#took a sedative then and slept for 4 more hours :-)
dykethang · 5 months
there is Hatred in my Fucking Soul !!!!!!!!!!!
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ghostybaby000 · 4 months
Never Yours | Part 3
Part 1 part 4
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Pairing: Simon Ghost Riley x reader
Summary: He had seen blood hundreds of times before, but never from you. He didn't know what to expect while listening to your cry's on the phone praying you wouldn't loose consciousness. Part one posted above to start this read!
Word count: 2.1k
Warnings: 18+, violent theme, weaponry use, blood, symptoms of panic
Tag List: @yyiikes @talooolaaloolla
(not fully edited, apologies for any inconsistencies!)
As quietly as his large build would let him, he crossed the room just to the foot of your bed. He looked to all the machines around you and buttons that were beeping or flashing, it all made him feel more anxious. His eyes landed on your heart monitor where they rested for quite some time, he watched the small screen and lines and noticed his own heart begin to resume a normal rate. A smile came over your face as you saw him and tried to reach an arm out to him as he swiftly moved to the side of the bed. He gently grabbed your hand and placed it down on your stomach, he didn’t want you moving one bit.
You put your other hand over the top of his and stared into his eyes, without words trying to tell him that you were okay. Looking at him you adjust to sit up as you tried to clear your throat. 
From behind him, he pulled a visitor’s chair as close as it could be to the bed and sat down intent on staying every second he was allowed. As soon as you had awoken you had asked to see Simon, not giving yourself any time to take in the injuries you had acquired or to think back to what had happened. 
Tears began to flood your eyes as you remembered the events that had unfolded and left you starting to shaking. Immediately Simons eyes grew wide as he stood from the chair and cupped your face with his large hand.
‘Dove what is it? Are you in pain?’ The nervousness in his voice told you that he too was scared, confirmed by him calling for a nurse from the bedside- never letting go of your hand. Clearing your throat again you take in a shaky breath and touch Simons arm to get his focus back to you. 
A nurse had made their way into the room with a haste but you and Simon both assured her as she made her way back out of the room that everything was okay. He looked back to you and leaned over so you wouldn’t strain your voice.
‘It’s not the pain Simon, I-I just haven’t processed it all yet.’  He let out a small breath and sat down again in the small chair. He brushed his thumb gently over your hand and looked at you with his brows furrowed.
‘So much happened so fast, I don’t think I’m remembering all of the details right.’ He pushed a tear off your cheek with a smile.
‘All that matters is that you’re alright. Whoever did this-‘ He took a pause to again to inhale and then continue. 
‘Whoever did this will answer to me, the only thing you need to worry about is getting better.’ Your eyes began to feel heavy with the sedatives you had been given as your muscles relaxed, Simon continued to gently thumb over your hand. 
Hours passed as you slept, Simon watching you and every person who entered the room ensuring that nobody was taking you again from him. He listened to the shoes shuffling by in the hallway and watched your chest fall and rise with each breath, grateful that you were able to rest. 
His phone pocket began to buzz, he used his unoccupied hand to retrieve it. 
He looked to you and slowly began to rise, being as quiet as possible, kissing your hand and gently resting it on your stomach he made his way into the hall to answer the call.
‘What do you have?’ His voice was stern as he spoke, silent to hear any information after he had asked. 
‘Well we went back to the neighborhood and found that the neighbors have cameras installed on their doorbells. We were able to see when the attack happened, and we think we know who’s done it as well.’ 
‘The attack, was this more than one person?’ 
‘Not that we know of yet, just one made their way into the home. Faking as a inspector of some kind, we can’t see the trucks logo. Y/N opened the door to greet them, and then tried to close it but they…they made their way inside.’ A pause caught in Simons throat thinking again of how small you were, his anger rising. 
‘Thank you. Tell me when you have anything else.’
‘Will do.’ 
As he hung up the phone and made his way back into the room, you stirred slightly. He quickened his pace to be back at your side again pushing your stray hair strands from your face. You drifted back to sleep as he resumed his position in the chair. 
He began to think over what Price had said and the details that he could use to his advantage. He thought to you as well, how you must have been so afraid. SO afraid to of being alone and the pain that ensued would surely leave you scarred. He thought for another hour or so, taking a water when the nurse offered it still refusing to leave the room. 
You spoke out then to him, the first time he didn’t really understand what you had said, and asked you to repeat.
‘I knew you...’ 
‘What...Dove do you need something?’ he whispered with his low voice, trying to not startle you if you were still sleeping.
Your eyes slowly opened as you reached this time to cover his hand. You cleared your dry throat as you spoke again, this time more clearly.
‘I knew to call you.’ A smile started over your face as Simon patted your hand assuming the pain medication was talking.
‘What do you mean lovie?’ He grinned back to you, his eyes never loosing track of yours. 
You opened your eyes more fully this time, now staring at him. Again the prickle of tears began to sting. 
‘I knew that you would be there faster than an ambulance… I knew you would get to me first.’ 
He stared to you for another moment before allowing his head to fall to the floor. He was feeling his own eyes begin to sting, for he didn’t agree. He should have been the one to take it, he should be the one recovering, he should have never left, or he should have taken you with him in the least. 
He looked back up to you and instead pushed the thoughts out of his mind, standing to plant a kiss on your forehead. Your eyes slowly began to close again as he whispered to you,
Hours passed as the night progressed, Simon now letting his own eyes close but never succumbing to sleep. 
Nurses came in and out to check your vitals throughout the evening, eventually the doctor came in and asked to discuss the surgery and the aftercare. You sat a little higher in the bed, wincing as you did so. Simon pushed himself out of his chair to help sit you up properly, being soft with every movement. Once you both had gotten situated, the doctor went over the procedure. 
You noticed that as the doctor went on, Simons knee only bounced harder, his hands becoming more sweaty as he wiped them on his pants. He would look over to you and smile, although you could tell it pained him to see you hurting. The doctor finished talking over the surgery and explained that a nurse would be by to check the dressings. Before leaving he pulled Simon into the hallway and gave him more specifications on taking care of you when you returned home, along with some paperwork. He listened very closely, intent on helping you recover as best he could. He shook the doctors hand as he began to leave, but the doctor didn’t let go entirely-looking to Simon.
‘She is very lucky to have you, there’s no telling if she would have made it had you not gotten her here.’ 
He felt a lump in his throat as he again thanked the doctor and made his way back into your room. A nurse came in not to long afterwards and asked if you’d like to be alone for the dressing change. You told her that you wanted Simon to stay so long as he wanted to, looking over to Simon who gave a small nod of approval.
You see his jaw clench as she slowly pulled down the cover to see your wrapping, he hated himself for not being the one to take the blow. He took your hand in his as she began to undo your dressing, and when she had gotten it entirely off Simon had gone ridged in his chair. The nurse asked if he was alright before moving on and showing Simon how to care for her wound. He watched her very closely, at one point staring her down when she made you groan out. She completed the changing process and Simon was confident he was capable of treating it from home, where he wished to be. 
He thought of the scene again that he walked into, remembering that the house had been left like that- and he didn’t want you to go back to see the mess. He watched over your face as you fell again into a sleep, taking the time to notice how delicate your hand was in his.  
You awoke again a few hours later to Simon watching something on the small TV, the sound muted. He heard you stir and turned his attention to you seeing that you were awake, and asked if you were alright.  You confirmed that you were okay before Simon pondered over the events. He didn’t want to ask you to retell one of the worst moments of your life but felt it would be better him asking than an officer. Food is sent out to the rooms, as Simon sat by watching you slowly eat. Knowing you were safe allowed more room for anger to take hold in his mind, feeling a rage that burned like fire. He wanted so badly to get his hands on whoever had done this to you. He knew that asking you questions would feel horrible, asking you to recreate the moments that had caused you so much pain, but knew that you would have important information that he needed to find the monster.
You sat up fully now and looked at Simon, he was very focused on his thoughts. You run your hand over his arm that was resting on the chair, getting him to look at you with a smile. You take a sip of water to clear your throat as you speak to him.
‘I didn’t know what to do, Simon.’ His brows furrowed and his grip around your hand intensified. 
‘I know. You shouldn’t ever have to prepare for something like this...’ His voice getting more broken as he continued to speak, looking to you tears begin to form in his eyes. 
‘And I’m sorry that I wasn’t there.’ He looked to you like you had never seen him before. He was speaking words he didn’t want to be true and it pained him to see you in such a state. You took the time now to cut him off before his mind could get to him any further. 
‘Simon you were. You got me out of there and are the reason I am able to sit here and talk with you now.’ His head fell to the floor, the thought of you not making it scared him even when you were here in front of him, quite alive. You pulled his head to look at you, tears forming in your own eyes as you went on.
‘Thank you, Simon. Thank you for getting to me.’ It took no more than a few seconds for Simon to be over you, hugging you as lightly as he could without hurting you. His warm lips kissed your forehead for longer than necessary as he pulled back just enough to see your face. The rage in him now was boiling over the edge, he would find whoever did this, and they would pay. He tried to be as patient as possible when speaking to you over the events, he didn’t want to make you feel any pressure or panic when talking to him.
‘I know it may be hard, but do you think you could try and tell me about…what happened?’ He felt the room get colder and your hand stiffen in his. He searched your face for any clue to what you were thinking. 
‘I…’ The thoughts played over in your mind going far to quickly to understand them individually. You knew that Simon would do anything and everything to avenge your pains, looking down to your bandaged abdomen, he wouldn’t stop until they had been found. 
‘I can try.’ You smiled up to him slowly as he took in a breath and nodded.
 Where were you going to begin? 
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Personal rant ahead✨
okay, so. I'm not sure anyone's reading, but I'm writing this. Maybe putting it in words will help, you know?
I've had a fucking terrible time lately, there's no denying it – I'm not even sure how long it went on. For sure, the last half a year–
Guys, I didn't think I'd survive it.
I'm not lying. God, I'm not lying.
Looking back, I'm not sure how I did survive it, but I did. Somehow. I just kept going. (Till Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes; till Nona the Ninth translation; till Rise of Red; till The Umbrella Academy 4). I fucking kept going even though I was fucking exhausted.
I ended up in the emergency two times, with a panic attack that had me sure I was dying.
I ended up in the psychiatric emergency two times, too, when the emergency personel said taking me to the hospital wouldn't help.
I asked my roommate to send me photos of chemical reactions and formulas to the emergency psych ward. I broke down bad enough to end up there and it continued: two two Exams the next day, final labs and test the next, another exam three days after and two days after that and chemical engineering with about seven hours of prep time. I did these on sedatives that didn't even take away all of the anxiety.
On the weekend then, I crashed at my friend's, completely crashed. I was afraid to stay alone. I was so out of it I was sure i'd die if alone.
(If you're reading this, thank you. Really.)
This doesn't need to be coherent, right?
I've been struggling with food too. Namely, eating enough.
(I tell you, one of the days I ended in emergency: for breakfast, I got half of a pastry, some cottage cheese and handful of cherry tomatoes - that doesn't sound too bad, but it was only half because I was supposed to eat it for dinner the day before. For lunch, well, I decided I'd go swimming, physical activity is supposed to help, right, maybe I'd buy something at the pool? (Spoiler allert, I didn't). I bought one (1) slice of pizza at the subway when getting home from the psych clinic.)
Fun time, right?
With a track record like this, I've managed to lose five kg (about ten pounds?). Problem with this, of course, is that that was a tenth of my total weight.
I'm better now, almost back at my original weight, but sometimes, my brain still screams at me that the food is poisonous.
You know, I've got a pretty strong catalogue of venoms and poisons and alimentary ilnesses. The toxicology and microbiology courses didn't really help. God, I freaked out over soup one time, I was sure it was full of botulotoxin. (It was not. Botulotoxin is termolabile.) (I cried over this for hours anyway and I'm not sure I'll eat that soup again.)
But, you know. I'm trying.
I'm trying.
I got some meds, but - the first ones - it was bad. It was so bad. It was supposed to help, but first, it got worse. I could do nothing but cry for four days, I remember I felt nothing but terror.
It was only a bit better when I went to a summercamp as a councilor- nothing much to say about the camp. But, there was a storm, we were waiting it out outside under an altan with the girls who slept in tents - god, we were all scared. I kept telling fairytales for an hour and then more at curfew for the little ones, I almost lost my voice. (There was a boy with us, about fifteen, helping counsilor. He slowly inched closer as I was telling the fairytales, it was cute.)
Still, the girls were crying, I'm not surprised, the storm was bad, and then there was some scandal among the younger kids about some video, and more people cried. In the end, at least ten people cried. I didn't break down only because I took xanax in between.
I'm not sure if I want to say anything more; I've said enough already.
There's a new school year soon and I'm scared.
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It's currently 4:18 am where I am and my chronic insomnia is kicking my ass. Can I have you avatar insomnia/sleep headcanons pls? Your headcanons are always really cool and funny Also as someone who has spent a solid week awake before I understand why King Bum is Like That. Man just never slept. Like I wouldn't be surprised if he hasn't slept since Aang disappeared. Only reason he's not dead is cuz the spirits enjoy watching him fuck shit up and be legit the weirdest guy ever
Zuko has one of those sleep schedules where no matter what time he goes to bed, he always wakes up super early and cannot go back to sleep once he’s awake 
Zuko got an average of 3 hours of sleep a night when he and Iroh were on the run because he always insisted on taking watch first and wouldn’t wake up Iroh. 
When he started working at the tea shop, he developed a healthier sleep schedule in order to match Iroh’s, and since they were finally in a safe location, he could let his guard down a little bit. 
When he returned to the palace, he found it was impossible to sleep without the sound of his uncle snoring in the next room. That and because sleep time was a prime opportunity for him to think about all those things he regretted. 
Zuko finally got a healthy sleep schedule again once he started camping with the gaang. 
Aang sleeps best in open spaces/while riding on Appa. The southern temple had a constant airflow and listening to/feeling some wind was necessary for him to fall asleep for months after he got out of the iceberg. 
Sleeping on Appa isn’t an ideal situation for anyone because of the wind except for Aang because he’s a bender and he’s just used to flying 
Eventually Aang realized that Katara and Sokka couldn’t sleep while on Appa and would create air pockets while they were flying at night so they could get some rest 
Katara and Sokka need to be at least a little cold while sleeping and the months they spend in the Fire Nation were insufferable for them. Katara figured out how to use waterbending to create a cooler surrounding temperature for herself, but Sokka suffered in the heat. Just... so much. 
Toph would never admit it, but she secretly likes sleeping on soft surfaces. Sleeping on hard rock just allows her to keep a sense of what’s going on while she’s sleeping in case something happens. But if we’re being real, she grew up with all the pillows and blankets she could ask for and would sleep with ten million pillows if she could. 
Suki on the other hand, is incapable of sleeping on soft mattresses and would rather sleep on the ground 
When the gaang crashed at the ember island house they all took separate rooms, but found that they were all more comfortable sleeping in the same room. The solution: collect all the blankets and pillows in the house and create the largest sleeping fort ever. 
After getting shot with lightning, Zuko couldn’t sleep because he still felt the electricity in his body and he ended up having to drink like 5 cups of sedative tea. He slept for 23 hours straight.
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flashbackharry · 4 years
You need sleep
Prompt 21
21.“You need sleep”
sorry couldnt sleep and ended up yearning. 
You can request a prompt from this list.
It was game night. There was never really a true schedule to game night. Usually it was whenever everyone had one too many drinks in their system and were down to play some games for too long before someone got particularly heated and then everyone would go to bed. Tonight the living room was filled with snacks and possibly every kind of alcohol you could name. You were at Harry's house, all his band mates were in attendance, and few other people you've met a couple times as well as some new faces.
The game you were all currently playing was charades musical edition. It was your turn and the artist you got out of the hat was Bob Marley, you tried miming smoking a joint and instantly everyone screamed a billion names at you, it was hard when you yourself were a little tipsy having about 13 people who were also drunk yelling incoherent things at you. You were about to give up when you felt your phone vibrating in your pocket.
“No showing us pictures on your phone” Someone yelled from the audience.
You ignored them because your sister was calling you. She never called for no reason. You picked up as you were walking out of the living room to go someplace quieter, paying no mind to the boos that followed.
You took a deep breath and answered.  
“Moms in the hospital agai- are you at a party right now?” Your sister said, her voice going from grave to vaguely annoyed. That was her alright, ever the queen of passive aggressiveness.
“Yeah, believe it or not my life continues on without you guys, and is she okay?” You said, your heartbeat quickening.
She let out a huff of air before speaking again.
“She escaped the facility she was in and they found her 4 miles away in some run down part of the city, trying to check into a hotel under the name of Audrey Hepburn.” Your stomach clenched a little at the sound of the news.
“They gave her some sedatives but doctors are thinking it's only going to get worse from here. They didn't say that exactly because they're doctors, they kinda have to be optimistic but I could tell from their facial expressions.”
You didn't respond to her. Partly because you didn't know what to say. You took your mom in when things started getting bad 4 years ago, but once she tried setting your apartment on fire in the middle of the night, you realized you couldn't help her to the best of your ability anymore. So you checked her into a mental health facility and made your sister her health care proxy. She's resented you for it ever since, but you couldn't bear making life changing decisions on behalf of your mom, you just couldn't stomach it.
“Hello? Did you even hear a word I just said? God y/n, I don't have to call and keep updating you on her, I can just leave you in the dark but I'm sure you'd actually prefer that.” She said, her tone growing more and more impatient with every second that passed.
“Don’t say that, of course I care, what do you want me to say? I’m sorry?” You pleaded, tears threatened to spill from your eyes now.
“Forget it y/n, go back to your party.” And with that, she hung up.
You felt your insides tighten and suddenly it felt like you couldn’t breathe. You were full on having a breakdown in Harry's back patio. You sat down on the stoop and pulled your knees close to your chest. Trying to remember the breathing exercises you learned in therapy but when that failed you resorted to slowly counting the number of times you exhaled.
You heard the sliding door open and Harry walked over to you and sat down, worry laced his facial features but you could tell he was trying to mask it. He was your best friend after all, whenever either one of you were hurting, it was like a visceral reaction in the other.
“Missed you out there, they got the karaoke machine out.” He said softly. You closed your eyes and he was right, you heard the music playing in the distance, followed by a random off key voice.  
“Is it your mum again?”
Harry was well versed in your family drama. He knew you when you took your mom in, knew the physical and mental toll the role of being her caregiver was. You never got enough sleep when caring for her, always afraid she would do something while you were sleeping, until one night she did. It was Harry who encouraged you to check her in somewhere, pleading with you to do so, he was so worried she would end up being the cause of your death.
After the incident with your apartment happened, Harry took you in. He never formally asked you to move in, it was just understood between the two of you that that was what was happening. He helped you find a therapist, to help with anxiety attacks and insomnia you had. You didn't feel guilty for doing what you had to do, but God did your sister make you feel like the worst person alive.
You filled Harry in on the phone conversation you just had. He listened intently, never interrupting and holding your hand whenever you got to a particularly difficult part to talk about outloud. You didn't know whether it was the alcohol or the exhaustion that usually followed from having an anxiety attack but you wanted nothing more than to go to sleep and forget this all happened.
As if reading your mind, Harry stood up, grabbing your hand and murmured against your ear,
“You need sleep, let's get you into bed.”
Harry walked behind you and led you up the stairs, past the group of people still lingering in the living room.
“Were gonna call it a night but you guys have fun, keep it down a bit though.” Harry said to them. His friends began to woo after him, assuming you were going up stairs to fuck. It was hard to explain to them that you guys weren't a couple, you just had a connection so strong and went beyond the basic labels of “boyfriend” and “girlfriend''. Simply put, you were never gonna love any one more than Harry and the same went for him.
When you got upstairs, you walked into Harry's room instead of yours. He helped you get out of your clothes for the day and into something more comfortable. He dug into his drawers and after some rummaging he found an old band tee for you to wear. You took your jeans off, your bottom half in nothing but your underwear.
He turned around towards you and tugged at the shirt you were wearing and you put your arms up as he lifted it off your shoulders, frizzing your hair in the process. Goosebumps raised on your skin as the room got colder and Harry pulled the oversized long sleeve tee over you quickly, when your head emerged from the hole you both paused as you looked at each other for a moment. A small smile appeared from his lips and you returned it. He wrapped his arms around you, a tight hug, the kind you could feel deep in your bones. He walked you back towards the bed, never breaking the hug until you were both under the covers.
He pressed a kiss into your temple, his arms still wrapped around you. You couldn’t sleep most nights, and when you did, it was never for more than a few hours at a time. But when you slept in the same bed as Harry, you slept through the whole night. Rarely any intrusive thoughts, when you did happen to get them, Harry always reassured you you were safe and softly, he would soothe you back to sleep. You felt the way he cared about you in every crevice of your body, and you were so glad to love and be loved by him.
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whitewolfmoving · 4 years
Boston Burning Part One
Summary: After the ceiling caves in leaving Nika Stan trapped and injured on an emergency call, she's ordered to take mandatory sick leave until her injuries heal. She can think of no better place to rest and recuperate than in Boston with her (and her brother's) best friend.
Warnings: very minor description of injuries
Word Count: 1459
A/N: Here's chapter one of part one of my two-part crossover series! For a setup chapter, I personally think it sucks a bit. But I hope you like it. This story was born of my love for firefighters, my need for d/Deaf representation, and dreams no one needs to know about but that I told one of my best friends of anyway (hehe). Happy reading!
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New York born and raised, Nika Stan had always been her big brother's little shadow.
When 13-year-old Sebastian loudly declared one warm evening at the dinner table that he was going to grow up and be a firefighter like the one he'd seen on the way to school, a chubby-cheeked 4-year-old Nika proudly echoed, "Me, too!" And when her big brother leaned over with his dark ocean blue eyes to kiss her forehead and whispered gently in her ear, "Of course, you will, my little Sunspot!" Nika knew then that she was born for greatness.
For Nika, that greatness took the form of many things throughout her life; from saving kittens stuck in trees and helping her neighbor Mrs. Jenkins across the street after school, to following in her brother's footsteps all the way to the National Fire Academy. Sebastian always taught Nika that she could do and be anything she put her mind to, he was her number one fan and biggest supporter. Whenever she needed a little extra encouragement, he was right there to give it to her. Likewise, Nika did the same for him.
The call that changed their lives came just after 2 AM.
Sebastian was out of bed, dressed, in the car, and walking through the doors of Brooklyn General within the hour. It was late, the emergency room was empty save for the Squad, Engine, and Truck members huddled in the far corner of the waiting area. Before he could make his way to the reception desk to inquire about his sister's whereabouts, the Squad Lieutenant intercepted him.
"Hey, man. They're treating her now and Brooklyn PD is taking her statement. Chief's with her, but she's been asking for you. Straight back, first room on the left."
"Thanks. All of you, for being here. I'll update you when I know more."
The whitewashed walls of Brooklyn General were never Sebastian's thing; he belonged on the outside, keeping people from having to enter its doors. Now, though, he carefully wandered its hallways looking and listening for the one person he never wanted to see taking up residence in the massive building — Nika. The Chief had assured him that her injuries were minor but he wouldn't believe it until he could see her with his own eyes. He continued down the hall to the first door on his left, and knocked before heading in.
To Sebastian's surprise — and the credit of the doctors on call late that night — Nika didn't look too worse for wear. He breathed a sigh of relief and acknowledged Chief Jackson briefly, before he settled in the chair at Nika's bedside.
"Frate mai mare," she greeted softly. She looked up at him with glazed honey-colored eyes, no doubt a result of the mild sedative they'd given her to help with the pain. White gauze poked out from under the right shoulder of the clean hospital gown she wore, her wrist had been placed in a hard cast and propped up on a pillow in her lap. She looked so tiny beneath the blankets.
"Sora mai mică," Sebastian answered in kind. He gently pushed a hand through Nika's hair. watching closely as her eyes fluttered shut at the comforting contact. Once he was certain she'd fallen asleep, he turned to address the other men in the room. "Did she say what happened?"
"She was clearing the top floor, called out and received no response. When she turned to leave, the owner ambushed her from the next room. The ceiling came down on top of them," Chief Jackson told Sebastian calmly. "The only thing she remembers after that is waking up here."
Dr. Fuller handed Sebastian a copy of Nika's x-ray. He hated this part, they all did. Everyone loved the younger Stan sibling as much as Sebastian did, seeing her in any sort of discomfort put them all on edge. "She's got a broken radius and second degree burns on her shoulder and across part of her chest. We'll keep her overnight for observation, just as a precaution. She can go home tomorrow afternoon but it's in her best interest to keep her off duty until her wounds heal."
Sebastian chuckled. "She's not going to like that. Thanks, Doc, I appreciate it."
"Unfortunately, the owner of the house fled the scene before we got there. But from what Nika and a few of the guys were able to give us, we have enough for a rough sketch. I'll keep you updated when we have more information, Seb. We'll find out who did this." Detective Brighton firmly clapped Sebastian on the shoulder before following the doctor and chief from the room, leaving the siblings alone.
Nika slept soundly for three days which the doctors assured Sebastian was normal for the small amount of trauma her body had endured. On the fourth day, he was growing increasingly concerned for his sister's well-being. As he weighed the pros and cons of waiting it out against going to ask Dr. Fuller to recheck Nika's vitals, Sebastian paced back and forth at the foot of her bed.
"Bas, you're going to wear a hole in the floor," Nika said. Her voice sounded rough and scratchy from sleep, but at least she was talking.
Sebastian sighed, relieved. His fingers curled around the two small devices in his right jacket pocket, she wouldn't be able to hear him without them but maybe that was for the best right now. He withdrew his hands from the comfort of his jacket pockets, stood at the foot of Nika's hospital bed and braced himself for the flood of emotion and attitude that would soon pour from his sister like rolling thunder.
"Hey, Sunspot. Glad to see you're awake," Sebastian moved his hands with such a calm fluidity when he signed. He'd learned for Nika when no one else would, it often made moments like this a lot easier for them. "How do you feel?"
"My chest is sore, but it's not too bad. Ready to get the hell out of here, honestly. Hospitals wig me out."
"You're good to go today, but you're out of work until your wrist and burns heal."
Nika rolled her eyes and scoffed indignantly at her brother's instruction. Not working wasn't something she knew how to do, firefighting was in her veins. She sighed.
Sebastian chuckled. "Look, Nik, I know you don't want to hear this. But you need to take some time off, to rest, to heal. Do it for me. Please?" He knew he had her with those last five words; Nika would do anything for her brother.
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Two days later, Nika stepped off the plane at Boston Logan International Airport.
She walked through the gate with the crowd, happy to be in a place where her brother wasn't for the time being. She loved Sebastian, loved that he wanted to protect her, but his concern lately had been stifling. Nika needed a break, needed a change of scene. As soon as they'd left the hospital, she called Chris and told him what happened. Without a second thought, he told her to come to Boston, said he'd be there when she landed.
She waded through the sea of people heading for baggage claim, keeping an eye out for Chris's tall frame. She was tired, sore, and just wanted to be somewhere she could relax without thinking of the accident for a while. She needed to take her medication, the dressing on her shoulder and chest needed to be changed, and she desperately needed a drink.
"C'mon, Evans. Where the hell are you?" Nika was just about to break down and call him, when she felt a strong hand wrap around her waist from behind.
"Hasn't anyone ever told you not to stand around by yourself in an airport?" Chris's smooth Boston accent said in her left ear. He had her backpack slung over his shoulder and her rolling suitcase in his hand. His bright blue eyes sparkled as he smiled down at her. "Ready to go?"
She nodded, signed back, "Ready for the pressure to stop. Thanks for letting me stay with you for a few weeks."
Chris grabbed her hand and gave it a gentle squeeze, then kissed the top of her head. His voice met her ear once again. "Ah, Nik. What are best friends for, huh?"
Nika hummed. She missed her brother, but she knew she'd be safe with Chris, too. Being out of the game wasn't going to be easy for the youngest Stan sibling, she was used to the fast pace of firefighting; she counted on it as much as she counted on her brother to have her back. Without it, Nika wasn't sure who she was or who she could be.
Till The End of All Things Taglist: @arrowsandmixtapes @pinknerdpanda
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gospelofme · 4 years
Code 30
Warnings: violence, blood, drama
Kix x female reader
Part 9
Kix held Kaia as he ushered Jesse in front of him. He allowed your parents to visit with you first. He stood back to take in what he saw. You were dressed in a hospital gown, they had you propped up a bit. There were soft beeping from machines: a heart monitor and the ventilator. They had washed your hair. He spotted the small cuts on your arms and face from shrapnel. The nasogastric and endotracheal tubes were taped to your face. A blood transfusion bag hung by the beside on an IV pole, the line leading into a vein in your arm.
“Is mommy asleep?” Kaia whispered, turning in Kix’s arms to look at her mother.
“Yup, we’ll say goodnight in a moment okay.”
After your parents had a few moments with you, they moved back to let Kix and the kids see you. Kix let the kids go first, bending over to let Kaia give you a kiss on the cheek.
He heard a sniffle and noticed Jesse wipe his nose.
He handed Kaia off to your father and Kix then tended to Jesse. Kix knelt down so that he was eye level with his son.
“Hey bud, you okay? Mom is going to be fine.” Kix said softly, wiping a tear off his son’s cheek.
“Yeah, I know.” The boy muttered. “I just don’t like seeing her like that.” He added, obviously trying hard not to cry in front of Kaia.
“Me either, it’s scary. But this is all making her feel better. It’s helping her.” He explained as best as he could. Jesse nodded and hugged his dad.
The kids left with your parents and Kix sat down tiredly on the bench near the bed. He had slept on a bench very much like this after you had birthed each of the kids. He watched you, you really did look like you were sleep. Your chest rose and fell in a set pattern, the ventilator providing you with oxygen.
After a few minutes, a nurse came in to check the monitors. She gave him a small nod and smile.
“Which number is that?” Kix asked, nodding to the transfusion bag.
“2 of 3 so she’s almost done. We’ll check her levels after she finishing bag 3, but they don’t think she’ll need 4.” She whispered. “I’ll find you a blanket.” She added as she left.
She was gone for about 20 minutes, Kix assumed she was busy or had forgotten. But just then, she quietly walked back in. In her hands she had a folded cot, a blanket, and a pillow under her arm. She set the cot up alongside your bed, raising it so that it was level. She leaned you back just a bit so that you were more comfortable.
“I figured this would be better than sleeping on that bench.” She shrugged. Kix gave her a smile and thanked her. She nodded and left, dimming the light and closing the door. Kix settled down on the cot and turned onto his side so that he was facing you. He wanted to kiss you, but that was impossible with the endotracheal tube in your mouth. He reached over and took your hand instead, lightly kissing the back of it. Does she know I’m here? He wondered. Maybe. He fell asleep like that, tuning out the sounds of the machines.
He awoke a few times over the course of the evening, at least once an hour. The night seemed to drag on and on, even though he was only a couple hours from daybreak. He heard nursing staff come in and out, checking machines and making notes. Despite his anxiety, the night went graciously smoothly. When he awoke next, the sky outside was turning blue. Thank the stars, he thought. He watched your face, your eyes moved under your eyelids. Dreaming. About what? He wondered. Hopefully good things, like the kids.
You felt something around your hand. Wait, not something. Another hand. His hand! You knew it was his, just like you had known his voice from all the others that sounded just like it. He held your hand tightly, yours wasn’t wrapped around his like your wanted. You had to concentrate a bit harder than normal, the sedative was wearing off but slowly. Finally you managed to curl your fingers around his.
Kix’s eyes shot open at the sensation of your fingers wrapping around his. It was soft, but it was real this time. Not imagined. He slowly looked at your hand. It was holding his! He carefully edged closer to your bed, it was too small for you both to fit. He didn’t want to risk moving you, but he snuggled up as close as he dared. He pulled your hand up and kissed then back of it again. Your eyes were still closed, but this was something.
You felt his warmth as he moved closer to you, but not close enough. Wanted so badly to curl into him, to hold him. To pull him on top of you and use his weight to sooth your frayed emotions. But the hand hold was the best your body would manage. You couldn’t even get your eyes to open. You felt his lips touch the back of your hand. You smiled, but only in your mind. This stupid thing shoved down your throat made actual smiling impossible.
“Can you hear me?” His whisper reached your ears.
YES! you wanted to scream. But you couldn’t.
“I love you.” He whispered.
I LOVE YOU!! you wanted to cry. But you didn’t. He whispered your name softly, you felt his finger on your cheek. He carefully avoided the tubes, but at least it was something. All you could do was force your fingers to close just a fraction of a centimeter more. He felt it.
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One more part left!!!
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thebiasrekkers · 4 years
Make It Right [BTS Mafia!AU]
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Plot: “It’s always darkest before the dawn…” It’s a dog-eat-dog world in Seoul, South Korea. One has to dwell in the shadows in order to reach for the light. What are you willing to sacrifice in order to feel the sunlight on your face? What will it take to drag you back into darkness? How long will the journey be to make it right?
Rating: NC-17 // NSFW
Genre: Series | Mafia!AU | Crime!AU | Angst | Romance/Fluff
Pairings: Jin x OC | Taehyung/Hoseok x OC | Yoongi/Jungkook x OC
Warnings: Graphic Violence, Heavy Language, Angst, Slow Burn, Smut
Previous Chapters: Prologue 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36
Links: FAQ || BTS Masterlist || Admin E’s AO3 || Admin E’s WP || [ REQUESTS ARE OPEN ]
Word Count: 2,163
Tag List: @prisczero​, @pinkpjmin​, @btsaudge​, @flowerwrites06​, @unoriginal-username15432, @halussali​
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“I want to breathe, I hate this night. I want to wake up, I hate this dream.”
© thebiasrekkers (Admin E). All rights reserved. Reposting/modifying our work is prohibited. Translations are not allowed. Plagiarism/stealing is not tolerated by any means. Legal action will be taken in instances of theft.
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When she saw Min Yoongi being wheeled into the hospital’s emergency room, Raelyn pulled herself away from her assigned task almost immediately. Her heart hammered heavily against her chest and her forehead broke out into a cold sweat. She couldn’t hear the people calling her name and she blindly began digging through her pockets for her cell phone.
Did any of the others know what was happening?
Because she wasn’t his assigned nurse, there was no way for her to be directly involved in his treatment. Half an hour later, she was handed a coffee by one of her co-workers as they attempted to quell her concerns. They didn’t know what her connection with the patient was, but Raelyn knew not to open her mouth. The less they knew, the better. Everyone was better off that way.
Raelyn wanted to call Hoseok on instinct. She stopped herself, swallowing the heavy lump in her throat. Instead, she called Taehyung. He did his best to get her nerves to settle, telling her that it would take an act of some deity to pull Min Yoongi into his grave. He was just that stubborn. This got her to laugh a little and she sighed, feeling a little better than she had a few minutes earlier. Unfortunately, Taehyung was in Osan and wouldn’t be back in Seoul until later that afternoon. However, he did promise that he’d get one of the guys over to the hospital when Yoongi was cleared for discharge.
Her friend and fellow nurse, Seyeong, approached her just as she hung up with Taehyung. “Raelyn-ssi,” she called softly as Raelyn slipped her phone into her pocket, “are you alright?”
“Yeah, I’m fine,” she said, though she didn’t feel it, “how is he doing?”
“It was fatigue mixed with an anxiety attack.” Raelyn’s brows furrowed as Seyeong continued. “He experienced some shock, but he’s stabilized and resting.”
“That’s good.”
It was the only thing that Raelyn could say without falling apart herself. She nodded her head at the appropriate moments when Seyeong explained his condition, but the woman wasn’t really listening. There were too many other things filling her head. Mostly questions that she knew she wouldn’t be getting the answers to anytime soon.
Why the hell does this keep happening?
Once she was left alone, Raelyn unconsciously bit her thumbnail as her eyes narrowed. This was crazy. Anyone would think this was crazy. Who would go out of their way to bring someone back into the fold when it was obvious that they were competition? Wasn’t it normal to want to wipe out any obstacles that would potentially stand in a person’s way, no matter what avenue it was in reference to?
While a more twisted and jaded side of Raelyn could understand the thrill of wanting to taunt and torment an opponent, this seemed just shy of overkill. Yoongi was in the hospital because something shook him to the point of falling out. That or he was stressed and doing a terrible job of burying it down inside of himself. She hadn’t wanted to bother him with twenty questions, allowing him time to relax and to put whatever disturbed him out of his mind if even for a moment.
She toyed with the idea of calling Eden, but after the altercation she had with Yoongi at the hospital last time, she decided against it. The two of them would just wind up arguing about why he was in the hospital in the first place. Both of them would stroke out before either of them was able to get a word in edgewise.
Sighing, Raelyn angrily began scratching at the back of her head. No. This wasn’t going to work. She had to get the answers straight from Yoongi himself. Taehyung was sweet, but he always tried to cover things up as best he could. Mostly because he knew how much their old life stressed Raelyn out. They were supposed to be finished with that life and things continued to seemingly spiral out of control.
Making her way toward Yoongi’s room, she looked over his chart to see what medication they were giving him. It was a mild sedative, enough to get him to relax and maybe help him sleep. Who knew how long he’d been doing things without sleeping at this rate? Once she was able to ascertain that it was the proper dosage, she quietly slipped inside.
It took her a minute for her sight to adjust to the low light of the room provided by a small lamp. The ECG monitor beeped steadily, his heart rate normal and showing that he was, indeed, resting. Raelyn closed the door quietly behind her, the latch catching with a soft click. There was a humidifier by his bedside and his attendants seemed to have adjusted his bed so that he was sitting up as he slept.
She sighed again. Okay, maybe this wasn’t a good idea after all.
As someone in the medical field, the last thing she wanted to do was pull someone out of the comfort of sleep.
Raelyn turned slowly, intent on leaving the room, when she heard movement behind her. Her hand froze, hovering just above the doorknob.
“Raelyn-ah,” he heard Yoongi grunt. She turned around to see him sitting up full, the blankets shifting around in his lap as he did so.
She turned back around to face him. “Did I wake you?”
“Who can sleep when you exist so loudly?”
Raelyn frowned, unsure of what to make of that statement. Yoongi’s wistful smirk, however, showed that he was merely teasing. She crossed the room, plopping down into a nearby chair as he pressed a hand to his forehead. She noticed the look of disapproval on his face at the IV attached to his arm. When Yoongi attempted to remove it, Raelyn smacked his wrist on reflex.
“Don’t even think about pulling that out until you’ve been discharged,” she snapped, giving him a warning glare which he huffed at.
The two of them sat in silence – both probably processing the moment shared between them. It wasn’t often that Raelyn spent time with Yoongi alone. When Hoseok and she were still together, she interacted with all the other boys – lower and upper tiered alike. But rarely was she allotted alone time with any member as an individual. In fact, she felt she’d gotten to know them better when she was no longer the boss’s girl. The title came with its privileges, sure, but that also meant she was placed on a glass pedestal that she felt would shatter at any given moment.
Truth be told, she always felt Yoongi disliked her; for reasons completely all his own. On the flip side, she never really tried to bridge the gap between them either. Yoongi kept to himself, busy moving in and out of the thick of things alongside Jungkook. He never once hinted that he knew any of Raelyn’s friends, let alone that he was even dating Eden back then. Then again, she’d kept her own connection to the Golden Jackals a secret herself.
Now that everything was out in the open, Raelyn wondered where the time had gone.
“Yoongi-ah,” she murmured while looking at him. He raised a brow, silencing urging her to continue. “What happened?”
For a long while, all Yoongi did was stare at her; as if he was mentally cracking the cogs in his head to determine how to best answer the question. He blinked a few times, brushing his hair out of his eyes before folding his arms across his chest.
“Nothing you need to concern yourself over,” he answered simply, causing the muscle near Raelyn’s jaw to pulse angrily.
“Are you fuckin’ kidding me, Min Yoongi?” Raelyn’s voice went up an octave as she rose from her chair. He followed her with his eyes. “You are now the third person connected to me in some way to wind up in the fuckin’ hospital! Why should I not be concerned about this?”
Yoongi frowned. “Because there isn’t a single thing you can do about it.” The directness of the statement was like a punch to her gut, causing her to take a step back. His expression was icy and so was his tone. “Telling you what happened won’t change anything, so why bother?”
Raelyn felt her heart sink to the bottom of her stomach and she fell into the chair, semi-defeated. Why was he the second person to seemingly knock the wind out of her sails? What was so damn heavy that they felt the need to try and chase her off like none of this mattered? Raelyn clenched her jaw, furious at being dismissed in such a way.
“Listen up,” she said, her ire bubbling near the surface, “there is only so much that you guys can do to keep us in the dark. We’re going to find out eventually.”
He scoffed as he cut his eyes at her. “You find out and then what? Huh?” Raelyn blinked, unsure of what he was getting at. “You’re either going to get caught up in this nonsense until it settles, or you’ll turn tail and run. Those are pretty much your only options.”
She opened her mouth to say something, but found she couldn’t find the right words to throw back at him. Didn’t she have a rebuttal for this? She normally did. In this instance, however, Yoongi seemed to knock the fight right out of her.
“So, I guess the only real question you should be asking yourself now,” he broached, causing her to meet his gaze, “is how long do you plan on sticking around this time?”
Even though Yoongi was a few feet away from her, when he leaned forward, Raelyn instinctively leaned back in her chair.
“Because I can tell you right now that things aren’t going to be pretty. Not for a while.”
Raelyn’s vision began to swim momentarily. It was like she was hearing Jimin’s words all over again. They held a different tone, but the implication was still there. Each of them were telling her to make a choice. Even Taehyung had asked her to believe in her, to have faith that she wouldn’t be left alone. She wanted to believe him. There wasn’t a reason for her not to. They’d proven time and again that they were steadfast and willing to walk the hard road together – side by side.
So why was she so afraid to walk with them?
“I don’t know what’s going to happen from today on,” he said, cutting through her thoughts, “and I don’t want to think about it. I tried to keep Eden as far away from this nonsense as possible and she still managed to stumble her way into this shit.”
Relieved that the pressure was off her, even for a moment, allowed Raelyn the chance to regain her voice. “That is her choice, Yoongi-ah. You tried to take it from her once already. She’s a grown ass woman and can make her own decisions.”
He rolled his eyes, averting his gaze to stare at his phone on the nightstand by the bed. It vibrated relentlessly as Jungkook’s name flashed across the screen. Neither of them made a move to answer it.
“Yeah, well,” he finally said after the phone stopped buzzing, “she’s made that clear enough. I don’t need you to remind me of that.”
Raelyn narrowed her eyes at him. “Don’t let your own regrets get in the way of other people’s progress.”
There was a flash of anger that danced over Yoongi’s gaze as his eye-line met hers. She didn’t waver, despite how scary he appeared at that moment.
“What the hell is that supposed to mean?”
“I’m not stupid and I’m not blind,” she said, pushing her glasses up along the bridge of her nose. Raelyn’s arms folded across her chest slowly. “You may have messed things up with her, but that doesn’t mean Jungkook will.”
“Raelyn…” Yoongi growled out her name in warning but she didn’t heed it.
“Their relationship has nothing to do with you.”
“Jungkook is my brother!” he bellowed, causing her shoulders to tense up slightly.
She took a breath. “Stop using him as an excuse.”
Raelyn knew she was treading on dangerous ground, but this was something she’d been wanting to say to Yoongi for a while. Ever since she found out that he was the Yoongi who’d broken her best friend’s heart.
“Eden is choosing to stay by Jungkook’s side. After everything that’s happened, she’s making the choice for herself. Something you never took the chance on.”
Rising from the chair, she could feel Yoongi’s eyes following her. “And you’re right about one thing, Yoongi-ah.” Taking a moment to look over his monitors, she let her gaze linger on his for a moment longer before making her way toward the door. “It’s time I made a choice of my own.”
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dragonnan · 4 years
Current WIPs Teasers
Because I cannot help myself and end up working on a thousand stories at once -
Some of these I’m working on more regularly than others so even if a WIP appears on this list I may not actually be actively working on an update.  That said these kinds of things tend to help motivate me.
Here we go!
Sed Diabolus (Chapter 7) The dry ache of her mouth was the first sensation to reach her as Wanda lifted out of the world of black. She could barely pry her tongue from the roof of her mouth and she must have made a sound of discomfort because soon gentle hands were brushing across her forehead.
“There is water; here.”  Hear... she could hear again.  Vision placed a hand beneath her head and lifted just enough so she could open her mouth for the straw and... oh...  Cold and wet and she tried to drink too much too fast and ended up coughing rough for several seconds - finally blinking her eyes open to blearily take in the room she occupied.
Only she wasn't alone.
Untitled Tony Stark versus Wilson Fisk story “So what wrong side of the bed did I wake up on this morning to earn this clandestine meeting before my Kai Jiew has had time to settle?”  One hip resting on the edge of the railing, Tony managed to shudder back a yawn before it became embarrassing.  Behind him, the familiar snap of a briefcase lock barely drew a glance as “Dilbert” pushed up his glasses and withdrew a thick file from the depths.
The larger man, still comfortably standing behind his assistant, nodded towards the table.  It was his assistant, however, who spoke.
“Apologies, Mr. Stark.  I assure you this won't take long.”
The unstated request, of course, that Tony join them at the table.  Tony raised an eyebrow.  “You didn't say please.”
A smooth, tight lipped smile, followed his quip.  Meanwhile, the still silent other member of their trifecta finally stepped forward – grasping one of the large office chairs and rolling it back before seating himself.  Wilson Fisk wove his hands together above propped elbows.  “I appreciate your willingness to meet me so early, Tony.  I felt it best to speak with you privately given the... delicacy... of the issue at hand.”
Well that wasn't at all circumspect.
Returning the tight lipped smile in kind, Tony grabbed a chair at the head of the table and sat; leaning back and settling his arms on the padded rests.  “You know, usually I let Pepper handle SI business.  Not sure if you got the memo but I'm not actually CEO any longer.  How was prison, by the way?  I heard the kitchen got a new chef.”
Fisk grinned, briefly, before he nodded towards his assistant... Wilbur?  Weston?  “Mr. Wesley, if you would please?”  He turned back to Tony – also leaning back and resting his thick hands over his thicker waist.  “I'm afraid what we're here to discuss is a matter that falls somewhat outside the purview of Stark Industries.”
As he spoke, Wesley neatly stacked the pages of the file before sliding the bundle across the polished tabletop to Tony.  Eager to just get everything done with, Tony flipped back the cover... and froze.
What Dread Grasp (Chapter 2) The surgery had been 4 hours on when John had taken a break and walked back to the private waiting room to find Anthea curled on the short couch.  Of Mycroft there was no sign.
“He needed to step out for a bit. There were a few things requiring his oversight.”
John wondered if that oversight involved Sherlock's surviving kidnappers but chose not to ask. Anthea, of course, being nearly as observant at her boss, offered a tiny smirk.  “I don't expect it should take terribly long.”
Groaning as he sank down in one of the many chairs scattered about the space, John rubbed his shoulder while doing his best not to completely drift off.  It was going on 2am which meant he'd been awake for the better part of... fucking more hours than he really wanted to consider, frankly.  He was surprised he wasn't hallucinating tiny blue pixies by this point.
“I slept more than both you and Mycroft.  Why not have a kip for a few hours?  I promise to wake you if there's any news.”
John shook his head while shuddering through another jaw cracking yawn.  “I... Christ, I can't even think straight.”  He blinked -  noting the black spots in his peripheral.  Abruptly reevaluating his position he stood – staggering to one of the recliners and sitting, well, falling when his knees gave out.
“You'll promise to wake me?” he slurred – only just catching Anthea's nod as his eyelids forced their way down.
And then he knew nothing.  
Oompa Loompa Doom-Pa-Dee-Die (Chapter 2) “Oh you have GOT to be kidding me!” 
After nearly a decade, Juliet O’Hara knew she shouldn’t be surprised by anything her fake psychic husband pulled.  However, she found herself reevaluating many presuppositions upon finding said husband, along with his alleged better half, bathed head to toe in a hardening chocolate shell. 
“Babe, I can explain everything.” 
“Jztt!” Hand up in his face to cut off whatever incriminating babble that was about to sally forth, Juliet jumped with a squeal when Shawn licked the her palm. 
Grinning back, he waggled his cocoa coated eyebrows. “Come on, Jules.  Admit it.  You’re sweet on me.” 
Giggles threatened to bubble through her in spite of her desperate need to glare him down; not to mention the chocolate dipped corpse, lying under a tarp, ten feet away.  A covered cough bought a second to pull back her composure. 
That and the mental chastisement of her former partner, 'My God, O'Hara, you're a Head Detective!  Act like it!' The final nail in the chuckles coffin was the following memory of her partner; still battered but recovering after his enforced vacation slash rehabilitation.  She hadn't needed the confirmation from Marlow to know that being stuck at home, no matter how much he loved his family, was grating on her old partner.   
  Pushing fingers across her smooth hair, and blinking the sudden mist from her eyes, Juliet took a step back from the two candy coated idiots who were currently involved in some sort of battle.   
  “Dude, stop it!  That's dead man's chocolate!”  Both arms wrapped around Gus's bicep while Gus yanked hard in the other direction. 
“I know, Shawn!  I can’t help it!  I smell delicious!” 
Giving up on the both of them, Juliet rolled her eyes and turned to one of the lounging security officers; hoping to beg a change of clothes for the two vandals at her back.  With any luck, there was someplace in the building where they could hose down.
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crypticcatalys · 4 years
A Second Chance For A Home Ch.5
Ch.1 / Ch.2 / Ch.3 / Ch.4
   The dorms were surprisingly easy to find in the large compound. They were separated into two areas by a long hallway with few embellishments, men on one end, females on the other. The dorms themselves were small and roomed four people each. It was a tight fit.  
   Most of the new arrivals were being roomed together for simplicities sake. Neya and Ashley coincidentally found themselves being roomed together with two other women. A junior ecologist named Bea Mayeso and a solider named Andrea Richards. Being used to having at least two roommates her entire life Ashley wasn’t that uncomfortable with sharing her room with other people. But of course the second the pair entered the room they were met with two confused and slightly shocked stares followed by a customary greeting. Both of the women seemed nice, if not just a little cautionary for some reason. 
   The room itself was simple. A set of bunk beds sat across from each other on both sides of the room, in front of each were two storage cabinets with the last name of their owner spelled out on its front. The only other thing in the room was another door on the right of the dorm that lead to the bathroom. They were all silent as they unpacked and claimed a bed for themselves. Neya and Bea took the bottom bunks while Ashley and Andrea claimed the top beds. Ashley ended up above Bea. 
   No one really spoke when they went to dinner, or after either. There was no tension in their silence, they just chose not to speak. 
   The bed was softer than Ashley had expected it to be, which said a lot in her case considering the fact that she normally found things like yoga mats to be softer than most beds. Laying on her new bed a few hours after dinner the teen felt tired but couldn’t fully sleep. Rolling onto her side she looked across the dark room. The shadow of the other bunk was barely visible. The only sign that it was there was from the light snoring from Andrea’s bed.
   Ashley did not dream that night.
   Almost everyone was woken up the next morning at six o’clock sharp thanks to the clock built into the wall of their room. Neya though somehow slept through its loud beeping. Sitting up from her bed Ashley listened as someone got up, most likely Andrea as the girl heard something drop to the floor on the other side of the room, and haphazardly slapped at the controls of the device until it shut off. Mumbling something about schedules, the woman grabbed what was probably her uniform from her personal cabinet before turning on the room’s light and walking into the bathroom that was connected to the dorm beside them. Deciding that there was no use of staying in bed and being bothered by the light of the now lit up room, Ashley pushed herself out of bed and took a pair of grayish green scrubs out of her cabinet. Grace had caught her and Neya at dinner to tell them that they would need to wear them for their first link. 
   Walking into the bathroom that was as equally grey as the dorm room the teen make quick use of one of the open showers and changed into what she would be wearing for the rest of the day. After she was done she took a moment to look into a mirror over one of the bathroom sinks. Her normally brown skin had changed some after not seeing the sun after five years, she had lightened to a caramel brown. But other than that, nothing had changed from when she was back on earth. She was still the same short height, still had the same dark brown eyes, same hair cornrowed back. Still fifteen.
   By the time she left the bathroom Ashley still had about an hour until she was needed in the lab. Not knowing how to pass the time she decided to wait for a now awake Neya to finish her morning routine so they could leave together. Forty-five minutes later they were on their way. Norm met them at the halfway point of the hallway separating the two dorms, excitingly asking if they were nervous about linking and just being happy in general. Grace was waiting for them at the entrance of the main science lab, seeming pleased that they arrived a few minutes early. 
   Following her to the link room Ashley stole a glance to where the tank holding the second her was the day before. The tank had been moved so that one of its ends were connected to the wall of a separate room. All three of the tanks had been drained and were in the process of being sprayed with water and disinfectant. This was it.
   “So how many hours have you logged?” Grace asked them, referring to the mock link training all drivers had to partake in as she led them to their link chambers. “About five-hundred hours.” Norm answered before walking over to the chamber Grace pointed him towards. “You?” “Four-Seventy.” Ashley said, remembering how proud she was to have reached that number. She was still. 
     Heading towards the chamber meant for her she offered a small smile to the link technician that stood by the monitor connected to the machine. Opening the pod Ashley looked down at its teal, soft, inside which held the cutout of a human figure. Laying down in it the link tech pulled a skeletal wire frame down over the top half of her body. “Just let your mind go blank.” They said smiling before closing the lid of the pod, leaving the girl in a blueish darkness. The only light coming from the small LED's on the wire frame. Closing her eyes Ashley willed her mind to go blank as she listened to the soft whirring of the machine. Then she felt a small tug at the back of her mind. Like her brain was connected to a thin thread. 
   And for a moment light was everywhere. And then everything was out of focus.
   “.....shley...Ashley....” She felt herself take a breath. “She’s in.” A blurry thing was above her, no wait, it was a human. A woman? Someone shone a light in her eyes. “Pupilatory reflexes are good.” A man said. Someone else snapped their fingers beside her ears, she felt them move. 
   Everything slowly started to become clear. Two medics were standing over her, each wearing a exo-pack and white scrubs. 
The room was annoyingly bright.
   The female medic spoke to her first. “How you feelin’ Ashley?” “Good.” She answered, or more accurately, croaked. The teens voice sounded different?New? She wasn’t sure how to describe it, it was still her voice after all, but maybe it was because this was the first time she ever used her voice in this body. It was bound to sound a bit off she guessed. Raising her head a bit she looked down at her body. ‘Trippy’ was the only thing that came to her mind at first. Pushing herself to sit up fully, the girl looked at herself in wonder. She was completely blue. The blue stripped arms moving their fingers were hers. The blue legs and feet moving ever so slightly were hers. This was her. And it was amazing.
   Breaking out of her small trance Ashley looked around the room. Everything was white and sterile smelling she noticed. Normally that wouldn’t bother her seeing as she was so used to being in sterile environments, but now it was a bit overbearing. Everything seemed too sterile, too perfect. Looking to her left she saw Norm fully sat up stretching his arms, and to her right she saw Neya getting light shone in her eyes. Looking down at the female medic she couldn’t help but giggle. “What’s so funny?” The woman asked, smiling at the teen’s random reaction. “You’re tiny.”
    In her human body Ashley was by no means tall. Standing at five feet and one inch everyone she met had been taller than her. Now she easily towered all of the humans in the room. 
Swinging her legs over the side of the gurney she was sitting on, she felt something on her lower back move. Oh yeah, she had forgotten about that, she had a tail in this body. Before she could marvel at the fact that she had an extra appendage a crash sounded behind her. Turning to the source of the noise she saw Neya standing up from her bed, leaning on one the windows of the room. Her tail was knocking into things beside her bed as the medics were yelling at her to sit down. Max, who was watching them from a observation window, was telling Neya to listen to them, telling her that what she was doing was dangerous. “They’re gonna pull you out.” Norm tried to warn her.
    The medic trapped between the wall and bed yelled for a sedative. But it was way too late. Neya had managed to pull off the monitor leads connected to her and open the lab door that lead outside. Norm followed her. Ashley, going against her better nature while being hopped up on the euphoria of being in a new body, followed them. The world spun as she stood. But somehow she made it to the door and outside. 
   She felt the sun first. It’s warmth greeted her as she took her first real step into the alien world. Then she felt the grass under her feet. Soft, real, grass that wasn’t made out of plastic. And then she looked at the sky. It was clear, something she never saw often on earth. She could see the planet they were orbiting in all its glory, she could even see Pandora’s sister moon! And finally she looked in front of her. She saw Neya running farther away from the compound like her life depended on it with Norm trailing behind her. But Ashley didn’t focus on them. She focused on the green surrounding them. 
   Everywhere she looked she saw the unmistakable color of green. From the grass under her feet to the dense jungle that sat right outside of the boarder of the base. Everything looked alive, felt alive. She felt alive. 
And so, she ran.
   She ran across the basketball court in front of her, passing two very confused drivers. She ran past large wooden hurdles and tall obstical courses that other drivers were using, climbing and jumping like it was the easiest thing in the world. She ran into a lush garden with rows upon rows of plants, each one a different size and shape. Some even having colors that she hadn’t even thought possible back on earth. 
   And then she almost ran into Norm.
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ilosttrackofthings · 6 years
hungry love (1/1)
A birthday gift for my favoritest Mir in the whole wide world, @safelycapricious. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
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Jemma wakes in pain. This isn’t the foggy headache caused by an ICER round; it’s sharper, more localized to the base of her skull. It’s a struggle to lift her arm, seems to set her completely off balance even though she’s lying on a bed, but when she brushes her fingers against the source of the pain, stars erupt in her vision. The pained whine and its uncertain origins escapes her notice completely as something large and warm and animal immediately crowds close to her.
With that, the whole terrifying ordeal comes back. The power was interrupted by a Trojan horse Hydra sent them in the form of a supposed 0-8-4. Vault D’s secondary defenses were compromised and perhaps that would have been fine if the full moon hadn’t just risen.
His eyes are the same brown they always have been. That inane thought—more than the ice pick pain in her skull—is proof she must have a concussion. Thanks to him, naturally. He came at her while she was struggling to contain Hydra’s weapon in the lab. She expected, when he came hurtling at her, to die a rather gruesome death and end as his next meal, not to wake up in what appears to be Vault D—whyever would he come back here?
Maybe he considers it his nest? Maybe he’s brought her here like a squirrel storing nuts for the winter? She’s afraid she never studied werewolf psychology as she ought, but on the Bus she trusted Ward’s judgment and she never cared to bother afterward.
He snuffs at her, his fangs coming uncomfortably close to her face, moving around to examine the knot at the back of her head.
“Don’t-” she says, for a brief moment expecting a werewolf to do as she asks.
He whines, more lowly than the one she heard earlier.
And he’s off her. So quickly it makes her head spin. His forepaws slam against the opposite wall, so close to the camera mounted there that Jemma doesn’t doubt he could reach it if he were intent on more than intimidation. He follows it up by racing up the stairs in two quick strides, hitting the door so hard with his shoulder that the hinges groan. After that he leaps to the floor, as light on his feet as a deer, and circles the empty space left by the barrier’s absence.
Jemma has never been so aware of her own fragile humanity as she is in this moment. He’s a wild thing, a creature capable of ending her life with a single snap of his jaws. The most careless of movements from him could break her like a china doll.
So it’s really no surprise, given how the voice angers him, that she flinches when it returns, crackling over the vault’s loud speakers.
“If you’re okay in there—other than the werewolf prowling around—turn your head to the left.” It’s Skye’s voice, Jemma realizes now she has more of it to go off of. She trusts Skye. Skye will never ask her to do anything that would cause her harm.
And yet, it is a supreme effort to turn her head to one side, taking her focus, however fractionally, off of the monster in the room. He’s growling and snapping at the air, angry at Skye for invading his territory in this intangible way. Jemma wonders what he must think of her.
“We can’t get the barrier up yet,” Skye says. “And ICERs don’t work on werewolves anyway so…”
Due to their transitive state, it’s nearly impossible to knock a werewolf unconscious unless you can somehow manage to get a steady supply of sedative into their system. There are always silver bullets of course, but Jemma imagines her team is disinclined to open the—very loud and slow-moving—door to shoot wildly into a room she currently occupies. She’s afraid then that she can guess the unspoken end to Skye’s statement and sadly proven correct when the crackling worsens and May’s voice takes over. This, Jemma can hardly hear at all as Ward begins howling over it after only the first two words, but she hears enough. “We’re looking at our best bet for getting you out being waiting until sunrise.”
Sunrise, when Ward transforms back into a man and is a manageable threat. Jemma studies the wolf, wondering if she’s lucky enough to have slept through the better part of the night. It was barely an hour after sunset when the 0-8-4 was activated and they’re well into autumn now. Can she survive whatever measure remains?
With the return of silence, Ward’s attention is back on her, his eerily human eyes piercing. He’s beautiful. She’s always thought so, whether he was a man or a wolf. But here and now that beauty is almost unseemly. All that destructive power and animal instinct wrapped in grace and strength.  She can’t help it that she begins to shake.
His dark coat shimmers under the lights as he turns, padding closer. It takes all her self-control to settle her weight more deeply into the bed; perhaps if she feigns sleep, he’ll-
She eeps when the weight of a giant paw on the mattress threatens to send her spilling into him. And then she lets out a gasp when he bounds up, one fluid motion taking him from the floor to the bed.
He looms over her and her eyes are caught on those teeth. They draw closer and she hears the whine again, realizes it’s her own voice, then that massive jaw is nosing her head to one side and she feels his wet breath on her hair and he’s- oh. He’s licking the wound.
If he were anyone else, if he hadn’t caused it, she might think that slightly adorable. This great beast so concerned with her hurts when by all rights he should be eating her. As it is, she still laughs. Gulping, watery laughter that’s just edging on hysteria when a snap of Ward’s jaws, suddenly inches from her face, shocks her into silence.
She holds herself perfectly still, not daring to move a single muscle. Once he seems satisfied she won’t be starting up again, Ward huffs and folds himself down atop her. He’s not as heavy as she would have thought; he must be mostly fur. He’s warm too. If she closes her eyes, she might even be able to pretend he’s nothing but a slightly stiff heated blanket. So she does just that and hopes to sleep out the rest of the night.
He is not dumb or slow. He does not speak, but he has no need for words. They clutter things up. Action is better.
But he understands.
He knows what words mean.
He knows what the one who tried to kill him plans. They will wait until the sun steals his strength and then they will come and steal her.
He knows too that the one who the man wants is scheming. She wants to steal her from him sooner.
That pleases the man. He thinks it means she’s jealous of his affections. He thinks if he can only lure her down often enough, she will begin to want him as he wants her. He thinks because he took her once and she hated him, that he must trick her and win her the way humans do or he will never have her at all.
The man is a fool.
She’s warm and heavy and knows that if she comes out of her doze any further, the distant pain will return full force. Her fingers drag at coarse fur, unable to hold him down when he’s intent on rising to his feet. He’s examining her again, her soft, meaty parts this time. She pushes aside the fear and clings to hope he’s moving because he can feel dawn coming.
The hard edges of teeth at her stomach draws her fully awake. “Wha-” she gasps. He’s nipping at her sweater. Then his wet nose is on her bare skin, warm and tickling. She’s just considering whether asking him what he thinks he’s about will do any good when his jaws open wide and she gets a brief glimpse of razor sharp teeth before they dig into her.
Her scream is still echoing off the walls when his rough tongue starts lapping at the wound the same way he did at her head. It hurts—but it also doesn’t. The strange, animal ministrations are somehow soothing. The pain fades to a dull ache in a few short minutes and he drapes himself over her once more, the pressure helping more than anything else.
Her breathing is still ragged, a stark counter to the even rise and fall of his back over her. She can’t help but study every inhuman inch of him. The warm fur, the ears that twitch after sounds she can’t hear, the quadrupedal alignment of his skeletal structure draped across hers. 
She bites her lip to stifle another whine. A month from now, she’ll be just as much a mindless beast as he is.
The man is a fool.
He wants the one who hates him.
He won’t take what he wants.
So it’s up to the wolf. To choose the one who still warms with desire even when she fears him. To take her. To make her his for always.
The man will learn to live with it.
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seasonofthegeek · 6 years
JfT: Tied Tight, Part 7
For the lovely @miraculouspaon. Someday I will finish this mini-series. <3
Parts 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 (e), 7:
27 Years before Just for Tonight
"Neither one of us,” Adele whispered. “How is that possible?”
Nathalie squeezed her hand and watched the house doctor cleaning up the pregnancy testing supplies from the tests they’d both been required to endure in front of two witnesses. “It’ll be okay.”
“The king’s going to kill me,” she breathed, voice barely audible.
“That’s not going to happen.”
Adele turned wide, tear-filled eyes to her. “We have to run away.”
"Keep your voice down,” she warned, eyeing the doctor’s stiffened back. “We aren’t running away.”
“I can’t stay here. We have to go.” Adele’s voice rose in a panic. “Tell Gabriel we have to go. Maybe he’ll come with us.” She stood and tugged on Nathalie’s hand. “Please, we have to go!”
“A sedative, please,” Nathalie requested calmly while keeping an ironclad grip on the other woman’s wrist.
“Don’t do this to me,” Adele cried, the tears beginning to run down her cheeks. 
Nathalie took the offered capped syringe and nodded her thanks before pocketing it. “Come on, let’s go to your suite, your highness.”
Adele let out a sob and Nathalie hurried them along the corridor, attempting a few soothing words before she gave up and got them closer to her destination. She spotted Pierce standing guard outside Gabriel’s office and gave him a pointed nod with the hope that he got her message. He studied the crumbling woman at her side and nodded back. Good. Gabriel would know to expect her soon then.
“Nathalie, please, please let me go!”
Clenching her teeth, Nathalie forced them further down the hall until they were finally in the living quarters and she got the sobbing princess behind closed doors. Adele collapsed in puddle of tears as soon as Nathalie released her wrist.
“You need to calm down.”
“We’re going to die!”
“Adele, please take a deep breath. I’m not going to let anything happen to you. Gabriel is not going to let anything happen to you. But we both need you to keep it together.” Nathalie reminded herself not to clench her teeth. She was tired and hungry from fasting for the test and her patience was waning. 
Taking a halting breath, Adele nodded miserably. “I’m sorry,” she whispered.
Nathalie’s expression softened. “It’s okay.” She offered her hand and Adele took it, not bothering to smooth her wrinkled dress as she stood. “Let’s get you in something comfortable and I’ll give you the sedative to help you sleep.”
Adele halted, causing Nathalie to miss a step. “You aren’t staying with me?”
“I need to talk to Gabriel about all of this.”
“Please don’t leave me, Nathalie,” she begged. 
“I’ll be back as soon as I can, I promise. Now go wash your face. I’ll lay out your nightgown.”
“It’s the middle of the afternoon,” Adele sighed. “I can’t--”
“You can and you will. I’ll have Bernard put on your door as guard and I’ll be back soon. No one will bother you until then.”
“She’s terrified.” Nathalie hugged herself and tried to ignore the muted emotions she could still feel echoing through the bond. 
Gabriel took a careful sip from the heavy glass tumbler and set it back on the coaster on his desk. “I’m not sure what to do,” he said quietly.
Things between them had been different since their night together. Nathalie still handled business requests for him and performed all the same tasks she always had but they were more careful around each other, more aware of the other’s presence. Nathalie found it all thoroughly exhausting.
“I’m not sure what can be done,” she finally said in reply.
“We used magic for Felix.”
“I don’t think that’s a good idea to do again.” She watched Gabriel’s brow furrow as he brought the glass to his lips once more. “Do you think it’s possible the elf cursed you? I remember her saying something about Felix being your only heir. I didn’t but much stock in it at the time but something is off. Is it possible that she...” Nathalie trailed off with a frown as she saw him reach up to touch the deep purple brooch on his lapel. She hated it. She’d been tempted to steal it away while he slept but there was something that always prevented her from touching it, some kind of magic that made her insides squirm and her courage falter.
“No, that’s not possible,” Gabriel replied simply, eyes taking on the same blank look they got whenever she broached the subject of Lila.
Nathalie knew better than to argue when he looked like that. “Very well.”
“I will request Pierce choose an extra guard for Adele’s suite until a solution can be found to be on the safe side of things and I’ll be spending my nights there as I can.”
“Of course, sir.”
“You’re obviously welcome to join us.”
His words hung heavy on the air and Nathalie wasn’t quite sure what to do with them. The three of them had only been together that one night and while she was still drinking the royal blood she’d been provided with to nurture a possible pregnancy, she had decided it was probably best not to put herself in that situation again if she had any say in the matter. 
“I...thank you, sir.”
He nodded, not meeting her eyes. “And I’ll need you to call on Lila once more. She helped Madeline and I conceive, perhaps she can help Adele and...” He trailed off and finished the contents of his glass. “Let me know when you can go to her.”
“Well, well,” Lila purred, lounging back against the plush pillows. “I must say that I’m surprised to see you. I wouldn’t think you could stand to leave that precious princess of yours for too long.” She gave Nathalie a knowing smile. “How many hours have you been away?”
“Almost thirteen. I was left waiting longer than I anticipated.” Nathalie tilted her chin up defiantly. “And as time is of the essence, I would appreciate if we could get started.”
“I can see it, you know.”
Nathalie swallowed hard and hoped the sound hadn’t been as loud as she felt. “See what?”
“The bond.” Lila curled her tongue behind her teeth. “It’s pulling on you. You can feel it; I can tell. You’re beginning to get sick.” Her eyes focused on something Nathalie couldn’t see just behind her right shoulder. “It’s stretched so tight. Would be such an easy tie to simply,” she looked at Nathalie and snapped her teeth together teasingly, “cut.”
“The prince would like to broker more fertility magic,” Nathalie ground out, ignoring the pain beginning to blossom behind her left eye.
“I’m sure he would, but he has his heir. What more does he need?” Lila gave her a sweet smile. “Are you thirsty? I just got in the cutest little half-breed. She tastes almost as sweet as my Nathaniel, but not quite. There’s too much wolf in her and I’ve never enjoyed that wet dog smell much. She’s still a delicious feed though. I’m only a casual blood drinker but I do have my favorites. I’ve started a lovely collection if you would like to sample some.” She tilted her head thoughtfully. “Is the half-human not working out? I could take him off your hands in exchange for a new baby, I suppose.”
“No,” Nathalie growled. “You won’t be going anywhere near him.”
“It was simply an offer.”
“What would it cost us for another fertility spell?”
Lila studied her with an amused expression. “Your wording is curious.”
Nathalie paled. “I’m speaking for my sire.”
“No doubt.” She leaned forward and plucked a round red fruit Nathalie didn’t recognize from a platter between them. “Would you like to be the one to carry his child?”
“That isn’t my place.”
“And that’s not a no.” Lila bit into the fruit and chewed thoughtfully. “You’re very pale, even for a vampire. You must be feeling absolutely dreadful, poor thing.” She wiped a stray drip of juice from the corner of her lips. “Would you like a taste?” LIla offered the fruit to her, more juice running from the bite indent down to her fingers.
Nathalie ignored the steady pounding in her head. The sweet smell on the air was making her stomach roil. “I don’t eat.”
“Ah, yes, I suppose not,” she shrugged and brought it back up for another bite. “I forget there’s a difference between vampires sometimes. You turned lot sure get the short end of the stick.” She took one more bite and then let the fruit roll off her hand. It dropped heavily to the floor and bounced once before rolling across the rug. “My price,” she mused, pursing her lips in humor.
“You know the Agreste family is very wealthy,” Nathalie reminded her as a thin tendril of hope worked its way into her system.
Lila quirked an eyebrow. “So am I, gorgeous, but I do always have need of more pretty things.” She studied her nails. “What do you think would happen to the princess if you’re the one who carries his child, hmm?”
Nathalie felt her chest tighten. “That’s not why I’m here.”
“Oh, I know. You’re very duty-bound and it’s all quite honorable but honestly a bit boring. And I don’t do boring,” she pouted.
Nathalie opened her mouth to speak and then she was coughing, blood splattering her hand as she brought it up to cover her mouth. 
“That’s not a good sign. You’ll start convulsing soon and I rather like the upholstery on that couch,” Lila sighed. “It is nice to see that my bonds hold up well though.”
Nathalie felt warm tears stinging her eyes as she hacked up more blood. She wiped at her eyes and the wetness on her fingers was a deep red. 
Lila gave her a taunting pitiful look as she rose from the couch and closed the distance between them. Nathalie tried to pull away as the elf reached two fingers towards her forehead and then her world was nothing but darkness.
Nathalie blinked slowly and her eyelids felt heavy. She was too warm on her left side but when she tried to move, she found herself being held in place. The room was mostly dark except for a familiar lamp she could just make out on the dresser across the room. Madeline had found it in a shop when she was pregnant and insisted she needed it even though the display wasn’t for sale. Nathalie had written far too large a check for it and Madeline had happily taken it home to put in her bedroom. 
Madeline...that couldn’t be right. Madeline was dead, wasn’t she? Was she dead now too?
“You’re okay,” Gabriel whispered. “You’re home.” 
Nathalie realized it was an arm holding her in place and she turned her head enough to the right to see her sire watching her with a blank expression.
“She’s awake?” The warm presence on her left stirred and she felt Adele press a kiss to the back of her head. “We’ve been so worried.” She kept her voice soft and Nathalie appreciated the gesture. Her head felt three sizes too big.
She tried to lick her lips and realized she was thirstier than she could ever remember being. Gabriel pulled away from her and reached for the phone on the nightstand. She heard him ordering fresh blood from the kitchen and felt herself sink lower into the bed to wait. “What...” Her voice was thready and weak and she couldn’t bring herself to finish her question.
“Oh, Nathalie, we were so scared,” Adele murmured, kissing her temple. “When Lila brought you here, I thought you were dead. I’ve been beside myself and--”
“Adele,” Gabriel chided gently. “Let’s not excite her just yet.”
Nathalie met his eyes in question and he gave her a short nod. “Lila provided us with two fertility potions that can be taken within a year of each other.”
“Or we can each take one at the same time,” Adele interjected hopefully. “She did say we could both take one, Gabriel.”
“I know that, Adele.” His expression smoothed out into something unreadable.
“Cost?” Nathalie rasped, feeling worry gnaw at her.
“She said to consider them a gift.”
Nathalie didn’t have the energy to point out that the Fae never gave gifts without poisoned strings attached. 
Just for Tonight
Before Just for Tonight drabbles
Buy me a cherry coke?
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forgedobsidian · 6 years
A MHA fanfiction. Chapter 16 of 20.
Chapter 1     Chapter 2     Chapter 3    Chapter 4    Chapter 5     Chapter 6
Chapter 7     Chapter 8     Chapter 9     Chapter 10     Chapter 11
Chapter 12   Chapter 13   Chapter 14    Chapter 15
Summary: Izuku has been kidnapped by All For One, for reasons the young boy doesn’t understand. He is forced to stay at a rundown facility, surrounded by villains and, for all he knows, completely without help. In-between his attempts to escape or learn why he has been stolen, the young boy spends his time with a near-comatose man who seems strangely familiar.
Trigger Warnings for: kidnapping, body horror, medical torture, needles, and pain
Naomasa sat in the waiting room, elbows resting on his legs and his hands hanging between his knees.
It’d been hours since Kuznetsov and Ricci had told him the news. The two officers were still standing guard over the Midoriyas, who had been moved to a hospital room. At some point they’d taken fingerprints from the other individual brought in with the boy, and the station had been able to verify what the Midoriya boy claimed.
It was him.
Naomasa shivered and tried to keep from tearing his hair out. The waiting room was just on the edge of cold, and it made him tense. He wanted his coat.
A long-cold vending machine coffee sat on the table in front of him. He’d taken a few sips, but had felt nauseous afterwards. He hadn’t touched it since.
The chief at the station had been briefed on the situation, and had ordered Naomasa to stay at the hospital instead of going out with the search team. The detective couldn’t really remember the conversation, but he did remember the phrase ‘emotionally compromised.’
Naomasa cursed under his breath and ran his fingers through his hair. Something caught in his throat and he had to hold back tears. Everything felt fuzzy and distant, and it took him a while to register the footsteps making their way through the room.
He looked up and saw a woman with a doctor’s ID card clipped to the lapel of her pink scrubs. Her dark hair was cut short and curled around her ears. He couldn’t see her eyes - they were hidden behind a remarkably thick pair of sunglasses. Still, he could tell by the slump in her shoulders and the faint shuffle of her steps that she was exhausted.
“Are you Naomasa Tsukauchi?” she asked, her voice tired.
He nodded, not quite trusting himself to speak.
“Good.” She looked around the otherwise empty waiting room. “You’re on the emergency contact list. We haven’t managed to reach the others yet. Sorry for the wait. I needed a clean pair of scrubs,” she said, rubbing the side of her jaw as she sat down in the chair next to his. She leaned forward and rested her elbows on her knees. “I’m doctor Eiko Mori. I’m Mr. Yagi’s surgeon.”
“H-” His throat closed and he coughed into his shoulder. “How . . .”
“He’s stable for now. We have him on fluids and a blood transfusion regimen.”
Something relaxed in Naomasa’s chest, and he felt the imaginary vice around his throat loosen. The sudden lack of tension nearly brought tears to his eyes. He rubbed the bridge of his nose and tried to regulate his breathing. “S-so he’s going to be okay?”
Mori took a deep breath. “I’m going to be honest. The state we found him in, combined with what I’m guessing are at least months, if not years, of severe neglect of previous injuries makes things . . . complicated.”
The world started to tilt a bit. “Complicated.” His voice sounded dead, even to his ears.
“Very.” Mori reached up and tapped the edge of her sunglasses. “I got some x-rays, and there’s a lot of internal damage that was handled poorly, to say the least. A blood panel revealed a nasty variety of drugs, mostly sedatives and addictive compounds that should never be mixed.” She shook her head and rubbed her temple. “He was in a bad way, and still is.”
Naomasa felt a weight settle on his chest. “What are . . . will he-”
“His chances of surviving to tomorrow are slim, and if he does wake up, there’s a possibility of brain damage.”
“Damage.” Everything was starting to crumble again, in a sickening echo of four years ago. Naomasa felt his heart stutter painfully in his chest.
Mori sighed. “He was delirious with blood loss, and we won’t be able to tell what the lack of oxygen did until he wakes up.”
“I - okay. Okay. What -” What do I do?
There was an odd wheezing sound.
“Breathe, detective.”
Naomasa forced himself to exhale and drag in a thin breath of air. He felt Mori’s hand on his shoulder. He swallowed and tried to relax.
“I’ll do everything I can, alright? He’s in good hands.”
He looked up at Mori, his face twisting. “I . . . can I see him?”
The doctor blinked. “Yes, you could. You’d just have to be quiet.”
“Of course.”
She gave him directions to Toshinori’s room, and then left him in peace. Naomasa took a deep breath, threw away his old coffee, and left the waiting room. The hallways seemed unnaturally empty, and he was thankful for that. He paused before walking into Toshinori’s room, hand resting on the doorknob. His fingers were shaking. He shook his head, took a deep breath, and turned the knob.
Naomasa walked into the hospital room, his footsteps quiet. The air felt frozen and slow, moving like sludge around his head. He swallowed and, without looking at the bed and the patient lying on it, closed the door behind him, cutting off the shallow noise from the hallway. Then, gut clenching with something panicked, he looked at the bed.
His first thought was: There’s no way that’s him.
The man was emaciated, the knobs of his skeleton pushing up against his skin and leaving smears of white with the pressure. A blanket was tucked under the thin body, leaving his arms and head open to the air. Even asleep, Naomasa could tell that his eyes were sunken. Painful-looking implants dotted his arms, and there was an odd bulge under the blanket on the left side of his body.
Then: it’s him. That’s Toshinori.
The mane of blond hair was gone, shaved down to Toshinori’s scalp, but it was still there, wiped clean by the nursing staff. His cheekbones were more prominent, but still held a familiar slant shifted and broken from his hero work. And as Naomasa moved closer, he could see Toshinori’s hands, long-fingered and broad, still coated in small, silvery scars.
His knees nearly gave out as he walked to the edge of the bed, resting his hands on the bumper. There was a nasal cannula running around Toshinori’s face, and an IV of clear fluid was running to his elbow. Another one, a blood transfusion, trailed out from underneath Toshinori’s shoulder. The blanket was stretched tight over his body, highlighting the sharpness of Toshinori’s hips and the heat packs tucked under his torso.
If it hadn’t been for the heart monitor and the faint rise and fall of Toshinori’s chest, he could have been mistaken as dead.
Naomasa opened his mouth, trying to speak, but all that came out was a strained breath. He pulled a chair close to Toshinori’s head, sitting down with a swallowed cry. He leaned forward and held his head in his hands, something crawling up his throat.
He’d searched for months, convinced that just a little more time and he’d find his friend, one way or another. He hadn’t, and Toshinori had paid for his failure with his blood and bone.
He reached out and ran his fingertips along Toshinori’s forearm, flinching at the faint chill, feeling the ridges where the arm had broken in the past. Small needle scars guided his hand directly to an implant, set into Toshinori’s skin.
“Toshinori,” he whispered, his voice breaking. “I’m so sorry.” He lifted Toshinori’s knuckles to his mouth and pressed a kiss to the side of his gnarled hand. “I’m so sorry. But I’m here now, okay? S-so, you just rest. I’ll be here. I’m here.”
Izuku woke up slowly, enjoying the feel of the warm blankets and sheets. It was the first time he’d slept well in months, and he wasn’t willing to get out of bed just yet.
He could dimly remember his mother carrying him to a hospital room, and helping him shower and change into some clean clothes. At some point a nurse had put a hospital bracelet around his wrist.
Shifting under the blankets, Izuku turned, sat up, and looked around the room. Wide windows were to the right of the hospital bed, sunlight filtering through the glass and catching small dust motes in the air. A fluffy chair-and-a-half was nested in the corner, a familiar jacket folded up on the arm rest. Izuku sighed and brought his knees to his chin, enjoying the feeling of the soft sheets rubbing against his legs.
He felt warm. There was no mistaking this place for his cell. The windows were bright, the antiseptic smell was partially covered by the vase of flowers on a nearby table, and the air was comforting instead of cold.
“Oh, Izuku! You’re awake!”
He yelped and spun around in the bed, tangling the sheets. He saw his mother step out of a previously unnoticed room (Probably the bathroom, the analytical portion of his mind supplied) and she hustled to his side, reaching out to take his hand.
“How’re you feeling?”
He squeezed her hand and smiled. “A lot better!” He stretched his free hand toward the ceiling. “I feel super good, Mom.” There was still an ache in his muscles, and his forehead was starting to itch under the bandaid, but it was a wide gap away from where he’d been last night.
“Did you sleep okay?” Inko pulled the blankets back up over his knees. “I know these hospital beds can be uncomfortable. Oh! And I can call down for some breakfast, if you’re hungry.”
“Mom, it’s okay,” he said, smiling and patting the bed next to him. “I don’t really want to do much right now.”
“Oh, I see.” Inko perched herself on the edge of the bed, but scooted back and let her feet swing at Izuku’s look. Then, after a quick look, she pulled him into a one-armed hug.
Izuku looked up at his mother, feeling her hand gently ruffling his curls. “What is it, Mom?”
Inko gave a happy, tired grin. “I’m just . . . You need a haircut, sweetheart.”
Izuku rubbed at his bare chin. “I need a shave, too. My beard it out of control.”
His mom laughed and hugged his shoulders. Izuku smiled and let out a breathy laugh into her arms.
It felt a bit unreal. She was here, and he was safe and healing, and he felt warm and full even though he hadn’t eaten much, and for a scary moment he wondered if he was dreaming. Then his mother gently brushed back his bangs and pressed a kiss to his forehead.
They both flinched when the door opened, but Izuku relaxed when he saw the same nurse as last night. Nurse Umō was looking happy, her purple feathers twitching when she smiled at the pair on the bed.
“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to surprise the two of you!”
Inko shook her hands. “Oh, no, please! It’s fine. I don’t think either of us were expecting you this soon.”
“Well, I didn’t want to keep you two waiting.” She smiled and her feathers shivered on the back of her neck. “How’re you feeling, Izuku?”
“Fine. Better, actually.” He grinned. “A lot better!”
“That’s fantastic. I’m glad to hear it,” Nurse Umō smiled and sat down in a chair next to Izuku’s bedside,“Well, I have some good news for you.” There was a thin file held under her arm, and she pulled it out. “All of your labs came back, Izuku, and what they gave you won’t hurt you at all.”
Iuku felt his mom let out a relieved sigh.
“In fact, everything will cycle out of your body within the next two weeks,” she said, placing the file on a nearby table.
“That’s wonderful news, Nurse Umō,” Inko said, squeezing Izuku’s shoulder. “How soon can he come home?”
Umō gave a small smile, the feathers at the crown of her head shifting. “Well, we want you to stay for a few more days. There are still some tests we need to run, and it would be best to stay in a place where doctors are nearby, just in case. And I don’t know what the police will want to do, either. We’ll just have to see how they feel about things.”
Izuku nodded, and he felt his curls flop into his eyes. “That’s . . . okay, I guess. I mean, I understand.”
His mother pressed a kiss to his temple.
Izuku leaned into her one-sided hug. “Um, I . . . can I ask how Mr. Yagi is?”
The nurse smiled. “Of course. He’s your friend, right?”
Izuku nodded.
“Well, he went through some surgery, and right now he’s resting and sleeping.”
“Can I visit him?”
Umō’s smile faltered. “Not right now. We’re going to wait until he wakes up, then you can probably visit him when he gets a bit stronger.”
“. . . okay. He’ll be okay, though, right?”
The nurse looked at her hands for a moment. “We’ll have to wait and see, but I think he’s going to be fine. He’s already doing better than we thought he would, though he’s still sleeping pretty deeply.”
Izuku gave a sigh. He’s okay. We’re okay.
Izuku felt his mother’s grip tighten on his shoulder. “Thank you, nurse,” she said. “Are the two police officers outside still?”
“Yes. I think they’ll be here until you’re discharged, at least.”
She gave a quick nod. “Thank you.”
Umō gave the file a final pat and left the room, carefully pulling the door nearly-closed behind her, leaving it open just a crack. Izuku saw the side of Officer Kuznetsov’s boots before they were hidden from view.
Inko pulled away. “Izuku, sweetie,” she turned to him, “I might run home really quickly. If we’re going to be staying here for a few days, you and I will need some things. And I should say hi to your father and fill him in. Is that okay with you?” Suddenly she looked very worried. “I’ll stay here if you want me too, though! Anything is fine!”
Izuku felt a smile grow across his face. It felt a bit unfamiliar, but he liked the feeling. “I’ll be okay, mom. I might just go back to sleep, honestly.” His brain caught up to her words, and he felt his thoughts stall. “Wait. Dad’s back? As in, back back?”
His mother gave him a searching look. “Yes, he’s home. He was here last night actually, when you first got to the hospital.”
“I don’t really remember seeing him,” Izuku said, frowning.
Inko rested her hands in her lap. “Is it okay that he’s back?”
Izuku hesitated. Maybe . . . “Yeah, I’m happy he’s back home.” It felt a bit like being happy that a complete stranger was staying in their apartment, but still.
“Alright, then.” Inko pressed a kiss to his forehead and squeezed his shoulder with a sturdy hand. Then she stood and stepped to the door, pausing to rest her hand on the doorknob. She gave him a long look, as though she was memorizing him as he was now. “I’ll bring him back with me if he wants to come. Would that be fine?”
“Yeah, sure.”
She gave him a halting smile, another look, and stepped out into the hallway. Izuku, without thinking, clasped his hands over his ears before he could hear the latch on the door click closed.
Hours earlier . . .
Sensei was angry.
Shigaraki stood in the corner of the room, fingers tense and straining at his sides as he resisted the urge to claw at his neck. Murata was sagging in the chair that had formerly held the th- All Might - his face pale as his hands shook.
Senesi’s hands were clasped tightly behind his back. “You’re telling me that you were outsmarted by a child and a man on his deathbed, Murata?”
“They surprised me.” He let out a weary sigh and rubbed at the lump on his forehead. “I’m sorry.”
“Hmm.” Sensei’s hands tightened. “I wonder, Masumi, if you understand just what exactly you have cost us.”
Murata flinched and rubbed a finger along the bottom of the bruise spreading across his forehead. “I - I’m sorry, Sensei.”
“Indeed.” There was something sticky in Sensei’s words that sent a twinge down Shigaraki’s throat. The helmet canted to the side, looking over Murata’s workplace.
Shigaraki hunched in on himself. He hadn’t told anyone that he’d run into Midoriya and All Might on their way to freedom, or that he’d let them go. He’d even waited a while before going to Sensei and sounding the alarm that the two had escaped. He felt strange, guilty for a variety of different things but also . . . strangely content.
He gave a little jump when Sensei lurched forward, his arm nearly bulging through the simple suit as he augmented his arm with a strength quirk. His hand fastened around Murata’s throat and lifted the doctor into the air.
“If you fail me again, Masumi, I’ll kill you and leave you as practice for my noumu.”
Murata gasped around the hand at his throat, feet swinging back and forth.
“We’re moving. I suggest you pack everything.” Sensei gave Murata a final squeeze and let the doctor drop bonelessly to the ground. “The authorities picked up the pair some time ago, and for now, they’re out of reach. I expect a search team to be here soon, and I don’t want to leave anything for them that’ll make it easier. Tomura, with me.”
Murata was coughing around the red marks on his neck, one hand hovering over his windpipe. Shigaraki spared him a glance and followed Sensei out into the hallway.
He was moving stiffly, hands clenched behind his back, arm shrunk back down to it’s normal size. “We’ll need Kurogiri with us. I’d rather not tip my hand too much.”
“Sensei?” Shigaraki winced at the waver in his voice.
“Yes, Tomura.”
“Where are we going?”
Sensei’s voice was tight with anger. “Before we set up elsewhere, we need to . . . ah, arrange a meeting with the Eight Precepts.”
Author’s Note:  Me, posting this chapter: “Gee, I sure hope that Toshi and Naomasa get a proper reunion soon.”
So, fun fact: Murata was originally supposed to die, but he kinda grew on me?? Like a bad case of athlete’s foot or something. And it seems like a lot of people really enjoy him as a character! I decided that I could do a lot more with him in the future, so he gets to stick around a bit longer.
Sorry for taking so long to get this chapter out ^^’ Real life happened (nothing bad!! Just regular business). Thank you all for your patience!!
ALSO!! @all-tight made some awesome art that left me on the floor screaming when I first saw it. Thank you!! And @raven-dreaming has been uploading super amazing drawings, too (1 2 3 4) You’re both super sweet ^^
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A city of wind
Title: A city of wind
Ship: Sam Winchester/Dean Winchester
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Mentions of rape/non-con, graphic sexual scenes, mild bondage, dom/sub dynamics, stockholm syndrome, physical abuse, graphic injuries, mentions eating disorders
Tags: dom/sub dynamics, ownership, strange sex positions
Summary: Sam meets Dean the powerful Mafia boss of Chicago.
Word Count: 4682
Created for: @spnkinkbingo and the Wincest Writing Challenge round 19
My partner was: @soaringthroughthesky
Prompt: Unusual Sex Positions/Threesome
Dean is a powerful mafia boss. Everyone in the city of Chicago fears him. He has been looking for a toy to keep at home. Someone for him to spoil and take care of. He sent out 2 of his men to find him a man with specific qualities. He wanted a tall man with dark hair and light eyes, younger than him, to be submissive... so submissive. They think they found one, Sam Wesson. Deans pov I looked down at the picture on my desk, he was what I wanted. Tall, thin, pretty, gay, comes from a fucked up life, never had more than 10 bucks to his name, and his job is a security guard for a jewelry store that sells fake diamonds. I should know, after a simple task of killing the owner's wife I wanted to be paid in diamonds. What I got were cheap crystals. Let's just say I let him off easy. I looked up at the two men in the room, and when I met their gaze, they looked down with respect. "Boys, berry, and Ryan. Please go get sam Wesson, don't scare the kid he will need to be drugged, and no harm should come to him if he shows up with so much as a scratch you both will be punished." They nodded in unison and Ryan spoke slowly. "What drug can we use?" I rolled my eyes and kinda laughed. "Just a mild sedative." Both men left, and I sat behind my desk and began to wait for my boy to show up. ~~~~~~~~~~~~time skip 4 hours~~~~~~~~~~~ I hear shuffling and then the sound of my office door opening. And then my boy was dumped onto the floor obviously unconscious. I looked down happily and then up to my men. "Fantastic job boys. The man at the steakhouse owes me one go get yourself a nice dinner." They both smiled and said a quick thank you and left. I looked at the man on the floor. And walked over to him and picked him up. He was surprisingly light. I walked him out of the office and into my bedroom. I laid him on the bed and pulled off his shirt and jeans. He was fat to skinny, his ribs showed, and he looked too pale. He was very poor before this. I dressed him in one of my shirts and then one of my sweats to make sure he was comfortable.he shifted in his sleep on cuddled up to a pillow and moaned and smiled smelling it. I stripped out of my silk suit and laid down next him and wrapped my arms around him. This is what I want. He snuggled into my arms and chest, and I smiled and leaned down and kissed the top of his head before drifting off to sleep myself. I woke up around 3 am and looked down to see my boy still fast asleep, the dose of sedative was small, but due to him being extremely underweight it probably packed more of a punch. I tried to move out of his grasp but a loud whimper escaped his mouth as he tried to cling to me, I watched as his eyes slowly opened and he groaned. He looked around the large, dark bedroom suddenly becoming panicked. He stood up but fell to the floor and pushed himself into a corner. He looked up at met my gaze. "Y-you're Mr.s-s-smith... I'm really sorry sir for whatever I did, I-i amp-poor I have nothing you would we want." He said as his eyes welled up. And his stomach growled. I sighed knowing this was going to happen. "Sam, my name is dean. I know what you have probably heard about me, and I want you to know all the murders, the robberies, the gangs in Chicago are all controlled by me. I'm not mad at you or want anything from you. I've had my men watch you for a while. I learned about you, you live off of food stamps, but they forgot to give you more, you live in a shitty little apartment that the rent is 5 months overdue, you obviously don't have enough money to eat, and you're gay, and your whole family is dead. I also learned that you really like me, Sammy, baby boy, I think you're the prettiest boy ever, and I want you to be mine. With me, you will never go hungry again never have to work again, say you're my boy, and anything you want is yours. I know it's a lot to take in and you may have your own room if you like but-" I was cut off by him practically throwing himself into my arms and clinging to me. He let out a loud sob, and I held him tight. He had failed to notice the 4 guards in my room that started above us not caring about what was happening. I looked up at one and spoke softly to not disturb Sam. "Get the chef to make my boy some food, call the doctor on the oak street he needs medication, and get someone to his apartment to get all of his things out." The guard nodded and walked out of my room ready to take care of everything. "Mr.s-Smith I'm s-sorry I am not respectful. I-I have an anxiety c-condition a-and I ran out of my m-medication a-and I need someone to hold onto r-right n-now." I pulled him up into my chest and smoothed his ruffled hair as he let go and just cried utterly overwhelmed. "Sam you're my boy now okay? I'm going to take good care of you. I want you to tell me when something is wrong and let it out, I'm going to spoil you and make sure you're well fed. And no more Mr. Smith. You can call me whatever you want baby boy, whatever you want." He nodded his head and sniffled as he calmed himself down. "Dean... c-can I call you d-daddy?" I felt my heart swell and knew this is what he wanted. "Sure thing baby boy, sure thing." He looked up when I said yes and smiled a small, lopsided smile. The chef knocked on the door and walked in carrying a tray of bacon, eggs, French toast, and syrup. Sam slowly pulled away from me and sat back up on my bed. I took the plate of food and waved the chef off. I walked the tray over to Sam and sat it down next to him, and his eyes widened in surprise. "I....I-is this a-all form-me?" He asked as his voice shook. I nodded and smiled once he began to eat quickly. Obviously starved. He finished everything in the tray and leaned back on the bed sighing happily. He yawned and crawled over to me and curled up in my lap. This boy is my life now. He soon fell asleep, and I called the doctor in who did some necessary tests. He told me he suffers from other mental illness he handed me his file and left me with his anxiety medication and some mild sleeping pills. I read through the file slowly and kept him sleeping in my arms. 4 failed suicide attempts. Self-harm scars on thighs wrists and stomach. Recovered anorexic. Co-dependent disorder. Separation anxiety. Severe trust issues. My poor baby boy. I thought to myself as he cuddled my chest. I laid down again and pulled the blankets up around us and held him close to my body as he slept.  He is so broken. But he seems to be warming up to me. This will be good; however, tomorrow I have to go kill a guy. It's personal. He beat my new boy up in an alley just 3 days ago. Pretty bad too, my boy didn't even fight back he just took it. He groaned in his sleep and pulled himself further into my arms. I protectively held him and fell back to sleep. When I woke up, it was because my boy was trying to quietly slip out of bed. I looked at him, and he looked at me. "What's wrong baby boy? Do you need something?" He shook his head and looked down at his feet. "W-where is the b-bathroom?" He said while his face turned a bright red. I chuckled and stood and kissed his cheek. I showed him the door, and he thanked me walked in and then walking back out 4 minutes later. He shuffled over to me and kissed my cheek. "Thank you, dean." I smiled and ran a hand through this hair. "No problem baby." I pulled him into a hug but abruptly stopped when he meat out a scream of pain.  I let go and looked at him. His eyes filled with tears again. I gingerly pulled him into a hug and heard one of my guards leave again to fetch a doctor. I slowly peeled his shirt off and gasped at the sight of black and blue ribs. I ran my fingers over the marks, and I grimaced when I felt broken ribs. "Who did this to you." I said my voice deadly and cold. "I ummm, ummm d-dean I-I'm sorry." I pulled my hands away from his body and looked directly into his eyes. "Who. Did. This." His eyes watered more. "M-my ex b-boyfriend. I-I'm sorry." I chuckled a deep laugh. He was going to die. "What is his name baby." I said a statement, not a question. "R-Ross." I ran the pass of my fingers over his ribs again and felt the breaks in his bones. "Why did he do this to you baby?" I asked my voice comforting and assertive. "H-he umm he s-said that I wasn't g-good enough and he d-drugged me, and I barely remember him stomping on m-my ribs." "Okay baby okay, I would never do anything like that to you. I have some anxiety medicine for you, and the doctor is coming to patch you up, and we will get you some pain medicine too. Does that sound good?" He nodded helplessly, and I picked him up. Walking him to my bed and placing him on the thick dark red blanket. He sprawled himself across the bed and groaned trying to find a comfortable position. The doctor walked back into the barely lit room. He now carried a black briefcase presumably full of drugs and other prescriptions. Sam was in a space between sleep and wakefulness. I pulled the doctor aside. "No sedatives, just do what you need to do with his ribs and a mild painkiller would be nice." I spoke my voice void of any emotion. A voice I would never use on sam. He walked to Sam and gently spoke directions at him. Sam obliged quickly and obediently. He sat up wincing as he did so and then pulled his shirt completely off. His beautiful body exposed. His chest was littered with small circular scars that resembled a cigarette, and now his perfect ribs covered in an ugly black and blue bruise. The doctor felt his ribs with gentle hands and then walked back to me. "I'm going to tape his ribs. Make sure he gets plenty of rest and takes these painkillers. Now he can take them on an empty stomach, and he has to take them 2 times a day. He will make a full recovery Mr.smith." I nodded not allowing any of my relief show on my face. Instead, I walked over to Sam and sat on the bed near him. "Hey baby, this doctor is going to tape your ribs up okay? It's going to hurt a little, but I'll be right here." I spoke in a soft voice. Sam nodded and reached out a tentative hand. "Hold my hand?" I pulled his hand to my face and kissed his knuckles. The doctor was fast and productive with his work. Sam squeezed my hand through the whole time. The doctor left in haste and Sam sighed. I pulled the drapes apart to let the early light through the window. The room now lit up made Sam shiver, and I could see why. The walls were a deep red that matched the bed sheets. On one wall a picture of my mother hung, and on the other, an armada of weapons stood on display, my personal favorites were there. Then on the wall with a window picture after picture of people who have helped me stood, proud. A constant reminder that I got here with help. Sam's eyes darted to the four guards. Each easily over 6 2' and easily over two hundred pounds. They all wore the usual expressionless faces. They all had open carry pistols on thigh holsters, and each was holding a rifle in their hands. All were dressed in black suits as well. It was quite a scene. Sam squeaked and whimpered at the sight of it all. I waved my hand in the direction of the guards, and they all left. Each leaving through the white French doors with gold handles. They all stood on the other side ready for an intruder. Sam I looked around the now empty room. I now got to look at Dean, I don't remember much of last night only that I had been taken from my cold apartment and dropped into the waiting arms of a handsome man. I'm not sure what I'd said, however, all I know is that I was being held by dean. I looked at him now, green eyes and pretty freckles. He kept an alpha like stance. Did I mention I was not only dirt fucking poor but also flaming gay? Yeah, that too. I can take a lot I've been raped around 7 times within the past few months. All men. Dean didn't seem like he would do that though. I hadn't noticed the tears that streaked down my face until dean was wiping the tears off my face with the pads of his fingers. "Shhh, Sam," Dean said while pulling my head to his chest and petting my hair and massaging the scalp. My anxiety was a bitch. It always made me feel like I was helpless. But right now I wanted to do was cling to the attractive alpha who was holding me. "Dean, dean I wanna talk," I said through the shake in my voice. He stopped hugging me and. Dropped to sit next to me on the bed. He slid an arm around my shoulders and pulled me into his lap. "Yes, baby?" He asked quietly in my ear. "Keep me safe," I said so low I was surprised he heard it. He suddenly jumped up, walking to stand in front of me and pulling his sleeve up to reveal a gold cuff with an M carved into it. "Anyone who is part of my family wears one of these. Anyone outside of my family knows not to touch anyone with these. When I'm with you-you are always safe. You're mine." I reached out and ran my fingers of the warm metal on his bicep. Freckles were even littered down to his elbow. It was a thick band with a lock on the back that I presumed dean had a key too. "I have one for you, with an M on it. Anyone who sees it knows you're a direct belonging to me. This way you can go anywhere, and none will hurt you. Ever." He spoke before clipping a gold band onto my arm and locking it with a key that was hung over his neck. "I'm yours now. Really. Owned. DeanI said while looking at the band. A possessive growl escaped dean. "My fucking boy. Fucking mine. No one else's." He said with a hiss. There is something oddly reassuring about someone being so possessive over you. He ran his fingers over my ribs once again, his face twisting in anger. "I have to tell you something Dean," I said while looking at the ground. "Yes," Dean said while placing a hand on my own clasped ones. "I've... I've been raped. 7 times in the last month. Alleyways, my apartment, and even my job. I tried to fight them off. I did alpha." I said while more tears streamed down my face. Dean stifled an angry yell but pushed his forehead against mine and nodded. Understanding me. "That doesn't change a thing sam, you're mine. What happened to you wasn't your fault, I want you here anyway. I need you here Sam." I nestled myself into his chest, not wanting to be anywhere else. I breathed in, he smelled like spices and whiskey and a scent of something that was sweet. Like perfume, but not, it was just him. I quickly realized that he was shirtless. His perfect abs and beautiful body pressed against my own gross one. How could he possibly be attracted to me? Ever. I'm boney, and he's muscled. He has a beautiful face and mine is sharp in all the wrong places. Yet he still holds me in his arms like I am everything. I rested my cheek against his muscles chest and sighed happily. "Sam" Dean spoke. "Dean," I responded in a half daze. "We need to go over rules while you will be living with me. There just here to keep you safe, and for you to feel protected. Not in any way for me to hurt you. Okay?" Dean mumbled while resting his chin on the top of my head. "What are they?" I asked while closing my eyes slightly. The warmth and safety I was feeling just by being in the presence of dean made me happily sleepy. My arms hung lazily around deans muscled middle and my leg as were splayed around his hips. My half hard length resting against his lower belly. And my head rested against his chest. Deans arms, however, were possessively wrapped around my bare back. "Okay baby. The first and most important rule is to tell me when you feel sad or upset, tell me how you feel when I ask baby boy. The second rule is to tell me when you want to go anywhere and if you want me to go with, and don't lie I wanna make you happy. The third rule is that you remain loyal to me, and only me and when you are ready we will mate, and you will become mine. Those are the only rules sweetheart." Dean spoke in a whiskey-smooth voice while running his fingers through my hair. "Yes dear," I spoke, "I will follow those rules." I settled into dean's arms when suddenly I felt a familiar pain in my lower stomach. Oh god, I guess that after months of being alone I wanted someone. Now. I wanted dean, I knew we wanted me too. I couldn't bring myself to care at this moment because of how safe I felt. But within moments the pain began to hit me like a truck. And I let a long pornographic moan slip from my lips. Dean responded immediately. Deans cock was high and hard within seconds, but he remained still not wanting to do anything until I let him. "Sam-omega..fucken hell. Do you want me to mate you? My gorgeous, beautiful boy." Dean moaned while aggressively nuzzling my hair. My mind was foggy now, just the mere scent of a dean gave me a high, and sitting on his rigid cock pushed me close to the edge. "Dean- I I need you. I want you deep inside me... please I need you, I need this." I said before another embarrassingly loud. Moan. Fuck I wanted him. I wanted him bad. "Sam... ugh sam. Do you really want this?" Dean struggled to faint eh composure to speak. "Yes. Fuck dean. Yes!" I moaned. And ground down on his lap. This feeling was overwhelming. I had never felt like this. Never felt pure want, never felt pure lust. I guess it was because of dean, anyone who saw the man would feel the same. "I have rules when it comes to fucking," Dean spoke while dragging a heavy hand over my thighs. "Yes. What?" I said impatiently while rubbing on his lap. "If you're okay with it. I love tying my bitches down. I love getting you down. To The point where you're mine. And that's it. Remember this area is safe, no one will do anything you don't want. This is all for you. For you to feel good. For you to feel better. I want you to feel fucking safe." Dean finished while rubbing my thighs. "Just get fucking started," I said while looking wantonly into dean's lap. Deans pov I let a growl escape my mouth as I pulled sam over to the next room. I held him bridal style and walked him to the equally large room. This room was my favorite. The room was a deep red similar to my bedroom. On the walls were elegant red curtains and maroon carpets, then there were the toys, the walls were lined with dildos of all sizes. Plastic, silicone, glass, crystal, and even some casts of my cock. Then there was the furniture. If you can even call it that. Cages, couches and a stretcher with leather straps on it. And my personal favorite the fucking bench. It was black leather with straps and had armrests in the front and knee pads as well. But seeing that Sam was pretty new to this, I'm going to keep it simple. But, I know this boy can bend, he's flexible, stunning and everything I've wanted in a bitch. He's hurt I know that, broken ribs and a broken mind. Which is why I've decided to neglect my toys and fun furniture. "Get over here," I said as Sam stood and looked around at the toys in awe. He trotted over to me and practically jumped into my open arms and wrapped his legs around my waist. I dropped him on the bed in the corner. Yes, I don't fuck on my bed, cuddling is fine but fucking a bitch on my bed just doesn't seem sanitary. I care about this one a lot. I want to keep him, and he's never going back to that dark ass hole he called a life. This bed was different, it was stirrups hanging from the ceiling that sam could put his feet into if he wanted. But today I'm thinking of gently stretching him. I want to have him in my lap, but his legs up in the stirrups and his face against my chest. Yeah, I got a bit of a kink for difficult positions. I pulled sams sweats off and his shirt off revealing his taped ribs and thin stature. I pulled my sleep pant off as well as my briefs. I looked at Sam who had the most dilated pupils I have ever seen. He looked at me the way a dog would look at a treat, the way a prisoner would look if he thought of freedom. He looked at me like he wanted me. "Off," I said while lightly tugging on his boxers. He eagerly pulled them off revealing his large leaking cock. He turned 6 shades of red when he saw me staring hungrily at his body. "What?" he said with a small giggle as he tried to use his hands to cover his dick. "you're stunning." I breathed out before grabbing sam and tossing him effortlessly onto the bed. I walked to him and stroked my dick with one hand while I did the same to him. He moaned gorgeously and spread his legs wider. I tugged the stirrups down from the ceiling and looked into sams still heavily lidded eyes. "You put your legs in here. And then you face me and hold onto my shoulders. Your safe word is Impala. Understand?" I instructed while he nodded eagerly. Sam put his feet in the stirrups and sat on my lap, I groaned at his weight on my already throbbing cock. His rested his head on my shoulder and held my shoulders like he had done this a million times. "You want me to prep you or do you want the pain?" I asked while nuzzling into his neck. "Pain," he responded while trying to move his hips on my lap. I moaned and pulled a condom onto my cock and slid in. He let out a hiss of pain, but it soon turned into a moan. His legs on either side of me high in the air with his arms wrapped tightly around me I almost burst looking at him all spread out like this for me. I was on my knees as I started to thrust slowly into his tight hot sex. I started slowly as Sam kept trying to move his legs. "Don't try to move your legs. That's the point of them." I said while looking at his stunning flushed face. I thrust in again deeper this time, and a long moan from sam filled the air. I moved back and groaned in ecstasy at the pure pleasure I was getting. The dark lights in the room complemented his stunning face and body. I moved again then again and began to get a rhythm. I moved back and forth bouncing on my knees. Sam gripped my shoulders harder and drew blood with his blunt nails causing a growl to fall from my lips. "So fucking hot Sam," I whispered into his ear as I continued to move in and out of his tight fluttering hole. "Faster. Faster dean. Fucking give it to me. I wanna feel full, I wanna be full of you, fuck me harder!" He cried out. That was one thing I did not expect from him, I knew he had a dark side but not a deep dark hot mouth like that. I obliged and began to move faster. In and out as his legs bumped up and down in the stirrups. His head pressed firmly against my chest. I continued to move and felt the pain in my lower stomach grow. I want to go to last. I reached in between our bodies and started to pull on his cock in long strokes, his eyes rolled back into his head. A long high pitched moan escaped him, and I did so, and this he clenched as he spurts long white ropes onto his own chest and mine. his hole fluttered as I thrust up and down with no rhythm now and felt him clench as hard as he could, I came hard. Harder than I ever have in my whole life. I saw stars as I moan and shoved my face further into his neck. I pulled out and removed his thin legs from the stirrups and smiled at how pretty he looked now, all fucked out and stunning. He laid on the bed with a smile on his face and his legs still spread wide. I pulled my condom off and painted into the now damp air. I picked his fragile body up[ off the bed. "Are you okay sam? Did I hurt you?" I asked mildly concerned I hurt him when I lost my control towards the end. "That's the best I've ever had." he laughed, and I smiled. "What'd you think about the stirrups?" I asked for a smalls mile. "Interesting, I think my knees are shot for the next few days though," he said with a smile while he pushed himself further into my chest. I chuckled lowly and held him tighter. "shower?" I asked. "Shower." Sam agreed -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- No one thought there could be a love story like Harley Quinn and joker in real life. That was until the city of Chicago met the boss' boy Sam. The most protected boy in the city. Deans pride and joy. His boy. Sam and Dean are the powerful mafia bosses of the city of Chicago. Everyone fears them. And no one dared mess with the baby of Dean Smith.
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linctavia · 7 years
What A Wicked Thing to Do (To Make Me Dream of You)
Post Season 4, Octavia Bunker fic (Linctavia/Niytavia)
The first time it happened Octavia barely had time to process. She opened her eyes to find him sitting at the foot of her bed. It was dark but she was able to make him out. She was able to see his eyes as they stared down at her, full of something she couldn’t place. As soon as her mind processed what was happening she lunged forward, her arms outstretched. She expected her hands to thud against his warm chest, expected arms to envelop her and everything to be whole again. But instead, Lincoln disappeared. No cloud of mist or puff of smoke. He was just gone. And Octavia woke up when her face smacked against the cold concrete floor. She didn’t register the pain. She propped herself up and frantically crawled across the floor and flipped on the lights. She desperately searched the room, her breaths shallow and fast and her eyes wide, like she was coming up for air after nearly drowning.
“Lincoln?” the words escaped her lips against her will, a desperate whisper in the quiet of the night. She knew it was foolish. She didn’t expect a response and she didn’t bother waiting for one as she crawled back into bed. She spent the rest of the night lying awake staring at the ceiling, silent tears rolling down her cheeks and her arms wrapped tight around herself.
The next time it happened was nearly the same. She opened her eyes to find him in the same spot. This time she hesitated, fighting every fiber of her body and soul that screamed to go to him. She sat up slowly her shaking hand reaching out. As she was about to make contact Lincoln turned away. She now had a full view of the side of his head. A full view of the bullet hole that dripped blood slowly onto her sheets.
This time she woke up and ran to the bathroom. She spent hours hugging the toilet as she heaved and wretched until long after her stomach was empty. When she returned to her bed the sheets were clean but she couldn’t bring herself to lie down in them. Instead she spent the rest of the night in the corner of her room with her knees hugged to her chest.
It happened over and over. He never spoke to her and if she ever reached out to him he disappeared completely. Eventually she gave up on sleeping. She would go days without rest, only giving in when she physically collapsed. Indra was concerned, tried to yell at her to sleep. Abby demanded she report to medical for a psych exam. She refused them all, promising she was fine. None of them would understand that her greatest love had become her greatest fear. She couldn’t explain that a torturer masked as the love of her life paraded around in her dreams every damn time she tried to close her eyes.
Eventually those who cared about her must have realized they needed to do something. Abby made a visit to her room. She tried to coax her down to medical using her best motherly voice. Octavia refused as always but she soon saw that this time no wasn’t an option. She saw Kane and Indra waiting in the hall, concern and hesitation painted on their faces. Then she noticed the syringe tucked in Abby’s sleeve. She knew it was laced with a sedative, or at least she thought it was. That thought was all that was necessary to drive her into a panic. She remembered the last time someone drugged her like that.
She rushed forward towards the door, shoving Abby hard enough to bring her down to the floor. Seeing Abby fall must have triggered an instinct in Kane because the next thing Octavia knew she was yelping in pain as a shock baton pressed against the flesh of her stomach. She fell backwards onto the floor and heard Indra yelling at Kane as she felt a needle press into her neck. Then everything went black.
Images danced in her head, twisting and turning. She was fairly sure she saw Lincoln’s face many times but the sedatives clouded her dreams, turning the whole experience into a jumbled nightmare.
When she woke up her head felt heavy and she struggled to sit up. She was vaguely aware of an IV in her arm but as she blinked in the light and looked around she noticed the familiar walls of her room. She was thankful she wasn’t in medical. She couldn’t imagine the spectacle that would occur if the commander was carried unconsciously through the halls of the bunker.
“You’re awake,” a gentle voice came from across the room. She turned her head expecting to see Abby but instead found the concerned eyes of Niylah staring down at her.
“How long was I out?” Octavia asked, her voice hoarse and weak.
“Not long enough. You were dangerously exhausted. And dehydrated and malnourished,” Niylah gestured to the steady drip that ran into her veins.
Octavia swung her feet to get out of bed but Niylah put a hand on her thigh.
“Not so fast, you need rest.”
“No,” Octavia tried to shake out of Niylah’s grasp but the weeks of neglecting her body must have caught up to her because she was easily pushed down by her gentle arms. She even felt her face grow red as Niylah pulled the blankets up to her chin.
“I’m sorry about the tranquilizer,” she said, genuine regret in her voice, “I told them it wasn’t a good idea. It was supposed to be a last resort.”
Octavia ignored her and rolled over onto her side trying to ignore the uncomfortable tug it caused in her arm. They sat in silence for a minute before Niylah spoke again.
“Abby told me your story. Some of it at least. Whatever it is-whoever it is that haunts you, it’s not real.”
“Shut up,” Octavia growled.
“I’m sorry I know it’s not my place. It just sounds like he loved you very much. He would never hurt you like this, even in a dream.”
“What are you implying?” normally Octavia wouldn’t bother with a response other than her traditional ‘shut up’ but something about Niylah made her want to listen.
“Well,” Niylah replied sitting down beside her, “I think maybe you need to love yourself as much as he did. It’s not him that haunts you, it’s you.”
“You don’t know me, just get away,” Octavia had done enough listening. She put her walls up again.
“Fine, I won’t speak to you. But I’m not leaving until you get some sleep.”
And Niylah was true to her word. She sat silently by Octavia’s side for hours, turning away everyone who knocked on her door. And when Octavia eventually did fall asleep Lincoln came to her again. But this time upon waking, Niylah was there. She talked to her in a soothing voice. She remained calm no matter how much Octavia shouted at her.
And this became the way they did things. Every night Niylah would be at Octavia’s side. She even began sleeping on the floor or in a chair next to her bed. And when Octavia woke she was there. It started with reassuring words but as they grew closer Octavia allowed more and more. First it was holding back her hair as she puked up her guts. And then it was rubbing her back, Then it was holding her in her arms.
Niylah did most of the talking, Octavia too stubborn to offer anything but the occasional snarl or whimper. But eventually the words slipped their way past Octavia’s defenses. She realized the truth in what seemed meaningless at first. Slowly but surely Niylah got through to her.
“Niylah,” Octavia called out one night as she entered the room.
“Yes?” she replied, a smile on her face as she looked at Octavia cross legged on the bed.
“You know, you don’t need to sleep on the floor.”
Niylah raised her eyebrows in surprise.
“It’s just, it has to be uncomfortable down there, that’s all,” Octavia stared down at her feet.
Niylah’s smile grew wider as she smiled and crossed the room to the bed. Octavia lied down and Niylah did the same. Their eyes met and for a brief second they were held there, neither of them breathing. Then the moment passed and Octavia rolled defensively onto her side.
It took Octavia longer than usual to fall asleep as she shoved herself as close to the edge of the small mattress as possible. When her eyes finally closed she was devastated to see Lincoln in her room once again. But it was different this time, he stood above her instead of at the end of her bed. He looked down and his eyes were dark and warm. He turned slightly to glance at Niylah sleeping behind her and Octavia noticed his head was perfectly intact. He then crouched down so their eyes were level. And then he smiled and for the first time Octavia remembered what her lover had truly looked like. She realized the ghost that haunted her for months on end looked nothing like him at all. Not really. She parted her lips to call out but before she could speak he rose from the floor. He leaned forward, giving her one last glance before pressing his lips to her forehead.
Octavia woke up with warm tears on her cheeks. The usual panic was absent. She felt a calm she hadn’t felt in ages.
“Thank you,” she whispered into the dark.
“Mmmm, what was that? Another nightmare?” Niylah stirred by her side.
“No,” Octavia murmured, “I’m alright.”
And then she pulled Niylah’s arm over her, wriggling into her warmth. Niylah sleepily muttered in confusion but Octavia hushed her. She laid in the silence, encompassed by Niylah’s arms. She closed her eyes and for the first time in a long while Octavia really and truly slept.
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Triple f day [flashpoint fanfiction friday]
(In a heartbeat)
Part 4 (Extra caffeine)
Staring sam and jules featuring the team
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Ps I am just a fan and found most of this medical info on google and made up/exaggerated some of it for the story.
Greg : pov I went to the coffee shop before work and got everyone coffee. Sam wanted a mocha one, ed likes a dark roast, wordy like regular coffee, and spike likes medium roast, jules loves the double double cream no sugar but since her injury she is only allowed to drink decaf so that is what I got her the guy was in a rush.
Jules : pov the coffee tasted so good it was definitely not decaf. I told Sam and after 5 minutes he was super nice and let me finish it. I bet he called dr scott before he said yes. The day was coming along great no hot calls. So we worked out, did some restocking and repelling which was fun. I had a headache so a member from team 3 handed me some Excedrin migraine relief. We also did some close quarter combat training and sparring 30 minutes later and I had to pee. Sam followed me saying he was concerned because my heart rate was elevated. I told him maybe the coffee did it.
Greg : pov sam phone was beeping and he said it was because jules's heart rate was elevated he followed her to the bathroom to make sure she was okay 5 minutes later and we heard a commotion over our coms/mics. Sounds like something is very wrong with jules. Me and the rest of the team ran over as fast as we could.
Sam : pov. After Jules peed she said she feels funny. I manage to catch her before she Falls down. I lay her on the floor while the rest of the team arrives. I start to check her vitals. when all of a sudden she starts Jerking, and is having some form of convulsions she is also crying out loud before losing consciousness. Greg has winnie call the medics her pants are also wet. Even though she just peed. I put her in the recovery position. While on the phone with the medics I tell them her symptoms and medical history.
Ed. Once the medics arrive she starts to come to but seems confused after returning to consciousness. The medics give her some oxygen and put an iv in her arm. Sam told them her vitals and how her heart rate is elevated; they said this type of episode is usually triggered by something.
Wordy : pov they asked sam if she ever had a seizure before and asked for a walk through of her day which he did. It was so scary seeing her on the floor like that.
Sam: pov i told them her coffee this morning was wrong it was regular not decaf and she also had a headache. They said the coffee could have caused it but they were not sure she would need more tests at the hospital. The medic could not give her anything except the anti seizure meds.
Since they thought it was a type of seizure. Her heart rate was still elevated. The medic also asked what type of headache stuff it is she took, I said it was Excedrin migraine relief. He said a side effect of the medication for people with heart problems. Is fast heart rate since it has two much caffeine, and on top of that the coffee had a lot of caffeine. They loaded jules into the ambulance who was still kind of out of it. They gave her some fluids in her iv. They also attached her to a heart monitor. Dr Jeff was waiting for us at the ER in Trauma bay 2 he performed an ecg ultrasound to make sure her heart was okay. He said everything looks the same. He also wanted an eeg done so he called neurology. They told him they could do one in 20 minutes and then do a brain scan if that was okay. The neurologist was waiting up stairs for us so he could perform the test since it was kind of important. Jules who was still out of it a little was put on the bed the nurse attached the leads on to Jules's head. And the neurologist started the test monitoring her brain waves, 40 minutes later and he has the results. He says having a headache affects your brain waves and showed up on the test, same with the coffee. She would need to be retested to make sure it is the caffeine that caused this episode because none of the usual stuff triggered a seizure in her. Her brain scan came back good. After Dr Jeff intravenously gave her some meds to lower her heart rate. She was moved to the icu after being in the waiting room for a while the team came over to visit it was now 6. I ate some food and jules was also more alert now and asking what happened I told her everything.
Jules : pov
Sam said I had a nonepileptic seizure at work. They think it was the caffeine that caused it. I was monitored all night. The next morning I was told Dr Jeff had scheduled me for a Electrophysiology Study this morning, I was wheeled in the ep lab and put on a bed then the nurse injected a sedative into my iv to relax me. The nurse also gave me a shot of local anesthetic to numb the area, and cleaned it. The cardiologist Dr Jeff made a small needle puncture into my arm and blood vessel with a small straw-sized tube called a sheath. It was inserted into my artery/vein then gently guided several specialized EP catheters into my blood vessel through the sheath and advanced them to my heart. The video screen showed the position of the catheters. I started to feel some pressure but Jeff said that was normal at the sheath site. He sent small electric pulses through the catheters to make my heart beat at different speeds which felt weird. He was trying to see if a fast heart rate triggered my seizure. The special catheters picked up and recorded my heart rate. Dr Jeff said the fast heart rate right now is not triggering a seizure so that is a good sign. After I was moved to the recovery room. I slept most of the day. Sam said the hospital food is gross. Dr Jeff took off my oxygen mask in the afternoon.
Sam : pov jules ate her usual food for breakfast, lunch and dinner the team came by to visit after shift I told Greg she has an eeg tomorrow to see if the caffeine caused it. Ed said Donna filled in for her today and she would also be tomorrow. The dr let jules watch a movie before bed. It was the next day today and her eeg scan jules was so nervous. They put a bed next to the chair I would be sitting in with jules at the first sign of anything wrong she would be transferred to the bed. In the neurology suite, Dr Jeff had set up all of the heart monitors for jules. I sat down and he started to hook her up to the heart monitors and he also gave her a regular coffee. She was laying in my lap since it was comforting to her. The neurologist started to attach the leads to her head and he made sure the wires were out of the way. 1 hour later and nothing happened other than her elevated heart rate. They decided to try the Excedrin migraine relief even though she did not have a headache. 30 minutes later and the monitor is starting to go off on the eeg machine, they managed to move jules to the bed in a few seconds before the nonepileptic seizure hit she is crying out loud and jerking around the neurologist managed to inject anti seizure meds in to her iv and the convulsions stop before she loses consciousness. He turns her into the recovery position. She is all wet so a nurse cleans her up. 2 minutes later and she is starting to come out of it she is a little confused again. The nurse puts an oxygen mask on jules. The neurologist takes her for another brain scan and dr jeff gives her medication to help lower her heart rate. Later on Greg comes by with the team to ask how her test went and I tell him everything. They stayed for a couple of hours. Dr Jeff wrote on her medical file to never give her Excedrin migraine relief when she has coffee in her system. It caused her to have a seizure because of her heart condition which elevated her heart rate to go too high.
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