you bit your lip whenever he complimented you. But sukuna knew that your laugh wasn't genuine and your smile was a fake. He knew the real you. Of course he did. He'd been stalking you for months, if not years. he made his claim a while ago, and he wasn't gonna let some scrawny low life steal his property with a couple sad jokes.
Your smile faltered just a hair when you felt the dark presence leave the club. It was almost like a warm blanket had been ripped off of you. Your eyes seemed to glaze over, which led the random man to ask if you were okay.
"Yeah, I'm fine, I just feel sick for some reason" your response was an obvious lie, but apparently good enough for the man to believe.
"oh, are you alright, would you like a ride back to yours?" He asks, and to be completely honest, kinda made you cringe. Of course you didn't want a ride because the only reason you were talking to him was to make whatever was watching you jealous.
Sukuna found interest in you because of your innocence. But oh was he in for a surprise. You knew something had been following you, you knew it had been watching you whenever you touched yourself late at night. You've felt it since the very beginning.
its like you had your own curse.
You should have told somebody when the red flags started popping up out of nowhere; they started out small, ranging from your couch pillows being moved around, then progressed into things like your favorite pair of panties going missing, then to things that freaked you out, like waking up to your bedroom window being open in the morning even though you know for a fact that you had closed and locked it. You should have moved apartments. You should have done something when this started happening.
But you didn't. And it made you sick. Getting off on the fact that you knew you were being stalked by whatever was hunting you.
And the fact that you were upset that the mysterious darkness had left proves just how disgusting you actually are.
"guys, I think im gonna call a cab, I just got hit with a wave of sickness and I really just wanna go home and sleep" you told your friends after shooing off the man you had no interest in.
"omg girl are you okay? of course go home and rest im so sorry!" one of your friends said right after taking her 4th shot.
"yeah im fine, just not really feeling it"
"text me when you get home!"
Staring at the dark yet lively city lights flashing by you, you kept thinking about the little stalker you seem to have. You thought it was weird how turned on you got just from an energy, from a presence. You've never felt so.. needed. so, praised ?
No man, or woman. Has ever given you so much confidence, if that's the right word. And because of that, you've never felt another human beings intimate touch. You only want its touch. Whatever it is.
Sukuna knows what he does to you. He could basically see it radiating off of you. How much confidence you gained and how well you hold yourself. And he'd never been happier to be the one gifting you that grace. That's actually the main thing that peaked his interest about you. The way you held yourself throughout life. Nothing could stop you from getting what you want, and he admired that. It made him question himself at first, being so interested about a human being. It made him debate on keeping you alive. How dare a human make him question himself.
But that passed quickly the first time he'd seen your fingers fuck your pussy. it was delicious. he had to restrain himself from shattering your balcony door and fucking you stupid.
You felt it leaking through the cracks of your front door. It felt different than all the other times its followed you around and watched you throughout your life. It was stronger, and it turned you on so, so much more than normal.
You stood outside your apartment door debating on going inside. Your face was burning and your pussy was throbbing.
It felt like you were going absolutely insane, and it pissed you off not knowing what was making you into such a pathetic mess. With a deep breath, you opened your door only to be met with darkness aside from a few street lights illuminating your living room in a dull yellow.
You set your stuff on the couch before walking into your room, slinging your door open, you didn't even have to turn the light on to know that whatever it was, had decided to perch itself in your bed.
For the first time in years, you actually felt scared of whatever it was. Your whole demeanor changed in an instant, and it made sukuna chuckle.
That chuckle vibrated throughout your skull, straight down your core.
Wanting to fold in on yourself out of fear, but too turned on to do so; you walked in, closing the door behind you. Sukuna's eyes never leaving your much smaller frame.
Trying to hide the fact that almost your entire being is screaming at you to run away from the thing in front of you, you stand your ground.
"What are you?" You ask the figure you have yet to fully lay eyes on. All you're able to make out is a monster-like figure with four arms, two behind its head using them as a cushion against your headboard, and the other two resting on its thighs. Its legs are long and big, both of them spread apart, inviting you in, in the most almost taunting way imaginable. Its face is completely hidden in the dark, restricting you from seeing the cocky, shit eating grin plastered on its face.
"What a weird first question to ask, y/n."
Its voice sent chills down your spine, creating an even stronger pulse in your heart, and your clit. You involuntarily suck in a breath at the sound of its voice. Deep, husky and masculine. It's nothing like you've ever heard before, and it makes your skin crawl in excitement and fear.
He chuckles again at the gasp you let out. You stay in your spot, making sure to keep a safe distance away from him.
"Answer my question." The words left your throat as more of a command than anything else. Your eyes never leave his frame, even as he removes his arms behind his head and lean forward, crossing them across his chest. His eyes never leave your body either, drinking in the sight of your skimpy dress.
All he wants to do is burn it off of you and make you scream his name as you cream all over his cock, but that'll take a minute to happen, so he answers you instead.
"King of curses, my dear." His voice sending another wave of shivers coursing through your body. He stands, and your entire body starts screaming at you to run away. but despite that, you hold your ground, challenging the being in front of you.
He's at least over 7 feet tall, one set of arms still crossed over his chest, the other finds their way to rest on his hips.
"The name is Sukuna." You just about drop to your knees. not only is his voice is unbearable, but you've heard about him before. You never believed in ghosts, curses, spiritual beings, anything of the sort and you've never believed any of your friends or family members when they told you legends about the man standing before you, yet here you are. About to be torn apart by the king they've warned you about for so many years.
"Guess you've heard about me, hm?" You can't get your damn mouth to move or your throat to make any noise. Your eyes are as wide as planets and all you can do is take a shaky step back, mimicking his opposite step forward and towards you.
"Why- why are you here?" voice is shaking as you speak, your breathing is jagged, which is prominent in your stutter. Just as sukuna takes another step forward, his features are illuminated in the moonlight shining through your bedroom windows curtains. He's absolutely breathtaking, and not many people would say that.
I guess I really am fucked up huh
"oh y/n, don't play dumb now, doll." His grin never leaves his face and your eyes meet with his. He's scary in the best way possible, and it's making you want to wipe off that dumb grin by sitting on it.
"You're the one whose..." You take a moment to think, which is extremely hard when this monster starts stalking towards you ever so slowly, both sets of arms coming down to dangle by his sides. He tilts his head to the side and begins to hunch his back and bend over to get a closer look at you. The distance is closing in on the two of you, making you unintentionally walk backwards and into a wall.
The sudden feeling of the cold wall on your back makes you yelp in surprise, but you never look away. He hums at you, signaling you to finish your sentence.
"You're the one whose been watching me for so long.." You say under your breath. Chewing the skin on the bottom of your lip. Your hands clench into fists as he keeps getting closer and closer.
"don't act like you didn't enjoy my little haunting game, love. you do remember touching yourself just to the thought of me, right y/n?" His smug smile could be heard just by the tone of his voice. Your breathing deepens and he's stopped right in front of you, face to face with the thing that's been taking over your entire life for the past couple years. Your back would be disappearing into the wall if it weren't made out of sheetrock. He stands up fully and all you can do is stare straight ahead, looking directly in the center of his entire body. He's fucking huge. Letting out a shriveled breath, you close your eyes.
"Look at me, y/n."
You refuse to open your eyes, or even move in the slightest.
He gives you 15 seconds before one of his hands grips the base of your jaw and forces your face upwards to look at him, nails digging into the flesh of your rosy cheeks.
"I said, look at me." With a fearful yelp at the sudden contact, you force your eyes open and are met with the most sinful red eyes you could ever see in this lifetime.
"Good girl." He snickers at the petrified look that paints your face. Even though you look so scared, your eyes are clouded with so much lust. Sukuna can basically smell the arousal pooling in your panties and it's driving him up the wall. Without a word, he pins you in place, making no room for escape by pressing his one of his forearms against the wall above your head, another one finds its way trailing up your thigh.
You let out a desprate sigh at the contact of his fingers. He traces up the skin of your inner thigh, leaving goosebumps to trail behind until he's met with the flimsy fabric of your underwear and it takes him less than a fraction of a second to feel just how soaked you really are.
"You're disgusting." His voice somehow got an octave deeper, but who are you to complain? You whine at his words, following a louder whine as he starts to trace the slit of your pussy through your underwear. Sukuna's hand locks your head in place as you look up into his eyes as he pushes your underwear to the side and pinches your clit, his fingernails creating a painfully pleasurable feeling.
With a loud yelp, your hips buck forward. With his final free arm, he uses his hand to push your hips back against the wall, keeping you in one place.
"Stay still." He commands. His hand on your hip is locking you in place, so you have no option than to obey. His finger traces patterns on your clit and moans dance off your tongue as a result. His fingers pick up the pace and are now harshly massaging at your center.
"a-ah, slow ple-" Without stopping his brutal pace, sukuna lets go of your face and just before it can fall forward, he grips a handful of your hair and yanks it backwards roughly. your eyes to lock with his once more. A scream at the sudden pain erupts from the back of your throat.
"Don't tell me what to do, i'll use you how I please." Sukuna pulls his fingers away from your clit only to land a harsh slap on the bundle of nerves, making you yelp loudly and your body jolt in surprise. He slaps it a couple more times before forcing two of his fingers into your wet pussy.
Sukuna's fingers slide in with ease thanks to his assult on your clit. He was standing at such a close proximity to your body that when your back archesoff the wall, your stomach and chest meet his front. Just as your body meets his, he decides to let go of your hair, making your head fall forward and onto his center. Your hands instinctually reach up and wrap around his body, using him as leverage to keep yourself from falling. Your nails dig into his back as his fingers work wonders deep inside of you, all you can do is bury your head into him to suppress your noises.
His fingers pump in and out of your pussy, curling and twisting at all the right angles, fingering your core as if he's trying to tear you apart from the inside out. Wet sounds come from just below you, but neither of you seem to hear them because they're drowned out by your loud moans and whimpers of pleasure. Sukuna's eyes never leave your body as you come undone.
His now free hand that was once in your hair decides to hook under your thigh, picking it up and letting it dangle, helping get a better angle to fuck you with his fingers. Because of this newfound angle, your back and head hit the wall behind you once more, but your arms don't leave his body.
"Look at you, such a pretty girl. So fuckin' small I could break you so, so easily." Your nails scratch at his back like there is no tomorrow and all you can do as a response is whimper.
"su- kuna" Your hiccuped plea of his name is enough to know you're about to cum all over his fingers, but he wont let that happen just yet.
"say it, y/n" Sukuna says, his voice solid. You look up, tears welled in your eyes as you look into his and your voice breaks.
"Please can I cum, please k-una please please please" Your cheeks are a deep shade of red and your mouth is slightly ajar and oh does sukuna wanna fill up your pretty mouth and ruin that pretty pink lipgloss that stain your full lips.
Without another word, his smirk deepens and his chuckle vibrates inside your skull. He takes his fingers out of you, your juices now running down your thighs and you're pretty sure your panties are completely ruined thanks to the demon above you. Your eyes widen while you plea him to continue with a hushed whimper.
"Hush, little one" is all he says before one set of arms is gripping your thighs and hauling you into the air. Your legs wrap around his torso on instinct and your throat lets out a surprised squeal at his actions. Your hands come up and one of them grips his shoulder, the other rests in his hair. You're now face to face with sukuna and his eyes look deeply into yours. one of his other free hand's is tangled in your hair within a fraction of a second and is pulling you in to kiss him with so much force, it almost gives you whiplash.
Your tongue tangles with his and you let out another squeal of surprise right into his mouth when your back hits the cushioning of your bed. Sukuna is now on top of you, his torso flat against your heat. The hand that was once tangled in your hair is now trailing its way to your neck. Sukuna breaks the kiss and you go to lean forward in protest, but his huge hand wrapped around your neck stops you. Another hand rests on the headboard above you, and the two that were holding you up now rest at the top of your dress.
With brute force and in the blink of an eye, your once beautiful red dress and strapless braw are now being ripped off of you, tiny flames ignite from the freshly ripped seam for a just a fraction of a second. You gasp at the sudden action and Sukuna's glowing red eyes never falter to look at the reaction on your face. He laughs once more at just how jumpy you are. the cold air hits your skin, causing your nipples to grow hard and goosebumps form on your smooth skin. Sukuna grabs the dress and bra out from under you and throw the articles of clothing across the room to be forgotten, all while looking right at you. Once the dress is out of sight, you look up at him, your eyes half lidded with lust that are basically begging him to use you.
Sukuna smiles at how innocent, yet already fucked out you look and decides to lean down toward your breasts, taking one of your nipples and fondiling it inside of his warm mouth. His tongue laps at you and your hands fly to his hair, pulling it out of pleasure. His two free hands now rest at your thighs, slowly pulling them apart, to which you happily obliged. His mouth moves from your nipple and starts to suck at the skin of your breasts. His mouth trails from your chest, down to your stomach and abdomen, leaving deep purple marks and bites that will most likely be staying for days, if not weeks. Your whimpers are like music to Sukuna's ears which only make him want to make you scream his name.
The hand that rested on the headboard is now grabbing your hands from his hair and forcing them down onto the mattress above you and the set of hands that were on your thighs are on your hips. Your eyes dont leave his, even as he rips your panties and throws them in the same direction he did your other clothes, making you bare yourself completely to him.
His hands part your thighs once more and pins them down, holding you in place.
"So cute, so tiny. 'could just ruin you hm?" he speaks as he lowers his head down to your heat, his breath fanning your dripping pussy. Your breathing is even more uneven than before as it's mixed with your hushed moans. Without taking his eyes off yours, he sticks out his tongue and licks a stripe up your cunt, causing your jaw to slack open in the perfect "oh" shape as your whine rings inside sukuna's skull. He licks up your cunt a couple more times before it initially lands on your clit, then he buries his head into your thighs and nips at you like a dog in heat.
His mouth sucks, bites and laps at your clit, and you try with all your strength to buck your hips up, but to no avail, the hands on your thighs pin you in place as your arms are basically unuseful. All you can do is throw your head back in pleasure as this creature devoures you. His grip on your throat tightens a little more and suddenly it's more difficult to breathe, but you dont even care.
Sukuna's saliva mixes in with your fluids that run down your thighs and asscheeks, wetting the bed under you. His long tongue fucks itself inside your pussy and against your walls as his teeth drag across your clit. Sukuna doesn't look away from you, not for a second. He wants to see every twist on your face and flex of your abs as he eats you out, he's desperately and intensively observing you, as if you were the most beautiful, treasurable piece of art he's ever layed eyes on. His tongue is rough as he creates a rhythm of fucking your insides, and sucking your bundle of nerves.
Your arms tug at the restraint of his hands holding your wrists. He's so much stronger than you, yet that fact alone turns you on so much more. Your moans and hushed screams fill the room as small beads of sweat gather on your hairline. Your body twitches under sukuna's control and your clit is throbbing for release as he toys with you.
You're so close to finishing and sukuna can tell so easily. Your moans grow into louder screams and your back arches off the bed. His grip on your throat tightens, cutting off all supply of air and your eyes are thrown open as you choke and cough, trying to get any oxygen possible.
Sukuna laughs into your pussy, which vibrates through your whole body. Your eyes look down into his, desperately trying to tell him to let you cum, or breathe. Whichever one he will let you do. Your silent plea only turns him on even more and your vision is starting to blacken and your head begins to feel light.
"Fuck, you're so adorable when you're beggin' for your life" He says as he sits up and hovers over you, refusing to let you finish. The hand on your throat disappears and you cough and gasp for air, but just as you suck in a deep breath, its knocked out of you by a harsh slap to your face and all you can do is gasp in pain at the sudden stinging on your cheek. He grips your face directly after with the hand he had previously slapped you with and forces you to look down at your pussy.
One of the hands on your thighs moves up to your cunt and plunges inside you. Two of Sukuna's fingers thrust inside your cunt at lightning speed and curl up into your center, hitting that spot you need him most. You choke out a scream and your hips grind into his palm.
"Look at the mess you're making y/n. Such a nasty little girl you are." He says as he looks at your pretty face contorting from the overstimulation he brings upon you.
Sukuna's fingers are relentless as they move fast inside of you. Not even a couple seconds later, you're cumming all over his hand and arm, squirting your fluids all over him as well as your bed sheets. You come undone with a scream.
"K-kuna oh my god!" You're being so loud, you could almost bet the neighbors across the street could hear. Neither of you cared though, all you cared about was how you were about to be torn in half.
Your eyes are watery again and you're still desperately trying to gather air in your lungs. Sukuna's hands let go of your wrists and face, but right after, you hear an article of clothing rip. You sit up slightly in wonder, but your mouth instantly hangs open at the sight of two handsomely large cocks sprung up, hitting just above Sukuna's belly button. Your mouth instantly dried at the sight.
Speaking of sights, Sukuna thought you were a beautiful one. Your hair was a shriveled mess and your face was the most gorgeous shade of red. You looked so fucked out, yet so ready to take anything he gives you like the obedient whore you are. You had a look of fear and interest plastered on your face. Sukuna was never one for love or anything of the sort, but the moment he layed his eyes on you those couple years ago, he knew he was fucked. You were just so different than most of the humans he had ever made contact with. You didn't care about the difference between "good and bad" and you always took what you wanted without second thought, even if it took you a while to grasp. You were always ready for whatever was thrown at you and were always in control of everything around you.
That's why he decided to stick around. Since the beginning, he's wanted to corrupt your world and fuck up your flow of control. He was arrogant and cocky. You just needed someone, or something, to step in and take control over you. And sukuna was never going to let anybody else besides him take control over his woman.
Though he would never admit it out loud, you were breathtaking. You're also the only reason he hasn't burned this world to the ground,,,, completely.
"Think you can take em'?" Sukuna's voice never fails to make a shiver run up your spine. You don't answer him, all you do is stare into his eyes, a silent plea to just have him use you however he pleases. He takes your lack of an answer and laughs quietly under his breath. He brings one of his hands to his face, and smiles into his palm.
"you're gonna be the death of me."
His body slowly stalks towards you, crawling onto the bed, trapping your body between his and the headboard. Your thighs rub together in desprate search of friction. You can't take it any longer, you need him inside you. You need every part of this being in any way you can have him.
"I don't care if you think you can take my cocks' or not, I'll force you to take em' how bout that, yeah?" His head tilts as he speaks and one of his hands grips your leg and pulls your body down farther onto the bed, causing you to lay down underneath his much larger body.
"You're so- so big kuna.." Your voice is uncontrolled and small. Unlike earlier where your screams and moans were ear piercing and just so delicious. Your eyes look up into his, your hands sneak up to wrap around one set of his arms, squeezing his biceps as you chew on the skin of the inside of your cheek.
Sukuna groans at your words. He really was huge, trapping your body underneath his. One of his hands grips the headboard, another comes down to grip the side of your face. His thumb traces your bottom lip, smearing your lipgloss.
Just as you open your mouth, his thumb presses down on your tongue as you suck in his finger. One of your hands makes its way down his body, gripping one of his huge cocks in your small hand. Despite the size difference, Sukuna still hisses in response. You pump his hard dick a couple times, looking directly into his eyes as you suck on his thumb. With painful force, sukuna grips your wrists and suddenly, both your hands above your head once more.
With one hand gripping the headboard, one holding your wrists in place, another moves from your mouth to grip one of his dicks while the final hand holds himself up, hovering right above you. You whine at the lack of control you have, grinding your hips upwards as a sign to let you go, but all sukuna does is laugh at your attempts of escape.
"Stop moving, slut." He pushes one of his dicks at your pussys entrance, but you don't listen to him, you grind your hips upwards once more and Sukuna doesn't seem to like that very much.
"Told you to stop movin' brat" and without warning, or any lube (as if you needed any) he pushes one of his cocks into your pussy with full force. It has you automatically screaming at the stretch. It's painful and you're pretty sure you're bleeding.
Sukuna bottoms out inside of you and stills, the outline of his dick prominant through your stomach, it drives him insane.
Sukuna uses his now free hand and pushes down on the outline of his cock through your tummy and chuckles.
"Fuck you're so small y/n, look at your tummy baby" You obey him and look down, seeing the outline of his huge dick bulging in your abdomen. A scared moan leaves your lips as you take in the sight. It literally looks like he could split you in half at any given moment. Sukuna pulls his dick out, a painful sensation radiates through your vagina as he does. The bulge in your tummy disappears and sukuna's face falters into one of disappointment.
"fuck, you're bleedin' y/n! " sukuna says to you, and just as you're about to look for yourself, he thrusts his dick back inside you, filling you back up again. He bottoms out inside you and a strangled moan that sounds more like a cough forces its way out of your throat.
"full- im so full, too full please-" Sukuna's face turns into one of disappointment again at your words as he says
"that's too bad, I wasn't even close to being finished with stuffin' you doll." He mocks you, and just as he finishes talking, you feel his second cock at the entrance of your ass, which causes you to shoot your head up.
"No, no please dont" you beg him, despite your words not being how you really feel, you beg him not to anyways. sukuna's face is still one that mocks you, pretending as if he feels bad for splitting you open. He pushes his tip into your ass so slowly it almost makes this situation better. The stretch is unbearable, especially with how tight you are with another cock spreading you open and filling you already.
Sukuna's entire tip is stuffed inside, waiting for you to adjust to his length.
"Look at you, taking me so well. Such a good little girl aren't you?" His voice is taunting you. Your arms feel weak from how much you've been struggling to break free, so all you can do I lay there and adjust to his cocks with hushed moans.
Sukuna starts moving his cock deeper inside you slowly, but not slow enough.
"Kuna please no, it's too much I can't take it" Your head shakes from side to side as painful tears fall from your eyes and down your cheeks. Sukuna pouts at this and leans down and uses his tongue to lick the tears away.
"you can take it, you're already doing such a good job for me." This reassurance helps you a little more, and with every inch growing deeper inside you, you find it hard to breathe, and sukuna notices.
He leans down and whispers deeply into your ear
"breathe my dear."
you listen to him and take deep breaths. In one particular deep breath, sukuna takes it upon himself to completely push the other half of his cock into you, getting it done in one swift motion just as you breathe out.
His actions cause you to scream in pain,,, and in pleasure. More tears fall from your eyes. Sukuna doesn't even give you time to adjust this go around, he just can't wait any longer.
"fuck, takin' my cocks' so well, you're so fuckin' tight, couldn't help myself" Sukuna says into your ear.
Your ass feels so tight as he thrusts in and out of both your stretched holes. the pain subsides into pleasure after a couple strokes and your painful hisses turn into sickening moans.
The sound of skin slapping echos off the walls of your dark room, the only light source being the moonlight shining through your window. Your pussy feels like it's going to burst every time sukuna's dicks thrust back inside you.
Sukuna's grip on your bed frame is so tight, the wood crumbles in his hand
"fuck" He curses under his breath
He needs to grip onto something, anything, so he decided to harshly grip the sheets that lay right next to your head. He looks from your face, down to your pussy where he sees his cocks move in and out of you, stretching you so beautifully.
When he looks back up at you, your teary, half lidded eyes lock onto his. You dont break eye contact, even as you moan out his name like a chant that dances off your tongue straight into his ears. And he loves it.
Your walls squeeze his dick's like you're trying to milk him dry. He's even surprised both of them fit inside you.... as if he didn't literally force them to fit.
"Please please let me touch you, just wan' touch please kuna' please" you moan out, begging him to let go of your arms. Much to his objection, he lets you go.
Your arms instantly wrap around his back, nails digging into his skin as you pull your bodies closer together. Your boobs press up against his broad chest as your sweat rubs into his skin.
Two of his arms hold his body up on his forearms above your head now, the other is pinning your stomach to the bed, the feeling of his dick entering and exiting your pussy being felt through your tummy.
his last free hand finds its way to the small of your back, his arm wrapping around your body and pressing you somehow closer against his. Your face is directly into his chest as you moan and scream out his name as his thrusts become wicked and fast, his hips snapping against yours. Your legs spread out for him to take advantage of you.
Sukuna looks down at you buried into his chest, his body hot and sweaty. Your nails scratching daggers into his back, you're pretty sure you can feel blood under your fingernails.
With each thrust inside you, your moans are choked and jagged and it's hard to breathe. The coil in your tummy is about to burst and you feel like you could explode from just how full you really were. Everything was too much, yet so perfect. Sukuna felt as if he was going to burst too, everything was so hot and wet, it was only driving him even more insane.
Your screams grew louder with each stroke of his cocks, signaling to sukuna that you were close.
"want me to come inside you? full you up and breed you like a dumb fuckin whore, turn you into a mommy?" He asks you, and all you can do is shake your head.
"you're gonna take my cum weather you want to or not, understand? Fill you up so nice nd' warm" He bares his teeth as you scream his name..
"no, no please dont I can't handle it, too full please k-una!" He doesn't like this answer, and it causes him to groan through his teeth. With a set of his arms, he grips your waist harshly, and with the other, he's stabilizing himself on the bed above you and sits up slightly.
"I dont care what you want, you're gonna take whatever I give you." he says before pulling his cocks out and flipping you onto your tummy. Your yelp of surprise is cut short as your hands grip at the sheets above you, trying to pull your body up and away from the monster.
"ah ah ah, dont run away from me, im nowhere close to being done with you." Sukuna stands up at the edge of the bed, his feet on the floor. He grabs your ankles and pulls you to the edge where he stands. He lets go of your ankles and roughly grips your hips, pulling you up and slightly into the air. He forces your knees down into the mattress, your ass up and your face in your sheets. His hands remain on your hips as another one of his hands finds a handful of your hair, gripping and pulling your head upwards and next to his chest, forcing you into a painful arch.
Sukuna bends over so his face is next to your ear. His long tongue licks your neck, and up to the lobe of your ear just before he bites it, your moan in exchange.
"now shut up and let me ruin you" is all he says before forcing your face down into your sheets, one of his hands pressing your head down into the mattress.
Sukuna thrusts his cocks into your holes once more, resulting in a muffled scream coming out of your mouth, but he doesn't move. his hips flush against your ass. Sukuna lifts one hand from your hips and lands a harsh smack on your ass, leaving your skin red. Your walls tighten around his cocks.
so he does it again
and again
and again
over and over and over until you're creaming all over his cock and squirting all over your bed once more with more muffled screams.
"pathetic. squirting all over my cock with just a few slaps to your ass. how disgusting could you possibly get?" He mocks you again, landing one more painful slap to your ass as your liquids drip down your thighs and onto the mattress below you. He grabs the flesh of your ass with both of his hands and slowly pulls his dicks out of you, the empty felling in your tummy has you begging for him to fill you back up.
sukuna's face twists into one of interest as he hears your whines of protest.
"oh? what a little slut I have on my hands. and here I thought you truly didn't want me to tear you apart" he says as he thrusts his cocks deep back inside you, hitting your sweet spot that has you squealing ever so loudly. Your hands above your head painfully grip the sheets, your nails digging into your palms drawing blood. His thrusts are endless and with each one, he grows deeper inside of you. He uses one of his hands and rakes his nails down your back, scratching at your skin. It was a painfully blissful feeling that had your walls squeezing his cocks so tight, it causes sukuna to curse under his breath.
With a chuckle, he says
"you're so fukin' tight, im gonna fill you up so full, so swollen with my baby, you'll forever be marked as mine, you'd like that huh?" of course sukuna was lying, he would never ever want to reproduce, but the way you're milking his cocks is making him reconsider his entire opinion on that subject.
His thrusts grow faster and stronger, your pussy and ass flutter around his dicks so prettily, he can see it whenever he looks at your holes. You moan his name over and over again, like it's the only thing you know how to say.
The knot in your abdomen kept getting tighter and tighter every time he hit your sweet spot, you were so close to finishing and all you could do is yearn for sukuna to carry you to the finish line. So that's exactly what he did.
The hand holding your head down into the mattress disappeared, so you turned your head to the side, resting your cheek against the mattress, your eyes find his and oh fuck
oh good god
sukuna lost it
he threw his head back with a loud moan and tightened his grip on your hips so intensely he felt your skin break from under him, his nails digging into your flesh as blood ran down your legs, pooling on the sheets, staining his fingertips.
You had a puddle of drool where your face lays. your lips were bleeding from biting down on them so roughly, and your eyes. oh fuck your eyes were so perfect. it was as if sukuna could read a whole book just by looking into your eyes.
Just as he was about to finish, you came all over him once more, wetting the bed, soaking it really. Your walls fluttered all around him like the butterflies in your stomach. as you came, sukuna shot warm ropes of cum straight into your ass and tummy, so full it was leaking out of both your holes. but it wasn't enough.
It wasn't enough for sukuna.
In the middle of both your orgasms, he resumed his thrusts, but your body gave out and you collapsed on the mattress, your stomach hitting the wet bedding.
your body couldn't move, you became putty in his hands and you had no complaints.
sukuna cursed as he crawled over you, his dicks never leaving your walls. one of his arms snaked its way under your arm to grip your throat, another one held your tummy, another spread your legs enough for him to continue fucking you, and the last one held him up.
His hips met your asscheeks in a monsteristic rhythm, a burning sensation beginning to form on your flesh. your eyes rolled into the back of your head as your jaw layed slack open, drool running down your chin.
he was fucking his cum into you, making your soul intertwine with his in more ways than one. He fucked you through your next and final orgasm, your legs shook involuntarily as your guys' mixed cum got everywhere. it dripped down sukuna's cock, onto the mattress, between your thighs, onto his abdomen, all over your asscheeks, it was everywhere.
Your eyes closed, even as his thrusts continued, your mind faded away from your body and before you fully lost consciousness, you could hear sukuna's words ring through your ears.
"Ill see you soon, y/n."
#sukuna x reader#jjk#jjk smut#jujutsu kaisen#jujutsu kaisen x reader#jujutsu kaisen smut#sukuna ryomen x reader#sukuna ryomen smut#jjk x reader smut#sukuna true form#sukuna smut#ryomen sukuna smut#ryomen x reader#sukuna jjk#sukuna jujutsu kaisen
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Family without light.
[#part1 #part2 #Part3]

Bruce and Y/N divorced after more than 15 years of marriage. The marriage was only for the sake of cooperation between the two companies, not for love. But after Y/N's father died and she took over the company, she decided to cancel the contract between them and divorce him. But... that's not what matters to Damian now... what matters to him is what happened after Y/N left the house. He thought that when she left, nothing would happen, he always ignored her or even fought with her or said harsh words in front of her and behind her. But... when did his wounds and injuries become so painful? After all, it's not the first time he got injured while fighting some villains. After all, he was trained by his mother Talia to be strong and feel as painless as possible. So he's surprised by the pain he feels from a mere scratch! His mother would be disappointed if she knew about this. But that's not the only change Damian has noticed. Y/N usually took him home from school and home to school and sometimes took him to the mall to buy food for his pets or to the Kent family's house. Now that she was gone, it was Alfred who drove him with Bruce and sometimes Jason. Tim barely had time for himself and Dick wasn't in Gotham. So when Jason was busy on a case and Alfred was busy, he would wait for one of them to come or he would walk home. As the days went by he was getting tired of it, the commute between home and school was too long... and he missed the places Y/N used to take him. She would take him after shopping to see the ocean or even to a fancy place to buy him nice clothes that fit his taste... she knew how to choose clothes... comfortable and cool at the same time. He missed when she would stop at the candy store or ice cream shop to buy his favorite flavor without telling Alfred. He missed when she would defend him in front of his father, she knew when he was lying or not. And when Bruce punishes him by stopping him from going on patrol, Y/N will bring the Robin costume that Bruce hid and then she will ask him to go in patrol, whether Bruce wants to or not. He missed her when she would stand waiting for him every day after school, start another fight in the car with her, and make it up to him with ice cream even though she didn't do anything wrong... He missed her... So he had a plan, a plan for her to come and take him from school to the market. A few weeks ago, Damian saw one of the students at his school calling their mother because they were sick. So Damian was going to call Y/N... and tell her he was sick and she would take him! Yeah, after all, it had been 3 months since the divorce, she must be missing him by now. Right?
"Yes Damian Wayne? What's wrong?" The headmistress said with a raised eyebrow upon seeing Damian hoping he wasn't here because of another fight.
Damian looked at her for a few moments nervous and a little excited. "I'm sick... I need to go home early today. Can I call someone to pick me up?" Damian said using his acting skills and speaking in a pale and sick voice. The principal was surprised and nodded "Of course you can, go ahead you can call your family." The principal gave him the phone and Damian took it after thanking her he went out and stood in the school corridor while writing down Y/N's number after writing down the number he was nervous and his finger hovered over the call button. after taking a deep breath he pressed the call button and put the phone to his ear... After waiting for an eternity (for Damian) a familiar voice answered. "Yes? Who's calling?" Damian forgot for a while why he was calling but he finally answered.
"I-It's me, Damian... I'm calling from school..." Damian said cursing himself for stuttering.
"Okay?... What do you want?"
"I... I'm sick... and Alfred is busy, I need you to pick me up from here." Damian answered lowering his voice, to show that he was sick. There was a long moment of silence… then Y/N answered, “Why should I?… I don’t have a connection to Bruce anymore, so you’re not my responsibility anymore.” Damian felt a lump in his throat… like he was choking, did she not miss him? Did she no longer love him? Or care about him? Was everything she did fake? No… it was real, he felt it! Damian answered in a voice close to tears while cursing himself internally for his weakness, “What?… But I… I… I’m sick…” Damian couldn’t hold back the tears that started to fall. “then call your mom… I’m busy, don’t call again.” Y/N hung up the phone before Damian could answer. Damian tried not to fall and cry, tried to wipe away his tears, tried to hide the trembling of his body, but he failed. After crying silently in the bathroom for a while, he washed his face and handed the phone back to the principal, looking down, trying to avoid her gaze. The day passed quietly, Alfred came late as always and got into the car silently as usual, but this time he was sadder. After several more months, Damian was about to forget about it and act like nothing happened. He was walking out of school and heading to his new seating area where he would sit while waiting for Alfred or Jason. But he noticed something… no, someone… It was Y/N! Damian's heart fluttered with joy and he wanted to run to her… She came for him!… That's what Damian thought as he prepared to run to her… But before his joy could be complete, he saw a twin from the same school he goes to. They hugging Y/N… Why? Damian looked at them in confusion… then he heard one of them say 'Auntie'… then Damian knew that Y/N didn't come for him… but for those two, Damian was hit with another wave of sadness, he was about to cry, he was close to crying but he didn't in front of people… so he silently walked to the spot where he sits to wait for someone to take him home while he watched Y/N from afar… she patted the two kids on the head… hugged them, opened the car door for them… Damian's breath was shaky, he was about to break down, why did she have to be nice to them, what about him? He also wanted her to look at him, smile at him, ask him how school was, and spoil him with sweets… he wanted someone to take care of him… he wanted her to take care of him like Talia didn't… he missed Y/N. He will do anything to back the days before she leave him... he promise to himself.

#bruce wayne x reader#yandere batfam x reader#yandere batman#yandere jason todd#yandere tim drake#bruce wayne#damian wayne#yandere#yandere batboys#yandere batfam#yandere bruce wayne#tim drake x reader#damian wayne x reader#batmom x bruce wayne#batmom x batfam#batman x reader#red robin#dc robin#robin#yandere damian wayne#damian al ghul#dick grayson x reader#yandere dick grayson#jason todd x reader#jason todd#tim drake#red hood#Nightwing#nightwing
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rafe hates shopping
"Sweetheart.." he sighed dramatically, with a small pout on his lips. You two had been at the mall for three hours, all thanks to you walking in and out of 40 diffrent shops, and insiting on trying a bunch of clothes until you came across one you liked.
You huffed, your hands moving down your dress, fixing the creases as you stared at yourself in the mirror, not sure if you liked it or not. "I´m almost done."
You said that atleast 20 times, and you were never 'almost done.' he rolled his eyes "Bullshit." he said in an annoyed tone "You look beautiful. Buy the dress, and let´s go home."
He always hated going shopping with you, because of how long you took to pick a single item out. But he always came either way since he was the one who paid for everything.
His hand reached out and took yours, dragging you closer to him. His other hand moving over to your waist, pushing you down to sit on his lap. "C´mon, baby." he whispered; his voice low, and soft in your ear. You sighed, crossing your arms over his chest "I need to get a dress."
"You have so many already." he stated, with a small chuckle slipping past his lips "But not one like this," you countered, giving him a pointed look. Your tone was pouty but insistent, and Rafe just shook his head, a smirk tugging at the corners of his mouth.
"Oh, I get it," he said with a dramatic sigh, leaning back against the chair as if the weight of your shopping escapades was physically exhausting him. Which in all honesty, it was.
You rolled your eyes, your annoyance growing as he dismissed your words.
And before you could even open your mouth and say another word, he closed the distance between you, pressing his lips to yours in a kiss that was both firm and all-consuming.
His hand tightened on your waist, pulling you impossibly closer, as if to emphasize his point. The annoyance bubbling inside both of you, quickly faded as you felt your lips dance with his.
You smiled against his lips, pulling away briefly just enough for your noses to brush, his voice was low, a smile present on his face. "Still thinking about the dress?"

𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 , 𝐛𝐞𝐚
𝐚/𝐧 — the rafe blurbs are coming hottt, i promise i´ll post more sturniolo content soon, i just can´t stop writing for rafe. I apologize if there are any misspells or my grammar is bad, english is not my first language.
@marrykisskilled @chrislilcumslvt @sosasturns @cyberskulzzz @slut4chris888 @waitforyrlove @sturnioloangell @slctsblogana @anyaa2s @emely9274 @shadowthesim @frankoceanfanpage @mrsarnold @freshloveee @t0riiiis @jetaimevous @sturn777 @sturniologirlzz @venusbabysblog @ch6rm @sturniolossss @mattsbrowser @sturnlsstuff @chrissweetheart @lizzyzzn @sophand4n4
#© inspiredangel#library ˚₊ ⊹#rafe fic#rafe x reader#rafe#rafe obx#rafe imagine#rafe outer banks#rafe fanfiction#outerbanks rafe#rafe cameron#obx smut#rafe cameron x reader#obx rafe cameron#rafe cameron imagine#rafe cameron outer banks#rafe smut#rafe cameron fic#rafe cameron fluff#rafe cameron x you#rafe cameron blurb#rafe cameron fanfiction
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Time to update that book with a modded outfit! ~Summer's End on Ominis~





From the Hogwarts Legacy guide book I just bought. There isn't a lot of Ominis in it but I was glad they chose him to represent Slytherin house
#hogwarts legacy#ominis gaunt#slytherin#heir of slytherin#hogwarts legacy ominis#hl#hl ominis#king of snakes#yes... he's in my summer's end outfit & he looks damn good in it!#excuse you? he's in leather pants too!#omi walks that style mile like it ain't nobody's business!#slytherizz? last I checked... HE reigns as champion on that list!#his fam gonna be all jealous cuz he looks good in everything#there's no outfit he can't slay in#why he gotta make this look like a million galleon outfit??#took him to the mall & he walked out in this....#i'm not done toying with him either....#fashion king omi#he makes fashion week look cheap
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THREE PEAS IN A POD . . . husband ! katsuki bakugou featuring your two babies / f ! reader / fluff / the both of you are already parents!
katsuki definitely prides himself in having two beautiful babies and the family you built together.
one girl, one boy (he’s older just a bit), and it’s funny how despite you being the one carrying them for 9 months his genes won in a landslide. however, your baby boy has eyes just like yours!
what you didn’t know, was how much they actually took after their dad. it was beyond their physical attributes.
katsuki finally had a day off and as much as you wanted to skip work that day and spend time with them, the projects just kept piling up that you couldn’t even fake a cold.
he reassures you that he can handle them.
katsuki’s woken up by his two little runts, shaking him in excitement. he’d pretend to sleep for a bit, peeking with one eye open to see them frowning at each other because he’s taking too long to ‘wake up.’ only to sit up and grab them. they squeal in surprise as he pulls them down to his chest, twisting and turning—putting them other the covers, already having so much fun at the start of the day.
after he made them breakfast he wanted to take them out to the mall, spoil them a little bit. they were really well behaved (something you taught them well!) and didn’t fuss even when they missed you. thinking that if they’re sad you’re not here, daddy will get sad too and they wouldn’t want that—today’s supposed to be a happy day!
at the mall he’d get a few compliments and whispers from moms and fans. how they look so much like him, how they even walk like him! it’s really adorable how he made them wear matching outfits, even sunglasses! two mini bakugou’s!
but genetics weren’t the only thing they got from him you see. they visited all types of shops, getting a few things of what they want here and there because katsuki always said to “just get anything you want.” their eyes are so bright and full of excitement. he has to slouch a bit while they’re walking hand in hand, bringing him to every aisle they take an interest in while he follows happily.
still, a phrase would always pop up from one of them. “maybe mommy would like this!” or “should we buy these for mommy too?” and they’d be showing it to him so proudly he’s almost melting. feeling so proud that a part of his love for you transferred onto them as well. they’re absolutely his kids, no doubt about it. ends up getting everything they wanted to get for you.
doesn’t even care if it’s obvious that you’re their favorite. chuckling to himself that the bags he’s carrying is mostly stuff the kids picked out for you. besides, you never asked for anything, but they listen real well, just like their father. “i hope mommy’s happy with all the things we got her!” your daughter says while he helps her with her seatbelt. “she definitely will be.”
and when you get home you see he’s watching them from the couch as they set on their little chairs drawings happily. when they realize you were there all three of then stands up to greet you. and you give each of them a kiss.
when you helped sort out some of their ‘shopping’ you see a this really expensive coat that you were eyeing just a week ago while your little girl slept on your lap (you didn’t know she was peeking from time to time).
you’re so happy you ended up hugging him so tightly, “oh my katsuki, how’d you know?” and he would shake his head with a smile, “i didn’t pick that one babe, she did.”
yeah, they definitely take after him at least eighty percent!

do not copy, plagiarize, translate, or repost my works
note : papa katsuki cradling his little ones in each of his arms while carrying the bags without the need of a shopping cart… i’d be asking for baby number 3 idk what to name these two ><
spin off — late send with todoroki shouto <3
#bnha x reader#mha x reader#katsuki bakugou x reader#bakugou x reader#katsuki bakugo x reader#bakugo x reader#my hero academia fluff#bnha fluff#bakugou fluff#bakugo fluff#katsuki bakugou fluff#bakugou katsuki fluff#ᦾִ❤︎ by cola
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SUMMARY!!! connie tells yn no
WARNINGS!!! overstimulation, oral (f receiving), daddy kink, implied ‘age gap’, mentions of drug dealing, sex 18+!!
you’d been together with connie for a 6 years at this point. the two do you did everything together. he always made sure you were straight no matter what.
you’re his woman. his pride and joy. his headache.
just today: he’d taken you to brunch to help recover for your god awful hangover acquired by spending the night before taking shots of don julio with your friends. he took you to the hair store, buying you new bundles for the season change, then payed for the install. taking you to lunch after your hair was done. deciding you were getting tired of walking, you requested one last lap around the mall, which ultimately ended with connie wanting to see your nails a different color and a new set of lashes.
you’ve been gifted birkins, 24 karat bracelets, trips out of country just because, and even receiving a maybach for getting through your first year of college. everything you ever wanted, he made sure you got. no if, ands, or buts.
bouncing on the tippy toes of your pretty pink chanel slippers. the fresh white pedicure compliments the white lettering on your shoes. your eyes glaze over the stores extensive amount of new products. you wonder in awe as connie walked behind you, carrying your bags while his face is buried in his phone.
“oo! they have the two piece i’ve been wanting!” only hearing the paddling of your shoes, connie barely has time to look up before you and a PINK store associate were talking about the newly released thong set.
“you want it?” he asks simply, hand caressing the small of your exposed back.
“no i already have too much!” you shake your head, your fresh set of lashes batting against your face as you eyed the clothing. connie’s hand flags down the worker from earlier.
“can we get all if the color for this set, medium.” he places a few hundreds in the woman’s hands before she scurries off to fulfill the purchase.
“thank you, baby.” you giggle , giving him a small kiss on the cheek. the strawberry scented lipgloss leaves a transparent pink path on his face. which stays there. before you could bring up the fact that you were eyeing one more thing in the store, connie’s ringtone went off. he peers down before gazing back at you. placing a quick kiss to your lips, he slides away.
“give me one second, baby.”
he basically stormed out of the store, face twisted up.
from your view through the glass it looked like someone fucked something up. connie’s tattooed had runs across his head, sighing into the phone before shaking his head a final time, hanging up.
once he returned, the worker rushes a few bags over and the left over money from the exchange.
“keep it. ♡︎, let’s go.” he takes the bags carefully before heading for the exit. his tone was firm but still gentle enough that you didn’t feel offended.
finally back home, washing every piece of clothing you got today, you noticed your fiance was a little quieter than usual.
changing into something a little more comfortable, you walk out into the large penthouse living room.
“what’s wrong?” you quiz. his head shoots up from its resting position on his hand to shake his head.
“nothing princess. just some stuff i have to go handle in a few, you good?” he asked concerned.
“yeah you’ve just been like.. preoccupied away from me all day today! i just want some attention. can i come with?” the long red fur lined robe moved swiftly against your exposed brown skin as you did your little begging dance.
“whatchu’ mean i’ve been ignoring you? and not this time, princess. it’s something real important and i can’t risk some shit happening to you. we not finna do this.”
your motion stops as you stare a little dumbfounded. no? no?? jokingly sticking your acrylic inside your ear, wiggling it, pulling your finger back out to check. he got used to the dramatics years ago.
“what do you mean not this time, connie?” you only used his government when you were mad at him.
connie leans back in the leather chair, pinching the bridge of his nose as he watches you from across the room. he’s always been the one to say yes, to pull strings, to make things happen. you’ve always reveled in that—his power, his ability to hand you everything you could ever want, no questions asked. but this time, the look on his face is different.
“not. this. time.♡︎.” he says, his tone firm, his jaw tight.
“you’re joking?” you say, voice sharp, tinged with indignation. a small flabbergasted smile making its way into your face slowly.
he shakes his head, slow and deliberate.
“i’m serious, ♡︎. i can’t do this. not this time.”
for a moment, you’re stunned, the words hanging in the air between you like a challenge. then, like a flame catching kindling, the fury ignites.
“can’t ?” you spit, laughing abruptly, your voice rising. “or won’t?”
he doesn’t flinch. that only makes it worse.
“you’ll do everything else-” you continue, pacing now, your anger spilling out unchecked.
“-you’ll risk everything for everyone else, but the one time i ask for something that matters to me, suddenly it’s a problem?”
“♡︎, it’s not like that.” his voice is calm, measured, and it infuriates you more.
“then what is it like, connie? hm? you basically ignore me all day and now you wanna leave me here?” you shout, spinning to face him.
“because to me, it looks like you’re picking and choosing when i matter.”
he sighs, rubbing a hand over his face. you know he hates this side of you, the part that lashes out when things don’t go your way, but right now, you don’t care.
“im saying no because it’s not safe. you don’t see the bigger picture.” he says, his voice hardening slightly.
“don’t give me that fucking bullshit!” you scoff, crossing your arms.
“you think i don’t know what you’re wrapped up in? you think i don’t know how you make all this happen?” you gesture around, the designer bags, the jewelry, the life he’s built for you.
his silence speaks volumes, and it only fuels your rage.
“yn. im being polite with you. please don’t start this shit. and watch your fucking mouth, mama. im being calm.” his eyes growing more irritated and narrow. laughing in his face, you turn on your heels, walking back to the bedroom. disappearing down the lengthy hallway. you could hear the slow pads of connie’s feet following after you.
“fine! fuck you! didn’t wanna fucking go anyways.” you huff under your breath, slamming the tall room door behind you.
the man immediately flings the door back open, pointing to the bed.
“sit down. im not fucking asking you.” his jaw clenched tight.
finding yourself crawling onto the white king sized bed, sitting on your knees. the lacey black lingerie set underneath the red fur peeking through.
“what in the hell is wrong with you today, princess?” his voice is growing agitated and upset.
avoiding his gaze, you can only play with the hem of your clothing, ignoring him fully.
“yea we not about to do this shit.”
before you had a chance to react, he was on the bed, pushing your body backwards, and hovering above you.
“why you actin like this, baby, hm?” you couldn’t help but to melt looking at his eyes. everything about how close he is to you is just turning you on. ignoring him again, he’s starting to get fed up.
“im gonna ask you one more time and after, i don’t wanna hear about it.” his right hand held both your hands in front of you and his left was on the outside of your thigh. you could feel his warmth.
“just want attention, daddy.” you mumble, face whipping to the side. his hand shoots up to fix your chin back his direction.
“uhn uhn, speak up.” gently shaking your head side to side, he’s looking at you gently still.
“i want attention. why are you being such a fucking bitch con?”
immediately regretting your choice of words, the man rears up off your body, fixing his shirt and pants. you rush to sit upright, closing the robe, watching as the man put his shoes on.
“baby, you know i didn’t me-“ you start. he just laughs, walking through the open door. chasing behind him, anxiety creeping up your neck.
“baby, im sorry.” your voice barely above a whisper, watching as he grabs his cars keys, then he’s out the door.
“just calm down, im sure he’s fine.” mikasa chats on the other end of the phone call. you’re using your other phone to repeatedly dial connie’s number, all chances failing.
“what if he’s not though? he wont even answer!” the salivas getting caught in your throat to think he’s upset with you but who else to blame?
“drink a glass of wine and relax! i just talked to him, he’s fine.” you hear onyankopon on the other side of the line.
“what? how? what did he say?” you couldn’t help but to shove all the questions down his throat.
“chill chill. he’s fine, he said he’s heading back home now. go relax, ♡︎.” the man said on the other end of the line.
“okay thank you, i’ll see you guys later.” the phone beeps off.
making your way to the kitchen, you grab a wine glass. hand skimming over the wall collection you and connie built over the years, you pull out a red wine from italy you got last summer. pouring a generous amount, you decide to just bring the bottle to the living room. waiting for the man to walk through your doors.
cuddled underneath a large white blanket, halfway through a movie, you make it more than halfway through the bottle, unfortunately still slightly sober from anxiety.
until the sound of keys being turned broke you from staring off into space.
he slides in, immediately kicking his shoes off and placing them on the rack. he removes his jacket, hand wiping off some lint from the inside off his shirt. your body jerks into a standing position, blanket laying at your feet.
“baby-“ you start.
“room. now.” he doesn’t even look up at you, he just begins to walk down the hallway. shuffling confused and worried behind him, he turns on a single lamp on his side of the bed.
“lay down.”
crossing your arms, standing firmly.
“not until you tell me where you went and why i couldn’t go!” your lips pull into a line and your eyebrows furrowed.
“lay the hell down. if i have to say it again i swear to god you’ll hate me afterwards.”
still standing firm, you’re unmoved and unwilling. fed up, he walks over to you, his height towers you, throwing you over his shoulder. he tosses you onto the bed, yanking off your robe in the process.
“you want attention? strip.” he begins “and if i have to repeat myself this time, ♡︎, you won’t leave this bed tomorrow.” his jaw gripped tight, words spoken through gritted teeth, he was 100% serious.
without hesitation, you pull the set off with ease. he smiles before digging in his nightstand. pulling out two pairs of fuzzy pink handcuffs and your sleep mask. plopping everything down beside you, you feel his strong hands pick up up from under your arms, pressing your back against the cold bedframe. he reaches behind him, grabbing the supplies. cuffing both your arms to the posts, he gives you a small kiss before covering your eyes.
“connie why are you doing this?” voice unable to hold water, you were a mix of turned on and scared. you knew how he could treat you when he was this angry.
his hand goes back into the nightstand, all you can hear is him place it down beside you. the rattling from his belt being undone causes a reflex in your lower region, clamping your legs closed to gain some kind of traction. you can hear the laugh come from your fiance.
“don’t worry baby, you’re about to get all the attention you wanted.” the sound of his belt buckle hitting the ground followed by the sound of him removing his pants.
before you could try to listen for anything else, all you feel is his lips pressed against your pussy and his hands keeping your knees spread. his tongue licks long strides up and down, from your entrance to the throbbing, swollen bud. his lips pucker around your clit, giving it a few gentle tugs and licks. his hands move close to your core, squeezing every inch of your thighs, humming into your warmth.
“oh- shit con.” moaning, you start to feel a little vibration start to happen. “what’s that-“
he put the vibrator flush against your clit, using his tongue to pump slowly in and out of your clenching hole. flailing against the restraints, you can’t help but to cry out for him.
“please- please daddy, fuck me. im sorry i swear, please.” you feel him pinch the inside of your thigh, causing you to flinch a little.
“don’t tell me what the fuck to do. im gone take you how i want you.” he goes back to abusing your pussy, face covered in your slick and his spit. he’s always been obsessed with eating you. removing one of his hands from your leg, he begins to use his long slender fingers inside while he took turns sucking your clit and then replacing it with the vibrator.
you can’t see anything but little stars floating across the darkness of your eye covering. the intense feeling in your abdomen building up. his fingers slide in and out agonizingly slow, tongue writing love spells on your swollen bud.
“shit connie im gonna- oh fuck!” your body begins to shake as you release. that doesn’t stop him. he continues, his mouth attached to you, unable to pull away.
“that’s my girl. give me some more of that shit, come on baby. this what you wanted right?” his mouth forms an o-shape, licking at the swollen bud while humming. you try to force your knees together, only for him to pin you down into a middle spilt. every inch of you was being sucked, licked, and bitten.
he pulls the vibrator back out, hooking his fingers into you, teasing your g-spot while his other hand switched modes on the wand.
“pretty ass pussy baby. she so wet for me, didn’ even have to do much. yeah, i feel it. make a mess, cum all over my fingers baby.”
the mix of the vibrations, connie’s fingers slowly fucking your hole, and the way he talked to you, you came undone. again. body shriveling up in overstimulation, you can only feel him turn the vibrations off, hoping to be done with this whole thing. you’re already fucked out and a mess.
“fuck baby, youre so filthy for me. but i don’t think im satisfied, ma.” you shake your head a little, knowing that you fucked up. repositioning a pillow under your butt, the man reattaches his lips, going slower than he ever had. mouth frozen in an o shape, you couldn’t help but to cry out.
“it’s too much daddy, be nice!” you cry, eyes brimming with tears, feeling as his warm, wet tongue slowly circles your swollen clit.
“mm- mm.” he offers in a hum, extending his arms up to play with your nipples, tugging gently at them. it seemed like his tongue never stopped moving, sometimes slipping into your clenching hole to collect more of your wetness. the burn in your stomach was intense. you could barely breathe, only pushing out large exhales of air, moans strangled in there alone the string of ‘please’s and ‘fuck’s.
he was eating you like it was a competition and he wanted that fucking gold.
“again, again, connie oh- fuuck.” you’re now full blown crying. the orgasm shaking your body beyond control. the man gently pulls away, softly running his hands around your body. his hands remove your blindfold, wiping some of the fallen tears. the readjustment to light wasn’t too bad but once you saw his face, he just gives you a look.
“im- fine.” you choke out, tears still rolling. he laughs a little, wiping your face before standing and using his should to wipe his.
“im giving you two minutes.”
you swore those two minutes went by quicker than a hellcat in atlanta traffic.
he was now pinning your knees to your ears, dropping his throbbing cock inside you slowly, bottoming out. you let you a cry, in pure bliss. he pulls out quickly, slamming back into you. the sound of sex filled the room.
“pussy so fucking good. taking that shit so good.” he throws his head back, mercilessly pounding into you. he pulls out of you slowly, before pushing back into you. your hands grip at the chains of the handcuffs, bracing yourself for the man’s abuse on your hole. the veins of his cock rubbing the inside of your gummy walls. without warning , you’re squirting all over his dick, making a mess of the bed in the process.
“daddy! i’m sorry!”
“it’s too late for that shit now. let me take these off you.” he reaches up, undoing the cuffs swiftly before tossing them to the side. thinking youre free, you try to roll off the bed, only to be caught by him.
he tosses you over onto all fours, grabbing your arms from your side so your face down into the mattress.
“you know i love you right?” he asks, gripping both your wrists firmly behind your back.
“yes baby i know.” you say, head tilted to the side.
“good cause im about to treat you like i dont.”
slamming into you, he’s relentless. the tip of his cock abusing your poor cervix, digging completely into you. large hands grab hold of your breast, chest stuck in a heavy breathing pattern.
pounding into you, not letting up, you know he’s pissed. trying your hardest to pull away to give yourself so slack, he yanks you back into his length by the wrist.
“nah whatchu’ running for? this what you wanted right? you wanted me to fuck you like this, huh? you gone take this dick.”
he could feel you clenching around him, the slick dripping from your abused hole to to your ass. he could feel how close you were.
“ooo shit, let that shit go baby. imma fucking cum.”
your hands dig into his arms instinctively, eyes rolled to the back of your head, saliva spilling from the sides of your mouth in euphoria. it was so much yet you never wanted it to end. babbling nonsense and hitting connie with the palms of your hand, you release over him, again.
he delivers a few more thrusts, violating your cunt, sopping up every second of being inside you until he’s filling you up.
pulling away from his position, your body lay unmoving.
“was that enough attention for you?” climbing to your side, his large arms pulls you on-top of him. placing gentle kisses to your head, he rubs his hand along your back, giving you a small massage.
“im sorry.”
“shh, it’s all fine now baby.”
connie cleaned the both of you up, tossed the sheets in the wash, replaced them with new sheets he bought while out, and even prepared a small dinner. sitting on the couch, both heads in a silk bonnet, watching love island.
© vantetaes. do not modify, repost, translate, or plagiarize any of my works. ageless/blank blogs dni.
inspo pics

#aot x black reader#connie springer#connie x black reader#connie aot#aot connie#connie x reader smut#connie x black y/n#connie x reader#aot x black y/n#aot smut#aot x reader#eren aot#armin aot#aot#connie x you#attack on titan x reader#attack on titan#attack on titan characters#aot fanfiction#connie smut#connie springer smut#anime x black!reader#anime x reader#anime smut#anime#sugardaddy#sugarbaby#black reader#black fem reader#fem reader
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christmas shopping, matching pajamas and family discounts
college!sukuna masterlist
"Why are we here again?" college!sukuna huffs from next to you for the umpteenth time.
"Stop acting like a little bitch. You asked me that 20 seconds ago, Yuuji is acting better than you," you hiss out, glaring at him. It's true though: the kid is trotting right in front of you two, not a care in the world, while his caretaker is currently dragging his feet on the pavement you're walking on.
"And you still didn't answer, fucker," he barks back, grimacing, kicking a little rock.
"Yes, I fucking did! I told you this morning we were going Christmas shopping! You never listen to me," you start, jutting your lip out and trying to play the victim. You know he hates it when you do it. "Maybe I should tell Yuuji how his big brother hates the idea of going shopping with him," you provoke, whispering so that only you and him know what you're talking about. He scoffs, offended.
"Liar. Don't you fucking dare-"
"Are you two fighting again?" whines Yuuji, turning around and pouting. You and Sukuna glance at each other before shaking your head at the same moment.
"No, we're getting along so well," you force yourself to smile.
"Yeah, she said she's so glad I'm accompanying her. Matter of fact, she said she's going to offer us lunch," Sukuna continues, an evil glint in his eyes when he hears you gasp.
"I did not-"
"Really?! Yippie!" screams Yuuji, coming to hug you violently. You stumble back, gritting your teeth, and reciprocate the hug while narrowing your eyes at the grinning tattooed man in front of you. He knows you're not able to say no to his brother.
When Yuuji runs inside the mall, you push Sukuna's shoulder, mumbling "bitch". He just chuckles, then boldly gets you close by placing one open hand on your lower back. You know he's just going to tease you, so you put both hands on his chest to fight back, trying to put some distance between you two, but the place is crowded and everyone is looking at you. A woman passes by you and looks at you weirdly, so you stop wriggling in his grasp, and he delicately pushes you even closer. You're chest to chest, his breath fanning over your features, grin ever present on his face, enjoying how you look pissed out of your mind. From the outside, it looks like you're hugging each other, when in reality he just puts his mouth on your ear to utter "Never play with me, baby. I know how to drive you mad," then frees you and walks behind Yuuji with his hands in his pockets, not turning back to see if you're following him or not. You're seething.
"Oh my God, Yuuji, look at these!" you swoon over a pair of pajama pants. They're a soft brown, decorated with little green Christmas' trees and little reindeers, a bright red Merry Christmas! on both knees.
"It's a set!" squeals the kid next to you, grabbing the sweater right on top of the piece of cloth you have in your hands. You both notice at the same time that the set comes both in adults' and kids' sizes. "Can we take it?" he asks you looking up, puppy eyes activated. Your heartstrings are pulled so tight you feel like you could implode if you look at his face for a second longer.
"Of course we can, I thought it was obvious," you say excitedly, grabbing his hands and jumping up and down with him in a circle while he laughs, smile on full display and brown eyes squeezed shut happily.
Sukuna, who has kept watching his phone for the majority of the time you've been inside the mall, raises his gaze when he hears your laugh mingled with his brother's. If you had been looking at him in that instant, you would've seen the brief soft glimpse that passed on his whole face when he took in how happy you both looked together. When you turn around, though, he's already schooled his features to appear bored.
"Are we done?" he yawns.
"Would you like to match with us?" you ask him, at the same time. You scowl and he scoffs.
"Hell no, girl. I'm not with whatever stupid shit y'all are doing," he says, trying to act tougher than what he actually feels like. Seeing you being kind to the only person in the world who shares 100% of his genes makes him feel things he doesn't want to acknowledge right now.
"You're a party pooper, 'Kuna," Yuuji mumbles, frowning. "Can we still match? I really want us to match," he adds, shily, looking at you. You're shocked. His cheeks are getting redder the more you gawk at him. "Sorry, you can say no-"
Your kiss on his cheek resonates all around the ally you're currently staying in. "Of course I want to match with you. We don't need your evil brother, Yuuji. Let's go try them on," you sweetly say, taking his hand and walking away from Sukuna, not before flipping him off. Yuuji is so giddy that he follows you like he's walking on clouds, his face slightly hurting from how hard he's cheesing.
Sukuna just stands there, baffled and even a little offended. He stiffens, noticing he still has his phone in his hands. He's so fast with it he's the first to remain shocked by his own actions: he hears the click of his camera and looks at the pic he's just taken, feeling his chest heavier than it's ever been. It's a beautifully taken pic, where you and Yuuji are squinting at each other, hand in hand, laughing. He turns off his screen, shakes his head and catches up to you. You're going to give him a headache if you continue being like this. Or a heart attack. Or both.
"Hello, what can I do for you?" the nice old lady at the checkout says.
"Hi, we'd like to take these two pieces," you kindly respond, handing her the pajamas you and Yuuji just tried on.
"Let me see... oh, we actually have a family discount on this! Is the daddy not going to take anything?" she innocently asks, looking over at your older roommate.
"Yo, I'm not his-"
Your eyes almost fall out of your sockets. "Ah ah ah! Silly us! We forgot his one! Just give me a second," you interrupt a scowling Sukuna, covering his mouth with your hand before he can finish his sentence, dragging him away. Yuuji gives the old lady a confused look, to which she responds with "Young parents these days," shaking her head.
"You're going to take the fucking matching set, Sukuna, and you're going to like it," you seethe, still dragging him away (well, it's more like he's letting you drag him away). You hear how he's trying to talk behind your hand. "Don't piss me off. I'm going to pay less to get more, and you're going to listen to me. Go." You ignore him and he raises one eyebrow, looking you up and down, before biting your fingers. You yelp and let him go, scowling. "I said go! And act like you care about me when we get there, we're a family until the discount tells us so!"
"Okay, ma'am," he grins down to you, wiping his saliva from the corner of his mouth with a slow movement, his gaze lingering a bit too much on the way you're panting.
"Move! Take your size and let's go! Yuuji is waiting for us!" you push him, rushing back to the cashier.
"Oh, you were really fast. I thought you were going to argue with the way you rushed away," she says when she sees you come back, surprised. You nervously chuckle, telling her how you were already planning on buying one for Sukuna, you just forgot. "That would be 20.99$."
While you're swiping your card, you suddenly feel engulfed by heat. Sukuna positions his hands on your waist, giving you a half hug from behind while simultaneously giving his best confident grin to the old lady in front of him.
"Yeah. I just like when she bosses me around a bit, if you know what I mean," he says, sultry, winking at the cashier who is chuckling behind her hand, embarrassed, waving him away.
What the fuck? You initially try not to stiffen, then relax and give her a shy smile, and he squeezes you a bit closer. You melt on his chest, feeling hotter than you've felt all day. He's so comfortable. He brushes his lips near your ear and makes sure you hear the way his raspy voice is all around you. "And I do, baby. I really do."
#college au#sukuna x reader#sukuna fluff#ryomen sukuna#ryomen sukuna x you#ryomen sukuna x reader#sukuna x y/n#sukuna x you#sukuna jjk#jjk x y/n#jjk fics#jjk x you#jjk x reader#jjk fanfic
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Hybrid 141 As Parents - Foster Human Child!Reader (Part 5)
You were never one to complain. Living in the foster system means accepting all kinds of shit that comes with being an orphan in a stranger's house.
You almost never received any presents. It was rare the times you did get something at your placements, but if you did, it was a hand me down. Like the thin blue jacket you came wearing, that was a present from a divorced mother who kids were already too big for the jacket. Or the white dress that a christian family gave to you so you could go to church with them 'dressed appropriately'.
Well, you couldn't complain about that one. The simple white dress is to this day your 'fanciest' piece of clothing.
You wouldn't say you were that much of a picky eater either, but you certainly didn't like all kinds of food... which is pratically torture in the system. You just learned to push all kinds of food down your throat quietly, and if it was truly too bad for you to manage? You would simply come up with a weak excuse and run away from the food.
Being any kind of picky eater in the system was torture. Even worse if you have allergies. You knew a boy at your last group home that was allergic to glutten and peanuts, and he was basically as thin as you were. He was still bigger, being a cat hybrid and all, but at least you knew you weren't the only one suffering at these houses.
So imagine your surprise when John, the big dragon hybrid, spend his whole morning gently coaxing you to go shopping with him and Simon, to get 'things you might need', and 'snacks you might like to eat', and even 'go grab lunch at the mall'.
At first, you were too nervous and anxious to say anything, mostly just staring back at him as you fidgeted quietly in place. It took Johnny joining the conversation excitedly, Kyle sending you stupid thumbs up quietly from the living room couch, and Simon picking up the keys to their car while looking at you expectantly for you to finally agree to go with them.
So here you were, walking between two giants of men at a big and loaded shopping center, nervously trying to keep your pace matched up to theirs as Simon made sure to keep a hand enveloped tightly around your much smaller hand.
Worse of all? A lot of people were looking your way. Big hybrids like Price and Ghost weren't unnusual, but the small little human holding their hand surely was. Not only human, but a human under the care of hybrids. You wanted to burry your head in a deep hole and never come out.
"Darlin'." John's deep and purred voice called your attention immediatly as you looked up at him quietly. "Don't try and wander off, understood?"
You nod quietly, slightly intimidated by his tone and serious face.
"Good baby." He purrs out, giant hand coming down on your head as he messes slightly with the small strands there. "Now, sweetness, let's buy you some things."
"I... I really d-don't need anything..." You murmur quietly, a bit anxious about them wasting money on you.
Both of them looked at you with those serious expressions for a few seconds, considering you. John smiled slightly as he compromised, lifting both hands up.
"Then let's look around, if we find something, then that's good." His laugh is deep, slow and rough. It's clear the smoke from his dragon side had some effect on his throat. That, and he probably smoked cigars and cigarettes too.
You just nodded quietly, not willing to go against his word, as you three kept walking around. That is, until Simon grunted, fixing the surgical mask on his face and looking down like he was thinking of something.
".......what...?" You murmur softly, confused.
"I think you're breaking Simon's back, hun." John laughed deeply, shaking his head slightly.
"You're too small for me to hold your hand confortably." The wraith deadpanned. "Stay still."
"W-Wait, wh- Aah!"
You were stunned for a second, as you were suddenly held high up. Big, thick arms held your legs easily, making you sit in the crook of his elbow, as he held you to his side like a toddler. It was enough to shut your little squeak of surprise as you were just in shock now.
"Simon, I told you to be gentle." The dragon smirked slightly, tho his voice a bit more rough than usual as it seems to always have an edge of a growl on it.
"I am." The wraith grunted quietly as he started to walk once again. "This is the best option for the both of us. Right, luv?"
"A-Ah... I..." You were too flustered to properly say anything, but you still nodded your head slowly, trying to settle on his arms.
"See?" Simon smirked under his mask to John, as the older man simply rolled his eyes with a smile on his face.
"Say, darlin'. Do you like ice cream?" John offers out of nowhere as he smiles confidently, ignoring Simon's remark.
".....some flavors, yeah..." You mumble back, a little arm holding on Simon's shoulder as you looked around quietly, trying to ignore other people's looks.
"What's your favorite?" He asks easily, taking a different path as Simon followed close behind.
"...Vanilla is good..."
"Good, then vanilla is what you're gonna get." He answers simply, with the confidance you don't think you have ever seen on anyone else.
"...it's... it's really okay if you don't..." You try quietly, only to see him shaking his head slowly, looking over his shoulder that didn't have the wing, expression serious and stoic as his rough voice murmured.
"I provide to my hoard, little hatchling. It would do you good to remember that."
Those words, spoken in that way, was enough to immediatly shut you up, your body instinctively curling on itself (more on Simon really) at the sigh of an intimidating predator.
Tho, Simon didn't let you suffer in your fear and anxiety, as his big and wide palm settled on your small back, pulling you closer to his chest for confort as he was speaking, slow and quiet, even if his voice always sounded rough.
"Price's not mad, fledgling. Stay calm. He's not mad, much less mad at you. He's just a protective bastard." He snorted quietly, bouncing you a little on his arms to help you calm down.
"Watch it, Riley." Price mumbled, tho he had a small smile on his face as he slowed his pace a bit to stand by you and Simon, big hand now being placed on your upper back, which was a slightly shock due to how warm it felt. Simon was wearing gloves, but he felt much cooler. "And i'm sorry, baby, I didn't mean to scare you."
He was also doing that subtle baby voice, keeping his voice much quieter as he leaned in and gently nudged half of his face against yours, making you freeze a bit at the action. It really felt like a big animal was trying to be apologetic.
"If Kyle was here, you would've gotten an ear full." Simon commented simply as he watched, amused.
"Thank god he isn't." John huffs a little, stepping back. "I don't need mother hen scolding me for this. I didn't even growl." And now, he was leaning slightly closer again, that quiet and gentle tone coming back as he looked at your small, nervous face. "I'm not that scary, am I, darlin'?"
"'Course you are, for a small little thing like this?" Simon laughs roughly, shaking his head, his grip in you getting firmer.
"I-I'm not scared..." You mumble quietly, playing a bit with the sweater that they lent it to you yesterday, not making eye contact with either of them.
"Of course not, darlin'..." John cooed deeply, tho his tone made it clear that he wasn't taking your answer seriously, rubbing your head gently. "Come on."
In the end, they got you a vanilla ice cream on a big cone, that you were licking it quietly. They were speaking with eachother as they planned what next things to buy, and what stores to visit. You weren't paying that much attention, just focusing on your vanilla ice cream as Simon carried you around.
You got used to him carrying you, and now, you were much more confortable on his hold.
"Baby, look here." John's voice once again called your attention as you lifted your head from the ice cream to stare at him. "What do you think of this blanket?"
You tilted your head to the side, slightly confused, but you reached for the soft blanket he brough close, feeling the fuzzy, confortable texture.
"It's... good." You mumble, unsure about what to say.
"Just good?" John asked, considering your answer, looking between you and the blanket, before putting it back in place. "Let's see others, then."
You were not entirely sure what John was trying to do. Maybe buy you a blanket, but... you already had lots of blankets on the bed they gave you. And on the weird nest on the middle too.
Still, you got distracted once again with the ice cream in your tiny hold, going back to licking it. You were already getting a bit full... you were never the biggest fan of ice cream, you got tired of it fast. So, as you looked quietly to the side to stare at Simon's face, you gently brought the cone close to his face, making him look at you passively.
"Do you want a bit...?" You mumble softly, only to see the man pushing his surgical mask to his chin and taking a big bite out of the ice cream you were holding in front of his face.
You managed to see his scary, pointy and large teeth, the slightly too long and sharp tongue at the action, making you instinctively shudder on his hold. It was natural, a human watching their predator showing their dangerous teeth like it was nothing. Still, you were thankful for his help.
"Oww...." You turned a bit alarmed to John's direction as you heard the dragon's deep croon, his eyes getting half-lidded and pupils dilating. "Always soft for the hatchlings, aren't you, Simon?"
Simon just hums, swallowing the ice cream and licking his lips simply, keeping his serious expression.
"I'm used to being the kids' trashcan." He... joked? You were not sure, since he kept his face and tone so stony, but by John's laugh, you deduced it was a joke.
"Here, hun, how does this blanket feel?" John asks as he brings another fuzzy blanket close, light blue and full of colorful little dots.
"Good... confortable..." You mumble, feeling the material.
"Hmmm...." John considered once again, humming as he squinted his eyes.
"John, you know humans don't nest. She's not going to have hard instincts towards blankets." Simon comments, almost bored as te took another bite of your almost finished ice cream.
"I know, it's just... different to see it." John nods slightly before shrugging. "Do you like this color, little one?"
You just nod quietly, now understanding a bit more what was going on. Indeed, you shouldn't expect nesting instincts from a human, but even you could tell when the blanket was confortable and made from a good material.
"Come on, doll. Let's see what else we can find for you before having lunch." John mumbles softly, leaning close once again, quickly kissing Simon on the lips, who kissed back easily, and then kissing you on the forehead gently.
They were... very nice. Even if a bit scary.
Part 4 / Part 6
#poly141#poly!141#cod#foster child!reader#teen!reader#kid!reader#simon ghost riley#john price#john soap mactavish#kyle gaz garrick#wraith!ghost#werewolf!soap#dragon!price#harpy!gaz#monster 141 au#monster au#cod mw2#cod mw3#tf 141#dad!price#dad!ghost#dad!soap#dad!gaz#hybrid 141#human!Reader#platonic!141
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