#took a while to type out all the image ids
dogboyautism · 8 months
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Went walking on the flood wall and down as close as we could get to the river the other day. Muddy n rainin.. also the fog :] you cannot tell but the last picture is of the river (Ohio)
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arielluva · 1 year
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so back in april i had the idea to draw ace attorney characters as if they were in fantasy life (so essentially combining two of my favorite games) but only finished phoenix then. tonight i finished up the page with some more, and since we know what the new lives in fantasy life i will be, i got the excuse to include vera as an artist :))
id under cut
[image ID: 5 digital drawings of some ace attorney characters drawn in the fantasy life art style, which is a very expressive, stylized chibi style. they are drawn in the outfits for different lives as if they were in fantasy life. in the top left, phoenix wright is drawn as a paladin, with text next to his head that says "Phoenix Paladin". he is wearing silver armor with gold trim, the trim forming a 'P' on his chest. the 'P' has a red gemstone in the center of it. his shoulder guards also have red gems on them. he has a long blue cape fluttering behind him, as he stands confidently, holding a sword in his left hand and holding up a shield with his right. the sword and shield are also silver with gold and red accents like his armor. next to phoenix, in the top middle, apollo justice is drawn as a blacksmith. he has text next to his head that reads "Apollo Blacksmith". he is wearing a teal apron on top of a white shirt and pants. his sleeves are rolled up, and he has a red piece of fabric tied around his waist. he is wiping sweat off his forehead with his right hand, and holding a hammer in his left. next to apollo on the top right, is vera misham. she is drawn as an artist, with text next to her head that reads "Vera Artist" she is wearing a pink beret that resembles her bandana, and has a paint brush with pink paint on the very top. she is holding her sketchbook in her right hand, and a paint brush in her left. she is wearing brown gloves that are stained with various colors of paint. she is wearing a pink dress with a darker pink collar and bow, and the skirt of the dress has a darker pink line going horizontally across it. she has a white apron tied around her waist that is also stained with various colors of paint. she is wearing brown sandals. on the bottom left of the drawing is trucy wright drawn as a wizard, with text next to her head that reads "Trucy Wizard". she is in an excited pose, running while holding her staff, a tall wand with a glittering green gem on top. she is wearing a light blue pointy witch hat with a white ribbon wrapped around it. the inside of her hat is pink. she is wearing a medium length black dress with a white belt, and she is wearing pointy white shoes. she is wearing a light blue cloak, with the hood on her shoulders, that has her green diamond brooch hanging where the ends of her hood meet. her cloak is fluttering behind her and trimmed with white and gold, the insides if her sleeves being pink. on the bottom right of the image, ema skye is drawn as an alchemist, with text next to her head that reads "Ema Alchemist". she is wearing gold goggles with pink lenses, and her hair is drawn more poofy than usual. she is wearing a white coat over a light green dress. she has a pink tie loosely around her neck, and she is wearing a darker green corset with gold buttons. her shoes are plain black. she is holding a potion bottle filled with a yellow liquid in her right hand, and is looking at it calmly, with the left hand in her white coat's pocket. end ID].
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elsa-fogen · 2 months
hi ! i have a question, i was wondering something when it comes to your 'breakfast au'. ive read through a lot of this, and ive seen you and multiple other people state velvette "deserves" this? that just confused me in general, because out of all the people in the show, velvette probably has done the least amount of bad things. so how would she deserve this? i saw a few people saying its because of the love potion thing she collaborated with valentino on, but i dont really think thats a valid point. given it states in the wiki that its unconfirmed what that actually was. (ill send an image of where it says this.) it couldve been anything. and given velvettes line of work, (fashion, social media) id assume itd be some sort of perfume made to be taken orally. like perhaps a pheromone perfume which ive seen is commonly promoted by influencers, or just these types of people in general.
the next point i saw was somebody saying shes a narcissist? which, she really isnt. if you do any research on npd you could see that. velvette is shown to be confident, maybe even egotistical. she acts like a confident teenager would. she doesnt have npd.
ive seen people say she deserves this type of thing because shes friends with the vees..? which honestly would make no sense. so far in the show, shes shown to only really speak to vox. (which isnt bad, given vox hasnt exactly done anything big and bad like say alastor or valentino, or hell, even sir pentious' crimes.) everytime shes really talked about valentino, its been in a bad way. shes shown to not like him. so its not like those two are best friends or even anything more than business associates from what ive seen??
anywho, i was just a bit confused. i was also a bit confused on alastors behavior aswell. while yes, hes a horrible person, yes he eats people, YES he would do something like this; he has no reason to with velvette. he gains nothing from this. so whats the point of him doing it?? its not to spite vox, given alastor is shown in the show, not to give too fucks about vox 😭
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I personally said that she deserved it only to spite that hater, i should've clarify that 😅
Alastor gets to mess with Vox and to make HIM suffer from screams (Valentino comes as a bonus). He GIVEs fucks about Vox tho, maybe not as much as the said TV man, but still. He spills the tea about Vox asking him to join the Vees, and does so clearly to humiliate him. The way he tells about it implies that. so he WOULD spite Vox if he had a chance that wouldn't take too much effort.
but still, Velvette isn't innocent. she's in hell and it has to be for a reason. she joined the Vees which indicates that she supports their activities. Velvette had no problem with Val killing her models except that it causes troubles to her show.
about Vox, he's also fucked up. And maybe he isn't killing people left ang right, he does many bad things, like hypnotizing people, stalkering and so on. He supports Valentino's attitude too. He knows what Val does to Angel and doesn't give a fuck.
Problem here is that you only count things shown on screen. While characters have life outside of it. And for now we've seen only Val being a horrible person. Bonus points that he's being mean to the chracter we know and love. Other Vees didn't get the time to show their fuckedupness. I know for a fact that in season 2 we'll get at least Vox' fucked up side. and, hopefully, Velvette's too, and people will finally stop thinking that they're poor little meow meows that ended up under bad Valentino's influence.
Also, as i was saying in the first post about this AU - Velvette really shouldn't have said that the can eat other overlords for breakfast (au namedrop!!!) in front if 2 real cannibals. They took that personal.
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sanjisboyfie · 9 months
pass the test
-> nami x sugar daddy ! male reader
requested (kinda?) the one where sugar daddy![name] meets all of nami's friends 8k+ word count !!! everyone be fed <3333
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warnings : id say none bc its jus sweeeeeeet fluff and domesticity and jokes between nami her man and her friends.
when vivi got a text from nami, the message reading “fina-fucking-lly!!!” and attached were four images, the woman easily guessed what the context was. the images showed nami cuddled up with her “mystery man” and a pleased smile on her face. the two seemed to be cuddling shirtless in bed together so vivi was able to piece two and two together.
the man, although his face was hidden, was definitely the sugar daddy that nami had been seeing for the past year or so. he was often the hot topic between the two best friends, mainly nami complaining about him never taking a hint or making a move on her while vivi just nodded along. at first, she thought nami was just in the whole dynamic for the money (which she was), but as more time passed, it became clear that nami had caught genuine feelings for the guy.
vivi chuckled at the happy smile on nami’s face as well as her messy hair, typing back a quick “congratulations, i’m glad it all worked out,” as her response. in a second she got a text back, nami insisting that the two have a girls’ night so that they can catch up. obviously, not going to pass up the chance to hear all the details, vivi agreed and the two set a time and place for their hangout.
a couple of days later, nami was getting ready and rushing around the apartment in search of her favorite necklace. [name] blinked at her, wondering what had her so hurried before clearing his throat. she whipped her head around, looking at him pleadingly, “have you seen my gold necklace? not the one you gave me, but a different one,”
scanning his memories of what she was talking about, he could vaguely recall what she was talking about. so he walked off, going into the bathroom, and emerging with the golden necklace in his fingertips. she jumped on him, hugging him tight and singing his praises.
”thank you so much, [name]!” she turned around, taking her long hair into her hands with one sweep and presenting her neck to him. immediately, he acted in clasping teh necklace around her, “i was driving myself insane trying to find it. you’re the best,” she turned around when he finished, going on her tippy toes to kiss him.
he quickly caught her by her waist and pressed himself deeper into the kiss. she laughed at his eagerness before smacking his chest to get him to let her go, “as much as i’d love to just suck face, i’ve actually got places to be,”
“places to be without me?” [name] pouted, seeing his pretty girlfriend especially dolled up, “how can i appreciate your beauty if i’m not with you?”
“sucks to suck, babe,” she winked, grabbing her purse and giving herself the once over in the mirror before grabbing the keycard to the apartment, “meeting up with vivi for the whole day, so don’t wait up okay?”
he hummed, not actually that bothered she was having the day to herself. he just planted one more kiss to her neck, reminding her, “stay safe, text me if you two need anything,” and then pulling away from her. he smiled at her and gave a gentle wave as she walked away.
nami grinned at his sweet behavior, blowing him a kiss before stepping into the elevator to get to the lobby. when she exited the building, she saw a chaffeur already waiting for her and rolled her eyes as she knew that [name] was the one who called him for her.
when she met with vivi at the familiar restaurant, she had to contain a scream of joy at seeing her best friend. the blue haired woman shared the same sentiment, biting her lip to silence herself. instead, the two shared a long hug with each other, swaying back and forth in place as they complimented the other for looking so well.
the two took a seat near the window, still giggling to themselves.
“how have you been, nami? it feels like it’s been so long,” vivi said with a pout, her glossy lips jutted outward to emphasize her words, “don’t tell me that man has you locked in some depressing apartment and this whole meeting is actually a cry for help,”
nami laughed at her friend’s attitude, shaking her head, “it definitely isn’t, just a much needed catch up, vivi,”
her friend squinted her eyes as if she didn’t believe her before dropping the act, “alright, i believe you, but let’s just not talk about men for a good twenty minutes. just girl talk, please?”
nami took ahold of her best friend’s hands and nodded, a genuine smile on her face, “duh, of course. neither of our lives revolve around men, vivi!” the blue haired woman cheered in response before picking up the menu and scanning over their options.
as promised, the first portion of their date was just focused on how the other has been, talking about their jobs and school and schedules that have been keeping them busy. nami learned that vivi was going to soon be taking over for her father’s business, as her dad was just becoming older and older. plus, vivi had a natural leadership bone in her body that her own father could recognize and knew that it should not be wasted.
on the other hand, nami filled vivi in on how she was really eager to just get her degree and be done with schooling. all the schools wree on break now, but when things got started up again, nami knew that it would be the death of her.
“well, getting a master’s is challenging, but i know it’ll be worth it when you get that degree!” vivi encouraged her, making nami nod in agreement, “at least you don’t have to worry about financial debt when you graduate too, that’s a big plus,”
nami blushed, a bashful smile coming onto her face. she bit her tongue to prevent herself from going on a tangent, especially considering vivi and her’s previous agreement to not talk about men, but it seemed vivi could read right through her.
“alright, lay it out all to me, nami. you’ve been practically shaking in your seat since you’ve sat down,”
“i have not!” nami denied, an offensive look on her face which vivi only rolled her eyes at.
”just tell me everything, girl, i’m actually really curious,” nami waited a couple of seconds, waiting for vivi to take it back, but when he saw the girl motion for her to continue, she finally let loose.
“well, me and [name] are finally dating!” she said, trying to contain her voice of excitement to not bother the other patrons of the restaurant, “made it official about a week or so ago, and vivi!!! it’s been so good, i didn’t think that he could get any sweeter but he has and continues to! he’s such a gentleman, seriously! i’m telling you right now — older men are where it’s at, vivi! if you’re ever gonna date someone, date someone at least 5 years older!”
“yeah, more like 9 years older and in a different tax bracket, right?” vivi teased, poking fun at the two’s age gap which only made nami wave her hand dismissively.
“blah, blah, blah! but, seriously, he’s sooo sweet to me,”
“you’re sure it’s not just the bare minimum?” nami deadpanned at vivi’s question.
“do you really think i’d settle for someone that doesn’t meet my expectations?”
“you’re right, my bad for assuming otherwise,” vivi grinned, enjoying nami’s snarky attitude that she had missed so much, “and, nami, if you’re happy, then i’m happy. i’m glad you two finally got together, i know how hard of a girl crush you had on him,”
“god, don’t make it sound so elementary with that phrase,” nami cringed, hiding her blushing face in her hands.
”hey, as long as he has as much of a boy crush on you as you do on him, that’s fine!” vivi teased once more, making nami only bury her head further into her hands.
nami sighed, slapping her cheeks to rid it of the warm feeling before continuing on, “that’s also another thing, [name] always makes it obvious that he’s into me as much as i’m into him. you know how many guys in college don’t even make an effort. yeah, they don’t compare to him. he’s always just saying the sweetest shit, it’d be so icky if it weren’t him. he’s just so…” nami paused trying to find the right word before settling on, “perfect. he’s really the best, vivi. i like him a lot,”
her best friend across the table softened at her sudden genuine tone, reaching across the table to hold nami’s hand, “i’m so happy for you two,”
“and everything right now is perfect. i’m just scared that i’m gonna mess it up in some way, or that our dynamic before is gonna ruin us in some way,” vivi immedaitely shook her head to show nami that she was being ridiculous. but she continued anyway, “i don’t know, i just feel like it’s all too good to be true…? i’ve always wanted a guy that’d take care of, but wouldn’t baby me, and [name]’s just that! it’s like a dream,”
“nami, you’re not going to ruin anything between you two,” vivi assured her, squeezing her hand tight, “you guys are adults. he seems like a mature guy, if anything happens, you can at least be comfortable enough to talk to each other about it. and if that doesn’t work out, then let fate take the reigns. but the point is! you don’t have to be scared of anything because it sounds to me that he’s a really understanding guy and really knows you for who you are.”
nami sighed, nodding her head as she couldn’t deny that most of what vivi was saying sounded accurate. she was just vocalizing her worries because if she didn’t she might’ve just exploded.
“don’t overthink your relationship so much either, you guys are in it together. he likes you as much as you like him, if not more, so don’t worry about things like that either,” vivi smiled, seeing that her words were slowly uplifting nami’s mood. “but there is one thing that needs to happen before you guys can even think of moving your relationship on,”
nami blinked, tilting her head in confusion.
vivi grinned in a victorious manner, winking at nami, “you gotta let him meet all of us before you guys can keep dating! we gotta see if he passes the test or not!”
“what test?!”
“the “are you worthy enough to be dating nami” test, duh,” vivi said with an eyeroll, finishing off the rest of the water in her cup before nodding, “i reckon if he brings some good food to the house party, he’s already warmed up luffy. everyone else is pretty hard to read,”
“oh, you guys can’t be serious?” nami said in an exasperated tone, letting her head hand in disbelief.
”no, we’re completely serious, like genuinely everyone’s been waiting for your relationship to move on like this so we could all meet and approve him,” vivi said, looking at her phone and then grinning at nami, “they’ve already settled for a casual house party to be held in a week from now, bring your man and we can all meet him,”
nami looked at her as if she were the spawn of satan, but vivi just continued smiling on as if there were nothing wrong. then she just dug through her purse for [name]’s card (he slipped it into her wallet before she left) and glared at her, “if you guys do anything weird to scare him off, i’ll seriously kill all of you guys,”
“yes, yes, whatever, let’s just charge his card here and move on from his discussion~”
the two parted ways after about a four hour long brunch-turned-dinner date together. nami made sure vivi got home safe with a safe uber ride, stalking her location as she rode in her own ride back home. she smiled to see vivi arrived at her house safely, thanking the chaffeur of her vehicle before going to the elevator back up to [name]’s apartment.
the first thing she smelt when the elevator door opened was the smell of freshly baked cookies.
”nami’s home, finally,” [name] cried out, emerging from the corner with an apron on and his sleeves rolled up, “was wondering when you’d come home, but i guessed that around the two or three hour mark you’d be on your way back. and i planned my baking endeavors perfectly with your arrival because,” he leaned down to kiss her midsentence, helping her out of her coat as he smoothly wrapped his arm around her waist, “tada! cookies, made them myself — out of scratch and everything,”
nami grinned, squeezing his torso in a tight hug before bounding over to the baking sheet that had chocolate chip cookies laid out on them. just as she was about to grab one, though, [name] caught her hand in his, “but! they have to sit out for maybe a couple more minutes, so no touching until then,”
she shot him a look, quirking her eyebrow, “didn’t you say you had perfect timing,”
“oh, i do, because i know exactly how to fill those minutes up,” he smirked, leaning closer and closer down to her height.
“how do you plan on doing that?” she asked, breathing in his cologne that was mixed with the scent of baked goods, a hazy look in her eyes. instead of properly answering her question, he just pressed his lips to her glossy ones.
then his hands gripped the undersides of her thighs, carrying her up to sit on the top of the kitchen island. she yelped in surprise, but was soon focused back in on the passionate kiss they hadn’t been seperated from.
his hands went to rest on the base of her neck, squeezing softly to illicite a moan from her. soon, his tongue was running over hers and she softly smiled. pushing away from him, breathlessly, she looked at him through her eyelashes, “tastes sweet,”
“got hungry halfway through,” he confessed, eyes still half-lidded and focused solely on her bruised lips. she was going to tease him further, but his lips against her own cut her off. her fingers played with his short strands of hair and allowing him full access to her mouth. she got a preview of what the cookies would end up tasting like with how he adamant he was in keeping their tongues in contact with one another.
their passionate make out session was interuppted, though, when nami’s number buzzed on the table. she cursed whatever notification set it off, knowing that [name] always backed off when her phone got any sort of message.
and just as she predicted, he pecked her lips one last time before pulling away, “anything important?” he asked, eyes trained on her face as she read the notification.
”don’t forget to tell mr. [name] we require his presence at the house party of monkey d. luffy and co!!!” vivi texted, followed my several cute emoticons to get her point across. nami’s eyebrow ticked up in annoyance at the fact that this was the message that had cut off her hot and steamy make out session short. she quickly sent a middle finger emoji back before dropping the phone back onto the counter.
“nothing important, babe,” she answered, crossing her ankles over each other as she watched him work around the kitchen. he was plating the cookies and carefully lifting the now empty baking pan from the counter and into the sink.
he washed his hands quickly before holding on up to her face with a smile, “try it?”
she obviously did as told, eager to taste the sweet treat and almost moaning in pleasure at the taste, “[name]! they’re so good!” she took another bite before throwing her arms around his neck and pulling him close, “my man is sexy and can bake — what more could i ask for?”
“anything and i’d give it to you,” [name] laughed, taking a bite of his own baking to ensure that nami wasn’t lying to spare his feelings. she finished it off, letting him wipe the side of her mouth from the spare melted chocolate. he sucked his thumb clean, grinning in glee at how his baking endeavor successfully panned out.
after they finished off a couple of sweet treats, [name] was carrying her back to their room and helping her get unready for bed.
“did you eat?” she asked him as she was taking off her makeup.
“yeah, had some food down in the lobby’s restaurant. sometimes forget how good their pasta is,” [name] noted, stripping out of his outside clothes and into a comfy (expensive) pajama set that matched with hers. she grinned at how he laid out a cute pair for her on the king sized bed. then he was walking over and hugging her from behind, watching her through the mirror.
“hm, can i ask you something?” she said slowly, meeting his eyes in the mirror and waiting for his “okay” before continuing. when he nodded, she took in a deep breath and finally said what was on her mind, “well, there is a house party my friends are throwing and they invited me,”
“oh,” [name] grinned, “and?”
“well, i was thinking of going, anyway,” she said, dancing around the subject before shaking her head and forcing herself to just say it, “but they told me i could bring you if you wanted to come- they invited you too, i mean to say. so do you wanna come with me?”
[name] smiled, kissing the soft skin of her neck, “they wanna meet me?”
“yeah, they do. think i’ve talked their ears enough about you that they wanna meet the man of the hour,” nami joked, but internally she was wrecked with nerves.
“hm, i’ll go on one condition,” he said, standing up and moving to lean against the counter. he crossed his arms over his chest and had a pretty serious look on his face. so nami halted her movements, nodding and showing he had all of her attention.
“anything, what’s up?”
“one condition is,” he paused for dramatic effect before grinning like a fool, “as long as i get to be your date!”
she almost smacked him in the stomach for scaring her so much.
”go to hell, [name],” she cursed, not finding it funny to be scared half to death. but he merely laughed, leaning forward to kiss her forehead before leaning back.
“obviously, i don’t mind meeting your friends, babe,” he assured her, “for a second, i thought you were going to ask if it was alright if you went out — now that would’ve scared me! asking me for permission on going out is just icky. i was about to be really concerned. but since it was a joint invitation, it's not concerning anymore!”
she smiled to herself at his lax attitude, finding it refreshing.
“the only thing is, it’s probably gonna be on friday. i know you have work, are you sure you’ll be alright going right after work?”
“do you really think i’m an old man?” [name] asked in offense, “i can keep up with you guys, i’m not that much older!”
“you’ll be a decade older than some of the people there,” she noted, feeling the urge to humble her boyfriend. and it worked because he obviously deflated at that comment.
“hey, being 34 isn’t that old…right?” he asked before immediately speaking up, “don’t actually answer that! but seriously, i didn’t think i was that old, oh god,”
“you’re not actually that old,” she assured him, kissing his cheek softly before continuing her skin care, “just putting it out there~”
“you just said that to make me feel old, you’re so mean,” he said with a pout, making her laugh at his childish expression.
the rest of the night, [name] was just watching her as she finished her nighttime routine before carrying her over to bed. nami cuddled into his side, smiling softly when she felt him playing with the ends of her long hair. that was the last thing she felt before she was whisked away to sleep.
before she knew it, it was already a week later and it was the day her friends would see if her boyfriend passed the test. whatever bullshit test they had in mind. she rolled her eyes at their odd behavior, but didn’t bother wasting her time thinking about it now. vivi was probably just exaggerating anyway…
“just park on the street wherever you see a spot,” nami said, noticing that it was a bit more packed than usual, “we’d be lucky to get anywhere near where his house is. ugh, i know all these cars aren’t here for him, either, so that’s just shit timing,” she sighed, mentally flipping off all the cars that were taking up street parking.
[name] chuckled at her pissed off attitude, rubbing up and down her leg to calm her down. after parking a couple of houses down from where luffy’s was, [name] stepped out of the car and then went over to the passenger side to help nami out.
due to how he was coming in from work, he was wearing a suit while nami had more casual attire on.
“i told you to put some extra clothes in the trunk,” she chided, looking at how sullen he was due to his formal clothes.
“i know, i forgot before leaving earlier. now all your friends are going to think i’m some stuck up richass,” [name] complained, shoulders slouching as he thought about how he was already making a bad first impression.
nami joined their hands together and kissed the back of his, smiling softly, “don’t worry, just buy them off and then you’ll be all set in winning their favor,”
he looked at her with his eyebrows furrowed, a look of genuine confusion on his face. she laughed at his obliviousness to her joke, waving off his worries and clarifying that she was not at all serious.
“well, i hope the cookies i baked count for something at least,” he said, holding the container in his non-occupied hand. the same recipe he used when he baked for nami last week were the ones he used to make this batch. and he was sweating bullets hoping that they were going to be to everyone’s liking.
he didn’t get to try one because he was in a rush in putting them in the container, so it really was wrecking his nerves on if they were even good.
“that bottle of wine should also win over sanji, he really likes stuff like that,”
“and this is the same sanji that wanted you for himself, right?” [name] asked, remembering the name to be familiar from somewhere.
“yep,” nami said proudly, popping the “p,” “but don’t worry, [name], i’m all yours now,”
he chuckled, wrapping his arm around her waist as they approached the door of luffy’s house, “should i go easy on the affections in consideration of him?”
“no, there’s no point in that. he’ll be a sulking mess anyway,” nami said, adding in, “he’s a lost cause that poor guy…”
and just as her newly manicured nail rang the doorbell of luffy’s house, several heads inside all perked up.
“i hope you all have the list memorized!” one voice shouted, a stressed look on her face.
“what’s it matter anyway? they’re already boyfriend-girlfriend, right?” a voice whined, a pout on his face as he felt stressed in remembering the list.
“no! it matters a lot, so you better have it memorized! nami-san can’t be dating some sleazeball, who for all we know — could be apart of some crime syndicate and trafficking her! oh, poor nami-san! don’t worry, your real prince will save you soon, my lady!!”
“this guy just can’t accept the fact nami was never interested in him,” a tired voice sighs, obnoxiously yawning at the end of his sentence.
“but, what if he doesn’t check all the boxes on the list? what do we do then?” a curious voice asked, looking at all of his friends, “nami seems really happy, we can’t break them up over it, right?”
“of course we can, we can also forcefully get him to never speak to her again by threatening his entire family lineage,” a very optimistic voice said, making the previous speaker look at them with fear in his eyes.
“alright! enough of that! we need to pretend as if this conversation never happened!”
“what conversation?”
halfway on their walk to the entrance, nami and [name] let themselves in due to how long it was taking for anyone to answer the door.
“you seriously gotta change your locks, luffy, how many times do i have to tell you?!” nami scolded, putting the bobby pin that she used to unlock the door back into her hair. she smoothed out her clothes, looking at all of her shocked friends. “what?”
beside her was a prim looking man that was awkwardly smiling, the expression on his face looking as if he were contemplating life and death. all of nami’s friends looked at him with blank eyes, except for one that was outright glaring at his figure. and noticing where they were all looking, nami took it upon herself to start the greeting.
“alright! well, introductions are in order!” she said, clapping her hands to knock them out of their daze, “everyone, this is my boyfriend [name]! [name] meet,” nami lifted her finger as she pointed at each respective individual, “luffy, zoro, robin, chopper, sanji, and vivi!! uh, there are usually more of us here, but i guess everyone else was just busy,”
“nice to meet you all,” [name] said, waving his hand awkwardly before placing it back onto nami’s waist. that sudden action, though, caused an angry reaction to spark from a certain blonde.
“no! no! no! get your filthy hands off of nami-san this instant or i swear to god i will chop them off with my best set of knives!! get them off-” a hand was clamped onto his mouth to stop his threats from pouring out even more. [name] sweatdropped at sanji’s antics, feeling even more awkward.
no one said anything until a woman with long, light blue hair stepped forward with her hand outstretched, “lovely to finally meet you, [name], we had heard so much about you,” [name] was quick into gently shaking her own, offering her the most calm smile of his (as calm as one can get after being threatened with dismemberment).
he shook their hands for a second before letting go, “nice to meet you as well, vivi. and, haha, i hope they were all good things?” vivi smiled politely, looking back at her friends to remind them of their task at hand.
internally, a couple of the friends watching from the back ticked off a box on the list (”friendly greeting, but not too friendly. polite gesture with appropiate manners” — minor bonus points for slight humor in reply).
“now, sanji, there’s no need for you to be so rude when [name] went out of his way to gift us all something to get our night started,” nami chimed in, looking at her boyfriend to unveil the wine.
“oh, right!” he looked inside of the paper bag that he was holding, bringing out the expensive bottle of wine, “we can either open it tonight or you guys can keep it for another occasion. either way, it’s yours, so please help yourselves,”
sanji stomped his way over, grumbling under his breath as he glared at [name], “whatever, you fucker, i bet it’s just some cheap ass wine you got at the corner store,” he yanked it out of [name]’s hands, who was placcidly smiling at the chef, “yeah, what is it? i bet it’s just generic-”
the blonde’s jaw dropped as he read off the label. then he looked back up at [name], his eyes blown wide. he caressed the bottle of wine as if it were a baby, looking back and forth between it and the man, “where the hell did you get your hands on this?!”
[name] scratched the back of his head, “well, i’ve had it in my cellar for a long time, so i can’t remember originally where it was from. it was probably a gift from my company…but! it definitely came from france because my boss never cheaps out on gifts,” then he dug back into the paper bag, a smile on his face, “but this one i got myself — if you guys are more so into whiskey!”
zoro’s head perked up and he walked over, now intrigued. he was never really a wine guy, anyway.
“this one i got myself for this occasion, so like i said before if you wanna open it now or save it for later, i don’t mind!” [name] saw how interested zoro was so he handed the drink off to him, “you like whiskey?”
“i prefer sake,” zoro ruggedly answered, looking at the bottle in disinterest. but before he could read the label, it was yanked out of his hands.
sanji, the thief, had his jaw dropped once again, “you’re fucking kidding me…”
in his hands was a bottle of Christian Nourissat Clos de Vougeot Grand Cru, which is usually priced at 1,129,610 yen ($8,010USD), and in the other was a bottle of the Karuizawa ‘Fazzino’ 35 Year Old Single Malt Whiskey, which was even more expensive at 3,438,189 yen ($24,380USD). and the fact that [name] took the money out of his own wallet to buy the latter option really made sanji almost fall to his knees.
“hey, what’s the big deal sanji? drinks are drinks! open ‘em up, let’s have some fun!” an energetic voice cried out, carelessly taking the bottles out of sanji’s, practically, shaking hands and running off to the kitchen.
“oi, luffy, don’t you dare think about opening those!! we are saving that for one of our funerals and that’s it! do you hear me?!” sanji said, quick on his feet in running after the idiot ravenette.
“i told you, you didn’t have to bring the whiskey if you already had the wine,” nami scolded her boyfriend, pinching his side.
he winced at the dull pain, looking at her with an unbothered look on his face. the gesture really wasn’t that grand (- to him. to any other sane person, it was), but he still really wanted to make a good first impression, “i didn’t wanna show up with only one type of liquor…what if you guys preferred something else?” it was a weak reason, but it was the genuine one.
the rest of nami’s friends looked at [name] as if he were crazy. admitting to just spending that much money on a good first impression made them almost fearful of the amount of money he had in his bank account.
“well,” vivi cleared her throat awkwardly, “anyone want popcorn? we just popped some before you guys got here,”
mentally, robin ticked off one of the boxes on the list (”makes an effort in impressing us/working for our approval”) and laughed behind her hand. the group gathered in the living room, sanji and luffy still fighting it out in the kitchen and soon everyone was just asking [name] endless amounts of questions.
“so, how did you get a job so fancy!?” chopper was the first to eagerly ask, eyes sparkling at the fancy suit [name] was wearing, “i always thought business jobs were cool, but i’m more motivated to be a doctor! it’s what i’ve wanted to be since i was a kid!”
[name] smiled at the wonderment in chopper’s eyes, “that’s a really respectable choice, chopper. but, i just got it from working my ass off. i started just in a cubicle, but i was always trying to impress my higher ups. i was lucky enough to be in their good favor and now, i’m in this position,”
“how long did it take you?”
“hm, maybe 10 years? it was a long journey, but i’m very fortunate now, so i think it all paid off,” he grinned, “what about everyone else? have any of you already graduated?”
it felt like an odd question, one that [name] hasn’t asked in years since he himself has graduated, but it was just the age gap making itself known.
“i graduated early, but it was because my father wanted me working already,” vivi bashfully said, “i will probably go back to school in a coupe of years, but that’s my situation now.”
“i graduated a couple of years ago,” robin spoke next, “we are probably the closest in age, [name].” his eyes lit up at the notion, but she just smiled and politely said, “you’re definitely way older than me, though, but still!”
and he was backed to being in a slouched, sullen figure on the couch. laughter erupted at robin’s teasing remark, nami pushing her shoulder gently at her comment, but there was no actual hatred or protectiveness behind it.
“but after i graduated, i applied to the local museum and i’ve been working there since,” robin finished after calming herself down from her laughing fit, “it’s been really fun, it’s something i’m passionate about so i’m really happy right now,”
“then i’m glad too! that’s great to hear,” [name] said, quickly recovering from his previus sadness. he looked at the silent green haired male, goading him into telling something about himself.
“i’m still in school, but right now i work at the auto shop,” he said gruffly, taking a swig of his beer, “it’s been stressful, man, but there’s nothing i can do about it but keep getting through the days,”
[name] nodded in understanding, “hopefully with time, you’ll reap the rewards you deserve. you got it! even if the days get harder and harder, you seem like you have a strong fighting spirit!”
vivi checked off a box on her list (”doesn’t assume we’re all charity cases — not just throwing his cash at us”). the previous grandiose action with the liquor was different. if, right now, [name] said something along the lines of, “well, if you need any help wink wink, i’ll be sure to help wink wink” alluding to helping financially with their “problems” then that would’ve garnered a warning to nami.
because something like that insinuates: [name] is so full of himself and his wealth that he thinks that throwing money at problems solves them automatically.
besides, if he even tried offering such a thing to zoro — of all people — he would’ve been embarassedly shot down as the man hates it when his close friends even attempt giving him some outside help. he’s stubborn and likes to handle things by himself. so, unknowingly, [name]’s response had made zoro favor him even more (the bottle of whiskey was really cool, to zoro).
as [name] caught up with and learned more about nami’s friends, sanji and luffy finally joined them on the giant sofa with more food. seeing that sanji had finally come back, [name] reached into the paper bag and pulled out the container of baked cookies.
“and to add onto all of our treats,” he said, presenting the goods to everyone with a sheepish smile, “i know i should have asked more about your preferences, but i thought chocolate chip cookies were pretty universal…or i hope they are,”
sensing how stressed and anxious he was, nami ran her hand up and down his back to calm him down. he turned his head towards her with a thankful look in his eyes, squeezing her knee gently before looking back to the rest of the group.
sanji looked unimpressed, but vivi was grinning ear to ear, “don’t worry, [name], we all enjoy chocolate chip cookies!”
“i love them!” chopper cried out, already snatching one off of the platter.
“food is food!!!” luffy cheered, almost crashing into the table with how eager he was to get one in his mouth.
nami already was chewing on one before she looked back at zoro, “hey, where’s usopp, by the way? he told me he’s be coming,”
“he’s only running late because he’s helping kaya out with something at her place. he should come any minute, though, because he said he’d only be like thrity minutes late.”
she hummed in thought before shrugging and turning back to the rest of the group. what she saw was chopper and luffy completely suffocating her boyfriend as crocodile tears ran down their faces. in the corner, sanji was sulking and crying to his heart’s content as he too was nibbling on his own cookie.
“[name], they’re so good!!! how’d you do it!?!” luffy and chopper cried in unison, shaking him back and forth with their mouths full of chocolate chip cookies.
“they’re so yummy!” chopper added in.
“how the fuck is this bastard so perfect,” sanji scowled in his corner, finishing the last bits of his cookie.
meanwhile nami was angrily smacking luffy and chopper off of [name] with a pillow, “you’re suffocating him! hello?!”
“but he hasn’t answered our question yet!”
“he can’t answer if you’re suffocating him, luffy! be serious!”
“wait?! suffocating? someone get the doctor!! oh…wait!!!” chopper panicked, pushing luffy off of [name] and repeatedly smacking the man’s chest to get a reaction out of him, “oh no! is he dead?! i’ve failed!”
“i’m not dead, just really out of breath,” [name] replied as fast as he could, resting his open hand over his stomach. “thanks, chopper,”
“how about a thanks from me who just saved your life?” nami pointed out, looking at [name] with her arms crossed over her chest.
“thank you, my love, you’re my true lifesaver,” [name] smoothly complimented, getting up and pressing a quick kiss to her cheek. she blushed at the action, smacking him on the chest to quit the pda due to how embarassing it was that all of her friends were watching.
“well, now that we have all the snacks, why don’t we put a movie on or something? i vote a scary one so that usopp can get scared when he comes in,” vivi grinned mischeviously, getting agreement from everyone except for chopper, who just grabbed a pillow to hide behind.
they turned off the lights and got comfortable. [name] took his place at the edge of the couch with nami to his right. he had his arm around her shoulder as she cuddled up into his side. her legs rested on top of his lap, his other arm securely holding them in place so that they wouldn’t fall.
“have you seen this movie already?” he asked her in a whisper, not wanting to ruin the experience for the others that were watching.
”no, is it really scary?” she asked, looking up at him as he smiled down at her.
“no, no, it’s not, you’ll be fine,” he assured her, grin only widening. for nami, she saw that as a sign of comfort, gently pecked him on the lips, and cuddled into him further to get comfortable. but really, he was grinning in mischief because he had already seen the movie and it was pretty terrifying.
but he just held her closer and didn’t bother telling her that. if it meant she would continue pressing herself into his side, he’d take all the skinship he could get.
as the movie continued on playing, [name] laughed to himself at all the familiar jumpscares, letting nami gradually come closer and closer as she was getting more and more scared. by the climax of the movie, she was sitting on his lap and cowering behind the giant blanket.
“[name],” she whined, finding his amusement in the situation annoying in comparison to how afraid she was. [name] pressed a kiss to her forehead as response, the smile on his face not faltering for even a second.
and just when there was about to be a big jumpscare, the front door was slammed open in time with the movie and made everyone in the room shout in surprise and fear. chopper threw the popcorn he was holding into the air, sanji and zoro immediately jumped into action to fight whoever was there, robin and vivi held onto each other, luffy fell onto the ground in shock (and because everyone else jumped up off of the couch), while nami jumped into [name]’s arms whilst he just stared at the front door in shock.
the figure that slammed the door open, in turn, screamed because everyone else screamed and also because of the visuals on the screen.
“what the fuck guys!?” usopp shouted, covering his eyes as he saw the horrific image of the movie staring back at him. “why the fuck are you guys watching this when it’s pitch black outside?!”
“why the fuck are you slamming the door open in the dead of night?! are you an idiot?!” nami shouted, chest heaving due to the adrenaline rush she just got. when she saw that it was just her other best friend, she felt pissed off that her heart was racing this fast just because of him. and not an actual threat.
“don’t shout at me, i’m the victim here!!”
“you’re not the victim, asshole!” sanji and zoro shouted at the same time, huffing as they fell back onto the couch with pissed off looks on their faces.
everyone was just pissed off at usopp.
[name] awkwardly cleared his throat, tapping nami’s thigh to signal her to get up, “since that was the end of the movie anyway, i’m gonna use the bathroom,” nami nodded in understanding, giving him quick directions on how to get there.
“ah, let me go with you,” usopp said, hopping back and forth between his feet (it was his pee dance).
“didn’t you just come from kaya’s? why didn’t you piss there?” zoro asked, looking at usopp with an unimpressed look on his face.
“you can’t pee at your girlfriend’s house, that’s weird…” usopp said, shooting zoro an incredulous look, “hey, man, you really can’t do that. so when you get yourself a girl, please remember that,”
the group broke out into laughter at usopp’s joke, slapping zoro on the back as he only glared back.
so usopp and [name] went upstairs, introducing themselves, “nice to meet you, usopp. that was a really funny entrance you had back there,” [name] laughed, making usopp bashfully scratch the back of his head.
“yeah, that’s me. the jokester of the group,” usopp said sticking his hand out. [name] shook his hand without wasting a second, introducing himself by name as well.
“so you and nami are serious, huh?” usopp teased, nudging [name] with his elbow, “you finally asked her to be your girlfriend, woohoo!”
“well, it was kinda more like her asking me, to be honest. but i’m really glad that we did make it official, yeah,” [name] said, an embarassed look on his face, “she’s really great, i’m glad that we’re dating now,”
usopp smiled at the genuine look on [name]’s face, slapping him on the back, “are you sure you’ll be able to keep up with her though, old man?” he teased, enjoying the way the comment obviously got to him. “i’m just teasing~”
“well, i will be trying my best to keep up with her and i’m very confident in us,” [name] said, trying to ignore the stab to his heart.
“hm, well in the meantime, take a piss, man,” usopp said, pointing to the bathroom, “and do me a favor, please make sure there’s no demon behind the shower curtain…”
[name] gave him a thumbs up before walking in and locking the door. after finishing his business and washing his hands, he did actually check behind the shower curtain and purposefully left it open so that usopp could see there were no monsters. he smiled softly as he dried his hands on a nearby hand towel, walking out to see usopp eagerly waiting.
“no monsters,” he confirmed before stepping aside.
“thanks, man,” usopp said, “oh! and you can go ahead downstairs and tell them to put on something that’s not scary!”
[name] chuckled at the way usopp slammed the door shut, making his way back downstairs.
“usopp said to put something not scary on,” he announced to the group as he settled back onto the couch.
nami took her place beside him, hugging his arm as she scowled, “that asshole, we might as well put on the scariest thing, turn off the lights, hide somewhere he won’t see us, and then scare him when he comes downstairs.”
“i was just about to say that,” robin said, taking another cookie to eat.
“well, i think we should not do that for the sake of usopp’s heart,” vivi said with a deadpan look on her face. just as she finished speaking, her phone pinged and she checked the notification quickly. she read it quickly, spared [name] one look, and then went back to directing how the rest of the night would go.
“that was weird,” nami said under her breath, catching the small action and looking in between her best friend and [name]. the man, however, was oblivious to anything and was too immersed in the conversation of what movie they would watch next.
soon, usopp joined them downstairs and jumped right in between chopper and luffy.
“hold on, before you guys start, me and vivi are gonna pop some more popcorn,” nami said, getting out from her comfortable spot next to [name] and grabbed her friend.
the moment they were in the kitchen, nami had dug the phone out of vivi’s pocket and was snooping through her recent texts. vivi, who was very blindsided to nami’s swift movement, could only blink and stare at nothingness.
“are you two serious?!” nami whisper shouted, looking at the texts vivi and usopp shared. this made the other woman snap out of it, looking at the referenced texts. “you guys actually made a list?”
“whattt? no, we did nottt!” vivi lied, very terribly so. seeing the unimpressed and genuinely pissed off look on nami’s face, she straightened up and held onto her hands to calm her anger, “i know it sounds really bad, nami, but we’re just joking around…for the most part,”
“then why did usopp have to text you, “he washes his hands after using the bathroom — check” vivi, this is not normal behavior,”
vivi sighed, knowing that it looked very weird and creepy, but she was determined to make nami see it from their point of view, “we’re just concerned, i guess?” nami rolled her eyes and groaned, but vivi squeezed her shoulders to get her to listen, “he’s so much older, plus the way you guys met, we just wanted to make sure it was all…real,”
“you guys are unbeleviable, what do you mean “real”?”
“no, that wasn’t the right word, i’m sorry. not real — just that he was serious about you two. he’s so much older and stuff and you really like him, we all know how much you do,” cue nami rolling her eyes again, “and not to say that he doesn’t like you back jsut as much because he definitely does, it was really obvious tonight, we are just really rooting for you two to work and we wanted to kinda reassure ourselves that it would…we really care about you, nami. and i’m serious when i say it was like 90% just for fun.”
nami sighed, handing vivi her phone back, “what you’re saying really doesn’t make any sense, i hope you know that. you’re excited for our relationship, so you made a checklist of everything he does?” the two were silent as nami tried collecting her thoughts. with a finger pinching the bridge of her nose, she spoke through clenched teeth, “but! i’ll just sweep it aside because i know for a fact that you really are supportive of us. you’ve proved that before this whole silly joke of yours, but still! quit it now! don’t worry about silly shit like that.”
“it wasn’t silly, we were looking out for real, genuine red flags, too, y’know?” a single glare from nami made vivi shut up with a slight pout.
“like what?”
”…if he washed his hands after he peed…?”
“why on earth would i date a guy that didn’t wash his hands after peeing?”
“…you’re right.”
the two did end up popping more popcorn, not wanting to turn back up empty handed, but nami hogged it all for herself and [name]. the feeling of luffy staring dead into [name]’s soul began making the targetted man feel pressured to share, but nami cut him off before he could even try.
”ignore the rabid animal, [name],” nami fed him another piece, unbothered by luffy’s eyes watching them.
“don’t worry about him, he’ll find something else to eat,”
“are you sur-”
“positive~” nami said in a sing song tone, eyes completely focused on the movie that was beginning to play.
by the end of the night, they were able to get through 3 movies before everyone felt too tired to watch any more.
“do any of you need a ride home?” [name] offered, holding a sleeping nami in his arms. he carried her with his hands looped underneath her thighs as she hugged both his neck and waist with her arms and legs, respectively. her head was buried into his neck, the suit jacket [name] was wearing earlier was now draped over her shoulders to keep her warm.
everyone but luffy, usopp, and chopper (the two other boys were sleeping over) needed a ride home. they all rejected his offer, wishing him a good night (sanji’s sounded more heartbroken than the others, though).
he carefully put nami in the passenger side, putting her seatbelt on and then gentle closing the door. he got into his driver’s side, using the same gentleness in closing his own and then checking to make sure that she was still sleeping.
he breathed a sigh of relief and grinned when he saw that she was, leaning over and pressing a soft kiss to her cheek.
“ya missed,” she spoke suddenly, almost making [name] jump in his seat at the surprise of her voice. plus the fact they just watched a couple of horror movies made him more on edge, a teensy bit. but he regained his composure and went back to properly kiss her on the lips. it was a gentle, soft kiss, but it left them both with smiles on their faces.
“sleep, princess, we got a pretty long drive home,” he spoke quietly, not wanting to make her wake up from her sleepy daze. he gently patted her knee, rubbing his thumb back and forth on her skin, trying to goad her into sleeping.
and she was just about to, but she said one last thing before letting the rest of the car ride continue in silence.
”you’re the best boyfriend, [name],”
his heartbeat picked up at the simple comment, gently bringing them to a stop at the red light, “you’re the best girlfriend, nami.”
“no, you’re really thee best,” she yawned, turning around in the comfortable seat so that was facing the window instead of him.
just when he thought she was really asleep, she said one more thing before knocking out, “even if you didn’t check all the boxes on the list…”
waiting for her to continue and give him more context, he, unfortuantely, was left with nothing else to work with.
“haha, what do you mean by that, baby?” … “babe?” … “nami, what did you mean by that?”
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jennyfromthebes · 3 days
hii!! i really love your mountain goats patches, and i was wondering how you make them?
Hi! I'm so sorry this has taken me a little while to answer haha, I've been putting it off because I wanted to give a nice in-depth response.
My patches are all original designs that I make as linocuts and then print onto fabric! I use a Speedball lino carve tool that has several different carving tips, easy carve rubber blocks, and screenprinting ink, and I print onto regular cotton fabric. Screenprinting ink is thicker than the type of ink you're supposed to use for block printing, but I've found that I have to be pretty heavy-handed with the ink to get clean prints on fabric, and screenprinting ink has worked better for me in that regard (plus, it's technically machine wash safe as long as you heat set it).
More specifics/some process photos and a timelapse from my latest tMG patch under the cut!
I don't know if you're looking for specific technique advice, but here's some of what I've figured out after a year of making my patches:
I usually make my design digitally and then use tracing paper to transfer it. If you trace it onto tracing paper using pencil, you can then just flip your tracing paper pencil-side down onto your block and use a little bit of pressure to transfer the pencil markings. This process also simultaneously mirrors your design so that you carve it backwards and then it prints forwards.
Before transferring my design to the block, I like to do a wash with an alcohol ink on the carving surface, so that it's easier to see my carving.
I usually trace the larger details of the design with sharpie, but for the smaller details trying to trace them will often just mess up the lines, so I leave those in the transferred pencil and carve them first to avoid smudging the transferred lines.
I also carve my entire block using the smallest tip on my carving tool, which does take longer but I vastly prefer the really precise control that it gives me! After I have the entire design and an outline around it carved, I'll use a craft knife to cut off a big blank margin around the outside of the design.
For printing a batch of patches, because I typically do a lot at one time, I usually cut out all my fabric before starting to print. I ink the block a little bit heavily, but I keep a close eye on any excess ink around the edges of the design and clean the block off as needed. I don't have any fancy equipment for making prints, I pretty much just put a sheet of paper down on my work surface, put down a piece of fabric, press my block face down on the fabric and use a large book and some pressure on top of the block to make sure the print transfers well. It's taken a lot of practice to figure out how to get prints to turn out well and I made a lot of mistakes in the beginning!
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[image descriptions:
1 - a digital drawing, black lines on a light green background, of a ring of keys with a large key and a plastic motel keychain with the words "practice being brave".
2 - the same design, copied to tracing paper.
3 - my hand holding a pink rubber lino block with a blue ink wash on the surface and the mirrored design in pencil.
4 - the same block, fully carved. it fits comfortably in my hand.
5 - the block with a ruler held up against it to show the scale of the text, the entirety of the word "practice" is about 1 1/4" wide.
6 - the design printed in black ink onto light green fabric.
end IDs]
[video description: a timelapse of a white person with dark hair and glasses at a desk carving a linocut block. the shot is stationary and mostly focuses on the block, which is a design of a key ring with a keychain and the words "practice being brave". end VD]
This shows more or less my entire process; the design went through many iterations over the span of a couple weeks, but once I got it nailed down I did the entire rest of the process in one night - just the carving alone took about two hours. I prefer to write text physically not digitally, so the text in the digital version is basically just in the correct alignment so I can freehand over it on the physical copy. This being my most recent design (for now, I'm hoping to knock out a new one before next show in three weeks) is by a pretty big margin the most precise and detailed one I've done!
Thanks so much for your interest in my process!!! I've got absolutely no formal training on doing linocuts, just stubbornly figuring things out through reverse engineering and trial-and-error process, so I have no idea how this measures up to anyone who does do it with any expertise. Hopefully this was helpful in some way/answered your question! 💛
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Narve Concept Art
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Translation notes and image id under the cut:
Translation notes:
The phrase that I translated as "the cloak" under the first fullbody image of Narve was a word that was phonetically spelled out as "ko ge". I'm assuming it was a variant spelling for coat/cloak.
The little drawing about night school off to the top right on the second page was a little hard to parse. The phrase has a character that indicated it was dialogue, but I wasn't sure which pronoun to use ("I", "we", "he") since none were provided in the Japanese. I went with "We" because it seemed like a pretty catch-all pronoun that either of them could be saying.
Image id:
[image id: Character design documents for Narve from Triangle Strategy. The first page are his fullbody portraits, with the note, "I tried to create a rascal-type character who brings an air of mischief, like Tom Sawyer. (Tatsuaki Urushihara)". The second page is titled "All-Attribute Magic Attacker (healing also possible) Design Proposal" and has many additional drawings of Narve and his grandfather. His grandfather had two different designs, a "Middle Eastern Style" and a "Western" style. Nearby is the note, "Who is the Great Wizard?" and "Was a wizard of old." An arrow points from the grandfather to Narve and says "Likely to become a great magician." There is a note pointing to the charred bottom of Narve's cloak that reads, "When the town burned down, the grandfather's robe got a little burnt." Another note reads, "Regarding the cloak, I took a reference from a proposal that I once received at a meeting about a town that was burnt down." To the side, there is a small drawing of baby Narve sitting at a chalkboard while his grandfather explains a diagram. Baby Narve is saying "Hmm", and nearby is a note that says "We're doing night school." and an asterisk that reads "Don't do this!" underneath is a drawing of potentially baby Narve or someone else with short hair that reads, "there he goes again." The second half of the page reads, "All-Attribute Magic Attacker (healing also possible)_Supplementary Design". There is a small pudgy sprite-esque drawing of Narve with the note, "When doing the pixels, I would appreciate it if you didn't put the hat on too deeply and raised the brim enough to recognize the face." There is a front and back image of Narve's outfit, as well as an image of the inner layer, and details on the embroidery on the back of his cape, which is labeled, "Is the embroidery based on something sacred? I'm imagining something like this Elder Tree." There is also a note about his pendant being made out of wood, and another note about the scorched end of his cloak. At the bottom, the designer's note reads, "I sorted out the specifics of Mr. Ikushima's rough sketch and finished the small details, including the pattern of the old tree on his cloak. (Tatsuaki Urushihara)" /end id]
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digenerate-trash · 1 month
For the picker wheel thing I got Niki with online and Wren with hurt
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Online stalker-
Niki GN | PC GN
Stalking | kidnapping | implied past rape
It's been a while since Niki has seen something as perfect as you. It makes them squirm in ways they can't really comprehend.
It's their job to recognize beauty though and when they lean out the side of the car to confront you and ask if you'd be their model you don't answer. Instead stepping back and starting to run...
Not the answer they were looking for but what can they do?
Well what can they do... you're the prettiest thing they've ever seen. Desperate to get ahold of you again.
Back at the studio, they look you up. Without a name, you're hard to find but you were wearing a school uniform.
Slowly he combs through the images on the school site it's almost midnight when he finds you.
You. Pared with a name. An ID number and with a little more prying an address. He's not usually the stalker type but for Niki, this is a great find.
Quickly they find out every little detail about your life. There are countless images of you online. Mostly posted without your knowledge but they don't mind too much. It's just perfect to see that others have noticed your beauty as well.
Niki thinks about where they'll put you once they can get a hold of you for real. Maybe you'll stay in the studio full-time. Like a priceless piece of art. Or maybe they'll keep you tied to their bed at all times.
Maybe he'll even take a lock of your hair and tie it around his wrist just so they'll have you around all the time.
Niki is almost giddy with the idea as they scroll over every image of you.
Niki wants to recreate these images. Using them as reference. The ones where your nose is bloodied and you're lying helpless on the ground are the ones that are the most eager to recreate. Hopefully, with your help, they'll finally have the perfect muse. They'll become the artist they were meant to be.
After school, they wait in their car. Clorphorm ready their hands tapping on the steering wheel. Their eyes are fixed on you through the review mirror as you step closer and closer
Job security
kidnapping | injury | helplessness | Mentions of murder
Deep down Wren knows he isn't a perfect person. He's not even an okay guy. defiantly not destined for the pearly gates. But he is pretty sure you are...
you're perfect. more perfect than anything he's ever seen. you toil away every day just to make things easier for the people around you. he has no idea how you balance your little life and Bailey's legendary ridiculous rent.
but Remy hates you- and it's not without cause. you've been causing a lot of trouble for his little cattle ranch and as Remy's right-hand man. of course he's saddled with 'taking care' of you. it's not something Wren took lightly though.
but he'd feel so much better if it didn't end up like this.
"Morning," Wren says as he opens up the shed. your Berley coherent as he leans over and looks over at your broken leg. not his best work. but it did manage to stop you from causing any more trouble.
you let out a groggy sound as wren leans down and pets your head.
"rough night?" he laughs a bit as he moves away from you. grabbing a hay bail and slicing the cord off it with a sturdy knife. he grabs fistfuls of it and drops the hay into a loose crate spreading it around as you squirm on the floor.
"I wouldn't move around too much if I were you-" Wren warns "Not only will it attract attention but you're pretty hurt as well."
wren watches you from the corner of his eye as he works. eventually, he pulls a hammer down from the shelf.
you move away from him. it's weak but he assumes it’s as fast as you can go. you're looking up at him with fear in your eyes as you realize your old poker buddy is now standing over you with a weapon. but Wren looks relaxed. not even phased by your panic.
he picks you up carefully before he drops you into the crate lined with hay. you yelp in pain your leg crushed under you but Wren quickly grips your face covering your mouth.
"Gotta be quiet now. my boss thinks you're dead." Wren says before he winks at you. "and if you wanna stay alive you'll be quiet."
you feel sick as he pulls away grabbing the crate lid and pulling it over your head sealing you in. 'Wren the smuggler' doesn't seem like such a misnomer anymore...
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pahtoosh · 2 years
soup saturday
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[image ID: a photo collage with images of Sebastian Stan, soup, and heart-shaped carrots on a lime green background. /.end ID]
wc: ~1060 words
warnings: fluff. reader is in kidspace. very cheesy ending. disregard the types of soup present in the moodboard, Buckles is making whatever soup you like!
a/n: this may be the strangest moodboard I've ever made. y'all would not BELIEVE how many images there are of heart-shaped carrots on pinterest. it is very late and I do not have my glasses on so I hope it's cool😎
pairing: chef!daddy!bucky x gn!little!reader
summary: you and your favorite chef make a delicious pot of soup
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Go real slow, alright, Munchkin? One slice at a time and don’t forget to curl your fingers in.”
“Yes! I can do it, Daddy.” You nodded your head vigorously, then cut the moment short, remembering that you had to be calm and in control of your body to do the task. 
Bucky was teaching you how to properly cut vegetables. He noticed your big self struggling a bit with cooking and wanted to share some of his knowledge from culinary school with you. He intended on teaching you these knife skills while you were still big, but you’d been having a rough week and regressing more often than not at home. 
Today you were in kid space and wanted nothing more than to help your Daddy in the kitchen. It was Soup Saturday which meant Bucky would start a pot of soup in the morning, letting it cook all day for the most delicious dinner.
Bucky tried keeping you occupied with measuring spices; however, you wanted to be just like him and do the harder tasks too. He was hesitant to let you use a knife, but you promised to be extra careful and let Bucky finish chopping the vegetables when they got too small for you to hold. 
Luckily, Bucky had a few kid-safe knives tucked away in a cabinet. After a few minutes of showing you the proper technique and some hand-over-hand assistance, you were ready to cut up the vegetables on your own. Within a few minutes, you had cut up two whole carrots by yourself. 
“You did so good, Bubba! These carrots are going to be delicious in our soup.”
You set your little knife down and shyly looked at the ground with a small, proud smile on your face. “Thank you, Daddy. Do I put them in the bowl now?”
“Not yet, little chef. Daddy’s got a surprise for you.” Bucky went back into the tall cupboard where he kept the kid-safe knives and pulled out a box that made a clinking sound when he moved it. He handed it to you. “Think you can open this?”
You nodded and pulled off the lid, revealing an assortment of metal shapes. “What is it, Daddy?”
“They’re like very small cookie cutters, so you can cut your vegetables into all sorts of shapes.” Bucky gently took the box from your hands and emptied it onto the table so you could see the new tools. 
“Wow!” you giggled. 
“Do you wanna make the carrots into fun shapes while I cut the rest of the vegetables?” 
“Yes, yes, yes!”
Bucky chuckled at your enthusiasm and pressed a kiss to your head before resuming his task. The two of you worked in a comfortable silence until all the ingredients were ready for the soup. While you washed your hands, Bucky came from behind and started washing your hands for you. He knew you were fully capable of doing it yourself, but he couldn’t resist your adorable laugh. 
“Daddy!” you squealed. “Can do it myself, I’m big today!” 
“I don’t know, my little munch. You still look like a baby to me.” Bucky teased. He rinsed off the suds and dried your hands, then he made a silly act of pretending that your hands had disappeared under the towel. You could not stop laughing and held onto Bucky, much to his delight. 
Once you had both calmed down, Bucky moved all the soup ingredients next to the stove and got out his soup pot. Bucky’s soup pot was the largest cooking vessel you had ever seen. It showed signs of being well-loved after being passed down in his family for generations. Every time he made soup, it had to be in this pot. Bucky went so far as to claim that he only knew how to make soup for a crowd of people. It would take weeks for the two of you to finish such a large portion, so the leftovers were distributed to your friends(Sam could never say no to home-cooked food) or frozen for when one of you had a sick day. 
The only downside to this pot was that it was too tall for you to see what Bucky was doing. The sautéed onions and bloomed spices were doing wonders for your nose, but your brain wanted so badly to see what your Daddy was doing. It was mesmerizing to see Bucky in the kitchen. He was in his element, moving with confident strokes as if he’d spent every second of his life cooking. 
You needed to see it. 
“Dadaaa,” you pouted. 
“Yes, Honeybun?” Bucky asked, not looking away from the pot. 
“Hmph.” You stomped your foot, hoping to get his attention. 
“Use your words, Munchkin. Daddy can’t read minds.”
“Can’t see soup, Dada.”
“Oh, well the soup’s not done yet. It’ll be ready at dinnertime, baby.”
“No! Wanna see Dada make soup.”
Bucky stopped his stirring as he finally understood what you were saying. “You wanna see inside the pot while Daddy’s cooking?”
“Yes! Please, Daddy?” You clasped your hands in front of you and bounced on your toes. 
“Okay,” Bucky turned off the stove. “Only because my baby has such good manners.” He kissed your forehead and quickly grabbed a stepping stool from the closet. 
He placed the stool a comfortable distance from the stove so that you could see into the pot without being too close to the heat. “Alright, Pumpkin. Now you just stand on this stool and hold onto the counter if you need to. Don’t touch the stove and don’t start leaning forward. Daddy’s gonna be keeping an eye on ya, so don’t do anything naughty or I’ll take the stool away and you won’t be able to see the soup.”
He made you repeat the rules back to him before lifting you onto the stool. 
You let out a small gasp. “I can see the pot, Dada!”
Bucky grinned. “Good, Baby. Can you name the ingredients in the pot?”
Time flew by as Bucky cooked and occasionally quizzed you on cooking terms. When he was done, the two of you cleaned up the kitchen and worked on chores around the house while the soup simmered away. Finally, it was dinner time and you got to enjoy your hard work. Every day with Bucky as your caregiver was amazing, but Soup Saturdays were something special.
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shiorimakibawrites · 1 year
First Date (Part 13 of Alley Cat)
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Image credits: kissthemgoodbye.net / Amber Kipp / Nathan Dumlao
Image Description: Matt Murdock as red-suit Daredevil against nighttime city background in one block, Shadowy couple leaning against each other surrounded by candles overlooking a city in second block, under second block is text saying Alley Cat by Shiori_Makiba, the third block is a orange medium haired tabby laying on a table and looking up at the camera playfully. END ID.
Pairing: Matt Murdock x fem! Reader
Word Count: 8,465
Summary: You and Matt have your first date. Overlaps slightly with Anticipation.
Warning(s): Frank references and mentions of sex, Reader has a lot of impure thoughts, attempts at humor.
Can also be read on AO3
Series Masterlist can be found here.
First Date
You took a deep breath, steadied your grip on the cast iron skillet and the plate of your cake saver, and flipped. Gently you sat down the cake and carefully lifted the skillet. You smiled. The cake had come out perfect. It hadn’t fallen apart and none of the fruit topping had gotten stuck to the bottom of the skillet. Which was always satisfying. You put the cake aside to finish cooling.
You hoped that Nelson and Page liked their apology cake. You had done your best. You considered yourself a good home baker but there was always this little niggle of doubt whenever someone new was trying your food. Or you were testing a new recipe or recipe variation. This was a little mixture of both. Nelson and Page were almost new to your food, having only had your chocolate chip cookies. Well, you knew Page had eaten some of the cookies since she had complimented their taste. You were only assuming that Nelson had tried some too.
You had made pineapple upside down cake before but had made a minor tweak to your recipe to (hopefully) prevent the cake from being unpalatable to Matt. Yes, the cake wasn’t for him but there was a chance that Nelson and Page would decided that they couldn’t eat an entire cake by themselves and shared a slice with him.
As noted, the change was very minor. You had already switched your baking staples like flour to organic or something along those lines years ago. Fresh pineapple had been available but you were still a little tired from yesterday and were pretty sure that you would run out of steam before finishing the cake if you had to remove the rind, core, and attempt to cut a pineapple into more or less even slices. And all the whole pineapples had looked like more pineapple than you would need for the cake and while you liked pineapple, you could only eat so much of it. So you brought the canned sliced and crushed pineapple and hoped the label wasn’t lying about only containing fruit and juice. The actual change was in the maraschino cherries.
Previously you had used the cherries that was commonly available and inexpensive but your brother had thrown out that jar when he visited. He had gotten into mixing cocktails and very particular about the ingredients. And in his opinion, your maraschino cherries were trash that sullied the good name of maraschino cherries.
You rolled your eyes at the memory. Your brother could be a little dramatic.
He replaced the jar with one of his preferred types. They were dark red, almost black, instead the cartoonishly bright red of your old ones. The taste was more tart but when you compared the labels, the fancy cherries didn’t have food dyes and other such things in them. So fancy cherries it was to garnish this cake.
You hoped that his drama about cherries had paid off for you. Like his forgetting some of his clothes had already benefited you.
And now you were thinking about Matt’s arms. Again.
You glanced at the clock. It was a little after five. Nelson & Murdock was technically closed but you knew perfectly well that didn’t mean any of them were heading home. For one thing, even if they were calling it a day, there were things that would need to be taken care of first. Like closing out the point-of-sale or making sure things like their notes and other confidential information has been secured. For another, all of that research and writing wasn’t going to do itself and if they had been tied up in court or meetings most of the day . . .
Last but certainly not least, they were criminal defense attorneys. Arrests and/or interrogations weren’t restricted to normal business hours. Nelson had made sure that you were aware that if the police wanted to question you or worse, arrest you, that he didn’t care what time it was. Call him. Their answering service would re-direct the call to his or Matt’s personal phones if it was after hours. One of them would be there, just sit tight and keep your mouth shut until then.
Given your profession, he had to be aware that you likely already knew all that but you appreciated that he didn’t assume and make sure you were both on the same page.
You had intended to start baking as soon as you got home but your sister called you. You had immediately answered as soon as you heard her ringtone because the last time you had talked, Beth hadn’t been feeling well. Hearing her sound so happy when she returned your greeting was a welcome relief.
Turned out, she wasn’t sick at all. She was pregnant again. Which made her and her husband happy since they had been thinking of trying for another kid now that your nephew was almost five. According to your sister, your niece and nephew were already exited about their new sibling through you suspected your nephew was just glad that he wasn’t going to be the baby anymore.
The only downside to Beth being deliriously happy was that she always wanted to spread that happiness around. Which for you, meant asking if she could set you up. Again. Which no. You loved your sister but the men she had tried to set you up with . . . . well, you couldn’t say they were bad choices. They were good looking in that normal sort of way, had good jobs, and most had been decent people. You just hadn’t clicked with any of them. There was no spark.
You had tried seeing if the spark would grow over time but it never did. All trying did was hurt you and the man in question. And had been making you start to feel like there was something fundamentally wrong with you. So you had put your foot down. You appreciated her efforts but from now on, you would find your own dates.
You weren’t having much better much luck than your sister at finding your special someone . . . but maybe that had changed. You could hope.
Beth had given an excited squeal when you told her that you had met someone. She wanted to know everything. You had told her most of it. You left out the Daredevil thing for obvious reasons. While you didn’t shy away from the fact that you found Matt attractive, you kept the incredible horniness he inspired in you deliberately vague. Maybe other sisters shared the details about their sex lives or sexual fantasies with each other but that wasn’t your relationship with your sister.
Besides some of your fantasies about Matt involved the Daredevil thing. You wondered if he still had the black outfit he started out with. Because you already knew that as incredible as his ass looked in those grainy photographs of his current suit in the newspaper, it had looked even better in person. And considering how good he had looked as the Man in the Black in those grainy photographs . . . .
You shook your head and pushed away those thoughts. You’d think about that fantasy later. When you were sure that you’d have time to enjoy it.
You decided to check on Houdini. He was being suspiciously quiet.
Finding the cat took long enough that you were starting to wonder if he had sneaked out but then you spotted him sleeping on top of the fridge. You weren’t sure how you managed to miss him. All the appliances in this apartment were black and he was, after all, orange. Cute as he looked, curled up in one of those contortionists positions that cats apparently love to be in, you managed to resist the urge to pet him. It would wake him up and an awake Houdini was one looking for mischief. Or food.
You pulled out one of the meals you had made previously and frozen for dinner. Heating it in a saucepan on the stove took almost no brain power. Which was probably why your mind drifted back to Matt. Specifically his ass and how well it filled a pair of pants. Any pair of pants it would seem. The trousers for his lawyer suit, the red Daredevil armor, sweatpants . . . his ass looked incredible in them all. You bet he would look equally good in a pair of well-fitting jeans. And assuming he welcomed that sort of thing, if you would ever work up the courage to grab a handful. Or two. Probably would need two hands. His ass wasn’t small . . .
The phone ringing made you jump. Ringing with the ringtone you had assigned to Matt’s number. Of course, you had forgotten to take the phone with you into the kitchen so it was still sitting on your coffee table. You had to dash to answer it before it reached voicemail.
“Hello, sweetheart,” Matt greeted you, sounding cheerful like he was smiling. You hoped so. “What are you up to?”
Thinking about your ass while I make dinner was the honest answer but there was absolutely no way you were going to say that. “Oh, just heating some beef and mushrooms for dinner.”
“Sounds delicious,” he said.
“You’re welcome to come over and have some,” you offered. “I have plenty.”
“I would love to, sweetheart, but unfortunately we still need to finish some things before court tomorrow. Probably won’t be finished until it gets late.”
“Oh,” you said, trying to feel too disappointed. You had no reason. You had gotten an impromptu lunch date today. You were going on a date this Friday. And unless he was out when you dropped off the cake, you’d see him tomorrow.
“But I said that I would call you,” he continued. “Since I have a minute, I’m doing it now.”
“I appreciate it,” you said. You have would understood if he had forgotten. You had sometimes forgotten to return the calls of friends and family after getting very busy at work. You might have forgotten to return work calls if you hadn’t written yourself a reminder. Usually on a sticky note, bright pink to make it stand out from the yellow tabs and sticky notes used by the office.
But it was nice, not starting off this relationship with a broken promise. “I can let you go if you need to get back to work?”
“No need,” he said. “Foggy and I are taking a break for dinner. He just went to grab us some Chinese.”
“Doesn’t trust you to make the food run?” you asked.
“I was informed that my meal-retrieving privileges are suspended until further notice.”
You laughed and then said, “That’s fair.”
Matt chuckled. “Yeah, can’t blame him for that one. Do you like Italian?”
“Of course,” you said, giving your dinner a stir to make sure that it didn’t burn. “Why?”
“There is an Italian restaurant not far from my place,” he said. “Family-owned, it’s small but the food is really good. I was thinking of taking you there Friday.”
You smiled and answered, “That sounds wonderful.”
“Perfect,” he said. “I can meet you at your place and we can walk there. Does seven o’clock work for you?”
You did some mental math. Assuming you got off on time, that should give you enough to get back here, make sure Houdini was settled, and get ready.
“Seven should be good,” you said. “I’ll let you know if that changes.”
“Likewise,” he said.
If he said anything after that, you didn’t hear it after you were startled by a loud thud and dropped your phone. You whirled around but it was just Houdini. Awake now and hopping off the top of the fridge onto the counter. You picked up your phone and before the phone got near your ear, you could hear Matt’s concerned voice.
“-heart, are you alright?”
“Yeah,” you said. “I’m fine. I just dropped my phone when Houdini startled me.”
“That’s good,” he said, sounding relieved.
“Sorry if I scared you,” you said.
“Don’t worry about it,” he said. “It wasn’t intentional.”
“Houdini is sorry too,” you added.
“Is he?” Matt asked, a hint of amusement already creeping back into his tone.
“Probably not but I’m apologizing for him anyway.”
Matt chuckled.
Houdini apparently decided he wasn’t done scaring you. He walked across the counter and onto the stove, heading straight for the lit burner.
“No!” you yelled, grabbing the cat before he got too close and burned himself. He protested loudly as you lifted him up and squirmed. It was difficult not to drop the phone again. Houdini wasn’t fat but he was big enough that trying to hold him with one hand was awkward even when he wasn’t being a wiggle worm. You didn’t know how Matt managed not to drop him and climb the fire escape at the same time. Granted his hands were bigger than yours . . . and maybe ninjas have some kind of cat wrangling trick they are keeping from the rest of us . . .
“Sweetheart?” Matt interrupted your train of thought, sounding concerned again.
“Houdini decided he wanted to help me cook,” you explained.
“Wants add chef to his resume?”
“Maybe,” you said. Houdini meowed at you. He didn’t like that you were still holding him when he didn’t want to be held and paying more attention to your phone than him.
“Don’t meow me, mister, you know you aren’t allowed to walk on the stove,” you scolded the cat as you sat him on the floor. In typical cat fashion, he didn’t remain there for long. He immediately jumped into the counter and turned around to give you a look, his tail twitching. Silently daring to you to put him back on the floor. Knowing full well that he will jump right back up there, almost as soon as his paws hit the floor.
“I’m watching you, fluffy,” you warned the cat, picking up the spoon from where it had been hastily dropped onto counter. You had almost forgotten you were on the phone. Until the bark of laughter in your ear reminded you.
“Umm . . . sorry?” you said.
“For what?” he asked, still chuckling. “I already know that cat likes to be distracting.”
“It is his favorite game,” you agreed, stirring your dinner again before determining that it was hot enough and killing the heat. “Sorry for basically yelling in your ear.”
“It’s alright,” he said. Then he lowered his voice, “You don’t have to worry about getting loud, sweetheart. I want to hear you.”
Judging by the husky quality to his voice, he wasn’t talking about general conversational loudness. You felt your face get warm and heat began to gather between your legs.
“Good to know,” you managed to say.
He might have said more, might have gotten you even more worked up but you could just about hear the indistinct murmur of another voice from his side of the line.
“Be right there, Fogs,” he said, his voice a little distant like he had pulled away from the phone to answer his friend. “Hate to cut this short, sweetheart, but I have to get back to work.”
“No problem,” you said. “I’ll see you on Friday.”
“Yes, you will,” he said. This time you understand why he put so much emphasis on you. Apparently even when he is Daredevil, he couldn’t resist making jokes about being blind. Well, it was his secret identity and his disability. If anyone was allowed to be snarky about it, it was him.
“Get back to work, Mr. Smartass,” you ordered.
Matt laughed and said, “Yes, ma’am.”
Wonder of wonders, you actually managed to get off work on time. Opposing counsel hadn’t filed any motions with the court at the last minute to make sure you and the others had to spent this Friday night and maybe the rest of weekend responding to said motions. Jackson might have done it but Ms. Stahl thought he was being careful after his last stunt. The judge had not been amused by it. Classic literature had been quoted.
The first thing you did was give Houdini some attention. You thought he might be more inclined to forgive you for leaving him alone all night if he got spoiled a little first. And if something was going to completely covered in cat fur, it ought to be your work clothes instead of your date clothes. Through you would still probably have some fur on you. Cat fur was like glitter. It got everywhere, into everything.
When Houdini got bored with cuddling, you gave him an bigger than usual serving of his wet food. After you checked on his dry food and water, you did a quick run up the roof to check on your plants. Some of the sweet peppers were big enough to harvest. The basil and oregano looked almost big enough to harvest again. Maybe you would dry this batch. The tomatoes weren’t quite there yet. You picked the ripe peppers and returned to your apartment, stowing them in the fridge.
That done, you took a deep breath and started getting ready for your date. You were feeling nervous. Part of those nerves was your promise to wear a pair of Jo had named as slut panties and the knowledge that unless something interrupted you again, you would be having sex tonight. It had been awhile since you had sex with someone other than yourself.
But most of your nerves that you wanted this date to go well. Not just because Matt was the most beautiful man you had ever laid eyes on. Or just because you wanted sex. You weren’t going to lie to yourself and say those things didn’t matter to you but that weren’t the main reasons you wanted everything to go well. The main reason was that you really liked Matt.
He was smart. Witty. Charming. He made you laugh. He had an obvious temper and a lot of anger but was also compassionate enough to put himself in danger to protect others instead of ignoring their suffering. You had already seen that he could be very sweet. Gentle when that was what was needed.
You couldn’t say that you loved him. It was too soon for that. You didn’t really know him yet. But you could sense that the potential was there. That one day, it could be love. And maybe it was selfish but you wanted that.
You went into the bathroom and turned on the shower. Today had been rather hot and humid. You weren’t going on this date smelling like dried sweat. You would have showered for any date, especially after such a hot day, but Matt had a bloodhound nose. Which made it extra important. Thinking about his sense of smell, you had a moment of hesitation about using your usual products . . . the vanilla scent in the body wash and lotion or the coconut in your shampoo and conditioner wasn’t very strong but . . .
You reminded yourself that he hadn’t seemed to mind those scents before. He hadn’t sneezed or made excuses to cut your encounters short. He let you hug him and fell asleep on you. You assumed that if the smell bothered him, he wouldn’t do that. And when he commented on the scent of your body products at his office, he didn’t sound like he found them distasteful. In fact, after you rather embarrassingly compared yourself to a cookie, he had made some remark about liking to eat coconut macaroons . . .
There had been an implication there . . . one that matched the hints that Jo had teased you with from those rumors she wouldn’t tell you . . .
You pushed away those thoughts. Now was not the time. You were having a hard enough time keeping it in your pants around Matt as it was. No need to get yourself all worked up before he even got here. You might do something crazy. Like have your way with him in the elevator of your building. You focused your attention on getting yourself clean and giving your legs a quick overview with the razor.
Once you were satisfied that you were well-scrubbed, you dried yourself off and slathered on lotion, paying particular attention to your legs. Shaving was a hassle sometimes but you had to admit that you rather liked how your freshly shaved legs felt. Wrapping yourself in a towel, you headed toward your bedroom and the daunting task of figuring out what to wear.
You had been taught that dressing nicely for a date was just good manners. That Matt couldn’t see what you were wearing was irrelevant.
You decided to start with underwear since that was the most limited selection. And starting there would give your nerves about actually wearing the aforementioned slut panties the most time to settle. Jo would understand if you got too anxious to go through with it but you wanted to at least try.
You laid out your options on your bed and considered. One pair was easy to eliminate. Crotchless panties was closer to going without panties than you were comfortable with. You were almost certain that Jo had picked those purely to see you splutter at the outrageous suggestion. She had succeeded. But she had also brought out your stubborn streak and you bought them anyway.
The thong went into the no pile for similar reasons as the crotchless panties.
The last two pairs were the tamest. Being a very high-legged style, they looked like they would cover less than your usual panties. The front and crotch panels were solid but the rear panel was made of see-through lace. You knew that the see-through aspect held no appeal for Matt but you hoped that he might enjoy the texture of the lace itself. Jo had made a saucy remark about encouraging him to fondle your ass. And you had to admit that idea had a lot of appeal . . .
She cited similar logic for why you needed to buy the matching bras to the last two pairs of panties. ‘You don’t want him forgetting to give your tits some love. Besides, the second rule of being a slut is regardless of whether your lover takes it off or reaches under your shirt, what they find is either the sexy bra or your bare tits,’ was her exact words.
You strongly suspected that she was making these rules up as she went along. Regardless, she was persuasive. You had bought the bras.
The only difference between the two was their color. One was black. The other was dark red. It was almost the same shade of red as the Daredevil suit . . . and suddenly your mind was made up. You were wearing the red one. A little secret nod to his alter ego. Who you had, after all, met first. You would save the black set for another night.
One of your silk blouses was the same shade of dark red but you had worn it earlier this week. The other one, the one in scarlet, was clean but you didn’t want to overdo the red. You liked red well enough but it wasn’t your favorite color. Beth and Jo, at least, would question the sudden interest in the color if you started wearing it all the time. And you didn’t want them (or anyone else) making any Daredevil shaped conclusions. So you pulled out the one in teal.
You considered wearing slacks but you had been wearing those all week at the office. You wanted to wear something different. So you looked to your skirts. You had some very short ones – Jo again – but since you were going somewhere that might have children present, you opted for the longer ones. Black, light weight fabric, about knee length with a fluttery hem that produced a nice swish when you walked.
You decided to wear a pair of your slip-on flats. Jo would have worn what she liked to call her ‘fuck me pumps’ but Jo could run in high heels. You regularly tripped over your own feet. Consequently, you seldom risked wearing heels higher than an inch and half.
Despite your nerves about it, slipping on the slut panties was . . . . exciting. There was a certain thrill in being a little naughty. You knew your more old-fashioned relatives would say you were being very naughty. Planning to have premarital sex. Wearing the kind of underwear that you had once heard one of your aunts describe as the devil’s panties.
The memory made you laugh out loud. Your aunt had no idea. Here you were, about to go out with the Devil of Hell’s Kitchen himself. While wearing the devil’s panties. You wondered what Matt would say about that . . . you snickered as you pulled on your skirt.
You couldn’t get your snickering under control until you finished dressing but you felt better. Looser, more relaxed. Guess you just needed a laugh. You went back to the bathroom to do your hair and make up with a spring in your step.
You had just finished tidying up the bathroom when you heard the intercom buzz. Your heart began to race with excitement. Please be Matt and not one of your neighbors accidentally locking themselves out. Again. You – barely – managed to restrain the urge to run to it. Walking normally and even managing to sound causal when you asked, “Who is it?”
“It’s me, sweetheart,” said Matt. “Can you buzz me in?”
“Sure,” you said, reaching for the button to unlock the front door.
“Thanks. Be right with you.”
While you waited, you looked for Houdini. It was always a good idea to know where the cat was when the door was going to be opened. While the windows were his favorite escape route, he wasn’t adverse to darting out of the door when the opportunity arouse.
There he was, napping on the coffee table. Sprawled out on his side, his front paws wrapped around the strap of your purse, the rest of it under his body. Making sure you can’t leave without saying good-bye to him. He was too cute not to pet and this time you couldn’t resist. He made a little purring noise, nuzzling into your hand.
You kept petting Houdini while keeping an ear out for the knock on the door. It didn’t take long. Again, it took more willpower than was pretty to walk to the door instead of run.
“Hi,” you said as you opened the door. And felt your mouth go dry. Matt always looked good but tonight, he looked good enough to eat. Maroon polo shirt, just tight enough to emphasize the width of his shoulders and the large muscles of his upper arms but loose enough not to look painted on. That it left his forearms bare, with all of their muscles and dark hair, was just a bonus. None of the buttons had been done up so you also got a tantalizing hint of his broad chest. His thick thighs were encased in well-fitting black slacks. If his legs looked that good in those pants, his ass was going to be incredible . . .
You blamed his inherent sexiness for how long it took you to realize that his hands weren’t empty. In addition to the expected white cane in one hand, in the other was a bouquet of flowers. They looked like daisies except that they weren’t all white but blue, purple, pink, and yellow. You felt stunned. Had he gotten you flowers? You couldn’t remember the last time someone had gotten you flowers . . .
“Hello sweetheart,” he greeted you, smiling. He held out the bouquet and said, “These are for you.”
“Me?” You repeated, feeling your heart flutter.
“For you,” he confirmed, his smile and voice going soft, gentle as spring rain. Your hands shook a little when you reached for the flowers, feeling almost like they would disappear if you actually touched them. But when your hands closed around the bouquet, they didn’t vanish.
“Thank you,” you said, cradling the flowers against your chest. “Come in while I get a vase.”
You stepped back to give him room to enter. Watching him walk into your living room, you discovered you were right. His ass did look incredible in those pants. So incredible it was almost criminal. Surely they caused car accidents. Because who could resist the urge to stare?
“My eyes are up here.”
Your head snapped up at his voice. Matt had his face turned toward you, over his shoulder, those pretty lips set in that smug little smirk. He was wearing his dark glasses so you couldn’t see his eyes but you would bet good money that they were sparkling with amusement. He knew you were staring at his ass. You didn’t know how he knew but he definitely knew. You felt your face heat.
Desperate for a distraction, you turned your attention to the flowers in your hands. It was a touching gesture, getting you flowers. And not the stereotypical roses. You didn’t dislike roses. They were pretty and they smelled nice without being cloyingly sweet. It was just everyone seemed to pick roses . . .
“Are these daisies?” you asked.
It was an obvious change of subject. Judging by that raised eyebrow, he was well aware what you were doing but apparently decided to be merciful and allow it.
“Asters,” he answered. “Daisies are toxic to cats. Or so says the internet. But I figured you rather be safe than sorry in this case.”
“Absolutely,” you agreed. Houdini might occasionally dance on your last nerve but you loved him and would hate for him to get sick. Or worse.
“Florist said they come in a variety of colors but since I didn’t know which you would prefer, I told her to put in a little of each.”
“I like a little of each better than a single color,” you said. “It’s more dynamic that way.”
He nodded and said, “Good to know.”
You moved into your kitchen, carefully setting the flowers down on your small table, before starting to look for the vase. You had a nice one, a housewarming gift from your sister, but you hadn’t been using it much. So you had put it away and didn’t quite remember where you had stashed it. You were pretty sure it was somewhere in the kitchen, probably on the top shelves of these cabinets . . .
There it was, in the small cabinet above the fridge. You reached up to grab it and discovered that it was just far enough back to be out of range of your fingers. Not even on your tip-toes could you reach it. You sighed, dropped back flat on your feet, and turned to drag over your step-stool. Only to left out a startled yelp. You hadn’t realized that Matt had gotten that close.
He looked entirely too pleased with himself, wearing that amused little smirk while you tried to convince your heart to stop racing.
“Bell,” you said firmly.
“Bell?” he repeated, his amused smirk only growing.
“Yes,” you said. Then, with as much as authority as you could muster, said, “All cats should have to wear bells.”
“Not a cat,” he countered.
“Ninja are classified as cats,” you said. “You are a ninja and therefore a cat. So you must wear a bell. It’s the law.”
“Is it?” He asked. “Haven’t come across that particular statute.”
“It’s from 1871 and admittedly it’s not as rigidly enforced today as it once was,” you said, feigning seriousness. “But it’s still on the books.”
“Houdini doesn’t seem to have a bell,” he observed.
“He has one. He takes his collar off,” you said.
“And you just let him get away with breaking the law like that?” he asked.
“No,” you said. “He hides it after he takes it off.”
Matt’s grin got even wider. “Does he? Same place everytime?”
“No,” you said, shaking your head. “Always a different location.”
“Quite the criminal mastermind you have.”
“Yes,” you said. “Good thing Daredevil is keeping him in check. Otherwise he might have taken over the city by now.”
Matt laughed, that delighted laugh that lit up his entire face and brought out those dimples. It was unbearably cute.
“Thanks for the vote of confidence, sweetheart,” he said once he got his amusement under control. “Houdini is a very tough opponent.”
Probably because he heard his name, Houdini gave a loud meow from the living room. Which just made you both laugh.
“Did you find your vase?” he asked after you both calmed down.
“Yes,” you said. “I just need to get my step-stool. It’s just out of my reach.”
“Or I could get it down for you,” he said.
“Or you could get it down for me,” you repeated. The asked, “You don’t mind?”
“I wouldn’t have offered if I minded, sweetheart,” he said. “Now where is this vase?”
In seconds you had your vase. After filling it with water, you arranged the colorful asters to your liking. After some consideration, you placed it in the middle of your small kitchen table. There was nowhere in your apartment where it would be completely safe from getting knocked over by your cat but in the kitchen, it had a chance. It wouldn’t last two minutes on your coffee table.
As it was, Houdini hopped onto the table and started giving the vase a thorough inspection. Something he always did to anything new or had been stored away for any length of time.
“Be a good cat,” you told him. “Don’t break anything. No wild parties.”
Houdini meowed as if saying no promises, human.
Judging by the little smile on Matt’s face, he found your little conversation with your cat amusing. You retrieved your purse, swung it onto your shoulder, then double-checked that you had your phone and your keys.
“Shall we?” Matt asked, holding out his free hand.
“We shall,” you agreed, managing to sound confident even as some of your earlier nerves threatened to return. Your hand trembled a little when you reached for his offered hand but it was steady by the time you actually slide your hand into his. Probably sensing your nerves, he gently squeezed your hand and pulled you close to his side. Then you walked out of the door and headed for the elevator.
At first you walked in silence , the only sounds between the ambient noises of the building and the tap-tap of his cane. But sometimes when you were nervous, you found silences uncomfortable and got chatty. Tonight was apparently one of those times.
“You look nice,” you said. “Maroon is a good color on you.”
“Thank you, I try,” he said. “I’ll have to take your word about the maroon. Well, yours as well as Foggy and Marci.”
“Foggy and Marci?” you asked.
“Foggy bought me this and a couple of other shirts in order to get me to wear, I quote, ‘something that isn’t black, navy, brown, or gray’ but Marci helped him picked them out. Said she didn’t want a repeat of ‘the mustard travesty.’”
“The mustard travesty?” you repeated.
“Apparently one of the shirts he bought me during college was ‘the color of Dijon mustard’ and Marci says that putting me in mustard is ‘a fashion crime against humanity.’”
You tried to picture that. You weren’t sure it was possible for Matt to look terrible but agreed that mustard probably wasn’t the best color choice for him.
“What are you wearing?” he asked as you pressed the button for the ground floor.
It was a reasonable question. But it reminded you of what you were wearing under those clothes. Which made you face feel a little warm.
“Oh nothing fancy, just a skirt and a blouse,” you said, trying to sound casual.
Matt tilted his head slightly to the side you were on. Like he was listening closely to you. You wondered why. “One of those silk blouses your sister got you?”
“Yes,” you said. “The teal one.”
“Not sure I remember what teal looks like,” he said.
“It’s a mixture of blue and green,” you said.
He made a little humming noise of acknowledgment. “Your skirt?”
“Is this skirt short?” he asked.
“No,” you answered. “Why?”
“Just curious about why asking about your outfit made you more nervous that you already were. Thought maybe you had worn something a little daring, something you don’t wear very often.”
“Like a skirt too short for the office?” you asked.
He nodded.
“Nope. No short skirts tonight,” you said.
“But you did wear something daring.”
You spluttered, the earlier warmth in your face increasing. “How did – ?”
“Know? I suspected when you didn’t deny wearing something daring, just that it wasn’t your skirt. I knew when you reacted like that,” he said.
He adopted a thoughtful look as he seemed to think out loud, “Wearing something daring . . . it’s not your skirt . . . you said your silk blouses were the same aside from their color and I know you wore another one to work earlier this week so not your blouse . . . that leaves something you didn’t or wouldn’t mention . . . like your underwear.”
Your face felt like it was on fire. The thoughtful playfulness on his face shifted into something hungry, almost predatory. That look stirred something within you, kindling that dormant fire between your legs back to life. Matt’s nostrils flared and the tip of his tongue swept across his lips. He let go of your hand in favor of snaking his arm around your shoulders. You let out a squeak as he pulled you against him.
Despite the hunger on his face, his hold was gentle. You could easily wriggle out of it if you wanted to. But you didn’t want to. You wanted to be closer, wanted to press flush against his body.
“Am I right?” he whispered in your ear, his voice low and rough. “Are you wearing something pretty for me under these clothes, sweetheart?”
The voice alone was enough to make you shudder but the sensation of his breath against your ear, teasing that sensitive spot on your neck, added fuel to the fire within you.
“Y-yes,” you answered. He rumbled, his hand starting to slide from your shoulder down your back . . .
The ding of the elevator as it reached the ground floor made you jump and hastily pull away, vaguely feeling like a teenager getting caught making out by their parents. The doors slide open and you stepped out into the lobby, Matt walking closely behind you. You took a deep breath, trying to calm yourself down.
Dinner, then maybe sex, you silently reminded yourself. Assuming he still wants to have sex with you by then.
You looked around for something to distract your mind away from the gutter and found it in the form of Mrs. Dudley standing by the mailboxes, collecting her mail. She was staring at Matt with narrowed eyes and a suspicious frown. You wondered if she had seen Matt leaving earlier this week, dressed in your brother’s sweatpants. Probably if the sneering glare she sent in your direction was any indication. She pointedly turned her back to you and beside you, Matt stiffened.
“Let me guess,” you whispered to him. “She’s muttering about me being a whore.”
“Yes,” he said. “How did you know?”
“Mrs. Dudley is a very religious woman,” you explained. “I forget which specific branch of Protestant Christianity she subscribes to but the bottom line is that she has very strong opinions about premarital sex. She probably saw you leaving Sunday morning. And then she saw you with me . . .”
“And made assumptions about what we’ve been doing?” he injected.
“Got it in one,” you said. “I can see why Foggy pays you the big bucks.”
Matt chuckled, his body losing some of the tension. “Doesn’t it bother you? That she is talking about you like that?”
“A little,” you answered. “But I’m used to Mrs. Dudley thinking badly of me.”
“Why? You’re wonderful,” he objected.
“Flatterer,” you said, feeling your heart flutter at the sheer outrage in his voice. “Part of it is that she has meet Jo . . .”
“Who is Jo?” he interrupted.
“My best friend,” you answered. “She’s an investigative reporter for The Bulletin.”
“Joanna Meyer? Karen has mentioned her – said she wasn’t afraid to express her mind.”
You smiled. “That’s Jo. Like Mrs. Dudley, Jo also has very strong opinions about sex. Her opinion that as long as all parties involved are freely consenting adults, they can have as much sex as they want. In the world according to Jo, slut is a compliment.”
“I can see how she and Mrs. Dudley might clash.”
You nodded and then added, “And then shortly after I got him, Houdini dug up all of her petunias and used the pot as a litter box.”
The made Matt laugh. You giggled. It was funny now. It hadn’t been funny at the time. Again, the laughter eased your nerves. After you both got your amusement under control, Matt offered his hand again. This time your hand didn’t shake even a little bit when you slide your hand into his.
“So,” you said as you exited the building. “Which way are we going?”
He grinned as he turned you to head down the street and said, “The sighted being guide by the blind? That’s a switch.”
“I could take over guiding,” you said, pretending to be thoughtful. “Provided you are fine with ending up somewhere unexpected.”
“Oh? Like where?” he asked, playing along.
He laughed, then asked, “How in the world would we end up all the way in Queens?”
You shrugged, feeling your face get a little warm with mild embarrassment. Then said, “You are underestimating my ability to get lost. I’ve gotten lost several times trying to navigating this city.”
“And found yourself in Queens?”
“Sometimes,” you said. “Learned that Spider-Man will give you directions if you ever find yourself lost in Queens.”
“Good to know,” Matt said, shaking his head with an amused little smile as the pair of you went around a corner. “But I seldom get lost enough to wind up in Queens by accident.”
“Know the streets like the back of your hand, do you?” You asked.
“Yes,” he said. “Especially these streets. I’ve lived in Hell’s Kitchen nearly all of my life.”
“Is that why you set up shop here?” you asked.
He nodded, his face very serious. “Hell’s Kitchen isn’t perfect but it’s home. There are good people here that need someone in their corner.”
You had figured previously that Matt had to have a strong connection to this neighborhood in particular in order to appoint himself as its guardian angel. Or guardian devil, you supposed he would say. Personally, you thought angel was just as apt. Biblical angels, after all, were rather fearsome things.
“What about you? Where’s your hometown?” he asked.
“Don’t really have one,” you said. “I was born on the west coast but we moved around a lot.”
“My dad was in the military until I was in high school,” you explained. “When he retired, we moved to Florida because my mom is from there and she wanted to live closer to her sisters.”
Matt gave a little hum of understanding, then you walked in comfortable silence for a couple of minutes before he spoke again, “We’re almost there. Allergi, on your right.”
You looked ahead and scanned the signs until you saw the one that had Allergi Italian Restaurant in cream white raised letters against a scarlet red background. It hung above a door painted in the same shade of red with cream accents between large windows. As you approached the door, your nose was filled with the warm scent of garlic, tomatoes, and herbs. You could see a few patrons through the windows and they looked like they were enjoying themselves.
Matt tried to let go of your hand when you got to the door but you squeezed his hand, unwilling to let his hand go yet. You opened the door for both of you. The rich smell of food was stronger now and it made your mouth water. The gentle murmur of conversation and soft laughter filled your ears as you walked together toward the podium.
The dark brown eyes of the teenage girl manning the podium lit up when she saw Matt and called out, “Nonna! Mr. Murdock is here!”
A woman appeared in the entrance to what you assumed was the kitchen. The wide smile that spread across her face was identical to the one on the teenager – you could tell they were related. She walked over as fast as her age allowed, throwing her arms around Matt once she got in range.
“Matteo, how lovely to see you again,” she said warmly.
“Hello, Mrs. Allergi,” he greeted, an equally warm smile on his face.
“Nonna, Matteo, call me Nonna,” she gently scolded him. “How many times do I have tell you?”
“At least once more, Mrs. Allergi,” he said, then introduced you.
“Welcome to Allergi’s, my dear,” she said. “Come, let me show you to your table.”
As you were lead to a small table, you took a quick look around. The walls were painted the same cream white as the outside sign and were decorated with lovely citiscapes framed in dark wood. You immediately recognized the ones of New York but you thought some of the others were Rome, Florence, Naples, and Venice. Some of the architecture of those cities was pretty distinctive. The same dark wood was repeated in the square tables and chairs arrayed around the restaurant. The cushions lined the seats of the chairs also echoed the sign as they were the same shade of scarlet red.
When you were seated at the table, the teenager set down a set of silverware wrapped in a red napkin, quietly making sure that Matt knew where she had sat down his silverware. She handed you both a menu before bouncing off to get you both some ice water to start off with. You wondered if you were ever that peppy when you were her age.
Mrs. Allergi returned to the kitchen after chiding Matt for missing Mass so often, her light tone making it clear that she was teasing him rather than actually lecturing him for not coming to church.
“So I assume you know the Allergis?” you said as you opened your menu.
“Pretty obvious?” he said, smiling.
“Just a little bit.”
“My dad was working as busboy for them as one of his part-time jobs when my accident happened. They were one of the few places that didn’t fire him for taking so much time off. They couldn’t take me in after . . . after . . . but Mrs. Allergi always asked how I was doing after Mass while I lived at St. Agnes. Then a couple of years ago, they ran into a little legal trouble . . .”
“My brother Eddy got arrested for robbery and murder,” the teenager interjected as she sat down your glasses and filled them with ice water. “Mr. Murdock saved him from Rikers.”
“I didn’t do anything special, Lucy,” Matt said. “The DA had no case . . .”
“Mr. Murdock saved him,” Lucy repeated with stars in her eyes. And a blush across her cheeks. You realized that this wasn’t just hero worship, she probably had a crush on Matt. “The public defender wanted him to take a deal . . .”
“Lucy!” Mrs. Allergi shouted from the entrance of the kitchen, beckoning to the girl.
The girl sighed, pouted a little, then called back, “Coming Nonna! Good night, Mr. Murdock.”
“Good night, Lucy,” Matt said as the girl turned and left.
“She has a crush on you,” you said in a low voice.
“I know,” he said, in an equally quiet voice. “She’ll move onto someone else sooner or later. In the meantime, I’m treating her like Candace.”
“Candace?” You asked.
“Foggy’s little sister.”
You made a humming sound of acknowledge, turning your attention to the menu. A lot of the dishes seemed to have two versions – Italian American and traditional Italian. In the end you decided to order the traditional version of fettuccine Alfredo as you had never had that version before and was curious. And it didn’t sound like something that would sent you into a food coma.
Because as much as you enjoyed literally sleeping with Matt, you were kinda of hoping to do more tonight.
You decided to opt for tea instead of any of the wines on offer for similar reasons. You didn’t want to be drowsy or Matt worrying about if you were actually saying yes to sex or it was just the wine talking . . .
Matt ordered the lasagna. While you waited for your meals, he entertained you with the story of how he first meet Foggy at Columbia. Which had you giggling. And also sympathizing with Foggy since you had a frequent bouts of no-filter-between-the-brain-and-the-mouth disease around Matt too.
Both dishes looked and smelled wonderful when they arrived at your table. While you couldn’t speak for Matt’s dish, your meal tasted even better than it smelled. Rich enough to practically melt in your mouth without being heavy. You might have gushed a little to Mrs. Allergi when she swung by the table to see how things were going. Which you think pleased her and she promised to pass the compliments onto her son Antonio who apparently helped with the.
Matt had this little smile on his face throughout the entire exchange and when Mrs. Allergi had left, all he said was, “You’re adorable.”
You felt your face warm and said, “I think you mean awkward.”
“No,” he said, still wearing that gentle smile. “I meant what I said. You’re adorable.”
“Adorable as someone with spontaneous utterances can be,” you said.
“I enjoy your spontaneous utterances,” he said.
“Why?” you asked. “Curious to know how much of my foot I can fit in my mouth?”
“Not quite,” he said then his smile turned coy. “Through I am curious about something along those lines.”
The warmth in your cheeks grew as your mind immediately went to the fantasies you had about about sucking Matt’s cock. You fought the urge to squirm in your chair as the heat between your legs once again flared to life.
This is a public place, you reminded yourself. There are children present.
You desperately tried to think of something besides sex. Spotting another couple sharing some of cake, you asked, “Do you want desert?”
“Mrs. Allergi always sends me home with tiramisu,” he said. “Would you like to go to my place and share it?”
The invitation was clear. As was the knowledge that you would sharing an entirely different kind of desert.
I am already working on the next chapter. Which in my outline is almost entirely smut. I’m hoping to get it done faster than this chapter.
Again I had to make some decisions about general background and family for Reader. I tried to keep it as vague as possible given the circumstances.
Reader makes her pineapple upside down cake in a cast iron skillet because that’s how I was taught how to make them. In my dad’s skillet that is older than I am.
According to some of the legal podcasts I’ve listening to and lawyer blogs I’ve been lurking around, judges sometimes start quoting classic literature as a way of snarking at one of the parties when said party has gotten on their nerves in some fashion. This can be especially snarky when the remark was made in the footnotes.
Some of the veterinary websites I went said that daisies, among other flowers, are toxic to cats but that asters were safe. I’m not a vet so I cannot verify that one way or another. Besides asters are pretty.
The mustard thing was inspired by a photo of Charlie Cox at a recent con where he’s wearing a mustard-colored shirt . . . and well, I cannot say that Charlie looks terrible because he never looks terrible and maybe it’s the lighting but judging by those pictures, mustard isn’t his color.
Not kidding about the angels. The actual descriptions of them, especially in the Book of Enoch, are pretty wild . . . there is a good reason that their opening line is usually “Fear not.”
It is my understanding that nonna means grandmother in Italian but feel free to correct me.
Reader recognizing some of the Italian architecture is an artifact of my love for art.
I decided that Foggy gets to have both his TV show sibling of Theo and his comic book sibling of Candace.
The original fettuccine Alfredo did use the cream sauce found in the Italian-American version. From what I could find out, the original is the noodles cooked in butter and herbs, then tossed with freshly grated Parmesan cheese just before serving.
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bimboaudino · 10 months
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TGTF Medallion In Bangkok
I sat in the private jet, the gentle hum of the turbines barely entering the soundproof walls of the airplane, sipping on a martini as I think about what I’m doing. I was going to Bangkok on a work trip. My company had just signed a major deal to open up and buy business there and I was going to meet the partnering companies to get things started.
But it was more than a business trip. I knew I’d have more than just a few days off to enjoy in Bangkok. I shivered at the thought, pulling out a small silver medallion with a red gem embedded in it. I remember when I had discovered it on a less than legal auction and could barely contain myself.
I was looking for something a little kinky. Something that would let me act out my true desire, and then be able to go back to a normal life. It wasn’t that I was a gay man, the thought didn’t sit well with me. But to be a woman, that was something very different. To have someone see me as less, as weak and as submissive, and to act as such. The thought sent shivers down my spine, I could almost feel my cock harden as I stared at the small silver piece of jewellery.
"Another?" a female voice asked, snapping me out of my fantasy. It was the air hostess. A young brunette who had been trying to flirt with me since the plane took off. I quickly stowed the medallion and took another stiff drink, nodding my head. She walked off, making sure to sway her hips as she went.
Id always been rather a disagreeable man, and this had often gotten in the way of any type of romantic relationships, my wife barely talked to me. So instead I focused on my career, working hard and climbing the ladder. Soon enough I was a very successful CEO. But I’d always wanted to know what it would be like to be on the other side. To be weak and powerless, and have others dominate me. This was something I kept a tight lid on, keeping it secret and letting it manifest in my fantasies. To be agreeable, submissive, and powerless in the hands of others.
I knew the medallion could grant me that experience, the moment I laid eyes on it.
I had found it on an auction on the deep web, an online black market, bidding high to win the item. When it arrived I was in a cold sweat, holding it and knowing what it was and what it could do. Id tested it a week ago by imagining my wife’s image, finding myself in her form, the mental and physical changes almost throwing me for a loop. It had been a crazy few hours before I used the medallion to change back, having found myself thinking as her after a short while. I’d have to be careful.
I looked out the window seeing we were on the approach to the airport, and a smile creeped onto my lips. Tonight was the night. I was met at the airport by a car sent from the Thai business association, and was escorted to my hotel, the Hilton hotel where all the guests for the conference were staying. I dropped off my luggage, a single suitcase and made my way back out to the city. I was staying in a rather large penthouse and would have the entire thing to myself for the night, but before I could get around to my plan I was of course to give a talk for my company and discuss the business agreement.
"Great talk Jake" my associate Mike shook my hand as he beamed.
I thanked him for coming as we mingled with the post conference crowd. Many powerful rich men, just as I was, gathered here.
The next few hours were spent in boring meetings and talks with business associates and CEOs.
I finally managed to wrap things up, leaving the conference to head back to my hotel. It was a huge building, and a quick elevator ride to the top floor. I walked out onto the balcony overlooking the city, the nightlife already bustling in full swing, the sounds and smells reaching all the way to me. I was just able to make out in the distance the red lights and neon signs of the infamous red light district. It was the place I’m planning to get more than a little intimate with if all goes to plan.
I could see it vividly in my minds eye, I was to become a sex worker, selling my body for money. The thought alone was enough to make my cock throb and my breath hitch. I had thought long and hard about this, the things id do and the ways id be used. Id be forced to use my body to pleasure strangers. Id be treated like a dirty whore, and not be able to do anything about it. The though of being so submissive, agreeable and powerless excited me, and had led to many a night where id cum to the thoughts and fantasies of being a woman and being forced to have sex with strangers.
"I'm going to do this" I tell myself, feeling the medallion in my pocket, running my fingers over the cold metal. I can already feel the nervousness growing inside me, my heart beat rising. I'm actually going to do this.
I look at the medallion, and take a deep breath, calming myself.
In my minds eye I picture her. An Asian girl, young barely 18, petite yet busty, with a cute face and an innocent look, and short bob hair. She was dressed in a latex Short shorts, the shiny fabric ending well above her thighs. On her feet was a pair of latex thigh high leggings with built in heels, the rubber fabric ending a few inches above her knees, giving her legs a smooth, bare look. On her arms she wore latex gloves, the tight material going up all the way to her shoulders, and covering her arms, save for a few inches of bare skin around her wrists. At her neck was a choker, the same latex material as her leggings and gloves. Her hair was jet black and flowing.
Her face the image of innocence and naivety, her expression a shy, meek one. Her personality was different. It was a complete contradictions compared to my own. Yes, she was a submissive, agreeable and meek, eager to please and willing to do anything.
A low knowledge, simple, and unintelligent girl. A dumb bitch.
She was a whore, a prostitute, a sex worker.
Her name? That's easy, her name is Mei, Thai in origin, her English is broken and simple.
I see it all in my minds eye, and I clutch the medallion tightly, a strange warmth emanating from it.
It was time.
I took the medallion and held it firmly, imagining the girl I pictured in my mind, the latex outfit and the handbag. I concentrated, feeling the medallion pulsing in my hands, getting warmer and warmer.
It felt like electricity was running through me, starting from my toes and fingertips, running up my body and converging around the medallion, a warm heat emanating from it.
As the electricity ran up my body I could feel the changes starting.
My hair, it was lengthening. It started to reach down from my neck, running down my head. The sensation was strange, but not uncomfortable, a strange itchy sensation. My head felt lighter as the hair grew out, the itch growing worse, until it was almost unbearable. My hair now hung a few inches past my shoulders, and the itch was gone, the weight of the hair being longer felt heavy.
It was starting.
I was becoming her.
My feet were next, a tingling sensation running up my legs as they changed. My shoes began to tighten, and I was able to feel them shrink, my feet shrinking with them.
The first thing I noticed was that my body felt lighter, the shoes having grown a small heel. But it was more than that, my weight was now centred lower.
My foot and calf muscles were also getting tighter, my legs becoming dainty and lithe. The transformation continued up my legs, traveling upwards.
They were changing, the transformation spreading up my legs.
The tingle continued, moving up my hips. I could feel the change happening, the bone structure changing, my body slimming down, and my hip width widening.
My hips were starting to widen, the muscles growing tighter, my body slimming down as the transformation travelled upward, my height dropping as the room around me felt larger and larger.
My chest was next, the transformation traveling up my torso.
I could feel a pressure on my chest, the sensation was strange. It was growing tighter and tighter, the sensation of my torso and rib cage shrinking to petite female proportions, gone was broad muscular chest, and in its place were two small mounds.
My breasts, they were forming.
They grew from small pea sized nubs, to the size of lemons, the pressure on my chest was getting intense, the mounds growing. Knowing that I now had breast tissue, my nipples erecting and hardened.
They were small and perky, and highly sensitive.
The transformation had spread upward, continuing to my shoulders, and down my arms, the sensations travelling along my arms, and to my hands.
I could feel the tingling in my fingers, the digits changing and shrinking, the skin softening, becoming feminine. My hand felt smaller, the skin softer, and the nails longer.
I was getting excited, the changes happening so far were wonderful. The sensations continued up my arms and to my neck, my body was slimming down, my neck becoming thinner and feminine, my jaw and face changing.
My face, it was one of the most strange changes.
My nose and cheek bones changed, my face slimming down and becoming feminine, the masculine jawline vanishing, and the chin becoming smaller. My eyes grew slightly larger, my eye lids changing and becoming daintier, and the skin on my face softening, my eyebrows thinning out. As my race began to shift I could feel my eye lids begin to grow longer and thicker, my eye lashes growing fuller and longer. Taking on an Asian slant, like two beautiful almonds, they began shift from a bright blue to become a deep shade of brown.
My mouth changed, the lips filling out, becoming thinner and softer, and my lips grew slightly larger, the corners turning upwards, forming a small natural pout. My nose gaining an Asian look, and a small button like nose, with the same change occurring to the rest of my body.
I could feel my ears changing, they were shrank very slightly as two pinpricks indicated piercings now present.
I look down at my body, the changes were nearly done, I was now only around 5ft, and I could feel my height had lowered even further, the room around me appearing large. I could see my thighs now with a thigh gap, and my feet and calves were now smooth and dainty, the skin soft.
My pelvis finally started to change, the transformation moving to the very last place.
My groin area, the skin became smoother, and the area around the groin area began to shrink, and I could feel my penis and testicles retracting, a strange sensation, my crotch becoming a vagina, the labia growing from nothing and expanding outward, the labia lips becoming full and soft.
The sensations were traveling downwards, my cock and balls were retracting into my body, and disappearing. My cock shrinking into a nub, and my testicles disappearing, the scrotum shrinking, the skin smoothing and tightening, the area becoming a fully functional pussy, the lips forming.
The sensation of having a vagina was strange, I could feel the new emptiness, the lack of testicles and penis was so alien, but also amazing.
The transformation was almost done.
My puffy pussy growing wet and warm at the knowledge of the final things to come. My breasts finished growing the size of Cantaloupes , ripe fruit that hung from my now petite chest, and my ass finished changing, becoming a firm, bubbly, jiggly rear, and the last thing to change physically was my skin tone, my body colour changing from a pale white to a light bronze, a light tan, a beautiful golden hue of the Thai people.
The transformation was complete.
I was no longer a 40 year old disagreeable man.
I was a 18 year old, cute, Asian, whore.
But my clothes were up next, the transformation starting with my lower half.
The tingling started at the bottom, a sensation spreading up my legs, traveling slowly. My boxers began to tighten, shrinking down, becoming smaller and smaller. I felt the thong dig into my cheeks, and then the elastic around the waist and hips stretched outwards, and began to grow.
As the thong shrunk and stretched outwards, I could feel the front part of the thong digging into my new pussy, and the sensation caused a shiver to run up my spine, the back strings spreading my cheeks so they were visibly outlined against the latex, the transformation causing the thong to shrink further.
The transformation continued upward, the tightening sensation spreading up from my crotch.
My T-shirt was next, the cloth beginning to stretch out.
I could feel the transformation traveling across my body, and the material was stretching, the T-shirt tightening, the fabric becoming more revealing. I could see my midriff as the shirt began to rise, the transformation continuing upwards.
I could feel the sensation spread up from my groin and hips, the t-shirt lifting, the fabric beginning to reveal the skin of my abdomen.
The material rose, and I could feel the air touching my belly, the transformation continuing upwards, the t-shirt rising, the material becoming smaller.
The tightening was reaching my shoulders, and the material had risen just under my bust, taking on a shiny gloss.
My chest began to rise, my new tits pushed up, as the latex shirt was tightening, the material becoming a tube top, a bright pink crop top. The material clung to my figure, and the transformation spread upward, the shirt lifting my tits, becoming tighter as a deep V neck was formed, the V neckline dipping low between the breasts, showing off the cleavage, the material clinging to my figure.
The transformation spread down my legs, the material tightening, the latex leggings turning into thigh high boots.
What was left of my trousers forming into a pair of short shorts, the shorts were tight, and the material became shiny and pale, the fabric stretching and turning into latex, the shorts were tight around my ass, the material clinging to the curves, outlining the ass cheeks.
My arms covered in latex, a pair of latex shoulder length gloves covering the skin, and the rest of the t-shirt had already become a tight shiny crop top.
The transformation finishing as a tight chocker forms around my now petite neck and I stood there, dressed in latex and rubber, the transformation completed, I was now her.
The sensations subsided, and I looked down, seeing myself, I was now her, the girl I saw in my minds eye, the transformation complete.
My brain suddenly felt strange, a weird fog setting in, clouding my thoughts.
"Me head feel strange" I say in a small voice, my words coming out in broken English. A strong Thai accent smothering the words.
The thought of speaking in an Asian accent was strange. It felt alien, but at the same time, right.
"Why I speak like this? Is not make sense"
"My name" I say, the thought of what I used to be was so strange. "I...not remember"
I try and remember who I was before, but the more I tried, the more the thoughts and memories seemed to fade.
"I remember, Mei" I say, a smile forming on my face, a new name, yet it fit. It was like a switch had been pressed in my cranium, flushing away most of my knowledge.
The thought of who I was, Jake, was strange, like trying to remember something from another life, the more I thought about it, I could remember it, yet it felt unimportant.
I could remember who I was before, I just didn’t care right now and that was okay, that was perfect.
I see a handbag, and walk over, picking it up, the transformation had given me everything I needed.
It was filled with a few things.
I take the handbag, and begin to explore, looking around.
I find a mirror and look in, I was no longer a 40 year old white man with dark blonde hair and a short buzz cut, I was now a 18 year old Asian female prostitute, the transformation was perfect. My bag containing a passport and new ID, the ID showing my name as Mei Saetang, an Asian prostitute, my profession and job was listed, the age of 18 years old.
The handbag also contained a few other items, condoms, cigarettes, a small amount of currency and a small makeup kit.
Suddenly the penthouse felt strange to me, no longer belonging, and it felt too expensive for my new form.
"I want to leave" I think (in fluent Thai), looking around. "I should find the elevator"
I leave the room, taking the room keycard and medallion in my new handbag, finding myself quickly adapting to the shoes, the heels and the latex were so comfortable, a natural fit, it was like they were made for me.
I drowned my fear of being seen as my hazy mind reasoned that if anyone saw a Thai hooker leaving the penthouse they would just think I was leaving a customer.
The heels were surprisingly easy to walk in, and as I walked I could feel the latex rubbing on the skin of my thighs, the shorts so tight that every time I walked I could feel the fabric of the latex thong riding into my new pussy.
The elevator door opened, and I walked in, partly glad it was empty yet at the same time feeling strangely like I wished someone was there to observe my new body. Pushing the button to go down, and as I rode the elevator, I could feel the cool air conditioning against my skin, and the feeling of the latex clinging to my skin felt good.
The elevator doors opened, and I stepped out, walking to the exit of the hotel.
The lobby was busy, a lot of people, and the feeling of being stared at, but my hazy mind wasn’t bothered by it, I even could make out some English words that some of them were saying, feeling strange how I only understood the odd word here or there but the word 'slut' and 'whore' were still familiar to my new cortex. I giggled knowing they thought I was a prostitute, one that had just finished with a client who had brought her back to their hotel room.
I felt a sudden surge of wetness between my legs, a damp patch forming on the thong.
Walking out the door and into the street, I knew where to go. I needed to find the redlight district, the night was still young, and I could already feel the excitement and anticipation building, I was going to get fucked a lot, and soon. Noticing how short my new body was, the street seemed a lot bigger, the world around me a lot larger, the men all around me so much taller. Their smell strangely new and strong to my petite nose. Yet strangely it smelt comforting.
As I walked along the streets, the warm evening air brushing against my bare shoulders, I could hear some cat calls and whistles. A sign I was getting close.
It wasn’t long until the crowds parted, and I could see one of Bangkok’s famed locations. The red light district.
It was like entering a whole different world, the smell of sweat and sex.
The sound of music and laughter, the neon lights and the flashing signs, and the many brothels, bars and strip clubs, it was like a dream come true. My heels clicking on the stone pavement as I walked, the air was filled with the smell of cigarettes and the sounds of sex.
The street was packed, the sidewalks were crowded with young women, much like myself, the other girls all dressed in skimpy dresses or short skirts and some dressed in lingerie.
They were all prostitutes, and some of the women were standing out in the open, talking to potential customers.
As I walked, a few of the girls glanced over at me, giving me a look only reserved for competition.
Some were even glaring.
The girls all dressed in slutty outfits, they were all working the street, some were standing out on the sidewalk, trying to attract the attention of the male customers, trying to get them to buy their bodies.
And yet I was starting to feel strangely comforted by the scene around me.
A few men looked at me, their eyes scanning my body, and I felt a strange surge of arousal, their stares feeling more and more intense, and a small group of men, wearing smart suits, looking foreign, started to walk over, the sight causing me to stop and smile at them. Internally I had just recognised them as 'foreigners' as though I had always been Thai, causing my nethers to clench even more.
This was it, my first potential customer, I could feel a surge of emotions, a mixture of apprehension, nervousness, fear and excitement, all fighting for control.
What left my mouth as they approached was the most stereotypical possible thing I could imagine a hooker would say.
"Want good time?" I ask them, speaking in broken English, a cute thick accent.
It was the most obvious thing that came to mind.
One of them answered, speaking in English, his words were slightly slurred, he had clearly been drinking.
"Yeah we want a good time, how much is it, you're a cheap one aren't ya, I bet your really loose as well" he laughed.
I smile up at him, fluttering my eyelashes, yet not understanding most of what he said besides the words 'yeah', 'how much ‘and 'cheap'. I lean presenting my chest at the most sensual angle I can for him, feeling him tower over me only making my womb tingle and rev harder.
"Me cheap" I say, a cute giggle, "me do good time, and me very good."
My words were broken and accented, my brain no longer able to speak English fluently, only understanding a little, and what I did understand made little sense. But I did know that the way I was talking likely turned them on no end. My mind telling me men like it when I make myself seem dumber than them.
One of the men leaned in, and whispered into my ear, his hot breath on my skin, sending a shiver up my spine, a strange wave of emotion washed over me as my crotch felt a fire light in it.
"So what can you do for us" the man whispers into my ear, his lips so close to my petite ear, I didn’t really know what he was asking but I assumed it was price.
"Me do good time 500 baht each handsome man" I say, giggling and smiling up at him, my large eyes meeting his.
To them I was just a cute Asian prostitute and they wanted to be serviced by a cute, submissive, young and dumb whore. How lucky for them that’s what I am now.
The man who had whispered into my ear, smiled, and leaned back. Looking at his well dressed buddy before looking back at the petite hooker in front of him.
"Okay 500 baht each, how much for both of us to double team you?"
I smiled up at him, and nodded, "me love you, me give special offer, me take both for 700 baht yes? Me think both very handsome with big cock" my nethers tingles at my own accent and statement, my brain praying it was true.
He grinned, "Deal" he said, "lets go to our hotel, its close"
He took my side and placed a hand on my ass as he lead me away, his friend putting a hand over my petite shoulders
I could feel a strange wetness in my pussy, the thong clinging tightly between the delicate lips.
There was no doubt the men were horny and wanted to fuck me, and I was going to give them a good time, it was my job.
"We have a suite in the Hilton, its just down the road, follow us" the man says, squeezing and leading me my the ass. It was demeaning but it felt so good, like I was being owned and dominated.
The other man was on my right, his hand resting on my petite shoulders, his arm so much larger than mine.
They both lead me away, down the street, to an all to familiar sight.
I could see the hotel, the familiar logo.
Hilton Hotel Bangkok.
The sight sent a shiver up my spine, my mind flashing back, remembering, I was staying there myself, before I had used the medallion, and now I’m being lead to the same place, only as a prostitute.
I was so short, only coming up to the men's chests, and the two were well built, they could easily overpower me, and a strange thought crossed my mind.
I would happily let them.
That was my purpose now, and I could feel a growing excitement and arousal as we walked.
We walked into the building, and the sight of the reception area was one I recognised.
"Hello Sirs, welcome back to the hotel," they are greeted, the receptionist was a middle aged woman. She was dressed in a formal business suit. Her eyes shift down towards me, I could feel her judge me, glaring at me knowing what they would do to me soon enough in the privacy of their room. Clearly disgusted at this girl in front of hers life choices.
The men simply nodded, leading me past the counter and towards the elevators.
The elevator doors opened, and the man with a hand on my ass guided me in, his friend joining us, and the other man pressed the button. The doors closed and the elevator began to move, the feeling of being trapped in a small box with two dominant males was intoxicating, the heat radiating off them was amazing, and my nose could smell the scent of their cologne, it was a musky masculine smell.
The feeling of the soft hand on my ass, slowly kneading the soft flesh through the latex. I let out a high pitch moan. My legs rubbing together involuntarily.
I could feel the juices trickle from my pussy, the thong already damp, and the hand slowly moved downwards, sliding under the short shorts, moving inwards, until a finger brushed against the soft lips, the man's thumb finding the sensitive clit, and rubbing it through the fabric, sending a wave of pleasure through my body.
I couldn’t hold it, I had no willpower, my body had been reduced to that of a young woman, and I had no more control.
I moaned loudly, a loud, sensual and girly moan.
I was putty in the men's hands, and I didn’t care, it was what I wanted in that moment.
The elevator doors opened, and the two men led the way, the one holding my ass leading me by the pussy, his fingers stroking the sensitive bud, as the other walked still had his hands over my shoulder leaning in for a drunken kiss.
I kissed him back, a sensual open mouthed kiss, the alcohol on his breath was strong, but I didn’t mind, my body was on fire, my heart pounding, and I could feel his hand squeeze my shoulder closer before it went under and slid up and under my cropped top.
Breaking the kiss and letting out a gasp, the man's hand found the small, sensitive, perky nipple and he began to play with it, flicking and rubbing.
"Lets get you to our suite baby girl, we'll show you a good time" the man
They lead me to a door, and one of them unlocked it, the man behind me pulled his hand from under the short shorts and pulled the keycard from the pocket.
He opened the door and the three of us entered.
The room was big and luxurious, a huge king size bed in the middle of the room. I gulped, this was really happening, I’m going to be fucked.
The man who was behind me, shut the door, and the man who was at my side, led me over to the bed.
"Take a seat baby" the man says. I look up at him in confusion then watch his gestures, realising that he was commanding me onto the bed.
I sit down on the edge of the bed, my ass feeling like a cushion beneath me, and look up at the men, they are so much taller, so much bigger, and a part of me just wants to give myself up, to be at their mercy, the thought alone making me feel tingly all over.
The two men start to unbuckle their belts and remove their pants, the bulges are so clear, and it's so obvious they are rock hard, they are both wearing smart trousers, and I can tell they are western men, maybe Americans, judging by their appearances, they seem familiar, my mind suddenly resurfacing shaking hands with them but their names no longer came to mind, I had met them at the conference today. they were some big wig executives of some company I had just bought, I had been a multi millionaire CEO, and now I’m reduced to being an unassuming whore in their hotel room.
It was almost a dream come true.
As the two men drop their pants and pull out their cocks, the sight makes me gasp, they are so huge, and so thick.
"Me like" I say, licking my lips, unable to keep my eyes off them. A strange desire id never had surfacing in the moment.
Watching them grow, understanding that it was me that had made them grow. My body, my purpose was to please men, and it was true to purpose, evident by the swollen Falas before me.
The one who had grabbed my ass, the one with the slightly longer hair and darker skin, stepped closer, his cock was so big and thick, it was almost intimidating.
The other got on the bed behind me.
"What’s your name, baby girl?" the man asked.
I look up at him, confused, I had no idea what he was asking, his words seemed foreign and confusing. My arousal in the moment lowering my comprehension further.
"My name" the man in front of me said, repeating the question, "tell us your name"
My brain finally realising what he’s asking.
"Me name Mei" I say, my voice coming out more high pitched, sounding cute.
I smile, and lean forward, the heels making my feet arch up, making me seem even more submissive, I rest a gloved hand on my knees, smiling blissfully dumbly up at him.
He smiles, and leans in, placing a hand on the side of my face, and kisses me on the lips, his tongue entering my mouth, the kiss was so intense, the alcohol on his breath less strong than the others, and his hand reached around and cupped the back of my head, pulling me into him, my body, my purpose was to be submissive and obey, and so I gave into the kiss.
Our tongues danced and fought for dominance, his tongue was so dominant, and I could feel a heat inside me.
"Now get on your hands and knees, ill take your pussy and my friend will take pretty little mouth and fuck it" the man says.
The men's commands were so dominant and powerful, and the words made sense to me, I couldn’t remember understand the sounds but the meaning was clear.
I nod, and stand up, turning around and getting onto the bed. I turn around and get onto the bed, onto my hands and knees, presenting myself, I was his, my pussy was his, and my mouth was his friends. All for just 700 baht, the cost of the sex.
The man in front of me slowly edges forward, his one eyed monster staring me in the face, my eyes transfixed on it.
Behind me the client looks down at me grabbing my petite waist, pulling the latex short shorts down, the cool air hitting my bare pussy and its sensitive lips.
"Your such a slut" the man says, his hands on the soft hips before swatting my ass causing it to jiggle pleasantly with a 'Plap' , as the other moves forward, the man's large, swollen, and throbbing member was right in front of my face.
There was no escape, no stopping the inevitable, and all I could think about was pleasing these two men, giving them a good time.
My body was trembling in excitement and anticipation, as I could feel the other man's hands grab my hips, Condom freshly placed , guiding himself up to my puffy rose,, teasing it as he rubs the hard member against my softness. The sensations controlling my whole world, I pull myself back to reality, reminding myself the man in front of me also need attention.
Leaning forward letting out a small moan, kissing its tip between my plump lips.
my huge almond shapes eyes gazing up at him as I stick my tongue out, and run it around the tip of his cock, a strange salty taste. But my body couldn’t get enough.
"Oh fuck" the man groaned, "she is a fucking slut"
I giggle, a high pitch feminine giggle, and move my head forward, kissing the swollen tip before finally engulfing it, careful to avoid touching it with my teeth, and began to suck, slowly bobbing my head, the sensation of having the tip of his cock inside my mouth and the taste, it was like nothing else.
My whole world was now this, to please men, to have men dominate me.
Finally having had enough of the teasing the man behind me plunges in, his condom ribbed member plunging into my wet, tight and delicate pussy.
The sudden sensation, and the feeling of fullness, his cock so much larger than I had anticipated. I let out a loud, girly and pleasurable moan, the sensation almost making me climax. On the spot as I moan on the rod in my mouth, sending pleasant vibrations throughout the man's cock.
The feeling of being penetrated in both holes, the man behind me, his throbbing cock plunging in and out of my pussy, his hands gripping my soft petite waist.
"Fuck she's a slut, you really know how to pick them," the man I was sucking exclaims with a deep grunt
"Yeah, she is the perfect little Asian whore, I tell you man, the women here hit different."
The sound of their voices, their accents, they sounded pleased with my body, only making me more enthusiastic.
"You think her tits are real?"
"Who cares man, her ass is a work of art, I would love to cum on that."
'SLAP' he emphasized the word with a smack of my ass. It didn’t stop, my muscles down below clenching around the member. Massaging it in a fashion only a woman could.
"I'm getting close." the man grunted, his cock twitching and swelling inside me, as if the sensation wasn’t already driving me wild, the sensations and his grunts making it more intense, my own climax rising to meet it. Gazing up at the man in front of me, letting him know I was his in the moment, and the sensation was overwhelming.
Behind I could feel the hot liquid shoot from his cock, the condom preventing any leakage, and I could feel it pulsating inside me. The feeling and his grunts and groans making me reach my own climax, the most intense one of my life. A constant wave of pleasure running through me.
"Me too" the man I was sucking called out.
A pulsating sensation, a swelling before I could feel a warmth on the roof of my mouth and a salty taste, the sensation of the man Cumming, his cock throbbing in my mouth, shooting his seed into my throat, his musk filling my mouth.
I push myself down onto it to its base, making sure not to let it leak. Finally the pulsating stops and I pull myself off it with a gasp. Opening my mouth, my gaze locked with him, showing him my prize.
"Swallow it" the man commands.
And so I do, the sensation strange, the taste not the best but I swallow all of it, the man's essence disappearing down my throat. I finish gulping dramatically before I once again open my mouth wide, sticking my tongue out to show him.
"Good girl" he says, his hand petting my jet black hair, the sensation of the touch was nice, his hand moving down and stroking my face. The men get up and one rummages in his wallet, the other pulls the condom off his softening member, smirking before tying a knot in it. Before handing it to me, "for later slut, when your hungry" I don’t understand the words but I take my prize.
The man gets a wad of bills and puts it between my tits.
"Thats a good slut, and we'll see you again if you are still around this week" the man says. I giggle vapidly, being demeaned as the notes are shoved between my tits, the cool paper touching my skin, making me shudder, and I can feel the man's finger stroke the top of my cleavage. Not understanding what he said but having an inkling that I would be seeing them again before the week was over.
My first job complete, I had been transformed and fucked, and I was happy, a feeling of contentment, the money shoved between my tits a sign of a job well done. I was 700 baht richer.
I stood up, taking the wad of money in the middle of my chest and the condom still tied at the end and placed them in my handbag. Quickly shimmying the short shorts back over my caboose, before bowing to the men and strutting out of the room giving them another smile and a wiggle of my hips on the way out.
Walking back towards the elevator, I press the button, the door opening and I step inside, a feeling of happiness, and the feeling of being used. I felt like a woman.
In that moment my mind rushes back to me, my male one. My thoughts rush back to me and I can see it in the reflection of the mirror, my eyes widening. There was a woman, a young Thai prostitute, a hooker, in the elevator mirror, her hair messy and a blush and smile on her dazed face.
The realisation that that was me hit, the realisation that id almost lost control, I scramble with the elevator controls, leaning forward awkwardly in my heels, the short shorts hugging the round and full cheeks of my ass, I had lost control, my mind had been so easily subverted.
The doors opened and I rushed out into the penthouse floor, my key card granting me access, panting as I enter the huge room slamming the door behind me.
I rush towards the bathroom, the huge room, a mirror on the ceiling above the bed, the huge bed and the view through the huge window looking over the city, the skyline at night, pulling out the medallion and willing myself back to how I was before.
A flash and the sensation and sight of me expanding, my clothes tightening before shifting into my old business suit as I return to my form.
My mind returning and I breathe heavily.
I had just turned into a whore and almost lost control, the experience was exhilarating, the transformation was so quick, so instant, I had loved every second of it, the lack of control,
The experience, the sensation, the feelings, and the powerlessness I had felt, the pleasure and the domination by others.
Sweat runs down my wrinkled forehead as I sit up straight, the suit now feeling tight, a discomfort in the front. I unbuckle and loosen the belt, the front of my trousers tenting forward, the tent in my crotch couldn’t be contained as I recall what I had just experienced.
I was me again, I breathe with a sigh of relief.
Yet a nagging sensation pulled at me, seeing the condom still full made something inside me itch for more.
I had to go back. This wasn’t the last time, it was the first.
I had to do this again, it was so intense.
I had a week of the conference ahead of me
This was only the first day, and I was in control, I had a week.
I had a whole week with the medallion, and the thought made me tingle all over.
Id be seeing Mei again soon enough.
31 notes · View notes
ask-team-misfit · 6 months
Rye and Dravena @ Lief:
Rye felt Dravena tense up beside her. Oh. Rye should have figured this would happen. She scanned the room, searching for the culprit. Wait! There, those feelers…
Rye excused herself from Dravena, and jogged up to the odd stranger, setting down the platter she was carrying so that she could have a word with him.
“Hey, I noticed you look a bit like a Sylveon. You’ve got similar looking ribbons. You’re a fairy-type right?”
Rye didn’t wait for an answer, instead diving straight into what she had already planned to say. “My friend, she’s a Deino. A dark and dragon-type. She can’t really be around fairies. They mess her aura up real bad. So I’d really appreciate it if you could avoid approaching her so we don’t have to leave. We’ll stay out of your fur too.”
Hoping to further convince the stranger to stay away from her friend, Rye shoved a muffin from the platter into the assumed fairy-type’s hands. “Uh, here! For the inconvenience I guess.”
Dravena stopped a good few feet away from Rye and the stranger. She had to nearly yell so that she could be heard from where she was at. Even with the distance she kept between her and the stranger, she still seemed pretty uncomfortable. Her voice was unsteady. “I- Have we met before? Your aura feels so familiar…”
Rye whipped her head back to stare at Dravena, dumbfounded. Why the hell did she walk over here? “Drav, that familiar feeling is probably your aura getting torn to shreds by a fairy.”
So much for staying out of this stranger’s fur…
[ @ask-team-grim ]
Lief didn't know what to make of this at first; he stayed silent for some moments, holding that muffin in his paws.
Lief: "Right. I have several questions about this, but let us start from the beginning. Get the feeling I'll need to since you both look like you're just kids."
Already, he could feel himself grow exasperated at the mention of them being children. But for the sake of minding his manners for a little longer, he held his tongue.
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[ ID: A grayscale drawing of Lief, a hybrid of Sylveon and Ribombee, with a mono-color background. He is shown from the neck up, with his face slightly angled away from the viewer towards the left. He looks puzzled, or curious. His left eyebrow is noticeably raised, while his right eyelid is lowered somewhat. He is frowning visibly. An angular question mark is floating next to his head at the left. End ID ]
Lief: "First off, I'm only half Sylveon. I'm also half Ribombee, though mama was part Vespiquen, so make of that what you will. And yes, that does mean I'm a Fairy-type, but I'm Fairy/ Bug. Get it right next time."
He casually took a bite into the muffin that was handed to him, before continuing to rattle off. He'd pause only to swallow.
He smiled a little at the taste.
Lief: "Mmm, not bad...~ Anyway, second of all. I take it by ribbons, you mean my scarf. It's a scarf, not a part of my body."
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[ ID: A grayscale drawing of Lief similar to the previous image, but with a different expression. He looks fairly casual, or otherwise relaxed. A cheeky smile, reminiscent of the ":3" emoticon, is present on his face. In addition, his mouth is open. End ID ]
Lief: "But more importantly, isn't it weird to come up to somebody out of nowhere and ask them to stay away from you when the person in question would have definitely stayed away if you minded your business in the first place? Even I know that, come on. Also..."
Before he could begin to respond to the last part about aura to Dravena, he slowed upon focusing on her. Once again, he ended up staring.
Lief: "... huh. This will sound super weird, but I think you were in my dream. It's a pretty gruesome dream so I won't talk about it, but uh. Did you say you recognize me?"
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carusoaids · 1 month
Help a family get out of Gaza ($10,246/$50,000 goal) 🍉
UPDATE (09/17/24): I've been informed Sahar/Burningnightgiver's original account wa suspended, her new account is @shadowyenthusiastdream
This campaign has been vetted by 90-ghost and is related to another tumblr user, @burningnightgiver
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[Image ID: Screenshot of Ahmed79ss and burningnightgiver's GoFundMe campaign titled "Help my family to get out of Gaza". The header images shows a photo of their daughter, Walaa, smiling at the camera. The fundraiser is organized by Fadi Zakkout and has raised $10,246 CAD of $50,000 goal by 529 donations. /End ID]
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[Image ID: Screenshot of @/ahmed79ss ask from july 9th. He asks:
"Hello dears ! I am asking you to support my campaign to help me to reach my goal. I am now in bad need to your support to help me stay alive and safe. Gaza is a very dangerous place either on the level of livelihood or on the level of souls. I need your monetary support to ensble me to get the basic needs for my family till Rafah crossing point reopens to move my family to safety and peace.Pleasd help a family be alive through your small donations or througn your shares to others.Thank you so much for your stand beside people in need ."/ End ID]
Ahmed and Sahar's story
Walaa Zakkout, a 17-year old girl with type 1 diabetes, her sisters and brothers from northern Gaza were separated from their parents, who traveled to Egypt two weeks prior to october 7th for her mother's treatment. They were not able to return with their children, separating them indefinitely.
The children took refuge with their aunt's family. They've been displaced many times and forced to live in tents. Walaa has been hospitalized 3 times due to diabetic ketoacidosis, a life-threatening problem for diabetics that occurs when the body starts breaking down fat at an incredibly fast rate. The liver processes the fat into a fuel called ketones, which causes the blood to become acidic [source]. While she has has been able to survive, this and a lack of access to insulin puts her at risk of death.
Her parents have reached out to journalists, administrations and even presidents for aid, with no result. They children are tired from the tents. intense heat and displacemente; they've been exposed to serious skin diseases and hepatitis.
Despite the support from the tumblr community, the campaign has barely achieved a fifth of its goal after all the time that it's been online. This is incredibly concerning due to the urgency and life-threatening risk Walaa's untreated condition poses to her, as well as the pain separation and displacement causes each and every day.
I urge to share and/or donate to this campaign
As always, please learn from Ahmed and Sahar's story from their campaign and respective blogs: @ahmed79ss @burningnightgiver
Below are some publically shared pictures of their situation
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[Image ID: Two pictures of Walaa.
Picture one: Walaa smiling to the camera against a wall and a bedroom.
Picture two: Walaa sitting in front of what seems to be a tent, with her head between her hands, looking down. She's distressed, fatigued. /end ID]
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[Image ID: Two pictures showing tents in the desert and destroyed cities.
Image 1: Overview picture showing lots of tents close to each other as people and cars move through roads. The sea can be seen nearby.
Image 2: A picture of tents amd other things close to each other in a the desert. In the background, an abandoned five-story building is visible. /end ID]
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hollowknightinsanity · 10 months
baby. fuck you
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[Image ID: A black sketch of an infant bug, curled up on the ground with its eyes closed, drawn on a dull pink background. There is an arrow pointing at the child’s head with text that says, “Full of leaf”. /End ID]
This is Somber, the newborn child of Holly and my self-insert, who i still haven’t made.
Said self-insert is a silkworm moth, and I’m thinking of making him half-wyrm, but I’m not sure if I’ll actually do that
Anyway, logistics and uh. Lore ig? Under the cut
Ok, so. In my AUs, Holly (THK) is a hybrid between a Rootkin (White Lady’s species) and a Wyrm (Pale King’s species). Rootkin are strictly an egg-laying species, but Wyrms are capable of both laying eggs and giving live birth — it mostly depends on the environment/subspecies the Wyrm belongs to.
PK is part of the subspecies that gives live birth, but using his Soul magic, he’s capable of fertilizing eggs from laying species, such as Rootkin and Weavers, hence Hornet and the Vessels.
Holly takes after their mother — this is true across all my AUs — and as such, they adopted her reproductive system, so they lay eggs.
They had a condition that caused them to begin producing and laying eggs early, and started laying when they were 14. Now, this sucked for them in various ways; for one, early egg production and laying is very painful, and considering the state of their (mostly missing) organs, their pain was amplified tenfold when they started.
Secondly, if their parents found their eggs, they would immediately be outed as impure, and they did not want that. At the time, they thought that if they were outed, their parents would literally kill them — which isn’t true, by the way, but they had no way of knowing that — so they kept it a secret.
Initially, Holly attempted to just hide the eggs, but after a while, they started worrying about the hiding place being found, so they began destroying the eggs instead.
They laid once every two months, and every egg they laid was broken and thrown out. What exactly they did I’m unsure of, but I feel like they’d crack the eggs into some type of disposal area they made/found, and crush the shells into dust.
Anyway, they destroyed all the eggs they laid, except for one.
When they were 16, about a week before their sealing, they started thinking. They thought maybe, if they did get out alive, if they did escape the Black Egg, then maybe they could have a family. Keep the Pale King’s legacy going. They knew he was poisoned with Void and destined to die, so they thought that maybe if they survived, they could keep Hallownest alive by birthing an heir.
So, they took the last egg, and made a nest in the Queen’s Gardens, where they decided they would hide it, and they placed two Seals of Binding on it to protect it in case the nest were found by the Mantis Traitors.
The egg and nest were very well hidden, though, so nobody ever found it. Holly was sealed, and that was that.
Decades later, after escaping the Black Egg (which they heavily doubted they would, but hey, a bug can hope), they and my self-insert (who I’ll just call K here, I’m still trying to figure out a name for him) met and started a QPR. They ended up getting very close in their relationship, and Holly decided to carry out their plan from when they were 16. Though, instead of wanting to continue Hallownest as a kingdom, they just wanted a family.
At some point, after Holly gets quote-unquote “outed” to PK about their impurity (he knew since they were 10, but they didn’t know that), they ask K to come with them to the Gardens, as they had something important they wanted to speak to him about in private.
Some conversation happens, and Holly shows him the nest and tells him that they want to start a family. Because I need to be super self-indulgent when it comes to my writing sometimes, he of course agrees, and the 60-year-old binding-protected egg is fertilized, and later hatches into the itty bitty baby in the sketch, who Holly named Somber.
Google’s definition of somber is “oppressively solemn or sober in mood; grave,” and I believe that would fit the AU perfectly, so the child is named Somber.
For an in-universe explanation for the name, Holly would name their child after themself, I think. According to Google, a similar word to somber is solemn, which could mean either “not cheerful or smiling; serious” or “characterized by deep sincerity,” which both fit their life to a T.
As for when exactly this takes place, all I’m sure of is it happens after they out themself to PK. Maybe it’s somewhere around the same time the rain oneshot happens, or maybe a bit before or after — I’m not sure. It’s just around that timeframe.
Anyway thank you for coming to my ted talk, I will now sink into the fuckin. Swamps of Sadness from The Neverending Story.
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thisloveforyourmom · 1 year
the reason this took so long is because i'm compiling all info from previous posts into a masterpost, but tldr back in february i, being a smith alumn, set out on a quest to confirm the veracity of Smith College Girls for ID Magazine 2004. here's how it went:
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- Image ID: anonymous user asks sun-bees 'hey, if it’s okay to ask, where did you find that pic of the Smith College girls?’ sun-bees responds 'it was posted a while ago on the instagram account junyawannabe, so I looked up the image and found a bigger version of it!'
this image is not on junyawannabe’s instagram. reverse image searching this image does not provide a bigger version of it, only the version spread initially by tumblr user sun-bees. searching 'smith college girls for ID magazine 2004’ does not provide any other versions of it, only the version spread initially by tumblr user sun-bees. neither junyawannabe nor sun-bees reply to queries about the topic. in fact it’s unclear if junyawannabe even is involved. I-D magazine’s media has no record of this photoshoot ever being done.
literally DAYS into my initial investigation, on february, richard kern posts the full (ETA: NOT FULL!) photoshoot on his instagram, confirming both the image’s veracity and source. junyawannabe comments “I have gotten multiple emails about this photo lmao” (no other information) (she did not reply to our email). comments are limited (randos can’t comment). there's still 0 information as to how sun-bees got this image considering the listed avenues Do Not Work. this allows us to get some info on the casting director eléonore hendricks, but her website lists nothing about this photoshoot or anything in that general date range. at this point i've also trawled editions of ID magazine from 2004 to try and find any that reference richard kern, smith college, eleonore, etc and come up utterly completely empty. i would have to buy all 12 copies from ebay to try and find it, and these are just too expensive for all that.
important: richard kern ALSO refers to it as 'smith college girls for id magazine 2004.' an insta comment also implies the existence of sarah lawrence girls for id magazine 2006, but that's neither here nor there
trail goes cold for a while. ive exhausted all my leads and am too broke for much more.
BUT THEN, IN AUGUST: i-d magazine ITSELF picks up the trend!
This provides one EXTREMELY important piece of information that everyone up until now had excluded: the issue number! smith college girls for ID magazine was a photoshoot for their August 2003 issue, The Straight Up Issue. which means the reason the trail went so cold is because we were looking in the wrong spot!
Smith College Girls for ID Magazine 2004 is actually Smith College Girls for ID Magazine 2003!
and there was a copy on ebay for 30 GPB. So i bought it. while i was waiting, eleonore hendricks also posted it, tagging a few people involved in the shoot, but ultimately it's not much new info.
photoshoot here.
disclaimer: there's eight portraits in the photoshoot. only 7 have been revealed and i won't be posting number 8. i'm not trying to gatekeep, it's just a frontal photo of the casting director wearing only panties and yes it's artistic and pretty but i figure if that was the kind of thing she'd wanted to publicize heavily she or richard kern would have posted it themselves. you don't always agree with the choices you made at 21 and you don't always make them assuming in 20 years the photo will go a type of viral that doesn't exist yet.
also it goes against tumblr TOS. buy the magazine if you wanna see it that bad, i'll show you everything surrounding the photo itself. im not posting the titties.
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copperbadge · 2 years
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[ID: Two images; on the left is my bathroom floor, showing a faded rug in a blue and white pattern, with raised wooden “mats” at the far end of it. On the right is a photograph of the back of a white baseball cap, reading “Ashley MacIsaac” over the back vent; where an adjustable strap used to be, there are now two yellow elastic bands, secured in place with several rows of stitches (oh shit do I need to clip some threads).]  
This morning I got a lot of little things done for NaClYoHo. I moved all the towels from a long-term storage bag to the towel boxes from yesterday, so now they’re all safe but accessible; I replaced them in the storage bag with my collection of motherfucking tote bags so that they are no longer stored in my weekender. 
I picked up the second rug I’d ordered yesterday -- it’s new but “antiqued” which normally I’d think is pretentious but I love the look of this one. I’ve set it up in the bathroom and it appears to be the perfect solution to the issue I was having; now when I get out of the bath I’m not walking on something full of dust and debris, so I can do what’s needed to treat and medicate my feet, but once I’m done there’s a carpet covering most of the floor both keeping it warm and keeping the dust from spreading. Plus I think the combo carpet-wood looks super cool. 
I continued to sort my crafts; I’m down to one bin of stuff I don’t know what to do with yet and even within that bin some things have been sorted. I have a bin of fabric projects, a bin of “immediate” projects that are priority to finish, one for quilting supplies, and several for various tools and goods sorted by type. My artbin, which used to be a “catch all” for stuff I didn’t know what to do with, now holds all my sewing and sewing machine supplies plus floss for cross-stitch. 
I decided to finish one project this morning and added a new elastic band to my Ashley MacIsaac hat; I saw him in concert for my 18th birthday and the hat was a souvenir, but the leather strap crumbled and fell off, and while I don’t WEAR the hat very often I still wanted it to be wearable. That’s just two hair elastics (formerly for mask loops) stitched into the hem. Took like five minutes, very pleased with myself. 
Listened to “Test Driving A Four Day Work Week” from The Indicator, “What Walmart’s Aisles Say About The American Consumer” from The Journal (which was much more about what Walmart’s aisles say about Walmart tbh), “The Joyful Black History of the Sweet Potato” from Gravy by the Southern Foodways Alliance, and most of “The Info Wars Of WWII” from One Year’s 1942 series. About 90 minutes worth of work! 
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englandamericaitaly · 2 years
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So I actually finished these a while ago but took some time to make sure I was satisfied (enough) with them before posting. But here are the official designs for my fix, grit your teeth and shift your weight, or as I’ve taken to calling it after the suggestion of a reader- the Phantom Limb AU!
You can definitely tell what order I drew these in based on how tired I got of drawing hands, but I got the designs across the way I wanted and am happy with it for that. There are a LOT of details and notes, and the process of typing up photo IDs will be slow but I have every intention of doing just that. 
Included as well is a height chart for them all (in relation to each other- I haven’t actually set numbers but Danny is at least 5′11″ because I love the headcanons of him and Jazz being super tall- Jazz is still taller than he is). So they’re all pretty tall except Dani. And I did a poly/group template for them as well, but the issue I now have is that I can’t find the original version. So if you know and find it, PLEASE share it with me so I can properly credit the creator! I lost the blank template because I was stupid and saved over it, so I can’t even reverse image search it now. 
Some of this is stuff that they haven’t quite worked out about themselves yet but should by the end of the fic, even if those crises aren’t directly in the fic all the time since Pronouns are in order from most to least preferred, going left to right for everyone except for Sam who prefers them equally. Dani just doesn’t care and accepts anything just as long as she’s referred to as a person. And Valerie kind of depends on the day/is along the fluid and flux lines but doesn’t try to solidify it too much for the time being. Maybe in the future. 
I’ll eventually draw Jazz, but she’s at college and won’t be in the fic much unless she’s at home during breaks or talking on the phone and stuff. 
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