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“She leaves quite an impression ♪”Tiktok: inky.bit
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inkybitt · 3 hours ago
Helloo i would just like to say thank you so much for reading my fanfic of pete
it really means a lot and im so glad people actually read and like the story ♥︎٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶
So far i would like to know what character fanfic do you guys want me to write?? This will be a fluff fanfic (i can make smut as well but it HAS to be the epilogue version)
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inkybitt · 23 hours ago
♥︎ Good graces part two ♥︎
(Pete dinunzio x fem reader)
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(couldnt find a gif with pete only 💔)
♡-Summery: You decide maybe you should get to know him and see whats he like!
♡-Genre fluff? (Sfw)
♡-Warnings: little perverted thoughts and mini make-out session
♡-Notes: This is mostly mixed with the pilot version and a tad of his comic version of him plz lmk if i went out of character 😭 but just wanna say thank you so much for reblogging or liking part one means a lot to me :,)
It's the next day you finish your same routine and pick out your outfit which is a (black) wide scoop neck, short-sleeve top with a lace trim. With low-rise flared jeans then apply your “Paco Rabanne Fame” perfume
While getting ready, You decide that you are going to ask for his number and get to know him better hopefully you won't sound awkward or anything
Later on 4th-period ends and you try to look for him down the halls luckily he isn't with his friends like yesterday and you tap on his shoulder
“Hey,” you said trying to stay calm
“Oh uh hey” he sounds a bit surprised that you came up to him again ever since he was acting cold toward you
“I was gonna ask can I get your number?” You started to get a bit nervous
“Why” he asked in an amused tone he mostly thinks that you’re doing this as a joke 
You start to get anxious
“Uh well, I would like to get to know you better maybe like to hang out sometime?”
He starts to get nervous but tries to hide it he never got a girl's number or attention “Yeah sure..”
As you were writing down your number you remembered you never got his name
“Hey, I never got your name.” You asked
“Oh, it's Pete.”
“Nice my name is Y/n!!”
You gave him a note with your number on it with a little heart doodle and gave it to him
Pete noticed the heart doodle and looked up at you as you waved goodbye
Pete couldn’t stop looking at you whenever you would walk past by down the halls
But one of his friends (Bill) noticed and got a little suspicious
Later on, you ran to your bedroom and you were so happy that the short conversation was a total success that you decided to text him
(Pete:red Y/n:pink)
“Hey, whatcha doing :D”
“Nothing much what about you”
“I’m just finishing my homework”
“You do the homework assignments?”
“Uh yeah, you don’t?”
“Nah it’s not my thing”
“Anyways I wanted to ask you if you would like to go hang out tomorrow??”
“Yeah sure I guess”
“Where do you wanna go?”
“Uhh up to you”
“Ooh, how about the mall??”
“Alright that’s fine with me”
“Thats great! meet me at my place at 2:30 at *address number*
Timeskips and you start getting ready, apply your makeup,
you want to impress him so you wear a black cardigan unbuttoned, a black simple tube top, and low-rise baggy jeans with a washed-out color then you apply your “Paco Rabanne Fame” perfume once again
Pete was walking to y/n’s place and realized you two didn't live too far away from each other
Pete starts to freak out a bit he never got as close to a girl before so this whole situation is new to him
He starts to imagine him side hugging y/n and her head against his shoulder while he gets a trace of her perfume and starts to get a bit flustered by his thoughts
You hear a knock at the door and you run downstairs before opening your door you grab a little compact mirror just to double-check if you look good
and then open your door
“Damn what took you so long,” Pete said with a smirk and his arms crossed
“Whatever I didn’t take that long,” you said jokingly
Pete glanced at your top mostly looking at your chest
“Uh are we going or what?” You said trying to get his eyes off
“Oh yeah right” he got caught red-handed he felt a bit embarrassed after that
*Not bad..* he thought
Timeskips and you two are at the mall together and you try to start a conversation
“So do you mostly go out?” You asked
“Well would hanging out with my friend's place count” He said
“Well, it isn’t your house so that counts! What do you guys mostly do?” You asked
“Well we mostly play D&D and stuff like that” although he didn’t want to mention that half of the time they mostly argue
“Hey, there's a record store wanna check it out??” You sounded excited because it’s one of your favorite stores
Pete smiles and agrees to go and you two walk together You thought he was so cute when he smiles
You two have a lot in common mostly with horror movies
Then you guys made it to the record store and started to browse around 
Then you two check out the CD section
“So what kind of CDs are you looking for?” Pete asked
“Well I always wanted to get a Depeche mode CD I recently bought a CD player,” you said
“What kind of music do you listen to?” You asked
“I mostly like Tool they’re pretty cool but I mostly just listen to any heavy metal band or black metal though,”
“What about you??” He seems interested in talking to you
“Well, I like Sonic Youth I have been listening to them recently I’m mostly into that kind of stuff you do have good music taste!!”
Pete liked the fact that you complimented his music taste
“Thanks, I think I heard of them before but I never got into them”
“Oh my gosh, you should!! I feel like you might like them” You said holding the Sonic Youth “Goo” cd
Pete grabbed the CD from your hand and checked the back
“Hey what if we listen to one of our favorite bands like I listen to this band and you listen to my favorite band” he sounds excited
“Sure what band??” You said
Pete looked at the CD shelf and pulled out a black metal band but you couldn’t exactly tell what the name was due to the exaggerated font on the CD
“Listen to this album it's really good,” he said
“Sure I think I can give them a try”
You guys headed to the cashier and both bought two CDs together
After that, you guys were tired of walking around the mall he asked if he could walk you home, and you didn’t mind
You guys had the best time together and got to know each other even better
then you made it home safe
“It was fun spending time with you i never knew how interesting you are,” you said
“Yeah I thought the same way about you, never thought you were interesting,” Pete said jokingly
“Oh really??” You said laughing
Then you two looked at each other and you got closer to him and you kissed him on the lips
Pete looked at you with a shocked expression but then he smirked
“Oh, so you feel the same way too huh?” He teases
You grab his hand and bring him to the side of the house so your parents don’t see you
You pin him to the wall and started French-kissing him while you put your arms around his neck
Pete wasn't a bad kisser but he wasn’t good which explains a lot but he tries to follow how you do it
Then you felt his hands slowly go to your waist and pull you closer
you could tell he was enjoying this moment the way how strong your perfume was and how close you were to him, drove him crazy.
His hand try to reach your left bum cheek but you grab his hand and laughed
“Nice try but you aren’t slick,” you laugh he looks a bit disappointed but he smirks
“Sorry couldn’t wait” he teases
“But one thing I gotta ask,” he said
“Yeah, what is it?” You said
“Was this even a hangout or a date” he smirked
“Well after what just happened then yes I guess it was a date” you giggled
After that, you waved him goodbye and closed your door
While Pete was walking home he couldn’t believe what just happened, he looked at the Sonic Youth CD and then thought to himself
*Oh I'm definitely gonna listen to this*
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inkybitt · 2 days ago
♥︎ Good graces part one ♥︎
pete dinunzio x fem reader
(♪ Boy it's not that complicated
you should stay in my good graces! ♪)
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♡-Summary: You decided to participate by passing out assignments then you see this boy who stands out to you
♡-Genre: Fluff (sfw)
♡- Warnings: none (part two might have a warning)
♡- Notes: hope you guys enjoy this first part there will be a second part and I’m currently working on that right now :D
You hear your alarm ring, and it's time to get ready! You do ur everyday routine, you put on your everyday signature makeup look. You mostly wear concealer, mascara, blush, and nude color lipliner with clear lipgloss on top.
You pick out your outfit, which is a black cami top and your pants were low-rise flared jeans with a wash-off color, and put on some Converse after you apply your “Marc Jacobs daisy ”perfume to your collarbone and you’re ready to go to school.
Time skipped, and you're in your fourth-period chemistry class.
"All right, we will be doing a worksheet for today." The teacher announces,"
You hate chemistry class. It's so boring, and half of the class is quiet, so it's very awkward.
“Would anyone like to pass out the worksheets to the class for extra credit?" The teacher asked the class
You raise your hand “I'll pass them over" and decide to pass them out, not like you wanted to. You aren't doing the best in that class, so extra credit might help the grade.
Time skips and you have one last worksheet to hand out, and you see this boy with a buzz cut, but it's hidden due to his backward red hat.
He's wearing a casual outfit his shirt with a skull on it, what stands out the most is his acne and his unibrow but you didn't care much
He seems worn out, but when you walk to his desk and give him the worksheet, his facial expression changes, and he seems to check you out. Mostly looking at your top, You just gave him the worksheet and sat back down in your seat trying to ignore that guy. You kept on thinking about him either way
Time skipped and school ended, and you saw your friend walk up to you.
"Hey y/n how was school?" You’re friend asked
"Oh, it was good, but something weird happened in 4th period."
"What happened?"
Your friend sounded a little bit confused because of the way you sound
"Well, there was this guy, and he was checking me out. Well, at least I think so?"
"Oh my goodness, Do you know his name?" Your friend sounds excited to know who it is.
"Well, that's the thing I don't know his name."
You tried your best to explain his appearance then your friend gave you a gross-out look.
"Oh... uh yeah I have seen him around before, with his little friend group down the hall.. but his group reeks, I think I have a class with one of his friends"
She sounds a bit disgusted "Don't tell me you like HIM right.?"
You kept quiet after she said that, you hadn't thought about finding him attractive, but you thought he was a bit cute
"Look honey if you find him cute that's on you, but I'm just saying…" She does support you no matter who you like, but she was a bit unsure about this guy
After your friend walks you home you walk straight to your room and just start on some missing assignments but you can’t stop thinking about him and you think to yourself
*what if I just talk to him and see what he’s like?*
you put your assignment away then get on your bed and decide to sleep on it
It is the next day and you finish your daily morning routine (shower, makeup, etc) and pick out your outfit which is a black sleeve off-the-shoulder top with low-rise baggy jeans with a washed-off color and put on your converses,
you decide to wear a bit extra accessories today, so you wear silver mini hoop earrings with a sliver-locked necklace then you decide to apply “Paco Rabanne Fame” perfume just to have an intense scent
Time skips and you were late for 4th period so you had to go to the cafeteria to get a late pass,
as soon as you walked into the class you made eye contact with Pete, you did start to blush a little and he tried to act like he wasn’t the first one looking at you,
you noticed his “Texas chainsaw massacre” shirt, you like horror movies as well!! Maybe you will talk to him.
After 4th period you got up and started looking for him luckily he wasn’t with his friends so you walked up to him
“Hey I like your shirt,” you said
hopefully, you don't sound too awkward
“Oh thanks” he said trying to act cold
Pete thought to himself *what does she know about horror..* he’s not used to seeing girls with the same  interest 
“Well, do you mostly like horror movies?” You asked
Pete stayed quiet for a bit
“Yeah I mostly like the classics” he sounds a bit uninterested
“Oh, that's nice like what??” You asked
“Mostly like Dracula and some zombie stuff”
Does he think you’re weird? You started to get a bit scared
Pete was trying to keep his cool although he was freaking out a bit he’s not used to talking to girls especially attractive girls
*damn why does she keep on talking, I’m not THAT interesting* he thought
(Pete noticed your scent but didn’t say anything trying to keep his cool instead)
Later on, you were waiting for your friend at the same spot then she ran up to you
“OH MY GOSH Y/N” your friend seems very excitedand enthusiastic 
“Dude what's with you?? Why are you so excited” you asked
“Don’t act like I don't know!! I saw you talking to your man” she teased
“Ugh I’m just trying to be nice but he doesn’t seem interested” Your friend noticed how disappointed you sounded
“Hey don’t worry about it. There are always other days. Maybe today wasn’t his day.” You felt a little bit better after she said that
“But I’m a bit scared. What if he’s just not that into me”
Your friend gave you an annoyed look
“Come on look at him. He would date you. Just talk to him more”
When Pete was walking home he thought about y/n
*what's with that girl?* he was a bit confused*
*I mean she's pretty cute but she does talk a lot..*
Pete attempts to get you off of his mind but he can't he just keeps thinking about you and small details about you (your face, your outfit, and your perfume which stood out the most) he did start to get flustered
He didn't want to tell the club yet It's best to keep this to himself for now
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inkybitt · 4 days ago
Hello my name is inky and welcome to my tumblr page!! Plz read this post it has a lot of info
☆- I will be writing fanfics here of the eltingville club and Overtime (demo horror game) *and maybe more*
☆- I write fluff (sfw) and smut (nsfw) and i can do oneshots as well but i wont be writing smut of the eltingville club but maybe i will if people want me too (the epilogue ver of them)
☆- My fanfics are mostly character x female reader but i can do male too but im not used to writing male reader but just let me know if you want me too :D
☆- plz do be patient with me!! i don’t wanna rush and accidentally misspell or anything
☆- I would appreciate advice :) Like any misspellings or suggestions! Sometimes I accidentally write the character out of character so please dm me about them and lmk anytime
☆- thats pretty much all for my intro :D
♪- Tiktok: inky.bit
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