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wilsoneffects-blog · 5 years ago
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That’s one clean looking board @cainskeltonmusic ! ・・・ My full main board for guitar, some of these have been on the board for a very long time, others are a little more recent. A subtle tremolo from @midfielectronics and a preamp tone coloring from @xoticusa’s EP Booster are always on, the @dwarfcraft and @keeleyelectronics are my wildcard slots, always swapping those out. I recently added a @missionengineering VM Pro Ultrasweep, which allows for incredible attack decay control, a great volume pedal. Next to that is a @wilsoneffects Freeker Wah which I believe is modeled after the one Tony Iommi played in Sabbath. Really quality underrated wah pedal. #missionengineering #wilsoneffects #xotic #pigtronix #fairfieldcircuitry #midfieffects #maxon #phaser #chorus #dwarfcraftdevices #dwarfcraft #chasebliss #chaseblissaudio #tonalrecall #delay #eventide #pitchfactor #keeley #reverb #vox #gretsch #fender . #guitarpedalboard #pedalsandeffects #pedals #pedalboard #effectspedals #guitarpedals https://www.instagram.com/p/CAxQ_JZnU8r/?igshid=fczzqc0871e2
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pedaloftheday · 7 years ago
NEW DEMO VIDEO POLY Expressive MIDI Foot Controller
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kfirochaion · 7 years ago
Happy Gibsunday 🎸 Sweet sweet tones from the Tonal Recall analog delay from @chaseblissaudio ❤️️ A part from an original song Gear: @gibsoncustom Les Paul R9 Skinnerburst @ErnieBall .010 @officialibanezguitars TS808HW Chase Bliss Audio Tonall Recall @marshallamps_uk Super Bass #chaseblissaudio #tonalrecall #delay #analog #echo #tone #guitar #guitarplayer #guitarist #gibson #lespaul #gibsunday #musician #music #kfiro #guitarsolo #bliss #analogdelday #amazing #sweet #tonal #recall #fender #stratocaster #straturday #instagram #instagramer #instagrammer #pinkfloyd #original Thanks for watching ❤
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scottgailor · 7 years ago
My #meditation 🧘‍♂️ a small peak into my mind #chaseblissaudio #warpedvinylhifi #tonalrecall #rkm @chaseblissaudio using the #Boss #Waza #guitarhead
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endangeredaudio-blog · 8 years ago
@andshamlian The sounds you are hearing were made with these...@fender #lead2 @sinasoid @drscientistsounds #frazzdazzler @jhspedals #theemperor #splitter @keeleyelectronics #30ms @endangeredaudio #ad4096 #compressorpro #heisenberg @lightningwave #ghost #reverberator @chaseblissaudio #tonalrecall @oldbloodnoise #abysplit #boomerang @voxamplification #ac30 #twinreverb #gowiththeflow #signalpath #geartalk #knowyourtone #gearybusey #pedals #pedalboard #mood #lighting #electric #amps #guitar #music #digit
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jexttelez · 8 years ago
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Uni-Drive Green Saucer just went on sale @reverb Http://rvrb.io/2017-uni-drive-the-jwg #gearybusey #tonethrone #gear #geartalk #gearpost #gearwire #geartone #guitar #sinasoid #gearacquisitionsyndrome #cleantone #knowyourtone #toneculture #notpedalbored #tonefordays #guitarsalldayguitarsallnight #bootsandboards #gearslutz #gearnerds #gearporn #rigoftheday #tonalrecall #toeachhistone #tonnesoftone
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lyndonperry · 7 years ago
Episode 2 - Foreplay/Long Time
Listen to Tonal Recall Episode 2 (also Episode 1 here) on Anchor.fm. Get the Anchor app from the App Store or Google Play.
For round 2 I chose "Foreplay/Long Time" (Apple Music, Spotify) by Boston. You can read the lyrics here, and watch a live video from Giants Stadium here. There are some interesting facts around this song, so much so it warrants it's very own Wikipedia page. 
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thenoisereel-blog · 7 years ago
Stacking guitar effects with the Wampler Ego Compressor, Chase Bliss Audio Gravitas and Tonal Recall, Mr Black Supermoon Chrome and Snouse BlackBox Overdrive 2 . . . . . #egocompressor #gravitas #tonalrecall #supermoonchrome #snouseBlackBox #gottone #gearybusey #guitarpedals #geartalk #gearjunkie #instamusic #lickwars #knowyourtone #riffwars #talentedmusicians #tonelovers #toneheaven #pedaljunkie #pedaldemo #pickuptone #tonemob @snouseelectricco @chaseblissaudio @wamplerpedals @mrblackpedals
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aneekt · 8 years ago
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Wow. Just wow. Warm, full, aggressive, gnarly, violent, versatile. #delay #tonalrecall (at Andertons Music Store)
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Connected, now needs to be powered up. Yet another iteration in the ever lasting search for greater tone Chain: #cmatmods buffer > @walrusaudioeffects #deepsix #compressor > @tcelectronic #polytune > @loopipedals #looper A for @digitechfx #whammy > @chaseblissaudio #tonalrecall > @ehx #micropog > @dawnerprince #starla (tremolo) > @jimdunlopusa #mxr #phase90 (EVH) > #cmatmods #signadrive (18v) > @empress_effects #nebulus > looper B (@darkglasselectronics #duality > @mooeraudio #eleclady > @bossfx_us #digitaldelaydd3 > @jimdunlopusa #mxr #carboncopy > @strymonengineering #bluesky ) out to another #cmatmods #buffer and then to @official_line6 #dl4 (used as a sampler). Not a 'normal chain' but after experimenting with these pedals I found that I liked this the most. I love delays at the front, but I have another 2 options after overdrive. Happy Easter everyone. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #geartalk #knowyourtone #cleantone #pedalboard #pedals #gearwire #toneheaven #gottone #gearhead #delay #reverb #effectpedal #pedalporn #pedals #tonefordays #toneheaven #gearporn #effectpedals #tonethrone #tone #toneitup #gearslutz #gearhead
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laanatomiadelodio · 8 years ago
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Yesterday I tried this, and I'm really sad that it's not mine. #chaseblissaudio #tonalrecall
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gibsunday · 7 years ago
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Damn. This Custom Shop SG and 1946 LG2 is just... crazy! Great stuff from @kallemattson! • • • Happy #gibsunday everyone! #gibson #tonethrone #ETtonehome #gearybusey #jamesearltones #cameltone #tonalrecall #toeachhistone #gameoftones #geartone #geartalk #gearacquisitionsyndrome #cleantone #knowyourtone #toneculture #notpedalbored #bootsandboards #gearnerds #gearpost #rigoftheday #guitarsalldayguitarsallnight #tonefordays #straturday #teletuesday #offsetguitars #tonnesoftone #lespaul #SG #ES335 https://ift.tt/2K7yehe
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kfirochaion · 7 years ago
Black Sabbath - Fairies Wear Boots 🤘 Fattening the sound up with the Tonal Recall analog delay from @chaseblissaudio ❤️ Gear: @gibsoncustom Les Paul 1959 Skinnerburst @ErnieBall .010 @hughesandkettner Tube Factor Chase Bliss Audio Tonall Recall @marshallamps_uk Super Bass #blacksabbath #black #sabbath #ozzy #ozzyosbourne #tonyiommi #paranoid #fairieswearboots #metal #heavymetal #classicrock #chaseblissaudio #tonalrecall #effect #delay #analog #echo #tone #pedaldemo #geardemo #guitar #guitarplayer #guitarist #gibson #lespaul #gibsunday #musician #music #kfiro #guitarsolo Thanks for watching!
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scottgailor · 6 years ago
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Ok so this is the board for the next round of the @tonejunkiechronicles pedal demos. Loop 1 #wombtonemkii Loop 2 #warpvinylmkiihifi (Orange) Loop 3 #thermae Loop 4 #redknobmod #tonalrecall Loop 5 #darkworld The #brothers>#condor into the amp. I’m using a @bossfx_us #es5 #switchingsystem and #ev30 #expressionpedal Pedals in Loop 1-5 are in the #effectsloop Of a @mesaengineering #mkv head running into a @twonotesaudio #captor @tsunamicables round it all out. This is going to be fun. (at Florida) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bu2C4IUHpHc/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=13qrcloo36upw
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lyndonperry · 7 years ago
Episode 1 - Don't Bring Me Down (Groos)
Listen to Tonal Recall Episode 1 on Anchor.fm. Get the Anchor app from the App Store or Google Play.
This podcast and blog is dedicated to an age old question–where does the music come from? How does a composer begin, and where do the ideas, sounds and vibes originate? 
Einstein is credited with the quote, "The secret to creativity is knowing how to hide your sources." My super brief research for this post led to an article that proves Einstein did not, in fact, say this. Chalk one up for irony.
With Tonal Recall, the goal is the inverse. I want to discover and reveal my sources. These are the songs, the mind tattoos that stand above the millions of other songs written in my life time. I realize I add my own spices, but I'm sure these songs and the artists responsible for them are in my subconscious pallet that I tap into when I create. The litmus test for the songs I choose is simple. If I can remember where I was when I first heard a song (especially as a child/teen), it's on the table for discussion. 
In this first episode the song I chose is "Don't Bring Me Down" (Apple Music, Spotify) by Electric Light Orchestra, a.k.a. ELO. You can read the lyrics here, and watch the official, shmancy video here. If you're bored or feeling nostalgic and want to dig deeper (recommended), the song has it's own Wikipedia page. 
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wwwwwwgreeeen · 8 years ago
chaseblissaudioFun with CV sequencing and @knobs_demos. We've got your CV cables available on the web store. @korgofficial #SQ1 sold separately. #TonalRecall#TonalRecallRKM #AnalogDelay
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