#tomorrow will suck. but if I can get everything I want to done I'll be golden for the next week
sonofsin · 15 days
the system survived the first week of school btw
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murobrown · 1 year
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iron-niffler · 2 years
fucking losing it rn lmao
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matchingbatbites · 7 months
Happy Valentine's, all. <3
Eddie doesn't want to be making this call. Literally the last thing he wants to be doing is making this specific phone call, but he'll be damned if he lets his asshole of a roommate get away with this.
After a moment the ringing stops, and a voice says "Hello?"
"Uh, hi, is this Steve?"
"It is, who is this?"
"It's Eddie, Jake's roommate? I got your number from him." Well, from his phone when he'd left it unattended one day, but Steve doesn't need to know the details. "I really, really hate to be making this call, especially the day before Valentine's, but uh. Jake is cheating on you."
The line is silent for a moment before he hears a weak "What?"
Eddie's eyes squeeze shut at the heartbreak he can hear in that single word. He hates that he's doing this, but knows it needs to be done, for Steve's sake.
"I got home from work not too long ago, and heard him with some girl in his room. I took a video, if you want proof, but I just- I thought you deserved to know."
There's a bit of shuffling on Steve's end, along with a soft sniffle. "I, uh. I don't need the video. I believe you. I'm not all that surprised, if I'm honest."
He huffs a laugh, the sound so self-deprecating that it makes Eddie's stomach twist in empathy. "Guess that makes me three-for-three on my long-term partners cheating. I'm starting to wonder what the fuck is wrong with me."
That last part is softer, like Steve was speaking to himself, but Eddie hears it and frowns, because- because Steve is lovely. He can tell that Steve is beautiful inside and out, always kind with just enough sass to make him so fun to be around.
He's always makes sure to talk to Eddie every time he comes over, even if it's just a simple greeting or goodbye, and whenever he cooks at their apartment - because he's a great cook - he always makes enough for Eddie to have some as well.
It feels wrong to hear Steve talk like this, like there's something about him that needs to be fixed. Like his previous partners were right to abuse his love and trust, instead of treating them like the treasures Eddie knows they are.
Before Eddie can speak out to reassure him, the man continues. "Thank you for telling me Eddie. Spending Valentine's alone is gonna suck, but I guess that's better than spending it with someone who doesn't care about me."
"Spend it with me."
Eddie isn't sure where the request comes from, but as soon as it leaves his mouth, it's all he wants.
Steve gives a soft "Huh?" and Eddie repeats it, "Spend it with me. A boy as pretty as you shouldn't be cooped up inside on a day like Valentine's. Let me take you out, try to salvage it for you at least a little."
Steve goes quiet, and for a solid ten seconds, Eddie is sure that he's about to be rejected.
And then Steve says "Jake was supposed to pick me up at 6:30 tomorrow. I'll come by yours at six instead, so I can break up with him before we leave. Is that okay?"
A sigh of relief, and Eddie slumps into the wall behind him. "Sounds perfect, Stevie. Wear something nice, but casual, okay?"
"I can do that. I'll see you tomorrow, Eddie. And thanks again."
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Jake comes across Eddie the next evening as he's packing the last of the food into a bag. He's spent the last hour or so getting it ready, making sure it's all perfect even though it's nothing too complicated.
A meat and cheese plate with some fancy crackers, a jar of the pickled asparagus he's recently become addicted to, a bowl of diced fruit and a box of fancy chocolates he'd splurged on.
He'd even dropped money on a bouquet of roses, and he already has a few comfy blankets and pillows packed into the back of the van. Everything perfect and ready to go. When Jake sees his preparations, he lets out a low whistle.
"Wow, Eddie. Trying to impress someone?"
Eddie shrugs, trying to be as nonchalant as possible. "Yep. It's our first date, so I want it to be special. Didn't wanna go the usual, boring, fancy restaurant route."
He's sure that's what Jake had planned for himself and Steve, and it's confirmed by the way his nose wrinkles. "There's nothing wrong with spending money on your date, Eddie. If you have the money to spend, that is."
Jesus Christ, Eddie can't wait to move out of this fucking place, and away from this fucking asswipe.
"Anyway, I've gotta go pick up Steve soon, and I'm planning on bringing him back here tonight, so maybe see if you can crash with your date, yeah?"
"Sure thing-" Eddie replies, though he's interrupted by the sound of a knock ringing through the apartment. He grins wide, knowing exactly who it is. "That must be my date. Can you grab that while I finish up here?"
Jake rolls his eyes but complies, and Eddie freezes in place, not daring to make a sound so he can hear whatever interaction is about to happen.
The door opens, and he hears Jake's confused "Steve? What are you doing here? I'm supposed to be-"
"Yeah, we're not doing anything anymore. Ever again, actually."
God, Steve sounds so bitchy, and Eddie fucking loves it. He grabs the bag of food and the bouquet of roses from the counter, glad that he got dressed beforehand, and makes his way to the entry.
"What are you saying, Steve?"
"I'm saying that we're over, Jake. Maybe you can call the girl you fucked last night and take her to dinner instead."
Eddie turns the corner in time to see Jake's stunned expression, clearly not expecting Steve to throw that at him. He takes a moment to bask in the fire burning behind hazel eyes, until they slide to him and that fire vanishes, replaced with something sparkling and delighted.
"Hi, Eddie," Steve says, his demeanor changing like the flip of a switch, and Eddie beams. He steps closer and offers the bouquet of roses, along with a "Happy Valentine's, Stevie."
The money Eddie spent on the flowers was worth it to see the blush that floods Steve's face as he reaches out to take them.
"Oh, thank you. That's really sweet of you."
"What the fuck is happening right now?"
Eddie and Steve both turn to look at a very petulant and confused Jake, and Steve just smiles. "Well, you just got dumped, and my Valentine is about to take me on a date."
It takes a moment, but something must finally click, because Jake's face goes red with rage. Eddie just grabs Steve's arm, guiding him out of the apartment before the man can actually do something.
"So what's the plan?" Steve asks as he takes Eddie's hand, lacing their fingers together as Eddie leads him to his van.
"Well, uh. The next town over still has a drive in theater, and they're showing some old romance movies tonight. The drive to get there is pretty nice, and we'll actually have some time to talk, and then- I have some blankets and pillows in the back of the van, and I brought food so we can do a picnic during the movies. I mean, if- if that sounds good to you."
Steve's eyes are sparkling again as Eddie rambles, and he squeezes their hands in delight. "That sounds perfect, Eds."
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By the time Eddie gets home late that night, he's learned two things:
The first is that Steve had already been debating on breaking up with Jake before this whole fiasco, but the thing stopping him was that he actually likes being around Eddie, and he thought wanting to hang out with his ex-boyfriend's roommate would be too weird.
The second thing Eddie's learned is that Steve's smile tastes like dark chocolate and sunshine, and kissing him might just be Eddie's new favorite hobby.
(Eddie does eventually show the video to Steve, just to reassure him that he didn't break them up so Eddie could date him instead. The only comment Steve makes is "She's definitely faking, his dick game isn't that good.")
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bruhnze · 1 month
Fuck this - Lucy Bronze x Ona Batlle
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Summary: Jealous Lucy.
Warnings: A lot of bad words, smut. Minors DNI. Not proof read :) THIS IS X-RATED!!!
Wordcount: 4k
i dedicate this one to you @onabronze and to the anons that asked it's not really good but i tried :).
(i've emptied my inbox so if your ask is not on my WIP pls send again (if u still want it done) because i had so much garbage in there i just removed everything in one go, sorry not sorry😬)
Ps: We do not hate Germany (don't come for me, it was for the plot)!
´´fuck this shit´´ Lucy mumbled to herself as she was running faster and faster on the treadmill, ´´fucking dick-head ref, that’s not a fucking yellow´´. ‘’Cata is a fucking goalie, you fuck ass pigfucker, really strange for her to use her hands, huh, dumb fuck’’.
´´that’s a lot of f-bombs Bronze’’ Millie tried to joke, not noticing how worked up the English defender really was.
‘’Fuck off Millie’’, Bronze called as she stopped the machine and ran off with her eyes glued to her phone.
‘’Bruh’’ Lauran giggled, ‘’you know Spain Germany is on right now’’.
‘’Oh really’’ Millie said confused, ‘’ohh, fuck, her girl is playing for Spain right’’.
‘’Yeah, they’re losing’’ Sam called from the bench on the side of the gym, ‘’Gwinn is about to take a penal and she hasn’t missed a single one for club’’.
‘’Are you watching that?’’ James asked while she strutted over to the Australian, ‘’let me watch along’’.
‘’Ofcourse mate’’ Sam chuckled, ‘’I watch everything’’.  
‘’Do we check on her?’’ Millie asked, mostly directed to Lauren, as she knows her best.
‘’Nah’’ James says, ‘’if you like to live you’d best leave her alone’’.
‘’Yes, we’ll just give her some boxing gloves as the game is over’’.
‘’Ona doesn’t deserve this shit, what a horseshit head coach’’.
‘’Putellas missing a penalty what a fucking joke’’.
‘’You’re a cunt Berger, A CUNT!’’.
Lauren knocked on the doorpost of the locker-room, ‘’Ey Luce, they’re looking for someone to break in the new boxing gloves’’.
‘’I hate those German wankers with their ugly kits’’.
The English forward suppressed a giggle, ‘’yeah they suck, but you should turn it of bruv, it’s no point of watching them cry’’.
‘’Ona is going to be devastated’’, Lucy said as she looked up and stared ahead, as if she’s just realized it.
‘’Are you seeing her soon?’’ Lauren asked carefully.
Lucy snapped out of her trance and looked at her friend, ‘’yeah she coming tomorrow’’.
‘’To London?’’.
‘’Yes, she has ten days off’’.
''Well then you have enough time to comfort her''.
Lucy sighed ''yeah, I'll just quickly send her a text and then we'll box, I'm going to turn off this stream bullshit''. She says as she looked back at her phone and saw Paralluelo crying. ‘’my heart can’t take this’’, she muttered quietly without James hearing it.
When she was driving back ‘home’ from the training ground she received a call, it was Ona.
‘’Hey love’’, Lucy said timidly, not sure about if Ona’s mood would be more sad or angry, or maybe both.
Instead Ona answered pretty lightly, ‘’hey Luce, how are you?’’.
‘’Huh?’’ Lucy said, maybe a bit too loud ‘’I should be asking you that’’.
‘’Montse just scolded us for an hour’’ Ona said, ‘’but for some reason I don’t care about the loss, Germany was just better and I think Cata needs a psychologist after she’s broken her nose, she’s been out of it for every game after it’’.
‘’You deserved to win’’ Lucy said with tears in her eyes.
Ona chuckled ‘’I love you Lucy, but honestly, I’ve got respect for the Germans, they played well’’.
‘’I hate the Germans’’.
Ona chuckled louder, ‘’no Luce, you can not say that because they won Bronze’’.
‘’I hate Montse then’’.
‘’Okay’’, Ona laughed ‘’I agree with that one’’. ‘’But I am going to dinner with my family tonight, so I have to get ready in a little bit, you texted me to call you when I had time, so that’s why I called’’.
‘’Oh wow’’ Lucy said, a little hurt ‘’not because you wanted to hear your girlfriends voice’’.
‘’I see you tomorrow’’, Ona chuckled.
‘’That’s true but I still miss you today’’ Lucy sighed, ‘’maybe I’m a wuss, but I just feel bad for you Oni and I thought you might have needed some comfort’’.
‘’I love you, but I have to get ready’’ Ona laughed, ‘’see you tomorrow?’’.
‘’or you can call me tonight after dinner?’’.
‘’I think I will go to bed straight after, I am extremely tired’’.
‘’I understand, do you want to stay on the phone when you get ready?’’.
‘’Okay’’ Ona said as she put her phone on speaker.
After Ona had hung up because her cab was about to be there, Lucy thought about what she would eat for dinner.
She looked around her kitchen, ''fuck'' she mumbled ''i should clean this shit up''.
She opened her phone and ordered some sushi for tonight, 'because she deserved some comfort food' and got to work.
Her appartment was still a bit of a mess after the quick move in, and she needed it to be presentable for her girlfriend tomorrow. Ona would probably start cleaning her place and she didn't want to be a partner like that, that would be stupid because it was one of her own icks.
As she had cleaned up her apartment the bell rang.
With the sushi she took place at the table and opened the ipad that layed there.
Mindlessly she went on Twitter, she was logged on to her anonymous account and went on the hashtag 'Ona Battle'. She knew she shouldn't, but she was curious what the people thought of her performance this game.
Lucy had seen Ona was tired, but when you took in mind she'd played every single minute, and Lucy knew Ona slept very bad in the hotel, she had played very good.
She froze when she saw people joking about Feli and Ona being back together ''what the hell?'' she said to herself as she went deeper into the rabbithole and eventually came aross pictures of Ona in a Germany shirt, and not just any German shirt, it was the ugly 'Rauch 19' one.
Lucy was tempted to send a teasing text, maybe even with the picture attached, but she chose not too.
She couldn't help to feel a little anger inside her towards Feli, and as she came across a video of them chatting and giggling Lucy lost her shit and quickly closed the Ipad.
She jumped up from the table ''Fucking hell, not bothered about losing, fuck that'', she started pacing the room ''Germay deserved it'' she mocked, ''sure Ona, if you want to fuck her just say that''.
Lucy walked to her kitchen and fetched a beer from the fridge that was left from when Jorge had helped her with building some furniture ''fuck it'', she thought she might aswell have this because it was such a shitty night.
She took the beer to the bathroom and ran a bath, after that she went back to the kitchen to grab her ipad and got in, eventhough she had already taken a shower this afternoon.
Finaly she felt a little better, she had watched some episodes of a series she was watching and after two hours she decided to just go to bed early, Ona didn't want to call anyways so she didn't see the point of staying up. Might aswell get some rest before she saw Ona again tomorrow, eventhough she'd probably be very tired, so Lucy doubted they'd do anything, but atleast she'd be able to take care of her better.
As she got comfy in her bed she opened her phone to check one last time if Ona had sent her a text.
She hadn't.
Then she opened Instagram, scrolling for a little while.
She was just about to shut her phone when she saw @feli_rauch on her timeline, ''bitch'' she grumbled and as she took a better look she saw it was a teamphoto of the Germans, she only saw one person wearing a red shirt in the whole group.
''No way'' she said out loud as she zoomed in, ''are you kiddin' me'' - ''the only fucking shirt swap and it's my girlfriends' ''.
She closed her phone, trew it on the nightstand and dramatically dropped herself on the bed to go to sleep.
As she remembered she still had to put on an alarm and it would be probably best to have her phone on the charger she reached out to put the nightlamp on and fetched it.
When she held her phone it automatically unlocked with face-ID, and she saw that god-awfull team picture again ''fuckkkkkk'' she groaned as she swiped instagram away ''this is one big joke''.
After she had finally put in an alarm and found her charger, she put the light out and layed down again.
She tried hard to sleep but her mind kept wondering off to Ona.
Normally she wouldn't mind that one bit, sometimes her hand would even find it's way between her legs when she thought about her hot, beautiful girlfriend.
But not this time, her mind was polluted with images of Feli and Ona laughing together.
She knew Feli was Ona's ex, she had never really been bothered about it, eventhough she knew her mind was just being a bit stupid, she couldn't help to think back about what Ona had told her about Feli after Lucy had asked her how she had ever been with Feli.
''I wasn't really with her, we just fucked''. Ona had said laughing, ''but i soon found out she was very vanilla and for a relationship we would never ever work''.
Lucy knew she shouldn't have asked the question, but she had, ''but was she good?''.
Ona had asked her if she really wanted to know, and she had confirmed that she did.
After the answer she had regretted asking it, ''uhm, well, at the things she did do she was pretty good at, it just got boring very quickly'' Ona had said.
Now she was laying in bed with the thoughts of Feli fucking Rauch having her way with her precious Ona.
The thought that the German had tasted Ona sickened her.
The thought that the German had been inside Ona sickened her.
But the thought that Ona had, at one point, enjoyed it, got her blood boiling.
Maybe it was the distance.
Maybe it was because they hadn't been able to be intimate for a few weeks now.
Maybe it was the fact Ona hadn't told her about the shirt swap.
But Lucy felt jealous like she had never before.
Lucy woke up from her alarm, and checked her messages.
None from Ona.
She freshened up and got dressed.
Nothing from Ona.
In the kitchen she made herself some breakfast.
Nothing from Ona.
She went through the kitchen cupboards and refrigerator and wrote out a grocery list.
Nothing from Ona.
Lucy knew she would be flying in a couple of hours, so she decided to send a text herself, eventhough she had wanted Ona to text her first.
It was afternoon, Lucy was waiting in her blue Skoda outside of the airport. When she saw the beautiful freckled woman walking outside, searching for her, she jumped out of the car.
Ona was wearing sunglasses and a hat, but Lucy would always recognise her.
She opened her trunk and walked towards Ona.
''Hello baby'', she said happily.
''Luce!'', Ona said as she sped up her pace walking to her girlfriend.
They shared an embrace, ''i have missed you so much'' Ona muttered against the taller woman.
Lucy held Ona away from her to take a look at her face, ''i have missed you too''.
''I want to kiss you, so lets get in the car please'', Ona said smiling.
Lucy hastily threw the suitcase into the car and got back in the drivers seat as she saw Ona was already in the car.
''Your suitcase was pretty light'' Lucy said as she hopped in next to Ona.
''Yeah, i gave a lot of my stuff with Joan, i'm planning to wear your clothes anyways'' Ona stated.
''Oh'' Lucy said as she smiled at her girlfriend, ''and cool frames by the way''.
She leant in to kiss Ona.
They shared a kiss full of love, it was adamant that they had both missed eachother.
Not wanting to risk being spotted by anyone Lucy pulled back and got ready to drive off, reversing out of the parking spot.
''What yours is mine'' Ona chuckled, ''you said it yourself''.
''True'', Lucy said as she put her hand on Ona's thigh and drove away ''it's cute''.
Lucy carried Ona's suitcase to her apartment, and handed Ona the key to get them inside.
''Should i unpack your stuff? is there anything in here that needs to be washed?''.
''Uhm, i don't think so, i have only worn a few clothes, mostly the olympic stuff and those are with Joan, he is going to wash that for me''.
''Clever'' Lucy chuckled, ''putting your brother to work''.
Ona grinned, ''ofcourse, but maybe i will take a shower now and then we can nap together?''.
''I'd love that'' Lucy said, ''oh and let me show you around quickly, i almost forgot''.
It was a pretty quick tour, as the apartment wasn´t that big.
´´So here is the kitchen´´, Lucy said smiling as she turned on her heel and spinned.
Ona laughed, ´´are you making us dinner tonight?'' she asked stepping closer to Lucy.
''Of course beautiful'' Lucy said as she pressed herself against the Catalan, ''i was thinking that one tofu dish you like''.
''Hm yes''. Ona groaned, thinking about the dish Lucy made her often, because she liked it so much.
''Good'' Lucy said ''because I bought stuff to make that this morning''.
''You know me so well''.
''Yes'' Lucy smiled, ''and to be known is to be loved''.
''So romantic'' Ona laughed.
''Oh i'm feeling really romantic'' Lucy said as she bit her lip.
´´Really?'' Ona smirked as she put her arms around Lucy's neck and crossed them.
Lucy kissed her softly.
Ona hungerly answered the kiss and tried to get impossibly closer, getting up her tiptoes.
Lucy pulled away with a smile on her face ''but first you wanted to shower right?''.
The Catalan pouted ''i do.. but i also want you''.
The English defender kissed her girlfriend ''i'll be still here after the shower, and i know how you like to shower off the travel''.
''sí okay''.
They went to the bedroom, Lucy leading the way.
Lucy showed the on-suite bathroom and pointed to the towels.
''Leave the door open?'', Lucy asked in the sweetest voice she could put on.
''Sure'' Ona chuckled, ''are you staying in the bedroom?''.
''Yeah i'll put away your clothes really quick, i don't want you living out of a suitcase when you're with me, and i left some space in the closet for you''.
Ona kissed Lucy, ''you're cute''.
''You're cute'', Lucy repeated.
Lucy opened the suitcase, ''you need some underwear? and what do you want to wear or were you really planning on stealing my clothes''.
''huh'' Ona said, ''it's not stealing, it's my right''.
She chuckled until she watched Lucy's face who could appearently not laugh about it, ''what?''.
Lucy stayed silent.
''Sorry'' Ona ''i'll wear my own clothes if you really don't-
''No'' Lucy said, ''why don't you wear this'' she asked with a sarcastic laugh as she held up the white football shirt.
Ona chuckled.
Lucy looked at her in disbelieve ''you think this is funny? tell me why i have a damp German shirt in my hands right now?'''.
''I said my brother was going to wash my stuff right'' Ona said, ''well, match worn is worth more, you know you're supposed to keep the shirts you trade unwashed right?''.
''Fuck that''.
''It's financially responsible'', Ona laughed and stepped towards Lucy to kiss her.
With a quick peck she wanted to walk away.
Lucy didn't have any of that and grabbed her wrist, ''more please''.
Ona chuckled, ''let me shower, then we nap together''.
Ona sighed but gave in, she held Lucy's face as she kissed her again, this time more slowly.
Lucy hands travelled to Ona's ass and squeezed her cheeks as she pulled the Catalan in closer.
Ona grinned into the kiss, ''you missed me'' she said, with a tone sounding somewhere between a question and a statement.
''Where did you and Feli talk about after the match?'' Lucy said before she could stop herself.
Ona looked up with a mischievious smirk, ''is that what is bothering you?''.
Lucy huffed out some air, ''why did you swap shirts with her''.
''She wanted too''.
''So you said yes? and giggled about it with her?''.
''What did you want me to do then'' Ona chuckled, thinking it was funny seeing this jealous side of Lucy, it was something new.
''I dont know'' Lucy scolded lightly, ''just to tell her to fuck off with her boring shirt''.
Ona laughed ''boring shirt?, how can a shirt be boring''.
''Not the point'' Lucy grumbled, ''you talked to her after the match and you didn't want to speak to me''.
''I had a dinner!'' Ona laughed as she rubbed Lucy's arms, ''don't worry, you are the only one for me''.
She kissed Lucy's pouty face, ''my beautiful *kiss* strong *kiss* smart *kiss* perfect girlfriend *kiss*''.
Lucy pulled the Catalan thighter against her, ''i think i should give you a reminder''.
''What reminder?'' Ona frowned.
''About what good sex is like''.
''Luce!'' Ona slapped her shoulder playfully.
Lucy frowned, ''you want boring sex?''.
''Cus if you want that I could just put that ugly shirt on and we can roleplay that''.
Ona blushed, ''Lucee''.
Lucy's jaw dropped, ''you're not even saying that you don't want that?!''.
''I don't want that'' Ona rushed to say.
Lucy rolled her eyes. ''yeah i totally believe you now''.
''Sorry'' Ona pouted, putting on a cute smile ''i was distracted because you look so hot when you are jealous''.
''Í'm not jealous!''.
''Oh, és clar que no ets gelós'' (oh i see you are not jealous) Ona mockingly chuckled, she reached out to the suitcase and grabbed the shirt.
''Maybe i will wear it today''.
Lucy looked at her with dark eyes.
''It smells like her'' Ona added with a grin.
A second of silence hang in the air.
''Put it on.'' Lucy said.
Ona's smile faded ''No i was just joking''.
Lucy repeated herself ''go on, put it on''.
''I was kidding''.
''i'm not''. ''put. it. on.''.
Ona gulped and took her shirt off to put it on.
Lucy stopped her, ''no wait, first get naked and then put it on'' she said as she took her shorts off.
Ona felt her heartbeat fasten from the way this aroused her and followed the instructions.
''Your panties too'' Lucy said as walked to 'the drawer' and chose a rather large strap-on to wear.
Ona looked excited at Lucy, wearing a cheeky smile.
''You want this one?'' she helt the strap up.
Ona nodded furiously, a blush creeping on her cheeks.
''i can't hear you'' Lucy said as she pretended to put it back in the drawer again and took her shirt off.
''No wait'' Ona said ''yes, i want that one''.
''Okay, i suppose you deserve it right?''.
''Yes'' Ona said desperately ''please Luce, i-''.
''-laughed with an ex'' Lucy said sternly, ''i don't know if that is good girl-behavior''.
Ona kept quiet as Lucy walked towards her on the bed.
Lucy put the strap in her harness and hovered above Ona.
''that's basicly asking her to fuck you'' she wispered as she let her eyes roam the woman below her.
Ona put her hands on Lucy and chuckled ''Luce, you're crazy''.
''You know how i always say you would look perfect in everything?''.
''mhmm'' Ona grinned.
''Well this is awfull'' Lucy plucked at the shirt.
Ona tried to kiss Lucy but Lucy leant back just in time to dodge it.
''Turn around''.
Ona whined but quickly oblidged, this attitude was making her feel some things.
She was on all fours on the bed and without warning Lucy slapped her ass, resulting in a moan escaping her throat without her being able to surpres.
''Im so wet'' Ona whined as she felt herself dripping along her thighs, she looked over her shoulder to read Lucy's face.
''Don't look at me'' Lucy ordered, ''your pretty face doesn't suit this revolting shirt''.
She leaned against Ona to hold her face before she could turn, and gave her a kiss ''you are beautiful'' she said and softly kissed her lips.
When she released Ona's face and let her hand slide over the number '19' she huffed out some air.
''But you should be happy i have a fake cock'' Lucy grumbled, ''cus i could never get a hard-on like this''.
Ona whimpered.
A cracking sound and a moan filled the room.
Lucy watched the flesh of Ona's as jiggle and groped the skin when it turned red.
''Who does this ass belong to?''
Ona groaned ''you''.
Lucy rubbed the tip of her rubber cock along Ona's wetness.
The Catalan's breath hitched in her throat ''Luce'' she chocked out.
Another time Lucy's hand found it's way to Ona's behind with great force.
''Agh'' Ona groaned, ''please Luce''.
Lucy grabbed Ona by her hips and guided her to grind against her.
With one hand Lucy reached around for the smaller womans' centre.
With two fingers she traced her lips and collected some wetness before circling her clit.
''Fuck'' Lucy breathed out, ''so wet''.
She had problems with circling one spot at how wet Ona was, her fingers slipping away.
''Who are you so wet for?'' Lucy asked, talking in Ona's ear.
''You Lucy! you''. Ona practically cried out.
With that Lucy carefully slid the strap inside in one fluent movement.
''Merda'' (fuck) Ona moaned as her head slumped to her chest.
Lucy picked up a rhythm that she knew would drive Ona crazy, perfect for building the tension inside her quickly.
But after a few moments Lucy fastened her pace, not able to contain herself she fucked Ona hard and deep, the sight of the fabric around Ona fueling her anger.
She gave her another spanking to 'punish' Ona for wearing the shirt, but she knew it wasn't actually a punishment for Ona, which was confirmed by the filthy moan she let out.
''I'm coming'' Ona cried out as she gripped the sheets with clenched fists.
''Shit, already?'', Lucy groaned and kept thrusting.
''Lucí'' Ona said as her arch deepened.
''Fuck, come for me Ona'' Lucy said as her grip on Ona thightend.
With a loud cry Ona came.
Lucy slowly rode out her orgasm and released her grip on the girl, causing her to flop down on the bed.
The English woman shuffeld and took the strap out of the harness and layed it on the bed besides them, figuring the sheets were ruined anyways.
Lucy pulled Ona around by her shirt.
Ona looked at her with hooded eyes, wearing a content expression from her post-orgasmic bliss.
Lucy smiled, ''hi beautiful''.
Ona grinned as she took Lucy's hands, ''thought you hated it''.
Lucy scrunched her face ''the shirt; yes.. you; no''.
The Catalan smiled, ''i'll take it off'' she said as she sat up.
She stopped as she noticed reticence on Lucy's face.
A smile tugged on Lucy's mouth, ''i'm debating sending her a picture''.
'''Lucy!''. Ona punched her girlfriend.
She snapped out of her dream and redirected her gaze from the shirt to Ona's face. She shook her head quickly, ''sorry, i don't know why i said that''.
Ona chuckled, slapping a hand on her forhead ''jealousy''.
''I don't want her to see that pretty little fucked out face of yours''.
Ona chuckled and held her arms up, ''pull this off, we're throwing it away''.
''I'll sell it for you'' Lucy grinned, ''you didn't do all this effort for nothing, did you?''.
Lucy helped her out of the shirt and threw it so far it landed in the hallway.
''Well, that's gone'' Ona chuckled at the unreasonable attitude Lucy had, and tugged on Lucy's sportsbra ''this can go too''.
Lucy quickly took it off and got on top of Ona.
''Did i go to far?''.
Lucy tilted her head questioning.
''I'm sure, it was hot actually, a little gross, but hot''.
''Yeah, stinky shirt'' Ona said with a disgusted face, making Lucy chuckle.
''Oh and'' Lucy said as she traced her hands along Ona's skin, ''as much as i hate it, you did look beautiful''.
Ona smirked, ''i thought the things you said were really hot'', ''i am already thinking about who's shirt i'll trade next''.
Lucy narrowed her eyes and shook her head, ''ohh you're bad''.
''Sí, soy fatal'' (i'm a baddie) Ona joked chuckling.
''Que?'' Lucy said, thinking Ona just called herself terrible.
''In spanish we call someone that's unreasonably hot, fatal, it means they're bad but it is like slang'' Ona explained, ''a funny joke, because you called me bad''.
''I get that now'' Lucy laughed, ''that's funny actually, in English you can also say someone is a baddie, same thing''.
''Sí'' Lucy said, ''god, i will miss our language talks''.
''We call every day'' Ona said, frowning.
Lucy looked at her with a pouty face ''but you don't want to talk to me''.
''Luceee'' Ona dropped her head on the pillow ''I had a dinner!!'' she called out snickering.
''I love when you call out my name'' Lucy said as she ran her hands along Ona's thighs.
Ona looked up with a smirk, ''I love when you make me call out your name''.
''I think I forgot what you taste like'' Lucy said as she crawled on top of Ona.
The end, not theirs.
-Keep an eye out for Feli's shirt on Ebay 😂
Feel free to give me feedback/tips (anonymously) but in a kind way is the most appreciated xx
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anonymous-dentist · 6 months
Or: the first week of Cellbit's life after being turned into a vampire by the man he's been dating for three weeks
For @smallchaoscryptid's Spiderbit Week Day One- Vampires
Day Zero - Saturday
"Just stay still!"
"I am still!"
"Nooo, you're fucking wiggling."
"I'm trying to get comfy. If I'm going to die, I want to be comfortable."
"My lap isn't comfortable? Is that what you're telling me?"
"Your knees are bony."
"I'll show you bony- stay still, motherfucker!"
"Guapito- oh, shit-"
Cellbit sucks in one final, shuddery breath and goes limp, his fingers twitching- searching for Roier's.
But Roier's hand only finds his after he's dead.
Day One - Sunday
His eyes are open, but all he can see is the scent of blood in the air. He can't move, but his limbs beg to be put to use. He's so hungry.
Something settles in his hair, something cold and soft and almost comforting through the pain wracking his entire body.
"Shh, gatinho," it whispers. "I'm back."
He leans into the touch with a whine, eyes slipping shut and exposing him to The End again. It's horrible, but at least. At least it isn't nothing.
There's nothing. The End is something. The End rejected him. He is alive, and he is hungry.
Fingers card through his hair, gently massage his scalp. But it isn't his head that's hurting, it's his everything. His mouth. His teeth. His teeth-
Air brushes past his mouth. Prey.
Instinctively, he snaps at it, growling as his teeth dig into the prey.
"Puta madre-" the prey swears, but, no that isn't the prey. That's...
He whimpers as the not prey tears its hand out of his mouth.
"You're lucky you're cute," the not prey tells him. "Hold on, let me get you some actual dinner."
And then the not prey leaves. Again.
And he is alone with the nothing. Again.
Day Two - Monday
The room is too cold but the blankets are itchy and the pillow is too warm and the overhead fan is turned on and he's so cold, why is he so cold?
Shivering, he pulls his blanket over his head. But it itches, so he pulls it back off, but he's so cold-
"Hey, no, come here," the not prey says.
He snarls as he's gently pulled to the not prey's chest, but his anger dies down the second he recognizes the not prey's scent: guapito.
His guapito.
He burrows back until he can't tell where guapito ends and he begins. Then, and only then, does he start to feel warmth again.
The End was warm, so warm. But it turned him away, and now he's cold- but that's good, right? He doesn't know why it's good that The End rejected him and sent him back to the nothing, his head hurts, his teeth hurt. But. But maybe it has something to do with his guapito.
A kiss is pressed to the back of his neck. "There we go. Sleepy gatinho, eh?"
He hums in acknowledgment. But he doesn't talk, he doesn't know how. He doesn't think he's supposed to. He's too hungry to even though he'd just eaten moments or hours or centuries ago.
"Tomorrow will be better," guapito tells him, and he believes it.
Day Three - Tuesday
He keeps biting the inside of his mouth when he tries remembering how to speak to guapito. And, frankly, he's starting to get sick of it.
He pouts, but guapito just smiles and coos and leans in close and brushes its nose against his.
"You'll get used to it," guapito says. "They'll be done growing in by tomorrow."
Tomorrow is forever away, though. When The End had sent him back, it had told him that he would wake up 'tomorrow', but he was there for what felt like thousands of years. He only found his way back to the nothing when he'd heard someone talking to him.
Wordlessly, though not wordless by choice, he bites guapito's nose. He doesn't bite hard, and he doesn't bite with his fangs, but guapito still screams and tumbles off the bed dramatically.
He smiles, fangs and all, but guapito just grumbles and reaches up and pinches his cheek hard.
And then guapito smiles, fangs and all.
It's beautiful.
He tries to say as much, but he ends up biting his tongue. Again.
Day Four - Wednesday
He can't stop crying, why can't he stop crying? He isn't in pain, but it all hurts so badly, but he doesn't know why, and-
"Gatinho, hey, it's fine," guapito softly says- it sounds sad, and now he feels worse because he made guapito sad and he's just a failure of a... of a... of a...
He can't remember? Why can't he remember? All he remembers is The End and then the nothing that came afterwards, the nothing he's been living in since. He blinked, and he was out of The End, and he was in somebody's arms, but who? Guapito, right? But why? How do they know each other?
He chokes on his own tears as he comes to a terrifying realization. He doesn't know who he is. He's been awake for days, but he doesn't know his own name- oh, God.
Guapito holds him closer, rocking them gently back and forth on the floor, because he had crawled off of the bed in his own misery hours ago and hasn't been able to muster the will to get up since.
The End took something from him before kicking him out. Did The End take him?
Guapito shushes him gently, far more tender than it's been since he's known him. But he doesn't know him, so how does he know that?
"You'll think this is funny later," guapito assures him. "I did. You're just emo today, it's fine. New instincts and shit, they'll figure themselves out, and then we can go back to bed. Okay?"
He buries his face in guapito's shoulder. What he would give to be in bed again...
Day Five - Thursday
There are flashes in his mind of things he can't quite remember. A garden filled with blue flowers, a swimming pool. A little boy in overalls locking him in a closet with...
Guapito trudges into the room with a fresh pitcher of blood for them to share, because he's still hungry.
"I'm making you go hunting when you're out of bed," guapito huffs.
He places the pitcher down on the bedside table and wipes the non-existent sweat off of his forehead with his headband.
He is stunning.
"Okay," he croaks out, wincing as his fangs clip his tongue. But it's worth it for the brilliant smile guapito sends him and the forehead kiss he gets.
"You are so sexy when your voice is all fucked," guapito growls, playful and not at all threatening.
He bites back a frown. "No."
"Yes. And you had better get used to being called sexy because you-" Guapito pokes him between the eyes with one finger. "-are stuck with me for forever. No take-backs."
He doesn't want a take-back. He's been thinking through the hunger pangs, and he thinks that he went to The End because of guapito. Not because guapito sent him there, but because guapito was the one to pull him home.
This is home, right? A dimly-lit bedroom with wooden walls and well-worn floors, scratchy blankets and soft pillows, soft voices downstairs. Guapito.
It doesn't ring any bells, but he thinks that, if it wasn't his home before The End, it could be his home now that he's left it.
A small smile on his face, he reaches up and cups guapito's cheeks.
"Okay," he repeats, just because he thinks guapito needs to hear it.
And guapito smiles, and it's all just... okay.
Day Six - Friday
He has a name, he thinks. Cellbit. It's what guapito calls him when he thinks he's asleep. When Cellbit is asleep.
It sounds familiar. So does the mention of a child- Richarlyson- and the mention of a woman- Jaiden- and the mention of another child- Bobby.
But what's guapito's name? He has to have one, right? One as beautiful as he is.
"You look almost normal today," guapito comments.
Cellbit doesn't feel normal. He feels hungry, but he's less hungry than he's been for the past several days. He feels cold, but he doesn't mind the cold as much as he used to. He feels confused, but he's remembering more every day. So he might be back to normal soon.
(Whatever normal is for him, anyway.)
The End had taken normal from him. He remembers it being freezing. He stayed huddled before its mighty presence shivering and begging to be heard. He wasn't dead, he wasn't. He couldn't be dead, he was talking. He couldn't be dead, he had... someone to get back to.
And then he'd heard the voice, and The End had released him.
Cellbit leans his head onto guapito's shoulder and closes his eyes.
"Te amo," he whispers. He may not remember who guapito is to him, but he knows this to be true.
Guapito stiffens beneath him, but he quickly relaxes again and slings an arm over Cellbit's shoulders.
He presses a soft kiss to Cellbit's temple and whispers, "Me, too."
Guapito had mentioned something about spending eternity with him, and that sounds just fine to Cellbit. He doesn't think he'd rather have it any other way.
Day Seven - Saturday
Cellbit wakes up not hungry for the first time since escaping from The End. He stares up at the ceiling, and his mind is filled with one word and one word only:
"Roier?" he whispers.
Next to him, guapito- Roier!- stirs. He yawns and rolls onto his side so that he's facing Cellbit. His face is red and marked with the imprints of his pillow, and his eyes are squinted shut and wet with interrupted sleep, and drool is dried to the corner of his mouth, but Cellbit is still caught breathless because he's so perfect.
"Gatinho?" Roier yawns. "What's wrong?"
He squirms until his head is using Cellbit's chest as a pillow. He wraps both of his arms around Cellbit's one like it's a stuffed animal.
His eyes slip shut again, but he doesn't fall back asleep. He's too busy tapping his fingers against the inside of Cellbit's elbow.
"I think I died," Cellbit says. His voice is quiet, contemplative. Almost reverent, because he stared The End in the face, and he was let go. Why?
"You did," Roier responds.
"But I'm here."
"You are."
Roier mutters something about "fledgling amnesia". Cellbit only halfway understands, but he doesn't question it. He doesn't think he wants to.
"Because I'm a vampire," Roier eventually says. "And you wanted to be one, too."
Cellbit blinks. "Huh."
"Yeah, 'huh'." Roier lightly pinches Cellbit's arm. "Go back to sleep. We need to go hunting tomorrow."
Hunting... Cellbit likes the sound of that.
But, first:
"We should get married."
This wakes Roier up fully. He sits up, lets go of Cellbit, stares at him with wide eyes.
Cellbit sits up, too. He takes Roier's hand in his, turns it over. Thinks about how good he'd look with a ring on his finger.
"I might not remember everything about you," Cellbit tells him, "but you've been with me all week even when I was..." ("...completely feral and out of control...") "...emo. And I liked you enough before to die to be with you. So... marriage only makes sense, right?"
Roier's mouth flaps like a fish's for a good couple of tense minutes before he cracks a grin and tries covering it up with furrowed eyebrows and a faked frown.
"Try again with a ring," Roier snaps with happy tears in his eyes.
He flops back down and pulls the blanket over his head.
Cellbit stares at him for just a moment before smiling so wide his cheeks hurt.
Wordlessly, he snuggles back down into bed. He slips beneath the covers with Roier, pulling him to his chest and spooning him from behind. He hides his smile in the back of Roier's neck and giggles as Roier swears at him through his own laughter.
"I can't believe I'm going to be with you for forever," Roier teasingly complains.
"Me neither," Cellbit responds.
The rest of eternity until the sun should die out and then beyond. Until they both crumble to dust in each other's arms at the end of the universe.
That sounds wonderful.
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xxgoblin-dumplingxx · 6 months
ari please give signs of life
Plis accept one fic and my apologies.
Bruce stroked your back and smiled a little. Warm from the bath and rubbed down with lotion. Covered in love bites and utterly pleasure drunk. You were asleep and snoring lightly- he considered it a successful evening.
He'd missed you. Being a pleasure dom wasn't- he'd never done that before he was with you. Not really. But- When you looked up at him, just resigned to going along with sex because that's just what you always did in a relationship. God. It sucked. You were so ready to just grin and bear it in the dark. To act impressed with him. Fake it to get it over with quickly.
And that, he was NOT willing to let happen. He'd stopped right there until he had... some tools. Some more toys. Until he had a better proof of concept for you. Until he could convince you that making you feel good was what did it for him- it was always at least a little true. But with you? He could watch you for days and never get bored.
You'd gotten so spoiled. It was adorable. You wanted him. You wanted him to love you and take care of you. You made him feel safe and secure enough to feel unashamed in your needs and wants- and that... that was a different kind of satisfying. Another kind of gift he never anticipated.
"Yes, Doctor?" he answered, stroking your back.
"Did we stop because you were mad at me?" you ask timidly.
"No," he hummed, holding you tighter and kissing the top of your head. "We stopped because you were incoherently pleasure drunk and I didn't think you could actually consent anymore," he chuckled. "I asked you if you remembered your safe word and all you could do was whimper- So I thought it was in your best interests to stop."
"But I wasn't angry at you. I was having a wonderful time. I missed you... and tying you to the bed."
"I missed you too," you murmur, nuzzling his chest. "Everything. Feels good. Safe."
"And there's no higher compliment I've ever been given," he said honestly," he said, cuddling you closer and tucking your furry blanket around you tenderly. Warmth spread through his chest. Lovers and sung his praises in the most elaborate terms, but no one had done it and meant it the way you did. "Do you need anything, sweetheart?"
"Just hold me? I don't- I don't feel right."
"I'm here. You're okay. You're safe," he soothed. "It's just a little drop. They can happen even if you feel good feelings. Things still get intense and your mind has trouble re-regulating the chemical receptors." He didn't know if that was right. Not really. But- it sounded good. And maybe that would help.
"You still love me?"
"Always," he murmured, "And tomorrow I'll prove it. With pancakes."
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littleavengerfics · 5 months
How about WandaNat x little reader. Reader goes to the dentist and is told that sucking her thumb/her paci has ruined her teeth, so now needs braces / surgery. Next time R drops she has a massive temper tantrum when she can't self sooth. Desperate to sleep before a mission Wanda creates a paci using her magic
Soother (Wanda Nat x little reader)
(sorry this took a while, life got crazy, hopefully you like this, if you don't let me know if you want something changing and I can do that for you)
It was a day all three of you were dreading, the dentist appointment. The caregivers knew it was gonna be a hard day for you all as you hated going to the dentist. "baby, come on get dressed we have to go in an hour." You groaned pulling yourself out of bed, "I don't wanna go." You huffed giving her a pout. "I know, you've been trying to get out of it all week, but it's not happening." Natasha smirked, picking out your clothes, she loved doing it everyday, even if you weren't little. "Nat. I brush my teeth twice a day and floss, there is nothing wrong with my teeth so I don't need a dentist."
"Y/N you're not going to get out of it, if you stop whining and behave at the appointment ill buy you a treat after we are done and you can watch two movies before bed tonight." You couldn't help but smile at her proposal as you knew it was only gonna come up today." fine I'll behave but just know I'm not happy about it."
"I can live with that for an hour. It's either a slightly grumpy you or an angry wanda and right now ill take the first." As she spoke she heard wanda yelling that they were going to be late. As much as you hated going to these appointments wanda hated running late for them even more and with you and natasha it was like that most of the time. Though thanks to their driving you still always arrived early, much to your dismay.
"baby don't worry, I'm sure everything is going to be fine." wanda reassured, squeezing your hand. You weren't so sure. When the doctor came in your heart started racing, holding Wanda's hand was helping but not enough. You needed something else and before you knew it your hand made it's way up to your mouth. The doctor chuckled a bit which made you frown. "there's our problem." both wanda and Nat looked at you and it was only then you realised there was a whole other conversation going on between the three of them you didn't understand. You still didn't pay any attention until natasha pulled your thumb out of your mouth.
"Really? It caused all that damage?" natasha said in a worried tone, the look on her face made you want to cry. If Nat was upset clearly something was wrong.
"It's not the end of the world, we can give them some invisible braces to fix the issue. The thumb sucking, however, does need to stop." It was a sentence that made you completely freeze. You didn't like that doctor anymore, at first she seemed nice but now you weren't so sure. By the look on your caregivers face you could tell that was going to be a rule and you weren't happy about it.
"That's going to be tough. They never stop." I barely listen as he starts giving them suggestions of how to deal with my bad habit. "there are some alternatives, there is chew safe jewelry and even adult pacifiers that can help with thumb sucking and other habits. If you use them responsibly and stop when there is pain or discomfort it won't cause as much change."
"I will look into those, thank you." Wanda smiled, hoping this would be a solution to their problems. After they left the dentist y/n dropped again after getting all of their work and it soon became a constant battle to keep y/ns thumb out of their mouth. Each time they were stopped they seemed to get more and more upset, by the night Wanda and natasha were mentally exhausted from the tantrums, it got even worse when natasha got a phone call. "babe, we have to leave for a mission tomorrow. We leave early in the morning."
"There goes our plan to just let them cry it out till they fall asleep while we wait for the delivery, Im already slow in the morning, I need to sleep tonight." Natasha nodded, she of all people knew about Wandas hatred of the morning, she knew it would be a rough day if they didn't get to sleep soon. "can't you use your magic to make them sleep."
"No, I promised myself I would never use my powers on them like that." the two were interrupted by y/n dumping all their toys on the floor and crying. Wandas mind was quickly changed, but she decided to try a less forceful approach first, she conjured a pacifier similar to the one she had seen on the Internet.
She couldn't believe it when y/n took to it, their wails turned into light sniffles within a few minutes and they stopped acting out. Wanda picked them up, "there see, everything's okay. You're okay, you like the paci?" y/n nodded settling against Wanda who put them to bed, "goodnight baby sleep tight." Natasha and Wanda breathed a sigh of relief as the little went to sleep peacefully, Wanda cleaned up the mess with her magic and the two turned themselves in for the night as well.
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mindless-existence1 · 22 days
Summery: 2018rottmnt Donnoie fluff where reader falls asleep on his lap while he works.
Authors note: Reader is gender neutral as always and isn't described as yokai or human so you can pick what you are, whatever fits you bookie. Only thing is that they fit in Donnies lap while he works so this kinda leans towards people with smaller frames aka me. Also Donnie and reader have been in a relationship for a while by the time this happens.
The lair was dark when you started making your way through the sewer tunnels. It wasn't surprising since it was so late, normally when you slept over you'd spend the day there but you go back up doing stuff at home you couldn't come till now. It sucked you couldn't hang out with the guys and April but you'd have time for that tomorrow. Right now though you want to see your boyfriend.
You had your small backpack but it mostly just had games and snacks in it. Everything else you'd need would be in Donnie's lab. On your way there you passed kitchen where Leo was making tea. You knew his insomnia was bad and so was yours so you didn't say anything since he didn't see you.
Speaking of insomnia, you had assumed Donnie would be working in his lab instead of sleeping in his room. So you started looking for him there first.
You crept past the main area and up to the large doors of Donnie's lab. He had given you the password a while ago, after a lot of convincing, so you got in easily. With a quiet whooshing noise the doors slid open.
The inside of Donnie's lab had his signature purple lighting and gadgets of all sizes surrounding the somehow organized room. After scanning the room you found him sitting at his desk tinkering away. You smiled to yourself, your assumption was correct!
The doors closed and made a semi loud click noise. This is what alerted Donnie that someone had entered his privet area. He turned in his chair and found you walking towards him. "Oh hello dearest I didn't know if you were still coming tonight." He said, his voice slurred with exhaustion.
"Yeah I didn't know if I was but I finished up early so thought I'd sleep here." You smiled at him and when you reached his desk you gave him a soft kiss. "Glad you came, I'm just finishing up on this and then I'll head to bed." He spoke with slight ergancy now.
"Honey it's already late, you should get some sleep. Preferably with me." You said, a yawn punctuating your words. "Last time you acid you were "finishing something up" you spent all night on it."
You held his face in your hands as you spoke. He frowned slightly. "I apologize y/n but i really have to get this done. You can go lay down while I finish up." He answered and turned back his chair to face his desk without another word. You glanced over at the matrice that he has in his lab for late night projects.
With a sigh you walked over to the bed and dropped off your bag before walking back to your heard working boyfriend. You pulled on the back of his chair and turned him around a bit so he was facing you. "Honey I'm sorry but i told you I got to finish this." He said a slight undertone of annoyance, though he could never truly be annoyed with you.
"I know I know, Mr. Genius man." You teased as you moved his arms so you could get into his lap. "You can still work on that, and I can get my cuddles! It's a win win situation." A dark blush finds its way onto Donnie's face and he's very glad you can't see it.
He can already feel your exhausted body go slack as you getcomfortable. "Yeah ok, win win situation." He chuckles and uses his feet to kick the chair back so he is facing his desk. "Good night sweetheart." He says with a kiss to your forehead. He hears you mumble something into his plastron, your voice slurred with exhaustion.
With a soft smile and blush on his face, he gets back to work.
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academicazura · 5 months
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
april 30th
OMG YOU GUYS, i made it, i finally turned the physics course in and hey it was still 3 hours before the deadline, lol... i couldn't get started until 1pm cause i was at the eye doctor for the whole morning!
i'm honestly so relieved to get it over with this course. i'm not happy that i couldn't do it to the full extent of my capability. the study log kind of sucked and i skipped one of the 20 exercises. but i gotta be proud of myself for doing everything in a small timeframe and not giving up on it even if it was hard. and i'm happy with a lot of the things i learnt, it's a great feeling. but honestly, i can't wait to sleep in peace tonight.
ON TO OTHER THINGS: in the photos you can see a new journal i bought. i thought i'd separate my freewriting/diary entries from my bullet journal to a different notebook, so i bought this one today! i'm kind of excited to start journaling for real, again. it's been a while.
tomorrow, i'll take the day off, kind of. i'll have to plan the rest of my courses, but that's chill work if anything. then i can spend some time with my hobbies. i really want to get my routines back on track for may and be able to write, watch films, exercise, etc. reguralry.
sorry for the long post! i'm excited to move on to may, even if my may day eve partying was just finishing a school course XD tomorrow we ball
today i
finished the rest of my physics assignments! (5/6)
made a decision: didn't do the last one out of all 20 ex. and i forgive myself cause today was the deadline for the course and by the time i had done the 19th exercise it was 6pm and i still had to write the WHOLE study log...
made stuff up for the study log, honestly couldn't remember what i had studied at all but i made it sound sincere, i'm more of a writer than a physician anyways
next up: relax for the evening and go to bed early!!
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wachtelspinat · 6 months
Hi, I saw your background with studying medicine and being an artist and I wanted to ask something!! hope it isn't uncomfy. so the school system by itself is killing my creativity and Im afraid I'll completely lose myself if I get into college... Even if I choose to study something art related. College is really absorbing and I don't want to graduate and have killed the only talent I have, thats scary!!! So, how did you "go" back? did drawing help with the stress of college or make it worse? Sometimes my studies define me so so much I cant do anything else, its so frustrating :(
hey there ! i really don't know if i can bring sth to the plate that's positive or uplifting in the matter because i've been in a struggle with art myself for almost 2 years now. i'm really trying to come back but the pace has changed drastically. it's still a constant mood crusher everytime i look back and see how my output has declined. nevertheless i'm drawing again in the smallest babysteps so hopefully i'm gonna pick up the pace again at some point.
as for school and art. yeah. i kind of opened with my current situation because altho (med) school was A Meatgrinder technically speaking i still found time to draw here and there. which was mostly thanks to my higher energy lvl back then and my BIG motivation to draw and to share. so i'd say drawing absolutely helped with the stresses of studying and med school. it was my happy place and escapism. and because of that there was hardly any doubt in my head that i'll ever lose that. so i think it is safe to say that as long as you want to draw you will always be drawing.
second thought here which is also important is that you won't be stuck in an eternal grind, even if it feels like it sometimes. there will be times in which everything sucks. and there will be times in which everything could be worse. and if you wanna draw then, you're going to draw. that's at least how i experienced it. even the longer periods of not drawing because of exhaustion/loss of motivation/exam periods etc eventually pass. and sometimes it's ok to remind yourself that drawing is not everything, altho we like to think that way sometimes. it's absolutely ok not to draw for a while.
another breaking point for me was when i actually started to study for art (anatomy as in for drawing etc) because it helped me at a point at which i felt stuck and it made me understand that i will never be done learning in regards of drawing. which is a good reminder whenever you feel like you are losing your "talent", which is not a talent but a work in progess for years and years to come. so in the end, even if you have to step back from drawing for the time being, you have the ability to always come back to it and get better again. like we have to treat making art like learning a language, there is never an end to it and we have to practice to be back in shape. i know this sounds like work but idk for me it made sth click in my head that i'm not losing sth here. i just have to warm up and get back on the track again.
i hope this helped in some way, i'm really sorry that you feel like you are about to experience a great loss (i absolutely get you, it sucks to deal with this, esp. when outer circumstances force you to push your hobbies in the background) but i think that if you really want to engage with drawing again, you won't lose this. you may have to put work into it, and it may not be today or tomorrow, but if you really want to do it, you keep at it.
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mj-iza-writer · 10 months
"Long day sir", Whumpee waited as Whumper kicked his shoes off with a sigh.
"Yes, had a nasty cavity come in. It took an hour to get that thing fixed", Whumper sighed, "I'm ready for dinner and to sit on my butt."
Whumpee smiled weakly, "dinner is almost ready, sir. I'll start serving it up when you are ready."
"Are you alright", Whumper eyed Whumpee, "I don't normally get that weak of a smile unless something is up."
Whumpee quickly turned, "yes sir, everything is fine. I'm going to go check on yo-your dinner."
"Uh-huh, well I'll be waiting for when you want to tell me the truth", Whumper frowned.
Whumpee did nothing but nodded.
After a few minutes, Whumpee heard Whumper sit at the table, and started to bring dinner out to them.
"If everything is to your liking, may I go eat my dinner sir", Whumpee sat the last plate down.
"Yes that's fine, thankyou Whumpee", Whumper looked at Whumpee with a glare, "you know you're not supposed to keep secrets from me."
"Thankyou sir", Whumpee quickly left the dining room, and Whumper's glare.
"I'll figure it out soon enough, don't make me force it out of you", Whumper called after them.
Whumpee sighed when they looked at their dinner.
'Whumpee, just tell him you have a bad toothache. He's a dentist he'll know what to do', Whumpee fought with themself, 'but he said he had a long day, and you'd be bothering him', Whumpee sighed as they lifted some food, 'you'd be bothering him anyways, he knows something is up', they looked at the food, 'this is going to suck to eat.'
Whumpee took a small bite and instantly had a sharp pain in their bad tooth.
"Imph", they moaned, and grabbed their mouth.
"So still not wanting to let me know what's wrong", Whumper startled them from the entrance of the kitchen.
Whumpee gulped, "I-I didn't want to bother you sir. You said you had a long day. I've had a toothache for a few days now., it's been really bad today."
Whumper frowned and started to walk toward them.
Whumpee backed up into the counter and clenched the edge nervously.
"Don't be afraid, I know toothaches hurt. I'm not going to punish you, I just wish you had told me sooner", Whumper reached for Whumpee's jaw, and gently opened Whumpee's mouth.
"Go spit out the food in your mouth, and go up to my room. I'll take a closer look with my tools", Whumper sighed.
"Please sir, at least eat your dinner first. I know you're hungry, and I worked really hard on it", Whumpee looked down, "please don't waste your time on your slave."
Whumper sighed, but smiled, "okay, I'm almost finished anyways, but don't go hiding on me. I'm looking at your teeth after."
"Yes sir", Whumpee looked at their own food, "may I make some soup instead of that, it's to hard to eat right now."
"Yes you may", Whumper started to leave the kitchen, "gargle with water when you're done eating."
Whumpee whimpered as they opened the door to Whumper's bedroom. Whumper had already pulled out his at home dental tools, and was waiting for Whumpee.
"Okay, lay down on the bed", Whumper pulled his head lamp on, "let's take a look."
Whumpee climbed onto the bed and crawled to where Whumper pointed.
"Okay and open wide", Whumper clicked the head lamp on.
Whumpee whimpered and opened.
"Well I'm seeing the problem already", Whumper felt around the tooth, "is the pain right here?"
Whumpee gently nodded, "uh-huh."
"Yep, there is a definite cavity forming", Whumper sighed, "we will need to take care of it."
"How sir?", Whumpee questioned, "not to point out the obvious, but I'm kind of a hostage case. You don't have many options."
"I know, but lucky for you, I know a dentist", Whumper smiled, "I'll just take you in tomorrow and fix it. I have a late start tomorrow, I'll see if I can have a dental assistant help me with you, then drive you home after."
Whumpee nodded, "and what's your story, again hostage case."
"Well if you keep your mouth shut, we won't have a problem", Whumper frowned, "if you say anything, you will regret it. You don't want to know what pain I will cause you if you misbehave, am I clear. This toothache will tickle compared to me pulling your teeth out one by one in the basement."
Whumpee gulped, "no sir, I wouldn't dare say anything. I feel like we may have come to a fair spot in our, uh, relationship. I wouldn't want to ruin that. I don't want to misbehave."
Whumper continued to look around Whumpee's mouth, "it's been a while since I've looked in here, when was your last cleaning?"
"Last year sir", Whumpee closed their eyes from the bright light.
"Well, after we fix your tooth, I'll do a cleaning here on my day off coming up", Whumper looked around the mouth one last time, "I don't see anything else."
"Sir, do you, do you think I'm right at what I said?", Whumpee frowned as Whumper stopped probing around in their mouth.
Whumper had started to clean up, but stopped to look at Whumpee.
"I believe you have come a long way from when you first came to live here. I know some of the early days were very tough, but I consider those days your learning period. I'm happy you finally came around and fell into your role."
"Thankyou sir".
The next day Whumpee followed Whumper into the dental office, and he found an assistant with some time to spare.
"This is my neighbor", Whumper introduced Whumpee, "they don't have dental insurance so I normally just do home checks once in a while. They were complaining of a toothache last night, and I found a cavity", Whumper led Whumpee into the room, while talking to the assistant.
"Awww, that's so nice of you to help your neighbors", the assistant gushed.
Whumpee only smiled, 'he's a good liar', they chuckled to themself.
"Okay let's numb you up", Whumper started to work.
One of the receptionist came over to the room, "doc, who are we billing this to?"
"I'll take care of it", Whumper smiled, "when everything is totaled, give it to me."
"Yes sir, doc", the reptionist smiled, "you've got such a great neighbor dear."
Whumpee nodded gently.
Whumper winked at Whumpee while he started to work.
After all was done, the assistant started to clean the room.
"I'm going to drive them home really fast, and I'll be right back", Whumper said as he started to leave.
"Yes sir".
As Whumper drove home, he chuckled about the whole experience.
"You had them all fooled sir", Whumpee looked over at him.
"Yep", Whumper laughed again.
Whumpee poked at their cheek.
"You'll be numb for a few hours. Be careful if you eat or drink anything, and don't eat on that side for the day", Whumper turned down the street, "if you need medicine take a Tylenol."
Whumpee nodded, "what would you like me to do today for chores?"
"The house should be fine for today. Go ahead and rest, just have dinner ready for me", Whumper pulled into the driveway.
"Let me know if you feel any pain today", Whumper led Whumpee up to the door, "why do you look dumbfounded?"
"I'm sorry sir, you've never given me a rest day before", Whumpee looked at Whumper with a lopsided grin.
"Don't get use to it either", Whumper smiled, "I've got to go back and get started."
Whumpee walked into the house, and turned, "thankyou for fixing my tooth."
Whumper winked, "you're welcome, now have a good day. Don't forget dinner."
"Yes sir, you have a good day as well", Whumpee waved.
They watched out the window as Whumper drove off, then did a small dance at the thought of a rest day.
Taglist. As always please let me know if you want to be added or taken off of the list. It's not a problem at all. @villainsandheroes @the-beasts-have-arrived @sacredwrath @porschethemermaid @monarchthefirst @generic-whumperz @bloodyandfrightened @freefallingup13
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simply-wlw-kpopstan · 3 months
6. First sign
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Yujin had invited you to a little café on campus for your first session, apparently all the private booths and rooms in the library were reserved so you couldn't go there. Her roommate was in their dorm with her girlfriend and she doesn't want to and these are her words 'traumatize you with their love'. You mentioned your roommate had a girlfriend too but she insisted they couldn't be worse and you had a little competition about it as you waited for your order to be made. Once you got your food and drinks you sat down outside and started to study with her help.
"okay, so I got some notes from your professor on what you need to improve," her eyes skim over a page she was holding, "if we can plan an hour long session per week you should be caught up in no time."
You nod at her words as you take a bite of your food, " you have a lot of faith in me. I suck at this."
"did you even try?" She genuinely asked, "this stuff explains it's self if you read your textbook."
" I did but I'm not that good with writing essays which is what this stupid Class only consists of."
"so you understand the subject you just have difficulty with wording it?" She sips her drink.
"exactly, I always write it and then I see I'm not even close to the minimum word count."
She nods at your word as she thinks it over, " I guess I can still help you with that, just start writing your current essay that's due and when you're done I'll read it over and show you how to stretch it out. You just have to look at your first draft as a synopsis."
You grab your papers and start writing on the current subject, scolding yourself for forgetting your laptop. This would go so much faster if you had the stupid thing but alas. As you were half-way through writing your paper you spotted yuna down the street, walking towards you while looking down at her phone.
"don't panic but my sister is here." you quietly spoke, "I'll take care of her, I promise."
"Hey little one," yuna arrived and she ran a hand through your hair, ruffling it in the process "How's studying going?" She smirked.
"fine so just leave so I can concentrate."
"wow easy !" She sassed back at you, her head turns towards yujin with a sick smile as she fakes her next words, "yujin I'm so sorry for 2 days ago. My friends can get a bit much but I was really flattered when you asked me out."
Yujin must've seen the Suprise on your face as she clears her throat, "it-it's nothing. Don't even mention it. I was just-"
"why don't we go on that date tomorrow?" yuna smiled and you saw how yujin was falling into her trap.
"yuna what are you-" but she cuts you off.
"not talking to you." she muttered before giving Yujin a sad look, "please give me a chance?"
"i-I guess we could go out for coffee tomorrow?" yujin stammered
"coffee?" yuna raised an eyebrow, "you could ask me out to anything, a party, dinner, movie but you choose a coffee?"
"I don't have much time tomorrow, a coffee is all I can do. Sorry"
Before your sister can do more damage you jump in between, "yuna, back off. She's not going on that date with you."
"she can make that decision herself can't she?" She looked from you to yujin, "what will it be yujin?"
"i-I..." yujin was stuttering more and more by the second.
"i'm telling you she's not going and that's final." you said as you stood up, " I know you better than anyone so I know you're trying to play a game here. I won't let you." you got closer to your 'older' sister, "if I hear you've tried anything after this tight here? I'll push back yuna and we both know how ugly this can get when WE fight."
"You're no fun," she scoffed, "you never have been." she picked up her purse and walked away from your table.
"are you o-" you started to ask as you turn around but yujin was packing everything up.
"I have to go!" yujin exclaimed as she rushed by you, fumbling with her books as she walked away in the opposite direction of yuna. At least you knew she wasn't going to beg for that date, as you start to pick up your own things you notice a piece of paper poking out of your book and you reached for it.
My number so we don't have to talk through socials :)
- yujinnie
After all of that you could only think about how sorry you felt for the girl. She just wanted to ask out her crush, that was hard enough as it is but her crush being your sister made it 100 times worse. You knew yuna would try something again when you're not there and all you can do is hope that yujin won't take the bait. You don't even get what she sees in her. With a sigh you leave the court yard and made your way back to your dorm. How could your sister be so twisted? What is so fun about playing with people's hearts? Maybe she got it from your dad, who knows. You don't even know the man and your mother doesn't speak about him.
Once inside your dorm, you dropped your bag on the floor and threw yourself on your bed. After a few minutes you sit up and took your phone from your pocket, sent a quick message to yujin and grabbed your laptop off your bedside table. You were 10 minutes into your favorite childhood movie when your phone pinged, yujin had texted you back an apology for running out on you and you reassured her it was okay. Without noticing it you spent the rest of the movie texting back and forth with yujin, not that you minded, you've seen this movie a hundred times before.
A mile away from you, Yujin had layed down on her bed as she texted you with a tiny smile on her face. Minji and Hanni noticed the small action but decided to keep quiet for now. They rather have her like this then heartbroken over a mean girl. It was clear that something had happened for the girl to come back this early from a tutoring session, but based on the look on yujin's face it had nothing to do with you and that's all they really cared about.
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volpe-kitsune-red · 5 months
How would lynx react to someone else turning reader before her?
Magical inclined anon
Oh man, this is gonna be good. I'll make a small fic of this too if you don't mind. (I like writing little snippets of scenarios over headcanons hehe) Hope you enjoy magical inclined anon!
Tainted claim
Lynx Andromeda (Yandere oc) x turned!reader
Darling has been turned by someone else, how will Lynx react?
TW. General yandere behavior, blood drinking, violence, possessive behavior, reader treated as property, vampires being vampires.
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Something had happened to you last night, it was traumatizing, it was painful, and it was bloody. Nothing felt the same once you woke up on that cold, dirty floor. The creature that had, not too long ago, been sucking on your neck was standing, hovering over you. It was degrading how they spoke at you as they forcibly held your chin into facing them, but your instincts were telling you that posing resistance was futile. As they explained to you, you were now a vampire. They had decided to bestow upon you the fate of eternity at their servitude rather than death. You should be honored! You were their first underling, the first of many as they rose to power. "Say goodbye to everyone close to you by tomorrow, you'll live with me from then on. I have plans and I don't want pests to disturb me." You just wanted to go home, sleep, and hope it was all a nightmare.
As soon as Lynx sees you the next morning she can feel it, she knows. She's frozen on the spot, every shade of rage, betrayal, and guilt, is swirling and clashing in her mind. It's as if her world has ceased to exist and she can only see you and that stranger's claim tainting you.
To you, it would appear as if she's just standing there, staring at you with wide eyes, tears starting to swell in one and the other is looking through you, at something you cannot even imagine to comprehend. You are already stressed about what's happened to you and your body, and now you're wondering if it's that obvious and if she'll call the police on you, or maybe a vampire hunter! Do vampire hunters exist? You never heard about one outside of fiction but you could have said the same about vampires, yet here you are.
A few instants pass and then she's marching towards you. She grabs your arm and forces you to go with her. She puts you in her car and starts driving. She isn't saying a word and you're too nervous to ask questions so the ride is silent, a silence that is flooded by your thousands of panicking thoughts. You arrive at her house, and as soon as you step foot through her front door, she throws herself at you and hugs you. You'd be squished to death if you were still human, that's for sure. You wrapped her arms around her, you wanted to tell her everything but you were scared of what that bastard would do to her if they found out. "L-lynx I'm so sorry but I'll have to leave soon and- and I'll miss you." It felt ridiculous to follow that monster's orders but something inside you was commanding you to obey them, a mysterious force in your conscious guiding your body and actions to align with their instructions.
It was scary and almost debilitating but...you have to do what they tell you, they are your master now, obey.
Here it goes again, you would have hit your head against a wall if Lynx hadn't been keeping you caged in her embrace. "I'm so sorry I wasn't there to save you..." You are perplexed and shocked for a moment, how did she know? "Don't blame yourself, it's not like you could have done anything to-" "BUT I COULD HAVE" She squeezes you tighter. You don't know what to say but you don't need to as she continues. "It's ok, everything's gonna be ok, I can still fix this." "That's possible? How??"
"Of course, dear. I'll just have to kill them...that's right I just have to get rid of them and they can be mine again." She started sounding rather deranged and mad. It was as if she was trying to reassure herself instead of you.
You described the vampire to her and luckily she knew who they were and where they lingered...for some reason. Then her eyes faded into red, she morphed into a bat and flew out of the window...what?? She was a vampire too? There was a whole vampire society in your city, your best friend was one of them, and you never noticed up until now? Either they were really good at concealing their existence or you were accidentally living under a rock. You spiraled into an even deeper existential crisis than your previous, everything was happening way too fast.
Could she really help you tho? You've never seen her even hit anybody, let alone kill. Also, now that you thought about it, you didn't really want to give up on the whole vampirism and being immortal part of the deal, just the being an eternal slave to some random person part. Lynx was there for you and she has been one for who knows how long, maybe she was born like this, so perhaps she could help you learn about your new self and get through this.
You couldn't tell how much time had passed when you saw the front door creep open. Lynx walked back in covered with black blood and a prideful expression on her face.
She would have loved to torture them for longer, possibly a hundred years as punishment for their sins, but she needed to break your bindings to them as soon as possible. It was suffocating and caused her so much dread to smell their stench on you, but now it was all over. You were free...to be claimed by her instead. Her love, her darling, her perfect spouse. That scum had taken away her right to turn you herself, to officially own you, it was infuriating...but it would be ok. You two could still re-enact it. Who cares if vampire blood is toxic to her, yours was special, clearly meant for her and only her no matter how sick she was going to be for the next month. You don't mind if she pierces you in the same spot they did, right?
She'll show you who you belong to in other ways, your soul might not be chained to hers but she can still own it.
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qlossytbh · 2 years
hi i found your blog today and i loved your imagines, i was wondering if you can make one that the reader is feeling sad and distressed (there is no specific reason) and jj will comfort her 🙃
𝐛𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐡𝐝𝐚𝐲 𝐛𝐥𝐮𝐞𝐬 - 𝐣𝐣𝐦𝐚𝐲𝐛𝐚𝐧𝐤 𝐱 𝐟𝐞𝐦!𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
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𝐬𝐲𝐧𝐨𝐩𝐬𝐢𝐬 after so many constant pushes of life itself, the reader breaks down and only one person is able to truly calm her down
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 swearing, drugs, underage drinking, mentions of sex, mental burnout, lots of things lmao
𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭 4.7k
𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞 i am backkk!! got back into my obx obsession since season 3 is coming and decided to get some requests done :)
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“I'm so sorry sir,” You sighed heavily as the older man eyed you down angrily. “I'll fix that up right now for you.”
You gave him a weak smile and pulled away his food. You weren't going to argue with him because although the older man would deny it, he did in fact order his fries on a separate plate from his burger. But the face of confusion that slowly shifted into rage after you had set down his food immediately made you realize this was not going to be a pleasant customer. 
You made your way to the kitchen counter and asked Mike Carrera if he could transfer the fries to the plate of the burger since he was the only one available in the kitchen. As you wait, you take in what the wreck looked like. 
People were flooding in and out of the restaurant. Loud chattering and movement was heard all throughout. You watched the servers rush back and forth, from table to table and customer to customer. The wreck was heavily understaffed and for the amount of people you were all attending, three servers, being you, Kiara and the newest member was clearly not enough. 
The bell rang behind you, causing you to snap out of your thoughts. Automatically you thanked Mike and took the food over to the table in a hurry. 
“Here you go Sir,” You offered him a smile as you put the plate down onto the table. He inspected the plate thoroughly and soon shook his head. 
“This isn't the same burger.” His low gravel-like voice called out. Your body tensed as you strained a smile. 
“Oh no, we didn't change the food sir, we just added the fries on the order like you-”
“I'm telling you, this isn't the same.” He huffed loudly. You felt your body strain as you sucked in a breath. 
“Sir, I can assure you-” 
“Don't patronize me little girl, I'm sick of this. This place can't even offer good food yet alone a server who isnt as incompetent as you are.” He said as he got up. You suddenly felt small. He slammed a dollar bill on the table in front of you, causing you to flinch as you opened your mouth to speak. The exhaustion in your body prevented you from protesting as he left the place grumpily. 
You let out a deep sigh and sat down at the table. Your ankles were pulsating, your head was throbbing, your eyes burned. Everything and anything hurt. You rubbed your eyes and then placed your chin into the palm of your hand as you stared down at the dollar bill. You then shoved a fry into your mouth. 
You were too mentally exhausted to overthink how you had just been treated. Many men and women had walked in and out of the wreck these past weeks with the same attitude and being such a push over when it came to serving, you were the one who had to take in all of the shit they threw at you. You know Kiara flipped them off most of the time, but you felt some moral obligation to submit to their insults because they did pay your tips.
Speaking of, the dollar tip the man had just left was what you were counting on to buy JJ his present for his birthday tomorrow. The tips you were paid these past two weeks wasn't nearly enough to get him something. The frustration of wanting to get him what he deserved but not being able to was becoming unbearable. 
‘I'll just use my savings,’ You thought.
These past weeks caused your body to now go into survival mode. You were running on nothing but coffee and a single french fry so far. You were working two jobs, one of them with a 7 to 12 hour shift, depending on the day. You were acing all your tests but at the cost of countless sleepless nights. You were out helping John B and JJ survive on their own at the Chateau by making them week's worth of dinners and lunches ensuring that they wouldn't starve. On top of that, you had to pay your own rent and food, which was at the bottom of your priorities right now, but it was still nagging at you in the back of your mind. 
Your body couldn't take it anymore. You were burnt out. Mentally and physically. All you could do was fantasize about slipping your shoes off and crying all of this week's and last's stress into your pillow when you got back home tonight. You also had to deal with the stress of getting JJ a good birthday present. 
“Y/N, food isn't going to serve itself!” You heard someone shout from the kitchen. You groaned and whined quietly as you forced your small feet back into action. 
“Y/N!” Kiara called over. You took a deep breath. All of the exhaustion also led you to be extremely irritable, so being called around was beginning to get on your nerves. But you contained yourself, like always. 
“Hm?” You hummed softly, turning towards your friend. She smiled at you. She looked good. Not so much like a living corpse. The glow in her face was something you took notice of. That's the paradise of having Kook parents, you assumed. 
“We're going over to the Chateau after our shift, do you want to come?” 
You pursed your lips. With all the stress, you realized you had begun pulling away from friend group activities but not because you didn't want to be there but because you didn't have any time or energy to do so.   
“I don't know..” You sighed. You shifted back and forth on your heels. “I have a lot of things to get done tonight.” 
“Come on,” Kiara nudged your shoulder with her fist, which only strained your smile. “We're gonna have a small bonfire with the guys, maybe a few beers here and there…”
Her voice trailed off as she smiled at you widely trying to convince you. Were the bags under your eyes and the messy hair not enough for her to realize you were utterly exhausted? 
“I don't think I can make it Kie,” You rubbed the back of your neck as Kiara deadpanned at you. “I have to buy JJ his present and then I have to get some math homework done, I also have to reschedule my shift from-” 
“You work too hard dude,” She placed her hands on your shoulders and shook you back and forth. “Maybe just let loose a little? For tonight?”
You felt your ankles pulsate once more. A break would be nice, and you knew that for a fact, but you couldn't let yourself stop. If you stopped, you were going to collapse, and you needed to get everything done.
“Drink for me tonight will you?” You flicked her cheek which she protested at. “And don't let John B pull the same shit he did last time.”
You pulled out your notepad to take orders and pushed past Kiara who sighed deeply. Your friends noticed your absence, but they also knew how much of a perfectionist you were. You were always off running errands or getting something done, which is why they weren't completely concerned. They usually just teased you for always being on edge and with something to get finished. 
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You ran as fast as you could towards the deck where your friends were waiting for you. You had gotten about 3 hours of sleep last night finishing math and physics homework before having to run out at 7am to babysit one of the kids you were responsible for. The job finished before lunch since you had to be at the deck where the HMS Pogue took off from. 
JJ stated that all he wanted for his birthday was to spend the day on the small boat, ‘drinking beers, smoking blunts and spending time with his favorite dumbasses’. If there was anything JJ wasn't, it was complicated, so everyone agreed to his birthday wish. You did however offer to cook dinner and a cake at the end of the day, which no one complained to. 
You were running a bit late which is why you were running as fast as you were, shooting a few clumsy and panicked sorrys at people who told you to watch it after nearly crashing into them. 
John B saw you first. “Took you long enough!”
“Sorry, sorry, sorry!” You fumbled as you wasted no time on tossing your bag into the boat and jumping in, nearly slipping. Once on the boat, you leaned over trying to catch your breath. “I’m here-”
Pope and John B eyed you as you took in a few staggered breaths. Kiara came up behind you and rubbed your back. “There she is.”
“Hey guys,” You gave them all a clumsy smile. Sarah was walking towards the boat with JJ by her side and a big cooler in hand. When you locked eyes with JJ you smiled. His face lit up at the sight of you since you hadn't seen him for about three days due to how much work you had been doing. 
“Y/N!” Sarah smiled widely as she quickly made her way onto the boat and attacked you in a bear hug. You let out a small huff of air due to the impact and quickly hugged her back. 
“Hey S,” You rubbed her back and sighed. You missed this, missed spending time with them. She pulled away, giving you a soft peck on the cheek. 
“Back off blondie, its my turn,” JJ interrupted, pushing Sarah to the side. He crouched down slightly to wrap his arms around your waist and lifted you up, hugging you as tight as possible. You let out a strain of giggles, burying your head in his neck and hugging him just as tightly as he spun you around. 
Once he put you down, you looked up at him as he tucked a stray hair behind your ear. “Happy birthday Jay,”
He hummed softly and cupped your cheeks, pecking you on the lips softly. The kiss was gentle but needy and the grasp he had on you was firm. You hummed before John B started fake gagging. 
“I think, fuck, I think im gonna-” He said between gags as you pulled away and rolled your eyes. 
“Listen, I haven't seen my girlfriend in three days,” JJ pointed a warning finger at him. “Let me live.”
“Oh the horror!” Kiara gasped sarcastically.
“I know, I feel deprived and neglected.” He said, moving behind you and hugging you from behind, setting his head on your shoulder. 
“Yeah, you have been MIA recently,” John B interjected. “You aren't getting tired of us are you?”
You tensed. Did they really think that? He said it in a teasing manner, but maybe, there was truth hidden behind it..? Did they feel like you didn't want to hang around them anymore? Did Kiara say something that maybe sounded like you were avoiding them? 
“What? No.” You came off more defensive than you would have liked. “I've just been busy.” Pope shot you an odd look. You swallowed the thick anxiety that pooled in the bottom of your stomach. 
“Anyways,” You said, taking in a deep breath of air. “Are we gonna stay here all day or…”
JJ tightened his grip on your waist. “I mean I'm not complaining.” 
“Yeah, no.” John B turned around and got behind the boat's engine, getting ready to take off. Kiara and Pope grabbed the cooler and began unpacking the food and drinks from the inside as John B left the deck area. 
You turned to JJ, feeling the soft rumbling of the engine beneath your feet. His arms rested on your hips as he hooked his thumbs in the fabric of your pockets. He looked down at you and you began smiling. 
“What's that look for?” You asked, suddenly intimidated by his stare.
“I just forgot how it felt to look at your pretty face,” He teased, kissing your cheek. You slapped his chest gently and looked at him in shock
“It took you three days to forget!?” You placed your hand on your chest. “I'm offended.”
“The joints I've been smoking were just too good,” He looked up. “Made me forget all about ya’”
“You are so not getting any of the stuff I planned for you today,” You crossed your arms and his face fell. 
“Did I say forget? I meant temporary amnesia,” He said, shifting on his feet. “Tell me.”
“Go smoke a joint, maybe it'll help you forget I ever said anything.” You responded. He suddenly crouched down and grabbed you, throwing you over his shoulder with ease. You were much smaller than him after all.
Your screams and laughter filled the air as JJ carefully moved closer to the edge of the boat. You gripped at his back as he pulled you close to the edge. The boat was still moving towards your destination which caused you to panic slightly thinking he'd toss you over. 
“JJ Maybank, don't you dare.” You warned. He kept moving towards the edge which caused you to continue to squirm. You felt your heart swell up with joy. God, you haven't been this happy in a while. You then grabbed the hair that sat at the nape of his neck and began to pull on it. 
“Ow, ow, ow!” His body tensed as he pulled away from the edge and immediately let you down, but your fingers remained tugging on the small blonde hair. 
“What do you say?” 
“Please, please-” You let him go and he sighed dramatically. He glared at you while rubbing the back of his neck but all you could do was smirk back. “That hurts.”
“Thought you were into that shit.” 
“Different context babe,”
“Okay, ew.” You furrow your brows as your cheeks heat up slightly. JJ reached over and took you by the hand, pulling you closer. You smiled up at him and leaned in, kissing him softly. 
You missed his touch, and how it made you feel. Being with JJ somehow made you forget about all the responsibilities you had been tossing onto your plate these past weeks, and by not being able to take any breaks, you were in need of the distraction your boyfriend provided. 
He pulled away and reached for the cap that laid on his head. He placed it backward on your head and tucked the small baby hairs behind your ears as he looked down at you in admiration. 
“I missed this,” You confessed softly. 
“Hmm,” He pecked your lips once more. “So did I.”
The boat stopped moving suddenly and you turned to John B who announced the arrival to your usual spot. Sarah and Kiara headed straight for the beer as they began tossing everyone a can. Before JJ was able to make his way over you grabbed his hand and whispered. 
“Your present is back at the Chateau, i'll give it to you tonight.” He turned and gave you a look while you just smiled back innocently. 
JJ made his way over to the beers where Sarah, Kiara and Pope were already sipping on theirs. John B walked up to you. 
“Hey,” He said. “You got the things to make grilled cheese with tomato soup tonight?” 
Your smile fell. You assumed JJ would have wanted you to make his favorite pizza, the one you always made for him every year on his birthday. You had gotten ingredients for that, not grilled fucking cheese. 
“What?” You looked at him with panic in your eyes “I got stuff to make Pizza, did JJ say he wanted grilled cheese?”
“Uh, I think so?” He shrugged it off as if it wasn't a big deal. You pinched your nose. 
“Did you not think ahead to let me know? I could've stopped by and got cheese and bread and-” You stopped. “Fuck, is he even going to like the pizza?”
John B raised a brow at you. “Well, JJ is a simple person, I don't think he really cares what we eat, as long as its food”
“But I-” You took a deep breath. 
Your paranoia was beginning to come up again. This happens all the time. You plan something ahead of time thinking its perfect and a second option pops up and you begin doubting everything you planned ahead of time, which causes a huge stress wave. You wanted JJ to get every single thing he wanted today and you wanted it to be special, but how could it be special and perfect if you already screwed up dinner. 
“Y/N,” John B cut through. “It's fine, really. JJ won't care.”
You nodded but John B could see the uneasiness in your eyes. He noticed the panicky look that settled subtly between your features. “You ok? You seem on edge recently.”
“Yeah, no.” You rub your temples. “I'm fine, just a little bit stressed.”
He wasn't convinced, and neither were you. “Right.”
Kiara let out a scream. When you looked over, Pope was pulling her by the arm as they both fell over the edge and into the water. John B took one last look at you before placing a hand on your shoulder and heading over to Sarah. 
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You chopped the green onions quickly before rushing over the counter and passing Sarah and John B the cups they asked for. 
“Y/N, do you know where the chips are?” Pope asked. Your mind was multitasking, as you continued chopping the rest of the vegetables you looked up and pointed to the bag in the corner of the kitchen. 
“Right there Pope,” You turned to JJ who sat on the other side of the bar. “Jay, can you pass me the garlic powder?”
He turned to you from his conversation with John B and tossed you the garlic powder that stood right next to his elbow. He then continued talking to John B and Sarah as you tossed the veggies into a bowl and dusted your hands. 
You looked like a complete mess. Your hair was everywhere, there was flour all over your face and clothes. The bags under your eyes were more visible than ever and your ankles were pulsating once again. Everything hurt, even your back was pulsating, begging you to sit down and take a break.
You had been overthinking the whole pizza and grilled cheese incident since John B mentioned it and it ruined your mood all day.
Not to mention how you only managed to finish a page of homework while on the boat, even though you planned to finish three pages. You also got a call from your landlord who informed you about a new bill you had to pay by the end of the month. 
You thought for a day you would be able to escape the reality of life, and for a second you thought you would be able to, but it all caught up to you. And you couldn't mentally or physically take anything else. Your plate was beginning to overflow, but you refused getting anything taken off or asking for help. 
“Kiara, can you get me the parmesan cheese from the fridge?” You asked as you washed a spatula clean. 
“Do you need any help Y/N?” Sarah offered from her spot between JJ and John B. Your movements had quickly become raggedy and tense, and you were moving quickly and breathing heavily. Sarah noticed this as you looked around the counter desperately. 
“No, that's fine Sarah-” You scanned the counter for the salt and groaned when you couldn't find it. “Where did I leave the damn salt?”
JJ’s smile faltered. The tone in your voice concerned the three. It was suddenly on edge and tense as your eyes moved all across the counter. John B looked over at JJ who shared an equally confused look. JJ got up and made his way over to the kitchen aisle. 
He set his hands on your shoulders and leaned down to you, causing you to flinch. “Why don't you sit down for a few minutes-”
“No, no it's okay, I just need to find the salt-”
“The parmesan isn't here,” Kiara announced, moving away from the fridge. You turned your head towards him. 
“What?” You said, panic rising for the twelfth time this day. “That's impossible.”
You rushed over to the fridge and scanned it a couple of times before realizing that you had indeed forgotten the parmesan cheese. You groaned and felt the back of your eyes burning with tears threatening to spill. 
“Let me find this damn salt first,” You rushed back to the counter and began organizing things in an attempt to get the salt to appear. 
“Y/N, I think you should really just sit and-”
“It's fine, let me just find the salt..” Your hands began to shake as you reached across the counter. Your body shifted and ended up accidentally shoving the gallon of milk you had used for the recipe onto the floor. “Fuck!”
You quickly reached down and grabbed the milk before more could spill out. You took in the mess and that's when everything fell right onto your shoulders.
The stress, the overwhelming stress, it all became too much. Working, social life, paying debts, making sure your grades were ok and everything was going decently, it was all too much. You had become so mentally burnout that your body was failing you. You were shaking and you had no more strength or energy in you. 
“Fuck!” You shot as you slammed the milk onto the counter. You took in a deep shaky breath through your nostrils as tears began brimming your eyes. You steadied yourself on the counter and took a few deep breaths, but the sobs were just threatening to spill out of your mouth. 
“I-Im sorry,” You whispered, rubbing your forehead as tears fell unconsciously from your eyes. Everyone was silent, watching you slowly fall apart. 
“Let me just clean this up,” You wiped the tears from your cheeks away but before you could reach over for a cloth, JJ stood in front of you. 
“Okay,” He said, reaching for your wrist and slowly removing the cloth from your grip. You stopped but you didn't want to because as soon as you stopped, everything was going to catch up to you. 
“Kie, can you run to the store with Pope to get some cheese? Any kind, just get cheese,” He ordered as he began leading you by the shoulders out of the kitchen. “John B, Sarah, can you help with the mess?”
Everyone nodded silently as you kept your head down and silent. JJ then turned and began pushing you to his room. He led you in and closed the door behind him. “Y/N, what the hell?” 
You kept your head down in embarrassment as you kept wiping away the tears that were falling out. “I’m fine-”
“No, you're not. And you need to tell me what's going on.” His voice sounded cold and firm and you hated it. You looked up at him and finally managed to look him in the eye. 
There was a softness in his gaze. He was worried. You could see the concern in his eyes and the crease in his brows that led you to think all he wanted to do was help you. 
“Nothing-” You wiped your cheeks and all the tears that were on them away. “Im just-”
You closed your mouth as you moved to the bed and sat on the edge, finally releasing the pain in your ankles. You felt so small and so vulnerable and so exhausted and you hated it all. You rubbed your temples and let your arms fall to your lap. 
“I'm so tired JJ,” You whisper as a single sob breaks through your lips and to JJ, it's heartbreaking. You finally break, right there in that room in front of him and for some reason, you can't bring yourself to care because of how mentally and physically tired you feel. 
JJ walks over and sits next to you. He wraps his arms around you and you cry into his chest. You let it all out, all the stress, the expectations you put on yourself, the insults. All of it. 
With every sob you let out, JJ’s heart broke a little more. He had seen you like this a few times before, but it never became easier. He wasn't the best at catching these things early, and you had a habit of keeping things to yourself until you reached your breaking point. 
“This is so stupid,” You said as you choke on your own words. “It's your birthday and I'm crying,”
JJ didn't say anything, he just let you rant. He did however slip his hand into yours and squeezed it reassuringly.
“People have been so mean to me at the wreck and I seem to be doing everything wrong. I've slept a total of 7 hours this week and I've been stressed with school and life because I have so many debts to pay like my rent, food and god my ankles hurt!” You groaned in annoyance. You stopped rambling and looked at him before letting out a frustrated sigh. “Today is your birthday.”
JJ furrowed his brow slightly. “It's your birthday and I wanted everything to be perfect and John B kinda threw me off with the stupid grilled cheese but it isn't his fault. It’s my fault for being so tense and I worked my ass off to get you something I don't think even lives up to what you deserve.”
JJ looked down at you, still in silence. “God, this is so stupid.” 
You pouted and sniffled as you finished your rant. 
“Are you done?” JJ asked, looking into your eyes. You looked back at him and sighed, nodding. 
“First of all, you are not stupid,” He rubbed the back of your palm with his thumb. “Second of all, why didn't you tell me you were so overworked and exhausted?”
You shrugged and looked away. “I didn't want you guys to have to worry.”
“I'm your boyfriend,” He said firmly. “I want to be able to carry these things with you and for you,”
You gave him a lopsided smile. “Who knew you could be so sappy?”
“I’m totally sappy,” He scoffed, not being able to contain his smile. “I just have to have the will to bring it out.”
You smiled down at your lap. But it soon fell into a frown. “I feel like I ruined your birthday.”
“Are you kidding me?” He said, hooking his finger beneath your chin in order to pull your gaze towards his. You stared at him with a pout. “Seeing you again today was the highlight of my week- being with you, is the highlight of my week.”
“I don't need fancy gestures or big huge presents, that's like, the kookiest thing ever,” You scanned the blue in his eyes carefully as a smile appeared on your face. “Being with you is enough.”
“Even if you're offered the world's best blunt to forget about me?” 
“Even if I was offered the world's best blunt to forget about you.” He leaned down and kissed you gently. JJ was willing to do anything for you, and so were you. The love you felt for this man was more than words could explain. You pulled away. 
“Here,” You pulled out a small little box from the back of your pocket and handed it to him with embarrassment. “It's stupid but, you know,”
JJ gave you one last look before he pulled out a small chain that had a surfboard pendant hanging on it. He carefully analyzed the surfboard and noticed that in the smallest size were both of your initials carved on the side of the miniature board. His mouth fell open before he closed it and smiled. He squeezed the pendant in his palm and looked up at you. 
You gave him a shy smile before he took your face into both his palms, gently squeezing your cheeks and grunting in frustration. “I love you woman.” 
“Ew, don’t call me woman.” You smiled widely and giggled as he peppered your face in soft kisses. He made sure to wipe away the last of your tears and suddenly, the only thing that hurt were your cheeks from smiling too much. And your ankles, maybe just a bit.
JJ cleared his throat. “Does this mean, you weren't planning on giving me any birthday sex..?”
“Perv,” You said, sticking your tongue out. You then however looked over at the closed door and gave the blonde a look. “How long until Pope and Kiara get back from the store?”
JJ smirked at you before pushing you back onto the bed and hovering over you as you erupted in laughter as he began placing kisses down your neck. “Who gives a shit.”
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distortionmewtwo · 7 months
*sigh*, this is all, not very fun, maybe Giratina or Dialga will listen though if we explain that well Palkia has had all this extra time to choose a champion and that gives them an edge and let's not forget while I mean no offense Dialga is the ruler of time and could've, ya know peaked into the future? Easy to get an edge when you can see what happens if that's within their power range, no disrespect meant of course I'm sure Dialga is more honorable than that but if one had the power the temptation to use it and peak and see must be there.
It'd make more sense for them to just have to pick a starter route pokemon of the same species each just on the spot no preplanning no premeditating you all get a Ratatta and then the Ratatta can play fight it out but of course much like how this situation isn't fair on Uv it wouldnt be fair on the Ratatta to have to fight because some Gods asked them too. Plus with like random stats one will have an advantage and one will win and they could start arguing over that since I can't really see anyone save the one with the winning champion being satisfied by the end of this.
Sorry about being a downer and all it's not my intent I'm just rambling trying to think of a solution while also trying to judge and consider their reactions in it all. I'd suggest maybe they could talk it out since they're all so important they're all needed and everything would fall apart without them doing their respective part and surely they can agree on that and just go we're all needed without one we all fall that must mean we're equal. But I get talking it out probably won't work and there's the whole "all animals are equal except some animals are more equal than others," eventually one of them will want to be more equal and this whole hullaboo starts all over. Unfortunately we can't all shake hands and be done with it.
Urghh respectfully, Fuck, this sucks, sorry for the bad language and I'm sorry Uv for my rambles I know this probably isn't fun to listen to I'm just trying to spitball anything that could work.
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"Soon, I will... tomorrow, perhaps, right now, I just.... I need to.... I... I don't know...."
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Getting away from all this sounded very nice right now. Ultraviolet glanced back at Katharsis to see her reaction to JJ's invitation. While she looked very curious about the portal, she shook her head.
"I don't think it's my place to accompany you now. We can go our separate ways here for now... it was good to meet you, Ultraviolet, even with the circumstances... or maybe, because of the circumstances..."
He nodded in agreement. "W-Without you, I might.... never have found out about all this... and while I don't like a-any of it in the least... I must still thank you for that... and for being kind to me in the middle of this."
Katharsis nodded back, expression sympathetic. "Sorry for jumping at you earlier."
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"Haha, I'll try."
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With that, Katharsis turned and bounded back into the forest she'd first appeared from. Ultraviolet stood still for a moment, steeling himself, before he turned with a nod to JJ to go through the portal
...He'd never actually been to space before.... and the sight beyond the portal was so staggeringly beautiful that for just a moment, all that had happened was chased from his mind.
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But that could only last so long. He felt small here.... naught but a pawn of the gods.
Ultraviolet still seems very upset. What do you do?
(Asks are officially open again!)
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