#tonberry talks
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tonberry-yoda · 1 year ago
i would like to welcome all of the new buggy simps that have joined us due to the live action
welcome to my brain space every single day, im more than happy to have you
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arcam3 · 8 months ago
Bro is out here double cheeked up on a Thursday afternoon
✨shawty gotta faddie ✨
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legitimatesatanspawn · 1 year ago
Things that scare me as a gamer:
Item Decay and Hunger systems.
Using that one special unique item and hoarding all items until the final battle, but fully expecting it to be needed for a post-game thing so still refusing to use it.
NIS games' insane Level caps which last I saw went from 9999 to just shy of one hundred million (99,999,999).
The sheer amount of Pokemon and the expectation to "catch them all" (which is why I wasn't able to play Ruby/Sapphire and dipped from the mainline games until Black/White; I've given up on "catching them all").
Romhacks and fangames that include the entire series pokedex and attempt to cram in multiple regions. One fangame I can think of has almost every mainline region and a few bonus areas. God damn, even just running each area and doing each gym without encountering any sideplot with Evil Teams will be insane.
Dwarf Fortress.
The higher level "sanity meter" hits in Eternal Darkness. The high tier sanity meter were designed to rattle the player, like making you think the game crashed or you lost your save file.
Losing my save file regardless of the reason. Looking at you, Nier.
When the freeware build of OneShot crashed. Because in the original version of the game, this killed Niko. If Niko dies (ex: poison gas field without mask) or you closed the game outside of a save point, that's it. The game refused to let you continue playing.
I Wanna Be The Guy.
Games with time limits. This can be stuff like Majora's Mask clock/schedule system or something like Pikmin's 'daily' setup or any farming sim / social game where you have to make choices based on each day (ex: Harvest Moon, Stardew Valley, Persona, Recettear, ect)
Enemies similar to Tonberries.
And the reason I'm saying all this: the idea of fighting two giant tonberries.
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astradyke · 2 months ago
please never stop talking about loverboy phil
anon i do everything for you
thinking abt how phil was there when dan dropped out of law school. thinking abt how phil argued to bring dan on the jamaica trip that dan was not supposed to be on originally so phil could be with him. thinking about how dan comes to the lesters for the holidays, "tagged along to a lester thing", how dan came to phil's family home and how phil's family accepted dan with open arms. how hyper and annoying dan is in some of the younger era videos (like old cooking videos, the tree etc) and how it makes phil smile. how phil bought him a tonberry and bought him that fancy candle and won him a plush from a claw machine. how phil keeps bringing up dan's solo work not even just in the videos focused on them (think haircut vid, dan is leaving me, etc) but in all other videos-- like dan's book kept getting brought up by phil. an underrated moment in wdapteo 2 that i think about CONSTANTLY is the fact that at the end phil plugs some of dan's merch too and does his little smile as he does. "for treating us with your presence". how in the date night video when asked what animal dan would be phil immediately went with bear. wdapteo 3 where phil is wearing one of dan's viewers pick my outfit sweaters, and how we would see years later that phil took like 100 silly photos of dan in the minion fit from that video (which proves my belief that half of phil's camera roll is just dan). how dan walks faster and ahead of phil but phil takes photos while dan is walking like the one in türkiye. how phil made him spaghetti when he was ill. how constantly phil talks about dan needing to wear color. him hyping up gay but not proud (and also BEING in gay but not proud). him being in the audience of dan's one off comedy routine about being gay. him being in the we're all doomed audience. him probably being dan's first subscriber. love eyes lester which is SO LETHAL it's so lethal. how dan will ramble and get annoyed at phil and phil will just giggle and laugh. phil playing with dan's hair. "you > everyone in the universe." the recent press the button video where phil said (when given the option to live forever alongside all of his now immortal loved ones) that dan would be immortal. "i haven't seen you for 10 hours i wanted to tell you about my lexicon". texting dan nonsense in wdapteo 4 for 3 days straight and not receiving a reply and pouting about it. taking the photo outside his window when dan asked to see if he could see him. being endlessly the no.1 sister daniel fan, accepting dan's experimentation with sister daniel relentlessly. there's so many more. there's so many more.
i'm really normal about htis by the way.
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demialwrites · 10 months ago
Dating a chocobo jockey reader
w/ Reno, Sephiroth, Rufus, Rude, & Cloud
He may not have been interested in the details of chocobo racing before you started dating but he becomes your loudest fan during your races
He will get in several fights with spectators who bet against you while being especially obnoxious. He doesn't start the verbal part of the fights but he can't help escalating them with threats
You have to ask him to simmer down in the future. As much as you appreciate (and are amused by) his support, you can't get in trouble because of his behaviour
He gets really pouty sometimes because he could be spending more time with you or watching your races if it wasn't for his job
He also is unhappy when your free time doesn't match up with his
When you do meet up after a race, he likes the more exciting attractions at the Gold Saucer, with some drinking and greasy takeout after in the inn at Ghost Square (might as well take advantage of the activities available nearby while you have the time, right?)
After getting a few drinks deep, he will make cheesy jokes that you should ride him in bed
Sephiroth (pre-Nibelheim)
He has as little time as Reno but he will hang around in disguise in the back to catch your races
He initially uses a disguise all in black, on repeat, until you point out that it still draws stares because of his height and standoffish aura. He doesn't like hearing that but it lets you help him pick out clothes (like hoodies and hats in different colours), which he secretly treasures
He could get VIP seats to watch you but he doesn't like to use his Shinra connections like that. Plus, the company would have concrete proof of his whereabouts
His favourite activities at the Gold Saucer involve using his strength or reflexes but he is curious about your favourites, too. He has quite a few top high scores under a pseudonym in various games
He also joins you at the inn, mostly for the privacy it affords the both of you
He is amused by the Tonberry humidifier because of the stabbing knife
Give him a shed chocobo feather from one of your races and he will tuck it in his clothes to take on missions
Be careful with this one because he will try to become your part-time manager
He doesn't understand if you refuse to let him buy you the best equipment. You already have the skills so why not let money help you the rest of the way, just like him? His opinion is the more wins the better
Either way, he confidently brags that you're the best and everyone takes him at his word whether it's true or not (he's not above lying)
He prefers to bet on you but likes winning more, even if he doesn't need the money. He can always spend the winnings on you, anyway
Unlike Sephiroth, he always uses the company to get private space for himself and the best room at the inn, if that's where you want to spend time
If you drink together at the inn, expect him to try and initiate sex
He waits for you after a race with a bouquet of flowers. If he has the time, he'll want to impress you with his skills at the games at the Gold Saucer
The only one of the Turks that asks you for a date on the Skywheel. It's a little awkward at first because he's a quiet person but it still brings you closer together
Is very protective of you if there's ever drama between you and the other jockeys. Sometimes there's highschool-like drama and he would want to intimidate the person causing you trouble
He absolutely backs off if you catch him doing it and get upset. That's not to say that you're unaware of his ability to do some serious damage
You know Reno almost as well as Rude sometimes. Partially because Reno is important to Rude but also because Reno talks way more. Rude would be happy if you two got along
He is the one who best understands your job out of everyone, although you're slightly better than him because of the gap in experience
He may not cheer very loudly for you but he is quietly very invested in what happens during your races
Always down to talk shit with you about the other jockeys
Something tells you that he has been hanging around the Gold Saucer more often since you started dating because he has a growing collection of plush prizes. Sometimes, he gives you one he thinks you might like
He comes alive the most when he is invited to fight in the area. When you have a fight and a race scheduled on the same day, you both win because you feed off each other's energy without even speaking
In a perfect world, you would have wanted to settle down and start a chocobo ranch with him
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tinypurpleparrot · 2 years ago
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Me trying to level my warrior in ARR when my main is a lvl 90 reaper, and this fucker is daring me to go do my class quest:
Guys... guys, please turn around and help me, oh primals they've all got airpods in...
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Picking up an alt class that starts at level 1 after reaching endgame on your main be like....
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rottenpumpkin13 · 10 months ago
Out Of Context Things Director Lazard Has Seen On The SOLDIER Floor #2
• Genesis carrying around a mop, talking and laughing with it as if they're friends.
• Sephiroth doing a cartwheel mid-walk.
• Zack in the men's room, applying clown makeup while sobbing.
• Kunsel carrying a box of random items and yelling "STOLEN ITEMS FROM RUFUS SHINRA. GET YOUR STOLEN ITEMS FROM RUFUS SHINRA" and Sephiroth approaching him with a 20 gil.
• Sephiroth and Angeal fighting over a pineapple, trying to pull it from each other's hands.
• Angeal and Genesis crouched down behind the couch in the break room, eating a cheesecake away from Sephiroth.
• Zack playing chess with Dark Star, claiming "Damn it! How are you so good at this?" while actively losing.
• Sephiroth with half his hair stuck in the elevator, calmly sipping his coffee with a sign that says "this is my punishment" around his neck.
• Angeal and Sephiroth cooing over an exotic plant in a baby stroller.
• Angeal trying to coordinate a group photo of Sephiroth, Genesis, Zack and Cloud. There was a lot of screaming, arguing and "WHERE ARE WE FUCKING LOOKING?" from Genesis because Angeal had 4 different cameras set up.
• Genesis in a lab coat conducting a science experiment to see if Sephiroth feels threatened by said lab coat. Upon seeing Genesis, Sephiroth reflexively broke his knee.
• Sephiroth taking a nap in the middle of the hallway, complete with an eye mask, pillow and sound machine. People were stepping around him.
• Genesis and Angeal carrying a kayak towards the stairwell.
• Angeal carrying Genesis with a broken leg back from the stairwell 20 minutes later.
• Cloud narrating everything Sephiroth does. "Sephiroth is now opening the door to the training facility. Sephiroth has paused. Sephiroth is now looking at me confused, which could easily be confused for his thinking about lunch face."
• Zack, blowing on a whistle, instructing a squats class.
• Zack and Cloud, both blindfolded, walking with their arms linked. They ran into a revolving door. and caused a metaphorical traffic jam inside it that ended with claustrophobic Sephiroth breaking the glass to free himself.
• The following conversation that piqued Lazard's interested greatly:
Zack: Would you like a smoke?
Cloud: Of course.
*Zack pulls out a tin of smoked ham*
• Sephiroth, Genesis, Angeal and Zack holding a Séance in the middle of the day in the break room. They refused to say which entity they were communicating with.
• Sephiroth, Genesis, Angeal and Zack running out of the break room screaming 20 minutes later.
• During a blackout, when Genesis was seen carrying around a candelabra like it's the 1700s and reciting an old version of Loveless. Someone threw the candelabra out the 49th floor window 10 minutes later and told him to put a sock in it.
• Zack stuck in the vending machine, calmly eating the snacks while Angeal, Sephiroth and Genesis argue over how to get him out.
• Genesis running after a copy of Loveless on a string. Sephiroth is behind a corner pulling the string.
• Sephiroth and Genesis, in The Calm Down Box™ playing Uno, screaming at each other, defeating the purpose of The Calm Down Box™
• Angeal and Genesis dragging Sephiroth (unconscious) out of a meeting. When asked if he was okay, they responded with "we had him fake a fainting spell to get out of the meeting." Sephiroth (still "unconscious") responded with a thumbs up.
• Angeal in The Calm Down Box™ with a taser, harassing anyone who came near him with it.
• Zack and the other Seconds using a prop skeleton dressed as Genesis as a practice dummy.
• The same skeleton sitting in in Genesis' office while a recording of Genesis reciting Loveless plays on loop.
• A tonberry dressed as Sephiroth walking around, terrorizing the operatives.
• Genesis in The Calm Down Box™ playing the flute and sobbing.
• Angeal playing the guitar and singing a happy campfire song while Sephiroth and Genesis were on the ground, fist fighting.
• Genesis, Sephiroth and Angeal dressed as knights while Zack and Cloud manned a single horse costume. When asked what was happening, they replied with "It's the apocalypse, but due to inflation we could only afford three horsemen and one horse."
• Zack sitting in The Calm Down Box™ except he placed it stop a skateboard and was actively trying to escape while Angeal ran after him.
• Sephiroth, Genesis and Angeal riding around in a three-person bike. They crashed into a sliding glass door they didn't realize was closed.
• Sephiroth sitting in The Calm Down Box™ chugging a bottle of tequila.
• Sephiroth, Angeal, Genesis, Zack and Cloud playing twister. Utter chaos. Zack's ass in Angeal's face, Cloud has turned into a pretzel, Sephiroth and Genesis are literally tangled and stuck together.
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prismaticpichu · 5 months ago
hi pichu!!! :3
silly ask here! out of all the firsts + zc, who do you think is the mostly likely to be a discord mod LMFAO
personally, I'm placing my bets on Genesis because there is NO WAY this man has never called someone "m'lady". it's canon he told me this in a dream /j
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do you see the vision LMAOO
Shshshshshshhd I SEE THE VISION LMAOOO 🤣❤️ Golden doodle as always, Soggy! 💕😂
AGSZC as Discord Mods!
Angeal (aka, @AngealHewley999) - Extremely ultra-sensitive to anyone and anything that can be even remotely taken as offensive. Insists that everyone in the server uses “family friendly” nicknames and WILL knock you senseless with the ban hammer should you join with the username (and this is just an example) “SephirothisnotasgoodasGenesis45”. All emotes under his moderation can and WILL be ones that promote positivity and well-being, are SFW, and have nothing to do with guns and/or a cute character holding one with an evil smirk on its face. He also banned the VC.
Genesis (aka, @ThatOminousApplePie) - Extremely under-sensitive to anyone and anything that can absolutely be taken as outwardly offensive. Often instigates arguments between members and will do nothing at all to try to put either party in time out. He has been recorded to place bets based on which person will leave the server first—then proceeds to pour said betting money right back into Discord Nitro, allowing him to boost to the server to the levels necessary to add violent emotes and “hilarious” stickers. He will also change your username (multiple times) against your will.
Tho your bet is totally valid, Soggy xDD
Sephiroth (aka, @YesI’mtheRealSephiroth11119) - He’s more of a MuTube kinda guy. Doesn’t even care to spend his time on a digital platform when he can just slap Genesis in the face talk to his best friends in person. Voluntarily rejects offer.
Zack (aka, @PupEmUp!) - Contrary to popular belief, Zack is actually quite responsible on Discord! <33 Knows all the ins-and-outs of good social media etiquette, will not tolerate bullying for a nanosecond, and is more than open to a good ol’ laugh with some gun-pointing Tonberries as emotes! He’s the most adept when it comes to banning/timeouts—even remembering to leave respectful explanations in the description of each ban when necessary. Just an all-around wonderful user who knows how to get the job done!~
That is, all of this is in OTHER servers, of course. No one in the SOLDIER friend circle actually trusts Zack not to transform the server into anarchy, thus resulting in Cloud (aka, @NimbusDriver) taking the crown as moderator <33
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pseudophan · 1 year ago
I feel like we don’t talk enough about the fact that they have the stuffed animal that Phil gave Dan for Christmas in 2009 in the gaming channel room. Those gays are so fucking sappy and sentimental it makes me sick
god. that stupid fucking tonberry plushie haunts me every day of my life. watching it move with them throughout the years has literally been so fucked up like they are such sentimental assholes im going to tear my hair out
and the video where dan first mentions it... he's so happy :( that meant so much to him :( i hope they die
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tonberry-yoda · 6 months ago
guys be honest, if I wrote fanfic of them kissing and cuddling would y'all read it???
cuz I would do it anyway
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wonderfulworldofmichaelford · 2 months ago
Idk if this is a hot take or not but I think the Kingdom Hearts games could do with adding a bit more from Final Fantasy. I’m talking adding in more characters, bosses from the series, maybe a whole world based on one of the games, Cactuars and Tonberrys, mayve throw in some iconic summons like Bahamut or Odin… Hell, acknowledging any of the games before VII would be nice! I love IV and VI, where are Cecil, Rydia, Kain, Rosa, Terra, Relm, etc? Hell why is half the cast of VII not in? Where are Barrett, Red XIII, and Vincent? Why can’t we fight Kefka, Rubicante, Ultros, the Weapons, Zeromus, or Golbez? Or barring that why not bring in other Square properties? We got TWEWY characters and the Gummi ship bonus boss but why not throw in some Chrono Trigger or Live A Live? Even just superboss versions of Lavos and the incarnations of Odio would be fine, or even Magus if they’re somehow tired of Sephiroth. The crossover aspect—the big selling point of the series—is comically lopsided in Disney’s favor and it’s sad.
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classicanalyzer · 8 months ago
Final Fantasy XVI - The Rising Tide Thoughts and Reflection
"Come follow me! Come follow me! Follow your destiny!" Awakening trailer and the last of Cascade's lyrics
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It is now summer, and it's only fitting to finally talk about a story around the Eikon of Water thought to be lost from Valisthea.
This final DLC takes us to the land of Mysidia, the last bastion of the Motes of Water, the tribe of Leviathan, and of the Northern Territories' former glory. The Glamour, a region-wide spell by Dusk Crystals, keeps the skies blue and keeps the tribe safe from the Imperials who want them to relinquish their religion or face death as "heretics". Clive, Joshua, Jill, and Torgal are invited by the Tributary Shula to save Waljas, the baby Dominant of Leviathan, from his ice prison. To right the wrongs of Waljas' ancestors, Clive must free Waljas and face the wrath of Leviathan the Lost to prevent the child's anger from consigning a repentant community to the seas.
Mysidia is a remnant of the Northern Territory beauty long lost to the Blight. The Motes of Water also serve as the last remnant of the people of Ash after they lost their Mothercrystal in Southern Ash. It's also really refreshing to see non-Primogenesis skies which allows you to fully absorb and admire the beauty of Mysidia. The environments truly are an embodiment of the seas (which is also a notable sight) despite Mysidia being far from the Motes of Waters' original homeland. Also present are the abandoned remnants of the Northern Territories' temples, structures, and culture such things Jill is reminded of and comments on what once was here.
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In many ways, the Motes of Water serve as what could've been and can be for Valisthea, similar to the Hideaway, a world where Bearers and non-Bearers can live alongside equally. Mysidia also serves as a relic of a world untouched by the Blight. However, by the actions of their ancestors (there were many dissenting voices but it was the Waljas' father that drowned them out), they committed the ultimate sin of all...they attempted to exploit the powers of their Dominant who was a baby. They wanted to use the baby as the heart of their attempt to create a Mothercrystal, much like the Fallen's Mothercrystal. When the rightfully angry Eikon emerged, the ancestors froze Leviathan in time (Also creating the Surge, a massive frozen tidal wave), which means Waljas is forever trapped. It suddenly puts this entire community as one built on that ultimate sin making it frustrating to witness. On their part, the current generation realizes this horrific sin and wants to find some way to free Waljas to make this right.
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Despite the Empire of Sanbreque's fall, their legacy continues to be felt in Mysidia. A forbidden love between a villager of Mysidia and a citizen of Sanbreque occurs, an old victim of Sanbreque wants revenge, and the community is still afraid of what would happen if the Glamour is undone.
Shula, the strong, dutiful Tributary of Mysidia, is our guest companion in this DLC. Shula is also a Bearer with no mark which makes it heartwarming to see how Bearers are treated as equals among the Motes of Water. You feel her desire to right the wrongs and sins of her ancestors to save Waljas, who is a part of the same bloodline as hers. She's a formidable fighter and a responsible leader in her community as she also struggles with how to best lead the Motes of Water with the world changing figuratively and literally.
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Our final dungeon is the Aire of Hours, the ancient Northern Temple now abandoned to the Tonberries (who return in this DLC as native Beastmen of the Northern Territories, pure evil but adorable goobers) who stake it for themselves alongside other creatures. The mysterious spell created a bubble that froze time who was around the spell when it was cast, the Timeless Stones. It truly is an awe-striking location that sells on the beauty of Northern Territories' architecture.
"The temple that time forgot." Shula
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The "Witch of the North" is revealed to be Ysay (who looks like Jill), the previous Dominant of Shiva. Her story furthers the narrative of the abuse of Dominants and the cycle continues. The Northern thegns wanted to use her powers to preserve their Mothercrystal eternally and once she failed to get the spell in on time, they exiled her. It again proves Cid's point about how Dominants are used and discarded if their value runs out. This also serves as a parallel to Ysay's descendent, Jill, when Jill was used as a slave by the Iron Kingdom and expected to be discarded if she couldn't be useful. The Motes of Water however gave her kindness in her final days that her own people didn't give her, and for that, she gave them the spell she labored so hard to save her own people. The Timekeeper guardian guarding her spell is later revealed to be Ysay's assigned knight who reunited with his lady as the Guardian of the spell and in death. Ysay's Knight must've been really good at his job since I had to use up all of my potions during the fight. May the two find a more peaceful life than the one they lived.
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Just when it seems like Waljas will be freed without Leviathan awakening…a certain God shows up and fittingly in the same manner when Clive first took Garuda’s powers (black and white palette of "stopping time"). We hear one of the most chilling versions of his theme.
“Free once more. Leviathan. Our most profaned fragment. Its divinity defiled by the hand of man. Its spirit shackled by his hubris. Till Mythos came, bringing release. Now……let the sins of man be redeemed……by the hand of the servant of God.” Ultima
Clive knew immediately what the hell was going to happen (Ultima used similar methods to drive himself, Hugo, and Dion insane). As Waljas once again turns into Leviathan, the entirety of Mysidia is under threat of submerging in its waters. However, unlike last time, there's another Dominant here to calm the Dominant of Water.
"As for the rest... The rest Ifrit will handle." Clive Rosefield
"After eighty years of imprisonment, I'd be angry too. But I can't let it end like this, Waljas." Clive Rosefield
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Leviathan's (the largest Eikon aside from Titan in its Titan Lost form) fight is awe-striking and mesmerizing like all Eikon fights as we move from a massive waterspout to the bright blue sky of oceans. Just like Leviathan's Eikon abilities, Leviathan relies more on long-ranged water attacks with few physical attacks. The devs did not lie that this would be the hardest Eikon fight with Leviathan hitting like a tsunami (quite literally a lot lol), especially the third phase with Leviathan's shield. It took me possibly 30 minutes to defeat Leviathan's third phase. Clive even mused that Gardua would be proud in its final phase when it summoned a massive waterspout. When Leviathan tries to do the one-shot Tsunami from the third phase, Clive has none of it by burning the tsunami away. The fight ends with one last (and our final) Hellfire from Ifrit as Leviathan tries to use a concentrated frontal shield...but fails to account for Ifrit taking advantage of a blind spot. With a smaller Hellfire breaking Leviathan's concentration, the larger Hellfire hits Leviathan as the fight ends with the familiar last music notes we heard in the first trailer.
"You've had your fun, Leviathan. It's time you went back to sleep!" Clive Rosefield
"Leviathan Tamed" Victory Text
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The theme of Leviathan, Cascade (the possible lyrics are from other interpretations we will not know the full lyrics until the official CD is out), gets a calm and peaceful variant in Haven, appropriately called Safe Haven, with acoustics and flutes mixed in. As we explore Mysidia, an even more relaxed and soothing variant of Cascade plays, Writ in Water. When we approach Waljas and the Aire of Hours, a dramatic and tragic variant of Cascade plays, Bide Time Return, which also serves as the battle variant of Writ in Water. Another variant also plays inside The Timeless Stones which shares some similarities to Heavensbound - Reverie. This time it's a more soothing electronic, synth, and haunting music as Clive and his allies approach the spell that froze both the Surge and Waljas. A theme similar to the Timeless Stones track plays as Clive approaches Leviathan in Cape Nepto, having a more electronic introduction and even more foreboding of the fight to come.
Now onto the actual theme itself, Cascade is the last major theme Soken made for FF16...but it was also the first music he made for the game. It first debuted in the Awakening trailer (the FF16 teaser trailer) and was supposed to be just a trailer-only track. Until the official CD releases, we won't know the full names of the first two phases of the fight. The intense, fast-paced music reflects the raging tides of Leviathan. The first phase is a chaotic remix of Cascade as Ifrit is transported to a seemingly another plane of existence (it turns out to be still in Myidia's waters but it felt like another plane of existence) inhabited by the seas themselves. The second phase is a remix of FF14's Leviathan theme (Through the Maelstrom) and it sounds just as epic as in FF14. The second phase of music splashes an urgent vibe. The third phase is Cascade itself, a fully expanded music theme of the trailer original track in Awakening. It's a grand, God-like theme which emphasizes the presence of Leviathan. There's a small intermission where soft music plays in an almost tragic and longing tone and vibe reflecting the child, the Dominant of this scared, angry beast. Cascade ends with the familiar notes at the end of the trailer and the iconic three sentences (shown in the first quote above the first image) with Prelude ending Soken's final dominant theme.
"War's upon us, oh guide us, until the fall,
From beneath a storm cloud that's inescapable (Not sure about this)
When we leave home, a blessing, to see us through the night
Revelation, your light shines through (or forth?)
(The first stanza repeats itself)
Come follow me, Come follow me, Follow your destiny!" One's interpretation of Cascade's lyrics (I'm not sure if this is correct myself)
As the battle concludes, we finally see Waljas, a crying baby longing for comfort. It's a heartwarming scene to see Waljas finally get to be with people who care about his well-being rather than what he can bring as the Dominant of Leviathan. It's much-needed light in an otherwise dark world and a history as dark and messed up as the Motes of Water's sin. Now all that is needed is for Clive to destroy Ultima to truly make Valisthea free and prevent situations like Leviathan the Lost's fate from happening again.
"Now...Now, we make things right." Shula
"How?" Jill Warrick
"By providing Waljas what he was denied. A place to learn and grow. A family to love and protect him. So that one day, when the wounds in his heart and mind have finally healed...he might decide for himself how he'd like to live the rest of his life. But until then, I'll stay by his side, come what may." Shula
"Then he's a lucky boy. And not only because he'll have the best warrior this side of the Belt to teach him the battleaxe." Clive Rosefield
"She'll do her best." Shula
A continuing theme I was right from the Echoes of the Fallen post is the connection between the Mothercrystals. The Motes of Water tried to emulate the Fallen's ambitions of a man-made Mothercrystal. In doing so, they committed the ultimate sin. Funny enough, Famiel and his two followers are a part of the same tribe with Famiel being Shula's younger brother.
Overall, the DLC is an amazing final addition to the FF16's universe. I also intend to make a retrospective series of the entire FF16 game with this and the EotF post as a preview of the style of those posts. Now Square Enix gives us a Cid prequel spin-off you cowards.
Rite of Immersion:
"Like the rain that falls on the mountains tall, are we born." Famiel
"Like the river that flows through the valleys below, do we live." Shula
"Like the boundless sea where the currents run free, do we die. And to the clouds then rise again." Clive Rosefield
"The circle of water is the circle of life. And today, from the heavens falls rain anew. This child, Waljas, now joins our stream, and he shall flow with us...from the mountains to the sea." Shula
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gmax · 6 months ago
i dont know how everyone isnt getting into setoto and alka zolka like i am ok. like their first meeting always gets me, like you meet setoto and she is so down and out and aching, she barely sees herself as a person anymore much less a woman, and alka Immediately sees her for who she is and calls it, "this is clearly a lovely young lady". and it's obviously so uplifting for her!!! he has feelings for her even before she becomes a lalafell again and it's so super sweet, he is a gentleman and shows concern for her outside of his crush, she has spent so long as a monster that she doesnt know how to react and it overwhelms her a bit! to me being at your lowest point and finding someone who can immediately understand you for who you are without even a need for prompt or introduction is high romance, these are the hets i will go down swinging for. if youre making fun of them because she starts as a tonberry dont talk to me you dont get it at all
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scholars-of-nym · 6 months ago
2. Horizon
While there were quite some volunteers helping them with rebuilding Nym, occasionally they all run against a problem they cannot solve on their own. Sometimes, this problem needs a true expert. And, in this case, that true expert was in Thanalan.
They took the ferry from La Noscea to Horizon. It was a cool morning, and Setoto was looking out over the horizon, watching Thanalan come closer and closer. The last time she came to the mainland, she was still a tonberry - desperate for clues about her father.
It wasn't an easy decision - Gods know that Surito had cautioned her against it, multiple times. But she didn't want to listen. She truly needed to do this. When she awoke she was devastated and knowing just how much time had passed did not make it easier. She didn't grab any supplies; as a tonberry, she didn't need to. She didn't need to eat, she didn't need to drink - she simply needed to stay hidden so that her green skin and monstrous features wouldn't alarm anyone. The only thing she brought was a map. She didn't quite steal it - an adventurer visiting Warmwine Sanatorium simply left one, and the wind took it towards the water of Bronze Lake.
She took the path down towards Western La Noscea. As her stubby feet hit the gravel, she hesitated and took out the map. She shone her lantern onto it. The first time she looked at it, she thought it was a map from a different country, a different continent. When she showed it to Surito, however, he confirmed that this was what their country, their home, had become. She frowned, gritting her teeth to hold back tears. She took a deep breath, trying to shake off the feeling. "Stay strong…" Her father would always tell her that their family was a resilient one, and she believed it.
The night was dark, but her eyes were well able to see through the night, having been in the darkness of the Palace for who-knows-how long. She snuck her way past the guards towards Aleport. It was mostly deserted, but a few lights were still on this late. Suddenly, she heard voices, and quickly hid in the shadows, dimming her lantern a little.
"Finally! We got our permit!" One of the sailors waved with a little paper. "By Rhalgr's beard, this was hard to get. You'd think a little route change wouldn't set off the yellowjackets, but noo," he complained, "Those damned paper-pushers need their reassurances!"
"Frankly, better they know where we are than us falling pray to pirates. Or worse yet, other yellowjackets." the second sailor said. "There's a reason why traffic is routed through Lominsa first. Contraband, my friend."
"Aye, but we've got none o' that." the first retorted. "As proven by the paper pushers. In the morning, we're setting off to Horizon, and that's that."
Horizon - that name sounded familiar. Setoto got the map from her pocket as quietly as she could and searched the name. Horizon, there it was - a 'Thanalan' port. Her eyes widened - this was it! If she could stow away there, she could get on the mainland and to Amdapor - or, well, what's left of it, she reminded herself. She nodded to herself and put the map away.
She looked around the corner - the two sailors, a miqo'te man and an Elezen woman, were still talking, walking towards what she assumed was their ship. She took a deep, nervous breath, and followed them quietly. She shot a look towards the guards - they were preoccupied with other things, so she felt safe enough to follow them, from corner to corner, shadow to shadow.
When they went up the bridge to their ship, she followed them up the gangplank. She tried very hard not to look down. The ship smelled like damp wood and seasalt. The deck was dark, and she quickly set about to find a hiding spot. A large Roegadyn man came lumbering towards her - she sqeaked and ran off towards some empty barrels that were stored next to the cabin and hid inside until the footsteps were gone - but they didn't. The Roegadyn was patrolling the ship!
She waited, and waited, but eventually fatigue overtook her and she fell asleep, gently rocked by the waves in the bay. Next time she awoke, it was daylight. When she tried to peek out, she saw that there were a lot of people out and about - tending to the sails, the cargo, cleaning the deck. She also saw that no-one was paying attention to her corner, and she was grateful for that. She then dared to look outward - and she saw land, arid mountains, growing larger and larger. Thanalan, she thought to herself.
I'm almost there, father.
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flowerwiththemachinegun · 6 months ago
I’d say it’s pretty NSFW. HojoxReader, hint of GenesisxReader, and I mean hint like La Croix
Description: Sick little freaky old bastard. I love the idea of him rejecting me over and over again. It makes me feel desperate in the most feral of ways. Hojo wasn’t sure why he insisted on keeping you around. Maybe it was your determination to prove your worth to him, you always wanted nothing more than for Hojo to have the smallest amount of pride in you. Whether it was from climbing on his dick or making sure Hojo got anything he would ever need for his research. From recapturing “escaped” experiments Hojo really just let most of them loose to raise hell to tracking down rare plants and natural mako formations. You’ll even grab the specimen needed for his next round of breeding. Anything to make Hojo give you the slightest bit of attention.
Warnings: not too much, it’s definitely giving grooming vibes but Hojo didn’t really…mean to? But he isn’t going to stop it. Dubcon since all my lines are still blurry and we kind of force ourselves on Hojo
Frrl this idea almost got tossed but someone on a reblog gave me inspiration. Yes, yes, I enjoy my blurred lines and I can't forget that. now I can move onto another Hojo fic (eventually)
Was this a trauma response? Maybe. Something about your relationship unsettled Hojo, and that says a lot for someone like him. He fully expected you to hate him in the same regard Sephiroth did. The constant experiments and cruel tasks he would force you to perform on others should have been enough to keep you away from him. You might have even known a world without pain if you weren’t under Hojo’s care. Either unconscious for days because your body couldn’t handle what he thought it should or never sleeping, in constant fear of what the next day might bring you. Sometimes you couldn’t even shut your eyes without seeing the horrors you had been subjected to. 
So why was it that you didn't hate Hojo as well?
You were always at his beck and call, trying to be everything he wanted you to be. Just wanted him to be a little proud of you, and in some ways he was, but you just weren’t created equal to Sephiroth. He wouldn’t say he would compare you to the other Firsts either, still seeing you as lesser. “Good, but not good enough,” he’d always tell you. Always with a disapproving scowl, not one time did he look impressed by your actions. On occasion if there was something new he wanted to alter about your genetic make up he would give you a small praise. Condescending, he was just talking down to you, mocking since you “didn’t cry this time.” But that wasn’t really praise, it was the best you could get from him though. 
There was always something not quite right about you mentally, that Hojo knew and acknowledged long ago. You never stopped crying, always going into rageful fits whenever you were left around other staff members. On occasion having to be strapped down because you would get incredibly violent, not even caring if you got hurt in the process. Perhaps what really let him know that something may be a tad bit off, was when he caught you standing over one of his lab assistants. Scalpel in hand as you were standing over her, covered in blood with a cold expression in place. It wasn’t like assistants dying was anything new, some experiments were bound to go haywire. They were dealing with monsters afterall, it came with the territory, but this? This was different, you were fine when he left the room, not even gone for five minutes. 
Hojo rewatched the surveillance recording over and over again in an attempt to see why you snapped. Nothing, he could find absolutely no reason. The minute the assistant’s back was turned you went into action, Hojo couldn’t even say it was a rageful fit. You seemed almost too calm for a child that could hardly keep their shit together while killing a tonberry. So for you to kill a human with seemingly no concern in the world was wildly uncharacteristic of you. It certainly threw him for a curveball when you looked him in the eyes and said “Is this not what you wanted?” He’ll be keeping you close after that incident, the amount of people killed in his department in the past month was already higher than usual. He didn’t want to deal with another meeting about lives that were nothing more than a sacrifice to science. Hojo also needed to keep an eye on your mental state, maybe teach you the difference between who you’re supposed to kill and who you shouldn’t. Though, he’s positive you already know the difference all too well. 
After a few more occasions in which Hojo allowed others to get near you to perform check ups or routine injections, he started to realize you hated being left alone with anyone that wasn’t himself. When he thought back on every occasion he’s spent with you, you’d rarely cried around him unless he was physically hurting you. Maybe if you were hungry as a baby you’d start crying. Other than those few occasions Hojo genuinely couldn’t explain to himself why you would act so unruly around everyone else. You certainly never violently lashed out at him, which was surprising as he was the source of most of your pain. Most major milestones he made in your growth was always his doing and his alone. You were always so complacent with him. So it was no wonder that eventually he made sure to keep you around him most times, trying to socialize you with others on occasion. Supervised of course. Hojo partially blamed the lack of interaction throughout your childhood, certain it was causing you to act uncontrollably with everyone else. You never quite seemed to adjust to others, just tolerating everyone else. Only making sure you didn’t hurt anyone as long as Hojo was watching.
Over time Hojo found it best to stop locking you up, allowing you to roam about like a normal child, kind of. You could go to certain areas of his lab, depending on what he was working on he didn’t mind you lingering around him. Which is mainly what you resorted to doing, making sure you never got in Hojo’s way but also forming a habit of peeking over his shoulder at all times. Making attempts at understanding whatever it was he was researching. Hojo learned you had a very curious nature, often asking for him to explain things you took a peek at. It wasn’t until Hojo was stuck in the process of altering a mako injection, something new, better, far stronger than the last. For some reason he just kept falling short of his goal. You’d been watching him work on this for weeks, peeking at the notes he would set off to the side after he was done, moving on to the next. 
You caught his attention as you snagged a pen from his desk, noting that you separated his notes into two stacks. Leaving one of them on the desk as you tell him “those won’t help you.” You’ve got Hojo’s full attention. Sitting on the floor next to him you spread out the stack of notes, rearranging them in what appeared to be a specific order. Hojo seemed so intent on watching you that he halted his own work completely, watching as you carefully circled certain portions from each page. At some point Hojo did try to intervene, stating that your idea “wouldn’t work,” to which you all but whined at him “wait, I’m not finished yet.” Fine, he would let you continue, looking over your shoulder curiously. It took you roughly two hours, getting up to steal the notes Hojo left off on, seeing if they were fit for the solution. Before you could finish and present your findings, Hojo caught on to what you were doing. Realizing with glee that you were right, a grin spreading across his face. He wasn’t going to stop you, Hojo wanted to hear every bit of reasoning you had and just how you managed to accomplish what he couldn’t. 
It was perfect, now all he needed to do was create the real thing and put it to the test. For once Hojo was proud of you, outwardly praising you for work. The smile that graced his face immediately caused you to light up, the feeling was so surreal and you loved it. In turn Hojo taught you exactly how to create these mako injections. Silently deciding he would teach you as much as he could rather than focusing on your physical abilities. It was clear you excelled far more mentally. You were so young, already displaying such signs of brilliance. Hojo hadn’t realized how much information you’ve been taking in from him, it’s left him a bit in awe that you were able to catch on so quickly. 
Hojo would spend far more time with you, going as far to start bringing you to his home. He’d pump your mind full of information endlessly. The minute you woke up, before you went to bed, while you ate. It never stopped. At times it was overbearing but you could handle it, quickly adjusting to the amount of knowledge Hojo needed to cram in your head. He’d constantly ask you trick questions, waiting to see when you slipped up and said something wrong. Only on the most rare occasion would you screw up, often meeting his smug expression with one of your own. Most times not speaking to you unless it was in regards to any research or whatever he decided you needed to learn next. 
One thing Hojo could admit, this was the closest he felt to having a kid. The way you would curl up to him as he sat on the couch was the smallest bit of warming, often falling asleep against him so he would have to tuck you into bed. Sometimes letting you sleep in his bed with him when the nightmares were too much. It was almost comical to him, the way you came seeking comfort from the very thing that kept you up at night. Your blubbering and crying nearly immediately halting whenever he wrapped his arms around you. Other times you would just sneak into his room while he slept, snuggling against him, other times just laying right on him. It became so routine to him, Hojo never felt it to be odd. Even as you grew well into your teenage years you would still curl up to him. Hojo just thought it was a part of the dynamic between the two of you. Him being somewhat of a father figure and you being your usual needy, emotional self. Never did he think taking care of you would turn into what it would. 
Hojo wanted to focus solely on turning you into the genius he was, you on the other hand still wanted to physically train. Still trying to gain his praise in that aspect. It wouldn’t happen until you were starting to go into the field for R&D missions, locating variations of monsters from each region, bringing back whatever Hojo asked for. You would always go out of your way to bring him something extra back, always a pleasant surprise for him because these were things you knew he would be interested in. Hojo would be even more impressed with you when he received a specimen alive. Sure having the carcass was good enough, but a live subject was always far better. It was a lot to handle, being the head of R&D’s field team once you turned twenty-two and obtained far more experience. Paired with Hojo seemingly trying to turn you into his successor, you would ensure that you excelled in both departments. Making sure you kept yourself right at Hojo’s side.
It wasn’t until you were hitting your mid twenties, making your desire for Hojo much more prominent. It took a while for him to accept the way you were acting towards him. Thinking that you were just being touchy whenever you spent more time apart. A thought scratching at the back of his mind, contemplating your actions may be more than what he wanted to believe. He couldn’t deny that you were making him uncomfortable. Clinging to him most times you were alone and had down time. Wrapping your arms around his neck, claiming you were just wanting to hug him. Those hugs felt far too intimate at times, your body fully pressed against his, refusing to let him go for excessive periods of time. The way you would run your fingers along the base of his neck, always ending up with your fingers tangled in his hair. You’d brush your lips against his neck subtly. You’d even still climb into his lap. Probably the most bothersome action was when you’d straddle him, forcing Hojo under you despite his squirming and complaints. He could be mistaken, he’s positive he isn’t, but it felt like you were just trying to grind against his cock. It didn’t fail when you sat in his lap these days, blatantly scooting into place if you missed your target the first time.
He wasn't sure if should accept you or not. By typical social norms this wasn't something Hojo should do, but when has he ever cared about society’s views? Your actions cause him to dwell on all of your past interactions, trying to pinpoint the moment it seemed like you wanted more from him. He truly couldn’t tell, it was like a switch flipped one day and you were instantly infatuated with him. Like you truly had no shame when it came to him, it was absurd at times. For the longest Hojo would brush you off, telling you to be professional or to go “find someone your own age.” Which wasn’t a problem, you’d been seeing Genesis on and off for months. It didn’t extend any further than sexual favors and it still wasn’t what you craved. Genesis was an exceptional lover, facts, it would just be far better with someone you loved. It was a complicated scenario, it wasn’t like Hojo could nor wanted to get rid of you. You were the lead of his field team, it wouldn’t be nearly as successful withou you, Hojo couldn’t abandon such a genius. 
As time went on he figured your fixation with him was subsiding, when in reality it was just bubbling over until you couldn’t hold it in any longer. Hojo couldn’t help but wonder what happened to the seemingly innocent subjective individual he raised, now moaning and an absolute mess as you rode him. You were so rough, Hojo was certain you would break his chair, doing your damnedest to hold onto him to keep yourself from falling. The entire scene regarding this scenario was quite a bit disgusting. To most people. To you this was a dream come true. Gripping Hojo’s shoulders with bruising force, your pace unsteady and quick as you try to find your climax. Greedily trying to make up for the years you’ve had to miss out on fucking him. The way you barged into his lab as he was idly working at his desk. Pushing Hojo away from his work, climbing in his lap and begging, no, demanding he show you the attention you've been seeking. Hojo couldn’t help that his body reacted so positively to your actions, he didn’t hate it at all either. Undoubtedly enjoying the way you tightened around him. Hojo would certainly get his fill of you later. For now he would settle for cuming in you, telling you to get off of him coldly and that you need to clean up. Making sure you knew to stop by his place tonight as there would be things to discuss and activities to wrap up.
Hojo made sure to set a few boundaries, none that bothered you, you were just satisfied having him at all. He made it clear that your relationship, if you could call it that, stayed between the two of you. Requesting you get rid of any unrealistic expectations you may have for him, he’ll never set aside work for you and he isn’t looking to be on an emotional side of things. Not that he was capable of giving that to anyone no matter what, it wasn’t in him to be truly loving. You were delusional though, his actions betraying his words in your eyes. To you there was no way he couldn’t love you, you spent nearly every moment together. Working, sleeping, eating, at times bathing. Only going back to your own home at Hojo’s request. You could be quite a bit clingy, something he said he would like to avoid. It still didn’t stop him from keeping you around more often than not, often relaxing in your presence. Finding relief in being able to talk to someone who would have the slighted clue of what was coming out of his mouth. For once in his life it felt good to not be looked at as a mad man, and for you, Hojo could do now wrong. It doesn’t matter just how cruel he’s shown you he can be. 
Eventually the dynamic felt less and less abnormal, at times thoughts of the past would stir in Hojo’s mind. You didn’t seem concerned in the slightest, so he wouldn’t make a fuss over it. It wasn’t anything Hojo ever pictured for himself. Being this deeply involved with an experiment, let alone one he raised. You just haven’t given him any reason to dislike this arrangement, at least not yet. For the sake of your mental state and Hojo’s well being, lets hope this doesn’t come to an end until one of you are dead.
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rottenpumpkin13 · 1 year ago
Out Of Context Shit Heard On The SOLDIER Floor #6
Previous: #1, #2, #3, #4, #5
Angeal: No, Genesis, you spaghetti-noodle-spine-having-ass bitch.
Sephiroth: I identify as a tonberry *chases Cloud with a kitchen knife*
Zack: Ra Ra Rasputin *kicks Sephiroth over*
Genesis: Unhand me you cretin *alone, talking to no one*
Angeal: Zack just showed me a picture of the Grinch and said "hear me out"
Lazard: No, Sephiroth, you cannot have a human-sized cat bed in your office "for enrichment"
Cloud: Parkour time *crashes through the air vents*
Sephiroth: I'm the biggest lesbian ally in this department, actually.
Angeal: For the sake of my sanity I'm gonna pretend I didn't just see Zack twerking to One Winged Angel.
Luxiere: I would commit unspeakable atrocities for a crumb of Zack's attention.
Lazard: That stripper pole better be gone when I get back or so help me, Genesis, I will return you to the goddess.
Sephiroth: *does a single pump of sore throat spray* This is enough for sustenance for the day.
Kunsel: Care for a deep-fried cigarette?
Angeal: You look like an AI-generated twink.
Sephiroth: I've grown so tired of Genesis's voice that we now communicate solely through interpretive dance.
Lazard, over the speakers: Whoever heated fish in the break room microwave, please come by my office so I can break your knees.
Zack: Aww, I forgot to feed the Roomba :(
Genesis: I don't know why me and Angeal are being judged. Simulating a birth with a watermelon is a perfectly normal activity for two people.
Kunsel: Hopefully this office party won't end in accidental weed use.
Genesis: I noticed some homosexual subtext in your screams, do you want to talk about that?
Angeal: *sniff sniff* Ooh~ who's barbecuing? OH MY GOD IT'S AN ELECTRIC FIRE.
Roche: Every time I think about chopping my hair short I think "Sephiroth wouldn't want this for me" and the feeling is gone.
Genesis: I made a friend *drags in a skeleton with a Sephiroth wig*
Cloud: *points at Angeal, Genesis and Sephiroth* Pure of heart, dumb of ass, big of tit.
Lazard: I told Zack to use Excel and he started sobbing.
Sephiroth: It's extremely rude to ask someone why they're eating a salad bowl of udon at 8 AM. Mind your business, Zack.
Cloud: Genesis likes Loveless so much because the title resonates with his love life.
Zack: You keep your anxiety pills in a takeaway to-go box? Dude that's so fancy.
Lazard: Why is Sephiroth the only one wearing a shirt??
Angeal: Common sense has chased Zack all his life but he wears wheelies so he's faster
Sephiroth: I personally don't use the peace sign because I haven't had a day of peace since I was 12.
Kunsel: I'm never going out in public with Zack again. A child's balloon popped when it went near his hair.
Angeal: No I'm not giving you an aspirin. Last time I gave you one you crushed it and snorted it like cocaine.
Lazard: An overwhelming majority of you peaked in kindergarten.
Sephiroth: Zack, I'm becoming increasingly concerned by the amount of potatoes in your pants right now.
Zack: This year I want an A/B/O themed birthday party.
Sephiroth: Please don't commit tax fraud, Genesis. You won't thrive in prison.
Genesis: Does anyone have an extra ramen packet to give Sephiroth? The 64 he consumed this morning weren't enough.
Roche: Commander Rhapsodos and his emo fringe is our culture.
Zack: I'm at my fucking limit! I'm about to eat a vegetable!
Genesis: He's a son of a bitch Sephiroth: That implies he has a mother, so I don't see how that's an insult.
Zack: Fuck around and find out *said with a chunk of Genesis' red coat hanging from his pocket*
Cloud: Does anyone have an extra brain cell? I lost my remaining one when Genesis spoke to me this morning.
Sephiroth: Damn.
Kunsel: Zack owes me so much money that if he sold his box of random shit he stole from Angeal, he still couldn't pay me back.
Angeal: Why are you guys playing Queen's Blood in the closet? is this a metaphor?
Genesis: Have you prayed to your Sephiroth cardboard cutout yet today?
Sephiroth: Alert me once Rufus Shinra arrives so that I may greet him adequately *said while building a pipe bomb*
Lazard: It's all fun and games until the timeout cage that I ordered online arrives.
Genesis: I will atone for my sins by becoming a nuisance to the environment.
Cloud: If Zack were a scented candle he'd smell like ADHD and crayons.
Sephiroth, standing on a table: DO NOT. EAT. THE CHEESECAKE. IN THE FRIDGE. It's mine.
Angeal: *with a bucket while it's raining hale* Free ice baby.
Zack: I finally have enough gil to buy a sixteen bouncy castles.
Genesis: Being overcome with the desire to eat pasta and call your mother at 2 AM and wondering if you're having a mental breakdown or are possessed by Sephiroth.
Lazard: I can't fire any of you, but I'm about to start setting things on fire.
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